Happy East er
Feat ure St art s on Page 3
Ch eck In side! Su bscr ipt ion Of f er !
2 For 1 Plu s $10. Of f & Ver y Ir ish Per k s! See Page 11 Vo l . X X I X
A p r i l M í A i b r eái n
20 21
Yo u n g D u b l i n er s A n n o u n ce 20 21 T o u r Sch ed u l e!! C al i f o r n i a C o n cer t s C o m i n g I n M a Coverage Starts on Page 16 H i gh l i gh t s I n si d e Recap A l o n e Fo r East er ? A l o n e/ T O GET H ER Page 3 an d r ecap , A n En co r e L i v e St r eam s
Ret r r o sp ect i v e o n t h e 10 0 t h A n n i v er sar y o f t h e East er Ri si n g, M cN al l y 8
C) Pg 19
V I EW FRO M I REL A N D i s b ack , Page 10 B) Pg 9
M o r e D u b s an d Sp eci al t h an k s t o m an y ! C h ef Pau l C r af t er s o f I r el an d I r i sh N ew s L I A M 's l ast so n g PG 18
E) Pg 22
You n g Du blin er s:(Cen t er ) Fr on t m an & f ou n din g m em ber Keit h Rober t s Th e n ew lin eu p is Keit h Rober t s (vocals / gu it ar ), Ch as Walt z (Violin , k eys, vocals), Ju st in Pecot (gu it ar , vocals), Dave In gr ah am (dr u m s) an d Et h an Jon es (bass gu it ar ).
I rish Travel Features Resume: See Page 20
Thinking Of A Tr ip To I reland? Far mhouse Stays M ight Be Per fect!
H) Pg 8
G) Pg 23
CARTOON SAL OON Celebr ates Oscar Nomination for Wolfwalker s and New Online Ar t Galler y See page 5
For Over FIFTY YEARS!! The Hollywood Ir ish Impor t Shop has been the Favour ite Place for EASTER CANDY & TREATS for the Ir ish Community! All your favor ite Goods & Tr eats ar e in Stock! DROP BY or CALL FOR
FREE DELIVERY! N EW H O U RS N o o n t o 4 PM W ED t h r u SU N O PEN M A RC H 16
w w w.ir ish im por t sh op.com
THE WREN THEATRE IS OPEN AGAIN Outdoor productions/ limited seating! All Safety Protocols Followed! M ACNAM ARA'S IRISH IM PORTS 742 Vin e St r eet in t h e h ear t of Hollyw ood, CA 323 467-6714
Joh n M cNally Ir elan d an d m or e on Page 8
Alon e/ TOGETHER is sh apin g u p t o be an am azin g even t , M or e f eat u r es on ar t ist s in clu din g You n g Du blin er s st ar t on 16
Pu blish er 's Let t er Page 4
M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Ret u r n s Am id PBS an d book deal St ar t s on Page 10
RECAP & REVIEW Alon e/ TOGETHER Th r ou gh ou t t h is issu e
Su bscr ipt ion Ser vice & Ver y Ir ish Per k s! Discou n t s an d Con t est s Det ails on Pages 23 & 35 TRAVEL TO IRELAND w it h ou r Tips an d Tou r s st ar t in g t h is issu e!
O U R C O V ER Yo u n g D u b l i n er s 20 21 T o u r D et ai l s! K i l k en n y C ar t o o n St u d i o A r t
Apr il, 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
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Our Wor ldwide Alone/TOGETHER Broadcast Was I ndeed A St. Patr ick's Day L ike No Other By Jim McDonough, Publisher If you missed all or any of our 15 hour Live Stream Virtual Countdown and Celebration, we are pleased to let you know that we have created a shorter version called Encore Plus which we will be sending out a few times over this Easter Weekend. After that, it will live on our new You Tu be Ch an n el starting this next Tuesday, April 6. As we announced initially in our February Issue, we produced a Live Stream via Social Media and our broadcast partner Harbourside Radio in Newry, Northern Ireland that that gave all of us a chance to virtually connect for St. Patrick's Day 2021. We have added additional spots and also new segments. We corrected a couple glitches and streamlines the entire show. In some cases, we had agreements to use the music and dance only for our initial broadcasts so that reality is reflected. Live Irish Music, Celebrity Guests, Groups and Organizations from Ireland, Canada and many US states all signed on to participate. We are planning additional Live Streams and we will being detailing
our plans in our May issue. Over the years, we have worked on many, many projects and we can honestly say that our gathering was like no other. Alon e TOGETHER for St. Patrick's Day 2021 was one of the most exciting and gratifying endeavors in which we ever took part. The co-opertion and good will of everyone involved was awesome! The concep, a combination Live Stream and segmented show with presenters and guests as well as pre recorded shows worked well. The dedication and participation of so many individuals and groups was absolutely amazing too. We were very fortunate to be part of this undertaking. It was a real adventure and overall a very positive experience and we learned a lot about the craft and about people. Tune in if you can this weekend for our Encore Plus. Some of the highlights include Ken O'Malley, The WREN THEATRE PLAYERS, The Young Dubliners. new Celtic Tales and Poetry as well as repeats of some of the very best parts of our March 16 & 17 Alone/TOGETHER Broadcast!
Please Like & Share our page:
If you w ou ld like t o su ppor t Wells of Lif e, Th er e ar e m an y opt ion s: - becom e a Wat er War r ior an d m ake a m on t h ly con t r ibu t ion - don at e a w ell f or $8000 an d pr ovide clean w at er f or over 1000 people - m ake a on e t im e con t r ibu t ion of you r ch oice
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More Features Ir ish Calen dar Ir ish Com m u n it y List in gs & Celt ic Cam er a Start on Page 26
Su bm it you r calen dar it em s t o : ir ish m issive@gm ail.com
Irish Arts & Entertainment Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f .
Publisher & Managing Editor
Jam es M M cDon ou gh Writers Tin a Day M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Jim M cDon ou gh Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld Press Relations Al Geien er
M í Aibreáin
Let t er Fr om THE PUBLISHER Dear Friends and Readers Easter Week is here. I t is an odd one again. Two year s in a row without getting a Cross of Ashes to remind me of my dust to come. Not easy, these times that have tor n aside our associations, habits and tr aditions of a lifetime. We are for tunate that resilience is a built in component to I r ish people. I consider it a great gift. I think humans in gener al are ver y resilient and stubbor n but I honestly believe that I r ish and I r ish Amer icans have an extr a dose of it. I t is one I r ish tr ait that usually ser ves us all quite well.
Thanks for being a loyal reader and Happy Easter, Jim M cDonough,
Finally, a request. Please share this Publisher issue with Family and fr iends. Ask contact us, them to subscr ibe. M ost of you who ir ishmissive@gmail.com read this are probably subscr iber s; if you are not...PL EASE sign up. We have been publishing this per iodical in one for m or another for 30 year s. We now need subscr iber s to keep it going!
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Sales Reps Jim & Pat r ick Layout & Typos Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s Con t act Us Via Em ail:
in f o@ir ish
ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493
All Copyr igh t s 2021 M cDon ou gh M edia
Apr il, 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Page 5
I REL AND?S PREM I ERE ANI M ATI ON STUDI O, FI VE-TI M E OSCAR NOM I NATED CARTOON SAL OON, L AUNCHES A NEW E-COM M ERCE ART GAL L ERY Kilkenny, Ireland ? March 16, 2021: Creating an opportunity for animation film enthusiasts everywhere, the four-time Academy Award-nominated animation studio Cartoon Saloon, has launched a new e-commerce art gallery featuring gorgeous limited-edition framed prints from a slate of their multiple award-nominated and award-winning animated films, including this year?s Academy Award and Golden Globe-nominated ?WolfWalkers,? along with Annie Award winner and Academy Award and Golden Globe-nominated ?The Breadwinner,? and the Academy Award-nominated ?Song of the Sea,? and ?The Secret of Kells.? Originating directly from Cartoon Saloon?s Studio in the medieval town of Kilkenny, Ireland, the series of collector?s artwork is now available and ranges in pricing from ?450.00. Each print is signed by the films?directors and numbered. In terms of the print quality, the studio carefully scrutinizes the process, reviewing all prints to make any necessary color adjustments to ensure superior results, as well as using carefully selected inks to maintain the integrity of original artworks with sharp details and rich colors (Epson Ultrachrome HDR quality pigment ink). The art is printed on museum quality paper that is acid-free so colors remain vibrant over time (Canson Cotton Etching Rag 320gsm fine art paper). Please visit Cartoon Saloon?s Art Gallery Store by clicking
HERE. Brian Tyrrell, General Manager, Brand Development with Cartoon Saloon, stated: ?The launch of our new art gallery offers us a tremendous opportunity to share the magic of these outstanding movies with fans around the world. We are extremely proud of our films, particularly with the most recent recognition ?WolfWalkers?is receiving with Academy, Golden Globe and BAFTA Award nominations.We are thrilled to offer these carefully curated state-of-the-art limited edition numbered prints that are sure to become a valuable collector?s items in the years to come.? 2021 Academy Award, BAFTA and Golden Globe-nominated ?WolfWalkers,? directed by Tomm Moore and Ross Stewart, premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival and was heralded by The Hollywood Reporter as ?a visually dazzling, richly imaginative, emotionally resonant production,? while IndieWire headlines read, ?Cartoon Saloon?s Irish Folklore Trilogy Ends with the Best Animated Film of the Year,? and here at the Irish Arts & Entertainment we were lucky to get a preview and joined the excitement
starting last November. The film opened theatrically in
the U.S. on November 13, 2020 and has been on Apple TV+. ?WolfWalkers? follows Robyn Goodfellowe, a young apprentice hunter who journeys to Ireland with her father in a time of superstition and magic to wipe out the last wolf pack. While exploring the forbidden lands outside the city walls, Robyn befriends a free-spirited girl, Mebh, a member of a mysterious tribe rumored to have the ability to transform into wolves by night. As they search for Mebh?s missing mother; Robyn uncovers a secret that draws her further into the enchanted world of the ?WolfWalkers? and risks turning into the very thing her father is tasked to destroy. Nominated for an Academy Award in 2010 for best animated feature and winning awards at festivals worldwide,?The Secret of Kells? is a bewitching vibrantly animated fairytale for children and adults alike that is a spirited retelling of the provenance of Ireland?s most cherished artefact, the Book of Kells. With the Viking hordes approaching, the monks of Kells are forced to turn their attention from transcribing manuscripts to building barricades. The future of the precious book is in jeopardy and it falls to Brendan, young nephew of the abbot Cellach, to save the day. ?The Secret of Kells? was Cartoon Saloon?s first feature film and was directed by Tomm Moore with Nora Twomey as Co-director. Directed by Tomm Moore (The Secret of Kells), with music by composer Bruno Coulais and Irish band Kíla, and featuring the voices of Brendan Gleeson, Fionnula Flanagan, David Rawle, Lisa Hannigan, Pat Shortt and Jon Kenny. Academy Award-nominated?Song of the Sea?tells the story of Ben and his little sister Saoirse ? the last Seal-child ? who embark on a fantastic journey across a fading world of ancient legend and magic in an attempt to return to their home by the sea. The film takes inspiration from the mythological Selkies of Irish folklore, who live as seals in the sea but become humans on land. Based on the best-selling children?s novel by Deborah Ellis, the award-winning and multi-award-nominated ?The Breadwinner,?directed by Nora Twomey from a screenplay by Anita Doron and Deborah Ellis, is a celebration of children?for children, whatever their age, wherever they live. The movie tells the story of 11 year old Parvana who gives up her identity to provide for her family and try to save her father?s life. Every day is a challenge as Parvana tries to bring home enough food and water to support her mother, sister and little brother. She meets a fellow girl in disguise called Shauzia and together, they form a bond that will give them the strength to endure the war that comes to their doorstep.
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Irish Arts & Entertainment
M í Aibreáin
Cartoon Saloon is the multiple Academy Award®, Golden Globe and BAFTA nominated animation studio formed by Paul Young, Tomm Moore and Nora Twomey in 1999 and based in Kilkenny, Ireland. From award-winning shorts to Feature Films and TV series, Cartoon Saloon has carved a special place in the international animation industry with the unique accolade of having all four of its feature films nominated for Academy Awards®.
selected theatres and on the Apple TV+ platform.Cartoon Saloon?s Emmy nominated preschool series, ?Puffin Rock?, is currently broadcast worldwide on Netflix and as well as linear television in over 25 countries while action comedy ?Dorg Van Dango? is now broadcasting on Nickelodeon (International), Family Channel (Canada) and RTE (Ireland).
The first Academy Award® nomination came in 2010 for the studio?s first film, ?The Secret of Kells?, it was followed up in 2015 with ?Song of the Sea?, in 2017 with ?The Breadwinner ? and now for ?Wolf Walk er s? in 2021. These feature film nominations were added to with the nomination of short film ?Late Afternoon? in 2018. ?Wolf Walk er s? is currently available in
The studio is currently in production on ?Puffin Rock ? The Movie? due for release at the end of 2021, ?My Father Dragons? based on the best-selling book of the same name for Netflix due for launch in 2021, ?Viking Skool? the action-adventure series for Disney EMEA, France Television and RTE and about to start production of pre-school series ?Silly Sundays?.
Apr il, 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
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MORE ON WOLFWALKERS Cartoon Saloon had an early December release of their latest animated film, WOLFWALKERS in the US which resulted in another triumph for the Irish based animation studio! The Irish animated feature from Kilkenny based Cartoon Saloon. WOLFWALKERS opened in theaters in Ireland on December 2 and on APPLE TV world wide on December 11. TIME Magazine was already calling it out as the likely winner of BEST ANIMATED FILM just after the release last year. Since then the Oscar BUZZ has become a ROAR!!! The Kilkenny studio?s feature film is based on long forgotten Irish Legends and Lore according to the producers. The tale tells of 17th-century wolf hunter has a change of heart and becomes an ally of the pack] According to the Irish Examiner, "It is already regarded as a shoo-in for a Best Animated Feature nomination by most Hollywood pundits. But if directors Tomm Moore and Ross Stewart are excited at the prospect, they?re not letting on. ?We try not to get too caught up in it because you have no control over it,? says Moore. ?You know, you put something out there and hope it's good.
?We use computers to help us in certain ways, but we're still really sticking to drawing the characters.
Of course, all three of Cartoon Saloon?s previous features - The Breadwinner, Song of the Sea and The Secret of Kells - have been nominated, but 2021 could be their year?s a busy, stirring, thrilling film that zips along and is full of big ideas.
It's much more of an action adventure,? agrees Moore. ?It's an action adventure involving a whole town full of people, a whole army of soldiers and a whole pack of wolves.
Each character has 12 drawings per second. And we have many, many characters on screen. We had a team of animators working with us here in
Cartoon Saloon is an Irish Animation Studio based in Kilkenny, Ireland. Three time academy award nominated for its animated feature films.
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Irish Arts & Entertainment
M í Aibreáin
THE IRISH EASTER RISING OF 1916 A brief history and personal experience commemoratingthosefateful days By John McNally The 1916 Easter Rising was one of the most important events in modern Irish history because it kick-started the struggle for Irish independence. Five years ago, John and Sally McNally traveled to Dublin on Easter week to be a part of Ireland's Centenary commemorations. Celebrations included concerts, museum tours, plays, lectures, and wreath-laying ceremonies, climaxing with a military parade through Dublin that attracted as many as a half-million people. Joh n M cNally is a f r equ en t con t r ibu t or t o t h e Irish Arts & Entertainment an d a SoCal Ir ish Com m u n it y Or gan izer LEFT: Ar bor
Hill's Rem em br an ce h igh ligh t w as w h en 15 leader s of Ir ish r epu blican su ppor t gr ou ps, som e f r om as f ar aw ay as Au st r alia, laid w r eat h s at t h e pat r iot s' gr aves. Everything seemed against the Rising. The leaders were idealists; writers, poets, schoolteachers, shopkeepers, and labor leaders. Patrick Pearse read the Proclamation outside the GPO declaring Ireland a Republic as fewer than 2,000 ill-equipped and vastly outnumbered Irish rebels marched through the city waving Irish flags and seizing key buildings in Dublin, hereafter known as "The city that fought an Empire." Their goal was to gain recognition from America or the Vatican, or at least a seat at the peace treaty table when WWI ended. The British had no patience with the insurgents, moved in heavy artillery, and devastated Dublin killing rebels and civilians alike. Sixteen leaders of the rebellion were executed by firing squad, and thousands more were interned. The Easter Rising of 1916 appeared at first to be yet another "heroic failure" - similar to previous generations of Irish who rebelled - and failed - against British rule in Ireland. But soon after, Irish opinion turned to sympathy for the rebels who renewed the conflict in the form of a guerrilla war that ended in a controversial treaty. Our first commemorative event was a march from
Kilmainham Jail, where the leaders were executed, Then to Arbor Hill Prison Cemetery, where their bodies were dumped into a quick-lime pit to deny the Irish from giving them funerals.The massive remembrance ceremony at Arbor Hill's highlight was when 15 leaders of Irish republican support groups, some from as far away as Australia, laid wreaths at the patriots' graves. There was an Irish Citizens Army March from Liberty Hall to St Stephen?s Green, a tour of the Battle of Mount Street Bridge, the most efficacious engagement of the Easter Rising where 17 Rebels inflicted 240 casualties to a Regiment of Sherwood Foresters, More activities included, Tony Devlin?s play Belfast Rising, and RTE sponsored lectures at the Dublin Institute of Technology. Easter Monday was another fantastic day in Dublin. City Center streets were closed to traffic, and the locals had taken over Dublin, just as the rebels had intended in 1916! There were people in period dress everywhere and street performers throughout the City.
Apr il, 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
We finished our visit at The CELT on Talbot street, where the New Young Wolfe Tones entertained us with two hours of rebel songs and stirring stories from Derek Warfield. For the entire week, we were in Dublin, all Centenary events and museums were crowded or sold out. My friend, Lorcan Collins, who leads 1916 Rebel Tour said his tours were booked with Irish people instead of the usual foreign tourists.
Ir ish Pr esiden t M ich ael Higgin s made a speech saying the Revisionists were wrong, the Rebels of 1916's use of force were justified given the context of the time. At last, the Irish are no longer afraid to honor the men who fought for their freedom
Page 9
Th is East er Sat u r day, Apr il t h ir d, Sou t h er n Calif or n ia's Ir ish Am er ican Pat r iot s w ill gat h er in M idw ay Cit y at t h e An cien t Or der of Hiber n ian s East er Risin g Com m em or at ion w h ich w ill in clu de t h e 3r d (West ) Cor k Br igade r een act or s.
Next month we'll examine our generation of Irishmen who died for Irish freedom during the 1981 hunger strike. Their stand in the H-Blocks was just as brave, selfless, and significant as the sacrifices of men in the GPO in 1916.
On East er Su n day, 2016 , an est im at ed 250,000 m ost ly local Ir ish people pack ed O'Con n ell St r eet t o see t h e m assive Ir ish M ilit ar y par ade, w h ich st opped at t h e GPO f or t h e of f icial Ir ish Gover n m en t
Th e 3r d West Cor k Br igade at a pr eviou s local AOH East er Risin g com m em or at ion
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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
M í Aibreáin
THE VIEW FROM IRELAND Th e M edia an d t h e Recor d By Maurice Fitzpatrick Over twenty years ago a bitter spat erupted between two London-based news sheets about their editorial lines on Northern Ireland. On February 25th, 2000,The Guardianbridled at a suggestion ofThe Spectatorthat the ?Guardian's line on Northern Ireland is covertly dictated by a republican cell?. The new broom editor atTheSpectator, Boris Johnson (who has since moved on to a new job) had a reputation for lying and fabricating stories. The allegation that theGuardian?s coverage of Northern Ireland was heavily influenced by the IRA formed part of the standard discursive warfare between two papers and readerships:TheSpectatoris conservative and right of centre andTheGuardianis a liberal newspaper. So, it was noteworthy that the then editor ofTheGuardian, Alan Rusbridger, took especial offence at his newspaper and his colleagues being impugned. Fast forward twenty-one years and it transpires that there was substance to the allegations after all. During Rusbridger ?s time as editor, columnist Roy Greenslade used his platform at The Guardian to defend Sinn Féin. That was fine? Sinn Féin is a legal organisation. However, Greenslade concealed that he also supported the IRA and wrote under a pseudonym for an unfailingly pro-IRA newspaper in Belfast, An Phoblacht. By concealing these matters Greenslade implicitly acknowledged the consequences they could have for him and for TheGuardianif they were made public. Should The Guardian and Rusbridger have realised? Yes, if they were paying any attention at all. Greenslade?s warm welcome into the inner sanctum of republican circles in Belfast and Derry at the time, as well as the substance of his columns, were enough to raise strong suspicion. But his standing surety in 2014, for an IRA man on trial for a bombing in London, should have merited a full internal inquiry. Greenslade openly stated at the time that he did so as the bomber ?s
friend. Greenslade?s identification with the IRA?s campaign really should not have been hard to work out at a newspaper that fancies itself one of the best in the world. In his writing, Greenslade attacked the British media for its portrayal of Irish republicans: ?The undeniable truth is that newspapers in Britain have turned bias into an art form? every quote? often from an unnamed source? is selected to feed the paper 's own political prejudice?. Despite apparently adopting that position, Greenslade, in his declining years, became a professor of journalism at City University in London where he lectured on journalistic ethics. In his lectures he argued that ?claims towards neutrality and impartiality and objectivity are bogus?in the media. Neutrality in the media may well be impossible but the old dichotomy between opinion and fact remains crucial. Neutrality is a legitimate aim for genuine reportage and there is nothing bogus about the endeavour. On February 25th of this year, Greenslade published a lengthy admission of his support for, and connection with, the IRA during the Troubles in the British Journalism Review. The article immediately raised the ire of many who had been criticised by Greenslade in his Guardian columns down the years. One case is particularly poignant. Máiría Cahill, a woman from a republican background in West Belfast, who brought allegations that she was raped at the age of 16 by a member of the IRA, Martin Morris, to senior IRA figures. The IRA arraigned Morris before a kangaroo court at which Máiría Cahill was present.
Apr il, 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
VIEW CONTINUED The IRA did not find against Morris. Máiría Cahill has spent a good deal of her life since attempting to have her case heard through official channels. Since Greenslade cast aspersions in print on Cahill, his admission of support for the IRA all these years later is exceptionally bitter for Cahill. She personally suffered for the way he used his platform atThe Guardianto write ?opinion?pieces that covertly pushed the IRA?s line. This is also deeply embarrassing and damaging toTheGuardian?s journalistic record. The paper responded by apologising.The Guardian also removed three articles by Greenslade from The Guardian?s website. Amid the heat of the controversy, it is vital to consider the implications that erasing articles has for a newspaper ?s record. When a newspaper decides to remove articles from its website to give the appearance of taking responsibility for a mistake it is also denying an aspect of its own narrative and identity. Certain newspapers style themselves as being papers of record: a resource for posterity to establish what was printed. Whether or not what was printed is justifiable is beside the point. If the news was not fit to print, then it should have not been printed. Removal of articles does not unprint them and we should insist, even if the content of the articles was not
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journalistic, that the record stands.TheGuardian?s apology would have been a lot more far-reaching if it prompted an analysis of why the newspaper ?s culture facilitated Greenslade for decades instead of shoving a few of his columns down the memory hole. Just a generation ago, prior to the transformation of journalism by the internet, newspapers were print editions only. The mistakes, the embarrassments, the travesties of editors, journalists and publishers remain on the record in hundreds of libraries in physical form. Now, in the internet age, the meaning of the phrase that has adorned The New York Times?masthead since 1897, ?All the News That?s Fit to Print?, has a different significance. Subscriptions to the digital edition of The New York Times now exceed its print circulation more than tenfold, which points to an increasingly (or exclusively) online-only future for newspapers. Some established newspapers such as T he Independent in London now exist in an online format only. Simply because articles exist in a format where they can be more easily erased does not justify erasing them. The Irish government?s ! recently formed Future of Media Commission could do worse than to examine this controversy as part of a debate for the future of media and propose credible responses to it in the interests of citizens, journalists and the historical record.
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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
har per dr ag By C. M ulrooney a rare conception of the thing this I know is anything you do no longer if you dare foster monsoons in the air C. M u lr oon ey is a lon gt im e su bscr iber t o t h e Ir ish Ar t s an d En t er t ain m en t . Lik e an yon e w it h a bit of Ir ish blood f low in g f r om t h e h ear t t o h an d, t h er e ar e poem s t o be sh ar ed. Th is is bu t on e of a f ew w e h ave h ad t h e deligh t t o u se an d en joy over t h e year s. M u lr oon ey w as also a w in n er in ou r Lim er ick Con t est over 20 year s ago. We w elcom e su bm ission s f r om ou r r eader s
We invite submissions to the Irish Poetry Corner A poem or saga in the Irish Bardic Tradition are both considered. We prefer shorter works to fit on a page but we make exceptions E-Mail us:
if you ask me if I know why the lamps in Brisbane glow or Gloccamorra I can ask for reports upon the task you wonder why the elements clamor all along the fence why this profess I as you know winterward at evening?s glow
wondering if any dare undertake an Irish air upon the hard (it is a thing compareless to anything
in universal elements) sitting calmly on the fence for which benevolent you ask patient working on your task
M í Aibreáin
April, 2021
Irish Arts & Entertainment
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w w w.f acebook .com / ir ish m ar t in 1971/
w w w.f acebook .com / Poet sIn Th eTr en ch es/
Click Her e To Or der
Ir ish Ar t ist an d Nat ive of Sk er r ies, n ear Du blin , Br ian Boylan h as been h ar d at w or k du r in g t h e Pan dem ic. He h as been w or k in g on com m ission s an d sen din g h is ar t ar ou n d t h e Un it ed St at es an d t o Au st r alia an d Ir elan d. Boylan h as also developed a lin e of sign ed an d n u m ber ed pr in t s Th e ar t ist is a gr eat f r ien d an d su ppor t er of ALL THINGS IRISH an d of t h e Irish Arts & Entertainment . A special of f er on on e of h is w ell k n ow n sign ed pr in t s is available t o ou r r eader s. For a
lim it ed t im e, Su bscr ibe t o t h e Irish
Arts & Entertainment an d get a discou n t of $25. OFF a sign ed pr in t . Em ail: ir ish m issive@gm ail.com an d w e w ill r eply w it h det ails an d a lin k t o t h e pr in t s available.
Page 14
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
M í Aibreáinan
Ir ish Por k , f am ou s w or ld w ide f or savor y goodn ess by Belf ast Based Ch ef Pau l Wat t t er s
Po t at o b al l s w i t h m i n ced p o r k w i t h gar l i c an d r o sem ar y Gr eat f l av o r , l ean m eat an d an easy / f ast r eci p e: 250g lean m in ced por k 400g w axy pot at o (I u sed M ar is Piper ) 1 clove of gar lic cr u sh ed 1 egg beat en 2 t ablespoon of plain f lou r 4 spr igs of r osem ar y (pick ed) 2 t ablespoon of bu t t er 1 t ablespoon of can ola Boil or st eam t h e pot at o u n t il sof t .If boilin g st r ain t h r ou gh a colon der u n t il all t h e w at er h as evapor at ed.m ash w ell w it h salt an d pepper an d a lit t le bu t t er allow t o cool on ce cool add f lou r an d m ix w ell. M ix t h e por k w it h gar lic an d som e of t h e r osem ar y an d a beat en egg. On ce t h e pot at o h as cooled place a lit t le f lou r in a bow l t h is Will h elp f ir m u p an d sh ape u p.Place a lit t le pot at o in you r Palm of you r h an d place a lit t le of t h e por k m ix t h en m or e pot at o w it h a lit t le f lou r sh ape in t o balls on ce com plet e allow t o r est in t h e f r idge a h ou r bef or e cook in g f r y in a pan w it h a lit t le oil an d bu t t er add r em ain in g r osem ar y an d cook
Ch ef Pau l appear ed in a segm en t f or ou r Alon e/ TOGETHER Live St r eam . If you m issed it , cat ch t h e En cor e Plu s t h is w eeken d on ou r Facebook Page: Th en on ou r NEW You Tu be Ch an n el st ar t in g n ext Tu esday:
Apr il, 2021
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Celebrity Chef Watters has been working as a chef for 30 years. He has worked all over the world from the Savoy Hotel in London to as far as the Sydney Opera House, Australia. The Chef is currently living in Belfast and is continuing to cook in various hotels and restaurants throughout the area. During the lockdown he has set set up a cooking page on Facebook to share his love of food and cooking. Chef Paul's Facebook page is called: sim ple t ast y h ealt h y by pw
VERY RARE PROHIBITION ERA COLLECTOR'S CERTIFICATE Also k n ow n as a Bon ded Wh iskey War eh ou se Receipt . Only a few t housand of t hese Cert ificat es w ere ever print ed during t he Prohibit ion Era and only a few hundred are know t o ex ist t oday. The 04-03-21value w ill only increase, The 100t h Anniversary of t he Repeal Of The Volst ead Act has only increased aw areness of one of Am erica's biggest blunders so int erest is grow ing in rare it em s like t his Aut hent ic Cert ificat e!
ONLY $200. f r om M ac's Collect ibles. h t t p:/ / et sy.m e/ 34dVypg
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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
M í Aibreáin
C el t i c M u si c: N EW S & REV I EW S Optimism & Ir ish Rock Is The Message Fr om THE YOUNG DUBLINERS Sin ce t h ey w er e f or m ed in San t a M on ica abou t 30 Year s Back , t h e YOUNG DUBS h ave been ach in g t o t ou r an d r ock t h e w or ld w it h au t h en t ic an d or igin al CELTIC Tu n es an d STAGED as on ly t h ey can deliver ! Th is w r it er h as been t h er e an d af t er h ear in g t h e m u sic t h ey con t r ibu t ed f or t h eir am azin g segm en t of ou r Alon e TOGETHER Paddy 's Day vir t u al f est ival, it is eviden t t h at t h ey ar e AS GREAT an d AS READY as ever t o m ix, m in gle an d m ak e m u sic. Ir ish Cu lt u r e an d Hist or y ar e on t h eir side, We Ir ish ar e r esilien t & WE ROCK!!
Keit h Rober t s (vocals / gu it ar ), Ch as Walt z (Violin , k eys, vocals), Ju st in Pecot (gu it ar , vocals), Dave In gr ah am (dr u m s) an d n ew bie Et h an Jon es (bass gu it ar ).
THE YOUNG DUBLINERS 2021 It?s time to bring live rock and roll back into people?s lives and the Young Dubliners are just the band to do it. After thirty years as one of the world?s leading Celtic Rock bands, the boys have begun work on their tenth studio album while simultaneously launching the 2021 limited summer and Fall tour. This includes their rescheduled TRIP TO IRELAND in November where they will bring 150 US fans with them. All trip details can be found at
you n gdu blin er s.com They are also welcoming onboard new bass player
Ethan Jones who had previously worked for the band in the early days as a tech and stage manager. When the Dubs were holding auditions for the job in November 2019, Ethan reached out and said he would like to try out. Although they hadn?t seen him in many years it was as though they had never been apart. Ethan?s bass playing is superb, but it was the ease with which he assimilated into the band that has really caused the most excitement and renewed commitment from everyone ?It felt more like a family member coming home? says frontman Keith Roberts. Although Ethan only got to play a few shows before COVID shut them down, he is very excited to get back out there.
Be par t of ou r Social M edia Pr esen ce! Ch eck ou r FACEBOOK PAGES f or Daily Updat es: Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
Pu bGu ide E New s
LA Cou n t y Ir ish
w w w.ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com
April, 2021
Irish Arts & Entertainment
With a solid lineup and a new batch of songs to play live, The Young Dubliners are set to save 2021 and help revive live music. New tour dates are being added daily based on safely reopening venues. They vow to never put anyone at unnecessary risk but can?t wait to play for their tremendous fans all over the world. The band has already begun work on the new album and announced its fundraiser to help pay for the recording. This will be the second time the band has looked to its fans to finance an album instead of a traditional record company. ?The business has changed so much over our lifetime that it no longer makes sense for us to take money from a label and then owe it all back? says Roberts. ?Making all our supporters co producers is a far more rewarding way to make a record and allows us to maintain control all the way?. The band will team up with long time producer, Irish born Tim Boland, and begin recording in the coming months. More details on that will be forthcoming. The Young Dubliners have released nine albums to date. The set on the upcoming dates will draw from
Th e Fit zger alds In t h e w or k s f or M ay! A pr of ile an d Q & A w it h on e of Can ada's m ost excit in g Celt ic/ Ir ish gr ou ps! www.thefitzgeralds.net Facebook-Julie Fitzgerald Facebook -Everything Fitz Toronto, Ontario, CANADA INSTAGRAM SOUND CLOUD YOUTUBE
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all their albums and include unreleased new material. In recent years the Young Dubs have appeared on ABC?s Jimmy Kimmel Live! had songs featured in TV shows (Sons Of Anarchy, Human Target) and toured extensively as a headliner and as the opener for such a diverse list of artists as Collective Soul, Jethro Tull, Johnny Lang, Los Lobos, Chris Isaak and many more. Although the Young Dubliners sound is most commonly called ?Celtic Rock?, that label can often be misleading. The Irish influence is certainly there, but it?s not the only influence that bursts through on their albums or live shows. After all, several of the band members have no Irish roots of any kind. ?That was always the idea?, explains Roberts ?The sound was intended to be a hybrid because we all come from different backgrounds. Even though I am from Ireland, a lot of the music I listened to growing up wasn?t Irish at all, but when I got here, I got homesick and developed a new appreciation for Irish Music. In truth the Celtic riffs can just as easily come from the American band members. Everyone writes now so you never know what you?ll end up with.
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M í Aibreáin
? THAT SUM M ER SONG" Fin al Release Fr om Liam Reilly an d Bagat elle This song was written & recorded during one of the very last studio sessions with LIAM REILLY & BAGATELLE, It was also one of the last recording sessions for Producer/Guitarist/ Multi-Instrumentalist & owner of Silverwood Studios Co Wicklow, the Late Gavin Ralston. Gavin had played with so many Acts inc Waterboys Picturehouse Sharon Shannon Michael FlatleyTom Moore Bagatelle etc? THAT SUMMER SONG"(co-.written by Liam Reilly, Ken Doyle & Gavin Ralston) The song basically tells the story of how one song could change a bands life - Forever! That song was the Iconic "SUMMER IN DUBLIN ? from the band BAGATELLE and, as the lyrics suggest, is also a big THANK YOU to their wonderful loyal audience and friends who have stayed with them through their 40 + years.
Th e lat e gr eat Liam Reilly, RIP 1st Jan 2021
-Below Bagatelle Members pay tribute
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DUBLIN PREM IER of Lon g Ago Han del's M essiah t h e m ost r ever ed an d w ell k n ow n Sacr ed M u sic com posit ion of all t im e, w as pr em ier ed in Du blin . George Frideric Han del wrote the Christmas favorite in London in 1741. He contemplated it as music for East er and other occasions thus the Dublin Music Hall premier on April 13, 1742. The story has another Irish twist, Jonathin Swift (Gulliver et al), who was at that time Dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral and whose consent for the performance was necessary, insisted that his original title be changed to include the phrase " Sacr ed Or at ion s" .
Th e Gr eat M u sic Hall w as locat ed on Fish am ble St r eet , Du blin , w h er e Messiah w as f ir st per f or m ed
Laura Crocket t , aka Laura Evans, aka Ell, will put her t ravels t hrough t ime on hold long enough t o t ell some classic Celt ic St ories for our updat ed Live St ream. Some t echnical problems eliminat ed her second offering from t he original Live St ream. List eners can look forward t o a ret elling of a fable wit h an Irish King and his magical goose over our East er Weekend Live St ream!
Laura Crockett, aka Laura Evans, aka Ell, has been traveling through time, since, you guessed it, she was 11 years of age. She also has a favorite chair - her "time chair" - that she sits in to fantasize and write. As a teller of tales par excellence, Laura is in the habit of charming children of all ages. "Gather around her as she sits in her time chair and she will tell you a tale of people long gone but forever with us.." The above is a reference to Laura Crockett's amazing series: The Time Chair Diary (Books I & II) Laura Crockett, who is a well known and prolific author is in a sense, a kind of a Renaissance Historian as she is one who is interested in all things in the true spirit of that period. She writes on Fashion, Time Travel, Business and Conservative Ideals and much more and all with competency and style.
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Irish Travel Tips & Tours Th an k f u lly, t h e gr ip t h e Covid Pan dem ic m ay w ell be loosen in g u p in m ost of t h e US. Ir elan d is laggin g beh in d an d t h e lock dow n is st ill in place.Th e in cr easin g su pply of vaccin es an d pr oof t h at t h ey ar e w or k in g sh ou ld r esu lt in t r avel t o Ir elan d open in g u p lat er t h is year . We h ave t h e per f ect solu t ion f or cau t iou s t r aveler s. Ireland West Farm Stay is an authentic, private, immersive rural Irish experience in the heart of County Mayo. Combining a beautifully restored 19th century Irish cottage with a working farm and lots of local enterprise around the village,; it is a unique Irish experience. Back in 2015, Eddie Joe Dooney, a beef farmer and seller of turf dhad the vision to set up the Farm Stay. He started by restoring the old cottage and offering authentic farming and rural activities around his village of Carracastle. Along with his wife Anne they now offer a private boutique style farm stay in a beautiful stone cottage which combines old traditional Ireland with modern comfort. As well as the tranquility of staying in the cottage there are a variety of experiences around t
Far m St ays West f eat u r es i Tr adit ion al Ir ish M u sic in t h e per f ect set t in g! he farm and village including an interactive Bog experience, farm tour, village walking tour and music by the fireside in the evening. As well as the farm activities other local enterprises within walking distance also offer demonstrations and glimpses into rural Ireland including A Blacksmith Workshop with local blacksmith Pat and a local artisan cheese factory tour. A visit to Ireland is not complete without a stay on a farm and Ireland West Farm Stay offers an immersion into Irish heritage, culture and tradition!
w w w.ir elan dw est f ar m st ay.com
Tast y Tr eat s aw ait you ! Th e f ood is except ion al bu t you w on't be h er ded ar ou n d lik e sh eep. Th e r u r al at m osph er e is especially appealin g if you ar e n ot qu it e r eady t o be in cr ow ded ar eas yet w it h a lot of st r an ger s. Th is is t h e per f ect f am ily vacat ion alt er n at ive t r ip t o Ir elan d. Th e Far m St ay West is locat ed in Cou n t y M ayo, on e of t h e lesser popu lat ed cou n t ies so you w ill h ave a lot of f r eedom an d qu iet t im e if you seek it .
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W e ar e o p t i m i st i c t h at I r i sh T r av el Rest r i ct i o n s w i l l l o o sen u p so o n . B e Read y. Ex p l o r e I r el an d w i t h o u r u n i q u e T r av el T i p s & Feat u r es an d o u r H i k i n g & B i k i n g I n I r el an d ser i es st ar t i n g i n Ju n e As is ou r callin g, ou r M ay Issu e Will Be Fu lly Loaded w it h gr eat Ir ish Con t en t ; We ar e alw ays look in g f or Calen dar an d Celt ic Cam er a f r om ou r loyal adver t iser s, f r eelan cer s & r eader s.
Deadlin e
M ay Issu e: 4/ 27
COM ING SOON St ar t in g in ou r M ay Issu e Th e sorry to say delayed a cou ple m on t h s, Ir ish Arts & Entertainment's
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Ken O' M al l ey I r i sh Bal l adeer an d Son gw r i t er Set For Al on e/ TOGETH ER En cor e Pl us Li v e St r eam . Tech n i cal gl i t ch es h i t us w i t h som e of t h e pl an n ed per f or m an ces i n M ar ch ; w e ar e pl eased t h at w e h av e f i x ed t h i n gs an d O' M al l ey' s segm en t s w i l l be l i v esr eam ed st ar t i n g t h i s Sat ur day! W e ar e j ust as h appy t o l et our r eader s k n ow t h at Ken O' M al l ey' s Tour Sch edul e w i l l al so r esum e t h i s Fal l . W e w i l l h av e i n f o i n our Jun e i ssue.
Apr il, 2021
Crafters of Ireland
David Sh an ah an
Th e Fam ily Tr ee Scr ibe & t h e f ou n der at ADOS.DESIGN This month we profile another one of a kind business in Ireland. ADOS.DESIGN is located in County Tipperary. ADOS Design creates very large format Family Trees and Irish Historical framed prints. The founder and spirited owner, David Shanahan hails from a long line of Irish Bardic Clans going back 1200 years. His family, the Shanahan?s, were the bards to the O?Brien?s, ancients rulers of the province of Munster and beyond, with their capital at the Rock of Cashel. Brian Boru was the most famous O?Brien. Irish bards formed a professional hereditary caste of highly trained, learned poets and historians.
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment Shanahan began his mission to create large format family trees in 2011, when his relatives handed him large amounts of research, which he turned into a canvas document measuring 18ft x 2ft (Top of page 19) In 2013 he completed the project and had a family gathering with 85 relatives present. He now creates Family Trees for people all over the world including the United States of America. His own Family Tree has 500 plus names with almost 400 DNA matches on Ancestry.com. He has a partnership with the House of Names Dublin, enabling him to use their Coats of Arms in his designs. In addition, ADOS Design has been creating Irish Historical and sports prints in frames for over 20 years. Shanahan's Grandfather on his Mother ?s side, was born in Brooklyn, New York, returned to be reared in Ireland and was awarded a service medal for his part in the Irish War of Independence 1917 ? 1921. His Great Grandfather served in the
Page 23 U.S. Marines.
David Sh an ah an Photo by John D Kelly
His Father played senior hurling for County Tipperary and won three All Ireland medals 1949 ? 1951. He traveled to America in 1950 and 1957 with the Tipperary team. Shanahan has a background in design, was a CEO in the local business chamber , worked in supply chain management, the music business management and hospitality. He worked in the pub in Dublin that President Bill Clinton visited for a pint in 1996!
Our ser i es of t h e dedi cat ed an d h ar d w or k i n g i n di v i dual s w h o ar e m em ber s of Cr af t er s of I r el an d br i n gs us t o Ti pper ar y, i n I r i sh , Contae Thiobraid Árann. I t i s on e of I r el an d' s l ar ger Coun t i es i n t h e t h e Sout h Cen t r al par t of t h e Em er al d I sl e an d i t i s ol d, n am ed af t er t h e t ow n of Ti pper ar y w h i ch w as f oun ded ar oun d 120 0 . I t i s al so f am ous i n I r i sh l or e an d l egen d, Th e Rock of Cash el , on ce a seat t o t h e Ki n g of M uen st er i s t h er e. Besi des t h e gr oupi n gs of t h e i n cr edi bl e r ui n s t h at dom i n at e t h e ar ea, t h er e i s a l ot m or e t o see.
w w w.cash el.ie
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An im pr essive con cept developed by David Sh an ah an is t h is lar ge HALLWAY M URAL STYLE FAM ILY TREE.. A splen did cu st om ized piece t h at w ou ld be t h e cen t er of at t en t ion in an y h om e. For pr icin g an d a lot m or e in n ovat ive design s; ch eck ou t t h e w ebsit e: w w w.ADOS.design .com
The word ADOS is derived from the IrishAn dearadh seo le Daibhéid Ó Seanacháin,which means this design by David Shanahan.
Th e Ir ish f or Sh an ah an is Ó Seanacháin w h ich m ean s Old Bar d.
Fr am ed m em or ials of Ir ish Hist or y by Ados Design Ir elan d. An ideal gif t f or t h ose w h o love Ir elan d an d Ir ish Hist or y. Th e 1916 Ir ish Pr oclam at ion ? Fr am ed Dáil Éir ean n 1919 ? Fr am ed View pr odu ct s h er e: w w w.cr af t er sof ir elan d.com / st or e/ david-sh an ah an
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M use By Greg Patrick I n spi r ed by Br i an Boyl an ?s Tr i n i t y of Red ?For I h ave t r aveled t h e bar e r oad, an d by t h e edges of t h e sea; an d t h e t at t er ed dou blet of par t li colou r ed clot h u pon m y back an d t h e t or n poin t ed sh oes u pon m y f eet h ave ever ir k ed m e, becau se of t h e t ow er ed cit y f u ll of n oble r aim en t w h ich w as in m y h ear t . An d I h ave been t h e m or e alon e u pon t h e r oads an d by t h e sea becau se I h ear d in m y h ear t t h e r u st lin g of t h e r ose-bor der ed dr ess of h er .? -William Butler Yeats
?Cr u cif ixion of t h e Ou t cast ? On rainswept path I stopped and beheld a rare vision as if mirage that vexed nomad was granted radiant form face in a vision of beauty behind green eyes. As one looks into their tide-pooled depths to see the summer sky and sea .Half-bathed in sunlight and storm like a torch burning through the rain. The brightness of the surface seems to reflect the depth of her eyes. As great as the bright beauty seen on the surface as the sun sets over the western sea and the night never felt darker nor her farther. \ The brightness of the surface like an indication of the depth of the eyes. Gaze reflected their admirer like a nomad?s face in an oasis or sequestered tide pool of dream. Even in a storied legend-haunted land here was a rare grace to behold. The very essence of a Celtic bard?s inspiration and Iseult?s incarnation. A sigh to the last light of the setting sun of summer a wordless interpretation of her name. Eyes worthy of the person, a gaze startlingly and impossibly green. Voluminous as the shelves it would take to do justice in words yet understated. Their fathomless depth that of the Irish Sea, yet more so. Breath caught in mid-song when beauty before words proved song
obsolete. In that presence I thought at first sight that I had strayed into a world grace once more with princesses worthy of the name and by the worthy gestures of one proved her tender hearted as she was beautiful. Princess as ever envisioned. I could feel the aeolian caress of the harpsong for that which was sonorous in her laughter? The effect was positively bewitching from the vibrant sway of your glorious red hair aflow in impossibly fiery resplendence, to her constellated freckles,so as to echo the honeyed words: "Oh she doth teach the torches to burn bright". Her vivacity and laughter not just infectious but truly heart melting. I could compose more bardic tribute but how could I even write in tribute to you if you are a poem itself.
Gr egor y Byr on Pat r ick
h as been on e of ou r m ost popu lar an d pr olif ic con t r ibu t or s.. He divides h is t im e bet w een Or an ge Cou n t y, CA an d Eu r ope. He is an Ir ish Nat ive w h o can cou n t am on g h is m an y pu r su it s t h at of bein g an accom plish ed h or se t r ain er ; It is eviden t in h is love f or an im als, He is also an accom plish ed w r it er an d h is epic n ovel an d ot h er w or k s ar e available on lin e Th e Falcon er s Cr y Fr om t h e Hear t can be pu r ch ased via LULU..com
GIFT SUBSCRIPTION ADD E M ail & Nam e HERE______________________________________________ CALL OR EM AIL US FOR QUICK SERVICE 951 216-1493
ir ish m issive@gm ail.com
Make Check to:
Apr il, 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
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M í Aibreáin
The Celtic Camer a
Apr il, 2021 Page 28
We are here looking for you! Submissions wanted.. send jpeg & caption to:
ir ishmissive@gmail.com
Joh n an d Sally M cNally, Du blin 2016 See M cNally 's f eat u r e, Page 8 LEFT: Heidi Wat k in s an d h er " Pelican"
Acqu isit ion . Th e pain t in g is by Sou t h Bay 's r esiden t Ir ish Ar t ist Br ian Boylan . Boylan is f eat u r ed in t h is issu e w it h a special of f er on Page 13 an d as an in spir at ion f or M USE on Page 25!
NOW OPEN Th e Kin g's Head Pu b f or Take Ou t & Sh oppe f or East er Goodies in San t a M on ica
w w w.yeoldek in gsh ead.com
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ENCORE PLUS: New material added to our upcoming Live Stream. Our Saint Patrick's Celebration From The Irish Sea To Blue Pacific was already six hours over so we did some creative additions and editing. M an y t h an k s t o t h e Har bou r side Cr ew f or t h eir In valu able Assist an ce An n a Gon zales an d Ow en Dar a w er e an d ar e per f ect as ou r h ost s! Ryan M cCan n is Ch ief Tech n ical Of f icer an d Edit or . He is also an on air per son alit y w it h h is popu lar sh ow Ou t cast Cu lt u r e an d t h e Th u r sday Dr ive Tim e slot . M ar k St eph en Hu gh es is Pr odu cer an d Head of PR an d Social M edia He t oo is an on air per son alit y an d is t h e h ost of a ver y popu la Spor t s, Tr ivia an d Qu iz sh ow s.
Th e Wor ldw ide Respon se t o ou r call f or par t icipan t s f or ou r vir t u al Cou n t dow n an d Celebr at ion f or St . Pat r ick 's Day t h is year h as been beyon d ou r w ildest h opes!
Lau r a Cr ock et t , Br ian Boylan , Joh n M cNally an d h is Ir ish Clu b M em ber s f or a deligh t f u l h ou r of poet r y (m ost ly Ir ish )
Ou r t alen t pool iw as deep an d t h e r espon se t o ou r call f or in dividu als t o be par t of Alon e/ TOGETHER w as f r an k ly m or e t h an w e cou ld ever h ave im agin ed. Th er e ar e a lot of ver y k in d, gen er ou s an d lovin g people w h o ar e all par t of t h e am azin g Ir ish Diaspor a! We h ave also h ad m an y t alen t ed people in Ir elan d join ou r r an k s f or Alon e/ TOGETHER.
Also pr esen t in g segm en t s M ar gar et O'Car r oll of Ker r y Ir ish Pr odu ct ion s w it h CELTIC WINGS. Th e Tr in it y Ir ish Dan ce Com pan y, an d Tr in it y Ir ish Dan ce Academ y, Aer Lin gu s, Ju st Kilt M e, Nick Jor dan of Wells of Lif e, Celebr it y Ch ef Pau l Wat t er s w ill pr esen t r ecipes f or St . Pat r ick 's Day. Cr af t er s of Ir elan d is also r epr esen t ed.
Th e en t ir e con t in gen t of in dividu als an d gr ou ps w h o ar e t ak in g par t in ou r Live St r eam ser ve as an exam ple of h ow t r u ly good an d k in d people can be. Th ese ar e all volu n t eer s! Ever yon e in volved h a w or k ed lon g an d h ar d t o m ak e t h is h appen . If you can . please t ak e t h e t im e t o r each ou t an d t h an k t h em all. Su ppor t t h eir ar t ist r y an d pr oject s t oo if you can , In t h is issu e ju st pr ior t o St . Pat r ick 's Day w e h ad h oped t o pr esen t a sch edu le bu t alas w e ar e st ill w or k in g on it .Her e is a par t ial list of t h e t alen t t h at w e h ave con f ir m ed at pr ess t im e; w e ar e deeply appr eciat ive of t h eir dedicat ion an d en t h u siasm given t o t h e idea of Alon e/ TOGETHER! Ow en Dar a, Ken O'M alley, Th om M acNam ar a, Jen n M ah on ey, Ir ish act or Bar r y Lyn ch join in g t h e Wr en Th eat r e Com pan y.,Keit h Rober t s an d Th e YOUNG DUBLINERS Kr is Colt , St r in gs an d Th in gs (Ir elan d ), Aedan M acDon n ell,
Also f r om Ir elan d,t w o sin ger s f r om Cor k Cit y, Fion a Ken n edy an d Billy Ken n edy an d Welsh bor n Vin cen t Vau gh an w h o h as lived an d su n g in Ir elan d m ost of h is lif e. Fin ally t h e com edy du o PURE & WEARY (LA/ Ch icago) Th e WREN PLAYERS w ill also be pr ovidin g a sk it abou t Paddy 's Day.
Ou r Co-Pr odu cer s in Nor t h er n Ir elan d h ave an am azin g lin e u p as w ell. We k n ow t h at it w ill be im possible t o cat ch t h e sh ow in it s en t ir et y so w e ar e m ak in g plan s t o r e br oadcast all of t h e segm en t s t h r ou gh ou t St . Pat r ick 's Day, M ar ch 17. Also w e w ill be st r eam in g n ot ju st on Facebook bu t on r elat ed You Tu be Ch an n els an d on in t er n et st at ion HARBOURSIDE RADIO in War r en poin t ,
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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
M í Aibreáin
M ilw au kee Ir ish Fest An n ou n ces Plan t o M ove For w ar d w it h 2021 Fest ival M ILWAUKEE (M ar ch 2021)- Milwaukee Irish Fest is set to make its return to the Henry Maier Festival Park the third weekend in August, following a year hiatus in 2020 due to the pandemic. Organizers announced the 40th Irish Fest will take place Friday, August 20, Saturday, August 21, and Sunday, August 22. This year the festival will run for three days, compared to its normal four-day run. Organizers are working with and evaluating input from the city of Milwaukee, the Wisconsin Health Department and the State, and are also monitoring CDC guidelines in order to produce a safe outdoor festival. ?We are moving forward with preparations for our 40th festival,? said Mike Mitchell, Executive Director of CelticMKE. ?We?re going to do everything we can to ensure a safe environment. We will make any necessary adjustments to our operations and modify the layout to comply with regulations, restrictions, and recommendations put in place at the time of our festival." A plan is already in place to install sanitizing stations throughout the grounds and to enhance cleaning protocols. "Our festival preparations center around prioritizing the wellbeing and safety of our patrons, volunteers, vendors, entertainers and staff," said Mitchell. "With the rollout of vaccinations, we feel comfortable taking the steps to create an Irish experience this summer for all to safely enjoy." Irish Fest may be limiting the number of tickets sold both at the gates and online to accommodate the potential capacity limit. Admission tickets will go on sale on the Irish Fest website,irishfest.com , in the coming weeks. Organizers advise people to get their tickets in advance for a guaranteed entry to the festival. The music lineup will be announced later this spring, with a program schedule to follow in the summer. It will be a hybrid festival, so organizers are also planning an exclusive, online Irish program for those who are unable to attend the festival in person.
Wells Of Lif e is t h e of f icial Ch ar it y of t h e Irish Arts & Entertainment Fou n der Nick Jor dan w h o w as bor n in Ir elan d an d h e h as been an ar den t su ppor t ed of t h is pu blicat ion an d w as a loyal adver t iser w it h h is Real Est at e en t er pr ise f or alm ost 20 year s. We w er e ver y f or t u n at e t o lear n abou t Wells Of Lif e at t h e t im e it w as st ar t ed an d w e h ave f ollow ed t h eir pr oject s an d t h e am azin g am ou n t of good t h at t h is f ou n dat ion does f or 10 year s n ow , , We even h ad t h e h on or w it h t h e h elp of ou r r eader 's don at ion s in playin g a sm all r oll in dr illin g a w ell.
We h ope ou r r eader s w ill join ou r 2021 WELLS OF LIFE CAM PAIGN.
Ir ish Lit er ar y Sh ow case is a f eat u r e f or em er gin g Ir ish an d Ir ish Am er ican w r it er s. Ou r Poet r y Cor n er h as capt u r ed m an y an im agin at ion an d m an y avid f ollow er s an d poet s in t h e US an d Ir elan d.. Th is idea is a n at u r al ext en sion . We ar e also goin g t o ext en d t h e r each of t h is f eat u r e t o ou r w ebsit e,
Su bm ission s Wan t ed Please sen d a cover let t er (Em ail) sh or t
bio an d you r sh or t st or y or essay: t o: ir ish m issive@gm ail.com In t h e su bject lin e r ef er en ce
Irish Literary Showcase
TAKE OUT 11:AM t o 8:PM DAILY 310 829-5303
BEST IRISH COFFEE PERFECT PINT GUINNESS Ou r in side din in g m ay be closed, bu t ou r pat io w ill be open ! NOW WITH FIVE BIG SCREEN TVs Take Out is still available for alcohol and food with food delivery through Postmates.
O'BRIEN'S IRISH PUB & RESTAURANT 2226 Wilshir e Blvd SANTA MONICA, CA 310 829- 5303
I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d r N OW W I T H By D ate & On Going Listings and Links EASTER SUNDAY CHURCH CONCERT FROM IRELAND EM M ET CAHILL APR 04 - 02:00 PM PDT - 30 M IN SHOW PRICE: 150 NOTE
Join Ireland?s most exciting young Tenor, Emmet Cahill, for a special Easter concert from a beautiful ancient church in Ireland. Hear Emmet perform your most beloved church hymns, including Be thou my Vision, Amazing Grace, Ave Maria and much more.
In f o & Tick et s
Tick et s & In f o
w w w.ir ish r ep.or g GET O U R V ERY I RI SH PERK S
CALENDAR UPDATED WEEKLY Ju st a r em in der , ou r digit al pu blish in g allow s ch an ges so ch eck back each Tu esday f or ou r u pdat es, Sen d list in g each w eek t o: ir ish m issive@gm ail.com
Apr il, 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Deliver s the per fect gift for ever y Ir ish Gather ing!!
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w w w.t om m ym olon eys.com SUBSCRIBERS Apply VIP Code @ Ch eck ou t
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Irish Arts & Entertainment
On Going Celtic, Ir ish
M í Aibreáin
Get you r Ir ish or Celt ic Even t List ed...
& Pub Calendar Send your links and listings to:
Sen d in f o t o: ir ish m issive@gm ail.com
On e of t h e m ost am azin g Ir ish Du os in t h e w or ld NOW LIVE IN LAS VEGAS Also on Am azon Pr im e w it h t h eir Docu m en t ar y abou t t r avels an d playin g t h r ou gh ou t t h e USof A
St ar in g in M ar ch : Playin g Ever y Fr iday f r om 5 - 8 PM
SAGEBRUSH Can t in a
23527 Calabasas Rd, Calabasas, CA 91302 w w w.sagebr u sh can t in a.com /
w w w.k en om alley.com
April, 2021
Irish Arts & Entertainment
Irish Arts & Entertainment's VERY
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Th e VIP pr ogr am is a ver y im por t an t com pon en t of ou r su bscr ipt ion pr ogr am . It h as a m u lt it u de of posit ive f act or s bu ilt in t o t h e pr ogr am . It ser ves as a bon u s/ r ew ar d syst em f or spen din g h ar d cold cash on ou r pu blicat ion AND it is a good n et w or k in g t ool f or t h e Pu blish er . We ar e able t o at t r act su bscr iber s an d adver t iser s t o ou r pu blicat ion an d k eep t h em in t er est ed w h ile deliver in g gr eat Ir ish in t er est con t en t an d in f or m at ion t o ou r r eader s. Th e adver t iser s ben ef it by h avin g a r eader sh ip in t er est ed in ou r excit in g n ich e m ar k et an d t h ey can t ar get ou r r eader s w it h special of f er s. Th e volu m e m ak es it w or t h w h ile f or t h em t o par t icipat e. Th e Pan dem ic h as set u s all back a bit in on e w ay or an ot h er an d w e ar e r ebu ildin g ou r VIP ben ef it s pack age. We w er e cou n t in g on discou n t s an d deals at pu bs an d even t s bu t t h at plan is n ow on t h e back bu r n er as t h er e ar e f ew even t s an d pu bs n eed volu m e t o m ak e t h e discou n t s pr act ical. In t h e m ean t im e, w e ar e w or k in g h ar d t o lin e u p n ew of f er s f or ou r su bscr iber s. Th r ou gh ou t t h is Bu yin g Gu ide, w e h ave som e list in gs on good deals an d w e w ill be addin g special of f er s t o ou r w ebsit e as w e f in d t h em .On e VIP, w e h ave n ow of in t er est is Bu y ONE SUB an d get a Gif t Su bscr ipt ion ! Be su r e t o ch eck ou t t h e Ver y Ir ish Per k s on t h e m en u bar on ou r Hom e Page w w w.ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com
VERY IRISH PERKS VIP CLUB All subscribers become
members of our VIP Group.
Th om at t h e Ir ish Im por t Sh op (Fr ee Deliver y) ext en ds 10% OFF all pu r ch ases t o ou r Su bscr iber s. See Page 2 f or h is ad an d n u m ber !
At Pr esen t :
An am azin g of f er f or ou r ow n VIP M em ber s an d Su bscr iber s! Bu y a GIFT SUBSCRIPTION bet w een n ow an d M ar ch 15 an d w e w ill give you a FREE ONE YEAR EXTENSION on you r ow n su bscr ipt ion .
Celt ic Ar t ist Br ian Boylan w ill give
Em ail: ir ish m issive@gm ail.com
Cu r r en t ly w e ar e of f er in g som e r eally good pr om ot ion s an d as t h e Pan dem ic eases w e w ill add m or e.
you $25. OFF an y sign ed pr in t . See page 7 of t h is issu e f or det ails.
O'Br ien's On Wilsh ir e in San t a M on ica w ill give ou r su bscr iber s a Fr ee Appet izer w it h pu r ch ase. w w w.obr ien sla.com
Go t o t h e m en u click h er e
W e i n v i t e our r eader s t o si gn up t h i s m on t h f or our EASTER W EEK Deal ! Ri gh t n ow , w e ar e of f er i n g a 2 f or 1 Speci al . Det ai l s on Page 26