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Dear Friends and Readers, Win 2 R/ T Tickets To Dublin Drawings!
We w ould really appreciat e your help t o fulfill our m ission of delivering engaging, and t im ely event s and inform at ion of Irish int erest . We know t hat t here is a lot going on and t hat it is difficult t o decide how t o spend your t im e and m oney.
If you are reading t his, odds are you have an int erest in ALL THINGS IRISH! If so, you m ay have not iced t hat t he cult ural landscape of Sout hern California has changed There has definit ely been a shift in ent ert ainm ent and Irish t hem es are sim ply not as popular as in t he recent past , We accept his and w e underst and fully t hat t he only "const ant in t he universe is change " The hard realit y of t his is t hat Irish Ent ert ainm ent opport unit ies are not nearly as popular in SoCal anym ore. That sad fact has t aken a t oll on our advert ising revenue.
There is a solut ion! If you like our cont ent t hen subscribe. Only $25. a year. You help us st ay in business and you help us keep t he Irish Com m unit y connect ed.
We also m ake it fun t o subscribe by offering not just great and int erest ing Irish cont ent but by including our subscribers in cont est s and arranging discount s (Details via Email and throughout this and every issue.)
And t o all of you w ho have signed up already, m any t hanks again! Please t ell your fam ily and friends. We invit e you t o check our w ebsit e t oo! w w w.irishart sandent ert ainm ent .com
By Ji m M cD on ou gh
Patrick arrivesin Ireland, maybe from a Roman Province in either present day Scotland or Wales, no one knows for sure. We do know he wasa Roman Briton and we know quite a bit about hisfamily and youth from his own hand He wrote his semi autobiograpic "Confessions" before he died.
Irish history is resplendent in storiesand details of the a fervent Century of Faith and Conversions after his arrival In 445 Patrick built his first stone chuch in Armagh, The Church of Ireland'sSt Patrick'sCathedral wasbuilt on the site beginning in the early 1200's Ireland doesindeed become a land of saintsand scholars In Ireland and the United States in paricular hundredsof churches are named in his honor
St. Patrick?sdeath is March 17, 493.
He diesin Saul, in what isnow Co. Down. His grave in Downpatrick also contains the remainsof Ireland?sother two patron saintsSt. Colmcille and St. Brigid.
Thisisthe Golden Age for the melding of Irish Tradition and a very accepting and humanistic form of Irish Chritianity. The Church of Rome isfar away and local customs and practices are the order of the day. Irish Monks and Nuns and orders thrived. Irish Catholic ideas were strong and Irish Catholic Literacy kept knowledge alive while the rest of Europe waged war and the Western Roman Empite crumbled.
Librariesand Monastic Traditions Thrived
Irish Christian communitiesflourished thanks to Ireland's desire to spread the Good News! Irish monks settled Ioana and many other outposts St Brendan the Navigator wasborn near Tralee in 485 AD and died at a very old age, (some say as late as565 AD) explored the Seas and may well have made it to North America around 540 AD Ireland's Five Provinces ruled by local Chieftains, Families and Kingsprospered Tara became the seat of the High King This istruly a fascinating and mysterious time in Irish History
Much of it wassoon to be lost asthe Viking Era of mayhem , raidsand conquest of a lot of Ireland's coastal regions begain. Thisperiod started roughly around 800 AD Viking Longboats were viewed with horror asthey first took the coastal villages and settlementsand then crisscrossed Ireland's Rivers. This age of brutality and destruction lasted about 60 yearsand most of St. Patrick'sand hissuccessorschurches, communities and monasteries; the hard work of many generations was burned, down and sacked
After all that, slowly but surely St Patrick?smonasteries and many churchesin Ireland (and the world) have been rebuilt and established.
In 1169, The Anglo Normans arrived and started to colonize Ireland. The battles, betrayals and struggles continue to this day. The invaders were Catholic adherents, but the did not practice any Christian values. They were brutal and pillaged and enslaved the Irish. By the 1500's, once again, the invaders were becoming Irish in nature and started to want more freedom from London. St Patrick took his place symbolically as a revered custom as a way to be different from the English rulers who liked their own saints. So once again he was Ireland's formost patron saint.
We referenced TheIrish Post online for most of the following dates, so thanks to them for thisinfo
1601? The world?s first ever St Patrick?s Day Parade isheld in St Augustine, Florida. A local Irish priest who had arrived with the Spanish started it To this day, St Augustine has a wonderful parade
Most historianssay Dublin wassettled by Vikingsaround 841 so about then peace and trade started to develop.
Brian Boru started the end Viking rule at the Battle of Clontarf in 1014 AD but died by assasination after the victory.
The Aurora Borealis, over St. Patrick's in Armagh. The city isconsidered the Spiritual Capitol of Ireland and is home to two magnificent St. Patrick Cathedrals
In 1635AD, St. Patrick''sFeast Day put on the Church's universal calendar Thanks to the effortsof Waterford-born Luke Wadding
1737 The very first St Patrick?s Day parade isheld in Boston, Massachusetts. The first New York Paddy's Day Parade followsin 1762 We are starting to take over!!
1903 St Patrick?sDay becomes a public holiday in Ireland for the first time.
1916 The Easter, Monday Uprising and the Irish Proclamation start to dominate Irish heartsand minds, St Patrick?siDay isagain put on the back burner in Ireland for another 30 or so years However the name Patrick gainsin popularity! Padraig Pearse, continues the work of Patrick Sarsfield in popularising the patron saint?sname.
1931 Ireland?sfirst ever St Patrick?s Day parade takes place in Dublin But it?s more of a military affair, reviewed by the then Minister of Defence
1996 London?sfirst St Patrick?s Day parade.
2020 & 2021 The NEW DARK AGES All St Patrick?s Day paradesand festivalsworldwide are KAPUT because of Covid 19
However, there wasone bright spot, the Irish Artsand Entertainment and Harborside Radio, an internet radio station in Warrenpoint, County Down, NI organized an amazing marathon radio broadcast hosted by Owen Dara. We called it ALONETOGETHERand mostly by our own effortsand ads, we managed to garner thousandsof fansand listeners from around the world!
Thingsare slowly returning to pre Covod attendance in a lot of places but society haschanged and some areasare reporting dramatic shiftstoward lower attendance Southern California venues have trouble filling seatsand major Irish concertsand groups are skipping the state in general and especially the LA area
ED NOTE: We are hoping for a resurgence! So please take thisarticle to heart and do your best to support Irish Eventsand advertisersin this issue.
St Patrick aswe all know isthe Patron Saint of Ireland, we explored his legacy in the feature that started on page 3, here we are going into a bit of detail about his life Most historiansbelieve that Saint Patrick wasborn around 385 AD in Kilpatrick, Scotland and captured by Irish pirates orslave traderswhen he wasaround 15 Hisbirth name was
Maewyn Succat.
His parents wre Calpurnius (father) and Conchessa (mother) Calpurnius wasa Roman military officer and deacon, while Conchessa wasrelated to St Martin of Tours
Patrick wrote an autobiographical work called "Confessio" in Latin, which
He was ordained by St Germanus, the Bishop of Auxerre, under whom he had studied for many years around the age of 30
Saint Patrick finally returned to Ireland to begin his missionary work around 432 AD. Many years in religioustraining and preparation had passed when he was ordained asa bishop and sent by Pope Celestine I to Ireland to spread Christianity among the largely pagan population4. Upon hisreturn, Patrick went into the area near present day Armagh to confront the Druidsand pagan chieftains, this confrontational style marked the beginning of his extensive effortsto convert the Irish people to Christianity, Hismission would last for several decadesand have a profound impact on the religiouslandscape of Ireland.
translatesto "Confession" in English Thiswork isconsidered his spiritual biography
After hisescape and return to his home, Patrick had a series of dreams that influenced hiscalling to become a priest
St. Patrick chose the hill of Slane to light the Easter fire, which wasvisible from both Tara (the political capital) and Brú na Boinne (an ancient religioussite). Thisstrategic location brought Christianity directly into the heart of pagan Ireland2 It also went against the rulesof the Druids who had forbidden any firesto be lit except their own, The custom of lighting an "Easter fire" already existed in Ireland before St Patrick's arrival It was part of a pagan celebration marking the "birthday of the year" on March 25. The concept was to blend the new religion and belief in the Trinity with old pagan rituals. It worked!
An interesting fact, St. Patrick's Easter fire was actually lit by St Cianan, who had just been ordained
asthe first Christian priest in Ireland by Patrick
Saint Patrick ordained and worked with several Irish saintswho continued his mission of spreading Christianity in Ireland. Some notable figuresinclude:: Saint Benignus: He wasone of Patrick'searliest converts and became hissuccessor asBishop of Armagh1
Saint Auxilius: Ordained by Patrick, he helped establish churches in Ireland1
Saint Iserninus: Another disciple of Patrick who assisted in evangelizing Ireland1.
Saint Fiacc: Converted and ordained by Patrick, he became a bishop and continued Patrick's work1.
These saintsplayed crucial rolesin continuing Patrick'smission and establishing Christianity throughout Ireland
We did an extensive story on St Brigid of Ireland in February so here is a link to that: It isalso believed that St. Patrick introduced the Celtic Cross, combining the Christian cross with a native sun-worshiping symbol
All sport ing event s are best w hen shared w it h ot her ent usiast s so w e heart ily recom m end our advert isers w ho are show ing t he m at ches Pubs open early t o show t he m at ch and m any have food specials! A prim er on RUGBY 101 is linked here if you are new t o t he sport : ht t ps:/ / usa.rugby/ rugby101
Mar 8 Italy vs Scotland Stadio Olimpico, Rome
Mar 8 England vs Ireland Twickenham, London
Mar 9 Wales vs France Principality Stadium, Cardiff
Mar 15 Wales vs Italy Principality Stadium, Cardiff
Mar 15 Ireland vs Scotland Aviva Stadium, Dublin
Mar 16 France vs England Stade de France, Paris
By Jim McDonough
Ireland defeated a very spirited Walesteam on February 22 Wales18 and Ireland 27 was the final! The score however, did not really reflect the intensity of the game
The GuinnessSix NationsRugby Championship isunderway! It isusually a fantastic tournament with a lot of excitement and thisyear isno exception especially for Ireland's fans!
Ireland'sChances: Ireland hassolidified their position to pull off a THREEPEAT and win the tourney for the ThirdYear in a row
They are definitely favored to win again in 2025. Winning back-to-back championshipsisa difficult feat, but Ireland has the talent and momentum now to achieve it.
Before we get into any more on the final matches, let's delve into a question that we have had a few Emails about. Why are their "Dark Weekendswith no matches?"
Dark Weekends:The breaks, or "dark weekends," are built into the Six Nationsschedule for a few reasons Although, it looks like this might change but we have not seen a confirmation Primarily, it's to allow teams time to recover between physically demanding matches Rugby isa brutal sport, and these breaksallow playersto heal and coaches to adjust strategies. It also helpswith the overall flow of the tournament, creating anticipation for the next round of matches
Aswe have already mentioned and most of our readers already know, Ireland won the Six Nationsin 2023 and 2024, so they will be trying to make it three in a row. Well worth repeating asthe growing popularity of Rugby hassome fans who might not know the recent history,, Nice to read at any rate!
The tournament'sroots go way back to the late 19th century, starting asthe Home Nations Championship between England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland F rance joined in 1910, creating the Five Nations, and Italy joined in 2000, making it the GuinnessSix Nations
The surge in popularity in bars and pubsislikely due to a combination of factors. The GuinnessSix Nations coincides with a period when other major sporting eventsmight be less prevalent, filling a gap for sportsfans. The exciting nature of the rugby matches, the national pride involved, and the social atmosphere of watching with friends all contribute to its appeal. Rugby hasseen increasing investment and commercialization in recent years, with sponsorships, broadcasting deals, and growing fan bases While it may not reach the levels of some other sports, there'sdefinitely a lot of money involved. The rising popularity in bars and pubs isa natural outcome of this growing interest and investment in the sport. I think the bGuinnessBranding hascreated an allure aswell.
www sixnationsrugby com
Kerry Irish Productionsis pleased to announce a limited tour for the Saint Patrick?sDay holiday.
Saint Patrick?sDay in Ireland is a raucousevening of music and dance that carries on the Irish traditionsof celebrating with music and family Be prepared to be transported back to the Emerald Isle for a wild Irish night of fiddles, bodhrán, pipes, flutes, song and dance.
The program featuresthe talented multi-instrumentalistsfrom the Kerry Traditional Band: Colin Cotter, guitar/fidil/vocals; Ann Colliton, bodhrán/percussion, Sumaia Jackson, fidil and Tim Hill, uilleann pipes/flutes/vocals
along with dancersfrom the Kerry Dance Troupe, solo dancers, and guest dancersfrom highly regarded regional Irish dance academies all under the direction of producer, Margaret O?Carroll of Kerry Irish Productions
Sing your heart out with the band on some great Irish songs including: The Wild Rover (often referred to as Ireland?s 2nd national anthem), Red isthe Rose, Leaving of Limerick, Spanish Lady, Ireland?sCall and many more.
?St. Patrick?sDay inIrelanddeliversa night of rip-roaringmusicsonganddance? " ... IrishArts&Entertainment
For 2025, Special Irish dance school guestsinclude: Kennelly School of Irish Dance, Rohan Murphy Irish Dance Academy & FIREDANCE- Irish Dance 805
Pictured Here: Dancers from t he 2024
St . Pat rick's Day In Ireland Tour
Kerry Irish ProductionsInc. was founded in 2015 by Margaret O?Carroll (from Co Kerry, Ireland) with the intention of promoting and sharing Irish culture here in the United States
The company hasproduced and presented the showsAn Irish Christmas, Christmasfrom a Celtic Table, St Patrick?sDay in Ireland, Celtic Wings and The Heart of an Irish Woman in Performing ArtsCentersthroughout the United States Kerry Irish Productionsalso workswith major
corporationsincluding Aer Lingus, Tourism Ireland, Flavors of Ireland, and the Irish Consulate to produce special eventsin various UScities and for major companies: Blackrock.com, The Ireland Funds, The IMA Group, The Professional Dance Association, The Irish-American Bar Association, Ireland Week, PBSAutumn Pledge Drives, ICN Network (Chinese national television network), The Irish Industrial Development Authority, The Irish Technology and Leadership Group to name a few! Kerry Irish Productions
wasalso invited to lead the entertainment in a celebration of Julie Andrews?work on Broadway and in film in a sell-out event at the Beverly Hilton Hotel
Above, from our cover and on the right: The very talented and hard working Irish Dancers from Firedance 805 in Santa Barbara, CA; pictured here with the founder of the school, Alanna Callaghan in the Center. The second photo (Far right) are Champion Irish Dancersfrom Firedance 805 at the World Irish Dance Association's finals.
One of t he m ost excit ing aspect s of t his year 's abbreviat ed St. Patrick's Day In Ireland live st age
show t our is t he addit ion of local Ir ish Dance School
Dancer s t o t he ext ravaganza!
This w as a hallm ar k of The Chief t ain's Tour s f or m any year s and it is w onder f ul t o see t hat Ker r y Ir ish Product ions is reviving t his t radit ion!
Firedance opened in 2019 and isSanta Barbara?s premier, non-competitive, Irish Dance school. Dancersof all ages and skill levelsare welcome to learn! Artistic director, Alanna Callaghan, has been a dancer since the age of 4 and has won every competitive title including
the highest achievement of a World Champion in both solo and team dancing.
The Irish Dance studentsat Firedance 805 are incredible and show their love of dance in every performance.
For more information on performances and classes, please visit : www.IrishDance805.com
The Exuberance Fact or on display w it h a sim ple, robust and fun hand clap!
The Irish Dance schools scheduled for the other performancesare listed and linked here aswell
Vacaville Perform ing Art s Theat re w hich is set for March 15, 2025 at 7:30pm 1010 Ulat is Drive, Vacaville CA 95687 Box Office: 707.469.4013
Special Dance Ensem ble Guest s: Rohan Murphy Irish Dance Academ y
Kerry'sMargaret O'Carroll also announced, "We are delighted to welcome the superb Kennelly School of Irish Dance asour special guests for two performancesthis March at the HarrisCenter for the Arts, Folsom and UICC, San Francisco. The Kennelly School was established in 1959, and Patricia Kennelly assumed the role of director in 1975. The Kennelly School is proud to have won titlesin solo, céilí, figure and drama categoriesat the North American Championships, and All Ireland!"
Riverdance principal dancer Ryan McCaffrey w ill join t he 2025 Tour for a w eek of fun, spect acular Irish dance, and m usic in celebrat ion of St Pat rick's Day! Aw ait ing you; a rollicking night of m usic and dance t hat carries on t he Irish t radit ions of celebrat ing fam ily and com m unit y Experience t he sheer joy of being Irish at St , Pat rick's Day In Ireland1 The seasoned Kerry Music Makers are joined by t he legendary st ar of Riverdance, Ryan McCaffrey, alongside anot her Riverdance vet eran, Court ney D?Angelo, and t w o beguiling new com ers Aubrey St agnaro and Layla Giles
Sing your heart out w it h t he band on som e great Irish songs including: The Wild Rover, Ireland?s Call, Raglan Road, Black Velvet Band and m ore Irish t rad favourit es!
Be t ransport ed back t o t he Em erald Isle for a w ild evening of fiddles, bodhrán, pipes, song and dance t hat w ill have you leaving t he t heat re w it h a jig in your st ep!
By John McNally
A recent poll has revealed that the gap between those favoring a united Ireland and those living in Northern Ireland wanting to remain part of the United Kingdom has narrowed over the past year The LucidTalk survey, commissioned by the Belfast Telegraph, found that if a referendum were held today, 48%of voterswould choose to stay in the UK, while 41% would support a united Ireland.
The survey also found that 53%of all voters, and 60%of those under 35, believe Irish unity should be pursued within the next 20 years.
When it comesto gender, men are more likely to support remaining in the Union and women prefer Irish unity.
Support for Irish unity is strongest among younger generations. Older generations, however, remain more supportive of the Union
www lucidtalk co uk
An Irish TimesPoll found that there hasbeen an increase in support for holding a referendum on Irish reunification in the Republic of Ireland where 79%of people think there should be a referendum, while 10%are opposed
The new Dublin Government says Irish Unity isnot a priority.
Colin Harvey, a Professor in the School of Law at Queen?sUniversity Belfast, says, ?People worry if this new Irish government isgoing to dodge the Irish Unity issue for the next five years"; Harvey said. "Think about what that meansfor usin the North trying to make the argument proactively?We need to keep calling thisout and reiterate that pursuing Irish Unity should be uncontroversial."
Meanwhile in the USA, Trump wants to see Britain succeed with Brexit so hopefully he will realize that a united Ireland would solve the problem of Northern Ireland?saccess to the EU which hamperstrade deals
Although the Scottish Nationalists Party may have seen a decline in support in Scotland, the population remainsdeeply divided, with an equal split between those in favor of and those opposed to Scottish independence.
In Wales, Plaid Cymru, the party advocating for Welsh independence, was just one point behind the ruling Welsh Labour party in a recent opinion poll
John McNally
Our frequent Cont ribut ing Writ er is Insight ful and w ell t raveled. He is also an Irish Com m unit y act ivist and organizer.
The Princess GraceIrish library was founded in 1984 by Prince Rainier III in memory of his late wife, Princess Grace, to honor her Irish heritage The library's mission is to foster a love of Ireland, its culture, history, and contemporary lifethrough learning and creative thought It aims to engage audiences both in Monaco and internationally. It serves the dual role of being both a tribute an to honor the memory of Irish American actress Grace Kelly and a cultural hub for Irish literature and arts within Monaco.
Impressive Collections arearchived and on display including Princess Grace's personal collection of Irish books and Irish-American sheet music. The Library also includes a significant collection of reference books, including rare first editions, historical items, photographs, and artworks and a wide variety of contemporary Irish literature
The library hosts various cultural events, including readings, talks,
symposia, and musical evenings It also facilitates writer-in-residence programs and academic research.
The Princess GraceIrish Library recently announced that Cork Native, Cónal Creedon is The Ireland Funds Monaco Writer-in-Residence for spring 2025.
Cónal Creedon is an award winning author, playwright, documentary film maker, essayist and collaborative artist who is probably known to our readers as we have reviewed his work numerous times over the years He is known for works in various mediums, including novels, plays, documentary films. and perhaps most notably, Creeden is known for an award winning RTE radio series
" Under The Goldie Fish" a radio soap opera hecreated, received the coveted " Irish Times Best Of The Year Radio for 1996 & 1998"
Cork Native, Cónal Creedon is an award winning author
The Princess Grace Irish Library stands as a testament to Princess Grace's connection to her Irish roots, and it plays a vital role in promoting Irish culturein the heart of Monaco Paula Farquharson is the director of the Princess Grace Irish Library.The library is located at 9 ruePrincesse Marie-de-Lorraine, Monaco-Ville.
Our new website is now in action!
Subscribers will be able to read the current issue and soon archives of the Irish Arts& Entertainment You will still be emailed a link to read, and share the Flipbook However, our research hasshown that there isgreat interest in just going online via smart phones so we will be offering that option.
We can also send you a PDF file via Google Drive or Dropbox etc if you prefer,
FromBerlinBy MauriceFitzpatrick
Last year the opening film of the Berlin Film Festival was an Irish production, Sm'all ThingsLike These" A tough act to follow thisyear, but one which Brendan Canty?s Christy, the only Irish film in this year?s listing, has lived up to
The eponymousChristy (played by Daniel Power) isa tracksuited, blinged, eyebrows-furrowed and lost young Corkman. Christy has been in and out of foster care during histurbulent youth, and he is mourning his mother. He is about to turn eighteen and has no idea about where to go or what to do with hislife The film begins with Christy adjusting to being back in the north side of Cork City, a place that is supposed to be home. Yet he iscontinually estranged: some relatives are new to him as are codesin the menacing gang-controlled part of the city Absent lodgings of his own, he landsby default in the house of his older brother, Shane (played by Diarmuid Noyes) Shane is torn between a will to help Christy ? he employshim in his house-painting business ? and a yearning to have his life with hisyoung family back, even if it means Christy returning to foster care. Shane assumesan in loco parentis role and instructs the authoritiesto seek a family to host Christy, outside Cork if need be. Partly because of these uncertainties, Christy experiences a profound difficulty in integrating back into ?hishome? , and the film becomes a discovery of what home can mean for him
When Christy, a gutsy young man, realisesthat he is not wholly welcome at Shane?splace, he opts to sleep rough for a night, encountering an on-off drug addict Here the film exposes the still uglier side of the Irish housing crisis ? the concomitant homelessnessdisaster It isnot so much a subplot asa ghastly vista that Christy, who is more capable of looking after himself than he isgiven credit for, managesto steer away from.
Christy?s break with Shane leaveshim not only homeless but jobless. Here, in an example of female rolesin the film that are not only heroic but believable, a family friend, Pauline, steps in A hairdresser by trade, Pauline has faith in Christy and giveshim a start asa barber. His mother had also cut hair, and Christy evinces a flair with the scissorsand razor. Soon the young lads of Knocknaheeny all want the ?Christy Special? It is a lifeline for the young Christy and seems to confirm that he will be staying at home in Cork
The tone of film owessomething to the runaway success, Young Offenders, Peter Foott?s 2016 madcap escapade, also set in Cork featuring track suited lads in search of adventure or fortune or whatever Still, this film remainsvery much its own and its exploration of Christy?sinner crisisisessentially serious Canty wisely pullsback from a tragic ending Christy several timescomes to the precipice, but it is more of a piece with the rest of the film that he does not go over. While not made fully explicit in the film, Christy?s mother?s death may have been drugs related. One side of the wider family are dealers, and one cousin is a kingpin who
rulesa fiefdom The searing grief Shane experiencesmay be complicated by the knowledge that his own wider family was partly responsible for his mother?sdemise; he wantsto protect Christy both from them and from any perception of their implication in her death The split in the family isprobably irresolvable. Nevertheless, Shane triesto contain it
Christy launches a real talent in director Brendan Canty Despite the weighty themesof the film, Canty managed to condense and convey the palpable sense of community and joviality of Knocknaheeny: audiencesat the Berlin Film Festival rocked with laughter at the varioussend-ups and put-downs delivered in the film with the rising lilt of Corkonian indignation. Just asRich Peppiatt did for West Belfast in Kneecap, Brendan Canty hasdone much to contribute to an emergent cinematic hub in Cork.
Full credit to the cast aswell. Some of them cut their teeth in the aforementioned The Young Offenders But it is a boy in a wheelchair who steals the show: his imperturbable drive and wit make him loved by all in the hard but compassionate community. The film resolves with a reconciliation of the brothers through the intimacy of a haircut ? Shane arrives at the hairdresser at the end for a ?Christy Special?and puts himself in Christy?sgentle and capable hands.
?You?ve never been to Cork?is a haughty dismissal non-Corkonianssometimeshave to deal with from denizensof the Rebel County In Christy, we have a portrait of a man who seems to invert it by embodying a sense of pride that he has never been outside Cork. The journey of this film isChristy?s struggle to make sense of his life and configure that within a sense of home Just as cinema audience members were reaching for their coats to brave the perishing elements in the German capital, the entire cast displayed (over the rolling credits) their hip-hop mojo on the silver screen. The film intermittently incorporatesrap with attitude and verve In a final flourish, they treat us, à la Slumdog Millionaire?scoda, to a number that would knock the head off a Norrie
Direct or Brendan Cant y on locat ion
The Irish dram a film direct ed by Brendan Cant y It prem iered at t he 75t h Berlin Int ernat ional Film Fest ival in February 2025. It 's about t w o est ranged brot hers t rying t o reconnect .
The film w as also t he Berlin Film Fest ival Prem iere w hen it w as select ed t o open t he Generat ion 14 plus sect ion of
t he Berlin Film Fest ival;
a significant achievem ent for a short Irish film .
The film has received posit ive review s, w it h crit ics praising it s heart felt st ory, st rong perform ances, and direct ion.
Theat rical Release & St ream ing:
As of February 2025, it 's unclear if and w hen "Christ y" w ill be available for st ream ing It 's likely t hat it w ill be released in cinem as first , follow ed by st ream ing plat form s lat er but not hing t o report as of now
Chef Paul Wat t ers has been nam ed spokes-Chef for Mr Franks Spices. The popular Irish chef is w ell know t o our readers for his recipes and Facebook Page
Mr. Frank?shasalwaysbeen committed to the purest spices and herbs, freshly ground with absolutely no additives or fillers. Now, we are pleased to share this story with our readers because of our connection with Irish Chef and our regular contributing columnist, Paul Watters!
Mr. Frank'sbegan when a young Frank Posti, an immigrant and skilled wood-carver, left Europe and headed for Canada in 1953. He worked hard and over 60 years ago, in 1964, he opened "Frank's Steak House & Tavern" in Niagara Falls. Known for its handcrafted wood carvingsand unforgettable flavors, the restaurant became a local landmark. His legendary steaks and lobster butter cemented his statusas a culinary icon, and hislegacy lives on at the site, now the celebrated Weinkellers restaurant.
In his restaurant, Mr. Frank's spice blend wascreated! It became a family treasure, and has found itsway from his original recipe into kitchensacross the globe thanks to hisdaughter's vision. Today, Mr. Frank?s Kitchen is still led by his daughter, Lisa Russell, who honors her father's incredible legacy. His work ethic, charm, and determination continue to inspire every blend they offer. Whether it'sthe Original, Spicy Original, Garden Sriracha, Tropical Sriracha, Seasoning Salt, or Mediterranean, each sprinkle bringsa piece of this flavorful history to your table.
Our readers and thousands of other people around the world are familiar with the Simpleand Healty food that is advocated by Belfaast-born Paul Watters. Now Mr. Franksis part of the mix asChef Paul has joined them as a spokesperson
SaysChef Paul, "When I first tasted Mr Frank'sOriginal Seasoning, I was immediately transported back to the essence of true, unadulterated flavor It's a testament to Mr Frank's dedication to quality. Asa chef, I understand the importance of using the best ingredients, and Mr. Frank's spices deliver that in every blend To be part of sharing this legacy, bringing these exceptional flavors from Niagara Fallsto kitchens, including my own in Belfast, isa true honor "
Chef Paul?sexpertise and his deep connection to the culinary world will help share Mr Frank?s rich history and exceptional quality with a wider audience. His voice will bring a fresh perspective, highlighting how Mr Frank's blendscan elevate any dish, from simple family mealsto gourmet creations.
Lisa Russell commented, "Mr. Frank?s Kitchen hasa rich culinary history built on a legacy of global flavors, and with Chef Paul Watters, we are excited to continue thisjourney, bringing the authentic taste of Mr. Frank?sto more home and restaurant kitchens."
Minced turkey meatballs with apple and rosemary stuffing and melted halloumi cheese rolled in a Mr Frank's tropical Sirrachi seasoning a firecracker mayo served with a sugar snap salad Serves 2
Thisdish may sound complicated but it isvery Simple and satisfying. It can be used asa starter or a main dish and guarantee a family and friends favourite. Also, can be made a Day in advance.
The Meat balls
500g lean t urkey m ince
You will need
2 large onions (peeled and diced fine)
4 large apples (quart ered, cored and diced)
2 sprigs of rosem ary (picked off t he st em and chopped)
2 cups of fine breadcrum bs
2 t ablespoons of but t er
2 t ablespoons of Mr Frank's t ropical Sirrachi seasoning (Cajun spice alt ernat ive)
1 egg
Salt and pepper for seasoning
1 200g of halloum i cheese (diced )
The Salad
2 handful of sugar snaps (cooked and cooled dow n)
8 cherry t om at oes (halved)
1/ 4 of a cucum ber (sliced)
1 red onion (sliced)
4 handfuls of m ixed leaves
The Coat ings
1 cup of breadcrum bs &1 t ablespoon of spice m ix
2 eggs beat en
1 cup of plain flour
The firecracker m ayo
1 cup of m ayonnaise
First off m ake a st uffing w it h apples, onion and rosem ary. Melt t he but t er add t he onion rosem ary and a lit t le seasoning and cook for a couple of m inut es add t he apples and cook for a furt her five on m edium heat add 1 cup of breadcrum bs and m ix w ell (m y t ip is t o add a lit t le w at er t his w ill help bind t hem t oget her)Once St uffing is m ade allow t o cool dow n. Once cooled dow n, add t o t he t urkey m ince and add t he rem aining ingredient s except for t he halloum i cheese.
Mix t he ingredient s t oget her w ell
Gat her a m eat ball and shape it t o t he size of a ping pong ball. Wit h your t hum b, place a hole in t he m iddle, place t he cheese in t he m iddle, and close over. Re-roll and repeat . Once t hey are done, get ready t o coat Get t hree separat e bow ls for t he flour, egg, and breadcrum bs. Dip t he balls int o t he flour, shake off any access flour, t hen t he eggs, t hen t he breadcrum bs You can refrigerat e for a day and cook t hem off or cook t hem right aw ay by frying in a lit t le oil in a m edium -sized frying pan on m edium t o high heat for approx eight m inut es unt il golden brow n.
To Serve: Place t he Salad in a large bow l or plat e in t he cent re of t he dish.
1/ 2 t easpoon of Mr Frank's t ropical Sirrachi seasoning (Cajun spice)
1/ 2 t easpoon of sm oked paprika
1/ 2 t easpoon of chilli flakes
Salt and pepper t o season
Picked dill t o garnish
Place t he balls on t op (m y t ip is t o cut one in half t o show t he m elt ed halloum i). Spoon som e of t he m ayo on t op, and sprinkle som e of t he spice on t op
Then, t he picked dill and ENJOY!!
Pict ures of t he devast at ion on Lake Avenue in Alt adena! A once t hriving aut o repair shop t uned t o a m olt en m ess and rust ing hulks of cars. In t he aft erm at h, our readers can. help by support ing w w w.alt adenarise.co Feat ure com ing in our March issue Photos by Thom MacNamara.
Craic in t he St one m em bers are: Mat t Brislaw n, Janelle Vione, Chris Caput o, Jay Rofsky, Scot t Well & Bill St rongin
By Gr eg Patr i ck
" I am I r elan d : I am old er th an th e old Cr on e of Bear e
Gr eat m y glor y: I w h o bor e Cu ch u lai n n , th e br ave.
Gr eat m y sh am e: M y ow n ch i ld r en w h o sold th ei r m oth er .
Gr eat m y p ai n : M y i r r econ ci lable en em y w h o h ar asses m e con ti n u ally?
Gr eat m y sor r ow : T h at cr ow d , i n w h om I p laced m y tr u st, d i ed
I am I r elan d :
I am lon eli er th an th e old Cr on e of Bear e.?
I am Ireland ~~~ 2025
Our cont ribut ing w rit er t akes his pen t o poet ry t his m ont h; t his is not a giant leap as his prose oft en has a poet ic and evocat ive st yle
Greg is an Irish nat ive w it h st rong t ies t o Galw ay and t he t raveling people. He is a dual cit izen of Ireland and t he Unit ed St at es w it h Arm enian and Irish herit age
Prior t o his current success as a w rit er Greg has w orked as an int ernat ional aid w orker and as a horse t rainer
He is a prolific w rit er, w it h books available t hrough Lulu.com . Leg Iron Books, and Terror House Magazine
I am t hirst .
Not for t he drink but craving expressed in eyes t earing up over t he rim of t he pint cup raised in a silent t oast over t he sound and fury of Saint Pat rick?s eve revelry on a foreign shore
A solit ary t oast raised by one aloof from t he parody of cult ure and t radit ion in neon green caricat ure I st and an em bodim ent of t he island surrounded by cold sea am ong a w all of backs feeling a st ranger at his ow n part y Man and island w it h an em pt y usurped t hrone at it s heart and poet ry at it s soul. The upbeat background m usic is like venom ous honey. On im pulse I t hrow t he bot t le against t he graffit ied w all out side, shat t ering it
My eyes grow haunt ed and dist ant as I envisioned t he m uralled w alls of m y old neighborhood illum inat ed in int ervals of crim son
The t hunder of explosions echoing in m y soul
I am Ireland
I am loss st epping out int o t he night a sigh st eam ing in t he chill air
The cold w here scars of bat t le pulse am id t he disillusionm ent of a foreign dream And I w ill not drow n out t he m em ory in drink anym ore t han a cent ury of rain can ext inguish t he fires of burned t hat ched cot t ages. For am id t he raucous m errim ent I feel t he keening for t he st arved and lost caressing t he soul. A lam ent am id t he force cheer of an Am erican w ake.
I am Ireland
I am Hunger
Around m e t he pat rons t oast and drink green beer Their lips t urn green
My eyes grow haunt ed and dist ant I rem em ber m y love and m use Our lips w ere bot h green w hen w e kissed from eat ing grass under gnaw ing hunger
Cart s loaded w it h food w ere paraded past under arm ed guard bound for England w hen I kissed m y love farew ell. I back aw ay t o get a final look at her before st aggering t o t he dock t hronged by t he em aciat ed seeking passage on a coffin ship. She kisses m y gaunt sunken cheek t ast ing m y t ear.
Pictured here are our intrepid writer and adventurer
Greg Patrick and hiseditor, Kathie Warren
?I w ill send m oney back hom e I m ust do t his?
I vow.
?I w ill ret urn,?
I t ell her even w hile hearing a harsh silent w hisper t hat I w ould not
We em braced before part ing at t he dock at t he m orrow bound for t he uncert aint ies of t he horizon and st range shore I hold her as t ight ly and closely as I held t he dream of her as I looked back across t he w ake.
Som e drink t o forget
Yet I rem em ber t he sparkle of her green eyes like shim m ering t idepools of Celt ic Sea lingering, left by t he w aves sighing t o t he greenest shore.
I knew t rue hunger
We t he exiled Heirs t o hunger for hom eland For freedom
Turning eyes t o t he horizonI, sing t he old songs I first heard around t he t urf fires.
I am Ireland
I am anger lingering at t he pub at m usic night t o hear t he old rebel songs from young lips The red lips of t he singer are like reopened w ounds as she recit ed w ords com posed by rebels .
Words singing in t he eyes looking beyond ranks of soldiers locked on a vision bright as an illum inat ed m anuscript .
I envision ranks of m en and w om en pass across a dream scape of m ist in phant asm al procession chant inga m arching song in Irish t heir pikes out lined and gleam ing against t he rising m oon
I m eet t he eyes of t he rebel leader w ho halt s in m id-st ride w it h st art led recognit ion t hat t ranscended t im e as I cry out at t he vision jarring t he singer and servers.
I am Ireland
I w ill not bow before a t hrone and one w earing a crow n w hen our heroes w ore a noose of rope around t heir necks
The Ebell Theat re in Mid Wilshire. Los Angeles w as t he sit e of t he US-Ireland Alliance?s Oscar Wilde Aw ards on February 27
Guest s enjoyed Irish favorit es like Wilde Irish Gin?s signat ure cockt ail ? a Wilde Irish Coffee, m ini m ugs of Irish st ew , fish & chips, t he m ashed pot at o bar, Tayt os, Five Farm s Irish Cream , Writ ers Tears Whiskey, Guinness, Irish coffees, cheeses and breads The iconic Beverly Hills Hot el w as t he hot el sponsor for t he event , and The Hollywood Reporter w as t he Media sponsor
PHOTO CREDIT: Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for the US-Ireland Alliance
ABOVE: Johnny O'Callaghan, form er LA Irishm an of t he year and act or w as on hand, On t he left : Dublin nat ive, LA resident , Eiza Murphy, and her singer-songw rit er sist er perform ed
Im pressive pint s!! An art ist ic AI aided m achine pour
I s the post Covid Wor ld canceling the Ir ish? Not over ly alar m ed, YET! However sever al long standing Ir ish Events have been canceled this year including the M anchester Ir ish Festival and Par ade in the UK (pictur ed above in 2024) and even the Dublin , Ohio Ir ish Festival this year !
Every Week
Sundays st art ing @ 4:pm
Irish Music Session
Tradit ional m usic live/ No
Auld Dubliner Irish Pub
Long Beach
w w w.aulddubliner.com
See advert this issue on page 9
Wednesdays st art ing @ 9:pm
Irish Music w it h Niall Cash
Irish Music Maker from Wexford. Follow him on w w w inst agram com / niallcash
The Auld Dubliner Irish Pub, Long Beach
w w w.aulddubliner.com
Open Session, Irish Language
Classes & Socials Full Bar CAC@The Mayflower Club 11110 Victory Blvd., North Hollywood, CA www celticarts center com
Friday. March 7. From 8 to 11pm
Irish Singer Niall Cash; he hasbeen playing in barsand restaurants around Los Angeles since his move in 2019. Niall honed his craft playing in lively barsin Dublin- his set is tailored to each night and venue to ensure there is music for everyone to enjoy!
The Three St ags Irish Pub 328 Orange St reet , Redlands, CA info@t het hreest ags.pub (909) 792-8335
w w w t het hreest agspub com
Sunday, March 9 @ 6:00pm
CRAiC HAUS Spirit of Ireland
Show is a fun, lively celebrat ion of t he Em erald Isle. Ballads, Jigs and Reels, Sing Along Songs and a huge dose of CRAIC! Sure t o keep you sm iling all t he w ay t hrough St . Pat ricks Day. Ticket s available at t he door. Morgan Audit orium 1950 3rd on cam pus Universit y of La Verne
Thursday, March 13
CRAiC HAUS and t heir original blend of Irish w it h aggressive rockabilly sound; m ix w it h t he occasional penny w hist le, m andolin, or harm onica All t his and t heir original t unes have garnered t hem a legion of fans! Follow ed up on Friday, March 14.. by The Reel Deal t hese guys are
a very t alent ed local duo, playing folk-Irish t unes as w ell as classic folk and popular songs form t he 60's t hrough t he 90's; from 8 ? 11:00pm
Then on Sat urday, March 15 st art ing @ 9:pm t ill 11:pm Bren Holm es & Bob Boulding, t w o of t he best Irish rock m usicians on t he planet ! Bot h form er m em bers of t he popular Celt ic rock band Young Dubliners, Bren and Bob have nearly 50 years bet w een t hem playing Irish and Am ericana m usic. They've m ade several album s, t oured t he US and Europe, and now engage t heir audience w it h t heir charism at ic, grit t y, and t im eless rock-n-roll sound
The Three St ags Irish Pub Redlands, CA i w w w.t het hreest agspub.com
Thursday, March 20 @ 8:pm
Danu, t radit ional m usic of Ireland in Concert
?Danú st irs t he blood and lift s t he heart ? -Irish Music Magazine IRVINE BARCLAY THEATRE 4242 Cam pus Dr Irvine, CA
Sat urday, March 22, St art s @ 10:pm CRAiC HAUS hails from Clarem ont , California, and t hey are t he pioneers of "Sham rockabilly"! This am azing local band brings a heavy dose of t he Em erald Isles t o all t heir show s
AuldDubliner in Long Beach w w w.aulddubliner.com
See m ore from Auld Dubliner t his issue on pages 4 & 5
Our new Travel & Tours Sect ion is int erest ed in hearing from you if you w ant t o w rit e about your Irish Travels. Send us your ideas and t im e
SATURDAY, March 15 from 6-10pm
Kick off St . Paddy?s w eekend w it h great beer, food, and nonst op CRAIC! Great Irish Music by Craic in t he St one Out door venue w it h big grass area and t ables ? or bring a law n chair!
HANGAR 24 Irvine, CA
Then do it again on;
Sunday, March 16 from 4-8 pm Thepart y cont inues in t he Inland Em pire! Big st age, great sound, am azing beer, and all t he CRAIC you can handle!
HANGAR 24 RIverside
The 2025 Guinness Six Nat ions Rugby is in full sw ing from t his w eekend t o t he final m at ch on March 15t h
Ireland has dominated the 2025 Six Nations Rugby The Irish team have defeated England , Scotland and Wakes in their first three matches Ireland is now certainly considered a favorite to win the Six Nations again in 2025. They are the defending champions, having won the tournament in both 2023 and 2024! Ireland isaiming for an historic hat-trick, as no nation haspreviously won the championship outright in three consecutive seasonssince the original Home Nations tournament began in 1883 More: www.irishrugby.ie
We invite submission to this regular feature. A poem , t ale or saga in t he Irish Bardic Tradit ion, are all w ant ed
Please send t o us via E-Mail: irishm issive@gm ail.com
Do you have an int erest in your Irish Ancest ry? Want t o discover your Irish and Scot s-Irish root s?
Many people believe t hat researching Irish ancest ors is im possible because of t he dest ruct ion of t he Public Record Office in 1922. While m any records w ere dest royed, ot hers survived and large collect ions have com e online in recent years
Join Fint an Mullan and Gillian Hunt from t he Ulst er
Thursday, March 6 ? Phoenix AZ 4:30 PM - 8:30 PM)
Tracing Your Irish and Scot s-Irish Ancest ors
Host : Irish Cult ural Cent er and McClelland Library
Tel: 602-864-2351 /
Hist orical Foundat ion during t heir annual Unit ed St at es lect ure t our t o learn how t o get t he m ost out of Irish resources and records, gain st rat egies for breaking dow n brick w alls, and grasp im port ant hist orical cont ext t hat m ay help fill in gaps in your research
Whet her you are just beginning your Irish research or have been at it for years, you w on? t w ant t o m iss t hese w orkshops! Fuller cont act det ails w it h addit ional inform at ion can be found at : ht t ps:/ / ulst erhist oricalfoundat ion com
The California and Arizona Lect ures w ill be held in Oakland and Phoenix
Cost : $60/ m em bers, single day adm ission; $70/ non-m em bers, single day adm ission; $100/ m em bers, 2 day adm ission; $120/ non-m em bers, 2 day adm ission; $10 t o opt in for light fare on bot h days CLICK HERE: Regist rat ion now open
Check back every few days for
The SoCal Irish Fair and Music Fest ival t hat w as planned in Torrance for t his past July has been rescheduled t o Fat her 's Day Weekend 2025.
Please follow t he Reorganizat ion New s and Plans on t heir Facebook Page. Irish Com m unit y input is im port ant . So, please join t he page and support t his im port ant event !
Our new Media Kit is available if you are int erest ed in advert ising or prom ot ing your business or event w it h us. Our proven 30 plus year t rack record speaks for it self w hen it com es t o great value w it h our niche m arket publicat ion!
We really have no equal.
Now in addit ion t o our effect ive and w ell respect ed publicat ion; our t eam has
The View From Ireland Feat ure last year about t he Irish Language by our great friend and Irish Art s and Ent ert ainm ent colum nist Maurice Fit zpat rick really resonat ed w it h us. We use t he m ont hs of t he year in each issue but our collect ive Irish is very lim it ed.
In fact , w orking on t he folio (t he t op of each page) recent ly, I forgot t he w ord for Oct ober in Irish and had t o look it up. I found t his really int erest ing YouTube video and share t he link below.
m ast ered Digit al Market ing and w e can enhance your out reach for a very cost effect ive rat e.
The digit al age has been good t o us and w e have been able t o prosper and grow our subscriber base. We w ill have det ails soon on our expansion plans and our Affiliat e Program s. We are also going t o enhance our Very Irish Perks and st art a new series of very excit ing Draw ings and Cont est s!
The Holidays are alm ost here and w e w ill be doing Special issues for Hallow een and for Christ m as!
I w ould like t o change m y lack of Irish t oo so st art ing now and in fut ure issues, w e w ill be offering our readers a few w ords or phrases in our Mot her Language
Also, if you are in t he LA area,t he Celt ic Art s Cent er has ongoing Irish lessons As w e expand around t he US, w e w ill add m ore such links. More on t his project in com ing issues.
The Auld Dubliner
Every Monday w e host Trivia Night , gat her your friends and com e in t o com pet e and enjoy a pint . The Auld Dubliner 71 Pine St Long Beach, CA w w w.aulddubliner.com
O'Brien's Irish Pub St andard Trivia Night s are Mondays and Wednesdays Monday st art s at 8PM t ill 10:30PM WED: 8PM t o 10PM Form a t eam or t ry t o form one at t he pub. Play for cash prizes of $150. No ent ry fee O'Brien's Irish Pub 2226 Wilshire Sant a Monica, CA w w w.obriensla.com
Ye Olde King's Head Brit ish Pub & Rest aurant Trivia in t he pub at 7:30pm 116 Sant a Monica Bl Sant a Monica, CA w w w.yeoldekingshead.com
The Harp Inn Irish Pub Pour House Trivia Every Wednesday Evening at 7;00pm 130 E. 17t h. St . Cost a Mesa, CA w w w.harpinn.com Consider This! Run4Wat er is May 3, at M!ile Square Regional Park in Orange Count y You can ent er or organize a t eam . The goal is t o raise $160,000 t o rest ore 40 w ells. Det ails: w w w.w ellsoflife.org
Seisiúnis (Irish session ) St art s at 6:pm azirish.org/ first -friday/ Third Friday
Contact Us
Phone: 602-258-0109, Em ail: info@azirish.org, 1106 Nort h Cent ral Ave Phoenix, Arizona 85004
w w w.azirish.org
Check our FACEBOOK PAGES for Daily Updat es: Irish Art s & Ent ert ainm ent
E New s LA Count y Irish Event s
All subscribers become members of our VIP Group. Current ly w e are offering som e really good prom ot ions and as t he Pandem ic eases w e w ill add m ore
At Present :
O'Brien's On Wilshire in Sant a Monica w ill give our subscribers a Free Appet izer w it h purchase. w w w obriensla com
Go t o t he m enu click here
An am azing offer for our ow n VIP Mem bers and Subscribers!
Buy a GIFT SUBSCRIPTION bet w een now and March 31st ,. and w e w ill give you a FREE ONE YEAR EXTENSION on your ow n subscript ion.
The VIP program is a very im port ant com ponent of our subscript ion program . It has a m ult it ude of posit ive fact ors built int o t he program . It serves as a bonus/ rew ard syst em for spending hard cold cash on our publicat ion AND it is a good net w orking t ool for t he Publisher. We are able t o at t ract subscribers and advert isers t o our publicat ion and keep t hem int erest ed w hile delivering great Irish int erest cont ent and inform at ion t o our readers. The advert isers benefit by having a readership int erest ed in our excit ing niche m arket and t hey can t arget our readers w it h special offers The volum e m akes it w ort hw hile for t hem t o part icipat e.
The Pandem ic set us all back a bit in one w ay or anot her and w e are rebuilding our VIP benefit s package. We w ere count ing on discount s and deals at pubs and event s but t hat plan is now on t he back burner as t here are few event s and pubs t hat need volum e t o m ake t he discount s pract ical. In t he m eant im e, w e are w orking hard t o line up new offers for our subscribers We st ill have som e list ings on good deals and w e w ill be adding special offers t o our w ebsit e as w e find t hem . One VIP, w e have now of int erest is Buy ONE SUB and get a Gift Subscript ion!
We are expanding and w e are using new and im proved m et hods for reaching out t o our readers!
We have set up a new affiliat ed Irish Art s & Ent ert ainm ent Channel on Telegram . We also have updat ed our Websit e. w w w.irishart sandent ert ainm ent .com