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Earl Soham Community Primary School Caring, sharing and learning; because every child matters Headteacher: Karl Pearce Earl Soham, Woodbridge, Suffolk. IP13 7SA Tel: (01728) 685359 Email: ad.earlsoham.p@talk21.com

MAY 2011 - NEWSLETTER SUMMER TERM A very warm welcome back to everyone for our final term of the academic year. The summer term is traditionally the time of numerous activities and events for the whole school community including Sports Day and our school Production.

OTHER NEWS... A huge ‘Thank you’ to everyone in the PTFA for their hard work in enabling the school to purchase and install blinds in the hall. Our appreciation also goes to all parents and children who have supported the PTFA in their fundraising efforts over the past 8 months. Profits raised from the Friday tuck shop have been used to purchase more gardening equipment for the children.

A TESTING TIME During the week beginning 9th May, the Year 6 children will be taking their end of Key Stage 2 SATs. This will mean that some children will be receiving their lessons in the hall during this time. It is important that all Year 6 children are present for all of their tests as missing one part of a subject means that they won’t actually be given a level. It’s also important that they try to get a good night’s sleep and a ‘hearty’ breakfast. Monday 9th May – Reading Test Tuesday 10th May – Shorter Writing Task & Spelling and Longer Writing Task Wednesday 11th May – Mental Mathematics and Mathematics A Thursday 12th May – Mathematics B (calculator allowed)

IEPs are now due for their termly review. Please could parents contact Mr Pearce to arrange a convenient time for this over the next few weeks.


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Football and Netball will continue on a Tuesday until half term. Dance with Mrs Jarvis on a Wednesday continues. There will be no Choir on a Thursday this term. Gymnastics will continue this term but will not commence until w/b 9th May. Starting Thursday 12th May, Cricket Coaching (provided by Worlingworth CC) will be available to children in Years 3 – 6. Please see Tracey in the office for details. Mrs Stoney will be distributing details regarding Cookery Club. After half term, Rounders will begin.

Children in Year 2, 3, 4 & 5 will also be undertaking a series of assessments during the week. Good luck to everyone, we know they’ll do the best they can.


It’s a good idea for all children to have a clearly labelled bottle of water available for them to use throughout the school day to keep hydrated. It especially helps us if the children re-fill these bottles in the hall to cut down on our consumption of plastic cups.


6/5/11CONDORMAN (U) 13/5/11 IGOR (PG) 20/5/11 RACE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN (PG) 27/5/11 DESPICABLE ME (U) All 5pm finish. Children can find out more details about these films on www.filmclub.org

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Tues 3 May – Year 3 Trip to Foxburrow Farm – return 3.45pm Thurs 5th May – Blue Class Performance to Parents – 1.30pm Mon 9th May – Year 1 FUNdamentals at Debenham High School (pm) Mon 16th – Fri 20th May – Yr 6 Residential and Yr4 & 5 Activity Week Fri 27th May – PD Day – School closed Mon 30th May – Friday 3rd June – Half Term rd

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