Irish Arts & Entertainment May, 2021 BEALTAINE

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Commemor ation and Events Set For Ir ish Hunger Str iker s

Vo l . X X I X , # V

M ay

B eal t ai n

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Bealtaine Celebr ations, Legends and Histor y Starts on Page 5

C) Pg 19

B) Pg 9 E) Pg 22

D) Pgs 7 & 20

H) Pg 8

O n e H u n d r ed Year s of Par t i t i on on Pg 3

O'Br ien's Ir ish Pu b & Rest au r an t G) Pg 23h . An n iver sar y M ar k s Qu iet 27t

Pg 19.

IRISH M USIC NEWS & REVIEWS St ar t s on Page 21 Lat est updat e on t h e

YOUN G DUBLI N ERS ( Abov e) 10 t h . Al bum Pl edge Dr i v e & Pr e- Or der Poet an d Fr eedom Fi gh t er Bobby San ds i n t h e I r i sh Poet r y Cor n er on Page 18

For Over FIFTY YEARS!! The Hollywood Ir ish Impor t Shop has been the sour ce for the best in Ir ish Food and Gifts for SoCal's Ir ish Community!

w w ish im por t sh

MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL 25% OFF all Jewelr y All your favor ite Goods, Gifts & Tr eats ar e in Stock too!

M ot h er 's Day Day HQ

MORE of INSIDE THIS ISSUE 100 Year s of a Divided Ir elan d. We explor e t h e past an d pr esen t , Cover age begin s on Page 3

Pu blish er 's Let t er Page 4

M au r ice Fit zpat r ick View f r om Ir elan d Page 8

Joh n M cNally 's Th ou gh t on Hu n ger St r ik er s an d t h eir legacy an d m or e on Ir ish Un it y Page 6 CELTIC CAM ERA Page 2 7 IRISH CALENDAR Ir ish Com m u n it y List in gs St ar t s on Page 30

Su bscr ipt ion Ser vice & Ver y Ir ish Per k s! Discou n t s an d

N EW H O U RS N o o n t o 4 PM W ED t h r u SU N O PEN M A RC H 16

O Ut R V ER Con estCsODet ails Feat u r ed O n Page 5 on Pages 34 & 35

B EA LT A I N E. A n ci en t C el t i c C el eb r at i o n s Rem em b er ed ! Pi ct o r i al Rev i ew o f o n e o f o u r f av o r i t e p u b s See p age 18

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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100 Year s of Par t it ion In Ir elan d Th is M ay 3r d. Rem em ber ed Small Nations....Empires and the Right of Self Determination Northern Ireland acknowledged what is considered to be its centenary on Monday, May 3 with an official statement from the Queen stressing the need for ?reconciliation, equality and mutual understanding? as she sent her ?warmest good wishes? to its people. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, on a visit to London, said the U.S. will continue to encourage the U.K. and the European Union ?to prioritize political and economic stability in Northern Ireland? as they work through their post-Brexit relationship. Political Nicities Aside, the situation is Ireland and the UK is precarious. Brexit speeded up a problem that was sunsued by the Good Friday Accords but one thta was not solved.

Empires including (But not limited to) China, Russia, the US and the, UK is that they will simply not accept this natural, human instinctual fact. The masters of Empires instead want political solutions to solve everything which simply does not work. The result is often bloodshed, economic turmoil and human suffering. We are seeing it today around the world, we hear of it daily in history classes and books and other media BUT we continue to bolster regimes and solutions that do not serve the interest of the people affected. The eternal question remains: "When will they ever learn?" from Blowing In The Wind, writen by Bob Dylan, 1062 So as Ireland starts on the 101st year of not being United, let's try to honor the memory of those who have cried out and fought for a free and independent ERIN for many centuries. We are closer than imagined even last year..

Ireland deserves to be in charge of her own destiny It is the way the world should be run and most people who study history and undertanfd peace and conflict resolution agree that a right of self determination is best for all of the people involved. The dysfunction and weakness of modern

PLEASE RESPON D TO OUR SUBSCRI PTI ON OFFER I N TH I S I SSUE! To k eep goi n g w e n eed our r eader s t o si gn up i f at al l possi bl e. Ri gh t n ow , w e ar e of f er i n g a 2 f or 1 Speci al . Det ai l s on Page 13

100 Year s of a Tw o St at e Solu t ion in Ir elan d m ar k ed by ver y lit t le f an f ar e. Above St or m on t n ear Belf ast , t h e NI Assem bly m eet s h er e.

The Weekly

IRISH E MISSIVE Calendar, Links, Listings& More

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More Features Ir ish Calen dar Ir ish Com m u n it y List in gs & Celt ic Cam er a Start on Page 26

Su bm it you r calen dar it em s t o : ir ish m issive@gm

Irish Arts & Entertainment Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f .

Publisher & Managing Editor

Jam es M M cDon ou gh Writers Tin a Day M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Jim M cDon ou gh Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld Press Relations Al Geien er Graphics/ Ad Design

Ch r is On yeagh or Sales Reps Jim & Pat r ick Layout & Typos Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s Con t act Us Via Em ail:

in f o@ir ish

ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493

All Copyr igh t s 2021 M cDon ou gh M edia


Let t er Fr om THE PUBLISHER Dear Friends and Readers Well, we missed M ay Day! We are launching our our issue on M ay 4. Today actually is the Feast of Bealtain in Celtic L ands so we are not too far off the mar k. M ay 1 has been an impor tant and par adoxical Holiday in Wester n Societies for the past couple hundred year s or so! The Communist Par ty celebr ations kind of tainted it in the US and Europe to this day usually has a few M ay Day r iots! The Celebr ation of the day (or days really) goes back in the wr itten recor d to the Greeks and Romans who celebr ated the shor ter days and the planting season. Fer tility r ituals also had a lot to do with the ancient customs. I n Br itain, I reland and the United States, the Celtic People handed their customs and pr actices over to our ancestor s so that influence is the most prevalent. The longer days helped agr iculture and Spr ing was a cause for celebr ation in an agr ar ian society. Tr aditions and r ituals about the Day and Season such as Bonfires and Feasts were impor tant r itual for the Celts and in some quar ter s, there is an effor t to br ing those festivities back.

Our Cover Photo by Anthony M ur phy was taken in 2019. His blog M ythical I reland is a wealth of amazing photos and infor mation on the topic. A fascinating source: Another Source: For M ay Day lore in the US, check out the Old Far mer s Almanac.


www.oldfar mer

Jim M cDonough, Publisher One last point, we still need volunteer s to help us spread the wor d about our upcoming L ive Stream Shows. Alone/TOGETHER was an amazing success because of all the help we had. I f you have ideas and exper ience on how to spread the news and get attention to an event like this; please contact us, ir

May, 2021

Irish Arts & Entertainment

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M ay Celebr at ion s: BELTANE An cien t Neolit h ic people an d t h e Celt ic people w h o lived in Ir elan d an d t h e Br it ish Isles believed Belt an e (Bealt ean e) w h ich occu r s alw ays in ear ly M ay, t o be t h e m ost im por t an t day of t h e year . Feast s an d gat h er in gs w er e or gan ized an d m assive bon f ir es w er e lit e. Th is par t icu lar M ay Day w as t h ou gh t t o divide t h e year in h alf , bet w een t h e ligh t an d t h e dar k . Sym bolic f ir e w as on e of t h e m ain r it u als of t h e f est ival, h elpin g t o celebr at e t h e r et u r n of lif e an d f er t ilit y t o . Th e Rom an s br ou gh t t o Br it ain a 5 day f est ival f ive-day celebr at ion k n ow n as Flor alia, devot ed t o t h e w or sh ip of t h e goddess of f low er s, Flor a. Tak in g place bet w een Apr il 20 an d M ay 2, t h e r it u als of t h is celebr at ion w er e even t u ally com bin ed w it h Belt an e. Bealt ain e/ Belt an e (be-all-t in -ah ) or M ay Fest ival. Th e ast r on om ical even t u pon w h ich Bealt ain e is based falls on May 5th 2021 (4th of May in the Pacific, Alaskan and Hawaiian time zones). The name Bealtaine derives from Irish meaning ?Bright Fire?and alludes to the pre-Celtic and Celtic traditions which involve the lighting of fires at Sunset. On May 5th the dark half of the year ends and the bright half begins. The biggest Celtic festivals in Ireland fall on Cross Quarter days which mark the astronomical halfway point between the equinoxes and the solstices. Traditionally Bealtaine begins on the 1st of May and the mismatch with the actual astronomical date is due to the changes brought about by the Gregorian calendar reforms.

time when the veil separating the world of the living from the Otherworld became particularly thin, thus allowing spirits to cross over. The new day started at sunset for the ancient Athenians, Jews and Celts. In other ancient societies such as the Babylonians, the day lasted from sunrise to sunrise which was the case in early Roman society too but later the Romans decided that the day should start at midnight (the diametric opposite of noon) and it has remained with us ever since. Surprisingly it makes it almost impossible for some people to understand the dating of Celtic festivals! The first of November, for example, began at sundown on the 31st of October. Similarly, its diametric opposite on the calendar the first of May began on sundown on the 30th April. The months of November and May are still called in the Irish language Samhain and Bealtaine which are derived from the names of the two great Celtic fire festivals. Thus sundown today 30th April marks the beginning of ?Oiche Bealtaine?or May Eve from when the Roman system was adopted. The Hill of Uisneach or Ushnagh (Irish: Uisneach or Cnoc Uisnigh) is an ancient ceremonial site in the Barony of Rathconrath in County Westmeath, which in

mythology, is regarded as the centre of Irelafigures.

Cross quarter days mark the biggest celebrations in ancient Ireland because they mark the beginning of the seasons, unlike the solstices which occur in the middle of their respective seasons. Imbolc was the last festival falling on February 3rd, a vital date for ancient farming communities because it marks the time when seed planting begins. In ancient Ireland, great bonfires marked a time of purification and transition, heralding in the season in the hope of a good harvest later in the year and were accompanied with ritual acts to protect the people from any harm by Otherworldly spirits, such as the Aos Sí. Like the festival of Samhain (31 October) which lies directly opposite Bealtaine on the calendar, it was believed by the ancients to be a

Sou r ce: w w w.f est ivalof t h ef ir /

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment


The Irish Hunger Strikers Remembered and Revered After Forty Years by John McNally If you pay homage to the Easter Rising leaders who were executed in Kilmainham Gaol in 1916, you will likely see their legacy in the 1981 Hunger Strikers in the H-Block prison, whose sacrifice was just as brave, selfless, and impactful. The leader of our generation's martyrs, Bobby Sands, was a young man of strength and dignity who wrote brilliant poetry while suffering the agony of starvation because he refused to wear prison clothes, very much at variance to the British depiction of IRA men as uncaring, murdering terrorists.

British propaganda that the Republican cause had little support. And when 100,000 people turned out for Bobby's funeral and two seats were won in the Irish Dail by other IRA prison protestors, Irish Republicans proved they had the backing of the people. Inspired, Sinn Fein gradually became an electoral force, formed alliances with a broad base of Irish nationalists ,which set the stage for the peace process and the Good Friday Agreement.

When the Brits stopped treating IRA prisoners as POW's with their criminalization policy in the mid-1970s, hundreds refused to wear the prison uniform, which started a five-year blanket protest, which escalated to the dirty protest, and finally, ending with a hunger strike in which ten men starved themselves to death to regain POW status. Shortly after the protest ended, the prisoners were given their demands. As Laurence McKeown, who survived 70 days on hunger strike, said "We were captured soldiers, and so we used our bodies as the last weapon we had." International interest grew as world leaders, including the Pope, sought a resolution to the hunger strike. Bobby's election to British parliament from his H-Block prison cell shattered

Joh n M cNally

There are a few decent films about the 1981 hunger strike; Som e M ot h er ?s Son (1996) tells the story primarily from the point of view of the parents of the protesting prisoners. Hu n ger (2008) is a dramatization of the strikers themselves. And 66 Days(2016) is a powerful documentary.

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H on or a M ot h er i n Your Li f e by Em pow er i n g a M ot h er i n N eed W el l s of Li f e' s Posi t i v e I m pact Mother's Day Appeal Across low-income count ries, women and girls have t he primary responsibilit y f or managing t he household wat er supply, sanit at ion and healt h. Of t en, f ulf illing t hese roles precludes any ot her occupat ion or part icipat ion in educat ion or earning an income. Addressing t he needs of f emales in relat ion t o wat er, sanit at ion, and hygiene, is a key driver in achieving gender equalit y. ? Millions of girls around t he world skip school or drop out all t oget her due t o t heir daily t ask of f et ching wat er f rom of t en disease-ridden sources. Our ef f ort s will help ensure t hat girls and women have convenient access t o clean wat er, giving t hem t he t ime t hey need t o f inish t heir educat ion, earn an income, and care f or t heir f amily WITHOUT t he added f ear of wat er-borne illness. To learn more about how you can empower t he women of Uganda, CLICK HERE

The basic gift of water brings great relief and changes lives for the better!

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VERY RARE PROHIBITION ERA COLLECTOR'S CERTIFICATE Also k n ow n as a Bon ded Wh isk ey War eh ou se Receipt . Only a few thousand of these Certificates were ever printed during the Prohibition Era and only a few hundred are know to exist today. The 05-05-21value will only increase, The 100th Anniversary of the Repeal Of The Volstead Act has only increased awareness of one of America's biggest blunders so interest is growing in rare items like this Authentic Certificate!

ONLY $200. f r om M ac's Collect ibles.

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Irish Arts & Entertainment


The View from Ireland Ret u r n t o Violen ce in t h e Nor t h ? By M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Violence on the streets of Northern Ireland, particularly in Belfast, since early April has been devastating to witness. The riots, hijackings and burnings that have been mainly perpetrated by groups of loyalist teenagers is the worst since the end of the Troubles. However, there has been retaliation at ?interface areas from republican teenagers. Loyalist community leaders cite the fear of retaliation as a rationale for the loyalist violence.Enormous collective dismay throughout the North and beyond decries it all. Politicians have been relentlessly warned about the prospect of this return to violence since the Brexit vote five years ago. To take one example in 2018, Chris Patten, the British politician who oversaw the new policing arrangements in Northern Ireland after the Good Friday Agreement, likened his party?s slipshod approach to Brexit?s impact on Northern Ireland as ?blundering into Northern Ireland with a policy which is clueless and deluded with a can of petrol and a box of matches in the other hand?. Now that can of petrol is on fire. There have been sane voices and poignant reflections among political leaders. Speaking in the Northern Ireland Assembly on April 8th, Minister Nichola Mallon rued that working-class communities have been condemned to a cycle of violence for generations. She argued that the assembly should have been an example to people everywhere of what we can achieve by living for ideals rather than fighting for them. Instead of building partnerships, we have allowed division to occupy the heart of our institutions. It has affected and infected our politics in our communities. And, most unforgivably, it has placed a limit on the scale of young people?s ambition?. Social Democratic and Labour Party leader Colum Eastwood in the House of Commons on April 13th asked the most senior UK Government appointee to Northern Ireland, the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Brandon Lewis, to reconvene the

British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference to discuss the crisis. Lewis declined. The British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference was set up as part of the Good Friday Agreement to provide a forum for the Irish and UK governments to consult on Northern Ireland. It has not met for nearly two years, and that is due to the British disinclination to participate, which is seen in Dublin as a dereliction of its duty to the North. It is anyone?s guess why the UK government is so reluctant to do so, but refusing to do so does provide a mechanism for sidelining Dublin in Northern Irish affairs. Since loyalism is intricately bound up with unionist political parties, the absence of unionist leadership has been fed the current crisis. Indeed, one of the triggering events for the violence was the Democratic Unionist Party calling for the Chief of the Police Service of Northern Ireland, Simon Byrne,to resign. The Ulster Unionist Party followed suit even though they must have known that in Northern Ireland senior public servants almost never resign. Byrne duly refused to step down.So the police became targets for the rioters. Th e expr ession of n o con f iden ce in Byr n e stems from the recommendation that no prosecutions be made for Covid restriction breaches by senior members of Sinn Féin when they attended the funeral of senior IRA Intelligence man Bobby Storey last June. That finding is questionable, to say the least: the photographic and video evidence of the funeral show over 1,500 people not observing social distancing. When loyalists cite this instance of disregard of pandemic restrictions as evidence that there is one law for republicans/Sinn Féin and another law for everyone else it is hard to argue against the proposition. This happens against the backdrop of the?Northern Ireland protocol?being implementedsince the New Year as part of the UK?s Brexit deal.

M ay, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

VIEW Fr om IRELAND con t ... This happens against the backdrop of the ?Northern Ireland protocol?being implemented since the New Year as part of the UK?s Brexit deal. The protocol provides that Northern Ireland effectively has ongoing membership in the European Union single market whereas goods being imported from the rest of the UK into Northern Ireland must be customs-cleared. That estrangement is deeply unnerving because unionists and loyalists perceive it as an entering wedge to forge a deeper chasm between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK. Tragically,unionists are trapped in the delusion that the protocol can be set aside. David Trimble, who led unionists to sign the Good Friday Agreement in 1998 and paid a big price for that stance electorally, wrote in an op-ed in February that ?t o h on ou r t h e h ar d-f ou gh t econ om ic, dem ocr at ic an d peacef u l gain s of t h e Belf ast Agr eem en t , t h e Nor t h er n Ir elan d pr ot ocol m u st n ot be allow ed t o st an d?. The protocol will stand. Unionists can (and should) negotiate modifications here and there, but the protocol is now the defining feature of the Northern Irish economic reality and the sooner its antagonists face that reality the better off they will be.

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However, in unionist political circles to even speak about the protocol from the presumption that it exists remains anathema. The overarching political paralysis in unionism is the same as the root cause of loyalist unrest: the bitter realisation that London is rapidly abandoning them. The only other nation in the UK that interests the ruling class in England is Scotland. And, amid the tensions in Northern Ireland, it is easy to forget that a central outworking of Northern Ireland?s fate is happening not in Belfast but in English-Scottish relations. Scottish First Minister Nichola Sturgeon is seeking a mandate for a second Scottish Independence referendum when the Scottish electorate goes to the polls on May 6th. Her party, the Scottish Nationalist Party, will almost certainly win the election well. If UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is as good as his word (no jokes necessary) he will not authorise a second referendum which could see Scotland leaving the UK. However, he assured unionists in Northern Ireland that there was would be no customs barriers between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK. Could he perform another political somersault and allow a second referendum in Scotland? If he does,an existential threat to the UK structure will be on the ballot and rioting in Belfast will not stop it.

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

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T h e St o r y o f M o o n w o o d A s t o l d by f o u n d er , Sal l y B ar r y A brief history of my Moonwood business life to date! I was born in Surrey, England and gained a Bachelor of Education degree at Kingston School of Teacher Education. I met my Irish husband in America, where we were both working, spent a few years living in England and then moved to Ireland in 1990 with our young family. After moving to Waterford which is where my husband is from, I opened a Preschool which I found was a great way to use my creativity and imagination. I have always loved arts and crafts so working with children gave me a great excuse to indulge my passion!! I then moved on to become a Director of a local childcare facility where I stayed for 10 years. During this time, I also found time to pursue my long-time interest in Alternative Therapies. I gained qualifications in Aromatherapy and Holistic Massage and my interest in natural healing expanded into exploring Ancient beliefs and healing methods. I discovered that the Ancients had various uses for trees including alchemy, rituals and medicinal purposes. A chance remark by a friend led me to undertake a business course with Skillnet?s Arts Academy in Waterford. This has enabled me to turn, what started as a hobby into a business. So, a couple of years later here I am, working like other small businesses through these challenging times, trying to keep motivated and endeavouring to make the most of this uncertain era. My hope for the coming months is to grow the business online and internationally, to spread the stories about our nature and ancient past around the world! I always have plenty of things to keep me going and among other things when I?m not creating a product (and mess) in my workroom or trying to sort out my website (!) I look after our rescue chickens, practise on my ukulele (not as much as I should) and paint some trees!


WOODEN TREASURES Hand made in Ireland


Be Su r e t o visit t h e w ebsit e! M oon w ood, Ir elan d h as pu t t oget h er an in t r igu in g collect ion of lin f or m at ion , lor e, an d a ver y im pr essive lin e of pr odu ct s. Th er e is even a blog by t h e f ou n der Sally Bar r y.

w w w.m oon w

STURDY IRISH OAK Waterford Crystal began here in 1783. Today the company?s facility near the historic district offers factory tours. Also well worth a visit is Reginald's Tower, a 13th Century fortress which now serves as a museum.

Ou r Cr af t er s Of Ir elan d Ser ies br in gs u s t o Wat er f or d (Fou n ded 914 by Vik in gs) in Ir elan d's An cien t East t h is m on t h . Here in Waterford, we find parts of the original walled city from the Tenth Century, And appropriately since it is one of the oldest towns in Ireland; it is home to Moonwood an ancient craft that has evolved into a strong small business that has created a worldwide presence via the internet,

There is much to do and to see in Waterford and the surrounding towns. besides the really interesting tour of the old glass factory which has been a top destination for a century! The huge medieval museum of Waterford Treasures is amazing and well worth the trip. CLICK HERE for the Waterford Visitors website which offers a comprehensive guide and list of all there is to do and see. It offers a great calendar and will let you know when things start to open again. festivals-waterford

M ay, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

ABOVE: M ap of t h e Wat er f or d Ir elan d ar ea locat ed in t h e Ir elan d's Sou t h east . Wat er f or d is a seapor t

REGINALD'S TOWER w w w.w at er f or dt r easu r / r egin alds-t ow er

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Profile and Q & A With Ir ish


Ch ef Pau l Wat t t er s

For May, may we suggest: A Mother's Day Dinner that would please and celebrate your Irish Mom beyond words! Roast st u f f ed ch ick en br east w r apped in pr osciu t t o h am st u f f ed w it h cr eam ch eese ch est n u t m u sh r oom s an d baby spin ach w it h a celer iac an d pot at o m ash , baby car r ot , aspar agu s t en der st em br occoli an d a r osem ar y gr avy. Ser ves 4

Belf ast Based Ch ef , Pau l Wat t er s Celebrity Chef Watters has been working as a chef for 30 years. He has worked all over the world from the Savoy Hotel in London to as far as the Sydney Opera House, Australia. The Chef is currently living in Belfast and is continuing to cook in various hotels and restaurants throughout the area. During the lockdown he has set set up a cooking page on Facebook to share his love of food and cooking. Chef Paul's Facebook page is called: sim ple t ast y h ealt h y

You will need:

Celer iac an d pot at o m ash

St u f f in g

1 celer iac (cu t in t o bit e size ch u n k s)

250g chestnut mushrooms (cut up small) 400g baby spinach 200g cream cheese Ch ick en f ilet s x 4 200g pr osciu t t o h am Black pepper t o season

8 lar ge pot at oes (cu t in t o bit e size ch u n k s) 2 t ablespoon s of bu t t er 4 t ablespoon s of sem i sk im m ed m ilk 1/ 2 Han df u l of ch opped f lat leaf par sley Salt an d w h it e pepper t o t ast e

Veget ables 400g aspar agu s 400g baby car r ot s 400g t en der st em br occoli Gr avy 1 sm all on ion diced 1 clove of gar lic cr u sh ed 1 t ablespoon of t om at o pu r ee 1 1/ 2 pin t s of ch ick en st ock 2 spr igs of gar lic pick ed

M ay, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Method First of all preheat the oven to 180 Then move onto the stuffing this can be also done the day before to save time. In a large pan fry off the spinach in a little oil and water and season with salt and pepper. Allow to wilt and withdraw from the frying pan into a small bowl. Bring pack to the heat add a knob of butter and a little oil to fry the mushrooms season with salt and pepper. Cook for 2 - 3 minutes and allow to cool. For the chicken cut down the middle and butterfly and gently pat out, Smear 2 tablespoons of cream cheese to each filet. Add 2 tablespoons of spinach and mushrooms at the start of the chicken. Place 3 rasher of prosciutto ham on a board or large plate and roll(chefs tip add 3 cocktail sticks into the chicken top middle bottom this will help keep its shape) Once completed heat a large pan add a drizzle of oil to the pan add the chicken season with black pepper cook for 5 minutes each side and transfer to a oven proof dish and cook for a further 10.


Vegetables In a sauce pan bring 1 pint of salted water to the boil add carrot and cook for 3 mins, add broccoli and cook for a further 2 minutes, add asparagus and cook for a further 2 minutes strain bring back to the heat to keep warm. Once the potatoes are cooked add a little milk and butter and for extra colour add the chopped parsley. The chicken will be ready when everything else is and it will leak some juice add to the gravy for extra flavour. Transfer to a chopping board and allow to rest for a few minutes The Presentation Add the mash onto the plate. Arrange the vegetables on the plate. Slice the chicken to your liking and place on top of the mash drizzle the gravy as required and garnish with some picked parsley and fresh rosemary Enjoy

The Gravy In the same frying pan add diced onion and garlic and rosemary and tomato puree add chicken stock bring to the boil and thicken with preferred gravy mix

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment


Tw o m ajor aw ar ds w en t t o people w or k in g w it h Con r adh n a Gaeilge LA Congratulations to both members for the well deserved recognition! In Apr il, Cait r íon a Weaf er w on Th e Ir ish Ech o ARTS & CULTURE aw ar d 'Gr adam Cr oí an Ch u lt ú ir Gh ael-M h eir iceán aigh (Hear t of Ir ish -Am er ica Aw ar d), spon sor ed by For as n a Gaeilge Now in M ay t h e pr esiden t of Con r adh n a Gaeilge LA, Ar ge O'Neal w on t h e an n u al Laoch n a Gaeilge (Her o of Ir ish ) aw ar d f or h is w or k in pr ovidin g classes t o m or e an d m or e people an d goin g ah ead w it h an on lin e Ir ish Im m er sion Week en d w it h r ecor d n u m ber s at t en din g du r in g t h e pan dem ic. Los An geles can be pr ou d of h ow t h e cu lt u r e an d t h e lan gu age ar e saf e in t h e h an ds of t h eir local br an ch of Th e Gaelic Leagu e.

Pict u r ed Her e:

To f in d ou t m or e abou t t h eir classes an d act ivit ies . Click Ar ge O'Neal, Pr esiden t

w w w.gaelicleagu / Her e is a lin k t o t h e Ir ish Ech o Th e Sh ow M u st Go On h t t ps:/ / vim / 540845551 t h is lin k :

of t h e Gaelic Leagu e of LA. Win n er of t h e an n u al Laoch n a Gaeilge

Be par t an im por t an t of ou r Social M edia Pr esen ce! Post , Sh ar e & Join t h e con ver sat ion ! Ch eck ou r FACEBOOK PAGES f or Daily Updat es:

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Pu bGu ide E New s LA Cou n t y Ir ish Ir ish Even t s w w ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

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w w n gdu blin er

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment


W EEPI N G W I N DS By Bobby Sands

Ou r poet f or M ay BOBBY SANDS On the 5th of May 1981, after 66 days on hunger strike, 26 year old Provisional IRA member and British MP Bobby Sands died in the Maze Prison. Nine more hunger strikers die in the next 3 months. ?They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn?t want to be broken? ? Bobby Sands With the permission of the Bobby Sands Trust we are reprinting his poem WEEPING WINDS in our Irish Poetry Corner this month Erin Go Bragh and God Bless Bobby Sands

We invite submissions to the Irish Poetry Corner A poem or saga in the Irish Bardic Tradition are both considered. We prefer shorter works to fit on a page but we make exceptions E-Mail us:

Oh ! Lon el y w i n ds t h at w al k t h e n i gh t To h aun t t h e si n n er ?s soul Pr ay pi t y m e a w r et ch ed l ad W h o n ev er w i l l gr ow ol d. Pr ay pi t y t h ose w h o l i e i n pai n Th e bon dsm an an d t h e sl av e, An d w h i sper sw eet t h e br eat h of God Upon m y h um bl e gr av e. Oh ! Col d M ar ch w i n ds t h at pi er ce t h e dar k You cr y i n aged t on es For soul s of f ol k you?v e br ough t t o God But st i l l you bear t h e m oan s. Oh ! W eepi n g w i n d t h i s l on el y n i gh t M y m ot h er ?s h ear t i s sor e, Oh ! Lor d of al l br eat h e f r eedom ?s br eat h Th at sh e m ay w eep n o m or e.

May, 2021

Irish Arts & Entertainment

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O'Br ien's Ir ish Pu b & Rest au r an t Celebr at e 27t h . An n iver sar y

Pict u r ed h er e, WILLIAM O'SULLIVAN, a ver y h appy an d h ar d w or k in g you n g Ir ish m an f r om Cor k . Ou r gr eat an d t r u e f r ien d an d loyal su ppor t er of t h is pu blish in g ven t u r e f or alm ost 30 year s. We ar e pleased w it h ou r associat ion w it h O'Br ien's Pu b sin ce open in g day.

Best Wish es Alw ays an d Con gr at u lat ion s!!!

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment


A Beacon of Ir ish Hospit alit y an d Tr an qu ilit y in t h e h ear t of t h e West Side O'Brien's Irish Pub and Restaurant under the guidance and ownership of the original owner Willy O'Sullivan has thrived and become a favorite pub for hundreds of people. One of the many tenets of success offered to patrons by Publican O'Sullivan and always delivered by his able and dedicated staff is a consistent dedication to Irish hospitality, service and quality. You know that by going to O'Brien's on Wilshire in Santa Monica that you will get all three! The food, the libations and the great friendly service are exactly what is called for and exactly what the customer gets on every visit, It has been this way for 27 years and we expect it to stay that way for as

long as humanly possible.

Th e Pan dem ic w as t ou gh on all of u s bu t Willy O'Su llivan u sed t h e epic dow n t u r n as an in spir at ion an d u r ged pat r on s t o h an g in t h er e an d t h at t oget h er w e w ou ld en du r e. A posit ive m essage t h at people n eeded t o h ear ! KUDOS an d an A f or at t it u de.

Ir ish Ar t ist Br ian Boylan an d Willy O'Su llivan at t h e u n veilin g/ h an gin g of Boylan's pain t in g Fir st Com m u n ion in 2017 w h ich is n ow par t of t h e icon ic pu b.

Dedicat ed an d pr ou d Pop, Willy

O'Su llivan w it h h is you n gest ch ild .

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C el t i c M u si c: N EW S & REV I EW S YOUN G DUBLI N ERS Updat e On N ew Al bum Pl edge Dr i v e TENTH ALBUM IN THE M AKING A message from Kieth & THE DUBS: Once again, we are asking for the support of our fans, friends and Irish Arts & Entertainment readers (who are most likely both)so we can continue work on our tenth album. In the last few years, we have navigated through two band member changes and then the pandemic. These situations made it virtually impossible to seriously dive into a new project although we desperately wanted to. Each one of us has been writing alone for the last few years anxiously awaiting a time when we can get together and start the creative process. That time is here. With vaccinations being administered at an increasingly rapid pace we feel confident that we will be able to congregate safely very shortly. So, we are asking for your help. In order to make this happen we need to book studios, hire our producer Tim and survive while we write and stay off the road. In the past a label would give us an advance to pay for these things however, in return they would keep approximately 85% of the revenue from album sales AND make us pay back the advance from our measly 15%. Not the greatest deal in the world by a long shot. By financing an album through our supporters we get to make the album we want to makeand come out the other end without a massive debt.

YOU get to act as an ?executive producer ? by putting your faith in the belief that we will make a great record.

This is how it works. At the base donation level, we are asking you to purchase our new album in advance. This will provide us with essential funds to begin the sessions. There are higher levels of support for those who can afford them, but every level will be a purchase, not a handout. You will always receive products that equal or exceed your donation in value. Throughout the pandemic we have deliberately tried not to ask you for money as we were well aware that many of you were also experiencing hard times. Now that there is light at the end of the tunnel, we want to get back to work and get a Celtic rocking album into your device of choice. Your donation will make that happen and we thank you with all our hearts for making this possible. All pledge goodies will be delivered before the official release date. You?ll be the first to get your hands on it.

w w n gdu blin er

10 Com in g Soon !

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment


IABN As of Press Time: We sit at $1670 of our 5K goal Please support our official charity. Any and all amounts are welcomed.. Follow this link to our team page:

h t t ps:/ / ln k / gHRYt 8d

M ay, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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Lik e a San dcast le in t h e Waves Legend of the Selkie By Greg Patrick

"A m er m aid f ou n d a sw im m in g lad, Pick ed h im u p f or h er ow n , Pr essed h er body t o h is body, Lau gh ed; an d plu n gin g dow n For got in cr u el h appin ess Th at even lover s dr ow n ." -W B Yeats Arran Isles Monastery, in the aftermath of Norse raid The monastery broodingly overlooked the heaving tumult of Celtic sea from its windswept heights, under cauldrenous sea and sky. It coronated the dark crag-like bastion of bird-swarmed rock formations, eternally besieged by the unrelenting sea and lashed by rain and hail, pointing an accusing finger at the heavens... By the dwindling light of a candle he would set the page before him aglow with radiant images rendered by a conjuring hand. A gifted scribe he toiled sleeplessly over the illuminated manuscript till it was closed and bound between bejeweled pages to be reopened like a portal to heaven's visions by king and bishop. On windswept Hibernian island nights when torrents of rain and hail flagellated their stone walls, ever besieged by the harsh elements. The monastery by the sea was the young monk?s world, a universe of four walls... The murmur of the Celtic sea was his only constancy after his monastic world of daily ritual was shattered by axe blows and haven became prison. The hours of toil over tilling the barren soil and painstaking artistry of illuminated manuscripts seemed as distant the words of bardic sagas... He closed his eyes, chanting the sacred words know by ever monk by heart...before the weather-eroded shrine overlooking the crushing brink of keep himself keep himself detached...yet the red visions of his brother monks being brutally slaughtered by Norsemen intruded.... He sought to banish the visions by recitation of chants as if exorcising ghosts yet his mind strayed back to the recurring nightmare of them...Like a reveling of ghosts haunting ruins... He opened his grey eyes to the sea and their haunted betrayed that the words would not suffice.... There was no true solace here...the mortal wounds

of his brothers were inflicted upon his mind and soul... Before seeking shelter, he lingered by the sea...listening to their incessant a ghostly choir...As he did so it seemed a disembodied song could be heard, rising from the dark fathoms with an enticing limerence. It was an eldritch song.... wordless at first...yet he heard lyrics that softly became incantation...He crossed himself and rose...He shuddered under his monk's habit drawing his cowl closer over his tonsured head.... Surely the supply boat from the isle would arrive soon, and they would see his plight...yet a succession of long dark nights darkened the crimson horizon and none came in the fiery wave of the Viking drakkars... Would the Norsemen return then ere long? To salvage the cached golden horde they buried? He pondered how to kindle a fire without drawing unwanted attention from the sea and betraying his presence to the Norsemen. He had saved the bard's harp that the brothers had confiscated as a "vanity." He played by the seashore, eyes closed to the world, immersed into the song...yet solace eluded him. He buried his brethren under cover of darkness reciting last rites. Painfully famished, he attempted to scale the sheers jagged cliffs for sea bird eggs...Yet it was too precarious...the sea birds seemed to mock him with avian laughter. Harried by birds he tried to loot their nests, he was dislodged and fell into the cold tumbling surf...He emerged shivering violently and sputtering. He sighted seals basking in a sheltered cove and gripped a sharp stone, yet staid his hand... She suddenly shed the seal pelt in graceful metamorphosis, spilling a cascade of raven hair onto the sand and shapely limbs beckoning. He recoiled and made the sign of the cross. She

laughed at him...melodiously. Her startlingly impossibly green eyes cast their spell like silence set to music and incantation. Continued on the following page

Page 24

Legend of the Selkie continued His brandished crucifix at her as she laughed intoxicatingly, her lilting voice maddeningly sweet? She seemed everything he was taught to hate and fear? a human girl. ?Vex me not temptress,? he sobbed.

Yet her beauty haunted him like an exotic fever writhing throes. He cursed himself for the heretical desire she kindled. His mind strayed back?

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

He remembered the Norseman's raucous merrymaking in their plundered monastery. "Skoll!" they toasted their chieftain over a hoard of bloodied treasures and corpses. He had been overlooked amid the plunder and slaughter and he remained so till they left for the sea again....He had fallen asleep at the scribe's pen to dream-haunted sleep in the scriptorium. His hooded head bowed over his magnum opus, the dwindling


ration of candlelight played over the page of illuminated wonder before extinguishing. He was shaken awake suddenly... ?Have I overslept mass again...forgive me!? ?Rise brother and hasten. You must hide!? ?What is amiss?? ?Vikings! They are upon us!? ?Abbot Josephus? ? ?He is slain! We can do no more.? Warhorns sounded then like a banshee portending doom . He hastily scrolled his pages and scurried down the hallway. There was a hellish sound of battle cries, shattering objects, gloating laughter and the anguished cries of men butchered alive. He ran through past that sound of shrine turned abattoir, almost colliding with a bloodied monk who staggered into his path. ?Brother! Art thou wounded?? He recoiled as the monk fell with a spear in his back, shuddering spasmodically. He tucked the scrolls under his arm, he dropped one and raced the tread of advancing boots to retrieve it. He hid in the reliquary, under the floorboards, closing his ears at the nightmarish sound of his brothers being interrogated and tortured into betraying the cache of treasures they had come for...He clutched the scrolled pages against his furiously beating heart, closed his eyes, chanting soundlessly...

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Gr eg Pat r ick Continued from Page 24 The last cries of his brothers ceased, and he heard the Norsemen make merry over their amassed plunder... ?Skol! Skol!? they toasted, gulping sacred wine from silver chalices. He heard the clash of swords as warriors dueled over disputed looted objects as their fellow Norsemen cheered them on. He cowered as he heard the agonised cries of the Bishop as they flayed and ritually tortured him with the ?blood eagle.?


The disembodied chanting of his brethren seemed to haunt the air of his lonely nights? When prayer seemed talking to air? yet the night would answer his yearnings in unexpected ways. One eve, the Norsemen returned for their plunder and he was captured He saw a dark cowled face spectral pallor of a face leaning towards him as he slept huddled by ancient weather-eroded shrine. Eyes dark with urgency looked into his

Stifling sobs, he clenched his cross so tightly blood seeped between his fingers. He lingered for an eternity till he heard the distant horn signaling the cast off of the Norse ships.

?Arise brother! The enemy is upon us!? It was then he saw the hideous axe wound on his brother ?s temple. He awoke with a stifled scream. He saw the nightmarish silhouette of a dragon-prowed ship and the dark forms of returning Norsemen lumbering ashore. Moonlight gleamed on helm, axe and sword. He was roughly bound in chains and dragged onboard.

Avoiding their sightless eyes and pale faces he looked for any of his brethren who drew breath. All were slain...He recoiled as he discovered a solitary Norseman remained there. He had been entrusted to guard the remaining spoils. He was unresponsive...having overindulged in mead...

Shimmering dark eyes watched from across the dark waves, across the Drakkar 's wake, before submerging. Suddenly the wind subsided and the drakkar 's advance across the dark waves slowed and halted? wave and wind subsided and the drakkar merely floated under the brooding sky.

Acting instinctively, he grasped the heavy gold-adorned ceremonial staff of the Bishop and with a wild animal cry of rage brought it down on the Norseman's head again and again, till the skull was shattered and brain matter and blood trickled down the walls? He dipped his fingers into the blood of his slain enemy and that of his brethren and traced it on his forehead and cheeks like a warpaint of red tears? He saw himself mirrored in the helm of the Norseman.

"Sacrifice one of the thralls to the sea!? their warlord commanded.

He wept then uncontrollably....No he did not... He felt nothing...a soulless stranger inhabiting his old body... He staggered away. He took up the slain Norseman's sword, yet it felt alien to his touch...He tried practicing without any reference. It felt unwieldy as he shadow-dueled, he paused panting as the twilight shimmered crimson on the blade and he saw himself mirrored on its surface. Who was he now? The Norsemen had cached their loot in a sea grotto to inevitably return for it. It was beyond his strength to salvage. He could not salvage it but flooded dislodging rocks. His only companion in that maddening solitude was an albino seal, like a pale apparition haunting the waves as his hooded and robed figure haunted the night shore.By now, the Young Scribe had grown haggard and disheveled, a ghost-like figure. The seal watched him curiously and intently....

The monk was roughly brought forward. Suddenly a choir of voices, soprano rose from the wave, like vapours from a cauldron. A Norseman looked down at the dark surface and saw pale enchantingly beautiful faces, smiling seductively as she beckoned. Her pale arm rose languidly from the waves slowly ensnaring him, followed by others. He looked entranced into their eyes. Suddenly she bared fangs, her eyes smoldering emberously. The seductive song became shrill hungry cries, as the selkies swarmed them, dragging them beneath the waves. Sinking corpses trailing blood and red bubbles rose to the surface. The drakkar 's sail swayed like a fallen banner. He saw her face then, hovering before him...felt her lips breathe air back into them... She as magnificent to behold, against a background of sinking gold and bioluminous particles. He resurfaced gasping, a ship with cross-emblazoned sail was within hailing distance? yet he wavered as he found himself looking into startlingly impossibly green eyes like the Celtic sea in summer? and he allowed himself to be drawn down into the dark fathoms, embracing oblivion?

The Celtic Camer a We are here looking for you! Submissions wanted.. send jpeg & caption to:


Page 27 May~ Bealtain ,


KUDOS to John McNally (Second on Top Row) and President Joe Biden for participating in a St. Patrick's Day Zoom Conference with the intent of assuring Irish Americans and all of Ireland 's leaders/activists that the Good Friday Protocols will be honored!

M ay, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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LEFT: M ar y Har r is " M ot h er " Jon es was born near Cork Cit on May 1, 1830 . She came to the United States and became one of the greates American labor leadeys of all time. Even in her later years, she. was not your typical senior-citizen. At age 100, already well-established as one of the greatest contibutors to the Labor Movement in history, she was still giving tycoons heart-burn, still earning the title as "the most dangerous woman in America" given her by a West Virginia prosecutor. TWG's Joe Gannon tells the story of this icon of the American labor movement.

LM U Ir ish St u dies Zoom M eet in g In Lat e Apr il John McNally report to us that it was a "Good meeting today with Ambassador. Tried to focus on the partition of Ireland by most questions were about the prospects of a United Ireland poll. What was most interesting was the Host, Dermot Ryan, said there is a significant possibility the Mary Lou will be our next Taoiseach and will promote the idea of a United Ireland when the current Irish gov won't.

Th e Kin g's Head Pu b f or Take Ou t & Sh oppe in San t a M on ica

w w w.yeoldek in gsh

Wells Of Lif e is t h e of f icial Ch ar it y of t h e Irish Arts & Entertainment Fou n der Nick Jor dan w h o w as bor n in Ir elan d an d h e h as been an ar den t su ppor t ed of t h is pu blicat ion an d w as a loyal adver t iser w it h h is Real Est at e en t er pr ise f or alm ost 20 year s. We w er e ver y f or t u n at e t o lear n abou t Wells Of Lif e at t h e t im e it w as st ar t ed an d w e h ave f ollow ed t h eir pr oject s an d t h e am azin g am ou n t of good t h at t h is f ou n dat ion does f or 10 year s n ow , , We even h ad t h e h on or w it h t h e h elp of ou r r eader 's don at ion s in playin g a sm all r oll in dr illin g a w ell. Th is m on t h

w e w ill lau n ch an in it iat ive! We w ill be ask in g ou r r eader s t o join ou r


I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar N OW W I T H By D ate & On Going Listings and Links

In f o & Ticket s w w ish r ep.or g

CALENDAR UPDATED M id M on t h Ju st a r em in der , ou r digit al pu blish in g allow s ch an ges so ch eck back t h e t h ir d w eek of t h e m on t h f or ou r u pdat es, Sen d list in gs t o: ir ish m issive@gm

Fit zger ald Fam ily CELTIC Fiddle Folk NEW CD available by contacting: Or via digital download at CD Baby or iTunes

w w w.t h ef it zger alds.n et

Page 30

Irish Arts & Entertainment

Brealt ain

Ou r Ju n e Issu e w ill h ave a Special Adver t isin g Sect ion Devot ed To

DAD'S & GRADS Th is m on t h w e w ill be f ollow in g u p w it h pu bs an d r et ailer s w it h a special of f er ext en ded t o bu sin esses w h o par t icipat e in ou r

VERY IRISH PERKS pr ogr am f or su bscr iber s! In t er est ecd? Call Jim @ 951 216-1493

You are cordially invited to the selection of the 2021 Ar izona Colleen:

SAVE $10 per t ick et


May 15, 2021 6:00 PM

Ir ish Cultur al Center and McClelland Libr ar y 1106 N Centr al Ave Phoenix, AZ 85004 Tickets available online! Clickher eto purchase. $60 per per son Dinner, desser t, and enter tainment included. Cash bar. COVID PROTOCOLS IN PLACE. Masks must be wor n when not eating/dr inking, limited seating, social distancing in place. VIRTUAL TICKETS ALSO AVAILABLE FOR $20 WATCH FROM HOME! Tickets cannot be bought at the door.

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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Ou r M ay M eet in g w ill be on Tu esday t h e 18t h @ 7PM Ir ish Ar t ist Br ian Boylan is t h e gu est .

On e of t h e m ost am azin g Ir ish Du os in t h e w or ld NOW LIVE IN LAS VEGAS Also on Am azon Pr im e w it h t h eir Docu m en t ar y abou t t r avels an d playin g t h r ou gh ou t t h e USof A

w w w.h ar pin n .com

Page 32

Irish Arts & Entertainment


On Going Celtic, Ir ish & Pub Calendar Send your links and listings to:

Ireland Tonight features the best of Celtic LIVESTREAM & M u sic



Ar t s & Wor ld Wide f r om Ir elan d! As close as you r com pu t er or ph on e...

War r en poin t Co Dow n?s br an d n ew r adio st at ion w it h gr eat m u sic, gr eat h ost s an d even bet t er cr aic!

Now on An dr oid in t h e Google Play St or e

traditional music. Hosted by Maryann McTeague Keifer, each two-hour program is full of music, fascinating facts about Celtic music and its host countries, as well as stories and inside information about Ireland. From Chicgago, USA to Irish Music Fans around the World!

ht t ps:// ireland-t onight Get you r Ir ish or Celt ic Even t List ed... Sen d in f o t o:

8 Dock St r eet , War r en poin t War r en poin t , UK

w w w.h ar bou r sider

Peace Lu t h er in Ch u r ch Ir ish Session s on ZOOM w w w.f acebook .com / gr ou ps/ OCCelt icJam /

We con t in u e t o h ost Zoom session s ever y M on day even in g.

ir ish m issive @gm

LINKS & LISTING f or Com m u n it y Even t s ar e FREE. Com m er cial/ For Pr of it Ads an d Pr om ot ion s ar e ver y cost ef f ect ive. We can pr om ot e you r bu sin ess or even t in all ou r pu blicat ion s an d plat f or m s as low as $100. per qu ar t er or per even t !

M ay, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Page 33


BUY ONE YEAR @ $25. an d Get A Secon d Year FREE Or GET A GIFT SUB FREE!!

If you w ou ld like t o su ppor t Wells of Lif e, Th er e ar e m an y opt ion s: - becom e a Wat er War r ior an d m ake a m on t h ly con t r ibu t ion - don at e a w ell f or $8000 an d pr ovide clean w at er f or over 1000 people - m ake a on e t im e con t r ibu t ion of you r ch oice

- Click Her e GET O U R V ERY I RI SH PERK S



Page 34

GIFT SUBSCRIPTION ADD E M ail & Nam e HERE______________________________________________ CALL OR EM AIL US FOR QUICK SERVICE CHECK or PAYPAL

951 216-1493

ir ish m issive@gm

FOUR EZ WAYS TO SIGN UP!! Make Check to:

JAM ES M cDONOUGH VISIT w w ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

M ay, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Irish Arts & Entertainment's VERY

Page 35


Th e VIP pr ogr am is a ver y im por t an t com pon en t of ou r su bscr ipt ion pr ogr am . It h as a m u lt it u de of posit ive f act or s bu ilt in t o t h e pr ogr am . It ser ves as a bon u s/ r ew ar d syst em f or spen din g h ar d cold cash on ou r pu blicat ion AND it is a good n et w or k in g t ool f or t h e Pu blish er . We ar e able t o at t r act su bscr iber s an d adver t iser s t o ou r pu blicat ion an d k eep t h em in t er est ed w h ile deliver in g gr eat Ir ish in t er est con t en t an d in f or m at ion t o ou r r eader s. Th e adver t iser s ben ef it by h avin g a r eader sh ip in t er est ed in ou r excit in g n ich e m ar k et an d t h ey can t ar get ou r r eader s w it h special of f er s. Th e volu m e m ak es it w or t h w h ile f or t h em t o par t icipat e. Th e Pan dem ic h as set u s all back a bit in on e w ay or an ot h er an d w e ar e r ebu ildin g ou r VIP ben ef it s pack age. We w er e cou n t in g on discou n t s an d deals at pu bs an d even t s bu t t h at plan is n ow on t h e back bu r n er as t h er e ar e f ew even t s an d pu bs n eed volu m e t o m ak e t h e discou n t s pr act ical. In t h e m ean t im e, w e ar e w or k in g h ar d t o lin e u p n ew of f er s f or ou r su bscr iber s. Th r ou gh ou t t h is Bu yin g Gu ide, w e h ave som e list in gs on good deals an d w e w ill be addin g special of f er s t o ou r w ebsit e as w e f in d t h em .On e VIP, w e h ave n ow of in t er est is Bu y ONE SUB an d get a Gif t Su bscr ipt ion ! Be su r e t o ch eck ou t t h e Ver y Ir ish Per k s on t h e m en u bar on ou r Hom e Page w w ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

members of our VIP Group.

Com in g ju st in t im e f or St . Pat r ick 's Day st ar t in g in ou r Febr u ar y issu e; a discou n t of f er f r om w w w.t om m ym olon

Cu r r en t ly w e ar e of f er in g som e r eally good pr om ot ion s an d as t h e Pan dem ic eases w e w ill add m or e.

Use CODE: PADDY15 at Ch eckou t an d get 15% OFF.

VERY IRISH PERKS VIP CLUB All subscribers become

At Pr esen t : Celt ic Ar t ist Br ian Boylan w ill give you $25. OFF an y sign ed pr in t . See page 7 of t h is issu e f or det ails.

O'Br ien's On Wilsh ir e in San t a M on ica w ill give ou r su bscr iber s a Fr ee Appet izer w it h pu r ch ase. w w w.obr ien

Th om at t h e Ir ish Im por t Sh op (Fr ee Deliver y) ext en ds 10% OFF all pu r ch ases t o ou r Su bscr iber s. See Page 2 f or h is ad an d n u m ber ! An am azin g of f er f or ou r ow n VIP M em ber s an d Su bscr iber s! Bu y a GIFT SUBSCRIPTION bet w een n ow an d M ar ch 15 an d w e w ill give you a FREE ONE YEAR EXTENSION on you r ow n su bscr ipt ion . Go t o t h e m en u click h er e

Em ail: ir ish m issive@gm

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