PPP End of module Self Evaluation

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Jamie Pudsey Graphic Design & Art Direction

OUG502 Module Submission 15 / 05 / 2014

Self _ Evaluation

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them? The main skill I have developed this is learning how to reflect on my own practice and to realise realise my current and future ambitions in terms of where I see myself now and where I see myself working after graduation. I have also realised what skills I have and the study tasks helped me to understand what types of studios or businesses are likely to want the specific skill set that I have. The brief ‘Life’s a Pitch’ has made me realise the importance of understading the business side of design, and in particular, the cost of setting up a small design studio. I also discovered the importance of professionalism when pitching a set up for a business. Networking has been a major part of my learning experience this year, it’s something I haven’t previously explored until before the start of this year. These new skills I have developed within networking such as how to contact people and what to day are invaluable skills I can carry forward into my third year of study. I have also further developed my branding and identity skills which I’ve been working on within other modules but I’ve been able to build upon these skills whilst branding myself within this module.

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process? I learned to use vinyl, this is something I have always been keen to use but I ave neer found a use for it before this module. But it has become a useful tool for applying my logo on different formats. As there hasn’t been much design based practice within this module I haven’t really developed any new approaches to idea generation however working within groups for the Life’s A Pitch module has allowed me to explore new experiences in terms of working together to develop concepts within a group and this involved skills in terms of expressing my own ideas but also compromising with the rest of the group to ultimate end on the final concept which was most effective and appropriate.

Jamie Pudsey Graphic Design & Art Direction

OUG502 Module Submission 15 / 05 / 2014

Self _ Evaluation

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these? My finishing skills have improved a lot this year, I wanted to go beyond design and making business cards, I designed a CD sleeve to house my CD with work samples PDF. One of the main strengths I can identify within my work is my ability to reflect upon my practice and understand what skills I have that are relevant to certain business sectors this will be beneficial to me in the future in terms of having a greater understanding of which types of places will be appropriate for me to work within. I think another strength that I have chosen within this module is my ability to work effectively within a group, I think I was able to demonstrate my ability to listen to other, communicate my own idea and also work as a team in terms of working to each of our skill sets.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future? One of my main weaknesses is in my ability to present. I felt during the Life’s a Pitch presentation I presented confidently and concisely and I think this was because I didn’t want to let the group down and we rehersed our presentation fairly thoroughly. But during my personal PPP presentation I felt that I didn’t perform to the highest standards. I found myself looking down at my page and there were a few too many pauses in between slides. I felt confident in standing in front of my course mates but I was slightly underprepared in what I was actually going to say so this stuttered my perfromance. Another weakness of mine i have shwn during this module is time management , as I should have started working the design presence brief a lot earlier than I did however it was difficult as other modules took over. This would have prevented a little failure with my promo pack as my InDesign document failed to save on the day of the hand which meant I had to rewrite and redesign my Work Sample’s PDF on the day of the dealine.

Jamie Pudsey Graphic Design & Art Direction

OUG502 Module Submission 15 / 05 / 2014

Self _ Evaluation

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these? 1. Start contacting studios early keep in contacting them. 2. Blog all the experiences in contacting and meeting studios regularly. 3. Manage my time better. I feel this that this is one of the most important module in terms networking and next year when there is much more of a stress towards to finding placements/jobs etc I want to make sure completed within timescale which leaves room for error. 4. It would also have given myself more time to perfect my presentation. 5. I would also have like to conducted more studio visits within the year rather than organising these towards the end of the year as this would have meant I could have potentially got more summer placements organised, however do still have time to organise this!

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas: (please indicate using an ‘x’) 5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor Attendance: 5 Punctuality: 5 Motivation: 4 Commitment: 4 Quantity of work produced: 3 Quality of work produced: 4

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