Irish Arts and Entertainment, July 2021

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Vo l . X X I X , # V I I

Su m m er Sp eci al ~~~ Sam h r ad h

20 21

RED, WHITE, BLUE & GREEN Th e Ir ish Con t r ibu t ion To Th e Am er ican Revolu t ion See Pg 3 Pr ofile and Q & A Wr iter, Stor yteller Laur a Cr ockett Starts on Pg 12

IRISH MUSIC IS BACK Live Concer ts & CD Releases See Pg 28

Wells Of Lif e RUN4WATER 2021 Set f or Ju ly 1 t h r ou gh Ju ly 11 D) Pgs 7 & 20

I r ish Bor n Revolu t ion ar y War

Her o Com m odor e Joh n Bar r y Father of the American Navy

I r i sh Ch ef Pau l W at t er s

Su m m er Ch i cken Skew er s: Page 20

H) Pg 8

G) Pg 23

w w ish im por t sh

For Over FIFTY YEARS!! The Hollywood Ir ish Impor t Shop has been the sour ce for the best in Ir ish Food and Gifts for SoCal's Ir ish Community! SUMMER SPECIAL! All Guinness Br anded Pr oducts , Glasses for the Home Bar and Par ty Goods ar e on Sale! Jacobs, Heinz & Cadbur y Tr eats ar e in Stock too!


Special Cover age on Ir ish Un it y con t in u es w it h Joh n M cNally an d

Th e Ir ish of 1776 Rem em ber ed Page 3

M au r ice Fit zpat r ick st ar t in g on Page 19 View f r om Ir elan d

Pu blish er 's Let t er Page 4


WELLS OF LIFE VIRTUAL RUN 4 WATER is h appen in g NOW..See Page 5 AER LINGUS is BACK as Ir elan d Open s Up!! See of f er on Page 7

IRISH CALENDAR Ir ish Com m u n it y List in gs St ar t s on Page 30

Su bscr ipt ion Ser vice & Ver y Ir ish Per k s! Discou n t s an d Con t est s Det ails on Pages 34 & 35

O U R C O V ER C o m m o d o r e Jo h n B ar r y i s j u st o n e o f t h e l ead i n g f i gu r es i n t h e A m er i can Rev o l u t i o n w h o w er e ei t h er f r o m I r el an d o r w er e o f I r i sh A n cest r y ! See f eat u r e st ar t i n g o n p age 3 L au r a C r o ck et t , So C al b ased w r i t e an d st o r y t el l er i s o u r Pr o f i l e an d Q & A St ar t s o n p age 12

July, 2021

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Rem em ber in g Th e Ir ish In Th e Am er ican Revolu t ion !

Th e Si gn i n g of t h e Decl ar at i on of I n depen den ce ( 1818) By Joh n Tr um bal l On e of h e m ost f ascin at in g aspect s of Joh n Tr u m ball's icon ic depict ion of t h e Sign in g (on Ju ly 3, 1776) is t h at h e act u ally w or k ed w it h bot h Adam s an d Jef f er son on t h e scope an d scale of t h e com m ission . He m et an d pain t ed 37 of t h e pat r iot s w h o sign ed t h e docu m en t . Th er e w er e 56 sign er s an d f ou r of t h em w er e bor n in Ir elan d.

William Pat er son w h o w as a New Jer sey delegat e w as bor n in Cou n t y An t r im . Jam es M cHen r y w as also f r om Cou n t y An t r im . Pier ce Bu t ler w as f r om Car low an d w as a Sou t h Car olin a sign er . Th e f ou r t h w as Th om as Fit zsim m on s of Ph iladelph ia, bor n in Ir elan d, h e cam e t o t h e colon ies as a t een age an d pr osper ed as a m er ch an t .

PLEASE RESPON D TO OUR SUBSCRI PTI ON OFFER I N TH I S I SSUE! To k eep goi n g w e n eed our r eader s t o si gn up i f at al l possi bl e. Ri gh t n ow , w e ar e of f er i n g a 2 f or 1 Speci al . Det ai l s on Page 34/ 35

w w w.u sh ist or y.or g/ people/ com m odor ebar r y.h t m

M or e on page 10

The Weekly

IRISH E MISSIVE Calendar, Links, Listings& More

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

More Features Ir ish Calen dar Ir ish Com m u n it y List in gs & Celt ic Cam er a Start on Page 27

Su bm it you r calen dar it em s t o : ir ish m issive@gm

Irish Arts & Entertainment Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f .

Publisher & Managing Editor

Jam es M M cDon ou gh Writers Tin a Day M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Jim M cDon ou gh Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld Press Relations Al Geien er Graphics/ Ad Design

Ch r is On yeagh or Sales Reps Jim & Pat r ick Layout & Typos Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s Con t act Us Via Em ail:

in f o@ir ish

ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493

All Copyr igh t s 2021 M cDon ou gh M edia

Samhr adh

Let t er Fr om THE PUBLISHER Dear Friends and Readers We need to come to grips with the rampant pessimism that is engulfing our country. History is important as it is an account of our past and an accounting of the activities of our forbears. Some historical facts are grim, sad and tragic. Some are brave, inspiring heroic and sweet. All can be a lesson and a guide. We celebrate success and we condemn bad acts and people. It all seems somewhat clear cut to me but I usually over simplify everything and have a reputation for being an optimist. I also am good at seeing both ides of an issue and always eager to solve a problem. The Irish are problem solvers! I am one of them. Our Irish ancestors were quick to get behind the Cause for American Independence from the British Empire. Thousand served in the Colonial Army and Navy and hundreds were in leadership positions. Some historians estimate that almost 50% of Washington's troops were Irish Americans or Irish Born, We cover a few of them in this issue but a deep study is well worth the time and effort. We can recommend one book which we consulted for the features in this issue as a fun starting point. It is: " How The I RI SH Won The Amer ican Revolution" by Phillip Thomas Tucker, PhD


Jim M cDonough, We have endured the Pandemic and the downtur n in adver tising ONLY because we have been promoting our Subscr iptions! Please take time to SUBSCRI BE if you have not already done so. Our 2 for 1 Offer is still on. Well wor th the few dollar s and as things open up our Ver y I r ish Per ks will get better so it will soon be the best subscr iption ser vice ever !! ir

July, 2021

Irish Arts & Entertainment

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RUN 4 WATER With Wells Of L ife July 1 to 11 Par ticipate in an inclusive activity event! Registration is now open through the APP...see link below Run4Wat er is a great opport unit y f or f amilies, t eam-building, and anyone who loves t o have f un while giving back! This event is OPEN t o t he public so everyone can join.

t hose records and Irish Arts and Entertinment readers. advert isers and f riends are invit ed t o part icipat e in t his great event f or a very wort hy cause.

For t he f irst t ime in Wells of Lif e hist ory, t he excit ing Run4Wat er event has expanded beyond t he Sout hern Calif ornia region! What does t his mean f or small businesses? An opport unit y f or great exposure and advert ising, all while t ransf orming lives! Their last virt ual event in November 2020 generat ed part icipat ion f rom 14 dif f erent count ries all around t he world! This year Wells of Lif e expect s t o shat t er

Across low-income count ries, women and girls have t he primary responsibilit y t o procure wat er. The need is dire and t he opport unit y t o help is at hand. The benef it s are immediat e, posit ive and except ionally easy t o reap! Simply click t he links on t his page t o get st art ed,

www.wellsof lif run4wat er2021

Sponsorship Opport unit ies Avail able

Calling all business owners! For t he f irst t ime in Wells of Lif e hist or y, our Run4Wat er event has expanded beyond t he Sout hern Calif ornia region! What does t his mean f or small businesses? An opport unit y f or great exposure and advert ising, all while t ransf orming lives! From in-kind donat ions t o our Gold Sponsor Package, t here are a variet y of dif f erent sponsorship opt ions t o choose f rom. For more inf ormat ion cont act Ashley@Wellsof Lif

Ou r Cover Ph ot o an d t h e pict u r es h er e ar e f r om t h e 2019 Ru n 4Wat er in Or an ge Cou n t y. Th e en t h u siasm an d dedicat ion of ever yon e h as been scat t er ed bu t n ot dim in ish ed by t h e Pan dem ic.

The basic gift of water brings great relief and changes lives for the better! Nick Jor dan , Fou n der / CEO

Click t h e icon h er e t o see t h e Wells Of Lif e Spot on ou r You Tu be Ch an n el:

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

M cNULTY SCHOOL of I r ish Dance This issue we are delighted to welcome Er in Scott-Haines and her South Bay based school to the I rish Arts & Entertainment as an adver tiser and contr ibuter ! The original McNulty School of Irish Dan ce was founded by Barbara McNulty, T.C.R.G., in 1971 in Naperville, Illinois.Branches and expansion with other highly skilled Irish Dance teachers has resulted in locations and students throughout the nation.The School currently offers classes in over 20 locations in Northern and Central Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Wisconsin, and California The McNulty School of Irish Dance Los Angeles

opened in 2013 under the direction of Erin Scott-Haines, T.C.R.G., who began dancing with the McNulty School of Irish Dance in 1986. After years of performing and competing, Erin started teaching with the McNulty School in Chicago, where she was born. Erin has over 15 years of teaching experience, including directing and choreographing for the touring McNulty Performance Troupe. Erin moved to California after receiving a Masters degree in dance/movement psychotherapy and counseling. Since then the McNulty School has flourished and Erin's Dancers frequently perform throughout California (including an upcoming Irish festival in Long Beach in August). The McNulty School's biggest project for the Summer is detailed in this issue... See pages 11 & 31


ABOVE & RIGHT: TEAM M cNULTY Ir ish Dan cer s at Th e Clif f s of M oh er ! Th e pict u r es w er e t ak en on t h e M cNu lt y Sch ool's t r ip t o Ir elan d in Au gu st , 2019! Er in Scot t -Hain es or gan ized t h e t ou r an d t h e st u den t s visit ed Ker r y, Lim er ick , an d Cor k . Dan cer s f r om t h e M cNu lt y Sch ool also t ou r ed an d per f or m ed all over M u n st er . Her e's a lin k t o t h e Ir elan d albu m on t h eir Facebook page h t t ps:/ / bit .ly/ 3h xit BF Ir ish Dan ce Feis Com pet it ion s ar e n im por t an t com pon en t of Ir ish St epdan ce exper ien ce. an d t r ain in g. Her e t w o M cNu lt y Ir ish Dan ce Sch ool st u den t s ar e pict u r ed at t h e M em or ial Week en d St . Am br ose Feis h eld in Los An geles

Samhr adh

Gr eat In t r o t o M cNu lt y Ir ish Dan ce

July. 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

H appy Bi r t h day Am er i ca! Save up to $100* on r /t Economyor Biz Class flights to I reland! Tr avel 9/1/21 ? 02/28/22 Schedules include connecting flights with our par tner air lines * Blackout dates & t& c?s apply.

Book by July 7th! w w w.aer lin gu / h t m l/ en -US/ h om e.h t m l

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Samhr adh

Be par t an im por t an t of ou r Social M edia Pr esen ce! Post , Sh ar e & Join t h e con ver sat ion ! Ch eck ou r FACEBOOK PAGES f or Daily Updat es:

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Pu bGu ide E New s LA Cou n t y Ir ish Ir ish Even t s w w ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

July. 2021

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Samhr adh

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Samhr adh

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Samhr adh


Storyteller and Writer I t is n ot t h e easiest t ask t o w r it e a sh or t pr of ile f or Lau r a Cr ock et t . It is easy t o st at e t h at sh e is a gif t ed au t h or , st or yt eller an d w r it er bu t t h er e is so m u ch m or e t o h er CV t h at w e m u st st ar t w it h a disclaim er , t h is sh or t piece w ill n ot be en ou gh t o pr of ile h er pr oper ly. Cr ock et t is an en ch an t in g m ix of det er m in at ion , en er gy an d h ar d w or k . Sh e is t h e epit om e of a Ren aissan ce Wom an , on e w h o is in t er est ed in all t h in gs. Cr ock et t is also a gr eat f r ien d of t h e Irish Arts & Entertainment an d h as con t r ibu t ed sever al r eview s an d f eat u r es t o u s over t h e past 25 year s or so! Sh e h as also been an act ive par t icipan t an d su ppor t er of Ir ish Cu lt u r e an d h as at t en ded m an y Ir ish f u n ct ion s an d even t s. M ost r ecen t ly sh e appear ed as a St or yt eller w it h t w o w on der f u l Ir ish Tales on ou r w or ldw ide live st r eam Alon e/ TOGETHER over St . Pat r ick ?s Day. Cr ock et t h as w r it t en sever al ver y popu lar book s in clu din g " Big Bat t les in Tr en t on (Th e Tim e Ch air Diar y) Book On e" (Fir st in a ser ies) w h ich

Ir ish Ar t s an d En t er t ain m en t (IA&E): Hello Laura Crockett, we really are delighted to have you as our featured Profile and Q & A for our Special Summer issue. We have quite a bit in this issue about the Irish contribution to the American War for Independence so we thought this would be a really good fit for you as the author Big Battles In Trenton. That would be a great starting point; please tell us about Ell (Your alter ego?) and how this delightful work was conceived?

Lau r a Cr ock et t : Ell, the ?writer ? of the diaries, is based on my great-aunt Laura Evans. I am named after her. She was my grandmother ?s older sister. Laura died in 1908 of TB. She was just 20 years old,

is ?a f ast paced h ist or ical f ict ion n ovel? w r it t en f or ch ildr en bu t a w on der f u l r ead f or an y age especially f or h ist or y an d t im e t r avel lover s. Th e con cept is f r esh an d t im eless. An ot h er m or e sch olar ly w or k is h er Tr ippin gly On Th e Ton gu e. Th is is t h e " h ow -t o" book f or t h ose w an t in g t o lear n t o speak ear ly m oder n En glish ; a f avor it e of Ren aissan ce Fair s goer s an d a gr eat t ool f or w r it er s. You can lear n a lot m or e on lin e abou t h er lat est en deavor w h ich basically m elds h er gif t s an d lif e?sw or k in t o t h e per f ect r ole f or h er a st or yt eller / t each er .

w w w.lin k edin .com / in / lau r acr ock et t

and had been accepted as a teacher. So, in a way, she is my alter ego, because I get to be the teacher. Another purpose in writing these books is I like bringing a bit of reality into these historical events. Americans have a tendency to either romanticize the events, or, now, of course, cast a negative narrative over them. I say walk in the shoes of your ancestors before you try to judge. Our ancestors are both saints and sinners. And so are we. A&E: Th an k s f or t h at . Do you plan on an ot h er book in t h e ser ies?

Lau r a Cr ock et t : There is another Time Chair Diary. Its title is Underground. It features Harriet Tubman as the

historical character, along

with the usual suspects from the first book. Plus the dog. Ell inherited a Springer Spaniel named Plato. He now travels with her. And makes trouble..

July 2021

Lau r a Cr ock et t continued: The plot in Underground centers on helping a runaway slave get his sister out of her servitude. They join up with Mrs. Tubman to trek out of the South in 1854. She follows the route of the underground railroad. Thus the book?s title, Underground. There is a third book planned. No title as yet. Its plot centers on the War of 1812.

IA&E: Well, w e ar e h appy t o h ear t h at . Wh en did t h is in t er est in h ist or y st ar t ? M or e im por t an t ly w h en did you r ealize you cou ld qu it you r day job? I?ve been at this for 30 years! But my heart was won over to this life long pursuit of studying the past when I was 16. It was a summer ?s day, I was bored, and my mom pointed to the bookcases in the living room. ?Read!? She said to me. ?How can you be bored with all those books staring at you?? I looked over the titles, and I swear to you, one of those books said, ?Pick me.? I leaned over, and read the title. War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy. Now what kind of title is that? It?s an oxymoron! Therefore, it must be read it. Well, Tolstoy grabbed hold of me, and he never let me go. Because then I had to find out who Napoleon is, and then I start studying the French Revolution. The biggest encouragement to continue this madness came from the French people I met whilst in school in France. They were amazed that this American kid knew their history. I discovered historical

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

reenactment, and discovered they had very little in the way of learning materials. I would attend historical dance classes, however, there was not a way to practice at home. My first product was an historical dance package of video, audio and book. The purpose was to give the students a way to learn the steps, and practice them, at home. That?s when my first company, Historical Resources, was born. The next product was a series of books on learning to speak Early Modern English. Once I found a distributer for my products, I could quit my day job. Historical Resources was also involved in event production, and costuming. I had loads of fun with that business. Lau r a Cr ock et t : IA&E: Th an k s f or t ellin g ou r r eader s t h ose aspect s. An ot h er f acet of you r w or k w h ich w e r eally en joyed an d m en t ion ed in ou r br ief in t r o? you r Ir ish Fair y Tales or Legen ds! Will t h er e be m or e, say an au dio book or podcast ? Lau r a Cr ock et t : I love story telling! So many stories, so little time. The story of humanity is my love. Cultures fascinate me. That?s why I tell stories from around the world. The Irish and Celtic stories are my latest obsession. They are quite clever. And charming.Whenever I study a canon of stories from a culture, I learn about that culture.

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Bor n t o t ell t o t each an d t ell st or ies! Lau r a Cr ock et t h as been t ellin g classic t ales sin ce sh e w as a ch ild! Myths and legends present both sides of human nature; the light side and the dark side. Every story has a moral to be learned. They are markers along the way of human civilization. Yes, the plan calls for a stories from around the world, audio book. No written book, though. It will be straight forward storytelling. I do that because there is a difference between the written word and the spoken word. With the spoken word, the emotion can be heard in the way the story is told, so the story?s lesson is learned directly from the telling. IA&E: We h ave t alk ed abou t you r on lin e t u t or in g an d t each in g, you r lat est bu sin ess. Again , w e applau d you f or it . It is a bold an d in n ovat ive con cept . Can you give u s a bit m or e det ail on exact ly h ow it w or k s an d h ow pr ospect ive st u den t s can sign u p?

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Samhr adh

Lau r a Cr ock et t :

Lau r a Cr ock et t :

I have three classes in development.The first two are self-guided learning:The Ancients Speak, which is a class in mythology and civilization; and a series I?ve been presenting live, called, Dressing for the Ages, History as Told By a Dress. The third class is for writers who are looking for research material, and characters/events that have not been written about. That will be a zoom class.

In Leading Ladies, I press the point ofnotplaying the victim. Because only you can decide whether or not you?re a victim. I encourage the women to get in touch with their dark side, or shadows, to learn how to protect themselves, both physical and emotionally. Everyone, male and female, needs that lesson. Essentially, this is about not giving into fear. That is what courage is. Not letting fear stop you.

Anyone who needs some tutoring can go to my website and fill out the contact form, to let me know what they need, and when they need it. It?s easy as pie. w w w.lau r acr ock et t .com . Just click the Get in Touch button at the top of the page.. IA&E: Th an k s. Do you h ave an y ot h er pr oject s or book s in m in d t h at you w ou ld lik e t o pr eview w it h u s? Lau r a Cr ock et t : In addition to the teaching projects I am writing a new book. Its title is Leading Ladies. Its a book on leadership, for women. I use mythological and historical women as examples of leadership. I encourage women to find and develop their own leadership style, and not copy a man?s style. There are many instances of women who were effective leaders in their own right. IA&E: Again , t h an k s, w e appr eciat e t h at n ew s. Al f in an d a bit of f t opic bu t w e h ave alw ays appr eciat ed you r in sigh t s an d opin ion s on t h e Hu m an Com edy at lar ge. An y advice f or ou r r eader s on h ow t o cope or gr asp t h e cu r r en t t r en ds? h ow cou ld w e all get alon g a bit bet t er ? Pict u r ed on t h e r igh t : LAURA

CROCKETT in h er st u dio! Tir eless an d in t er est ed in ever yt h in g! Cr ock et t 's lat est ven t u r e in on lin e t each in g an d t u t or in g h as gar n er ed an appr eciat ive gr ou p of st u den t clien t s, f ollow er s an d f an s. " I t ell st or ies an d m y st u den t s lear n ." Visit : w w w.lau r acr ock et t .com

There are so many assumptions out there, from both sides and all sides, of the philosophical aisle. I read all sorts of stuff, and the number one issue is this constant bleating about the end of the USA. The left tells us to be afraid of the right, and the right tells us to be afraid of the left. Is it any wonder people are confused? My two favorite pieces of advice on how to live meaningful life, are from the Bible: The first is this: Have no fear, for I am with you. The second is this: For all your learning, get understanding. Those two versus are my bedrock. Thanks so much for having me here to talk about my life and work. I?ve always enjoyed the Irish News & Entertainment. I look forward to working with you on that idea I spoke of for next St. Patrick?s Day, when we get back live, but can stream venues across the globe. Live, from your favorite pub, it?s St. Patrick?s Day! Yes! There are several pubs out here in Bakersfield. I?ll start lining them up.

July, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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w w ish dan cin glosan

Abou t Cr af t er s of Ir elan d Ber n adet t e Clan cy t h e f ou n der of Cr af t er s of Ir elan d is t ot ally su ppor t ive of all h er m em ber s. Says Clan cy, " I h ave got t en t o k n ow each of t h e cr af t er s t h at com e on boar d. I h ave t o say t h at ever yon e of t h em ar e so easy t o w or k w it h , even t h ou gh t h ey ar e all f r om t h e f ou r cor n er s of Ir elan d an d ver y dif f er en t in t h eir sk ill. On e t h in g t h ey all h ave in com m on is - t h ey f in d it h ar d t o t ak e a com plim en t w it h ou t f eelin g a lit t le em bar r assed, bu t lik e u s all, u n der n eat h it t h ey love it , it gives t h em t h e m ot ivat ion t o con t in u e. w w st agr am .com / cr af t er sof ir elan d/ h t t ps:/ / t w it t er .com / Ir elan dCr af t er s h t t ps:/ / solu t ion scon su lt an cyir elan / lin k edin .com / in / ber n adet t e-m ir iam -clan cy-7b7b261b8

Dir ect Lin e: 353 (0)87 421 0829

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Samhr adh

Ir ish Ch ef Pau l Wat t t er s Gr eat Dish es For Su m m er Th is issu e, w e pr esen t Ch icken Skew er s Summer is on its way so why not try this beautiful Asian wasabi, Chinese five spice chicken thigh skewers, with mixed grains, roasted veg, king mushrooms with a dash of lime. SIMPLY DELICIOUS Serves 2

Th e r u b f or t h e ch ick e n 1/2 teaspoon of wasabi powder . 1/2 teaspoon of chinese five

spice 1 /2 teaspoon of dried coriander 1 /2 teaspoon of chilli powder 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder Juice of 1 lime Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl.

For t h e ch ick en t h igh s 600g chicken thighs off the bone. Cut the chicken into thumb size chunks, and mix the rub well into the chicken and refrigerate overnight or for at least two hours prior to cooking.

Kebabs 1 red pepper (cut into chunks) 1 green pepper (cut into chunks) 2 red onions (cut into chunks) 1 bulb of garlic (peeled and keeping cloves whole) Soak the skewers in warm water. This will help prevent them from burning. Place red onion, chicken, green pepper, garlic, chicken and repeat. This will give you four good sized Kebabs if you have any left over even better spoil yourself make another.

Belf ast Based Ir ish Ch ef , Pau l Wat t er s Celebrity Chef Watters has been working as a chef for 30 years. He has worked all over the world from the Savoy Hotel in London to as far as the Sydney Opera House, Australia. The Chef is currently living in Belfast and is continuing to cook in various hotels and restaurants throughout the area. During the lockdown he has set set up a cooking page on Facebook to share his love of food and cooking. Chef Paul's Facebook page is called:

sim ple t ast y h ealt h y by pw

July, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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Ch ef Pau l CHICKEN SKEWERS .Th e gr ain s 500g of cooked mixed grains (available in all good supermarkets).

Th e veggies 300g King oyster mushrooms(sliced) 6 large spring onion (cut in half length ways) 200g mini sweet peppers (cut in half length ways) 1 lime cut in half 220g tender stem broccoli (trimmed) The method Pre heat the oven to 180.Gather a griddle pan and Place on the heat to a high heat. Gently Place the chicken on the pan allow to cook for 5 minutes on one side flip over and repeat. Place into a oven proof dish and place in the oven. Keep pan on the stove and add broccoli and cook for 3-4 minutes and place in the oven along with the chicken. Add the rest of the veg and cook for 3 minutes and place with the rest of the ingredients and cook for 10 minutes. In two separate pans cook the mushrooms and grains in a little olive oil with salt and pepper for 2-3 minutes on a high heat.

Th e m agic


Your food will be ready to serve. Gather a large platter and sprinkle some of the grains over the board, arrange the rest of the veg around the platter and be careful as dish will be hot and place chicken in the middle garnish with picked coriander or parsley and serve with a preference of a dip enjoy

Enjoy! & be sure to check out Simple Tasty Healthy by Chef Paul

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

Samhr adh

The View from Ireland US an d EU h ave w eigh ed in t o su ppor t Nor t h er n Ir elan d in r ecen t w eek s.

By M au r ice Fit zpat r ick World leaders gathered in June at the G7 summit in Cornwall, England, to discuss issues of global significance? climate change, the distribution of Covid-19 vaccinations across the world, America being ?back?(as President Biden put it) and an international standard of corporation tax. There was an additional issue which, far from being of global significance, is of little significance at all for many observers. Even so, US President Biden, the French premier Emmanuel Macron and several European senior technocrats used the occasion to haul the British government over the coals for its failure to stand by its treaty obligations to facilitate the new economic framework of Northern Ireland. In the lead-up to the gathering at Cornwall, the US embassy in London issued a démarche to the UK government for its failure to implement the Northern Ireland Protocol (the treaty the UK signed with the EU to handle trade and customs in Northern Ireland after Brexit). A démarche is polite-speak for a rebuke; in this case, it is not a far cry from an ultimatum. That is not what the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson wanted to hear as he prepared to welcome world leaders to English shores for the G7. The question begs why Johnson would allow himself to become so exposed on this matter. Undoubtedly, he is a dilettantish negotiator whose judgement is consistently unsound (his record of governance during the pandemic is among the worst in the world). However, since it was always abundantly clear that the EU would not permit Britain to renege on its treaty obligations and that the US would also weigh in to ensure that Britain meets its commitments, Johnson has embarrassed himself more than usual. Johnson?s political hero is Winton Churchill, the WWII prime minister whose jingoism knew no bounds. However, a more apt historical analogue for Johnson in relation to Northern Ireland is the UK Prime Minister during the 1980s, Margaret Thatcher. Like Thatcher, Johnson acts unilaterally on Northern Ireland since it is part of the jurisdiction of the UK. Thatcher, too, believed that the US would stand with her or, at a minimum, stay out of her domestic issues: she banked on her close relationship with President Reagan to

guarantee that, just as Johnson banked on President Trump?s support. Absent the leadership of Speaker Tip O?Neill and Senator Ted Kennedy in the House and Senate, it is doubtful that Thatcher would have signed the Anglo-Irish Agreement in 1985. The separation of powers in Washington DC stymied the agendas of Thatcher and Johnson: senior figures in the US Congress were (and are) willing to trade their political capital to protect the interests of Northern Ireland. Despite apparently being a student of history, Johnson is learning the hard way that he cannot ignore political Washington on the Irish Question. The US and EU interventions are timely because the British Brexit minister, David Frost, has fuelled the already considerable tensions in loyalist communities in Northern Ireland, where loyalists threaten violence unless the Protocol is abandoned. Frost even set July 12th as a deadline for significant re-negotiations of the Protocol. The choice of date was deliberately provocative: that is the date loyalists when mark victories in 17th-century battles with an intensity that is matched by the paucity of anything more recent to gloat over. Symbolism aside, the only problem with re-negotiating the Protocol is that it has already been agreed and signed? as everyone knows.

Every year the marching seasont takes place in Northern Ireland starting in April and and ending in August; the BIG DAY is 12 July when King William's victory at the Battle of the Boyne is commemorated!.

July, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

What they should also know is that there is a history of the UK yielding to loyalist violent threats and it never ends well. In fact, Northern Ireland was founded upon such a travesty. When loyalists armed to oppose the passage of a Home Rule bill (self-rule for Ireland) in the 1910s, the UK government relented to their pressure and the result was the creation of a state carved out to ensure unionist domination. In a recent RTÉ documentary,Partition, British Conservative Party politician, Michael Portillo expressed his discomfort that his party ?put themselves in opposition to the will of parliament? and the will of the Crown?and capitulated to the blackmail. One hundred years since partition, the UK?s and Ireland?s positions in the world have changed unrecognisably. Ireland?s leverage in international affairs was non-existent a century ago whereas the British Empire still retained immense influence. Britain?s ?solution?was the creation of the state and partitioning Ireland in the early 1920s engendered a deeply discriminatory polity. Over the decades several important agreements were brokered between London and Dublin (often over the heads of unionists) to address the injustice of Northern Ireland. What made the Good Friday Agreement different was that it was also negotiated by the main political parties in

Ir elan d is at a cr ossr oads; t h e polit ical lan dscape is bein g alt er ed f r om all sides! A Ch an gin g Eu r ope Br exit Econ om ic Con dit ion s Tr ade Pu blic Opin ion Th e ch an ges in t h e m ak e u p of t h e UK For m or e on t h e t opic; Ch eck t h is lin k t o a r ecen t New Yor k Tim es ar t icle. See Joh n M cNally 's piece f ollow in g page

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Northern Ireland and endorsed by the electorate(s) on the island of Ireland, and it had the support of the US and the EU. Today, with EU and US support on matters pertaining to the border and the Good Friday Agreement, the pendulum has swung the other way. Even so, entitled attitudes in London and deranged beliefs in violence as a means of protecting loyalist identity persist. A good illustration of the latter comes in a recent book by Susan McKay,Northern Protestants: On Shifting Ground. The book is replete with grassroots perspectives of loyalists who feel alienated both from the institutions of state in Northern Ireland and now ? after Brexit ? from the UK government. One of McKay?s sources, Joel Keyes, a young man who vacillates in the book from a commitment to political and less unambiguously political means of achieving political objectives, declined to answer three central questions McKay posed to him: ?Who will they fight now? Who will arm them? What will victory look like?? In this debate, all roads lead back to Brexit. Is it too much to ask that Johnson and his cabinet finally face the fact that their Brexit fantasy has fundamentally destabilised Northern Ireland and that the minimum they should do is to act in good faith?

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Samhr adh

New Analysis & Commentary for July By John McNally

Irish Unity Debate Gains Momentum Ireland?s Unity referendum will be the most critical constitutional debate about the future of the island of Ireland in 100 years. And because the referendum, or border poll, is not imminent makes this precisely the time to discuss the mechanics of merging the economic and political systems of the South and North of Ireland. The major political parties in the South have finally recognized this and have joined the discussion by speeches about their views on unity. Sinn Fein went further and produced position papers dealing with sectarianism and the economic benefits of a united Ireland. Ireland was partitioned based on a sectarian headcount and perpetuated by discrimination and inequality. Reunification is the best way out of this predicament. And a reunified Ireland will give the island an economic boost by integrating their systems coupled with North rejoining the European Community plus US and European investments. And we in the US want to help. Our Congress recently voted unanimously to protect the Good Friday Agreement. And let?s not forget Canada, South Africa, and the many other nations who supported the Irish Peace Process and will be enthusiastic to see the provisions for Irish national

self-determination come to fruition. Some look to the past and fear Loyalist?s violence will rattle the Irish people's will to vote for unity, so let's examine loyalists' attempts to use violence to influence an outcome in our post-Good Friday Agreement era. Since 1998 Orangemen have been prevented from marching down the Garvaghy Road in the face of loyalist violence. In 2012 when the Belfast City Council voted to limit the days the Union Jack flies over city hall, loyalists rioted and protested on and off for years and, in the end, only hurt local businesses. And April?s riots by Loyalists couldn?t change the Brexit Protocol and failed to instigate a Nationalists response after attempting to breach peace walls. This is not to say loyalists aren?t capable of causing people great grief; it only goes to show that violence no longer trumps the will of the people.

JOHN M cNALLY is a lon gt im e Sou t h er n Calif or n ia Ir ish Com m u n it y act ivist an d or gan izer . His k een in sigh t s on Ir ish polit ics an d t r en ds h ave est ablish ed h im as a popu lar con t r ibu t or t o t h is pu blicat ion ,

Cover & Excer pt f r om A New

Ireland, Éire Nua, is a new online magazine committed to discussing all aspects of Irish unity. CLICK LINK HERE

July, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Irish Storytelling for Children Project

?On ce Upon a Tim e in Ir elan d?Wit h M air e Cler k en The United Irish Cultural Center in San Francisco recently

commissioned Maire Clerken to do a series of stories over zoom. I called it ?Once Upon a Time in Ireland?. Following its success, Clerken collaborated with an arts education network to create a series of interactive in person and online stories to the public. Clerken's ?Once Upon a Time in Ireland?. series offers Ireland?s favorite folk tales, presented theatrically with humor, dance and audience participation

help it garner the attention. that it deserves, Motre information and links here: Storytelling page on Clerken's website :

Liam Reidy, President of the United Irish Cultural Center, San Francisco says Clerkin as a storyteller is a mystical force of nature, inspiring children of all ages to dream again". Such high praise is typical of her art and work over the years .Our readers are encourages to check out this project and to

Click t h e icon f or a

pr eview of M air e Cler k en's Ir ish St or ies f or Ch ildr en !

T h e K i n g's H ead Pu b f o r T ak e O u t & Sh o p p e i n San t a M o n i ca

w w w.yeoldek in gsh

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Samhr adh

The Irish Word Is Out!! Maire Clerken's ?Once Upon a Time in Ireland? IS A HIT! Revisiting Irish folk tales through Máire's storytelling was akin to me seeing Shakespeare live for the first time in Stratford-upon-Avon. The words became real and I suddenly understood the magic. I was transfixed? Michael Dillon, Principal, Michael Dillon Irish Dance School Clerkin as a storyteller is a mystical force of nature, inspiring children of all ages to dream again? Liam Reidy, President of the United Irish Cultural Center, San Francisco Máire's storytelling sessions are an absolute wonder. She is a force of boundless energy and radiant joy as she wraps herself in the cloak of the Irish seanchaí, the beloved storyteller of days of old. And she's the only person I've seen who can keep my small children intrigued and engaged for a full hour of enchanting stories of wild winds, midnight fairy dance parties, ancient druids, and cursed castles? Maureen E. Shay, PhD. In Global Anglophone and Postcolonial Literatures

Los An geles...Com in g t h is Fall...Det ails Soon !

July, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

w w n gdu blin er

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Th e Fou r t h Of Ju ly is a gr eat t im e t o r em em ber t h e con t r ibu t ion s of Ir ish Bor n Colon ials in t h e Figh t f or Am er ica's In depen den ce!

w w w.f r ien dsof sin n f ein .com

Samhr adh

July, 2021

Irish Arts & Entertainment

UNITY IN OUR TIM E Th an k s t o Joh n M cNally f or aler t in g u s t o t h is im por t an t f ilm . Sim ply click t h e

Page 25

icon t o w at ch . Please em ail u s you r t h ou gh t s f or a f eat u r e n ext m on t h on t h e pr ospect s of a UNITED IRELAND in ou r lif et in e: ir ish m issive@gm

VERY RARE PROHIBITION ERA COLLECTOR'S CERTIFICATE Also k n ow n as a Bon ded Wh isk ey War eh ou se Receipt . Only a few thousand of these Certificates were ever printed during the Prohibition Era and only a few hundred are know to exist today. The 07-06-21value will only increase, The 100th Anniversary of the Repeal Of The Volstead Act has only increased awareness of one of America's biggest blunders so interest is growing in rare items like this Authentic Certificate!

ONLY $200. f r om M ac's Collect ibles.

h t t p:/ / et sy.m e/ 34dVypg


Page 26

Irish Arts & Entertainment

Samhr adh

I r i sh M u si c: N EW S & REV I EW S

St r eam in g an d M u sic Sou r ces Listen to ??Th e Un solicit ed Dan ce??on Sou n dclou d New CD f r om St r in gs & Th in gs!! Strings & Things are a four-piece, high energy, contemporary, folk/traditional/ roots band, with three members from Tipperary and the fourth from Galway. They were one of the highlights of the worldwide broadcast Alone/TOGETHER over St. Patrick's Day, this great band will be back at Ragland Road in Orlando in 2022. Meanwhile enjoy their new music via: Spotify Apple

Music Follow: Facebook Instagram YouTube Twitter Bandcamp.

Fit zger ald Fam ily CELTIC Fiddle Folk NEW CD available by contacting: Or via digital download at CD Baby or iTunes

w w w.t h ef it zger alds.n et

The Celtic Camer a

Page 27

We are here looking for you!

July 2021

Submissions wanted.. send jpeg & caption to:


Artist Brian Boylan's Art Inspires Amazing Irish Dance Dress

ABOVE: M ar gar et Alexan der , a

st u den t an d Ir ish Dan cer w it h Scoil Rin ce Ni Riada in Las Vegas, Nevada. In t h e ph ot o sh e is w ear in g a dr ess in spir ed by t h e Ch ildr en Of Lir pain t in g by Br ian Boylan Recently,Margaret Alexander who has been a student of Irish Dance for the past 12 years wrote to Irish born, South Bay based Celtic Artist Brian Boylan. Boylan is a great friend of the Irish Arts & Entertainment and well known to our readers. He was happy to share this story with us. Turns out Margaret was enamored and interested in the Irish Legend of the Children Of Lir that she had seen on her Irish Dance dress. Margaret explained to Brian, "In 2015, my family purchased an Irish dance dress secondhand from a dancer in the UK. The dress was made by Siopa Rince based in Dublin, Ireland.

Margaret wrote, "The designs on the dress are based around the legend of the Children of Lir. At the time, I was unfamiliar with the story, but I soon was fascinated and read multiple versions online. In doing so, I stumbled across your artwork only to find that the designs on the front and back three panels of the dress are identical to your artwork, aside from a few less colors in the embroidery!" After her discovery, she sent these pictures reprinted here to Boylan! Brian was delighted that the dressmaker was inspired by his work We in turn thought it was a great feature for the Celtic Camera, Thanks to Margaret and Brian for the submission! ED. Iriish Arts

I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar N OW W I T H By D ate & On Going Listings and Links

In f o & Tick et s PLEASE NOTE: Th is cou r se is pr esen t ed in m odu les..t h er e ar e THREE TO GO; You can st ill t ak e par t an d pay per cou r se! GO TO: w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com

CALENDAR UPDATED M id M on t h Ju st a r em in der , ou r digit al pu blish in g allow s ch an ges so ch eck back t h e t h ir d w eek of t h e m on t h f or ou r u pdat es, Sen d list in gs t o: ir ish m issive@gm

CLICK HERE f or sch edu les

Th e Har p In n , 130 E 17t h St , Cost a M esa Ch eck m u sic on lin e w w w.h ar pin n .com

Page 30

Irish Arts & Entertainment

Samhr adh

On e of t h e m ost am azin g Ir ish Du os in t h e w or ld

NOW LIVE IN LAS VEGAS Also on Am azon Pr im e w it h t h eir Docu m en t ar y abou t t r avels an d playin g t h r ou gh ou t t h e USof A

SAVE THE DATE!!! Sat u r day & Su n day AUGUST 14 & 15

w w ish f air .or g

Wedn esdays & Su n days t h r ou gh Ju ly Friends please attend Koronaburg Online event Wednesday?s and Saturday?s till July 17. I,BlackRose will be performing Wednesday the 7 th and 14 th. It?s in a really cool interactive format called Gather Town. Yuh get to create an avatar and virtually tour a replica of the village. Brilliant ! Art by Charles Morgan

July, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Ou r Fall Qu ar t er Adver t isin g Season Devot ed t o t h e RE OPENING of M u sic an d Even t s is Com in g Soon !

You can get THREE M ONTHS of Cover age... a f u ll 1/ 4 of t h e year f or a

ONE ISSUE AD BUY! Sign u p n ow an d w e give you Week ly E- Blast s t h r ou gh Sept em ber at n o ext r a ch ar ge. You get TWO Display ads PLUS 18 Week s of Social M edia Pr om ot ion s. LINKS/ LISTINGS in clu ded! Th is is t h e best Ad an d Pr om ot ion s Deal t h at w e h ave ever of f er ed! In t er est ed? Con t act Jim @ 951 216-1493 ir ish m issive@gm

We ar e also seek in g pu bs, r et ailer s an d all ot h er Ir ish / Celt ic bu sin esses/ even t s & gr ou ps w it h a ver y special of f er f or par t icipan t s in ou r

VERY IRISH PERKS pr ogr am f or su bscr iber s Det ails!!?? Call Jim @ 951 216-1493

Page 31

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

Samhr adh

On Going Celtic, Ir ish & Pub Calendar Send your links and listings to:


Ireland Tonight features the best of Celtic

Peace Lu t h er in Ch u r ch Ir ish Session s on ZOOM w w w.f acebook .com / gr ou ps/ OCCelt icJam /

We con t in u e t o h ost Zoom session s ever y M on day even in g.

traditional music. Hosted by Maryann McTeague Keifer, each two-hour program is full of music, fascinating facts about Celtic music and its host countries, as well as stories and inside information about Ireland. From Chicgago, USA to Irish Music Fans around the World!

ht t ps:// ireland-t onight

Wells Of Lif e is t h e Of f icial Ch ar it y of t h e Irish Arts & Entertainment Fou n der Nick Jor dan w h o w as bor n in Ir elan d an d h e h as been an ar den t su ppor t ed of t h is pu blicat ion an d w as a loyal adver t iser w it h h is Real Est at e en t er pr ise f or alm ost 20 year s. We w er e ver y f or t u n at e t o lear n abou t Wells Of Lif e at t h e t im e it w as st ar t ed an d w e h ave f ollow ed t h eir pr oject s an d t h e am azin g am ou n t of good t h at t h is f ou n dat ion does f or 10 year s n ow , , We even h ad t h e h on or w it h t h e h elp of ou r r eader 's don at ion s in playin g a sm all r oll in dr illin g a w ell. In Sept em ber , w e w ill lau n ch an in it iat ive t o dr ill an ot h er Ir ish Ar t s REader 's Well. In t h e m ean t im e. you can h elp im m edit ely by par t iipat in g in t h e 2021 Ru n 4 Wat er . See page 5. 2021 WELLS OF LIFE CAM PAIGN w w w.w ellsof lif e.or g

LINKS & LISTING f or Com m u n it y Even t s ar e FREE. Com m er cial/ For Pr of it Ads an d Pr om ot ion s ar e ver y cost ef f ect ive. We can pr om ot e you r bu sin ess or even t in all ou r pu blicat ion s an d plat f or m s as low as $100. per qu ar t er or per even t !

July 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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GIFT SUBSCRIPTION ADD E M ail & Nam e HERE______________________________________________ CALL OR EM AIL US FOR QUICK SERVICE CHECK or PAYPAL

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JAM ES M cDONOUGH VISIT w w ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

July, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Irish Arts & Entertainment's VERY

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Th e VIP pr ogr am is a ver y im por t an t com pon en t of ou r su bscr ipt ion pr ogr am . It h as a m u lt it u de of posit ive f act or s bu ilt in t o t h e pr ogr am . It ser ves as a bon u s/ r ew ar d syst em f or spen din g h ar d cold cash on ou r pu blicat ion AND it is a good n et w or k in g t ool f or t h e Pu blish er . We ar e able t o at t r act su bscr iber s an d adver t iser s t o ou r pu blicat ion an d k eep t h em in t er est ed w h ile deliver in g gr eat Ir ish in t er est con t en t an d in f or m at ion t o ou r r eader s. Th e adver t iser s ben ef it by h avin g a r eader sh ip in t er est ed in ou r excit in g n ich e m ar k et an d t h ey can t ar get ou r r eader s w it h special of f er s. Th e volu m e m ak es it w or t h w h ile f or t h em t o par t icipat e. Th e Pan dem ic h as set u s all back a bit in on e w ay or an ot h er an d w e ar e r ebu ildin g ou r VIP ben ef it s pack age. We w er e cou n t in g on discou n t s an d deals at pu bs an d even t s bu t t h at plan is n ow on t h e back bu r n er as t h er e ar e f ew even t s an d pu bs n eed volu m e t o m ak e t h e discou n t s pr act ical. In t h e m ean t im e, w e ar e w or k in g h ar d t o lin e u p n ew of f er s f or ou r su bscr iber s. Th r ou gh ou t t h is Bu yin g Gu ide, w e h ave som e list in gs on good deals an d w e w ill be addin g special of f er s t o ou r w ebsit e as w e f in d t h em .On e VIP, w e h ave n ow of in t er est is Bu y ONE SUB an d get a Gif t Su bscr ipt ion ! Be su r e t o ch eck ou t t h e Ver y Ir ish Per k s on t h e m en u bar on ou r Hom e Page w w ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

members of our VIP Group.

Com in g ju st in t im e f or St . Pat r ick 's Day st ar t in g in ou r Febr u ar y issu e; a discou n t of f er f r om w w w.t om m ym olon

Cu r r en t ly w e ar e of f er in g som e r eally good pr om ot ion s an d as t h e Pan dem ic eases w e w ill add m or e.

Use CODE: Gr eat Dads at Ch eckou t an d get 15% OFF.

VERY IRISH PERKS VIP CLUB All subscribers become

At Pr esen t : Celt ic Ar t ist Br ian Boylan w ill give you $25. OFF an y sign ed pr in t . See page 7 of t h is issu e f or det ails.

O'Br ien's On Wilsh ir e in San t a M on ica w ill give ou r su bscr iber s a Fr ee Appet izer w it h pu r ch ase. w w w.obr ien

Th om at t h e Ir ish Im por t Sh op (Fr ee Deliver y) ext en ds 10% OFF all pu r ch ases t o ou r Su bscr iber s. See Page 2 f or h is ad an d n u m ber ! An am azin g of f er f or ou r ow n VIP M em ber s an d Su bscr iber s! Bu y a GIFT SUBSCRIPTION bet w een n ow an d M ar ch 15 an d w e w ill give you a FREE ONE YEAR EXTENSION on you r ow n su bscr ipt ion . Go t o t h e m en u click h er e

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