What Is A Palomar Knot?
What is a Palomar Knot? It is the knot most commonly used to finish off a fishing line. And like most things intended as such, it has been bastardized and abused by those who don't know any better until now we see everything from half-assed, crooked or collapsed "Palomars" all over our favorite retail sites and even in videos on this very web site.
When I first started to see the decline of what "everyone" was tying, I felt like Joe Theisman must feel when he sees football players wearing flimsy shoulder pads that will offer little protection (if any) while watching them take out their opponents with 'cheap-shots' . It makes me cringe.
But instead of slamming people who are making 'stupid-moves', I thought it might be better to try and offer up an article that will help you tie the knot correctly so at least when someone asks you how to tie one, you can give them a reference point . And then maybe they too will take some time out to learn the 'real' way to tie this great knot.
And now, ladies and gentlemen... I give you (insert drum roll here) ..The Full Throttle Fly Fishing "Palomar Knot" Video .
After watching that video, I hope you agree there is no better demonstration of how to make a 'real' Palomar Knot. And when you are done watching the video, be sure to read through the article below for further tips on how to tie one correctly.
So without any further ado... this is 'How To Tie A Palomar Knot'.
How To Tie A Full Throttle "Palomar" (Priest) Knot
1. Prepare your line by placing about six inches of material beyond your swivel for tying the knot.
2. Hold the tag-end in one hand and start a loop behind the swivel with the long end of the line.
3. Pass over - then through the eye of the hook or lure to form an underhand loop.
4. Pass the end of the line through that same under-hand loop you made in step 3, then pass it though again to form a second over-hand knot behind the eye .
5. Take your tag end and thread it back through both loops from right to left .
6. Tighten the knot by pulling each strand, one at a time in opposing directions. NOTE: You can use your fingers to do this or you can get the "Palomar Knot Tool" for $9.99 and save yourself a lot of grief .
7. Finally, trim off any excess line and add a drop of super-glue on each strand to keep it from fraying.
That's it. Just follow those steps and you will have a knot that looks as beautiful as it fishes. See more: https://fishinghacking.com/how-to-tie-a-palomar-knot-fishing/