Feb 2025 Six Nations Rugby Update! St. Valentine's Dublin Connection!
Irish Arts & Entertainment
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Dear Friends and Readers,
We are happy t o be here and w e are delight ed t o be st art ing t he Irish Season of 2025 w it h our celebart ion and t ribut e t o St .Brigid of Ireland. Brigid is one of t he t hree pat ron Saint s of Ireland, t he ot her t w o being St . Colum ba and our great and m uch revered St Pat rick Ireland is t he land of saint s and scholars and w e are grat eful t hat w e are fort unat e t o have t he freedom t o honor and learn about all of t hem . We m ust alw ays be vigilant and rem em ber t hat it hrough hundreds of years of our hist ory, t he freedom of ecucat ion, t hought and religion w as rest rict ed.
We are also sharing w it h our readers a very heart felt and poignant essay from our good freind Ow en Dara It is a first hand account of t he firest orm t hat ravaged t he areas around his hom e in Pasadena See page16.
Win 2 R/ T Tickets To Dublin Drawings!
As of February 1st , w e w ill be prom ot ing a Second Draw ing for anot her pair of t icket s t o Ireland! Excit ing t im es lie ahead as w e expand our reach and subscriber base! Aside from being a great value w it h Very Irish Perks t hat m eans t hat our Lifet im e subscribers w ill have TWO CHANCES at w inning our Air Fare t icket s draw ing! For every 100 Lifet im e subscript ions, w e w ill draw a w inner for a pair of t ivket s. Thanks t o all of you w ho have signed up already!
Please t ell your fam ily and frinds. We invit e you t o check our w ebsit e t oo! w w w.irishart sandent ert ainm ent .com
Shares his first hand reflect ions on t he recent cat ast rophic fires in SoCal, Also, a redo of a feat ure from Ow en as he readies his Third Film for Release.. Starts on Page 16
Our regular features: Maurice Fit zpat rick's View from Ireland and John McNally's Travel Feat ure on Ireland's Hidden Gem s You m ight have not iced t hat our
One Full Year for Only $25. Lifet im e, Only $50. Em ail us for det ails. We bill you and w e st art your sub right aw ay. Click Here
Calendar is grow ing!
Subm issions for Calendar, Celt ic Cam era and Travel Feat ures are w ant ed: Send ideas and St ory Subm issions w it h jpegs
Ireland'spatronessof Charity, Learning and Light
Sai n t Br i gi d of K i ld ar e
By Ji m M cD on ou gh
As February 1st approaches, Irish Americans and Catholicsworldwide prepare to celebrate the Feast Day of St Brigid of Ireland, a transformational figure whose legacy continues to inspire and captivate
St. Brigid was born in the mid 400sAD and she became an exceptional example of faith, compassion, and wisdom in early Irish Christianity
ALifeof ServiceandMiracles
St Brigid'slife wasmarked by extraordinary acts of charity and miraculousdeeds Born to a pagan chieftain father and a Christian mother, she embraced Christianity at a young age Her compassion for the poor waslegendary, often giving away her father'spossessions to those in need Some versions of her story say that she wasbanished by her father for such actions
It is well documented that in 470 AD, Brigid founded her most famousmonastery or abbey in Kildare It wasa double monastery housing both monksand nuns, This wasa new approach to monastic life andset a precedent in Ireland, with Brigid serving asabbess over both communities Under her leadership, Kildare became a center of learning and artistry, famousfor its illuminated manuscriptsand metalwork
Legacy of Light andLearning
St. Brigid'sassociation with light isdeeply ingrained in her story. The perpetual flame at Kildare, originally a pre-Christian symbol, wasmaintained by Brigid and her nuns as a Christian beacon of hope and enlightenment. This flame, extinguished in the 16th century, wasrelit in 1993, symbolizing the enduring power of Brigid's legacy.
The saint'scommitment to education wasequally remarkable. She established an art school at Kildare, where the famousIlluminated Manuscripts of Kildare were created4.These works, praised for their beauty, are considered among the oldest illuminated manuscriptsin Church history.
PatronSaint andCultural Icon
St. Brigid'sinfluence extends far beyond her historical context. She isrevered as a patron saint of Ireland, alongside St. Patrick and St. Columba1.Her patronage coversa wide range, including poets, dairymaids, cattle, midwives, Irish nuns, and newborn babies.
The saint'slegacy is deeply woven into Irish culture. The St. Brigid'sCross, a symbol that legend saysshe created while explaining Christianity to a dying pagan chieftain,. To this day, the St. Brigid Crossremainsa powerful emblem of Irish faith and heritag. Today, many if not most Irish and Irish-American homes display the crossprominently with great pride.. This simple yet profound teaching tool exemplifies Brigid'sability to bridge pagan and Christian traditions.
In 2023, Ireland took a significant step in recognizing St Brigid'simportance by declaring her feast day a public holiday9 Thisdecision hassparked renewed interest in her life and teachings, particularly among Irish Americansseeking to connect with their cultural roots
St Brigid'svalues of compassion, equality, and environmental stewardship resonate strongly with contemporary concerns Her life offersinspiration for those advocating for social justice, women's empowerment, and ecological awareness3
Final RestingPlaceandLingeringQuestions
While tradition holds that St Brigid isburied alongside St Patrick in Down Cathedral, Downpatrick, the exact location of her remainsisa subject of historical debate I wasfortunate enough this past Summer of 2024 to have visited Downpatrik and the Cathedral there The absence of a marked grave for St Brigid at the site I visited reflectsthe complexitiesof preserving medieval saints' relics
One of the guidesat the historic site thought that her burial place washidden on purpose or lost on purpose to not detract from the veneration that St Pstrick wasbeing given,
ALivingLegacy, Far frombeinglost tohistory
Despite such misguided thinking in the past (if that iswhat happened) ; St Brigid's legacy continues to thrive Her pioneering work in establishing women's monastic communitieslaid the groundwork for female religiousorders that continue to this day The valuesshe embodied ? charity, learning, and spiritual illumination ? remain central to many Irish and Irish American cultural and religiouspractices
Annual celebrationsof St Brigid'sDay, both in Ireland and among Irish diaspora communities, keep her memory alive These eventsoften include traditional craftslike making St Brigid'scrosses, aswell asdiscussions on her relevance to modern spirituality and social issues
Aswe approach St Brigid'sDay, Irish Americanshave an opportunity to reconnect with this powerful figure from their heritage Whether through participating in cultural events, exploring her stories, or reflecting on her values, engaging with St Brigid'slife and teaching offersa meaningful way to celebrate Irish identity and spirituality in the modern world
Saint Brigid's Cat hedral and Round Tow er, Kildare Photo
The 2025 tournament isprimed to deliver thrilling matchesand fierce competition This prestigiousevent, steeped in history and tradition, holdsa special place in the heartsof Irish and Irish American rugby enthusiasts.
The tournament'sroots trace back to 1883 when it began asthe Home Nations Championship, featuring England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, France joined in 1910, transforming it into the Five Nations which endured for 90 years
Then at the very end of the twentieth century, Guinness became the title sponsor in 2019. Shorttly after in 2000, Italy'saddition created the Six Nations we know today
Simultainiousely, lending itsname to the "Guinness Six Nations" aspart of a six-year deal. which wasrenewed. Thispartnership between the iconic Irish stout and the beloved rugby tournament hasfurther cemented itsappeal to Irish fansworldwide
The Six Nationsfeaturesnational teams, not professional club sides While players aren't directly paid for their national team appearances, many are professionalswho play for club teamsand receive compensation through those contracts.
Ireland, the defending championsfrom 2024, will be looking to retain their title in this year'scompetition The tournament followsa round-robin format, with each team playing five matches? one match against each of the other nations.
The scoring system, while initially confusing, addsan extra layer of excitement to the games Teams receive four points for a win and two for a draw Bonus pointsare awarded for scoring four or more triesin a match or losing by seven pointsor fewer. To ensure a Grand Slam winner, (a team winning all five matches) always finishes top, they receive an additional three bonuspoints
Asfor favorites, Ireland and France are currently leading the odds, with England asa potential dark horse
The Six Nations is a major betting event, with numerous markets available for each match and the overall tournament outcome
SEEPAGE31 for UpdatesandScoresSoFar!
RUGBY Continued from page 6
All sport ing event s are best w hen shared w it h ot her ent usiast s so w e heart ily recom m end our advert isers w ho are show ing t he m at ches Pubs open early t o show t he m at ch and m any have food specials!
A prim er on RUGBY 101 is linked here if you are new t o t he sport :
ht t ps:/ / usa.rugby/ rugby101
2025 Six Nations fixtures
Date Match Location
Jan 31 France vs Wales Stade de France, Paris
Feb 1 Scotland vs Italy Murrayfield, Edinburgh
Feb 1 Ireland vs England Aviva Stadium, Dublin
Feb 8 Italy vs Ireland Stadio Olimpico, Rome
Feb 8 England vs Wales Twickenham, London
Feb 9 Scotland vs France Murrayfield, Edinburgh
Feb 22 Ireland vs Wales Aviva Stadium, Dublin
Feb 22 Scotland vs England Murrayfield, Edinburgh
Feb 23 France vs Italy Stade de France, Paris
Mar 8 Italy vs Scotland Stadio Olimpico, Rome
Mar 8 England vs Ireland Twickenham, London
Mar 9 Wales vs France Principality Stadium, Cardiff
Mar 15 Wales vs Italy Principality Stadium, Cardiff
Mar 15 Ireland vs Scotland Aviva Stadium, Dublin
Mar 16 France vs England Stade de France, Paris
25 Years!
St. Patrick?sDay in Ireland
Kerry Irish Productionsis pleased to announce a limited tour for the Saint Patrick?sDay holiday Saint Patrick?sDay in Ireland is a raucous evening of music and dance that carries on the Irish traditions of celebrating with music and family. Be prepared to be transported back to the Emerald Isle for a wild Irish night of fiddles, bodhrán, pipes, flutes, song and dance.
The program featuresthe talented multi-instrumentalistsfrom the Kerry Traditional Band: Colin Cotter, guitar/fidil/vocals; Ann Colliton, bodhrán/percussion, Sumaia Jackson, fidil and Tim Hill, uilleann pipes/flutes/vocalsalong with dancers from the Kerry Dance Troupe, solo dancers, and guest
dancersfrom highly regarded regional Irish dance academiesall under the direction of producer, Margaret O?Carroll of Kerry Irish Productions.
Sing your heart out with the band on some great Irish songsincluding: The Wild Rover (often referred to as Ireland?s2nd national anthem), Red isthe Rose, Leaving of Limerick, Spanish Lady, Ireland?sCall and many more
?St. Patrick?sDay inIrelanddeliversa night of rip-roaringmusicsonganddance? "
For 2025, Special Irish dance school guestsinclude: Kennelly School of Irish Dance, Rohan Murphy Irish Dance Academy & FIREDANCE- Irish Dance 805
Pictured Here:
from t he 2024 St . Pat rick's Day In Ireland Tour
Kerry Irish ProductionsInc. was founded in 2015 by Margaret O?Carroll (from Co Kerry, Ireland) with the intention of promoting and sharing Irish culture here in the United States
The company hasproduced and presented the showsAn Irish Christmas, Christmasfrom a Celtic Table, St Patrick?sDay in Ireland, Celtic Wings and The Heart of an Irish Woman in Performing ArtsCentersthroughout the United States Kerry Irish Productionsalso workswith major
corporationsincluding Aer Lingus, Tourism Ireland, Flavors of Ireland, and the Irish Consulate to produce special eventsin various UScities and for major companies: Blackrock.com, The Ireland Funds, The IMA Group, The Professional Dance Association, The Irish-American Bar Association, Ireland Week, PBSAutumn Pledge Drives, ICN Network (Chinese national television network), The Irish Industrial Development Authority, The Irish Technology and Leadership Group to name a few! Kerry Irish Productions
wasalso invited to lead the entertainment in a celebration of Julie Andrews?work on Broadway and in film in a sell-out event at the Beverly Hilton Hotel
The Ir ish M usic M aker s of St. Patr ick' s Day In Ir eland
is one of America?sleading exponents of the bodhrán Based in New York City, she hasshared the stage with Cherish the Ladies, Eileen Ivers, the Paul McKenna Band and many more Anna lived in Orlando, Florida, from 2013 to 2017 and performed daily as part of a residency at Walt Disney World After returning to New York, she wasa sub for the bodhrán chair with the original company of theBroadway hit ?Come From Away" Anna hasperformed and taught at festivals across the country, including CatskillsIrish Arts Week, The Swannanoa Gathering Celtic Week, The O?Flaherty Irish Music Retreat, CCEMAD Week, and Augusta Celtic Week, to name a few Asa teacher dedicated to advancing the tradition of bodhrán playing, she inspires students of all levels to incorporate both ?the old?and ?the new?into their playing, emphasizing the importance of both personal style and ear training in traditional music
isa multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter, recording artist from the San Francisco BayArea. He hasplayed from coast to coast in the USA, toured internationally in Canada, Ireland, and Spain,and teachesregularly at some of the top folk music camps in the country. Colin grew up immersed inIrish, Finnish, and American folk music In addition to being a fine fiddler and singer, Colin isanaccomplished guitarist Asa recording artist, he hasreleased albums with the bands he co-founded,MAC (Perfectly Manufactured Reality, 2018) and A Thousand Years at Sea (4 releasesbetween 2009-2014) Cards, and Colin Cotter? playingplacessuch asthe Kennedy Center, Library of Congress, Celtic Connections, Planet Bluegrass, and theEdmonton Folk Festival She isalso a member of the Real VocalString Quartet (who composed andrecorded music for a world music Culture Kin project) and she playsduo with award-winning Canadianfiddler, Adrianna Ciccone Jackson released her debut fiddle record? Möbius Trip? on May 1st, 2019
Born and raised in Santa Cruz, Jackson was surrounded by many innovative and inimitable coastal string players Throughout her teenage yearsshe played in classical orchestras, youth symphony, and chamber music settings, refining her sound, and winning multiple awards and competitions Jackson'smusical path widened as she sought out roots communitieswho played Irish, Scottish, Appalachian, Bluegrass, and Jazz Jackson spent years soaking up tunesand styles at fiddlecamps which she still attendsasstudent, teacher, helper, coach & organizer. She holds a bachelor?sdegree from Berklee College of Music in the American Roots Music department Jackson tours all over the world with Jayme Stone?s Folklife, and Laura Cortese & the Dance
Irish Music Makers, Continued
One of the finest uilleann pipersin the US, Tim hasbeen immersed in traditional Irish musicsince he wasa small child Born and raised in the Philadelphia area, he started playing the uilleann pipesat the age of 11 and took up the flute in his early twenties In 2019, he released his first solo album, Musicat the Gate In the summer of 2022, Tim was asked by Na Piobairi Uilleann to teach and perform in theirheadquarters aswell as at Dublin's legendary music hub The Cobblestone. Additionally, he was featuredin the uilleann piping recital at the famedWillie Clancy Summer School in Co Clare, one of a smallnumber of Americans over the yearsto have done
so After living in the San Francisco area for severalyears, Tim relocated to Portland, Maine, where he continues to perform regularly
The Ir ish Dancer s of St. Patr ick' s Day In Ir eland
The featured performers are the legendary star of Riverdance, Ryan McCaffrey, alongside another Riverdanceveteran, Courtney D?Angelo, and two beguiling newcomers Aubrey Stagnaro and Layla Giles.
Ryan McCaffrey began dancing at the age of 3 for the Finnuala Irwin School of Irish Dancing in Calgary, Canada By 10 he was a North American Champion, and continued hiscompetitive successat the World Championshipswhere he placed 2nd twice. He continued to place in the top 6 until he ended his competitive career to join Jean Butler and Colin Dunne?s production of DancingonDangerousGroundat the Theatre Royle Drury Lane, on London?sWest End After completing the run, McCaffrey moved to New York to join the cast of RiverdanceonBroadway at the Gershwin Theatre. He went on become the Principal Dancer of Riverdance?s North American, European and Asian tours a year later Ryan was also given the additional role of Dance Captain During his four yearsof touring, he performed asthe Principal Dancer for the continentsof Europe and Asia during the live telecastsof the EurovisionSongContest 50th Anniversary and the Chinese New Year SpringFestival, and at the famousRadioCity MusicHall.
After a break to get a degree in marketing and a stint in the world of business, McCaffrey returned join the original cast of Heartbeat of Home, a new production by the Director and Producer of RiverdancetheShow, as their Principal Dancer and Assistant Dance Captain
Courtney D'Angelo, dancer with Riverdance and Trinity Irish Dance
Courtney D'Angelo was born in Dublin, OH and began Irish dancing at the age of 6. She hasbeen seen on stagesacrossthe globe, including China, Japan, Australia, Canada, Ireland, the UK, and all 50 States She made her professional debut as a teenager with Chicago's Trinity Irish Dance Company. Later that year she joined the sensational "Riverdance",
After opening the production and touring Europe, Asia & North America for two additional yearsin these roles, Ryan re-retired and opened his own Digital Marketing Agency, Hunt &Gather Digital.
featuring a run at the world-famous Radio City Music Hall. Courtney made her West End debut with "Heartbeat of Home" at the Piccadilly Theater During her competitive years, Courtney placed in the top 3 at the All Irelands, All Scotlands, North American National Championships aswell as6th place at the World Championships. Courtney currently livesin LosAngelesand is also an actress, singer, pianist, and fashion designer
Meet the Talent, Continued
Aubrey Stagnaro
Layla Giles began Irish Dance at the age of four and hasbeen competing and performingfor over twelve years. Dancing under the direction of Jeannie Thornton and Clan RinceSchool of Irish Dance in San Diego, she is a World Qualifier, has placed in the WesternRegionUSTop 10, and placed in the Top 30 at the North American Irish DanceNationals.Beyond competition, Layla has showcased her talent as a featured dancer withthe Na Scéalaithe Irish Dance Collective and danced in the acclaimed An Irish Christmasshow at San Diego?sBalboa Theater Thisseason, she isthrilled to make her debut tourwith Kerry Irish Productions
returnsfor her fifth year with Kerry Irish Productions, delighting audiencesin both "St. Patrick'sDay in Ireland" and "An Irish Christmas." Her Irish dance journey began at age four, leading to over twelve yearsof competition and performance experience Training under Maeve Coughlan at the Celtic Irish Dance Academy in LosAngeles, Aubrey has built an impressive competitive record: she'sa four-time World Qualifier, has ranked in the Western Region USTop 10, and achieved Top 20 placement at the North American Irish Dance Nationals Her talent hasearned her notable television appearances, including two performances on the Jennifer Hudson Show and a featured dance in the Hollywood Christmas Parade A particular highlight washer performance at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion during the Emmy-winning 62nd Annual Holiday Celebration, which took home the award for Best Live Performance Beyond Irish dance, Aubrey serves as Captain of her High School Cheerleading Squad and remains deeply committed to Girl Scouts, where she has achieved Ambassador level and iscurrently completing her Gold Award.
The Gem of it s Crow n
by Ow en Dara
The Tuesday m orning w ind w arning is of lit t le consequence t o m e as I look out at t he clear January sky Aft er all, Sout hern California is graced w it h t he Sant a Ana w inds each year, t heir w arm t h a w elcom e m arker t o t he season?s change As I w at ch st em s of desert flow ers lean sout hw ard t ow ards t he sun on t his 7t h day of our new ly m int ed year, I w onder if t hey are yet aw are of t he st rengt h t hey w ill need t o spring fort h t heir resplendent reds, purples, and blues aft er having w eat hered eight m ont hs deprived of rain.
I cannot help but im agine m y fam ily in Ireland bat t ling t hrough t he ice and snow as I w onder w hat t hey w ould give t o w alk beneat h t he m agnificent desert sun t hat I have com e t o t ake for grant ed in m y 17 years of living in Pasadena, just sout h of t he Alt adena border I t urn aw ay from m y w indow t o resum e t he t ask of creat ing a set list for t he show I have been scheduled t o perform t onight at our local bar
A gust of w ind sends a rust le t hrough t he palm t rees, follow ed by an ear piercing crack of t he w ooden gat e slam m ing t he side of m y house. Now I am on m y feet , exit ing t hrough t he back door, t hen quickly recoiling from an arsenal of oak leaves sm at t ering against m y face. My hand raised, I t urn t o see a large crack in t he gat e and a num ber of shingles from m y neigbour ?s roof t rundling along m y drivew ay, t urning end-t o-end as if com plet ely st ripped of t heir m ass ?Com e back inside,? calls m y part ner Jessica ?You?ll get hurt ? I st ep in, and as I push t he door against t he w ind, w e glance m om ent arily at each ot her before t urning our eyes out w ard again The oak leaves cont inue t o pelt from above as our 117-year old craft sm an hom e vehem ent ly creaks it s prot est s t o t he w ind.
It is now aft ernoon, and several branches have left our t rees, and as w e look out our front w indow , w e w at ch t w igs and debris t raverse t he st reet , caught in sw eeping pat hs by t he grow ing t rap of t he w ind. Fronds of palm t rees com e crashing dow n from t ow ering height s as t heir seeds fly over, under, up, dow n and all around; int o our neighbour ?s propert y and back int o ours upon gale-force gust s t hat grow m ore violent w it h every dim m ing hour of t he closing day. We have no doubt t hat t rees are going t o fall.
It is early evening, and m y show is st ill going ahead. I am w ary of driving in such condit ions, but I choose t o not let t he w ind prevent m y sharing songs w it h any soul w illing
t o brave t he journey fort h. Darkness has fallen, and as I back out of m y drivew ay, m y eye is draw n t o t he nort h.
Fire on t he m ount ain
Bright yellow flam es, bending sout hw ard w it h t he w ind t ow ards t he San Gabriel foot hills, hom e t o a great m any m em bers of our beloved com m unit y. Thankfully t he burn zone is relat ively sm all, and I am aw are t hat a fire of t his size can effort lessly be quenched by a plane or helicopt er designed t o deft ly douse from above. But w here are t hey? Where are t hese brave m en and w om en w ho I have personally w it nessed, like great gods of t he sky, st am p out all and every t hreat t o t he beaut y of our m ount ain? They are helplessly st anding by Helpless and hopeless as t he m ight y Sant a Anas vanquish any hope t hese heroic pilot s have of lift ing even a single foot off t he ground
I w at ch m ot ionless t hrough m y dust -covered w indscreen as if pet rified by t he blaze rolling it s w ay dow n t he m ount ain t ow ards t he m ost glorious t ow n in all of Am erica. At least t hat ?s w hat it is t o m e, an im m igrant from Cork, w ho 17 years ago w as w elcom ed w it h open arm s by Alt adena?s dow n t o eart h resident s w hose sense of com m unit y is akin t o t hat of m y nat ive Ballint em ple Far from hom e, yet hom e afar; close in dist ance t o t he glit z and glam our of Hollyw ood, yet a w orld aw ay w it hin t he best kept secret of all Los Angeles A secret , at least unt il t onight
Day becom es Tw ilight ; An Eeire Sky over Pasadena
The gig is off, and a num ber of neighbours are packing t heir bags and heading sout h, but Jessica and I choose t o st ay t hrough our hope t hat t he w rat h of w hat has already been dubbed a ?hurricane blaze?m ight keep it s dist ance from t he hom e w e have grow n t o love A t ree com es crashing dow n 100 feet from our house, and soon com e t he phone alert s w arning of pot ent ial evacuat ion. We pack our bag, and as w e glance t o t he nort h, t he flam es seem far closer t han t he 2.4 m iles t hat st and bet w een us and t he foot of t he m ount ain, and all w e are hoping for now is a break in t he w ind t hat m ight render our im m inent sout hw ard journey safe
A m egaphone blares it s com m and from a police vehicle at 4 30 am m andat ing t hat everyone leave t he area, and w it h no respit e from t he w ind, w e are faced w it h eit her w arring against hurricane force gust s or risking being engulfed in flam es t hat are now closer t han w e could ever have im agined possible
Our t rem bling bichon-t errier nest les bet w een our seat s as w e slow ly edge our w ay t o t he st reet And t hen w e st op
Where are t he flam es? Where did t hey go? Where are t he yellow s and reds t hat shone so bright as t o dim t he st ars of our sky?
The sw irling sm oke and ash have grow n so dense t hat our w hole w orld of vision ext ends t o just t en feet in every direct ion.
We roll our w ay forw ard t o a line of barely visible cars t hat w e soon discover have been st alled by a fallen
t ree blocking t heir pat h Several drivers t urn around, and alt hough w e cannot m ake out faces, t he errat ic nat ure of t heir t urns paint s panicked expressions on t he haze, and as t hese w ould-be fleers search out an alt ernat e exit , w e decide it is w ort h braving t he fallen t ree. We silent ly w ait , and as a sudden gust of w ind bends t he prost rat e ficus lim bs t ow ards t he sout h, w e sw ing up on t he foot pat h, and accom panied by t he score of sharp branches scraping t he lengt h of our car, w e are finally on our w ay.
At our host s?apart m ent , w ords are few t hrough our plet hora of coughs, but eyes com m unicat e all w e dare not ut t er as w e list en t o new s of a great m any st ruct ures just nort h of our house having burned t o t he ground
Now I w ant t o m ove back t o Ireland My house can t urn t o ash, and aft er I reluct ant ly let it go, I w ill gladly revert t o w int ers filled w it h rain and snow w hile basking in t he know ledge t hat I am again am ongst a people w ho only know of such cat aclysm s t hrough list ening t o st ories from lands afar.
New s of a friend losing t heir hom e reaches us at 7am They are t he Casburns, t he fam ily w ho ow ns t he venue I w as scheduled t o play t he night before and w ho are verit able pillars of our com m unit y Minut es lat er w e learn t hat t heir bar m anager has also lost his hom e We are ut t erly shocked, and a m inut e lat er, new s of anot her loss, and t hen anot her, and anot her aft er t hat . A huge num ber of propert ies in Alt adena, t he border of w hich is less t han half a m ile from our house, are sim ply gone, and as t he w inds cont inue t o rage, t he inferno has crossed int o Pasadena.
New s reaches us t hat , as of now , our hom e is st ill st anding, but nobody can doubt t hat t he Sant a Anas w ill reign suprem e for several days m ore, ripping w orlds t o shreds t hrough t he very last exhaust ion of it s breat h
Our evacuat ion m andat e has last ed 4 days, and aft er w e ret urn t o our house, w hich reeks of sm oke, w e are relieved t o discover t hat t he dam age is m inim al: A handful of shingles st ripped from t he roof, t he gat e is gone, t he house is covered in ash, and t he propert y is surrounded by broken branches, leaves, and palm fronds The air is far t oo t oxic t o breat he w it hout a m ask, and t he w at er is so cont am inat ed t hat w e are w arned by cit y officials not t o use it But w e are t he lucky ones Overw helm ed w it h grat it ude, yet sim ult aneously m arred by sadness for t he devast at ing losses all around.
The nat ional guard has lined t he st reet just nort h of our house for over a w eek now , and volunt eers are handing out bot t led w at er and N95 m asks. We are w ashing t he ash from our floors and w alls daily, and w e blast an air purifier at full pow er t hrough t he one room in w hich w e have chosen t o spend m ost of our t im e.
As our com m unit y com es back t oget her, few st ories are shared about how each of us evacuat ed our hom es, and m ost of us are aw are of how each of us has fared in t he w ake of t hat t errible Tuesday For t he few people w e m eet w hose fat e is yet unknow n t o us, t he answ er com es in a sim ple nod or shake of t heir head. That single gest ure is enough t o com m unicat e t he ext ent of t heir fort une or lack t hereof t hrough t his m om ent in hist ory t hat w ill never be forgot t en. In spit e of our shocking t ragedy, t he resident s of t his com m unit y rem ain t ight knit and st rong Hard w orking, dow n t o eart h, good nat ured people w ho are resolut e in t heir com m it m ent t o bring t he gem t hat is Alt adena back t o it s right ful place at t he very t ip of Los Angeles Count y?s crow n
And so it has ended, as t hrough resilience, recovery begins
We are deeply m oved and very appreciat ive t o Ow en Dara for sharing his first hand account of t he recent devest at ing firest orm in Alt adena and close environs w it h t he Irish Arts & Entertainment and our readers.
The SoCal fires are an an ongoing t ragedy and our prayers and t hought s are w it h eveyone w ho is suffering. The scale and scope of t his disast er is hard t o grasp. All photos accompaning this feature were taken by Owen Dare
Pict ures of t he devast at ion on Lake Avenue in Alt adena! A once t hriving aut o repair shop t uned t o a m olt en m ess and rust ing hulks of cars. In t he aft erm at h, our readers can. help by support ing w w w.alt adenarise.co Feat ure com ing in our March issue Photos by Thom MacNamara.
Irish Travel
By John M cNally
Hill of Uisneach, Ireland's Sacred Center
Legend has it that thisancient site served as the resting place of the Gods, the Seat of the High Kings, and the meeting point of Ireland'sfour provinces. Nestled in the heart of Ireland lies the Hill of Uisneach, revered as the sacred center of the Emerald Isle From an elevation of 600 feet, Uisneach providesa sweeping panoramic view on clear days, revealing glimpses of up to twenty of Ireland'scounties.
Located within a private working farm in Westmeath, access to Uisneach is restricted to pre-booked guided tours. We chose a private excursion led by Mullingar native Justin Moffat, a knowledgeable nutritionist and herbalist. Justin'stour skillfully intertwined folklore, mythology, archaeology, and history, starting with the Royal Palace?sfoundation of conjoined ring forts From these foundations, ancient roads were pointed out leading to the Hill of Tara and other kingdoms' seatslike Navan to the North and Cashel to the South.
ON THERIGHT: Sally McNally at t he st at ue of Ériu on t heHill of Uisneach. Sculpt ure by Belfast art ist Pat sy Prest on.
Hill of Uisneach
Our encounter with a small herd of cows crossing our path wasa gentle reminder that thisheritage site is part of a private, working farm? one that even hosts the rare native Irish Brindled cow
At the summit standsa Trig Point, a four-foot-tall concrete pillar installed by the British during their 19th-century mapping of Ireland
The most famousfeature on Uisneach isundoubtedly Ail na Mireann (the stone of divisions), known locally asThe Cat Stone The boulder wasleft in this field by a glacier 10,000 yearsago issaid to be the exact center of Ireland. Thisis where kingswere crowned, and warriors took their oaths JamesJoyce called it an Omphalos, Greek for navel, a sacred center like the Delphi in Greece. Daniel O?Connell, Padraig Pearse, and Eamonn De Valera each addressed huge crowds from atop the Ail na Mireann
Our guide performed a ceremonial burning of incense and then allowed ussolitude to reflect on the site's profound significance
A special time to visit thisyear would be for their Bealtaine Fire Festival to welcome the summer on May 10th. A great gathering of like-minded Gaels, many in costume, create a festival village, share their stories and talents, and then at dusk form a procession up the hill to light a traditional bonfire.
Unfortunately, I saw on Facebook that an ancient white hawthorn tree, itsroots entwined in boulders and deeply tied to the legendsof the Tuatha Dé Danann, wasbrought down during Storm Éowyn
The tour through the 250-acre site takes2-3 hoursand is truly one of Ireland'shidden gems.
A pair of tickets for you and your sweethear t to Saint Patr ick' s Day In Ir eland will m ake an am azing Valentine' s gift. A fun filled date and a m onth of anticipation! See adver t and links in our calendar section this issue www.kerryirishproductions.com
Visitor Guide:
The Hill of Uisneach is locat ed in Count y West m eat h, Ireland.It is sit uat ed near t he village of Loughnavalley, about 80 kilom et ers w est of Dublin.
To learn m ore about t he Hill of Uisneach and t o book a t our, you can visit t heir w ebsit e at w w w.uisneach.ie Phone: 353 (0) 87 718 9550.
LEFT: John McNally on Ail na Mireann, a glacial errat ic, at t he sacred cent er of Ireland
Ir ish M usic : News& Reviews
Keit h Harkin w as t he lead singer of Celt ic Thunder for a decade Not only did he perform in t he show , he also w rot e m usic for it . They had 10 #1 Billboard album s. Selling m illions w orldw ide and st arred in m ult iple PBS specials in t he USA & Canada Keit h has been t ouring solo now for 10 years in t he USA, Canada & Aust ralia
He has been signed t o Verve Records Blue Elan and Decca in t he st at es Keit h w as t he first person signed t o t he renew ed Verve Records by t he one and only m ult i-Gram m y w inning producer David Fost er. Four of Keit h's solo album s have been #1 on t he World Music Billboard chart s in bot h USA and Canada He has played for President Obam a at The Whit e House, Sir Richard Branson on Necker Island m any t im es, t he Pent agon & perform ed nat ional ant hem s all over Am erica t o nam e but a few He is about t o em bark on a solo acoust ic 40 cit y t our of Am erica. - March / April 2025 and release his 11t h album in NYC in March w hilst on t our.
Keit hs new album " A proper St Pat ricks day Il" is set t o release on March 16t h. It is a live Irish album paying hom age t o his childhood playing at t he local bar w it h his Dad on St Pat ricks Day in Ireland There w ill be an album launch part y and show at t he one and only, " The Dead Rabbit " in NYC
When people ask about Keit h's m usic w e say it has 'Irish Soul & Rock ?n? Roll!" His m usic is heavily influenced by all t he Irish t roubadours but also a st rong pull on Rock ?n?Roll, Am ericana and Count ry.
Learn m ore about Keit h and get t icket s t o his show s w w w.keit hharkin.com / t our ht t ps:/ / w w w.facebook.com / keit hharkinofficial NOW on Band Cam p
Kris Colt 's new st ory and song, Kris m ixes Count ry, Bluegrass and Am ericana st yles t o her Celt ic-st yled songs w w w.kriscolt -blackrose.com /
The Irish Arts & Entertainment's CELTIC CAMERA
By Date OnGoing Trivia & Around The States
By Date OnGoing Trivia & Around The States
Every Week
Sundays st art ing @ 4:pm
Irish Music Session
w it h Irish Dancers from t he McNult y School and t radit ional m usic live/ No Cover
Auld Dubliner Irish Pub Long Beach
w w w.aulddubliner.com
See advert this issue on page 9
Thursdays st art ing @ 9:pm Irish Music w it h Niall Cash
Irish Music Maker from Wexford. Follow him on
w w w inst agram com / niallcash
The Auld Dubliner Irish Pub, Long Beach
w w w aulddubliner com
Open Session, Irish Language Class& Social. Full Bar
CAC@The Mayflower Club 11110 Victory Blvd , North Hollywood, CA www.celticarts center.com
CRAiC HAUS hails from Clarem ont , California, and t hey are t he pioneers of "Sham rockabilly"! This am azing local band brings a heavy dose of t he Em erald Isles t o SoCal!
Sunday, February 9
Six Nat ions Rugby Ireland V Scot land
Check t im es at Your local: See page for our list of pubs.
February 14 & 15,
KILLT See t his rousing t rio play a m ixt ure of Celt ic and rock m usic, w it h a hard edge
Check t im es online w w w t het hreest agspub com
February 15 & March 1
Three St ags Irish Pub present s Whiskey Feb 15,
2025, 8:00 PM ? 11:00 PM Rousing Irish Am ericana. Music t hat asks you t o pour som et hing single-m alt , sit on t he porch, and sip reverent ly
Three St ags Irish Pub w w w.t het hreest agspub.com
February 23-27
Check timesonline
Hammer Theatre Center 101 Paseo De San Antonio , San Jose, CA
Riverdance principal dancer Ryan McCaffrey w ill join t he 2025 Tour for a w eek of fun, spect acular Irish dance, and m usic in celebrat ion of St . Pat rick's Day! Aw ait ing you; a rollicking night of m usic and dance t hat carries on t he Irish t radit ions of celebrat ing fam ily and com m unit y Experience t he sheer joy of being Irish at St , Pat rick's Day In Ireland1 The seasoned Kerry Music Makers are joined by t he legendary st ar of Riverdance, Ryan McCaffrey, alongside anot her Riverdance vet eran, Court ney D?Angelo, and t w o beguiling new com ers Aubrey St agnaro and Layla Giles.
Sing your heart out w it h t he band on som e great Irish songs including:The Wild Rover, Ireland?s Call, Raglan Road, Leaving of Limericka, Black Velvet Band and m ore Irish t rad favourit es!
Be t ransport ed back t o t he Em erald Isle for a w ild evening of fiddles, bodhrán, pipes, song and dance t hat w ill have you leaving t he t heat re w it h a jig in your st ep!
The 2025 Guinness Six Nat ions Rugby is in full sw ing from t his w eekend t o t he final m at ch on March 15t h
Ireland hasstarted the 2025 Six Nations Championship strongly The Irish team defeated England and Scotland in their in Dublin, secur first two matches They have also garnered bonus point s These victories put Ireland in a good position early in the tournament. For their next game, Ireland will face Waleson Saturday, February 22nd at 2:15 PM in Cardiff at Princcipality Ireland is now certainly considered a favorite to win the Six Nations again in 2025 They are the defending champions, having won the tournament in both 2023 and 2024! Ireland isaiming for an historic hat-trick, asno nation has previously won the championship outright in three consecutive seasonssince the original Home Nationstournament began in 1883
Check back every few days for
The SoCal Irish Fair and Music Fest ival t hat w as planned in Torrance for t his past July has been rescheduled t o Fat her 's Day Weekend 2025.
Please follow t he Reorganizat ion New s and Plans on t heir Facebook Page. Irish Com m unit y input is im port ant . So, please join t he page and support t his im port ant event !
We invite you to Advertise With Us
Our new Media Kit is available if you are int erest ed in advert ising or prom ot ing your business or event w it h us. Our proven 30 plus year t rack record speaks for it self w hen it com es t o great value w it h our niche m arket publicat ion!
We really have no equal.
Now in addit ion t o our effect ive and w ell respect ed publicat ion; our t eam has
The View From Ireland Feat ure last year about t he Irish Language by our great friend and Irish Art s and Ent ert ainm ent colum nist Maurice Fit zpat rick really resonat ed w it h us. We use t he m ont hs of t he year in each issue but our collect ive Irish is very lim it ed.
In fact , w orking on t he folio (t he t op of each page) recent ly, I forgot t he w ord for Oct ober in Irish and had t o look it up. I found t his really int erest ing YouTube video and share t he link below.
m ast ered Digit al Market ing and w e can enhance your out reach for a very cost effect ive rat e.
The digit al age has been good t o us and w e have been able t o prosper and grow our subscriber base. We w ill have det ails soon on our expansion plans and our Affiliat e Program s. We are also going t o enhance our Very Irish Perks and st art a new series of very excit ing Draw ings and Cont est s!
The Holidays are alm ost here and w e w ill be doing Special issues for Hallow een and for Christ m as!
I w ould like t o change m y lack of Irish t oo so st art ing now and in fut ure issues, w e w ill be offering our readers a few w ords or phrases in our Mot her Language
Also, if you are in t he LA area,t he Celt ic Art s Cent er has ongoing Irish lessons As w e expand around t he US, w e w ill add m ore such links. More on t his project in com ing issues.
The Auld Dubliner
Every Monday w e host Trivia Night , gat her your friends and com e in t o com pet e and enjoy a pint .
The Auld Dubliner 71 Pine St Long Beach, CA w w w.aulddubliner.com
O'Brien's Irish Pub St andard Trivia Night s are Mondays and Wednesdays Monday st art s at 8PM t ill 10:30PM WED: 8PM t o 10PM Form a t eam or t ry t o form one at t he pub. Play for cash prizes of $150. No ent ry fee O'Brien's Irish Pub 2226 Wilshire Sant a Monica, CA w w w.obriensla.com
Ye Olde King's Head Brit ish Pub & Rest aurant Trivia in t he pub at 7:30pm 116 Sant a Monica Bl Sant a Monica, CA w w w.yeoldekingshead.com
The Harp Inn Irish Pub Pour House Trivia Every Wednesday Evening at 7;00pm
THE HARP 130 E. 17t h. St .
Cost a Mesa, CA w w w.harpinn.com
Cost a Mesa, CA w w w.harpinn.com
Killt , Feb 14, See t his rousing t rio play a m ixt ure of Celt ic and rock m usic, w it h a hard edge, 2025, 10:00 PM ? Feb 15, 1:00 AM
Seisiúnis (Irish session )
St art s at 6:pm
azirish.org/ first -friday/ Third Friday
Contact Us
Phone: 602-258-0109, Em ail: info@azirish.org, 1106 Nort h Cent ral Ave Phoenix, Arizona 85004
w w w.azirish.org
Live Celic Music
February 8
Krisc Colt Solo
Branson, MO
Cincinnat i
Check our FACEBOOK PAGES for Daily Updat es:
Irish Art s & Ent ert ainm ent
All subscribers become members of our VIP Group.
Current ly w e are offering som e really good prom ot ions and as t he Pandem ic eases w e w ill add m ore
At Present :
O'Brien's On Wilshire in Sant a Monica w ill give our subscribers a Free Appet izer w it h purchase. w w w obriensla com
Go t o t he m enu click here
An am azing offer for our ow n VIP Mem bers and Subscribers!
Buy a GIFT SUBSCRIPTION bet w een now and Decem ber 23rd. and w e w ill give you a FREE ONE YEAR EXTENSION on your ow n subscript ion.
PubGuide E New s LA Count y Irish Event s
Irish Arts & Entertainment's VERY IRISH PERKS (VIP) PRIMER
The VIP program is a very im port ant com ponent of our subscript ion program It has a m ult it ude of posit ive fact ors built int o t he program . It serves as a bonus/ rew ard syst em for spending hard cold cash on our publicat ion AND it is a good net w orking t ool for t he Publisher We are able t o at t ract subscribers and advert isers t o our publicat ion and keep t hem int erest ed w hile delivering great Irish int erest cont ent and inform at ion t o our readers. The advert isers benefit by having a readership int erest ed in our excit ing niche m arket and t hey can t arget our readers w it h special offers The volum e m akes it w ort hw hile for t hem t o part icipat e.
The Pandem ic has set us all back a bit in one w ay or anot her and w e are rebuilding our VIP benefit s package We w ere count ing on discount s and deals at pubs and event s but t hat plan is now on t he back burner as t here are few event s and pubs need volum e t o m ake t he discount s pract ical. In t he m eant im e, w e are w orking hard t o line up new offers for our subscribers Throughout t his Buying Guide, w e have som e list ings on good deals and w e w ill be adding special offers t o our w ebsit e as w e find t hem . One VIP, w e have now of int erest is Buy ONE SUB and get a Gift Subscript ion!
Be sure t o check out t he Very Irish Perks each issue and on our Facebook pages.
We are expanding and w e are using new and im proved m et hods for reaching out t o our readers!
We have set up a new affiliat ed Irish Art s & Ent ert ainm ent Channel on Telegram .