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Earl Soham Community Primary School Caring, sharing and learning; because every child matters Headteacher: Karl Pearce Earl Soham, Woodbridge, Suffolk. IP13 7SA Tel: (01728) 685359 Email:


WELCOME BACK JIHIHJJHHHHK A very warm welcome back to school to all pupils and their families. We hope that you have had a refreshing break and are looking forward to the year ahead and the challenges that will be faced during the next three terms. Please note that the first ‘Wall of Fame’ assembly’ will be next week on Friday 11th September at 9.00am. We hope to see you there.

PUPIL INFORMATION DETAILS It is important that we have the most up to date details on your child /children as possible. This particularly comes to light when trying to contact parents during an emergency, particularly as mobile phone coverage in this area isn’t great. The more points of contact that we have, the better, so please could you complete the contact details form and return to the school office – thank you.

WRITING SURVEY One of the key parts of our School Development SUMMER PRODUCTION Plan for this year is a sustained focus on writing. As Plans for our end of year production – JEREMIAH IN a starting point I would like to gather pupil THE DARK WOODS ­ are now well underway. perceptions on writing through a questionnaire. This Children in Blue Class have auditioned for speaking should be sent home tomorrow and I’d really parts which have now been allocated. The whole appreciate it if you could complete this at home with school are learning the songs and Red and Yellow your child, adding any of your own comments to Classes are learning different dances. enable us to move forward to provide more There will be a letter with more details later this week, stimulating writing activities for all of the children. however, any help with costumes and scenery would If completed questionnaires could be returned by be greatly appreciated. We’d also appreciate it if th Friday 18 it would be greatly appreciated. Thank parents of children in Blue Class could help their you. children learn their lines. Children will need their We are also planning to host information evenings scripts in school every day. for parents (similar to the numeracy one last year) There will be a total of three shows, two in the relating to the development of children’s writing and th evening (Monday 13 and Tuesday 14th July at what can help to support them. 6.15pm) and one during the afternoon of Tuesday 14th. This will hopefully enable all parents who wish to watch, the opportunity to do so.


Mrs Stoney gave birth to a little boy, Daniyal, on 3rd August. He weighed in at 7lbs 13oz. Mother and child are both doing well and Mrs Stoney sends her best wishes to everyone.

HOT DINNERS We would be extremely grateful if school meals could be ordered and paid for on Mondays. This will enable us to keep a greater control on numbers and make the whole service more efficient. If you could include payment, covering the number of days (and what days they are having a meal) of the week that your child is having a meal it would be greatly appreciated. There is a slip available from outside the office to fill in with your child’s choices. Also in the entrance area is a copy of the three week cycle of menus that are on offer. The current cost of a school meal is £1.90.

AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS We are planning to start our after school clubs the week beginning 14th September. It is planned to provide football, netball and gymnastics this term with a likely re­introduction of Spanish. Further details will follow next week...


If you wish to order any items of school uniform, please place your order with Tracey in the office by Thursday 10th September.


th Friday 11 Sept. – First ‘Wall of Fame’ assembly – 9am

th Friday 18 Sept. – First PE session at Framlingham College (pm) – Yellow class swimming, Blue class indoor activities.

Tuesday 22 nd Sept, ­ Year 6 residential Meeting for Parents – 7pm

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