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More Inside This Issue

By Maurice Fit zpat rick

Irish Tea Center



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First in a series of reflect ions on how m uch w e appreciat e our present and past cont ribut ors t o t his publicat ion Also w e w ant t o t hank our advert isers and friends w ho have support ed t his ent erprise and offered som e great advice over t he past 30 years.

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Irish Calendar

Irish Com m unit y List ings

W & Celt ic Cam era

Start on Page 26

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

The opinions expressed by our w rit ers are t heir ow n and do not necessarily convey t hose of t his m agazine, our publisher or st aff.

Publisher & Managing Editor

Jam es M McDonough


Tina Day

Maurice Fit zpat rick

Jim McDonough

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Barbara Singer

Pat rick Weld

Press Relations

Al Geiener

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Jim , Pat rick & Freelancers

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Jim & Pat rick

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Jim & Pat rick

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Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493

All Copyright s 2023 by McDonough Media

Here we arealready in our Second Month of 2023! We certainly are living in a fast paced age. This month we celebrate St. Brigid's Day and St Valentine's Day



This amazing Irish woman is Ireland's only female patron saint and in the recent past, she has been getting therecognition that she certainly deserves St Brigid?s day is now an official Irish Holiday and as such is the first Irish public holiday named after a woman,.

A tweet from theIrish Woman's Collective sums it all up nicely, " St Brigid's Day provides a unique opportunity to acknowledge thecritical role that women have played in Irish history, culture and society. Here?s to all theamazing woman!"

It is also Ireland's First Day of Spring

This month on the fourteenth, St Valentine's Day is also celebrated. An amazing story of A Roman martyr who wroteletters from prison (awaiting his fate) to all his family, friends and followers basically telling them to loveeach other and spread thefaith That is certainly something that we Irish can appreciate

On page 16, there isa wonderful story of how St. Valentineended up in Dublin Another factoid of note: this month is the 30th Anniversary of thefilm Groundhog Day staring Irish American Actor and grumpy guy Bill Murray

Well worth watching again as it has held up really well and after all it is a timeless love story

A wonderful month in store for sureso enjoy all Feabhra has to offer!

Jim McDonough, Publisher

One last pertinent point, our Aer Lingus Ticket Contest is in full swing! We need all of our readers to subscribe As we all know, everything costs more these day To stay viable, we need to build our subscription base back to at least 10,000 subscribers so that we can offer our loyal advertisers a good reason to spend part of their ad budget with us

See pages 41 & 42 for details and info on our Very Irish Perks!

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