EXPANDED Ir eland & US EVENTS CALENDAR Live Str eams & Links
Vo l . X X I X
Val en t i n e I ssu e
Feab h r a ~ Feb r u ar y, 20 21
A l o n e/ T O GET H ER St . Pat r i ck 's D ay L i v e St r eam A n n o u n ced !
Ir i sh Act or Br en dan Gleeson & Ir ish An im at ed Film Wolfwalkers Nom in at ed For Golden Globes
See Page 8
OWEN DARA Set To Host Vir t u al St . Pat r ick 's Day Celebr at ion ...See Page 7
St . Valen t in e's Du blin Con n ect ion
Th e con cept is t h at w e w an t t o alleviat e som e of t h e dr ead t h at m an y people ar e exper ien cin g ow in g t o t h e Pan dem ic. Th e idea f or t h e Live St eam w as bor n of t h e r ealizat ion t h at a lar ge n u m ber of people w er e w or r ied abou t t h e appr oach in g Holiday.
See Page 27
We speak an d h ear f r om a lot of people an d in st ead of t h e u su al gleef u l an t icipat ion f or St . Pat r ick 's Day, w e w er e act u ally h ear in g a lot of t ales of f r u st r at ion an d sadn ess.
See Page 5
Continued on page 3.
Wolfwalkers Screening FREE for a limited time. See Calendar on Page 27
See Page 14
VIEW FROM IRELAND Maurice Fitzpatrick Starts on Page 10
Insights on Irish Problems, Grim Truth & Unity
Starts on Page 19
SAVE A BIG 25% OFF on ou r alr eady LOW M ade In Ir elan d Jew elr y! Select ed Gif t an d Clear an ce It em s also on sale Im por t ed Can dy an d Ch ocolat e w ill m ak e t h e per f ect Valen t in e Pr esen t t oo!
Valen t in e's Day Sale!!
w w w.ir ish im por t sh op.com
N EW H O U RS N o o n t o 4 PM
MORE of INSIDE THIS ISSUE Alon e/ TOGETHER Ou r pr em ier Live St r eam Sh ow A Vir t u al St Pat r ick 's Day Cou n t dow n & Celebr at ion Cover age begin s on Page 3
Pu blish er 's Let t er Page 4
Ir ish Nom in at ion s Golden Globes Page 8
M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Edu cat ion in UK an d Ir elan d Page 11 Joh n M cNally Ir elan d's Sh am e an d m or e on Ir ish Un it y Page 14 CELTIC CAM ERA Page 22 IRISH CALENDAR Ir ish Com m u n it y List in gs St ar t s on Page 27
Su bscr ipt ion Ser vice
& Ver y Ir ish Per k s! Discou n t s an d Con t est s Det ails on Pages 23 & 35 O U R C O V ER A l o n e?T O GET H ER V i r t u al C o u n t d ow n an d C el eb r at i o n Pad d y 's D ay L I V E ST REA M Feat u r e O n Page 7 B r en d an Gl eeso n an d W o l f w al k er s Recei v e C r i t i cal A ccl ai m an d Go l d en Gl o b e N o m i n at i o n s Feat u r e O n Page 9
Febr uar y, 2020
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Alon e/ TOGETHER, a cou n t dow n an d celebr at ion f or St . Pat r ick 's Day By Jim McDonough, Publisher A r eally gr an d exper ien ce is com in g t h is year f or St . Pat r ick 's Day. We are organizing a Live Stream via Social Media that will give all of us a chance to virtually connect to usher in St. Patrick's Day 2021.
The Weekly
IRISH E MISSIVE Calendar, Links, Listings& More Calendar Update the week of February 20th. Plus, you can follow us on Facebook.
Alon e TOGETHER will let people join in on our celebration of the Great Saint's Great Day with thousands of other Irish Folks from the Irish Sea to the Pacific Ocean!
Please Like &Share our page.
Kick Off your Celebrations at 11 PM Ireland Time on March 16...Countdown to St. Patrick's Day with family and friends from around the Globe...From Dublin to Santa Monica Join our 10 hour LIVE STREAM via an intertwined schedule of Internet Radio, YouTube and Facebook!
We are planning a Cover Feature in the March edition of the Irish Arts and Entertainment. In addition we will do a SPECIAL ISSUE on March 10 devoted to the Alone/TOGETHER Live Stream Project!
Live Irish Music Celebrity Guests, Groups and Organizations from Ireland, Canada and Every State in America are being invited to participate! A gathering like no other...Alon e TOGETHER for St. Patrick's Day 2021 A combination Live Stream and segmented show with presenters and guests as well as pre recorded shows. Tune in when you can as we count down and celebrate St. Patick's day throgh several time zones. Details will be posted here soon when we post our
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As James McDonough, Publisher: I will also be posting updates and opportunities on LinkedIn.
We will also keep everyone informed with a series of blasts using our massive date base of contacts. To get involved email us: irishmissive@gmail.com We need volunteers and help spreading the word!
Fin ally, ever y Tu esday t h r ou gh M ach 16, w e w ill sen d an u pdat e via ou r Con st an t Con t act E New slet t er s! Ch eck ou r w ebsit e f or a bit m or e n ow as w ell: w w w.ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m et
Page 4
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
More Features Ir ish Calen dar Ir ish Com m u n it y List in gs & Celt ic Cam er a Start on Page 26
Su bm it you r calen dar it em s t o : ir ish m issive@gm ail.com
Irish Arts & Entertainment Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f .
Publisher & Managing Editor
Jam es M M cDon ou gh Contributing Editor & Graphic Design
Er in Rado Writers Tin a Day M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Jim M cDon ou gh Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld Er in Rado
Let t er Fr om THE PUBLISHER Dear Friends and Readers Febr u ar y alr eady! We ar e n ear in g t h e on e year an n iver sar y of t h e Pan dem ic. Bot h Ir elan d an d t h e US ar e get t in g h am m er ed. Ju st t oday, it w as r evealed t h at t h e Ir ish Tr aveler people ar e h avin g a su r ge in cases. Th ese t r u ly ar e t h e t im es t h at t r y m en's sou ls. Th er e is h ope on t h e h or izon an d t h at is t h e st u f f t h at f eeds an Ir ish sou l. 2021 is alr eady bet t er bu t t h e bar w as as low as it h ad been f or m an y year s. Tw en t y t h r ee year s ago t h is Au gu st , t h e Om agh bom bin g t ook place. In M ar ch of 2003, G W Bu sh led u s t o w ar in Ir aq. We h ave all lived t h r ou gh h ar sh t im es bu t t oday it is dif f er en t becau se w e ar e all dir ect ly im pact ed each an d ever y day. We ar e livin g t h e bad n ew s of t h e day an d it seem s t o n ever en d. How can w e get t h r ou gh t h is. We all n eed t o st ick t oget h er , t o be k in d an d t o sh ow w e car e f or each ot h er , We also n eed t o m ak e an ef f or t t o r each ou t t o each ot h er . Th e pr im ar y r eason w e ar e doin g ou r Alon e/ TOGETHER Sh ow is t o r each ou t . We h ope all of you w ill h eed t h e call sh ar e t h e love an d spr ead t h e w or d! On e last poin t abou t ou r aspir at ion s. We w an t t o k eep cover in g all t h ese gr eat Ir ish Even t s & Per son alit ies. We n eed you r h elp; please su bscr ibe if you h ave n ot yet don e so an d please pat r on ize ou r adver t iser s!
w w w.ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com Press Relations Al Gr ien er Sales Reps Jim & Pat r ick Layout & Typos Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s
Con t act Us Via Em ail:
in f o@ir ish
ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493
All Copyr igh t s 2020
Feabhr r a
To all my dear family, friends and readers, All the best to you and your s. Stay safe and be well. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you! A Ver y happy, belated Groundhog Day too! Remember, we always want to hear from you.
Jim McDonough, Publisher
February, 2021
Irish Arts & Entertainment
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SAINT VALENTINE'S IRISH CONNECTION Th e Pat r on Sain t Of Lover s Is Bu r ied In Du blin Th is is a good year t o r em in d ou r r eader 's abou t Sain t Valen t in e's Ir ish Con n ect ion . Ash Wedn esday f alls ju st t h r ee days af t er Sain t Valen t in e's Day t h is year so it som eh ow seem s f it t in g t h at ou r t ale in volves a f am ou s Du blin Ch u r ch , a Pope an d a ver y det er m in ed Ir ish Fr iar . This interesting twist of histor y happened in 1835 when a basilica built at the site of St. Valentine's gr ave in Rome was being renovated and the long for gotten bones of St. Valentine along with a small vessel tinged with his blood and some other ar tifacts were unear thed under an alter. An I r ish Car melite, Fr iar John Spr att was visiting Rome. He was well known in I reland as an activist and preacher and wor ked tirelessly among the poor and destitute in Dublin?s L iber ties area. Another proj ect of Spr att's was the building of the new church to Our L ady of M ount Car mel on Whitefr iar Street. While I n Rome, his preaching skills made him a bit of an ecclesiastic celebr ity and the r ich and famous flocked in to hear his ser mons. The good fr iar received " many tokens of esteem from the doyens of the Church." One such gift was from Pope Gregor y XVI (1831-1846); the authentic and holy remains of Saint Valentine. The good pr iest retur ned to Dublin, continued his mission among the downtrodden and over saw the completion of the Whitefr iar 's Church. The next year on November 10, 1836, when the Reliquar y containing the remains ar r ived in I reland; Archbishop M ur r ay of Dublin led a solemn procession to Whitefr iar Street Church where they were enshr ined. Sadly, after Father Spr att died in 1871 at the r ipe old age of 75, interest in the relics waned and they went into stor age. I n the 1950s/60s dur ing a maj or restor ation of Our L ady of M ount Car mel; the decision was made to constr uct a shr ine and new alter within the church, popular ly known as the Whitefr iar 's Chapel dedicated to Saint Valentine. The idea was a sincere desire to make better use of the precious relics. I t proved to be a wise decision as the good Saint Valentine is credited by many for his generosity and inter vention in making their lives better. Fir st time visitor s to Whitefr ier s are delighted at what they see, it is a beautiful and well cared for church. As you enter, the statue of Valentinus, the beloved patron saint of love is on the r ight side of the church. I t was car ved in the ear ly 1960's by
ST VAL ENTI NE WROTE L OVE L ETTERS From Pr ison awaiting his execution by Roman Emperor Claudius Gothicus Dublin bor n ar tist/sculptor I rene Broe (1923 - 1992) and depicts the saint in the red vestments of a mar tyr, holding a crocus in his hand. Saint Valentine's Shr ine is visited throughout the year by couples who come to pr ay to the ever car ing Valentine and to ask him to watch over them in their lives together. I n the 1800's collecting relics had a br ief revival. I n the M iddle Ages entire towns, cathedr als and monaster ies were built around the " Holy Remains of Vir tuous Saints" . I t was a custom that lasted hundreds of year s.
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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Feabhr a
Saint Valentine's Chapel; A Favorite For Irish Weddings On St.Valentine's Day, the Reliquary is removed from beneath the side-altar and is placed before the high altar in the church and it is venerated at the Masses. At the 11.00am and 3.15pm Masses there are special sermons and also a short ceremony for the Blessing of Rings for those about to be married.. This year was expected to be extra special as two important days on the Liturgical Calendar fall during the week of the fourteenth! Covid has changed everything The influx of lovers and penitents has been curtailed this year. Dublin and all of Ireland are under strict lockdown untill March 5 and that could possibly be extended. 2020 was one of the best years on record for weddings and Mass attendance, There were record crowds of onlookers and couples. We can only hope that there will be a return to those halcyon days in 2022! If you are in Dublin and drop by, and find your time there odd and quiet, just remember St. Monica, she is the Patron Saint for Patience and Tolerance. This too shall pass
Valentine's Day is usually one of the most popular days of the year to be mar r ied in I reland. The Whitefr iar s Church is booked sometimes year s in advance
Shr ine to St Valentine where his relics are kept at the Church of Our L ady of M ount Car mel, Whitfr iar Street, Dublin
Febr uar y, 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Multi-Talented Owen Dara Set To Host US Alone TOGETHER Live Stream Broadcast Owen Dara is no stranger to hosting shows, both in live venues and online. He started his career in his early twenties as a stand up comedian, which led to numerous engagements as an emcee, comedy/variety show host, and on-air DJ. His humor and ability to think on his feet has made him popular amongst audiences, and in recent years, having delved deeper into the world of music, he has been busy hosting multiple live music shows, some of which have migrated to online since the arrival of Covid. He is now resident host for multiple online shows produced by the LA music promotions group Divine Rebel Music. Through the months of the lockdown, Owen has hosted the weekly show Songs and Sit-Downs? directed by Dolly Ramirez of Divine Rebel Music? in which he has interviewed and presented musicians ranging from Motown recording artists to members of iconic rock bands. He also hosts the monthly show 2nd Sunday Songwriters Series? A Showcase. A musician and songwriter himself, Owen is now ranked among the favorites of music professionals to be invited to interview with this likable Cork native. Now living in Los Angeles, he describes his journey to his chosen home as a very roundabout one. First leaving Ireland in his early twenties, he made his living playing music on the streets of continental Europe before gradually moving east? mostly overland? till he ended up in Australia. It was there that he discovered his gift for comedy, initially performing stand-up in pubs, then graduating to clubs, and before long appearing on national TV shows as a featured comedy act. His success as a comedian came as somewhat of a surprise to Owen, considering that he had set out to be a singer/songwriter? on that point he notes that he found
himself developing as a stand-up comedian much more swiftly than he ever had as a musician. Many nights he recalls standing in front of crowds of people
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who were laughing heartily at his routines, and although this was certainly satisfying, he longed to air the more serious side of himself that came through his songs. To his disappointment, comedy audiences didn?t allow for much deviation from material that made them laugh. ?It made sense,? says Owen. ?If the people came to see me as a comedian, they wanted to laugh.? Even though performing stand-up comedy brought Owen to some exciting places, both geographically and professionally, and he was fortunate to make it his full-time living, there came a point when he felt compelled to bring music into his act. At first he did it with comedic songs he wrote, and as time went on, particularly when he became a headliner, audiences would allow him to sing a serious song towards the end of his act after he?d made them laugh for an hour or more. Although Owen still performs comedy? at least during non-lockdown periods? he searches out shows that allow him to play more music. He has written numerous songs over the last several years, including songs for his feature films ?Choosing Signs? and ?The Holy Fail?, both of which received distribution and theatrical releases and are currently streaming on multiple platforms. In fact, it is his films that have brought him deeper into music than ever before, as he not only wrote, performed, and arranged all the songs on the award-winning soundtracks, he also composed the instrumental music that underscore the scenes. Some of his songs from ?The Holy Fail? even made a list of songs in the running for an Oscar in 2020 alongside artists like Elton John, Taylor Swift, and Beyonce. Of just 75 songs listed, four of them were written by Owen, making him the highest represented songwriter on the list for 2020. The unexpected Oscar love prompted Owen to begin recording an album of his original songs, which is currently at the mixing stage and is set to be released later this year.
Ow en Dar a in t h e cen t er in a scen e f r om t h e Holy Fail. Or igin al son gs f r om t h e Ir ish Com edy f ilm w ill be in clu ded in h is u pcom in g CD of or igin al m u sic, du e ou t t h is Fall
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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Dara is looking forward to hosting the inaugural Alone TOGETHER in March, and to also contributing some of his music to the show. Many more segments and bands will be performing as well directly from Ireland and the US. Just a small sampling of those involved at Press Time include Ken O'Malley, Joanie Madden from Cherish The Ladies, Terry Casey and The Fenians and The WrenTheatre Players from Hollywood. Says Dara, "The combined talents, along with the many musical acts performing from various parts of Ireland and the US, promise to make it a great show. We look forward to seeing ye there!" Irish Community Leaders and many Pubs and Publicans will also be represented.
Feabhr a
We will be posting updates on our Facebook Page and our website as things develop. Further updates and news on this exciting show can also be found at
www.irishartsandentertainment.com OWEN DARA on st age in Can oga Par k in 2018. Th e Cor k Nat ives w ill br in g h is ch ar m an d w it t o Alon e/ TOGETHER in M ar ch !
Wolfwalkers is st r eam in g n ow ! See special of f er in Calen dar . For an in dept h look , go t o: w w w.ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com
w w w.ow en dar a.com
VERY RARE PROHIBITION ERA COLLECTOR'S CERTIFICATE Also k n ow n as a Bon ded Wh isk ey War eh ou se Receipt . Only a few thousand of these Certificates were ever printed during the Prohibition Era and only a few hundred are know to exist today. The 02-09-21value will only increase, The 100th Anniversary of the Repeal Of The Volstead Act has only increased awareness of one of America's biggest blunders so interest is growing in rare items like this Authentic Certificate!
ONLY $200. f r om M ac's Collect ibles.
h t t p:/ / et sy.m e/ 34dVypg
Febr uar y, 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
IRISH ACTOR BRENDON GLEESON UP FOR GOLDEN GLOBE Br en dan Gleeson capt u r ed t h e r eal Don ald Tr u m p an d au dien ces appr oved of h is br illian t per f or m an ce. One of the very best and most popular actors who has had acclaim and success in both Hollywood and Ireland, Gleeson is a fan favorite for his portrayal of Trump in THE COMEY RULE. The Showtime two part mini series. It was an American political TV drama based on the book, Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership basically a self serving fiction by former FBI director James Comey. It was aired from September 27 to September 28, 2020.
Gleeson w as ju st n om in at ed f or a Golden Globe f or h is con vin cin g por t r ayal
On e of h is best r em em ber ed par t s w as t h at of HAM ISH, t h e best f r ien d an d f ear less Scot t ish War r ior t o M el Gibson's WALLACE in Br aveh ear t in 1995, Gleeson lives in Dublin with his wife Mary, they have four children, This will be his fifthe Win at the Golden Globes.
He is w ell lik ed an d r espect ed as an act or / dir ect or . w w w.t h eagen cy.ie/ br en dan -gleeson
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Galw ay Nat ive Com edian . Im pr ession ist an d Season ed Host Has Post Pan dem ic Aspir at ion s
Sh an e Cu n n in gh am Now based back in Ireland, this talented young entertainer was selected as one of our BEST Of 2020 Irish personalities last month based on several recommendations. Cunningham has won a loyal following among not just has fans but other comedians. He is also respected for his creativity, positive attitude and originality with his audiences and peers. Cunningham started his quest for a permanent career in show business in Southern California in 2018. He performed in two venues, Sonny McLean's and Joxer Daly's. He is known not just as a comedic performer but he showed great promise hosting a weekly Comedy Showcase! After a year, Cunningham moved on to New York; he was aware of the large Irish immigrant mix there and figured that would be a plus. He applied his talent for networking and finding venues and quickly made progress. A dream spot as a monthly host at Th e St an d was put on hold when the Pandemic struck. Joining millions of others, Cunningham is hoping for the best and a return to normalcy and in his case, back to the States. Meanwhile back in Galway, he is busy writing and practicing his Craft. Cunningham recently volunteered to help with the Alone/TOGETHER Live Stream.
SHANE CUNNINGHAM back st age at New Yor k 's THE STAND Com edy clu b w h er e he h ost ed in 2020
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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Feabhr a
THE VIEW FROM IRELAND By Maurice Fitzpatrick
Er asm u s In the dying stages of the UK-EU trade deal negotiations before Christmas, the British side opted to jettison its participation in Erasmus, a system of exchange for university students run by the European Commission. That was not a concession forced out of the British negotiators. Instead, they spontaneously removed British universities from the programme, which British Prime Minister Boris Johnson referred to as?extremely expensive?. In doing so, Johnson reneged on a pledge he made in the UK Parliament in January 2019 to continue with Erasmus. Erasmus has been hugely successful since its inception in 1987. It has had, and continues to have, an enormous impact on the lives of the students who avail of the year-long placement in another European university that it offers. Its popularity has consistently grown as has the range of opportunities available in its programme. Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon condemned the decision to withdraw from Erasmus as?cultural vandalism?. The contrastive values of the leaders on either side of the River Tweed could hardly be any clearer. Students who participate in Erasmus reproduce cultural practices that they witness and live while aboard. They bring back with them everything from proficiency in languages to a proliferation of French cravats to vodka parties hosted by students who have built up their resistance in Moscow. Then there is the biological reproduction: the European Commission estimates that more than 1 million babies have been born as a result of relationships started during Erasmus (the figures are not yet in for the number of attempts). Cutting Erasmus will drastically thin the stream of foreign student inflow to England and, in short order, diminish the lifeblood of English universities. An alternative to Erasmus to enable UK students to study abroad, the Turing scheme, has been tabled by Johnson. But then many things have been discussed since the Brexit referendum in June 2016 andthe putative replacement could not possibly rival the continental-wide network of exchanges that Erasmus has built in the four decades of its existence. Neither will the Turing scheme facilitate inward student exchange into the UK and it takes a philistine not to see that as a loss.It is true that the UK exchequer was a net contributor to the Erasmus scheme?s annual budget, but that contribution represented a tiny
cost for the State and about a quarter of the revenue that international students generated for the UK economy. Besides, this is a dangerous move as studying in British universities is already much less financially viable than in universities elsewhere in Europe. Scottish undergraduate students are charged ÂŁ1,820 ($2,480) in tuition per year, but the Student Awards Agency Scotland covers that cost. So effectively the Scots study for free. By contrast, students can pay up to ÂŁ9,250 ($12,600)in tuition fees in England. That makes English university education by far the most expensive in Europe? about 20 times the price, say, of German university education. Non-UK students will now also need to apply for a visa. The prestige of Oxford and Cambridge may be considerable, but for most students England is now a place to avoid for full-term university degrees. Without Erasmus, far fewer EU students will consider studying in England even for a year either.
Febr uar y, 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Th e View Fr om Ir elan d A Study.eu survey found that 84% of EU students would definitely not study in the UK if tuition increases by 100% (it will increase by much more than that). The deepening cleavage between the offering at Scottish and Northern Irish universities and English universities will also have political consequences. It is clear that stakeholders in the university system throughout the UK hate Johnson?s decision to leave Erasmus, but there are differences inhowthey can respond. The Irish government will underwrite students in Northern Irish universities who wish to avail of the Erasmus scheme. Scottish universities sought a loophole to remain part of it. To take one example in Scotland, Anton Muscatelli, the Principal (president) of the University of Glasgow, is Italian and a vocal supporter of the EU and many in senior management positions in the Scottish university system are of like mind. However, the European Commission refused Scotland?s bid to continue with Erasmus. Whether wittingly or unwittingly ,in so doing the European Commission aided the already strong momentum behind Scottish Independence. The voting age in Scotland is 16. Since a large swathe of Scotland?s 16 and 17 year-olds have their eyes trained on entry into a university, the growing divergence between Scottish and English national policies on higher education will augment the disaffection that Scotland?s electorate expresses in
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the next Scottish Parliament election on May 6th. Moreover, Scotland?s franchise is allocated on a liberal definition of residence as well as on a citizenship basis. Back in September 2014, when Scotland held its first independence referendum, non-Scottish university students who were studying in Scotland exercised their right to vote and their vote aided the independence cause. It is almost certain that a big crop of visiting students who vote this May will endorse a second Scottish referendum, a mandate that the First Minister of Scotland Nichola Sturgeon has built into her party?s re-election campaign. Naturally, fundamental constitutional changes will not turn on abandoning or retaining Erasmus, but the programme does play an important role in forming meaningful cross-cultural connections that help to create alliances downstream. Students in Northern Ireland can now avail of this cultural exchange whereas students in the rest of the UK cannot. Northern Ireland is seldom accused of being outward-looking, but in years to come the effects of this may contribute to attitudes in Northern Ireland that are more modern and tolerant than in Britain. The eschewal of Erasmus neatly symbolises quite how narrow-minded, self-defeating and insular the Brexit project is. Only Brexiteers could have managed such an own goal. The next generation of voters will know how to thank them for it.
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Irish Arts & Entertainment
Feabhr a
Memorial Well Of Life Makes Life-Saving Impact On the Anniversary of Kobe Bryant and Daughter Gianna?s Death A water well, drilled in September of 2020 to honor the memory of Kobe and Gianna Bryant , is credited for saving lives in Uganda. Before the well was drilled, villagers and young children in the Mityana District, drew their water from a contaminated open pond. ?As community members, we were facing a lot of water-related diseases such as cholera, typhoid, malaria, dysentery, among others,? said a Mayirye villager. The well was drilled by Wells of Life, which is now pumping clean water for 1270 people. Villagers no longer have to walk miles under unsafe conditions for water every day. Made possible by donations through The Orange Catholic Foundation, the life-saving well
was drilled in one of Uganda?s poorest communities, where it is estimated that one in five children dies before ever reaching the age of five due to unclean water.?
clean water. It houses a grade school, a church, and medical facilities.
The idea for honoring Kobe and Gianna was conceived by philanthropists Rand Sperry and Randy Redwitz, who support The Orange Catholic Foundation and Wells of Life. Kobe and Vanessa Bryant were married in 2001 at a Southern California Catholic parish and raised their four children in the Catholic Church as frequent parishioners at Our Lady Queen of Angels in Newport Beach. The well was drilled at the St. Theresa Bethany Primary School within the Mityana District. This is the first time in its 58-year history that the village has had access to
Wells Of Lif e is t h e of f icial Ch ar it y of t h e Irish Arts & Entertainment Fou n der Nick Jor dan w h o w as bor n in Ir elan d an d h e h as been an ar den t su ppor t ed of t h is pu blicat ion an d w as a loyal adver t iser w it h h is Real Est at e en t er pr ise f or alm ost 20 year s. We w er e ver y f or t u n at e t o lear n abou t Wells Of Lif e at t h e t im e it w as st ar t ed an d w e h ave f ollow ed t h eir pr oject s an d t h e am azin g am ou n t of good t h at t h is f ou n dat ion does f or 10 year s n ow , , We even h ad t h e h on or w it h t h e h elp of ou r r eader 's don at ion s in playin g a sm all r oll in dr illin g a w ell. In M ar ch , w e w ill lau n ch an in it iat ive in co -or din at ion w it h ou r Alon e/ TOGETHER Ou t r each f or St . Pat r ick 's Day. , We w ill be ask in g ou r r eader s t o join ou r 2021 WELLS OF LIFE CAM PAIGN., Details Soon!
Blessing Kobe! A lit t le boy in a Lak er sh ir t ! We r eally ar e m or e alik e t h an w e let on ! Continued on Page 21
February, 2021
Irish Arts & Entertainment
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WEST KERRY ARTIST CIARA DORGAN Irish Artist Ciara Dorgan,is delighted to be living and working in her part of the world and uses the beautiful locale and her love for her home and the place that she calls, "one of the most beautiful places on Earth ? West Kerry, Ireland. I adore patterns, colours, texture and anything that glitters and shines! The main aim of my work is to instill joy and happiness." She continues, "This past year has been a strange and difficult one for everyone and hopefully things will begin to improve worldwide in 2021. For me, 2020, will always hold a special place in my heart, as it was the year that I moved home to Ireland and started up my art business. After living and teaching in the United Arab Emirates for nine years, I had to make the decision to leave and return home to Ireland for family reasons. This big adjustment gave me the time to focus on my painting and it was during those first few weeks that I decided to set up a business and website!
This has been her biggest achievement to date, and she is justifiable proud of launching her site (Linked below) and the ensuing increase in sales since she went online last November. She is happy to report, "My first collections have been selling well and I have been blown away by the number of commissions I have received so far. Ciara's goal is to continue working hard in 2021 and to develop and expand my career as an artist. I am loving every minute and it is true when they say that you should always try and do something !you love ? life is far too short." Ciara Dorgan's love of her craft and positive attitude are adding a lot to her success. She obviously has a special talent and her stunning originals speak for themselves.
Follow h er on Social M edia an d on lin e: Instagram: ciaradorganart
w w w.ciar ador gan ar t .com
St . Br igid's Feast Day is Febr u ar y 1. ABOVE: t h e Cr oss sh e is f am ou s f or u sin g in h er pr ot ect ion & m ir acles
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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Feabhr a
WHY NOW IS THE TIM E FOR IRISH UNITY By John McNally In December 1920, Britain passed the Government of Ireland Act. This legislation divided Ireland into two constituent parts: Southern Ireland (26 counties) and Northern Ireland (six counties). It was considered a temporary measure: the terms of the act provided for cooperation, unity, and, in time, reunification. But, fearing this, Unionists set up an anti-Irish/Catholic apartheid-like state in the North of Ireland, which led to an Irish Nationalists uprising and decades of conflict which only ended in 1998 with the Good Friday Agreement. Fortunately, the GFA contains a path to Irish unity through referenda, for which the time has come. No surprise, the people are ahead of most of the politicians and are driving the call for unity in the wake of the awkward arrangement resulting from Brexit, where the North and South of Ireland are united economically in the European Union, but the North remains under London's political control with some local autonomy with the Assembly at Stormont.
Th e polit ical lan dscape in Ir elan d is sh if t in g. Recen t polls in bot h t h e Nor t h of Ir elan d an d in t h e Repu blic sh ow in cr easin g popu lar it y f or Sin n Fein an d t h e par t y leader M ar y Lou M cDon ald
JOHN M cNALLY Irish Community Organizer & Guest Columnist
Febr uar y, 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
FAM ILIES OF VICTIM S DEM AND ACCOUNTABILITY Our recent experience with Brexit proved how untrustworthy the British government could be with regards to agreements with the Irish. Britain had agreed to investigate controversial killings but has refused to do so, most notably ignoring petitions to hold a public inquiry into the murder of Irish attorney Pat Finucane gunned down in his home in front of his family in 1989. Because of his successful defense of republicans, he was targeted by loyalists with the trail of responsibility that leads to British PM Margaret Thatcher, although technically unsolved. Another attorney who dared offer republicans a rigorous defense, Rosemary Nelson, was also assassinated soon after she reported receiving death threats from British security forces. These are the high-profile murders. There are hundreds of less prominent people whose murders remain unsolved to this day; many were innocent Irish civilians shot and killed by British soldiers. More than 4,000 of their family members recently signed a petition seeking truth and accountability from the British Government as promised in a 2014 Stormont House Agreemen t.Not only was the agreement disregarded, but the British have also recently
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sought amnesty be given to their soldiers and agents for their actions while in the North of Ireland, all in an attempt to maintain their narrative as neutral peace-keepers in Ireland and hide their collusion with death squads.Once again, Irish America can step up and act as assurers that the British comply with their legal obligations. Relatives for Justice, Ancient Order of Hibernians, Brehon Law Society, and other groups have stepped up by providing this information. Hibernians Legacy Justice Appeal video :https://youtu.be/NgXYBthu7OQ
M or e sign s ar e poin t in g t o a UNIFIED IRELAND t h an at an yt im e in r ecen t h ist or y. Th e EU seem s bet t er t h an a declin in g UK t o m an y
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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Feabhr a
If you w ou ld like t o su ppor t Wells of Lif e, Th er e ar e m an y opt ion s: - becom e a Wat er War r ior an d m ake a m on t h ly con t r ibu t ion - don at e a w ell f or $8000 an d pr ovide clean w at er f or over 1000 people - m ake a on e t im e con t r ibu t ion of you r ch oice
- Click Her e GET O U R V ERY I RI SH PERK S
Febr uar y, 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
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I r i sh M u si c: N EW S & REV I EW S St . Br i gi d' s Day Lauch Dat e f or Lor een a M cKen n et t ' s N ew sh eet M usi c St or e Featuring Lost Souls and The Wind That Shakes The Barley
February 1st, i s St . Br i gi d?s Day, w hich according t o Irish m yt hology m arks t he arrival of longer, w arm er days and an early w elcom e t o spring. This Celt ic saint is t hought t o help bring people out of t he darkness of w int er and int o t he spring light ? a part icularly hopeful m essage during t hese challenging t im es of social isolat ion due t o COVID-19. There is also perhaps no bet t er t im e t o t urn up t he m usic in our lives. Wit h t hat in m ind, Loreena M cKennit t is releasing n i n e n ew sh eet m usi c ar r an gem en t s, eight from her lat est album Lost Souls and one from her 2010 release The Wind That Shakes The Barley. ( see below)
can help lift the spirit and perhaps even alleviate some of our anxiety,?says M cKennit t .?At the very least, even if it just injects a bit of fun into our lives it?s worth holding on to. Her m usic out let has now replaced t he form er snail m ail order syst em w it h a new , fully-aut om at ed Loreena M cKennit t Sheet M usic St ore. M usicians and fans w ill be able t o purchase and dow nload t he new ly-released PDF sheet m usic, as w ell as any scores previously offered, and t hen print t hem off at hom e. It ?s as sim ple as print , read and play, or read t he PDFs from a t ablet . If you do not have a hom e print er, you m ay order by phone at 1-800-361-7959 or by em ail at post m ast er@quinlanroad.com .
?In troubling times like these I truly believe that music
N EW TI TLES INCLUDE Lost Souls: Spanish Guit ars and Night Plazas A Hundred Wishes The Ballad of t he Fox Hunt er M anx Ayre La Belle Dam e Sans M erci Sun, M oon and St ars Breaking of t he Sw ord Lost Souls The Wind that Shakes the Barley: The Em m igrat ion Tunes
IRISH Folk Ban d Strings & Things To Release Sin gle Contemporary folk band Strings & Things are set to release an upbeat, lively new song, ?What If.? The song is the third single off of their upcoming album The Unsolicited Dance. Opening with a descending banjo part, the song explodes into a driving groove complete with strummed guitars, intricate banjo, and an unshakeable rhythm section. The song asks a series of questions about the world, and ponders on what the world would be like if certain aspects of our history hadn?t come to pass. Eoin Shelly (percussion & vocals) says, ?I wrote these lyrics coming home from a flight from a gig in Birmingham. Inspiration strikes in the strangest places, and being on a plane I was pondering the concept of flight itself. I started jotting down questions, and wondering if certain things were different, would we be where we are now? How would the world work?
While introspective, the song has a hopeful tone. It?s like how a child would contemplate the world, they?ll ask questions, but with genuine wonder and curiosity.? Eoin brought the lyrics to the band, who came up with melodies and they arranged the song together
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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Cor n w all based sin ger / son gw r it er Sar ah M cQu aid Releases Sin gle w it h Secon d Release Set f or Febr u ar y These first two singles and videos are from her forthcoming album, concert film and video series, The St Buryan Sessions. Released worldwide on Friday 29 January 2021, ?The Silence Above Us? was filmed and recorded live (with no audience due to COVID-19) last summer in the beautiful church of St Buryan, Cornwall, parts of which date back to the 11th century. A second single, ?Charlie?s Gone Home,? will be released on Friday 19 February, once again with video premieres on YouTube and Facebook on the Saturday and Sunday. The roll-out of singles and videos will continue throughout the year, If all goes well, the full 15-track, 72-minute album on CD and double LP will be out in late summer. ?I was in Germany, two weeks into a four-week European tour, when the whole Covid thing hit,? Sarah recalls, ?and we had to quickly reschedule our ferry tickets, cut the tour short and hightail it home before all the borders closed. ?Then my April-May UK and Ireland tour had to be canceled as well, and suddenly I was at a loose end, with no gigs and no income. A lot of my musician friends were live-streaming concerts from home, but I wasn?t keen on the idea, mainly because of dodgy Internet and the potential for technical disasters.
Sar ah M cQu aid, Ar t ist
, sin ger & son gw r it er com bin es h er vision an d t alen t t o pr odu ce a st u n n in g n ew Celt ic CD & Film
?I?d been thinking for a long time about making a live album ? I?ve always believed that there?s an element of magic in a live concert that?s really difficult to replicate in a studio, plus a lot of my songs have evolved and changed since I originally recorded them. ?I also felt like the standard of my own performances had really turned a corner in the last year or so, and I wanted to capture that on video ? but with multiple cameras and high production values, not just somebody?s random film on a phone from the back of the room.? The first two singles are a delight and Sara McQuaid's dedication and quest for an truly memorable album and show certainly seems to becoming a reality. The work so far is exceptional and shows both technical quality and a voice and music that are rare and beautiful.
Fin d it on all m ajor st r eam in g ser vice &
h t t ps:/ / sar ah m cqu aid.ban dcam p.com
Be par t of ou r Social M edia Pr esen ce! Ch eck ou r FACEBOOK PAGES f or Daily Updat es: Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
Pu bGu ide E New s
LA Cou n t y Ir ish
w w w.ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com
Febr uar y , 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
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CELTIC COLOURS The Art of Brian Boylan Ir ish Ar t ist an d Nat ive of Sk er r ies, n ear Du blin , Br ian Boylan h as been h ar d at w or k du r in g t h e Pan dem ic. He h as been w or k in g on com m ission s an d sen din g h is ar t ar ou n d t h e Un it ed St at es an d t o Au st r alia an d Ir elan d. Boylan h as also developed a lin e of sign ed an d n u m ber ed pr in t s Th e f am ou s CELTIC FAM OUS sh ow n below is available as a sign ed pr in t .. Boylan is a gr eat f r ien d an d su ppor t er of ALL THINGS IRISH an d of t h e Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t . For a lim it ed t im e, Su bscr ibe t o t h e Irish Arts & Entertainment an d get a discou n t of $25. OFF a sign ed pr in t . Em ail: ir ish m issive@gm ail.com an d w e w ill r eply w it h det ails an d a lin k t o t h e pr in t s available.
Wor k in g t it le of t h is lat est piece bein g don e in h is h om e st u dio in Sou t h Bay:
Blue lobster cult Br ian Boylan is alw ays pat ien t an d w h im sical du r in g h is cr eat ive pr ocess; t h e t w eed jack et alon e r equ ir es en dless h ou r s of con cen t r at ion an d dedicat ion
Sign ed Pr in t s FOR SALE $60
Th e You n g Du blin er h im self , Kiet h Rober t s an d Br ian Boylan at t h e last Ir ish Fair an d M u sic Fest ival in 2019, sadly t h e last lar ge gat h er in g of Ir ish f olk s h eld in Or an ge Cou n t y.
The Celtic Camer a
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Submissions wanted.. send jpeg & caption
Feabhr a ,2021
We are here looking for you! ir ishmissive@gmail.com Ash Wedn esday is Febr u ar y 17 an d Len t an d East er ar e appr oach in g f ast , It is t h e per f ect t im e t o r ef lect on h ow f r agile ou r lives can be. No m at t er w h at ou r belief s ar e, It is also a w on der f u l t im e t o r em em ber on e of Sou t h er n Calif or n ia's t r u e spor t sm an an d a m an w h o t r an scen ded et h n ic an d r acial division s an d u n it ed u s,
Fat h er M ax blesses KOBE M EM ORIAL WELL
NOW OPEN Th e Kin g's Head Pu b f or Take Ou t & Sh oppe in San t a M on ica Cor n er of Secon d & SM Blvd
w w w.yeoldek in gsh ead.com
Febr uar y, 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
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Th e St r eet Ar t of Ir ish Am er ican Ar t ist an d M u r alist St eve O'Lou gh lin is m ak in g over Sou t h er n Calif or n ia Cit ies an d Bou levar ds! TOP RIGHT: In glew ood Blvd in West ch est er h as a Ut ilit y Box pain t ed by O'Lou gh lin based on h is classic Celt ic LA Tr af f ic pain t in g. CENTER: St eve an d on e of h is lat est w or k s t r an sf or m in g a com m er cial block in San t a M on ica
Too bad Lak e M ich igan is f r ozen an d t h e su r f is ice!! Br ian Boylan's Classic Pain t in g on a su r f boar d h as t ou ch ed dow n in t h e Win dy Fr ozen Cit y! Car lson r epor t s, " Has m ade it t o it ?s dest in at ion in ch illy Ch icagolan d! We did over 8000 m iles an d h eadin g ou t again on f eb 9."
Cliff Carlson, Publisher cliff@irishamericannews.com ibamchicago.com theirishbookclub.com www.irishamericannews.com
Febr uar y 1 i s t h e Feast Day of St . Br i gi d.... Th e st ar t of t h e I RI SH SEASON w h i ch en ds on N at i on al H an gov er Day
M ar ch 18
A h ar dback collect ion sh ow casin g t h e cr eat ive t alen t s of w r it er s an d ph ot ogr aph er s acr oss Ir elan d. All pr oceeds go t o HSE an d NHS f r on t lin e w or k er s. In Book sh ops NOW
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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Feabhr a
Irish Food & Recipes Ou r Fir st Gu est Ch ef & Colu m n ist PAUL WATTERS For February , the perfect winter dish:
Pr aw n an d r ed pepper ch ow der In gr edian t s: \ 2 t bsp plain f lou r 1 pin t of ch ick en / veget able / f ish st ock 4 lar ge r ed pepper diced 300 m l of sem i sk im m ed m ilk 120 m l of dou ble cr eam 200g r aw an d vein ed peeled Kin g pr aw n s 2 h an df u l of f r ozen peas 1 / 2 bu n ch of f lat leaf par sley ch opped 2 t sp of r apeseed oil 1 t sp of w h olegr ain m u st ar d 2 pot at oes peeled (ch opp in t o sm all cu bes) 1/ 2 t easpoon of sm ok ed papr ik a 1 on ion (r ed/ br ow n ) ch opped 1 clove of gar lic cr u sh ed
stock until smooth. Add the chopped chopped potato. Bring back to the boil then reduce the heat and simmer occasionally stirring for 10-15 mins until the potatoes are soft and tender add the pepper and simmer for a further 5 mins Pour in the milk and 250 ml of the cream as you want to keep some of the cream for your garnish. Add prawns and peas heat for about 5 minutes until the prawns are pink and cooked through stir in the chopped parsley and season as required transfer into serving bowl add a little more parsley if required and drizzle the remaining cream on top for a finishing touch add a little black pepper on top and enjoy
Pr epar at ion : Bring a large pan to the heat melt the butter and oil. Add the onion, garlic mustard and smoked paprika fry on a gentle heat until softened. Remove from the heat gradually add the flour until a paste has formed (we classically call this a roux). Bring back to the heat gently add the
Belf ast Ch ef , Pau l Wat t er s
Chef Watters has been working as a chef for 30 years. He has worked all over the world from the savoy Hotel in London to as far as the Sydney opera House Australia. The Chef currently living in Belfast and is continuing to cook in various hotels and restaurants throughout the area. During the lockdown he has set set up a cooking page on Facebook re his love to of food for others to enjoy. Chef
Paul's Facebook page is called sim ple t ast y h ealt h y by pw
Con t act Ch ef Pau l: paulwatters35@gmail.com Pr aw n s an d Sh r im p..m or e on lin e:
h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 3c4M cAT
Febr uar y, 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Irish Arts & Entertainment's VERY
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Th e VIP pr ogr am is a ver y im por t an t com pon en t of ou r su bscr ipt ion pr ogr am . It h as a m u lt it u de of posit ive f act or s bu ilt in t o t h e pr ogr am . It ser ves as a bon u s/ r ew ar d syst em f or spen din g h ar d cold cash on ou r pu blicat ion AND it is a good n et w or k in g t ool f or t h e Pu blish er . We ar e able t o at t r act su bscr iber s an d adver t iser s t o ou r pu blicat ion an d k eep t h em in t er est ed w h ile deliver in g gr eat Ir ish in t er est con t en t an d in f or m at ion t o ou r r eader s. Th e adver t iser s ben ef it by h avin g a r eader sh ip in t er est ed in ou r excit in g n ich e m ar k et an d t h ey can t ar get ou r r eader s w it h special of f er s. Th e volu m e m ak es it w or t h w h ile f or t h em t o par t icipat e. Th e Pan dem ic h as set u s all back a bit in on e w ay or an ot h er an d w e ar e r ebu ildin g ou r VIP ben ef it s pack age. We w er e cou n t in g on discou n t s an d deals at pu bs an d even t s bu t t h at plan is n ow on t h e back bu r n er . In t h e m ean t im e, w e ar e w or k in g h ar d t o lin e u p n ew of f er s f or ou r su bscr iber s. Th r ou gh ou t t h is Bu yin g Gu ide, w e h ave som e list in gs on good deals an d w e w ill be addin g special of f er s t o ou r w ebsit e. Be su r e t o ch eck ou t t h e Ver y Ir ish Per k s on t h e m en u bar on ou r Hom e Page w w w.ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com
VERY IRISH PERKS VIP CLUB All subscribers become
Celt ic Ar t ist Br ian Boylan w ill give
members of our VIP Group.
Th om at t h e Ir ish Im por t Sh op (Fr ee Deliver y) ext en ds 10% OFF all pu r ch ases t o ou r Su bscr iber s. See Page 2 f or h is ad an d n u m ber !
Cu r r en t ly w e ar e of f er in g som e r eally good pr om ot ion s an d as t h e Pan dem ic eases w e w ill add m or e.
At Pr esen t : O'Br ien's On Wilsh ir e in San t a M on ica w ill give ou r su bscr iber s a Fr ee Apet izer w it h pu r ch ase. w w w.obr ien sla.com Com in g ju st in t im e f or St . Pat r ick 's Day st ar t in g in ou r Febr u ar y issu e; a discou n t of f er f r om w w w.t om m ym olon eys.com
you $25. OFF an y sign ed pr in t . See page 7 of t h is issu e f or det ails.
An am azin g of f er f or ou r ow n VIP M em ber s an d Su bscr iber s! Bu y a GIFT SUBSCRIPTION bet w een n ow an d Febr u ar y 15 an d w e w ill give you a FREE ONE YEAR EXTENSION on you r ow n su bscr ipt ion . Th at w or k s ou r t o $12.50 a year . You can save t h at w it h ju st on e visit t o on e of ou r par t icipat ion VIP par t n er s.
Cr after s Of Ir eland want you to have the highest standar d of handmade pr oducts Ir eland has to offer and pr ide themselves on designing their goods that guar antee you gr eat value and choice that appeals to all tastes, for all occasions, including custom designing items for you. Watch out for pr omotions and giveaways too and please check us out on social media and visit our website.
Check out the CRAFTERS website
w w w.cr af t er sof ir elan d.com
Febuar y, 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
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Aedh gives h is Beloved cer t ain Rh ym es BY W B Yeats Fast en you r h air w it h a golden pin , An d bin d u p ever y w an der in g t r ess; I bade m y h ear t bu ild t h ese poor r h ym es: It w or k ed at t h em , day ou t , day in , Bu ildin g a sor r ow f u l lovelin ess Ou t of t h e bat t les of old t im es. You n eed bu t lif t a pear l-pale h an d, An d bin d u p you r lon g h air an d sigh ; William Butler Yeats was an Irish poet, dramatist, prose writer and one of the foremost figures of 20th-century literature. A pillar of the Irish literary establishment, he helped to found the Abbey Theatre, and in his later years served two terms as a Senator of the Irish Free State. Soure: Wikipedia Born:June 13, 1865, Sandymount, Ireland Died:January 28, 1939 ,Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, France
We invite submissions to the Irish Poetry Corner A poem or saga in the Irish Bardic Tradition are both considered. We prefer shorter works to fit on a page but we make exceptions E-Mail us:
An d all m en's h ear t s m u st bu r n an d beat ; An d can dle-lik e f oam on t h e dim san d, An d st ar s clim bin g t h e dew -dr oppin g sk y, Live bu t t o ligh t you r passin g f eet .
We t u r n ed again t h is m on t h t o t h e Pu blic Dom ain f or a m ar velou s poem by on e of t h e gr eat est Ir ish Poet s of all t im e; William Bu t ler Yeat s. Th is is t h e per f ect poem f or a Febr u ar y Issu e w h en w e celebr at e Valen t in e's Day. Yeat s w as as pu zzled by love as an y of u s m igh t be. Th is is a m ast er at w or k an d dedicat ed t o all loves in all places an d t im es. A r espect an d year n in g con veyed w it h su ch lyr ical gr ace is a gif t t o t r easu r e. Wh o w as sh e is a m yst er y f or t h e ages.
Febr uar y, 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Th e Ir ish Lit er ar y Sh ow case is a f eat u r e f or em er gin g Ir ish an d Ir ish Am er ican w r it er s. Ou r Poet r y Cor n er h as capt u r ed m an y an im agin at ion an d m an y avid f ollow er s an d poet s in t h e US an d Ir elan d.. Th is idea is a n at u r al ext en sion . We ar e also goin g t o ext en d t h e r each of t h is f eat u r e t o ou r w ebsit e,
Su bm ission s Wan t ed Please sen d a cover let t er (Em ail) sh or t bio an d you r sh or t st or y or essay: t o: ir ish m issive@gm ail.com In t h e su bject lin e r ef er en ce
Irish Literary Showcase
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GREG PATRICK: Tw o or igin al pieces com in g in M ar ch & Apr il Gr egor y Byr on Pat r ick h as been on e of ou r m ost popu lar an d pr olif ic con t r ibu t or s. His su bm ission s h ave cr ossed t h e lin es of poet r y an d pr ose. Sim ply pu t , h e is a f u n r ead.; lyr ical, w h im sical , dir e an d u plif t in g bu t n ever w it h ou t an et h er eal balan ce t h at beck on s t h e r eader i n t o h is lan dscapes
GIFT SUBSCRIPTION ADD FROM HERE___________________________________________
FOUR EZ WAYS TO SIGN UP!! Make Check to:
JAM ES M cDONOUGH VISIT w w w.ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com
I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar N OW W I T H By D ate & On Going Listings and Links ONLINE SCREENING NOW FREE f or a lim it ed t im e! Please visit t h e below lin k t o RSVP f or t h e Q&A an d t h er e's also a lin k t o w at ch t h e f ilm f or f r ee. A n ot e t h at t h e f ilm scr een in g is r est r ict ed t o US view er s on ly. am er ican cin em at h equ e.com / w olf w alk er s/
NOW Th r ou gh ? Feb 21 Th e IRISH REP of New Yor k 's Th eat r e @ Hom e Win t er Fest ival is on lin e.
In f o & Tick et s w w w.ir ish r ep.or g
For a lim it ed t im e, you can w at ch an y - or all - of NINE Per f or m an ces saf e an d sou n d at h om e. Click t h e lin k f or t h e r em ain in g sch edu le. an d m ak e you r ch oice(s)! Th e ser ies st ar t ed in lat e Jan u ar y an d r u n s t ill Febr u ar y 21. A dif f er en t sh ow w ill be playin g each w eek . Reser vat ion s ar e f r ee, bu t don at ion s ar e su ggest ed f or view er s w h o ar e able t o give: $25 f or a per f or m an ce, or $100 f or t h e Fest ival in f u ll.
FROM DERRY TO THE WORLD! En t ir e Fest ival On Lin e Th is Year
Imbolc Inter national Ar ts Festival IM BOLC Fest ival 2021 w ill t ak e place on lin e f r om Febr u ar y 5 t o M ar ch 19 w it h an excit in g lin eu p of even t s in clu din g m u sic, spok en w or d, w or k sh ops, f ilm s, poet r y, ph ot ogr aph y & m u ch m u ch m or e. Fif t h an n u al ar t s f est ival in t h e Nor t h West of Ir elan d.
h t t p:/ / im bolcf est ival.com CLICH HERE FOR PROM O
Febr uar y, 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
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M ARCH 17 @ 8:00PM
Fit zger ald Fam ily / Fiddle Folk
St . Pat r ick 's Day Gaelic St or m ONE FOR THE ROAD Live St r eam Con cer t
Digit al Con cer t @Th e Bar n Free ·Online Event Donation appreciated. NEW CD available by contacting: thefitzgeraldsmusic@hotmail.com. Or via digital download at CD Baby or iTunes
Click to Buy Tickets $15,00 and all kinds of other stuff!
w w w.t h ef it zger alds.n et
aislin g-even t s.com / even t / spar -cr aic-10k -2021
Febr uar y, 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Page 2 9
w w w.au lddu blin er .com
CALENDAR & CELTIC CAM ERA SUBM ISSIONS SHOULD REACH US BY THE 28t h Day of t h e m on t h pr ior t o t h e n ext issu e. SUBM IT Jpeg pict u r es w it h capt ion s Su bm it PR in Wor d or Text f iles. Sen d t o:
ir ish m issive@gm ail.com We m ay also u se t h e Calen dar su bm ission s on ou r w ebsit e:
w w w.ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com
KRIS COLT Live St r eam Set s Vir t u al 2021 River side Dick en s Fest ival Feb 20-21 an d Feb 27-28 Set t im es ar e 10 am & 3:00 pm .
Valen t in e's Day - t h e Celt ic Way Th e Celt ic calen dar , based on t h e agr icu lt u r al an d past or al year , didn?t celebr at e Valen t in e?s Day. Bu t t h at doesn?t m ean w e can?t ! For t h ose f am iliar w it h Celt ic love st or ies an d son gs, you k n ow m ost of t h em en d in t r agedy, bet r ayal, or bot h . Th er e?s of t en m u r der , u n r equ it ed love, an d m agical beast s. Th er e?s in t r igu e, decept ion , an d so m u ch m or e. Oh yes, an d t h er e?s also Love.g Even t h ou gh Valen t in e?s Day is n ot a t r adit ion al Celt ic celebr at ion , w e t h ou gh t all t h e plot t w ist s an d t u r n s in t h e epic Celt ic love st or ies w ou ld m ak e f or a gr eat w ay t o celebr at e Valen t in e?s Day - a n ew w ay. M u r der , ch ases, t r each er y, an d of cou r se som e gr eat son gs. Alt h ou gh t h is sh ow isn't f or t h e f ain t of h ear t , w e pr om ise you 'll be sm ilin g by t h e en d. We in vit e you t o ou r Valen t in e's Day celebr at ion w it h m u sic, son g, st or ies an d m er r ym ak in g. Cu r l u p w it h you r f avor it e Valen t in e, you r f avor it e dr in k , an d en joy " Valen t in e's Day - t h e Celt ic Way " , on -lin e f r om t h e com f or t of you r ow n bed.
Air in g on Valen t in e's Day, Febr u ar y 14t h . For m or e in f or m at ion : w w w.Celt ic-Rh yt h m s.com
Febr uar y, 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
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On Going Celtic, Ir ish & Pub Calendar Send your links and listings to:
Ireland Tonight features the best of Celtic LIVESTREAM & M u sic
Ar t s & Wor ld Wide f r om Ir elan d! As close as you r com pu t er or ph on e...
traditional music. Hosted by Maryann McTeague Keifer, each two-hour program is full of music, fascinating facts about Celtic music and its host countries, as well as stories and inside information about Ireland. From Chicgago, USA to Irish Music Fans around the World!
War r en poin t Co Dow n?s br an d n ew r adio st at ion w it h gr eat m u sic, gr eat h ost s an d even bet t er cr aic!
ht t ps:// wdcb.org/program/ ireland-t onight
Now on An dr oid in t h e Google Play St or e
LINKS & LISTING f or Com m u n it y Even t s ar e FREE.
8 Dock St r eet , War r en poin t War r en poin t , UK
w w w.h ar bou r sider adio.com
Peace Lu t h er in Ch u r ch Ir ish Session s on ZOOM w w w.f acebook .com / gr ou ps/ OCCelt icJam /
We con t in u e t o h ost Zoom session s ever y M on day even in g.
Com m er cial/ For Pr of it Ads an d Pr om ot ion s ar e ver y cost ef f ect ive. We can pr om ot e you r bu sin ess or even t in all ou r pu blicat ion s an d plat f or m s as low as $100. per qu ar t er or per
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Get you r Ir ish or Celt ic Even t List ed... Sen d in f o t o:
ir ish m issive @gm ail.com
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Feabhr a
The Best Vir tual Pub In The Know n Univer se
w w w.t h eir ish r over .n et
W E H O PE T O B E O PEN SO O N f o r D ining & D rinks o n t h e NEW PATIO!! www.obriensla.com
A message from Publican Willy We ar e back h er e again !. St ill w e m u st do w h at w e can t o get past t h is. So if you f eel lik e on e of ou r cr af t beer s or an Ir ish cof f ee, or Bloody M ar y pair ed w it h a sh eph er ds pie or Fish & Ch ips. Agin , w e ar e h u gely gr at ef u l t o ou r com m u n it y f or h elpin g u s su r vive t h is! #t ak eou t #ir ish pu b #f ish an dch ips #sh eph er dspie
TAKE OUT 11:AM t o 8:PM DAILY 310 829-5303
BEST Of 2020 Ou r in side din in g m ay be closed, bu t ou r n ew pat io w ill be open soon ! NOW WITH FIVE BIG SCREEN TVs Take Out is still available for alcohol and food with food delivery through Postmates.
O'BRIEN'S IRISH PUB & RESTAURANT 2226 Wilshir e Blvd SANTA MONICA, CA 310 829- 5303