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Earl Soham CommunityPrimary School Caring, sharing and learning; because every child matters Headteacher: Karl Pearce Earl Soham, Woodbridge, Suffolk. IP13 7SA Tel: (01728) 685359 Email:

MAY 2013 – NEWSLETTER There’s now only one week to go before we break up for half –term. Hopefully summer will really arrive as we move into June. Next week sees many of the children (Years 2 – 5) undertake assessments in Reading, Writing and Mathematics. Most of these will take place in the hall and Yellow Class during the first part of the morning. On the subject of assessments, well done to the Year 6 children for their efforts this week during their SATs – just think, no more tests at primary school! Next week, due to a variety of reasons, there’ll be:


‘WALL OF FAME’ ASSEMBLY However, Friday 24th May will be a ‘Wear your own clothes’ day.

LET’S GET BAKING The School Council will be holding a cake sale from 3pm onwards on Thursday 23rd May. The aim is to raise funds for wet playtime games. Any money raised will be doubled by the PTFA!

PTFA FAMILY FUN NIGHT Saturday 8th June Tickets are now available – please see posters in school grounds for further details...

FILMCLUB I’ve yet to order any films for the remainder of the summer term. Children can easily log on to the FILMClub website and recommend films they’d like to watch, then I can simply order them. Otherwise I’ll just keep choosing what I think they might like to see!

SCHOOL BLOG We are very proud of our School Blog and the way it enables people to keep up to date with the many things we get up to at school. Unfortunately, we have recently been receiving a lot of spam comments on our blog posts, with anonymous users leaving a comment and link to their own sites. All comments are moderated by Mr Mansell before being published on the school blog, so you will not have noticed these, but we have been receiving multiple comments each day, which naturally take time to review and reject. We have therefore taken the step of preventing anonymous users from leaving comments, which will hopefully allow us to more easily report any spam messages. This means that to leave a comment, you will now have to log in with a Google account. We know this is an extra step, but we hope that you will understand why this is necessary. We do really appreciate it when you comment!

DIARY DATESand please do Thank you for understanding,

All donations of cakes greatly appreciated. Please support us in our endeavours!

keep us comments.  Thursday 23rdleaving May – School Council Cake Sale (3pm onwards)  Friday 24th MayMr – ‘Wear your own clothes’ day. Mansell No ‘Wall of Fame’ assembly.  Friday 24th May – Girls’ Football Tournament @ Stonham Aspal (9.30am)

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