Earl Soham Community Primary School Caring, sharing and learning; because every child matters Headteacher: Karl Pearce Earl Soham, Woodbridge, Suffolk. IP13 7SA Tel: (01728) 685359 Email: ad.earlsoham.p@talk21.com
JIHIHJJHHHH Thank you for your support at this week’s Harvest Festival. It was great to see so many of you in the church and we were delighted with how well the children ‘performed’. Also, thank you for the donations of produce. Mary Vellacott (one of our School Governors) delivered the goods to the Ormiston Trust on Tuesday. She emailed the school; ‘They were almost overcome by the quantity of things that had been donated. Thank you so much for the generous gifts from the school.’ It was lovely that so many of you were able to join us for lunch as well. We hope that you enjoyed the occasion and the food!
GYM CLUB CANCELLATION Due to ‘eats’ requiring the school hall next week there will be no after school Gym Club on Tuesday 1st October.
You may have heard in the news that teachers from the NUT and NASUWT are planning to strike on Tuesday 1st October. This is a result of the many changes to the curriculum, pay and conditions, the drive to privatise education, on top of all the other stresses and pressures thrown at the profession. However, staff at this school will not be taking part in the strike action for their own personal reasons. You may find that other schools in the area are closed or partially closed. Earl Soham will remain OPEN as usual.
CAKE SALE Another thank you, this time for the donations and purchase of cakes at the PTFA cake sale last week – in excess of £180 was raised. Mr Pearce particularly enjoyed the white chocolate flapjacks!
Just a reminder that the deadline for ‘hoody’ orders is fast approaching… Monday 30th September.
The School Blog (which can be found on our website) is a great way of informing parents what we’ve been up to at school. You may have seen the recent posts on the Harvest Festival and Framlingham Castle trip? We do like to receive your comments on the posts as a way of feedback. To make a comment simply click on the ‘comments’ link of a post (in red) and add a few words. To eliminate the amount of ‘spam’ messages we receive, all contributors need to have a gmail account – if in doubt, ask Mr Mansell.
CAR PARK As we’re sure that you’re aware, the school car park is not large enough for everyone to park their cars. This causes many problems at either end of the school day. These problems get further complicated by the need for buses to park which can cause even further congestion. We are fortunate to have such a large car park (which isn’t actually owned by the school or Local Authority) but there are a number of safety concerns. Please ensure that children use the footpath around the outside of the school and do not allow them to run around the car park – it is simply dangerous. The bus turning area should not be used at the beginning or end of the normal school day as this also creates an additional hazard. The safety of everyone in our school community is our number one concern. Thank you – please take care.
Thursday 10th October – Individual photos Thursday 24th October – Whole school trip to Aldeburgh Cinema Friday 25th October – School closed to pupils – Professional Development Day Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November – HALF TERM