Agarde / Retail Design

Page 1

© jamie turpin, 2018


7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08

design intent signage storefront window parking signs identity wall floor graphic cashier counter material + finishes 7.09 material + finishes

apparel + product


print advertising stationery business cards fax template envelopes receipt enevelope tissue paper packaging + bags 4.09 shipping boxes 4.10 invoice 4.11 shipping labels 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05

employee uniform attire weather items green bags sketchbooks + pens 8.06 pet: bowls + leashes

design intent do’s + don’ts specifications options

5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04

merchandising gift cards hang tags product line sheets

identity colors

1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04

9.01 vehicles 9.02 bikes & basket 9.03 helmets + water bottle

2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05

6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06


4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08



3.01 design intent 3.02 do’s + don’ts 3.03 specifications

print advertising



brand philosophy tone of voice the communication

vehicle application

i.01 i.02 i.03 i.04

wordmark + logo

i 12 3456 789 brand identity

design intent solo color the palette specifications image style

approach direct mail direct mail direct mail website favicons + phone applications 6.07 social networking 6.08 constant contact

or p o r

h Fas

e: r of p r u t itec matte h c r s a it is a i n io

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C oco

u d o r t in

n o i t c

5 4 3 2 i1 g i b he


a e id

d n a r b

a:garde is recognized as a fashion boutique that carries a vintage, modern personality with an Australian flair. a:garde focuses on the unique, urban lifestyle of Portland, Oregon. The boutique combines intimacy of a boutique with the spontaneity and energy of a design studio. The boutique appeals to mostly females

age 24-41 who like casual detail approached clothing. This new boutique will be located in the urban, independent district in Portland. The brand identity will combine intimacy of a boutique with the spontaneity and energy of a design studio. a:garde emphasizes beautiful design and fine fabrics, and specializes in unique

handmade pieces, many of which are available only at this boutique. This boutique’s fashion is defined by color, cut, cloth, garment type, garment styles and interpretation of looks. a:garde plans to carry a few of the Australian top designers such as Wayne Cooper, Nicola Finetti, and Lisa Ho. As design is the

most important ingredient of fashion and luxury apparel, the individual style of these designers becomes crucial to creating and sustaining the fashion brand strategy.

For more information see: The Intent in Our Brand Identity at

5 4 3 2 i1 s e u val

e c i o v f

o e ton

When the shopper walks in the front door, they experience the unique atmosphere that a:garde focuses on. The boutique speaks of a very dynamic interior with the exquisite vintage hard wood floors and modern placed furniture throughout the space. Each area, or room, within the space speaks a different

vintage style but with modern personality. There is a room within the overall boutique that will speak every female’s personality they are looking to voice. The experts are easily approachable will answer your fashion question, will wait on you hand and foot, and possibly provide you a glass a wine while you experience

a:garde. The colors speak a different language in each room. One room will support a cool palette while another will support a vibrant bold palette. The type and imagery on the walls will balance the tone of the room as well as speak a bit of its personality to compliment the space.

5 4 3 2 i1 y t i l na

o s r pe

y h p o s

o l i ph

Personality is critical for our company. Power: Branding empowers your company. Simplicity: Over time a company’s brand speaks for itself.

Reliability: Use branding so that people know what to expect each and every time they buy our product.

Recognition: Another reason why creating a brand for our company remains critical for our success is branding helps people recognize a product associated with our company. Notority: People identify with and seek social identity through branded products. Branding is the source of the promise to your customer. In order for that promise to radiate from every part of your company, create the personality your company needs in order to succeed: a brand.

headlines Ensure our headlines are short, clear, and relevant to support our imagery, inspiring belief in our proposition.

Product: Present our products proudly, showing the distinctive form and function.

key message

photography People: natural, intimate photograph captures the essence of our brand promise by portraying people benefiting from our technology.

Our brand promise is “quality and uniqueness.” Use it consistently and do not provide a substitute, even when it is not used.


brand promise

Our wordmark is our most valuable asset. Give it pride of placement and present it with simplicity and consistency.


Our written communication is personal, clear, vibrant, and credible.

color We are colorful and our brand is graphite, turquoise, and tangerine.


graphic elements

Our typography is inviting and highly legible and has enduring style.

Our graphic elements are functional not decorative. Use them to structure and organize information


layout Our layouts serve our communication structure. Use them to grab, hold, and direct attention towards our photography, headlines and proposition.


materials + finishes Apply systematically to create distinction for our brand and differentiation of our propositions.


value radiation

key message

m m co

wordmark + logo


i n u

key message


n o i t a c

value radiation

5 4 3 2 i1 s e l cip

+ rk

a m d r o w

o g lo

ed mix m s uali that d i v i f ind ething o n io om ress ion is s p x an e . Fash s i a e Styl harism tyle. c s with s after d e il com n Fairch oh —J

7 6 5 4 3 2 i1 n g i s


t n e int

k r a dm

r o w

The design intent for the wordmark and symbol is based on Style, Simplicity and Quality which creates a new age feel for the vintage modern fashion boutique in Portland, Oregon. Our identity logo is durable and sustainable, which is reflected upon the Australian flair that represents our most valuable asset.

o g o l +

The logo consists of the symbol rotated to the left of the wordmark. It should not be redrawn, digitally manipulated or altered. (see page 06)


The logo design must always have good contrast with the background to ensure maximum impact. wordmark

logo design


7 6 5 4 3 2 i1 s n o ati

c i f i l ua


+ s ’ o d

s t ’ n o d

e d r a g a:



Alter the line weights on the logo

Use a different typeface

DO The logo design is rotated at 19 degrees only. Employ the correct PMS colors at all times.



Use specially created background

Use more than one color for the type



Alter or mix up the colors on the mark

Stretch the logo

DO When using a reversed out color option, it is okay for the profile to replicate the unique form of the logo, only, no alterations will be accepted to the angle. The logo design is rotated at 19 degrees only.

7 6 5 4 3 2 i1 s n io

s l i a t e d

t a ifiÿ c

c e sp

standardized form

Use of the specified clearance of two bold a’s when using the logo is recommended.


PMS 7547 C

PMS 3105 C

PMS 1245 C

PMS Dark Grey

C85 M71 Y55 K62 R26 G39 B50 #1a2732

C51 M0 Y14 K0 R108 G212 B225 #6cd4e1

C3 M58 Y100 K0 R255 G143 B0 #f28500

C64 M57 Y56 K33 R82 G82 B82 #525252

size + position Rotate 19 degrees Symbol to the left of wordmark.


type a: garde

Trade Gothic Bold No. 2 Trade Gothic Light

a is the height of the a:garde wordmark


7 6 5 4 3 2 i1 o g o l

s e z si

s n tio


2.25 inches

1.5 inches

logo options

Logo size consistency is important when producing a wide range of communications.

A size formats


Shown here are the recommended sizes for reproduction across various A series formats.

A4 A3

3 inches

2.25 inches 3 inches

placement The logo always appears in a set size and position on all our communications. (pages 08 - 09)

minimum size Our logo must be clearly visible and reproduced consistently. For this reason a minimum size has been established. The size 1.5 inches measured across the width of the logo.

minimum size


s r o l o

c y t i


t en

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y wohhann W b d ne — J


ash nd f

are We

pe sha

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 n g i es


t n e int

s r olo

c y t i t n


a:garde graphite

Is the first color in line when one reads from left to right. It speaks unity when one looks at the logo design as a whole.

a:garde turquoise Balances the color dynamic of tangerine and graphite.

a:garde tangerine Plays in harmony with turquoise and graphite.

vintage modern

We are a vintage modern fashion boutique with an Australian flair intermixed into our brand that speaks new age style, simplicity and quality.

Our colors are vintage modern and will evolve over time. Use color to respect cultures and be effective in categories. Use color to organize information. Use color to reflect our new age style.


7 6 5 4 3 2 1 r o l o

c e l g n


black + white The a:garde translates well to black, gray, and white. 100% Black

50% Black

Pantone 7547 C

Pantone 3105 C

25% Black

one color When one color is available, utilize the core palette colors only. Pantone 144 C

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 g n i k r o w

h t i w


e t t ale

p e th


7417 C

red palette

working with the palette

The palette of 16 colors has been designed to work independently or together in various combinations.


When choosing color please consider the most appropriate options from the palette that will project the design information clearly, effectively, and complement your form.


113 C

orange/yellow palette


Minimal color usage is often the most graphically effective. Undisciplined combinations will dilute the impact of our identity. Therefore you should only use colors from our palette. Some suggested color combinations are shown at the opposite page.

1245 C

585 C

609 C


green palette






3105 C

630 C

blue palette

7489 C

gray palette

609 C

Dark Grey

color combinations

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 the

s t i g di

a c cifiÿ


core palette

e p s


s n tio

Grey White Text



White Text

Tangerine White Text

PMS 7547 C C85 M71 Y55 K62 R26 G39 B50 #1a2732

PMS 3105 C C51 M0 Y14 K0 R108 G212 B225 #6cd4e1

PMS 1245 C C3 M58 Y100 K0 R255 G143 B0 #f28500

PMS Dark Grey C64 M57 Y56 K33 R82 G82 B82 #525252

PMS White C0 M0 Y0 K100 R255 G255 B5255 #ffffff

PMS Black C C0 M0 Y0 K100 R0 G0 B50 #000000

White Text

White Text

White Text

White Text

White Text

White Text

Black Text

Black Text

Black Text

Black Text

Black Text

Black Text

PMS 113 C C3 M7 Y81 K0 R250 G224 B78 #fae04e

PMS 7489 C C5 M14 Y84 K1 R130 G172 B90 #82ad5a

PMS 5855 C C24 M18 Y51 K0 R198 G192 B142 #c6c08e

PMS 630 C C44 M5 Y13 K0 R139 G201 B215 #8bc9d7

PMS 7417 C C9 M88 Y90 K1 R219 G68 B51 #db4433

PMS 1375 C C0 M48 Y96 K0 R247 G150 B37 #f79625

White Text

White Text

White Text

White Text

White Text

White Text

Black Text

Black Text

Black Text

Black Text

Black Text

Black Text

PMS 609 C C15 M7 Y61 K0 R221 G217 B130 #ddd982

PMS 4975 C C46 M82 Y78 K72 R62 G20 B14 #3e140e

PMS 585 C C30 M47 Y812 K0 R188 G208 B90 #bcd05a

PMS 7474 C C83 M26 Y38 K2 R0 G143 B153 #008f99

PMS 12645 C C26 M47 Y100 K2 R184 G133 B42 #b8852a

PMS 446 C C66 M61 Y59 K46 R67 G65 B65 #434141

Graphite White Text


standard color palette Use only colors from the core color palette built from four colors and their complimentary colors that balance and exploit the vintage modern persona of a:garde. Always check specific applications for how color is used. The 12 supporting colors are designed to work with the core colors, in various combinations. They should be used to add depth and variety. Do not use unspecified colors. The CMYK values are for print applications, and the RGB and hex # values for on screen.

pantone equivalent base colors These equivalents are for reproduction processes that require Pantone specifications, such as Pantone colors used in printing or exhibition stand text.

y h p a r og

p y t

hen w t p ado re. u o at y ou a h y w o h is ion ww h o s n k Fa on’t risp d u yo tin C uen


c 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 i1 n g i es


t n e int

y h rap

g o typ enduring style

Ensure our typography is subtle, not overpowering. Ensure it is timeless, not trendy.

highly legible

Make sure our typography is easy to read. Be straightforward, respecting the reading experience.

adaptable type Our typography has a balanced, clear structure that is accessible.

Our typography is an adaptable type that fits into any fashion situation. It is highly legible and has an enduring style.

c 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 s n o i t a c

i f i l ua


s l i eta

d t u o y



Lower case letters, with their ascenders and descenders, make it easy for the eye.


alignment Text can be ranged from the left hand edge of the symbol or left hand edge of the logotype.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

unjustified text

Always use unjustified text (ranged left), regular word/letter, spacious leading

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

c 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 i1 e p y t

s n tio

a c cifiÿ

e p s typesetting


Sans Serif Type (for use by professional designers) Trade Gothic is used for the logotype, advertising, magazines, and other external communications.

Trade Gothic

Always use standard letter and word spacing. Professional designers may adjust individual letter spacing in headlines manually to visually balance the spacing.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


web type

Helvetica has been selected as the boutique’s primary typeface and is use for promotional materials that are produced in-house. New refinements put Helvetica in the sans serif sub-category of neo-grotesque. Helvetica is an all-purpose type design that can deliver practically any message clearly and efficiently. It should be used for all our produced communications.

For all internet applications use Verdana, a Humanist Sans Serif Type. Verdana was designed to be readable at small sizes on a computer screen. The lack of serifs, large x-height, wide proportions, loose letter-spacing, large counters, and emphasized distinctions between similarly-shaped characters are chosen to increase legibility.



The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

c 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 e r u nat


e l y t s e

g a im color signature style

Vintage Modern stimulating for today’s new age fashion.

structure Our palette and style exemplify a very edgy take on Australian fashion. Images should feel inspirational to a:garde’s style rather than stale in taste, and show a contrast with beautiful architecture and the excitement of people who interact with innovative environments.

y t i t n

n a r b

e d i d

e styl , s de t

n fat Lauren o i h Fas ves Sain —Y

ter is e


c 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 y t i t n e


d i nd

the brand Below is the overall print palette exemplified for a:garde’s boutique.

invoice invoice no.


1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205

to: attention: fax: phone:

tel 801 983 6700 fax 801 983 6705


[ ]

please reply

customer id:

date: sales rep:

1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205

from: re: pages: date:

bill to:

[ ]

for review

[ ]

1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205 tel 801 983 6700 fax 801 983 6705


ship to:

order number





unit price


1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205 tel 801 983 6700 fax 801 983 6705

1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205 tel 801 983 6700 fax 801 983 6705

amount due

1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205 tel 801 983 6700 fax 801 983 6705

jamie turpin

Thanks Your Business is Appreciated

tel 801 983 6700

fax 801 983 6705

1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205

a fashion boutique

tel 801 983 6700 fax 801 983 6705

jamie turpin

To: a fashion boutique

1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205


1101 Port SW Ald land er , OR St. tel 80 9720 5 fax 1 983 801 67 983 00 6705 ess



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a fashion boutique


1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205



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1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205

a fashion boutique


1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205



blue palette


PA630 N609 CC 1245 TONE® C



PANTONE® Dark Grey

et ue.n


debo agar

Be the first to know fashion shop a:garde


** A:GARDE FASHION BOUTIQUE** 1101 SW Alder Street Portland, OR

#01978 97204

----fashion boutique receipt---2 Lisa Ho TOPS 68.00 136.00 Hudson JEANS 198.00 SUBTOTAL 334.00 Tax 9.0 30.06 TOTAL 364.06 CASH 400.00 CHANGE DUE 35.94


006878 0215 701310 003032007RFJT 05/25/2010

----fashion boutique receipt----

Thank You! Please Come Again.

1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205



1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205

c 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 y r e n o

i t a st 1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205 tel 801 983 6700 fax 801 983 6705 1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205 tel 801 983 6700 fax 801 983 6705


Our typographic style is strong, clear, and simple.

The recommended minimum point size for body copy on an A4 page is 11 point set on 13 point leading. There should not be an indent for the start of a new paragraph. Consistent typefaces and appropriate use of typography will maintain our strong visual identity.

1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205 tel 801 983 6700 fax 801 983 6705

a fashion boutique

material French Paper Speckletone, Starch White 80 t

a fashion boutique

a fashion boutique

c 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 i c s s e n

s d r a

i s bu



1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205 tel 801 983 6700 fax 801 983 6705

jamie turpin

business cards

The unique shape of the business card is a reflection of the logo design. The core identity colors are exemplified as the field colors for the business cards.

1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205 tel 801 983 6700 fax 801 983 6705

size 2" wide by 1.75" length

jamie turpin

material French Paper Muscletone, Starch White 140 c

1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205

color palette

tel 801 983 6700 fax 801 983 6705

The core palette is complemented with the secondary PMS palette to provide a stronger personality with speaking fashion.

jamie turpin

c 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 e t pla

m e t fax


fax template The page layout is economical in size to provide less waste for the environment. The fax is supportive for sending and confirming orders for shoppers.

to: attention: fax: phone:


[ ]

from: re: pages: date:

please reply

[ ]

for review

1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205 tel 801 983 6700 fax 801 983 6705


size 7" wide x 5" high material French Paper Smart White – 98 White 70 t

[ ]

c 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 e p elo

v n e

a fashion boutique a fashion boutique

envelope design


The simplistic envelope design is minimal on the exterior with a POP of color on the interior while exemplifying a directional map for the shopper.

size + material French Paper Speckletone, Starch White No.10 Envelope Square Flap

3 2 i1


Contact Information Open Here

Contact Information Open Here

open view ress









color palette The core palette is exemplified in a letterhead and envelope scenario due to the simplistic design the print reads.


c 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 e u s s i t

r e p a p

tissue paper design There are 6 different designs ranging from an organic design to a structural intent. The meaning behind having 6 designs is to provide diversity for the shopper to allow them to personalize their own style with the range of tissue paper designs.

3 2 i1

c 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 + g gin

a k c pa

packaging + bags There are 3 different package designs to compliment the tissue paper designs. The boutique bags are simple in nature to allow the a:garde brand POP on the brown paper bag.

s g ba

c 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 e c i o v n


invoice invoice no.


customer id:

sales rep:

bill to:


order number



ship to:


The page layout is speaks a:garde’s identity style while providing a business purpose for the shopper. The invoice will be includes in all orders that are shipped out to the shopper. Invoices will also be electronic mailed to provide an easier convenience on the end user.

3 2 i1 1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205


unit price


amount due

size 8.5" wide x 11" high

Thanks Your Business is Appreciated

material French Paper Smart White – 98 White 70 t

tel 801 983 6700

fax 801 983 6705

c 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 s l e b

a l ing

p p i sh


shipping labels The shipping labels balance the shipping boxes personality. 1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205


1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205

size There are 2 different sizes: For small and large packages. To:

material French Paper Smart White – 98 White 70 t

aga rdeb outi que 1101 .net Por SW Ald tlan d, O er St. R9 720 5

French Paper Construction – Charcoal Brown 100 c


1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205





1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205



1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205



g n i s i

d an

h c r e m

o as t . h n g io ash ppenin f , t tree at is ha s e h th y, in e live, w k s the way w n i s i e hion eas, th s a F d ith i nel w do Cha oco


c 9 8 7 6 5 4 g n i dis

n a rch


merchandising Below are a few items a shopper can purchase at a:garde’s boutique.

5 4 3 2 i1

c 9 8 7 6 5 4 t f i g

s d r a c


from to:

Happy Birthday Darlin

gift cards There are 4 different designs; birthday, holiday and two for everyday. to:

size 3.375" x 2.125"

design intent The front view keeps the label simple with the idea of a gift tag in mind providing on the to and from. The back view provides an area where one can place the gift amount. The overall idea is to just keep it simple.

Your a:garde Gift Card Number is:

6041 1974 4382 9893 For Gift Card Balance, call toll free 1.888.860.7897

Card Amount Upon Purchase:


c 9 8 7 6 5 4 g n ha

s g ta

hang tags The clothing hang tags are backed with a wood veneer to balance the consistency of the wood utilized throught the boutique. The outer panel exploits the logo design while the interior panel provides a place for the brand, size, and price to be placed for the shoppers convenience.

open me

open me

Brand/Style: Size: Price:

c 9 8 7 6 5 4 e n i l t c

u d pro

s t e e h s

Available Colors

Available Sizes XS, S, M, L, XL

Material 95/5% Blend Cotton/Lyrca

product line sheets Product line sheets are a great way to source the new products that just came out for the boutique to put out on the shelves. Product lines sheets provide information about the product, different colors that area available in that style, different sizes, and what material the product is made of.

color identity The lower right hand of this page displays core identities and what product type they represent for the product line sheets.



New product comes out everyother week. a:garde expects all sales associates to know the specific product information. For specific product information, login to and click on product line sheet. Here is where one can find information about the care for product, manufacturer, lead time and return policy.

Product Line Sheets – Identity attire

shoes & bags

all the extras

jewelry & accessories

h c a o r p p



m hey T . w ado ttier. h s e re e ey and p k i l r e s ar younge e s ok glas Sun thing lo ry feld eve ger arl L —K


i c 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 i1 h c roa

p p a


Below are a few different ways a:garde reaches out to the target shopper.

fashion accessories design










fashion :: accessories :: design :: sitemap :: disclaimer

© a:agarde, 2011

a:garde fashion boutique



a:garde, the new fashion boutique in Portland is launching their store opening.

a:garde fashion boutique


June 2 & 3, 2011 a:garde fashion boutique

Time 7pm- 10pm Admission Free RSVP: Full name plus guests to: First 200 Guests Receive a Goody Bag. Laptops available for exclusive viewing of website! Live Music by: Jazz/Funk/Fusion guitarist Scott Brakan & Trio

a:garde is a new fashion boutique located in Portland, Oregon. The style is vintage modern with an Australian twist


Small bites by:

Cupcakes by:

Friend us on:

sponsored by:

i c 9 8 7 6 5 l i a tm

c e r di direct mail


The promotional mail piece Includes: :: Eco Shopping Bag :: Introduction Card :: Information Card with 10% discount when shopper uses the Eco Bag at a:garde boutique. a:garde Boutique 1101 Southwest Alder Street Portland, OR 97205 - 2202


size Overall Size: 13" wide x 16.25" high Ms. Christy LaZear 5908 Pleasant Run Road Colleyville, TX 76034 - 6312

material Chipboard Wallpaper Graphic: Printed on Neenah Eames Paper Series Primed Canvas 65C


o th be tw uld ulous b l sho A gir y and Fa Class Chanel co

— Co

exterior panel design

interior panel design

i c 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 i1 l i a tm

c e dir

Here is a Gift, a Gift for You. Shop it, Strut it, Show it Off

make us proud

We are the New Fashion Boutique in Town. We are Here to Stay and to Exploit Great Fashion Your Way.

introduction card

introduction card size 5" wide x 3" high


Announcing 10% Discount when one uses the provided Eco Bag @ a:garde

Please enjoy the Eco Shopping Bag to utilize at our fashion boutique in the West End Neighborhood.



off when you use the Eco Bag at

a:garde fashion boutique


information card

1101 SW Alder St. Portland, OR 97205 tel 801 983 6700

We are a new fashion boutique in Portland, Oregon and want to extend an extra hello to you.


French Paper Muscletone, Starch White 140 c


We are a new fashion boutique in Portland, Oregon and want to extend an extra hello to you. Please enjoy the Eco Shopping Bag to utilize at our fashion boutique in the West End Neighborhood.



off when you use the Eco Bag at

Also included is a simple visual map


a:garde fashion boutique

information card

i c 9 8 7 6 5 l i a tm

c e r di

promotional mailer Final images of product.

i c 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 i1 e t i s b e


The website allows for the target shopper to check out what’s new in the boutique, purchase an order online or keep up with the daily blog.


fashion accessories design







australian design


fashion :: accessories :: design :: sitemap :: disclaimer

© a:agarde, 2011

i c 9 8 7 6 5 s n ico



favicon browser

favicon To the right are two different favicon designs. One is for the browser to identity or personalize one’s website and the other is the favicon mobile which is also known as a phone application.

size 16 pixels x 16 pixels


favicon mobile

i c 9 8 7 6 5 4 g n i ork

i c so

w t e n l a

social networking Facebook is the best way to find out what’s happening in one’s town, the latest gossip, or just want to drop in to say hello.

a:garde fashion boutique Design


a:garde fashion boutique

a:garde is a new fashion boutique located in Portland, Oregon. The style is vintage modern with an Australian twist

a:garde fashion boutique

i c 9 8 7 6 5 t c nta

o c nt

a t s con

constant contact Constant contact does all of the work for you. They deliver the latest news flash into your inbox and allows you to make the decision if you would like to partake. No pressure, just simple.


a:garde, the new fashion boutique in Portland is launching their store opening. June 2 & 3, 2011

Time 7pm- 10pm Admission Free RSVP: Full name plus guests to: First 200 Guests Receive a Goody Bag. Laptops available for exclusive viewing of website! Live Music by: Jazz/Funk/Fusion guitarist Scott Brakan & Trio

Small bites by:

Cupcakes by:

Friend us on:

sponsored by:

t en

m n o r i nv




o do ng t

sn e ha

anc eld Eleg rl Lagerf a —K


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3 2 1 i c 9 8 7 6 l a t en

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3 2 1 i c 9 8 7 6 e g a n g


environmental signage We voice who we are and want to indicate entrances to help lead the shopper into fashions little secret.

locations front facade [wood signage at right] back alley [circular signage at right] streetscape [flag at pole]

3 2 1 i c 9 8 7 6 6 5 4 3 2 i1 w t ron

f e tor


w o d n i

storefront window Full logo color design exemplified on the storefront window.

3 2 1 i c 9 8 7 6 g n i ark


s n sig


parking signs The parking signs are placed near the entrance to a:garde to provide safety for the workers and to be utilize as advertisement for one’s who have not heard of a:garde yet.

types ::Personal or company bicycle ::Company mini cooper


3 2 1 i c 9 8 7 6 6 5 4 3 2 i1 l l a yw

t i t n e d


identity wall Stainless steel letters exploit the logo design on a wood plank wall. There is only one location of the environmental wall placement in the boutique.

3 2 1 i c 9 8 7 6 c i h rap

g r o o fl°

floor graphic Stained logo design on the existing hardwood floor that compliments the personality of the renovated warehouse.

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r e t n u o

s a c

cashier counter The logo design is applied to all cashier counters throughout the boutique. The brushed stainless steel design balances the space with the environmental wall.

3 2 1 i c 9 8 7 6 n fi l+

a i r ate


s e ish

material + finishes The raw structure of the space is livened up by warm hardwoods, colorful carpet tiles, modern metals, turquoise door, and acrylic panels.

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d o r p +

l e r a p



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3 2 1 i c 9 8 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 i1 n u ee

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s m r o if

employee uniforms

The intent for the uniforms is that the associate/worker needs to wear a core color item and can mix it up with any of their personal attire that speaks who they are and what fashion they represent.

Other employee articles are in the process of being developed for the diverse seasons.

3 2 1 i c 9 8 7 e r i t at

attire Below are a few clothing items that a:garde carries on a regular basis. These are the basic core clothing items that allow the shopper to build off of to create their personality.

3 2 1 i c 9 8 7 i t i r the

s m e

a e w

weather accessories Exemplified are some recent items a:garde designed for the seasonal weather that lies ahead of Portland. Have the umbrella for the daily rain shower, sunglasses to fight off the glare, and a scarf to layer up.

3 2 1 i c 9 8 7 g a nb

e e r g

eco shopping bag This is the promotional mailer item that a:garde sent out for their introduction piece announcing they are knew and ready to mingle with all of the fashionistas in Portland.

3 2 1 i c 9 8 7 + k o o b

h c t ske

sketchbook + pens The best advice I can give to you, is draw in your sketchbook everyday. This will help you grow as a person and allows you to keep track of things you saw during your day, thoughts, and ideas that you are planning to exploit on your next day off.

s n pe

3 2 1 i c 9 8 7 s l w o b t


pet bowls + leashes Portland is a dog friendly state, so as a boutique in the city we support it to the fullest. Every Wednesday, we support a dog happy hour, the dog owners stop by and treat their dogs to a treat.

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5 4 3 2 1 i c 9 8 s e l hic


vehicles a:garde provides a mini coupe to all of the workers at the boutique. The brand identity can half wrapped on the mini or can have a perforated one way auto graphic placed in the side panel windows.

5 4 3 2 1 i c 9 8 t e k s a

b + ke


bicycle + basket a:garde has bicycles that remain at the boutique. They concept is to keep the bicycles at hand for the employee to utilize throughout the day and don’t have time to worry about finding a parking spot in their mini. All bicycles have a basket that they can carry with them into their business, grocery store, or into the boutique.




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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 i c 9 s t i d e r


special thanks to


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