1 minute read
The 2023 Six Nat ions Rugby cham pionship
t ournam ent begins on February 4t h
First Round Ireland V Wales
England V Scot land It aly V France GUINNESS
Six Nations Rugby
Six Nations Rugby is the official organising body of the annual Six Nations Championships and Autumn International Series.
Working in partnership with its member unions and federations in England (RFU), France (FFR), Ireland (IRFU), Italy (FIR), Scotland (SRU) and Wales (WRU), Six Nations Rugby has responsibility for the promotion and operation of the renowned Six Nations Championships and Autumn International Series, as well as the negotiation and management of their centralised commercial rights.
Many local pubs w ill be show ing t he m at ches including t he Auld Dubliner in Long Beach w w w.sixnat ionsrugby.com