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Earl Soham Community Primary School Caring, sharing and learning; because every child matters Headteacher: Karl Pearce Earl Soham, Woodbridge, Suffolk. IP13 7SA Tel: 01728 685359 Mobile: 07852 888978 Fax 01728 685350


NEWSLETTER 5 – September 2008

WELCOME BACK JIHIHJJHHHHK A very warm welcome back to school to all pupils and their families. We hope that you have had a refreshing break and are looking forward to the year ahead and the challenges that will be faced during the next three terms. Please note that the first ‘Sharing Assembly’ will be next week, Friday 12th September at 9.00am. We hope to see you there.

PUPIL INFORMATION DETAILS It is important that we have the most up to date details on your child /children as possible. This has particularly come to light when trying to contact parents during an emergency, particularly as mobile phone coverage in this area isn’t great. The more points of contact that we have, the better, so please could you complete the contact details form and return to the school office – thank you.

HOME/SCHOOL AGREEMENT As part of our new Behaviour Policy, the school has created a Home/School Agreement aimed at making everyone more aware of their role in ensuring the very best attitudes to work and behaviour of every child in our school. During the start of term, there will be a focus in assemblies on responsibilities of our school community and the values of those within it. We would welcome your support in working through the agreement with your child, signing it and returning it to their class teacher so that they can sign it and return a copy. We’d also like to thank all of you who provided us with feedback during the consultation process of the Behaviour Policy.


An important part of the school improvement process is taking parents’ views into account when planning for the future. As Headteacher, I would greatly appreciate your views and comments, to enable me to develop the School Improvement Plan for 2008/09, by completing the survey sent home today. Please add any relevant comments on an extra piece of paper if required. This can be anonymous if you wish, but please state which Key Stage your child/children is/are in. If possible, please could these be returned by Friday 12th September. Thank you.


We would be extremely grateful if school meals could be ordered and paid for on Mondays. This will enable us to keep a greater control on numbers and make the whole service more efficient. If you could include payment, covering the number of days (and what days they are having a meal) of the week that your child is having a meal it would be greatly appreciated. There is a new slip available to fill in these details to make the change of process as smooth as possible for everyone involved – also in the entrance area is a copy of the three week cycle of menus that are on offer. The current cost of a school meal is £1.80.


th th Monday 8 – Friday 12 Sept – Year 6 residential trip to Kingswood, Norfolk

More dates to follow…

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