Earl Soham Community Primary School Caring, sharing and learning; because every child matters Headteacher: Karl Pearce Earl Soham, Woodbridge, Suffolk. IP13 7SA Tel: 01728 685359 Mobile: 07852 888978 Fax 01728 685350
Email: ad.earlsoham.p@talk21.com
NEWSLETTER 6 – September 2008 SHARING ASSEMBLY JIHIHJJHHHHK Our first sharing assembly of the school year will be this Friday at 9.00am. For parents new to the school, we hold this type of assembly every Friday in the school hall – everyone is welcome. Usually there is a song and presentation of stickers and certificates for various achievements throughout the school. We hope to see you there.
SCHOOL UNIFORM School uniform is available to purchase on the following website: www.yourschooluniform.com and then by following the link for Earl Soham. If you do not have access to the internet, please see Tracey in the School Office.
PARENTAL SURVEY Many thanks to all of you who have completed the survey so far – all of your comments are greatly appreciated as they enable the school to get a much bigger picture of our strengths and areas for development. Next week, the information will be collated and fed back to parents. This, in turn, will be used to help further inform our priorities in the School Improvement Plan for 2008/09. There is still time for you to return your survey if you haven’t yet done so and wish to.
SUNFLOWERS If any children have any photos of, or work they’ve completed of their sunflowers, please send them in by the end of next week. Thank you.
PRE-REGISTRATION ARRANGEMENTS As Headteacher, I am aware that the new arrangements for the beginning of the school day haven’t been running as smoothly as originally planned. The main aim of not allowing the children to wander in and out of the building before registration was to ensure that the children were safe and supervised and so that parents could speak in private to staff if they needed to. Parents are always welcome into the school to come in and have a chat – that is what I believe is one of the great things about Earl Soham which must continue. Concerns have been raised about the safety of pupils on the small playground before school, which I agree with. Therefore, starting next Monday, children in Blue and Yellow classes will be able to use the larger playground, giving the younger children in Red class a lot more space and even better supervision.
Tuesday 23rd Sept – PTFA AGM – 7.30pm in School Hall
Monday 29th September – Harvest Festival – 9.30am in church
Friday 17th October – Small Schools’ Football Tournament – 9.30am at TMHS
Thursday 23rd October – Individual & family photos
Monday 27th – Friday 31st October – HALF TERM WEEK