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Earl Soham CommunityPrimary School Caring, sharing and learning; because every child matters Headteacher: Karl Pearce Earl Soham, Woodbridge, Suffolk. IP13 7SA Tel: (01728) 685359 Email:

JUNE 2013 – NEWSLETTER THE SUMMER TERM We’re now more than half way through our final school term of the academic year. As you can see from the diary dates section there is a great deal going on, all of which will all be individually explained in greater detail in future correspondence.

WE’RE GOING TO THE ZOO This year’s whole school trip has been arranged for Monday 1st July to Colchester Zoo. The cost will be £7.50 per child with the coach being funded by the PTFA.

Friday 21st June: PARANORMAN (PG) 5pm finish Unfortunately (unless anyone has any suggestions) the planned screenings for the 28th June and 5th July have been cancelled as Mr Pearce is at a meeting in Ipswich and the County Finals in Bury St. Edmunds on those days.

CHECK LABELS, PLEASE Please could you ensure that your child’s fleece/sweatshirt are labelled. We are having a number of occasions recently where children are taking home the wrong top, which are then not being returned to their rightful owners.

DANCE Good luck to all of our current and ex-pupils who are taking part in the Suffolk Schools’ Dance Jam at DanceEast on Thursday 4th July. Make sure that you’ve bought your tickets!


COUNTY FINALS During Friday 5th July, our Under 7 & Under 9 Gymnastics teams, Hi-5 Netball team and Swimming team will be taking part in the county finals in Bury St. Edmunds at different times of the day. This is going to be a terrific experience, but a logistical nightmare!

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SPORTS DAY Sports Day will be during the afternoon of Thursday 11th June and will revert to the normal format of 4 teams based on credit card colours. However, we’d like to be able to have the straw bale ‘podium’ again – would anyone be able to provide us with the required bales, please?

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PRODUCTION Rehearsals for the school production ‘The Emerald Crown’ are now gathering pace, as are the set designs. All children in the school will be involved. There will be three performances in total. These will take place during the evening on Tuesday 16th July and the afternoon and evening on Wednesday 17th July.

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Wednesday 19th - Year 6 @ Crucial Crew (pm) Friday 21st - Year - 3, 4, 5 & 6 Athletics @ Thomas Mills (am) Thursday 27th - Rounders Tournament @ DHS (am) st


Monday 1 – Whole school trip to Colchester Zoo Tuesday 2nd - Year 5 science morning at DHS Thursday 4th – Dance Group performance @ DanceEast (7pm) Friday 5th - County swimming, netball and gymnastics finals at Bury St. Edmunds Saturday 6th - School Fete Monday 8th - Year 6 Activity Day @ Alton Water Sports Centre Wednesday 10th - Year 6 induction day DHS Thursday 11th - Sports Day Friday 12th - Reports out to parents Monday 15th - Thomas Mills new intake day Tuesday 16th - School production - evening Wednesday 17th - School production – afternoon and evening Thursday 18th - Leavers’ assembly and BBQ Friday 19th – Last day of term

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