Earl Soham Community Primary School Caring, sharing and learning; because every child matters Headteacher: Karl Pearce Earl Soham, Woodbridge, Suffolk. IP13 7SA Tel: (01728) 685359 Email: ad.earlsoham.p@talk21.com
OCTOBER 2011(2) - NEWSLETTER ‘THE ZOOKEEPER’ FILM TRIP JIHIHJJHHHH The great news is that every child will be taking part in our trip to the cinema on Friday 14th October. We are asking that children are on the school site by 8.45am at the latest (we need to leave as soon to 9am as possible) to enable us to register and organise toileting! There may also be two buses in the car park, so please be prepared for this occurrence. We are suggesting that children bring along a bottle of water with them, as well as snacks!
A MESSAGE FROM THE EDUCATION WELFARE OFFICER We have been asked to forward this message from our EWO. It is important that children arrive in school on time everyday for a number of reasons.
We have a total of 58 children who have requested the ‘special lunch’ we are having on our return to school. Due to the timings, there will be no swimming this week.
The next few films are: 14/10/11 SPACE JAM (U) 5pm finish 21/10/11 WALLACE AND GROMIT – A MATTER OF LOAF AND DEATH & CURSE OF THE WERE-RABBIT (PG) 5.30pm finish
After half term… 4/11/11 – 101 DALMATIONS (1996) (U) 5.15pm finish 11/11/11 – 102 DALMATIONS (U) 5pm finish 18/11/11 – BACK TO THE FUTURE (PG) 5.15pm finish 25/11/11 – BACK TO THE FUTURE PART II (PG) 5.15pm finish 1/12/11 – BACK TO THE FUTURE PART III (PG) 5.15pm finish
FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHS Tempest Photography are again offering to take ‘fun’ family group photographs, similar to last year. This will take place on Wednesday 19th October, from 5pm – 7pm. They are in the style of the class photographs shown in the entrance area. We do need a minimum of 10 families to make this viable. It is suggested that everyone wears bright clothes which will show up on the white backdrop. Also, shoes need to be removed during the session!
Booking a time slot is essential if you wish your family to have this done. Please see Tracey in the office. Last year, prices started at £17.
It is the legal responsibility of parent/ carers to ensure that children attend their registered school on time each day. If a child is late they miss important information about the day’s activities. A child that is late will miss schoolwork. Children that arrive in good time for registration are able to talk to their friends before school and settle into the school day with them. A child that is late disrupts staff and other children.
The table below shows lateness, every day, can add up over the school year: 5mins each day = 3 days lost 10mins each day = 6½ days lost 15mins each day = 10 days lost 20mins late = 13 days lost 30mins late = 19 days lost days lost are calculated over a school year
Our school day starts at 8.50am and pupils should be in the playground by 8.48am to line up with their class for registration. If there is a particular reason why you are finding it difficult to arrive in school on time please discuss this with your child’s class teacher or the Headteacher.
SHARE DAYS Following on from our previous Maths ‘Share’ Days, we’d like to inform you of our plans for after half term . We will be holding 3 mornings of activities relating to the teaching of writing and the introduction of VCOP for Year 2 and above.
Tuesday 15th November – Red Class, Wednesday 16th November – Yellow Class Thursday 17th November - Blue Class. More details to follow – taking note of previous feedback, refreshments will be available!