Eastpak Styleguide

Page 1

e m o c l We world e h t to k a p t s a of E


rte a t s t e Let’s g


3 Contents


Part 1 – The brand





5 7

Our Story From 1952 to today.

9 – 11

The Urban Insider Meet our consumer.

13 – 19

Brand principles Our promise, our purpose, our values, our personality.

21 – 31

Part 2 – Guidelines








Product principles What every Eastpak product stands for.

33 – 35

Communication principles How to speak in an unmistakably Eastpak way.

37 – 39


Corporate identity 43 – 75 Colors, color combinations, production & materials, typeface, visual elements, “The oblique effect” and Eastpak’s tone of voice. Our logos The original and revised logos, colors and shape, isolation area, logo size and placement.

77 – 85

Look & feel Graphic moods and applications.

87 – 112

5 Introduction

lely o s d e intend emains s i k o r o This b al use and t all times. ern pak a any t s for int a E rty of share it (or . e p o r p o not th anybody d e s a i Ple ent) w t n o c of its s. Thank k


Eastpak’s styleguide This is the Eastpak Styleguide, your manual for doing your part to maintain and solidify the Eastpak brand. A condensed version of the Eastpak Playbook, this manual can be seen as a visual translation of the extensive research that has been conducted on our brand over the past three years. It contains essential information about the Eastpak brand, our target group and our identity. The rules & tools in this styleguide will help us to communicate our message in a more segmented, up-to-date and relevant way. If we all apply this guide to our daily work, Eastpak will achieve a strong, clear, consistent voice. Be sure to take care of this important document. Please don’t copy, share, distribute or lose it! Please read it, think about it, and apply it in your day-to-day life with Eastpak. Being part of an iconic brand that’s always been true to its roots, we feel more than ready for the future. Let’s enjoy it together!

Massimo Ferrucci General Manager / Vice President Eastpak – May 2013


Lifting the curtain on our new identity I Phase 013 t2 s July 1 • Logo update on corporate communications. Business cards, letterheads, corporate presentations, etc.

• Intermediate logo for trade and consumer communications.

• Look & feel evolution on all other tools. Start using the Styleguide immediately, including PPT template, font, etc.

• Launch refreshed website.

II Phase er 15th 2013 b Novem • Logo update on Trade Tools: FW14 salesman samples, communications package for key accounts, etc.

• Logo on product will be updated by release date of FH14 collection. The colors on our product will not change.

III Phase 1st 2014 ry Janua • Logo update on consumer communications. Website, social media, campaigns, SIS, POS materials.


1 The BRAND Our Story 1.2 The Urban Insider 1.3 Brand principles 1.4 Product principles 1.5 Communication principles


The “what, how and why” of Eastpak.

9 – 11 13 – 19 21 – 31 33 – 35 37 – 39

9 1.1

The Brand

Our y r o t S

tory s e h t about t’s about t o n s “It’ le, i p o e p ople l l e e p t e u v yo ou gi y y r o t the s ther.” o h c a e to tell ODEM ghelen der Sti ILLAUME M n a V e U G m u L A la Guil f DUV nder o Co-fou

bags duffel g in n esig irely from d ring an ent s? o g u nee o yo tion y to pio festyle solu How d m r A li US n for the gory of urba e t a new c

10 1.1

11 1.1

The Brand Our story

The Brand Our story

Our journey… so far 1952


Eastern Canvas Products manufactures duffels and backpacks for the US Army.

Eastpak emerges “out 1987


Eastpak goes live in South America and Asia.


Introduction of the Lifetime Warranty (well, now 30 years for legal reasons).


Eastpak is the first bag brand to use all-over prints, in collaboration with Mattise Fabrics.

Mark Goldman takes over the consumer product line. Eastpak is born!


2003 of the woods and into the city” with some revolutionary ad campaigns. 2005

First designer collaboration, with Henk Schiffmacher. The first collaborations with fashion designers and brands that would eventually include Raf Simons, Kris Van Assche, Quinze&Milan, A.P.C., and many others.

The now famous skeleton ad is launched.

Kick off of three years of 2010


Eastpak breaks with the competition, producing a range of bags in flashy, on-trend colors. Enter Norman Jacobs – architect of the strategy that would make Eastpak number one on the East Coast.

intensive consumer brand research resulting in a new, clear brand strategy for Eastpak. 2013


Kostia Belkin brings Eastpak to Europe.

Eastpak becomes a part of 2000 the VF Corporation.

Launch of new visual brand identity.

13 1.2

The Brand

n a b r U The r e d Insi

r. nsume ompelling. o c l a so c typic all our t makes him c e w wha what is and That’s e h o wh Here’s

14 1.2

The Brand The Urban Insider

Meet The n a b r U r e d i Ins

15 1.2

The Brand The Urban Insider

16 1.2

17 1.2

The Brand The Urban Insider

The Brand The Urban Insider

The Urban Insider is… Demographic




He is well educated and has a good income. His bike and public transport are his favorite ways to get around. He has an active social life. His travels include both short and long trips.

He is passionate about his city and city life, but he loves calm and green spaces too. He is open to whatever happens and loves the surprises the city has to offer.

His style is eclectic and understated; it’s a mix of brands and looks taken from many stages of his life. And while he is conscious of being cool, he doesn’t want to be seen as “trying too hard”.

Before shopping, he often does a little research on a brand or product’s story. He may buy different types of bags over the year. Being a frequent user of social media, he often follows and likes his favorite products on digital platforms.

Research stories





no plans ? Go anyway

cool but not a show off

Higher education



Social life

brand aware

multiple bags

18 1.2

19 1.2

The Brand The Urban Insider

The Brand The Urban Insider

The life stages

EMERGING (Age 20 – 24)

Life stages are the phases of a person’s life defined by their changing activities and needs. These coincide only to a certain extent with age, but have more to do with the evolution of day-to-day life.

They’re leaving high school, they’re in college, they’re getting ready to move out and be on their own. This period of their lives is all newness, adventure, and excitement.

The Urban Insider mindset applies to three broad life stages of consumers, which all have a slightly different relationship with our brand. Distribution segmentation is always key. While of course we offer products for each life stage, we will focus our communication efforts on the “emerging” life stage, age 20 to 24.



















NASCENT Age 12 – 19

EMERGING Age 20 – 24

ESTABLISHED Age 25 – 30 / 31 – 40

Note: over They h a multien betwe single se, purpo cent as bag (n and stage), bags with le ip lt mu pose le pur a sing stage). d e lish (estab ing emerg g As the in n r tu is a stage ple’s o e p point in address e lives, w n Insiders a b r U r ou to stage at this stpak a Ea make lives f their o t r a p . e r tu fu for the 36


For more information on our target groups please refer to the Eastpak Playbook.

21 1.3

The Brand

d n a Br s e l p i c prin

, values r u o , rpose for. our pu g we stand , e is rom hin , our p everyt is DNA is r h Ou ty. T rsonali our pe

22 1.3

THE BRAND Brand Principles

Our Promise Our commitment to the consumer.

Our promise is what we do. This is why people turn to Eastpak. This is the very real and tangible benefit we offer. This is the commitment we make through every single product we sell. Promise is about trust and expectations. We deepen the first, and exceed the second. While our promise is sincere, it will, in the end, also result in sales.

Our se Promi

g n i r b o T t r a , sm s n tio u sol om d free plan a with n tio a r i p s n i n a & b r u ll a to . s r e d i s in

24 1.3

THE BRAND Brand Principles

Our PURPOSE Why Eastpak exists and what motivates us to deliver our promise.

Our purpose is why we do what we do. This is why Eastpak matters. This is the change we will create in the world. It’s the reason we all work for Eastpak and not any other brand. Purpose isn’t about making money. It’s about making a difference. Purpose is about soul.

Our se Purpo

TO ble a En ich r n &e n a b ur life

26 1.3

THE BRAND Brand Principles

27 1.3

THE BRAND Brand Principles Our values

Our values At Eastpak we are inspired and united by the same values that motivate our Urban Insiders.

Seeking stories beneath the surface



s g n i h t g n i v a e L e w n a h t r bette em h t d n fou

28 1.3

29 1.3

THE BRAND Brand Principles Our values


Creative resistance against boredom & banality

THE BRAND Brand Principles Our values

n o i t c e n n o s C d n e i r f y m h t i w y t i c r in ou


30 1.3

31 1.3

THE BRAND Brand Principles

THE BRAND Brand Principles OUR Personality

OUR Personality If Eastpak were a person, these are the adjectives we would use to describe him/her.









33 1.4

The Brand

t c u d o r P s e l p i c prin ers tion filt ts a ir p s duc he in all pro kay. s are t t le o n ip c e prin t’s o cours oduct lly. Tha anding as. Of a e u q id e Our pr n s st desig under inciple w r r e p u n ll o r a apply m e fo as we rporat o infor t o s t e c r c in o u can is m prod erview Eastpak’s v o is Th ind rk. t’s beh ur wo a o h o w t f s o line guide these

34 1.4

35 1.4

The Brand Product principles

The Brand Product principles

tial Essen er ct Chara

Simply s Geniu

d Refine y ilit Reliab

Witty Variety

Each design is singular and efficient in both style and function. Nothing extraneous, just iconic and essential, and cool by being itself – just like our Urban Insiders.

Eastpak products highlight the simple ingenuity of lowtech, high-impact design choices. It is this ingenious design that gives the Urban Insider just as much as he/ she needs, and more.

Eastpak products forego exaggerated features and overwrought materials. Instead they favor smart design and production details for intelligent, versatile, durable results.

We always make sure there’s a healthy dose of witty and wild in our collections. The textures, details, colors, patterns… they’re all different, but all show that we don’t take ourselves too seriously.

37 1.5

The Brand

i n u m Com n o i t ca s e l p i c prin y we nd wh a ts w o th hpoin u c b u , o y t a n atio u we s t what h communic will help yo ay. u o b a s iple t just ak w f whic It’s no e princ ably Eastp less o s d e r h a t , g Re istak g on say it. workin e in an unm e b y g a you m your messa e p to sha

38 1.5

39 1.5

The Brand Communication principles

Story leads We’ve always had interesting tales to tell. From what inspires our collections, to our love for a particular city, to how our product design enriches the urban experience, our stories are never invented, always honest and real. Let’s share Eastpak’s unique perspective in Eastpak’s unique way.

The Brand Communication principles

ently g i l l e t In edgy

vely Creati tive uc constr

So much of the edginess typically associated with city life is superficial and cliché. Eastpak has always had a natural edginess to its communication style, but now it’s even more informed by our sense of purpose: to enable and enrich urban life. This requires us to be inspired in our efforts to connect authentically with the city’s pulse.

Urban edginess is often interpreted as graffiti and decay. Eastpak reimagines this stereotype to highlight our love of the city in new and different ways. We want to be constructive, not destructive. We want to develop, not destroy. We want to be insightful in sincere and meaningful ways.

Urban e Attitud The Urban Attitude is all about being you. Not trying to be cool, but being cool simply by being credible. We don’t always have to literally see the city to feel it in our Urban Insiders. These are the open-minded originals, they are the city just by being themselves. Their stories are the surprises that make us smile.


2 Guidelines Corporate identity


43 – 75

2.1.1 Colors

44 – 45

2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7

Color combinations Production & materials Typeface Visuals elements “The oblique effect” Eastpak’s tone of voice

Our logos


2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6

The Original Logo The Contemporary Logo Colors and shape Isolation area Placement of the logo Sizes of the logo

Look & feel


2.3.1 2.3.2

Graphic moods Applications

A set of guidelines on how to visualize the Eastpak brand across all touchpoints. Aim? To create a global, coherent brand experience.

46 – 49 50 – 51 52 – 62 63 – 64 65 – 69 70 – 75 77 – 85 78 79 80 81 82 – 84 85  87 – 112 88 – 93 94 – 112

43 2.1


e t a r o p r Co y t i t n e d i lors o c r u tions a O n i b com ials Color ion & mater ct Produ face pe Our ty ements el Visual lique effect” e b oic “The o ’s tone of v ak Eastp tribute

l con ou wil y , o s . oing image s! In d d le n u r a r e rong b o thes stick t f a single, st e s a o Ple reation c e h t to

44 2.1.1

GUIDELINES Corporate identity

45 2.1.1

GUIDELINES Corporate identity Colors

Our Colors Main color

Primary color

Text & logo color

Pantone 185 C: 0 M: 100 y: 80 K: 0 R: 245 G: 0 B: 50 HEX #f50032

Pantone Black C: 0 M:0 y: 0 K: 100 R: 0 G: 0 B: 0 HEX #000000

Apply this color in small touches, f. ex. for taglines and titles. Always use it on a white background.

Never use it for backgrounds. For logos and text only.

Secondary colors

Neutral colors

Pantone Reflex Blue C: 100 M: 75 y: 0 K: 15 R: 0 G: 40 B: 180 HEX #0028b4

Pantone 427 C: 3 M: 0 y: 2 K: 15 R: 210 G: 210 B: 210 HEX #d2d2d2

White C: 0 M: 0 y: 0 K: 0 R: 255 G: 255 B: 255 HEX #ffffff

Pantone 3405 C: 100 M: 0 y: 80 K: 0 R: 0 G: 200 B: 140 HEX #00c88c

The secondary colors should never account for more than 15% of your layout.

White is the main color of the Eastpak visual identity. Its good friend red is white’s primary partner in crime.

Only for backgrounds

Pantone Cool Grey 6 C: 0 M: 0 y: 0 K: 45 R: 165 G: 165 B: 165 HEX #a5a5a5 Only for text

Try these colors out on white, in different combinations. Get creative, just don’t forget the rules on the following pages.

46 2.1.2 GUIDELINES Corporate identity

47 2.1.2 GUIDELINES Corporate identity Color combinations

Color combinations Red is the brand color. Use it in touches, always on a white background.

Main color combination




Black for logos and text.

Black is for text.

Main color combination with a dynamic background


The greys are optional.

White is for backgrounds.

As our brand color, red is perfect for highlighting text, headers and taglines. Black should be limited to text and logos only, and never used as a background. Grey is useful for creating a bit of hierarchy and rhythm in your layout.

Create a dynamic background by mixing red and white.

Bring in some red to add a bit of movement to your layout, but never use it as a solid background. A good rule of thumb is to maintain at least 20% white space in your design.

48 2.1.2 GUIDELINES Corporate identity Color combinations

49 2.1.2 GUIDELINES Corporate identity Color combinations

This color combination should only be used in the website and in catalogues.

Alternative color combination


The black & white combination




Black for logos and text.

Black for logos and text.

Max. 15% of the layout.

In longer applications, like catalogues and websites, make your layouts more friendly and less static by adding a pinch of our secondary colors, blue and green. Use these colors for small elements or details, but never as a background. For examples of how blue and green can make your layouts more dynamic, check out the Simulations section of this manual.

Exceptions to our color rules can and should occasionally be made. Leave out the red and secondary colors when designing for higher product ranges and when more subtle branding is required.

50 2.1.3 GUIDELINES Corporate identity

51 2.1.3 GUIDELINES Corporate identity Production & MAterials

Production & MAterials

The materials used in production are also an important part of our personality. Opt for warm materials like wood and cardboard to offset the coolness of the white.

For printing, we use the Cyclus Offset paper. If you are not printing on paper, go for warm, greyish tones and materials.

abc defg hijk…

53 2.1.4 GUIDELINES Corporate identity

Our Typeface Eastpak Regular

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789,;:?.!@

Eastpak Bold

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789,;:?.!@

Eastpak Font Eastpak has its own custom typeface! Simple but with personality. Dynamic. Recognizable. Functional. Unisex. Please don’t use any other typefaces than Eastpak Regular and Bold.

54 2.1.4 GUIDELINES Corporate identity TYPEFACE

About Eastpak From street-smart backpacks to convenient shoulder bags and ingenious luggage and travel items, every Eastpak bag or accessory is designed to let you cram in more life and excitement.

55 2.1.4 GUIDELINES Corporate identity TYPEFACE

Eastpak was founded in 1976 Eastpak is the authentic global lifestyle brand offering innovative mobility solutions for the Urban Insider. Eastpak was founded in 1976 when Mark Goldman transformed his father’s company from a manufacturer of military issue backpacks and duffels into the leading supplier of stylish, functional solutions for city living and the things you carry with you.

Eastpak Bold Eastpak Regular Our primary type choice, Eastpak Regular is a versatile font for anything from headlines to body copy, print or online. Use this weight for most text layouts.

When you want to make a statement, Eastpak bold makes a statement. Use it in titles and headlines, and for highlighting words. Use this weight to highlight all mentions of Eastpak in body copy, but keep all other body copy in Eastpak Regular.

56 2.1.4 GUIDELINES Corporate identity TYPEFACE

57 2.1.4 GUIDELINES Corporate identity TYPEFACE

Now Eastpak mainly talks in lowercase, this is more friendly.


From street-smart backpacks to convenient shoulder bags and ingenious luggage and travel items, every Eastpak bag or accessory is designed to let you cram more life and excitement.

Every Eastpak bag and accessory is designed to let you fit more excitement into life.

From street-smart backpacks to convenient shoulder bags and ingenious luggage and travel items, every Eastpak bag or accessory is designed to let you cram more life and excitement.

Letter case We don’t like to shout, so most of the time we speak in lowercase. Although we wouldn’t want you to forget to start your sentence with a capital. Please do not use uppercase in the middle of a sentence or for an entire paragraph of body text.

k a p t s Ea


Eastpak word The E of Eastpak is always capitalised, with the other letters all in lowercase. When we’re feeling extra happy, we like to set the name at an angle. Whenever the name Eastpak appears in body copy, and refers to the Eastpak brand, remember to highlight it in Eastpak Bold. And one last thing: please avoid breaking the name Eastpak; it hurts.

58 2.1.4 GUIDELINES Corporate identity TYPEFACE

59 2.1.4 GUIDELINES Corporate identity TYPEFACE

d a b t a h all t e b t i ing d w l u o r o g W ag b a e to hav back? r on you ing s o o h C g. n i s o l is not

Rotation angle:

k’s Eastpa hy op philos Every Eastpak bag and accessory is designed to let you fit more excitement into life.

Perspective The Eastpak font can be set at an angle to give an edge and energy to titles, taglines, headlines, and pull quotes, in bold or regular. Have fun with it, but not so much fun that you forget to follow the rules.

Shear angle:

Text angle To give your text a dynamic sense of perspective, set it at an angle. Use only an angle of 11° for both the rotation and shear angle.

60 2.1.4 GUIDELINES Corporate identity TYPEFACE

bad that n l l a ing o be t w i o r d l Wou e a bag g v to ha ack? b your lobal entic g e auth innovative th is g ak Eastp rand offerin e urban b th r le ty fo s s life olution as founded s y it il mob pak w ldman o r. East y inside hen Mark G mpan w er’s co ry in 1976 ed his fath a rm of milit e transfo anufacturer uffels into th d m d a nal n o a ti s c k from n fu ac backp r of stylish, e things issue d th pplie n u a t s g g livin t-smar leadin for city . From stree er s n o ti solu h you hould rry wit nient s you ca ks to conve gage and ac lug backp bag enious nd ing ry EASTPAK t you a s g a e b le v e , to s ned item travel sory is desig itement into s c x e e c c d a ss n a or g acro re life o v o m m in r e cram th e ay, wh lobe. your d cross the g a r o town

61 2.1.4 GUIDELINES Corporate identity TYPEFACE

Wou ld to ha it be all t h v your e a bag g at bad back rowi ng o ? n

Would it be all that bad to have a bag growing on your back?

Would it be all that bad to have a bag growing on your back?

Eastpak If you had a dream about green monsters camouflaging, you’d assume you’d overdone it the previous evening. Perhaps you did, but not necessarily so. You might simply be caught by our Camo Flash collection. With their blocked prints, these characters are playful interpretations of our traditional camo bag. Live in fragments no longer, trust all your belongings to this jungly bag range.

If you had a dream about green monsters camouflaging, you’d assume you’d overdone it the previous evening. Perhaps you did, but not necessarily so. You might simply be caught by our Camo Flash collection. With their blocked prints, these characters are playful interpretations of our traditional camo bag. Live in fragments no longer, trust all your belongings to this jungly bag range.

Text angle

Color usage

Using angle settings for longer text, and with settings other than 11° makes people seasick. Limit angled blocks of text to 30 words, and keep your angles at a consistent 11°.

Body copy should always be black. For emphasis in titles, headlines, taglines, and pull quotes, try a splash or two of red.

62 2.1.4 GUIDELINES Corporate identity TYPEFACE

63 2.1.5 GUIDELINES Corporate identity

Visual Elements

Eastpak is the authentic global lifestyle brand offering innovative mobility solutions for the urban insider. Eastpak was founded in 1976 when Mark Goldman transformed his father’s company from a manufacturer of military issue backpacks and duffels into the leading supplier of stylish, functional solutions for city living and the things you carry with you.

Eastpak is the authentic global lifestyle brand offering innovative mobility solutions for the urban insider. Eastpak was founded in 1976 when Mark Goldman transformed his father’s company from a manufacturer of military issue backpacks and duffels into the leading supplier of stylish, functional solutions for city living and the things you carry with you.

Eastpak is the authentic global lifestyle brand offering innovative mobility solutions for the urban insider. Eastpak was founded in 1976 when Mark Goldman transformed his father’s company from a manufacturer

Eastpak is the authentic global lifestyle brand offering innovative mobility solutions for the urban insider. Eastpak was founded in 1976 when Mark Goldman transformed his father’s company from a manufacturer of military issue backpacks and

Would it be all that bad to have a bag growing on your back? Typography composition We like our body text to be aligned left or right. Never compose body text centered, justified, outlined or stretched. Oh yes, and we never use hyphenations.

For photography, use candid snapshots of Urban Insider models of all types and ages. Just make sure they’re real personalities with a story to tell. Shoot on off-white backgrounds with flash lighting. Include a bag, of course. And don’t forget to have fun.

64 2.1.5 GUIDELINES Corporate identity Visual Elements

65 2.1.6 GUIDELINES Corporate identity

“The oblique effect”

Not more than 20° or -20°

Oblique it

Don’t try to be cool, be credible. Avoid cliché-poses by letting the shoot evolve naturally. Give your subject the freedom to move and interact with the product or their surroundings. Let loose and have fun!

Let’s give our visual elements an original, recognizable signature. We call it “the oblique effect”. To add a perspective and dynamic sense to photos, graphics and text, we can play with the angle of the image frame. Just don’t overdo it! Crop images at any angle between 0 and -20°, just be careful you don’t cut off any important information or heads, and make sure the image remains legible.

66 2.1.6 GUIDELINES Corporate identity “The oblique effect”

Crop it Try cutting the image frame at an angle…

67 2.1.6 GUIDELINES Corporate identity “The oblique effect”

Turn it …or adding an angle to the product itself. It’s a great way to make a packshot come to life.

68 2.1.6 GUIDELINES Corporate identity “The oblique effect”

Paste it Simple objects can make a layout seem dynamic. Try a red square, angled and cropped within your white page, to introduce movement to your layout.

69 2.1.6 GUIDELINES Corporate identity “The oblique effect”

Mix it Create extra perspective by combining angled/cropped images and objects in your composition.

70 2.1.7

GUIDELINES Corporate identity

71 2.1.7

GUIDELINES Corporate identity Eastpak’s tone of voice

Eastpak’s tone of voice

How should Eastpak sound?

How should Eastpak sound?

A balance between:

Witty but not swollen-cool. Honest and daring. Always:

With personality and a touch of understated humor. Not:

Too serious, too literal, too airbrushed.

72 2.1.7

GUIDELINES Corporate identity Eastpak’s tone of voice

Some tips to write in the Eastpak voice: • Stay bold, clear, to the point. • Dare to be slightly “off”, but without sounding far-fetched. Your outlandishness should make some sense too. • Don’t overdo. The right tone of voice is about light touches, here and there. • Speak of the bags as “characters”. Play with their names. Create unexpected connotations.

73 2.1.7

GUIDELINES Corporate identity Eastpak’s tone of voice

Witty philosophy

Inspire them with head/taglines!

ad b t a h t all e b t i ing d l w u o r o g W bag a e v to ha back? r u o y n o

Grab attention.

Freedom with a plan.

Choosing is not losing.

• Don’t use too many imperatives (go forth, be stupid, etc.) like many other brands do. • Avoid empty, boring, distant words such as “stylish, functional, ergonomics, comfort” in favor of more emotional or concrete, descriptive sentences. • Speak about benefits rather than features.

Save the City.

Offer choice, but guidance too.

ere h m o Fr ver. e r o f to Open-up the imagination.

Make people think or feel something.

74 2.1.7

75 2.1.7

GUIDELINES Corporate identity Eastpak’s tone of voice

GUIDELINES Corporate identity Eastpak’s tone of voice

Product focus

Convince to purchase with body text

Fields of choice.

o. he her t is e H gs . beatin ments Takes ity ele c ll a from rs to showe ys. From a d subw packe my phone. ts Protec hims. yw . Fits m y side m y b A bag

Guide them through specs, variety, collections, etc. with head/taglines!

There are alternatives.

Relate with the urban insider while taking him to someplace new.

That green? Yes, that one please.

Highlight the wide selection of products in an inspiring way.

t Airpor ss. e happin Talk about practical info in a witty way.

The black panther has arisen. Create interaction between product and packshots.

Make your product your hero.

Wouldn’t it be nice for our shoulders to share the load, rather than one being battered and bruised?

If you had a dream about green monsters camouflaging, you’d assume you’d overdone it the previous evening. Perhaps you did, but not necessarily so. You might simply be caught by our Camo Flash collection. With their blocked prints, these characters are playful interpretations of our traditional camo bag. Live in fragments no longer, trust all your belongings to this jungly bag range.

Speak of the bags as characters. Start a conversation (questions, greetings, dialogue). Inspire with bigger, more mature, meaningful stories.

77 2.2


r u O s o g lo ogo L l a n i go g o i r L O y r e a r Th tempo e n o C The shap d n a Colors area on go Isolati nt of the lo e Placem the logo of Sizes

78 2.2.1 GUIDELINES Our logos The Original Logo

79 2.2.2 GUIDELINES Our logos The contemporary Logo

The Original Logo

The Contemporary Logo

As much as we like our Contemporary Logo, we’re proud of our past. The Original Signature is an ode to our roots, and will continue to be used on products that have a styling reference to our heritage. In communications, this logo can only be used in direct link with these products. In these cases, the Contemporary Logo should be used as a brand signature, in addition to the Original Logo.

We’ve revised our logo to be more open, more modern, and most importantly, monochrome for communication purposes. Use this Contemporary Signature throughout the entire brand identity as well as in the contemporary product segmentation. While always black in communications materials, the logo color on products may vary based on product styling.

80 2.2.3 GUIDELINES Our logos Colors and shape

81 2.2.4 GUIDELINES Our logos Isolation area

Colors and shape Our logo color is black. Please use only this color in logos, except on dark backgrounds where a white logo is more legible.



White version X


Black version


Our logo is our signature. Please treat it nicely. Don’t squeeze, stretch, colorize, tickle, feed, or alter it in any way.

Isolation area Always leave the logo some space to breathe, based on the height of the word “Eastpak”.

82 2.2.5 GUIDELINES Our logos Placement of the logo

83 2.2.5 GUIDELINES Our logos Placement of the logo





Placement of the logo Place the logo in any of the four corners of the application. In more confined contexts such as hangtags, where the logo has the same width (minus the margins), please center it.

The isolation area at its minimum distance puts the logo flush in the corner. As the logo moves outward it should be set at equal distances from both edges. Unequal distances are to be avoided.

84 2.2.5 GUIDELINES Our logos Placement of the logo

85 2.2.6 GUIDELINES Our logos Sizes of the logo

Sizes of the logo The ideal logo size for a horizontal format is 1/6 of the format’s width. The ideal logo size for a vertical format is 1/5 of the format’s width.


On lighter backgrounds use the black logo; on dark backgrounds, use the white logo. If the intensity of the background image is around 50% black, you can use either. Helpful hint: If you can’t see the logo, you’re using the wrong one.


The minimum logo size is 2 cm wide.

20 mm

87 2.3


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88 2.3

GUIDELINES Look & feel

89 2.3.1 GUIDELINES Look & feel

Graphic moods We know this is a lot to remember. That’s why we’ve included the following simulations and sample applications.

Typeface: The perspective

Check out how the Eastpak identity can be applied in various formats and materials, and you’ll be ready in no time to create your own.

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k a p t s a

Padded Packr “Sushi” €59

Padded Packr “Wood” €59

Padded Packr “Shake” €59

Padded Packr “Heritage” €59

Padded Packr “Army” €59

Padded Packr “Spek” €59

COLORS: Use of the alternative color combination. Primary & secondary colors in small touches.

Typeface: Perspective on the Eastpak word. VISUALS: Focus on product variety. COLORS: A lot of white.

90 2.3.1 GUIDELINES Look & feel Graphic moods

91 2.3.1 GUIDELINES Look & feel Graphic moods

ack l b e h T r panthe en is has ar

here m o r F ver. to fore

Typeface: Perspective on the tagline COPY + VISUALS: Create interaction between product and packshots.

Once they were panthers. Alert, strong and quick. They didn’t want to fade roared for a new life. We gave them what they wanted (better listen to black panthers).

“The oblique effect”: Twist images. COLORS: Small touches of red with lots of white.

COLORS: Black & white combination.

o. he her s t s i e H g beatin Takes city ll from a s. nt eleme owers sh From ked to pac s. Protects y subwa e. on my ph whims. y Fits m y my side. b A bag

visual: candid, natural Typeface: Perspective on the text (not more than 30 words) COPY: Make your product your hero. COLORS: Main color combination.

Typeface: Perspective on the tagline

The crocodile has been defeated.

VISUAL + COPY: Highlight wide product range in an inspiring way. COLORS: Use of a secondary color for an inside page of a catalogue.

92 2.3.1 GUIDELINES Look & feel Graphic moods

93 2.3.1 GUIDELINES Look & feel Graphic moods

Freedom with a plan.

“The oblique effect”: The image. COPY: Open-up the imagination.

“The oblique effect”: Make your packshots come to life with an angle.

COLORS: Main color combination

VISUALS: Show diversity.

How to disappear and never be found.

VISUALs: Move it.

COPY: Inspiring. VISUAL: snapshot photography with personality. COLORS: Use of a secondary color for an inside page of a catalogue.

94 2.3

GUIDELINES Look & feel


Applications We’ve already started applying our new brand graphic identity.

Femke Brouns Eastpak Brand Marketing Manager T +32 3 298 24 72 M +32 486 22 68 93 Femke_Brouns@vfc.com www.eastpak.com

We’ve just begun to apply the new Eastpak brand identity and would like to share with you some sample applications.

A VF Company Fountain Business Park – Building 3 C. Van Kerckhovenstraat 110 2880 Bornem – Belgium

While content in these sample pieces is for placement only, the following pages should give you a feel for the look & feel of the new identity. The rebirth of Eastpak has only just begun…


Business cards Compliments card

With ts limen comp



BaseDesign Brussels T.a.v. Aurore Lechien Ch. de Forest 62/5 1060 Brussels

Date Concerne

Brussels, the 10th of April 2013 Letterhead

Dear Femke, EASTPAK A VF COMPANY FOUNTAIN BUSINESS PARK BUILDING 3 C. VAN KERCKHOVENSTR. 110 2880 BORNEM – BELGIUM T +32 3 298 20 00 F +32 3 298 23 60 WWW.EASTPAK.COM VAT BE 405.039.138 RPR: (0) 405.039.138

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Envelopes CS, DL





We are Curious Constructive Forward-thinking Spirited Surprising Straightforward Social Understated

U.S.A. SINCE 1952



Consumer research has shown…

Powerpoint template – Key pages


Brand research 2011/2012 Why do people leave our brand when they leave highschool? I do not want to be seen as a young, uncool school teen anymore [M, 20-25, G]

Teenager-school image leads to the assumption of simple & young appealing products

Young teenager/ school image/mainstream

Low involvement of brand profile/ no history

We deliver Smart solutions, Freedom with a plan, and inspiration to all urban insiders On the go.



“Our ambition is to be The Category leader. In Casual Bags and Travel gear for Urban Insiders”


Product styling vs logo

→ →

I have a professional life, I can´t imagine arriving at the office with an E.P. [W, YP, F] Products are perceived as less interesting & less relevant (simple equipped, lack of interesting designs)

Influenced by: Strong presence at high school

Own teenager life with Eastpak

Limited awareness of the breadth of Eastpak products

Dominance of standard daypack



Eastpak press release For immediate release

Eastpak press release For immediate release

Eastpak press release For immediate release

you. y with day! e part li Take th e to the ho m Welco ection. ll o c 2013

EASTPAK, the authentic urban lifestyle brand, kick-starts the Holiday 2013 Collection with even more smart, trendy, and durable travel items. For people who live, work and play in more than just one city! Discover the full line-up: from the 360° convenience of the fourwheeled Spinners collection to the drag-n-drop simplicity of

the Authentic range or the intelligent sophistication of Core Series. Incredibly high-quality hardware, smooth trolley systems, cleverly organized storage spaces, versatile and transformable designs, robust and durable construction, head-turning colors and prints… Wherever you’re headed, EASTPAK gets you there comfortably,

Press release – Key pages

ith spirit w to the Get in naturals. liday! rn mode e to the ho m Welco ection. oll 2013 c

Take the party with you Welcome to the holiday 2013 collection

efficiently, and in style. Toon Kympers, VP Product and Merchandising EASTPAK: “Nothing gets people moving like the holidays. Places to go, people to see, a whole world to discover. EASTPAK greases the wheels of urban and global travel with a range of ontrend travel items to inspire the nomad in all of us.” The Holiday 2013 Collection


This release is produced for the Eastpak pr & marketing team and should be regarded as a basis for external communication.

Eastpak press release For immediate release

EASTPAK, the authentic urban lifestyle brand, offers a sneak peak of an evenmore-festive-than-usual Holiday 2013 Collection. More stunning patterns and colors. New functional designs. Innovative fabrics and prints. Like the everexpanding Modern Naturals collection, combining urban style with a genuinely retro look and feel. What do we mean by retro? How about the Modern Naturals’ rich twill fabrics with their subtle, waxy finish? Or the highquality leather straps and trim? And to add a modern twist to this sophisticated collection, the bags come with a sturdy, topcoated base, heavy-duty webbing and quality metal hardware. On top of that, new warm winter colors make it even easier to get into the Holiday spirit. The Holiday 2013 Collection will hit stores from October, 2013. For full details, see eastpak.com.

will hit stores from October, 2013. For full details, see eastpak.com.


This release is produced for the Eastpak pr & marketing team and should be regarded as a basis for external communication.


This release is produced for the Eastpak pr & marketing team and should be regarded as a basis for external communication.


This release is produced for the Eastpak pr & marketing team and should be regarded as a basis for external communication.



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Web banners



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Find your go-to bag now →

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Retail window simulations



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Never waste d a goo . re postu



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waste Never posture. d a goo

waste Never posture. d a goo


Eastpak offers tailors made pos solutions.

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STORE’S NAME STORE’S NAME Eastpak offers tailors made pos solutions.

Retailer advertisements


Eastpak offers tailors made pos solutions.

Eastpak offers tailors made pos solutions.



Eastpak is proud to welcome you to the international launch of the

k a p t s Ea artist o i d u t s Wednesday 18th of April 2013 7 pm

Eastpak is proud to welcome you to the international launch of the

Public transport S-Bahn: Oranienburger Straße U-Bahn: Oranienburger Tor

Oranienburgerstr. 54-56a Berlin Mitte


les Be


ak Eastp artist studio

In Berlin’s Mitte district, located between the Friedrichstrasse and Museum island, the internationally acclaimed venue for contemporary art. Buy your own unique work of art from the eastpak.com website from March 19. All proceeds go to the charity organization, Designers Against AIDS.

In Berlin’s Mitte district, located between the Friedrichstrasse and Museum island, the internationally acclaimed venue for contemporary art. Buy your own unique work of art from the eastpak.com website from March 19. All proceeds go to the charity organization, Designers Against AIDS.

Public transport S-Bahn: Oranienburger Straße U-Bahn: Oranienburger Tor

Oranienburgerstr. 54-56a Berlin Mitte


les Be


Find out what some of the world’s most original artists and creative personalities did with the authentic Eastpak backpack at Tacheles Arthouse, Berlin. DJ’s: Tiefschwarz, ao... RSVP: eastpak@ styleheads.de


Tacheles Berlin


les Be


Find out what some of the world’s most original artists and creative personalities did with the authentic Eastpak backpack at Tacheles Arthouse, Berlin.

Wednesday 18th of April 2013 7 pm DJ’s: Tiefschwarz, ao... RSVP: eastpak@ styleheads.de


rs 30 Yea ty n warra See warranty leaflet for information. 30 ans de garantie. Voir garantie pour plus d’informations.


s i s i Th e h t just g n i n n i beg story. e h t of s i t s e r The ou. y o t up

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