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Dear Friends and Readers
The New Year isupon us! Each January it happens and even in my 81st, year, I'm alwaysa bit awestruck and surprised at the panorama of existence and time. Probably, a good way to be. Well at least for me.
I think, we Irish all reflect a bit more on life, love and the journey than the average mortals most of the time The Holidays and the New Year seem to bring out our sentimental side even a bit more! In my family and close circle, we are still celebrating and only accept that the Chrsitmas Season isover on January 6 (The Feast of the Epipheny and Twelfth Night)
So in t his Spirit , w e w ish all of our Advert isers, Friends, Readers, Subscribers and Support ers, a Very Blessed & Happy 2025!
We have an am azing issue for you in t hese pages and w e have an am azing year in t he w orks for 2025 as w ell. So please enjoy and as alw ays, w e invit e our com m ent s and qust ions,
Det ails on our Win 2 R/ T Tickets To Dublin Drawing!
Also, st art ing in February, w e w ill be prom ot ing a Second Draw ing for anot her pair of t icket s t o Ireland! Excit ing t im es lie ahead as w e expand our reach and subscriber base! Aside from being a great value w it h Very Irish Perks t hat m eans t hat our Lifet im e subscribers w ill have TWO CHANCES at w inning our Air Fare t icket s draw ing! Thanks t o all w ho have signed up already! Please t ell your fam ily and frinds We invit e you t o check our w ebsit e t oo! w w w.irishart sandent ert ainm ent .com
Cillian Murphy in t he just finished film ing Peaky Blinder sequill and a ot her film s.
Starts on Page 3
This is our Annual Irish Art s & Ent ert ainm ent 's We jum p around on t his feat ure w it h an INTRO in t he Celt ic Cam era feat ure on Page 20
Our regular features: Maurice Fit zpat rick's View from Ireland and John McNally's Irish Com m ent ary on SAY NOTHING
You w ill not ice t hat our Calendar is grow ing!
Subm issions for Calendar Celt ic Cm era and Travel Feat ures are w ant ed: Send ideas and St ory Subm issions w it h jpegs and capt ions t o: irishm issive@gm
The popular pressis catching up with the interest in Cillian Murphy and Peaky Blinders that our readersand fansof the Irsh actor have been expressing for many years.
Since winning, Oscar recognition for Oppenheimer, Murphy hasbeen getting the unrelenting celebrity coverage that seemsto mark the youhavearrived statusin the world of USand international mass media.
Papersin Ireland and this publication were covering hisfilms long before he
became the idol and heartthrobe of the multitudes, How could we not, he isa brilliant actor and by all accounts a truly decent human being and credit to the Irish We were a little ahead of the curve but that isour job
The film baseson the increasingly popular Netflix Seriesisnow officially finished and although the release date hasnot been officially announced or the title leaked, it isanticipated that it will be in December of this year! Here isa synopsis of what we lnow so far
The movie finished filming in December
2024 The creator, Steven Knight, has indicated a 2025 release islikely, but Netflix hasn't confirmed a date
While fans have speculated, there'sno official title released.
NOW, back on Netflix
The show hasbeen incredibly popular and critically acclaimed It has consistently ranked high in Netflix's Top 10 during its six seasons run and has a devoted fanbase It's safe to say its performance ismuch better than "average reruns"
Keep an eye out for official announcementsfrom Netflix about the movie You can follow their social media pagesor the official Peaky Blinders pagesfor the latest news
Meanwhile NETFIX is showing two other exceptional films stariing Cillian Murphy
See relatedfeaturesstartingonpage11
Daily Lunch Specials Click Here
The Irish-language film Kneecap has been Shortlisted for Two Academy Award Nominations
By John McNally
It isone of 15 films in the running for the International Feature category at the 2025 Oscars, following its selection as Ireland?sofficial submission by the Irish Film and Television Academy (IFTA). Additionally, the trio?s song "Sick intheHead"isamong 15 contendersfor Best Original Song.
The film offersa semi-fictionalized comedic portrayal of the formation of the west Belfast rap group Kneecapin 2019
Recently, the Irish language rap group successfully challenged a decision by the British government to deny them funding due to their nationalist views Tory leader Kemi Badenoch, while serving asa minister in the previous London government, had refused to approve an arts grant of £14,250 for the group At the time, a British official justified the decision, stating it was ?hardly surprising?that the government would not allocate taxpayer fundsto individuals?opposed to the United Kingdom ?
The move drew widespread criticism from political
commentators and artsadministrators, who argued that it set a dangerousprecedent for discrimination based on political beliefs and threatened civil rights in Northern Ireland. The court ultimately ruled the funding denial; ?unlawful and procedurally unfair." Continuedonpg. 6
DJPróvaí has said the court awarded money will be used to support Irish Cultural Programs
KNEECAP Cont inued from page 4
Arriving at Belfast High Court in a celebratory mood in a repurposed RUCLand Rover, group member DJPróvaí emphasized that the case was never about the money for Kneecap. He announced that the fundswould be divided between two community organizations: R-City, based on Belfast?sShankill Road, and Glór Na Móna, an Irish language group in west Belfast ?They don? t like that we oppose British rule, that we believe England doesn? t serve anyone in Ireland,?DJPróvaí said. ?The working classeson both sides of the community deserve better? better funding, appropriate mental health services, and the freedom to celebrate music, art, and culture?
Darragh Mackin, Kneecap?slawyer, hailed the court'sdecision asa victory for artsand culture.
The three members of the Irish hip hop group Kneecap pictured above are: Liam Óg Ó hAnnaidh: Uses the stage name Mo Chara. Naoise Ó Cairealláin: Uses the stage name Móglaí Bap and J.J. Ó Dochartaigh: Uses the stage name DJ Próvaí
Kneecap is a group from West Belfast, Northern Ireland that mixes Irish and English in their lyrics.Their lyrics often include Irish republican themes The group is known for having fun while being provocative and controversial, which has drawn the ire of politicians and media outlets However, they have also endeared themselves to fans around the world
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Jim m y Cart er and t he Road t o Peace In Ireland
By John McNally
President Jim m y Cart er w as a st aunch advocat e for hum an right s and act ively prom ot ed peace w orldw ide
During his president ial cam paign, Cart er m ade a not able st at em ent : ?It is a m ist ake for our count ry?s governm ent t o st and quiet on t he st ruggle of t he Irish for peace, for t he respect of hum an right s, and for unifying Ireland ? This rem ark drew crit icism , w it h
Margaret That cher calling it "unfort unat e," and Fine Gael Foreign Minist er (lat er Taoiseach) Garret t Fit zgerald condem ning it . Cart er ?s view s w ere influenced by t he Ancient Order of Hibernians and Fr. Sean McManus of t he Washingt on, D.C.-based Irish Nat ional Caucus. Also, John Hum e, t hrough Pat Moynihan and Tip O?Neill, played a role in shaping President Cart er ?s view s on t he Anglo-Irish conflict .
During Cart er ?s adm inist rat ion, export licenses for arm s int ended for t he Royal Ulst er Const abulary w ere w it hheld due t o concerns over hum an and civil right s violat ions. The Brit ish governm ent had placed an order for 3,000 .375 Magnum handguns and 500 .223 sem iaut om at ic rifles from t he St urm Ruger Corporat ion in Connect icut . Cart er crit icized t heBrit ish for excessive violence in t rying t o put dow n t he Irish rebellion in t he nort h of Ireland.
Cart er becam e t he first U.S. president t o involve him self in w hat w as considered "Brit ain?s dom est ic affairs" regarding Nort hern Ireland. His act ions paved t he w ay for furt her engagem ent by President Bill Clint on, w ho w ent even furt her by defying t he St at e Depart m ent , challenging Brit ish censorship of t he conflict , and appoint ing a special peace envoy? effort s t hat ult im at ely cont ribut ed t o t he Belfast / Good Friday Agreem ent .
Jimmy Carter hasIrish and Scots-Irish ancestry, but the information about his specific Irish roots islimited based on a quick AI search A deep dive has been made and there are a lot of detailsto be found online
We present here, some basic public factoids!
One of Jimmy Carter'sancestors, Andrew Cowan, was from County Antrim. Other paternal linkscame from both County Derry and County Armagh'
Jimmy Carter'smother'smaiden name was Bessie Grody and on her side, some of his maternal ancestors originated from County Down and County Donegal aswell.
Aswith many Irish and Scots-Irish, the Carters came via England to the USin 1600's Amazingly, Jimmy Carter could trace 7 geneartionsof his family living in Georgia,
The phot o above is a copy of a souvineer sent t o Fr. Sean McManus; an Irish peace activist and Catholic priest from County Fermanagh. He founded and still runs the Irish National Caucas
Our new website isnow in action!
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Irish Am erican President Jim m y Cart er 's Life and Legacy
.Jimmy Carter hasdiedat 100
Early Life and Presidency
JamesEarl Carter Jr wasborn on October 1, 1924, in Plains, Georgia He graduated from the U S Naval Academy in 1946 and served in the Navy until 1952.Carter became the 39th President of the United States, serving from 1977 to 1981 His presidency wasmarked by significant achievementssuch as the Camp David Accords, the Panama Canal Treaties, Opening talks with Ireland and the UK over "The Troubles" and the establishment of diplomatic relationswith China Naval
Carter's naval career began after his graduation from the U S Naval Academy He served on the USSWyoming and later became part of the nuclear submarine program under Admiral Hyman Rickover Hisnaval service included a notable role in repairing a Canadian nuclear reactor disaster in 1952
Influence With Ireland
In 1977, during the height of The Troublesin Northern Ireland, Carter issued the first formal statement on Northern Ireland by a U S president This groundbreaking initiative set the precedent for the pivotal role successive U S presidents would play in securing peace, laying the groundwork for the Good Friday Agreement Sadly for the Irish Peace Process, , Carter lost his bid for a second term. In hisfirst and only term; Carter'scontribution wasto put Northern Ireland on the USforeign policy agenda and encourage dialogue Reagan initially continued US involvement, though his close tieswith Thatcher and focus on the Cold War meant lessdirect engagement
President Jim m y Cart er 1924 ~ 2024 RIP
While Carter's early effortswere significant in breaking the deadlock and bringing international attention to the conflict, it took decades of negotiations, setbacks, and renewed efforts before the Good Friday Agreement wasfinally reached in 1998. The late Presidenta Carter's erly actions will be remembered asan important early step ,
Habitat for Humanity
Carter began hislong-standing involvement with Habitat for Humanity in 1984 He and his wife, Rosalynn, became the faces of the organization, helping to build and renovate thousands of homes worldwide
More onPeaky fromPage3
The tile isrumored to be "The Immortal Man", The big clue on the title came from an Instagrm post by Nadia Stacey, a hair and makeup artist who worked on the Peaky Blinders movie
She posted an illustration of Cillian Murphy . Shown here on the right asTommy Shelby with Barry Keoghan with the caption "THEIMMORTALMAN - Peaky Blinders themovie. Oneof my favouritejobsever."
Cillian Murphy is definitely reprising his role asTommy Shelby and Irish actor Barry Keoghan "The Bansheesof Inisherin" hasjoined the cast It's likely other Irish actors will be involved, given the show'shistory Netflix has the distribution rights, so it'sexpected to be available there first for sure Whether it will be exclusively on Netflix or have a theatrical release is unknown at this point
Continuation of the series:
The movie will pick up where the series left off, further exploring Tommy Shelby's story and the Peaky Blinders' world
There isa time jump involved, the movie is expected to be set during World War II, introducing new challenges and conflictsfor the characters.
A Crit ical Review of SAY NOTHING
Patrick Radden Keefe?s book and subsequent film, Say Nothing draws heavily from the Boston College Belfast Project? oral interviews conducted with former IRA members in the early 2000s However, these tapeswere fraught with bias so calling the book and movie a true story is debatable. The Boston Project was carried out by individualswho, along with many of the interviewees, were strongly against the Peace Processand deeply critical of Gerry Adams. By the final episode, it becomes evident that the writers objective was to create a hit piece targeting Gerry Adams' character.
The book heavily leans on accounts from one faction within the IRA? those against the ceasefire and peace process? while neglecting the perspectives of those who supported an end to violence If Keefe?sbook had simply recounted the story of a few individuals and one tragic incident during the Troubles, it might stand as a compelling narrative Instead, it implicates Gerry Adams in the disappearance of Jean McConville, despite the lack of proven evidence. When British authoritiesaccessed the Boston Tapes, they arrested Gerry Adamsbut released him after just a few days, citing the unreliability of the evidence.
Thisfurther underscoresthe
questionable foundation of the book?s key allegations
This lack of balance raisescritical questions: Why did Keefe choose to amplify the voices of the hardliners while overlooking the peacemakers? While the book does effectively portray the suffering of the McConville children after their mother?s abduction, it falls short in offering a nuanced understanding of the broader context, ignoring killings carried out by British forcesand loyalists during this tumultuousperiod, further skewing the narrative. To fully grasp the flaws in the book and its film adaptation, some context isessential.
Both supporters and criticsagree that the IRA ceasefire, the Peace Agreement, and the eventual decommissioning of weapons would likely not have been possible without the pivotal role of Gerry Adams, who was Sinn Féin President at the time Within the IRA, there was a sharp divide between hawks and doves, and it was Adams?skillful negotiations that ultimately convinced the organization to abandon armed conflict without a major split in the organization. Gerry Adams will be remembered in history as a figure whodid much to advance the liberation of his country, drawing parallels to the legacy of Nelson Mandela.
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The View from Ireland
Meet the?New?Government?
By Maurice Fitzpatrick
After a deluge of leaflets, a barrage of door knocks, a blitz of television debates, a bombast of promises, a din of sparring, a plurality of counting stations and a generous augmentation of the dictionary of collective nouns, the Irish General Election hashappened That was followed by a relay of coalition negotiations(ok, enough). At the end of all thisconvulsion, what do we have?When President Michael D Higgins dissolved the Dáil at Taoiseach Simon Harris?request on November 8th we had a government of Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil with a rotating taoiseach, propped up by a small party (the Greens) Once the count came in, it wasclear that the 34th Dáil would comprise Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil with a rotating taoiseach, and a small party or contingent You could be forgiven for feeling underwhelmed The main distinction between thisgovernment and the last one will be what or who will form the third leg of the governmental stool FG-FF will likely form a a government with a cluster of Independent candidates, buying them off with local priorities If not, it will be a third party Of the smaller parties, the only two viable optionsare Labour and the Social Democrats. If FG-FF coalesced with the latter, it would be the SocDem?sfirst time in government and their presence would represent a shift of political weight towards younger demographics. Precisely for that reason, FG-FF would sooner coalesce with Labour Labour would likely be the more pliable partner, and Labour won 11 seats, so their support should provide a stable majority. But this isa buyer?smarket for FG-FF: their combined seat tally is86 and they only need 3 more seatsto gain a majority That would diminish Labour?s already low statusby making itsability to walk away unthreatening since a few Independent candidates could be found to offset the blow So, Labour will probably opt for the opposition benchessooner than be swallowed by the larger partiesfor the duration of government and then spat out by the electorate in the next general election
It isremarkable that the Irish electorate haspunted for Fine Gael for another five years, after their 13 years in office; that began after a full 11 yearsof Fianna Fáil (19972008). From Sinn Féin?s perspective, that fact isdeeply unsettling Itspitch to the electorate at the hustingswas that Ireland had had 100 years of FG-FF and it wastime for change Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald argued thisperspective ? lifted almost word for word from an op-ed by Gerry Adams in the IrishTimeson November 21st And it did not work
Maybe that is because enough of the electorate
consider the proposition bogus since, for most of those 100 years, FGand FF vigorously opposed each other, only forming a coalition for the first time in 2020. Maybe it was because, in advance of that last General Election, Sinn Féin also denounced ?tweedledum and tweedledee? , and it sounded trite to trot the slur out again
Amid the many pollsin the lead up to the November 29th election, a particularly unsettling result for Sinn Féin drew insufficient attention The poll, taken during the week of the election, asked which party voterswould least wish to see in government 35%of the electorate responded Sinn Féin No other party came close to that level of rejection: Fine Gael 15%, Fianna Fáil 10%, the Greens17%. It is almost inconceivable that any party in Ireland will win an outright majority in the near future, so coalition formation isan unavoidable calculation both for partiesand voters. Sinn Féin failed to gain even a fifth of the vote and it isthe least favoured coalition partner both by the other main partiesand the electorate. Maintaining the claim that it will form part of a government isnot so much weak as fanciful The party spent much of the past four and a half yearsoutlining what ?a Sinn Féin-led government would do? ? ; and a lot of the Irish media shared that assumption Elementsof the Irish civil service even quietly started to make accommodationsto not disturb the putative Sinn Féin-led government. Yet the inevitability is rather the reverse The party needs a new strategy and surely the best hope for that is with a new leader?
Sinn Féin?stally in the General Election was 19%, not as bad as itsEuropean/ local election result in June (12%) Still, it would take a dyed-in-the-wool party hack to regard thisas positive. Mary Lou McDonald hasbeen party leader since 2018 A small detail, lost on most (but surely not on her or other Sinn Féin grandees), is that the deputy leader of Sinn Féin in Dáil Éireann, Pearse Doherty, topped the poll in Donegal and waselected on the first count whereas McDonald was elected on the 3rd count Doherty isthe leader-in-waiting, and it isnow getting harder to argue that he should have to wait any longer
These are some of the clarifications from this thoroughly unremarkable election, which returned a revamped version of the old government None of the government partiessought a mandate to prioritise younger generationsand consequently it isa safe bet that that will not happen during the lifetime of the next government The housing crisiswill endure and the shimmering discontent in Ireland will continue to boil and seek ventilation: in this election, Dublin Central came within a whisker of electing one of Ireland?smost notorious criminals That could be a taste of thingsto come if this government does not face the dire need for income redistribution, land re-zoning and housing supply Still, the morning after the election in Ireland was a good deal more tolerable than waking up the news from the USon November 6th.
Cillian Murphy is having an im pressive career w it h a variet y of roles.
The Peaky Blinders saga has m ade it cert ain t hat he is now considered one of t he m ost popular and w ell know n Irish act ors ever.
We present here a list of his best film s, including "Sm all Things Like These" w hich w e review ed lat e last year
This com pelling dram is now available for hom e view ing online: CLICK HERE for t railer or t o rent or buy
We also list his upcom ing sequel t o 28 Day Lat er scheduled for t heat rical release in July. Oppenheimer (2023): Murphy's port rayal of J. Robert Oppenheim er in t his biopic earned him crit ical acclaim and an Oscar.
28 Days Later (2002): This post -apocalypt ic horror film direct ed by Danny Boyle brought Murphy int o t he spot light
Inception (2010): Murphy played Robert Fischer in Christ opher Nolan's m ind-bending t hriller
The Wind That Shakes the Barley (2006): A pow erful dram a set during t he Irish War of Independence.
Batman Begins (2005): Murphy's role as Dr. Jonat han Crane/ Scarecrow in t his superhero film w as m em orable
A Quiet Place Part II (2021): Murphy joined t he cast of t his int ense horror sequel.
Dunkirk (2017): Anot her collaborat ion w it h Christ opher Nolan, w here Murphy played a shell-shocked soldier.
Red Eye (2005): A t hriller w here Murphy played a chilling ant agonist .
Small Things Like These (2024): A hist orical dram a w here Murphy st ars as Bill Furlong, uncovering dark secret s in a sm all Irish t ow n.
28 Years Later (2025): The upcom ing sequel t o "28 Days Lat er," w here Murphy ret urns in a surprising role
HAPPY NEW YEAR, fromour Belfast based, IrishChef Paul Watters. Thistime of year, most of uspromise ourselvesthat we will do better in general but especially on the diet and health fronts. Thisissue, we have an offering of a delicious, hearty and healty entree..
The Main Course isa Stuffed chicken fillet with chestnut mushroomsbaby spinach cream cheese accompanied by a sweet potato mash and a melody of seasonal vegetables.
250g chestnut mushrooms (cut up small)
400g baby spinach
200g cream cheese
Chicken filets x4
200g prosciutto ham
Black pepper to season
The Mash
You will need
1 sweet potato peeled (cut into bite-size chunks)
8 large potatoes(cut into bite-size chunks)
2 tablespoonsof butter
4 tablespoonsof semi-skimmed milk
1/2 Handful of chopped flat-leaf parsley
Salt and white pepper to taste
400g green beans
400g baby carrots
400g garden peas
400g baby potato
1 small onion diced
1 clove of garlic crushed
1 tablespoon of tomato puree
1 1/ 2 pint s of chicken st ock
2 sprigs of garlic picked
Our contributing Celebrity Chef has been creat ing dishes and preparing great food for over 30 years. He has w orked all over t he w orld from t he Savoy Hot el in London t o as far aw ay from Ireland as t he Sydney Opera House, Aust ralia A few years ago, Chef Paul ret urned t o Belfast and cont inued t o w ork at som e t op rat ed hot el rest aurant s During t he lockdow n he set up a cooking page on Facebook t o share his love of food and cooking. Chef Paul also st art ing w rit ing about cooking for m agazines and papers around t he w orld. We are bot h delight ed and very appreciaat ive t o be associat ed w it h him .
The Met hod
First of all, preheat the oven to 180.
Then, move on to the stuffing.
Thiscan also be done the day before to save time. In a large pan fry off the spinach in a little oil and water and season with salt and pepper Allow to wilt and withdraw from the frying pan into a small bowl Bring the back to the heat. Add a knob of butter and a little oil to fry the mushrooms ; season with salt and pepper Cook for 2 - 3 minutes and allow to cool
For the chicken,
cut down the middle and butterfly and gently pat out. Smear 2 tablespoons of cream cheese on each filet. Add 2 tablespoonsof spinach and mushrooms at the start of the chicken Place 3 rasher of prosciutto ham on a board or large plate and roll: (Chef tip add 3 cocktail sticks into the chicken top middle bottom this will help keep itsshape)
Once completed, heat a large pan and add a drizzle of oil to the pan. Add the chicken season with black pepper, cook for 5 minutes on each side transfer to a oven-proof dish and cook for a further 10.
The Gravy In the same frying pan add diced onion garlic rosemary and tomato puree add chicken stock bring to a boil and thicken with the preferred gravy mix
Vegetables In a saucepan, bring 1 pint of salted water to a boil Add potatoes and cook for 15 mins Add carrot and cook for 3 mins; add green beansand cook for a further 2 minutes; add peasand cook for a further 2 minutesstrain and bring back to the heat to keep warm For the mash, Once the potatoes are cooked, add a little milk and butter, and for extra flavour and mash, add the chopped parsley.
The chicken will be ready when everything else is, and it will leak some juice added to the gravy for extra flavour. Transfer to a chopping board and allow to rest for a few minutes.
The Presentation
Add the mash onto the plate. Arrange the vegetables on the plate. Slice the chicken to your liking and place on top of the mash drizzle the gravy asrequired and garnish with some picked parsley and fresh rosemary
St. Patrick?sDay in Ireland
Kerry Irish Productionsis pleased to announce a limited tour for the Saint Patrick?sDay holiday Saint Patrick?sDay in Ireland is a raucous evening of music and dance that carries on the Irish traditions of celebrating with music and family. Be prepared to be transported back to the Emerald Isle for a wild Irish night of fiddles, bodhrán, pipes, flutes, song and dance.
The program featuresthe talented multi-instrumentalistsfrom the Kerry Traditional Band: Colin Cotter, guitar/fidil/vocals; Ann Colliton, bodhrán/percussion, Sumaia Jackson, fidil and Tim Hill, uilleann pipes/flutes/vocalsalong with dancers
from the Kerry Dance Troupe, solo dancers, and guest dancersfrom highly regarded regional Irish dance academiesall under the direction of producer, Margaret O?Carroll of Kerry Irish Productions Sing your heart out with the band on some great Irish songsincluding: The Wild Rover (often referred to as Ireland?s2nd national anthem), Red isthe Rose, Leaving of Limerick, Spanish Lady, Ireland?sCall and many more.
?St. Patrick?sDay inIrelanddeliversa night of rip-roaringmusicsonganddance? "
For 2025, Special Irish dance school guestsinclude: Kennelly School of Irish Dance, Rohan Murphy Irish Dance Academy & FIREDANCE- Irish Dance 805
Pictured Here:
from t he 2024 St . Pat rick's Day In Ireland Tour
Kerry Irish ProductionsInc. was founded in 2015 by Margaret O?Carroll (from Co Kerry, Ireland) with the intention of promoting and sharing Irish culture here in the United States
The company hasproduced and presented the showsAn Irish Christmas, Christmasfrom a Celtic Table, St Patrick?sDay in Ireland, Celtic Wings and The Heart of an Irish Woman in Performing ArtsCentersthroughout the United States Kerry Irish Productionsalso workswith major
corporationsincluding Aer Lingus, Tourism Ireland, Flavors of Ireland, and the Irish Consulate to produce special eventsin various UScities and for major companies:, The Ireland Funds, The IMA Group, The Professional Dance Association, The Irish-American Bar Association, Ireland Week, PBSAutumn Pledge Drives, ICN Network (Chinese national television network), The Irish Industrial Development Authority, The Irish Technology and Leadership Group to name a few! Kerry Irish Productions
wasalso invited to lead the entertainment in a celebration of Julie Andrews?work on Broadway and in film in a sell-out event at the Beverly Hilton Hotel
A Pict orial Ret rospect ive of t he First Quart er of 2024
Pinpointing a n area to focus on when eediting our Annual Year In Review issue isan interesting challenge Looking at past issus and archivesof newsand PressReleasesgivesus, frankly, too much material to choose from
In the case of thismention, we are admitting to a mistaake We had a press release and info on this and we did not cover it at the time Turnsout, it was a production that wasso popular that it wasbrought back in August of last year as well as the January run
The production of "DruidO'Casey" opened at the Abbey Theatre in Dublin in late January 2024 to rave reviews Thisambitiousstaging of three Sean O'Casey plays ?ThePlough andtheStars,TheShadow of a Gunman, and JunoandthePaycock? wasa major cultural event You can find detailsabout the production here w w w abbeyt heat re ie/ w hat s-on/ druidocasey/
There isconsiderable interest in bringing these worksto major theatresin the United States again, perhapsas early as2025. We will keep our readers informed Aspart of our expansion plans, it is our intention to be covering muh more on Irish Stage Productionsbe it the Classics or newer works.
JUST IN from our friends at YE OLDE KINGS HEAD
St ay safe, if you need a place t o recharge and find refuge am ong freinds, please drop by. The pub, rest aurant and Gift Shop are all
St. Brigid'sDay 2024
The feast day of thisIrish saint is becoming increasingly popular. Last year we put St. Brigid on our cover asa tribute to the ever increasing awarenes, love and veneration that is being given to her St Brigid of Ireland is becoming an increasingly prominent celebration of Irish culture and womanhood
In Ireland last year Brigid1500 washeld in County Kildare; this major festival ran from January 27th to February 6th, with events across County Kildare focusing on St. Brigid's values(faith, biodiversity, arts, and social justice). Highlightsincluded light shows, a candlelight pilgrimage, concerts, and talks.
celebratory events all over the country both north and south honoring her In the US, for the first time, the Irish Counsel in Miami, Fl held an event on her Feast Day, February 1st. It waspart of a global celebration of women's achievements While the Florida event might have been a first in the US,, Irish embassies and consulates worldwide have been marking St Brigid'sDay since 2018
Also last year in Ireland there were
We w ere delight ed t o be part of t he Press Cont ingent once again at The Am erican French Film Fest ival (TAFFF); t hanks t o t h good offices of our very able Ent ert ainm ent and Travel Writ er Barbara Singer
On the right: Cillian Murphy as Oppenheimer and Cillian Murphy at the TOPRIGHT accepting the 2024 Oscar for Best Male Actor in a leading role.
The 96th Academy Awardswere held on Sunday, March 10, 2024, at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. In 2024, Murphy also was awarded: Golden Globe Award for Best Actor ? Motion Picture Drama, BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role and Screen ActorsGuild Award for Outstanding Performance
The TOP SPOT here again goes to Cillian Murphy for his Oscar Win for Oppenheimer
It w as a very bright st art t o t he year for Cillian Murphy, w hose barnst orm ing perform ance in Oppenheim er net t ed him t he hist oric Oscar w in
The Cork nat ive, w ho hails from Douglas, has cont inued t o st ay on t op in t he film gam e w it h t he Irish Film Small Things Like These and t he upcom ing Peaky Blinders sequel and m ore.
(See page 13) He w as favored t o w in t he covet ed st at uet t e, but adm it t ed he w as ?quit e overw helm ed? w hen he t ook t o t he st age t o accept it
The Irish Arts & Entertainment's CELTIC CAMERA's 2024
Year In Review
Just in t im e for St . Pat rick's Day Celebrat ions! Altan, the Irish group that has been captivating audiences around the world for over three decadesperformed at the Irvine Barclay in mid March!
Kevin Flynn?s Funny and Moving ?Fear of Heights?w as present ed at t he Odyssey for t w o w eeks in April.
March ~ April
Gr am m y- Nom inated M usic Sensation Celtic Wom an Br ught Their 20th Anniver sar y Tour To Califor nia
IRELAND DEFEATED SCOTLAND in Dublin on Sat urday, March 16t h, 2024 for t he Cham pionship!.
MAY 5 t o 11
Ireland Week
st art ed w it h Eim ear
Noone Conduct ing her am azing product ion IRELAND
Where Legend Lives on Sunday, May 5 at t he Congregat ionalist Church near dow nt ow n LA
The 2024 Ir ish M usic Scene In Review
Music Makersin Irealnd last year were amazing, prolific and varied. From traditional, to contempoary, classical and hip-hop, every genre waswell represented. We present here a few notable examplesof Irish bands and musicianswho made waves last year!
First up, Breakthrough Acts
Lorcan Kelly: ThisDerry-based techno artist gained significant traction with over 300,000 streams in six months Not since, the late and great Avicii (Tim Bergling), has a European artist gained such an international following His unique "hardgroove" style, blending tribal influencesand playful funk elements, caught the attention of established names like Mark Broom and Future 666 Kelly also performed across Ireland and internationally, signaling a rising career
Kayleigh Glynn: A Dublin-based DJknown for her "trance-tinged, old-school euphoria," Glynn had a standout year with setsat Ibiza Rocks, Electric Picnic, and key Dublin clubs She'srecognized for her ability to blend classic and contemporary sounds, creating a nostalgic yet fresh experience
Virgins: ThisBelfast shoegaze band generated buzz with their debut album "nothing hurt and everything was beautiful " Their sound, influenced by bands like My Bloody Valentine and Slowdive, resonated with fans of the genre
LANKUM are USbound ! We will have details links& listings in our February issue
Established Acts:
Lankum: ThisDublin-based folk group, known for their contemporary take on traditional Irish music, released a critically acclaimed live album, "Live in Dublin" The album captured the energy of their three-night residency at Vicar Street and included their popular rendition of "Rocky Road to Dublin". Lankum were founded in 2014 and the membersare: Ian Lynch, Daragh Lynch, Cormac MacDiarmada and Radie Peat
Other Notable Mentions:
- Róis: Rose Connolly, an experimental musician and composer from County Fermanagh, released her second album, "Mo Léan," exploring ancient Irish keening traditions.
- Princ?ss: This anonymous "supergroup" of Irish alternative musiciansreleased their self-titled debut album, garnering attention for their blend of shoegaze and pop influences.
- David Murphy: This Buttevant-born musician explored new sonic territory with his album "Cuimhne Ghlinn," which reimagined Irish traditional music for pedal steel guitar.
In March, w e w ill be present ing our Annual Irish Music Makers Issue. If you have a favorit e Irish group or m usician or if you are a m em ber or agent for a band; please send us cont act inform at ion: irishm issive@gm ail com
Lorcan and Link t o Soundcloud
Ireland'sNational Men'sBasketball Team
Annual Pictorial Year In Review
December 21 st >>>Inside the Neolithic structure at NEWGRANGE--Tomb or Temple or Observatory? This was the most popular feature and cover that we had through all of 2024! Coutesyof theNational Museumof Ireland
Also in December, The Annual Open House Christmas Gathering on Thursday , December 12 at the home of Ireland's Counsel General waswell attended by luminaries from the Irish Community of SoCal! We were sorry to hear that Marcella Smyth will be leaving LA thisyear
Left: Ken O'Malley and Thom MacNamara
ABOVE:Southern California Hibernainsincluding Jay Hart, Griffin, Healy of the Irish Fair Foundation, Ken O'Malley ,John McNally and Liam Fountain
ThankstoJohnMcNally andThomMacNamara for thesephotos:
Six Nat ions Rugby
Sundays st art ing @ 4:pm
Irish Music Session w it h Irish Dancers
Auld Dubliner Irish Pub Long Beach
See advert this issue on page 5
Thursdays st art ing @ 9:pm Irish Music w it h Niall Cash. Irish Music Maker from Wexford. Follow him on w w w inst agram com / niallcash/
Follow Michael on
Sundaysin January January 25
Starting at 4:00pm
Irish balladeer, enjoy an afternoon/evening of story and son from one of the masters... also later...
Killt ... See this rousing trio play a mixture of Celtic and rock music, with a hard edge Startsat 10:00 PM
Click Below to Sign Up Free
Our digit al edit ion of t he Irish Art s and Ent ert ainm ent is soon going t o be dist ribut ed via paid subscript ions only and available on our w ebsit e w w w.irishart sandent ert ainm ent .com CLICK HERE t o sign up
Did you know that in the past three years the Irish Arts& Entertainment has given away THREEPAIRSof R/T Tickets to Ireland on Aer Lingus? We have also given away well over 200 pairsof tickets to Irish Concerts, Fairs, Theatre Perfomances, Celtic Gift Packs, Flagsand Tote Bags and more just during the past 10 years!
We love drawings and contests! Next month we announce the details of our biggest and best EZ To Enter & WIN Contest SeriesEVER!!
First publicat ion ever of t he post er for "A Lesser Gift " t o be released lat er t his year. "A Lesser Gift " t ells t he st ory of an Irish couple w ho are facing challenges aft er having t heir first child Their sit uat ion is furt her com plicat ed w hen an Am erican w om an ent ers t heir lives. Set in pict uresque Ireland, w rit t en and direct ed by Ow en Dara. His t hird feat ure film is current ly in post - product ion in Los Angeles For More on Owen Dara and his films may we suggest the following links and digital resources:
w w w.ow
Owen Dara on...
Check back every few days for
The SoCal Irish Fair and Music Fest ival t hat w as planned in Torrance for t his past July has been rescheduled t o Fat her 's Day Weekend 2025.
Please follow t he Reorganizat ion New s and Plans on t heir Facebook Page. Irish Com m unit y input is im port ant . So, please join t he page and support t his im port ant event !
We invite you to Advertise With Us
Our new Media Kit is available if you are int erest ed in advert ising or prom ot ing your business or event w it h us. Our proven 30 plus year t rack record speaks for it self w hen it com es t o great value w it h our niche m arket publicat ion! We really have no equal. Now in addit ion t o our effect ive and w ell respect ed publicat ion; our t eam has
The View From Ireland Feat ure last year about t he Irish Language by our great friend and Irish Art s and Ent ert ainm ent colum nist Maurice Fit zpat rick really resonat ed w it h us We use t he m ont hs of t he year in each issue but our collect ive Irish is very lim it ed
In fact , w orking on t he folio (t he t op of each page) recent ly, I forgot t he w ord for Oct ober in Irish and had t o look it up I found t his really int erest ing YouTube video and share t he link below
I w ould like t o change m y lack of Irish t oo so st art ing now and in fut ure issues, w e w ill be
m ast ered Digit al Market ing and w e can enhance your out reach for a very cost effect ive rat e
The digit al age has been good t o us and w e have been able t o prosper and grow our subscriber base. We w ill have det ails soon on our expansion plans and our Affiliat e Program s. We are also going t o enhance our Very Irish Perks and st art a new series of very excit ing Draw ings and Cont est s!
The Holidays are alm ost here and w e w ill be doing Special issues for Hallow een and for Christ m as!
offering our readers a few w ords or phrases in our Mot her Language
Also, if you are in t he LA area,t he Celt ic Art s Cent er has ongoing Irish lessons. As w e expand around t he US, w e w ill add m ore such links More on t his project in com ing issues.
OWEN DARA is back at The 1881 Club in Pasadena!
Click Here To List en
8 PM t o 11 every Tuesday night . Says Owen about the show, " I mix some Irish songs with comedy and original songs It?s always a fun night And there?sno cover charge. The 1881 hasa variety of beers winesand mixed drinks And the Guinness there is exceptionally good! Especially on a Tuesday night!!" FIRST TUESDAY of every m ont h! FRIENDS Of IRELAND Breakfast
You're invit ed. Join t he craic and get t oget her w it h a great bunch of folks and share your love of Ireland & all t hings Irish. Breakfast s are very good t oo! First Tuesday of every m ont h Breakfast at 9.30 am Kenos Rest aurant
The Auld Dubliner
Every Monday w e host Trivia Night , gat her your friends and com e in t o com pet e and enjoy a pint . The Auld Dubliner 71 Pine St Long Beach, CA w w
O'Brien's Irish Pub St andard Trivia Night s are Mondays and Wednesdays Monday st art s at 8PM t ill 10:30PM WED: 8PM t o 10PM Form a t eam or t ry t o form one at t he pub. Play for cash prizes of $150. No ent ry fee O'Brien's Irish Pub 2226 Wilshire Sant a Monica, CA w w
Ye Olde King's Head Brit ish Pub & Rest aurant Trivia in t he pub at 7:30pm 116 Sant a Monica Bl Sant a Monica, CA w w
The Harp Inn Irish Pub Pour House Trivia Every Wednesday Evening at 7;00pm THE HARP 130 E. 17t h. St .
Cost a Mesa, CA w w
Check our FACEBOOK PAGES for Daily Updat es:
Irish Art s & Ent ert ainm ent
All subscribers become members of our VIP Group.
Current ly w e are offering som e really good prom ot ions and as t he Pandem ic eases w e w ill add m ore
At Present :
O'Brien's On Wilshire in Sant a Monica w ill give our subscribers a Free Appet izer w it h purchase. w w w obriensla com
Go t o t he m enu click here
An am azing offer for our ow n VIP Mem bers and Subscribers!
Buy a GIFT SUBSCRIPTION bet w een now and Decem ber 23rd. and w e w ill give you a FREE ONE YEAR EXTENSION on your ow n subscript ion.
PubGuide E New s LA Count y Irish Event s
Irish Arts & Entertainment's VERY IRISH PERKS (VIP) PRIMER
The VIP program is a very im port ant com ponent of our subscript ion program It has a m ult it ude of posit ive fact ors built int o t he program . It serves as a bonus/ rew ard syst em for spending hard cold cash on our publicat ion AND it is a good net w orking t ool for t he Publisher We are able t o at t ract subscribers and advert isers t o our publicat ion and keep t hem int erest ed w hile delivering great Irish int erest cont ent and inform at ion t o our readers. The advert isers benefit by having a readership int erest ed in our excit ing niche m arket and t hey can t arget our readers w it h special offers The volum e m akes it w ort hw hile for t hem t o part icipat e.
The Pandem ic has set us all back a bit in one w ay or anot her and w e are rebuilding our VIP benefit s package We w ere count ing on discount s and deals at pubs and event s but t hat plan is now on t he back burner as t here are few event s and pubs need volum e t o m ake t he discount s pract ical. In t he m eant im e, w e are w orking hard t o line up new offers for our subscribers Throughout t his Buying Guide, w e have som e list ings on good deals and w e w ill be adding special offers t o our w ebsit e as w e find t hem . One VIP, w e have now of int erest is Buy ONE SUB and get a Gift Subscript ion!
Be sure t o check out t he Very Irish Perks each issue and on our Facebook pages.
We are expanding and w e are using new and im proved m et hods for reaching out t o our readers!
We have set up a new affiliat ed Irish Art s & Ent ert ainm ent Channel on Telegram .