Earl Soham Community Primary School Caring, sharing and learning; because every child matters Headteacher: Karl Pearce Earl Soham, Woodbridge, Suffolk. IP13 7SA Tel: (01728) 685359 Email: ad.earlsoham.p@talk21.com
SUMMER TERM JIHIHJJHHHHK A very warm welcome back to everyone for our final
term of the academic year. The summer term is traditionally the time of numerous activities and events for the whole school community, some of the more important known dates are shown elsewhere in this newsletter to enable everyone to get prepared well in advance. Many thanks to those of you who donated bags of clothing for our ‘Cash4Schools’ collection this week. Tomorrow (Friday 23rd) will see the return of our usual ‘Wall of Fame’ assembly at 9am.
All clubs will recommence next week on the usual days and normal times. From Thursday 13th May there will be an after school cricket club for Years 4, 5 & 6 – more details to follow.
During the week beginning 10th May, the Year 6 children will be taking their end of Key Stage 2 SATs. This will mean that some children will be receiving their lessons in the hall during this time. It is important that all Year 6 children are present for all of their tests as missing one part of a subject means that they won’t actually be given a level. It’s also important that they try to get a good night’s sleep and a ‘hearty’ breakfast. Monday 10th May – Reading Test Tuesday 11th May – Shorter Writing Task & Spelling and Longer Writing Task Wednesday 12th May – Mental Mathematics and Mathematics A Thursday 13th May – Mathematics B (calculator allowed) th Friday 14 May – Science (we have been chosen as one the schools to undertake the new sample test)
The next four films will be: 23/4/10 FANTASTIC MR FOX (PG) – 4.45pm finish 30/4/10 MONSTERS VS ALIENS (PG) 5.00pm finish 7/5/10 KUNG FU PANDA (PG) – 5.00pm finish 14/5/10 NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM (PG) 5.00pm finish
Mr Pearce will be undertaking ‘capacity’ lessons with Yellow Class on Tuesdays for the next few weeks, starting next week – He’d greatly appreciate any bottles or containers of a variety of shapes and sizes that you could let him have! Also, Mr Pearce is planning to undertake a ‘Smoothie’ project with Years 4, 5 & 6 during the Year 6 residential week. He’d really appreciate any used ‘smoothie’ containers you may have – thank you.
Starting tomorrow, Blue and Yellow classes will travel to Framlingham College for PE lessons. This term there is no swimming. Children will need to wear suitable clothing for outdoor summer activities. Years 4, 5 & 6 will be doing tennis and any child who has their own racquet is welcome to bring it along. For tomorrow only, the older girls will be remaining at school to practice for next week’s netball tournament.
If any parents wish to discuss reasons why the school is not boycotting the Year 6 SATs (which has been discussed widely in the media recently) please contact Mr Pearce. Children in Year 2, 3, 4 & 5 will also be undertaking a series of assessments during the week. Good luck to
th Monday 26 April – Year 3 Tchoukball Festival at Debenham Leisure centre (1.30pm)
th Tuesday 27 April – Small Schools’ Netball Tournament at TMHS (9.30am)
th Thursday 29 April – ‘Casual’ class photos
th Tuesday 8 June – ‘Traditional’ class and Year 6 Leavers’ photos
st Monday 21 and Tuesday 22 nd June – Professional Development Days (school not open for children)
th th Monday 10 – Friday 14 May – SATs week th Monday 17 – Friday 21st May – Year 6 Residential (African Adventure) & Year 4, 5 and 6 project week.