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Irish Arts & Entertainment
The opinions expressed by our w rit ers are t heir ow n and do not necessarily convey t hose of t his m agazine, our publisher or st aff.
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Jam es M McDonough
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Thom MacMam ara
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Maurice Fit zpat rick
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Greg Pat rick
Barbara Singer
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Cont act Us Via Em ail: irishm issive@gm ail com
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All Copyright s 2024 by McDonough Media
Dear Friends and Readers,
It is really difficult t o decide w hich Celebrat ion or Holiday is t he best ! At least for m e t hat is t he case. As is oft en said t oday, t his is a first w orld problem . My answ er is basically t o em brace t hem all and t o m ake t he best of t he Season and t he t im e w it h colleagues, friends, fam ily and in m y case, readers as m uch as possible!
This Christ m as and Decem ber issue is w rit t en as a t ribut e t o t he at t it ude t hat t he Irish have t ow ard Christ m as and Tradit ion. I t hink in general, t he Irish celebrat e Chrsit m as in a m ore fam ilial and religious w ay t han t he average Am erican. Up t o and including t he present t im e, for m any Irish, Christ m as cent ered around Midnight Mass, St . St ephen's Day and m ore t im e w it h fam ily and friends rat her t han gift s
So Happy Christ m as and New Year t o all!
If you are enjoying and reading our publicat ion; Please Subscribe We need t he support t o expand, t o finance m ore cont est s and t o get m ore w rit ers Rem em ber ALL subscribers are ent ered in our Win 2 R/ T Tickets To Dublin Drawing!
Also, st art ing in january, w e w ill be prom ot ing a Second Draw ing for anot her pair of t icket s t o Ireland! Excit ing t im es lie ahead as w e expand our reach and subscriber base!
Aside from being a great value w it h Very Irish Perks t hat m eans t hat our Lifet im e subscribers w ill have TWO CHANCES at w inning our Air Fare t ickers draw ing! Thanks t o all w ho have signed up already!

Subm issions and Feat ures are w ant ed: Send ideas and St ory Subm issions jpegs and capt ions t o: irishmissive@gmail.com
We w ere once again able t o represent Ireland at THE FRENCH FILM FESTIVAL at t he Writ er 's Guide. For Barbara Singer 's Pict orial Feat ure See Page 23
Irelandisanancient land and long before we called it the Chritmas Season, we had Pagan and Druid Yuleide Celebrations. Even before that Tribal Winter Solstice Gatheringswere important Our coverage starts on page 4 aswe delve into Christmas from the Middle Ages, the early Irish Customssuch asThe Wren Boysand up to current eventsand trends.
Then we continue with our mid-month issue update with a Special Feature on Newgrange and the Winter Solstice Observations.
Our ideasfor Giftsare geared to a simpler time Bespoke isused to describe items of every kind that are made to order or unique in design. We like the concept So instead of being extravagent, be thoughtful Americansspend about $400. per capita on ChristmasGifts. A really nice lunch or dinner at a pub might cost $100 but the real gift will be the time you spend enjoying the experience. A senior might really appreciate a Jigsaw Puzle With a promise that you will put it together with them! Next up in our suggestionswe focuson:
Music ismagic and the Irish are some of the best Music Makers in the world so thisidea is a natural and it will be cherished forever Better still, you can support Irish, Celtic and Independent artistsby buying CDs and Vinyl Records directly from them You could also purchase a streaming service. Finally, check concerts, Irish & Scottish Fair and theatre schedulesand buy ticketsto events! The anticipation of going will be a big part of the gift too!

I r i sh Ch r i stm as T r ad i ti on s T h r ou gh th e A ges
I REL A N D I S A N A N CI EN T L A N D ...Con t...
Ch r i stm as i n I r elan d i s a m agi cal ti m e, a blen d of an ci en t cu stom s an d m od er n f estivi ti es.
Fr om th e li gh ti n g of can d les to th e boi ster ou s
W r en Boys p r ocessi on , th e Em er ald I sle boasts a r i ch tap estr y of tr ad i ti on s th at m ak e th e season tr u ly sp eci al
A n ci en t O r i gi n s:
L on g bef or e Ch r i sti an i ty ar r ived i n I r elan d , th e w i n ter solsti ce h eld gr eat si gn i f i can ce T h e
sh or test d ay of th e year , u su ally f alli n g ar ou n d
D ecem ber 21st, w as seen as a tu r n i n g p oi n t, a p r om i se of li gh t r etu r n i n g to th e w or ld
A n ci en t Celts celebr ated th i s ti m e w i th f easts,
bon f i r es, an d sy m boli c d ecor ati on s of h olly an d
ivy, p lan ts th at r em ai n ed gr een th r ou gh ou t th e
w i n ter . T h ese ever gr een bou gh s
w er e br ou gh t i n to h om es to sy m boli ze
li f e an d h op e d u r i n g th e d ar k est d ays
Ear ly Ch r i sti an I n f lu en ces:
W i th th e ar r ival of Ch r i sti an i ty i n th e 5th cen tu r y, Ch r i stm as celebr ati on s becam e i n ter tw i n ed w i th th ese ex i sti n g p agan tr ad i ti on s. St. Patr i ck h i m self i s sai d to h ave i n cor p or ated th e sy m boli sm of f i r e i n to h i s teach i n gs, u si n g a bon f i r e to celebr ate Easter . T h e tr ad i ti on of li gh ti n g can d les at Ch r i stm as, p ar ti cu lar ly on Ch r i stm as Eve, li k ely evolved f r om th ese ear ly p r acti ces.
M ed i eval M er r i m en t:
D u r i n g th e M i d d le A ges, Ch r i stm as i n I r elan d w as a ti m e of gr eat f easti n g an d celebr ati on .
T h e Ch r i stm as season , k n ow n as "Gei m h r ead h , " lasted f r om D ecem ber 20 th to Jan u ar y 6th , cu lm i n ati n g i n th e f east of th e Ep i p h an y, or "L i ttle Ch r i stm as" T h i s ex ten d ed p er i od of f estivi ti es i n clu d ed m u si c, d an ci n g, an d stor y telli n g, w i th com m u n i ti es com i n g togeth er to sh ar e i n th e joy of th e season
O n e p ar ti cu lar ly en d u r i n g tr ad i ti on i s th e
li gh ti n g of th e Ch r i stm as can d le Placed i n a w i n d ow, i t sy m boli zes a w elcom e to M ar y an d Josep h , an d a beacon of h op e an d h osp i tali ty f or tr aveler s. I n m an y h om es, th e you n gest ch i ld h as th e h on or of li gh ti n g th e can d le on Ch r i stm as Eve, an d i t i s of ten lef t bu r n i n g th r ou gh ou t th e n i gh t.
So w e com bi n e, li gh t, h op e, an d th e en d u r i n g
sp i r i t of com m u n i ty, m ak i n g i t a tr u ly sp eci al ti m e of year on th e Em er ald I sle

W REN BOYS, A n an ci en t legen d com es alive ever y St. Step h en 's D ay

A n oth er exci ti n g an d ver y color f u l an d of ten qu i te lou d I r i sh Ch r i stm as tr ad i ti on s i s th e "W r en Boys Pr ocessi on . "
T h i s cu stom , w i th r oots i n p r e-Ch r i sti an ti m es, i n volves gr ou p s of p eop le d r essi n g u p i n str aw
su i ts an d m ask s, car r y i n g a d ecor ated p ole w i th a d ead w r en (or a r ep r esen tati on of on e) on top .


Fairly Recent Irish Tradition Thrives
Eyre Square in Galw ay is resplendent in Christ m as decorat ions and excit em ent once again The Galw ay Christ m as Market is a popular at t ract ion for locals and t ourist s alike Running from Novem ber 8t h t o January 5t h, 2024 It 's locat ed in t he cit y's cent ral plaza
The m arket feat ures over 50 w ooden chalet s selling fest ive gift s, decorat ions, and local craft s There are also num erous food st alls offering delicious t reat s like hot chocolat e, m ulled w ine, and t radit ional Irish dishes. The m arket also feat ures live m usic, am usem ent rides, and a Sant a's grot t o. It 's a great place t o experience t he fest ive spirit of Galw ay and enjoy som e unique shopping and dining
Finally, t here are m any hot els w it hin w alking dist ance of t he
Galw ay Christ m as Market !
This year is only t he 14t h year for t his Christ m as Season Event in Galw ay How ever, t he region is w ell est ablished in Irish Hist ory and legend for being a Fair & Fest iva haven Going back t o Medeval Tim es, 13t h Cent ury Galw ay w as host ing m assive fairs and m arket s. w w w.galw ayt ourism .ie/ event / galw ay-christ m as-m arket /

The Sports Pub With The Irish Heart Most Respected TRIVIA in LA!! Drop by Soon!

Modern Day Christ m as Magic:
While m any ancient t radit ions endure, Irish Christ m as t oday is also influenced by m odern cust om s. Christ m as t rees, int roduced in t he Vict orian era, are now a st aple in m ost hom es, adorned w it h t w inkling light s and colorful ornam ent s Sant a Claus, know n as "Daidí na Nollag" in Irish, is a beloved figure for children, w ho eagerly aw ait his arrival on Christ m as Eve.
Top Three Christ m as At t ract ions in Ireland
The Galw ay Christ m as Market : As det ailed on Page 6 and our Cover Shot , t his m arket runs for alm ost t w o m ont hs and is Ireland's m ost visit ed Yulet im e At t ract ion Well w ort h t he t rip and easy t o get t o by bus, t rain or car! This vibrant m arket t ransform s Galw ay cit y int o a fest ive w onderland, w it h t w inkling light s, fest ive m usic, and charm ing w ooden chalet s selling handcraft ed gift s, delicious food, and w arm ing drinks.
Wat erford Wint erval:
Our readers and w rit ers agree t hat Wat erford Cit y host s t he second largest Christ m as fest ival in Ireland, w it h a dazzling array of at t ract ions, including a giant Ferris w heel, an ice rink, a Christ m as t rain, and a fest ive m arket

Dublin's Wild Light s at Dublin Zoo:
This enchant ing event sees Dublin Zoo t ransform ed int o a m agical w orld of illum inat ed anim al lant erns, creat ing a t ruly unique and unforget t able Christ m as experience
Whet her you're draw n t o t he ancient t radit ions or t he m odern fest ivit ies, Christ m as in Ireland offers a unique and unforget t able experience. It 's a t im e t o celebrat e

When w e st art ed doing our ANNUAL CELTIC/ IRISH BUYING GUIDE over 30 years ago, w e had TWO delighful and w ell st ocked Irish Im port Shops as advert isers Sady, bot h t he Irish Im port Shop in Hollyw ood on Vine and SHAMROCK Irish Im port s in t he San Fernando Valley have since closed
We are com m it t ed t o support ing sm all businesses so w e hope t hat you w ill be able t o pat ronize t he few rem aining Im port Shops in Sout hern California
Two of them are advertisers.
Ye Olde King's Head Shoppe & Bakery is right next door t o t he Pub and Rest aurant in Sant a Monica.
Anot her loyal support er and friend of our publicat ion for 30 plus years is Pat ricia McCart hy, t he ow ner of t he Hare N' Hound in Thousand Oaks Bot h st ores are ext rem ely w ell st ocked t his year w it h all your favorit e Brit ish and Irish Candy, Tea and Food as w ell as hard t o find Gift s.

Gr af ton Str eet, D u bli n

Givethegift of Ireland thisChristmas!
Thisholiday season, consider gifting a pieceof Ireland'senchanting charm. Thisgestureismorethan just apresent -- it'saway to bring themagic of Ireland'sbreathtaking landscapes, rich history, and captivating cultureinto thelivesof your loved ones St. Patrick'sDay in Ireland returnsfor 5performances- March 11-16 SeeAD w/ venueson Page35
Experiencethebest of Ireland as theexplosivesound of bodhrán, fiddles, uilleann pipes, guitar and dancing feet roar through the theatre Thistreat for thewhole family featuresmultiinstrumentalistsfrom theKerry Traditional Band, aswell assingers and dancersin an unforgettable Irish night?Beready to leavethe theatrewith ajig in your step! Sing your heart out with theband on somegreat Irish songsincluding: The
An n ual IABN H ol i day Char i ty
Dr i ve By John Ri chr ds
Br other s & Si ster s....It's that ti m e of year !
The Ir i sh Am er i can Busi n ess Netw or k IABN has pr oudl y suppor ted the St Bal dr i ck 's Chi l dr en 's Can cer Foun dati on for 12 year s n ow Over thi s ti m e w e have r ai sed cl ose to $100K to assi st chi l dr en an d thei r fam i l i es fi ghti n g chi l dhood can cer
Your effor ts have pr ovi ded r el i ef an d hope for scor es of fam i l i es her oi cal l y faci n g the n um er ous chal l en ges an d hear tbr eak s that ar e associ ated w i th fi ghti n g such i n si di ous affl i cti on s
W e have set a m or e than doabl e $3000 00 goal betw een n ow an d the en d of the year , an d hon estl y w e shoul d be

i n stead of don ati n g

Lat est Result s for Republic Of Ireland's Elect ion
Ireland'snational election results are nearly complete, with Fianna Fáil securing the most seatsin the Dáil, followed by Sinn Féin and Fine Gael.
Despite the government'schaotic handling of the immigration crisisand its failure to addressthe housing shortage effectively, votersappear unwilling to push for significant change to the status quo
Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael are expected to alternate leadership in government, asthey have in the past two administrations, forming coalitions with smaller partiesor independents Election results are similar to those of the 2020 national election, but the political landscape has shifted Gone are the days when a single party could lead the government as Ireland'selectorate is growing more fragmented, and with one-fifth of the population now foreign-born
Sinn Féin, which had been poised to lead this next government after polling over 30%just a couple of years ago, saw itssupport eroded by new right-wing nationalistsparties, anti-immigration groups, and variousleftist independent candidates.
The Green Party suffered a significant setback, losing nearly all of its seats after being scapegoated for itsrole in the last coalition government with Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael.
Meanwhile, a new challenge looms on the horizon.
Ireland, one of Europe's wealthiest nations, owesmuch of itseconomic success to U.S. companieslike Apple and Google, which established their European headquartersthere, attracted by the country'seducated, English-speaking workforce and low corporate tax rates. However, the prospect of a U.S.-EU trade war under Trump?s anticipated "bring business home" policies posesa seriousthreat to Ireland'scontinued prosperity.

More Buying Guide
Our readersarebothavidandloyal...
Many of our subscribershave been with since our first year; Many othersfor over 20 yeras Best of all, since swithching to our digital format over five years ago, we have continued to gain subscribers
The same is rue for many of our advertisers Especially among the pubswho have stayed with us for a very long time
We touched on thisin the introduction but we want to elaborate on our opinion here a bit more We definitely appreciate and support our advertisers We need them so we can continue to bring our readersa high quality and relevent Irish themed magazine So,in turn, we want the advertiersto receive the businessand support from our readers and subscribers
All of the pubsand restaurantsthat advertise with usare top notch The offer great ambuance and fine food and libations,
The majority of them cater to groups and partiesand they all would be good for your Holiday Celebrations or Event
Most sell Gift Cars, Certificates and Merchanside as well So if isnot possible to ask someone to join you for a pub visit, you can still make a thoughtful gift and upport your local Publican
Redlands. California
The Three Stags Irish Pub 909 782-8335 www.thethreestagspub.com In Santa Monica: Ye Olde King'sHead Pub, Restaurant and Shoppe www yeoldekingshead com 310 451-1402
O'Brien's Irish Pub & Restaurant on Wilshire & 26th www obrinsla com 310 829-5303
Long Beach and Seal Beach
The Auld Dubliner Irish Pub & Restaurant www.aulddubliner.com 562 437-8300
O'Malley's On Main Irish Pub & Restaurant www omalleyssealbeach com 562 430-0631 Costa mesa
The Harp Inn Irish Pub & Restaurant www.harpinn.com 949 646-8855

Winter Solstice 2024
The Winter Solstice for 2024 occurson Saturday, December 21, at 4:21am EST (09:21 UTC) or 7:21am PST) in the Northern Hemisphere This event marksthe official start of winter and is the shortest day and longest night of the year, It happens because of the Earth'stilt of approximately 23 5 degrees on itsaxis, which causes the North Pole to be tilted farthest away from the Sun, resulting in the least amount of daylight and the longest night
Newgrange and the Winter Solstice
The Location and Significance of Newgrange isone of the most intrguing and unique astronomical findsknow to us Newgrange is an ancient Neolithic passage tomb located in County Meath, Ireland, about 45 minutes outside of Dublin It ispart of the Brú na Bóinne complex, a UNESCO World Heritage Site Newgrange isrenowned for itsalignment with the winter solstice sunrise On December 20, 21, and 22, at dawn, sunlight enters through a small opening above the entrance and illuminatesthe inner chamber for a few minutes, a phenomenon that hasbeen occurring for over 5,000 years
Visiting Newgrange
To visit Newgrange, you can take a bustour from Dublin There are several options available, including guided tours by Mary Gibbonsthat include visitsto Newgrange and other historical sites like the Hill of Tara These toursoffer convenient pickup points in Dublin City and guarantee access to the Newgrange monument
Accessto Newgrange during the winter solstice ishighly limited and is determined by a lottery that takesplace in September of every yrear Only 50 people are selected to witnessthe solstice illumination each day from December 20 to 26
Livestream of the Winter Solstice at
Watching the Livestream isa magnificent alternative For those who cannot visit in person, the winter solstice illumination at Newgrange isbroadcast live The livestream is available through the Office of Public Works (OPW) Ireland and other official channels To watch it in the US. from the East Coast, plan to get up really early and it iswell woth it! The solstice occurs at 4:21am EST, so the livestream will start a bit ahead of this time
Just stay up late if you are on the West Coast! So this would be 1:21am PST.
You can check the official websites or social media channels of the OPW Ireland or Heritage Ireland for the exact details on how to watch the livestream and a lot more information.
We also have a few links in this issue. So, in theory you could just go to our website and click through: www.irishartsandentertainment.com

Ir ish M usic: NEWS& REVIEWS
Christy Moore, Ireland?sbeloved balladeer, hasreleased histwenty-third solo album, A
By JohnMcNally
Thislatest work isa true gem, filled with heartfelt, moving, and timely songs. Over his remarkable 56-year career, Christy has explored everything from traditional Irish instrumentalsand classic folk songsto powerful rebel music What keepshim relavent, though, are his songs that address the pressing issuesof our time
Thisalbum combinesboth personal and political tracks, covering topicssuch asUkraine, Gaza, and the tragic story of Lyra McKee My favorite is?Cumann na mBan,?inspired by the controversy surrounding the Irish women's soccer team, who faced backlash from the British press for singing ?Celtic Symphony?(?Ooh, ah, up the ?Ra?) after a victory The song servesas a pointed reminder of the injustices the British Empire inflicted across the world Christy?s concerts have featured some of these songs for years, so it?sa thrill to see them finally recorded.
Christy?sperformancesaren? t just about entertainment; they?re also meant to raise awarenessand support those in need, both financially and emotionally. Staunchly anti-colonial and a champion of the underdog, Christy often collaborateswith songwriters by adapting lyrics to align with his perspective, with the writer?sapproval. One of Bobby Sands' cellmates, Colm Scullion, famously provided Christy with the lyricsto "Back Home in Derry", which Bobby had written while in prison. Fansin LosAngeles may remember the 1986 visit when he heard Colm Gallagher singing ?Reel of the Flickering Light?at Molly Malone?son Fairfax? that became one of Christy?sfavoritesongsto sing.
Now at 79, Christy isunlikely to return to the USA, ashe prefersto perform only in Ireland, just one show a week and then head home to Kildare. Accompanied for much of his solo career by master guitarist Declan Sinnott, Christy enjoys the freedom to change his set list based on the energy of each performance. Before heading to Ireland, we alwayscheck Christy'swebsite, hoping to catch one of hisgigs His tickets are reasonably priced to make them accessible for everyone, so they sell out quickly. But we keep checking back, ashe often addsnew dates throughout the year

Christ y Moore at hom e in Ireland w it h his lat est opus. "A Terrible Beaut y"
Bren Holm es, Irish Singer & Songw rit er
For t hirt y-plus years, Bren Holm es has been playing his craft as a m usician, songw rit er, and bandm at e As an original m em ber of t he beyond-beloved The Young Dubliners, t his Los Angeles-by-w ay-of-Dublin bard has gigged all over t he w orld--and lived t o t ell about it Realist ically, one of t hree t hings com es charact erist ically from such a hard-earned pedigree First Opt ion: Burn out and t ake up (bit t erly or ot herw ise) anot her profession ent irely; Second Opt ion: Soldier t hrough t ill his or her band eit her breaks up or hit s t he dreaded casino circuit , or t he Third Opt ion: Make a w ell-it 's-about -t im e-it -happened solo album Bren t hankfully, and w onderfully, chose t he Third Opt ion. In t he fall of 2019, Bren decided t o part w ays w it h t he band in t he pursuit of a solo career. Aft er several m ont hs, he put t oget her a list of songs he had w rit t en and got t oget her w it h co-producer Bryan Dobbs t o record his very first solo album , Everyt hing You Never Want ed. Everyt hing You Never Want ed st ands a m ost w elcom e addit ion t o t he cross-genre pant heon of one Irish ex-pat guy w it h an acoust ic guit ar (plus som e illust rious m uso-friends) vs. t he Big Bad World. Fans of Bren's form er band w ill doubt less w onder how m uch t his new LP w ill evoke--or m aybe lay t o rest som ehow --his longt im e affiliat ion w it h a live act (and a recording act nine album s st rong) t hat endeared it self t o t housands. One list en, how ever, w ill im m ediat ely raise sm iles... and perhaps a pint or t w o Pow erfully hum ble and sincere (but w it h a t w ist ), t hese t en songs t ake hold and st ick w it h you st raight aw ay While t he m usic represent s a depart ure of a fashion, Everyt hing You Never Want ed delivers deeply root ed, grit t y Am ericana, t im eless rock ?n?roll, and st ripped-dow n pop, w hile sm acking a w ee bit w it h a kind of Hibernian m elancholy and Irish fight ing spirit "I don't set out t o w rit e a part icular song or m usic," Holm es observes, from t he nice, w arm , w oodsy flat he's spent quit e a bit of t im e m issing during his years on t he road. " What ever com es out , I just go w it h it ,? he confides in t he nice, w arm brogue t hat he's charm ingly ret ained

?There's no part icular t hem e t o t he record, eit her
As a sort of an out sider looking in, I'd say it 's about loss and heart break over a long span of t im e " And w arm 's t he w ord here, really Bren him self is so nat urally chum m y and affable t hat it 's no w onder he?s got so m any of his super, t alent ed L A friends t o m ake Everyt hing You Never Want ed a realit y The album feat ures cont ribut ions from Bret t Anderson (The Donnas), Cindy Wasserm an (Dead Rock West ), ace session drum m er Dave Raven (Keit h Richards, Nellie McKay, John Doe), bassist Jayson Sit es (Half Pint Jones),violinist Rachel Grace (Foo Fight ers, Usher, Annie Lennox), keyboardist Tim Boland, drum m er Ward Poulos, as w ell as Holm es?fellow Dublin ex-pat Pat D?Arcy on uilleann pipes, bodhran, and w hist les

Not only is Bren a skillful bassist and accom plished singer-songw rit er (and one t o w at ch in order t o hear w here he goes on t he next LP), but he's a quit e accom plished (read: professional) phot ographer as w ell, having exhibit ed at several hip galleries in bot h L.A. and Dublin and shot shot s for com m ercial use as w ell. His phot ography holds t he unem bellished honest y t hat his m usic possesses. As m ight be expect ed, it ?s Bren's w ork t hat graces t he album cover of t he record you now possess. More of Bren?s phot o art ist ry can be discovered at w w w.brendopix.com / . Everyt hing You Never Want ed, like it s clever (but not t oo m uch so, if you know w hat I m ean) t it le, is an album t hat 's replet e w it h a t hought fulness t hat crescendos int o loveliness. Holm es's confident and invit ing voice com es on like a lullaby w it h a bit e. It 's t he sort of record t hat arrives like an unexpect ed let t er from a good old, m aybe long-lost friend ? one w ho m ight jar you a bit w it h som e new s t hat cam e out of t he blue Everyt hing You Never Want ed is t he album t hat Bren's m any fans and w ell-w ishers have been w ait ing for som e t im e now
Christmas Buying Guide

Check our FACEBOOK PAGES for Daily Updat es:
Irish Art s & Ent ert ainm ent

All subscribers become members of our VIP Group.
Current ly w e are offering som e really good prom ot ions and as t he Pandem ic eases w e w ill add m ore
At Present :
O'Brien's On Wilshire in Sant a Monica w ill give our subscribers a Free Appet izer w it h purchase. w w w obriensla com
Go t o t he m enu click here
An am azing offer for our ow n VIP Mem bers and Subscribers!
Buy a GIFT SUBSCRIPTION bet w een now and Decem ber 23rd. and w e w ill give you a FREE ONE YEAR EXTENSION on your ow n subscript ion.
PubGuide E New s LA Count y Irish Event s

Irish Arts & Entertainment's VERY IRISH PERKS (VIP) PRIMER
The VIP program is a very im port ant com ponent of our subscript ion program It has a m ult it ude of posit ive fact ors built int o t he program . It serves as a bonus/ rew ard syst em for spending hard cold cash on our publicat ion AND it is a good net w orking t ool for t he Publisher We are able t o at t ract subscribers and advert isers t o our publicat ion and keep t hem int erest ed w hile delivering great Irish int erest cont ent and inform at ion t o our readers. The advert isers benefit by having a readership int erest ed in our excit ing niche m arket and t hey can t arget our readers w it h special offers The volum e m akes it w ort hw hile for t hem t o part icipat e.
The Pandem ic has set us all back a bit in one w ay or anot her and w e are rebuilding our VIP benefit s package We w ere count ing on discount s and deals at pubs and event s but t hat plan is now on t he back burner as t here are few event s and pubs need volum e t o m ake t he discount s pract ical. In t he m eant im e, w e are w orking hard t o line up new offers for our subscribers Throughout t his Buying Guide, w e have som e list ings on good deals and w e w ill be adding special offers t o our w ebsit e as w e find t hem . One VIP, w e have now of int erest is Buy ONE SUB and get a Gift Subscript ion!
Be sure t o check out t he Very Irish Perks each issue and on our Facebook pages.
We are expanding and w e are using new and im proved m et hods for reaching out t o our readers!
We have set up a new affiliat ed Irish Art s & Ent ert ainm ent Channel on Telegram .
We also have updat ed our Websit e.
w w w.irishart sandent ert ainm ent .com

The Irish Arts & Entertainment's CELTIC CAMERA
The Annual Open House Christmas Gathering on Thursday , December 12 at the home of Ireland's Counsel General waswell attended by luminariesfrom the Irish Community of SoCal!

OntheLeft : John & Sally McNally w it h Consul General Marcella Sm yrh and Vice-Consul Conor Dohert y-Greene sport ing sw eat er from his hom et ow n Doíre/ Derry.
ABOVE: Marcella welcoming guestswith participantsin the Christmas Sweater Contest. Thiswill be the Counsel'slast Chrsitmasparty as she isbeing reassigned next Summer.

ABOVE: Griffin Healy and Bridget Duffy Hana at t ended t he part y, w hich feat ured a Guinness Bar. Inside, guest s enjoyed drinks at a bar show casing Ballykeefe Irish Whiskey.
Sout hern California Hibernains including Jay Hart , Griffin, Ken O'Malley ,John McNally and Liam Fount ain

Thanks to John McNally and Thom MacNamara for these photos:
Cover photo by Thom.

ABOVE: Saint Nick's helpers rem iniscing about t heir naught y days of yore! Great pals and w onderful freinds and support ers of t his publicat ion: Ken O'Malley & Thom MacNam ara at t he Counsel General's Christ m as Part y!

ABOVE: Our great friend (Blue shirt stading with his guitar) Richard Gee and Session Mates. Richard moved to LasVegas from LA a few yearsback and it waswonderful to hear that he isstill one of the best Irish Music Makers around!
OntheLeft, At thetop.: The ChristmasLights in London, thanksto Rebecca & Michael Barnes on the LEFT. Michael is a longtime supporter of thispublication and may well be doing some Travel Stories in 2025

Com m unit

Music w as predom inat e in film s t his year, so I enjoyed t he Happy Hour Talks w it h t he com poser and song w rit ers for ?Em ilia Perez,? Clem ent Ducol and Cam ille Som e of t he docum ent aries covered m usical pieces such as ?Bolero,,? depict ing t he live of it s com poser Maurice Ravel and how it cam e t o be and ?Once Upon A Tim e Michel Legrand? t he life of t he Maest ro and t he brilliant film com poser. More m usic film s t hat I found fascinat ing ?My Way? narrat ed by act ress Jane Fonda, t his is t he song m ade fam ous by Frank Sinat ra and played all over t he w orld. It w as originally penned by a French songw rit er and ended up w it h French singer Claude Francois, w ho rew rot e t he lyrics and recorded it . It w as Canadian pop singer Paul Anka, w ho bought t he right s and rew rot e it in English as ?My Way?, a song he brought t o Frank Sinat ra, w ho m ade it a legend Now it has been recorded 1,278 t im es in 163 languages It w as played at t he closing of 2024 Olym pics in Paris, t ear dow n of t he Berlin Wall, at w eddings, funerals, karaoke and everyw here
A t ribut e t o French m ovie great Alain Delon, w ho passed aw ay August 18, 2024, w as t he screening of his film ?Deat h of A Corrupt Man? digit ally rest ored He appeared in 107 film s and w as an adored leading m an and Int ernat ional sex sym bol The TAFFF film s are a diverse com binat ion of genres, Continued on page 25

Saoirse Ronan Shines in St eve McQueen's "Blit z" on Apple TV+
Saoirse Ronan, know n for her capt ivat ing perform ances in film s like "At onem ent " and "Lady Bird," delivers anot her pow erful port rayal in St eve McQueen's lat est film , "Blit z " This poignant w ar dram a, current ly st ream ing on Apple TV+, im m erses view ers in t he lives of ordinary Londoners as t hey navigat e t he relent less Germ an bom bing cam paign during World1 War II.
Ronan plays Rit a, a young m ot her st ruggling t o prot ect her nine-year-old son, George (Elliot Heffernan, in his film debut ), am idst t he chaos and dest ruct ion of t he Blit z. Separat ed from her husband, she faces agonizing decisions and harrow ing circum st ances, show casing t he resilience and st rengt h of t hose w ho endured t his t errifying period
McQueen, acclaim ed for his direct orial w ork in "12 Years a Slave" and " Widow s," m ast erfully capt ures t he at m osphere of w art im e London The film 's grit t y realism , com bined w it h Ronan's nuanced perform ance, brings t o life t he em ot ional t urm oil and everyday heroism of ordinary people facing ext raordinary challenges
"Blit z" is not just a w ar film ; it 's a st ory about hum an connect ion, love, and survival. Ronan's port rayal of Rit a is bot h heart breaking and inspiring, highlight ing t he enduring pow er of t he hum an spirit in t he face of adversit y. Her perform ance adds anot her layer of dept h t o an already im pressive film ography, furt her solidifying her st at us as one of t he m ost t alent ed act resses of her generat ion
Don't m iss Saoirse Ronan's com pelling perform ance in "Blit z," now st ream ing on Apple TV+

TAFFF from previos page....
t hat have a French t w ist . My favorit e film s w ere: ?Auct ion? it w as look int o m ast er art w ork and t he razzle dazzle of auct ions, especially a m ast erpiece m issing since 1939, ?Being Maria? t he st ory of a young act ress and her part in Brando's film ?Last Tango? t hat ruined her life, French Wave film ?Wild Diam ond? a young girl's obsession w it h French a realt y show and seeking fam e
This is a m ult ifacet ed fest ival Academ y Aw ard Winner Michel Hazanavicius (?The Art ist ?) prem iered his first anim at ion film ?The Most Precious of Cargoes ? As alw ays st udent s from local high schools have t he opport unit y t o view and discover French film s, t his year 3000 t eachers at t ended t o view ?The Count of Mont e
Crist o? based on t he novel by Alexandre Dum as The lat est t elevision series and m ovies w ere open t o view by TAFFF audiences
In t he t radit ion of TAFFF, an Anniversary cake is served t o t he capacit y crow d equal t o t he years of t he fest ival; t his year 's chocolat e cake w as an expansive 28 ft in celebrat ion of it s 28 years in Hollyw ood
At t he close of TAFFF 2024, t here w ere w inners: Audience Aw ard:?The Marching Band,? t he Crit ics Aw ard: ?Souleym an's St ory,? Best Docum ent ary: ?Once pon a Tim e Michel Legrand,? Television Aw ard: ?The Blissful,? Television audience Aw ard: ?Being Karl Lagerfeld?and ot hers, The com pet it ion film aw ard w inners garnered t heir prizes in Paris on Novem ber 8t h

"The Holy Land is in the news now This amazing book will give you some insight in understanding exactly why through the centuries many faiths and people have thought this sacred and special city was worth fighting for I love this book." Jim McDonough
SEAN GUNNING Is a Londoner from Irish st ock Aut hor of NO SAMARITAN (48 poem s) , he has w on poet ry cont est s in t he U.S. and Canada and has been published in m any ant hologies.
THE BEST PRESENT EVER: A SINNER?S GUIDE TO THE HOLY LAND is his first w ork of lit erary non-fict ion He lives in Long Beach, CA w it h his Mexican-Am erican w ife, w ho aft er 34 years t oget her is st ill t he funniest girl he has ever m et He can be cont act ed at seangunning1@verizon net or w w w seangunning com ORDER ONLINE AT:
Irish Lit erary Show case
Traveler ?s Christ m as
By Greg Pat rick
?A few light taps upon the pane made him turn to the window. It had begun to snow again. He watched sleepily the flakes, silver and dark, falling obliquely against the lamplight. The time had come for him to set out on his journey westward. Yes, the newspapers were right: snow was general all over Ireland. It was falling on every part of the dark central plain, on the treeless hills, falling softly upon the Bog of Allen and, farther westward, softly falling into the dark mutinous Shannon waves.? ...-Jam es Joyce, Dubliners
The rains sw ept t he subsiding surface of t he Celt ic Sea like a bereaved bard's hands in a slashing of conflict ing chords m isplayed. In solit ary vigil I look for t he sw ans?ret urn. t heir sight like an Elvish flot illa.
Like one w ait ing in lonely expect at ion in an airport recept ion hall.
"Lat e? Not com ing?" Killed by hunt sm an's bullet or rapt or 's t alons...?
" Where are t he sw ans?"
" What are you on about Paddy?"
" The sw ans..."
" What about t hem ?"
Eyes look out t o t he Irish sea w here hungry eyes gaze out t o horizons w ait ing t o be dared Too m any w akes? t oo m any looks behind at a dim inishing shore, greener because you can st and t he rain in a bard's rit e
Som et hing bet rayed in t he voice, som et hing of t he bard searching as t he hunt sm an aft er a pale st ag, like t he last t o quit t he old shrines t o see a prophecy fulfilled, holding out in t he rain for one elusive vision t o grace his sight
"Padi, t he sw ans found t heir w ay past longships, Crom w ell's m ast s, and ironclads They know t heir w ay

like a bard w ho know s his w ords by heart They know t heir w ay back It 's chart ed int o t heir m inds and heart s, t he w ay w e know t he old songs? "
"Didn't know you w ere a poet Seam us "
"Aye w ell you're a bad influence! Alw ays w ere! When yer done m oping, help w it h t he cobs w hy don't ye?"
"Aye? " w ords t rail off
Eyes cast back t o t he w aves t hat roll and sigh in et ernal echo w it h t he shore and draw n back like Yeat s? endearm ent s t o Maude Gonne rebuffed? like echoes of a plea t o Mary enshrined. Bardic eyes search for an elusive m use? for t he right hom age. The m ist draw s in over t he green-m irroring w aves. Eyes like a cast aw ay son, half cast aw ay, half m ariner in aspect , looking out at anot her shore left behind, w ait ing for dolphins t o appear t o see him off The cold draw s deeper t he eyes see ghost s in t he w aves t hose left in t he w ake? w ind st irs t he hair like apparit ional caress Then I see it like t he m om ent t he soul-light goes from a st ricken rebel's eyes
"I see it " and t he bard by t he bedside beckoning him t o t he blessed shore The w hisper of t he w ind before a st eam ing sigh of resignat ion, like a ghost of a dream of song unsung
As if a druid t urns at a cont em pt uous w ord from Saint Pat rick before exile int o t he m ist , fait h becom e "m yt h?
"No real m agic ? Behold t hen? " before w alking int o t he Celt ic Sea like a sacrifice t o t he old gods of song.
"I see it ? "
Like a pale ghost in t he m ist , across t he dream scape of m ist -enshrouded shore. Like shocked gasp of bet rayal at w ords from an angry love.
...Continued on the next page
The gasps becam e w hispers as if in incant at ion, t he w hispers becom e echoes as if a nam e is called t o a back t urned in resignat ion as ot hers in t he room are em braced in w elcom e and leave on st anding
"I see it ? ?
Like echoes of a pilgrim 's prayer in t he eyes cast t o t he cold w aves.
" They're here? I say, voice dream y.
Like a ghost ly figure gat hering form t hrough t he sm oking ruins and debris of a Derry st reet . Just as t he rose falls w it h fait h from one st anding w ait ing
Lingering like t he unspoken quest ion t hat haunt s t he bard? Has t he m use left m e?
More ghost t han living, w ings pale and et hereal as a rebel angel's glide soundlessly, pow erfully beckoned t o t he w ait ing shore.reveling in t heir apparit ional grace, as if m ist w as m et am orphically grant ed form and w ings Arm s w ere raised before t he flock as if in an act of heret ical conjuring Feat hers fall like pale t ears hailing him
"Aye real m agic? " before going quiet ly back int o t he m ist s of legend The rebel angel's soul Rose and fell w it h t hem t o t he cold w aves
" The sw ans are back? "
I t urn m y back know ing t he w ay t o t he caravans by heart t hrough t he rain
" The sw ans are back "
"Are t hey now ? Here m ake yerself useful w it h t he cobs. Com b out t heir m anes before t he bloody garda show and st op being w eird? " He w at ches in silence.
" Why are t hey list ening t o ye like t hat anyw ay...?"
"Because t heir m e cobies aye."
"Alright keep t he w eird st uff up ye changeling and com b t hem out . Aye t hat 's it . "
Like a rebuke of an old fait h or dream before given up for lost I w alk m y cob Cú Chulainn by t he shoreside.
" The sw ans have com e back t hen, w it h t he grace of a Celt ic princess revisit ing ruins of Manannán m ac Lir realm . Like t hat of a bard?s t ouch, soundless as his hand on t he Celt ic harp, in a crow ded room , haunt ed by t he Aeolian caress of t he disem bodied echo of bard's songs long aft er it s com poser 's heart ceased t o beat The flock has ret urned, a ghost ly spell in every sw eep and flourish of w ing basking in t he apparit ional spot light of t he last light of solst ice, new com er 's w ings folding as t hey broke from t he glide like pet als of noct urnal roses.

The Gift of Water is truly theGift of Life
There are many ways to measure success in securing clean water for people; by millions of gallons used, by thousands of lives saved, by time saved and maybe the most beautiful metric of all; Smiles!

ABOVE: Aut hor and Irish Arts & Entertainment Cont ribut or Greg Pat rick at Malbork Cast le in Malbork, Poland
A dual cit izen of Ireland and t he Unit ed St at es, Greg Byron Pat rick is an Irish/ Arm enian t raveler, w rit er & poet He is a son of a Navy m an & a son of t he Traveling People
Also a form er Hum anit arian aid w orker Anot her occupat ion learned w hen he w as young, he w orked w it h great horses as a t rainer for years He loves t he w ilds of Connem ara and Galw ay in t he rain w here he has w rit t en m any st ories Greg spent his yout h in t he Sout h Pacific and Europe and current ly resides in Galw ay, Krakow , and som et im es t he st at es. He now w rit es and t ravels. He is a w ell know n novelist as w ell as w rit ing for t he popular press. His w rit ing has appeared in several int ernat ional publicat ions and ant hologies including t his m agazine, , Lot hlorien Press, Hellbound Books, Dream punk Press, and Cannery Row Press

Every Week
Sundays st art ing @ 4:pm Irish Music
Session w it h Irish Dancers
Auld Dubliner Irish Pub Long Beach
See advert this issue on page 5
Thursdays st art ing @ 9:pm
Irish Music w it h Niall Cash Irish Music Maker from Wexford. Follow him on w w w.inst agram .com / niallcash/
The Auld Dubliner Irish Pub
71 S. Pine Long Beach, CA
w w w.aulddubliner.com w w w.aulddubliner.com

Friday, Decem ber 20 st art ing @ 8:00pm Also on Sat urday, Decem ber 28 @ 8:00pm

CRAiC HAUS hails from Clarem ont , California, and t hey are t he pioneers of "Sham rockabilly"! This am azing local band brings a heavy dose of t he Em erald Isles t o SoCa!
Friday, Decem ber 27 st art ing @ 10:00pm Fiddler Michael Kelly SOLO as Celt Hick!! An am azing fusion of folk/ t rad Irish and t alent ! The Auld Dubliner. Long Beach CA
Follow Michael on

Sunday, December 22 & 29
Starting at 4:00pm
Dalton Maltz, LA's premier up-and-coming folk balladeer, specializing in traditional songsfrom Ireland, Scotland, Canada, and everywhere in-between.
Dalton iswell known to our readers from hisrole in Tommy andTheBrothers

Click Below to Sign Up Free
Our digit al edit ion of t he Irish Art s and Ent ert ainm ent is soon going t o be dist ribut ed via paid subscript ions only and available on our w ebsit e w w w.irishart sandent ert ainm ent .com CLICK HERE t o sign up

Did you know that in the past three years the Irish Arts & Entertainment has given away THREEPAIRSof R/T Ticketsto Ireland on Aer Lingus?
We have also given away well over 200 pairsof ticketsto Irish Concerts, Fairs, Theatre Perfomances, Celtic Gift Packs, and more just during the past 10 years! We love drawings and contests! Next month we announce the details of our biggest and best EZ To Enter & WIN Contest Series EVER!!
Sunday, TBA Denis and Mary Murray invit e you t o an Irish Sunday Pot Luck and Karaoke Social. Bring a dish t o share... great craic and fun!
St Cornenius Church Hall 5500 E. Wardlow , Long Beach St art s @ 7:30pm

Every Tuesday, Friday, Sat & Sunday Fiddler Mike Kelly goes Celt Hick w it h his solo act at four different Hennessey Pubs. Check online for det ails,

you to Advertise With Us
Our new Media Kit is available if you are int erest ed in advert ising or prom ot ing your business or event w it h us. Our proven 30 plus year t rack record speaks for it self w hen it com es t o great value w it h our niche m arket publicat ion!
We really have no equal. Now in addit ion t o our effect ive and w ell respect ed publicat ion; our t eam has
The View From Ireland Feat ure last year about t he Irish Language by our great friend and Irish Art s and Ent ert ainm ent colum nist Maurice Fit zpat rick really resonat ed w it h us We use t he m ont hs of t he year in each issue but our collect ive Irish is very lim it ed
In fact , w orking on t he folio (t he t op of each page) recent ly, I forgot t he w ord for Oct ober in Irish and had t o look it up I found t his really int erest ing YouTube video and share t he link below
I w ould like t o change m y lack of Irish t oo so st art ing now and in fut ure issues, w e w ill be
m ast ered Digit al Market ing and w e can enhance your out reach for a very cost effect ive rat e
The digit al age has been good t o us and w e have been able t o prosper and grow our subscriber base. We w ill have det ails soon on our expansion plans and our Affiliat e Program s. We are also going t o enhance our Very Irish Perks and st art a new series of very excit ing Draw ings and Cont est s!
The Holidays are alm ost here and w e w ill be doing Special issues for Hallow een and for Christ m as!
offering our readers a few w ords or phrases in our Mot her Language
Also, if you are in t he LA area,t he Celt ic Art s Cent er has ongoing Irish lessons. As w e expand around t he US, w e w ill add m ore such links More on t his project in com ing issues.

OWEN DARA is back at The 1881 Club in Pasadena!
8 PM t o 11 every Tuesday night . Says Owen about the show, " I mix some Irish songs with comedy and original songs It?s always a fun night And there?sno cover charge. The 1881 hasa variety of beers winesand mixed drinks And the Guinness there is exceptionally good! Especially on a Tuesday night!!"

The Harp Inn Irish Pub Pour House Trivia Every Wednesday Evening at 7;00pm
130 E. 17t h. St . Cost a Mesa, CA w w w.harpinn.com

The Auld Dubliner
Every Monday w e host Trivia Night , gat her your friends and com e in t o com pet e and enjoy a pint
The Auld Dubliner
71 Pine St . Long Beach, CA w w w.aulddubliner.com
O'Brien's Irish Pub St andard Trivia Night s are Mondays and Wednesdays Monday
st art s at 8PM t ill 10:30PM WED: 8PM t o 10PM Form a t eam or t ry t o form one at t he pub. Play for cash prizes of $150. No ent ry fee O'Brien's Irish Pub 2226 Wilshire Sant a Monica, CA w w w.obriensla.com
Ye Olde King's Head Brit ish Pub & Rest aurant Trivia in t he pub at 7:30pm 116 Sant a Monica Bl Sant a Monica, CA

First publicat ion ever of t he post er for "A Lesser Gift " t o be released lat er t his year. "A Lesser Gift " t ells t he st ory of an Irish couple w ho are facing challenges aft er having t heir first child Their sit uat ion is furt her com plicat ed w hen an Am erican w om an ent ers t heir lives. Set in pict uresque Ireland, w rit t en and direct ed by Ow en Dara. His t hird feat ure film is current ly in post - product ion in Los Angeles For More on Owen Dara and his films may we suggest the following links and digital resources:
w w w.ow endara.com
Owen Dara on...