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Earl Soham Community Primary School Caring, sharing and learning; because every child matters Headteacher: Karl Pearce Earl Soham, Woodbridge, Suffolk. IP13 7SA Tel: (01728) 685359 Email:


SCHOOL CAROL SERVICE JIHIHJJHHHHK You should have received a letter regarding details for the arrangements for next Monday’s (14th) Carol Service in St. Mary’s Church. It starts at 6.15pm and we’re asking children (particularly the recorder group) to arrive at 6.00pm


Thank you for your support on 20th November. Eventually, a total of £72.24 was raised.


HEAD LICE SCHOOL CHRISTMAS MEAL Many thanks for those of you who have ordered a school Christmas dinner for Thursday 17th. Just a reminder that the cost of £2.80 needs to be paid by Monday 14th so we are sure of exact numbers.


On Thursday next week (17th) the children (and staff!) will have the opportunity to show off their talents. Whether it be singing or dancing, telling jokes or magic, everyone can be involved if they wish – if not, sit back and enjoy what should be a great afternoon. If children wish to bring any props, change of clothes, etc. that’s fine.

We have become aware that some children attending our school have been confirmed with head lice. To help with this, we are encouraging all children with long hair to wear it tied up at school.


th Monday 14 December – Carol Service – 6.15pm in church.

th Tuesday 15 December – Blue and Yellow Classes to Rock ‘n’ Roll Panto at Wolsey Theatre (return approx. 5.00pm).

th Wednesday 16 December – Red Class to ‘The Enormous Turnip’ at Wolsey Studio (am).

th Thursday 17 December – Christmas dinner and Talent Show (pm).

th Friday 18 December – Last day of term – ‘Come as you Please’ Day.

PD DAY & CLUBS Just a reminder that Monday 4th January is a Professional Development Day and that the children do not return to school until Tuesday 5th January 2010. There will be no after school clubs next week, apart from Spanish. During the first week back there will also be no after school clubs.

On behalf of everyone involved in the school, I’d like to wish you all a very peaceful, relaxing and enjoyable festive period. Take care and we look forward to seeing you all again in 2010. Karl Pearce

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