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A perfect family event St. Patrick's Day In Ireland honors the great tradition and the mighty joy of being Irish!
Celebrat e St . Pat rick?s Day 2023 and t he great joy of being Irish w it h m usic, song, dance and irresist ible m errim ent from t he Em erald Isle!
The concert w ill be led by m em bers of The Kerry Tradit ional Band: all m ult i-inst rum ent alist s w ho share t heir passion for t he t radit ional m usic of Ireland. An am azing t roupe of Irish Dancers are sure t o delight all w ho at t end Dancers from t he Celt ic Academ y of Irish Dance w ill also be show cased There?s no bet t er w ay t o celebrat e St Pat rick?s Day t han w it h a Kerry Irish Product ions show w hich is overflow ing w it h a genuine love and respect for Irish Cult ure and Tradit ion!
Feat uring principal dancer Connor Reider (The Chieft ains, Celt ic Fyre, Celt ic Wings, An Irish Christ m as) and t alent ed m usical art ist s:
Fiddle - Ryan McKasson
Guit ar - Colin Cot t er
Vocal - Christ a Burch Bodhran - Anna Collit on Pipes - Tim Hill
Fiddles, uilleann pipes, bodhrán, guit ar, vocals and flut es w ill ring t hrough t he t heat re as t he Band shares it s passion for t he t ruly w ondrous and uplift ing m usic of Ireland!
Thanks t o t he brilliant direct ion and st agecraft of Margaret O'Carroll, you w ill be t ransport ed t o t he Em erald Isle for a rollicking night celebrat ing not just St Pat rick but all of Ireland!
This stage show has become an Irish-American tradition! Gather family and friends and make plans to experience the best event of the season. You?ll leave the theatre with a jig in your step... Irish to the core, not to be missed... A never to be forgotten Irish Experience!!