James A. Neal Undergraduate Portfolio

Page 1


James A. Neal

Undergraduate Portfolio


Table of Contents Memorial Garden Page 3

Underground Shelter Page 8

Villa Savoye Page 12

Mechanics of Drawing Page 18

World of Torn Page 22

Tattoo Design Page 25 2

Memorial Garden ADC 109 Design Studio I November 12, 2010



Memorial Garden ADC 109 Design Studio I November 12, 2010


Design Studio I introduced new techniques for drawing plans and final

project execution. One of the projects for this class was The Memorial Garden. The project would serve as a tribute to all students who graduated from Community College of Philadelphia. There were three main parameters that had to be met in creating the park’s setting. First, it had to project an atmosphere of mediation. In other words, a quiet place to think and relax. Second, it had to incorporate natural features and be ascetically pleasing. Lastly, the park had to be an open venue and accessible to the public.

The garden’s rocky features blend into the urban landscape to give a modern appeal.

When given the project, I decided to go with an open, natural design that simulates the rugged beauty of a canyon. As visitors enter the park it will give them the illusion that they have left an urban setting and traveled to a small, peaceful valley with rocky alcoves to provide shade and privacy. The trees were added as a natural screen to the outside world and for additional shade. The entire setting gives the illusion of the vastness of nature.

The depth of the park allows natural shade to be created by the walls as the sun rises and sets.


Memorial Garden ADC 109 Design Studio I November 12, 2010


The furniture is made from concrete to blend into the environment.

The walls of the garden have a rocky texture to simulate natural canyon walls.


Memorial Garden ADC 109 Design Studio I November 12, 2010


These alcoves provide shade and additional places for quiet contemplation away from the hurried life of the


The staircase has wide steps to be used as a sitting area similar to an arena and fashioned like a scenic



Memorial Garden ADC 109 Design Studio I November 12, 2010


Another pavilion but this one has a window to offer a panoramic vista of the park from a bird’s eye view.

These pavilions serve as quaint picnic areas.

A view of one of the fully enclosed pavilions.


Underground Shelter ADC 159 Design Studio II May 9, 2011



Underground Shelter ADC 159 Design Studio II May 9, 2011


Design Studio II is a course to help students master techniques learned in Design Studio I and to instill an understanding of the design process with digital and manual methods. One project that tested the students’ abilities to graphically represent an architectural concept was the Arizona shelter. In this project students had to create a structure that provided moderate temperature levels in an extreme desert-like environment. Other basic requirements were a sleeping quarters of five and a kitchen. The living area could not exceed 400 sq. ft.

The main concern was to provide an environment that would offer residents a moderate temperature to escape the extreme heat of the day and the cold nights. Therefore I used an underground design to create a structure that would provide a constant temperature by eliminating temperature swings through a passive design. To prevent a feeling of being fully enclosed, the exterior had a large tinted window to allow light through but had an eave to block direct sunlight and reduce the heat. The interior had an open design leading to a balcony on the second floor to prevent a feeling of being caged in.

The view of the main entrance. Vistors would enter the first floor through sliding doors.


Underground Shelter ADC 159 Design Studio II May 9, 2011


This is a selection of screen shots of the living quarters, first floor hallway, and stairway, which leads to the second floor.


Underground Shelter ADC 159 Design Studio II May 9, 2011


To the left is the kitchen and another view of the second floor balcony.

To the right is the second floor balcony.


Villa Savoye

ADC 163 Digital Documentation May 10, 2013


Digital Documentation introduced students to the development of detailed architectural construction documents, as they are used through the design and construction processes. Students learned to utilize Revit, a 2d/3d modeler and document generator, and industry-standard symbols, terminology, and graphics. The central project for the course was titled Villa Savoye. In this project students had to design 2d & 3d models and detailed, industry- standard plans to recreate a complete set of architectural documents of the Villa Savoye.

Although the Villa Savoye’s plans and designs were available in digital format, the challenge was to recreate them using Revit. I recreated a complete set of architectural documents from the inside out. Using Revit I drew 2d floor plans of the interior of the structure and then the exterior. Afterwards, a made 3d models of Villa Savoye based on the 2d floor plans I drew earlier. Once the 2d/3d models were completed, I placed them into the proper documents along with industry-standard symbols to produce a complete set of construction documents. 12

Villa Savoye

ADC 163 Digital Documentation May 10, 2013



Villa Savoye

ADC 163 Digital Documentation May 10, 2013



Villa Savoye

ADC 163 Digital Documentation May 10, 2013



Villa Savoye

ADC 163 Digital Documentation May 10, 2013



Villa Savoye

ADC 163 Digital Documentation May 10, 2013



Mechanics of Drawing ART 105 Drawing 1 Januruy 10, 2011


The project involved the creation of a series of free-hand drawings of displays arranged by the instructor. The displays were composed of geometric shapes and inanimate household items. Sketches were created using pencil and charcoal. Each sketch is a construct of geometric forms using sight measuring, perspective, transparent construction, and tone.

Pencil Drawing Sight Measurement & Transparent Construction

Pencil drawing using sight measurement


Mechanics of Drawing ART 105 Drawing 1 Januruy 10, 2011


Pencil Drawing Sight Measurement & Perspective

Charcoal drawing using tone and sight measurement 19

Mechanics of Drawing ART 105 Drawing 1 Januruy 10, 2011


Charcoal drawing using tone and sight Measurement with complex objects


Mechanics of Drawing ART 105 Drawing 1 Januruy 10, 2011


Charcoal drawing using tone and sight measurement as a final project


World of Torn

Character Design Concepts June 9, 2012

World of Torn

World of Torn is a company dedicated to the creation of tabletop games with sci-fi and fantasy themes, consisting of large scale armies composed of miniature models and game boards with detailed landscapes. The company was starting up and looking for qualified artists, writers, and game designers to develop unique characters and landscapes for one of its tabletop games. For the illustrators it provided a list of characters with minor descriptors such as a sand troll with webbed feet or warrior with dragon armor. The challenge was to create original designs for all of the characters.

I began the design process by researching both armor worn by ancient peoples and animals and insects of today, focusing on their anatomy and creating realistic structures that followed functions to produce characters who live within the realm of fantasy, but possess some believable

Above is a set of concept drawings of insecticide soldiers. On the far left is a warrior class soldier. On the right is a basic infantry unit.


World of Torn

Character Design Concepts June 9, 2012

World of Torn

Sand Drake

Sand Troll 23

World of Torn

Character Design Concepts June 9, 2012

World of Torn

Goblin Beetle Mount

Goblin Beetle Rider 24

Tattoo Design Tattoo Design June 1, 2010

Tattoo Design

I was asked by a friend to create a tattoo design for him. He wanted a dragon tattoo based on the Game of Thrones series. The tattoo had to consist of a three-headed dragon breathing fire and its color scheme had to incorporate the skin tones of the three dragons from the series.

I watched the Game of Thrones and focused on the scenes with the dragons to obtain a basic concept of their color schemes and body structures. Although not specified I gave the dragon a body to provide my friend the option to choose a larger tattoo with text in the body or a smaller basic tattoo consisting only of the three heads.


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