It’s STILL All In The Fundamentals One of the key things i learned from being a soldier was that although their isn’t always ONE way, their IS a right way and a WRONG way to do things. In business, the same principle applies, but as we’ve adapted to managing digital data and virtual projects, things can very easily become complex, because in a lot of cases THEY ARE! There are more VARIABLES, a lot more options, and infinite distraction… You are not moving physical objects or working with tangible things… The answer, although often illusive, all comes back to the FUNDAMENTALS. The web can seem like a scary place and building your platform and your brand online can seem daunting to say the LEAST… The reality of it is that it’s the same as anything else. Do the right things, and do things right. There really is not THAT much that you need to be focusing YOUR time and attention on, when you are FOCUSED on the right things, and you UNDERSTAND the full SCOPE of responsibilities and have a focused plan of action to follow. There ARE a few things you need to understand and MANAGE but that YOU probably shouldn’t be doing yourself. Throughout this course i am going to visually illustrate this picture for you as crystal clear as i can. When and IF you have questions, speak up, and we’ll square you away. Understand that we’re here to help you FINALLY GET this. Really. People, mostly people who are in the business of selling “Internet Marketing Opportunities” – to Opportunity Seekers, will make things sound much more complicated than they need to be. Don’t worry, i am VERY thorough, and i KNOW this business model. Understand that the OVERWHELM is a CHOICE, and is just an excuse to not complete the mission. Your primary responsibilities, and where YOU are going to bring the MOST value to your business is in creating content, performing, coaching, speaking, networking and negotiating joint
ventures. NOT fumbling around with the Tech on your website, NOT learning how to do graphic design or video production, or spending all day on twitter… The primary work you have as a modern content creator is yep, you guessed it, to CREATE CONTENT. Both Free Content – which we call Content Marketing – which does your “advertising” through the form of valuable education and training on your topic. As well as Product Content – which includes things like coaching/consulting, speaking, performing, as well as books, CD & DVD programs, and online courses. Although you are probably saying… Ya, duh…!! I’ll bet when you actually take a step back you’ll see you are almost certainly doing this in SOME way. The thing about the Fundamentals is that they never really change… Whether i’m cleaning my M-16 or attacking a business objective their is a simple and reliable way to break things down and get things done right. Now, breaking objectives down into projects which will usually involve some sort of delegation and thus require your ability to LEAD your team, is a bit more difficult than cleaning your rifle, but THE FUNDAMENTALS stay the same. What do you need to do, why, and HOW. Then assess any constraints… Either time, cost, or quality. Setup the plan, and then execute. Again, throughout this program you are going to be learning and developing your skills as a PROJECT MANAGER, which may seem foreign to you right now, but will transform your productivity and restore your sanity. It’s like a lightbulb goes off when my clients and students really GET this realization. Now it’s YOUR time to speak up… Do you think you have a handle on The Fundamentals of being a Modern Content Creator?
Where do you think you need the most work?
You’re going to BE BRILLIANT! Jamie
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