Experiment Experience
Book Making
目 錄
9 11 17 19 21
About Experimental Book Design Introduction of the Module Learning Methodologies Expressive Folding Dealing with Materials Book Binding
Experience Sharing Book Design Intelligence in Cultural Inheritance - Chan Hei-shing Teaching and Learning: Innovations and Explorations in Book Art - Tiana Wong My Heart Leads Me to Book Design - Sonja Zagermann
51 71 87
Book Making Structural Material Format
Module Development
27 35
XTRA 116
87 71 51
36 28
22 20 18 12 10
4 前言
有關實驗性書籍設計 學科開立目的 學習方法 表現性摺疊法 接觸素材 書籍裝訂法
真實體驗之談 愛書造書 承傳文化ー陳曦成 教學相長推動創新 探 索 書 藝 真 諦 ー 黃 天 盈( 天 藍 ) 書 籍 設 計 選 擇 了 我 ー Sonja Zagermann
書作業 結構性 材質性 格式性
With technology advancement, our mode of reading has evolved over the past ten years. The creation of ebooks enables us to read with greater convenience. It has overthrown the traditional publishing industry by eliminating the use of paper, printing effort and physical storage.
Foreword For print-book lovers, however, all the merits of ebooks seem irrelevant even though picking out a book for a trip is a real struggle to them. They claim that there is nothing comparable to the smell and touch of print-books. Each book has a unique aroma due to difference in the use of papers and readers’ journey with the book. Some exclusive experiences can solely be provided by reading a printbook: when one is quickly flipping to reveal the hidden mystery in the following page gives utmost excitement while the rustle of the pages as they flip gently through the book with their fingers depicts intellectual gracefulness. These experiences do not just flash by. As books age, printbook lovers pass on their favourite books from generation to generation with all the sweet memories and inspirations gained all along. This is not only sentimental but something rather pragmatic. A study has found that literacy building in children is more effective with parents’ interactive reading using print-books.
前 言
隨著科技的進步,我們的閱讀模式在這 十年間不斷演變。電子書的發明讓閱讀 變得方便,也顛覆了傳統的印刷工業─ ─ 它 不 需 要 紙 張、 印 刷 工 序 和 貯 藏 空 間。 對於實體書迷,在旅遊前經常要面對不 知道要帶走哪本書的選擇困難,但電子 書的各種好處,對他們來說卻是事不關 己。他們認為實體書的書香和感官體驗 是無可比擬的。每本書因著不同的紙質 及伴隨閱讀者的經歷,都會有與別不同 的氣味。書迷急不及待地翻開書頁時帶 來的刺激感、漫不經心地掀開書頁時伴 隨優雅的「沙沙」聲,一切都是閱讀實 體書的專享體驗。 這些體驗並不會一閃即逝,當書本隨年 月而泛黃,書迷與書本的甜蜜回憶和從 中得到的啟發將會代代相傳。這不單是 情 感 的 投 放, 更 有 著 實 際 的 考 量。 有 研究顯示,父母利用實體書進行互動閱 讀,有助促進小朋友的語言發展。
� 言
The distinctive features of print-books not only limit to tangibility but also its diversity. Unlike ebooks, which completely depend on the designs of our electronic devices, print-books can be in countless different styles. Pop-up books, for instance, can hide a threedimensional building, turning your imagination of Eiffel Tower into paper form. With creative concepts and meaning behind, a print-book is an art piece with identity which constitutes ultimate uniqueness. Despite cost effectiveness and environmental awareness lead to the challenges of print-book design, the irreplaceable physical and sensual experience has made way for print-books to stay with the ebook trends. After all, the evolution of paper and printing, as an essential part in the history of humanity, is something that cannot be easily substituted.
實 體 書 的 獨 特 性 不 止 可 見 於 它 的 存 在 感,
更 體 現 於 它 的 千 變 萬 化。 有 別 於 電 子 書 依
賴 電 子 裝 置 的 設 計 所 限, 實 體 書 可 以 各 種
各 樣 的 形 式 呈 現。 以 立 體 書 為 例, 它 可 將
立 體 建 築 物 收 入 書 中, 把 你 所 幻 想 的 埃 菲
爾 鐵 塔 躍 然 於 紙。 有 了 創 作 概 念 和 靈 感,
就 能 賦 予 實 體 書 生 命, 從 而 令 書 本 變 得 獨 一無二。
戰, 但 憑 著 無 可 替 代 的 感 官 觸 覺, 仍 能 在
電 子 書 潮 流 中 屹 立 不 倒。 畢 竟, 紙 張 和 印
刷 術 的 演 變 是 人 文 歷 史 上 的 一 個 重 要 基 礎,
About Experimental Book Design
有 關 實 驗 性 書 籍 設 計
有 關 實 驗 性 書 籍 設 計
Introduction of the Module “Book” can be loosely defined as a vehicle for visual or verbal content that is organised into sections. Oxford dictionary defines a book as simple as “a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers”. As early as 3000 BC in Mesopotamia, people used calamus as an instrument in the form of triangle writing tools to craft on moist clay tablets to make characters and marks. The tablets were then dried out and fired to become harden tablet books. In China, the invention of book has always been very experimental. Writing on bones, shells, woods and silk had existed in China long before 200 BC. Paper was invented in China around the first century AD. The discovery of the papermaking process using barks of the blackberry bushes is attributed to Cai Lun. Text was transferred and reproduced by engraved woodblocks. This was one of the earliest mass production printing methods. The creativity replaced scrolls bound at one edge to become “butterfly books”. Historically, the physical form of Chinese books has undergone lots of interesting and drastic changes involving the use of materials, binding and production. Using different materials for different production methods and technologies construct various book forms, constantly breaking through the traditions and create innovations. This is the reason for the introduction of the module of Experimental Book Design. 9
About Experimental Book Design
紙 張 通 過 黏 貼 或 蓬 合、 邊 脊 捆 綁
書 寫 或 印 刷 而 成 的 作 品, 當 中 的
語 言 整 合 成 章 的 工 具。 牛 津 字 典
傳 統, 創 新 領 域。 而 這 正 是 實 驗 性 書 籍
可 營 造 出 千 變 萬 化 的 形 態, 不 斷 地 突 破
訂 上 都 經 歷 了 很 多 有 趣 而 重 大 的 轉 變,
一 直 以 來, 書 的 形 態 在 物 料、 製 作 和 裝
卷 裝 的 竹 簡, 成 為 打 開 時 有 如 蝴
大 量 印 刷 方 法。 這 個 創 意 取 代 了
在 紙 上, 是 其 中 一 個 最 早 出 現 的
造 紙 技 術。 雕 刻 文 字 到 木 板 再 印
紀 出 現, 蔡 倫 以 黑 莓 叢 樹 皮 發 明
寫。 紙 張 大 約 在 公 元 後 第 一 個 世
開 始 在 甲 骨、 貝 殼、 木 和 絲 上 書
實 驗 性。 公 元 前 二 百 年, 人 們 已
在 中 國, 書 的 創 造 過 程 一 直 充 滿
濕 潤 的 粘 土 板 刻 上 象 形 和 符 號,
成 一 種 三 角 形 的 書 寫 工 具, 在 仍
美 索 不 達 米 亞, 人 們 利 用 蘆 葦 製
於 封 面 中。 早 於 公 元 前 三 千 年 的
學 科 開 立 目 的
有 關 實 驗 性 書 籍 設 計
Learning Methodologies The module of Experimental Book Design instructed students to question and challenge all kinds of conventions, having an exploratory thought on materials or creative use of techniques. Contrary to commercial production, substantial benefits of this book design module largely came from “experiments”.
About Experimental Book Design
商 業 印 刷, 這 門 書 籍 設 計 學 科 的 重 大 得
的 物 料, 或 是 採 用 創 新 的 技 術。 有 別 於
生 質 疑 和 挑 戰 傳 統, 可 以 是 使 用 突 破 性
學 習 方 法
有 關 實 驗 性 書 籍 設 計
The module was delivered through a series of workshops, assignments and experimental design methodologies, aiming to explore book design in different means of context. Students’ experiences in book craftsmanship were further enriched. The intended learning outcomes of the module are: 1. to identify the relationships between book content and structures; 2. to employ skills and craftsmanship in book binding and enhance book-lovers’ reading experiences through the exploration in materials; 3. to utilise conceptual and visual techniques to fulfill functional, aesthetic and emotional criteria in experimental book formats; and 4. to integrate graphic design and typographic principles for effective communication and publishing feasibility.
About Experimental Book Design
課 程 通 過 一 系 列 工 作 坊、 習 作 及 實
驗, 探 討 書 籍 設 計 的 各 種 模 式, 以
一 辨識書本內容和結構的關係; . 二 學 . 會 裝 訂 技 巧 和 工 藝, 及 通 過 物 料 的 探 索, 進 而 提 升 讀 者 的
三 運 . 用 概 念 和 視 覺 元 素, 滿 足 實 驗 性 書 籍 於 功 能、 美 學 和 情 感
四 結 . 合平面設計和排版印刷的原 則, 達 致 有 效 的 信 息 傳 遞 和 出
Ingenuity Follows Nature Workshop
Workshop by Lu Jing-ren
有 關 實 驗 性 書 籍 設 計
About Experimental Book Design
妙 法 自 然 工 作 坊
呂 敬 人 老 師 工 作 坊
有 關 實 驗 性 書 籍 設 計
Expressive Folding This folding experiment inspired students to question the traditional and artistic reading format. Students were encouraged to explore unconventional book forms and to create overly simplistic or fatalistic books, challenging the traditional ideas about books. The process involved explorations in books, such as rediscovering papers, forms, typographies and so on. Being experimental is the only way to gain reading experiences in an innovative approach.
About Experimental Book Design
是 完 全 隨 心 的 書 籍 作 品, 甚 至 一 本 能
統 的 閱 讀 模 式 提 出 疑 問, 鼓 勵 他 們 探
表 現 性 摺 作 法
有 關 實 驗 性 書 籍 設 計
Dealing with Materials In 2012, Hong Kong Design Centre held a workshop called “Ingenuity Follows Nature (妙法自然)”. The Chinese calligraphy workshop by Mr. Lu Jing-ren inspired us to challenge book structures and forms by using non-paper materials. Students were challenged by stressing the novel renditions of a physical “book” and rediscovered what a “book” is in an offhand manner.
About Experimental Book Design
受「書」, 激發學生對於書本嶄新演
「 妙 法 自 然 」 工 作 坊, 當 中 呂 敬 人
二 零 零 二 年, 香 港 設 計 中 心 舉 辦 了
接 觸 素 材
有 關 實 驗 性 書 籍 設 計
Book Binding Egyptian Coptic-style bookbinding dated back to the second century was taught. Within a three-hour practical workshop, students put their hands together to make a blank book with beautiful continuous patterns. Students were challenged through creating the handmade book with threads and careful techniques. Case binding has been used to bind books for centuries. The construction and production of case bound books is a long process. We emphasised on the key procedures during the workshop. Multitude steps for making a round spin bible-type book were demonstrated. From cutting papers, sewing the tipped-on endpapers, attaching spine linings to the text block, to fitting the text block into its case; every detail deserves our appreciation. 21
Experimental Book Design
及 書 脊 裡, 每 個 細 節 都 值 得 欣
章 節, 到 把 不 同 章 節 黏 到 末 頁
工 序, 從 縫 合 紙 張 成 為 一 個 個
鍵 步 驟。 導 師 在 工 作 坊 示 範 了
結 構 和 製 作 需 要 冗 長 的 工 序,
硬 皮 精 裝 裝 訂 法 源 用 已 久, 其
逢 圖 案 的 線 裝 書。 實 實 在 在 地
貫 穿 整 本 書, 並 製 成 有 漂 亮 串
特裝訂法) , 在三小時的課堂內,
的 線 裝 裝 訂 法( 又 稱 埃 及 科 普
書 籍 裝 訂 法
Mini Book Making Workshop in Taiwan
有 關 實 驗 性 書 籍 設 計
XinYiDai: An International University Students Exchange Exhibi 2014
Book in Time, Hong Kong Book Art Festival 2015
About Experimental Book Design
台 灣 微 形 書 學 堂
像國 藝際 術大 交學 流生 展圖
新 一 代 !
「 書 語 有 時
香 港 書 本 藝 術 節
Experience Sharing To enhance the learning outcomes, several successful book designers and artists were invited to be our teaching partners, sharing their valuable
真 實 體 驗 之 談
experiences in book making.
25 25
26 26
為 提 高 教 學 成 果, 我 們誠意邀請多位出色 書籍設計師及藝術家, 擔任本課程的教學伙 伴, 與 學 生 分 享 寶 貴 的造書心得。
真 實 體 驗 之 談
陳 曦 成
Book Design Intelligence in Cultural Inheritance
承愛 傳書 文造 化書
Words are priceless. How true is this from the reality? We live in an era that outer-beauty always comes first. There is no exception when it comes to books. Using book design to attract consumers is said to be a commercialisation of books. Does this degrade the value of words? Local book designer Chan Hei-shing believes the value of words can only be recognised when a book, as a commodity for sale, was read. However, he uttered, “a book is not only a commodity but cultural inheritance and a medium for knowledge.” Hei-shing, majored in Visual Communication Design at university, has always been regarding Les Suen as his idol. Knowing his idol was the Art Director of Enrich Culture, Hei-shing was dying for a job at the same company and succeeded at last as a freelance book designer for it. Unfortunately, by the time he got in, Les had left the company. The editor-in-chief had been very helpful to give him a chance to design a book called Shaping Japan by Tong Ching-siu of which Les was the design director. Hei-shing said he had learnt a lot from the experience, “This is so amazing! Les Suen’s design is a breakthrough from routine and this inspired me that books can have boundless possibilities.” 27
Chan Hei-shing Experience Sharing
年 代, 利 用 書 籍 設 計 將 文 本 商 業 化。
吸 引 讀 者 購 買, 是 否 貶 低 了 文 字 的 價
值呢 ? 本地書籍設計師陳曦成坦言,
書 本 是 商 品, 當 書 本 被 買 回 去 閱 讀,
品 , 更是 「文化的傳承 , 知識的載
監 孫 浚 良 為 偶 像, 幾 經 努 力 後 獲 得 以
自 由 身 的 身 份, 為 該 出 版 社 設 計 書
設 計 總 監、 湯 禎 兆 著 的《 整 形 日 本 》
益 良 多,「 我 覺 得 好 amazing (了不 起)!孫浚良的設計完全打破印刷業
的 routine (常規),讓我發現其實書 可以有無限可能性。」
真 實 體 驗 之 談
Integrating book art into design Shortly after he started working, Hei-shing decided to become a designer specialising in
陳 曦 成
book design. “People thought I have limited myself too soon but I believe that book design is an area which can be explored endlessly.”
he learnt to use different structures, forms and materials to make books. “There is no difference between books and other art forms such as sculptures and paintings. They are all art pieces
The book jacket, the inner cover and the folded flaps of The Tale of Three Citie use laser-cut effect to represent Taipei, Shenzhen and Hong Kong, displaying the interaction and comparison among the three cities.
《三城記》的封套、封面、 摺 翼, 表 現 出 不 同 形 態 的 台 北、 深 圳、 香 港 三 個 城 市,立 體 地 展 現 出
for a master programme in book art in which
Hei-shing went all the way to the UK in 2007
created through the sensational experiences of artists. The only difference is the medium.”
In one of Hei-shing’s books POP-
He has gradually become a book artist and
UP LONDON: exploring the secret
continued to deepen his understanding of book
of Book Arts published in 2009,
art so as to unearth every possibility.
he mentioned his doubt, “Do we have to draw a clear line between
The most common question that goes to
design and art?” As he explores
Hei-shing is the difference between his two
more, he realises book art can
identities. He thinks that book artists have more
be integrated into book design
room for creative ideas as they can involve in
even if there are fundamental
the creation process from brainstorming ideas
differences between the two.
to crafting the actual pieces. Book designers,
Through aesthetic presentation,
however, may not enjoy this freedom as they
the book content can be solidly
are bounded by the content of books and need
developed and emphasised by
to take care of requests from authors, editors
pop art, the new medium.
and publishers.
Chan Hei-shing Experience Sharing
零 七 年, 曦 成 到 英 國 進 修 書 籍 藝 術 碩 士 課 程, 學
最 重 要 的 部 份, 再 構 思 最 合 適 的 方 式 表
計 為 文 本 add value ( 提 升 價 值 )。」曦 成 習 慣 先 消 化 整 本 書 的 文 字, 然 後 萃 取
與 雕 塑、 繪 畫 等 藝 術 形 式 沒 太 大 分 別, 都 是 藝 術 家 對 世 界 感 知 轉 化 而 成 的 藝 術 品, 只 是 載 體 不 一 樣。」曦成從此多了一個書籍藝術家的身份, 深入
計 過 最 滿 意 的 商 業 作 品。 此 書 透 過 訪 問
對 於 被 問 及 藝 術 家 與 書 籍 設 計 師 之 別, 曦 成 認 為
進入老舍一生的傷感情懷, 「書的首頁是
白 灰 作 主 調, 並 透 過 視 覺 歷 程 帶 領 讀 者
一 事, 從 而 探 索 其 心 路 歷 程。 作 品 以 黑
老 舍 身 邊 的 人, 口 述 老 舍 於 太 平 湖 自 盡 前 者 的 創 作 空 間 相 對 較 大, 由 構 思 到 完 成 過 程,
太 平 湖 的 黑 白 照, 湖 的 景 象 在 接 下 來 的 曦 成 曾 在 著 作《 英 倫 書 藝 之 旅 》 提 問 :「 設 計 與
三 個 對 版 逐 頁 收 窄, 將 老 舍 由 眼 望 太 平 藝 術 之 間 的 界 線, 真 的 要 畫 得 這 麼 清 楚 嗎?」 在
終 前 大 量 flashback (回閃影像) , 包括 出 生、 結 婚、 生 兒 育 女、 與 藝 文 好 友 相 互 相 融 和, 以 大 眾 藝 術 作 為 書 的 表 現 媒 界 , 透 過 美學,將文本的主題更立體地延伸。
聚等;繼而一片嫣紅, 代表死亡, 然後
接 觸 和 發 掘 愈 多 後, 他 發 現 兩 者 雖 有 不 同, 卻 可
均 一 手 包 辦, 後 者 則 較 為 被 動, 需 要 配 合 作 者、
榮獲 HKDA 「環球設計大獎 2013 」優異 獎 的《 老 舍 之 死 : 口 述 實 錄 》 是 曦 成 設
曦 成 認 為「 做 靚 本 書 」 是 設 計 師 的 基 本
提 升 文 本 價
工 作 不 久 後, 曦 成 決 心 要 成 為 一 名 專 攻 書 籍 設 計
精 心 設 計
責 任,「 但 更 重 要 的 是, 要 透 過 書 籍 設
也 可 互 相 融 和
的 設 計 師, 外 人 覺 得 他 局 限 了 自 己 , 但 他 卻 認 為 ,
設 計 藝 術
真 實 體 驗 之 談
陳 曦 成
Design to add value
Role model in promoting book design
It is a basic responsibility of a book
During the preparation of BOOK
designer to “make books beautiful”. “Yet,
ARTS TAIPEI, Hei-shing interviewed
most importantly, a book designer should
many Taiwanese book designers
add value to the content.” Hei-shing has
and book artists. He admitted that
developed a habit to digest all the words of a
compared to Taiwan, Hong Kong’s
book, extract the essence and find the most
book design is lagging behind. Worse
suitable way to present the book content.
still, potential elites are not attracted
He does more than an ordinary packaging
to the industry due to the low pay,
task, which is making the books “pretty”.
which developed a vicious cycle. This stimulates Hei-shing’s sense
Among all his commercial works, The Death
of mission to improve the current
of Lao She, awarded Merit (book) in HKDA
situation as he said, “It all starts from
Global Design Awards in 2013, is Hei-shing’s
myself which I always enhance my
favourite. It is a book that records the
own designs. This shows how much I
oral history about Lao’s suicide at Taiping
love the industry and when you love
Lake, reported by people surrounding him.
what you are doing, you will do a
Through the series of interviews, Lao’s
great job.”
mentality of his last stage of life is explored.
Apart from that, Hei-shing also
Black, white and grey are used as the main
spends half of his time on educating
colour tone. Through sequence of paper,
people about book design and book
he leads readers to the Lao’s sentimental
art though lectures and talks. He
life. “Turning into the first page, it shows
teaches book design courses and
a black and white photo of Taiping Lake
book binding workshops in various
where Lao committed suicide. By shrinking
local education institutes. The works
the pictures of the Lake in the next three
from his students often surprise him
folds, visual images from Lao’s perspective
as he said, “Among those, there are
of approaching the Lake from closing his
unconventional designs that provoke
eyes to actually jumping in are shown. This
your thought.” He enjoys teaching
is further comprehended by other photos
as he believes it is not only about
of the famous writer, flashing back his life
passing on skills and knowledge but
including birth, marriage, his children and
also a good opportunity to explore
moments with his friends. This introduction
the value of books with students.
is concluded with a red double page spread and the content of interviews follows.”
Chan Hei-shing Experience Sharing
人。 他 坦 言 , 香 港 書 籍 設 計 的 美 感 質 素
的 平 面 , 而 是 實 在 、 立 體、 有 深
能 屹 立 不 倒, 因 為 書 本 並 非 單 一
電 子 書 發 展 熾 熱, 然 而 實 體 書 仍
大家的思維。」他享受教學的過程, 「因
坊, 學 生 作 品 時 常 為 他 帶 來 驚 喜,「 當
書 籍 設 計 和 書 籍 藝 術。 曦 成 在 香 港 各 大
另 外, 曦 成 也 花 一 半 時 間 做 教 育 推 廣 的
做得好就自然『搵到食』啦 ! 」
使 命 感, 盼 望 一 點 一 滴 改 變 現 況。「 首
對「較難搵食」,未必吸引到精英入行, 度 的 載 體, 可 以 釋 放 無 限 想 像、
比 台 灣 的 落 後, 加 上 書 籍 設 計 在 本 港 相
曦成在籌備《台北書藝之旅》的過程中, 在 網 絡 發 達、 資 訊 爆 炸 的 年 代,
推 動 書 籍 設 計
曦成重視書籍設計的每一 個細節,利用書口的空間,
Hei-shing values every detail of book design and fully utilised the fore edge to represent the subject in a dynamic way.
以 身 作 則
真 實 體 驗 之 談
陳 曦 成
Awarded YIC Hong Kong Young Design Talent Award Published POP-UP LONDON: exploring the secret of Book Arts One of the winners in the “Second Young Writers’ Debut Competition” 2010 Awarded Swatch Young Illustrators Award 2010 – Book Art: Moon. Under. Alone. Drink. 2011-14 Book Designer at Joint Publishing (H.K.) 2014 Awarded Merit (book) in HKDA Global Design Awards 2013: The Death of Lao She 2015 Hei-shing, Chan’s Solo Book Design Exhibition at Page One (HK)
陳曦成 書籍設計師/書籍藝術家/香港理工大學設計學院客席講師 香港理工大學視覺傳達設計(一級榮譽)學士 倫敦藝術大學坎伯韋藝術學院書籍藝術(一等)碩士
2006 2009
年 榮獲 YIC 青年設計才俊大獎 2006 年 出版《英倫書藝之旅》 2009 成為「第二屆年輕作家比賽」得獎作家 年 憑《月下獨酌》奪德國 大獎 2010 Swatch Young Illustrators Award 2010 – Book Art 年 擔任三聯書店書籍設計師 2011-14 年 憑《老舍之死:口述實錄》獲「香港設計師協會環球設計大獎 2013 」 ( HKDAGDA ) 2014 書籍設計類優異獎 年 於香港 Page One 書店首辦個人展「陳曦成書籍設計展」 2015
Hei-shing, Chan Book Designer/ Book Artist / Guest Lecturer at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Bachelor of Visual Communication Design (First Honors), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Master of Book Art at Camberwell College of Arts (With Distinction), Camberwell College of Arts, University of the Arts London
曦 成 愛 書, 不單兼任書 籍設計師與 藝 術 家, 也
Hei-shing loves books. Not only a book designer and an artist, he is also a writer.
Experience Sharing
Chan Hei-shing
曦 成 兩 次 到 訪 本 學 院, 向 學 生 分 享 造 書
心得,並指導及示範裝訂技巧。 Hei-shing values every detail of book design and fully utilised the fore edge to represent the subject in a dynamic way.
真 實 體 驗 之 談
黃 天 盈
Are books always with words? Do books have a fixed shape? Do we always open books by flipping? Endeavoring in promoting book art, Tiana Wong, Chairperson of Hong Kong Miniature
The luxuriously curated miniature books are collectable.
Book Association, said the answers to these questions might vary but it is not the answers that matter. Since 2012, she has been partnering with numerous local artists in publishing Eggwich (Mini Zine). Through creating miniature book, Tiana explores and rethinks what book art really is with her readers.
Tiana is a local book artist who loves “Producing a miniature book is not writing and painting. Handcraft book only about cutting and pasting is her main medium of art creation. papers together but solid foundation Ever since she has published and of skills.” This thought prompted exhibited her first handcraft book, Tiana’s trips to places around the Crawl, she became addicted to it. world, visiting famous paper artists, Next year, her second book, Family to deepen her knowledge in binding Biscuit, was well-received. She then methods and skills. partnered with Kubrick and published the miniature version of Crawl. 35
探教 索學 書相 藝長 真推 諦動 創 新 Teaching and Learning: Innovations and Explorations in Book Art
「書」一定有字嗎 ?「書」一定有固定形狀嗎 ?「書」一定可以揭嗎 ?
,透過迷你書,跟讀者一起探索和思考 本地藝術家合作出版《蛋誌》 書籍藝術到底是甚麼一回事。
本 地 書 籍 藝 術 家 天 藍 , 熱 愛 寫 作 及 繪 畫, 現 以 手 造 書 作 為 主 要 創 作 媒
介。二零零六年首次出版手造書《爬》,並於書店展覽,自此「上了癮」 ,
零七年的手造罐裝書《家庭什餅》引起不少迴響, 一二年與 書店合作出版《爬》迷你版。
有 多 年 教 授 書 籍 裝 訂( book binding ) 經 驗 的 天 藍 提 醒,「 造 迷 你 書 不是隨便剪剪貼貼便行, 需要的是紮實的基礎。」於是天藍先後跑到
Tiana, Wong Experience Sharing
真 實 體 驗 之 談
The birth of Eggwich During her stay in Tokyo, Tiana found out that book stores put miniature books inside toy capsules and sell
黃 天 盈
them in gashapons, vending machinedispensed capsule toys. Content of the books is mainly for advertising purpose. This inspired her to consider the possibility of doing the same in Hong Kong, “Can we even make this not just a tool of promotion but a direct selling of miniature books?” Tiana put words into action as soon as she returned to Hong Kong. She collaborated with seven artists for the first issue of Eggwich. The mini zine is to promote miniature book art and also the idea that small-scaled productions can be as serious and high quality as “big” publication projects. They first introduced Eggwich to a fair and the reaction turned out to be unexpectedly good with eighty books sold out in a blink. Another batch of books was produced the following day and also sold out quickly. Tiana and her partners were so delighted towards this tremendous result.
Coins in, surprises come. Eggwich (Mini Zine) is a breakthrough from books’ original form, redefining “book”.
「行」 、「碎」等, 每期八款迷你書以不同形式呈現在讀者眼
不 一 定 有 字 , 也 不 一 定 用 紙 製, 只 要 能 說 服 自 己、 說 服 讀
者那是「書」 ,那便是「書」了。「探索書籍藝術的無限可能,
主動聯絡如 Kubrick 等藝文書店寄賣, 讓迷你書扭蛋機正式 進駐香港, 現在不單香港,《蛋誌》在台灣也有寄賣點;並
本來只屬實驗性質的《蛋誌》, 愈做愈有規模, 後來他們更
且 吸 引 多 位 本 地 藝 術 家 加 入《 蛋 誌 》 的 創 作 團 隊, 至 今 恆
他們最初把《蛋誌》拿到市集擺賣時,並沒有抱太大期望, 仔,再次全數售罄,令天藍與拍檔們興奮不已 !
作出第一期 《蛋誌》, 推廣迷你書藝, 帶出「出版不一定
接出售書籍,而非只賣廣告嗎 ? 」
成 就 無 限 可 能
挑 戰 傳 統
前, 挑 戰 傳 統 思 維。 天 藍 說, 《 蛋 誌 》 沒 有 特 定 的 形 式,
的 誕 生
主,於是她忽發奇想,「在香港可行嗎 ? 甚至以這方式直
蛋 誌 放入錢幣,扭出無限驚喜。
Tiana, Wong Experience Sharing
真 實 體 驗 之 談
Exploring book art boundlessly to challenge the tradition Eggwich is published bi-monthly. Each issue has a distinct theme focusing on a single Chinese character such as “初”, “行” and “碎” (the equivalent
黃 天 盈
English meanings for these four Chinese characters are “first”, “work” and “fragment”). There are eight different versions created for each issue, challenging our traditional perception of a book. “As long as you can convince yourself and your readers that it is a book, regardless of its shape, medium and content, it is!” Tiana continued, “I’m thrilled when I’m exploring the endless possibility of book art!” Eggwich was experimental at the beginning but the scale has grown over the time. Tiana and her friends then took the initiative to contact local book stores. The vending machine dispensing miniature books in the form of toy capsules was officially introduced to the Hong Kong market. The network has even expanded to Taiwan. Many local artists have involved in Eggwich’s production and more
Tiana’s studio is miniature just like the books she creates but abounds in content.
than twenty of them participate regularly. Continued practices and creations generate the momentum in miniature book production.
The key to advancement: curiosity with humility Being a book art instructor, Tiana is convinced that learning is life-long. Everyone can be a mentor of others. “Students may not be as skillful as me and sometimes they may not know the ‘proper’ binding methods. Yet, beyond my imagination, they can always bind books successfully in creative ways, which inspires me a lot.”
作 為 書 藝 導 師 的 天 藍 深 信 學 無 止 境, 每 人
學 生, 去 學 那 些 看 似 與 書 藝 無 關 的 技
心 學 習 新 知 識, 即 使 是 同 一 種 製 本 技
的 裝 訂 方 法, 但 他 們 會 運 用 天 馬 行 空 的 想 像力, 把書裝訂而成,為我帶來啟發。」
皇 室 御 用 修 復 專 家 的「 書 醫 生 」 李 瑞
何 謂 書 籍 藝 術? 書 為 何 物?「 書 」, 對
雲 老 師。 她 認 為 知 識 可 以 觸 類 旁 通, 透過持續的練習及創作,天藍反覆思考
技巧愈熟練, 愈容易因此而限制了作品的 「其實了解書籍修復機器的運用,有助
學 攝 影、 學 織 布、 學 裱 國 畫, 不 斷 豐 富 自
的 天 藍, 仍 然 時 刻 保 持 謙 卑 的 心, 虛
製 作 手 造 書 籍 近 十 年、 學 生 不 計 其 數
天 藍 深 信 任 何 知 識 都 是 創 作 的 營 養, 她 去 己 內 在, 為 的 是 造 更 好 的 書 。 她 時 常 告 訴
變化,所以我會保持好奇心,甚麼都學。」 我改善使用裝訂機器的技術。」
天藍時刻要求自己的作品保持獨特性, 「但
天 藍 珍 惜 書 本, 專 誠 求 教 於 師 承 英 國
我的熟練,有時他們未必懂得採用『正式』 這是「造書人」必經之路,別無捷徑。 師 重 新 學 習,「 直 至 現 在 我 也 會 報 讀 基
巧, 實 際 上 是 不 停 為 自 己 灌 溉 養 份 ;
為 造 更 好 書 藝
也可以是其他人的導師, 「學生技巧上不比
好 奇 謙 卑 天藍的工作室麻雀雖小,但五臟俱全。
Tiana, Wong Experience Sharing
真 實 體 驗 之 談
Tiana always reminds herself to create theories. “By knowing how to use book every piece with uniqueness. “The more restoration machines, I have improved my skillful you are, the more limitation you skill in using binding machines, too.’ may add to your creation. That’s why I
黃 天 盈
always keep my curiosity to learn new Handcrafting books for almost ten years things.” Tiana considers any knowledge and being followed by numerous students, and skill nutrition to creations. She Tiana is still a humble learner. She is eager picked up photography, knitting and to pick up new skills. For one specific skill, framing Chinese paintings, which seem she would learn from different teachers or unrelated to book art. Yet indeed, Tiana even study it all over again with the same has been absorbing them as nutrients, teacher. “I am still enrolling in foundation which in return enrich her inner self classes sometimes since I see it as a good for better book creations. There is no opportunity to refresh my knowledge, shortcut for a good book-maker.
inspire and motivate myself.”
As a book-lover, Tiana found Jennifer Lee, Through continued practices and creations, a restoration specialist, whose mentor Tiana has been ruminating over what has been employed by the British Royal book art is and what a book is. And now, Family, and learnt restoration skills from the question goes back to you, “What is a her. Tania believes knowledge can be ‘book’?” comprehended by exploring related
2011 2012 2013 2014
Published her first handcraft book Crawl Published handcraft book Family Biscuit Founded Zaa Magazine with her brother, served as Art Director Published Room in Checks which was exhibited at Hong Kong House of Stories in Blue House Published Crawl (Mini Version) Founded Eggwich (Mini Zine) Published Crawl (E-Book Version) Curated the first Hong Kong Book Art Festival
黃天盈(天藍) 書籍藝術家 澳洲皇家理工學院藝術文學士(主修繪畫) 香港中文大學藝術文學碩士
2006 2007
年 出版第一本手造書《爬》 2006 年 出版手造罐裝書《家庭什餅》 2007 與胞弟共同創辦免費雜誌《咱》並擔任美術總監 年 出版《室。格》並於藍屋香港故事館展出 2011 年 推出《爬》迷你版 2012 創辦《蛋誌》扭蛋迷你雙月誌 年 出版《爬》電子書 2013 年 策劃首屆香港書本藝術節 2014
Tiana Wong Book Artist Master of Arts (Fine Art), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art), RMIT University, Australia
Experience Sharing
Tiana, Wong
Students has learnt to make use of various binding methods and machines at Tiana’s workshop.
真 實 體 驗 之 談
Sonja Zagermann
“You have to find what your heart beats for, get pleasure, learn from it and grow with it,” Sonja Zagermann, a Swiss independent editorial designer with a focus on book design, reminded the young people. She had decided to work with books since her college years. The process of making a book can be tough, but, she is always excited to explore the best possibilities of a book in relation to the content. “Designing a book is a long process and you need to be patient. You need to consider a lot of things when you design.” Sonja believes a good book designer wisely determines the physical appearance of a book by not only creating the cover and spin, but also setting formats and grids for all pages, utilising appropriate typographies, positioning illustrations and captions, choosing paper types, binding and printing methods, and you name it. “Everything is as a whole, you can’t take any part out.” Sonja always tries to focus on only one project at one time to achieve high quality works. She spends months and even longer throughout days and nights on a single project. She realised overtime works and nightshifts resulting in physical and mental stress are acute and profound problems for a lot of people in today’s society. She questioned herself, “How stress and our modern work life influences the design process and its outcome?” This question is further examined with the help of self-experimentation and self-analysis. Consequence of her investigations is a manifesto entitled Slow Design, which criticises the performance orientation of today’s society.
Slow Design /2012 The analysis shows that the investigated stress factors have no positive effect on the design process.
選書 擇籍 了設 我計 My Heart Leads Me to Book Design
容 易, 但 她 總 是 樂 於 探 索 書 的 可 能 性, 以 最 佳 的 方 式
瑞 士 獨 立 書 籍 編 輯 設 計 師 Sonja Zagermann 自大學 時 期 已 立 志 成 為 書 籍 設 計 師, 雖 然 製 作 書 的 過 程 並 不
到 現 今 社 會 上, 很 多 人 因 為 超 時 或 長 時
作 ; 她 花 上 幾 個 月, 甚 至 更 長 時 間 日 以
務 求 令 作 品 能 以 最 佳 質 素 示 人, Sonja 盡量在同一時間只專心處理一本書的製
一 書, 批 評 當 今 社 會 的 績 效 導 Design 向現象。
進 行 一 系 列 的 自 我 實 驗 與 分 析, Sonja 並 將 其 資 料 結 集 整 理, 設 計 了 Slow
間工作, 導致身心健康出現問題, 引發
繼夜, 只為完成一個設計項目。 她意識
表達書的內容。 Sonja 提醒年輕人:「聆聽自己的內心, 可找到喜樂的節拍,從中學習與成長。」 「 書 籍 設 計 是 一 個 漫 長 的 過 程, 設 計 者 不 能 粗 之 過 急, 要保持耐性。」 Sonja 認 為 書 籍 設 計 講 求 整 體 協 調, 書 籍 設 計 師 需 要 考 慮 的 東 西 很 多, 從 設 計 書 封 及 書 脊 以 決 定 書 的 外 表、 整 理 所 有 圖 文 資 料 為 內 頁 排 版, 到 選 擇 合 適 的 紙 材、 印 刷 和 裝 訂 方 法 等 等, 每 一 部 份 都 應 該一脈相承。
Slow Design / 2012 分 析 顯 示, 壓 力對設計過程 並沒有正面的 影響。
Sonja Zagermann Experience Sharing
真 實 體 驗 之 談
Fancy books = beautiful books? Sonja's books fink twice 501-503 paperback series, in collaboration with Georg Rutishauser, were awarded in the competition “The Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2014”. She stressed, “A beautiful book is not only about the appearance
Sonja Zagermann
of the book, it should be an interesting one which expresses the content in a right way.” Indeed, the awarded books do not come with fancy covers nor sophisticated layouts. The paperback series is a black and white reprint of existing books, with less complicated designs, questioning the “beautiful forms” in relation to the content. Sonja smiled, “It is interesting that the books questioning the form and beauty of books are recognised as ‘one of the most beautiful books’.”
Keys to success? Patience and endeavours.
Fink twice 501-503 / 2014 This series, in collaboration with Georg Rutishauser, is awarded “The Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2014" and “Best Book Design from All Over the World".
In her early 30s, Sonja has already become a book design. She was requested to well-recognised designer. Yet, the road to be create a manual about recycling. She an awarded designer was not as smooth as did not know what she should do at the we might think. Sonja had always wanted to beginning, and hence she spent a really study graphic designs but she didn’t make it long time on researching and in the end so she did art history instead. However, she decided to make a book about Ikebana, had never given up and with her patience, a traditional Japanese art of flower she successfully got into a design school arrangement, which is also a form of after a few semesters.
recycling. Nevertheless, she still had no idea what to being with her design. “I
In 2008, Sonja designed her first book, told myself not to be panic; I thought Die seltsamen Blüten der Spülbürsten. over and over, and finally, created a “Designing that book was a horrible process,” satisfying book.” she recalled the feeling of making her first
Die seltsamen Blüten der Spülbürsten / 2008 全 書 共 分 三 章 : 一· 插 花
及其作 Stephanie Senge
的 歷 史 ; 二· 花 道 藝 術 家
品 介 紹 ; 三· DIY 製作介 紹。 三個章節的文字,分 別 以 三 個 不 同 方 向 排 版, 讀者只需把書本旋轉九十 度便可閱讀另一章節,而 每頁均印上插花圖像。
Fink twice 501-503 / 2014 此 系 列 由 Sonja 與 Georg 聯 合 製 作, Rutishauser 並 榮 獲「 2014 年瑞士最 美麗書籍」及「世界最佳 書籍設計獎」。
與 Sonja
聯手為瑞士出版 Georg Rutishauser
社 edition fink 設 計 的 fink twice 501-503 平 裝 書 系 列, 於 二 零 一 四 年 獲 選 為「 瑞 士 最 美
不 僅 是 外 觀 漂 亮, 而 是 通 過 設 計, 使 用 最 合
列 作 品 是 已 出 版 書 籍 的 再 版, 並 沒 有 亮 麗 的
配 以 簡 單 的 設 計, 而 出 版 目 的 正 是 要 對 書 籍
設 計 美 學 及 其 表 達 形 式 提 出 疑 問。 Sonja 笑 言 :「 這 份 質 疑 何 謂『 美 麗 的 書 』 的 作 品 竟
然獲選為『最美麗書籍』 ,真有意思 !」
積極修讀多個相關的課程, 包括藝術史, 最
像中那樣順利。 Sonja 一直想修讀平面設計, 雖然最初並沒有考上, 但她沒有因此而放棄,
剛三十出頭的 Sonja ,在設計界已榮獲多個國 際獎項,但踏上書籍設計師之路並沒有我們想
打 開 成 功 之 門
Die seltsamen Blüten der Spülbürsten / 2008 The book consists of three chapters: 1. the history of Ikebana, 2. Stephanie Senge, an Ikebana artist and her works, and 3. a DIY chapter. All chapters begin on the first page, the text is rotated by 90 degrees from chapter to chapter, and each page shows an image of Ikebana.
花 巧 就 是 美 ? 憑 耐 心 與 決 心
Sonja Zagermann Experience Sharing
年, Sonja 完成了她 2008 首 個 作 品 Die seltsamen
。 Blüten der Spülbürsten 她憶述起:「設計這本書
Sonja Zagermann 獨立書籍編輯設計師 德國普福爾茨海姆應用技術大學視覺傳達設計學士 瑞士蘇黎世藝術大學編輯設計碩士
「瑞士最美麗書籍」 、 「德國最美麗書籍」及 「世界最佳書籍設計獎」
年 擔任瑞士出版社 edition fink 書籍編輯設計師 2013-14 年 作品分別榮獲多個獎項,包括 2014
年至今 為總部設於北京的非商業藝術項目交流平台 2014 ,設計展覽海報及出版刊物 I: project space 年至今 為 》創作新設計 2015 瑞士藝術雜誌《 L'Officiel Art
Editorial Designer at Edition Fink Designs awarded in the competitions “The Most Beautiful Swiss Books”, “The Most Beautiful German Books” and “Best Book Design from all over the World” 2014 – ongoing Designs exhibition poster and publications for I:project space, a platform for non-commercial art projects based in Beijing 2015 – ongoing Designs for the Swiss Art Magazine L’Officiel Art
起 初, 她 腦 海 一 片 空 白,
2013-14 2014
Sonja Zagermann Independent Editorial Designer Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communications, Hochschule Pforzheim University Master of Arts in Editorial Design, Zurich University of the Arts
語: 生け花)強調自然生
態循環, 所以決定以此為
題。 然而, 當時缺乏經驗
的 她 完 全 不 知 從 何 入 手。
反 覆 思 量 後 才 著 手 設 計,
Sonja Zagermann
真 實 體 驗 之 談
Experience Sharing
Sonja Zagermann
向學生分享創作心得, 並悉心指 Sonja 導學生完成他們的作品。
Being inspired by Sonja’s experience, students finished their productions under Sonja’s guidance.
Book Making The module was delivered through, apart from teaching theories, a series of experimental workshops of various design methods such as “Ingenuity Follows Nature” workshop about using different materials, expressive folding and different book binding methods. Students’ experiences in book design were further enriched, eventually resulting in numerous excellent works.
坊, 利 用 如 表 現 性 摺 作 法、「 妙
法自然 」素材工作坊 、 各種書籍
書 作 業
書 作 業
Dong Feng Po, an ancient poem, which expresses the poet’s nostalgia of precious moments in parting. The 結 構 性
book is box-formed which indicates memories. The cover is referenced by the shapes and designs of Chinese carved window grilles. Texts in black represent heaviness and sadness, texts in white represent desolateness while faded texts represent the fleeting time. There are three layers. The first two layers are opened step by step, from right then from bottom, to “lift up the memories”. At the second layer, knots on the first page represent the “hidden scars” in the poem, a carved window grille graphic in the middle represent disconnection, graphics of fallen flowers in
Dong Feng Po Unfold the memories layer by layer Open Call Finalist, “Book in Time” Hong Kong Book Art Festival 2015
running water represent the ever-lost time. At the third layer, for chorus, is organ-formed with four red lines corresponding to the strings of a pipa. Readers flipping over the book as if the poet is recalling his memories while listening to the music.
Lai Lok-yi, Don Tong Chi-wing
唐紫泳 黎樂兒
201公 5 開徵集入圍作品
現,拉 頁 中 之 紅 線 模 擬 琵 琶 的 四 根 弦, 牽 起 書 頁
去 不 返 的 時 間。 第 三 層 即 副 歌 部 分 , 以 風 琴 頁 表
置中窗花圖案代表隔膜, 落花流水的影像代表一
憶」 )。第二層首頁的繩結代表詩中所述的 「心結」,
上 下 」 的 步 驟 掀 頁, 逐 步 打 開 書 本( 即「掀 起 回
層, 分 別 代 表 三 段 歌 詞, 首 兩 層 以「 先 右 左 , 後
涼;褪色的字, 則表示時間的消逝。 本書分為三
書中用了黑字, 代表沈重、 憂傷;白字, 代表淒
對美好時光的緬懷之情。 書的形態以一個盒子呈
《東風破》為古代詩詞, 歌詞表達詞人在別離時,
「 書 語 有 時 」香 港 書 本 藝 術 節
東 風 破
Structural Book Making
書 作 業
結 構 性
Book Making
This book is about a song called How the Steel Was Tempered. The form is inspired by a helmet. In addition to the lyrics, the book also plays with paper arts. The silvery card symbolising a helmet on the book cover and different colours used on each side of the inner papers represent “being soft inside despite one’s hard shell”. Adhesive binding gives the book a pleasing presentation and makes it an art piece. Bidirectional typesetting is used to lead the readers.
How the Steel Was Tempered An art piece with a pleasing presentation Open Call Finalist, “Book in Time” Hong Kong Book Art Festival 2015
Leung Sze-yuet Poon Shuk-kuen
梁詩悅 潘淑娟
書 作 業
結 構 性
201公 5 開徵集入圍作品
現書本的美態, 使書本成為一件藝術品。 設計排
不同色, 製造外剛內柔的感覺。 利用黏貼方法呈
藝創作。 書皮的銀色卡代表頭盔, 內頁採用雙面
態靈感來自頭盔, 除歌詞內容, 本書亦包含了紙
本書是關於《鋼鐵是怎樣鍊成的》一曲, 書的形
「 書 語 有 時 」香 港 書 本 藝 術 節
鋼 鐵 是 怎 樣 煉 成 的
Book Making
書 作 業
The book design is inspired by the lyrics of So Far Yet So Close talking about the distance between adult lovers and 結 構 性
relationship downtimes. To describe love relationships between adults, cowhide is used for book cover while dried parchments, which have been socked in coffee, are used for inner pages. Coffee aroma reminds people of maturity and calmness, creating high-ended appearance and atmosphere. For typesetting, one line of lyrics is printed on each page and various unique designs are used to express each of the lines respectively.
So Far Yet So Close Expressing the love relationship in leather fabric Open Call Finalist, “Book in Time” Hong Kong Book Art Festival 2015
Lo Pui-lam, Lawra Lo Tsz-ling, Winnie
羅佩琳 盧芷齡
那 麼 遠
201公 5 開徵集入圍作品
每頁印上一句歌詞, 並個別加以獨特設計以表達
感覺,營造高格調的外觀和氛圍。 設計排版方面,
的羊皮紙作內頁, 咖啡香味給予人成熟和沈靜的
人 的 愛 情, 因 此 選 用 了 牛 皮 作 封 面 和 浸 泡 過 咖 啡
情 侶 間 的 距 離 及 關 係 的 轉 淡。 本 書 描 寫 的 是 成 年
本書借《這麼近 那麼遠》一曲的歌詞,講述成年
「 書 語 有 時 」香 港 書 本 藝 術 節
這 麼 近 句中意思。
Structural Book Making
書 作 業
結 構 性
Book Making
書 作 業
This book is designed for a song called You Exist In My Song; it is mentioned that love is beautiful yet regrettable in the lyrics. The 結 構 性
heart-shaped book, which symbolises love relationship, is hollowed. A red heart on which the chorus lyrics are written is inserted, meaning that the passion running through the entire relationship never changes. Cardboards are used for inner pages and they are wrapped by cotton embossed paper, representing the loyalty to love. The handwritten music-notes-liked typography gives readers an imagery of lovers singing for each other.
You Exist In My Song Passion (a hanging heart-shaped chorus page) running through the entire relationship (a hollowed heart-shaped book) Open Call Finalist, “Book in Time” Hong Kong Book Art Festival 2015
Chan Mui-kwan Tang Tsz-yan, Ophelia
陳妙君 鄧祉昕
201公 5 開徵集入圍作品
紋紙包裹, 象徵對愛情的忠貞。 書內字體是彷音
從不變改。 書頁物料選材為硬卡紙, 並以綿質花
詞 的 紅 心 放 在 其 中, 意 思 是 戀 心 貫 穿 整 段 戀 情,
頁設計為心形, 而且中空, 並把一個寫着副歌歌
的愛情是美麗而遺憾的。 心形象徵愛情, 因此書
本書為歌曲《我的歌聲裏》而創作, 歌詞中提及
「 書 語 有 時 」香 港 書 本 藝 術 節
以 戀 心( 懸 掛 的 心 形 副 歌 書 頁 )貫 穿 整 段 戀 情( 中 空 的 心 形 書 頁 )
我 的 歌 聲 裏
Structural Book Making
書 作 業
結 構 性
This book is about the movie You Shoot, I Shoot, focusing on the cooperation among Producer, Chuen and Bart, and the love relationship between Chuen and Michiko. Papers are coptic stitched with black threads to create a form of a magnetic videotape. Standard A4 plain papers are used to represent Bart, classic pearl-coloured silky papers are used to represent the perfectionist, Chuen, while washi papers are used to represent Michiko’s tenderness and earthtone papers are used to represent the timeserver, Producer. For the inner page designing, size scaling speaks for the characters’ personalities, symmetry speaks for the cooperation between Bart and Chuen, crinkles speak for arguments, overlaying speaks for the oppression of Chuen by Producer. For typesetting, the characters’ emotions and attitudes are expressed by
You Shoot, I Shoot Relationships among the characters are recorded in the “video” different font sizes, layout density and modification of fonts. For example, the font size used for Chuen are getting bigger and bigger to indicate the build up of his confidence.
Chan Wang-tung, Ray
Structural Book Making
「 錄 影 帶 」內 藏 各 人 的 關 係
色監製、 阿全與阿 Bart 的 合 作 關 係, 以 及 阿 全 與 美 智 子 的 感 情 關 係。 本 書 利 用
紙代表平凡的阿 A4
黑 色 縫 線 裝 訂, 形 成 錄 影 帶 的 書 形。 紙 張選材方面,普通的
, 典雅珠彩絹紋紙代表力求完美的 Bart 阿 全, 和 紙 代 表 美 智 子 的 柔 情, 大 地 紙
代 表 隨 波 逐 流 的 小 人 監 製。 內 頁 設 計 方
面, 利 用 大 小 縮 放 來 表 達 角 色 強 弱, 對
稱來表達阿 Bart 與 阿 全 的 合 作, 皺 紋 來 表 達 吵 架, 覆 蓋 來 表 達 監 製 對 阿 全 的 欺
變 形 來 表 達 角 色 的 情 感 及 態 度, 例 如 代
表 阿 全 的 字 體 愈 來 愈 大, 以 顯 示 他 變 得 愈來愈有自信。
買 兇 拍 人
書 作 業
結 構 性
Book Making
書 作 業
結 構 性
This book introduces the places and history of Malmo, Sweden. The form is inspired by HSB Turning Torso located in Malmo. Interior designs of HSB Turning Torso are shown in the inner pages, which are bound with nails in order to show a top view of the building. For typesetting, photos of Malmo are placed at the centre of each page, allowing readers to have a sense of walking through the building by reading the book.
Malmo, Sweden A rotating book bringing readers into HSB Turning Torso
Lau Tsz-chun, Kenny
Structural Book Making
本 書 內 容 主 要 介 紹 瑞 典 馬 爾 默 的 地 方 和 歷 史, 書
的形態靈感來自馬爾默的 HSB 旋轉大廈。以一口 窩釘裝訂而成, 打開書本可展現大廈在俯視角度
下 的 形 態。 配 合 內 頁 介 紹 旋 轉 大 廈 的 室 內 設 計,
設計者把大廈的照片放在置中的圓形主體, 讓讀 者有置身其中的感覺。
瑞 典 馬 爾 默
書 作 業
This book introduces the history, structure and features of St. Peter’s 結 構 性
Cathedral. The book form is inspired by the overlook of the architecture. It is a 3D pop-up book which looks like a mini church after opening it. For book cover, an image of the stained glass window is printed on a photographic paper, which makes the colours more vivid. Glue binding technique is used and a ribbon is attached to the book spine to hold its shape. Circular cuts can be found in
St. Peter’s Cathedral A 3D pop-up mini church
some of the pages and transparencies printed with stained glass window images are also inserted to make the book more interesting. In addition, to make it more readable, images of the cathedral are printed on the first page of each chapter to separate the sections clearly.
Lai Wing-yin, Wing
定 書 本 。 設 計 排 版 方 面, 在 部 份 頁 面 中 切 割 了 圓
Structural Book Making
聖 彼 得 教 堂
書 作 業
Chiu Wing-ki, Winkie
Being John Malkovich 材 質 性
People (transparent films) are invading John’s brain (pocket-liked pages)
This book is about the movie Being John Malkovich. Volume I is based on the story of an ordinary man called Craig who wants to completely replace John Malkovich; while Volume II is based on the story of John Malkovich, who has no privacy in life. In Volume I, coarse recycled papers are used to represent Craig’s dispiritedness and pink papers are used to represent Craig’s wife, Lotte. In Volume II, transparent films are used to represent John’s without-privacy-life. Each page is designed to be a pocket; when the content describes a certain person invading John’s brain, the pocket holds a paper representing that person. Also, the font types and colours change accordingly when John’s mind is under control.
腦 袋( 設 計 成 袋 子 的 內 頁 )遭 人( 透 明 膠 片 )入 侵
時, 字 型 就 會 轉 成 代 表 那 人 的 字
已 沒 有 私 隱 ; 每 一 頁 設 計 成 袋 子,
明 膠 片 來 代 表 他, 因 為 他 的 人 生
( Lotte )以粉紅色的紙代表。而約 翰 麥 高 維 治 的 部 份, 則 利 用 了 透
其 頹 廢 的 性 格, 克 雷 格 太 太 樂 蒂
部 份 利 用 了 粗 糙 的 環 保 紙, 代 表
維 治( John Malkovich ) 的 資 料, 分 別 做 了 上 冊 和 下 冊。 克 雷 格 的
男 子 克 雷 格( Craig ), 以 及 人 生 已經沒有私隱的男演員約翰麥高
( Being John Malkovich )故事中, 想完全取代約翰麥高維治的平凡
本 書 就 電 影《 玩 謝 麥 高 維 治 》
Material Book Making
玩 謝 麥 高 維 治
書 作 業
材 質 性
Book Making
Kwoon Mei-ying
Chungking Express Burnt inner pages expressing the erosion of love relationships
This book design is based on the movie Chungking Express, talking about written on canned products at the movie. Kraft papers and iron wires are
two love stories. The book form is inspired by the description of expiry dates used to express the long-lastingness. Meanwhile, burnt plastic and butter 73
papers are used for inner pages, expressing the erosion of love relationships.
書 作 業
重 慶 森 林 材 質 性
本 書 講 述《 重 慶
愛 情 故 事。 書 的
期 的 描 述, 而 本
和 鐵 線 縫 合, 以
存 的 狀 態。 但
同 時, 書 的 內 頁
紙, 以 表 達 愛 情
Book Making
書 作 業
Leung Sin-chai
Fight Club 材 質 性
Iron materials with blood stains showing the masculinity and intensity
This book is designed based on the movie Fight Club. Considering the intense atmosphere and masculinity of the story, iron materials are used in the cover. It talks about a social worker who is suffering from severe insomnia and eventually Schizophrenia. Hence, mirror paper is used on the first page to represent “another self”. He then founded an underground organisation named Fight Club for stress relief. Different papers are used to represent different parts of the story while the plot is expressed through different layouts and colours; meanwhile, adding blood stains, smudges and silhouettes to highlight the violent parts.
事 內 容, 同 時 在 內 頁 加 入 血 跡、
用 不 同 質 感 的 紙 代 表 不 同 部 分,
的 地 下 組 織「 搏 擊 會 」 。 內頁運
自 己( 另 一 位 主 角 ) 。 該名患者
度 致 精 神 分 裂, 因 此 於 首 頁 使
造 出 搏 擊 的 剛 陽 味。 故 事 講 述
),封面設計靈感源自舊鐵, Club 加 上 螺 絲 來 增 加 鐵 的 元 素, 營
本書關於電影《搏擊會》( Fight
78 梁倩齊
Material Book Making
搏 擊 會
書 作 業
Yiu Sim-wai
Life of Pi 材 質 性
Various dissections, complicated sensations Open Call Finalist, “Book in Time” Hong Kong Book Art Festival
This book design is inspired by the movie Life of Pi, a story of an Indian youngster, Pi, who had been drifting at the sea for 227 days after a shipwreck. Designer makes use of bluish transparencies to represent the ocean. The book is divided into three parts, showing juvenile Pi’ mentality during different periods at the sea. At the first part, a smooth surface is surrounded by a square frame, indicating the scene of the sun shining on a calm sea; at the second part, pages are dissected into horizontal rows, expressing the boundless sea and sky; at the third part, vertical dissections are added onto horizontal rows, forming a criss-cross pattern, representing the calmness and fear of Pi. At the last part, making use of round dissections to indicate the name “Pi” (π), a mathematical constant for calculations involving circles. This also represents waves, sea, faith and strength.
的奇幻 Pi
遭遇 Pi
憶 起 在 中 學 時 期, 為 自 己 改 名 為 ( Pi 即 圓 周 率 ) 的 故 事, 同 時 代 表 波 濤、 海、
以表達少年 Pi 在 海 上 的 冷 靜 與 恐 懼。 最 後 的 部 分, 利 用 圓 形 切 割, 表 達 少 年 Pi
割 再 加 上 垂 直 的 切 割, 形 成 十 字 交 錯 ,
天 一 線 ; 第 三 部 分, 在 一 行 行 的 水 平 切
二 部 分, 把 頁 面 切 成 一 行 行, 以 表 達 海
形 線 框 包 圍 著 光 滑 的 平 面, 以 表 達 電 影
內頁分成三部分, 展示少年 Pi 在大海不 同 階 段 的 心 路 歷 程。 第 一 部 分, 利 用 方
船 難 後, 在 海 上 漂 流 227 天 的 經 歷。 設 計 者 以 帶 藍 的 透 明 膠 片 代 表 海 洋, 並 把
漂流》 , 故事講述一位印度少年
本書設計靈感來自電影《 少年
80 姚嬋蔚
不同的頁面切割 複雜的心路歷程
201公 5 開徵集入圍作品
少 年 Pi 的 奇 幻 漂 流 「 書 語 有 時 」香 港 書 本 藝 術 節
Material Book Making
書 作 業
Chan, Karen
Blurry and pale, addicts’ sorrows
材 質 性
迷 幻 列 車
慘白模糊 癮君子的壓抑
Trainspotting Shortlisted Entry, XinYiDai! An International University Students Exchange Exhibition 2014
201入 4 圍作品
the inner pages are likewise covered in white, deliberately reducing the readability and bring confusion to readers.
本書關於電影《迷幻列車》, 講述一群
by white materials while the text in
吸 食 海 洛 英 的 癮 君 子 的 故 事。 設 計 者
expression on the cover is blurred
以 慘 白 的 色 調, 表 達 癮 君 子 的 壓 抑、
and despair. The man with a fear facial
焦 慮、 無 聊 與 絕 望。 書 封 上 的 男 人 表
addicts’ depression, anxiety, boredom
情 充 滿 恐 懼, 面 部 特 徵 被 白 色 物 料 覆
the main colour tone to indicate the
蓋 至 模 糊 不 清, 而 內 頁 的 文 字 部 份,
heroin-addicts. White is used as
亦 同 樣 被 蓋 上 白 色 物 料, 刻 意 降 低 可
Trainspotting, a story of a group of
This book is about the movie
Book Making
Leung Sze-yuet
Coffee Culture in Malmo, Sweden
Wrapping coffee filters with coffee-scented linens to create a real coffee book
is inspired by linen sacks for coffee beans and brewing utensils. The book cover is made with coffee-scented linens while paper coffee filters are used as inner papers. For typesetting, texts are radially arranged to fit the shape of the paper filters. In addition, a saddle-stitched booklet introducing various types of coffee can be found in one of the paper filters.
This book is about the coffee culture in Malmo, Sweden. The unique book form
書 作 業
瑞 典 馬 爾 默 咖 啡 文 化 材 質 性
默 的 咖 啡 文 化, 外 形 設
咖 啡 的 用 具, 書 皮 是
Book Making
書 作 業
Kwok Tsz-ying, Crystal
Malmo Castle Park 材 質 性
Unveiling the beauty of maple leaves in four seasons in the cork (wooden) cover
This book introduces the history of Malmo Castle Park in Sweden. The book form is inspired by the maple leaves found in the park. Cork is used as cover to resemble the visual look of wood while papers in four different colours are used in the inner pages to represent the colour of maple leaves in each season respectively. The book is bound with nails; when readers flip through it, various patterns of maple leaves in different seasons can be revealed. The text goes with the flow of the “leaf veins”, making the book an extraordinary one, a handy maple-leaf-shaped book.
86 郭紫瑩
馬 爾 默 城 堡 公 園 掀 起 水 松( 樹 木 ) 楓 葉 四 季 美 態 盡 現 眼 前
Material Book Making
公 園 的 歷 史。 書 的 形 態 靈
感 來 自 公 園 裡 的 楓 葉, 書
皮 的 紙 張 採 用 了 水 松, 以
營 造 樹 木 的 視 覺 效 果, 而
的 楓 葉。 此 外, 選 用 了 窩
釘 裝 訂 書 本, 當 讀 者 揭 開
書 本 時, 可 呈 現 楓 葉 四 季
中 不 同 型 態。 設 計 排 版 方
面, 根 據「 葉 脈 」 的 方 向
排 版, 令 書 本 更 加 特 別,
書 作 業
Designers hope readers can get the mood of Ivana Wong’s song Leave Blank – leaving an empty heart and creating transparency in it – by flipping through the book layer by layer. The inner pages represent the “canvas” as mentioned
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in the lyrics. By the translucent texture of the tracing papers and the irregular folds, a sense of leaving blank is created. To tie in with the mood, translucent design is also used on the last page. A wooden frame is used as the bookcase in
Leave Blank Translucent texture creating a sense of leaving blank order to indicate the line “leaving blank on a frame”. For typesetting, words are vertically placed as tradition Chinese writing. Text is flowing from page to page so that readers can smoothly read and easily understand the content.
Chan Wai-yim Cheng Hiu-sha
透光的質感 留白的意境
陳偉艷 鄭曉珊
設計者希望讀者透過逐層翻閱 此 書, 從 中 能 感 受 到《 留 白 》 一 曲 所 表 達 的 意 境 ── 將 心 景 留 白、 向 透 明 進 發。 書 的 內 頁 代 表 歌 詞 中 的 畫 布, 並 利用雪花牛油紙本身透光的質 感,加上於每頁折了不規則的 折痕,以及配以最後一頁的透 光設計,營造出將畫布空間留 白的意境。以木框作為書的外 殼, 藉此表達歌曲中「 將畫框 留 白 」一 句。 設 計 排 版 方 面, 將字垂直擺放,目的是想帶出 中國的寫作特色以及配合每頁 的流向,從而令讀者順暢閱讀 並輕易理解本書內容。
Format Book Making
留 白
書 作 業
格 式 性
Book Making
書 作 業
This bookset is about Xu Zhimo’s poem Goodbye Again, Cambridge. The form is inspired by Xu’s suitcase, indicating departure. Highlighting the subtleness and gentleness of Xu, a Chinese character “淡”, meaning “subtle”, is written with ink on a rice paper;
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it is then divided into a few ten pieces to be used as the inner papers. Traditional Chinese stab binding technique is used to show the love from Xu toward China while the white threads running through the seven booklets represent the subtle feeling of leaving.
Goodbye Again, Cambridge Subtleness and gentleness hidden in a suitcase For typesetting, lines are printed at the edges to express the meaning of parting. In addition, bookmarks of symbolic items of each verse are specially made to represent the collective memories before Xu’s departure.
Chan Wang-tung, Ray Ng Wing-in Yeung Ching-ping, Katy Yip Fu-wai
陳宏東 吳穎妍 楊靖平 葉富維
再 別 康 橋
Format Book Making
書 作 業
格 式 性
Book Making
This book is inspired by Xu Zhimo’s poem Goodbye Again, Cambridge expressing his dismay of leaving. The poem comes in both English and Chinese versions, and hence, leather cover is used to feature a western book design while Chinese binding techniques and layouts are used in inner pages. A Chinese character “惜”, meaning “cherish” or “pity”, is written to sum up the mixed feeling of Xu. The inner pages are blushed with the colours mentioned
Goodbye Again, Cambridge Subtle sadness, gentle sight and touch in the poem and wrapped with thin papers, echoing the clear yet hazy situation
as described in the poem.
Cheung Kit-yi, Kit Cheung Man-nam, Heather Chiu Wing-ki, Winkie
淡然的離愁別緒 輕柔的視覺觸感
張杰兒 鄭敏楠 焦泳琪
再 別 康 橋
並塗上七色形容詩中出現過的色彩, 再以輕薄的紙包上, 呼應詩詞形容環境時而清晰、
格 式 性
書 作 業
Book Making
This book design is based on the movie 127 hours inspired by a true story of mountain climber Aron Ralston’s 127-hour-adventure to save himself after being trapped subsequent to a fallen boulder crashes on his right arm. The whole book is in earth tone while the word “127” is puzzled out on the cover with hemp ropes. Inner pages are printed with patterns in nature and transparencies are inserted to echo the special filming technique of the movie – using split screens to show events occurring simultaneously or consecutively, allowing
127 hours Creating the mood by natural colours and patterns
Shortlisted Entry, XinYiDai! An International University Students Exchange Exhibition 2014
readers to shutter between helplessness and anxiety so as to feel
Aron’s complicated emotions during his long-time-struggle.
Tai Sze-man
本書設計靈感來自真人真 事 改 編 電 影《 127 小時》 , 講 述 爬 山 專 家 艾 倫( Aron )攀登大峽谷時, 因 Ralston 右 手 被 巨 石 壓 住 而 動 彈 不 得, 經 歷 127 小時掙札自救的故 事, 因 此 整 本 書 以 土 色 系 為 主 調, 並 以 麻 繩 在 封 面 砌 出 」 字 樣。 書 的 內 頁 印 上 127 重 複 的 大 自 然 紋 理, 配 合 透
「 明 膠 片 間 頁, 以 呼 應 導 演 特 別的拍攝技巧 ──把影像畫 格 切 割, 有 時 顯 示 連 續 性 的 時間,有時顯示平行的時間, 讓讀者穿插於無奈與不安之 間, 感 受 主 角 受 困 多 時 的 複
格 式 性
書 作 業
127 新一代!國際大學生圖像藝術交流展
大自然色系紋理 讀者仿如置身其中 入圍作品
小 時
Book Making
This book is inspired by the movie Ashes of Time about a man called Auyeung Fung, who hides himself in a small town and runs a killer business after being hurt in love relationships. All the passers-by in Auyeung’s life have their own love stories, therefore criss-cross lines are knitted by red threads to create an emphatic love-hate feeling. White crumpled paper is used for the book cover to symbolise the ruthlessness of Auyeung and his hidden stories. Coptic binding is used to emphasise Auyeung is being hurt in love relationships.
Ashes of Time Criss -cross red lines creating an emphatic love -hate feeling For typesetting, the book is divided into two parts, left and right hand sides, which represent travellers and Auyeung respectively, as if they are
questioning and answering each other from a first-person-perspective.
Ip Hoi-yi, Karen
本 書 講 述《 東 邪 西 毒 》 戲 中 主角歐陽鋒為情傷而隱居在 小 鎮, 經 營 殺 手 掮 客 生 意 的 故 事。 主 角 結 識 多 位 的 過 客 背後的故事都圍繞著一個情 字, 所 以 利 用 紅 線 在 書 本 編 織 出 縱 橫 交 錯 線 條, 形 成 被 情 所 困、 愛 恨 交 纏 的 感 覺。 書 皮 利 用 白 色 皺 紙 包 圍 著, 表 達 主 角 冷 面 無 情 的 外 表, 以及旁人看不清他背後的故 事。 本 書 採 用 縫 線 裝 訂, 以 表 達 主 角 被 情 纏 繞。 設 計 排 版 方 面, 分 為 左 右 兩 邊, 表 達一邊是旅客, 一邊是主角,
格 式 性
書 作 業
紅線縱橫交錯 編織愛恨交纏之情
東 邪 西 毒
Book Making
書 作 業
This book is about the movie Catch Me If You Can, which is a hunting story between an experienced federal agent and an intelligent young criminal. The book form inspired by a FBI casebook allows readers to build a perfect sense of experience while flipping through the book. To resemble the old-styled
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investigation record book, an FBI logo was printed on the book cover by Transfer Printing technique together with a tea-soaked jacket and metal clips. Inner papers were also tea-soaked; to leave readers the clues, the choice of colour shades depends on the chronological order of incidents printed on each page.
Catch Me If You Can Leaving clues in the casebook by colour shades of inner pages
Yeung Ching-ping, Katy
捉 智 雙 雄 調查冊內頁深淺提供線索
本 書 關 於 電 影《 捉 智 雙 雄 》 ( Catch Me If You Can ), 講 述一名老練的聯邦探員與一 位聰明的年輕罪犯的追捕過 程。 書 的 形 態 靈 感 來 自 聯 邦 調 查 局 的 案 件 調 查 冊, 使 讀 者 在 閱 讀 過 程 中 產 生 代 入 感。 書 皮 使 用 移 印 技 巧, 印 有 聯 邦 調 查 局 的 徽 號, 配 以 經 茶 葉浸泡的文件夾封套和金屬 夾 子, 模 仿 舊 式 調 查 冊。 內 頁採用同樣經過茶葉浸泡的 紙 張, 紙 張 的 深 淺 取 決 於 內 容 的 排 序, 給 予 讀 者 事 件 發 生先後的線索。
Format Book Making
書 作 業
格 式 性
Book Making
書 作 業
The Mission is an award-winning classic Hong Kong movie talking about gangster activities in Hong Kong during 1990s. Designers specially inserted iron plates in the book so as to give it a similar weight to that of a genuine gun. When readers pick up the book, it is as if they are holding a real gun. Deliberating the considerable
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numbers of shootout scenes in the movie, the intense atmosphere and masculinity of the story, only red, black and white are found in the book. Bold and large fonts are used to highlight the important contents and messages. Coarse paper is used for the cover to cohere with the calmness of the male characters in the movie.
The Mission Picking up the book as if holding a genuine gun
Shek Pu-yi
鎗 火 手執書本猶如手持真鎗
種 表 面 粗 糙 質 感 的 紙, 以
容 和 訊 息。 展 現 封 面 是 一
黑、 白、 紅 三 種 顏 色, 並
及 陽 剛 味 濃,書 中 只 運 用
多 個 槍 戰 場 面, 氣 氛 沉 重
把 真 槍。 考 慮 到 電 影 中 有
令 書 的 重 量 與 真 槍 相 約,
港 九 十 年 代 的 黑 幫 活 動。
經 典 港 產 片, 內 容 有 關 香
Format Book Making
書 作 業
格 式 性
Book Making
書 作 業
This book series comes in three volumes, blueprinted by the movie Seven. The mentalities of three of the characters are mentioned in each volume respectively. They are detective David, experienced inspector William and murderer John. Readers can read each volume separately or buckle them up and read at one time
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so as to understand their experiences and feelings at the same time. The layout of volume one is chaotic, indicating David is seeking his own direction; the layout volume two is well-organised, representing the well-disciplined William; while text in the third volume is shown in a script format, expressing the confession of John.
Seven Reading three volumes separately or buckling up to read at once Merit Award, “Erudition, Cognition, Creation” The 4th Exhibition of University Students' Book Design 2014
Ngan Chun-ying, Rumy
及 殺 人 犯 John 。讀者可獨 立 閱 讀 每 一 冊, 亦 可 把 三 冊
扣 在 一 起 同 時 閱 讀, 從 而 理
解三個角色在同一時間的經 歷 與 感 想。 第 一 冊 的 排 版 較 為 混 亂, 以 表 達 主 角 David 正在尋求自己的方向;第二 冊 的 排 版 整 潔, 以 表 達「 老 差 骨 」 William 循規蹈舉的 態度;第三冊採用隱居修士 懺悔之心。 John
式 的 書 寫 排 版, 以 表 達 及 殺 人犯
程, 包 括 探 員 David 、擁有 豐富辦案經驗的探員 William
此 系 列 一 書 三 冊, 以 電 影
Format Book Making
201第 4 四屆全國大學生書籍設計展優秀獎
一書三冊 可分開或扣上同時閱讀
七 宗 罪
書 作 業
格 式 性
Book Making
書 作 業
This book is about the coffee culture from Malmo. A famous tableware collection - green leaf collection - is chosen to represent the topic. The book is shaped like a cup and a dish, which can be separated when display. In malmo, people enjoy coffee all the time. Inner pages are coffee-liked to
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represent different kinds of coffee. The book gives readers a relaxing mood.
Coffee Culture in Malmo A “cup” of coffee book with various tastes
Poon Shuk-kuen
隻 碟, 可 分 開 作 擺 設。 在 瑞
典 的 馬 爾 默, 人 們 無 時 無 刻
也 享 受 喝 咖 啡, 內 頁 設 計 成
啡, 讓 讀 者 閱 讀 此 書 時, 猶 如喝咖啡般使心情放鬆。
餐 具 ── 綠 葉 餐 具 來 表 達。
文 化, 主 題 透 過 一 套 著 名 的
Format Book Making
一「 杯 」包 含 多 種 味 道 的 咖 啡 書
馬 爾 默 的 咖 啡 文 化
書 作 業
格 式 性
2011 . 9
HKDI actively prepared detailed teaching proposal for the new module and eventually got the approval for the implementation of “Experimental Book Design”.
2012 . 3
Chan Hei-shing, a book designer and artist, was invited to share his experience and teach binding skills at HKDI.
為提高視覺傳意設計的教學成果,香港知專設計學院(下稱「本學院」)重新審視所有舊 的學科,並考慮加入新的學科。
The interactive workshop was well-received and students enjoyed it a lot. 首次邀請書籍設計師兼書籍藝術家陳曦成在本學院分享書籍設計經驗,並指導線裝書 的縫製技巧。 是次互動工作坊非常成功,學生樂在其中。
2012 . 5
In 2012 Hong Kong Design Year, Professor Lu Jing-ren from Tsinghua University Academy of Art & Design, was the key speaker of “Ingenuity Follows Nature” workshop, which inspired participants the way to integrate the philosophy of Chinese calligraphy into books so as to experience the importance of a book’s inner beauty. HKDI was impelled to invite Professor Lu for teaching later. 在二零一二年香港設計年舉辨的《妙法自然》工作坊,由清華大學美術學院教授呂敬人 老師主講,教授如何將中國書法的哲學融入書籍,讓參加者體現書的內涵之重要性。 是次活動促使本學院誠邀呂老師來本學院講學。
2013 . 2
HKDI successfully held book design workshop by Professor Lu for Visual Communication Design students. He instructed students about book design skills and encouraged them to explore the relationship between words and space. He further reminded them to cohere design with book structures and reading atmosphere. Students finished their works in the five-day-workshop. The productions were well-received by Professor Lu and some of them were then exhibited in “Erudition, Cognition, Creation”, the 4th Exhibition of National University Students’ Book Design 2014, in China. 本學院成功舉辦由呂敬人老師主講的書籍設計工作坊,呂老師向視覺傳意設計系學生傳 授書籍設計技巧,鼓勵學生多探索文字與空間的虛實關係,提醒設計時要考量圖文排版 與紙頁翻閱結構、書體與閱讀氣氛要相乎。 學生們在為期五天的工作坊努力完成的作品獲呂老師的好評, 部分作品隨後更入選「知 書達理」書籍設計展。
To enhance the learning outcomes of Visual Communication Design program, Hong Kong Design Institute (hereafter referred to as “HKDI”) reexamined all the existing modules and had been considering adding new modules.
學 科 發 展 記 要
Module Development
2013 . 6
學 科 發 展 記 要
Students participated in a Taiwan cultural study tour. During their visit to Treasure Hill Artist Village, they learnt from the artists to produce miniature books. Students produced handmade paper manually for the first time 學生參加台灣文化研究之旅,到寶藏巖國際藝術村觀光,跟駐村藝術家學習製作迷你書。 學生首次親身動手造紙。
2014 . 1
Students and teachers from HKDI paid a visit to the 8th National Exhibition of Book Design in China, which was held at Guan Shanyue Art Museum for the first time. Professor Lu was the chief secretary of the organising committee. Over 1,000 excellent works within the nation were exhibited, widening students’ horizon. 第八届全國書籍設計藝術展覽首次在深圳關山月美術家館舉辦,並由呂敬人老師擔任是 次展覽組委會秘書長,本學院師生把握機會一同參觀。 展覽展出逾千件全國最優秀作品,讓喜愛書籍設計的同學大開眼界。
2014 . 4
Chan Hei-shing was invited by HKDI again to share his experience in producing books and to demonstrate binding skills. Coptic binding workshop, which helped students to apply the skills in courseworks, was once again held successfully. 陳曦成再次獲邀到本學院分享造書心得,指導及示範裝訂技巧。 再度成功舉辦線裝書工作坊,學生把所學到的縫製技巧應用於作業上。
2014 . 5
During the study trip of culture and design in Beijing, we visited Professor Lu’s book design studio. The visit had deepened our understanding of book binding tools and prompted us to consider buying more for teaching purpose. 在北京文化與設計考察之旅期間,拜訪呂敬人書籍設計工作室,對部分定製的工具加 深了解後,本學院亦考慮設置。
2014 . 12
Students participated in “XinYiDai: An International University Students Exchange Exhibitiion”. Four students’ works were exhibited. 學生參加「新一代!國際大學生圖像藝術交流展」。 四份學生作品獲選參展。 Students participated in “Erudition, Cognition, Creation”, the 4th Exhibition of National University Students’ Book Design 2014, in China. Eight students’ works were nominated and two of them were awarded merit. 學生參加「知書達理」書籍設計展。 八份學生作品入圍,兩份獲優秀獎。 Purchased hand-made book tools through Professor Lu to improve teaching quality. 通過呂敬人老師購入手造書工具,提升手造書的教學質素。
2015 . 6
Students participated in “Book in Time” exhibition at the 2nd Hong Kong Book Art Festival.
書藝家陳曦成及黃天盈與學生交流、分享書藝技巧,天盈介紹迷你藝術書,曦成分享其 參展經驗。
Eleven students’ works were selected for the exhibition. 學生參加第二屆香港書本藝術節「書語有時」展覽。 十一份學生作品獲選參展。
2015 . 12
Sonja Zagermann, a Swiss award-winning individual editorial designer, led twenty Year 1 students at a workshop, teaching book design skills and sharing the joy within. Students finished their production within the three-day-workshop and received positive comments from Sonja. 屢獲殊榮的瑞士獨立書籍編輯設計師 Sonja Zagermann,帶領二十名一年級學生參與工 作坊,傳授書籍設計技巧及分享當中的樂趣。 學生在短短三天的工作坊完成作品,並獲 Sonja的好評。
2016 . 3
Reorganised past teaching achievements and published Experiment, Experience, Book Making to share the experience. 整理過去教學成果,出版《實體書》。
2015 . 2-3
Book artists Chan Hei-shing and Tiana Wong exchanged book art skills with students. Tiana introduced miniature books while Hei-shing shared his experience in exhibition.
Module Development
We would like to give our special thanks to the teaching team of Experimental Book Design, Higher Diploma in Visual Communication, Hong Kong Design Institute. The teaching collaboration partners and designers, Professor Lu Jing-ren, Mr. Chan Hei-shing, Ms. Tiana Wong and Ms. Sonja Zagermann, had been providing valuable opportunities and spending precious moment with us, allowing our students to learn from them. We are proud of our lovely and enthusiastic students who had been working so hard to make all the creative outcomes. And we enjoyed growing and learning together with our students.
Despite the fact that our reading habit is evolving, we believe there are irreplaceable values in print-books. It is our mission to ensure a sustainable development of printbook design.
This booklet gives a stage-by-stage insight into our five years’ experiences in developing, teaching and improving the module “Experimental Book Design”.
Teaching Team Programme Leader: Jackson Choi Module Leader: Sylvia To Module Tutors: Sannia Ho, Monica Chiu, Eric Lee, Hall Pauline Kottina, Andrew Tang Production Team Project Organiser: Sylvia To Design & Production: Jamfactory Copywriter: Manlee Wong Photographer: Virgina Wong Special Thanks to Putyouself.in for lending their venue for shooting.
展、 教學和進步。 我們謹此感謝香港知專設計學院視覺
本學院能夠與呂敬人教授、 陳曦成先生、 黃天盈小姐和
小 姐 等 著 名 設 計 師 兼 教 學 伙 伴 合 作, Sonja Zagermann 為 學 生 提 供 寶 貴 的 學 習 機 會 , 實 屬 難 能 可 貴, 我 們 為 此
深 存 感 激。 我 們 的 教 學 團 隊 本 著「 教 學 相 長 」 的 信 念,
享 受 在 教 學 過 程 中 跟 每 位 學 生 共 同 成 長。 學 生 一 直 以 努
力 不 懈 的 精 神 , 完 成 一 份 又 一 份 充 滿 創 意 的 作 品, 我 們
以此為傲。 無可否認, 現代人的閱讀習慣正在演變, 但
教學團隊 課程主任: 蔡志傑
學科主管: 杜秋燕
學科導師: 何美玲、趙倩嫺、李彥珩、何堃嘉、
借出場地進行拍攝 Putyourself.in
鳴 謝