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Earl Soham Community Primary School Caring, sharing and learning; because every child matters Headteacher: Karl Pearce Earl Soham, Woodbridge, Suffolk. IP13 7SA Tel: (01728) 685359 Email: ad.earlsoham.p@talk21.com

WHOLE SCHOOL CINEMA TRIP As part of JIHIHJJHHHH National Schools’ Film Week, we have applied for and been granted ‘free’ tickets to see ‘The Zookeeper’ on Friday 14th October (10am start) at Cineworld, Bury St. Edmunds. Based on email replies received, this was by far the most popular film. We are hoping that all children will join us for this trip – further details soon.

PARENTS’ FORUM The first parents’ forum of the year will be held on Wednesday 21st September at 9am. Everyone is more than welcome to attend, and it would be great to see you there – everyone welcome. There is an open agenda for any items relating to the whole school.

BUILDING WORK UPDATE…. During the summer, there has been a significant amount of work undertaken.

PUPIL INFORMATION DETAILS It is important that we have the most up to date details on your child /children as possible. Information regarding medical needs, including allergies, enable the school to ensure that the children’s individual needs can be attended to. Parental contacts are also vital (this particularly comes to light when trying to contact parents during an emergency) especially as mobile phone coverage in this area isn’t great. The more points of contact that we have, the better. Please could you complete the Pupil Information Form and return to the school office – thank you.

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CAR PARK Please may we ask for your continued patience and understanding when using the car park. As an alternative (which may be easier) there is plenty of roadside parking in the village. It gets extremely congested, particularly after school when there are no clubs. The ‘bus’ turning area needs to be kept clear at all times, even when the buses have departed to ensure the safety of the children. We would also appreciate it if all families could use the pathway which runs along the outside of the school and over the bridge – our biggest concern is for the safety of everyone in our school community.

We now have hot running water throughout the school (previously all how water came from individual water heaters) We have had two new boilers installed and the school has been converted to Calor gas. A new mains water supply has been installed. The area between the school and hall has been cleared, ready for re-development. What we do next with this area will be one of the items for discussion at the Parents’ Forum. Storage heaters have been replaced with radiators and a new heater installed in the corridor. The ‘muddy’ area where the gate leads onto the top playground has been surfaced with tarmac.


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Friday 16th September – First ‘Wall of Fame’ assembly (9am) Wednesday 21st September – Parents’ Forum (9am) Tuesday 27th September – Harvest Festival at St. Mary’s Church (9.30am) Thursday 6th October – Individual photos Friday 14th October – School Trip to Cineworld Bury St. Edmunds (9am) Monday 24th October – Friday 28th October – HALF TERM

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