Special Preview and H ighlights!
20 17 Sco t t i sh Fest i v al , C el t i c Sp i r i t C o n cer t an d H i gh l an d Gam es See Cover Legen d Page 10
FI RST T I M E EV ER Sat u r d ay N i gh t Con cer t H A N GER BU I L D I N G
The Highlands of Scot land
T he I rish Arts & Entertainment's
Sco t t i sh Fest i v al & H i gh l an d Gam es 20 17 So u v en i r Pr ev i ew Gu i d e Costa M esa, California Finnich Glen, Loch Lomand
w w t ish f est .com
ON THIS PAGE From Top to Bottom The always popular Sheepherding Demonstrations Hammer Throw!! VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR DETAILS w w t ish f est .com IN CASE YOU M ISSED
Drop By The Whiskey Tavern Entertainment & Whiskey Tasting!
Ir ish Ar t s Scot t ish Special! h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2r jt lLt
ON OUR COVER On the Left Highland Dancers Wicked Tinkers The Ploughboys One of Twenty Plus Pipe bands Center Eric Rigler & Dirk Weymuth Nuala Kennedy High lan d Way The Next Generation, respecting tradition! On the Right Caber Tossing Patrons at The Whiskey Tavern 3
The 85TH. Annual Scottish Fest USA is presented by the United Scottish Societies SCOTTI SH FESTI VAL SOUVENI R PREVI EW We are pleased to be part of the Scottish Festival again this year and we hope that everyone will enjoy this Preview and Guide to the 2017 event! The Six Page Festival & Highland Games I nser t and Gallery presented here provides the reader with a truly grand Preview of what is in store for everyone at Scottish Fest USA! Something new and exciting is in store for Irish and Scottish Music Aficionados this year: a Saturday Evening Celtic Concert! On stage will be Eric Rigler, the world renowned and most recorded piper in history (Braveheart, Titanic)! Rigler will be accompanied by the the amazing virtuoso guitarist-musician, Dirk Freymuth. Joining them will be Nuala Kennedy from Ireland on vocals, flute & whistle. These three
musicians are longtime collaborators and all worked on the acclaimed PBS Special Concert: w w w.pipesan dgu it ar .com Dr op By Our Celt ic Out r each Boot h Ent er Our FREE OPT IN & WIN RAFFLE for PAN CELTIC GIFT BAGS which include t he Collect or s Pan Celt ic Nat ions Flag & Tr avel Tot e!
PA N C ELT I C O U T REA C H W e ar e v er y gr at ef u l t o o u r C el t i c C o u si n s, t h e o r gan i zer s o f t h e Sco t t i sh Fest i v al f o r i n v i t i n g al l o f t h e o t h er C el t s i n cl u d i n g t h e I r i sh A r t s, C el t i c A r t i st s, T h e W el sh C h o i r , t h e Em er al d So ci et y Pi p es & D r u m s an d m an y m o r e t o b e p ar t o f t h i s am azi n g an n u al ev en t !
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