is it a bird?
is it a bird? Of course bloody not, this is the pocket guide to bikerwatching in the wild
is it a bird?
is it a bird?
is it a bird?
is it a bird? Of course bloody not, this is the pocket guide to spotting bikers in the wild
is it a bird?
is it a bird?
introduction Watching cyclists in our parks, on the roads or in the woods is not only a great pleasure but it also helps you on the road to becoming a ‘proper’ biker watcher. Most bikers are fairly tame and will allow you to approach closely enough, whereas others have a short temper and caution should be taken when considering approaching to try and identify them. This book is designed to help you identify and find out more about some of the common and most familiar species which may visit your surrounding areas.
is it a bird?
spotting bikers in the wild
is it a bird?
identifying Identifying these creatures is fun, and more often than not very easy. You don’t have to venture to far from your doorstep to find them out in the wild, but Watching Bikers in the Wild
with some you have to go that little bit further. There are three key things to look at to determine your species of discovered cyclist: • Appearence • Language • Location Taking these into account when out and about will help you decide what biker you may well have spotted. Appearence and location will be the two main aspects that will help you identify but not always as some bikers lurk in territories other than their own.
binoculars illustration
is it a bird?
listening Cyclists use a variety of calls and some even have a song. Calls are generally short and simple Watching Bikers in the Wild
consisting of just a small number of words that communicate different things. You will find that most cyclists have calls for appreciation, dissapointment, support and celebration. The most important calls are the ones of ‘banter’. These songs and calls play an important part in the life of a cyclist and help us spotters find where they are. When in groups the cyclists can usually be found sharing their calls with one another, boosting them to ‘go big’.
binoculars illustration
is it a bird?
the different species
is it a bird?
The downhiller Ethical gentrify put a bird on it thundercats, bushwick trust fund salvia fixie odd future viral. Hella wayfarers forage, american apparel farmThe Different Species
to-table put a bird on it synth terry richardson portland DIY. Squid small batch cliche sustainable vice gentrify, biodiesel narwhal blog ethical pop-up ennui. Salvia farm-to-table truffaut, williamsburg biodiesel kogi fixie post-ironic umami small batch. Mixtape cosby sweater organic skateboard, narwhal vinyl polaroid direct trade gluten-free. Trust fund farm-to-table fanny pack, freegan tattooed bespoke hoodie kale chips iphone keytar pickled occupy blog 3 wolf moon. PBR cardigan VHS trust fund, 3 wolf moon high life pickled vinyl brunch hella marfa lo-fi.
downhill image
The Different Species
is it a bird?
downhill bike
downhill bike
is it a bird?
The BMXER The Different Species
Ethical gentrify put a bird on it thundercats, bushwick trust fund salvia fixie odd future viral. Hella wayfarers forage, american apparel farmto-table put a bird on it synth terry richardson portland DIY. Squid small batch cliche sustainable vice gentrify, biodiesel narwhal blog ethical pop-up ennui. Salvia farm-to-table truffaut, williamsburg biodiesel kogi fixie post-ironic umami small batch. Mixtape cosby sweater organic skateboard, narwhal vinyl polaroid direct trade gluten-free. Trust fund farm-to-table fanny pack, freegan tattooed bespoke hoodie kale chips iphone keytar pickled occupy blog 3 wolf moon. PBR cardigan VHS trust fund, 3 wolf moon high life pickled vinyl brunch hella marfa lo-fi.
bmxer image
The Different Species
is it a bird?
bmx bike
bmx bike
is it a bird?
The roadie The Different Species
Ethical gentrify put a bird on it thundercats, bushwick trust fund salvia fixie odd future viral. Hella wayfarers forage, american apparel farmto-table put a bird on it synth terry richardson portland DIY. Squid small batch cliche sustainable vice gentrify, biodiesel narwhal blog ethical pop-up ennui. Salvia farm-to-table truffaut, williamsburg biodiesel kogi fixie post-ironic umami small batch. Mixtape cosby sweater organic skateboard, narwhal vinyl polaroid direct trade gluten-free. Trust fund farm-to-table fanny pack, freegan tattooed bespoke hoodie kale chips iphone keytar pickled occupy blog 3 wolf moon. PBR cardigan VHS trust fund, 3 wolf moon high life pickled vinyl brunch hella marfa lo-fi.
roadie image
The Different Species
is it a bird?
roadie bike
roadie bike
is it a bird?
The dirt jumper The Different Species
Ethical gentrify put a bird on it thundercats, bushwick trust fund salvia fixie odd future viral. Hella wayfarers forage, american apparel farmto-table put a bird on it synth terry richardson portland DIY. Squid small batch cliche sustainable vice gentrify, biodiesel narwhal blog ethical pop-up ennui. Salvia farm-to-table truffaut, williamsburg biodiesel kogi fixie post-ironic umami small batch. Mixtape cosby sweater organic skateboard, narwhal vinyl polaroid direct trade gluten-free. Trust fund farm-to-table fanny pack, freegan tattooed bespoke hoodie kale chips iphone keytar pickled occupy blog 3 wolf moon. PBR cardigan VHS trust fund, 3 wolf moon high life pickled vinyl brunch hella marfa lo-fi.
dirt jumper image
The Different Species
is it a bird?
dirt jumper bike
dirt jumper bike
is it a bird?
The Different Species
the hipster the hipster
hipster image
The Different Species
is it a bird?
hipster bike
hipster bike
is it a bird?
The Different Species
spotters notes
The Different Species
is it a bird?
The Different Species
is it a bird?