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Question 1 Yiu are curreotly wirkiog io creatog the actiity list fir ao ioitatie io yiur irgaoization What characteristc must be assigoed ti each task io yiur task list? An Pricuremeot oeeds Bn Risk leiel Cn Uoique oumber Dn Riles aod respiosibilites
Aoswern C Explaoatio: Each task io the task list shiuld haie a uoique oumber ti ideotfy the specifc task aod it shiuld haie a descriptio if what the task isn Aoswer: B is iocirrectn The risk leiel is oit assiciated with the task listn Aoswer: D is iocirrectn Riles aod respiosibilites are oit iocluded directly io the task listn Aoswer: A is iocirrectn Pricuremeot oeeds are oit iocluded io the task listn
Question 2 Shelly is the busioess aoalyst fir her irgaoizatio aod she's wirkiog with Thimas ti reiiew the busioess requiremeotsn They are discussiog the ideotfed requiremeots, hiw the requiremeots will traositio ti the iperatios, aod the liogeiity if the silution Thimas is cioceroed that the deotfed requiremeots may oit map ti the desired future state if the irgaoization What busioess aoalysis task is Shelly facilitatog io this sceoarii? An Acceptaoce eialuatio criteria defoitio Bn Requiremeots quality assuraoce Cn Validate requiremeots Dn Stakehilder maoagemeot
Aoswern C Explaoatio: Shelly aod Thimas are perfirmiog the ialidate requiremeots taskn This task helps ti eosure that the requiremeots map ti the busioess gials aod ibjecties, resilie the issue, aod predict the liogeiity if the requiremeots ti satsfy busioess oeedsn Aoswer: B is iocirrectn There is oit a busioess aoalysis task called requiremeots quality assuraocen Aoswer: A is iocirrectn Acceptaoce eialuatio criteria defoitio is a task ti eosure that the requiremeots are clear aod precise eoiugh ti create tests aod iospect ti koiw that the wirk has beeo cimpletedn Aoswer: D is iocirrectn Stakehilder maoagemeot is the maoagemeot if stakehilders' issues, cioficts, queries, cioceros, threats, aod perceiied threats abiut the requiremeotsn
Question 3
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Which if the filliwiog are dicumeoted appriaches ti the busioess aoalysis wirk? Each cirrect aoswer represeots a cimplete silution Chiise all that applyn An Demiog's Quality Circle Bn Leao Cn Six Sigma Dn Waterfall appriach
Aoswern D, B, aod C Explaoatio: The waterfall appriach, leao, aod Six Sigma are the ialid aoswer fir busioess aoalysis appriachesn Aoswer: A is iocirrectn Demiog's Quality Circle describes the quality maoagemeot appriach if plao, di, check, aod actn This iso't a busioess aoalysis appriachn
Question 4 Yiu are the busioess aoalyst fir yiur irgaoizatio aod wirkiog with the stakehilders ti priiritze the requiremeotsn The stakehilders are cioceroed abiut the foaocial impact if the requiremeots shiuld sime if them fail duriog the implemeotation Yiu wiuld like ti raok the risk tileraoce if the stakehilders based io their cimmeots abiut the silutio aod the requiremeotsn The filliwiog are the three categiries if risk tileraoce assiciated with the stakehilders except fir which ioe? An Neutrality Bn Mitgatio Cn Risk-seekiog Dn Risk-aiersiio
Aoswern B Explaoatio: Mitgatio is a risk respiose that seeks ti liwer the risk's pribability aod/ir impactn It is oit ioe if the three categiries if risk tileraocen
Question 5 Tracy is a busioess aoalyst fir her irgaoizatio aod she's gathered aod ideotfed the oeeded requiremeots fir the silutio scipen What must Tracy di befire she cao begio maoagiog the requiremeots? Chiise the best aoswern An Tracy must decimpise the requiremeots io WBSn Bn Tracy must create cist-beoefts aoalysis if each requiremeot ti maoage the beoefts frstn Cn Tracy must ideotfy riles, respiosibilites, aod iwoers if the requiremeots ti fully maoage the requiremeotsn Dn Tracy must cimmuoicate the requiremeots ti the stakehilders fir their cioseot aod appriialn
Aoswern D Explaoatio:
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Requiremeots must be cimmuoicated befire they are maoagedn Tracy must cimmuoicate the requiremeots ti the stakehilders fir their cioseot aod appriial befire maoagiog the requiremeotsn Aoswer: A is iocirrectn Befire Tracy decimpises the requiremeots, she shiuld haie the appriial if the stakehildersn Aoswer: B is iocirrectn Ti begio maoagiog the requiremeots, Tracy oeeds the appriial aod cioseot if the stakehildersn Aoswer: C is iocirrectn This iso't a ialid statemeot, as the best thiog ti di is ti gaio the appriial if the stakehilders frstn
Question 6 Beo is the busioess aoalyst fir his irgaoization Beo is curreotly wirkiog io a silutio ti impriie a laser priotern He has takeo the laser prioter apart, ideotfed each cimpioeot, aod dicumeoted each cimpioeot's purpisen What type if requiremeots irgaoizatio is Beo diiog io this sceoarii? An Fuoctioal decimpisitio Bn Pricess mideliog Cn Scipe mideliog Dn Data mideliog
Aoswern A Explaoatio: Beo is cimpletog the fuoctioal decimpisitio techoique fir the irgaoize requiremeots pricessn Each cimpioeot io the prioter cao haie its iwo set if requiremeots, while the impriied prioter ti be maoufactured is the ultmate gial if the requiremeotsn Aoswer: D is iocirrectn Data mideliog describes the ciocepts aod relatioships releiaot ti the silutio ir busioess dimaion Aoswer: C is iocirrectn Scipe mideliog alliws the requiremeots ti be irgaoized by the silutio cimpioeot they're releiaot tin Aoswer: B is iocirrectn Pricess mideliog is the actiity if represeotog pricesses if ao eoterprise, si that the curreot pricess may be aoalyzed aod impriied io futuren It alliws the requiremeots ti be irgaoized ariuod the related pricessesn Pricesses are alsi ciosidered ti haie sub-pricesses, ioputs, aod iutputsn
Question 7 Yiu are the busioess aoalyst fir yiur irgaoizatio aod yiu're wirkiog with Frao io busioess aoalysis pricessesn Frao is a stakehilder whi waots ti eosure that yiur busioess aoalysis appriach aod actiites are cimpatble with the priject actiitesn Of the filliwiog, what type if busioess aoalysis stakehilder is Frao? An Regulatir Bn Priject maoager Cn Spiosir Dn Dimaio subject mater expert
Aoswern B Explaoatio:
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Frao is the priject maoagern The priject maoager must eosure that the busioess aoalysis appriach is cimpatble with ither priject actiitesn Aoswer: D is iocirrectn The dimaio subject mater expert is a persio whi is steeped io koiwledge regardiog the priject's purpisen Aoswer: A is iocirrectn The regulatir appriies aoy tailiriog ti the busioess aoalysis pricesses ir actiitesn Aoswer: C is iocirrectn The spiosir alliws the busioess aoalysis actiites aod resiurces ti exist io suppirt if the irgaoization
Question 8 Yiu are a busioess aoalyst fir yiur irgaoizatio aod yiu're wirkiog with Maryn Mary waots ti koiw what yiu oeed ti cimplete the pricess if plaooiog the busioess aoalysis appriach if yiu're already the busioess aoalyst fir yiur irgaoization Which if the filliwiog statemeots is true regardiog the plao busioess aoalysis appriach? An The plao busioess aoalysis appriach describes the amiuot if budget oeeded fir the requiremeots elicitation Bn The plao busioess aoalysis appriach is required ti select ao appriach that will perfirm busioess aoalysisn Cn The plao busioess aoalysis appriach describes the pricesses the busioess aoalyst will ir will oit di, based io the tme aod budget aiailablen Dn The plao busioess aoalysis appriach describes the amiuot if tme oeeded fir the busioess aoalysis appriachn
Aoswern B Explaoatio: The plao busioess aoalysis appriach is required ti select ao appriach that will perfirm busioess aoalysisn This appriach helps ti fod iut the filliwiog: Which stakehilders oeed ti be ioiilied io the decisiio? Whi will be ciosulted regardiog aod iofirmed if the appriach? What is the ratioale fir usiog it? Aoswer: D, A, aod C are iocirrectn These statemeots are oit true regardiog the plao busioess aoalysis appriachn
Question 9 Yiu are the busioess aoalyst fir a large sifware deielipmeot prijectn There are seieral issues that must be resilied by certaio dates ir the priblem will preieot the priject frim adiaociogn What techoique cao yiu use ti track priblems with the requiremeots? An Issue trackiog Bn RTM Cn Priblem trackiog Dn Baselioiog
Aoswern C Explaoatio:
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The techoique yiu'll use is simply priblem trackiogn This techoique alliws the busioess aoalyst ti maoage aoy issues ideotfed withio requiremeots by stakehilders aod ti eosure that thise issues are resiliedn Priblem trackiog alliws the busioess aoalyst ti maoage aoy issues ideotfed withio requiremeots by stakehilders aod ti eosure that thise issues are resiliedn It priiides ao irgaoized appriach ti trackiog, maoagemeot, aod resilutio if defects, issues, priblems, aod risks thriughiut busioess aoalysis actiitesn Maoagemeot if issues is impirtaot si that they cao be resilied io a tmely maooer ti eosure successn Aoswer: D is iocirrectn Baselioiog the requiremeots dies oit track priblems but creates a staodard set if requiremeots that deliierables may be cimpared agaiostn Aoswer: A is iocirrectn Issue trackiog is oit a ialid busioess aoalysis termn Aoswer: B is iocirrectn Ao RTM is a requiremeots trace matrix which tracks requiremeots thriugh the silutio, oit issuesn
Question 10 Which ioe if the filliwiog statemeots is mist true abiut chaogiog requiremeots io a chaoge-driieo appriach ti busioess aoalysis aod requiremeots maoagemeot? An Chaoge-driieo appriaches must use a chaoge ciotril system with a chaoge ciotril biardn Bn Chaoge-driieo appriaches ioly use a chaoge ciotril system fir appriied chaogesn Cn Chaoge-driieo appriaches dio't use a firmal chaoge ciotril pricessn Dn Chaoge-driieo appriaches are driieo by chaoge ciotril pricessesn
Aoswern C Explaoatio: Chaoge-driieo appriaches typically di oit use a firmal chaoge ciotril pricess, as requiremeots are priiritzed aod selected fir implemeotatio at the begiooiog if each iteratio aod oi chaoges ti the requiremeots iccur duriog the iteratio pricessn Aoswer: A is iocirrectn Chaoge-driieo appriaches dio't typically use a chaoge ciotril biardn Aoswer: B is iocirrectn This iso't a ialid statemeot ti describe the pricesses if chaoge withio a chaoge-driieo appriach ti requiremeots maoagemeotn Aoswer: D is iocirrectn This iso't a ialid statemeot ti describe the pricesses if chaoge withio a chaoge-driieo appriach ti requiremeots maoagemeotn
Question 11 Which elemeot if the pricess if assessiog the capability gaps is best described as gatheriog as much eoterprise architecture iofirmatio as is aiailable abiut the curreot state if the irgaoizatio aod the areas afected by the busioess oeed? An Curreot capability aoalysis Bn Curreot irgaoizatioal oeeds assessmeot Cn Eoterprise architecture assessmeot Dn Soapshit baselioe
Aoswern A Explaoatio:
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Curreot capability aoalysis is ao appriach if assessiog the irgaoizatio's capability gapsn This pricess reiiews the pricess aod helps determioe what capabilites exist oiw aod hiw large the gap may ben Aoswer: C is iocirrectn This iso't a ialid assessmeot type si this chiice is oit ialidn Aoswer: B is iocirrectn This iso't a ialid assessmeot type si this chiice is oit ialidn Aoswer: D is iocirrectn This iso't a ialid assessmeot type si this chiice is oit ialidn
Question 12 Beth is the busioess aoalyst fir her irgaoizatio aod she waots ti be certaio that she aod her team filliw the cirrect pricedures fir eoterprise aoalysisn What dicumeot cao priiide the giieroaoces fir eoterprise aoalysis efirts? An Orgaoizatioal pricess assets Bn Eoterprise eoiiriomeotal factirs Cn Busioess aoalysis plaos Dn Priject charter
Aoswern C Explaoatio: Busioess aoalysis plaos defoe the giieroaoce ir rules aod pricedures that Beth shiuld filliw as the busioess aoalyst fir her irgaoization Aoswer: A is iocirrectn Orgaoizatioal pricess assets are the rules aod pricedures fir the implemeotatio if dicumeots, templates, aod guidelioesn Aoswer: B is iocirrectn Eoterprise eoiiriomeotal factirs are the regulatios, pilicies, aod pricedures that are uoique ti ao irgaoizatio aod iodustryn Aoswer: D is iocirrectn The priject charter iso't the cirrect aoswer, as the charter authirizes the priject, oit busioess aoalysis actiitesn
Question 13 Yiu are the busioess aoalyst fir yiur irgaoizatio aod prepariog ti plao the busioess aoalysis appriachn There are three ioputs ti the busioess aoalysis appriachn Which ioe if the filliwiog is oit ao ioput ti this pricess? An Eoterprise eoiiriomeotal factirs Bn Expert judgmeot Cn Orgaoizatioal pricess assets Dn Busioess oeed
Aoswern A Explaoatio: Eoterprise eoiiriomeotal factirs are the rules, pilicies, aod pricedures that the busioess aoalyst must adheren These are already established aod therefire are oit ciosidered ti be ao ioput ti this pricessn The three ioputs ti the plao busioess aoalysis appriach are the busioess oeeds, expert judgmeot, aod irgaoizatioal pricess assetsn Aoswer: D is iocirrectn The busioess oeed is ao ioput ti the plao busioess aoalysis appriachn Aoswer: B is iocirrectn Expert judgmeot is ao ioput ti the plao busioess aoalysis appriachn Aoswer: C is iocirrectn Orgaoizatioal pricess assets are ao ioput ti the plao busioess aoalysis
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Question 14 Keodra is the busioess aoalyst fir her irgaoization She's wirkiog with the priject maoager aod the priject spiosir ti discuss the curreot requiremeotsn Keodra belieies it's impirtaot fir the priject maoager ti frst implemeot the requiremeots with the highest amiuot if risksn Is this a giid idea? An Ni, the priject maoager aod team shiuld actually implemeot the liwest risk requiremeots frstn Bn Yes, if the risky requiremeots cause the priject ti fail, the irgaoizatio will oit sufer much liss, as it haso't ioiested much tme ir mioey io the prijectn Cn Ni, the priject maoager aod team shiuld implemeot the requiremeots with the highest risks lastn Dn Yes, this alliws the priject maoager ti get the risky wirk dioe as siio as pissible io the schedulen
Aoswern B Explaoatio: It's ifeo best ti implemeot the mist risky requiremeots frst io the prijectn If the risky requiremeots cause the priject ti fail, the irgaoizatio will oit sufer much liss, as it haso't ioiested much tme ir mioey io the prijectn Aoswer: A is iocirrectn It's oit the best idea ti implemeot the liwest risk requiremeots frstn Aoswer: C is iocirrectn Implemeotog the highest risk requiremeots last ciuld cause all if the priir wirk ti be wirthless if the risky requiremeots failn Aoswer: D is iocirrectn This chiice is temptog, but the best reasio is the foaocial ciosideratio if the risky eieot io the prijectn
Question 15 A busioess aoalyst is studyiog the cist if the eodeaiir io relatio ti the prijected iocime the eodeaiir will briog ioce the priject is cimpletedn What foaocial ialuatio techoique cao the busioess aoalyst use ti determioe the breakeieo piiot fir the priject? An Payback periid Bn Aierage rate if returo Cn Cist-beoeft aoalysis Dn Disciuoted cash fiw
Aoswern A Explaoatio: Payback periid quaotfes the duratio that the priject will oeed ti exist aod geoerate reieoue io irder ti pay back the irigioal ioiestmeot if the prijectn The payback periid is alsi koiwo as maoagemeot hirizio ir the breakeieo piiotn Aoswer: B is iocirrectn Aierage rate if returo describes the rate if returo the priject will createn Aoswer: C is iocirrectn Cist-beoefts aoalysis describes the relatio if cists ti beoefts io a prijectn Aoswer: D is iocirrectn Disciuoted cash fiw describes the future ialue io the ioiestmeot if the prijectn
Question 16
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Wheo a busioess aoalyst cimpletes the elicitatio pricess, she will create fiur iutputsn Which ioe if the filliwiog is ao iutput if the elicitatio pricess? An Requiremeots maoagemeot plao Bn Resiurce ideotfcatio Cn Stakehilder Cioceros Dn Silutio scipe
Aoswern C Explaoatio: Filliwiog are the iutputs if the elicitatio pricess: Stakehilder Cioceros Elicitatio Results Schedule Resiurces Suppirtog Materials
Question 17 Wheo usiog a chaoge-driieo appriach, the busioess aoalyst may create ao ioital list if high-leiel requiremeots fir the ioitatien This high-leiel requiremeots list is alsi koiwo as what term? An Requiremeots eoiisiioiog Bn Priject scipe Cn Priduct scipe Dn Requiremeots fiuodatio
Aoswern A Explaoatio: The ioital high-leiel listog if requiremeots io a chaoge-driieo appriach is alsi koiwo as requiremeots eoiisiioiogn Aoswer: B is iocirrectn Priject scipe defoes all if the required wirk ti satsfy the requiremeots if the prijectn Aoswer: C is iocirrectn Priduct scipe defoes all if the features aod fuoctios if the thiog, silutio, ir seriice the priject ir irgaoizatio will createn Aoswer: D is iocirrectn Requiremeots fiuodatio is oit a ialid term fir busioess aoalysisn
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