Irish Arts & Entertainment, September, 2021

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Vo l . X X I X , # I X

Sep t em b er ~ M eán Fó m h ai r

20 21

I nterview with

Dub's Frontman KEITH ROBERTS SeePage5


I r ish bor n

D) Pgs 7 & 20

M ar y Har r is Jon es, on ce n am ed; "The most dangerous woman in America!"



Blood, Sweat & Tears

G) Pg 23

Th e Ir ish Con t r ibu t ion To Am er ican Labor See Pg 3

M OTHER JONES, Labor Or gan izer

For Over FIFTY YEARS!! The Hollywood Ir ish Impor t Shop has been the sour ce for the best in Ir ish Food and Gifts for SoCal's Ir ish Community! LABOR DAY SPECIAL! All Guinness Br anded Pr oducts , Glasses for the Home Bar and Par ty Goods ar e on Sale! w w ish im por t sh

Jacobs, Heinz & Cadbur y Tr eats ar e in Stock too!


MORE of INSIDE THIS ISSUE Th e Ir ish Act ive in AM ERICAN LABOR Rem em ber ed Page 3

Pu blish er 's Let t er Page 4 You n g Du bs t ou r an d in t er view w it h Keit h Rober t s st ar t s on Pg 5

AER LINGUS is an xiou s t o be back at LAX

Special Cover age on Ir ish Un it y con t in u es w it h Joh n M cNally

O U R C O V ER C o n cer t s an d St age Sh ow s Set T o Ret u r n M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Go t o Pg 9 ! View f r om Ir elan d W REN T H EAT RE i n CELTIC CAM ERA H o l l y w o o d p ar t o f L A Page 2 7 Fr i ge Fest i v al See p age 25 IRISH CALENDAR Ir ish Com m u n it y List in gs M o t h er Jo n es St ar t s o n St ar t s on Page 31 Pg 3

Su bscr ipt ion Ser vice & Ver y Ir ish Per k s! Discou n t s an d Con t est s Det ails on Pages 37 & 38

September, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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wives to step out of their traditional roles as housewives and persuade their husbands, including scab workers, to join unions.

A true testament the the strength and fortitude of Irish Women is Mother Jones!

Mother Jones was a tireless fighter for workers' causes, especially the abolition of child labor, until she was nearly 100 years old.

Perhaps the single most person to remember this Labor Day is Mary Harris Jones, fondly know and remembered as Mother Jones. Born near Cork in Ireland in 1830 and died in the US in 1930

Today her memory is kept alive by Mother Jones magazine, a publication espousing "progressive" political values. M u ch m or e on t h e n et :

She has no peer in the history of labor, she led a tragic, a lon.g and fearless life Mother Jones NEVER wavered from her task of just doing good and making the world better.

h t t ps:/ / af lcio.or g/ abou t / h ist or y / labor -h ist or y-people/ m ot h er -jon es

Mother Jones took part in the 1882 coal strike in Hocking Valley, Ohio, and helped expand the United Mine Workers union. Over a 30-year span from 1891 until 1921, the self-proclaimed "hell raiser " led the miners in strikes in Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Colorado, and Kansas. Her trademark tactic was to encourage miners'

Tr avel Rest r ict ion s Fr om US Tigh t en ed Sadly becau se of t h e poor r espon se t o t h e oppor t u n it y t o be vaccin at ed over all am on g US Cit izen s, t r avel r est r ict ion s ar e back ! Lat est

EU & Ir elan d Tr avel Rest r ict ion s On US To Eu r ope Fligh t s The European Union nations voted Monday

Irish Miners, Butte MT

(August 30) to reimpose limits on non-essential travel from the United States amid the dramatic increase in domestic COVID cases. While a majority of EU ambassadors decided to reimpose the restrictions, it is up to the discretion of each member state whether to adopt the recommendation. To waive the travel cutbacks, countries can require visitors to present verification of vaccination as a condition of entry The poor response hurts society at large and is continuing to cause havoc and hardship especially in the entertainment, pub and travel sector..

PLEASE RESPON D TO OUR The Weekly SUBSCRI PTI ON OFFER I N TH I S I SSUE! To k eep goi n g w e n eed our r eader s t o si gn up i f at Calendar, Links, Listings& More al l possi bl e. Ri gh t n ow , w e ar e of f er i n g a 2 f or 1 Speci al . Det ai l s on 37/ 38


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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

More Features Ir ish Calen dar Ir ish Com m u n it y List in gs & Celt ic Cam er a Start on Page 27

Su bm it you r calen dar it em s t o : ir ish m issive@gm

Irish Arts & Entertainment Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f .

Publisher & Managing Editor

Jam es M M cDon ou gh Writers Tin a Day M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Jim M cDon ou gh Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld Press Relations Al Geien er

Let t er Fr om THE PUBLISHER Dear Friends and Readers L ABOR DAY & THE I RI SH WHO M ADE A DI FFERENCE I N THE L I VES OF AM ERI CAN WORK ERS As Joe Biden is fond of saying. "I'll probably get in trouble for this one". I'm an old man now and opinionated and LABOR DAY conjures up a lot of emotion in me. Mostly that Americans today are spoiled and pampered and are totally unappreciative of how hard life was just a couple generations back. Blood, sweat and tears were normal. Life was harsh. Our lives and society are much better today because of the sacrifices and progress that was made by our forebearers. Many of them happened to be Irish but building America was a team effort. A lot of People, many of them immigrants pitched in and worked hard. We need to get back to that mindset. Hard work is good! Rewarding and satisfaction comes from it; couple that with partaking in society and you are suddenly on a path to a happy life.

Graphics/ Ad Design

My advice to all our friends and readers. Study the past and drop your membership in the Cult of American Celebrity Worship and Materialism.

Ch r is On yeagh or


Sales Reps Jim & Pat r ick Layout & Typos Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s Con t act Us Via Em ail:

in f o@ir ish

ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493

All Copyr igh t s 2021 M cDon ou gh M edia

M eán Fómhair

Jim M cDonough, We have endured the Pandemic and the downtur n in adver tising ONLY because we have been promoting our Subscr iptions! Please take time to SUBSCRI BE if you have not already done so. Our 2 for 1 Offer is still on. Well wor th the few dollar s and as things open up our Ver y I r ish Per ks will get better so it will soon be the best subscr iption ser vice ever !! ir

September, 2021

Irish Arts & Entertainment

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YOUNG DUBLINERS US TOUR UNDERWAY! IRELAND AWAITS IN LATE FAL The venerable CHIEFTAINS deservedly lay claim t o being Ireland's Musical Ambassadors t o t he World but t he enduring legacy of Kiet h Robert s and t he Young Dubliners is t hat t hey are t he Irish Rock Ambassadors t o t he World. Dubliner Robert s (now Calif ornia based) and his mult i-t alent ed musicians are t he Dubs who simply are t he best by any met ric: longevit y, great sound, creat ivit y and popularit y! Twent plus years of sold out t ours, t he 10t h CD in t he works and commercial success f rom all quart es are all f act ors t hat st and out but f an and crit ical acclaim cinch t he t op spot f or t hem!

Q & A w it h Keit h Rober t s Ir ish Ar t s an d En t er t ain m en t IA&E Ar e you an d t h e ban d deligh t ed t o be back . How ar e t h e ch an ges af f ect in g all of you ? How is m or ale

Keit h Rober t s of t h e YOUNG DUBLINERS DUBS Morale is high. So is fatigue. We waited so long to get back out there but then we jumped in with both feet and started traveling like our lives depended on it, which in many ways they did. We are a band who follow the science not the gossip, so we locked down hard over the 16 months. When we first got together to rehearse it was a little nerve wracking as it had been so long. It took a while to relax and trust that w had all taken the same precautions so being together was no riskier them being alone. Like most things the longer we played the more at ease we became and soon it felt like old times. It also helped to have a new band member (Ethan Jones) as that added an element of excitement and freshness to the rehearsals. All in all, I would say that we are well and truly back now and, despite still taking precautions based on the experts?assessments, things feel pretty good again.

IA & E: Th is m u st be a dif f er en t exper ien ce ou t on st age sin ce t h e Pan dem ic, can you sh ar e you in sigh t s on w h at is goin g on ? Everything is a little different now. I know I personally have a bigger appreciation for what we do. There was a profound loss of

identity during lockdown. I had been on the road for 30 years and suddenly was home making sourdough. It went on so long that I began to forget what it is we do for a living. I was not motivated to pick up the guitar or do anything musical. I think I was sad, angry, depressed and a little lost. When we played our first shows in May 2021, we were definitely rusty and it took a few shows to knock the cobwebs off. But it soon started to feel comfortable, in part because of the phenomenal response we were getting from our audiences. It was a mutual admiration society. They were glad to see us, and we were ecstatic to see them. IA & E: How ar e t h e f an s r eact in g t o t h e

n ew r ealit y? Shows are feeling fairly normal now. At first you could sense apprehension but as vaccinations have rolled out, I think most people have decided to take their lives back and not worry about every single detail of being around others. Life is full of dodgy things, and we use our brains to assess the risk. I believe if you are fully vaccinated you have reduced that risk to a very manageable level so go see a band and have a drink. Let your hair down (if you have any left after all the stress) IA & E: Ar e dif f er en t par t s of t h e cou n t r y r espon din g in dif f er en t w ays? All States are not equal for sure. In some towns we see staff still masking up and in some you wouldn?t even know anything was going on. It?s very strange. But in general, I think everywhere is starting to get back to a sense of normal and so the shows are starting to take on a familiar vibe.

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

M eán Fómhair

IA & E: How ar e t h e cr ow ds an d CD n u m ber s..Gr eat er t h an bef or e or t h e sam e?

DUBS: In some cases, the crowds are big, packed houses or festivals. In others the numbers are a bit down, but the enthusiasm is way, way up. It all depends on the covid numbers in each town or city and how comfortable people are to be around others. That will probably be the situation for some time. I think some of our older fans are a bit more reluctant to jump back in and that?s OK. We want everyone to feel comfortable. We will be back around another time so waiting until the next show is always an option. Merchandise and CD sales have been tremendous. I think that?s people?s way of helping us out, buy a cd or a tee shirt. We greatly appreciate those folks. IA & E How is t r avelin g t h ese days? DUBS: This is probably the biggest change we have had to adapt to. Airlines!!! It was a very bumpy start with last minute cancellations and delays. We almost missed a few shows but somehow managed to always save the day. Things have calmed down a bit now which is evident in what we just pulled off last weekend.

Keit h Rober s; Fou n din g M em ber & Lead Vocals

On Thursday night we headlined the Alaska State Fair. Friday, we played Rifle Colorado. Saturday, we played Salt Lake City. Flights had to be bang on time to allow that craziness to happen, and they were. Let?s hope it stays that way.

IA & E: We alw ays t h ou gh t you r m u sic w as joyf u l an d m ade u s all f eel bet t er , is t h at st ill t r u e or is a con cer t a bet t er elixir t h an ever ? DUBS: There is no doubt live music is key, from all our perspectives. I like to think that people could listen to our albums during the lockdown and get some joy from them, but we have always been known as a live band. Our gigs are happy events with optimism for days. A production manager in SLC told me the other night that our show was the first one where all the staff felt like they were really back. It was a big party, and everyone seemed to be having a great time. That?s what we all need now. A little less gloom and doom and a bigger focus on the good times to come. In October we will start working on our tenth album. In November we will be one of the only bands to tour Ireland with 150 Americans along for the ride. Let the good times roll, again.

Ju st in Pecot

Ch as Walt z

Et h an Jon es

Dave In gr ah m

September. 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Decem ber 5 Lober o Th eat r e, San t a Bar bar a, CA TICKETS & INFO

Decem ber 16 & 17 @ 7: 30pm Sch er r For u m Th ou san d Oak s, CA TICKETS & INFO

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Decem ber 18 @ 7:30pm Clar k Cen t er Ar r oyo Gr an de, CA TICKETS & INFO

12/05 ?

H appy Labor Day Am er i ca! w w w.aer lin gu

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

M eán Fómhair

Half w ay To Paddy 's Day

Celebr at ion & Even t !

Sep 18 M u sic By CILLIAN'S BRIDGE Lin k s & Calen dar on Page

Be an im por t an t par t of ou r Social M edia Pr esen ce! Post , Sh ar e & Join t h e con ver sat ion ! Ch eck ou r FACEBOOK PAGES f or Daily Updat es:

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Pu bGu ide E New s LA Cou n t y Ir ish Ir ish Even t s w w ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

September, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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An I r i sh Ch r i st m as As seen on PBS!

St ar r i n g W or l d Ch am pi on Dan cer s: Tyl er Sch w ar t z an d Em i l y M acCon n el l Take a journey through Christmas in Ireland with superb dancing, singing and Irish traditional music celebrating the international spirit of the holiday season. Join an award-winning cast led by World Champion dancers Tyler Schwartz (Magic of the Dance, An Irish Christmas, Celtic Fyre, Celtic Wings and ReelRhythm) and Emily MacConnell (Dance Masters, Rockin?Road to Dublin, Magic of the Dance, An Irish Christmas Celtic Fyre and Celtic Wings) in a celebration of the great traditions of Christmas in Ireland: butter-making, chasing the wren on St. Stephen?s Day, drawing down the half door and more! Come enjoy spectacular dance, the singing of traditional Christmas Carols from the Kerry Voice Squad and superb music from the Kerry Traditional Orchestra in a celebration of the international spirit of the holiday season.

?Gen u in ely ast on ish in g?elect r ic!?

Kerry Irish Productions Inc. is an Irish owned company based in Los Angeles. The company promotes and celebrates Irish culture and its rich traditions through the medium of music, dance, song and storytelling.The company?s Irish productions are presented in performing arts centers throughout the United States. Corporate work: Kerry Irish Productions works closely with corporations nationwide providng high-end corporate entertanment for its many clients. Contact the President, Margaret O' Carroll, ATCL, LTCL, Dip CSM Kerry Irish Productions Inc. & Th e Ir elan dvAgen 818-221-8113 (Office)

The Village News

w w w.k er r yir ish pr odu ct ion

Ch r i st m as Fr om A Cel t i c Tabl e A perfect family event! An en ch an t in g even in g f r om t h e bou n t if u l t able of Ir elan d's past an d pr esen t . Feat u r in g aw ar d-w in n in g Du blin -bor n Ir ish act or Sh eelagh Cu llen as pr esen t er / n ar r at or in t h e deligh t f u l pr ogr am Ch r ist m as f r om a Celt ic Table! Join in g Sh eelagh w ill be sopr an o Kor al Aak r e, Th e Ker r y Voice Squ ad, Cat er in a Coyn e (Pr in cipal Dan cer , River dan ce), Tyler Sch w ar t z (Pr in cipal Dan cer ), M ar k Alf r ed (M u sical Dir ect or , River dan ce) an d pian ist Pat r icia Han n if in . Wit h t ou r -de-f or ce st or yt ellin g f r om Sh eelagh Cu llen en ch an t in g u s w it h t im eless h oliday f avor it es (?Tw as t h e Nigh t bef or e Ch r ist m as, Th e Lit t le M at ch Gir l...?), su per b dan ce f r om Cat er in a Coyn e an d Tyler Sch w ar t z, an d Th e Ker r y Voice Squ ad sin gin g t r adit ion al car ols in clu din g Silen t Nigh t , Th e 12 Days of Ch r ist m as an d Wexf or d Car ol, a w on der f u l h oliday ?M u st See!?is assu r ed! Do n ot m iss t h is en ch an t in g even in g f r om t h e bou n t if u l t able of Ir elan d?s past an d pr esen t . A ?M u st See!?t h is h oliday Season .

Join us ?round the hearth on this gracious evening....


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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

M cNULTY SCHOOL of I r ish Dance Welcome on boar d to Er in Scott-Haines and her South Bay based school. This fine or ganization are now par t of the I rish Arts & Entertainment community as an adver tiser and contr ibutor ! The McNulty School of Irish Dance Los Angeles opened in 2013 under the direction of Erin Scott-Haines, T.C.R.G., who began her Irish Dance career in Chicago. Erin has over 15 years of teaching experience, including directing and choreographing for the touring McNulty Performance Troupe. Erin moved to California after receiving a Masters degree in dance/movement psychotherapy and counseling. Since then the McNulty School has

M eán Fómhair

flourished and Erin's Dancers frequently perform throughout Southern California. They also offer classes in Torrance, Rolling Hills Estates, San Pedro and Costa Mesa. As stated on their website. " The McNulty program is designed to challenge each dancer to achieve his or her personal best - both on and off the dance floor. Students develop self-discipline, concentration skills, mental and physical coordination, teamwork, self-esteem, and self-effcacy that serve them well in all facets of life. Whether your dancer has ambitions to compete around the world, perform throughout the nation, or simply to dance for the fitness and fun of it, The McNulty School of Irish Dance will help you achieve your goals!"

The soul of Ireland is most beautifully captured in her dance...


P.O. Box7000-690

Er in Scot t -Hain es M cNu lt y Sch ool Of Ir ish Dan ce, Los An geles

Redon do Beach , CA 90277 1-614-6-DNC-JIG 1 (614) 636-2544

Ir ish Dan cin gLosAn

Gr eat In t r o t o M cNu lt y Ir ish Dan ce

September, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment


Poet, writer and Irish Arts and Entertainment friend and contributor, SEAN GUNNING is a Londoner from Irish stock. Author of No Samaritan, he has won poetry contests in the U.S. and Canada and has been published in many anthologies and magazines in the U.S., Canada, and France. Th e Best Pr esen t Ever : A Sin n er ?s Gu ide t o t h e Holy Lan d i s his first novel-length work of literary non-fiction. His next book will be The Purple Pit, a romantic comedy, which he has just finished writing. Gunning lives in Long Beach, California with his Mexican-American wife, who, after 34 years together, is still the funniest girl he's ever met. They walk to mass together on Sundays. Sometimes, she lets him hold her hand. Says Gunning about his Jerusalem experience, "I didn't want to go on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land because I thought it would be hot and dry and boring, and I'd have to drag around on someone else's schedule with a group of serious religious types looking at one ancient shrine after another. No, thanks. Plus, bombs go off there! This is what I told my wife every time she asked me to go with her and her conservative parents. Then, a few days before Christmas, in my usual state of panic over what to get her, I signed up, put the receipt in a box, and gave her the gift of myself. Two months later, we joined a Dutch couple who owned a Catholic gift shop, a soft-spoken priest devoted to Mary who had never been to the Holy Land before, some Americans, an opinionated Eastern European teacher and her Hispanic photog husband, two young Brazilians learning to be tour guides, and thirty Filipinos oblivious to the shopaholic stereotype for a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Did I mention I'm a bad gift-giver?

SEAN GUNNING t ak in g n ot es in Th e Holy Lan d

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

M eán Fómhair

Gu n n in g & Th e Holy Lan d

Laced with humor, admiration for the inner

beauty and strength of women, and moments of deep reverence, Th e Best Pr esen t Ever : A Sin n er 's Gu ide t o t h e Holy Lan d, lays bare the narrator ?s unfiltered (not always very Christian) thoughts and observations as the days and nights unfold. Experience the unexpected beauty of Israel, the relentless work ethic of the ubiquitous hawkers, a pre-dawn reenactment of the Way of the Cross, an argument at the Shrine of the Nativity involving a female Russian tour guide, a night-time lovers tiptoe across the rooftops of old Jerusalem, t he narrator ?s impromptu sojourn through the poverty-stricken Arab District of Jerusalem in search of a way to move beyond the anger he still feels about 9/11, his disastrous three minutes at the Tomb of Jesus, and his pilgrimage-ending confession described by the tour group priest as: "That was a good one." Purposefully non-preachy, The Best Present Ever: A Sinner ?s Guide to the Holy Land reveals some of the most cherished shrines in all of Christianity, not through the eyes of a scripture quoting pastor or history gushing travel writer, CHURCH of Th e HOLY SEPULCHER Old Walled Cit y Jer u salem but an everyman Catholic struggling to relinquish his unofficial role with the World Police and be more like Jesus. Written for believers and non-believers, Americans and non-Americans, and men and women, this fish out of water story is not just for Christian but for anyone searching for a more loving heart. The bus driver is Muslim, the tour guide is seriously Catholic, and the story is universal...How do we all get along

"An d let m e t ell you som et h in g. Ju st becau se you k n eel at t h e Tom b of Jesu s f or t h r ee m in u t es doesn't m ean it 's an y easier t o be m or e lik e Him . It isn't . It 's st ill w ar ever day."

For a select ion of pilgr im age ph ot os; go t o

w w w.sean gu n n in / ph ot os

Click t h r ou gh t h e n u m ber s 1 t o 15 ?A bona fide tour of the Holy Land ? .A very well-written travel book. It is also sardonic, musing, introspective and hilarious.? ? Frank X. Gaspar, Author of St ealin g Fat im a Available at w w w.sean gu n n in and other sites.

September, 2021

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Noel Quigley and and his amazing Embossed Copper Wor k Noel Quigley, the the owner of N Q Copper Craft, creates Copper embossed pieces which are all hand crafted with no electric tools used. Quigley, 53, is from Dublin Ireland and hails from the Liberties which is one of the oldest parts of Dublin. His home is a 3 minute walk away from the world famous Guinness brewery and a 10 minute walk away from Christchurch Cathedral. The Covid Pandemic ended his employment as a driver (buses and trucks) which led to his hobby of about 10 years doing copper embossing becoming a business .Quigley states, ?After a couple of months of being unemployed I decided to set up a Facebook page to show my pieces to the public and that is how my business started.I started to sell pieces locally and then further afield like Britain, Europe, America and Canada!I feel very proud of myself to have created these pieces that have gone to people all over the world, people that liked my work enough to purchase it. I love to create these copper pieces in all different design. And now people have even designed their own ideas for me to create. It is very time consuming but worthwhile when you see the outcome.? We are delighted to profile NOEL QUIGLEY and his amazing Copper Craft. This is the very essence of why we are so fond of Bernie Clancy and Crafters Of Ireland as we get introduced to true independent spirits and gifted entrepreneurs! Our friends and readers can follow up and order N Q Copper Craft pieces through Crafters Of Ireland. You can also please LIKE & SHARE his Facebook Page linked here::

Han d cr af t ed Celt ic Cr oss by Noel Qu igley

Below Lef t : St . Jam es Gat e GUINNESS, Du blin , Ir elan d BELOW: Exqu isit e f in e det ailed Tr ee Of Lif e

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Abou t Cr af t er s of Ir elan d Ber n adet t e Clan cy t h e f ou n der of Cr af t er s of Ir elan d is t ot ally su ppor t ive of all h er m em ber s. Says Clan cy " I h ave got t en t o k n ow each of t h e cr af t er s t h at com e on boar d. I h ave t o say t h at ever yon e of t h em ar e so easy t o w or k w it h , even t h ou gh t h ey ar e all f r om t h e f ou r cor n er s of Ir elan d an d ver y dif f er en t in t h eir sk ill. On e t h in g t h ey all h ave in com m on is - t h ey f in d it h ar d t o t ak e a com plim en t w it h ou t f eelin g a lit t le em bar r assed, bu t lik e u s all, u n der n eat h it t h ey love it , it gives t h em t h e m ot ivat ion t o


M eán Fómhair

con t in u e.

w w st agr am .com / cr af t er sof ir elan d/ h t t ps:/ / t w it t er .com / Ir elan dCr af t er s h t t ps:/ / solu t ion scon su lt an cyir elan / lin k edin .com / in / ber n adet t e-m ir iam -clan cy-7b7b261b8 Dir ect Lin e: 353 (0)87 421 0829




Ye O l d e K i n g's H ead Pu b & Gi f t Sh o p p e 116 San t a M o n i ca B l San t a M o n i ca 310 4 51- 14 0 2

September, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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Wells of Lif e Ir elan d Wells of Lif e is a 501(c)(3) n on -pr of it Ch r ist ian or gan izat ion w h ose m ission is t o pr ovide r u r al Ugan dan s access t o saf e, clean w at er t h r ou gh t h e in st allat ion or r est or at ion of su st ain able bor eh ole w at er w ells an d WASH (w at er , san it at ion , an d h ygien e) edu cat ion al pr ogr am s. There are two options in relation to supplying water to a community: a restoration well or a new borehole well. A well can be donated with a single donation of $8,000 or ?7000 or by crowd-funding your well with your family, friends, school, church or business. A donation of $4000 or ?3500 will restore a previously abandoned, non-functional well to full and safe functionality. These wells were not drilled by Wells of Life, but rather by the national government or other NGOs, some of them as long as a decade ago .

w w w.w ellsof lif e.or g The basic gift of water brings great relief and changes lives for the better! Nick Jor dan , Fou n der / CEO

SISTERS For SISTERS In 2021, Wells of Lif e Ambassador Sist er Joan part nered wit h Sist er Lydia in Uganda t o f und a memorial well in honor of a f ellow nun. The well is locat ed in Mit yana, providing wat er f or t he communit y's produce on a 30-acre f arm. Alt hough Sist er Lydia was t hrilled wit h t he posit ive change f or her communit y, she knew t hat t he 7 surrounding communit ies were st ill in need of a well wit hin walking dist ance.

Click t h e icon h er e t o see t h e Wells Of Lif e Spot on ou r You Tu be Ch an n el: Now, bot h Sist er Lydia and Sist er Joan have come t oget her wit h Wells of Lif e t o honor t heir f ellow sist ers and change t he lives of t he locals in t he f arming communit y of Mit yana by creat ing t he Sist ers 4 Sist ers Program - raising f unds f or t he 7 wells in Sist er Lydia's surrounding communit y. To learn more about how you can f ill t he urgent need f or t hese local villages t o have saf e access t o clean wat er, click t he link or email us:

inf o@wellsof lif

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

M eán Fómhair

Ir ish Ch ef Pau l Wat t er s Sept em ber Select ion par excellance

Spiced chicken thighs with Baharat curried lentils, quinoa, arugula, red onion, baby cucumber, cherry tomatoes, picked basil and a coconut curry cream dressing. Serves 4

Belf ast Based Ir ish Ch ef , Pau l Wat t er s YOU WILL NEED: 8 ch ick en t h igh s(on t h e bon e) 200g r ock et (Also known as rucola or arugula, rocket is a strong, peppery salad leaf.)

4 t ablespoon s of Bah ar at Season in g 300g ch er r y t om at oes (cu t in h alf ) 8 baby cu cu m ber (sliced) 16 ch er r y t om at oes (cu t in h alf ) Han df u l of f r esh basil (pick ed leaves) 4 t ablespoon s of cu r r y pow der 500g of cooked qu in oa 500g of cooked len t ils 8 t ablespoon s of cr eam ed cocon u t (available in can s at all su per m ar ket s)

Celebrity Chef Watters has been working as a chef for 30 years. He has worked all over the world from the Savoy Hotel in London to as far as the Sydney Opera House, Australia. The Chef is currently living in Belfast and is continuing to cook in various hotels and restaurants throughout the area. During the lockdown he has set set up a cooking page on Facebook to share his love of food and cooking. Chef Paul's Facebook page is called:

sim ple t ast y h ealt h y by pw

September, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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To Pr epar e Fir st of all pr eh eat t h e oven t o 180 (Ver y close t o 360F). Spr in k e season in g over ch ick en an d r u b w ell in t o t h e ch ick en . Cook in t h e oven f or 35 m in u t es. Wh ile t h e ch ick en is cook in g you can pr epar e t h e r est of t h e in gr edien t s. Gat h er a lar ge bow l add qu in oa an d len t ils, t h e good t h in g abou t t h is it can be ser ved h ot or cold depen din g on you r pr ef er en ce. Add 2 t ablespoon s of cu r r y pow der an d m ix w ell. Add t h e r em ain in g an d in gr edien t s an d m ix w ell cover w it h a dam p k it ch en paper t o k eep f r esh . For t h e cr eam gat h er a m ediu m size bow l add t h e cocon u t cr eam an d r em ain in g cu r r y pow der add a lit t le of t h e w at er an d m ix w ell.

For t h e pr esen t at ion ! Place t h e r ock et in t h e m iddle of t h e plat e an d spoon t h e r em ain in g of t h e in gr edien t s ar ou n d t h e plat e place t h e ch ick en on t op of t h e ar gu la an d dr izzle over t h e cu r r y cr eam dr essin g an d en joy. A n ice m iddle east er n f east . Cu r r ied len t ils, qu in oa, r ock et , r ed on ion , baby cu cu m ber , ch er r y t om at oes, pick ed basil.

t h igh s an d a cocon u t cu r r y cr eam dr essin g Alon g w it h a spiced Bah ar at ch ick en

BAM .M ANHATTAN PIER - Ar t w or k by Br ian Boylan OPEN NOW t h r ou gh Sept em ber 26!! Ffeatured in the Manhattan Beach Community Exhibition. Paintings, Sculptur and more! Gallery hours at the Manhattan Beach Art Center are Friday through Sunday, from 10:AM to 5:PM

Det ails an d m or e in f o

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

M eán Fómhair

The View from Ireland OUT OF CHARACTER By M au r ice Fit zpat r ick The Irish Department of Education has decided to deny Leaving Certificate students of the Chinese language the chance to take their final exams using the traditional Chinese (Mandarin) characters. The decision caused dismay among scholars of Chinese in Ireland who have formed a pressure group, the Mandarin Chinese Group, and created a petition urging the government to reverse course. Even in the news-dry season of August, this news story was not one that animated the masses. Yet there is a lot in it that deserves our attention. Minister for Education, Norma Foley, responded to the charge that her department?s change in policy denies traditional script official recognition in the Irish educational system as follows: ?While heritage speakers are certainly allowed to study the course and sit the exam, the specification is not designed for them? The inclusion of traditional characters is not suitable for a specification pitched at ab initio level?. It is hardly surprising that such a watery excuse was issued as a statement and that Foley did not take questions. It is true that traditional Chinese script typically has more strokes in its characters and that that makes it more complex. (I spent years living in Japan and I never saw a traditional Japanese character and wished that it had more strokes. One character, in particular, stands out in my weary recollection? Utsu, ? ? which has a whopping 29 strokes. Appropriately enough, it is the word for depression). But the number of strokes in Chinese characters is not at issue at all in the Irish government?s deliberations. The traditional script is used in both Hong Kong and Taiwan whereas it is out of favour in the highly centralised political and educational systems sponsored by the Communist Party in Beijing, where the simplified Chinese characters are used. The programme of repression instigated by Beijing in Hong Kong in response to the non-violent protests on the island has been appalling to witness and its objective is the elimination of Hong Kong and its absorption into China within a decade or so. The next island in the sights of the President of China, Xi Jinping, is Taiwan. Taiwan has enjoyed independence from China since the end of the Chinese Civil War in 1949. Even so, the island?s a

ssertion of independence, be it cultural or political, from the mainland is anathema to Beijing. Beijing has adopted covert methods of underpinning its ideology abroad through the vehicle of investment in foreign universities. The Confucius Institute at University College Dublin, which was founded in 2006, is one of hundreds of such institutes established on university campuses throughout the world. It is co-financed by the Irish and Chinese governments and the Chinese government reserves the right to appoint a Chinese government official as co-director to run it. The institute has engendered distrust and division among UCD?s academic staff, who argue that it is antithetical to freedom of expression. If disaffection among faculty mounts it could have tangible results: the University of Chicago closed its Confucius Institute in response to pressure to protect the university?s academic integrity. A key role of senior administrators in universities is to sell the tergiversation that inward investment on campus by vested interest groups is the only way to retain high-quality education and that it comes without conditions (in this instance, to act as Beijing?s fixers). The student body rotates every three or four years whereas the faculty possesses institutional memory. Arguably, then, the faculty has the most important role in defending the intellectual culture of Chinese Studies at UCD. Some members of faculty are apt to seek a platform in the media to remind university management, and the government that stands behind it, that freedom of expression is compromised by the ongoing presence of the Confucius Institute. UCD?s faculty is overreacting of course. Any fear that leasing a chuck of the campus to a dictatorship may result in censorship is incomprehensible. Maurice Fitzpatrick is Visiting Fellow at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana.

September, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

If the faculty does manage to force a cessation of the Confucius Institute, the contractual terms between UCD and the Chinese Ministry of Education in the scenario of lease default could hardly be more favourable to UCD. The university would be liable to repay Beijing for its investment at a rate of 60,000 euro per annum (interest-free) for the remaining period of the 50-year lease. 60,000 euro is about the annual salary of the administrators that Irish universities are so keen to hire. It is a cost that UCD can easily absorb. UCD could then use the Confucius Institute building to establish authentic Chinese Studies programmes with a proper focus on Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet and the Uighurs. However, the President of UCD, Andrew Deeks, will be wholly concerned with another balance sheet. Fully 10% of UCD?s non-EU student body are Chinese students? more so than at any other Irish university. The inward flow of these cash cows (yes, university senior administrators are that cynical) is substantially within the gift of the Chinese government to determine. So, Deeks will only break the Confucius Institute lease, thereby removing all obstacles to free enquiry on campus into China?s machinations, under extreme duress.

Page 19

Fully 10% of UCD?s non-EU student body are Chinese students? more so than at any other Irish university. The inward flow of these cash cows (yes, university senior administrators are that cynical) is substantially within the gift of the Chinese government to determine. So, Deeks will only break the Confucius Institute lease, thereby removing all obstacles to free enquiry on campus into China?s machinations, under extreme duress. nto China?s machinations, under extreme duress. It is worth putting administrators such as Deeks under that pressure. The Chinese government is exercising ideological control on discourse about its policies through the instrumentality of our universities. Now, with the government?s decision on Leaving Certificate Chinese, we have evidence enough that that ideology is filtering down to the secondary school system. Beijing is rubbing its hands at Minister Foley and the Irish government failure to do the bare minimum to recognise the cultural rights of small islands cursed with an expansionist and repressive neighbour. Irish people know something about such circumstances, so it is all the more a travesty to witness our educational system capitulating.

Get t h e Fr ien ds of Sin n Fein New slet t er : w w w.f r ien dsof sin n f ein .com

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

M eán Fómhair

News Analysis & Commentary By John McNally British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced plans to revise, more like renege, on two important agreements concerning Ireland. The British government said they will close down all investigations into controversial killings that took place during the Troubles and renegotiate the Brexit Protocol for trade with the island of Ireland. Their proposal to effectively grant amnesty to their security forces and allies is an unprecedented intervention by London in the criminal justice and policing arrangements in the Good Friday and Stormont Agreements. Hundreds of conflict-related cases were to be investigated, the victim's families deserve to know the truth. To heap insult on injury, the families of those killed by state and non-state actors on behalf of the British were treated as supporters of terrorists if they spoke up about the murders of their loved ones.

ELEVEN of Ir elan d's m ain polit ical par t ies h ave sign ed a let t er opposin g t h e Br it ish gover n m en t 's pr oposal f or a Tr ou bles am n est y. It com es af t er polit ician s f r om bot h sides of t h e bor der m et w it h a cr oss com m u n it y gr ou p of vict im s' at Belf ast Cit y Hall on Au gu st 29.

The threat to end investigations has been rejected by victims groups, all political parties, the British Labour Party, the Irish government, UN Human Rights experts, and leaders in Congress. And in a sop to the unionists, London launched an attempt to rewrite the Irish protocol, eliminating health and safety checks on goods moving between the north of Ireland and Britain essentially reneging on the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement reached in January 2020. The next pinch point in the Brexit saga is September 30 when the already extended grace period for implementing the agreement ends. Britain doesn?t care that their lack of good faith and genuine reconciliation will strain British-Irish relations, but Britain does care what America thinks, so please ask your Congresspeople to support the Congressional Friends of Ireland Caucus who are working to reverse Britain's plans to break their promises and agreements. Future US-UK trade deals should be halted until the British pull back

JOHN M cNALLY is a lon gt im e Sou t h er n Calif or n ia Ir ish Com m u n it y act ivist an d or gan izer . His k een in sigh t s on Ir ish polit ics an d t r en ds h ave est ablish ed h im as a popu lar con t r ibu t or t o t h is pu blicat ion , from these unjust proposals. Our Congressional Friends of Ireland Caucus need the support of your Congressperson so please contact them today and help us put pressure on the British government to halt these proposals before they go to the British House of Commons.

September, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Su b-h eadin gs

w w n gdu blin er

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Book Review Over the past 25 years or so since the inception of the Irish Arts and Entertainment, I have read many books about the Irish Famine, An gorta mór...the great hunger. I also grew up knowing about it and the history surrounding the GREAT FAMINE and the exodus from Ireland because my father was a great storyteller and he was keen on teaching all of his children about Ireland and Irish history. Non of that prepared me for this book. This is an account and tales that I could not grasp all at once. This is a book that I had to put down and prepare myself for the next reading. It is a grim

M eán Fómhair

masterpiece. Th e w ebsit e does much to enlighten and prepare the reader for the accounts and detail; so please go there and please get and give copies of this book. This is history that must be learned and shared. Jerry Mulvihill has done an amazing job piecing together illustrations and recollections of these tragic events from every corner of Ireland. The Irish Famine changed Ireland and the world forever. Human history took a different and divergent path because of it. This is an account that will change you and make you realize how fortunate we all are. By Jim M cDon ou gh

Above: Eviction painting by Rodney Charman - Below: Brutal "Eviction" illustration by

September, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

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A b o u t Jer r y M u l v i h i l l &

T he T ruth Behind T he I rish Famine Author Jerry Mulvihill grew up in Ballintcleave, County Kerry, Ireland. His debut title, Let?s Read a Story, a compilation of short stories for children, published in summer 2011, received critical acclaim from Irish media, including RTÉ?s Miriam O?Callaghan and BBC?s Graham Norton. This work was soon translated into French, and sold out its first printing in just a few months. His second book, also for children The Wise Owl Storybook was released late 2012. It received positive reviews from The Irish Examiner and famed artist Pauline Bewick. It was re-printed the following year and was also released in German. He launched his third title The Puck Fair in June 2014. This was a challenging departure from children?s books and involved a lot of historical research. It was launched by then Irish Minister of Arts and Heritage Jimmy Deenihan and received glowing reviews from national media. The Puck Fair sparked a great passion for historical writing which led Jerry to The Truth Behind The Irish Famine. This was his biggest undertaking to date, which involved intense investigation and required traveling to various parts of Ireland for the duration of the book. He says: ?Growing up in Kerry, I always knew about the famine, and the ruins of that time are scattered across the landscape. I felt there were a lot of mistruths and injustices out there, and I wanted to investigate, then share what I learned. I did this through historical eyewitness accounts and diaries. And from these quotes I commissioned artwork to create a better understanding of that tragic time. The Truth Behind The Irish Famine was released in German in 2019.

Jer r y M u lvih ill A sam plin g of r eview s.... Th e Ir ish Tim es An unvarnished portrayal of

the Irish Famine TD: Br en dan Gr if f in

The country owes him (Jerry Mulvihill) a great deal for publishing this? A stunning and incredibly important piece of work Br eak in gNew

Jerry has been invited to give presentations on his work at major museums such as Strokestown House, Portumna Visitor Centre, and Killarney House and Gardens to name a few. He continues to promote his work around Ireland and internationally.

A vivid and harrowing account of Ireland's darkest time

The Truth Behind The Irish Famine has received high praise from: The Irish President; Michael D. Higgins, An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, Mary McAleese, Prince Charles, Ryan Tubridy, Gerry Adams, Christine Kinealy, Jr Minister for Tourism Brendan Griffin, T.D. Michael Healey Rae, and The Irish Examiner to name a few.

Th e Ir ish Exam in er

w w w.jer r ym u lvih

Provides intriguing insights, highlighting the appalling things that witnesses did not speak of afterwards

h t t ps:/ / jer r ym u lvih / t h e-t r u t h -beh in d-t h e-ir ish -f am in e-1845-1852/ #syn opsis

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

M eán Fómhair

Irish Literary Showcase

Th e Nom ad Com es Hom e By Greg Patrick ?The tears of the world are a constant quantity. For each one who begins to weep somewhere else another stops. The same is true of the laugh.?

? Sam u el Beck et t , Wait in g f or Godot Like a pilgrim of storm-swept roads, knelt Yeats with an offering of dream... He met the muse?s eyes after a wordless but entreating glance to the skies that were the bard?s sighs, conscious of a land where for the light of a vision the rebel dies. Under the wavering symphonic shadows of a murmur of starling birds calling for aid to a shepherd of men but not of herds? And like the trembling hand of a skeptical pilgrim accepting the awaiting touch of a faith healer ?s he asks for the dance with hand extended a song requested and in its touch is a restoring that needs no song. City at threshold of dark sea, where dreams and nightmare mingle indistinguishably, like guests in a masque dance. None will take off their mask at the midnight hour, the witching hour that is every moment of desire and mystery, and time means nothing, but bardic rhyme means it all? the moment of bewitchment that belongs to the enchantress alone, in a land and heart with an empty throne. A pang of solitude befalls all in crowded room, spell

holding sway over rebel?s heart on eve of battle and the last dance of the night becomes a rite in which good faces off against evil, and as one crosses the room to request from one forbidden by station the last dance, the one knight who doesn?t run from battle calls for another lance and the best dreams are a Cinderella story retold? like a ball gown or suit of hidden rebel mail to unfold, donned to restore what is rightful to be seen for what they are? So many stars in the skies but only one to follow by a Traveler ?s eyes, the mirage promise of the horizon, a vision of beauty behind green eyes.

A man so separated from his dreams that is as lifeless as before the banshee screams. It is that hour that does not expose nor humble princess or belong to the prince left looking after her wondering? the hour belongs to desire fostered by usurped princess, for betrayal is stepsister to honour and rightful princess dispossessed is embodiment of broken dreams ill-fostered with visions of greatness. Yet the prince?s sight is liberated from disenchantment by the spell of two eyes at the last dance in two counterspells of a duet of yearning. One can all but feel in the waltz?s turns the world?s turning. And of the velvet-gloved hand and eyes, so light to the touch like a faith healer ?s hand restoring, gaze so fathomless in their depth that one never sees their end. And he always looks for them in the blue of as many oceans crossed, a face looking into the waves at the wake, as mirrored they were in Gemini microcosm in those eyes.

T h e K i n g's H ead Pu b f o r T ak e O u t & Sh o p p e i n San t a M o n i ca

w w w.yeoldek in gsh

Su b-h eadin gs Th e Ir ish Im por t Sh op h as su r vived t h e pan dem ic an d r em ain s open ever yday f r om Noon t o 4PM . We also deliver ! Ju st call t h e sh op (323) 467-6714 or or der on lin e at ir ish im por t sh . Th e Wr en Th eat er at t h e Ir ish Im por t Sh op is open an d h as t w o an n ou n cem en t s We ar e pr ou d t o an n ou n ce t h e Hollyw ood Fr in ge Fest ival " Pick of t h e Fr in ge" sh ow " Th e Layer s of Tom Ler h er " is at t h e Wr en Th eat er t h r ou gh Sept 4t h Tick et s:

h t t p/ / h f f 19.or g/ 6100 Reh ear sals f or " Tom m y an d t h e Br ot h er s" , St ar t in Sept em ber . It 's an ost algic t r ip back t o t h e sixt ies w h en , t h r ee br ot h er s f r om Tipper ar y an d t h e " Bar d of Ar m agh" , ch an ged Ir ish m u sic f or ever . Com in g t o t h e WREN THEATRE at Hollyw ood's Lan dm ar k Ir ish Im por t Sh op t h is Holiday Season !

Los An geles...Com in g t h is Fall...Det ails Soon !

Literary Showcase continued Exiled for stealing bread? No...I stole forbidden promethean fires at a glance. The green fire of daydreams envisioned in a vision of glamour behind green eyes as startlingly and impossibly green as daydreams that strayed free of their dreamer to walk the paths through mist and rain...of the kissed and pain? the stories read so long that they became my own and words like the way back home known by heart alone ..and head-raised high over a landscape built over brave men?s bones. Each leaves after the last dance saved like a rebel?s redemption by a princess?s hand yet each leaves with their own song for the lightless walk home? no matter what the band plays that passion is a soloist song betrayed by an expressive yearning in a ?wall flower ?s? eyes. And the sigh after her like the echo of every song played and cynicism not chivalry dies. Where the last dance belongs to the rebel, and though divided by the bell of life and death there is nothing so inseparable that cannot be reunited and so coltish step becomes stride, colleen in red dress becomes bride.

No tyrant?s hand can humble that pride. In defiance of custom a traveler lad astride a horse. asks the settled muse...the twilight burns in the skies but has not the red of your hair nor the land the green of your eyes. Shall we ride...? And in the sigh of wind seemed battlecried ? dreams dared with every stride.

On ce again , Dear Reader , w e ar e deligh t ed t o of f er you t h is f east of im agin at ion f r om t h e f lu id m in d an d pen of ou r con t r ibu t or Gr eg Pat r ick ! You can f in d h is alr eady pu blish ed w or k s at

Gr eg Pat r ick & Pal at t h e Ir ish Fair in Ir vin e

Page 26

Irish Arts & Entertainment

M eán Fómhair

. I r i sh En t er t ai n m en t : N EW S & REV I EW S Says Kr is Colt abou t t h e u pcom in g Can yon Clu b appear an ce w it h Keit h Rober t s an d t h e You n g Du bs: " I?m so excit ed t o on ce again h ave t h e h on or of open in g f or Th e You n g Du blin er s . I st ill car r y t h e m em or y of t h e f ir st t im e I h ear d Keit h Rober t s passion at ely belt ou t t h e lyr ics t o Th e Foggy Dew , w it h n o m ic an d on ly em er gen cy ligh t s an d ligh t er s In a clu b t h at h ad been sh u t dow n by au t h or it ies. Th r illed m y Celt ic sou l. M ade m e f eel lik e I w as exper ien cin g Ir ish h ist or y bef or e m y eyes !"

Ir ish M agician Sim on Ryan Simon Ryan is one of Ireland's leading Professional Magicians. Simon?s style of magic is up-close and personal, entertaining people with card tricks and comedy and amazing them with mind reading and mentalism. With a long history of performing at events for children and adults including Birthday Parties, Weddings, and Corporate Events, the events of 2020 changed how Simon could perform. Using dedication and determination first exhibited as a runner who competed for Ireland, Simon successfully harnessed the power of technology to enable him to delight and entertain people doing virtual magic shows. Learn more about Simon and his virtual ZOOM shows: w w w.t h em agician .ie

UP CLOSE & AM AZED!! Wh ile Sim on look s f or w ar d t o per f or m in g in -per son sh ow s again , h e is t h r illed t o be able t o u se h is am azin g m agical sk ills t o h elp people be socially t oget h er w h ile bein g ph ysically dist an t . Gr eat w it h ch ildr en , ch ar it ies an d cor por at e even t s

The Celtic Camer a

Page 27

We are here looking for you!

September 2021

Submissions wanted.. send jpeg & caption to:


St or yt eller & Wr it er Lau r a Cr ock et t in h er Calif or n ia st u dio, In case you m issed it , h er e is a lin k t o ou r IA&E Ar ch ive w it h h er Pr of ile an d Q&A in ou r Ju ly Issu e!

IRELAND'S TREASURES The incredible library at Trinity College is the permanent home of the Brian Boru harp, which is a national symbol of Ireland! It is a medieval musical instrument of a small low-headed design with brass pins for 29 strings. Thie harp is the oldest of it?s kind and dates back to the 14th/15th century! Trinity College Dublin, Dublin City

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Dow n By Th e Ech o Lak e By John M O'Brien Dow n by t h e ech o l ak e i n spect r al dr eam s t i n soul s pr epar e t h ei r w ak e Gr een h an ds r i n g r oun d t h e r ak e A l i m e of v ei l s dow n by t h e ech o l ak e W at er ed on a st ai n l ess br eak ben eat h a cr ow f l eck ed sk y t i n soul s pr epar e t h ei r w ak e I n can descen t i n t h e m i st t h ey m ak e pr een ed h ear t s i n a son g dow n by t h e ech o l ak e M adon n a l oom s w h er e l i l i es m ak e A sacr ed gr ov e i n w h i ch t i n soul s pr epar e t h ei r w ak e

Hist or ian , n ovelist & poet Joh n M O'Br ien is a gr eat f r ien d an d con t r ibu t or t o t h is f eat u r e. Bio & m or e:

IA&E Ar ch ive Lin k

N ak ed on t h e bough s t h at sh ak e t h ei r br ok en gl obes dow n by t h e ech o l ak e t i n soul s pr epar e t h ei r w ak e

M eán Fómhair

Ir ish ar t ist Br ian Boylan , Du blin an d Redon do Beach , CA Brian Boylan worked in animation for years in Dublin, London, Sydney and Los Angeles area, where he now lives. He is always perfecting his craft and thinking about new ways to capture his whimsical thoughts on canvas (and sometimes surfboards)! Currently working on a series of Irish pub scenes including not just pubs but patrons and publicans as well.

Br ian Boylan an d O'Br ien's Ir ish Pu b ow n er Willy O'Su llivan w it h Boylan's icon ic Fir st Com m u n ion pain t in g. Th e pain t in g w as com m ission ed f or t h e San t a M on ica pu b an d it h as becom e f am ou s an d ver y popu lar . Sign ed pr in t s available. Boylan keeps the coffers reasonably full with an eclectic mix of commissions and commercial projects. Interested parties can contact him with ideas and input. See advert on page 11 for more info. and to contact him.

For m or e of Br ian Boylan's Ar t ;

Explor e t h e in t er n et :

w w w ,br ian boylan ar t .com Also an impressive collection on Pinterest.

w w t er est .com / br ian boylan 1

I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar N OW W I T H By D ate & On Going Listings and Links KRIS COLT Solo & As Th e Lady Black Rose

SATURDAY, SEPTEM BER 18 M u sic by Cillian's Br idge

Sept em ber 11 Celt ic Gat h er in g M cDade Texas

w w w.h ar pin n .com

w w er w oodf or r est f air Sept em ber v24 t o 26 Idyllw ild Ren aissan ce Fair e Calif or n ia

w w w.Idyllw ildr en f air Oct ober 2 t h r u 17 Ten n essee M edievil Fair e

w w w.t m f air Novem ber 5 t o 7 Hot Spr in gs Ren aissan ce Fair .

w w w.f acebook .com / HSr en f sir e/ Novem ber 20 & 21 Ju bilee Ren aissan ce Fair e & Nigh t s of a Valou r Alabam a w w w.ext r em ejou st in / Ju bileef air e

Su n day, Sept em ber 19

Door s open @ 6PM M u sic st ar t s @ 7PM

Kr is Colt & Th e Black Rose Ban d Open in g f or t h e You n g Du blin er s Th e Can yon - Agou r a Hills 28912 Roadside Dr ive Agou r a Hills, CA 91301-3304

September, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

SAVE THE WEEKENDS Sat u r days & Su n days

Page 31

Rem ain s open s 17/ Sept em ber Cr aw f or d Ar t Galler y pr esen t in g

a ser ies of lar ge scale ar t w or k s by Br ian M agu ir e. Th e exh ibit ion depict s t h e lives lost cr ossin g t h e bor der t o t h e US. Ar t ist Br ian M agu ir e, k n ow n f or h is expr ession ist pain t in gs addr essin g issu es of social in ju st ice, con t in u es h is cr eat ive en qu ir y in t o t h e M exican / Am er ican bor der . Th e r esu lt , a n ew ser ies of pain t in gs, ack n ow ledgin g t h e m an y u n iden t if ied vict im s w h o u n der t ook t h is per ilou s jou r n ey t o t h e Un it ed St at es.

Th e exh ibit ion open Sept em ber 17 an d r u n s t ill m id Jan u ar y, 2022. Th e Cr aw f or d Galler y is w ell w or t h a visit if you ar e in Cor k .

On e of t h e m ost am azin g Ir ish Du os in t h e w or ld

NOW LIVE IN LAS VEGAS Also on Am azon Pr im e w it h t h eir Docu m en t ar y abou t t r avels an d playin g t h r ou gh ou t t h e USof A

cr aw f or dar t galler br ian -m agu ir e-r em ain s

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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment


Join a w or ldw ide au dien ce f or


?A TALE OF 4 CITIES? TALES FROM THE 4 CORNERS OF THE EM ERALD ISLE The LATEST Celtic Thunder At Home Series will run from Tuesday Sep 21st to Saturday Sep 25th - streaming LIVE worldwide on St ageit , with a different event each night. You will be transported into the heart of each Celtic Thunder Principal's favorite city in Ireland and a few of your old favorite songs. Night 5 (FANALE NIGHT) will have some SPECIAL things planned for you with all the guys for some stories, laughter, games, songs and loads of craic with you the FANS and the guys from CELTIC THUNDER.

THE COM PLETE LIVE STREAM ING EVENTS FOR SEASON 8 TUESDAY SEP 21ST AT 7:00 PM (ET) - NIGHT ONE - $15 USD or (150 STAGEIT NOTES) Join us on night one of "A TALE OF 4 CITIES" with one of the Celtic Thunder Principals for a trip into the heart of their favorite city, accompanied as always by the rest of the guys and a few of your old favorite songs.

M eán Fómhair

WEDNESDAY SEP 22ND AT 7:00PM (ET) - $15 USD or (150 STAGEIT NOTES) vNight two of "A TALE OF 4 CITIES" with one of the Celtic Thunder Principals for a trip into the heart of their favorite city, accompanied as always by the rest of the guys and a few of your old favorite songs. THURSDAY SEP 23RD AT 7:00PM (ET) - $15 USD or (150 STAGEIT NOTES) Join us on night three of "A TALE OF 4 CITIES" with one of the Celtic Thunder Principals for a trip into the heart of their favorite city, accompanied as always by the rest of the guys and a few of your old favorite songs. FRIDAY SEP 24TH AT 9:30PM (ET) - $15 USD or (150 STAGEIT NOTES) Join us on night four of "A TALE OF 4 CITIES" with one of the Celtic Thunder Principals for a trip into the heart of their favorite city, accompanied as always by the rest of the guys and a few of your old favorite songs. SATURDAY SEP 25TH AT 7:00PM (ET) - $15 USD or (150 STAGEIT NOTES) Join us on night Five ?FANALE NIGHT? where we have some SPECIAL things planned for you! All the guys will be joining in with some stories, laughter, games, songs and loads of craic with you the FANS and the guys from CELTIC THUNDER.

Th e St ageit Websit e h as an in t er act ive ch at r oom f or each st r eam in g sh ow , w h er e you can ch at in r eal t im e w it h Celt ic Th u n der Fan s acr oss t h e globe t o cat ch u p w it h old f r ien ds or m ak e n ew on es.

September, 2021

Irish Arts & Entertainment

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VERY RARE PROHIBITION ERA COLLECTOR'S CERTIFICATE Also k n ow n as a Bon ded Wh isk ey War eh ou se Receipt . Only a few thousand of these Certificates were ever printed during the Prohibition Era and only a few hundred are know to exist today. The 10-14-21value will only increase, The 100th Anniversary of the Repeal Of The Volstead Act has only increased awareness of one of America's biggest blunders so interest is growing in rare items like this Authentic Certificate!

ONLY $200. f r om M ac's Collect ibles.

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UNITY IN OUR TIM E Th an k s t o Joh n M cNally f or

aler t in g u s t o t h is im por t an t f ilm . Sim ply click t h e icon t o w at ch .

Page 34

Irish Arts & Entertainment

M eán Fómhair

On Going Celtic, Ir ish & Pub Calendar Send your links and listings to:


Peace Lu t h er in Ch u r ch Ir ish Session s on ZOOM w w w.f acebook .com / gr ou ps/ OCCelt icJam /

We con t in u e t o h ost Zoom session s ever y M on day even in g.

Ireland Tonight features the best of Celtic traditional music. Hosted by Maryann McTeague Keifer, each two-hour program is full of music, fascinating facts about Celtic music and its host countries, as well as stories and inside information about Ireland. From Chicgago, USA to Irish Music Fans around the World!

ht t ps:// ireland-t onight

Th u r sday, Sep 9 Ch eck local t im es w w ish r ep.or g

September, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Page 35


BUY ONE YEAR @ $25. an d Get A Secon d Year FREE Or GET A GIFT SUB FREE!! CALENDAR UPDATED M id M on t h Ju st a r em in der , ou r digit al pu blish in g allow s ch an ges so ch eck back t h e t h ir d w eek of t h e m on t h f or ou r u pdat es, Sen d list in gs t o: i r ish m issive@gm

If you w ou ld like t o su ppor t Wells of Lif e, Th er e ar e m an y opt ion s: - becom e a Wat er War r ior an d m ake a m on t h ly con t r ibu t ion - don at e a w ell f or $8000 an d pr ovide clean w at er f or over 1000 people - m ake a on e t im e con t r ibu t ion of you r ch oice

w w w.w ellsof lif

Page 36

Irish Arts & Entertainment

LINKS & LISTING f or Com m u n it y Even t s ar e FREE. Com m er cial/ For Pr of it Ads an d Pr om ot ion s ar e ver y cost ef f ect ive. We can pr om ot e you r bu sin ess or even t in all ou r pu blicat ion s an d plat f or m s as low as $100. per qu ar t er or per even t !

Con t act u s u s f or det ails Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493 jim @pu bgu

M eán Fómhair

Ou r Fall Qu ar t er Adver t isin g Season Devot ed t o t h e RE OPENING of M u sic an d Even t s is n f u ll sw in g! You can get

THREE M ONTHS of Cover age... a f u ll 1/ 4 of t h e year f or a

Focu s Feat u r es w ill r elease BELFAST


in t h eat er s on Novem ber 12, 2021

Sign u p n ow an d w e give you Week ly E- Blast s t h r ou gh Sept em ber at n o ext r a ch ar ge. You also r eceive THREE Display ads f or t h e pr ice of ONE an d you get list ed in ou r Decem ber Celt ic Ch r ist m as Bu yin g Gu ide. Social M edia Pr om ot ion s, LINKS/ LISTINGS ar e in clu ded! Th is is t h e best Ad an d Pr om ot ion s Deal t h at w e h ave ever of f er ed!

Pack ages st ar t at $300. INTERESTED??? Con t act Jim @ 951 216-1493 ir ish m issive@gm

We ar e also seek in g pu bs, r et ailer s an d all ot h er Ir ish / Celt ic bu sin esses/ even t s & gr ou ps w it h a ver y special of f er f or par t icipan t s in ou r

VERY IRISH PERKS pr ogr am f or su bscr iber s Det ails!!?? Call Jim @ 951 216-1493

September, 2021

I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment

Irish Arts & Entertainment's VERY

Page 37


Th e VIP pr ogr am is a ver y im por t an t com pon en t of ou r su bscr ipt ion pr ogr am . It h as a m u lt it u de of posit ive f act or s bu ilt in t o t h e pr ogr am . It ser ves as a bon u s/ r ew ar d syst em f or spen din g h ar d cold cash on ou r pu blicat ion AND it is a good n et w or k in g t ool f or t h e Pu blish er . We ar e able t o at t r act su bscr iber s an d adver t iser s t o ou r pu blicat ion an d k eep t h em in t er est ed w h ile deliver in g gr eat Ir ish in t er est con t en t an d in f or m at ion t o ou r r eader s. Th e adver t iser s ben ef it by h avin g a r eader sh ip in t er est ed in ou r excit in g n ich e m ar k et an d t h ey can t ar get ou r r eader s w it h special of f er s. Th e volu m e m ak es it w or t h w h ile f or t h em t o par t icipat e. Th e Pan dem ic h as set u s all back a bit in on e w ay or an ot h er an d w e ar e r ebu ildin g ou r VIP ben ef it s pack age. We w er e cou n t in g on discou n t s an d deals at pu bs an d even t s bu t t h at plan is n ow on t h e back bu r n er as t h er e ar e f ew even t s an d pu bs n eed volu m e t o m ak e t h e discou n t s pr act ical. In t h e m ean t im e, w e ar e w or k in g h ar d t o lin e u p n ew of f er s f or ou r su bscr iber s. Th r ou gh ou t t h is Bu yin g Gu ide, w e h ave som e list in gs on good deals an d w e w ill be addin g special of f er s t o ou r w ebsit e as w e f in d t h em .On e VIP, w e h ave n ow of in t er est is Bu y ONE SUB an d get a Gif t Su bscr ipt ion ! Be su r e t o ch eck ou t t h e Ver y Ir ish Per k s on t h e m en u bar on ou r Hom e Page w w ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

members of our VIP Group.

Com in g ju st in t im e f or St . Pat r ick 's Day st ar t in g in ou r Febr u ar y issu e; a discou n t of f er f r om w w w.t om m ym olon

Cu r r en t ly w e ar e of f er in g som e r eally good pr om ot ion s an d as t h e Pan dem ic eases w e w ill add m or e.

Use CODE: Gr eat Dads at Ch eckou t an d get 15% OFF.

VERY IRISH PERKS VIP CLUB All subscribers become

At Pr esen t : Celt ic Ar t ist Br ian Boylan w ill give you $25. OFF an y sign ed pr in t . See page 7 of t h is issu e f or det ails.

O'Br ien's On Wilsh ir e in San t a M on ica w ill give ou r su bscr iber s a Fr ee Appet izer w it h pu r ch ase. w w w.obr ien

Th om at t h e Ir ish Im por t Sh op (Fr ee Deliver y) ext en ds 10% OFF all pu r ch ases t o ou r Su bscr iber s. See Page 2 f or h is ad an d n u m ber ! An am azin g of f er f or ou r ow n VIP M em ber s an d Su bscr iber s! Bu y a GIFT SUBSCRIPTION bet w een n ow an d M ar ch 15 an d w e w ill give you a FREE ONE YEAR EXTENSION on you r ow n su bscr ipt ion . Go t o t h e m en u click h er e

Em ail: ir ish m issive@gm


Page 38

GIFT SUBSCRIPTION ADD E M ail & Nam e HERE______________________________________________ CALL OR EM AIL US FOR QUICK SERVICE CHECK or PAYPAL

951 216-1493

ir ish m issive@gm

FOUR EZ WAYS TO SIGN UP!! Make Check to:

JAM ES M cDONOUGH VISIT w w ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

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