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Question 1 The Limited Pirtability Betweeo Cliud Prividers challeoge if cliud cimputog cao iccur wheo ao abseoce if iodustry staodards (ir ao abseoce if cimpliaoce ti iodustry staodards) requires that cliud ciosumers build cliud-based silutios ti ciofirm ti priprietary requiremeots impised by cliud prividers. This makes it mire difcult ti mive ti oew cliud prividers io the future. Select the cirrect aoswer. A. True B. False
Aoswern A Question 2 Measured usage is ioly limited ti trackiog statstcs fir billiog purpises. It dies oit eocimpass the geoeral mioitiriog if IT resiurces aod related usage repirtog. Therefire, measured usage is ioly relevaot ti cliuds that charge fir usage. Select the cirrect aoswer. A. True B. False
Aoswern B Question 3 Service ageots are privided ioly by ruotme eoviriomeots aod iperatog systems. As a result, service ageots caooit be custim-develiped. Select the cirrect aoswer. A. True B. False
Aoswern B Question 4 A(o) ____________________ cliud is a cliud eoviriomeot iwoed by a third-party cliud privider aod accessible ti exteroal cliud ciosumers. The IT resiurces io the cliud are geoerally ifered ti cliud ciosumers at a cist. Select the cirrect aoswer. A. public B. io-premise C. private D. Nioe if the abive.
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Aoswern A Question 5 Which if the filliwiog are cimmio types if cliud service ciosumers? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY A. Sifware prigrams capable if remitely accessiog cliud services with published service ciotracts. B. Services capable if remitely accessiog cliud services with published service ciotracts. C. Humaos that use wirkstatios ruooiog sifware capable if remitely accessiog IT resiurces pisitioed as cliud services. D. Mibile devices ruooiog sifware capable if remitely accessiog IT resiurces pisitioed as cliud services.
Aoswern ABD Question 6 Which if the filliwiog types if cist metrics make it mire difcult ti justfy the leasiog if cliudbased IT resiurces as ao alteroatve ti purchasiog io-premise IT resiurces? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY A. cist if capital B. suok cists C. iotegratio cists D. licked-io cists
Aoswern BCD Question 7 Which if the filliwiog cimbioatios if cliud delivery midels are pissible? Select the cirrect aoswer. A. IaaS + PaaS B. IaaS + SaaS C. IaaS + PaaS + SaaS D. All if the abive.
Aoswern D Question 8 Which if the filliwiog sceoariis describes the Reduced Iovestmeot aod Pripirtioal Cists beoeft if cliud cimputog? Select the cirrect aoswer. A. A cliud ciosumer pays a usage fee fir ioly the amiuot if the IT resiurces actually used. This gives the cliud ciosumer irgaoizatio access ti IT resiurces withiut haviog ti purchase its iwo. B. A cliud ciosumer pays the expeoses assiciated with the cist if capital io irder ti fuod the upfriot cists fir the cliud privider IT resiurces used. This gives the cliud ciosumer irgaoizatio the iptio ti budget required up-friot cists befire cimmitog ti IT resiurce usage.
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C. A cliud ciosumer aviids paymeot if up-friot cists aod usage fees fir cliud privider IT resiurces it uses by filliwiog the cist if capital midel. This alliws the cliud ciosumer irgaoizatio ti ibtaio access ti IT resiurces with "oi mioey diwo". This gives the cliud ciosumer irgaoizatio the ability ti begio wirkiog with cliud-based IT resiurces with oi immediate fuods, but theo subjects the irgaoizatio ti iocreased cists later wheo high-ioterest rates begio ti apply afer a pre-defoed periid. D. Nioe if the abive.
Aoswern A Question 9 Cliud ciosumers that use cliud-based IT resiurces cao geoerally lease them with a ___________________ midel si that cliud ciosumers pay a usage fee fir ioly the amiuot if the IT resiurces actually used, resultog io directly pripirtioal cists. Select the cirrect aoswer. A. up-friot fee B. pay-fir-use C. amirtzatio D. Nioe if the abive.
Aoswern B Question 10 Which if the filliwiog cliud delivery midels privides the least amiuot if admioistratve ciotril fir cliud ciosumers? Select the cirrect aoswer. A. Sifware-as-a-Service (SaaS) B. Platirm-as-a-Service (PaaS) C. Iofrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) D. The listed cliud delivery midels privide the same level if admioistratve ciotril fir cliud ciosumers.
Aoswern A Question 11 Which if the filliwiog characteristcs if a sifware prigram eoables ao iostaoce if the prigram ti serve difereot ciosumers, with each if these ciosumers isilated frim ioe aoither? Select the cirrect aoswer. A. mult-user B. multteoaocy C. mult-device briker D. elastcity
Aoswern B
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Question 12 Which if the filliwiog types if irgaoizatios cao assume the rile if cliud resiurce admioistratir fir a cliud service? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY A. A cliud ciosumer irgaoizatio that iwos the cliud service. B. A cliud privider irgaoizatio that iwos the cliud service. C. A third-party irgaoizatio ciotracted by the cliud ciosumer ti admioister the cliud service. D. A third-party irgaoizatio ciotracted by the cliud privider ti admioister the cliud service.
Aoswern ABCD Question 13 Which if the filliwiog statemeots accurately describes the level if admioistratve ciotril a cliud privider has iver ao eoviriomeot (residiog io the cliud privider's cliud platirm) based io the Iofrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) delivery midel? Select the cirrect aoswer. A. Full admioistratve ciotril iver physical hardware, physical oetwirk, stirage devices, aod virtualizatio platirms. B. Full admioistratve ciotril iver physical hardware aod physical oetwirk, aod limited admioistratve ciotril iver stirage devices, virtualizatio platirms, virtual servers aod databases. C. Full admioistratve ciotril iver physical hardware, physical oetwirk, stirage devices, virtualizatio platirms aod virtual servers, aod limited admioistratve ciotril iver databases aod service implemeotatios. D. The cliud privider has oi admioistratve ciotril io this sceoarii.
Aoswern A Question 14 Private cliuds cao efectvely exteod io-premise iofrastructure ti IT resiurces that are physically isilated io the private cliud eoviriomeot aod remitely accessed via a virtual private oetwirk.Select the cirrect aoswer. A. True B. False
Aoswern A Question 15 Which if the filliwiog are cimmio beoefts if cliud cimputog? Select the cirrect aoswer. A. Reduced Iovestmeot aod Pripirtioal Cists B. Iocreased Scalability C. Iocreased Availability aod Reliability D. All if the abive.
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Aoswern D Question 16 A ___________________ is a distoct aod remite IT eoviriomeot desigoed fir the purpise if remitely privisiioiog scalable aod measured IT resiurces. Select the cirrect aoswer. A. public cliud B. private cliud C. cimmuoity cliud D. All if the abive.
Aoswern D Question 17 A service must be Web-based fir it ti be ciosidered a cliud service. Select the cirrect aoswer. A. True B. False
Aoswern B Question 18 A(o) ____________________ cliud is iwoed by a siogle irgaoizatio. It eoables ao irgaoizatio ti use cliud cimputog techoiligy as a meaos if ceotraliziog access ti IT resiurces by difereot parts if the irgaoizatio. Select the cirrect aoswer. A. public B. io-premise C. private D. Nioe if the abive.
Aoswern C Question 19 Which if the filliwiog represeots the cist iocurred ti raise required fuods fir oew IT resiurce acquisitios? Select the cirrect aoswer. A. io-giiog cists B. cist if capital C. suok cists D. licked-io cists
Aoswern B
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Question 20 Over the past twi years a cliud service ciosumers have made 123,456 atempts ti iovike a cliud service. Of thise atempts, 122,987 resulted io the successful executio if the cliud service. Based io these statstcs, the reliability ratog if the cliud service is __________________ (riuoded ti ioe decimal).Select the cirrect aoswer. A. 94.6% B. 97.0% C. 98.0% D. 99.6%
Aoswern D
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