Earl Soham Community Primary School Caring, sharing and learning; because every child matters Headteacher: Steve Wood Earl Soham, Woodbridge, Suffolk. IP13 7SA Tel: 01728 685359 Email: stephengwood@btinternet.com Fax 01728 685359 Email: ad.earlsoham.p.t21@btinternet.com Dear Parents, May I take this opportunity to welcome you back; I hope that you all had a good summer holiday. Contact Details As Mr Wood stated in his letter yesterday, there is a need to update our details for emergency contacts, personal details and medical records to ensure that we comply with the guidelines set out by the County Council. Please could you take a moment to check the attached form and add or amend any details that are missing or incorrect? In addition to this, could you please write at the bottom of the form your preferred method of contact, either email or letter in book bag. If you do NOT want your child to appear on the school web site, local newspaper or school brochure then please also advise me on this form. Registration It is very important that your child arrives at school before the start of the school day, which is 8.50. If your child is going to be absent then please advise us as early as possible on the first day of absence. If your child comes into school late then you must report to the office so they can be marked on the register. Anyone that arrives after 9.15 will be recorded as an unauthorised absence for that session. Attendance Suffolk County Council has asked us to emphasise the importance of good attendance and that wherever possible appointments should be made outside of school time. With regards to holidays in school time the school has been asked not to give permission for these except in exceptional circumstances. A new form has been designed to incorporate these guidelines and we would ask you support them, as they are to emphasise the importance of education to your children, and ensure a good continuity of learning. If you have any concerns about anything then please feel free to come into the office to discuss. Kind regards,
Michelle Eaves