Earl Soham Community Primary School Caring, sharing and learning; because every child matters Headteacher: Karl Pearce Earl Soham, Woodbridge, Suffolk. IP13 7SA Tel: (01728) 685359 Email: ad.earlsoham.p@talk21.com
MARCH (2) 2012 - NEWSLETTER NEWS IN BRIEF * Thank you for your support during last week’s OFSTED inspection. The report should be available in approximately 3 weeks. * Thank you to those of you who were able to support the PTFA Quiz Night. Mr Pearce was delighted with the kind comments about his musical taste! * The traditional ‘Easter Egg Hunt’ has been planned for the afternoon of Thursday 29th March. * Please could all children return all school kits as soon as possible as we have a number of events lined up over the next two weeks.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY Just a reminder that Monday 16th April is a Professional Development Day for staff only. The first day of the summer term for the children is Tuesday 17th April. According to their websites, this arrangement is the same for both Debenham High School and Thomas Mills High School
CLASS PHOTOGRAPHS. On the last day of term (Friday 30th March) the children will be having their class/group photographs taken by TEMPEST Photography. These will be in the style of those currently on show in the entrance area.
PTFA FAMILY FILM NIGHT Tickets are now available (£1.00 each from the school office) for this…
MOTHERS’ DAY LUNCH It was fantastic to see so many of you join us on Thursday 15th March. All the feedback we’ve received has been extremely positive and the school cook, Caroline, was delighted with your kind messages on her ‘Thank You’ card.
Doors open 6pm - Curtains up 6.30pm
Hot Dogs, Ice Cream, Popcorn & Cold Drinks available ----------------------------------------------------------------------
There will be no FILMCLUB this Friday (23rd March) due to the Family Film Night. However, there will be an extra screening on the last day of term (30th March) of…
HOP (U) – 5pm finish ----------------------------------------------------------------
The first three films that we’ll start the summer term with are: 20/04/12 FINDING NEMO (U) - 5.00pm finish 27/04/12 DOLPHIN TALE (U) - 5.15pm finish 04/05/12 THE WATER HORSE: LEGEND OF THE DEEP (PG) - 5.15pm finish
Wednesday 21st March – Parents’ Forum Thursday 22nd March – Blue Class (Year 4 & 5) @ DHS – Sports Leaders (am) Friday 23rd March –PTFA Family Film Night - (6.30pm curtains up) Wednesday 28th March – Cross Country (Years 4, 5 & 6) @ Stonham Aspal (am – provisional) TAG Rugby @ TMHS (1 – 3pm) and Year 2 Mini-Olympics @ DHS (1 – 3pm) Thursday 29th March – Quick Sticks Hockey Tournament @ DHS (9.30am). Easter Egg Hunt (pm) Friday 30th March – Last day of term. Class and Group photographs. Monday 16th April – PD Day Tuesday 17th April – First day of summer term for children Wednesday 18th April – Swimming Gala @ Framlingham College (Years 5 & 6) Thursday 19th April – Years 5 & 6 ‘Armada’ day @ TMHS