Earl Soham Community Primary School Caring, sharing and learning; because every child matters Headteacher: Karl Pearce Earl Soham, Woodbridge, Suffolk. IP13 7SA Tel: (01728) 685359 Email: ad.earlsoham.p@talk21.com
Included in the ‘diary dates’ section are a number of key dates for this term to enable everyone to get organised for a rather hectic time of the year. Further details will be given nearer the time. Time has certainly moved on at a pace since the first newsletter at the start of this term. The weather has been quite wonderful and we are appreciative of all those parents who have supported us keeping the children ‘sun safe’ by ensuring that they have hats and water bottles. Thank you to all of those parents who have returned their questionnaires so far – replies would be appreciated by Friday 20th May. We will soon begin rehearsals for our end of year production, ‘Jeremiah 2 The Misty Mountains’, written by the older children. It should be an incredible journey! The production will involve every child in the school and will include singing, dancing and acting. The previous production held in 2009 was a great success!
This half term’s Parents’ Forum will be held at 9am on Wednesday 25th May. We hope that you are able to join us as we feel this is a positive way of expressing ideas and concerns. Everybody is welcome in what is an open agenda
MIDNIGHT WALK A number of staff are taking part in the Midnight Walk in Ipswich on Saturday 14th May. The Midnight Walk is an eight mile circular walk at night starting and finishing at Ipswich Town Football Club in Portman Road. The aim is to raise money for St. Elizabeth’s Hospice. If anyone wishes to support the staff’s efforts, please speak to Tracey in the office.
IEP REVIEWS As previously stated in the first May newsletter, IEPs (Individual Education Plans) are due their termly review. If you wish to discuss your child’s review, please arrange an appointment with Mr Pearce.
13/5/11 IGOR (PG) 20/5/11 RACE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN (PG) 26/5/11 DESPICABLE ME (U) – Please note change of day! All 5pm finish. AFTER HALF TERM… 10/6/11 LEGENDS OF THE GUARDIANS – THE OWLS OF GA’HOOLE (PG) 5pm Finish 17/6/11 CHRONICLES OF NARNIA – PRINCE CASPIAN (PG) 5.45pm Finish 24/6/11 CHRONICLES OF NARNIA – THE VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER (PG) 5.30pm Finish 1/7/11 ALPHA AND OMEGA (U) 5pm Finish 8/7/11 MEGAMIND (PG) 5pm Finish 15/7/11 TBC Children can find out more details about these films on www.filmclub.org
Fri 13 May – TAG Rugby Tournament at Hartismere High School (9.30am) Mon 16th – Fri 20th May – Yr 6 Residential and Yr4 & 5 Activity Week Wed 18th May – Gymnastics Finals at Piper’s Vale Gymnastics Club, Ipswich Wed 25th May – Parents’ Forum (9am) Fri 27th May – PD Day – School closed Mon 30th May – Friday 3rd June – Half Term Wed 8th June – Year 4 Orienteering at Debenham Leisure Centre (9.30am) Sat 11th June – PTFA ‘Family Fun Night’ Wed 22nd June – Athletics Tournament at TMHS (9.30am) W/B Mon 27th June – National Sport Week Sat 9th July – PTFA School Fete (12 – 3pm) Mon 11th – Wed 13th July – Year 6 Young Cyclists’ Training Thurs 14th July – Sports Day (pm) – alternative Friday 15th Mon 18th & Tues 19th July – School Production Thurs 21st July – Year 6 Leavers’ assembly (9am) th