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Earl Soham Community Primary School Caring, sharing and learning; because every child matters Headteacher: Karl Pearce Earl Soham, Woodbridge, Suffolk. IP13 7SA Tel: (01728) 685359 Email:

OCTOBER 2012 - NEWSLETTER SUFFOLK SPORTING PRIMARY SCHOOL OF THE YEAR? We are delighted to have been short listed (THE FINAL 3!) for 'The Healthy ambitions Suffolk Primary School of the Year Award' as part of the 2012 Suffolk Sports Awards. This is in recognition of a fantastic year of sport for our school which saw many successes and opportunities for so many of our children. The awards ceremony takes place on Friday 19th October - fingers crossed!

NEW MENU You should have received the new ‘EATS’ menu which begins after half term You may notice a few changes (I can’t believe there’s no Roast Pork!) from the current menu. If you have any comments to make, please look on the website for contact details.

PARENT CONSULTATIONS The autumn term parent consultations will take place on Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th October. This will be an opportunity to discuss how your child has settled into the new year at school and how they are progressing. Further details regarding booking an appointment to be sent home shortly.

SHOW TIME! A very advance notice that the school has booked tickets for the following performances near Christmas:

Reception & Year 1 ‘The Magician’s Daughter’ The Wolsey Studio, 11am Thursday 13th December (£7.00 per ticket) -------------------------------------------------------Years 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 ‘Sleeping Beauty’ Rock ‘n’ Roll Panto The Wolsey Theatre, 1.30pm Wednesday 19th December (£8.50 per ticket) This has become a fantastic tradition and a marvellous treat for all! The PTFA will be funding the transport, as they have always done. Further details about the shows are available at

PTFA AUTUMN DINNER/DANCE The first PTFA fund-raising event of the year takes place on Saturday 20th October. The Autumn Dinner Dance will take place in Earl Soham Village Hall, commencing at 7.30pm. Further details are available on the letter sent home and on posters around the school. We hope that you will be able to support this event as all proceeds are used to provide all children with experiences /equipment they wouldn’t otherwise have. The PTFA continue to help fund transport for school trips, funded the Christmas Party, the Jubilee celebrations and also installed the blinds in the hall (enabling Filmclub to take place all year round – 56 of our 65 children attended 2 weeks ago!) which created such a dramatic effect for our school production (they also funded the lighting system). Last year’s fundraising has now enabled us to purchase a stackable stage for the hall which, again, all the children will benefit from.

Please support the PTFA to help them support all of our children.


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Thursday 11th October – Individual photos Saturday 20th October – PTFA Autumn Dinner Dance (7.30pm onwards) Tuesday 23rd & Wednesday 24th October – Parent Consultations Friday 26th October – School Trip to Cineworld Bury St. Edmunds (depart 8.45am) Monday 29th October – Friday 2nd November – HALF TERM

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