Business Women Scotland

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B U S I N E S S women scotland ISSUE 19 : DECEMBER/JANUARY 2013 : BI-MONTHLY

TEL : 0141 332 8801 : WWW.BWSLTD.CO.UK

THREE SISTERS BAKE Recipe for success for Scottish sisters

THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX Expert hu man resource advice


We asked three inspirational women


The perfect party fashion and make-up looks





We seem to have a theme in this issue with many features linking to ‘food’ including some great profiles of women working in the catering and hospitality industry. They say working with your family is difficult and challenging but three sisters in Quarriers Village run a successful eatery, and seem to have the magic ingredients to make it work! When is the right time to quit your job? We asked three women that have left a secure income to set up their own businesses. With the countdown to Christmas well underway we’ve also included a gift guide to help with your Christmas shopping dilemmas. We would like to wish you all a great Christmas and prosperous New Year, and thank you for all your support this year! We look forward to working with you in 2013!

Lynne Kennedy

Business Women Scotland Ltd Tel: 0141 332 8801,

Managing Editor Lynne Kennedy, Email: Editor Beverley Brown, Email: Art Director Jennifer Kelly, Email: Accounts Isabel Harland, Email: Advertising Sales Email: Cover Photographer: Anette Schive Stylist: Victoria Martin Hair Stylist: Martine Carroll Make-up Artist and Art Director: Sara Hill Nails: Miss Bartons Model: Sophie Crooks See page 29 for full details. Contributor Stephanie Smart Published by Business Women Scotland Limited Tel: 0141 332 8801, Independently owned and published by Business Women Scotland Limited. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means whatsoever, without the express written permission of the publisher. The design of advertising copy produced without additional charge by our company remains the copyright property of Business Women Scotland Limited and may not be reproduced in any other publication without our express written permission. © All rights reserved by Business Women Scotland Limited.




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Once upon a time... with Three Sisters Bake Gillian, Nichola and Linsey Reith, Inverclyde. Quick question Rita Brown, Account Manager, BreadPR. Once upon a time... with Caroline Gregory The Lovat, Loch Ness

Think outside the box... Alison Welsh, Director, Square Circle. Get on your… bike... train… bus… Encouraging sustainable travel Christmas inspiration Our Christmas gift ideas. When is the right time to quit your job? We asked three inspirational business women. Family business focus Three Scottish sisters keep it in the family. Transformation for Theatreland restaurant La Bonne Auberge, Glasgow. It’s a question of style... Expert kitchen advice from Gordon Paterson. Once upon a time... Tania Dixon Ginger Snap, Edinburgh. What is CO2RE? Dr Emma Ravichandran fills us in! Lifestyle introduction Welcome to our lifestyle section... Up the glam factor Christmas party fashion and accessories. Ask Anne Anne Ferguson answers our haircare questions. Health and wellbeing advice From Beverley Brown and Amanda Hamilton. Party looks all wrapped up Christmas party make-up ideas. Fabulous fish Delicious recipes and wines. New Year, New You New year business resolutions.



Once upon a


The first of this issue’s ‘Once upon a time...’ profiles focuses on Gillian, Nichola and Linsey Reith - the creators and sisters behind Three Sisters Bake, a homespun 50-seater eatery in Quarriers Village, Inverclyde.

Name: Company: Location:

Gillian, Nichola and Linsey Reith Three Sisters Bake Inverclyde


f the eldest sister could bottle the magic ingredients that make up Three Sisters Bake it would be a heady mix of passion, colour and fun. After years of dreaming and chatting about their ideal cafe Gillian Reith (33) and her siblings Nichola (31) and Linsey (27) took the brave step to jump off the corporate ladder to set up the wholesome food destination Three Sisters Bake. The homespun 50-seater eatery in Quarriers Village Inverclyde, which also specialises in wedding cakes and outside catering, focuses on good nutritious home baking, Scottish and international favourites, salads and soups. With a preference for local suppliers and everything made from scratch, the sisters have built up a loyal following. Starting with an initial investment of £22,000, the sisters have more than doubled their predicted turnover in twelve months reaching £300,000. Now the west of Scotland’s most talked about baking sisterhood has secured regular slots on BBC Radio Scotland and amassed stacks of press coverage from local to national newspapers and glossy women’s magazines. With big plans to open another café in the west of Scotland within the next twelve months and launch a cookery book within the next two years, the sisters don’t stand still. Gillian Reith, front of house manager at Three Sisters Bake said: “Reaching the important one year in business milestone is a fantastic feeling, we’ve certainly learnt a lot in the past twelve months. “Baking is back and the appetite for fresh homemade sweet and savoury produce from local producers is more important now than ever. Our menu aims to be both healthy and appetising with in-season foods and showcasing local producers as much as possible – something which has been really popular with our customers. “The secret to our success so far has been from a number of avenues – from using social media to communicate with customers, to harnessing the skills of top chefs who specialise in diverse areas of cooking from vegan to Caribbean and artisan bread making.” From networking to knitting, Three Sisters Bake is also a popular venue with local business and social groups who meet regularly at the café. ■

Gillian, Nichola and Linsey Reith

Visit Three Sisters Bake at Sommerville Weir Hall, Quarriers Village, Inverclyde, PA11 3SX, tel: 01505 228087, email:, visit or follow on Facebook and Twitter - threesistersbake and @3SistersBake


Quick Question


What made you take the plunge and open Three Sisters Bake?

We all began our working lives at the age of 16 working in a local cafe. After leaving school, we all went on to university and went off and got ourselves ‘proper’ jobs. One by one, we realised that our hearts lay in the hospitality industry and we took the plunge at that stage to leave our jobs and take pay cuts to return to the world of restaurants, with Gillian working as a front of house manager, Nichola as a pastry chef and Linsey as a chef. It was our dream to combine our skills and open our own cafe.



Who, or what, inspires the way you manage the business?

We all love Richard Reid, and the other Innocent Smoothie boys, and very much admire the brand led strategy that they have built the company around. This is definitely something we have focussed heavily on. We realised it would set us apart as very few independent cafes manage to develop a strong brand identity. In addition, we were determined to make Three Sisters Bake a fun place to be, both as a customer and as an employee.


“The secret to our success so far has been from a nu mber of avenues – from using social media to communicate with customers, to harnessing the skills of top chefs who specialise in diverse areas of cooking.” Gillian Reith


What’s been the best career advice you’ve received?

The cafe is located in a beautiful but slightly out of the way village so our biggest fear when we opened was that with no passing footfall we would have no customers whatsoever! However, we were convinced that, if the product and customer service were good enough, word would spread and the idyllic location would be enough to draw people to us. The thing that kept us going throughout the run up to our launch was the famous Kevin Costner line from Field of Dreams, ‘If you build it they will come’.



Has it been difficult working as a team with family?

Not at all! We were warned by everyone, including our parents, that starting a family business was a terrible idea, but luckily we had a shared vision for the cafe. We all knew how we wanted it to look, the quality of the food we wanted to sell and the ‘look’ we wanted to achieve with the design. We look after each other - when one of us is feeling tired or disheartened the other two will act as the cheering squad! We squabble about small details but the big details are usually agreed upon fairly unanimously.



How difficult was it to fund the business?

Not as difficult as we initially imagined. We found RBS to be very supportive and they encouraged us as a new business to apply for a start up loan. We also saved hard individually, including moving back in with our parents for a while, and so we were able to contribute most of the initial investment from our personal savings.



And finally, when it’s time to relax, what do you all like to do?

We are real cafe bores and are obsessed with refining the tiny details in our cafe to make it better and better. We love touring other cafes on our days off, sampling coffee and studying ridiculous things such as the pepper mills or the design of a menu! Apart from that, we are all skiing fanatics, so most of our holidays are spent on the slopes. Also Gillian just had a baby, ‘Baby Bake’ as she has been nick named by our regulars and she takes up most of our non working hours!




Rita Brown

Quick Question...

BreadPR • Carden Church, 6 Carden Place, Aberdeen AB10 1UR • Tel: 01224 615 850 •

Rita Brown, Account Manager at BreadPR - an honest, passionate and bold awardwinning company based in Aberdeen - answers our questions...

Q: How have you found working in Scotland compared to America? Scotland was the perfect place for me to get my start as print media is still a vibrant industry in the UK. I managed to secure a full-time position, while my classmates back home struggled to find freelance work. A salary news job supplemented by six weeks off a year was literally unheard of in the States. People here still rely on their daily paper to break the news, uncover hard-hitting exclusives and champion local causes. I am so grateful I could experience news at its best.

Q: Have you been inspired by any one person? My first news editor, Craig Walker, has played a huge role in my career. When I made the jump from reporting to news editing he helped me understand the publication inside out. He was also a great example of how to lead a team. We could be five minutes away from deadline and our splash was still very much breaking but he never took his pressure or stress out on anyone else.

Q: What’s been the best career advice? My sister is a very successful businesswoman. She told me you need equal parts guts and integrity to succeed, and I couldn’t agree more. I put myself forward for the content editor role after just 18 months in the newsroom. It was a bold move, but I put in the work and secured the role. I also believe too many people think youth can mean inexperience. If you can do the role it doesn’t matter how young or even old you are as long as you do it right.

Q: Has it been a difficult transition from papers to working in PR without the daily deadlines? It has been a very natural transition. You still use your news sense to seek out the best lines for your clients. I’ve also been on the other side, so I know how to pitch a story. It’s so much more than sending a generic press release to the newsdesk where it will most likely get lost or overlooked. You have to ensure everything from the copy to the photographs are sharp, fresh and vibrant. I did go through news withdrawals though. A helicopter ditched in the North Sea not long after I made the career change. Thankfully everyone was fine, but I heard about it on the radio. It was very strange not being in the know. If it had happened the week before I would be sending a team of reporters out to gather the scoops.

Q: How do you dress for the office, compared to the news desk? When I was a “reporter” I dressed for battle. I only wore flat shoes and thick layers, because I never knew where I was going to be sent. When I was on newsdesk I stayed inside all day, so I got to dress up more!

Q: And finally, time to relax, what do you like to do? I love travelling, and one day I’d like to go and see great white sharks in South Africa!




Once upon a


The second of this issue’s ‘Once upon a time...’ profiles focuses on Caroline Gregory Managing Partner of The Lovat, an award-winning hotel, situated on the southern tip of Loch Ness.


Caroline Gregory

Name: Company: Location:

Caroline Gregory The Lovat Loch Ness

ith a family background in the hospitality industry and more than a decade of experience in the same sector, it was only a matter of time until Caroline Gregory would find her true vocation in hotel management. From her first management position after university, to her current role as managing partner of a three-star luxury Highland hotel, Caroline has carved out an impressive career encompassing a number of skill sets through her determination and drive to succeed. After graduating with an MA in Law and Business Management from Glasgow University, Caroline spent twelve months as the bar and restaurant manager at The Inn in Torridon then travelled the world for a year. Her move to London in 2003 to take up an account management role with the Institute of Directors (IoD) allowed her to develop her ‘hands on’ approach to clients and the organisation of high profile events. A year-and-a-half later, Caroline’s progression to event manager at privately-owned catering and event management company, Bovingdons, encouraged her to take on the complete management of client events, including the behind the scenes organisation and on the day co-ordination. Caroline said, “My interests in tourism, environmental issues and the hospitality industry have all contributed to reaching the position I’m in today. I think having a natural passion and drive is paramount to making a real difference.” In 2005, Caroline returned to her home country of Scotland in pursuit of a new challenge and embarked on a project with her parents – The Lovat in Fort Augustus. With her family just down the road running The Torridon hotel in Wester Ross, Caroline took the reins of the ambitious development in Loch Ness. Caroline can take credit for transforming the hotel in more ways than one, with a refurbishment and continued development that has been revolutionary in technological, cultural and environmental terms. She increased turnover from £350,000 to £1m in five years, and has received numerous awards including the VIBES Small Business Management Award 2008, Highlands & Islands Food & Drink Young Ambassador of the Year 2010 and Highlands & Islands Tourism Young Ambassador of the Year 2010. In less than eight years the 28-bedroom hotel has also been recognised with a number of accolades – from the Good Hotel Guide’s Top 10 Hotels in the UK, to a VIBES award for environmental management. Caroline said, “Our achievements have been made all the more possible by a committed team led with a focused ambition to make The Lovat a leading hotel on Loch Ness. It’s important to take the time to motivate your team, whether that’s working alongside them, providing perks or just ensuring everyone is striving towards the same goal. “Having a dedicated focus on corporate and environmental responsibility is something that’s embedded in our culture and it has enabled us to reach levels of achievement that we are extremely proud of.” Under the guiding hand of Head Chef, Sean Kelly, the hotel offers a more refined dining experience in the two AA rosette restaurant as well as a modern atmosphere in the brasserie. Located on the southern tip of Loch Ness, the hotel has built a strong reputation for its genuine hospitality, with its 20 strong team ensuring every guest’s experience is a memorable and worthwhile one in the beautiful surroundings in the Highlands. ■


Quick Question


What do you do in your spare time? I don’t really have much spare time as my days are pretty well planned out, but to get away from everyday work I like to travel, get outdoors to forage for wild fruits, mushrooms and herbs to use as ingredients for the restaurant’s menu, indulge in some beauty treatments, dine out, or train for a running event.


“My inte rest s in tou rism, env iron me nta l issu es an d the hos pita lity ind ust ry have all contributed to rea chi ng the pos itio n I’m in tod ay. I thi nk hav ing a nat ura l passion an d drive is para mount to ma kin g a rea l differe nce.” Caroline Gregory

Top Tips For Success ✔ Before making a decision - listen to yourself first, listen to others second, then listen to yourself again.

✔ Believe in yourself and have courage in your own convictions. ✔ Do what you feel is right - if it doesn’t work, try again or try something else. ✔ Always look for help - there is often free advice out there as well as funding and grants.

✔ Take time out for yourself.


Do you switch on your computer at the weekend?


It’s never switched off! ???


What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received? For every finger you point at someone, there are three pointing back at you.



Best quality in yourself?

I’m always striving for the next opportunity – whether that’s for The Lovat, or in my personal life. I also find it useful that I can survive on little sleep, as I find more than six hours demotivates me.



Your one piece of advice to other women thinking of setting up their own business? Make sure you recruit carefully and don’t recruit just for the sake of it. Try to get the support you need because in the long run your employees are the back bone of your business and you can’t run – let alone walk – without them.





Alison Welsh

Think outside the box... Square Circle HR • Pentagon Centre, 36 Washington Street, Glasgow G3 8AZ • Tel: 0141 248 7826 •

Alison Welsh, Director at Square Circle - human resource consultancy and employment law company based in Glasgow - highlights crucial HR issues.


R issues are often seen as a distraction, advice is often sought when things have gone wrong and relationships broken down. Taking the time to look at your business to assess where you can make better use of your people or structure things differently is important. Square Circle can add real value and help businesses reap the benefits of good human resource management. An example of this was recently with a customer who did not know where to start. They had a mixture of people in the wrong roles, poor attitudes of some staff and an inflexible organisational culture. They knew they needed to affect change but had started to ‘work around the problems’ rather than resolve them. Our approach was to ask the question, “Imagine you had a blank canvas and could start your business all over, with the structure you want, the roles you wish to be fulfilled and the culture you desire. What would that look like for you?” This was a liberating exercise and they quickly became animated about the future. The key was not to limit themselves but to think “out of the box” to what was best for the organisation and everyone in the longer term. We worked with them on creating a new structure, they understood that although the change would be painful in the shortterm it was far better for the organisation in the long-term. Our experience is that employees who see ‘management in control’ with a plan, feel more secure than piecemeal, unstructured change. We agreed a process to affect the restructure, supporting the organisation “on the ground” from start to finish, running meetings

with staff, answering questions and ensuring everything was handled properly. We can lead or support the organisation in managing their team through and beyond the transition process – working with them as if we are part of their internal team. Helping to change the structure is only part of it, on-going development of the organisation is important such as reviewing employee performance against the job requirements and ensuring business objectives are met. Developing the Managers is key, ‘Managers’ are often promoted into the job, with no formal training in the skills of people management, managing in difficult circumstances and often with no HR back-up. To discuss any HR matter contact Alison Welsh, Director, on tel: 0141 248 7826 or email:

Q: I want to restructure my business, what are the key considerations? Firstly it is important to have a well thought out plan, look at the outcomes you want to achieve. Time spent on this will reap real benefits. Consider consultation requirements with staff when looking at possible redundancies, or changes to terms and conditions of employment. The initial communication and on-going consultation is key, if staff are aware of what is happening and when, this helps maintain a feeling of stability despite the changes. Consider any contractual and statutory entitlement and budget for this.




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SQUARE CIRCLE HR LTD human resources consultancy & employment law

PICTURED: Roz Wood, Director, Christian Potter, Director, Lorna Marks, HR Consultant, Alison Welsh, Director and Pamela Anderson, Senior HR Consultant

Why not take the ‘hassle’ out of handling HR issues? As your HR Partner we can provide peace of mind that you have the support in place to handle all employment matters or people issues within your organisation, to help ensure that your employees are treated fairly, that your business is complying with employment legislation and help protect against tribunal action. Our approach is to develop a sound knowledge of your business, to provide personalised practical 'hands on' support, often at your premises, guiding you through or handling issues on your behalf. Our service covers all aspects of the ‘Business Support Lifecycle’. As well as the day to day support we can also tackle projects and run these for you as part of your business management team. In short we offer a complete outsourced HR solution, as much or as little support as your business requires.

Business Support Lifecycle > RECRUITMENT & INDUCTION: job descriptions • advertising • interviewing • competency-based selection • induction > DOCUMENTATION: employment contracts • HR policies • legal awareness > TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT: training needs • development plans • management coaching • change management • performance management > BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT: appraisal • absence • discipline and grievance • poor performers • communications • remuneration and benefits • culture change > EXIT STRATEGY: dismissal • redundancy • compromise agreements

For a confidential no obligation ‘HR Health Check’ or a one to one with a Director please contact: Alison Welsh, Director, Square Circle HR Ltd, 36 Washington Street, Glasgow G3 8AZ. Tel: 0141 248 7826, Email:, or visit,

Cert No. 9697

ISO 9001




bike... train... bus... We can all do something to help our environment, and our pocket, by looking at different ways in which we can travel to work, by encouraging ourselves and others to consider travel alternatives.

Smarter travel

There are now lots of initiatives available to influence people’s travel behaviour, and help them to make smarter travel decisions, including improved public transport, marketing travel awareness campaigns, websites for car share schemes and car clubs.

Tax-free bike with Cyclescheme

Cyclescheme enables employees to get a bike tax-free, saving on average about half the cost. The scheme helps thousands of people every month save money as they cycle to work. To enjoy a bike through Cyclescheme your employer needs to be signed up to the scheme, so speak to your manager or HR department. Your employer will then confirm your eligibility and approve your request. A certificate will then be issued for you to take to one of the participating bike shops located throughout the UK. Your hire payments are deducted from your gross monthly salary. At the end of the hire period employees may be given the opportunity to buy the bike for the market value. For more information visit:

Ultra low emission vehicles

The UK’s longer term climate goals will require road transport to be decarbonized by 2050. The government has announced a provision of over £400million to support measures designed to promote uptake of the next generation of ultra low emission vehicle technologies. Electric, plug in hybrid and hydrogen fuelled vehicles can all help to reduce emissions from road transport, whilst allowing drivers to retain all the benefits associated with private car usage. For more information email:

Train travel can be better for business

Almost nine out of ten Scottish businesses could save money by taking the train instead of flying between Edinburgh and London, a new report by Transform Scotland has found. The report, by the sustainable transport alliance, found that 88% of businesses who do not currently use the train for business travel, could save money by choosing it over flying. The report, ‘On Track for business: Why Scottish business should try the train’, found that 12% of businesses who currently travel by train with East Coast, receive much better value for money than their counterparts who fly – making a decision to choose the train worth an estimated £217 in added value for each return journey between Edinburgh and London. The figure was calculated using the 4.2 hours of productive working time onboard the train, added with the cost of food, refreshments and Wi-Fi service, which demonstrates the benefits of train travel. East Coast Commercial and Customer Service Director, Peter Williams, said, “Train travel offers a more flexible, high-quality working environment for business travellers, with spacious accommodation, Wi-Fi access, food and refreshments served directly at seat in First Class, as well as the ability to conduct effective faceto-face meetings on-board, which make it the perfect ‘mobile office’ that planes simply can’t offer.” Transform Scotland Director, Colin Howden, said, “Our challenge to Scottish business is to try the train. Scottish businesses can gain financially by switching many more of their employees’ trips on to rail for Edinburgh to London journeys.” East Coast delivers a much greener travel option than air transport between Edinburgh and London, with a rail journey between the two cities producing three times less CO2 emissions than flying. For more information visit: and



Jewellery Gifts

Beauty Gifts


Food & Drink Gifts

Gifts For Him




Christmas Inspiration 2



1: Recycled Music Sheet Necklace, from £19.50, 2: Silver Loop Earrings, £85, 3: Button Bangle, £425, 4: Personalised Silver Print Charm Bangle, £155,

5: Bobbie Brown Long-wear Cream Shadow, £18, 6: YSL Forever Youth Liberator Anti-ageing Eye Cream, £40, 7: Jo Malone Body Créme, £48, 8: In Peace Eau De Parfum, £60,

9: Camera Lens Mug, £14.99, 10: Personalised Tax Disc Cufflinks, £44, 11: Harris Tweed Satchel, £125, 12: Vintage Portable Transistor Clock Radio, £49.95,







13: Taste of Arran Gift Box, £27.95, 14: 2002 Dom Perignon Vintage Champagne Gift Pack, £125, 15: The Perfect Paella Kit, £39.95, 16: Personalised Christmas Puddings, from £9.99,





Stocking F illers


Gifts For The Home


Blow The Budget

Something Different



With the weather becoming colder, clothes getting cosier and thoughts turning to the festive season, we thought it would be a good time to showcase a selection of the fabulous gift ideas featured in our recently launched Business Women Scotland Christmas Gift Guide - available to enjoy in print and online.


17: Red Herring Men’s Watch, £22, 18: Touch Gloves For iPhone, £7.95, 19: Marc de Champagne Truffle Collection, £16, 20: Mood by John Richard Angel Wing Wrap Ring, £15,



21: Champagne Cork Table, £110, 22: Cactus Wine Rack, £95, 23: Animal Print Slippers from Linea, £25, 24: Thistle Design Linen Cushion - handmade in Scotland, £60,




25: Personalised Embroidered UK & Ireland Cushion, £42, 26: Luxury Feather Bolero, £70, 27: Personalised Custard Cream Biscuit iPhone Cover, £19.99, 28: Vintage Camera Lamp, £300,




29: Iittala Kaasa Fireplace, £389, 30: Black Wurlitzer iPod/ CD/iPhone Jukebox, £6,399, 31: Dusk Wine Cooler, £3,700, 32: Deluxe Bell Tent Range, from £399 each,







When is the right time to...

quit your job?

Pauline Quigley

Name: Company: Location:

K Name: Company: Location:

Pauline Quigley Cake Cetera Hamilton


auline Quigley left her comfortable secure job with a regular income to pursue her dream business, Cake Cetera, which is a company that delivers a range of cupcakes and cake pop bouquets. Pauline explored the possibilities of setting up Cake Cetera while working full time as a designer before leaving her job last October. The business website was launched last November and she has been trading ever since. Pauline said, “It was exciting and also scary leaving my job to set up my own business! My role as garment technologist/designer at Trespass was interesting, but it became like Groundhog Day! It’s obviously a big risk leaving full time work with bills to pay, but the excitement of becoming successful, not working for someone else and not working 9 - 5 clinched it for me!” Pauline knew that the timing of setting up her business was crucial. So when did she decide to turn her dreams into reality? Pauline answered, “I spent most nights after work baking and designing cupcake bouquets, managing to deliver cupcake bouquets around my workload. Eventually as the business grew, daily deliveries increased so I had to take the plunge and leave work. It had also reached the point, where my mind was not on my workload, as I was constantly thinking up ideas or planning how to take the business forward.” Pauline discovered that the path of setting up your own business can be lonely with no one to share or discuss your problems with. “I guess they say an entrepreneur can be lonely, and it’s true. Personally I miss the social side of working in an office! I probably gave up work a little too early and the first 6 months were a struggle financially. Cash flow is a huge problem as money comes in gradually unlike the monthly wage I was used to.” Pauline added. Pauline’s advice to anyone thinking about leaving their job to set up a business, should consider the realities of working for yourself too. “The dream of not working 9 - 5 is quickly swapped with the reality of working 24/7. You never switch off, as you are constantly worrying about orders going out, coming in, stock levels, new lots of sleepless nights! Pauline concluded, “The best thing is not travelling to work in the morning, being your own boss and the excitement of becoming successful! I am hoping to expand Cake Cetra deliveries nationwide in January, so it’s an exciting time.” ■

Kelly Fairweather The Scarlet Bakery Dundee and Fife

elly Fairweather can definitely hold her nerve when BWS asked her the question “When is the right time to quit your job?” Kelly was feeling worthless in her job as a business consultant, her husband had just graduated and with no forseeable jobs on the horizon and with a family to feed, they both decided to do it. They set a target for the first months takings of £1,500, as they both felt they had no option! Kelly worked as a business consultant, a job she loved and worked very hard at the work life balance with four children under the age of four. In 2007, Kelly discovered she was pregnant, for a much wished for fifth child. However by 15 weeks Kelly and her husband were told the devastating news, that their little girl had severe spina bifida, fluid on the brain, and because of where her curve was placed her bowel and vital organs had not developed. In the same year, two of Kelly’s children were diagnosed with autism, the youngest also being diagnosed with a condition that was going to make him blind. Kelly fell pregnant again, and had made the decision when her youngest was three months old to set up a business. Kelly said, ‘‘I didn’t really think about it too hard, we were in a catch 22 situation, my family needed my income more than ever, but I also needed to be at home.” The timing was crucial for Kelly turning a business idea into reality. “For me the right time is when it’s a need and no longer a want! I needed to be more in control of my hours (though I still do crazy hours) and I needed to make sure my family survived. I also had the added incentive that as my boys’ illness became more apparent I knew I needed to build a business they could work in and belong in. There were no other local jobs that would allow me to be at home so I created a job!” Kelly added. There are things you have to consider when


We asked three women who have already taken the plunge, “When is the right time to quit your job?”

Kelly Fairweather

leaving a regular income to set up your own business. Kelly said, “A clear end game, you need to know what you want and why. Talk to lots of people and ask them what they think, ignore most of the negatives though often that comes from other peoples own insecurities and you need to look for a guiding light, someone who will keep you grounded, calm you down, and be there no matter what.” Kelly established the business while still acting as a self employed consultant. The bakery now acts as an advert for the consultancy. Kelly continued, “We honestly didn’t have time to sit and plan, we needed to sort out our finances and fast. For us this was positive, we knew roughly what we needed to do and the rest we learnt along the way. It hasn’t been the easiest way to do things’ . The benefits of being your own boss is that Kelly enjoys being in control and running your own business allows you to achieve this. Kelly said, “I have had to adapt to survive, we started with £50, we have never borrowed any money and so we still work on that £50. When sales are slow its up to us to push ourselves, get out there to sell our product, change the product or try new lines.” The worst thing for Kelly so far in business? Kelly replied, “When you think you have built a loyal friendship and then get let down very badly, that’s very hard as I believe in loyalty. “I would advise anyone looking to set up on their own to accept they may fail, then accept that it’s not an option! My father was a scientist and he brought me up to believe that failure should never be looked down upon because failure meant that you had tried. When I started out on this road, I knew that failing was not an option. I have children to feed, so I accepted the risks then I just used blind determination to push forward.” ■

Name: Company: Location:

Theresa Barbour Bothwell Trading Bay Bothwell


losing the door on a successful 20-year career in the volatile new homes’ property market was tough for Theresa Barbour – but opening her own business has given her scope to build on her marketing experience, talents and ambitions. Bothwell Trading Bay, her very own company, will celebrate its first anniversary in February (2013) and Theresa is pleased that she has “taken control of her own destiny” by setting it up. “My success or otherwise is in my hands,” said Theresa, who quit her job in September 2011 and launched the business in February 2012. The company buys and sells good condition, pre-loved evening dresses, bridal wear and accessories by the likes of Armani, Hermes, Fendi, John Galliano – very much an eclectic collection of pieces from fur hats to knickknacks, from timeless evening wear to antique chairs. “I believe in my ability, and I’m reveling in this chance to channel my energies, allied to my ambitions and willingness to work very hard. “I have experienced redundancy several times over the last few years and that made me determined to take control of my own destiny by setting up my own business. My success or failure is down to me, no-one else and that feels so good. “Although some people reckoned it was a bit mad to set up a retail outlet in ‘the eye of the recession storm’, I believed in my plan and executed it.” For Theresa the right time to turn ideas into reality came once she had thoroughly prepared and reviewed her business plan, carried out relevant market intelligence and carefully considered the overall financial implications. “Age or timing didn’t set the agenda for me – it was a personal goal that I prepared for both physically and mentally,” said Theresa, a keen runner.

Theresa Barbour

Scarlet Dundee: Kelly owns a bakery, a bistro and a consultancy service called Scarlet Solutions.

The key things she examined before starting up included being prepared financially and having some back up for the quiet times in the business. “In the first year, you have no real financial pattern on performance, so building up a network of colleagues in similar industries, joining business network groups, and working closely with your bank manager or accountant is vital for advice and guidance when you need support,” said Theresa. “Personally, it felt a bit like having a baby: extremely exciting planning, preparing and launching. “However, reality kicks in when you have to keep feeding it and taking care of it. It’s constant, it never goes away. But as you watch it grow into a mature and recognised business, the feeling is amazing because it’s your own creation.” Theresa is in no doubt that the best thing about running her own business is creating something that’s unique and she can be proud of. “One of the down sides is the ‘loneliness’ as it’s you that’s carrying the business. Sometimes I can feel quite alone, especially if you’ve previously had a network of people around you,” she said. “But, thankfully, I’ve been too busy to be lonely.” ■




Fa mily business focus... K’OUTURE LTD • Tel: 01807 510 280 •

K’outure Ltd - a new fashion company founded by three Scottish sisters - is celebrating following a sponsorship deal with the world-renowned Harris Tweed Hebrides.


’outure Ltd, formed less than a year ago in the Highland village of Advie, is the brainchild of Harriet, Matilda and Jemima Kirkwood. The three sisters, all graduates from the Edinburgh College of Art’s Performance Costume department, came together to form their own company to showcase their unique clothing creations, a decision that has enabled them to have complete creative control over the work they do, designing garments that are to be loved, worn and enjoyed on a daily basis. That approach is paying dividends, with the Harris Tweed Hebrides deal sitting alongside sponsorship from other distinguished brands including Johnston’s of Elgin and Knockando Woolmill. K’outure is now specialising in blending contemporary design with traditional fabrics, creating unique, exciting and highly functional garments that has resulted in their first collection entitled - K’osy for K’outure. Harriet, 27, said, “We are delighted to have received the sponsorship deal with Harris Tweed Hebrides as well as Johnston’s of Elgin and Knockando Woolmill. For a young company to receive the support of such iconic Scottish manufacturers so early on in its development is hugely exciting and we hope it is testament to the garments that K’outure are producing.” Matilda, 26, continued, “We constantly aim to produce new, exciting and highly functional garments, blending traditional fabrics, wools and tweeds with contemporary design. Throughout the designing and making process, our garments are carefully

considered and beautifully made. Our aim is that through quality and the offer of something unique at the forefront of Scottish bespoke design, we will make K’outure an exciting and innovative brand.” Jemima, 24, added, “We are all incredibly passionate and driven about what we do. Having been trained in performance costume we take the odd, weird and sometimes downright baffling from our costume design work and prune it back to reveal the everyday and wearable - with some theatrical flair. We feel that our costume background equips us with the scope and vision to see further than the ever changing trends of fashion - a challenge we relish every day.”

Sd E S S S E N I S U B B U S I N n a l women scot ISSUE 19 : DECEMBER/JANUARY 2013

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Scotti sh sisters


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Expert hu man resource advice

WHEN TO QUIT WH?EN TO QUIT YOUR JOB We asked three inspirational wome nYOU R JOB ? We asked three inspirational wome n M FACTOR UP THE GLAUP THEmakeGLA up looks M FACTOR n and The perfect party fashio The perfec t party fashio n and make- up looks

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Let networking work for you Networking is a great way of bringing likeminded women together to engage, share and do business with one another. Business Women Scotland run monthly networking events specifically for this reason, which resume on 25th January 2013. BWS Networking Membership Starter Membership - £60 (inc. vat) Premier Membership - £180 (inc. vat) For all the benefits of becoming a BWS Member or to book your place at a forthcoming event simply visit,

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Transformation for

Theatreland Restaurant The multi award winning La Bonne Auberge brasserie in Glasgow has undergone a stunning transformation following a significant six figure investment, in time for the festive season.


ollowing a significant six figure investment by owner, Maurice Taylor, the multi award winning La Bonne Auberge brasserie has undergone a stunning transformation, in time for the festive season. Purists, however, will delight in the fact that the iconic Glasgow restaurant which opened as the city’s first French Mediterranean brasserie back in 1975 will remain true to the essence of the French brasseries on which it was originally modeled. An authentic yet updated brasserie look has been created, combining classic yet contemporary furniture, upholstered in voluptuous velvets of muted blues and rich reds provide warmth throughout the restaurant and lounge areas, with complementary wall finishes and lighting completing the look. The L’Orangerie conservatory has been reconfigured to enhance the feeling of bright, open space resulting in the creation of an extremely desirable private area, perfect for large parties or functions whilst, within the lounge, the use of oversized high back chairs and beautifully designed rugs adds comfort to waiting diners. The new and exciting addition of a central showcase wall separating the bar and conservatory houses the vast array of much loved objets d’art which have been collected over the years, and are now set to create a real talking point for visitors. These include two specially commissioned George Wylie wrought iron pieces which were displayed in the Taylor’s original La Bonne Auberge in Park Circus in the 1970s. A longtime friend of Taylor, George Wylie is currently being posthumously honoured with a major retrospective exhibition at the Mitchell Library in Glasgow.

Bringing the look and feel of La Bonne Auberge right up to date, the restaurant also features newly commissioned paintings by Nicol Wheatley, founder and head of Perfect Circle Art, one of Scotland’s leading Fine Art studios. Nichol’s previous work has included the ceiling of St Aloysius Church, the huge marble floor mosaic for The Corinthian, and artworks for Chelsea Football Club’s hotel. Commenting on the investment, hospitality industry legend, Maurice Taylor notes, ‘Whilst La Bonne Auberge has enjoyed an illustrious history, we are always looking forward. With this urbane look, reminiscent of today’s top French brasseries, we believe that we can now engage with the younger, aspirational generation in Glasgow who look for more relaxed and comfortable surroundings in a restaurant, which offers an affordable and varied menu.’ ■ The restaurant’s success in cementing its top table place in the Glasgow dining scene is further evidenced with the news that, in the Glasgow Restaurateurs Association Awards, La Bonne Auberge has been shortlisted in the Smart Casual Dining Category whilst their Sous Chef, Jordan Shane is a finalist in the Young Chef of the Year. LA BONNE AUBERGE GLASGOW THEATRELAND 161 West Nile Street, Glasgow G1 2RL Tel: 0141 352 8310,



It’s a question of style... living for style • 1 Arthur Place, Eaglesham Road, Clarkston G76 7DQ • Tel: 0141 644 1435 • living for style • 1 Randolph Gate, 488 Crow Road, Jordanhill, G11 7DW • Tel: 0141 337 1435 •

We asked Gordon Paterson, Managing Director of Living for Style in Glasgow, for his expert advice on planning and designing the perfect kitchen.


he Kitchen is often the room in the house that is most frequently used, and, if designed correctly, can add great value to your home. It has always been seen as the ‘hub’ of the home, bringing together family and friends, with many a private conversation having taken place in the kitchen. So, it’s important to get the design and layout right, and with so many things to choose from it can be quite daunting - so where do you start?

Q: What’s the first thing you do when a client arrives in your studio with the plans of their kitchen? Determining whether the kitchen is to be modern, contemporary or traditional is without doubt a great start, but it is also useful to have some insight to their existing lifestyles and see if the client has aspirations to make alterations to the way they live, either as an individual or a family. I have to admit that when it comes to the kitchen design, initially I do like a free hand, but only after listening to their requirements and advising on the appliances that will feature heavily in the completed project.

Q: Lighting is also an area that can be overlooked in a design? Is that something to consider when picking the colour of the units? Lighting is without doubt an area that is often overlooked, but I believe you have to get it right regardless of the colour of the units. The type, positioning and quantity of the ceiling lighting is the first

consideration. When deciding this I also have to consider the running costs and the environment, especially in large open plan areas. The solution is normally to give the client various options in how they wish to light the kitchen at different times of the day or evening allowing them to create different moods depending on what they are using the kitchen for at that particular time.

Q: If the space is dark, can you overcome this with lighting and reflective materials? If the space is dark the last thing you want it to resemble is a Turkish Airport at 3am, so deciding on the door and worksurface combination is fairly crucial and the introduction of reflective surfaces will undoubtedly make a tremendous difference to the ambience of the room. The choice of colour and material for the floor will also play a major factor. Reflective worksurfaces with 50 watt low voltage lighting will create a stunning effect on the ceiling while LED plinth lighting will shoot beams of light across a polished porcelain floor together with effect lighting within the cabinet design to highlight the furniture. The use of LEDs for the plinth and cabinet lighting is important as they use extremely little power with little or no bulb replacement problems so they can run continually if desired.

Q: Without an extra room that can be used for a utility space, do you have different products and space saving ideas? I have to admit that I love the challenge of designing small kitchen areas. The furniture and appliance products are all there at our


disposal, and it’s not just a case of cramming everything in, small kitchens if designed correctly can be both stunning and functional. We recently completed a kitchen in Princess Gardens in Glasgow’s Dowanhill area. The clients apartment had been converted from a traditional townhouse and while he had spacious public rooms the kitchen was literally a cupboard under the stairs so we nicknamed it the Harry Potter Kitchen. In an area 3200mm long x 1100mm wide we installed adequate units and worksurfaces, fridge freezer, washing machine, Siemans liftmatic oven, 90cm induction hob, 90cm extractor, combi microwave, sink and taps. The walls were lined with reflective coloured glass and when completed it looked tremendous!

Q: What appliances do you like yourself? Miele Ice White ovens and coffee machines are to die for, especially their Navatronic range. Not only are they stunning to look at they are also wonderful for people like myself with limited cooking skills. You simply enter what you are cooking and the oven decides how to heat it and for how long. I also love cooking on my induction hob it is just so easy to control and it wipes clean and returns to new after every use. Boiler taps are now becoming a must-have too. The new generation taps provide hot, cold, filtered drinking and filtered boiling water all on the one tap - I really must get round to having one installed!

Q: Do you have some favourite features you like to incorporate into your designs? Yes, if at all possible I include a tall 60cm provisions storage unit. It has two pull-outs each with four adjustable Arena pull out trays

together with three internal drawers for bottles, jars, tins, etc. It just works! Pan storage drawers with hidden cutlery drawers are also a favourite of mine, especially on islands. I also encourage the purchase of combi steam ovens rather than combi microwaves, and warming drawers are usually included in my designs too.

Q: Do you think by creating a beautiful kitchen it inspires the client to cook more? Without doubt, and this year we have been actively encouraging our clients by taking them to Cook School Scotland for ‘Lets do Supper’, and having Jackie O’Donnell and Phil Lewis cooking in the studios. We have also had ‘Posh Afternoon Tea’ events highlighting home baking in our ovens - all great fun but not so good for the waistline! We are also a venue for East Renfrewshire Food Festival and invite our clients along for oven demos to make sure they are aware of all the features in them, and the feedback we get is that they are inspired to cook more, especially the men.

Q: What’s to look out for in 2013? Well for Living For Style 2012 was, for some reason, the year of the bathroom. We have never completed so many in any one year. In 2013 the kitchen trend will be for more muted colours, probably in matt finishes, with handleless and definitely still flat doors. And, solid worksurfaces in engineered stone as thin as you can get them. Of course, there are no rules and you can make them as individual as you want. On the appliance front probably not much change but I have a feeling we will be attracted more towards products produced in the UK - other than that I would have to consult my crystal ball!




Once upon a


The third of this issue’s ‘Once upon a time...’ profiles focuses on Tania Dixon - Managing Director of Ginger Snap, award-winning catering and food design firm.


Tania Dixon

Name: Company: Location:

Tania Dixon Ginger Snap Edinburgh

ania Dixon’s passion for good food started at an early age, watching her parents grow their own business, Ochil Foods, which has been supplying gourmet food to the hotel, restaurant and catering industry for more than 30 years. Tania, a graduate of Newcastle University in Food Marketing and Management, spent some time in London honing her culinary skills before returning home to Scotland to set up her business - and hasn’t looked back. In 2006 Tania established Ginger Snap at the age of 30. Her love of good food, as well as hard work and determination, has seen the business transform from a kitchen within a barn at her parents’ Perthshire home to new 1,000 sq. ft. premises in Edinburgh’s Leith district, investing in two new chefs in the process. Ginger Snap’s approach to catering has been highly innovative. Establishing itself as a creative caterer, with a flexible approach to every event, this has ensured a high level of repeat business from an impressive client list that stretches the length and breadth of Scotland, including Brewin Dolphin, Bonham’s, Merrill Lynch, Petroleum Experts and Louis Vuitton. Apart from a healthy booking of corporate contracts, which can involve catering for up to 400 people, Ginger Snap also provides a service for more intimate occasions. These include weddings, family celebrations and private dinner parties, where the same locally sourced, freshly prepared and imaginatively executed cuisine the company is renowned for, is also on the menu. Tania said, “I’ve been steadily building the business over the last six years, following the humble beginnings of Ginger Snap from my parents’ kitchen. Having secured a strong client base, combined with consistent demand for our service, this year seemed the right time to make the move and expand into new premises. “Event catering is pretty demanding in terms of the hours and pace. However, I love what I do and I’m in the fortunate position to have a tight team around me who feel exactly the same - committed and passionate about great food and also providing first class customer service. Scotland offers a wonderful larder, and along with our creative flair seems to have produced a winning formula.” ■ In July this year Tania was awarded the Best Independent Event Caterer 2012 accolade at the CIS Excellence Awards. Ginger Snap is on track to achieve an increase in turnover of approximately 40% this year. With a turnover in excess of £360,000 last year, this year Ginger Snap is on track to increase its turnover to £500,000.


“Scotla nd offers a won derful lard er, an d alo ng wit h our creative fla ir see ms to have produ ced a win nin g formu la.” Tania Dixon

Quick Question


What do you do in your spare time?

Quite often I will throw a dinner party for friends to experiment with new recipes. I also try to get to the gym and then spoil myself at the Thermal Suite at One Spa!



Do you switch on your computer at the weekend? I do my best not to – I try to be at home and switch off from work at weekends.



What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? The best advice I have ever received is to keep home at home and work at work.



Top Tips For Success ✔ Be organised. ✔ Look after your employees, and give them credit. ✔ Make sure every detail is perfect, to minimise mistakes. ✔ Accept criticism graciously. ✔ Don’t be too pleased with yourself.


Best quality in yourself?

I regard my best quality to be determination.


What’s your one piece of advice to other women thinking of setting up their own business?


Don’t be scared of hard work and go for it!




Emma Ravichandran

What is CO2RE? CLINETIX REJUVENATION • 1 Sandyford Place, Glasgow G3 7NB • Tel: 0141 221 0229 •

Dr Emma Ravichandran, Scotland’s leading Aesthetic Doctor and Director of Clinetix Rejuvenation, fills us in on the new revolutionary CO2RE treatment.


02RE is a new approach to skin resurfacing and rejuvenation. Clinetix is the first clinic in Scotland to offer this revolutionary new technology. Your skin is treated with a series of laser pulses that encourage a turnover of fresh skin, as well as treat several visible signs of skin aging. The treatment is fast, comfortable and allows a quick return to normal activities when compared to previous laser resurfacing techniques. CO2RE is effective in enhancing skin tone and texture, eliminating the effects of the sun and aging on the skin, smoothing out lines, wrinkles and scars. There are a range of treatment options tailored to your desired outcome.

20 minutes post treatment

CO2RE will create visible improvements in: Skin Tone and Texture; Sun Damaged Skin; Fine Lines and Wrinkles; Acne Scars; and Age Spots.

Q: Who is the CO2RE treatment for? Ideal candidates for CO2RE are in their 30s or older with skin damaged by exposure to the sun, age spots, fine lines, wrinkles, discoloration, rough texture, acne scars, and other skin imperfections. It is ideal for anyone seeking younger looking skin without the long downtime associated with conventional resurfacing procedures.

Q: What is the CO2RE procedure like? An anaesthetic numbing cream is applied to the skin for one hour before the treatment. For deep treatments a local anaesthetic to make any sensation tolerable. During the treatment you may feel a slight stinging sensation but many people don’t feel anything at all.

Q: Is CO2RE safe? Yes. CO2RE is a “gold standard” technology for laser skin rejuvenation. Your aesthetic doctor will be able to talk to you about your medical history in order to minimise the risk of any reactions.

Q: How many CO2RE treatments will I need? Generally you will see the difference you want after only one treatment. In the days after the treatment your skin will gradually look softer, smoother and tighter. The fine lines, wrinkles, age spots and uneven textures will start to show immediate improvement.

7 days post treatment

Q: How long will the results last? The durability of CO2RE results approaches that of surgical procedures. However, there are a number of variables that will determine how long you can expect the results to last including, your health, age and how you care for your skin after treatment.

Q: What can I expect after my procedure? Immediately following the procedure you can expect a sensation similar to a sunburn, lasting a few hours. Depending on how deep the treatment is, you will experience some flaking and crusting of skin that lasts for a couple of days for superficial treatments, and up to a week for more extensive treatments.

Q: How much does it cost? Throughout December and January Clinetix are offering this treatment at an amazing half price discount to BWS readers. Prices will be from £250 for superficial resurfacing treatments up to £750 for full depth treatments.

B U S I N E S S women scotland ISSUE 19 : DECEMBER/JANUARY 2013 : BI-MONTHLY 30


Lifestyle Section 28 30

UP THE GLAM FACTOR Remember, good style is for life - not just for Christmas! 32

ASK ANNE Anne Ferguson, director of celebrity stylist Taylor Ferguson Hairdressing, once again provides her expert advice and answers for all your haircare questions.


HEALTH AND WELLBEING Beverley Brown, highly acclaimed journalist and health, fitness and nutrition expert, introduces the latest health benefiting news, products and advice to improve both body and mind this winter!



WHO WANTS TO LIVE FOREVER? Who watched the BBC documentary recently on fasting? Amanda Hamilton, nutritionist, broadcaster and writer, is delighted that this little-known method is now going mainstream.


CHRISTMAS PARTY LOOKS ALL WRAPPED UP Sara Hill, make-up artist and director of The Academy of Make-up, has two Christmas party looks all wrapped up!



FABULOUS FISH Charlie Kelly, executive chef at Portavadie Marina on the shores of Loch Fyne in Argyll, is passionate about simple cooking using fresh, local and seasonal produce, particularly seafood. This issue Charlie shares two of his favourite fish dishes, plus a perfect pudding.

36 38

VIEW FROM THE SHELF Must-tipple wines recommended by Jamie and Roddy from Oddbins.

YOUR NEW YEAR ‘BUSINESS’ RESOLUTIONS Some top tasks to add to next year’s to do list!



lif e st y l e

n n

MAGENTA FITTED KNITTED DRESS, £365, McQ by Alexander McQueen at Frasers,

BLUE FITTED DRESS, £120, French Connection at Frasers,



PINK HEELS, £50, River Island,



NEON PINK ENVELOPE CLUTCH, £99, Pied a Terre at Frasers,

factor UP THE GLAM

lif e st y l e


n n


FLORAL DRESS, £160, Untold at Frasers,



HEADBAND WITH NETTING, £25, Dickens & Jones at Frasers,

GOLD CLUTCH BAG, £169, Biba at Frasers,


PINK HEELS, £50, River Island,


OMEN shouldn’t ever need an excuse to rock a fabulous frock, but the Christmas party season demands that you up the glam factor in order to feel at your festive best. To avoid being confused with a Christmas tree decoration, try a classic, vintage style such as a prom dress with a full, fun and flirty skirt, especially if a multitude of Yuletide overindulging has mysteriously found it’s way to your lower half! If you don’t own one already, be sure to add a ‘fabulous coat’ to your Christmas wish list!l There is no greater insult to a beautiful party dress than an under whelming coat! Adding some accessories such as a statement necklace is a simple, effective and economical way to take your favourite faithful dress from boardroom boredom to dance floor diva! And always ensure that you have a spectacular clutch bag to hand. Nappy-change bags and briefcases just won’t do! Remember, good style is for life - not just for Christmas!

Victoria Martin - Stylist

PHOTOGRAPHER - Anette Schive, STYLIST - Victoria Martin @ Colours Agency, HAIR STYLIST Martine Carroll @ Colours Agency, MAKE-UP ARTIST & ART DIRECTOR - Sara Hill @ Colours Agency, NAILS - Miss Bartons using OPI, MODEL - Natalia Vargas @ Colours Agency,




lif e st y l e

Anne Ferguson

Ask Anne...

TAYLOR FERGUSON HAIRDRESSING • 106 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 2EN • Tel: 0141 332 0397 •

Anne Ferguson, Director of celebrity stylist Taylor Ferguson Hairdressing, once again provides her expert advice and answers for all your haircare questions. Taylor Ferguson

Q: My hair isn’t in tip top condition, but I think that’s due to the lack of cutting. I’ve not been to a salon for years! Could a cut help improve it? Yes! We’re here to enhance hair! That’s the whole point of having your hair regularly cut. Those split ends won’t be helping much at all. Without seeing your hair it’s difficult to assess but I’m guessing there might be a style bypass too? Make 2013 your hair care year!

Q: Every winter my hair turns to frizz! I think it’s because of the contrast between the central heating indoors and the rainy, damp and cold weather outdoors. I’m at my wits end. Any tips?

Q: My male colleague is very dismissive of other men who dye their hair, but I noticed one of those home kits in his shopping bag the other day. My fear is that he’s going to end up with a crowning glory that doesn’t look natural. Any advice to share with him – in a gentle way? My money’s on the same outcome! These home kits won’t give a natural look, as he’s probably taken a guess at the colour from the box that he thinks will work with his own hair. If he’s looking for grey coverage then again it may not give him the right result. We look after many men who enjoy some professional colouring and the key to the success is achieving a natural look.

Q: My base hair colour is light brown and over the years my stylist has applied lighter blonde highlights. I’ve been saying I feel now at 50 I need a different tone but she insists on the same. What’s your thoughts?

That can be sorted! We’d recommend the Nano Keratin Gold system which relaxes and defrizzes your hair, leaving it with a beautiful shine. It can last for up to four or five months. You’d be looking at an investment of around £250 depending on your hair length. That includes a cut and blow dry.

As we age our skin tone can change and so how that then works with anything other than our natural hair colour can be debatable. I’m interested that she focused on just a single colour highlight for so long. My recommendation would be to perhaps use two tones of highlights to achieve a natural look. With some colouring jobs we can use up to four or five different tones to maximise a real look – and more natural one.

Q: My boss is 55, and loves a perm for her mid-length hair, but now finds fewer salons offering it. She’s now convinced herself into having a shorter style. Any advice?

Q: Can hair extensions be coloured to match my hair, or is it the other way around?

Short can be really effective. It’s all about the face and head shape. A short style can be adapted to suit most people. A good stylist will ensure the balance and cut works well. Ask the stylist to share some styling tips too so it’s even easier for her to care for her hair between salon visits.

Q: I read that when you’re washing your hair you should give it a final burst of cold water when rinsing? Worth giving it a try. Won’t do any damage apart from making you a bit cold! It can seal the cuticle, minimise excess oil production and make your hair sleeker.

It’s best to match the extensions to the existing hair colour on your head. Colour matching is a vital part of the process – in order to achieve the best outcome. We look after celebrity Michelle McManus who loves her warm reddish tones. The hair extensions work well with her colour.

Taylor Ferguson with Michelle McManus

Colours Ad (BWS)_A4 Format 16/11/2012 12:47 Page 1

Winner of the Great Scot Award for Business 2011





lif e st y l e

Beverley Brown

Health & Wellbeing Feel 16 @ 60 One of the best ways to ensure your energy levels are as high at 60 as they were at 16 is to take coenzyme Q10, a vitamin-like substance that is involved primarily in energy production but may also help promote optimal heart function, blood pressure levels and boost your immune system. Natural levels of Q10 decrease with age – and taking statins can also disrupt the body’s production of Q10. Pharma Nord is the Q10 market leader and its BioQuinone Q10 (and the reduced form BioActive Q10 as Ubiquinol) contains 100% natural Q10 fermented from yeast in a highly absorbable form identical to the Q10 found in the body - unlike synthetic Q10, which is normally produced from tobacco byproducts, or bacterial Q10 which can contain impurities not natural to the body . Visit Pharma Nord’s UK online store at, or call 01670 534 900

Amanda Hamilton

‘Tis the season to be... coughing and sneezing! This is the season for coughs, sore throats and colds! Using a UMF quality manuka honey is even more beneficial because it contains extra antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. UMF (Unique Manuka Factor) labeled manuka honey means it has been independently tested in New Zealand and proven to have sufficient levels of the extra antibacterial activity to warrant the UMF logo. Manuka honey is soothing on your throat and helps with coughs, but the additional antibacterial properties in UMF honey are effective against a much wider range of bacteria in your body. If you’re going to add honey to a drink, don’t use boiling water; wait a minute or two until the water is below 70-75ºC as the boiling water will destroy some of the beneficial properties. UMF quality Manuka honey comes is a range of strengths. For more honey facts and benefits visit

Who wants to live forever? (well... for an extra 40 years!)


have been working with fasting for over a decade and the results are amazing. Experiments involving fasting show that it not only prolongs life, but that it can result in a marked degree of regeneration and rejuvenation. I have had so many comments over the years that people feel and look “10 years younger” after a programme – finally there is some evidence to back it up! In fact, one of the amazing proven side effects of fasting is that it helps slow ageing at a cellular level. Fasting is now considered an acceptable treatment or approach for reducing inflammation, promoting longevity, improving insulin response, boosting cardiovascular health and even supporting cancer treatment. The thing about fasting is that it may just deliver these health benefits and more, without the unpleasant side effects or the extortionate price tag. But how does it work? The over-arching theory is that fasting helps to de-stress the body. This is because when you fast you give your body a break and a chance to catch up on its inner to-do list. We all know how good it feels to have a well-earned holiday and return rested, rejuvenated and with a renewed joie de vivre. Well, when you fast it has a similar effect on your body.

Around 70% of your daily energy is spent keeping the whirring of internal tasks such as digestion and detoxification going. If you’re a busy, on the go person, and don’t give your body the best conditions to rest, digest and ultimately heal, it will catch up with you sooner or later. When you fast, the body is also given the time to identify and get rid of damaged or defective parts. This process is called autophagy. The term was coined by a biochemist in the 1960s and means “self eating” which is a bit Zombie B movie, so better to think of it as a spring clean for your body. For example, when mitochondria (the cellular generators responsible for energy output) progressively lose function and become damaged due to ill health and bad diet this intensifies the rate of cell aging and death. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been linked to a variety of illnesses including diabetes, heart disorders and neurological problems. Autophagy enables the cells to get rid of the dysfunctional mitochondria, allowing them to be replaced by more ‘energy efficient’ new ones. It also helps the body fight infections and recover from injuries. There is one form of fasting that stands head and shoulders above the rest for this self-healing effect - juice fasting. Juice fasting is based on consuming juices and broths only, whereas intermittent fasting adds lean-protein and fat for the feeling of fullness.

lif e st y l e


Beverley Brown, highly acclaimed journalist and health, fitness and nutrition expert, introduces the latest health benefiting news, products and advice to improve both body and mind this winter!

Brazilian Beauty Secret

Winter is the time to...

beauty’in® is a brand new beauty secret from Brazil which boosts health and wellbeing - based on the concept that you are what you eat and drink, and that true beauty comes from within! All of the products are healthy and nutritious and the formulations combine vitamins, minerals, organic fruit extracts and digestible collagen - the protein responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin - to create a selection of beneficial and delicious products. The range includes Brazil’s bestselling beautydrink® (rrp £3.50). The bottle’s unique award-winning Blastcap Technology keeps the active ingredients separate from the water until you are ready to drink. The drinks come in eight delicious flavours and formulations and contain zero sugars, zero trans fats, are free from preservatives and contain just 12 calories, or fewer, per bottle.

Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day and slather on moisurisers to keep skin hydrated against the drying effects of cold weather and central heating.

beauty’in® launched into the UK exclusively at Selfridges in September,

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Boost your body’s immune system by eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in a rainbow of colours.

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Wrap up warmly, and walk in the fresh air.

Take a sunshine break to boost your body’s supplies of Vitamin D – or take a supplement such as cod liver oil. And if you want your skin to have a natural looking healthy glow, try using Lavera’s organic self-tanning Faces Summer Glow.

Look after your liver! The liver is the largest organ in the body and it plays a vital role in processing and removing toxins, including alcohol, smoking, environmental pollutants and high-fat foods. The herbal supplement Milk Thistle is a plant that’s been used to promote liver health for centuries. It works by aiding the liver’s ability to metabolise alcohol and resist damage from other toxic chemicals. Give your liver a boost with Boots Max Strength Digestion Relief Milk Thistle, £11.69 for 30 tablets,

Who watched the BBC documentary recently on fasting? Amanda Hamilton, nutritionist, broadcaster and writer, is delighted that this little-known method is now going mainstream.

Studies have shown that eating as little as 10g of essential amino acids (found in high quality proteins) can switch off autophagy. So, a juice fast is best placed to give your body a good ‘spring clean’ because juices are typically very low in protein. The science is inspiring to me but most people enjoy the human stories the most. Here is the story from a recent guest, a successful businesswoman, who attending a juice retreat to improve her symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis. “I checked into Amanda’s retreat feeling like a lump of cement. I was exhausted, miserable and sore. I didn’t really believe it would work but was willing to try anything. The first two days were really hard. Bizarrely, on the second night I had the strangest dreams I can remember of my adult life. They are still vivid years on. When I woke up I remember feeling like something had changed. It was like energy dust had been sprinkled over me. I had forgotten what it felt like. “Then I went back for my weekly blood test and the results were amazing! The overall measure of inflammation had dropped to near normal levels and my immune system marker (which had been 3 times the healthy level) was back in the normal range.” Amanda’s new book on fasting will be on the shelves next July! For more information on Amanda’s juice retreats,




lif e st y l e

Christmas party looks...

all wrapped up!

Sara Hill, Make-up Artist and Director of The Academy of Make-up, has two Christmas party looks all wrapped up!

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Look Two: Gold Eye Make-up ILLAMASQUA Liquid Metal in Electrum Antique Gold, £17.50, TOM FORD Lip Colour Blush Nude, £36, BY TERRY Black Print Khol Pencil, £22, KEVIN AUCOIN Black Mascara, £20,

Look One: Smokey Purple Eye Make-up MAC Violet Pigment, £16.50, BOBBI BROWN Long Wear Gel Liner Violet, £18, NARS Lip Colour in Mayflower, £17.50, HOURGLASS Film Noir Mascara Black, £25, LAURA MERCIER Illuminating Tinted Moisturiser Bare, £32,

PHOTOGRAPHER - Anette Schive, Anette Schive is a Norwegian photographer, currently residing in Edinburgh. With a wide range of experience, she is available for various photography assignments. She completed her bachelor degree in Photojournalism at Oslo University College in 2010, but has since then specialised in fashion, beauty and portraiture. STYLIST - Victoria Martin @ Colours Agency, HAIR STYLIST - Martine Carroll @ Colours Agency, MAKE-UP ARTIST & ART DIRECTOR - Sara Hill @ Colours Agency, NAILS - Miss Bartons using OPI, MODEL - Sophie Crooks @ Colours Agency, IN ASSOCIATION WITH - House of Fraser, Glasgow. Products available from the beauty hall,




lif e st y l e

Fabulous F ish Charlie Kelly, Executive Chef at Portavadie Marina on the shores of Loch Fyne in Argyll, is passionate about simple cooking using fresh, local and seasonal produce, particularly seafood. This issue Charlie shares two of his favourite fish dishes, plus a perfect pudding.



By Jamie and Roddy, Oddbins Hyndland Road, Glasgow.

Wintertime is all about wrapping up in more ways than one. If it isn’t hats, coats and boots, it’s paper crowns, ugly jumpers and well filled stockings so why not treat yourself for a change, with these wonderful winter wines.

“Serious fizz without a serious price tag.” Antoine Remy Carte Blanche (£27) is a great “grower” champagne - an artisan product made by a hands-on producer. It’s a zippy, refreshing champagne, with lime-y notes and a lovely toasty finish. Serious fizz without a serious price tag. “

...t he biggest, boldest red you’ ll taste this year!”

Heartland Director’s Cut Shiraz (£20), is the biggest, boldest red you’ll taste this yearI With endless layers of bramble fruit, oak, spice, and vanilla, it’s the gift, er, we mean wine - that keeps on giving.

Tasting of Argyll Seafood This seafood platter is ideal for a light lunch. It’s simplicity itself. The deep-fried capers add a nice crunch. Enjoy with crusty bread and a glass of chilled Chablis. We get all our smoked fish from the fantastic family-run Argyll Smokery in Dunoon. • • • • • • • • • • • • •

100g cockles 200g mussels (cleaned and de-bearded) 50g finely diced shallots 25ml white wine 25ml whipping cream 10g finely chopped parsley 10g finely chopped garlic 200g Argyll Smokery smoked salmon 100g Argyll Smokery smoked mussels 100g seasonal salad leaves 1/2 lemon 6 deep-fried capers 3 half gherkins

1: Heat pot on full heat and add mussels, cockles, white wine, garlic, whipping cream and shallots, then close lid and cook on full heat for three to four minutes. 2: Open lid and add chopped parsley. Take off heat and leave for one minute. 3: Heat small pan with three table spoons of olive oil, when hot add 6 capers, leave until sizzling and capers open. Remove from heat and place on kitchen roll to cool. 4: Place smoked salmon on board and scatter with smoked mussels. 5: Drizzle with smoked mussel oil from the tub. 6: Arrange dressed salad on board with lemon, gherkins and capers.

For corporate tastings, account facilities, free local delivery and friendly advice, contact Oddbins Hyndland; tel: 0141 334 6656 or email: Oddbins Hyndland is one of five Glasgow branches - see for full list.

7: Serve the cockles and mussles alongside the platter with crusty bread, butter and extra virgin olive oil for dipping. Portavadie Marina is a haven of contemporary comfort deep in the Highlands. As well as world-class berthing, there’s a range of stylish holiday accommodation, beauty treatments and shopping and just two hours from Glasgow.

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Seared Scallops, Truffle Vinaigrette, Pea Purée and Crispy Parma Ha m Scallops are a firm favourite at Portavadie Marina. We get them delivered fresh every morning from Prentice Seafoods in Tarbert. Just pulled out of the water, they’re plump, silky and utterly delicious. I love the combination of tastes and textures in this dish. Pea Purée • 200g frozen peas • 20g diced shallots • 30g unsalted butter 1: Blanch peas in boiling water. 2: Sweat shallots in butter until soft. 3: Puree shallots and peas in food processor until smooth. 4: Pass through a fine sieve and season with salt. Truffle Vinaigrette • 1 small truffle, finely diced • 10ml truffle oil • 50ml sunflower oil • 20ml white wine vinegar 1: Place all ingredients in a jar/bottle and shake until emulsified. • 3 king scallops • 5 slices of black truffle • 20g unsalted butter • 2 slices of Parma ham (dried overnight in an oven) • Olive oil • Maldan sea salt • 6 sprigs of pea shoot to garnish 1: Drizzle scallops in olive oil to coat and season. 2: Put a pan on high heat. 3: Seal scallops in pan for 30 seconds. Turn over and cook for another 40 seconds, add butter and baste off the heat for 30 seconds. 3: ‘Swipe’ pea purée on plate. 4: Arrange scallops on top of puree and arrange dried Parma ham crisps around plate. 5: Place slices of truffle on and around scallops, top with pea shoots and drizzle with truffle vinaigrette.

Rich Chocolate Mousse, Chantilly Crea m & Raspberries Rich and indulgent, this chocolate mousse is the perfect post-fish pudding. We serve it with Scottish raspberries when we can. Italian Meringue • 3 egg whites • 100g caster sugar 1: Place egg whites into mixer with whisk attached. 2: Place sugar in a pan on medium heat and cook slowly (do not move pan) until softball stage is reached. 3: Whisk egg whites to peaks then add sugar in a trickle until egg whites are doubled in volume, and pale. Fresh Chantilly Cream • 50ml whipping cream • 20g icing sugar • 1 vanilla pod (split and scrape out seeds) 1: Whip cream to peaks. 2: Add sieved icing sugar and vanilla seeds. • 100g dark chocolate (minimum 65% cocoa) • 200ml whipping cream 1: Melt dark chocolate over a bain-marie of water. 2: Whip cream to soft peaks and mix with melted chocolate. 3: Mix chocolate cream and Italian meringue gently together. 4: Pour into glasses, top with Chantilly cream and raspberries.




Your new year ‘business’ resolutions F ind a mentor to help grow your business Growing a successful business is difficult at the best of times, and you’ll often find you need a wide range of skills and experience. Speaking to someone who has ‘been there’ and had similar experiences can be invaluable. That’s where the Business Mentoring Programme comes in, matching experienced mentors with ambitious businessmen and women who have a genuine desire to make a difference to your business - they volunteer their time and are committed to sharing their skills, knowledge, experiences and contacts with you. Find your mentor online today,

Get in touch with your top customers and ask for a testimonial With over 13.5 million people in the UK using their mobiles to access the Internet, uploading a video testimonial to a location such as YouTube is a great way to present yourself and your business to new clients and potential customers. A short film can help your audience get a real taste of what you’re all about. Over one third of web traffic is generated from online videos.

Look for prospective clients and introduce yourself to them Research potential clients, and offer them something new for their business.

F ind new ways to de-stress Making time for yourself is the best form of relaxation... so why not book a yoga class, visit the gym, enjoy a spa day, join a business book club. Search online or visit,

Make networking work for you Networking is a great way of bringing likeminded women together to engage and do business together. Business Women Scotland run monthly networking events specifically for this reason. Our monthly network events start again on 25th January 2013. Visit our website for future networking event dates for your diary,


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