Dominic Winter Auctioneers

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Printed Books, Maps & Documents 25 JULY 2018


Herman Moll. A New and Exact Map of the Dominions of the King of Great Britain on ye Continent of North America…, 1715. £4000-6000

For further information please contact Nathan Winter, Chris Albury or John Trevers: 01285 860006

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10am Tuesday 24 July - 9am-6pm Morning of sale from 9am


Nathan Winter Chris Albury John Trevers

Mallard House, Broadway Lane, South Cerney, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 5UQ T: +44 (0) 1285 860006 F: +44 (0) 1285 862461 E:

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SALE INFORMATION All lots are offered subject to the Conditions of Sale and Business exhibited in the saleroom and printed at the back of this catalogue. For full terms and conditions of sale please see our website or contact the auction office. A buyer’s premium of 20% of the hammer price is payable by the buyers of all lots, except those marked with an asterisk, in which case the buyer’s premium is 24%. Artist’s Resale Rights Law (Droit de Suite). Lots marked with AR next to the lot number may be subject to Droit de Suite. For further details see Information for Buyers at rear of catalogue. BIDDING Bidding in Person: Customers are asked to pay cash or establish a credit with the Auctioneers prior to the sale. Payment may be made while the sale is in progress: please see the cashier in the auction office. For all other payment arrangements please refer to information at the end of the catalogue. Online Bidding: Live online bidding is available at and

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CONTENTS Travel & Exploration


British Topography


Natural History




Decorative Prints & Original Art


Historical Documents, Autographs & Ephemera




Art & Bibliography


General Literature




SPECIALIST STAFF Nathan Winter Libraries, continental books & music Chris Albury Books, manuscripts, documents & photographs Colin Meays Antiquarian & early printed books and bibles

Nathan Winter

Chris Albury

Colin Meays

John Trevers

John Trevers Maps, atlases, decorative prints & caricatures Susanna Winters Children’s literature, fine bindings, textiles & cookery Paul Rasti Travel & exploration, modern literature and sporting books Henry Meadows Fossils & minerals, military history Helen Pedder General cataloguer

Susanna Winters

Paul Rasti

Cover illustrations: Front cover: lot 45 Back cover: lot 424

Henry Meadows

Helen Pedder

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David Roberts, The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, & Nubia, 6 volumes in 4, 1st edition, 1842-9, tinted issue with fine later hand-colouring ÂŁ20,000-30,000 (Fine Books & Manuscripts, Wednesday 12 September)

FORTHCOMING SALES IN 2018 Wednesday 18 July

Modern British & European Art Old Master & Modern Prints English Watercolours

Thursday 19 July

Antiques & 20th Century Design

Wednesday 15 August

Printed Books, Maps & Documents Including Antiquarian Literature, Bookbinding Tools Further selections from the Alan and Joan Tucker Collection

Wednesday 12 September

Fine Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Atlases: Dominic Winter 30th Anniversary Sale

Wednesday 3 October

Printed Books, Maps & Documents Travel & Exploration

Thursday 4 October

Fine Art & Antiques

Friday 5 October

Nineteenth & Twentieth Century Photography

Wednesday 7 November

Printed Books, Maps & Documents

Thursday 8 November

Motoring Literature, Automobilia & Mascots Historic Bicycles, Accessories & Cycling Literature

Friday 9 November

Militaria, Aviation, Maritime & Railway History Medals, Arms & Armour

Wednesday 12 December

Printed Books, Maps & Documents

Thursday 13 December

Modern Literature & First Editions Children’s, Private Press & Illustrated Books

Entries are invited for the above sales: please contact one of our specialist staff for further advice

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TRAVEL & EXPLORATION To commence at 10am

Lot 2 1 Africa. Collection of 35 official British government reports and memoranda relating to East, West, South and Central Africa, bound in 3 volumes, HMSO and others, 1885-93, volume 1 includes Correspondence respecting Suppression of the Slave Trade in East African Waters, 4 pages, 1888, Reports on Slave Trade on the East Coast of Africa, 87 pages, 1887-88, Treaty between Her Majesty and His Majesty the King of Italy for Suppression of the African Slave Trade, 6 pages, 1890, Correspondence respecting the Expedition for the Relief of Emin Pasha, 25 pages, 1886-87, Correspondence respecting Mr. Stanley’s Expedition for the Relief of Emin Pasha, 17 pages, 1890; volume 2 includes Correspondence respecting the Action of Portugal in Mashonaland and in the Districts of the Shire and Lake Nyassa, 231 pages, 1890, Papers relating to the AngloPortuguese Convention Signed at Lisbon, 5 pages, 1891, Declaration between Great Britain and Zanzibar relative to the Exercise of Judicial Powers in Zanzibar, 1 page, 1891, Correspondence respecting the Punitive Expedition against Witu of November, 24 pages, 1890; volume 3 includes Further Papers relating to Uganda, 102 pages, 1893, Papers relating to the Mombasa Railway Survey and Uganda, 147 pages, 2 maps, 1892, Papers relating to the Supression of SlaveRaiding in Nyassaland, 38 pages, 1892, Treaty between Her Majesty and His Majesty the King of Portugal defining their Respective Spheres of Influence in Africa, 9 pages, 1891, some occasional toning and light spotting, loose typescript list of contents, contemporary red half morocco, spines lettered in gilt, slightly rubbed, folio (3)

2 Back (Sir George). Narrative of an Expedition in H.M.S. Terror, Undertaken with a View to Geographical Discovery on the Arctic Shores, in the Years 1836-7, 1st edition, John Murray, 1838, twelve tinted lithographed plates, folding engraved map (with short closed tear), some light offsetting, light waterstains to last two plates, armorial bookplate of Henry Perkins, Hanworth Park, contemporary calf gilt, rebacked with original spine relaid, clear tape marks to cover margins, 8vo Sabin 2617. A scarce Arctic travel book. George Back was sent by the Admiralty to gain knowledge of the coastline between Prince Regent Inlet and Turnagain Point. However, HMS Terror became stuck in the ice near Frozen Strait, suffering considerable structural damage, and eventually limping back to Ireland. Although failing in his main aim, Back was able to make many detailed observations on conditions and surroundings, including ice floes, the terrain of Southampton Island, trading with Baffin Island Eskimos, the weather and privations endured. (1) £500-800



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3 Baedeker (Karl). The Traveller’s Manual of Conversation in Four Languages..., stereotype edition, circa 1880, period inscription to foot of title page, lacking front endpaper, some toning and spotting, The Mediterranean Sea Ports and Sea Routes..., 1911, 38 colour maps and 49 plans, some minor toning, front guttering cracked, The Dominion of Canada with Newfoundland and An Excursion to Alaska, 3rd edition, 1907, 13 colour maps and 12 plans, some minor spotting, front guttering cracked, all original red cloth, boards and spines lightly rubbed, 8vo, together with other Baedeker travel guides and similar, including Muirhead’s, Nagel’s, Touring Club Italiano, mixed editions, all original cloth, some in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo (105)


4 Barrès du Molard (Alphonse). Mémoires sur la guerre de la Navarre et des provinces basques, depuis son origine en 1833, jusqu’au traité de Bergara en 1839, 1st edition, Paris: Dentu, 1842, half-title (with small mark), folding map, folding table, engraved portrait (very faintly spotted), original wrappers bound in (slightly soiled), modern quarter morocco, 8vo, together with Douglas (Sir Howard), A Treatise on Naval Gunnery, 2nd edition, John Murray, 1829, half-title, 4 folding tables, 5 engraved folding plates, spotting to preliminaries and plates, occasionally to text, contemporary marbled boards, rebacked in morocco, 8vo (2)


5 Black (Adam & Charles, publishers). [Black’s General Atlas], circa 1880, lacking title page, frontispiece of ‘Flags of all Nations’ trimmed and mounted on later paper, numerous colour printed maps, some spotting, upper hinge broken, all edges gilt, publisher’s half morocco gilt, worn and rubbed, folio, together with Johnston (Alex K., publisher), [The National Atlas of historical, commercial and political geography...,] circa 1850, lacking title page, twentyfive (only of forty-one) double page engraved maps with contemporary outline colouring, some marginal dust and finger soiling, occasional marginal closed tears, partially disbound, lacking boards and spine, folio, with Fullarton (Alexander), [The Royal Illustrated Atlas of Modern Geography...,], circa 1860, lacking title and preliminaries, twenty-seven (only) double page engraved maps with contemporary outline colouring, some marginal finger and dust soiling, partially disbound, lacking boards, folio, plus Arrowsmith (Aaron), [The London Atlas of Universal Geography...,] circa 1850, lacking titles and preliminaries, twelve (only of sixtytwo) doubls page engraved maps with contemporary outline colouring, some dust and finger soiling, slight staining, all maps backed with linen, lacking boards, folio, with another eight atlases, all with some faults, including examples by ‘The Times’, Bradley, Andree and Bartholomew, various condition, all folio, and a broken run of sixty-six parts of ‘Atlas of the World’s Commerce’, many duplicates, all with a folding map, publisher’s printed paper wrappers, frayed and worn, folio Sold as a collection of maps, not subject to return. (approx.68)

Lot 6


6 Bonanni (Giacomo). Dell’antica Siracusa libri due, 1st edition, Messina: Pietro Brea, 1624, additional engraved title (trimmed and mounted), engraved vignette to letterpress title, woodcut device to colophon, toning, moderate spotting, occasional tide-mark in margins, minor paper disruption to gutter of title and following leaf, staining in fore margin of signature pi3, contemporary vellum, slightly marked, 4to (19.5 x 14cm) Cicognara 2653. The author was the duke of Montalbano; his name is also recorded as Bonanni (or Buonanni) e Colonna. Uncommon: Copac traces four copies in UK libraries. (1) £400-600

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)

Lot 7


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7 Bruce (James, of Kinnaird). Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile, in the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772 and 1773, 5 vols., 1st ed., Edinburgh, 1790, half-titles present, titles with engraved vignettes, 58 engraved plates and plans (one or two close-trimmed shaving imprint and two partly folding plans with closed tears), three folding engraved maps, some plates and leaves in volume 3 detached, occasional spotting and dust-soiling, occasional closed tears to few leaves, volume 2 lacking free endpapers & volume 4 front free endpaper detached and frayed, contemporary marbled calf (volumes 1, 2, 4 & 5), contrasting morocco labels to spines, joints cracked and some wear to extremities, volume 3 in original boards (edges untrimmed), lacking spine, worn, 4to Blackmer 221. (5)

9 Burton (Richard F.). The Lake Regions of Central Africa, 2 volumes, 1st edition, Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1860, 12 tinted wood-engraved plates including frontispieces, wood-engravings in text, folding map (loose and with a few small splits and perforations to folds), pale tide-mark in top margins of plates in volume 1, contemporary blue half calf, slightly rubbed, volume 1 front board detached, 8vo Penzer pp. 65-6. (2)


10 Camera (Matteo). Historia della citta e Costiera di Amalfi, in due parti divisa, Naples, 1836, folding map and 12 engraved plates, engraved vignette title and tail-pieces, errata to final leaf verso, foremargins closely trimmed, a little scattered light browning, old cloth, slightly rubbed, 8vo




11 Carne (John). Syria, The Holy Land, Asia Minor &c. Illustrated...., by W. H. Bartlett, William Purser &c. 3 volumes in one, published Fisher, Son & Co., [1836], title page with near contemporary manuscript ownership and presentation inscription, additional decorative title to each volume, numerous uncoloured engraved plates, all edges gilt, contemporary morocco with gilt decorated boards, 4to, together with Walsh (Rev. Robert), Constantinople and the scenery of the seven churches of Asia Minor, 2 volumes, Fisher Son & Co., circa 1840, additional decorative title to each volume, 2 maps (including one folding), ninety-three (complete as lists) uncoloured engraved plates, bookplate of James Allen Wilson, all edges gilt, contemporary half morocco gilt, worn and rubbed at extremities, 4to (3)


8 Burckhardt (John Lewis). Travels in Nubia, 1st edition, John Murray, 1819, half-title, etched portrait frontispiece, 3 engraved maps (2 folding), advertisement leaf to rear, light spotting to endpapers, frontispiece and maps spotted and offset, closed tears to inner margins of folding maps, touching frame in one, edges untrimmed, modern marbled boards, 4to Blackmer 238 for the second edition. (1)


12 Cassell (Petter & Galpin, publishers). [Cassell’s General Atlas Consisting of Sixty-two Beautifully Engraved folio Maps of the Countries of the World], circa 1870, lacking title page, fifty-maps of countries of the world, two sheet map of the British Isles, seventy British county maps and town plans, fourteen railway maps and a four sheet map of the environs of London (only), all uncoloured, slight staining and spotting, near contemporary boards, heavily stained and worn, folio, together with Philip (George, publisher), Untitled atlas, circa 1860, lacking title and preliminaries, forty (only) double page engraved maps with contemporary colouring and two comparison plates, lacking boards and the majority of the spine, folio Sold as a collection of maps, not subject to return. (2)

Lot 9 7


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13 Charlevoix (Pierre-François-Xavier de). Histoire et description générale du Japon, 9 volumes, Paris: Julien-Michel Gandouin [and others], 1736, half-titles and title pages printed in red and black, 56 engraved plates, maps and plans (28 folding), including a large folding map of Japan after Bellin, woodcut headpieces and initials, contents toned, a few minor spots and marks, marginal browning and ink-stamps to half-titles and title pages, short closed tears to folding map of Japan (facing volume 1 p. 1) and to plates or maps facing volume 1 p. 177, volume 5 p. 484, and volume 5 p. 1 (this also with a short split along one fold), contemporary French cat’s-paw sheep, gilt spines, twin morocco labels (volume 9 lacking one label), rubbed, some wear to headcaps and extremities, a few joints superficially cracked at ends, some stripping to sides expertly restored, 12mo (16.5 x 9.3cm) Cordier Japonica 423. There are 28 non-folding botanical plates, all in volume 8; the remaining plates, all folding, include depictions of Japanese costume, customs, objets d’art, views, and more. This duodecimo edition appeared in the same year as a two-volume quarto edition. (9) £700-1000

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)


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14 Churchill (Awnsham & John, publishers). A Collection of Voyages and Travels, Some now first Printed from Original Manuscripts. Others Translated out of Foreign Languages, and now first Publish’d in English, [volume 3 only], 1st edition, 1704, 3 parts in 1 volume as issued (see note), each with own section title dated 1703 in addition to main volume title, pagination and register continuous, the third part (Baldaeus) with engraved portrait frontispiece, additional engraved title page, 33 engraved folding plates including maps, plans, views and orthographical tables of the Tamil language, numerous engraved vignettes in the text, several full-page, volume title chipped and browned in upper outer corner, first section title (Ovalle) slightly marked, faint damp-staining in quires [pi]-B, contents otherwise clean and fresh, contemporary French mottled calf, richly gilt spine, mild wear to extremities, folio (31 x 19.5cm Cox I p. 10 for the collection and p. 263 for Baldaeus; Sabin 13015 (specifying Ovalle and Monson); Borba de Moraes I p. 158 for the 1744 edition. This third volume of Awnsham and John Churchill’s important collection of voyages contains three texts: 1) Alonso de Ovalle, An Historical Relation of the Kingdom of Chile, printed at Rome by Francisco Cavallo, 1649, Translated out of Spanish into English; 2) Sir William Monson, Naval Tracts: in Six Books ... The Whole from the Original Manuscript, Never Before Published; and 3) Philippus Baldaeus, A True and Exact Description of the Most Celebrated East-India Coasts of Malabar and Coromandel, as also of the Isle of Ceylon ... translated from the High-Dutch printed at Amsterdam, 1672. (1) £600-800

15 Colton (George W.). Colton’s Atlas of the World illustrating Physical and Political Geography..., Volume 1 - North and South America etc., 1856, additional decorative title, fifty-four (only) engraved maps with contemporary hand colouring, slight marginal fraying and dust soiling, text block broken with some leaves loose, endpapers and pastedowns with insect damage, publisher’s cloth gilt, heavily worn and frayed, folio Sold as a collection of maps, not subject to return. (1)



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Lot 18 Lot 16

16 Colton (George W.). Colton’s General Atlas of the World, circa 1865, lacking title, index and frontispiece of national flags with long closed tears, double page comparison plate, seventy-two (only of 113) engraved maps with contemporary hand colouring, including some double page, slight dust soiling, later endpapers, 20th century,half morocco, stained, folio Sold as a collection of maps, not subject to return. (1)

17 Dening (Walter). Japan in Days of Yore, volumes 2-4 [Wounded Pride and How it was Healed; The Life of Miyamoto Musashi Parts I-II], 1st editions, Tokyo: Hakubunsha, 1888, text printed on double leaves, 17 double-page coloured woodblock plates, stab-stitched in original pictorial card wrappers, rear wrappers lettered ‘printed and published by the Hakubunsha. Tokyo, Japan’, wrappers slightly spotted, 8vo


Four volumes were published; the first volume, a discrete work titled Human Nature in a Variety of Aspects, appeared the previous year. There was a one-volume edition in 1906. (3) £100-150

18 Desnos (Louis Charles). Almanach géographique, ou Petit atlas élémentaire, 1st edition, Paris: Desnos, 1770[-1], engraved dedication leaf and title page, 32 double-page engraved maps hand-coloured as issued, bound without the portrait and text (‘Calendrier perpetuel et historique’ and ‘Idée générale de la géographie et de l’histoire moderne, par M. Maclot’: see note), a few sprays of very light spotting, all edges gilt, contemporary red morocco, gilt spine, green morocco label, triple fillet panels gilt to sides, a few mild scuffs, 12mo (11.5 x 6cm) This copy is bound without the text but appears to have all the maps from the two published volumes, which contained 17 and 15 maps respectively; copies are habitually encountered in varying states of completeness. The lot sold not subject to return. (1) £400-600

Lot 17

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)


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Lot 19

19 Dheulland (Guillaume). Théâtre de la guerre en Italie, ou Carte nouvelle des principautés de Piémond, République des Gênes, duchés de Milan, Plaisance, et confins, 1st edition, Paris: Dheulland, Martin and Jullien, 1748, engraved title, 25 maps and 2 letterpress leaves, all folding and mounted on guards, nearly all the maps hand-coloured in outline, damp-staining to endpapers and title page, and to gutter and margins of letterpress leaves and first few maps, then receding to two small tide-marks to either end of the gutter, shallow splits to ends of folds, longer splits to folds of title page, general map (unnumbered) and maps 1 and 4, contemporary French marbled sheep, rubbed, front joint split at ends, corners worn, narrow folio (25.5 x 11cm) (1)


20 Weller (Edward). Dispatch Atlas, [1863], lacking titles and preliminaries, approximately 130 (only) engraved map sheets with contemporary outline colouring, some marginal fraying and closed tears with occasional loss, some dust soiling, several maps detached, contemporary half calf, lacking spine, boards detached, rubbed and worn, folio Sold as a collection of maps, not subject to return. (1)


21 Diston (A.). Costumes of the Canary Islands, Smith Elder & Co., [1829], lacking title and wrappers, six uncoloured lithographs after A. Diston by W. Fisk (complete), some spotting and marginal closed tears, each print 310 x 250mm, disbound Abbey, Travel in aquatint and lithography, 75. Rare. Only one copy appearing in auction in the last twenty-five years. Only one copy (British Library) on Copac. (6) £300-500

Lot 21


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22 Dozy (Reinhart). Het Islamisme, 1st edition, Haarlem: A. C. Kruseman, 1863, 14 lithographic plates including views of Mecca and Medina, light spotting to a few plates, bookplate of ‘Wilhelm van Eys’, possibly the Dutch philologist Willem van Eys (1825-1914) to front pastedown, inner hinges neatly reinforced, original purple cloth lettered and decorated in gilt and blind, spine sunned, light wear to corners, large 8vo (28 x 17.5cm), together with Tischendorf (Constantin von), Anecdota sacra et profana ex oriente et occidente allata, sive Notitia codicum Graecorum, Syriacorum, Copticorum, Hebraicorum, Aethiopicorum, Latinorum ... editio repetita, emendata, aucta, Leipzig: Hermann Fries, 1861, 4 lithographic plates, spotting, closed tear to half-title, ink-stamp to title, leaves almost entirely unopened, contemporary half cloth, 4to Copac traces six copies of Dozy’s pioneering study of Islam in UK libraries. (2)


23 Egypt, Cyprus & Sudan. Album of original watercolours and pencil sketches, 1885, 15 watercolours and 55 pencil sketches on thick wove paper, mounted rectos and versos to 19 light card leaves, portrait and landscape, various dimensions (approximate ranges 6 x 12.5 to 29 x 22cm), most of the watercolours heightened with bodycolour, a few en grisaille, nearly all images with pencilled captions on the mounts, many dated, and including detailed views and street scenes in Alexandria, Cairo, Giza, Ismailia, Suakin, ‘Ramleh’ (Ramallah in Palestine) and various locations in the Troodos Mountains, Cyprus, marginal soiling and fraying only to occasional and minor effect on images, one sketch loose, contemporary black morocco, spine perished and leaves loose, boards worn, oblong folio (35.5 x 47.5cm) The artist may have produced this album while serving on the 1885 Suakin Expedition with the Scots Guards: one of the pencil sketches in Cyprus, dated 1885, depicts the Scots Guards’ camp in the Troodos Mountains; the caption to a sketch of a dahabiyah on the Nile refers to previous service with the Ceylon Rifles. (1) £500-800

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)


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Lot 24 24 Fortavion (G. C. de). La guerre de Chine, grand panorama illustré, historique et anecdotique, 1st edition, Paris: GuérinMuller, 1862, 16 lithographic plates with accompanying text leaf, title page repaired along gutter and top edge, and creased and marked, some mild spotting and finger-soiling to text leaves and plate margins, only a handful of faint spots in images, short nick in top margin of first Tche-Fou plate, Combat du pont de Pa-Li-KiaO plate slightly marked and facing text leaf repaired along top edge, inner hinges reinforced, original lithographic boards, front board hand-coloured as issued, cloth spine renewed, boards soiled, extremities worn, oblong folio Cordier Sinica 4146. (1)

26 Hailey (William Malcolm, Baron). African Administration Reports 1940-41 [spine title], circa 1941, 11 works in one volume, 10 of these mimeographs or carbon copies of typescript reports, one (the fifth-bound work, see below) on tipped-in printed leaves, contents leaf to each work (some tipped in), blank interleaves throughout, occasional annotations, spotting, contemporary tan half sheep, slightly rubbed, spine marked, folio, together with Armstrong W. D., ‘Sunrise on the Congo, A Record of the Earlier Years of the Congo Balolo Mission’, circa 1934, 5 preliminary and 283 numbered leaves of carbon typescript, rectos only, title page creased, presentation ink-stamp to front free endpaper, contemporary blue cloth, slightly rubbed, 4to


Hailey (1872-1969), widely regarded as ‘the twentieth century’s most distinguished Indian civil servant’ (ODNB), turned to Africa after his retirement from India in 1934 and became director of the African Survey. His reports, all marked confidential, comprise: 1) Native Administration and African Political Development, 1941; 2) The Gold Coast, September 1941; 3) Kenya, April 1940; 4) Nigeria; 5) Note on the Bearing of Native Policy on the Proposed Amalgamation of the Rhodesias and Nyasaland; 6) Nyasaland; 7) Northern Rhodesia; 8) Southern Rhodesia; 9) Sierra Leone; 10) Tanganyika Territory; 11) Uganda, April 1940. Provenance (Hailey): ownership inscription of Juxon Barton, dated Nyasaland, 1942, to front free endpaper; Barton (1891-1980) was a British colonial administrator who served as high commissioner for the Western Pacific before retiring as chief secretary to Nyasaland in 1945. Armstrong’s report is unpublished but referred to frequently in modern scholarly literature; we trace two additional typescript copies in institutions (University of Wisconsin and Western Michigan University). (2) £100-200

25 Guthrie (William). A New Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Grammar; and Present State of the several Kingdoms of the World..., 12th edition, corrected and improved, printed for Charles Dilly, 1790, folding double hemisphere world map frontispiece, and 21 engraved maps (including one plate of an ‘Artifical Sphere’, complete as contents list), title with some soiling, and with contemporary inscription at head ‘ex-libris James Simpson’, occasional minor marks (all plates generally in good condition), contemporary calf, rubbed and scuffed, together with Brookes (Richard), The General Gazetteer; or, Compendius Geographical Dictionary, 13th edition, with considerable additions and improvements, 1807, 8 folding engraved maps (East Indies torn with loss of outer fold), some minor marks and light browning to maps, contemporary tree calf, gilt decorated spine, rubbed, both 8vo (2)



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27 Hakluyt Society. Second Series, 28 volumes, 1st editions, 19692000, plates, original blue cloth gilt, 8vo, works comprise: Barbour (Philip L., editor) The Jamestown Voyages under the First Charter 1606-1609, 2 volumes, ownership inscriptions; Morga (Antonio de), Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas; Quinn (David B. and Alison M.), The English New England Voyages 1602-1608; Barr (William, & Glyndwr Williams, Voyages to Hudson Bay in Search of a Northwest Passage 1714-1741, 2 volumes; Ibn Battuta, The Travels ... volumes 4 and 5 only; La Pérouse (Jean-François de Galaup de), The Journal, 2 volumes; Olaus Magnus, Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus, 3 volumes; Bridges (R. C., & P. E. H. Hair), Compassing the Vaste Globe of the Earth, Studies in teh History of the Hakluyt Society 1846-1996, With a Complete List of the Society’s Publications; Schuver (Juan Maria), Travels in North East Africa 1880-1883; Pennington (L. E.), The Purchas Handbook, Studies of the Life, Times and Writings of Samuel Purchas 1577-1626, 2 volumes; Seminov (Petr Petrovich), Travels in the Tian’-Shan’ 1856-1857; together with volumes 1 to 10 of the Third Series of Hakluyt Society Publications, 1st editions, 1993-2003, plates, original blue cloth gilt, all 8vo (28)

Lot 30


28 Hübner (Joseph Alexander Graf von). A Ramble Round the World, 1871, translated by Lady Herbert, 2 volumes, 1st edition in English, Macmillan and Co., 1874, spotting to endpapers and halftitles, volume 1 front free endpaper loose, original green cloth, spines rolled, extremities rubbed, 8vo, together with: Hedin (Sven), Overland to India, 2 volumes, 1st edition in English, Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1910, 198 plates (nearly all photographic), 4 folding panoramas, 2 folding colour maps, browning and gift inscriptions to free endpapers, spotting to maps and occasionally to text, original blue pictorial cloth gilt, rubbed, spines sunned, remains of Mudie’s Library labels to front boards and pastedowns, tips bumped, 8vo; [Adams, William Henry Davenport], India, Pictorial and Descriptive, 1st edition, T. Nelson and Sons, 1888, wood-engraved frontispiece and text illustrations, inner hinges cracked, light spotting and soiling towards front and rear, gilt edges, original pictorial cloth gilt, worn and marked; Neve (Arthur), Picturesque Kashmir, illustrated by Geoffrey W. Millais, 1st edition, Sands & Company, 1900, plates, pale spotting to endpapers, original pictorial cloth gilt, slightly marked, 4to; and approximately 25 others, 19th and 20th-century Indian travel and related, various formats Cordier Japonica 670 for Hübner’s work, which also concerns America and China. (25) £150-200

29 Japanese Government Railways. Guide to China, with land and sea routes between the American and European Continents, second (revised) edition, issued by the Japanese Government Railways, Tokyo, Japan, 1924, numerous folding coloured maps, monochrome frontispiece and illustrations to text, colour printed maps to endpapers, and folding colour printed map of China contained in pocket at rear, all maps in very good condition, original red cloth lettered in gilt, very slightly rubbed (generally in excellent condition), 8vo (1)


30 Johnson (A.J., Publisher). [Johnson’s new Illustrated Family Atlas], published D. McLellan & Bros., New York, circa 1865, lacking title, retaining time and distance chart of travel times from Washington, forty-two (only of 105) engraved maps with contemporary hand colouring, many double page, a few maps split and torn, slight dust soiling, staining and spotting, contemporary half morocco with gilt design to upper board, rubbed and worn and with upper board near detached, folio Sold as a collection of maps not subject to return. (1)

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)

Lot 31



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31 Knolles (Richard). The Generall Histories of the Turkes ... together with The Lives and Conquests of the Othoman Kings and Emperours ... untill this Present Yeare 1603, 1st edition, Adam Islip, 1603, engraved architectonic title page, 28 engraved medallion portraits and 1 engraved battle scene in the letterpress, all by Laurence Johnson, woodcut initials and head- and tailpieces, woodcut wreath border to The Lives and Conquests section title; intermittent pale tide-mark extending from bottom edges into text, quires A and 5F-H chipped in margins with engraved title (A2) largely torn away (but retaining most of the text) and partial loss of floral headpiece in the errata (5H8), repairs in leaves V4, 2N3, 3R6 and 5F3, small closed chip in X5 (portrait verso), small hole in 3A6 and spill-burn in 4B6 to minor loss of text and running head respectively, marginal worming from 4M to end, 17th- and 18th-century ownership inscriptions and pen-trials to initial blank and engraved title, occasional contemporary marginalia, contemporary calf, worn, front board detached, folio in 6s (31.5 x 22.5cm)

34 Marmont (Auguste, duc de Raguse). Voyage en Hongrie, en Transylvanie, dans la Russie méridionale, en Crimée, et sur les bords de la mer d’Azoff, à Constantinople, dans quelques parties de l’Asie-Mineure, en Syrie, en Palestine, et en Egypte, Paris: Ladvocat, 1837-8, 5 text volumes and 1 atlas volume; half-titles to each text volume, errata leaves to volumes 4 and 5, spotting to outer leaves, contemporary French quarter sheep, richly gilt spines, marbled boards, 8vo; atlas with 11 engraved plates (of 12) depicting views in Egypt and Syria, and 8 folding maps (of 8), lacking portrait, light spotting, non-uniform quarter sheep, 4to Atabey 772. Stated second editions of volumes one and two, and first editions of volumes three to five, though Atabey states that ‘it is possible that all these editions are in fact issues, using the same sheets with new half titles’. (6) £250-350

Blackmer 919; Cobham-Jeffery p. 31; Cox I p. 204; STC 15051. First edition of ‘the greatest of English works of the Renaissance period dealing with Turkey’ (Chew, cited after Blackmer). (1) £600-800

32 Landscape Annuals. Roscoe (Thomas), The Tourist in Switzerland and Italy, 1830 (2 copies) The Tourist in Italy, 1833 (2 copies), The Tourist in Italy, 1831, the Tourist in Italy 1832 (2 copies), The Tourist in France, 1834 [and] The Tourist in Portugal 1839, nine volumes with numerous engraved plates, occasional spotting, uniform green morocco gilt, one board detached from ‘A Tourist in Portugal’, a few spines split, worn and rubbed, 8vo, together with Watts (Alaric A.), Liber Fluviorum; or River Scenery of France depicted in Sixty line engravings from the drawings of J. M. W. Turner, 1853, additional decorative title, sixty (complete as list) engraved plates, occasional spotting, all edges gilt, publisher’s blue cloth gilt, slight fading to boards, 4to, with another copy similar, plus approximately sixty engraved views in Italy and Portugal from The Landscape Annual, each approximately 110 x 155mm, various condition Sold as a collection of plates, not subject to return. (approx.70)


33 Lyell (Denis D.). The Hunting and Spoor of Central African Game, with Life-size Illustrations of most of the Game Tracks, 1st edition, 1929, black & white plates and illustrations, 4 pages publisher’s adverts at rear, original buckram gilt, slightly rubbed and darkened on spine, together with Lydekker (Richard), The Game Animals of Africa, 2nd edition revised by J.D. Dolman, published Rowland Ward, 1926, black & white plates and illustrations, original two-tone cloth gilt, a little rubbed, both 4to, plus Wallace (H. Frank), Big Game Wanderings in Many Lands, 1st edition, 1934, black & white plates from photographs, signed by author to title, a little spotting at front and rear, original cloth gilt, a little rubbed and faded on spine, 8vo, plus an autograph letter signed from Wallace loosely inserted, 28 February 1930, to Captain Hardy, written in pencil, ‘Just a line to tell you I got the old lion by a lucky shot also a lioness 2 days ago. I wounded a good buffalo 2 days ago also about 2 or 3 miles from here near [?]abou [? in Sudan] so if you do see him you might let me know...’, one page, somewhat spotted, dust-soiled and creased with old adhesion mark to upper margin, 4to, plus a 1st edition and a facsimile limited edition reprint of Travel and Adventure in South-East Africa by Selous (6)

35 Marti y Viladamor (Francisco). Noticia universal de Cataluña, 1st edition, [Barcelona, 1640], woodcut headpieces and initials, vignette to final leaf verso, spotting and browning, marginal worming and damp-staining, bookplate of Franz Pollack-Parnau and Spanish bookseller’s label to front pastedown, modern vellum, manuscript spine-title, boards bowed, 4to in 8s (20.5 x 15cm) Palau 153498. Rare pro-Catalonian work published in the same year as the beginning of the Reapers’ War. Copac traces only the British Library copy and a copy of another edition printed in Lisbon the following year. (1) £300-400



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36 Meyer (Dr. Hans). Ostafrikanische Gletscherfahrten, 1st edition, Lepzig, 1890, colour frontispiece (small marginal chip), two maps (folding map at end with closed tear along one fold), photogravure and mounted half-tone plates, a little light toning, original green pictorial cloth gilt, rebacked with original spine relaid, 8vo Neate M92. Meyer’s account of his successful ascent of Mount Kilimanjaro in 1889. (1) £150-200

37 Nugent (Thomas). The Grand Tour. Containing an Exact Description of most of the Cities, Towns, and Remarkable Places of Europe. Together with a Distinct Account of the Post-Roads and Stages, with their Respective Distances..., 4 volumes, 1st edition, 1749, all edges gilt, contemporary panelled calf, gilt decorated spines lacking some title labels, joints cracked and spines worn at head and foot, 12mo, together with Duppa (Richard), A Brief Account of the Subversion of the Papal Government. 1798, 2nd edition, London: G.G. and J. Robinson, 1799, four engraved plates, folding engraved map hand-coloured in outline and folding plan of Rome, some toning and scattered spotting, contemporary marbled calf, gilt decorated spine with green morocco title label, joints cracked and a little wear to extremities, 8vo (5)


38 Ogilby (John). Asia, the First Part, being an Accurate Description of Persia, and the Several Provinces thereof. The Vast Empire of the Great Mogol and other Parts of India: and their Several Kingdoms and Regions, 1st edition, printed by the author, 1673, additional engraved title page, letterpress title page in red and black, dedication leaf, 14 engraved folding maps or views, 15 full-page engraved plates (of 17), numerous engraved vignettes in text, woodcut head- and tailpieces and initials; bound without leaves 2K4-2M4 (index), toning, variable dust- and finger-soiling, occasional contemporary ink-splashes and other marks, tiny intermittent worm-track in upper outer corners, engraved title trimmed and mounted, old repairs to closed tears in letterpress title, text-leaves B3, B6, T3 and 2K3, and to versos of a few plates in lower margins, 2G1 with a closed tear in gutter and a small spill-burn in text, 2I2 with a repaired chip in fore margin just touching a few letters verso, last few leaves frayed and damp-stained, modern calf-backed marbled boards, folio in 4s (38 x 24cm) Cox I p. 275 (‘Although the title page reads “First Part,” this volume is complete in itself’); Wing O166. (1) £700-1000

Lot 38

39 Pardoe (Julia). The Beauties of the Bosphorus, Illustrated in a Series of Views of Constantinople and its Environs, 2 volumes, published George Virtue, 1838, additional decorative title, one uncoloured engraved map and seventy-eight (only) engraved plates, very slight spotting, all edges gilt, contemporary red morocco with gilt decorated spines and boards, worn and rubbed at extremities, 4to, together with Bartlett (William), The Danube: Its History, Scenery and Topography..., published Virtue and Co., circa 1840, portrait frontispiece, additional decorative title, two engraved maps and seventy-four (only) engraved plates, some water staining and slight spotting throughout, near contemporary cloth gilt, worn, 4to, with approximately 110 engraved views, most from the above two publications, occasional duplicates, various sizes and condition Sold as a collection of prints, not subject to return. (approx.110)

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)



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40 Pufendorf (Samuel von). Introduction à l’histoire moderne, générale et politique de l’univers ... nouvelle édition, revûe, considérablement augmentée, corrigée sur les meilleurs auteurs, et continuée jusqu’en mil sept cent cinquante par M. de Grace, 8 volumes, Paris: Merigot [and others], 1753-9, half-titles, title pages printed in red and black, engraved frontispiece to volume 1 and engraved vignettes to title pages and text all after Charles Eisen, 26 folding maps by Jean-Baptiste Nolin, numerous further engraved or woodcut headpieces and initials (unsigned), light browning to margins of half-titles and title pages and to folding tables, very light spotting and marginal dampstaining to the last 2 maps in volume 8, a few trivial spots elsewhere, contemporary ink inscriptions (‘ex libris de Paggi de Valbonne’) to title pages, further inscriptions (‘Valbonne’) to front pastedowns, contemporary French cat’s-paw calf, floral devices gilt to spine compartments, twin red morocco labels, slightly rubbed in places, wear to tips, short splits to front joints of volumes 1 and 5, 4to (25.5 x 19cm) Cohen-de Ricci p. 828 (counting only 23 maps). An attractive, well-preserved set. (8)



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41 Reisner (George A. & others). The Archaeological Survey of Nubia, Report for 1907-1908 [-1911], 8 volumes including Plate volumes, Cairo, 1910-27, black & white plates from photographs, folding maps and plans including some coloured, some light marginal browning, many hinges cracked, original cloth-backed printed boards, rubbed and soiled, library stamps to upper covers, one volume lacks spine, folio, together with Bulletin, nos. 1 & 2 bound as one, Cairo, 1908, black & white plates and folding plans, contemporary cloth, heavily rubbed, plus further single issues of nos. 1, 5, 6 & 7, Cairo, 1908-11, plus duplicates of nos. 5-7, original printed wrappers, first upper wrapper chipped and detached, all but first linen-backed, some soiling, chipping and wear, large 8vo (17)


42 Saint-Victor (Jacques-Maximilien Benjamin Blins de). [Tableau historique et pittoresque de Paris..., Atlas volume only, revised edition, Paris, 1827-1828?], 215 uncoloured aquatint plates (including 34 plans), title not present, occasional light spotting, front free endpaper with tipped-in purchase receipt dated 1836, contemporary marbled boards with vellum tipped corners, upper board detached, lacking spine, oblong 4to, plate size approximately 23 x 30cm Sold as a collection of plates. (1)


43 Savoia (Luigi Amedeo di, duca degli Abruzzi). On the “Polar Star” in the Arctic Sea ... translated by William Le Queux, 2 volumes, 1st edition, Hutchinson & Co., 1903, 16 gravure plates, 2 folding panoramas, 5 maps (of which 2 folding in end-pocket), numerous text illustrations, inner hinges cracked, spotting and contemporary ownership inscriptions to endpapers, marginal damp-staining to volume 1 frontispiece and plate facing volume 2 p. 672, a few other minor marks, panoramas creased, top edges gilt, original green pictorial cloth gilt, mottled, rubbed and marked, 4to, together with Davis (Charles Henry), Narrative of the North Polar Expedition. U. S. Ship Polaris, Captain Charles Francis Hall Commanding. Edited under the Direction of G. M. Robeson, 3rd UK edition, Trübner & Co., 1881, 2 steel-engraved frontispieces, 34 wood-engraved plates, 2 colour photolithographs, 6 maps, contents toned, damp-staining to corners of plates and title page (more extensive in title page and frontispiece), modern cloth retaining the original spine panel, 4to (3)

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)

44 Schottus (Franciscus). Itinerarium Italiae, 2 volumes, Amsterdam: Jodocus Janssonius, 1655, engraved title page, 20 double-page folding plates, a few closely trimmed along fore margins, rather tightly bound, 18th-century French marbled calf, smooth spines gilt in compartments with seed-head tools, twin olivine morocco labels, triple fillet borders gilt to sides, extremities very slightly rubbed, volume 1 joints superficially cracked but firm, 12mo (13 x 6.6cm) A notably clean copy in a fine binding typical of the work of French master binder Derôme le Jeune (1731-1790). (2) £300-500



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45 Scott (Mrs William L.L.). Views in the Himalayas, 1st edition, Henry Graves & Co., 1852, letterpress text in double column, printed in blue to recto and verso, loose as issued (with repaired tear and close-trimmed to one margin), tinted lithograph title, 14 tinted lithograph plates by Thomas Picken, W. Walton and W. Simpson, some spotting and waterstains, some marginal fraying, chips and tears, contents loose in original morocco-backed boards, spine and corners worn, covers with some loss of cloth, sheet size 60 x 43.5cm (23.75 x 17.25ins), folio Abbey Travel, 500. Anne Eliza Scott (1810-1892) spent time in the Simla region of the Himalayas in 1850-51, and undertook the present work to raise funds for the Lawrence Asylum for orphans, and clothes and education for children of serving soldiers. In the preface she states “With this object in view I commenced the undertaking, though with some slight prospects of success; delicate health, limited hours, and the rainy season, materially interrupting the progress of the drawings, which required to be finished on the spot; therefore, however startling the effects of the drawings may be, each view is a most faithful copy of the scene as it was taken at the time stated and to enable people to judge for themselves, the time is stated, because the difference between lights and shadows at sunrise and sunset so entirely alters the shape of the distant hills, that the fidelity of the outline might justly be questioned, as well as the strongly marked lights, which are such as can only be produced by the brightness of a tropical sun.â€? (1) ÂŁ2000-3000


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46 Smith (John, 1792?-1824). The London Missionary Society’s Report of the Proceedings against the Late Rev. J. Smith, of Demerara, Minister of the Gospel, who was tried under Martial Law, and condemned to Death on a Charge of Aiding and Assisting in a Rebellion of the Negro Slaves, 1st edition, F. Westley, 1824, uncut in original boards, loss to paper on spine but retaining printed label, covers slightly marked, corners bumped, 8vo (1)


48 Swanston (G.H.). The Companion Atlas to The Gazetteer of the World, published A. Fullarton, Edinburgh, London & New York, circa 1860, printed title with some spotting, forty-eight (complete) engraved maps with contemporatry outline colouring, forty-five double page, occasional spotting and marginal finger soiling, later endpapers, marbled pastedowns, bookplate of R. H. Johnstone, modern half calf but retaining contempory cloth gilt boards, folio (1)

49 Switzerland. Beattie (William), Switzerland illustrated, 2 volumes, published George Virtue, 1839, additional decorative title to each, 106 engraved views after W.H. Bartlett, folding engraved map (with small piece excised from one blank corner), occasional faint foxing (mostly marginal), marbled endpapers, contemporary green half calf gilt, rubbed and scuffed, slight wear to spine ends, 4to, together with another set bound in contemporary blue morocco gilt, worn and rubbed, 4to, with Cockburn (Major James), Swiss Scenery, Rodwell & Martin, 1820, decorative title with engraved vignette, frontispiece of a view of Geneva and sixty (complete as list) uncoloured engraved plates, slight spotting, first few pages and plates water stained, all edges gilt, contemporary green morocco gilt, worn and rubbed at extremities, 4to, plus Ritchie (Leitch), Wanderings by The Loire..., [and] Wanderings by the Seine, 1833 & 1835, additional decorative title to each, title with ink library stamp, each with twenty uncoloured engravings after J. M. W. Turner, all edges gilt, contemporary morocco gilt, boards faded, a little rubbed and worn, 8vo, with a large collection of approximately 950 uncoloured topographical engravings of Switzerland, including examples by Cousen, Davenport, Finden, Bartlett/Wallis, Brandard, Turner, Allom and Le Petit, with others relating to costume, natural history and genre, various sizes and condition

47 Spain. Work and War in Spain. Photographs by: Keystone Press Agency, Wide World Photos, Associates Press Photos, Planeta News Ltd., Altavoz del Frente, 1st edition, Press Department of the Spanish Embassy in London, 1938, approximately 120 half-tone photographs, original photographic wrappers, slightly rubbed, marked and creased, spine chipped and repaired, large 4to Parr and Badger volume 3 p. 19. (1)



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Lot 50 50 Tancoigne (J.M.). Voyage a Smyrne, dans l’Archipel et l’Ile de Candide, 2 volumes, 1st edition, Paris, 1817, half titles, two folding hand-coloured engraved plates, 3 page advertisements at end of volume I, light offsetting and spotting, original wrappers (volume I upper wrapper detached, some wear), 12mo

52 Terry (T. Philip). Terry’s Japanese Empire, including Korea and Formosa. With Chapters on Manchuria, the Trans-Siberian Railway, and the Chief Ocean Routes to Japan. A Guidebook for Travellers, 1st edition, Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1914, numerous maps and plans, some folding (a few with a couple of short closed tears), advertisements both front and rear, original cloth, 8vo, together with Baedeker (Karl), The United States with Excursions to Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, and Alaska. Handbook for Travellers, 4th Revised Edition, Leipzig: Karl Baedeker, 1909, numerous maps and plans, some folding, front free endpaper with top corner excised, original cloth, 8vo, plus Hartleben (A., publisher), Illustrierter Fuhrer durch Dalmatien... langs der Kuste von Albanien bis Korfu..., Vienna and Leipzig: A. Hartleben, 1909, numerous maps and plans, some folding, lacking front free endpaper, original cloth, slightly rubbed, small stain to front cover, 8vo, with 13 other Baedekers guides, including: Egypt and the Sudan, 1914, with dust jacket; Northern Germany, 1925, with dust jacket; and other European such as Spanien und Portugal, Switzerland, Schweden und Norwegen, various editions, and one other related

Atabey 1192; Blackmer 1628: “The two plates are finely coloured and illustrate the procession of the Sultan during the two Bayrams, after a drawing by Melling”. Tancoigne was attached to the French embassy in Persia in 1807, making three journeys to Constantinople and spent three years from 1812-14 at the French consulate in Crete. (2) £200-300



53 Wright (Rev. G.N.). The Shores and Islands of the Mediterranean, published Fisher Son & Co., circa 1840, additional decorative title, double page engraved map, sixty-three (complete as list) uncoloured engraved plates, occasional spotting and finger soiling, all edges gilt, contemporary half red morocco with decoartive gilt spine, rubbed and worn at extremities, 4to (1)


54 [Zennour, Hadidjé]. A Turkish Woman’s European Impressions. By Zeyneb Hanoum (Heroine of Pierre Loti’s Novel “Les Désenchantées”). Edited and with an Introduction by Grace Ellison, 1st edition, Seeley, Service & Co. Ltd., 1913, 16 plates (mainly from photographs), scattered spotting, fore and bottom edges untrimmed, original orange cloth, vignette portrait of the author in a yashmak gilt to front board, slightly marked overall, spine rolled, extremities rubbed, 8vo, together with: Townley (Lady Susan), My Chinese Note Book, 1st edition, Methuen & Co., 1904, 16 plates (mainly from photographs), 2 folding map, front inner hinge cracked, short closed tear to upper outer corner of frontispiece, title page and dedication leaf, maps split, original blue cloth, slightly marked, 8vo; Chennells (Ellen), Recollections of an Egyptian Princess by her English Governess, being a Record of Five Years’ Reisdence at the Court of Ismael Pasha, Khédive, new edition, Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1893, 3 photographic plates, lacking front free endpaper, original cloth, soiled and rubbed, 8vo; Carus-Wilson [Mary Louisa Georgina], Irene Petrie, Missionary to Kashmir, 2nd edition, Hodder and Stoughton, 1900, 9 photographic plates, 1 colour map, free endpapers browned, original red cloth, slightly marked, 8vo; and 2 similar works

51 Tardieu (Antoine-François). Atlas de tableaux et de cartes pour Le Cours complet de cosmographie, de géographie, de chronologie et d’histoire ancienne et moderne, par Edme Mentelle, 2nd edition, Paris: Bernard, 1804, 6 folding tables, 20 folding maps of which 19 hand-coloured in outline as issued, and including a large folding map of France, tables browned, spotting to Africa and France maps, scattered light spotting elsewhere, later half calf, slightly rubbed, corners worn, 4to (25.5 x 19.8cm) Atlas volume only. The publisher’s price list on the verso of the title page indicates that the atlas volume was also issued separately, in uncoloured and coloured states and lacking the tables in each case; this copy is coloured and has the tables. Sold as a collection of maps, not subject to return. (1) £400-600

Collection of works by women travellers, in the original cloth. (6)



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Lot 56

BRITISH TOPOGRAPHY 55 Baines (Edward). History and Directory of Yorkshire, Leeds, 1822, maps only, comprising of two folding maps of the North & East and the West Ridings of Yorkshire and four double page decorative town plans of Leeds, York, Sheffield and Hull and two folding mileage tables, marbled endpapers, contemporary half calf gilt, worn and bumped at extremities, slim 4to Uncommon. (1)


56* Buck (Samuel & Nathaniel). A collection of 158 views from Buck’s Antiquities; or, Venerable Remains of above 400 Castles, Monasteries, Palaces, &c in England and Wales, circa 1721-1739, 158 copper engraved views only, without title, list of subscribers, or other text, occasional minor spotting and light waterstains to margins, some plates loose, bound in near-contemporary stained green half vellum, with green morocco gilt title label to upper cover, rubbed and soiled with some wear, oblong folio (sheet size 28.5 x 44cm)

57 Busby (Thomas Lord). Costume of the Lower Orders of the Metropolis, circa 1820, 24 etched plates (including decorative title), all with contemporary hand-colouring, contained within a disbound and incomplete edition of Leigh’s New Picture of London, 8vo

Views include Malmesbury Abby, Farley Castle, Somerset, Nunye Castle, Somerset, Berkeley Castle, Beverston Castle, Corfe Castle, Chidiock Castle, Combermere Abby, Chester, Frodsham Castle, Cockermouth Castle, Lanercost Priory, Bishop Auckland Palace, Durham, Hadleigh Castle, Essex, Hedingham Castle, Allington Castle, Kent, Eltham Palace, Feversham Abby, Leeds Castle, Kent, Hornby Castle, near Lancaster, Ashby-de-la-Zouch Castle, Belvoir Castle, Drayton House, Northampton, Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, Broughton Castle, Oxford, Clattercote Priory, Oxford, Ewelme Palace, Oxford, Esher Place, Surry, Lambeth Palace, Surry, Fountains Abbey in Skeldale, Kirkstal Abbey, near Leeds, etc. Sold as a collection of plates, not subject to return. (1) £1000-1500

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Lot 60

58 Habington (Thomas). A Survey of Worcestershire, edited for the Worcestershire Historical Society by John Amphlett, 2 volumes, Worcestershire Historical Society, 1895-99, three portrait plates and chromolithograph frontispiece to volume 2, cancel collotype portrait loosely inserted, engraved frontispiece to volume 1 offset to title, old closed tear with remains of sellotape adhesion marks to p. 167 of volume 1, rough-trimmed, modern morocco gilt, together with Bund (J.W. Willis & Amphlett, John), Lay Subsidy Roll for the County of Worcester, circa 1280 [and] Lay Subsidy Rolls, 6 & 7 Henry VI, A.D. 1427-9, 2 volumes, Worcestershire Historical Society, 1893 & 1902, top edges gilt, original blue half morocco gilt, slightly rubbed, plus Amphlett (John), An Index to Dr. Nash’s Collections for History of Worcestershire, Worcestershire Historical Society, 1894-5, modern cloth, plus others related, mostly Victoria County History volumes, all 4to (14)

59 Hearne (Thomas & Byrne, William). Antiquities of Great Britain [Illustrated in Views of Monasteries, Castles, and Churches, now Existing], 2 volumes, 1786-1807, engraved title to volume 1 (with lower & fore-edge blank margins strengthened) and 83 engraved plates, letterpress title to volume 2 only, double-column test in English & French, some browning and scattered spotting mostly to text leaves, early 20th century brown half morocco gilt, spines and extremities a little rubbed, oblong folio (2)


60 Hogarth (William, & others). An Account of what seemed most Remarkable in the Five Days Peregrination of the Five following Persons, Viz. Messieurs Tothall, Scott, Hogarth, Thornhill, and Forrest. Begun on Saturday, May 27th, 1732, and finished on the 31st of the same Month, 1st edition, for R. Livesay, 1782, title page, 4 text leaves, 9 uncoloured aquatints by Livesay, of which 6 after Hogarth, 2 after Scott, and 1 after both Hogarth and Scott, all disbound and loose in clear plastic jackets within double-sided window mounts, variable spotting (mainly to text), leaves nicked along edges, small sections of staining in corners, text leaves browned, title page and final text leaf chipped and with repaired closed tears, closed marginal tear in Rochester Bridge and Breakfasting plates (repaired and just touching frame in the latter), marginal loss to Embarkation plate, 20th-century orange nigerbacked cloth, oblong folio (48 x 30cm)


Abbey Life 307. Uncommon: ESTC traces four copies; Abbey mentions only a coloured issue. The text is by Ebenezer Forrest. (1) £500-800

Lot 59


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61 Lambarde (William). A Perambulation of Kent: Conteining the description, Hystorie, and Customes of that Shyre, Collected and written (for the most part) in the yeare 1570, 1st edition,Henry Middleton for Ralph Newbery, 1576, woodcut title border, engraved map of the Heptarchy, complete with the additional leaf signed H2 (‘The names of the Kentish writers’), numerous floral or historiated woodcut initials (many criblé), text mainly in black letter, occasional Anglo-Saxon characters, title page with small chip in gutter, and with contemporary ownership inscription (‘[?] Fuller’) in black ink, map partially shaved along lower edge, gilt edges, early 19th-century diced russia gilt, upper and lower spine compartments gone, joints cracked, pale water-staining to front board, 4to (18 x 13.5cm) STC 15175; Upcott p. 350 for the second edition. A notably clean copy of the earliest county history. Rare complete with the map and additional leaf signed H2. (1) £1200-1800

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)


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62 MacCulloch (John). A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, including the Isle of Man: Comprising an Account of their Geological Structure; with Remarks on their Agriculture, Scenery, and Antiquities, 3 volumes (including Plate volume), 1st edition, 1819, 33 engraved plates and 10 geological maps (including 9 handcoloured and 2 folding), some light offsetting and occasional spotting, half-titles discarded, both text volume front free endpapers with faint offsetting from previous bookplates, most hinges cracked, contemporary calf gilt (volumes 1 & 2 uniform), somewhat rubbed with some wear to extremities, volumes 1 & 2 all joints split (volume 2 front cover detached), 8vo & 4to Challinor 93; Ward & Carozzi 1443. (3)

Lot 63 64 Pennant (Thomas). Some Account of London, 2nd edition, 1791, engraved title, 15 engraved plates (including three folding), one plate with closed tear and lined to verso, folding plan of the Thames with tears to folds, occasional toning, contemporary diced calf gilt, upper joint a little cracked at head, 4to, together with The Journey from Chester to London, 1811, engraved frontispiece and five portrait plates, some browning and scattered spotting, hinges cracked, contemporary half calf, black morocco title label, extremities rubbed and a little worn, 8vo, with [Egan, Pierce], Real Life in London; or, the Rambles and Adventures of Bob Tallyho, Esq. and His Cousin, the Hon. Tom Dashall, through the Metropolis..., 2 volumes, 1823, hand-coloured aquatint frontispiece and additional hand-coloured title to each, 29 handcoloured etched plates (mostly aquatint), initial leaves detached or loose, some spotting and offsetting, contemporary half calf, upper board of volume 1 detached and spine torn with loss, volume 2 spine lacking, 8vo


63 [Nash, Thomas]. Collections for the History of Worcestershire, 2 volumes, 1st edition, 1781-82, engraved vignette titles, folding engraved county map, engraved plates and (mostly folding) pedigrees, correct as listed, plate of Thomas Foley (volume 2, page 466) cut down and relaid, engraved portrait frontispiece (not listed) to volume 2 slightly browned and frayed at margins, relaid, Supplement (1799) bound after Appendix in volume 2, occasional spotting or browning, mostly to plates, marbled edges, contemporary russia gilt, rebacked with original spines relaid, new spine labels, corners restored, rubbed, folio Upcott, pp. 1330-1337. (2)





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65 Regent’s Park. Some Account of the Proposed Improvements of the Western Part of London, by the Formation of the Regent’s Park, the New Street, The New Sewer &c., Illustrated by Plans [by J. White and others] and Accompanied by Critical Observations, Printed and Published by W. & P. Reynolds, 1814, three folding hand-coloured engraved plans and one folding engraved plate (with some offsetting), contemporary half calf, gilt decorated spine with loss to 1cm at head, upper board detached and lower joint cracked, 8vo, together with England’s Gazetteer, Or, an Accurate Description of all the Cities, Towns, and Villages of the Kingdom..., 3 volumes, 1751, light toning and occasional spotting, all edges gilt, contemporary panelled calf, gilt decorated spines with some wear, joints cracked, 12mo in 6s, plus three others including Cary’s New Itinerary, 1798 and 1815 (7)


66 Shepherd (Thomas H.). The World’s Metropolis or Mighty London, Illustrated by a Series of Views beautifully Engraved on Steel. Of its Palaces, Public Buildings, Monuments & Streets, from Original Drawings... to which is added a Comprehensive History from the earliest Period to the Present Day, circa 1850s, engraved title-page, large folding engraved plate of the Crystal Palace in Hyde Park (with strengthening to verso of central fold), one engraved portrait and 74 engraved plates, also bound with five tinted lithograph plates of the Crystal Palace at Sydenham, plus three other loosely inserted London related engraved plates, long closed tear to plate of Kew Gardens, spotting throughout, free endpapers a little torn and creased, contemporary morocco backed embossed cloth, gilt title to upper board, lacking spine and upper board detached, board edges worn, oblong 4to, plus others, mostly London related, including London Survivals by P.H. Ditchfield, 1st edition, 1914; “Original Views of London as it is, by Thomas Shotter Boys, 1842”, a Re-issue... by E. Beresford Chancellor, 1926; Bloomsbury and St. Giles’s: Past and Present, by George Clinch, 1890; Old London Illustrated by H.W. Brewer & Herbert A. Cox, 3rd edition, 1922; Old and New London, 6 volumes, circa 1870, plus Paterson’s Roads, 18th edition, [1826] (12)

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)

67 Stow (John). The Survey of London: contayning the Originall, Increase, Moderne Estate, and Government of that City, methodically set downe ... as also all the Ancient and Moderne Monuments erected in the Churches, not onely of those two famous Cities, London and Westminster, but (now newly added) foure miles compasse ... and now completely finished by the study and labour of A.M[unday]. H.D[yson]. and others, London: Printed by Elizabeth Purslow, and are to be sold by Nicholas Bourne, 1633, woodcut illustrations of coats of arms, decorative initials, head & tailpieces, title torn and lined to verso, following five leaves with tears and repairs (some amateur), gathering A also lacking one leaf, one or two other leaves with occasional tears some repaired, some dampstaining, spotting and toning, few rust holes to last few leaves, endpapers renewed, contemporary calf, neatly rebacked, morocco title label, folio STC 23345. (1)




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68 Tombleson (William and Fearnside, William Gray). Eighty Picturesque Views on the Thames and Medway, [1834], additional engraved title (bearing title: Tombleson’s Thames), 79 engraved plates (including frontispiece), few wood engraved vignette illustrations, with tissue guards to plates, early ownership signature to letterpress title, bound without map, one leaf of text with short closed tear, occasional minor scattered spotting, all edges gilt, upper hinge broken, original dark green cloth with embossed foliate decoration, spine worn & frayed with loss at head and foot, 4to, together with Shepherd (Thomas H. & Elmes, James), Metropolitan Improvements; or London in the Nineteeth Century..., 1827, additional engraved title, 155 engraved views on 77 plates (including frontispiece), engraved plan of Regent’s Park, some dampstaining mostly to margins at front of volume, scattered spotting, contemporary half calf gilt, lacking majority of morocco title label to spine, joints cracked at head and foot, lacking upper panel to spine, extremities rubbed, 4to, with London Interiors, with their Costumes & Ceremonies..., 1841, engraved title and 36 engraved plates only, occasional spotting, contemporary half calf, gilt decorated spine wit red morocco title label, extremties rubbed and a little wear, 4to (3)

71 Ward (A. (publisher)). Nomina villarum Eboracensium: or an index of the Towns and Villages in the County of York and County of the City of York, alphabetically digested..., York, 1768, title page repaired along gutter some browning and spotting throughout, later endpapers, modern marbled boards and quarter cloth, small 8vo, together with Tuke (John), Nomina villarum Eboracensium or an alphabetical index of the towns, villages, hamlets &c. in the county of York and county of the city of York..., published Thomas Wilson and Sons, York, 1816, title and explanation, slight offsetting and browning, hinges and joints weak, near contemporary boards, stained and worn, oblong 8vo, with another copy similar The Tuke volumes were published to accompany and provide a reference and guide to his map of Yorkshire. (3) £100-200


69 Tombleson (William and Fearnside, William Gray). Eighty Picturesque Views on the Thames and Medway, Black & Armstrong, circa 1835, additional decorative half title, index and preface, seventy-nine (complete as list) uncoloured engraved views, each with tissue guard, occasional water staining and slight spotting, later endpapers, contemporary blindstamped morocco with gilt title and decoration to upper siding, rebacked, some wear to extremities, 4to, together with: Gastineau (Henry), Wales Illustrated in a Series of Views, 1st edition, Jones and Co., [circa 1830], engraved title, 88 engraved views on 44 sheets, variable spotting, contemporary calligraphic gift inscription to initial blank, bookplate, contemporary blue half calf, gilt spine, slightly rubbed, 4to; plus another copy, engraved title, 84 engraved views on 42 sheets (of 44), tissue-guards, occasional spotting, original green glazed paper boards, rebacked and recorned retaining original spine label, rubbed and scuffed, extremities worn, 4to; and The Universal Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure, Vol. LXXXIV, W. Bent, 1791, several engraved folding county maps and other plates, contemporary sheep-backed marbled boards, vellum tips, 8vo; and 4 others (9)

72 Wyndham (Henry Penruddocke). A Tour through Monmouthshire and Wales, made in the Months of June, and July, 1774. And in the Months of June, July, and August, 1777, 2nd edition, Salisbury: E. Easton, 1781, engraved frontispiece and 16 plates (frontispiece bound after Preface, plate 11 bound in its place), extra-illustrated with approximately 150 additional plates, including numerous steel-engraved Welsh views (trimmed and mounted), 11 coloured aquantints from Sotheby and Smith’s Tour Through Parts of Wales (1794), 1 double-page hand-coloured aquatint titled Conway Castle (imprint: Richard Godfrey, 1783), and approximately 15 lozenge-shaped woodcuts of Welsh towns (trimmed and mounted, dated 1610 on mount in manuscript), original plates variably spotted and offset, laid-in letter dated 1916 on Pen Moel, Chepstow letterhead discussing ‘the word grangerize’, all edges gilt, later green half morocco, extremities slightly rubbed, 4to (29.5 x 23cm)


70 Walpoole (George Augustus). The New British Traveller; or a Complete Modern Universal Display of Great-Britain and Ireland, London: Alex Hogg, 1784, 23 engraved maps (including 2 folding), 88 engraved plates (including frontispiece), many plates with two or three views, subscribers list at end, a few tears (one leaf of text with loss to lower outer corner), some closed tears mostly to text leaves (one plate with long repaired closed tear), occasional light soiling, waterstains at rear of volume, contemporary calf, upper board detached and lower joint cracked, some wear to extremities, folio (1)

A lavishly grangerised copy. (1)




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74 Bewick (Thomas). History of British Birds, 2 volumes in 1, 1st editions, Newcastle: by Sol. Hodgson, for Beilby & Bewick [volume 2: by Edward Walker, for T. Bewick], 1797-1804, half-title, woodengraved title vignettes and profuse text illustrations by Thomas Bewick, half-title browned, mild toning, occasional spotting, 19thcentury green half calf, rubbed, joints split but holding, demy 8vo (21 x 13cm), together with Simson (Robert, editor), The Elements of Euclid, 9th edition, expanded, Edinburgh: for E. Wingrove and J. Balfour, 1793, 3 folding plates, diagrams to text, top edge gilt, others untrimmed, circa 1900 full vellum, 8vo, and 1 other

73 Aldam (W.H.). A Quaint Treatise on “Flees, and the Art a Artyfichall Flee Making,” by An Old Man well known on the Derbyshire Streams as a First-Class Fly-Fisher a Century Ago. Printed from an Old Ms. Never Before Published... with Editorial Notes and Patterns of Flies, and Samples of the Materials for Making Each Fly, 1st edition, John B. Day, 1876, half title, two mounted chromolithograhed plates by James Poole, twenty-two recessed oval mounts (on six thick leaves) with mounted flies and materials (most captioned in neat contemporary manuscript) printed in red and black throughout, lacking front endpaper, some light spotting, all edges gilt, original green cloth gilt, small light dampstain to lower cover, edges a little rubbed, 4to

Bewick: Freeman 306; Nissen 95; Roscoe 14 d variant B, & 17 d variant B. (3) £150-200

Westwood & Satchell, page 3. It is believed around 220 copies were printed. (1) £600-800

75 Bewick (John). A General History of Quadrupeds, 4th edition, Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1800, advertisement leaf before title, numerous wood engraved vignette illustrations, some leaves toned, mid 19th century half calf, gilt decorated spine with green morocco title label, extremities slightly rubbed, 8vo, together with A History of British Birds, 2 volumes, (land and water birds), Newcastle, 1816, numerous wood engraved vignette illustrations, light scattered spotting, contemporary half calf, blind decorated spines with upper panel of volume 1 torn away, joints cracked, 8vo (3)

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Lot 76

Lot 77

Lot 78

76 Blunt (Sybil Allan, 1880-1952). Album of floral watercolours, Kashmir, 1912, 37 varicoloured card leaves, flower studies throughout in pencil and watercolour with bodycolour to rectos and versos, often with numerous studies to a page, ink and pencil captions noting details including name and date and place seen, the locations including Pahalgam, Gulmarg and elsewhere in Kashmir, front pastedown signed ‘Sybil Blunt, Srinagar, 1912’ and with tipped-in leaf bearing additional study, rear pastedown annotated ‘Other flowers found from June 24th to Aug. 7th 1912 in & near Pahlgam’, original black roan-backed cloth album by Lechertier, Barbe & Co., mild wear to extremities, light cockling and marking to sides, cloth tie torn, oblong 4to Sybil Allan Blunt (1880-1952) ‘exhibited at the Royal Academy in London in 1924 and 1925, and at the Salon des Artistes Français in Paris in 1924, 1926 and 1929, in which year she was awarded an honourable mention’ (Benezit Dictionary of British Graphic Artists and Illustrators, volume 1, p. 136). (1) £100-150

77 Bolten (Joachim Friedrich). Nachricht von einer neuen Thierpflanze, 1st edition, Hamburg: Herold, 1770, bound with, as issued: Epistola de novo quodam zoophytorum genere, 1st edition in Latin, Hamburg: widow of Herold, 1771, 2 works in 1 volume, 12 and 11 pp., engraved hand-coloured folding plate, first title page slightly soiled and with contemporary ink inscription ‘No. 274’, contemporary marbled paper wrappers, spine chipped, small section of loss to corner of front wrapper, 4to (28 x 21cm), together with Winterschmidt (Adam Wolfgang), Beobachtung einer Stuben-Müke mit sehr viel kleinen Insekten, Nuremberg: [Winterschmidt], 1765, woodcut title vignette, engraved hand-coloured plate, modern marbled paper wrappers, 4to (23.5 x 18.5cm); Schörg (Franz), Abbildungen und Beschreibung eines eisernen Back-Ofen, 1st edition, Munich, 1844, 2 lithographic text leaves, 7 lithographic plates, original lithograph wrappers, spine worn, edges nicked in places, folio

78 Buffon (Georges Louis Leclerc, comte de). Natural History, General and Particular, 8 volumes, 1st edition in English, for W. Strahan and T. Cadell, 1781, portrait frontispiece and 301 engraved plates numbered 1-295 (plate 15 in 3 states, 53 in 2, and 240 in 4), of which 3 folding, occasional spotting and soiling, plate 46 chipped and nicked not affecting image, closed tear in volume 7 title page, contemporary ownership inscriptions to endpapers, contemporary speckled calf, smooth spines richly gilt with anchor and flower devices, twin morocco labels, spines and extremities rubbed with some minor wear, small abrasion to top compartment of volume 3 spine, volumes 5 and 7 with short splits to joint-ends, sides moderately scuffed and marked, 8vo DSB II pp. 576-82; Nissen ZBI 718 (noting a ninth volume, published subsequently in 1785, but rarely encountered). (8) £150-200

Nissen ZBI 458 for Bolten (erroneously dating the Latin edition to 1770; despite the different dates in the imprints the two texts were apparently issued together). Bolten’s work is an account of what is now known as the phylum cnidaria, and the Latin translation is dedicated to Linnaeus. Winterschmidt’s describes the housefly (Musca domestica). Two copies of Schörg’s work traced in libraries (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and Sachsische Landesbibliothek). (3) £200-300


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79 Bull (Henry Graves). Notes on the Birds of Herefordshire, London & Hereford, 1888, Woodburytype portrait frontispiece, some pencil markings and marginalia, publisher’s presentation inscription to D.R. Chapman inscribed to front flyleaf, related article tipped on to front pastedown, original pictorial cloth gilt, a little frayed at spine ends, together with Frohawk (F.W.), The Complete Book of British Butterflies, [1934], colour plates and black & white illustrations to text, original cloth, slightly rubbed, both 8vo, plus Marshall (Judith A. & Haes, E.C.M.), Grasshoppers and Allied Insects of Great Britain and Ireland, 1st edition, Harley Books, 1988, colour plates and black & white illustrations, original cloth in dust jacket, plus Askew (R.R.), The Dragonflies of Europe, 1st edition, Harley Books, 1988, colour and black & white plates and illustrations, original cloth in dust jacket, both 4to, plus other natural history interest (16)

83 Game book. Game book belonging to Sir Robert Gresley of Drakelowe Hall, Derbyshire, 1893-1913, approximately 130 unnumbered leaves, tables printed in red and black to versos, rectos blank, the first 27 tables completed in manuscript in black ink, with notes of attendees to rectos (see note), ownership inscription ‘Robert Gresley, Drakelowe’ to first leaf recto, gilt edges, original black roan for Asprey, extremities rubbed, title gilt to front board, oblong 4to, together with Shire Horse Society, The Shire Horse Stud Book, volumes 52-62, 63-66, & 79-81, 1st editions, Lewes: for the society by W. E. Baxter Limited 1931-59, photographic frontispieces to volumes 52-61, original cloth gilt, some pale mottling, 8vo, and 2 similar Sir Robert Gresley, 11th Baronet (1866-1936) was married to Frances Louisa SpencerChurchill (1870-1954), a first cousin of Winston Churchill. His game book records trips with the 9th Duke of Marlborough (1871-1934) and other high-ranking aristocrats.


80 Druce (George Claridge). A Flora of Oxfordshire, Being a Topographical and Historical Account of the Flowering Plants and Ferns found in the County..., Oxford & London, 1886, folding coloured map in pocket (slightly split) at rear, occasional spotting, hinges slightly cracked, original cloth gilt, rubbed and slightly marked, together with Druery (Charles T.), British Ferns and their Varieties, 1st edition, [1910], 40 coloured plates, 96 nature prints, black & white illustrations to text, original cloth gilt, a little rubbed, both 8vo, plus French (Colin N. & others), Flora of Cornwall, Atlas of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of Cornwall, with Notes on Some Species Recorded on the Isles of Scilly, 1st edition, Wheal Seton Press, 1999, black & white maps and illustrations, original cloth in dust jacket, slightly rubbed, folio, plus other county floras, all hardbacks and many in dust jackets, mostly VG (20)


84 Grimble (Augustus). Deer-Stalking, 1st edition, 1888, black & white plates and a few text illustrations, some spotting at front and rear, armorial bookplate of Sir George Routh Leigh Hare, contemporary diced calf gilt, a little rubbed, (one of 250 copies), together with Highland Sport, Illustrated by Archibald Thorburn, 1st edition, 1894, black and white plates, modern red half morocco gilt, minor marks, plus The Deer Forests of Scotland, 1st edition, 1896, black & white plates, top edge gilt, modern gilt-decorated red half morocco, all 4to, plus British Sports and Sportsmen, Shooting and Deerstalking, [1938?], black & white plates and illustrations, mostly from photographs, all edges gilt, original blue morocco gilt with ex libris gilt stamp of Henry Nicholas Holmes to upper cover, folio, (limited edition 226/250 copies), plus Millais (J.G. & others), The Gun at Home and Abroad: British Deer and Ground Game, Dogs, Guns and Rifles, 1st edition, 1913, colour and black & white plates, a little spotting at front and rear, top edge gilt, remainder uncut, original morocco gilt, a little marked and slightly faded on spine, 4to, (limited edition 569/950 copies)


81 Edwards (Lionel & Wallace, Harold Frank). Hunting & Stalking the Deer, the Pursuit of Red, Fallow and Roe Deer in England and Scotland, 1st edition, 1927, colour and black & white plates, top edge gilt, original cloth gilt, slightly rubbed and a little damp marked to extremities, together with Armour (G. Denholm, illustrator), British Sport Past and Present by E.D. Cuming, 1st edition, 1909, 31 tippedin colour plates, a little scattered spotting, original buckram gilt, rubbed and a little marked, spine sunned and covers partly faded, a little frayed at head of lower joint, plus Aldin (Cecil, illustrator), Forty Fine Ladies by Patrick R. Chalmers, 1st edition, 1929, tinted and black & white illustrations throughout, original cloth, a little rubbed, all 4to, plus other illustrated field sports and natural history (12)


Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)


85 Halford (Frederic M.). Dry-Fly Fishing in Theory and Practice, 1st edition, 1889, 25 lithographed plates, a few coloured, top edge green, contemporary green half morocco by Hatchards, spine faded, edges a little rubbed, 8vo, together with Dry Fly Entomology, 2 volumes, volume I 1st edition, 1897, volume II 2nd revised edition, 1902, 20 colour plates of flies (some marginal toning), illustrations, top edge gilt, modern half morocco over original cloth covers, 8vo, with three others by Halford: Floating Flies and How to Dress Them, 2nd edition, 1886, Modern Development of the Dry Fly, 1910 and The Dry-Fly Man’s Handbook, 1913 (rebacked)


82 Fabre (Jean-Henri). Souvenirs Entomologiques, édition définitive illustrée, 10 volumes, mixed editions, Paris: Librairie Delagrave, 1925, numerous black & white plates from photographs and illustrations, top edge gilt, remainder untrimmed, together with La vie J.H. Fabre Naturaliste suivie du Répertoire Général Analytique des Souvenirs Entomologiques par Le Dr G.V. Legros, 13th thousand edition, Paris: Libraire Delagrave, 1925, black & white portrait frontispiece and plates from photographs, top edge gilt, remainder untrimmed, contemporary uniform brown half morocco gilt, spines a little rubbed, 8vo, together with Bean (W.J.), Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles, 3 volumes, 1914-33, numerous black & white plates from photographs, top edge gilt, original gilt blocked green cloth, slightly frayed at head & foot of spines, large 8vo, with The Cambridge Natural History, 10 volumes, 1895-1909, original cloth gilt, large 8vo, and British Mammals, Written and Illustrated by A. Thorburn, 2 volumes, 1920, chromolithograph plates, original red cloth, spines faded, large 4to, plus Flora of the British Isles, by A.R. Clapham, T.G. Tutin & E.F. Warburg, 4 volumes, Cambridge, 1957-1965, original cloth in dust jackets, 4to (30)






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86 Hall (Herbert Byng). Highland Sports, and Highland Quarters, 2 volumes, 1st edition, [1847], engraved frontispiece to each, a little spotting, top edges gilt, contemporary green half morocco gilt by Worsfold, slight edge wear, 8vo, together with [Apperley, Charles James], The Life of John Mytton... by Nimrod, with numerous illustrations by H. Alken and T.J. Rawlins, 4th edition, 1870, 18 hand-coloured plates, some spotting, top edge gilt, modern red crushed morocco gilt by Bayntun, large 8vo, plus Scrope (William), The Art of Deer Stalking..., 1st edition, 1838, engraved frontispiece and additional vignette title-page, eight tinted lithographic plates, some spotting and light browning, armorial bookplate of William Agnew, top edge gilt, contemporary morocco gilt, rubbed and slightly faded, 8vo, plus others related, all leather-bound (10)


87 Huet (Villiers). Rudiments of Cattle, R. Ackermann, 1805, 4 parts in one, 24 uncoloured lithographed plates, marginal waterstain and some light spotting, contemporary previous owner inscription to front pastedown, original wrappers with printed labels, re-guarded and bound in contemporary half calf, rubbed with some wear to spine and corners, oblong folio (1)

89 McIntosh (Charles). The Practical Gardener, and Modern Horticulturist, 2 volumes, 1st edition, Thomas Kelly, 1828-9, engraved frontispiece, additional engraved title, 15 hand-coloured engraved plates (of 16, lacking plate facing p. 1076), 15 uncoloured engraved plates, wood-engravings to text, coloured plates with tissue-guards, occasional spotting and browning, damp-staining to first few leaves in volume 2, effaced contemporary ownership inscriptions to endpapers, contemporary morocco bookplate to volume 1 (the name effaced), contemporary streaked half calf, rubbed and worn, volume 2 front joint split but firm, 8vo, together with Jekyll (Gertrude), Wood and Garden, Notes and Thoughts, Practical and Critical, of a Working Amateur, 1st edition, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1899, photographic frontispiece, 48 plates, spotting to endpapers, contemporary gift inscription to half-title, edges untrimmed, original blue cloth gilt, slightly rubbed, 8vo, with [Gilbert, Rosa Mulholland], The Little Flower Seekers, being Adventures of Trot and Daisy, in a Wonderful Garden, by Moonlight, 1st edition, Marcus Ward & Co., [c. 1880], 12 mounted chromolithograph plates, scattered light spotting, gift inscription dated 1888 to initial blank, original pictorial purple cloth, faded, spine-ends frayed, cloth split on rear joint, 4to; and 4 other 19thcentury illustrated botanical books


88 Jesse (Edward). An Angler’s Rambles, 1st edition, 1836, advertisement leaf at end, a little marginal toning, original cloth, spine slightly darkened and rubbed at ends, 8vo, together with Angling Reminiscences, by Francis Francis, 1st edition, 1887, publisher’s catalogue at end, a little light spotting, contemporary presentation inscription, original green cloth gilt, a few light flecked stains to upper cover, 8vo, plus The Salmonidae of Westmorland, Angling Reminiscences and Leaves from an Angler’s Note Book, by George Foster Braithwaite, 1st edition, 1884, four wood-engraved illustrations, some light toning, original green cloth gilt, spine a litt;e darkened and rubbed, 8vo, with a presentation inscription from the author to a Edward Gill, with others related including Angling Days on Scotch Lochs, by “Yellow Body”, 1884 (inscribed by the author), John Colquhoun’s Sporting Days, 1866 and G. Little’s The Angler’s Complete Guide and Companion, circa 1880 (43)





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90 Millais (John Guille). British Deer and their Horns, [1897], facsimile reprint, Antony Atha Publishers, 1982, colour frontispiece, black and white plates and illustrations, original cloth gilt, folio, (limited edition 72/250 copies), together with Crealock (Henry Hope), Deer-Stalking in the Highlands of Scotland, edited by his Brother Major-General John North Crealock, [1892], facsimile reprint, Antony Atha Publishers, 1981, black & white plates and illustrations, original cloth gilt, minor marks, folio, (limited edition 44/255 copies), plus Marchington (John), A Portrait of Shooting, 1st edition, Antony Atha Publishers, 1979, black & white and some colour illustrations, original cloth gilt with leatherette spine in slipcase, 4to, (limited edition 734/1100 copies), plus other smaller-format related facsimiles and limited editions

94 Purchas (William Henry & Ley, Augustin, editors). A Flora of Herefordshire, 1st edition, Hereford, [1889], folding map frontispiece printed in red and black (closed tear repair to verso), two name ink stamps at front, original cloth gilt, a little rubbed and slightly frayed at head of spine, together with Lees (Edwin), The Botany of the Malvern Hills in the Counties of Worcester, Hereford, and Gloucester..., 3rd edition, enlarged and corrected, London & Malvern, [1868], hand-coloured frontispiece, original cloth, a little rubbed, both 8vo, plus Chater (A.O. & others), Flora of Cardiganshire, 1st edition, Aberystwyth, 2010, colour frontispiece and illustrations to text, corrigenda slip loosely inserted, original pictorial boards, small folio, plus other county floras, mostly modern publications





91 Morris (Rev. F.O.). A History of British Birds, 8 volumes, Groombridge and Sons, circa 1870, numerous engraved plates with contemporary hand colouring, a few plates detached, publisher’s red cloth gilt, spines faded, spines of volumes 2, 3 & 7 frayed and split, all edges gilt, 8vo, together with Swaysland (W.), Familiar Wild Birds, 3 volumes (of 4), Cassell & Company Limited, circa 1900, numerous chromolithograph plates, slight spotting, all edges gilt, publisher’s decorative green cloth gilt, worn and frayed at extremities, 8vo, with Butler (Arthur G.), Birds of Great Britain and Ireland, volume 2 (only), Brumby & Clarke Limited, circa 1890, numerous chromolithograph plates of birds and eggs, some spotting, top edge gilt, publisher’s cloth gilt, bumped at extremities, rear board spotted and stained, 4to, plus Jardine (William), The Birds of Great Britian and Ireland, volume IV (only), Hardwicke & Bogue, circa 1860, portrait frontispiece and additional half title detached, numerous engraved plates with contemporary hand colouring, top edge gilt, publisher’s cloth gilt, 8vo, with two others similar including a late 19th century photograph album containing several photographs, with the card dividers illustrated with chromolithographs of birds, all edges gilt, contemporary morocco, worn and frayed, folio Sold as a collection of prints, not subject to return. (15)


92 Nash (John). Poisonous Plants, Deadly, Dangerous and Suspect, engraved on wood and with an introduction by John Nash, with brief descriptions by W. Dallimore, edited by Dr. A.W. Hill, Etchells & MacDonald, 1927, 20 full-page wood engravings by John Nash, printed by the Curwen Press, contents leaf with head-piece and tail-piece by John Nash, light foxing to fore-edges, original twotone cloth gilt, a few minor marks to spine, in printed dust wrapper (archivally restored to edges), folio Limited edition 284/350. From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (1) £200-300

Lot 92

93 New Naturalist Library. Numbers 100-123, 24 volumes, 1st editions, Collins, 2006-2013, colour and black & white illustrations, original cloth in pictorial dust jackets, fine (24)

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Lot 95

Lot 96

95 Rea (John). Flora: seu, De Florum Cultura. Or, a Complete Florilege, Furnished with all Requisites belonging to a Florist. In III Books, 1st edition, London: Nath. Brook, 1665, additional engraved title by D. Loggan entitled ‘Flora Ceres & Pomona by John Rea. London printed for Richard Marriott’, with ‘Mind of the Front’ leaf facing, letterpress title printed in black, 16 engraved plans of formal gardens on 8 plates (two plates close-trimmed into image at head), woodcut initials throughout, 3pp. index at rear, front free endpaper with early inscription in a fine caligraphic hand “Thomas Cotton Esquire His Book Being the Gift of the Lady Margert Craven”, occasional toning, hinges repaired & cracked, 18th century half calf, rebacked, red morocco title label, board edges worn, folio

96 Richardson (Sir John, & others). The Museum of Natural History, 8 volumes, William Mackenzie, circa 1870, vignette title page and 136 plates, mostly hand-coloured engravings, many heightened with gum arabic, volume 1 plate 14 loose, occasional mild spotting, browning and offsetting, gilt edges, original pebblegrain brown cloth, boards decoratively panel-stamped in blind, zoological vignette gilt to front boards, some fraying to spine-ends, corners rubbed, a few volumes marked, large 8vo Cf. Freeman 3187 and Nissen ZBI 3388. (8)


97 Sanford (Martin & Fisk, Richard). A Flora of Suffolk, published D.K. & M.N. Sanford, 2010, colour illustrations throughout, mostly from photographs, original pictorial laminated boards, small folio, together with Preston (C.D. & others, editors), New Atlas of the British & Irish Flora, 1st edition, Oxford University Press, 2002, colour distribution maps throughout, map overlay acetate loosely inserted, original cloth in dust jacket, rubbed, 4to, plus Hodgson (William), Flora of Cumberland, Containing a Full List of the Flowering Plants and Ferns to be found in the County, According to the Latest and most Reliable Authorities, with an Introductory Chapter on the Soils of Cumberland, by J.G. Goodchild, 1st edition, Carlisle, 1898, folding coloured map frontispiece, engraved plan, a little spotting, bookplate and early ownership name to front flyleaf, hinges slightly cracked, original cloth gilt, rubbed, 8vo, plus other mostly hardback county floras

ESTC R479201; Henry 325 and Wing R421. The nursery gardener John Rea (d.1681) was based at Kinlet in Shropshire, where he was reputed to have the largest collection of tulips in England. His compendious (and only) work on English flora contains descriptions of hundreds of flowering plants. Divided into three sections, Flora tells the reader how to plant fruit and flower gardens; Ceres deals with sowing seeds and seedlings; and Pomona describes garden fruits, vines and berries. Included are sixteen suggested examples of garden maze designs on eight plates. Rea’s work was quickly acknowledged to be the most important English treatise on gardening to be published during the second half of the seventeenth century. Provenance: Without being certain it is possible that the endpaper inscription refers to Lady Margaret Craven (1648-1711) who was the wife of Sir William Craven (1638-1695). Margaret was the daughter of Sir Christopher Clapham (1603-1686) and was born in Beamsley, Skipton, Yorkshire; Sir William was the grandson of a cousin of William Craven, 1st Earl of Craven (1608-1697). Sir William and Margaret had 14 children, one of which was William Craven, 2nd Baron Craven of Hampstead Marshall, Berkshire (1668-1711), born at Benham Park, Speen, Berkshire, who inherited Coombe Abbey, near Coventry in Warwickshire on the death of the 1st Earl Craven in 1697. His son the 3rd Baron Craven rebuilt the old manor house at Hamstead Marshall from the 1660s to the 1680s, probably using William Winde as his architect. Around it he created a grand, formal, compartmented garden (carefully depicted by Knyff and Kip in Britannia Illustrata 1707). The house at Hamstead Marshall burnt down in 1718 and the site was then abandoned. (1) £400-600




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98 Sell (Peter & Murrell, Gina). Flora of Great Britain and Ireland, volumes 4 & 5, Cambridge University Press, 2006 & 1996 respectively, originally pictorial laminated boards, large 8vo, together with Lees (Edwin), The Botany of Worcestershire, or the Distribution of the Indigenous & Naturalized Plants of that County..., Worcester, 1867, hand-coloured map frontispiece, some spotting at front and rear, contemporary ownership inscription to front flyleaf, original cloth gilt, rubbed at head and foot of spine, 8vo, plus Boon (Christopher R. & Outen, Alan R.), Flora of Bedfordshire, published Bedfordshire Natural History Society, 2011, colour illustrations including many from photographs, original pictorial laminated boards, small folio, plus other county floras and related including some supplements and booklets (32)

102 Wallace (Harold Frank, editor). British Deer Heads, An Illustrated Record of the Exhibition Organized by “Country Life” and Held at the Royal Water Colour Society’s Gallery, June 26th to July 10th, 1913, 1st edition, [1914], black & white illustrations from photographs, erratum slip tipped in at page 93, top edge gilt, original cream cloth gilt with previous owner’s name label to upper cover and family provenance note on card to front pastedown, somewhat dust-soiled, 4to, (limited edition 250/600 copies), together with Peter Spicer & Sons. Spicer’s Stalking Records Season 1913, [1914], colour and black & white illustrations including some tipped in, commercial adverts and game register left blank, original boards with recent cloth gilt reback, boards slightly rubbed and marked, large 8vo, plus [Speed, Lancelot], A Sojourn in the Highlands: Achanalt, 1855, 1st edition, [1886?], photographic portrait frontispiece, black & white illustrations including pictorial title-page, original cloth gilt, slightly rubbed and darkened, 4to, plus two related


99 Skues (G.E.M.). The Way of a Trout with a Fly and some further studies in minor tactics, 1st edition, A & C Black, 1921, three plates (two colour), some light spotting, lacking front endpaper, original cloth, spine a little darkened, indentation to front cover, 8vo, together with Side-Lines, Side-Lights & Reflections. Fugitive Papers of a Chalk-Stream Angler, 1st edition, [1932], half-tone illustrations, a little light spotting, original cloth, small nick to upper joints, corners a little bumped, 8vo, signed to title by the author, plus Nymph Fishing for Chalk Stream Trout, 1st edition, 1939, colour frontispiece, double page half-tone illustration, original cloth, spine a little faded, small stain to upper cover, 8vo, with three others by Skues including Minor Tactics of the Chalk Stream and kindred studies, 2nd edition, 1914 and Itchen Memories, 1951 (6)




100 Taylor (Samuel). Angling in all its Branches, reduced to a complete science... in three parts, 1st edition, 1800, half title, advertisements at end, some light spotting, endpapers renewed, original boards with modern cloth reback, waterstain to rear cover, 8vo, together with The Modern Fisher: or, Driffield Angler, by Alexander Mackintosh, 1st edition, Derby, 1821, wood-engraved frontispiece, light spotting, front hinge breaking, original cloth, spine faded with facsimile label, a few stains, 12mo, plus The Angler’s Guide, being a complete practical treatise on Angling, by T.F. Salter, 2nd edition, 1815, plates (a few hand-coloured), maps and illustrations, lacking plate 2 of Angling Apparatus, some light spotting, contemporary half morocco, spine faded, edges rubbed, 8vo, with Palmer Hackle’s Hints on Angling, 1st edition, 1846 (4)


101 [Theakston, Michael]. A List of Natural Flies that are taken by Trout, Grayling & Smelt, in the streams of Ripon, 1st edition, W. Harrison, Ripon, 1853, eight uncoloured lithographic plates, printed recto and verso, some light spotting and marginal water stain, previous owner signatures and bookplate, original cloth, spine and extremities toned, 8vo, together with The Natural History and Habits of the Salmon; with Reasons for the decline of the fisheries..., 1st edition, 1854, advertisements at end, original green cloth, spine faded, 8vo, plus The Angler and Tourist’s Guide to the Rivers, Lakes and Remarkable Places in the Northern Counties of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1857, occasional underlining, previous owner signatures, blindstamp, original cloth gilt, spine a little rubbed and faded, 12mo, with six other fishing related including Palmer Hackle’s Hints on Angling, with suggestions for Angling Excursions in France and Belgium, 1846, (with three extra engraved and woodcut plates pasted in, rebacked), George Oke’s A Handy Book of the Game and Fishery Laws, 1863 and A Handbook of Angling: Teaching fly-fishing, trolling, bottom-fishing and salmon-fishing, by Ephemera, 2nd edition, 1848 (8)

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)

103 Woodville (William). Medical Botany, Containing Systematic and General Descriptions, with Plates, of all the Medicinal Plants, Indigenous and Exotic, Comprehended in the Catalogues of the Materia Medica, as Published by the Royal Colleges of Physicians of London and Edinburgh....., 4 volumes (including supplement), 1790-1794, 274 engraved plates (complete) with contemporary hand-colouring, plate 183 (citrus Aurantium) lined to verso and reattached, plate 195 (vitis vinifera) reattached, occasional light offsetting from text and spotting, upper hinge of volume 1 with crude cloth repair, contemporary calf, gilt decorated spines with contrasting morocco labels, joints cracked, upper board of volume 1 near detached, extremities rubbed and some wear, 4to


Nissen 2183. Henrey 1521-1522. (4)



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MAPS All lots unframed unless otherwise stated 106 Americas. Seutter (George Matthaus), Novus orbis sive America meridionalis et septentrionalis per sua regna provincias et insulas..., circa 1730, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, two large uncoloured cartouches, insular California, very slight spotting, short split at base of central fold, 500 x 580mm (1)


104 Africa. Danet (Guillaume), L’Afrique dressée sur les relations et nouvelles decouvertes de differens voyageurs..., published Paris, 1732, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, the four borders decorated with the crests of various countries, some fraying and closed tears to margins, some additional juvenile colouring to the cartouche , slight staining, 490 x 710mm (1)


107 Australasia. Djurberg (Daniel), Polynesien (Inselwelt) oder der Funfte Welttheil Versasst von Herrn Daniel Djurberg. Neu herausgegeben von Herrn. F. A. Schraembl, MDCCLXXXIX, 1789, engraved chart of the Western Pacific, Polynesia and Australasia with contemporary outline colouring, one vertical crease, 480 x 715mm

105 Africa. Chatelain (Henry Abraham), Carte particuliere de l’Egypte de la Nubie et de l’Abyssinie..., [and] Carte de la Barbarie, Nigritie et de la Guinée avec les pays voisins..., circa 1719, two uncoloured engraved maps of north and west Africa, each approximately 405 x 510mm, together with Coronelli (Vicenzo Maria), Abissinia doue sono le Fonti de Nilo..., Venice, circa 1695, uncoloured engraved map, inset map of the course of the River Nile, 450 x 600mm (3)

R. V. Tooley. The Mapping of Australia. 447. plate 142. A Schraembl re-issue which shows Hawaii and uses the native name of Ulimaroa for Australia. (1) £300-500


108 Australia. John Tallis & Company (publishers), Australia, Victoria or Port Phillip, Western Australia Swan River, New South Wales, Part of South Australia, Van Diemen’s Island or Tasmania [and] Polynesia or islands in the Pacific Ocean, circa 1850, set of seven maps engraved by J. Rapkin, each with contemporary outline colouring and uncoloured decorative vignettes, slight dust soiling and occasional marginal finger soiling, each approximately 260 x 340mm

Lot 106




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111 Australia. Bernard (Robert, engraver), Carte de la Nouvelle Galles Meridionale ou de la cote orientale de la Nouvelle Hollande. Découverte et visitée par le Lieutenant J. Cook, Commandant de l’Endeavour, vaisseau de sa Majesté en 1770, engraved sea chart of New South Wales, slight dust soiling, old folds, slight marginal fraying and staining but not affecting image, 365 x 780mm (1)

109 Australia. Bellin (Jacques Nicolas), Carte reduite des Terres Australes..., published Paris, 1753, engraved map, old folds, 210 x 285mm


Originally published in Prevost’s ‘Histoire Generale des Voyages’. A geographically naive ‘pre Cook’ map showing the Eastern coastline of Australia running unbroken from Tasmania up to New Guinea. (1) £300-500

110 Australia. Arrowsmith (John), Australia from surveys made by order of the British Government combined with those of D’Entrecasteaux, Baudin, Freycinet &c. &c., 1847, large engraved map on two sheets with contemporary outline colouring, slight dust and finger soiling, each sheet approximately 650 x 520mm, together with Map shewing the surveyed lands of Port Philip from the government surveys made in 1840, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, slight offsetting, two areas of staining, 615 x 490mm (2)

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112 Bay of Biscay. De Wit (Frederick), Galliae Biscajae et Gallissiae sinus, circa 1680, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, large vignette of a sea battle, compass rose and numerous rhumb lines, slight oxidisation causing cracking, strengthened and repaired on verso, 485 x 570mm (1)


113 Blaeu (Johannes). Comitatus Salopiensis Anglice Shrop Shire, Wigorniensis comitatus et comitatus Warwicensis; nec non Coventrae Libertas. Worcester, Warwik Shire and the Liberty of Coventrae, Herefordia comitatus Hereford-shire, Bedfordiensis comitatus Anglis Bedford Shire [and] Insula Sacra vulgo Holy Island et Farne, circa 1648, five hand coloured engraved maps, slight staining, Bedfordshire 420 x 245mm, the remainder each approximately 410 x 500mm, various text on verso, together with another two copies of Holy Island (one uncoloured), and Suffolcia vernacule Suffolk, circa 1650, uncoloured engraved map, 380 x 500mm, Dutch text on verso, with Blome (Richard), A Mapp of Devonshire with its Hundreds [and] A Mapp of the County of Leicester, circa 1673, two hand coloured engraved maps, Devon with some overall toning, each approximately 260 x 310mm (10)

Lot 114


114 Bowen (Emanuel & Kitchin, Thomas). An Accurate Map of Derbyshire divided into its hundreds..., An Accurate Map of Lincolnshire divided into Wapontakes..., An Accurate Map of the County of Northumberland laid down from the best authorites..., [and] An Accurate Map of Warwickshire drawn from the best surveys & Intelligences divided into its hundreds..., published Carington Bowles, John Bowles, Robert Sayer & John Bennett, 1777, [published 1780], together four engraved maps with contemporary outline colouring, each with an uncoloured decorative cartouche, Derbyshire with near contemporary manusript text to verso, each approximately 500 x 415mm Originally published in ‘The Royal English Atlas’. (4)

115 British county maps. A mixed collection of approximately 125 British county maps, 17th - 19th century, county and regional maps, town plans and charts of southern counties, including examples by Saxton/Kip, Blaeu, Cole & Roper, Cary, Kitchin, Archer, Phillips, Lewis, Seller/Grose, Pigot/Slater, J & C Walker, Bowen, Badeslade & Toms, Morden, Harrison, Barlow and Fullarton, occasional duplicates, various sizes and condition





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116 British Isles. A mixed collection of thirty-five maps, 17th - 19th century, including maps of the British Isles, England & Wales, Ireland, British Islands and plans of London and Plymouth, with examples by Pigot, Jansson, S.D.U.K., Moule, Tallis, Bowen, Conder, Blair, Neele, Lewis, Kitchin, Fullarton, Morden and Walker, occasional duplicates, together with three mileage charts, various sizes and condition (38)


117 British Isles. Ptolemy (Claudius & Sylvanus Bernardus), Prima Europae Tabula, published Venice, [1511], woodblock map on a trapezoidal projection, printed in red and black, printed on two sheets, not conjoined, central fold professionally repaired on verso, trimmed along lower margin with loss to printed scaled border, upper margin trimmed with very slight loss, backed with Japan paper, 415 x 450mm R. W. Shirley. Early printed maps of the British Isles 1477 - 1650, no.9. The first map of the British Isles to show a more correct north-south orientation with Scotland shown upright rather than swept at ninety degrees to the east. It is belived that Sylvanus worked from the manuscript ‘portolan charts’ of navigators and it is possible that had sight of the Gough map and used it as a basis for Northern England. Scarce. (1) £1500-2000

Lot 116

Lot 117

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118 British Isles. A mixed collection of sixty maps, 19th century, engraved and lithographic maps, including examples by Rapkin, Smith, Black, Bartholomew, Philip, Weller, Boulton, Tuck, Van Santen, Stieler, Lizars, Cornell, Wyld, Cortambert, Spruner, Parthes, Hughes, Malte-Brun, Morse, Wells, Chapman & Hall, Mitchell, Tallis and Vuillemin, occasional duplicates, various sizes and condition (60)


119 British Isles. Ruscelli (Girolamo), Tabula Europae I, published Venice [1561 or later], uncoloured engraved ‘Ptolemaic’ map on a trapezoidal projection with Scotland orientated to the east, 190 x 260mm, Italian text on verso, with another copy similar, together with Anglis et Hibernia nova, published Venice, [1561 or later], uncoloured engraved map, 190 x 255mm, Italian text on verso, with Munster (Sebastian), Anglia, published Basle [1550 or later], uncoloured ‘simplified’ woodcut map of the British Isles, torn with slight loss to text but not affecting map, map size 80 x 135mm, German text below and on verso of map, plus Mercator (Gerard & Hondius Jodicus), Anglia, circa 1608, uncoloured engraved map, 140 x 185mm, French text on verso, and Jansson (Jan), Anglia, circa 1631, uncoloured engraved map, 145 x 200mm, German text on verso

121 British Isles. Cassini (Giovanni Maria), Le Isole Britanniche o sieno li regni di Inghilterra, Scozia ed Irlanda..., published Rome, 1796, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, inset map of the Shetland Islands, slight spotting to margins, 490 x 355mm, together with Von Euler (Leonard), Tabula Geograph: Magnae Britanniae ad emendatiora exempla adhuc edita..., [1752], engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, 315 x 370mm, with De Pretot (Phillipe), Les Isles Britanniques comprenant L’Angleterre, L’Ecosse et L’Irlande..., [1765], hand coloured engraved map after Antonio Rizzi-Zannoni, large compass rose and decorative cartouche, 280 x 405mm, plus Bourgoin (Pierre), Carte des Ilses Britanniques..., 1784, hand coloured engraved map, small repair to margin at base of central fold, 355 x 435mm, and Janvier (Jean Lattre), Les Isles Britanniques comprenant les royaumes d’Angleterre, d’Ecosse et d’Irlande divisés en grandes provinces..., published Paris, [1762], hand coloured engraved map, inset map of the Shetland and Orkney Islands, 315 x 450mm, with another five similar maps of the British Isles, including examples by De Vaugondy, Cary and Stockdale, occasional duplicates, various sizes and condition

The first two described maps. R.W.Shirley, Early printed Maps of the British Isles, nos. 67 & 68 (6) £150-200

120 British Isles. Munster (Sebastian), Engellandt mit dem Anstossenden Reich Schottlandt so vor Zeiten Albion und Britannia haben Geheissen, Basel, circa 1628, hand coloured engraved woodcut map, orientated to the west, some creasing, central fold repaired on verso, 320 x 360mm, together with Mercator (Gerard & Hondius Jodocus), Anglia, circa 1631, hand coloured engraved map, 150 x 200mm, German text on verso, with Ortelius (Abraham & Marchetti Pietro Maria), Ingiltera, [ circa 1655], uncoloured miniature map, weak impression, 75 x 105mm, Italian text on verso, plus Mercator (Gerard & Jansson Jan), Anglia Scotia et Hibernia, circa 1631, hand coloured engraved map, 140 x 205mm, German text on verso, and Baeck (Elias), Insulae Britanicae oder regnum Angliae, Scotiae und Hiberniae, circa 1710, uncoloured engraved map with heraldic crests to vertical margins, slight staining, 155 x 210mm, with Mallet (Alain Manesson), Heptarchie des Saxons [and] Anciennes Isles Britanniques, [1719], two uncoloured engraved maps, each approximately 160 x 105mm (7)





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124 British Isles. Desnos (Louis Charles), Les Iles Britanniques où sont Les Royaumes d’Angleterre et d’Ecosse..., Paris, 1766, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, on four sheets, not conjoined, inset maps of the Shetland and Faroe islands, a few closed tears repaired on verso, old folds, each sheet approximately 535 x 410mm, together with Cassini (Giovanni Maria), La parte settentrionale dell’ Inghilterra e del principato di Galles..., [with] La parte meridionale dell’ Inghilterra e del principato di Galles, Rome, 1795, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, on two sheets, each with a decorative uncoloured cartouche, not conjoined, some spotting, each sheet approximately 350 x 480mm (6)


122 British Isles. Janvier (Jean and Santini Franceso & Paolo), Les Isles Britanniques comprenant les royaumes d’Angleterre, d’Ecosse et d’Irlande divisés en grandes provinces..., published Venice [1778], engraved map with contemporary hand colouring, inset map of the Shetland and Orkney islands, 470 x 650mm, together with Bachiene (W. A.), Nieuwe en naauwkeurige kaart van Groot Brittannien of der Koningryken Engeland, Schotland en Ierland, published Amsterdam, circa 1785, hand coloured engraved map, large printed number to upper right margin, 385 x 445mm, with Homann (Johann Baptist), Magna Britannia complectens Anglise, Scotiae et Hiberniae Regna..., circa 1713, hand coloured engraved map, slight staining, central fold wormed and split, repaired on verso, 490 x 580mm (3)


125* Buckinghamshire. Bowen (Emanuel), An Accurate Map of Buckinghamshire divided into its hundreds, drawn from the best authorities, assisted by the most approved modern maps..., published Robert Sayer J. & C. Bowles, circa 1765, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, large uncoloured decorative cartouche, slight staining to central fold, 700 x 530mm, mounted, framed and glazed

123 British Isles. De Lisle (Guillaume), Les Isles Britanniques ou sont le Royaumes d’Angleterre, tiré de Sped celuy d’Ecosse tiré de Th. Pont et celuy d’Irlande tiré de Petti..., published Covens & Mortier, circa 1760, engraved map with contemporary hand colouring and some later enhancement, large decorative cartouche and mileage scale, slight staining, 480 x 575mm, together with Lotter (Tobias), Le Grande Bretagne ou les Royaumes d’Angleterre et d’Ecosse comme ausi le Royaume d’Irlande divisée par provinces..., published Augsburg, 1764, engraved map with contemporary hand colouring, large uncoloured cartouche, central fold strengthened on verso, 490 x 580mm (2)

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128 Canada. Jefferys (Thomas), An exact chart of the River St. Laurence from Fort Fortenac to the Island of Anticosti shewing the soundings, Rocks, Shoals &c. with views of the Lands and all necessary instructions for navigating that river to Quebec..., published Robert Sayer, 1771, large engraved chart with contemporary outline colouring on two conjoined sheets, five inset maps, old folds, slight creasing, 600 x 950mm

126 Buckinghamshire. Speed (John), Buckingham both shyre and shire towne describ., 1st edition, published George Humble, [1611], uncoloured engraved map, inset town plans of Buckingham and Reading, two small rust marks, central fold with short repaired closed tear at base, 380 x 505mm, English text on verso (1)


129 Canary Islands. Sanson (Nicolas), Isles Canaries, circa 1700, uncoloured engraved map, inset map of Madeira, 190 x 265mm, together with Bellin (Jacques Nicolas), Carte des Isles Canaries..., 1746, uncoloured engraved map, old folds, 215 x 285mm, with Bonne (Rigobert), Carte des Isles Canaries avec l’Isle de Madere et celle de Porto Santo, circa 1780, hand coloured engraved map, 330 x 215mm, with another two copies similar

127 Cambridgeshire. Blaeu (Johannes), Cantabrigiensis comitatus Cambridge Shire, published Amsterdam, circa 1645, engraved map with contemporary hand colouring, strapwork cartouche, decorated with twenty-six heraldic shields, slight mount staining, 420 x 525mm, French text on verso (1)






130* Cardiganshire. Kitchin (Thomas), An Accurate Map of Cardigan Shire drawn fron an actual survey with various improvements..., circa 1765, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, large uncoloured decorative cartouche, 350 x 530mm, mounted, framed and glazed, together with An Accurate Map of Brecknockshire drawn from an actual survey with various improvements..., published Carington Bowles, Robert Wilkinson and Robert Sayer, circa 1785, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, large uncoloured cartouche, 355 x 525mm, mounted, framed and glazed (2)



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131* Cartographic curiosity. Coalport china (manufacturer), England and Wales, Cheshire, Essex, Huntingdonsh., Westmoreland [and] Leicestersh., circa 1850, together six china plates with coloured rims and hand painted floral border decorations heightened with gilt, each with a colour transfer map, some fading and wear to map images, each with a diameter of 220mm (6)


134* Cawston (George). Goldfields between the Limpopo and Zambezi, 1889. A Map of the Matabili, Mashona, and Bamangwato Countries, showing the territories of Khama and Lobengula within the British Sphere of Influence, M. Edward Stanford, 1889, folding hand-coloured lithographed map, sectionalised on linen, overall size 91.5 x 100.5cm (36 x 39.5ins), original green cloth with yellow printed title label to upper cover, very slightly rubbed, 8vo, together with 16 other various maps of South Africa and other parts of Africa, late 19th and early 20th century, including map of Central and South Africa, published at the offices of South Africa, 1919 (linen-backed), Swaziland South, 1914, and Swaziland North, 1914, Bartholomew’s Tourist’s Map of Egypt and the Lower Nile, circa 1897, Standard Railway Map of South Africa, lithographed at the Government Printing Works, Pretoria, circa 1900, Stanford’s Ordnance Maps of Colombia and Venezuala, 1892, Juan Monserratte, Mapa... por Venezuala e Inglaterra, 1890, Province of Transvaal Official Maps Series, Komatipoort, Government Printing and Stationery Office, Pretoria, circa 1921, etc. (17)


132* Cartographic curiosity. Wedgwood (manufacturer) Suid Afrika - South Africa, circa 1900, china tankard decorated with a map of South Africa and the head of a Springbok to the sides and silouettes of monkeys on the handle, crack to rim, height 130mm, together with Johann Lettman (manufacturer),Switzerland, circa 1920, ovoid plate with a gilt rim, decorated with a pictorial map of Switzerland, diameter 195mm, with a Creil & Montereau plate decorated with a blue transfer map of the department map of L’Aisne, large chip and crack to rim, diameter 200mm (3)


133 Cary (John). [Cary’s new and correct English atlas], 1787, thirty (only of forty-six), engraved county maps with contemporary outline colouring, slight water staining, lacking titles and preliminaries, lacking boards and spine, 4to Sold as a collection of maps, not subject to return. (1)


Lot 135

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137* Commemorative china. Victoria. Queen & Empress, Jubilee year, 1887, octagonal plate illustrated with grey transfer illustrations of the queen and the Prince of Wales, heraldic crests of Australia, Canada, Cape Colony and India and a hemispheral map of the world highlighting the British Empire, with figures illustrating the balance of trade within the empire, produced by Nestle and Huntsman, pattern number 63164, 240mm diameter, together with Diamond Jubilee year, 1897, circular plate with colour transfer illustrations of flags and the royal monogram ‘VR’, with a hemispheral map of the world with the legend ‘The empire on which the sun never sets’ below the map on a ribbon cartouche, gilt rim, made in Stoke on Trent by Grimwade Bros., 270mm diameter, with another plate similar with the monograms and flags replaced by botanical representations of England, Scotland and Ireland, 270mm diameter

135 Cheshire. Bowen (Emanuel), An Accurate Map of the County Palatine of Chester divided into Hundreds..., published J. & C. Bowles and Robert Sayer, circa 1764, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, large uncoloured decorative cartouche, slight marginal fraying but not affecting image, 535 x 700mm, together with An Improved Map of Stafford divided into Hundreds..., published J. & C. Bowles and Robert Sayer, circa 1764, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, uncoloured decorative cartouche, 695 x 530mm (2)


Together three Victorian ‘cartographic curiosities’ each with a map of the world. (3) £100-200

138 Cycling maps. A collection of forty-three cycling and touring maps, of Yorkshire, mostly late 19th century, lithographic and engraved maps, all folding with many laid on linen, with examples by Bacon, Philips, W. H. Smith, Gall & Inglis, Ordnance Survey, Cruchley, Johnston, Palliser, Petit and Bartholomew, some duplicates, various sizes and condition (43)


136 China. Jansson (Jan), China veteribus Sinarum Regio nunc incolis Tame dicta, circa 1660, hand coloured engraved map, some staining, some adhesion scarring on verso, occasional marginal closed tears, 410 x 500mm, French text on verso (1)


139 Dorset. Dorsetshyre with the shyre-towne described as also the armes of such noble families as have bene honored with the titles thereof since the Normans conquest to this present, 1st. edition, [1611], uncoloured engraved map, inset town plan of Dorchester, central fold strengthened on verso, 385 x 510mm, English text on verso (1)

Lot 137



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141 England & Wales. Berry (William), A New Mapp of the Kingdome of England and Wales Containing all the Cities, Market Towns, with the Roades from Town to Town and the Reputed Miles between them, are given by Inspection without Scale or Compass. To the most serene and most sacred majesty William III, circa 1690, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring on two conjoined sheets, distances shown in straight lines and circles, side tables list cities and market towns, elaborate uncoloured cartouche, two small stains, occasional repaired marginal tears, trimmed to plate mark along upper margin, 590 x 870mm Uncommon. R. W. Shirley. Printed Maps of the British Isles 1650-1750, Berry 2, state 2. (1) £150-200

142 England & Wales. Walker (John), Walker’s tour through England and Wales, a new pastime, published W. & T. Darton, 1809, engraved map with contemporary hand colouring, sectionalised and laid on linen, a map game with the ‘rules’ printed on the vertical margins, slight dust soiling. 505 x 635mm, contained in a contemporary card slipcase with printed label to upper board, slight staining and wear, together with Cary (John), Cary’s reduction of his large map of England and Wales with part of Scotland..., 1796, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, sectionalised and laid on linen, 755 x 625mm, contained in a contemporary marbled card slipcase with printed label to upper boards, some wear to extremities, with Bayly (John Abraham), England and Wales drawn from all the surveys..., [1766], hand coloured engraved folding map, 570 x 485mm, plus Cruchley (G. F.), British Isles by Cruchley, circa 1855, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring sectionalised and laid on linen, inset map of the Shetland and Orkney Islands, some finger soiling and slight staining, 640 x 520mm, marbled endpapers, and Wallis (John), Wallis’s tour through England and Wales, A new geographical pastime, circa 1795, engraved map with contemporary hand colouring, sectionalised and laid on linen, a map game with the ‘rules’ and list of towns printed in the vertical margins, stained and marked, 505 x 660mm, lacking slipcase, together with Mannert (C.), England nach Cary’s Zeichnung mit hulfe der charten von Rocque, Kitchin, Campbell..., Nuremberg, 1796, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, sectionalised and laid on linen, inset map of the Scilly Isles, slight staining, occasional pencil annotations, 655 x 540mm, contained in publisher’s card slipcase with manuscript label to upper board, worn, with Kitchin (Thomas), Kitchin’s enlarged map of the Roads of England & Wales with the exact distances by the Mile Stones between town and town, published R. Sayer and J. Bennett, 1779, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, sectionalised and laid on later linen, slight staining, 555 x 455mm, lacking slipcase, plus Smith (Charles), Smith’s new map of England and Wales and part of Scotland..., 1806, large engraved map with contemporary hand colouring, sectionalised and laid on linen, water stained, small hole affecting image, 1150 x 935mm, lacking slipcase, and Darton (William, publishers), New and Improved map of England and Wales including the principal part of Scotland..., circa 1820, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, sectionalised and laid on linen, slight staining, long closed tears along linen folds, 765 x 645mm, contemporary cloth board, lacking spine and upper board, with Faden (William), A Map of England, Wales & Scotland describing all the direct and principal cross roads in Great Britain..., to accompany Paterson’s Book of Roads, 1801, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, sectionalised and laid on linen, inset map of the north part of Scotland, dust soiled and with slight staining, holes where linen folds cross, 735 x 615mm, contained in a contemporary card slipcase with printed label to upper board, worn and frayed

140* England & Wales. Speed (John), The Kingdome of England, 1st. edition, published John Sudbury & George Humble, [1611], engraved map with early hand colouring, eight costumed figures to vertical margins, 385 x 515mm, English text on verso, mounted, framed and double glazed, together with Bowen (Emanuel), An accurate map of the county palatine of Chester divided into its hundreds..., published J. & C. Bowles and Robt. Sayer, circa 1764, hand coloured engraved map, some staining and creasing several closed tears affecting image, central fold partially split, additional horizontal fold, laid on card, 535 x 700mm, framed and glazed (2)


Lot 142


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Lot 144

Lot 146

143 England & Wales. Blaeu (Johannes), Anglia Regnum, published Amsterdam, circa 1648, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, toned overall, 385 x 495mm, Latin text on verso, with another copy heavily wormed and stained, together with Hole (William), Britannia. [1607 or later], uncoloured map set in a decorative border (the title page for William Camden’s ‘Britannia’), trimmed to neatline and laid on later paper, some handling marks to paper margins, 265 x 160mm, with Kitchin (Thomas), A New & Accurate map of the Roads of England and Wales with the distances by the mile stones..., circa 1760, uncoloured engraved map, old folds, slight fraying and wear to folds, 350 x 350mm, plus De Vaugondy (Robert), Britannicae Insulae in quibus Albion seu Britannia Major et Ivernia seu Britannia Minor..., 1750, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, 490 x 540mm, and another copy similar, and Wilkinson (Robert), England and Wales, 1805, engraved map with contemporary hand colouring, 290 x 235mm, with another thirty maps of England and Wales including examples by J & C Walker, Chatelain, Jefferys, Moll, De Vaugondy, Morden and Bonne, various sizes and condition (37)

145 England & Wales. Andrews (John), A New Physical, Historical & Political Map of England and Wales from actual survey & Astronomical Observations of the Royal Society, exhibiting the natural state of its surface by describing the great range of mountains, hills and high lands which seperate the heads of the rivers & point out their course from its spring to the ocean..., published John Andrews, 1786, large hand coloured engraved map on three separate sheets, table of the vales and valleys, table of explanation, compass rose and dedication, inset map of the Scilly Isles, old folds, each sheet approximately 535 x 1315mm, together with Thomson (John & Co. publishers), British Isles, 1815, engraved map with contemporary hand colouring, 615 x 515mm, with Pigot (James), Pigot & Co.s. Map of England & Wales with part of Scotland..., 1830, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, old folds, some toning, some marginal closed tears, some dust soiling, some repaired tears affecting image, 690 x 535mm, with another copy similar, plus Goubaud (J.), Carte Géographique des îsles Britanniques..., circa 1825, engraved map with contemporary hand colouring, French text below and to the sides of the map, overall size 520 x 665mm



144 England & Wales. Homann (Johann Baptist), Magnae Britanniae pars meridionalis in qua regnum Angliae tam in septem antiqua Anglo-Saxonum Regna..., published Nuremberg, circa 1720, engraved map with contemporay hand colouring, large uncoloured cartouche and historical vignette, slight marginal fraying, one repaired tear affecting image, 570 x 485mm, together with Blaeu (Johannes), Anglia regnum, published Amsterdam, circa 1640, hand coloured engraved map, slight marginal staining but not affecting image, 385 x 500mm, French text on verso, with Le Rouge (George Louis), Le royaume d’Angleterre divisé en comtez et baronies..., published Paris, 1745, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, toned overall with some marginal staining, 575 x 490mm, plus another seven maps similar, including examples by La Feuille, Bacon, Delamarche, Johnson and Bellin, various sizes and condition (10)


146 English Channel. Mount (Richard & Page Thomas), A new and correct chart of the Channel between England & France with considerable improvements..., [1730 or later], large hand coloured engraved sea chart, inset maps of Plymouth Sound and The Isle of Wight, compass rose and numerous rhumb lines, old folds, a few folds strengthened on verso, top margin frayed and chipped and just affecting printed border, 640 x 1015mm (1)




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150 France. A mixed collection of twenty maps, 17th - 19th century, regional maps and town plans, including examples by Ortelius, Mercator, De L’Isle, Jansson, Blaeu, De Vaugondy and De Fer, and town plans of Paris and Bordeaux from the S.D.U.K. atlas (including two examples of the Paris plan) and another double page plan of Paris by B.R.Davies, originally published in the ‘Weekly Dispatch Atlas’, various sizes and condition (20)


151 France. A mixed collection of approximately fifty-five maps, 17th - 19th century, engraved regional maps, town plans, sea charts and maps of the country, including examples by Blaeu, Thomson, Brion, Jaillot, Homann, Valk, Wells, Moll, De Wit, Sayer, Bowen, Harrison, Chatelain and De Vaugondy, various sizes and condition (approx.55)


147 English Channel. Visscher (Nicolas), Tabula Nova complectens praefecturas Normanniae et Britanniae una cum Angliae parte et Manica, circa 1690, engraved map with contemporary hand colouring, some dust and finger soiling to margins, 480 x 570mm (1)


152 Geological Maps. Ramsay (Andrew C.), Geological Map of England & Wales, 3rd edition, published Edward Stanford, January 15th, 1873, lithographic map with contemporary hand colouring, sectionalised and laid on linen, six geological cross sections and index key, slight staining, 950 x 800mm, contained in a contemporary cloth slipcase with gilt title to upper board, a little worn, together with, Walker (J. & C.), A Geological Map of England, Wales and part of Scotland, showing also the Inland Navigation by means of Rivers and Canals..., 1837, engraved map with contemporary hand colouring, sectionalised and laid on linen, two geological cross sections, some staining and spotting, 1390 x 955mm, contained in a contemporary card slipcase with morocco gilt label to upper board, worn and frayed

148 Estate Plan. An exact map of Trevithe & John Prichard’s land: Together with the cottages upon nain-y-givis and the land Incroch’d on. Allt-Rillo in the Parish of Ilanvillo, circa 1700, ink and watercolour plan, title cartouche and a scale of chains, compass rose, inset tables of remarks and field names and sizes, old folds, some staining, slight creasing, 560 x 695mm Appears to be a plan of a village near Tregarth in central Wales. (1) £300-500

149 European countries. A mixed collection of approximately 200 maps, mostly 18th & 19th century, engraved maps of the European continent, Russia, Italy, France, Germany, Poland, Holland, Scandinavia, Belgium, Austria, The Balkan States and Greece, and a few town plans, with examples by Gibson, Fullarton, Bowen, Kelly, Guthrie, Thomson, Toms, Darton, Russell, Jefferys, Rollos, Seale, Sanson, Rapin and Johnston, occasional duplicates, various sizes and condition (approx.200)

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153 Globe. Delamarche (Charles Francois), Globe adopté par le conseil de l’universite..., Paris, 1865, nine inch table globe, twelve engraved gores with contemporary outline colouring, slight dust soiling, occasional staining, tilting brass meridian ring, composite calibrated horizon ring, mounted on a turned ebonised wood and brass column stand, overall height 460mm (18 inches) (1)


155 Globe. Betts’s Portable Terrestrial Globe, published George Philip & Son, circa 1850, eight engraved paper globe gores with contemporay hand colouring, backed with linen, ‘draw strings’ attached to end of gores, six of the lower strings detached, slight dust and finger soiling, length 190mm (1)

154* Globe. Ink well, circa 1930, two inch miniature transfer printed tin globe, hinged lid (broken), with glass inkwell, some dents and scratching to printed surface A cartographic curiosity. (1)




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158* Herefordshire & Worcester. Bowen (Emanuel), An Accurate Map of the County of Worcester divided into its Hundreds and drawn from the best authorities..., [and] An Accurate Map of Herefordshire divided into its hundreds drawn from the best maps and surveys..., published R. Sayer & Carington Bowles [and] J.Tinney, 1765 & 1755 respectively, together two large engraved maps with contemporary outline colouring, each with a large uncoloured decorative cartouche, slight staining to the map of Herefordshire, each approximately 525 x 700mm, uniformly mounted, framed and glazed (2)


159 Holland. Jaillot (Alexis Hubert, Le Comté de Hollande dressé sur les memoires les plus nouveaux par le Snr. Sanson..., 1692, large engraved map with contemporary outline colouring on two conjoined sheets, large uncoloured ornate cartouche and compass rose, occasional marginal closed tears, 835 x 570mm, together with Le Comté de Zeelande, 1692, large engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, slight creasing, large uncoloured ornate cartouche, compass rose and rhumb lines, slight staining, occasional marginal closed tears, 565 x 805mm 156 Gloucestershire. Blaeu (Johannes), Glocestria ducatus vulgo Glocestershire, published Amsterdam, circa 1648, hand coloured engraved map, 410 x 500mm, Dutch text on verso, together with Wigorniensis comitatus et comitatus Warwicensis; nec non Coventrae Libertas. Worcester, Warwik Shire and the Liberty of Coventre, published Amsterdam, circa 1652, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, slight spotting and staining to margins, 410 x 500mm, Spanish text on verso (2)



160 Holy Land. De Wit (Frederick), Terra Sancta sive promissionis olim Palestina recens delineata..., published Amsterdam, circa 1680, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, inset plan of the encampment of the Israelites flanked by the figures of Moses and Aaron, orientated to the west, slight oxidisation to old watercolour, cracks strengthened on verso, 465 x 555mm

157 Hampshire. Speed (John), Hantshire described and devided, published Thomas Bassett & Richard Chiswell, [1676], hand coloured engraved map, inset town plan of Winchester, central fold repaired on verso, 380 x 510mm, English text on verso (1)



161 India & Asia. A mixed collection of twenty-eight maps, mostly 18th & 19th century, engraved and lithographic maps of India and the East Indies, including examples by W. & A. K. Johnston, Poirson, Brué, Mitchell, Hughes, D’Anville, De Vaugondy, J & C Walker, Bayly, Chatelain, Weller, Dilly & Robinson and Archer, occasional duplicates, various sizes and condition



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165 Jamaica. Ogilby (John), Novissima et Accuratissima Jamaicae descriptio, 1671, hand coloured engraved map, several marginal closed tears with some loss, repaired and replaced in facsimile, lacking right hand vertical margin with loss of printed margin, replaced in facsimile, some folding and creasing, strengthened and repaired on verso, 430 x 530mm (1)


162 Indian Ocean. Mannevillette (Jean), Carte Réduite de l’Ocean Oriental depuis le Cap de Bonne Esperance, jusqu’ua Japon..., published Paris, 1753, engraved chart with contemporary hand colouring, slight dust soiling, occasional marginal closed tears, 570 x 845mm (1)


163* Isle of Wight. Blaeu (Johannes), Vectis Insula Anglice The Isle of Wight, published Amsterdam, circa 1650, engraved map with contemporary hand colouring and some later enhancement, 385 x 505mm, mounted, framed and glazed, together with Philip (George & Son, publisher), Channel & Scilly Isles, Isles of Man & Wight, 1852, five engraved maps on one sheet (as published) with contemporary outline colouring, 510 x 610mm, framed and glazed (2)


164 Italy. Blaeu (Johannes), Stato el Piemonte, published Amsterdam, circa 1648, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, 390 x 505mm, Latin text on verso, mounted, together with Contado di Molise et Principato ultra, published Amsterdam, circa 1648, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, slight overall toning, 390 x 500mm, French text on verso, mounted (2)


166 Lancashire. Hennet (G.), A map of the County Palatine of Lancaster divided into hundreds and parishes from an accurate survey made in the years 1828 and 1829, published Henry Teesdale, 1830, large scale map, engraved by James Bingley, sectionalised and laid on linen, contemporary hand colouring, large calligraphic cartouche, table of explanation, compass rose and engraved vignette of the custom house Liverpool, slight staining and offsetting, edged in green silk, 1615 x 1115mm, contained in a contemporary calf bookbox, worn and rubbed (1)


167* Leicestershire & Rutland. Bowen (Emanuel), An Accurate Map of the Counties of Leicester and Rutland divided into their respective hundreds...,published J. Tinney, R. Sayer, T. & J. Bowles, circa 1760, large engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, uncoloured cartouche, 535 x 696mm, mounted, framed and glazed (1)

Lot 165



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168 London. Stanford (Edward, publisher), Stanford’s Library Map of London and its Suburbs, 1877, two large engraved sheets of central London with contemporary outline colouring, sectionalised and laid on linen, slight marginal fraying, each approximately 645 x 805mm, together with a modern copy of another sheet, with Ordnance Survey (publishers), Three large engraved maps, 1810 1816, three engraved maps on a scale of one inch to a mile, one (Surrey) with contemporary hand colouring, the others being of Southern Dorset and Hampshire, slight marginal fraying, each approximately 635 x 920mm, plus Bacon (G. W., publishers), Twenty-nine (only) sheets from ‘Map of the Environs of London’, circa 1890, lithograph maps of parts of London, each approximately 325 x 475mm, and Stanford (E., publisher), Stanford’s Library Map of London and its Suburbs, 1877, five lithographic map sheets, (nos. 4, 20, 22, 23 & 24), each approximately 335 x 420mm, with Telford (T.), Metropolis Water Supply. Plan and section of a line of Aqueduct from the River Verulam above Watford to Primrose Hill, published G. Hansard & Sons by order of the House of Commons, 1834, lithographic map by S. Arrowsmith with contemporary outline colouring, old folds, 285 x 755mm (41)

170 London. Faden (William), A New Topographical Map of the Country in the Vicinity of London, Describing all the New Improvements, published by W. Faden, 1819, engraved map with hand-colouring, dissected and mounted on linen in 28 panels, some light browning and offsetting, 815 x 830mm, without slipcase (1)



169 London. Ordnance Survey (publishers), A collection of sixtytwo maps, mostly early 20th century, detailed uncoloured maps on various scales of various parts of London, including twenty-five inches to the mile, six inches to the mile and sixty inches to the mile, all approximately 720 x 1010mm, various condition (62 )


171 Maps. A mixed collection of approximately 100 maps and charts, mostly 18th & 19th century, engraved maps of India, Australasia and the Pacific ocean, Asia and the East Indies, New Zealand and Japan & China, with examples by Rollos, Mercator, Jefferys, Bonne, Guthrie, Dower, Brué, Fullarton, Bowen, S.D.U.K., Gall & Inglis, Weller, A & C Black, Johnson, Kelly, Moll and Russell, occasional duplicates, various sizes and condition (approx.100)

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174 New York. National Geographic Magazine (publishers), The Reaches of New York City, published Baltimore, 1939, large decorative folding lithographic map by Albert H. Bumstead, inset map of South Jersey, margins decorated with portraits of prominent Americans, topographical vignettes and vistas, old folds, 705 x 645mm, together with Historic and Scenic Reaches of the Nation’s Capital, published Baltimore, 1938, decorative folding lithographic map, the vertical margins decorated with portraits of illustrious personages, 645 x 765mm

172 Maps. Bernard (Robert), Carte de L’Hemisphere Austral montrant les routes des navigateurs les plus célebres par le Capitaine Jacques Cook, circa 1780, uncoloured engraved circular map of Antarctica, Australia, South America and South Africa, old folds, some dust soiling, some marginal repairs, 545 x 545mm, with Bonne (Rigobert), Carte des Isles des Amis, circa 1780, uncoloured engraved chart, 240 x 355mm, with another copy similar, with Carte de l’Isle O-Taïti, circa 1780, uncoloured engraved chart, 240 x 350mm, plus Bernard (Robert), Plan du Havre de Tongataboo, 1777, uncoloured engraved chart, old folds, slight staining, 225 x 400mm, and Bowen (Thomas), Sketch of Tongataboo Harbour, circa 1780, uncoloured engraved chart, slight staining to margins, 230 x 350mm, with Vandermaelen (Phillipe Marie Guillaume), Nouvelle Caledonie, [1827], lithographic chart with contemporary hand colouring, 475 x 540mm (7)




173 Middlesex. Blaeu (Johannes), Middle-sexia, published Amsterdam, circa 1648, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, some creasing, slight overall toning, several marginal tears, repaired on verso, 390 x 410mm, Latin text on verso, together with Morden (Robert), Midlesex, [1722], uncoloured engraved map, bound with pages of descriptive text, later endpapers, 19th century marbled boards, with green cloth gilt spine, slim folio, with another unbound copy, plus Rocque (John), Middlesex, [1746], uncoloured engraved map, 160 x 200mm, with another approximately fifty regional, county and ward maps, including examples by Cary, Seller/Grose, Moule, Bowen & Owen, Archer, Harris, Van den Keere, Cole, Pigot, Cole & Roper, Phillips, Paterson, Bowen, Neele and Fullarton, occasional duplicates, various sizes and condition (approx.55)

175 Normandy. Jaillot (Alexis Hubert), Le Duché et Gouvernment de Normandie divisée en Haute et Basse Normandie....., Paris, 1695, large engraved map of the north west coast of France, the Channel Islands and the English Channel, with bright contemporary hand colouring, title repeated in the upper border, 580 x 885mm




176 North & South America. A mixed collection of approximately 110 maps of the Americas and the West Indies, mostly 18th & 19th century, regional, state and country maps, including examples by Russell, Bowen, Jefferys, Dower, Fullarton, Cooke, Neele, Arrowsmith, Hall, Johnson and Bonne, some duplicates, with ten topographical and genre engravings, various sizes and condition (approx.120)


Lot 174 177 Norwich. Braun (Georg & Hogenberg Frans), Nordovicum Angliae Civitas, circa 1581, hand coloured engraved city plan, 295 x 420mm, Latin text on verso (1)



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179 Oxfordshire. Kitchin (Thomas), A new Improved Map of Oxfordshire from the best surveys and intelligences, divided into hundreds..., published J. & C. Bowles and Robert Sayer, circa 1764, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, large uncoloured decorative cartouche, very slight staining to central fold, 715 x 525mm Originally published in ‘The Large English Atlas’. (1)

180 Railway Maps. Kemp (George), A new map of England and Wales with part of Scotland showing the Mail Coach, Turnpike & Railroads, Canals &c., 1847, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, sectionalised and laid on linen, 750 x 620mm, contemporary cloth boards with printed label to upper cover, some staining and adhesion to lower board, together with Betts (John), Betts’s new itinerant and commercial map of England & Wales on which the various lines of railroad, the turnpike & principal cross roads with the courses of the rivers & canals are carefully laid down..., 1839, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, sectionalised and laid on linen, some staining, 895 x 760mm, endpapers of publisher’s advertisements, contained in a contemporary gilt cloth slipcase, case worn and frayed, with another edition from 1846, with Cruchley (G. F.), Cruchley’s Railway map of England and Wales, 1842, engraved map with contemporary outline clouring, sectionalised and laid on linen, 340 x 255mm, some toning and offsetting, publisher’s cloth boards with printed title to upper cover, plus Airey (John), Airey’s Railway map of England & Wales..., published McCorquodale & Co. Ltd., 1884, lithographic map with contemporary outline colouring, sectionalised and laid on linen, 1020 x 740mm, contemporary morocco gilt boards, worn and rubbed at extremities, and Kell (Thomas & Sons, publishers), Map of Railways in England, Wales and Scotland, 1864, very large engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, sectionalised and laid on linen, some staining, inset maps of London, Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool, one fold split along linen, 2730 x 1470mm, morocco endpapers, with another five similar including examples by Jobbins, Orr, Macaulay, Stanford and Arrowsmith, various sizes and condition

178* Ogilby (John). The continuation of the extended road from Buckingham to Bridgnorth in com. Salop commencing at Banbury in com. Oxon & extended to Bridgnorth aforesaid..., [and] The continuation of ye road from London to Aberistwith, plate ye second commencing at Islip com. Oxford & extending to Bramyard com. Hereford..., [1675 or later], two hand coloured engraved strip road maps, each approximately 340 x 440mm, mounted, framed and glazed (2)




181 Red Sea. De Mannevillette (Jean B.N.D.), Carte de la Mer Rouge, depuis Moka jusqu’a Gedda, [1775], hand coloured engraved sea chart showing the African and Arabian coasts of the Red Sea from Mocha in Yemen to Jeddah in Saudi Arabia, three inset harbour charts of Gedan, Goofs and Shake Omare, a few short marginal closed tears not affecting engraved image, 495 x 670mm

Lot 179


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Lot 182

182 River maps. Smeaton (John), A plan of the River Calder from Wakefield to Brooksmouth and from thence to Salter Hebble Bridge laid down from a survey taken in October and November 1757; with a projection for continuing the navigation from Wakefield to Salter Hebble Bridge near Halifax in the county of York, [1758], uncoloured pictorial linear map, engraved by R. W. Seale, some marginal fraying and chipping, one tear just affecting plate mark, some dust soiling, largely confined to margins, 235 x 835mm, together with Fairbank (William), A plan of the course of the River Dun from Sheffield to its confluence with the Ouse shewing all the cuts made & those intended to be made to facilitate the navigation thereof, 1801, engraved linear map with contemporary outline colouring, near contemporary ownership signature to upper central margin, slight overall toning, 265 x 915mm (2)


183 River Thames. Tombleson (Thomas), Tombleson’s Panoramic map of the Thames and Medway, published J. Reynolds, circa 1860, engraved panoramic map with bright contemporary hand colouring, old folds, laid on linen, 1280 x 245mm, publisher’s blue gilt cloth boards A later issue of Tombleson’s 1834 map of the River Thames. The complexity of the railway network shown on the map would indicate a date of circa 1860. A clean, bright example. (1) £200-300

184 Rochester. Harris (John), Rochester Inscrib’d to Sr. Thomas Palmer Bart. & Sr. Jon. Jennings Knt. Memrs. of Parlmt. for ye City, circa 1719, coloured engraved prospect after T. Badeslade on two conjoined sheets, six engravings of buidings to vertical borders, old folds, 370 x 810mm (1)


Lot 183 53

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186 Scotland. A mixed collection of approximately thirty maps and engravings, 17th - 19th century, engraved regional maps by Pont, Hogg, Bacon and S.D.U.K. and engraved and lithographic topographical views by Smith, Le Keux, Illustrated London News, Picken, Brandard and Maclure, with two copies of the panorama of Glasgow published in the Illustrated London News in 1864, one damaged, various sizes and condition (approx.30)


187 Scotland. Kitchin (Thomas), A New and Complete Map of Scotland and Islands thereto belonging; from actual survey, the shires properly divided and subdivided, the forts lately erected & roads of communication or military ways; carried on by His Majesty’s command..., [published Robert Sayer, 1773 or later], large engraved wall map of Scotland with contemporary outline colouring, four sheets conjoined in pairs, inset map of the Shetland islands, large uncoloured decorative cartouche, table of ‘remarkable places in Scotland’, compass rose, old folds, one short split along old fold on lower sheet, each sheet approximately 600 x 1010mm The Early Maps of Scotland to 1850. Published The Royal Scottish Geographical Society. Volume 1 pp. 195. Published in ‘A General Atlas describing the whole Universe...,’. This edition without imprint. Uncommon. (2) £200-300

185 Russia. De Wit (Frederick), Tabula Russia vulgo Moscovia, circa 1680, hand coloured engraved map, two small rust holes to image, 450 x 560mm (1)


Lot 187 Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)


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190 Sea chart. Van Keulen (Johannes), Pascaart van de Noortcust van Yrland als meede de Westcust van Schotland..., published Amsterdam, [1695 or later], uncoloured engraved chart of Scotland and Ireland, large allegorical cartouche, compass rose and numerous rhumb lines, 510 x 580mm, together with A new gradually encreasing compass map of a part of the sea coasts of England in which is contained the coasts of Sussex. Extending eastward of Hastings to Arundel haven with their shallownesses and depths, published Amsterdam 1698 [or later], hand coloured engraved chart, compass rose and numerous rhumb lines, title repeated in Dutch, trimmed with very slight loss to lower margin, repaired, 515 x 595mm, with Collins (Captain Greenville), Untitled sea chart of the east coast of England and Wales, circa 1690, hand coloured engraved chart, orientated to the east, compass rose and numerous rhumb lines, some staining and dust soiling, 450 x 570mm (3)


188 Scotland. Visscher (Nicolas), Exactissima Regni Scotiae Tabula tam in Septentrionalem et Meridionalem quam in minores earumdem Provincias..., published Amsterdam, circa 1700, engraved map with contemporary hand colouring, heightened with gilt, decorative cartouche and mileage scale, slight overall toning, slight creasing, thread margins, 565 x 475mm (1)


191 Sea chart. Blaeu (Willem Janszoon), De Noord-Cust van Engelandt tusschen Flamburger Hooft en de Rivier van Nicasteel, published Amsterdam, circa 1623, hand coloured engraved sea chart of the east coast of England, slight staining and soiling to upper margins just affecting map, slight restoration to upper margins, slight worming, 260 x 360mm, together with Van Keulen (Gerald), A new enereasing compass map of part of the east coast of England; extending from Eckles to Flamborough Head; containing the River of Hull; with their shallownesses and depths..., circa 1715, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, title repeated in Dutch, compass rose and numerous rhumb lines, backed with near contemporary paper, 520 x 595mm, with Van Keulen (Gerald), Oost kust van Engeland of York-shire, circa 1780, two hand coloured charts on one sheet showing Scarborough and Hartlepool, thread margin to left hand vertical border, 500 x 290mm

189 Scotland. Hole (William), Scotia Regnum, circa 1610. hand coloured engraved map, large strapwork cartouche and compass rose, 265 x 310mm, together with Zatta (Antonio), Il Regno do Scozia, di nuova projezione, published Venice, circa 1778, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, inset map of the Shetland Islands, 305 mx 405mm, with De Fer (Nicolas), Table des latitudes et longitudes des principaux lieux du Royaume d’Ecosse, published Paris, circa 1710, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, inset maps of the Shetland and the Faroe Islands, 375 x 515mm, plus Mariette (Pierre), L’Ecosse Royaume en ses deux principales parties..., published Paris, 1665, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, 410 x 510mm, with another twelve city plans, sea charts, regional and country maps, including examples by Robinson, Dower, Dorret, Greenville Collins and Bartholomew, various sizes and condition (16)





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193 Sea chart. Jaillot (Alexis Hubert), Carte de l’entree de la Tamise avec les bancs, passes, isles et costes comprises entre Sandwich et Clay, published Paris, circa 1705, large engraved chart with bright contemporary hand colouring, orientated to the east, inset map of the course of the River Thames from London to Isle of Grain, compass rose and numerous rhumb lines, slight oxidisation, 455 x 890mm (1)

194 Sea charts. Van Keulen (Gerard), Afteekening van de Rivier van London of River Thames [on sheet with] Afteekening van de Iarmouthse Banken geleegen voor Iarmouth Aan de Oost Kust van Engeland in de Noord Zee, circa 1750, two uncoloured engraved charts on one sheet (as published), slight spotting, 510 x 585mm, together with Collins (Captain Greenville), Untitled chart of the North sea, circa 1790, uncoloured engraved sea chart, slight staining, 450 x 575mm, with Mercator (Gerard), Northumbria, Cumberlandia et Dunelmensis Episcopatus, [1595 or later], engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, some marginal closed repaired tears, 355 x 465mm, French text on verso

192 Sea chart. Sayer (Robert), A chart of the Isle, Roads and Race of Portland with the Shambles &c., 1791, uncoloured engraved sea chart, compass rose, numerous rhumb lines and descriptive text, 515 x 695mm (1)



195 Sea charts. Seven sea charts, 19th & 20th century, including China South Coast Hong Kong Waters West, 1893 (updated 1930), uncoloured printed Admiralty chart, 650 x 995mm, together with New Zealand North Island - West Coast, Manukau Harbour, 1853 (updated 1863), uncoloured chart, engraved by J & C Walker, inset map of the Continuation of the Waiuku River, slight dust soiling to margins, ink book seller’s/admiralty agent’s stamp to image, 635 x 940mm, with New Zealand North Island - West Coast Kawhia Harbour, 1854 (updated 1857), uncoloured chart, engraved by J & C Walker, slight overall toning, occasional marginal closed tears, slight fraying to base of central fold, 615 x 970mm, plus Australia East Coast Queensland and New South Wales, Wooli Head to Cape Moreton, 1952 (updated 1957), uncoloured printed sea chart, two horizon profiles, 1000 x 670mm, and Australia South East Coast, Wilson Promontory to Cape Howe, 1953 (updated 1967), large printed sea chart, 865 x 1150mm, with two other charts similar of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, various sizes and condition



Lot 193

Lot 195

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Lot 197

196* Shropshire. Bowen (Emanuel), An Accurate Map of Shropshire divided into its Hundreds, drawn and compiled from the most approved maps & surveys & illustrated with various additional improvements..., published J. Hinton, 1755, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, large uncoloured decorative cartouche, 530 x 700mm, mounted, framed and glazed, together with An Accurate Map of Nottinghamshire describing its Wapontakes and Divisions..., published J. & C. Bowles and Robert Sayer, circa 1765, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring and some later enhancement, 705 x 535mm, mounted, framed and glazed (2)

197 Shropshire. Saxton (Christopher), Salopiae comitatus summa cum fide cura et diligebtia descrtiptionem haec tibi tabula resert, [1579], engraved map with contemporary hand colouring, ‘altar’ cartouche surmounted by the royal coat of arms with an additional heraldic crest of Thomas Seckford, slight spotting, slight mount staining, central fold strengthened at top and base on verso, one printer’s crease, 295 x 510mm The first printed map of Shropshire. An early state with the ‘bunch of grapes’ watermark. (1) £800-1200



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198 Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. A mixed collection of approximately forty town plans and 110 maps, circa 1840, mostly uncoloured engraved maps and town plans, some duplicates, each approximately 330 x 400mm, various condition The town plans consist of :- The environs of Dublin, Brimingham (2), Philadelphia (2), Calcutta, Vienna, Syracuse (3), Pompei, Genoa, Parma, Munich (3), Dresden (2), Hamburg (2), Frankfort (3), Madrid, Oporto (3), Lisbon, Geneva (4), Constantinople, Bordeaux (4), Marseilles, Toulon (2) and Athens. (approx.150) £300-500

Lot 198

199 Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Complete atlas of modern, classical and celestial maps together with plans of the principal cities of the world..., published Thomas Letts, 1877, printed title, ninety-eight engraved maps with contemporary outline colouring, most maps affected by a library blind stamp to lower right, last map (Japan) heavily dust soiled, all edges gilt, lacking boards and spine, last few leaves loose, folio, together with another volume from circa 1840 containing fifty-five engraved maps, twenty-five town plans and six celestial charts (only), several closed tears, some dust soiling throughout, a few maps trimmed to margins, lacking boards and spine, partially disbound, folio Sold as a collection of maps, not subject to return. (2)

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202 Spain. Moll (Herman), A New and Exact Map of Spain & Portugal divided into its Kingdoms and Principalities &c., published George Grierson, Dublin, circa 1730, large engraved map on two conjoined sheets, contemporary outline colouring, large uncoloured martial cartouche, old folds strengthened on verso, some worming repaired on verso, 610 x 975mm

200 South America. De L’Isle (Guillaume), Carte de la terre ferme du Perou du Bresil et du pays des Amazones..., published Paris, 1703, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, printed on two sheets, short split at base of central folds, each sheet approximately 495 x 660mm (2)



201 Spain. Blaeu (Johannes), Gallacia regnum [and] Territorio di Pavia, Lodi, Novarra, Tortona, Alessandria et altri vicini dello stato di Milano, published Amsterdam, circa 1650, two engraved maps with contemporary outline colouring, each approximately 385 x 500mm, together with Schenk (Petri & Valk Gerard), Granata et Murcia regna, published Amsterdam, circa 1700, engraved map with contemporary hand colouring, 375 x 485mm, with Senex (John), A Map of Old & New Castile from the observations of Rodrigo Mendes Silva and others, circa 1730, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, additional horizontal fold strengthened on verso, 450 x 555mm, plus Neele (S. J.), Present Spain and Portugal, circa 1800, engraved map with contemporary hand colouring, 370 x 400mm, and Mitchell (S. A.), Spain and Portugal, published Philadelphia, [1846], engraved map with contemporary hand colouring, 320 x 395mm, with Mitchell (A. M.), Map of France, Spain and Portugal, published Philadelphia, 1862, engraved map with contemporary hand colouring, 345 x 275mm (7)


203 Surrey & Sussex. Jansson (Jan), Surria vernacule Surrey [and] Suthsexia vernacule Sussex, published Amsterdam, circa 1648, two engraved maps with contemporary hand colouring, some oxidisation causing slight cracking to image, some overall staining, each approximately 385 x 505mm, Latin text on verso (2)



204 Surrey. Bowen (Emjanuel), An Accurate Map of the County of Surrey; Divided into its hundreds; Drawn from late surveys and illustrated with various additional improvements..., published Carington Bowles and Robert Sayer, circa 1764, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, large uncoloured decorative cartouche, slight toning, 530 x 715mm (1)

Lot 202



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205 Tallis (John, publisher). A collection of seventy-four maps, circa 1850, engraved maps with contemporary outline colouring, several duplicates, each approximately 350 x 250mm, various condition The maps comprise of :-Islands in the Atlantic, Southern Italy (2), Northern Italy, Austria (2), Prussia (2), Greece (2), British Possessions in the Mediterranean (2), France, Belgium (2), Denmark (2), Sweden and Norway (2), Holland (2), Germany (2), The Crimea, Independent Tartary (2), Hungary (2), Turkey in Asia (2), Turkey in Europe (3), Asia Minor (2), Western Africa (2), Northern Africa, West India Islands, Mexico California and Texas, North America, British America, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland (2), West Canada (2), East Canada and New Brunswick (2), Jamaica, Peru & Bolivia (2), Central America, Venezuela New Granada Equador and the Guayanas, British Guayana, Falkland Islands and Patagonia (2), Isthmus of Panama, Japan & Corea, Thibet Mongolia and Mandchouria, New South Wales (2), Western Australia Swan River, Part of South Australia (2), Victoria or Port Phillip, Van Diemen’s Island or Tasmania, Polynesia Islands in the Pacific Ocean, British India, Cabool The Punjab and Beloochistan, Northern India (2), Persia [and] Syria (2). (74) £500-800

Lot 205

207* Worcestershire & Warwickshire. Blaeu (Johannes), Wigorniensis comitatus et comitatus Warwicensis; nec non Coventrae Libertas. Worcester, Warwik Shire and the Liberty of Coventre, published Amsterdam, [1662], engraved map with bright contemporary outline colouring, one rust mark to image, 410 x 505mm, mounted, framed and glazed, together with Morden (Robert), Warwickshire [1695 or later], hand coloured engraved map, 365 x 425mm, mounted, framed and glazed (2)


206* Warwickshire. Speed (John), The Counti of Warwick. The shire towne and citie of Coventre described, published John Sudbury & George Humble [1627], hand coloured engraved map, inset town plans of Warwick and Coventry, occasional repaired marginal closed tears, central fold partially strengthened on verso, 380 x 510mm, English text on verso, framed and double glazed, together with Hollar (Wenceslaus), The Ground plott of Warwick circa 1754, etched plan with sparse hand colouring, 175 x 225mm, mounted, framed and glazed (2)


208* Worcestershire. Smith (William), Vigorniensis vulgo Worcestershire comitatus descriptio..., published John Overton and Peter Stent, [1670 or later], hand coloured engraved map, three large strap work cartouches, slight creasing and toning, 355 x 465mm, mounted, framed and glazed (1)

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209 World. A collection of twenty maps, 19th century, engraved maps, on a hemispheral and Mercator’s projection, several with contemporary outline colouring, including examples by Dower, Bell, Aikman, Hughes and J & C Walker, various sizes and condition (20)


212 World. Munster (Sebastian), Figura del Mondo Universale, Basel [1558 or later], uncoloured woodblock map, some water staining, 265 x 350mm, Italian text on verso (1)


210 World. Bellin (Jacques Nicolas), Carte reduite du Globe Terrestre, published Paris, circa 1764, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, some overall toning, 230 x 350mm Originally published in ‘Le Petit Atlas Maritime’. (1)


213 World. Chatelain (Henry Abraham), MappeMonde ou Description Generale du Globe Terrestre, circa 1740, uncoloured engraved hemispheral projection of the world, text below map describes various geographical and cartographic terms, 335 x 435mm (1)

214 World. Coronelli (Vicenzo Maria), Aevi veteris usque ad annum salutis non agesium supra milles quadringentos cogniti tantum typus geographic, Venice, circa 1695, uncoloured engraved hemispheral map of the ancient world, signs of the zodiac to margins, occasional marginal fraying and one small hole but not affecting image, 455 x 615mm

211 World. Mallet (Alain Manesson), Continent Meridional Austral ou Antarctique, published Paris, [1683], uncoloured engraved map of the South Pole, showing all of Australia, South America and South Africa, letterpress title above map ‘Des Terres Australes Figure CVII’, 155 x 110mm, French text on verso, together with another copy similar, plus Ancien Continent, Paris, [1683], uncoloured engraving of the western hemisphere, 145 x 105mm, with another copy similar, and Isles de Salomon, Paris, [1683], uncoloured engraved map, letterpress title above map ‘Des Terres Australes Figure CX’, 150 x 105mm, French text on verso, with Nouvelle Guinée et Carpentarie, Paris, [1683], uncoloured engraved map, letterpress title above map ‘Des Terres Australes Figure CVII’, 160 x 120mm, French text on verso (6)






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215 Yorkshire. Blaeu (Johannes), Ducatus Eboracensis Anglice Yorshire, Ducatus Eboracensis pars orientalis. The East Riding of Yorkshire, Ducatus Eboracensis pars occidentalis. The West Riding of Yorkshire [and] Eboracensis pars borealis. The North Riding of Yorkshire, published Amsterdam, circa 1648, set of four engraved maps with bright contemporary outline colouring, each approximately 390 x 510mm, Dutch text on verso, together with the title page from the source atlas with bright contemporary hand colouring, heightened in gilt

217 Yorkshire. Blome (Richard), The North Ridinge of Yorkshire [and] A Mapp of ye East Rideing of Yorkshire with its Wapontakes circa 1673, two hand coloured engraved maps, 255 x 310mm and 230 x 285mm respectively, together with Saxton (Christopher & Hole William), Eboracensis comitatus pars septentrionalis vulgo North Riding [and] Eboracensis comitatus...., pars orientalis vulgo East Riding, [1610], two hand coloured engraved maps, the East Riding with some repaired marginal closed tears, 195 x 340mm and 195 x 250mm respectively, with Blome (Richard), A Generall Mapp of Yorkshire [1715], engraved map with contemporary hand colouring, 195 x 275mm, plus Moll (Herman), The West Riding of York Shire [1724], hand coloured engraved map, toned overall, 190 x 315mm, and Morden (Robert), The West Riding of Yorkshire, [1708], uncoloured engraved map, old folds, 170 x 220mm, together with Seller (John), Yorkshire, [1701], hand coloured engraved map, 125 x 165mm, with another eight engraved maps of Yorkshire Ridings, including examples by Kitchin/Jefferys, Osborne, Moll, Morden and Kitchin, various sizes and condition

A clean and bright set of Blaeu’s suite of the four maps of Yorkshire, together with the title page. (5) £200-300



218 Yorkshire. A mixed collection of 147 county maps, 19th century, engraved maps of Yorkshire and the three ridings, including examples by Wilkes, Hall, Wallis, Perrot, Hodgson, Miller, Leigh, Moule, Archer, Cole & Roper, Fullarton, Ramble, Becker, Baker, Capper, Neele and Lewis, many duplicates and editions of some maps, various sizes and condition, contained in two modern ring binders (147)

216 Yorkshire. Jansson (Jan), Ducatus Eboracensis Anglice Yorkshire, Ducatus Eboracensis pars occidentalis. The West Riding of Yorkshire, Ducatus Eboracensis pars orientalis. The East Riding of Yorkshire [and] Ducatus Eboracensis pars borealis. The North Riding of Yorkshire, published Amsterdam, [1646], the set of four engraved maps of Yorkshire, all with contemporary outline colouring, some overall toning, each approximately 385 x 495mm, Latin text on verso, together with the title page from the source atlas, title page with closed tear and some toning and spotting and a small collector’s ink stamp to margin (5)

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220 Yorkshire. Dix (Thomas), A new map of the County of York divided into its Ridings with their subdivisions, exhibiting the whole of the mail, direct and principal cross roads, navigable canals, rivers &c. &c., published William Darton, 1830, engraved map with contemporary hand colouring, sectionalised and laid on linen, uncoloured vignette of the ‘South east view of York’, table of the principal hills, list of the Wapentakes and of the Market towns and their market days, 590 x 720mm, contained in a contemporary marbled card slipcase with printed label to upper board, worn and frayed, together with Coltman (Nathaniel), Laurie & Whittle’s New Map of the County of York laid down from astronomical observations as published in the Philosophical Transactions..., published Laurie & Whittle, 1809, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, sectionalised and laid on linen, some dust soiling, 525 x 675mm, marbled endpapers, contained in a contemporary marbled card slipcase with printed label to upper board, worn and frayed, with Langdale (Thomas), Yorkshire for the Topographical Dictionary, published Ripon, 1822, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, sectionalised and laid on linen, dust soiled, 325 x 405mm, marbled endpapers, bound with a triangular mileage table, bound in contemporary cloth gilt boards, plus Bowen (Emanuel), An accurate map of the county of York divided into its Ridings and subdivided into Wapontakes..., published J & C Bowles and Robert Sayer, circa 1777, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, sectionalised and laid on linen, 535 x 710mm, and Greenwood (C. & J.), Map of the North Riding of the County of York from an actual survey..., 1834, uncoloured engraved map, sectionalised and laid on linen, engraved vignette of York Minster, dust soiled and with some offsetting, 610 x 770mm, cloth endpapers

219 Yorkshire. Knox (Robert), A Map of the Country round Scarborough in the North & East Ridings of Yorkshire from actual Trigonometrical Survey with Topographical, Geological and Antiquarian Descriptions, Scarborough, 1821, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, sectionalised and laid on linen, engraved by A.Findlay, dust soiled, one closed tear to linen repaired on verso, 595 x 605mm, marbled end papers, contained in publisher’s marbled card slipcase with printed label to upper board, rubbed and worn, together with another later copy from 1849, with the addition of geological strata, bound in near contemporary green cloth boards, with Cruchley (G. F., publisher), Map of 40 miles round Leeds, circa 1870, engraved map with contemporary outline colouring, sectionalised and laid on linen, 980 x 1250mm, marbled endpapers, bound in contemporary morocco gilt boards, worn and frayed at extremities, plus Plan of the Borough of Kingston upon Hull shewing Municipal Boundary as defined by act of 1882 also ward bounderies settled in pursuance of the said act, 1882, large lithographic map with contemporary outline colouring, sectionalised and laid on linen, 820 x 1295mm, bound in contemporary blue gilt cloth boards, stained, and Richmond (George, publisher), New Map round Halifax from the Ordnance Survey, published Birmingham, circa 1880, large lithographic map with contemporary outline colouring, sectionalised and laid on linen, 1025 x 1285mm, marbled endpapers, bound in contemporary cloth boards with red gilt morocco label to upper board (5)




Lot 220 221 Yorkshire. Saxton (Christopher & Lea Philip,), York - Shire described by Ch:Saxton. Many additions and Corrections as ye Roads, Wapentakes &c. by P.Lea, [1693], uncoloured engraved map on two sheets not conjoined, upper margin partially trimmed with small area of loss to strapwork margin, each sheet approximately 530 x 370mm (2)



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DECORATIVE PRINTS & ORIGINAL ART All lots unframed unless otherwise stated 222* Acrobat. Houston (Richard), [Anthony Maddox], published John Smith & Robert Sayer, circa 1751, uncoloured half length mezzotint on laid after Thomas King, ten lines of verse describing the artist below image, with margins, 350 x 255mm Anthony Maddox was a slack-wire acrobat. His debut season at Sadlers Wells was in 1751 and his ability as an acrobat was immediately apparent. Whilst the wire was swinging he would balance his hat on his chin, whilst playing the violin. He would lie on the wire or stand on his head and balance full wine glasses and then conclude his act by dancing the hornpipe. Contemporary engravings suggest that it was the ability to pass a straw from foot to face and back again that most caught the public imagination. His extraordinary success allowed him to retire in 1754. (1) £100-200

223* Actors. Park (Thomas), Mrs Jordan in the character of the comic muse; Supported by Euphrosyne who represses the advances of a Satyr, published T. Park, 1787, uncoloured full length mezzotint on laid after J. Hoppner, trimmed to plate mark, 650 x 460mm, together with Walker (James), A scene in Cymbeline, published James Walker, 1783, uncoloured mezzotint on laid after Edward Penny, good margins, 500 x 550mm, with Ward (J.), Wm. Henry West Betty, aetatis suae 13, published Mr Betty at Messrs. Colnaghi & Co., 1805, uncoloured half length mezzotint on laid after J. Northcote, good margins, 375 x 275mm, plus Van Bleeck (Peter), Griffin & Johnson in the characters of Tribulation and Ananias Act 3d scene 2d, 1738, uncoloured mezzotint on laid, repaired closed tears to lower left margin, 480 x 310mm, good margins, and Smith (John), Anthony Leigh or the Spanish Fryer, published John Smith, circa 1690, uncoloured mezzotint, trimmed to image, mounted, framed and glazed

Lot 222


224* Art Deco. Three watercolours on card by D.H. Piffard, circa 1920s, each showing a seated woman in typical deco dress, each signed, card size 36.5 x 26.5cm (14.25 x 10.25ins), unframed

Lot 223


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Lot 225

Lot 227 226 Artists’ Sketchbooks. A group of seven albums of watercolours by B. Foley, circa 1880s, including views, buildings and coastal scenes in Wales, Sussex, Guernsey, etc., a total of over 200 watercolour drawings and pen and pencil sketches, some back to back, one larger album with ownership inscription of H. Ethelston Nightingale, dated 23 August, 1887, containing approximately 60 (mostly monochrome) watercolours and drawings including two of Sydney, Australia, sizes approximately 24 x 30 cm and smaller, some drawings loosely inserted, the remaining six albums all approximately 12 x 20 cm, all with some wear, oblong 8vo/oblong folio, plus a small album of window-mounted snapshots of London, etc., plus Illustrations by H.C. Selous of Hereward the Wake by Charles Kingsley, Art-Union of London, 1870, plus a small group of reproduction prints

225* Artist and Writers. Green (Valentine), Inigo Jones..., published J. Boydell, 1775, small mezzotint on wove after Van Dyke, thread margins, 180 x 130mm, together with Watson (James), Mr Bartolozzi, 1785, uncoloured half length portrait on laid after Sir Joshua Reynolds, scratch letter proof, title added in near contemporary ink manuscript, small margins, 380 x 280mm, with Esplens (John & Charles), George Heriot, Jeweller to King James VI who besides founding & endowing his stately hospital at Edin. bequeath’d to his relations above sixty thousand pounds..., 1743, uncoloured mezzotint on laid after John Scougal, trimmed to image with slight fraying, some marginal repaired closed tears, laid on archival paper, 350 x 235mm, plus Lebenck (Petrus), Godfridus Kneller Germanus in aula Brittanica pictor veré regius..., circa 1720, small uncoloured mezzotint on laid, small margins, 240 x 175mm, and Turner (Charles), J M W Turner, circa 1820, uncoloured half length mezzotint on india laid, showing the artist in profile with a sketch book, good margins, 430 x 330mm, with one other similar (6)

(a carton)


227* Australia. Westmacott (Robert), View from Bourke’s Pass on the Maneero Range, Road near Portland Head, The Bourke Falls Illawarra, Illawarra Lake, River Nepean near Menangle Ford [and] Sydney Cove Goat Island Darling Harbour, circa 1848, together six lithographs, some spotting, lacking boards and spine each approximately 210 x 300mm




228* Barratt (Mychael, 20th century). A Mad Tea Party, colour print, numbered, titled and signed in pencil at foot, 34 x 29.5cm (13.25 x 11.75ins) mount aperture, framed and glazed, limited edition 80/150, together with Curiouser and Curiouser, colour print, numbered, titled and signed in pencil at foot, sheet size 25 x 20cm (9.75 x 8ins), framed and glazed, limited edition 50/150 (2)

Lot 226 65


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229* Besler (Basilius). Colutea Vesicaria..., Helichryson Creticum..., Caryophyllus sylvestris... & Nepetella, [from Hortus Eystettensis, 1613], together 4 large folio hand-coloured botanical copper engravings on laid paper, with watermark of a pine cone within an armorial shield, printed without text to verso, each titled in Latin below the image, with contemporary manuscript translations into German below each caption, in brown ink, with margins, generally in good condition, the Caryophyllus with some offset text to the image, sheet size 55 x 41cm (21.6 x 16.1ins) or very similar

Lot 230

The Colutea Tree, Cretan Daisy, Carnation and Catmint from Beslar’s Hortus Eystettensis, or Garden of Eichstatt, first published in 1613. The watermark of a pine cone within an armorial shield present on these sheets may represent the arms of Augsburg, which suggests that production of these plates was undertaken in the workshop of Wolfgang Kilian in Augsburg (see David Paisey, Review of Nicholas Barker’s Hortus Eystettensis, The Library, 6th series, volume 17, pages 365-368). (4) £400-600

230* Bonington (Richard Parkes, 1802-1828). La Tour du Marché, Bergues, Vue Generale de l’Eglise de St. Gervais et St. Protais a Gisors, Croix de Moulin les Planches, Eglise St. Sauveur Caen, Rue du Gros-Horloge Rouen, & Elne, circa 1824, six uncoloured lithograph views by Bonington, the first listed (Bergues) on chine appliqué, the second and third on chine collé, sheet size 52.5 x 37cm (20.5 x 14.5ins), and smaller, each mounted (6)


231* Botanical. A collection of approximately 170 lithographs, originally published in ‘The Garden’, circa 1885 - 1900, chromolithographs, some spotting, each 295 x 225mm (approx.170)


Lot 231

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233* Braun (Georg, and Hogenberg, Frans). Palatium Regium in Angliae Regno appellatum Nonciutz hoc est nusquam simile, [1582 or later], uncoloured engraving by George Hoefnagel of Nonsuch Palace with costumed figures below image, slight overall toning, 320 x 445mm, mounted, framed and glazed Nonsuch Palace was built by Henry VIII in Surrey. It stood from 1538 only to be demolished in 1683. Its site lies in Nonsuch Park on the boundaries of the borough of Epsom and Ewell in Surrey. The civil war and the victory of the Parliamentarians saw the palace and estate confiscated by the state and given to General Thomas Pride who held it until his death in 1658. After the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 the palace was returned to Charles II who in 1670 gave it to his mistress, Barbara, Countess of Castlemaine. Sadly she had it pulled down around 1683 and sold off the building materials to pay gambling debts. (1) £100-200

234* British topographical views. A good mixed collection of approximately 230 prints and engravings, 18th & 19th century, engravings and lithographs, including examples by Prior, Hawkins, Lupton, Byrne, King, Newman, Medland, Lee, Hollar, Childs, Brandard, Moody, Wallis, Rogers, Finden, Wallis, Monkhouse, Tombleson, Cooke and Westall, together with a T. Nelson & Sons ‘Guide Book to Views in Cambridge’, circa 1870, and a Rock & Co. guide book to the ‘Views of the Colleges and Halls of Cambridge’ circa 1850, and ‘A Visitor’s Guide to Bognor and its Vicinity’, published R. Holmden, 1851,, each containing numerous engraved and lithographic plates, various sizes and condition (approx.230)


232* Boys (Thomas Shotter, 1803-1874). St. Paul’s from Ludgate Hill (from Original Views of London As It Is), circa 1842, handcoloured lithograph, image size 44 x 31cm (17.25 x 12.2ins), with margins, framed and glazed, together with L’Hotel de Ville, Arras, Porte Rouge, Notre Dame, & Rue des Marmousets, Paris, Byloke, Ghent & South Porch of Chartres Cathedral, together four handcoloured lithographs, circa 1840, similar sizes, two framed and glazed, and two mounted, plus another colour lithograph by T.S. Boys of the Rue des Marmousets, Paris, and three uncoloured lithograph views of Hotel de Ville, St. Omer, Eglise St. Laurent, Rouen, and one other, all mounted (9)


235* Broadside. View of the Grand Fleet, Under the Command of Admiral Lord Hood (Sir Hyde Parker, Knt. Captain of the Fleet) As they now lie at Spithead with the respective station of each ship in their proper divisions and under their respective Commanders as they are expected to be reviewed by His Majesty..., published J. Stead, Gosport, 1791, hand coloured broadside, slight creasing, occasional marginal repaired closed tears and creasing, 305 x 370mm (1)


236* Brooke (Leonard Leslie, 1862-1940). “Potted Buoy”, Illustration to “Potted Buoy” 2, and “Potted Girl”, Illustration to “Potted Buoy” 3, together a pair of pen and ink drawings on artist board (with Turnbull’s Bristol Boards blind stamp to one corner of each), both captioned and initialled, 29 x 36.5cm (11.25 x 14.5ins) and 36.5 x 28.5cm (14.25 x 11.25ins) respectively, both mounted, framed and glazed (2)

Lot 233 67


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238* Colston (Marianne, active 1819-1821 ). Eight monochrome prints on wove paper, showing Swiss waterfalls, including ‘The Fall of Griefsbach on the Lake of Brienze in the Canton of Berne, October 5 1820’, 47 x 32cm (18.5 x 12.5ins), together with a collection of prints including two harbour view engravings after Claude Loraine 19 x 25cm (7.5 x 10ins), four 20th century Chinese watercolours on paper, showing birds, flowers and figures, each with red seal mark, 39 x 29cm (15.25 x 11.5ins), Cheesman (C, 20th century), ‘The Valley of a thousand Hills from “The Studio” Botha’s Hill”‘, hand coloured panoramic print, 20x 96cm (8 x 37.5ins), framed and glazed, various charcoal drawings, 18th century caricatures and other works (40)


239* Cuneo (Terence, 1907-1996). Giants Refreshed. LNER quad royal poster, printed by Waterlow & Sons Ltd, circa 1950, colour lithographic poster featuring the A4 Class locomotive Sir Ronald Matthews and the A2 Class Owen Tudor, original folds, 101 x 126cm, excellent condition

237* Churchill (Henry Adrian). ‘Castle of Khoshab, stronghold of Khan Abdel, one of the chief murderers of the Nestorians, - in the district of the Mahmoodee’, circa 1870, watercolour signed by artist to lower right, caption on verso of frame, 275 x 420mm, mounted, framed and glazed



Churchill (1828 - 1886) was archaeologist and explorer of the Turco-Persian borderlands. Other drawings by him can be found in the British Museum and the Royal Geological Society. (1) £100-150

Lot 238

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Lot 239


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242* Dorigny (Nicolas). Mercurius uocalis deus ex louis mandato deos omnes ad concionem conucat de Cupidinis ac Psyches coniugio sententiam laturi [and] Louis mandato Psyche per Mercurium arrepta ab ipso in Coelum perducitur ad nuptias cum suo Cupidine, [1693], two hand coloured engravings after Raphael each approximately 380 x 660mm, uniformally mounted, framed and glazed, together with Hulsbergh (H.), The North prospect of Cliefden House..., [and] The West front of Cliefden House..., circa 1725, two hand coloured engraved architectural propspects after Colin Campbell, each approximately 260 x 495mm, uniformally mounted, framed and glazed, with another uncoloured copy of ‘The West front of Cliefden House..., mounted framed and glazed, plus Sullivan (Luke), A view of Cliefden in Buckinghamshire..., published John Bowles, Carington Bowles, Robert Sayer & John Boydell, [1759], hand coloured engraving, slight surface abrasion, 365 x 510mm, framed and glazed in a good 19th century gilt gesso frame (6)


240* Daniell (William, 1769-1837). Twelve colour aquatint views from A Voyage Round Great Britain, undertaken in the summer of the year 1813, and commencing from the Lands-end in Cornwall, 1814-26, 12 hand-coloured aquantint views only, including Whitehaven, Cumberland, Lord Henry Seymour’s Castle, Peel Castle, Lancashire, View near Lower Heysham, Lancashire, Mr. Nash’s Castle, Mary Port, Cumberland, Lancaster Castle, Steam boat on the Clyde near Dumbarton, Black marble Quarry near Red Wharf Bay, Anglesey, distant view of Whitehaven, Scar, Westmoreland, & Harrington, near Whitehaven, Cumberland, one or two with light offsetting from printed text, generally in good condition, sheet size 25.5 x 36.5cm (10.4 x 14.3ins) (12)


241* Dodwell (Samuel, 1909-1990). Rear view of seated female nude, charcoal on paper, signed lower left, 42 x 28.5cm (16.5 x 11ins), mounted, framed and glazed (1)


243* Edinburgh. A collection of twenty views of Edinburgh, 18th & 19th century, engravings and lithographs, one with hand colouring, including examples by Roberts, Dupressoir, Clarke, Prior, Heawood and West, occasional duplicates, various sizes and condition (20)

Lot 242 69


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244* Female portraits. [Green (Valentine), Elisabeth Lady Nuneham, circa 1780], uncoloured full length mezzotint on laid after Peter Falconet, small margins, 610 x 385mm, together with Corbutt (C. pseud. Richard Purcell), Georgiana Countess Spencer & her daughter the Honble. Miss Georgiana Spencer, circa 1760, uncoloured half length portrait on laid after J.Reynolds, small margins, 385 x 275mm, with McArdell (James), Lady George Lennox, circa 1760, uncoloured half length portrait on laid after A. Ramsay, thread margins, 330 x 230mm, plus Faber (John), [Shepherdess, circa 1750], uncoloured half length mezzotint on laid after Henry Pickering, proof before title and letters, small margins, 355 x 250mm, and Watson (J.), Lady Erskine, published Carington Bowles, circa 1780, uncoloured half length mezzotint on laid after A. Ramsay, thread margins, 355 x 255mm, with Watson (James), The Dutchess of Mazareen & Count Colbert in the characters of Verumnus and Pomona..., published J. Boydell, 1777, uncoloured mezzotint on laid after Gaspard Netscher, small margins, 500 x 355mm, plus, Smith (J.), The most Illustrious Princess Sophia Electrice Dowager of Brunswick, successor to ye crown of England &c. after Her Majesty Queen Ann & her Royal Issue, circa 1720, uncoloured half length mezzotint on laid, good margins, old collector’s ink stamp to lower margin, 350 x 250mm, mounted (7)

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)

245* Female portraits. Watson (James), [Mary (née Heblethwayte) Lady Boynton, published Robt. Sayer, 1770], uncoloured full length mezzotint on laid after Francis Cotes, trimmed to image, central horizontal fold, slight creasing, 630 x 385mm, together with Green (Valentine), The Right Honble. Lady Betty Delmé, W. Richardson, 1790, uncoloured full length mezzotint after Sir Joshua Reynolds, good margins, laid on later card, 630 x 385mm, with Smith (John), Serenissima Maria Beatrix G. G. Angliae Scotiae Franciae et Hiberniae Regina &c., sold by Alex Brown, [1686 or later], uncoloured oval portrait on wove after N. de Langillierre, trimmed to plate mark, 345 x 250mm, mounted (3)




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246* Foreign topographical views. A mixed collection of approximately eighty topographical views, mostly 19th century, engraved and lithographic views, including scenes in Hong Kong, Australasia, St. Helena, North America and Europe, various sizes and conditon (approx.80)


247* France. Cochin (Charles Nicolas & Le Blas Jacques Phillipe), le Port de Rochefort vue du magasin des colonie..., [and] Vue de la ville et du port de Bayonne..., [1760 - 1780], two large hand coloured engravings, slight staining, slight fraying to lower margin, each approximately 535 x 740mm Originally published in ‘Les ports de France’ after Claude Joseph Vernet. A suite of eighteen engravings of the principal ports of France after Claude-Joseph Vernet and commissioned by Louis XV. Vernet spent twelve years travelling around the Mediterranean, Atlantic and Channel. The king had specifically requested that the artist show off the economic activities and maritime strength of France, which Vernet did to much acclaim. The majority of the paintings are now held in the Musée de la Marine in Paris. (2) £200-300


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248* Glass paintings. Purcell (Richard), Domestick Amusement, The lovely spinner, published Henry Park, circa 1770, colour mezzotint on glass after Heilmann, 355 x 255mm, near contemporary stained wood frame, together with P. Rapin de Thoyras, circa 1770, line engraving on glass in the manner of Houbraken, 325 x 220mm, framed (2)

251* Hurry (Leslie, 1909-1978). Costume design for Diomedes, played by David Buck, in a production of Troilus & Cressida by William Shakespeare, directed by Peter Hall, at the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon, 1960, pen, coloured inks, and watercolour, on paper, titled and signed lower right, some light spotting and marks, 38 x 17.5cm (15 x 7ins), mounted, framed and glazed, together with another original costume design by Leslie Hurry, pen and coloured inks on paper, depicting two Young Aristocrats, additionally inscribed ‘Fiorinelli’ and ‘Mr. R. Williams’, 37 x 25cm (14.5 x 10ins), mounted, framed and glazed, plus another semi-abstract design by the same artist, pen, coloured inks, and watercolour, signed and dated 72, 17.5 x 30.5cm (7 x 12ins), mounted, framed and glazed


249* Holy Land. A collection of approximately 280 prints, mostly 19th century, engravings and lithographs of the Middle East and the Holy Land, including examples by Bartlett, Turner, Finden and Adlard, occasional duplicates, various sizes and condition (approx.280)


Leslie Hurry was a British artist and set designer for ballet, theatre and opera. He was born in London, the son of a St. John’s Wood undertaker. Preferring not to go into the family business, he won a scholarship to the Royal Academy Schools. His long and distinguished association with the theatre began in 1942 when dancer and choreographer, Robert Helpmann, saw Hurry’s work in a London exhibition and commissioned him to produce designs for a production of ‘Hamlet’ to be staged by Sadler’s Wells Ballet Company. Hurry’s work is marked by a fluency of line and meticulous detail, leaning towards fantasy with a strong vein of the macabre. (3) £200-300

250* Hunt (George). Approach to Christmas, circa 1850, aquatint after James Pollard, contemporary hand colouring, trimmed to image, 375 x 520mm, framed and glazed, together with Harris (J.), The Olden Time, published Messrs. Fores, 1846 [but 20th century impression], hand coloured aquatint after C. C. Henderson, 510 x 710mm, framed and glazed, with Merigot (M.), Funeral procession of the late Lord Viscount Nelson..., published James Cundee, 1806, aquatint after G. A. Pugin, contemporary hand colouring, margins frayed and chipped, toned, 390 x 450mm, with another thirty prints and engravings including railways, topographical views, coaching, classical and religion, various sizes and condition (33)

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254* Indian School. Indian Temple, 19th century, watercolour on card, showing figures bathing in a river before a large temple, unsigned, 55 x 65cm (21.75 x 25.5ins), framed and glazed (mildew damage and tears) together with a mixed collection of watercolours, oil paintings and prints including a mid 19th century oil on board signed ‘Morton’ showing a prehistoric rock formation, contemporarily inscribed verso ‘Arthur Hone Dusstone?’, 23.5 x 28.5 (9.25 x 11.25ins), an Indian silk cloth, circa 1920s, printed with a profile of The Maharajah of Kapurthala, 28 x 29cm (11 x 11ins), framed and glazed and other items (28)


252* India. Home (R.), [Select Views in Mysore], 1794, twenty-eight (of 29) uncoloured engraved topographical views, some spotting and marginal dust soiling, disbound with plates only, lacking all text, each plate approximately 210 x 280mm Sold as a collection of plates, not subject to return. (28)


253* Indian miniatures. Lord Krishna herding cows, with attendant Gopis, 20th century, pen, ink and gouache on paper, heightened with gold, 16.5 x 25cm (6.5 x 9.75ins) mount aperture, framed and glazed, together with portrait of a nobleman, 20th century, pen, ink and gouache on paper, heightened in gold, 19 x 11.5cm (7.5 x 4.5ins) mount aperture, framed and glazed, plus Still life of lotus flowers, fruit and butterflies, 20th century, pen, ink and watercolour on paper within decorative borders, image 17.5 x 10.5cm (6.75 x 4.25ins), framed and glazed (3)


255* Indian school. Mughal court scene, 20th century, pen and ink and gouache heightened with gold on fine cloth, depicting a ruler seated within an elaborate arched tower before a fountain and numerous courtiers, broad foliate border enclosing 6 additional figures, some rubbing in places, paint-smudge in border, 80 x 54.5cm, mounted, together with Indian school, Full-length portrait of a musician playing a stringed instrument with bow, 20th century, ink and wash heighted with bodycolour on sized thick yellow paper, sheet size 26.2 x 18.2cm, image size 20.3 x 12.3cm, mounted (2)


256* Italy and the Alps. Dent du Mocles, from Bex, Switzerland, by James Fraser Redgrave (1823-1894), 1841, watercolour, inscribed and dated by artist to verso, 22.5 x 38.5cm, period polished bird's-eye maplewood frame, together with 11 other Victorian Alpine watercolours by artists including George Belsher, A. Linnell, P.M. Shortt, H. Faith, various sizes, some unsigned, all framed and glazed

Lot 254




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257* Italy and the Alps. A group of approx. 100 original watercolours by Mary Frances Wicksteed, relating to tours in Italy and the Alps, Austria and Switzerland in 1875, 1876, 1880 & 1887, mostly rural scenes with mountainous backdrops, subjects include Lakes Lugano, Maggiore, Como, plus Vesuvius, Ober Alp See, Matterhorn, Siplugen Pass, Rhone Glacier, Bologna, views around Rome, Rissel Alp, Leukmanier Pass, Val Bregaglia, Zermatt, Thusis, etc., approx. 25 x 18 cm and smaller, the majority captioned in pen or pencil and dated to mounts beneath in the artist's holograph, but all unsigned, together with a group of approximately 50 further watercolour sketches by Wicksteed of tours in Scotland and Wales, circa 1870s, some watercolours mounted as multiples on modern mounts and some in original album remains Mary Frances Wicksteed was a governess and companion to three generations of the Philips and Trevelyan families, originally employed by Robert Needham Philips (18151890), MP for Bury, Lancashire, for twenty-two years. (approx. 150) ÂŁ300-500

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Lot 259 258* Kincaid (Eric, 20th century). “Alice”, circa 1988, pencil and watercolour on paper, two images on one sheet each signed beneath 24 x 7.5cm (9.5 x 3ins) mount aperture, framed and glazed, together with two framed costume studies for the White Rabbit, and King and Queen of Hearts, from Wilfred Joseph’s children’s opera Alice in Wonderland at Harrogate Theatre, 1990, pen, ink and watercolour studies on paper, and two others (5)


259* Kings Lynn. Buck (Samuel & Nathaniel), The East prospect of Lynn-Regis in the county of Norfolk, 1741 [but from the 1774 edition published by Robert Sayer], uncoloured engraved panorama, slight creasing, occasional marginal repaired closed tears, 310 x 810mm, framed and glazed (1)


261* Martin (John, 1789-1854, after). The Paphian Bower, published F. G. Moon, 1826, uncoloured mezzotint by G. H. Phillips, 465 x 600mm, framed and glazed in a good 19th century gilt moulding, together with The Last Judgement, published Thomas McLean, 1857, uncoloured mixed method engraving by Charles Mottram, several holes in margins, slight surface arasion, slight staining, 770 x 1070mm, framed and glazed, with The Great Day of his Wrath, published Thomas McLean, 1857, uncoloured mixed method engraving by Charles Mottram, slight overall toning, slight dust soiling to margins, 690 x 970mm, framed and glazed, plus The Plains of Heaven, published Thomas McLean, 1857, uncoloured mixed method engraving by Charles Mottram, two holes in margins, one small hole to image, toned overall, 670 x 980mm, framed and glazed (4)

260* London. A mixed collection of twenty-eight prints of London and the River Thames, 18th & 19th century, including examples by Bartlett, Basire, Weller, Vue d’optique, Le Petit, Newton, Shury, Tombleson, Cooke. Godfrey and Miller, occasional duplicates, various sizes and condition (33)




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262* Mezzotint portraits. A mixed collection of eleven engravings, late 18th & early 19th century, full and half length mezzotints of clergymen, politicians, freemasons, aristocracy and royalty, including examples by James Watson, Charles Turner, John Dixson, William Ward, Robert Dighton, John Murphy, Henry Cousins and Samuel William Reynolds, two duplicates, various sizes and condition (11)


263* Michell (Keith, born 1928). The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, ink and watercolour, signed lower left, 35.5 x 50.5cm (14 x 19.75ins) mount aperture, framed and glazed (1)


264* Military. Watson (James), The Right Honble. John Manners, Marquis of Granby, one of His Majesties most honourable Privy Council, Colonel of His Majesties Royal Regiment of Horse Guards, Commander in Chief of His Majesties forces and Master General of the Ordnance &c. &c., Ryland Bryer & Co., circa 1785, uncoloured full length mezzotint on laid after Joshua Reynolds, some marginal closed tears and fraying, repaired on verso, slight abrasion to printed surface, small margins, 610 x 460mm, together with, Turner (Charles), General Sir Charles Asgill Bart..., published C. Turner, 1822, uncoloured half length mezzotint on laid after T. Phillips, slight toning and spotting, good margins, 505 x 355mm, with [Meyer (Henry], [Thomas Graham, Baron Lyndeoch, circa 1820], uncoloured mezzotint, proof before title and letters, good margins, backed with later paper, 505 x 350mm, plus Ward (James), His most Gracious Majesty George the Third on his favourite charger Adonis, J. P. Thompson, 1811, uncoloured full length mezzotint on wove after Sir William Beechey, small margins, 715 x 560mm, and Say (William), His Royal Highness William Frederick Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh &c. &c. &c. published William Say, 1807, uncoloured full length mezzotint after Sir William Beechey, thread margins, laid on modern card, some abrasion to printed surface, 715 x 450mm

Lot 262



265* After George Morland (1763-1804). The Frighten’d Horse, 1804, fine hand-coloured mezzotint by E. Bell after George Morland, published by Edward Orme, January 1, 1804, a few minor marks to lower margin (generally in very good condition), plate size 40 x 30cm (15.75 x 11.75ins), with margins, framed and glazed (1)


266* Mortimer (John Hamilton, 1740-1779). Five Shakespearian Portraits, etchings on wove paper comprising, York, Cassandra, Caliban, Beatrice and Edgar, 39 x 31cm (15.25 x 12.25ins), some trimmed, spotting and staining, an album of 18th century engravings and drawings including anatomical sketches of boys and an elderly man, captioned ‘Creed’, a framed group of caricatures representing works by the Jules Romains but circa 1980s, 26 x 28cm (10.25 x 11ins), framed and glazed, Nicoll (Jean), Westmorland Barn 1956, monochrome engraving, signed, dated and titles in margin, framed and glazed and other items (17)

Lot 264

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268* New Guinea & The East Indies. A collection of fifteen views, circa 1850, fifteen lithographs and engravings after Le Breton, Sainson, Garneray and Paris, showing topographical views, genre, buildings and boats, one with contemporary hand colouring, all with a blindstamp to lower margin, occasional duplicates, each approximately 225 x 375mm (15)

269* New York. New York from Bergen Hill: Hoboken, published Illustrated London News, 19th August, 1876, uncoloured panorama, old folds, slight creasing, slight spotting, 520 x 1165mm, supplied with single sheet key plate, together with Currier & Ives (publisher), The Great East River Suspension Bridge. Connecting the Cities of New York and Brooklyn, published New York, 1881, lithograph with sparse hand colouring, trimmed to neatline on upper margin, several repaired closed tears and some abrasion affecting image, 265 x 330mm

267* Naval and maritime. Green (Valentine), The Right Honble. Lord Hood, Admiral of the Blue and Commander in Chief of His Majesty’s Fleet in the Mediterranean, L. F. Abbott, 1795, uncoloured full length mezzotint on wove after L. F. Abbott, thread margins, slight overall toning, 640 x 405mm, together with Dickinson (W.), Sir George Bridges Rodney Bart. Admiral of the White, Dickinson & Watson, 1780, uncoloured half length mezzotint on laid after Sir Joshua Reynolds, thread margins, 455 x 330mm, with Fisher (Edward), George Lord Edgcumbe, 1761, uncoloured half length mezzotint on laid after Joshua Reynolds, large margins, 385 x 280mm (3)




Lot 269



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270* Oxford. Five topographical views of Oxford, 18th & 19th century, including Westall (W.), Oxford from the south west, published Rodwell & Martin, 1822, hand coloured lithograph, slight creasing, 220 x 325mm, together with Universitatis ac Reginae Collegiorum prospectus Oxfordiae, published Jacques Chereau, Paris, circa 1770, engraved vue d’optique of Oxford High with contemporary hand colouring, title repeated in French, some marginal repairs, 290 x 415mm, with Skelton (J.), View of High Street Oxford..., 1821, uncoloured engraving, 210 x 280mm, mounted, plus Lewis (G.), Magdalen Tower, published R. Ackermann, 1814, aquatint with contemporary hand colouring, 295 x 235mm, and Whessell (J.), Oxford from the seat on the new path to Pullin’s Tree, 1822, uncoloured engraving, 110 x 150mm (5)

271* Paris. Paris en 1860. Vue a Vol d’oiseau prise au dessus du quartier de St Gervais, [1861], hand-coloured lithograph by Muller after Felix Benoist, printed by Charpentier, image size 26 x 40cm (10.25 x 15.75ins), sheet size 42 x 38.5cm (12.5 x 16.5ins), together with Silvestre (Israel), Veue du Palais et des Jardins des Thuilleries, etching on heavy wove paper, thread margins, sheet size 38.5 x 51cm (15.1 x 20ins), plus another etched title page by Israel Sylvestre entitled Les plaisirs de l’Isle enchantée, ou les festes, et divertissements du Roy, a Versailles, 1664, an early 19th century lithograph view of the Rue de Rivoli, by J. Jacottet, published by Gihaut freres, Paris, a hand-coloured aquatint entitled Vue du Pantheon, after Arnout, a view of the Chateau at Rosny, by A. Maugendre, printed by Auguste Bry, Paris, etc., mostly windowmounted (View of the Pantheon framed and glazed), various sizes




272* Paris. Mariette (Pierre), Paris..., circa 1680, uncoloured etched panorama, old folds, slight staining, 210 x 795mm (1)

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274* Prout (Samuel, 1783-1852). Sketches in France, Switzerland and Italy, [1839], tinted lithograph title and two lithograph plates, sheet size 52.5 x 36.5cm (20.7 x 14.4ins), together with At Cologne, 1824, uncoloured lithograph printed by G. Hulmandel after Samuel Prout, published by Ackermann, for Illustrations of the Rhine, 1824, sheet size 25 x 30cm (9.8 x 11.75ins), plus Asselineau (LeonAuguste), Dinan. Vue du Viaduc prise du Quai (from La France de los jours), circa 1830, colour lithograph, printed by Becquet, and published by F. Sinnett, Paris, 24 x 31cm (9.8 x 12.25ins) mount aperture, framed and glazed, and other early 19th century views in France, various, including a coloured aquatint by Samuel Prout of a French marketplace, published by R. Bowyer, 1825, lithographic views of Amiens, The Croix de Royat, Auvergne after Dauzats, 1830, three etched plates by John Sell Cotman (Chateau at Fontaine-leHenri, near Caen, Abbey Church of Jumieges & Cathedral Church of Notre Dame, at Coutances, 1821, 1819 and 1821 respectively, etc), all window-mounted, various sizes

273* Politicians & aristocracy. Reynolds (S. W.), Henry Gally Knight Esq., circa 1810, uncoloured mezzotint on laid after Henry Edridge, good margins, 490 x 365mm, mounted, together with Jones (J.), Lady Charlotte Spencer in the character of Miss Rivers [and] Lord Chas. Spencer in the character of Col. Rivers, To their Graces the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough this plate is most respectfully dedicated..., published J. Roberts Oxford and J. Jones, London, 1788, uncoloured mezzotint after J. Roberts, laid on card and backed with linen, 460 x 355mm, mounted, with Smith (J. R.), Erasmus Darwin M.D. & F. R. S., published J. R. Smith 1797, uncoloured half length portrait on laid after J. Wright, 380 x 280mm, good margins, plus Houston (Richard), The Right Honourable Henry Pelham, Chancellor of the Exchequer and John Roberts Esqr., Joshua Edmondson, circa 1760, uncoloured mezzotint on laid after John Shackleton, margins repaired on verso, 390 x 390mm, and Faber (J.), Henricus Gale Armigr. De Taunton Dean in Agro Somersetensis, 1742, uncoloured half length mezzotint on laid after J. Whood, 325 x 225mm, with Barney (William Whiston), To the Marquis and Marchioness of Blandford. This plate of their sons, George Spencer Earl of Sunderland and Lord Charles Spencer..., 1805, uncoloured full length mezzotint on laid after R. Cosway, slight staining, small margins, 530 x 400mm, plus Smith (John), The Rt. Honble. Sr. Robert Clayton Kt., Lord Mayor of the City of London, 1680, circa 1720, uncoloured mezzotint on laid after J. Riley, small margins, 410 x 290mm, with one other similar (8)



275* Prout (John Skinner). Miller’s Point Sydney from Flag Staff Hill, Port Jackson from Dawes’ Battery [and] Woolloomooloo Bay Sydney, circa 1848, three lithographs, slight spotting, with five pages of descriptive text, each approximately 210 x 280mm


Published in ‘Sydney Illustrated’. (3)



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276* River Thames. Stadler (J. C.), A collection of thirty views, published J. & J. Boydell, circa 1795, aquatints after J. Farington, all with contemporary hand colouring, one duplicate, slight offsetting, each approximately 220 x 330mm These views were originally published in J. & J. Boydell’s ‘A History of the River Thames’. They consist of :- Henley, Eaton, View of Reading from Caversham, Thames Head, Ewen Mill, Stanton Harcourt, Carfax & Abingdon, Bisham Abbey, Sion House, Hardwick & Maple Durham, Panborn & Whitchurch from Purley (2), View of Nuneham from the wood, View up the river from Milbank, Strawberry Hill, Bassilden, Whitchurch, Fawley Court & Henley, Temple & Harleford, Hedsor Lodge looking towards Maidenhead, Culham Court, The late Mr Garrick’s Villa, Hampton Court, Pope’s House, Richmond Hill up the river, Richmond Hill down the river, Wallingford, Scene at Park Place, Langley Ware [and] Cliefden. (30) £150-200

277* Rowlandson (Thomas, 1756-1827). Thirty colour aquantints from The Tours of Dr. Syntax, circa 1812-21, 30 hand-coloured aquatints by Rowlandson, including Dr. Syntax tumbling into the water, rural sports, Dr. Syntax with the bookseller, the doctor’s dream, Dr. Syntax loses his money at the race ground at York, Dr. Syntax at Covent Garden theatre, Dr. Syntax preaching, Doctor Syntax reading his tour, Dr. Syntax at Liverpool, Dr. Syntax with my lord, etc., sheet size 14.5 x 23.5cm (5.7 x 9.2ins), each window-mounted (30)

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)



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278* Starke (Leslie, 1905-1974). A large collection of approximately 650 original cartoons, circa 1950s/1960s, mostly pen and ink on paper, some with blue or grey wash, etc., the majority signed with publication marked up and notes in pen and pencil, some with Starke’s name and address stamp to versos, various sizes, including cartoons published by The New Yorker (36), Lilliput (38), Men Only (31), Today’s Post and Saturday Evening Post (227), Punch (35), John Bull (280), London Opinion (5), Young Elizabethan (6), plus a Punch Lunch dinner menu, invitation and photograph, approximately 400 pull-outs and cut-outs of printed cartoons and possibly proofs from various published cartoon books and magazines including Police Journal, plus 2 related books Leslie Starke was an inventive and well-loved cartoonist of his day, whose work was popular in both the USA and Britain, his cartoons regularly appearing in publications such as the New Yorker, Collier’s, The Saturday Evening Post and Esquire. Provenance: From the family of Leslie Starke. (approx. 1100) £700-1000


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Lot 280 279* Switzerland (). Thal Interlachen diorama circa 1850, a fine Swiss diorama, showing a mountainous landscape with village in the foreground and hot air balloon in the distance, modelled in wood, plaster and watercolours, in a birds eye maple frame, glazed, 45.5 x 56.5cm (17.75 x 22.25ins) (1)


280 Sydney. Panoramic View of Sydney, New South Wales. First settled by Commodore Phillip, January 26, 1788 with 927 persons - population of the colony 1879, 712,019, published The Graphic, 1879, hand coloured panorama, old folds, one repaired closed tear, 235 x 1220mm (1)


282* Thornton (Dr. Robert). The Superb Lily [and] The Pontic Rhododendron, published August 1st 1811 & January 1st. 1812 respectively, two mixed method engravings by John Quilley and John Roffe after Reinagle and Henderson respectively, each approximately 300 x 205mm, together with Trew (Christoph), Flavia [and] Flos Tunetanus, originally published in ‘Hortus nitididdimis omner per annum superbiens floribus’, Nuremberg, 1786, two engravings with contemporary hand colouring, each approximately 315 x 220mm, with Miller (John Frederick), Laxia orix..., 1776, hand coloured engraving, 445 x 300mm 281* Tenniel (John, 1820-1914). A set of eight wood-engravings from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the LookingGlass, [Rocket Press for Macmillan, 1988], the largest 13 x 11cm (5 X 4.5ins), framed and glazed

The two engravings published by Dr. Robert Thornton are from the quarto edition of “The Temple of Flora, or, Garden of the botanist, poet, painter and philosopher”. (5) £200-300

Limited edition of 250. Most captioned with Sally Hunter Fine Art labels to verso. The original 91 woodblocks (barring Alice and the Dodo plate) engraved by the Dalziel Brothers after Tenniel were rediscovered in a bank vault in 1984, and a set of 250 restrikes were printed from these blocks by Jonathan Stephenson at the Rocket Press in 1988. (8) £300-400

283* Turner (J.M.W.). A collection of approximately 135 engravings, circa 1860, engravings of British topographical views, marine and classical scenes, mostly uncoloured, several duplicates, each approximately 220 x 275mm, including eleven mounted

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)




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284* Vanity Fair cartoon. Ward (Leslie, pseud. ‘Spy’), “Winston”, September 27th 1900, colour lithographic caricature of a young Winston Churchill, with a page of contemporary descriptive text, some creasing, one repaired closed marginal tear, 380 x 220mm (1)


285* Watson (James). [The Confidante or The Billet-Doux], published Watson & Dickinson, 1780, uncoloured mezzotint after E. Martin, proof after letters but before title, 260 x 200mm, mounted, framed and glazed (1)


Lot 284

286* Weigall (H., late 19th century). Feeding the Ducks, watercolour on paper, showing a woman by a river, unsigned but attributed verso, 25 x 33cm (9.75 x 13ins), framed and glazed, together with a collection of watercolours and oil paintings including a 19th century oil on panel showing a woman in drapery and halo with landscape in the background, unsigned, 24 x 18cm (9.5 x 7.25ins), Beale (S.H., late 19th century), mountainous landscape 1892, oil on canvas, showing a lake and mountains, signed and dated lower right 17 x 29cm (7 x 11.5ins), period gilt frame, Rivers (Alfred Montague, 19/20th century), Painswick, Gloucestershire, watercolour on paper, showing a landscape with church, signed lower left, 17 x 11cm (6.75 x 4.5ins), framed and glazed, Victorian watercolour on paper showing a Chelsea Pensioner 1865, artist monogram and date lower right, 26 x 20.5cm (10.25 x 8ins), unframed and other works

Lot 285



287* Wilkinson (Norman, 1882-1934). Combat on the Deck of a Ship, 1900, pen and black ink on thick wove paper, signed and dated to lower margin, 24 x 15cm (9.5 x 6ins), together with Sapelli (Luigi ‘Caramba’, 1865-1936), Costume Design, pen and brown ink on the blank side of a postcard, printed to verso ‘Hotel Paix & Helvetia, Rome’, signed, 14 x 10.5cm (5.5 x 4ins) (2)


288* Yacht Racing. Bourne (J.), Cutters racing, 20th century, oil on board, signed lower left, 145 x 225mm, framed and glazed (1)

Lot 287



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Lot 289

HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS, AUTOGRAPHS & EPHEMERA 289* Alice in Wonderland. A group of 51 postcards with artwork by ‘Maud’, circa 1900-1910, the fronts all depicting finely executed copies of characters and scenes after John Tenniel used to illustrate the Alice books by Lewis Carroll, a total of 53 drawings in pen, ink and watercolour (five postally used) and eight further cards in pen and ink (three postally used), the postally used cards often with messages to margins of images and mostly signed ‘Maudie’, many of the illustrations signed ‘Maud’ or initialled MB (and one initialled KMB), the postally used cards addressed to Miss [Frederica] Kenyon Stow at 2 Brunswick Square, Hove, Brighton, the postmarks mostly for Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, many of the cards with contemporary postcard album corner mount adhesion marks to versos The skillful artist Maud has not been identified, though the recipient was Frederica Kenyon-Stow (1878-1956) of Hove, Sussex, daughter of MajorGeneral Frederick Melkington Kenyon-Stow (1804-1922), commanding officer of 5th Dragoon Guards. (61) £200-300

290* Alice in Wonderland. A group of 36 hand-drawn postcards by ‘Maud’, circa 1900-10, all drawn in pen and ink, all but three with additional watercolour, depicting humorous scenes with figures and animals, a total of 22 postally used and addressed to Miss [Frederica] Kenyon Stow, 2 Brunswick Square, Hove, Brighton, some with messages adjacent to the illustrations signed Maudie, many of the illustrations signed Maud or initialled MB (and one initialled KMMB), some with contemporary postcard album corner mount adhesion marks to versos, together with a further 24 contemporary postcards, mostly scenes in India from photographs

Lot 290

The well-executed artwork of Maud is mostly likely all copied from other artists and illustrators. See preceding lot. (60) £200-300

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292 Bristol. A manuscript album with original sketches of Bristol and Wales, by Augustin Prichard, 4 Chesterfield Place, Clifton, Nov. 1884[-1897], 98 pages numbered in manuscript, each with a mounted illustration in blue or black ink, of buildings, streets, landscapes, seascapes, and portraits, copied from other artworks, engravings, or photographs, including Bristol Cathedral, Redcliff Church, Redland Green Chapel, Southerndown Rocks, St. Donat’s Castle, The Red Lodge, Colston’s School, Foster’s Almshouse, Back Street, The Old Black Boy Inn, Portrait of Mrs. Esttin, each with explanatory text in manuscript below, most initialled, toned and spotted, some dust-soiling, endpapers soiled and with remains of paper cover turn-ins, front free endpaper detached, original decorated cloth, sometime rebacked in vellum (lettered in a calligraphic hand), rubbed and extremities worn (with remnants of old paper cover to spine and lower return), 4to

291 Arnold (Thomas, 1795-1842). To the Inhabitants of Laleham, Rugby, 6 March 1829, printed by R. Wetton, Chertsey, [Surrey], printed broadside in support of Catholic Emancipation, some old staining, dust-soiling and creasing, a few short marginal splits and fold tears with only minor loss to lettering in one word and with no loss of sense, 54 x 34cm Thomas Arnold was appointed headmaster at Rugby School in 1828 after ten years teaching at Laleham, a village on the Thames. This broadside was published in the same year as his pamphlet ‘On the Christian Duty of Conceding the Roman Catholic Claim’, a work that offended the political sensibilities of the liberals and the incompetence of the clergy as judges of history. (1) £150-200

Augustin Prichard (1818-1898) was a surgeon specialising in ophthalmology, who had a large practice in Bristol. He was highly regarded in his field, having helped establish a number of pioneering practices, and he lectured and published on the subject. He was also interested in photography and was devoted to sketching. (1) £100-150


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293* Cigarette Cards - Sports. A collection of over 1,200 cigarette cards of sporting interest, etc., 20th century, complete sets including Hignett, International Caps and Badges (25), Bogulevsky, Sports Records, 1st & 2nd series (50), Winners on the Turf (25), Churchman, Sports & Games in Many Lands (19 of 25), Kings of Speed (50), Boxing Personalities (50), Gallagher, Famous Jockeys (48), Racing Scenes (48), Sporting Personalities (48), Champions, 1st & 2nd series (96), Ogden, Captains of Association Football Clubs & Colours (44), Player, Speedway Riders (49 of 50), Derby and Grand National Winners (50), Cricketers 1934 (50), Cricketers 1938 (50), Carreras, Popular Footballers (48), Wills, Association Footballers (50), Cricketers 1928, 1st & 2nd series (100), various conditions, all loose and presented in a modern ring binder, corner-mounted in an old album and six cigarette card booklets, plus approximately 800 further miscellaneous sets and odds presented in four ring binders (approx. 2000+


294* Cigarette Cards - Film & Glamour. A collection of over 800 cigarette cards relating to film, radio and glamour, etc., 20th century, complete sets include Gallahers, Stars of Screen & Stage (48), Player, Film Stars, 3rd series (50), Carreras, Actresses and Beauties (54), Ardath, Who is This? (49 of 50), Wills, Cinema Stars, 3 series (100), Radio Celebrities, 2 series (100), Phillips, Beauties, WI series (17 only), Ogden, Actors Natural & Character Studies (50), etc., varied condition, all loose and presented in a modern ring binder and corner-mounted in four old albums and booklets, plus a further group of over 1,000 miscellaneous sets and incomplete sets of cigarette cards, corner-mounted in 5 old cigarette card albums (1800+)

Lot 294

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296* Cigarette Cards - Naval & Maritime. A collection of over 800 cigarette cards including naval and maritime interest, 20th century, complete sets include Carreras, History of Naval Uniforms (25), Churchman, Story of Navigation (50), Murray, Story of Ships (50), Phillips, Ships & Their Flags (25), Player, Ship-Models (20), Racing Yachts (25), Old Naval Prints (20 of 25), British Naval Craft (25), History of Naval Dress (50), Wills, Merchant Ships of the World (40), Strange Craft (50), plus some non-naval and maritime, varied condition, all loose and presented in three ring binders and two booklets, plus a further group of over 1,000 miscellaneous sets and incomplete sets of cigarette cards, corner-mounted in 5 old cigarette card albums (1800+)

297* Cigarette Cards - Motoring, Aviation & Transport. A collection of approximately 1,000 cigarette cards of aviation, motoring and transport interest, etc., 20th century, complete sets include Lambert & Butler, Motorcycles (50), Motor Cars, 1st & 2nd series (50), Aeroplane Markings (50), Gallaher, Vintage Cars (50), Aeroplanes (48), Phillips, Aircraft (54), Wills, Motor Cars (50), Railway Engines (50), Railway Locomotives (50), Railway Equipment (50), Player, Famous MG Marques (28), etc., varied condition, all loose and presented in three ring binders and three booklets

295* Cigarette Cards - Military, History & Royalty. A collection of over 2,000 cigarette cards relating to military, history and royalty, etc., 20th century, complete sets including Phillips, Soldiers of the King (36), UK Tobacco Company, Officers Full Dress (36), Carreras, Britain’s Defences (50), Taddy, Orders of Chivalry [1st series] (11 of 25), Player, Army Life (25), War Decorations & Medals (90), Military HeadDress (50), Regimental Standards and Cap Badges (50), Drum Banners & Cap Badges (50), Army, Corps & Divisional Signs 1914-1918, 2 series (150), Faulkner, Our Gallant Grenadiers, 14 only (mixed series), Hignett, Prince of Wales Empire Tour (25), Wills, Our King and Queen (50), Coronation Series (50), Musical Celebrities, 2 series (100), etc., varied condition, all loose and presented in six modern ring binders (2000+)


(approx. 1000)


298* Cigarette Cards - Natural History & Miscellaneous. A collection of approximately 6,000 cigarette cards of various subjects, 20th century, mostly complete and near-complete sets by manufacturers including Wills, Player, Anstie, Gallaher, Copes, Carreras, etc., subjects include numerous natural history including dogs, arts, pastimes, history, etc., varied condition, all loose and presented in 11 ring binders


(approx. 6000)


299* Cigarette Cards. A large quantity of miscellaneous cigarette cards, 20th century, including over 60 cigarette card booklets (many cards pasted in), plus numerous odds and groups, partly categorised in 16 shoe-size boxes, plus a small quantity of old cigarette packets including Players Navy Cut, Wild Woodbine and Craven “A” (4 cartons)


300* Cigarette Cards. A large assorted collection of cigarette cards, tea cards, etc., 20th century, including sets, reprints, a few tins, advertising material, books and catalogues, etc. (4 cartons)

Lot 297 87


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302* Gloucester Bank. Gloucester Bank banknote, One Pound dated 1815 serial no. 9518, signed by John Stephens and John Ireland?, 9 x 17.5cm, framed and glazed, together with 5 vellum land deeds including four 17th century, Ross Turnpike Broadside 1839, 33 x 21cm, framed and glazed plus a Victorian Dog Licence 1895, court summons for unmuzzled dog dated 1897, and dog collar engraved M Cadle Newnham (10)

303 Kaiser Wilhelm II. Collection of books inscribed to Wallscourt Hely-Hutchinson Waters (1855-1945), 1933-9, comprising: Friedeburg (Friedrich von), Geschichte des Königlich Preussischen Ersten Garde-Regiments zu Fuss, 1871 bis 1914, [Potsdam: Semper Talis, 1933]; Froembgen (Johann), Marlborough, Englands Fahnen im deutschen Wind, Roman, Leipzig: Herbert Eisentraut, 1938; Krasnov [Pyotr Nikolayevich], Die Zarenmörder, Roman, 1st edition in German, Berlin: Vier Falken, 1939; all inscribed by Kaiser Wilhelm II to Waters in purple pencil on the front free endpaper or half-title, signed ‘William F. R., Doorn’ and dated, the Geschichte inscription accompanied by the ink-stamp of Wilhelm’s wife Princess Hermine, and including the lengthy message, ‘To Major General Waters, A record of the Prussian atmosphere in which I grew up in my youth & where I learnt to work for my Chief, my Grandfather & my country’, all in original cloth, Geschichte spine faded, together with: Kaiser Wilhelm II, Four copies of Kaiser Wilhelm’s own works with Waters’s autograph inscriptions recording their presentation to him by Wilhelm, comprising: Vergleichende Geschichtstabellen von 1878 bis zum Kriegsausbruch 1914, 1st edition, Leipzig: K. F. Koehler, 1921; Ereignisse und Gestalten 1878-1918, 1st edition, Leipzig: K. F. Koehler, 1922, Meine Vorfahren, Berlin: Verlag für Kulturpolitik, 1929; Das Wesen der Kultur, 1st edition, Leipzig: Haag-Drugulin, 1931; all inscribed by Waters on the front free endpaper, plus: 9 others with similar inscriptions by Waters; 2 others with the ink-stamp of Princess Hermine (i.e. Laar (Clemens), Kampf um die Dardanellen, Berlin: Paul Neff, 1936, and [Rachmanowa, Alexandra; pseudonym of Galina Dyuragina], Studenten, Liebe, Tscheka und Tod, 2nd edition in German, Salzburg: Anton Pustet, 1931), and 12 others, some with Waters’ autograph annotations, mostly original cloth, boards or wrappers, some minor soiling and wear, 8vo

301* Errol Flynn film ephemera. A good group of printed film publicity ephemera, circa 1950s, including press books for 12 Errol Flynn films including Dodge City, The Prince and the Pauper, Too Much Too Soon, Istanbul, Escape Me Never, Santa Fe Trail (all US editions), Kim, Another Dawn, The Charge of the Light Brigade, Objective Burma, The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex and The New Adventures of Don Juan (all UK editions), all illustrated, various paginations, occasional soiling and fraying but generally in good condition, folio sizes, together with a group of 12 sets of UK lobby cards for Errol Flynn films, including Dodge City, Silver River, The Charge of the Light Brigade, Night in Havana, Too Much Too Soon, Mara Maru, Adventures of Captain Fabian, San Antonio, Northern Pursuit, Objective Burma, Rocky Mountain and Desperate Journey, each set with 12 cards, plus a group of approximately 150 further UK lobby cards for Errol Flynn films as odds and incomplete sets, plus 20 US lobby cards for Flynn films, and other mostly Errol Flynn ephemera, including a US one-sheet poster for The Master of Ballantrae, 1953, an Argentinian one-sheet poster for That Forsyte Woman, some reproduction Belgian posters, etc., some items framed (2 cartons)



Wallscourt Hely-Hutchinson Waters (1855-1945) was British military attaché in Berlin from 1900 to 1903. He ‘ingratiated himself [with Wilhelm II] by writing a letter of condolence when the Kaiserin died in 1921 and thereafter was frequently invited to be a guest at Doorn for extended periods of time. At the encouragement of his friend [American journalist Poultney] Bigelow, Waters wrote several volumes of memoirs, which were favourable to the Kaiser. To Wilhelm, this was very welcome’ (Cecil, Wilhelm II: Volume 2, Emperor and Exile, 1900-1941, p. 322). (a carton) £400-600

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Lot 303

304* Pope Urban IV (Jacques Pantaléon, c. 1195-1264). Papal bull fragment, 1263 [=1347], manuscript in brown ink on vellum, single leaf (28.5 x 38cm), trimmed and folded for use as a binding sometime in the 17th century, the protocol and text excised but retaining the eschatocol signed ‘Michaelis de Tolosa ... anno MCCLXIII’, and 3 further paragraphs of 4 lines in a similar but smaller curvilinear chancery hand, each apparently referring to the re-copying of the bull in 1347 (e.g. ‘ipsum exemplum ... In anniso trecentesio quadragesio septimo’), the protocol and main text lacking, the original eschatocol comprising Urban’s rota and Bene valete monogram, secretarial signatures of 17 subscribing cardinals, 11 with their cruciform symbols adjacent, the subscribing cardinals including Odo of Châteauroux (c. 1190-1273), Stephen I Bànca (d. 1270) as Bishop of Palestrina, Raoul de Grosparmy (1202-1270) as Bishop of Albano, and others; a few holes, some rubbing and soiling, edges trimmed to loss of a few words and symbols, old manuscript spine title in Hebrew verso, printer’s waste pasted to portions of verso where turned in for binding (fragment of Giacomo Graffi’s Decisiones aureae casuum conscientiae, Antwerp, 1604, volume 2, p. 65)

305* [Scott, Sir Walter]. Fairy Stones from the Vale of the White Lady, 1829, a collection of small white stones, probably quartz, set around a small open cardboard box containing a contemporary inscription ‘Given by Sir Walter Scott. Abbotsford. April. 1829. Fairy Stones from the Vale of the White Lady’, circular gilt frame glazed (short hairline crack in glass), overall diameter 14.5cm A curiosity, presumably referring to ‘The Monastery, published in 1820, which features a spectral White Lady. (1) £100-150

The three additional paragraphs apparently refer to the later copying of this bull, originally issued in 1243, in 1347; the curvilinear hand is distinct from the more rectilnear papal minuscule of the 13th century. (1) £200-300


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306 Ship’s Log Book - Sulivan. A manuscript logbook for the Sulivan, 5th Voyage, 1794, approximately 100 pages (and a number of blank leaves), mostly ruled in red, written in several neat copperplate hands, giving details of trademen’s bills, including mention of: Taylor & Bail[e]y of Little Tower Street, London; work carrried out in Greenland Dock for Robert Williams Esqr & Owners of the Ship by Joseph Haycraft & Co. of Deptford; John & James Mangles, ShipChandlers, Oil-men & Manufacturers of Painters Colours, near Wappin New Stairs, London, who Sell Guns, Gunpowder & Shots; J. Cadley & Co. Leathermen; Curtis & Clarke Bakers; Joynes, Becket & Co. Brewers; Richard Joseph Peuterer; Richard Hill & Son Wax Lights; Richard Knight Grocer; Martin Brander Gun Maker; Pigou & Andrews Gunpowder; Ben Wood & Co Irish Provisions; Thomas Bird Distiller; Henry Slaney Pilot; Huffam & Son Riggers; Ann Oram Plumber; John Rixon Cooper; Robert Todd & Co Mastmakers; P. & J. Dolland Opticians; Ben Steinmetz Tallow Chandler; Batten & Glover Carvers; John Burr Boatbuilder; Hadley & Son Engine Makers; J. Pouncy Druggist, plus lists of wages paid for Commander, Midshipmen, Carpenters, Armourers, Butchers, Poulterer, Cooper, Boatswain, etc., occasional toning, sheet size 38 x 24cm, marbled endpapers, red sprinkled edges, contemporary blind-panelled vellum, some light soiling and marks, gilt lettered red morocco label on spine, with manuscript date 1794 above, folio A fascinating ledger, listing materials for work carried out (Boltrings, Cold Chisels, Iron Cheeks for head, Deck Nails, Port Shackle, Black Oakum, etc.) and repairs made (Repairing the Large Ship Bell Claper, 2 new speaking Trumpets, Taking to Pieces the Large Ship Jack, Turning 10 Pillars, Tarring the Tops and Tar, etc.). The Sulivan (or Sullivan) was launched in 1782 as an East Indiaman. She made five voyages for the British East India Company, and on two occasions provided transport for military expeditions. In 1794 her commander, Captain Pouncy, died, and Captain Sampson Hall was appointed Commander of the ship. War with France had broken out in 1793 and the preparations to the ship documented in this log were presumably in reponse to government orders to join 38 other Indiamen as transports for an attack on Mauritius. In the event this did not come about, and Captain Hall sailed from Portsmouth on 2nd May 1794, bound for China, arriving at Whampoa on 13th October. (1) £300-500

Lot 306

307* Tanqueray (Paul, 1905-1991). An archive of photographic portraits, approximately 200+ studio gelatin silver prints, mostly society portraits (and a few female nudes), some with Tanqueray’s ink stamp and annotated on verso, some by Richard Shakspeare, including portraits of the Honourable Lydia Yarde Buller (later Duchess of Bedford), actress Winifred Shotter (signed by her), Miss Mollie Sullivan, Miss Pamela Colledge, Miss Rosemary Dale, and a mounted print of Richard Shakspeare inscribed ‘To Richard with my best, always, Paul. 1936’ (inscription slightly water-stained), together with approximately 400 other gelatin silver prints by Richard Shakspeare, including military, early motor vehicles, steam trains and planes, animals, landscapes and buildings, flowers, etc., including prints of racing drivers Rudolph Hasse, Rudolf Caracciola, and Louis Klemantaski, 30 x 25cm and smaller, plus a small quantity of ephemera, mostly relating to motoring, e.g. typed sheet ‘The Bugatti Owner’s Club Night Trial’ 1938 (listing R.W. Shakspeare), British India Certificate of Registration for a Solo Francis Barnett motorcycle (and tax disc dated 1941), typed schedule for the Polish Ski Train dated 1938, and a 1930 Certificate of Insurance Provenance: Bequeathed by Richard Shakspeare to his long-standing friend Valerie Roseblade, and thence by descent. Richard Shakespeare was an old Etonian who travelled widely and was a motoring enthusiast with a broad interest in cars and racing, and a particular love of Bugattis. Shakspeare worked for a time as a model and assistant to Paul Tanqueray, one of London’s leading studio portrait photographers whose work is well represented in the National Portrait Gallery. Richard Shakspeare was apparently killed on active service in Sicily during the Second World War. (a carton) £300-500

Lot 307

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308* Vellum Deeds - Warwickshire. A group of approximately 40 vellum indentures, 18th century, mostly relating to land and property in Sutton Coldfield and environs, all folding and mostly with wax seals as issued, some soiling and general mustiness

310* Vellum Deeds - Warwickshire. A group of approximately 40 vellum indentures, 18th century, mostly relating to land and property in Sutton Coldfield and environs, all folding and mostly with wax seals as issued, some soiling and general mustiness

(approx. 40)

(approx. 40)



309* Vellum Deeds - Warwickshire. A group of approximately 40 vellum indentures, 18th century, mostly relating to land and property in Sutton Coldfield and environs, all folding and mostly with wax seals as issued, some soiling and general mustiness

311* Vellum Deeds - Warwickshire. A group of approximately 40 vellum indentures, 18th century, mostly relating to land and property in Sutton Coldfield and environs, all folding and mostly with wax seals as issued, some soiling and general mustiness

(approx. 40)

(approx. 40)


313 Apuleius (Lucius). Les Metamorphoses, ou L’Asne d’Or de L. Apulee Philosophe Platonicien. Nouvellement reveues, corrigées, & mises en meilleur ordre qu’aux precedentes impressions, Paris: chez Nicolas & Iean de la Coste, 1648, additional engraved title, 16 full-page engraved illustrations (last illustration shaved at foreedge), bound with Commentaires sur la Metamorphose de l’asne d’or de L. Apulee, Paris, 1648, woodcut device to title, some toning and occasional spotting, contemporary vellum, upper joint split, 8vo, together with Ronsard (Pierre de), Les Oeuvres..., reveües et augmentees, volume 1 only (of 5), Paris: Mathurin Henault, 1629, woodcut illustration to title and one portrait illustration, browning and spotting throughout, contemporary armorial bookplate of Marius Marefuschus to upper pastedown, upper hinge split, contemporary limp vellum, 12mo

ANTIQUARIAN 312 Aesop. Fables, of Aesop and Other Eminent Mythologists: with Morals and Reflections, by Sir Roger L’Estrange, 2nd edition, corrected and amended, 1694, engraved frontispiece, without portrait and leaf A1 of preface also lacking, frontispiece and title repaired and strengthened to verso, some toning, occasional spotting and marginal dust-soiling, modern half calf, maroon morocco title label to spine, folio Wing A707. (1)





314 Bagehot (Walter). The English Constitution, 5th edition, Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1888, rear inner hinge cracked, bookplate of British prime minister Neville Chamberlain (1869-1940) to front pastedown, original blue pebble-grain cloth, gilt titles and geometric decoration in black to spine and boards, spine faded and rolled, wear to extremities, 8vo, together with: Blackstone (William), Select Extracts from Blackstone’s Commentaries, carefully adapted to the Use of Schools and Young Persons ... by Samuel Warren, 2nd edition, A. Maxwell, 1837, bookplate of Prince George, Duke of Cambridge (1819-1904), slip with his autograph inscription ‘The Duke of Cambridge, Horse Guards’ mounted to front free endpaper, his inkstamp to title page, marginalia in his hand to p. 344, original cloth, spine-ends frayed, extremities bumped, 8vo; Bourget (Paul), Etudes et Portraits, 2nd edition, Paris: Alphone Lemerre, 1889, volume 1 only (of 2), browning, bookplate of Bourget’s putative lover Jennie Spencer-Churchill, Lady Randolph Churchill (1854-1921), gilt edges, contemporary morocco, worn, front board paint-spotted, 8vo; Francillon (Robert Edward), Gods and Heroes, or the Kingdom of Jupiter, 1st edition, Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1892, numerous colour plates, 2 related illustrations mounted to front pastedown and free endpaper, laid-in slip inscribed in pencil by William Rusell Flint ‘Please return to W Russell Flint (Jan. 1959) Peel Cottage, 80 Peel Street, W8’, frequent pencilled marginalia, original pictorial cloth, 8vo; Murdoch (John, editor), Yoga Sastra: the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Examines, 1st edition, London and Madras: Christian Literature Society for India, 1897, wood-engraved frontispiece, bookplate of Serbian philosopher Dimitrije Mitronovic (1887-1953), original cloth-backed printed boards, 8vo; Symington (Maggie), Bonnie Boy’s Soap Bubble, a Tale of the Adventures of a Boy and his Dog in Bubble Land, 1st edition, Biggs & Co., [circa 1890], 4 plates, bookplates of soap magnate W. H. Lever, 1st Viscount Leverhulme (1851-1925), original pictorial cloth, 8vo, and 12 others

Lot 314

See Eller, The William Blackstone Collection in the Yale Law Library, 77 for Blackstone (also referring to a first edition of 1836 which we have been otherwise unable to trace). Assortment of 19th-century books with notable provenance, including Neville Chamberlain’s copy of The English Constitution; Copac traces four copies of the last-mentioned title (Bonnie Boy’s Soap Bubble). (18) £200-300


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316 Baskerville Press. The Works of Mr William Congreve... consisting of His Plays and Poems, 2 volumes, Birmingham: Printed by John Baskerville, for J. and R. Tonson, 1761, engraved portrait frontispiece to volume 1, and five plates, some spotting and toning, marbled endpapers, bookplate of ‘Johannis Naylor Leightonensis’, all edges gilt, contemporary red morocco with elaborate gilt decoration, contracting morocco labels to spines, joints cracked and slight wear to extremities, 8vo

315 Baldinucci (Filippo). Notizie de’ professori del disegno da Cimabue, 1st edition, Florence: Santi Franchi, 1681, and: Notizie de professori del disegno da Cimabue in qua, parte seconda del secolo quarto che contiene tre decennali, dal 1550-1580, 1st edition, Florence: Piero Martini, 1688, volumes 1 and 4 (of 6), volume 1 with woodcut arms to title, tipped-in privilege leaf with woodcut arms of Charles II of Spain (see note), folding genealogical plate, closed tear in signature D3; volume 4 with engraved title arms, slip cancel pasted to signature F verso; both volumes with numerous historiated or floral woodcut initials, spotting and toning, a few other minor marks, uniform contemporary vellum, manuscript spine titles, yapp edges, 4to (27 x 20cm), together with: Paciaudi (Paolo), Diatribe qua Graece anagylphi interpretatio traditur, 1st edition, Rome: ex typographia Palladis, 1751, half-title, engraved title vignette, woodcut and engraved vignettes to text, mild spotting to title page, modern half vellum, 4to; [Negri, Anton Maria], Solenni esequie nel duomo di Firenze per la morte dell’ Augustissimo Imperatore Francesco Primo, Duca di Lorena, 1st edition, Florence: S. A. R, 1765, 2 parts in 1 volume, engraved headpiece and initial to each, contemporary patterned paper wrappers, section of loss to spine, 4to; Zabeo (Giovanni Prosdocimo), Elogio di Paolo Caliari, 1st edition, Venice: Parolari, 1813, 25 pp., mild spotting and soiling, edges untrimmed, sewn in original plain paper wrappers (held by top 2 cords only), 4to

Gaskell 16. (3)

317 [Bayfield, Mrs. E.G.]. A Winter in Bath, by the author of two popular novels, 4 volumes, 1st edition, [1807], gathering H in volume 1 sprung, occasional spotting and few marks, early signature of Ethel Duberly to front free endpapers, contemporary half calf, gilt decorated spines with contrasting morocco labels, some joints a little cracked, light wear to extremities, 12mo, together with [Goldsmith, Oliver], The Life of Richard Nash, Esq; Late Master of the Ceremonies at Bath. Extracted principally from his original papers, 2nd edition, 1762, engraved portrait frontispiece, annotation at head of title, toning and spotting, later 19th century half calf, gilt decorated spine, wear at head of spine, 8vo, with Butler (Samuel), Hudibras, in Three Parts; Written in the Time of the Late Wars: Corrected and Amended. With Large Annotations, and a Preface, by Zachary Grey, 2 volumes, 2nd edition, 1764, engraved portrait frontispiece to volume 1, 15 engraved plates by Hogarth (of 16, lacking plate 8, some plates folding), scattered spotting, rear free endpaper of volume 2 torn, contemporary speckled calf, gilt decorated spines with contrasting morocco labels, joints cracked and some wear at head & foot of spines, 8vo, plus other 18th and 19th century antiquarian, including eight volumes of the Spectator

Cicognara 2195 (Baldinucci), 2690 (Paciaudi), 2407 (Zabeo). First editions of the first and fourth volumes in Baldinucci’s six-volume biographical dictionary of Italian art and architecture; of the remaining volumes Baldinucci was himself only responsible for the second, as volumes three, five and six were completed by his son. This copy of the first volume is complete with the privilege leaf bearing the arms of Charles II of Spain, which is ‘missing in a great many copies’ (Cicognara). (5) £200-300

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)





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318 Becker (J.P. & Christian Essellen). Geschichte der Suddeutschen Mai-Revolution des Jahres 1849, 1st edition, Geneva, 1849, seven folding lithographed maps with colour outline at end (one with closed tear and small margonal loss), some light spotting, contemporary marbled boards, spine faded, a little rubbed, 8vo Becker, a revolutionary, commanded the Baden Peoples Militia during the 1848-49 German revolutions. (1) £150-200

321 Bible [English]. The Bible: That is, the Holy Scriptures conteined in the Olde and New Testament: Translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke, and conferred with the best translations in divers languages. With most profitable annotations upon all the hard places, and other things of great importance, Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1595, General and New Testament titles present, both with decorative woodcut headpiece and printer’s device, blank leaf A1 present before General title, woodcut illustrations and decorative initials, Apocrypha present, D3 torn at foot with loss of few words, H8 with long closed tear, 3A4 torn with loss of upper outer third of leaf, lower outer corner of 3L5 torn with loss and strengthening repair to fore-edge margin, bound with an incomplete Book of Common Prayer at front, with initial eight leaves detached and frayed to edges, bound with at rear The Whole Booke of psalmes, collected into English meetre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others..., London: Printed by John Windet for the Assignes of Richard Day, 1594, printer’s woodcut device to title, final leaf at rear detached and frayed to margins, some dust-soiling and few marks throughout volume, some light marginal fraying, early 18th century blind panelled calf, boards detached and some wear to extremities, lacking clasps, 4to

319 Bell (Charles). Engravings of the Arteries, Illustrating the Second Volume of the Anatomy of the Human Body, by J. Bell, Surgeon; and serving as an Introduction to the Surgery of the Arteries, 1st edition, 1801, half-title, errata leaf at rear, 10 partly hand-coloured lithographic plates, a little spotting and dustsoiling, hinges cracked and old tape repair to inner margin of front flyleaf and half-title, bookplate of Dr Alfred Claude Taylor and later ownership inscription to pastedown, earlier inscription partially erased, contemporary tree calf, rubbed and a little corner wear, modern calf reback, large 8vo Heirs of Hippocrates 1295; Norman 167, Russell 51. (1)


320 Bible [German]. Biblia, Das ist: Die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments, nach der Deutschen Uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers : mit eines jeden Capitels kurzen Summarien, Auch beygefugten vielen aufs neue berichtigten Parallelen, Philadelphia: Schäfer & Koradi, circa 1850, engraved frontispiece, title in red & black (with repaired closed tear), New Testament title present, three engraved maps and 16 engraved plates, occasional spotting and toning, free endpapers creased, contemporary black morocco with blind embossed decoration to boards, spine torn at foot, spine and extremities rubbed, 4to (1)

Herbert 226; Darlow & Moule 174; STC 2166. (1)




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Lot 322

Lot 325

322 Binding. Illustrium poetarum flores, per Octavianum Mirandulam collecti, Strasbourg: Josias Rihel, 1567, later ownership inscription ‘Sum Caspari Muhlenfort’ and effaced contemporary ownership inscriptions to title page, intermittent pale damp-staining, stronger towards rear, occasional contemporary underlining, minor worming in gutter, lacking final blank, bound at an early date using a leaf from a 13th-century vellum manuscript copy of Rupert of Deutz’s De divinis officiis incorporating a large polychrome initial (see note), backed with a printed leaf from a copy of Johann Wigand’s De antinomia veteri et nova (1571), rubbed and dust-soiled, and detached from text-block along front inner hinge (intact at rear), 8vo (15.7 x 10cm) This edition not in Adams but see M1473 for the first edition of 1537, which was also printed in Strasbourg, by Wendelin Rihel. The vellum manuscript leaf used for the binding contains a section from Rupert of Deutz’s De divinis officiis, in a German Prototogothic hand: see Migne (ed.), Patrologiae Cursus Completus (Paris, 1854), volume 170, columns 193-4. (1) £300-500

323 Bindings. Amours du Chevalier de Faublas, by Jean Louvet de Couvray, 4 volumes, Nouvelle Edition, Paris: chez Tous les Libraires, 1884, etched frontispiece to each volume, occasional spots or minor marks, volume 4 (partly unopened) with closed tear to one leaf, and dampstain to one lower margin, each front free endpaper with binder’s ink stamp ‘Creuzevault’ on blank verso, contemporary blue quarter morocco gilt, each volume with original printed wrappers bound-in, extremities rubbed, spines lightly faded and rubbed, volume 1 joints with short splits at head, 12mo, together with Les Quinze Joyes de Mariage, accompagnee de nombreuses notes... par Francois Tulou, Nouvelle Edition, Paris: Garnier Freres, circa 1910, fore-edges (roughtrimmed) a little spotted, contemporary red half morocco gilt, extremities somewhat rubbed, spine a little darkened, 8vo, limited edition 99/100 copies ‘sur papier verge’, plus Romans de Voltaire suivis de Ses Contes en Vers, Nouvelle Edition, Paris: Librairie Garnier Freres, circa 1920, presentation inscription from Francine[?] Day to Orme Sargent, dated 1920, on blank leaf inserted before half-title, contemporary red quarter morocco, original printed wrappers retained, 8vo, and De l’Homme et de la Femme Consideres physiquement dans l’Etat du Mariage, by M. de Lignac, 3 volumes in 2, Nouvelle Edition, Lille: chez C.F.J. Lehoucq, 1778, engraved title to each volume, 15 engraved plates, contemporary mottled calf gilt, extremities and spines somewhat rubbed, volume 1 with some worm damage at front joint, 8vo, with others similar (29)

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)



324 Bindings. The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore, 1853, contemporary gilt decorated red full calf, boards and spine slightly rubbed, 8vo, The Works of William Harrison Ainsworth, 16 volumes, circa 1880, black and white illustrations by George Cruikshank, uniform contemporary gilt decorated red half calf bound by Bayntun, boards and spines slightly faded and rubbed, 8vo, Poetical Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson, 1935, contemporary gilt decorated tree calf bound by Bickers & Son, 8vo, together with 29 further volumes of mostly late 19th century literature and poetry, all leather bindings, some French language, condition is generally good/very good, 8vo/4to (47)


325 Boisguilbert (Pierre Le Pesant de). Le detail de la France, sous le regne present, augmenté en cette nouvelle Edition de plusieurs Memoirs et Traitez, sur la même matière, 2 volumes, [Rouen?: no publisher,] 1707, 294 and 302 pp.; volume 2 with the 12 pp. ‘Supplément du detail de la France’; spotting and browning, contemporary inked monogram to title pages, ink annotations to volume 1 title recto and verso naming the author and providing bibliographical information, spill-burn in volume 2 signature Y2 affecting one letter, contemporary French tan calf, spines richly gilt in compartments, twin red morocco labels, slightly rubbed, small hole in volume 2 spine, 12mo in half-sheets (15.5 x 9cm) Einaudi 581; Kress 2542. Boisguilbert’s foundational physiocratic treatise first appeared in 1695; this edition contains several essays printed for the first time. The first volume is very occasionally encountered with an extra two leaves to the rear, paginated 2958 and titled ‘Sentence du Chatelet de Paris, qui fixe le prix des bleds’, though page 294 ends ‘Fin de la premiere Partie’. (2) £200-300

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326 Burnet (Gilbert). Reflections on Mr. Varillas’s History of the Revolutions that have happned in Europe in matters of Religion. And nore particularly on his Ninth Book that relates to England, Amsterdam: P. Savouret, 1686, light toning mostly to initial leaves, occasional spotting, contemporary inscription to front free endpaper, hinges repaired, contemporary mottled calf, centre of each board with gilt armorial devices of William Douglas, as 1st Duke of Queensberry (1637-1695) and also the Society of Writers to the Signet, neatly rebacked and with calf title label, 12mo in 6s ESTC R13985 and Wing B5852. William Douglas, 1st Duke of Queensberry of Drumlanrig Castle (1637-1695), was the eldest son of James, 2nd Earl, and his second wife, Margaret, daughter of John Stewart, 1st Earl of Traquair. He succeeded his father as the 3rd Earl of Queensberry in 1671, and was sworn of the Privy Council of Scotland in 1677, appointed Lord Justice General of Scotland in 1681, made Marquess of Queensberry, hereditary Lord High Treasurer for Scotland, and Governor of Edinburgh Castle in 1682, and 1st Duke of Queensberry in 1684. He married, in 1657, Isabel, daughter of William Douglas, 1st Marquess of Douglas. His library was sold at auction by John Ballantyne in Edinburgh 18 November 1813. He presented the library of his second son Lord George Douglas, who died in 1693, to the Advocates Library in Edinburgh. The books from his own library can be recognized from the form of their shelfmarks. (1) £150-200

327 Byron (George Gordon Noel, Lord). Hebrew Melodies, 1st edition, 1st issue, 1815, half-title, advertisement leaf at end, with Samuel Rogers’ Jacqueline listed, top edge gilt, early 20th-century blue half calf (by Riviere & Son), spine lightly faded, 8vo Wise I, pages 103-104. (1)


328 [Carnan and Newbery, publishers. The Mother’s Gift: or, A Present for All Little Children who are Good, Embellished with Cuts, 1769 or 1770], 11 woodcuts (of 14), A3 and both pastedowns with early juvenile ink trials, C1 detached and marked, lacking: A12 (title and preface/contents), A7-8 (pages 13-16), C8 (pages 47-48), and signature E (7 pages of text plus advertisements), stitching broken, contemporary Dutch floral boards, worn and dusty, lacking spine, 93 x 63mm (3.75 x 2.5ins), together with Harvey and Darton, publishers, Harry Beaufoy; or, The Pupil of Nature, by Maria Hack, 2nd edition, 1824, engraved frontispiece, page of publisher’s advertisements at rear, title and frontispiece a little toned, pages 74-84 with variable brown mark to lower blank margin, front pastedown with remnants of early ink inscription, contemporary quarter morocco, rubbed and extremities worn, spine toned, 12mo in 6’s, plus John Harris, publisher, Nina, an Icelandic Tale, by A Mother, Author of “Always Happy,” &c., 2nd edition, 1825, engraved frontispiece, some light spotting in places, front pastedown with early ink signature, contemporary quarter morocco, rubbed and extremities worn, front board detached, spine toned, 12mo in 6’s, with 47 other 19th century children’s books, some defective

329 Cassiodorus. Opera omnia quae extant, Cologny: Philippe Gamonet, 1656, woodcut initials and head- and tailpieces, moderate browning, worming to foot of last few leaves, prize inscription in Latin to front free endpaper, recording the presentation of the book to a student at the Collège d’Oratoriens, Beaune, in 1692, contemporary French citron morocco, large supralibros of François Brunet, sieur de Montferrand (d. 1696) as Président de la Chambre des Comptes gilt to boards, his cipher gilt to board-corners and spine compartments, extremities slightly rubbed and worn, 4to (1)

First item: Roscoe J251. A rare early children’s book in the original Dutch floral boards; not in Osborne or Gumuchian. The collation agrees with the first edition copy held by the Bodleian Library, although according to Roscoe, the second edition of 1770 is almost identical to the first edition of 1769, save for the edition statement and date on the title-page. (50) £200-300



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330 Cavendish (William, 1st Duke of Newcastle). Neu-eröffnete Reit-Bahn, 1st edition in German, Nuremberg: Johann Zieger and Georg Lehmann, 1700, half-title, letterpress title in red and black, engraved arms, 5 text vignettes, 82 engraved plates including additional title, nearly all double-page, several also folding, engraved coat of arms; modern tape-repair in margins of letterpress title and text-leaves *2-3, a few folding plates (1-5, 10-11 and 60) with old repairs or modern tape-repairs mainly along versos of lower edges, plate 14 longitudinally repaired through image, plate 15 spotted, plate 69 restored in margin, modern marbled sheep, folio in 4s (32.5 x 20cm) Nissen ZBI 852 (erroneously counting the engraved arms as a plate). First published in 1658 as La méthode nouvelle et Invention extraordinaire de dresser les chevaux. (1) £1000-1500

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)


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331 Charles I. Eikon Basilike. The Pourtraicture of His sacred Maiestie in his Solitudes and Sufferings, [London: printed by John Grismond for Richard Royston], 1648 [i.e. 1649], [8], 269, [3]pp., first two words of title in Greek characters, with final blank leaf, without portrait and folding plate, some light dust-soiling, late 19th century/early 20th century sheep, rubbed, 8vo, together with [Hickes, George], The Gentleman Instructed, in the Conduct of a Virtuous and Happy Life. In Three Parts. Written for the Instruction of a Young Nobleman. To which is added, a Word to the Ladies, by way of Supplement to the first part, 5th edition, 1713, light dampstaining, contemporary panelled calf, joints split, 8vo, with Bible [New Testament], The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ..., London: Printed by Charles Bill and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb deceas’d, 1694, bound with The Whole Book of Psalms, Collected into English Metre by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others, London: Printed for the Company of Stationers, 1693, titles and borders red ruled throughout, some browning and dust-soiling, lacking front free marbled endpaper, contemporary blind decorated black morocco, extremities rubbed, 8vo, and Chamberlayne (Edward), Angliae Notitia: or the Present State of England, with divers remarks upon the Ancient State thereof, 21st edition, 1704, engraved portrait frontispiece, some spotting, contemporary panelled calf, gilt decorated spine with red morocco title label, joints split and worn at head & foot of spine, 8vo, plus other antiquarian, mostly 18th century

334 Congregational Church. A Declaration of the Faith and Order Owned and Practised in the Congregational Churches in England; Agreed upon and consented unto by their Elders and Messengers in Their Meeting at the Savoy, October 12, 1658, 1st edition, printed for John Field, 1659, title in typographical border, generally lightly toned, some minor staining, mainly affecting upper margins, minor worm damage to some upper corners, front free endpaper with ink ownership name ‘R.W. Dale’ on verso, front pastedown with ink stamp of Mansfield College Oxford, and leather label with ‘From the Library of Robert William Dale, 1895’ in gilt lettering, 19th century quarter sheep, both boards detached, with some fading, losses to spine and joints, small 4to Robert William Dale was a Congregational Church pastor who served as Chairman of the Congregational Union of England and Wales in 1868 and President of the International Congregational Council in 1891. Mansfield College, Oxford, was founded in 1838 as Spring Hill College, Birmingham, a college for Nonconformist students, including Dale. In 1886, largely due to Dale’s initiative, the college was moved and renamed, becoming Oxford’s first Nonconformist college, where he became chairman of the council. (1) £100-150

335 [Defoe, Daniel]. The Complete English Tradesman: Directing him in the several parts and Progressions of Trade..., 2 volumes, 3rd & 1st editions, 1732 & 1727, advert leaves facing titles, volume 2 with single leaf (pages 297/298) misbound at front of volume after contents, hinges to volume 1 repaired, contemporary calf, volume 1 rebacked, joints to volume 2 cracked, recent red morocco title labels to each, 8vo

For first work see F.F. Madan, New Bibliography of the Eikon Basilike, 2; Almack, 4 and Wing E272. Identified by Madan as the “second edition”, with two square blocks added to title page and text reset; epigram has misspelling “mali” for “mala” on title page. (13) £250-350


336 Defoe (Daniel). A True Collection of the Writings of the Author of the True Born English-man. Corrected by himself, 1st authorized edition, 1703, engraved portrait frontispiece by Van der Gucht after Tavener, contemporary signature J. Anstruther to title and with the bookplate of Sir John Anstruther to verso (overlaid on leterpress notice), contemporary panelled calf, upper board detached and lower board near detached, lacking title label to spine, some wear, 8vo, together with Paley (William), The Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy, 2nd edition, corrected, 1786, half-title, armorial bookplate of F. Luard to upper pastedown, contemporary tree calf, gilt decorated spine lacking title label, joints cracked and slight wear to extremities, 4to, with Gray (Thomas), Designs by Mr. R. Bentley, for Six Poems, London: J. Dodsley, 1789, engraved vignette to title, engraved plates and vignette illustrations, some dust-soiling and occasional spotting, armorial bookplate of Henry Cholmondeley Jackson and with a series of autograph letters signed by the poet and artist Laurence Whistler (1912-2000) relating to the volume, hinges repaired, contemporary calf, rebacked, board edges worn, 4to, and Scott (James & Green, Charles and others), A General Dictionary of Arts and Sciences: or, a Complete System of Literature, 2 volumes, 1765, engraved frontispiece to each, volume 1 title in red & black with repair to fore-edge, numerous engraved plates including some folding, slight toning, contemporary calf, gilt decorated spines, 4to, plus other antiquarian including Arithmetick; or, the Ground of Arts..., by Edward Hatton, 1699, and Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa... in the Years 1795, 1796, and 1797, by Mungo Park, 2 volumes, 5th edition, 1807

332 Chillingworth (William). The Religion of Protestants a safe way to Salvation. Or, an Answer to a Booke entitled Mercy and Truth, or, Charity maintain’d by Catholiques, which pretends to prove the contrary, Oxford: Printed by Leonard Lichfield, 1638, without final blank leaf 3F4, front free endpaper with early inscription ‘Fra: Langley ex dono Christop: Eachard’, hinges repaired, contemporary calf, rebacked preserving original spine, morocco title label, joints rubbed and upper joint slightly cracked, lower outer board corners repaired, folio STC 5138.2. (1)


333 Cockayne (Thomas Oswald, editor). Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Starcraft of Early England: Being a Collection of Documents, for the most part never before Printed, Illustrating the History of Science in this Country Before the Norman Conquest, 3 volumes, only edition, 1864-66, colour-printed folding frontispieces in volumes 1 & 2 (offset to titles), series title to volume 1 browned, ink library stamps to front endpapers and book presentation slips from the Public Record Office, hinges slightly cracked, original morocco-backed boards, slightly rubbed and some edge wear, 8vo (3)



For first title see Furbank & Owens 1. A second volume was issued in 1705. This work was issued in response to a pirate edition of Defoe’s works published in the same year by John How. (20) £300-400


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Lot 337

Lot 338

337 Dentistry - Bourdet (Bernard). Soins faciles pour la propreté de la Bouche, pour la conservation des Dents, & pour faire éviter aux Enfans les accidens de la Dentition. Ouvrage ou l’on donne aussi les moyens de reconnoitre le Charlatanisme d’un grand nombre d’Opérations qui se pratiquent sur les Dents..., nouvelle édition, considérablement augmentée, Paris: Jean-Th[omas] Hérissant, 1771, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt, contemporary gilt decorated dark terracotta morocco, slight wear at head & foot of spine, 16mo in 8s

339 Dickens (Charles). The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit, 1st edition, 1844, half title, etched frontispiece, additional title and 38 plates by H.K. Browne, some spotting and toning, contemporary half calf, tear at head of spine, a little rubbed, 8vo, togther with The Personal History of David Copperfield, 1st edition, 1850, etched plates by H.K. Browne (some toning and spotting), hinges reinforced, contemporary calf, rebacked, a little rubbed, 8vo, plus Little Dorrit, 1st edition, 1857, illustrations by H.K. Browne, usual spotting and toning, 19/20 original wrappers for parts bound in two volumes, top edge gilt, contemporary half morocco, a little rubbed, 8vo, plus other Dickens including The Chimes, 1845, The Battle of Life, 1846 and The Haunted Man and the Ghost’s Bargain, 1848 (2 copies)

An uncommon reprint of a popular treatise on dental hygiene by a French doctor, first published 1759. (1) £200-300

338 Dickens (Charles). The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, 1st edition, 1837, etched frontispiece, additional title and 41 plates by H.K. Browne, R. Seymour and R.W. Buss, some spotting and browning, modern calf-backed boards, 8vo, together with Master Humphrey’s Clock, 3 volumes, 1st edition, 1840-41, illustrations by George Cattermole and H.K. Browne, a little light spotting, contemporary half morocco, spines a little rubbed and faded, 8vo, plus American Notes for General Circulation, 2 volumes, 1st edition, 1842, half titles, advertisements at end of volume II, signature erased from titles, later calf-backed boards, spine ends slightly rubbed, 8vo, with other Dickens including first editions Martin Chzzlewit, 1844, Dombey and Son, 1848, Bleak House, 1853, Our Mutual Friend, 1865 and The Mystery of Edwin Drood, 1870 (16)


340 Dickens (Charles). Works (Illustrated Library Edition), 26 volumes, Chapman and Hall, 1864-1866, engraved frontispiece to each volume, some with additional vignette title, most with halftitle stating ‘Library Edition’, numerous etched plates, intermittent spotting and occasional toning, contemporary half calf gilt, spines with contrasting labels, final two bindings almost imperceptibly different, somewhat rubbed, volume 2 front cover with vertical crack, large 8vo Gimbel D32. Chapman and Hall’s Library Edition was published over a number of years, eventually reaching 30 volumes. However, it often appears as a set of 26 volumes (or fewer). (26) £300-500


Lot 340 Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)



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Lot 341 341 Dickens (Charles). Works, Chapman and Hall, Limited, [circa 1880], 21 works in 14 volumes, half-title with Dickens’s facsimile signature to each, etched frontispieces with tissue-guards, numerous etched plates (mostly 8 to each work), sporadic light spotting, damp-staining to plate margins in volume containing The Old Curiosity Shop and Oiver Twist and to rear free endpapers in the Christmas Books and Christmas Stories volume, contemporary ownership inscriptions to initial blanks, all edges gilt, contemporary hard-grain purple morocco, spines lettered and deocrated in gilt, gilt and blind fillets to covers enclosing geometric blind centrepieces, mild rubbing to extremities, spines slightly sunned, small section of wear to spine of Our Mutual Friend, scattered pale markings to covers, 8vo (17 x 11.5cm)

342 Dumarsais (César). Oeuvres, 7 volumes, 1st edition, Paris: Pougin, 1797, half-titles, grey silk page-markers bound in, light spotting and toning, marginal chip to volume 2 leaf A3, pale dampstaining to volume 4 quire I, contemporary speckled quarter sheep, twin morocco labels and decorative rolls gilt to smooth spines, speckled yellow paper boards, slightly rubbed, 8vo (19.5 x 12cm) Attractive set of the works of the noted contributor to the Encyclopédie. (7) £100-200

343 Edmondson (Joseph). A Complete Body of Heraldry, 2 volumes, 1st edition, for the author by T. Spilsbury, 1780, engraved portrait frontispiece, 24 plates, worming towards front of volume 1 and rear of volume 2, partially affecting one word in title page imprint and images a few plates, intermittent marginal dampstaining, bookplates of Sir John Smith, Bart. of Sydling House, Dorset, contemporary speckled calf, rebacked with original richly gilt spines laid down, gilt arms to sides, rubbed and scuffed, corners restored, folio, together with: Parker (Matthew), De antiquitate Britannicae ecclesiae et privilegis ecclesiae Cantuarensis cum archiepiscopis ejusdem LXX, William Bowyer, 1729, engraved frontispiece, 28 plates, engraved text vignettes, frontispiece torn and laid down (image intact) and wormed in margin, water-staining in fore margins, fore edges towards front and rear chipped and softened, modern half sheep, folio; Wood (Anthony à), Athenae Oxonienses. An Exact History of all the Writers and Bishops who have had their Education in the most Antient and Famous University of Oxford, 2 volumes, 2nd edition, for Knaplock, D. Midwinter, and J. Tonson, 1721, title pages printed in red and black, volume 1 prelims slightly frayed at edges, title page spotted and ink-stained, occasional light spotting and soiling elsewhere, edges untrimmed, recent quarter calf, folio; Carew (Thomas), An Historical Account of the Rights of Elections of the several Counties, Cities, and Boroughs of Great Britain, 1st edition, printed for John Nourse, 1755, spotting to endpapers, title page and final text leaf, occasional light spotting elsewhere, shelf-mark label to front pastedown, contemporary calf, rebacked and recornered, scuffed, gilt arms of the Society of Writers to the Signet to sides, folio; and 1 other

Cf. Gimbel D54. An attractive complete set of the Charles Dickens Edition, which first appeared in 1867. (14) £100-200


Lot 342



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344 Eliot (George, i.e. Marian Evans). Scenes of Clerical Life, 2 volumes, 1st edition, William Blackwood, 1858, half-titles present, occasional light spotting, volume 1 with tips of a few corners and blank fore-margin of X4 and X5 slightly creased, front pastedowns with armorial bookplate of Albert Gilbey, front free endpapers with contemporary ownership name of Mrs. W.P. Goode, original blindstamped maroon cloth gilt by Edmonds & Remnants, with binder’s ticket on rear pastedown of first volume, faded spines rubbed to extremities and frayed at ends with slight loss, lower joint of volume 2 with short split, 8vo Sadleir 818; Wolff 2062. This, the author’s first book, comprises three tales which first appeared in Blackwood’s Magazine in 1857: ‘The Sad Fortunes of the Reverend Amos Barton’, ‘Mr Gilfil’s Love-Story’ and ‘Janet’s Repentance’. The stories were widely praised for their domestic realism, pathos and humour, and Dickens himself was full of admiration for Eliot’s writings, prompting much speculation about the identity of the author, who was widely supposed to be a clergyman or a clergyman’s wife. George Eliot’s rarest book and particularly so in the original cloth. (1) £1000-1500

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345 Fuller (Thomas). The History of the Worthies of England, 1st edition, 1st issue, printed by J. G. W. L. and W. G., 1662, engraved portrait frontispiece, woodcut initials, 9 pp. index bound in at rear (see Pforzheimer), bound without the initial blank; mild browning, occasional spotting and staining, small chip in upper inner corner of frontispiece, ownership inscription to title page ‘Robert Newton, 1772’), near-contemporary ink annotations to pp. 242-3, closed tears in signatures P3 and [superscript 3]3R1, small hole in I4 affecting a few letters recto, endpapers renewed, contemporary panelled calf, rebacked with early gilt spine laid down, rubbed overall, board-corners worn, folio, together with: Felltham (Owen), Resolves: Divine, Moral, Political, with several new additions both in Prose and Verse, not extant in the former Impressions. In this Eleventh Edition, References are made to the Poetical Citations, heretofore much wanted, printed by M. Clark, for Charles Harper, 1696, with initial ‘The Face of the Book Unmasked’ leaf, additional engraved title page, letterpress title printed in red and black, occasional browning, 18th-century bookplate of one Richard Law to front pastedown, his ownership inscription and lengthy autograph poem titled ‘To Mr Felltham on his Booke of Resolves’ to front free endpaper, contemporary panelled calf, rebacked, rubbed and worn, folio; Ashburton (Charles Alfred), New and Complete History of England, from the First Settlement of Brutus, upwards of One Thousand Years before Julius Caesar, to the Year 1795, printed and sold by W. and J. Stratford, [1795], engraved frontispiece, 45 plates (of 80), chip to lower margin of frontispiece, contemporary calligraphic ownership inscription to initial blank, contemporary reversed calf, wear to extremities, short tear to foot of spine, folio; Bible [English], An Illustration of the Holy Bible, containing the Sacred Texts of the Old Testament and the New, together with the Apocrypha, Birmingham: printed by Brown and [Bentley], 1789, first few leaves ragged and creased affecting imprint, possibly lacking an index leaf at rear, contemporary reversed calf, worn, folio; and 1 other

Lot 345

Pforzheimer 391, Lowndes p. 847, Wing F2440 for Fuller; Wing F658 for Felltham; cf. Darlow & Moule 892 for An Illustration of the Holy Bible. The index in this copy of Fuller does not conform to either of those noted by Pforzheimer, lacking a decorative headpiece on the first page. Ashburton’s work is ‘a reissue of the 1791-94 edition with the last two gatherings of the text reset and updated to 1795’ (ESTC). (5) £300-400

346 [Godwin, William.] The History of the Life of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, 1st edition, for the author, 1783, with the final blank (T8), contemporary ownership inscription ‘Robert G. Ayerst’ on slip mounted to front pastedown, title page slightly browned, contemporary sprinkled tan calf, red morocco label, joints cracked but holding, 8vo, together with Hamilton (Robert), The Progress of Society, 1st edition, John Murray, 1830, spotting to blanks and outer leaves, ownership inscriptions including that of agricultural writing A. W. Menzies Kitchin (dated 1924) to initial blank, gilt edges, contemporary calf, gilt spine, broad decorative frames in gilt and blind to sides, joints and extremities rubbed, 8vo Rothschild 1015 for the first work, which was Godwin’s first published book. (2)


347 Grandville (J. J., illustrator). Scènes de la vie privée et publique des animaux, 2 volumes, 1st edition, Paris: J. Hetzel, 1842-4, half-title and additional wood-engraved vignette title to each volume, 200 wood-engraved plates, occasional spotting and soiling, volume 2 with 2 text-leaves (pp. 115-18) and intervening plate loose, damp-staining to endpapers, all edges gilt, later 19th-century red full morocco, a few scuffs and ringmarks, large 8vo (26.5 x 18cm) Ray, The Art of the French Illustrated Book, 1700 to 1914, 194. (2)


348 [Gurney, Anna]. A Literal Translation of the Saxon Chronicle, 1st edition, Norwich: printed by Stevenson, Matchett, and Stevenson; for John and Arthur Arch, London, 1819, very light spotting to outer leaves, 19th-century green half morocco, slightly rubbed, large 12mo in 6s (18.7 x 10.8cm), together with: La Motte Fouqué (Friedrich de), Sintram and his Companions: a Romance, from the German, 1st edition in English, C. and J. Ollier, 1820, half-title, mild spotting and soiling, small hole in D7, top edge gilt, 19th-century blue half morocco, slightly rubbed, large 12mo; [Smith, Horace], Brambletye House; or, Cavaliers and Roundheads. A Novel by one of the Authors of the “Rejected Addresses”, 3 volumes, 1st edition, Henry Colburn, 1826, sporadic light spotting, bound without advertisements in volume 3, contemporary ownership inscriptions of one John Lawford and faint blindstamps to title pages, near-contemporary blue half calf by Edmund Worrall of Birmingham, very slightly rubbed, spines faded, large 12mo; and one other Lot 348

Lowndes (1864) p. 2197 for Gurney; Sadleir 3098 for Smith. Gurney’s work was ‘the first translation of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle into modern English to be printed’ (ODNB), and according to the leaf bound after the title was printed in a ‘very limited impression ... for private circulation’. (7) £150-200


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349 Göbler (Justin). Chronica und Historien der Braunschweigischen Fürsten, 1st edition, Frankfurt: heirs of Christian Egenolff, 1566, title with xylographic text and woodcut portrait, browning and damp-staining throughout, old paper repairs in margins from leaf G1 to end, and within text in quire I, additional modern tape-repair to I5-6 versos, extensive loss of text in I6 (not part of main text), old half sheep, worn, folio in 6s Not in Adams. No copies in UK libraries. (1)

351 Hermes Trismegistus. The Divine Pymander in XVII books, translated formerly out the Arabick into Greek, and thence into Latine, and Dutch, and now out of the Original into English; by that Learned Divine Doctor Everard, 1st edition, by Robert White for Thomas Brewster and Gregory Moule, 1650 [1649], woodcut title border, headpieces and initials, several blank leaves bound in to front and rear and annotated circa 1900, browning, crude taperepair and resultant staining to binder’s blanks, leaves C3-4, D1, E2, F2-3, and rear inner hinge, the text remaining generally legible, contemporary sheep, worn, spine cracked, front board detached, 8vo (14 x 8.5cm)


350 Hemer (Matthaeus). Vita, et gesta gloriosissimi martyris Sancti Sebastiani... Leben und Thaten dess Heiligen und glorwurdigen Martyrers Sebastiani, sonderbahren Patronen wider die Pest, Augsberg: Wilhelm Planegger, 1702, additional engraved title, 50 engraved plates, 15 leaves of music at rear, edges untrimmed, near contemporary quarter vellum, paste paper covered boards, 4to, together with Holbein (Hans), The Dance of Death; from the Original Designs of Hans Holbein. Illustrated with Thirty-three Plates, Engraved by W. Hollar. With Descriptions in English and French, 1816, engraved portrait frontispiece and portrait plate and 31 other plates, some spotting and toning mostly to plates, edges untrimmed, 20th century boards, slim 8vo (2)

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)

DSB VI p. 306; Ferguson I p. 389; Wing H1565. First edition in English of ‘the first and chief work of the Corpus [Hermeticum]’ (DSB). (1) £300-500

352 Holmes (Abiel). American Annals; or, A Chronological History of America, from its Discovery in MCCCCXCII to MDCCCVI, with Additions and Corrections by the Author, 2 volumes, Cambridge, [Massachusetts], reprinted for Charles Taylor, 1808, folding engraved map frontispiece to volume 1, slightly browned and minor marginal tape repairs to verso, some spotting throughout, modern cloth gilt, 8vo These volumes, by the father of Oliver Wendell Holmes, are the first attempt at an extensive orderly history of the country as a whole. Howes H-607. (2) £100-150



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353 Kettilby (Mary). A Collection of above Three Hundred Receipts in Cookery, Physick and Surgery; For the use of all Good Wives, Tender Mothers and Careful Nurses, by Several Hands... To which is Added a Second Part, Containing a great Number of Excellent Receipts, for Preserving and Conserving of Sweet-Meats, &c, 2 parts in one, 4th and 3rd editions, 1728, woodcut head- and tail-pieces and initial letters, title with early ink manuscript remedies on blank verso, scattered minor marks and toning, first few leaves with pale dampstain to fore-margin, front endpapers with early ink ownership inscriptions, verso of front free endpaper with early ink manuscript silhouette, rear free endpaper with early ink manuscript annotations, front hinge split, contemporary calf, rubbed and lightly marked, some wear to extremities, lower back corner bumped, minor splitting to joints, 8vo (1)

355 Loyal London Mercury. The Loyal London Mercury: or the Currant Intelligence, issue number 10, from Wednesday September 20 to Saturday September 23, 1682, London: Printed by George Croom, in Thames Street, over against Baynard’s Castle, 1682, 2pp. single sheet, lower corner slight dampstained, small disbound folio (leaf size 28.6 x 18.8cm), together with Mercurius Publicus: Comprising the sum of Forraign Intelligence; with the Affairs now in Agitation in England, Scotland, and Ireland. For Information of the People, issue number 20, From Thursday May 10 to Thursday May 17, 1660, incomplete, four leaves only (2Q1-2Q4, pp. 305-312), paper fault to 2Q3), pagination cropped at head, browned and spotted, disbound 4to ESTC P1457. The Loyal London Mercury is one of the rarest of the Restoration news-sheets. It ran as a semiweekly for only 25 issues, from August 23, 1682 until it ceased on November 15, 1682. Only three institutional locations found for the work (British Library, Bodleian Library and University of Texas). (2) £300-400


354 Lardner (Dionysius). The Cabinet Cyclopaedia, approximately 130 volumes, circa 1830s-40s, some later inscriptions and minor spotting, publisher’s uniform original plum cloth, boards and spines slightly faded and rubbed to head and foot, some loss to spine labels, 8vo (approx. 130)

356 Lumisden (Andrew). Remarks on the Antiquities of Rome and its Environs: Being a CLassical and Topographical Survey of the Ruins of that Celebrated City, 1st edition, 1797, portrait frontispiece, 12 engraved maps and plates, a few folding, occasional light offsetting and spotting, armorial bookplate of Thomas Lumisden Strange, contemporary mottled calf, rebacked and repaired, 4to, together with Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. In Four Parts, by Lemuel Gulliver [Jonathan Swift], 2 volumes, 1777, some light spotting, volume I title and endpapers detached, stiching weak, later boards, spines rubbed, 8vo, plus The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, by James Boswell, 6th edition, 1813, extra-illustrated with at least 60 portraits and views, some offsetting and light spotting, later half calf, joints and edges rubbed, 8vo, with others including Fontenelle’s Dialogues of the Dead, 1708, Le Rime di M. Francesco Petrarca, 1732 and The Diary of Ralph Thoresby/Letters of Eminent Men addressed to Ralph Thoresby, 4 volumes 1830-32




357 Milton (John). Paradise Lost. A Poem, in Twelve Books. The Sixth Edition, with Notes of Various Authors, by Thomas Newton, 2 volumes, for J. and R. Tonson [and others], 1763, engraved portrait frontispiece, 14 engraved plates by J. S. Müller after Francis Hayman, mild spotting and browning, small worm-track to initial gatherings in volume 1, light damp-staining in lower margins of volume 2, stronger and more extensive in a few gatherings, contemporary ownership inscriptions of Joseph Fry (see note) to frontispiece recto (dated ‘Dunkerque, March 10th, 1767’), section title of the Seventh Book, and rear free endpaper of volume 2, contemporary French mottled calf, spines and extremities worn, joints split but firm, 8vo Provenance: from the collection of noted Quaker chocolatier and typefounder Joseph Fry (1728-1787), with his ownership inscriptions, and apparently purchased and bound for him in France. (2) £80-120

Lot 355


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358 Mirabeau (Victor Riquetti, Marquis de, & François Quesnay). L’Ami des hommes, ou Traité de la population, nouvelle édition corrigée, 7 volumes, Avignon, 1758-61, engraved frontispiece to volume 1, woodcut vignettes to title pages, half-titles to volumes 47, 6 folding tables to volume 6, marginal browning to volume 3 title page and volumes 4-7 half-titles, contemporary ownership inscriptions of one John Hamilton to title pages, contemporary sprinkled calf, red morocco spine labels, slightly rubbed, volumes 1 and 7 joints partially cracked but firm, 12mo (17 x 9.5cm) Kress 5737. Volumes four to seven actually comprise separate works, respectively Précis de l’organisation, Mémoire sur l’agriculture, Réponse à l’essai sur les ponts et chaussées, la voierie, et les corvées, and Théorie de l’impôt, issued under the collective title L’Amis des hommes. (7) £200-300

Lot 359

359 Musculus (Wolfgang). Common places of Christian Religion, gathered by Wolfgangus Musculus, for the use of suche as desire the knowledge of Godly truthe. Translated out of Latine into Englishe. Hereunto are added two other treatises, made by the same Author, one of Othes, and an other of Usurye. With a moste perfecte and plentifull Table, London: [printed by Reginalde Wolfe], 1563, title in red and black and with printer’s woodcut device (strengthened to width of gutter margin and manuscript note to lower right corner), woodcut armorial to verso of title, main body of text in black letter, few decorative woodcut initials, occasional early marginalia, some light dampstaining mostly at foot of leaves, rust holes to final three leaves, final leaf (d6) torn with loss of text and repaired, some peppered worm holes mostly towards rear of volume, later endpapers with old adhesive tape strengthening to hinges, later 18th century half calf, morocco title label to spine, joints split and covers worn, folio STC 18308. Variant 1 with first colophon, 4D2v, “Imprinted at London by Reginalde Wolfe. Anno Domini. 1563.”. Colophon, b9v, “Imprinted at London by Reginalde Wolfe. Anno Domini. 1563.”. This edition is a translation of “Loci communes sacrae theologiae”. The additions are translated excerpts from his: In Davidis Psalterium sacrosanctum commentarii. (1) £300-500

Lot 360 Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)


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360 Nelson (James). An Essay on the Government of Children, under Three General Heads: viz. Health, Manners, and Education, 1st edition, for R. and J. Dodsley, 1753, with the list of subscribers, woodcut head- and tailpieces, front free endpaper with the contemporary ownership inscription of one Ann Upwood loose, front inner hinge reinforced with letter from one H. Robinson presenting the book to her and dated 1734, closed tear in title page repaired verso, lacking rear free endpaper, edges uncut, original boards, worn, spine renewed, later manuscript spine-title, 8vo (22 x 14cm), together with: Gurney (Joseph John), Notes on a Visit made to Some of the Prisons in Scotland and the North of England, in Company with Elizabeth Fry; with some General Observations on the Subject of Prison Discipline, 1st edition, for Archibald Constable and Co., [and others], 1819, spotting to outer leaves, leaf D1 repaired in margin, edges uncut, original boards, rebacked and relined, large 12mo (19.5 x 11.2cm); Emerson (Ralph Waldo), English Traits, 1st edition, Boston: Phillips, Sampson, and Company, 1856, original brown cloth, slightly rubbed, spine rolled, headcap frayed, board-corners bumped, 8vo; Hannay (James), Three Hundred Years of a Norman House: the Barons of Gournay from the Tenth to the Thirteenth Century, 1st edition, Tinsley Brothers, 1867, inscribed ‘From the author’ on the front free endpaper, bookplate of James Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford (‘Bibliotheca Lindesiana’), light spotting to endpapers, original purple cloth, spine sunned, nicked at head, extremities bumped, 8vo Nelson’s uncommon treatise on child-rearing reached a third edition by 1763. (4) £100-200

362 Photios I. Myriobiblon e Bibliotheke [Greek title] ... Graece edidit David Hoeschelius ... Latine vero redidit et scholiis auxit Andreas Schottus, [Geneva:] Paul Estienne, 1612, title page printed in red and black, large woodcut title device, woodcut head- and tailpieces and initials, Greek and Latin text in double column, faint browning to margins, light spotting to a handful of quires, ownership inscription ‘Ed. Reynolds do. Braunston, 1643’ to title page (see note) contemporary sprinkled calf, spine relaid, label renewed, covers scuffed and scored, corners worn, small section of front board and corners of rear board sympathetically restored, folio in 6s (34.5 x 20.5cm) Renouard 197.21 (also noting copies dated 1611; further copies traced dated 1613). First bilingual edition of the Myriobiblon, with the ownership inscription of English clergyman Edward Reynolds (1599-1676), dated ‘Braunston, 1643’ to the title page: Reynolds was rector of Braunston in Northamptonshire from 1631 until his appointment as bishop of Norwich thirty years later. The Myriobiblon is valued for preserving several classical texts otherwise lost. (1) £400-600

363 Platina (Bartolomeo). La Historia di Battista Platina delle vite de’ Pontefici, dal Salvatore nostro fino a Paolo II. Piu assai corretta, che fosse mai; con le vite de gli altri pontefici sequenti fino a Pio IIII scritte dal P.F. Honofrio Panvinio da Verona..., Venice: Michele Tramezino, 1563, woodcut device to title, blank leaves 3A7 & 3A8 present, imprint from colophon, occasional dampstains and light dust-soiling, short worm trail to blank fore-edge margin of final four leaves, bookplate of George Loch to upper pastedown, near contemporary vellum, marked, 4to

361 Norris (John). The Theory and Regulation of Love. A Moral Essay, In Two Parts. To which are added Letters Philosophical and Moral Between the Author and Dr Henry More, 1st edition, Oxford: Hen. Clements, 1688, imprimatur leaf before title (with early ink signature ‘H. Taylor Junr.’ to recto), errata leaf at rear, minor dustsoiling and spotting at front and rear, contemporary calf, some edge wear, covers detached and loss at head and foot of spine, 8vo Wing N1272. (1)

Important edition of the vernacular version of Vitae de Pontefici by Bartolomeo Sacchi, best known as Il Platina (1421-1481). Based on the Venice edition Platinae Historiae de vitiis ponti cum periucunda diligenter recognita (Philippo Pincio, 1505). (1) £200-300



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364 Playfair (James). A System of Chronology, 1st edition, Edinburgh: for William Creech, 1784, half-title, 11 plates numbered 1-7, several folding, water-staining to upper outer corners of halftitle and title page, very faintly continuing in subsequent leaves, modern calf-backed marbled boards, folio (47 x 28cm), together with: Sawyer (Edmund), Memorials of Affairs of State in the Reigns of Q. Elizabeth and K. James I. Collected (chiefly) from the Original Papers of Sir Ralph Winwood, 3 volumes, 2nd edition, for Thomas Osborne, 1727, engraved portrait frontispiece, publisher’s advertisement leaf to each volume, variable spotting, browning to prelims and endpapers, contemporary calf, rubbed and worn, joints cracked but holding, folio (47 x 28.5cm); Clarendon (Edward Hyde, earl of), The Life of Edward, Earl of Clarendon, 1st edition, Oxford: at the Clarendon printing-house, 1759, engraved portrait frontispiece, head- and tailpieces, and initials, frontispiece offset, bookplate of Robert Smyth of Gaybrook, Westmeath (1801-1878), contemporary sprinkled calf, rubbed and worn, joints partially cracked but firm, folio (40 x 24cm); Allestree (Richard), Works, 3rd edition, Oxford: at the Theater, 1695, engraved frontispiece and title device, contemporary mottled calf, spine gilt in compartments and neatly repaired, red morocco label, gilt panelling to sides, slightly rubbed, folio (39 x 23.5cm); Gibson (Edmund), Codex juris ecclesiastici Anglicani ... second edition, revised and improved with large additions, by the author, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1761, 2 volumes in 1, title page tipped in (one letter obscured), endpapers renewed, contemporary buff reversed calf, rebacked to style with new label, worn, repairs, folio (41 x 25.5cm) Lowndes pp. 1881 (Playfair), 2955 (Sawyer), 468 (Clarendon), 888 (Gibson); Wing A1084 for Allestree. This second edition of Sawyer is notably uncommon, with ESTC tracing four copies; this copy appears to be on large paper, though no large-paper issued is recorded in ESTC. (7) £300-400

365 Plutarch. Omnium quae exstant operum..., continens vitas parallelas cum Latina interpretatione Cruserii, & Xylandri..., 2 volumes, Paris: apud Societatem Graecarum Editionum, 1624, engraved portrait frontispiece to volume 1, both titles in red and black and with engraved portrait vignette, early ink inscription to upper blank margins of each title, double-column text in Greek & Latin, occasional dampstaining mostly to lower outer corners, scattered light spotting and minor toning, early 19th century half calf gilt, contrasting morocco labels to spines, joints cracked and lower board of volume 1 detached, large thick folio (2)

367 Rowning (John). A Compendious System of Natural Philosophy, for Samuel Harding, 1752, 4 parts in 2 volumes, collective title page to each volume dated 1743 (stated ‘second edition’), separate title pages to each part, respectively dated 1752 (‘fifth edition, with additions’), 1751 (‘fifth edition’), 1752 (‘third edition’) and 1742 (no edition stated), 44 folding plates, worming in lower margins of volume 2, affecting title imprint and a few words in first few gatherings, a few mild spots, contemporary sprinkled calf, phoenix and flower devices gilt to spines, rubbed, wear to corners, volume 1 headcap chipped, 8vo, together with 3 others (incomplete sets of Brookes’s Natural History, Pluche’s Spectacle de la nature, and Watson’s Chemical Essays, 18th-century editions, plates, contemporary calf) ‘One of the most popular texts throughout the eighteenth century ... Chiefly distinguished for its clarity, the work should also be noted for its explicit rejection of Newtonian ether, its explanation of forces as the continuing action of God upon matter, and its proposal of alternating spheres of attraction and repulsion some twenty years before Boskovic’s Philosophiae’ (DSB XI pp. 579-80).


366 [Propertius, Sextus]. Les oeuvres de Properce, de la trad. de M.D.M.A.D.V., Paris: Guillaume de Luyne, 1654, additional engraved title (with early signature), scribbled out early inscription to letterpress title, lacking marbled front free endpaper, all edges gilt, contemporary gilt panelled and decorated terracotta red morocco, joints slightly cracked, 8vo, together with Anacreon, Les Poesies d’Anacreon et de Sapho, Traduites de grec en vers François, avec des remarques, Paris: Pierre Emery, 1684, scattered light spotting, contemporary calf, gilt decorated spine lacking title label, worn at head & foot of spine and to board corners, 12mo, with Petronius (Arbiter), Petrone Latin et François; Traduction entiere..., 2 volumes, new edition, Amsterdam: Aux dépens de la Compagnie, 1756, 10 engraved plates including frontispiece to volume 1 (two plates folding), contemporary mottled calf, gilt decorated spines with morocco title labels, slight wear at head of spines, 8vo, and Melmoth (William), The Letters of Pliny the Consul: with occasional remarks, 2 volumes, 9th edition, revised and corrected, 1796, engraved vignette to titles, contemporary calf, gilt decorated spines with morocco labels to spines, upper board of volume 1 near detached and lower joint cracked, 8vo, plus other 18th & early 19th century antiquarian, mostly continental publications, including few odd volumes (46)

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)





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369 [Salmon, William.] The Works of Aristotle, in four parts, containing, I. His Complete Masterpiece ... to which is added The Family Physician ... II. His Experienced Midwife ... III. His Book of Problems ... IV. His Last Legacy ... a new and improved edition, printed for Miller, Law, and Carter, [1821], engraved portrait frontispiece dated 1821, 8 woodcuts to the text, sporadic light spotting, contemporary sheep, slightly rubbed, front joint split at foot, 12mo, together with: Gay (John), Elegant Edition of Fables, with the Life of the Author, T. Heptinstall, 1796, 2 volumes in 1, engraved title page and frontispiece, numerous vignettes by Rothwell and others, lacking engraved title and frontispiece of volume 2, contemporary tree calf, gilt spine, slightly front, foot of front joint split, 12mo; Cowper (William),[Poems, comprising:] Table Talk, and Other Poems; The Task; Minor Poems, 3 volumes, for John Sharpe by C. Whittingham, 1822, 21 engraved vignette titles after Westall, some slightly spotted and offset, gilt edges, contemporary buff calf, richly gilt spines, twin morocco labels, elaborate blind panels to sides enclosed by gilt and blind rolls, 12mo; and 10 others, 18th- and 19th century English and French literature, mainly leather-bound, 12mo

368 Royal Society (London). Abrégé des transactions philosophiques de la Société royale de Londres, ouvrage traduit de l’Anglois, et rédigé par M. Gibelin, 10 parts [of 12] in 14 volumes [all published], Paris: Buisson, 1787-91, comprising parts 1 (Histoire naturelle; 2 volumes), 2 (Botanique; 2 volumes), 4 (Physique expérimentale; 2 volumes) 5 (Chimie; 1 volume), 6 (Anatomie et physique animale; 1 volume), 7 (Médecine et chirurgie; 1 volume), 8 (Matière médicale et pharmacie; 2 volumes), 10 (Mélanges, observations, voyages; 1 volume), and 11-12 (Antiquités et beaux arts; 2 volumes; volume 2 sub-titled ‘onzième et douzième parties’), with half-titles, 39 engraved folding plates, 2 folding letterpress tables, ink-stamps and manuscript shelf-marks of the Dépot de la Guerre to title pages and most plates, mild spotting, contemporary streaked sheep, smooth spines gilt in compartments, twin morocco labels, paper shelf-mark labels pasted to upper compartments, wear, worming to boards, 8vo

Later London edition of the infamous manual of sex and pregnancy usually attributed to William Salmon (1644-1713). Sharpe’s attractive edition of Cowper, with plates after Westall, first appeared in 1817-18. (15) £100-200

The third (provisionally titled Météorologie) and ninth parts do not appear to have been published. (14) £200-300

Lot 369

370 Schott (Gaspar). Magiae Universalis Naturae et Artis, Pars III (of 4) only, in IX Libros Digesta, quibus pleraq; quae in Centrobaryca, Mechanica, Statyca, Hydrostatica, Hydrotechnica, Aerotechnica, Arithmetica, & Geometria, sunt rara, curiosa, ac prodigiosa, hoc est, verè magica..., Thaumaturgus Mathematicus..., Bamberg: Joan. Arnoldi Cholini, 1672, additional engraved title, 21 engraved plates, spotting and some browning throughout text, bookplate of Thomas Boultbee Perkyns to upper pastedown, contemporary blind panelled calf, joints split and some wear to extremities, 4to (1)



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Lot 371 371 Shakespeare (William). The Plays of William Shakspeare..., with Corrections and Illustrations of various Commentators. To which are added notes, by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens, revised and augmented by Isaac Reed, with a Glossarial Index, 21 volumes, 6th edition, 1813, half-titles, 78 engraved plates (including portrait frontispiece to volume 1), few engraved illustrations, four foling tables, occasional spotting and dampstains, together with Shakspeare Illustrated, by an assemblage of Portraits & Views, appropriated to the whole suite, of that Authors Historical Dramas; to which are added Portraits of Actors, Editors, &c., London: S. & E. Harding, 1793, 150 engraved plates (including frontispiece and title, occasional spotting, with Illustrations of Shakspeare, and of Ancient Manners: with Dissertations on the Clowns and Fools of Shakspeare..., and on the English Morris Dance, 2 volumes, 1807, titles in red & black, nine engraved plates (one folding, plate 1 misbound in volume 2), wood engraved illustrations by J. Berryman, some scattered spotting, plus An Index to the Remarkable Passages and Words made use of by Shakspeare; calculated to point out the different meanings to which the words are applied, by the Rev. Samuel Ayscough, 1790, occasional light spotting and some dampstaining towards rear of volume, each volume with later matching marbled endpapers, uniform contemporary calf with gilt & blind decorated borders to boards, all volumes professionally rebacked (in morocco), with elaborate gilt & blind decorated spines, contrasting morocco labels (numbered 1-25), corners neatly repaired, 8vo A handsome set. (25)


372 Shakespeare (William). The Plays and Poems, with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, comprehending a Life of the Poet, and an Enlarged History of the Stage, by Edmond Malone, 21 volumes, 1st edition, printed for F. C. and J. Rivington [and others], 1821, engraved portrait frontispieces to volumes 1 and 2, 7 further plates (found in volumes 2, 3 and 16), spotting to endpapers and prelims, very occasionally to text, typescript contents slips tipped to initial blanks, bookplates of J. Denham Smith and Léopold Dor (see note), later 19th-century tan half calf, marbled endpapers, edges and sides, spines richly gilt in compartments, twin red and maroon morocco labels, extremities and joints slightly rubbed, light wear to corners, shallow chip to volume 19 spine label, 8vo

Lot 373

Jaggard p. 514, Lowndes p. 2262. Third variorum edition, and the first edited by James Boswell the younger (1778-1822): it is as such known as ‘Boswell’s Malone’. Provenance: Joseph Denham Smith (1816/7-1889), Congregationalist minister and hymnodist; Léopold Dor (1881-1960), French jurist and amateur archaeologist (bookplates). (21) £300-500

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)


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373 Smollett (Tobias). The Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves. By the Author of Roderick Random, 2 volumes, 1st edition in bookform, for J. Coote, 1762, together with: The History and Adventures of an Atom, 2 volumes, 1st edition, 1st issue, for Robinson and Roberts, [1769], half-titles; The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle. In which are included, Memoirs of a Lady of Quality, 4 volumes, 4th edition, for R. Baldwin [and others], 1769, engraved frontispieces, small hole in that of volume 2; The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom, 2 volumes, 2nd edition, for W. Johnston, 1771, half-titles; The Adventures of Roderick Random, 2 volumes, 8th edition, W. Strahan [and others], 1770, engraved frontispieces; The Expedition of Humphry Clinker. By the Author of Roderick Random, 3 volumes, 2nd edition, for W. Johnston and B. Collins, 1772, half-titles; Fielding (Henry), The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, 4 volumes, for A. Millar, 1763; Richardson (Samuel), Pamela ... a new edition, being the fourteenth, with numerous corrections and alterations, 4 volumes, for J. Johnson [and others], 1801; and 4 similar (incomplete); all works with some spotting and browning, mainly to endpapers, contemporary ownership inscriptions of one Thomas Hodges (many dated 1773; Tom Jones dated ‘Holm’s Chapel, 1789’), all in uniform contemporary half calf (except Tom Jones, in similar contemporary half sheep, and Pamela, contemporary tree sheep), red morocco spine-labels, marbled sides, rubbed overall, some minor wear (heavier on spines of Tom Jones), some soiling, 12mo Rothschild 1923 for The History and Adventures of an Atom; the first issue is erroneously dated 1749 on the title pages. (32) £300-500

374 Starkey (George). Liquor Alchahest, oder ein Discurs von den unsterblichen Dissolvente oder der auflösenden Materie des Paracelsi und Helmontii, 1st edition in German, Nuremberg: Johann Zieger, 1686, bound after: Amelung (Heinrich Christian), Chymische Untersuchung, von dem Unterscheid des Philosoph. und Mineralischen Antimonii, wie auch des Mercurii Philosophorum & vulgaris, 1st edition, Dresden: Michael Günther, 1690, 2 works in 1 volume, woodcut head- and tailpieces and initials, spotting and browning, closely trimmed throughout, partially cropping pagination, running heads and the first line of the title in Starkey, and the last letter of each line in leaves B6 recto and C3 verso of Amelung, Starkey title page with additional chip in fore margin not affecting text, Amelung title page laid down and with the blind stamp of the British National Association of Spiritualists, contemporary sheep, gilt spine, worn overall, spinelabel chipped, headcaps restored at an early date, 12mo (12 x 7cm) Ferguson II p. 402 for the first edition of Starkey’s text (London, 1675) and I pp. 30-1 for Amelung; DSB VI pp. 616-7 for Starkey. Sammelband of two rare 17th-century alchemical treatises, three copies of this edition of Starkey’s work (BL, Glasgow, Manchester) and four copies of Amelung’s (Sheffield, Strathclyde, UCL and Wellcome) found in UK libraries; neither traced in auction records. Starkey (1628-1665) was born on Bermuda but raised in North America, and studied at Harvard College before emigrating to London and joining the circle of Samuel Hartlib. His works ‘became classics of alchemical literature’ (DSB). Ferguson was unable to provide a biographical notice for Amelung, though his work is dedicated to nobleman Friedrich Adolph von Haugwitz (1637-1707) and contains over 30 extracts from Bernard Trevisan, Nicolas Flamel, and others. (1) £600-800

Lot 374


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375 Tennyson (Alfred, Lord). Works, 6 volumes, Strahan & Co., 1872-3, half-title to each volume, engraved portrait frontispiece to volume 1, wood-engraved head- and tailpieces and initials, spotting to endpapers, turn-ins gilt, all edges gilt, contemporary red morocco gilt by Ramage, scalloped green morocco onlays to head and foot of spines, spines slightly darkened, a few pale marks to sides, 8vo (20 x 13cm) (6)

377 Universal Magazine. The Univeral Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure, volume 32, 1763, engraved allegorical frontispiece, sixteen engraved plates (including four folding), two folding maps by R. W. Seale of North America and Worcestershire, the map of North America with contemporary hand colouring and measuring 265 x 350mm, contemporary speckled calf, joints cracked and frayed, bumped and worn, 8vo, together with Volumes 34 & 35 (bound as one), 1764, allegorical frontispiece to each volume, thirty-two engraved plates (including ten folding), one single plate with contemporary hand colouring, three maps including a map of the West Riding of Yorkshire by R. W. Seale and two folding maps of London, contemporary speckled calf, hinges and joints cracked, worn at extremities, 8vo, and The Lady’s Magazine, Mirror of the Belles-Lettres, Fashions, Fine Arts, Music, Drama &c. New Series, volume 7, 1826, decorative title, sixteen uncoloured engraved portraits, genre and topographical scenes and twenty four engraved fashion plates with contemporary hand colouring, contemporary half morocco gilt frayed and worn, spine partially split, 8vo


376 Thackeray (William Makepeace). Works, 12 volumes, Smith, Elder & Co., 1879-80, etched frontispiece to each volume, volume 12 (The Christmas Books) with numerous further plates and text illustrations, spotting to binder’s blanks and prelims, very occasionally to text, a few other minor marks, contemporary ownership inscriptions to initial blanks, contemporary green half calf, spines richly gilt in compartments, twin red morocco labels, marbled sides, spines very slightly faded, light rubbing in places, volume 4 boards abraded on fore edges, 8vo (19 x 12.5cm), together with Dickens (Charles), The New Oxford Illustrated Dickens, Oxford University Press, 1947-57, 19 volumes (of 21: lacking Master Humphrey’s Clock and A Child’s History of England, and The Uncommercial Traveller and Reprinted Pieces); frontispiece and title vignette to each volume, contemporary ownership inscriptions to front free endpapers, top edges gilt, original blue crushed morocco, extremities slightly rubbed, a few spines faded, David Copperfield spine worn, 8vo

Sold as a collection of prints and maps, not subject to return. (3) £100-200

Gimbel D218 for Dickens (referring to the cloth issue only); all works in the Dickens set are first editions thus, except Pickwick Papers (which is a 1949 reprint; it was first published in this form in 1948). (31) £150-200

Lot 376 Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)


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378 Vernet (Carle). Tableaux historiques des campagnes d’Italie, depuis l’an IV jusqu’à la bataille de Marengo, 1st edition, Paris: Auber, 1806, half-title, 24 engraved plates including additional title showing Napoleon on horseback, double-page map of Italy coloured to outline, section title with 2 roundel portraits of Napoleon and Josephine, 2 engraved vignettes depicting Napoleon’s coronation and the Battle of Abukir, tissue-guards throughout, light spotting mainly to plate margins (stronger on tissue-guards), edges untrimmed, original green printed paper boards, spine defective, joints split, heavily rubbed and worn overall, large folio (57 x 42cm) Imposing work issued to commemorate Napoleon’s campaigns in Italy, Germany and Egypt, rare in the original binding, and this copy with particularly rich impressions of the plates. (1) £600-800

379 Weaver, John. An Essay Towards an History of Dancing, In which the Whole Art and its Various Excellencies are in some Measure Explain’d, Containing the Several Sorts of Dancing, Antique and Modern, Serious, Scenical, Grotesque, &c. with the Use of it as an Exercise, Qualification, Diversion, &c., 1st edition, printed for Jacob Tonson, 1712, woodcut initials and head-pieces, front endpaper detached, contemporary panelled calf, rebacked and with morocco title label to spine, 8vo

Lot 378




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Lot 380 380 Wilkins (John). An Essay Towards a Real Character, and a Philosophical Language, 2 parts in one, 1st edition, 1668, imprimatur leaf, title with engraved armorial, two full-page engraved plates, engraved illustrations, two folding tables, occasional light spotting, armorial bookplate of Beilby Thompson of Escrick, eighteenth century calf, rebacked with original spine relaid, small repairs to corners, a little rubbed, folio

381 Wotton (Sir Henry). Reliquiae Wottonianae. Or, a Collection of Lives, Letters, Poems; with Characters of Sundry Personages: and other Incomporable Pieces of Language and Art, 1st edition, printed by Thomas Maxey, for R. Marriot, G. Bedel, and T. Garthwait, 1651, 4 engraved portrait plates including frontispiece, title page dust-soiled and slightly damp-stained, occasional light soiling elsewhere, contemporary ownership inscription ‘Wm Killigrew’ to final leaf verso (see note), later calf, diamond panel gilt to sides, worn, joints split but firm, 12mo (14.1 x 7.5cm)

Wing 2196. John Wilkins (1614-1672) was a founder member of the Royal Society and one of the century’s most influential thinkers. The present work, considered his greatest, is an attempt to formulate a universal language. The zoological and botanical tables were compiled with the help of Francis Willughby and John Ray. (1) £600-800

Lowndes (1864) p. 2997; Wing W3648. The owner of this copy appears to have been English courtier and playright Sir William Killigrew (1606-1695). (1) £200-300

Lot 381 Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)


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ART & BIBLIOGRAPHY 386 Greenwood (Jeremy). The Graphic Work of Edward Wadsworth, Wood Lea Press, 2002, colour and monochrome illustrations, printed in an edition of 450 copies, original patterned boards, with slipcase, folio, together with Grice (Elizabeth), Norman Janes, Wood Engravings & The Man, with a foreword by Simon Brett, Evergreen Press, 2014, numerous colour and monochrome illustrations, including many tipped-in, original green crushed morocco-backed patterned boards, folio, limited edition 63/150, with original invoice from the publisher to Alan Tucker loosely inserted

382 Borras (Maria Lluisa). La Sainte-Vierge. De luxe edition of the catalogue for the Francis Picabia exhibition at Ronny Van de Velde, Antwerp, 1993, comprising the catalogue (sealed), folded contents leaf, 34 facsimile reprints of catalogues, pamphlets and periodicals in various sizes, all loosely contained in original cloth drop-back book box, a little frayed at head of upper joint, (limited edition 974/1200 copies), together with Rivulets & Sibilants of Dent, Poems by John Williams, Drawings/Prints by Karl Torok, 3 copies, [Bradford:] Topia Press, 1987, 12 colour lithographs on twelve sheets, each signed in pencil by the artist, loosely contained as issued with 8-page booklet of poems (numbered 4, 5 & 6/50 copies, signed by poet and artist) in card portfolio with colour title onlay to upper covers, plus Creatis, la photographie au present, 10 issues bound as one, Paris, 1976-1979, colour and black and white photograph reproductions, original cloth, all large folio (5)

From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (2)

387 Kingdon (J.A.). Richard Grafton, Citizen and Grocer of London..., a sequel to Poyntz and Grafton, privately printed, Rixon & Arnold, 1901, numerous black and white facsimiles and illustrations, some minor toning, contemporary embossed maroon full morocco, boards slightly marked, folio, together with The Houghton Library 1942-1967, a selection of Books and Manuscripts in Harvard Collections, USA, 1968, numerous colour and black and white illustrations, some biro annotations, contemporary gilt decorated red full morocco, lightly rubbed, folio, and Hope (W.H. St. John), The Stall Plates of the Knights of the Order of the Garter 1348-1485, 1901, 89 colour chromolithograph plates, some minor toning, contemporary gilt decorated green quarter morocco, boards and spine lightly rubbed and marked, large 8vo, plus 9 related facsimiles and art reference, including The Art Journal, 1855-56, 1890, 1902, some leather bindings


383 Fletcher (W.Y. & others). Bibliographica: Papers on Books, their History and Art, 12 parts in 3 volumes, 1895-97, 65 plates including some coloured, woodcut illustrations to text, top edges gilt, modern brown half morocco by Bayntun, original printed wrappers retained at rear of each volume, small folio, together with Besterman (Theodore), A World Bibliography of Bibliographies and of Bibliographical Catalogues, Calendars, Abstracts, Digests, Indexes, and the like, 3 volumes, 2nd edition, 1947, ink library stamps to front flyleaves and title versos, original buckram gilt, rubbed and soiled, spines faded, small folio (6)


From the Library of Cecil H. Clough (1930-2017). (12)

384 Francis (Grant R.). Old English Drinking Glasses Their Chronology and Sequence, 1st edition, Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1926, 80 plates, endpapers spotted and toned, front hinge split, top edges gilt, remainder untrimmed, original quarter velum, gilt lettered spine and upper cover, a few minor marks, large 4to, together with, (limited edition, 15/100 copies, signed by the author) Bles (Joseph), Rare English Glasses of The XVII & XVIII Centuries, Geoffrey Bles, [1924], 101 tipped-in plates (including frontispiece), endpapers and untrimmed edges spotted, original cloth spine faded, large 4to (2)


388 Kristeller (Paul Oskar). Iter Italicum, A finding list of uncatalogued or incompletely catalogued humanistic manuscripts of the Renaissance in Italian and other libraries, 7 volumes, including Index, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1963-97, original blue cloth gilt, printed review of this work by Charles Trinkaus from Renaissance News loosely inserted and with printed bookmark inside volume 1 inscribed by the author ‘best wishes Edith and Paul Kristeller’, together with Studies in Renaissance Thought and Letters, 4 volumes, Rome, 1956-96, original printed wrappers, all large 8vo


From the Library of Cecil H. Clough (1930-2017). (11)

385 Goldschmidt (E.P.). Gothic & Renaissance Bookbindings, 2 volumes, 2nd edition, Amsterdam, 1967, some colour and numerous monochrome illustrations, original cloth, 4to, together with Hobson (Anthony), Humanists and Bookbinders, The Origins and Diffusion of the Humanistic Bookbinding 1459-1559, Cambridge University Press, 1992, colour frontispiece and numerous monochrome plates, original brown cloth gilt in dust wrapper, folio, author’s presentation inscription to half-title ‘For Cecil with warmest best wishes from Anthony’, plus Ramsden (Charles), Bookbinders of the United Kingdom (outside London) 1780-1840, French Bookbinders 1789-1848 & London Bookbinders 1780-1840, together 3 volumes, Batsford, 1987-89, plus others on early bookbindings, including Gabriel Austin, The Library of Jean Grolier, New York, Grolier Club, 1971, Hans Furstenberg, Die Italienischen Renaissance-Einbande der Bibliothek Furstenberg, Hamburg, 1966 From the Library of Cecil H. Clough (1930-2017). (17)





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389 Mendelssohn (Joanna). The Art of Sir Lionel Lindsay, Volume I, Woodcuts, Copperfield Publishing Company, 1982, some colour and numerous monochrome illustrations, original mock green morocco gilt, with matching cloth slipcase, folio, limited edition 209/300, signed by the publishers, together with Bain (Iain), The Childhood Etchings of Sir Edwin Landseer R.A., Five Prints taken from his still surviving copper plates, produced for the Heritage Collection, 1974, five etched plates, each mounted, with printed introduction, all loosely contained in original cloth portfolio, 4to, plus Gordon Craig (Edward), An Exhibition of Drawings and Models for Hamlet: Macbeth: The Vikings and Other Plays, City Art Gallery, Leeds, 1913, several monochrome plates, original printed wrappers, stapled as issued (somewhat rusted and a little wear to edges), slim 8vo, and Terry (Ellen), Souvenir Programme given by the Theatrical & Musical Professions as a Tribute to Miss Ellen Terry, on the occasion of her Jubilee, Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, June 12th 1906, colour and tinted illustrations, light spotting to endpapers, original cloth-backed printed boards, with design to upper cover by William Nicholson, rubbed and some marks, with a printed programme for the Adelphi Theatre performance of Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure, April 28th 1906, featuring Ellen Terry loosely inserted at rear, Edward Craig’s personal copy of Fletcher & Rood’s bibliography of Edward Gordon Craig (heavily annotated), Gustave Geffroy, La Vie Artistique, 5th Series, Paris, 1897, with lithograph by Fantin-Latour as frontispiece, three Paris Almanachs for 1895, 1896, & 1897, Sam Hunter, Joan Miro, His Graphic Work, Abrams, 1958, and Norman Douglas, D.H. Lawrence and Maurice Magnus, A Plea for Better Manners, Privately Printed, 1925 (with autograph letter signed by Norman Douglas with envelope dated Florence, 12 May 1926, loosely inserted) (18)

392 Pugin (Augustus Charles, 1769-1832). Pugin’s Gothic Ornaments, selected from Various Buildings in England and France, drawn on Stone by J. D. Harding, 1st edition, [1828-]1831, bound with: Ornamental Gables selected from Ancient Examples in England, drawn on Stone by his Pupil B. Ferrey, 1st edition, 1831; and Examples of Gothic Architecture, consisting of Plans, Sections, Elevations and Details, Vol. 1 [of 3], 1st edition, [1831], 3 works in 1 volume, first work with lithographic title page, 2 letterpress leaves, 98 lithographic plates of 99 (lacking number 84; plates numbered 1-100 as 1 plate double-page), second work with lithographic title, 21 lithographic plates (of 30), lacking text leaves, third work with engraved title and 53 engraved plates (of 73; 2 plates double-page; 1 coloured), lacking text leaves, spotting and soiling throughout, near-contemporary dark green half morocco, rubbed and worn, 4to, together with: Day & Son, publisher, Nature and Art, 2 volumes, 1st edition, 1866-7, 68 chromo- or photolithographic plates, mild spotting, contemporary half calf, rebacked and recornered, 4to; Street (George Edmund), Some Account of Gothic Architecture in Spain, 1st edition, 1865, engraved frontispiece, 50 similar plates, 25 lithographic plans (several folding), spotting to endpapers and preliminaries, ownership blind stamps to blanks, bookplate, later calf over bevelled boards by Nutt of Cambridge, 8vo Fowler 258-60 for the works in the Pugin sammelband, which has the bookplate of Laurence A. Turner (1864-1957), master mason and woodcarver, whose commissions included the tomb of William Morris in Kelmscott churchyard. (4) £100-200

393 Richardson (Jonathan, the elder). Two Discourses. I. An Essay on the Whole Art of Criticism as it relates to Painting ... II. An Argument in behalf of the Science of a Connoisseur ... 1st edition, W. Churchill, 1719, bound without advertisement leaf; from the library of the earls of Macclesfield at Shirburn Castle, with bookplate and blind stamps as usual, contemporary panelled calf, gilt spine (slightly rubbed), front joint split but firm, 8vo, together with Reresby (Sir John), The Memoirs, containing Several Private and Remarkable Transactions, from the Restoration to the Revolution inclusively, 1st edition, [no publisher], 1734, spotting to first and last few leaves, 20th-century half calf to style, 4to


390 Morritt (Robert, 20th century). The Typography of E.E. Cummings, Bath Academy of Art, circa 1973, text printed in colours, limited signed edition 6/14, original green cloth, upper cover with abstract design in red and white, sheet size 30 x 46cm (12 x 18ins), oblong folio From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (1)


Provenance: both works ex libris Christopher Hogwood CBE (1941-2014); for Richardson’s see The Library of the Earls of Macclesfield, removed from Shirburn Castle, Part VI, Sotheby’s, London, 25 October 2005, lot 1745. ‘Richardson was the most important and prolific English writer on art of the first half of the eighteenth century’ (ODNB). (2) £100-200

391 Pettas (William A.). The Giunti of Florence, Merchant Publishers of the Sixteenth Century, San Francisco, Bernard M. Rosenthal, 1980, original cloth gilt in dust wrapper, 4to, together with Goldschmidt (E.P.), The Printed Book of the Renaissance, Three Lectures on Type, Illustration, Ornament, Amsterdam, Gerard Th. van Heusden, 1966, some monochrome illustrations, original cloth gilt in dust wrapper, 4to, plus Barker (Nicolas, and others), A Catalogue of the Ahmanson-Murphy Aldine Collection at UCLA, 5 volumes bound in 6, Los Angeles, 1989-94, colour frontispiece to each volume, monochrome plates, original blue printed wrappers, large 8vo, and others on the history of early printing, including A.F. Johnson, Selected Essays on Books and Printing, Amsterdam, 1970, Martin Lowry, Nicholas Jenson and the Rise of Venetian Publishing in Renaissance Europe, Oxford, 1991, Paul Needham, The Printer & The Pardoner, an unrecorded indulgence printed by William Caxton, Washington, 1986, Auguste Bernard, Geofroy Tory Painter and Engraver: First Royal Printer: Reformer of Orthography and Typography under Francois I, Riverside Press, 1909, Kraus Reprint, 1969, Elizabeth L. Eisenstein, The Printing Press as an Agent of Change, 2 volumes, Cambridge University Press, 1979, etc., mostly modern publications, many in dust wrappers, mostly 8vo From the Library of Cecil H. Clough (1930-2017). (40)

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)



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394 Sarikulova (Gul’-Chara Abulatipovna). Grafika Kazakhstana [Russian title], 1st edition, Almaty: Nauka, 1967, 77 numbered plates on 39 sheets, portrait bookplate and contemporary ownership inscription (dated 19.7.67) of artist Valentin Antoshenko-Olenev contributor of plates 26-30 (see note), original cloth, a few marks, square 8vo, together with: approximately 20 books and pamphlets of bookplate reference, 19th and 20th century; and assorted ephemera including: 2 19th-century scrapbooks of embossed arms, crests and monograms; 4 bookplate woodblocks or copperplates; bookbinding paraphernalia including original wooden boards from a 15th-century book, and a front board onlaid with mother-ofpearl; various post-cards and manuscript journals, 19th and 20th century; and approximately 15 assorted maps, 18th-20th centuries

397 Aiken (Joan). Collection of inscribed first editions, 1953-82, comprising: All You’ve Ever Wanted, 1st edition, Jonathan Cape, 1953; Black Hearts in Battersea, 1st UK edition, Jonathan Cape, 1965; Night Birds on Nantucket, 1st edition, Jonathan Cape, 1966; The Smile of the Stranger, 1st US edition, Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1978; A Touch of Chill, 1st edition, Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1979; The Weeping Ash, 1st US edition, Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1980; The Girl from Paris, 1st US edition, Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1982; All You’ve Ever Wanted inscribed by Aiken ‘For Peggy & Dick, from Joan, A minor gift but I hope the title will bring you luck’ on the front free endpaper, remaining works all with similar personalised inscriptions by Aiken to the recipient Peggy Robinson and various members of her family, light spotting to All You’ve Ever Wanted and to edges of a few other volumes, all in original boards or clothbacked boards, with the dust jackets, a few minor nicks to jackets, All You’ve Ever Wanted and The Weeping Ash jackets toned, 8vo

Rare Almaty-printed monograph on Kazakh design, from the collection of artist Valentin Antoshenko-Olenev (1900-1984), sometime student of Marc Chagall, accompanied by assorted ephemera. No copies traced in libraries. (a carton) £100-150

395 Tilson (Joe). Alchera. Notes for Country Works (Wiltshire and Tuscany) 1970-1974, Kelpra Editions, 1976, suite of 17 full-page and 8 double-page colour screenprints by Joe Tilson, printed on both sides of folded sheets, with title page, text and justification, loose as issued in original half cloth portfolio, spine rubbed, publisher’s slipcase, rubbed and marked with a little fraying to extremities, large folio

Peggy Robinson appears to have worked at Jonathan Cape in the 1950s and 1960s; Aiken’s inscriptions suggest that she became well acquainted with Robinson and her family. (7) £100-200

Signed limited edition, 48/50 copies. The double-page prints in this copy are not initialled by the artist as found in some copies. (1) £200-300

396 Toulouse-Lautrec (Henri de). Elles, with a Specially Written Introduction by Michael Melot, Toulouse-Lautrec Circle of London, 1969, 11 tipped-in colour lithographs, each with blind stamp and limitation number (872/1250) in pencil, with a loosely inserted window-mounted lithograph (limited edition 676/5000) and a 4page membership certificate of the Toulouse-Lautrec Circle, original cloth-backed pictorial boards in slipcase (dust-soiled and partly faded), large folio (1)



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399 Awdry (Rev. W.). Tank Engine Thomas Again, Edward Ward, 1st edition, [1949], full-page colour illustrations throughout, a few minor marks to blank margins, contemporary pencilled inscription on front free endpaper dated 1949, stitching strained, original blue cloth gilt, very lightly marked, spine with some fading and loss to ends, in torn dust jacket, with some losses (affecting lettering on spine and clipping title on front panel), oblong 12mo, together with an early (circa 1948) edition of Thomas the Tank Engine, plus 17 Railway Series 1st editions by the same author, occasional minor marks or finger-soiling, Four Little Engines with pale dampstain to first few lower corners, Duck and the Diesel Engine lacking front free endpaper, The Twin Engines with some light creasing to leaves, Duke the Lost Engine with vertical crease to one leaf, all but one (number 26) in dust jackets (most not price-clipped), varying conditions, plus five Railway Series 1st editions by Christopher Awdry, all oblong 12mo Comprises Railway Series numbers 2, 4-6, 9 (two copies), 10-11, 13-15, 1926, 28-29, 31-32, 36. (24) £200-300

398 Austen (Jane). Sense and Sensibility, with an Introduction by Joseph Jacobs and Illustrations by Chris Hammond, 1st edition, George Allen, 1899, wood-engraved frontispiece and text illustrations (several full-page), small stain in fore margin of preliminaries and initial text leaves, contemporary ownership inscription to half-title, all edges gilt, original dark green cloth richly gilt, spine rolled, extremities very slightly rubbed and bumped, 8vo Gilson E94. (1)


400 Beaton (Cecil). The Book of Beauty, 1st edition, Duckworth, 1930, 28 plates including colour frontispiece, illustrations to text, original white cloth, gilt-titled spine, slight dust-soiling and marks, 4to Deluxe issue of Beaton’s first book. Signed limited edition 47/110 copies. (1) £400-600

401 Bindings. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, volumes 1-22 & 24-46, 1947-1993, black & white illustrations throughout, many from photographs, top edge gilt, volumes 1-6 in contemporary burgundy morocco gilt, the remaining volumes in matching uniform burgundy quarter morocco gilt, 8vo

Lot 399


Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)



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405 Clemens (Samuel L. “Mark Twain”). The Writings of Mark Twain, 4 volumes (of 25), Chatto & Windus, 1899, additional engraved title to each, photogravure plates, some spotting and minor staining, mainly to blank margins and endpapers, several hinges split, top edge gilt, remainder untrimmed, original green cloth, a trifle rubbed, some minor marks, spines browned, printed paper labels rubbed and lifting in places, with some losses, some fraying to a few joints, 8vo Author’s Edition de Luxe, limited to 620 copies, this copy being no. XIII (presentation copy, out of series), double signed by the author (as S.L. Clemens and beneath as Mark Twain) to volume 1. (4) £150-200

402 Bodkin (M. McDonnell). Paul Beck, the Rule of Thumb Detective, 1st edition, 1898, publisher’s advertisements at rear (toned), occasional minor marks, one leaf with 4cm closed tear, endpapers spotted and toned, front pastedown with ownership name removed, front hinge nearly split, original pictorial cloth, mottled, some wear to extremities, spine darkened, 8vo The first collection of Bodkin’s short stories to feature the detective Paul Beck. His later book, The Capture of Paul Beck (1909), is credited with inventing the first detective family in fiction. A rare find as a first edition. (1) £100-150

403 Brod (Max, editor). Arkadia: Ein Jahrbuch fur Dichtkunst, 1st edition, Leipzig: Wolff, 1913, title printed in red & black, endpapers lightly spotted, front free endpaper with pencilled name ‘Pasley’, original pictorial boards, toned in places, foot of spine slightly torn at front joint, with minimal wear, original publisher’s promotional leaflet loosely inserted, 8vo Believed to be from the library of Malcolm Pasley. This edition of collected works contains the first appearance of Franz Kafka’s Das Urteil. (1) £100-150

406 Coleridge (Samuel Taylor). The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, London: Stukeley Press, 1994, 30 uncoloured aquatint plates by Alan Andrew Farrant, each with caption, artist initials and limitation in pencil under image, tissue guards, edges untrimmed, loosely contained in original portfolio with blocked title to spine and upper cover

404 Bronte (Charlotte, Emily & Anne). Novels of the Sisters Bronte, edited by Temple Scott, 12 volumes, Thornton Edition, Edinburgh: John Grant, 1924, numerous black & white illustrations, some spotting, mainly to edges, rough-trimmed, original green cloth gilt (dulled), occasional marks, spines lightly toned, 8vo, together with 15 other books and pamphlets, including T.E. Lawrence, R.S. Thomas, T.F. Powys interest, and an uncorrected Faber and Faber proof copy of The Remains of the Day, by Kazuo Ishiguro

Limited edition 8/50 copies. (1)

The Bronte set includes The Life of Charlotte Bronte, by E.C. Gaskell. (27) £100-150



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409 Farleigh (John, illustrator). Pindar’s Odes of Victory, with an Introduction and a Translation... by C.J. Billson, Printed at the Shakespeare Head Press, 2 volumes, Oxford: Blackwell, 1928-1930, numerous black & white woodcut illustrations, partially unopened, untrimmed, original cloth-backed boards, a little soiled and faded, some wear to extremities, spines with printed paper labels (one with small loss over front joint), 4to, together with Ravilious (Eric, illustrator), The Country Life Cookery Book, with a Few Hints and Reminders about the Kitchen Garden, by Ambrose Heath, 1st edition, [1937], black & white wood-engraved illustrations, original cloth, lightly spotted dust jacket, spine toned and rubbed, some edge-fraying with minor loss to rear joint at head (two small repairs to verso), 8vo, plus Sainsbury (Hester, illustrator), Eve’s Legend, written in 1824 by Lord Holland, Haslewood Books series, 1928, hand-coloured wood engravings, some toning to endpapers, untrimmed, original decorative boards, some wear to extremities, spine a little toned, 4to, First item: limited edition - Olympian and Pythian Odes 78/250 copies, Nemean and Isthmian Odes 105/250 copies. Third item: limited edition, 127/300 copies. (3) £200-300

410 Folio Society. A History of the English-speaking Peoples, 4 volumes, by Winston Churchill, 2003, A History of the Englishspeaking Peoples since 1900, by Andrew Roberts, 2006, The Classical World, an epic history of Greece and Rome, Robin Lane Fox, 2013, The Worst Journey in the World, Antarctic 1910-1913, by Apsley Cherry-Garrard, 2012, A Nervous Splendour, Vienna 18881889, by Frederic Morton, 2006, together with 62 further Folio Society volumes, all history reference, all original cloth in slipcases, G/VG, 8vo/4to 407 Dandy. The Dandy Monster Comic, No. 2, D.C. Thomson, [1940], monotone and duotone illustrations throughout, signature & date to ownership leaf before title (with strengthening repair at fore-edge), toning throughout and browning to margins, hinges neatly repaired, original boards with pictorial front cover, neat cloth reback preserving original pictorial spine (with some wear to edges), board edges rubbed and slightly worn, 4to The scarce second Dandy annual. (1)


411 Folio Society. Myths and Legends of Russia, by Aleksander Afanas’ev, 2009, The Icelandic Sagas, by Magnus Magnusson, 2015, Epics of the Middle Ages, by Richard Barker, 2005, Legends of the Ring, by Elizabeth Magee, 2004, Rudyard Kipling, Selected Poems, by Andrew Lycett, 2004, No Man Is An Island, A Selection from the Prose of John Donne, by Rivers Scott, 2015, together with 71 further Folio Society volumes, all literary reference, poetry and fiction, all original cloth in slipcases, G/VG, 8vo


408 Dirac (Paul Adrien Maurice). The Principles of Quantum Mechanics, 1st edition, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1930, a few annotations, mainly in pencil, first and last few leaves with some very light spotting, front pastedown with ink signature ‘C.W. Kilmister’ and bookplate of Clive Kilmister, original cloth, lightly rubbed and marked, front cover with two small dents, faded spine a little frayed at ends, 8vo



412 Folio Society. A History of the Indians of the United States, by Angie Debo, 2003, British Myths and Legends, 3 volumes, by Richard Barker, 2004, A Traveller’s Christmas, by Sue Bradbury, 2006, Enigma, by Hugh Sebag-Montefiore, 2007, The Last Grain Race, by Eric Newby, 2001, together with 74 further volumes of Folio Society, all original cloth in slipcases, some as new in original plastic wrapper, plus 10 further volumes without slipcases, G/VG, 8vo

The English theoretical physicist Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac is regarded as one of the most significant physicists of the 20th century. He formulated the Dirac equation, which describes the behaviour of fermions and predicted the existence of antimatter. In 1933, Dirac shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with Erwin Schrödinger “for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory”. Clive W. Kilmister was a British mathematician who specialised in the mathematical foundations of physics, especially quantum mechanics and relativity, and published widely in these fields. (1) £200-300



413 Folio Society. Reformation, Europe’s House Divided 14901700, 2 volumes by Diarmaid Macculloch, 2013, The Tomb of Tutankhamun, 2 volumes, by Howard Carter, 2013, Scott’s Last Expedition, The Journals of Captain R.F. Scott, 2009, The Qur’an, by Marmaduke Pickthall, 2010, Marlborough, His Life and Times, 4 volumes, by Winston S. Churchill, 1991, together with 30 further Folio Society volumes, all history reference, all original cloth in slipcases, VG, 8vo (40)

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)




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417 Graham (Rigby, illustrator). Under the Barrage, by Peter Scupham, Banholt, 1988, six colour woodcuts by Rigby Graham, original vellum-backed boards, mylar wrapper, folio, limited edition W/26 from a total edition of 89, signed by the author and illustrator, with a loose prospectus and two letters to Alan Tucker, from Rigby Graham and the publisher, together with Kippers & Sawdust, Old Stile Press, Llandogo, 1992, colour woodblock illustrations by Rigby Graham, original cloth, slipcase, folio, limited edition 48/150, signed by the artist, plus Against the Grain. The Life and Art of Rigby Graham, by Malcom Yorke, Goldmark, 2015, colour illustrations, with a suite of four loose colour lithographs signed and numbered by the artist and two DVD’s contained in a separate folder, slipcase, 4to, limited edition 12/75

414 Folio Society. Rebecca, by Daphne Du Maurier, 2017, Atonement, by Ian McEwan, 2017, The Day of the Jackal, by Frederick Forsyth, 2014, From Russia With Love, by Ian Fleming, 2016, On The Road, by Jack Kerouac, 2010, Midnight’s Children, by Salman Rushdie, 2009, together with 37 further Folio Society volumes, all fiction, all original cloth in slipcases, VG, 8vo (43)


415 Folio Society. The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm, illustrated by Arthur Rackham, 1998, The Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault, illustrated by Edmund Dulac, 1998, Hans Andersen’s Fairy Tales, illustrated by W. Heath Robinson, 1998, The Fables of Aesop, illustrated by Edward J. Detmold, 1998, The Little Grey Men, by ‘B.B.’, 2008, The Postman Always Rings Twice, by James M. Cain, 2012, together with 37 further volumes of Folio Society, all original cloth in slipcase, some as new in original plastic wrapper, VG, 8vo/4to (43)

From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (3)



416 Ford (Ford Madox). The Good Soldier, A Tale of Passion, 1st edition, London: John Lane, the Bodley Head & New York: John Lane, 1915, publisher’s advertisements at rear, some spotting, mainly to final few leaves, front pastedown with subscription library label, front freee endpaper with contemporary ink ownership name, original pale terracotta cloth, extremities a little rubbed, some minor marks, lower corners bumped, spine toned with some fraying to ends, front cover with remains of library label at top edge, 8vo (1)


418 Graham (Rigby, illustrator). Camus in English, by Peter Hoy, Brewhouse Press, 1968, illustrations, original cloth, 4to, limited edition 102/250, together with August Stramm. Twenty Two Poems, translated by Patrick Bridgwater, Brewhouse Press, 1969, colour frontispiece (lightly offset to title), illustrations, original cloth gilt, 8vo, limited edition 27/200, plus The Cornish Scene, by David Tew/Deserted Cornish Tin Mines, 2 volumes, Brewhouse Press, 1975, numerous colour and monochrome illustrations, original black cloth gilt, slipcase, 8vo, limited edition 110/200, with others illustrated by Graham etc including Dennis Prestidge’s Tom Cribb at Thistleton Gap, Brewhouse Press, 1971 (limited edition 46/450), Juliet Standin’s Exordium. Daedalus Press 1968-1983, Brewhouse Press, 1983 (limited signed edition 41/150), Church Cuts. Seven East Anglian Churches in Cuts by John Davies, Ghyllside Press, 2001 (limited signed edition 4/50, with loose prospectus and note from the author to Rigby Graham) and John Mason’s Paper Making as an Artistic Craft, 1959 (Morris Cox’s copy, with his notes) From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (13)

Lot 417



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420 Graham (Rigby). A Lifetime of Drawing. Sketchbook of Drawings, with an essay by Malcolm Yorke and some thoughts on sketchbooks by the artist, Artist’s Choice Editions, 2004, colour and monochrome illustrations, original morocco-backed pictorial boards, slipcase, small folio, limited edition XIV/XLII, signed by Rigby Graham and Malcolm Yorke, with two extra colour woodblock plates, titles, numbered and signed by Graham contained in separate portfolio, with a loose Christmas card and two postcards from Graham to bookseller Alan Tucker, together with Tower Houses and Ten Pound Castles, by Margaret McCord, Crannog Press, 1970, illustrations by Rigby Graham, original cloth, 4to, limited edition 75/100, plus An Alderney Afternoon, Brewhouse Press, 1970, colour illustrations, original morocco-backed boards, acetate wrapper, oblong 8vo, limited edition of 30 copies, signed by Rigby Graham and Trevor Hickman, with two others: Street Scene, by Valerie Rogerson, 1968, limited edition 29/50 and Leon Spiro’s Cobwebs from California, Cog Press, 1973, limited signed edition 35/40 From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (5)


419 Graham (Rigby). A Lifetime of Drawing. Sketchbook Drawings, with an essay by Malcolm Yorke and some thoughts on sketchbooks by the artist, Artists’ Choice Editions, 2004, colour and monochrome illustrations, two extra illustrations contained in brown wrappers, original morocco-backed pictorial boards, slipcase, small folio, limited edition of 197 standard copies, signed by Rigby Graham and Malcolm Yorke, this copy out of series, pencil inscribed ‘trial binding’ at front, with three loose Phoenix Broadsheet publications 1974-76 illustrated by Graham plus a postcard from the artist to bookseller Alan Tucker, together with Slieve Bingian. A Cycle of prints and drawings by Rigby Graham, Cog Press, 1968, colour and monochrome illustrations, small toned patch to front endpaper, original cloth, 4to, limited signed edition 6/45, with a presentation inscription to Alan Tucker and a loose two page letter from Graham to Tucker, plus The Golden Orchid. A Fantasy freely translated from the Sicilian by Marion Hunter, Brewhouse Press, 1975, illustrations by Rigby Graham, original cloth gilt, 4to, limited edition of 80, with five others related including Leo John de Freitas’s Fish and Crutches, Rigby Graham’s Woodcuts, Banholt, 1991, one of 75 copies, An Autumn Anthology, 1964, privately printed and A Publishing Adventure “Rig and Trev”, Witmeha Press, 2015, limited edition of 30, this copy a complimentary copy to Alan Tucker from Trevor Hickman From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (8)


421 Graham (Rigby). Rigby Graham. 2-20 December 1969, Griffen Garnett Galleries, Mardol, Shrewsbury, 1969, two tipped-in colour woodblock illustrations (light offsetting), original green cloth gilt, 4to, limited edition 6/20, together with A Visit to Ireland, by Frank Lissauer, Cog Press, 1975, illustrations, original green cloth gilt, 8vo, limited signed edition 29/120, with a loose 2 page letter from the author and postcard from the artist, plus Patterned Papers, Brewhouse Press, 1977, tipped-in colour papers, original cloth gilt, limited edition of 80, with others illustrated by Graham etc including Faithless Nellie Gray, Brewhouse Press, 1975 (limited edition of 80), Rigby Graham. Wymondham Art Gallery, 1979 (limited edition 32/200), A Broken String of Beads, Cog Press, 1980 (limited edition of 200) and Winchelsea, Rye & ‘Denis Duval’, Previous Parrot Press, 1991 (limited signed edition 56/192) From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (11)

Lot 420 Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)



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422 Graham (Rigby). Seriatim. Paintings, Places and Asides, Brewhouse Press, 1978, numerous colour and monochrome illustrations, patterned endpapers, all edges gilt, original grey morocco by Trevor Hickman, upper cover with multi-coloured onlay design of a castle ruin, spine a little faded, slipcase, 8vo Limited edition 18/28, signed by the artist. From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (1) £200-300

423 Graves (Robert). Good-Bye To All That, 1st edition, 2nd printing, 1929, 2nd printing with Sassoon poem pages 341-43 replaced with asterisks, illustrations, a few spots, previous owner inscription, original salmon cloth (spine a little darkened), dust jacket, a little toned and soiled, a few small chips, 8vo (1)


424 Harbou (Thea von). Metropolis, The Reader’s Library, [1927], small horizontal split to upper blank margins of first few leaves, hinges cracked and final four leaves detached, original mauve cloth gilt in pictorial dust jacket (designed by Aubrey Hammond), minor marks and a few tiny splits at upper and lower margins of rear panel, small 8vo First edition in English, first issue (with no mention of Metropolis in adverts on page [7] or the list on the lower flap of dust jacket. The first leaf is used as the front pastedown. An excellent copy of the book of the eponymous and iconic futuristic film of the same year. (1) £500-800

425 Hughes (Ted). A Few Crows, Rougemont Press, 1970, illustrations by Reiner Burger, original roan gilt, dust jacket, spine faded, 4to, limited signed edition 48/75, together with Five Autumn Songs for Children’s Voices, Richard Gilbertson, 1968, original pink wrappers, one or two light marks, 4to, limited edition 377/500, plus The Comming of the Kings and Other Plays, 1st edition, 1970, slight partial toning to endpapers from flaps, original cloth, dust jacket, 8vo, with others by Hughes including The Earth-Owl and other Moon-People, 1963, Crow, 1970, and uncorrected proofs for Season Songs, 1976, Moortown Diary, and Wolfwatching, both 1989

Lot 422

From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (14)


426 James (Henry). The Private Life, 1st UK edition, 1893, some light toning and soiling, bookseller ticket to rear pastedown, original cloth gilt, residue from label to upper cover, spine repaired, a little rubbed, 8vo, together with The Sacred Fount, 1st UK edition, 11901, 47 page advertisements at end, some spotting front and rear, original red embossed cloth, rear cover with label residue and deep crease, spine faded, 8vo, plus The Two Magics. The Turn of the Screw; Covering End, 1st UK edition, 1898, a few light spots, endpapers a little toned, original later issue cloth (with blindstamped tulips to upper cover), 8vo, with others by James including 1st UK editions of The Golden Bowl, 1905, The Ivory Tower, and The Sense of the Past, both 1917 (20)


427 Johnson (Samuel). A Dictionary of the English Language, [1755], 2 volumes, facsimile edition, Times Books, 1979, contemporary tan half morocco over green cloth by Delrue, gilttitled contrasting leather labels to spines, folio (2)

Lot 424



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428 Johnson (B.S.). Christie Malry’s Own Double-Entry, 1st UK and US editions, 1973, original cloth, dust jackets, 8vo Each with a loose one page signed typed letter from the author, one to artist Michael Pennie, dated 19 January 1973, enclosing the novel and informing him that he has sold another print, and “My bank manager excused himself from buying one, the bastard, on the grounds that his house was too small... the same excuse was also given by a printer who used to be a friend...” (original folds and slight toning to one margin); the other letter, dated 7 October 1973 and addressed to poet and bookseller Alan Tucker, thanking him for his autobiography extracts and not observing him at breakfast “but the truth was I was completely besottedly in love at the time, and wouldn’t have noticed you even if you had been sitting on a whole mound of fried bread bits spearing nude Australian waitresses held down by Boosey and Hawkes’ men (crouton is a good word you may need when you write your autobiography proper). I liked Dorothy Harrop when I met her, which was very early in my six months at Gregynog. Indeed, I mention her in the article I wrote about the Press in the current PRIVATE LIBRARY.” From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (2) £200-300

429 Johnson (B.S.). House Mother Normal, Trigram Press, 1971, original cloth-backed boards, mylar wrapper, 8vo, limited signed edition 26/100, together with Poems Two, Trigram Press, 1972, original cloth (slight fading to spine), mylar wrapper (small loss at foot), 8vo, limited edition of 26, inscribed “O is for Michael Pennie with respect and best wishes B.S. Johnson, 31/3/72”, plus Everyone Knows Somebody Who’s Dead, Covent Garden Press, 1973, original stiffened wrapper, stapled as issued (slight toning to spine), 4to, limited signed edition, 69/100, with five others including Aren’t You Rather Young to be Writing Your Memoirs?, 1973 and two trade editions (hardback and paperback) of Poems Two, 1972 (paperback inscribed “my favourite edition, B.S. Johnson”) From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (8)

431 Johnson (B.S.). Travelling People, 1st edition, 1973, original cloth, dust jacket, 8vo, together witn Statement Against Corpses. Short Stories by B.S. Johnson and Zulfikar Ghose, 1st edition, 1964, original cloth, dust jacket (closed tear at foot of front panel, with additional dust jacket), signed by the authors, plus Trawl, 1st edition, 1966, original cloth (one corner a little bumped), dust jacket (light edge wear), 8vo, with four others including House Mother Normal, 1971, inscribed by the author to Michael Pennie at the Gregynog Press, with an additional loose typed signed letter to the same, enclosing the book and stating he’d be delighted to come to Corsham to give a talk to art students, “Could do my cross-fertilisation of the arts bit - how writing/directing are only aspects of the same thing, are becoming less and less distinct for me at any rate”


430 Johnson (B.S.). Everyone Knows Somebody Who’s Dead, Covent Garden Press, 1973, original stiffened wrapper (slight marginal toning), 4to, limited signed edition 56/100, together with House Mother Normal, 1st edition, 1971, original cloth, dust jacket, 8vo, plus See the Old Lady Decently, 1st edition, 1975, original cloth, dust jacket (spine slightly faded), 8vo, with others related, some edited by Johnson including London Consequences, 1972 (inscribed “1/20th for Michael, from Bryan”), Street Children, 1964 (stamped ‘Specimen Copy, not for resale), The Evacuees, 1968, All Bull: The National Servicemen, 1973, You Always Remember the First Time, 1975, B.S.J. A Monody to the plan of Milton on the death by suicide of B.S. Johnson in November 1973, by Alan Tucker, Keepsake Press, 1974 (limited edition of 125) and others, paperbacks, pamphlets and a quantity of duplicates of A Dublin Unicorn, Byron Press Pamphlet Series (limited editions of 250) From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (approx 50)

From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (7)

432 Johnson (B.S.) A small group of letters, typescript poems etc from and relating to B.S. Johnson (1933-1973), including a typescript poem ‘Hafod a Hendref. A Poem in Nine Parts’, 13 pages, inscribed by the author in green ink to front blank page: “For Michael Rennie, to whom Gregynog means as much, Xmas 1971”, stapled into a plain wrapper (some fading and clear protective tape to verso), 4to, together with two other single sheet typescript poems and prose, ‘Little Old Lady’, and ‘The Succession of Life through Geological Time’, both signed in initials in green ink, and relating one page typed letter to Michael Pennie, dated 2 July 1971, regarding his book House Mother Normal, a difficult journey back from Gregynog, enclosing the above poems for use on a promotional poster and “I keep remembering your remark to the effect that you could make beautiful things given only freedom from financial strain; and applying it to myself. I’m unemployed at the moment, having been cheated out of a film directing job, knackered for the summer”, two further notes to Michael Pennie regarding sales of prints, a 2 page letter to Norah and Michael Pennie from Virginia Johnson discussing losing her husband and her slow recovery, a letter from the programme controller at HTV, 1972, replying to Johnson’s request to include Michael Pennie in an arts programme, and manuscript note from Johnson to chase up later in the year, a ticket for a Screening of the 2000 adaptation of Christie Malry’s Own Double-Entry, CD and related material


From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (approx 30)

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)




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435 Kipling (Rudyard). The Second Jungle Book, 1st edition, Macmillan and Co., 1895, text illustrations by J. Lockwood Kipling, with the final advertisement leaf, occasional mild spotting, front inner hinge split but firm, contemporary ownership inscription to initial blank, gilt edges, original blue pictorial cloth gilt, spine sunned and gently rolled, headcaps nicked, joints and extremities rubbed, a few very small marks, corners bumped, 8vo, and 1 other (2)


433 Kafka (Franz). Die Verwandlung [in Die weissen Blatter: Eine Monatsschrift], 1st edition, Leipzig: Verlag der Weissen Bucher, 1915, 10 photolithographed caricatures, marginal stain to first few leaves, original printed wrappers, front cover with stain to foremargin, joints splitting (rear cover nearly detached), worn spine lifting in places, 8vo This edition of Die Weissen Blatter contains the first edition of Kafka’s Die Verwandlung (Metamorphosis), preceding its first appearance in book-form. (1) £500-800

434 Kennington (Eric, 1888-1960). Sermons by Artists, Paul Nash, David Low, Robert Gibbings, Eric Kennington, Leon Underwood, Stanley Spencer, Edmund Sullivan, Roger Fry, Will Dyson, Percy Smith, Golden Cockerel Press, 1934, illustrations by Elizabeth Corsellis, top edge gilt, remainder untrimmed, original calf-backed pattern boards, a few minor marks, 8vo, limited edition 236/300, together with Drawing the R.A.F., a book of portraits, introduced by Sir Ronald Storrs, 1st edition, Oxford University Press, 1942, 4 tippedin colour plates, numerous monochrome plates, signed in blue ink to front endpaper by Christopher Kennington, and dated August 1942, original blue cloth gilt, very slightly rubbed, 8vo, plus Pilots Workers Machines, printed for Frigidaire Ltd by Harrison & Sons, 1941, & Tanks and Tank-Folk, Country Life, [1942], 2 copies, monochrome plates to each, original printed wrappers, slim small 4to, VG

436 Lang (Andrew, editor). The Violet Fairy Book, 1st edition, 1901, eight colour plates, including frontispiece, numerous letterpress illustrations, some full-page, half-title with contemporary ink inscription, free endpapers toned (partly affecting facing pages), all edges gilt, original gilt decorated purple cloth, extremities lightly rubbed, rear cover with some marks, toned spine a little frayed at head, 8vo

Provenance: From the collection of Christopher Kennington, the artist’s son. (5) £200-300




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437 Lang (Andrew, editor). The Brown Fairy Book, 1st edition, 1904, eight colour plates, including frontispiece, numerous black & white illustrations to text, all edges gilt, original gilt-decorated brown cloth, extremities lightly rubbed, 8vo, together with Potter (Beatrix), The Roly-Poly Pudding, 1st edition, 1st printing, 1908, colour and black & white illustrations, half-title with contemporary ink ownership inscription, first four leaves (including free front endpaper) in incorrect order, some soiling and intermittent spotting, stitching strained in a couple of places, original red cloth, front cover with inset illustration, extremities a little rubbed, a few minor marks, small 4to, plus The Pink Fairy Book, 1st edition, 1897, numerous black & white illustrations, frontispiece with early ink ownership inscription to blank reverse, half-title and title with minor spotting at head of gutter, front hinge splitting after endpapers, all edges gilt, original gilt-decorated pink cloth, faded, especially to spine, minor fraying to tail of spine, 8vo, with three other Fairy Books: The Blue Fairy Book, 8th edition, 1897; The Yellow Fairy Book, 3rd edition, 1897; The Orange Fairy Book, new impression, 1928, all 8vo (6)


438 Lang (Andrew, editor). The Crimson Fairy Book, 1st edition, 1903, eight colour plates, including frontispiece, numerous black & white illustrations to text, some full-page, occasional minor fingersoiling, stitching a little strained, half-title with contemporary ink presentation inscription, all edges gilt, original gilt-decorated red cloth, spine faded, front cover a little bowed and with a small mark, extremities somewhat rubbed, 8vo, together with The Grey Fairy Book, 1st edition, 1900, numerous black & white illustrations to text, some full-page, stitching a little strained in places, half-title (toned) with contemporary ink ownership inscription, all edges gilt, original gilt-decorated grey cloth, some minor marks, somewhat toned, especially to spine, extremities lightly rubbed, 8vo, plus The Book of Romance, 1st edition, 1902, eight colour plates, including frontispiece, numerous black & white illustrations to text, some fullpage, one or two minor marks, half-title with contemporary ink ownership inscription, all edges gilt, original gilt-decorated blue cloth, somewhat toned, especially to spine, small area of damage to rear cover, extremities lightly rubbed, 8vo, with three other Fairy Books: The Green Fairy Book, 5th impression, 1899; The Red Fairy Book, 6th impression, 1898; The Lilac Fairy Book, new impression, 1928, all 8vo (6)

440 Lewis (Clive Staples). The Last Battle, A Story for Children, 1st edition, Bodley Head, 1956, black & white illustrations by Pauline Baynes, original cloth in unclipped dust jacket, heavy spotting to white area of spine, a little spotting and soiling to lower panel, partly rubbed along fold edge of upper wrapper, 8vo (1)


439 Lewis (Wyndham). Time and Western Man, 1st edition, 1927, title with wood-engraved vignette, some light spotting, original red cloth, slight fading to spine, dust jacket, spine a little rubbed and toned, a few chips, 8vo, together with One-Way Song, 1st edition, 1933, scattered light spotting, original cloth, light toning to spine, dust jacket, spine toned and chipped at ends, 8vo, plus Beyond This Limit, 1935, illustrations, original cloth, dust jacket, a few small chips and tears, light spotting, 4to, with others by Lewis including The Enemy, issues 1 & 2 (2 copies, spines defective), Enemy Pamphlets No. 1, Satire & Fiction, circa 1930, America and the Cosmic Man, 2nd issue, 1948, The Writer and the Absolute, 1952, Self Condemed, 1954 and The Roaring Queen, 1973 (limited edition 29/100, signed by Mrs Wyndham Lewis, Walter Allen and Michael Ayrton, with loose signed etching by Ayrton) From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (31)

441 Madame Chiang Kai-shek (also known as Soong May-ling). Selected Speeches 1958-1959, 1st edition, Taipei: the Office of the President, 1959, signed by the author as ‘Mayling Soong Chiang’ on the second blank in blue felt tip, endpapers slightly marked, contemporary ownership inscription to front pastedown, top edge dyed orange, original orange cloth, printed paper label to front board as issued, pale mottling to covers, dust jacket slightly soiled, frayed along top edge, and with a closed tear extending from foot of front joint into spine panel, 8vo



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442 Magic Fun Book. No. 1, 1941, D.C. Thomson & Co. Ltd., [1940], contents printed in red, blue, and black, first three leaves (pp.3-8) lacking and supplied in facsimile, first and final leaves forming pastedowns as issued (front pastedown with ‘belongs to’ box filled in and with slight loss to blank margins), some toning and spotting, original pictorial boards, rubbed and marked, rebacked with facsimile spine, edges showing, small folio, together with No. 2, 1942, D.C. Thomson & Co. Ltd., [1941], contents printed in red, blue, and black, first and final leaves forming pastedowns as issued (front pastedown with ‘belongs to’ box filled in), original pictorial boards, rubbed, rebacked with facsimile spine, small folio

443 Mansfield (Katherine). The Garden Party and Other Stories, Verona Press, 1939 [1947], 16 colour lithograph illustrations by Marie Laurencin, original green patterned cloth, calf label to spine, edges very slightly rubbed, 8vo

Only these two ‘Magic Fun Book’ annuals were produced before the publication was merged with ‘The Beano Book’ to become ‘The MagicBeano Book’ in 1943, a result of paper rationing during World War II. Both titles are extremely scarce. (2) £300-400

Limited edition 625/1200. From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (1) £200-300

444 Matrix. Matrix. A Review for Printers and Bibliophiles, numbers 1-3 and 5-34, Whittington Press, 1981-2016, Matrix 2 reprinted 1993, numerous colour and monochrome illustrations, tipped-in samples etc., original wrappers, some fading to number 1 spine and extremities, 4to, plus a duplicate of Matrix 13 and Index to Matrix 1-21, by David Butcher, 2003 Each volume a limited edition of between 350 and 925 copies. (35)



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445 Maugham (W. Somerset). Cakes and Ale, [1954], portrait frontispiece and illustrations by Graham Sutherland, three facsimile leaves, partly unopened, slight partial toning to endpapers, top edge gilt, others untrimmed, original cream and navy calf, slipcase, 8vo, limited edition 315/1000, signed by the author and artist, ‘Eightieth Birthday Edition’, together with The Good Terrorist, by Doris Lessing, London Limited Editions, 1985, original cloth-backed patterned boards, glassine wrapper, 8vo, limited signed edition 42/250, plus Family and Friends, by Anita Brookner, London Limited Editions, 1985, slight marginal toning, original cloth-backed boards, glassine wrapper, 8vo, limited signed edition 68/250, with two others: Ian McEwan’s The Child in Time, 1987 and Sebasitan Faulks’ The Fatal Englishman, 1996, each signed by the author From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (5)

449 Murdoch (Iris). The Good Apprentice, London Limited Editions, 1985, light toning to text block, original cloth-backed boards, glassine wrapper, 8vo, limited signed edition 47/250, together with Existentialists and Mystics, Delos Press, 1993, light mark to title, original buckram-backed boards, 8vo, limited signed edition 51/100, with two others signed by the author: The Philosopher’s Pupil, 1983 and Acastos. Two Platonic Dialogues, 1986 From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (4)



446 Milne (Alan Alexander). Now We Are Six, 1st edition, Methuen, 1927, illustrations by E.H. Shepard, half-title and final page toned, one leaf with tear at gutter, front free endpaper with ink ownership signature, cover mostly detached from text block at rear hinge, top edge gilt, original red cloth gilt, extremities a trifle rubbed, spine lightly faded, 8vo, together with The House at Pooh Corner, 1st edition, Methuen, 1928, illustrations by E.H. Shepard, occasional minor marks, one leaf with closed tear to blank margin, free endpapers toned, original salmon cloth gilt, rather soiled with a few marks, some fading especially to spine, 8vo, plus Rackham (Arthur, illustrator), Goblin Market, by Christina Rossetti, 1939, colour frontispiece, black & white illustrations to text, minor spotting to half-title, original printed wrappers, some fraying and short tears to edges, rear cover with two longer tears (one repaired on verso), slim 8vo, with seven others illustrated by Dulac, Detmold, Fortescue-Brickdale etc., all 4to (10)


447 Milne (Alan Alexander). Winnie-the-Pooh, with Decorations by Ernest H. Shephard, 1st edition, 1926, map endpapers slightly browned, top edge gilt, original green cloth gilt, slightly rubbed and marked, together with Now We Are Six, with Decorations by Ernest H. Shephard, 1st edition, 1927, some browning to half-title and endpapers, contemporary ink ownership name to front flyleaf, top edge gilt, original maroon cloth gilt, slightly rubbed and spine faded, plus a 5th edition of When We Were Very Young, 1924, original blue cloth gilt, rubbed and upper cover marked, all 8vo (3)


450 Nonesuch Press. Don Quixote de la Mancha ... by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, 2 volumes, limited edition, Nonesuch Press, 1930, 21 colour plates by E. McKnight Kauffer, top edges rough gilt, others untrimmed, original tan niger, spines darkened, covers slightly spotted and marked, original marbled paper slipcase, 8vo, together with Montaigne’s Essays, John Florio’s Translation, 2 volumes, limited edition, Nonesuch Press, 1931, top edges rough gilt, others untrimmed, original tan niger, green morocco onlays to covers gilt-lettered ‘Que scay-je?’, spines darkened, covers slightly spotted and marked, 8vo

448 Milne (A.A.). Winnie-the-Pooh, 1st edition, 1926, illustrations by E.H. Shepard, a few closed tears and repairs, clear tape reinforcement to page 1 gutter, some soiling and light spotting, previous owner inscription, endpapers toned, original green cloth gilt, spine ends rubbed, a few small mottled stains, slight lean, 8vo, together with The House of the Four Winds. by John Buchan, 1st edition, 1935, some light spotting, original green cloth, dust jacket, a few chips, light toning, 8vo, plus Odds Against, by Dick Francis, 1st edition, 1965, a few light spots, original cloth, dust jacket, spine s little faded, a few minor marks, 8vo, signed to title by the author, with others including Evelyn Waugh’s The Loved One, [1948], Roald Dahl’s The Witches, 1983, George Orwell’s Animal Farm, 2nd printing, August 1945 (without dust jacket), W.E. Johns’ Biggles’ Second Case, 1948, Biggles and the Black Raider, 1953, D.H. Lawrence’s The Man Who Died, 1935 and Arthur Conan Doyle’s A Study in Scarlet, 1993 facsimile editions (2 copies, limited edition of 100 and 500) (21)

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)

Numbers 644 and 749 of 1375 copies respectively. (4)




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451 Rabelais (François). Oeuvres complètes ... présentées avec les gouaches d’Yves Brayer, 3 volumes, limited edition, Paris: Union Latine d’éditions, 1947, numerous colour plates, top edges gilt, others untrimmed, original decorative vellum (very slightly marked), original marbled paper slipcases, 4to, one of 2,800 copies on vélin chiffon, together with: Louis XI (King of France), Les Cent nouvelles nouvelles, 2 volumes, limited edition, Paris: Union Latine d’éditions, 1956, coloured initials and vignettes to the text, top edges gilt, others untrimmed, original vellum, original marbled paper slipcases, 4to, one of 2,000 copies on vélin crème; Orléans (Charles, d’), Poésies, Illustrations d’André Hubert, limited edition, Paris: Editions de l’Ibis, 1970, hand-coloured double-page plate, numerous hand-coloured vignettes and other illustrations, original fanfare-style binding of tan sheep elaborately gilt-tooled around intricate brown sheep inlays, joints very slightly rubbed, original leather-entry slipcase (slightly marked), 4to; Union Latine d’éditions, publisher, Tristan et Iseut ... illustré de bois originaux de Jean Chièze, 1956, woodcut plates and initials, top edge gilt, original blind-stamped pictorial sheep, metal bosses to boards, slightly rubbed, 4to, one of 8,000 copies on vélin chiffon crème; Camus (Albert), La Peste, avec douze aquarelles par Edy Legrand, limited edition, Paris: Le rayon d’or, 1950, 12 colour plates, edges untrimmed, leaves largely unopened, original printed wrappers, original glassine dust jacket (chipped and browned on spine, 8vo; Proust (Marcel), Un amour de Swann, avec douze aquarelles par Hermine Davide, limited edition, Paris: Le rayon d’or, 1951, 12 colour plates, edges spotted, original printed wrappers, original glassine dust jacket (chipped and browned), 8vo, one of 3,500 copies; Brassens (Georges), Poèmes et chansons, 1973, comprising text volume in original cloth, 4to, together with 11 LP records in original card sleeves, the text volume and records in 2 separate compartments in original book-form cloth case (some fraying), large 4to; and 1 other (12)

452* Ransom (Lynn). The Stein Quadriptych: a Vita Christi by Simon Bening... the Fine Art Facsimile Edition of the Stein Quadriptych in the Walters Art Museum Baltimore, W 442, Germany, Simbach am Inn: Muller & Schindler, 2014, four panels, each with 16 facsimile gilded miniatures, in gilt wooden frames, one panel slightly loose in its frame, each panel 33.8 x 27cm (13.3 x 10.6ins), together with commentary volume in English, numerous black & white illustrations, original boards, folio, contained together in original cloth-covered box, glass window to lid, giltlettered spine, 37.2 x 29.7cm (14.7 x 11.75ins) Limited edition, 30/800 copies. Simon Bening has been described as Europe’s unrivalled master illuminator. He produced work for kings, princes and emperors, and this copy of the Stein Quadriptych displays some of his best work, portraying the life of Christ in 64 stunning facsimile miniatures. (1) £300-500

453 Ransome (Arthur). ‘Swallows & Amazons’, a complete set of all 12 titles, 1st edition, 1930-47, illustrations, occasional light spotting, a couple of previous owner inscriptions, map endpapers (a few partly overlaid with clear tape), original cloth, Swallowdale spine relaid, some fading and light edgewear, 8vo, together with Swallows and Amazons, 1st illustrated edition, 1931 Binding set. (13)




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455 Sayers (Dorothy L.). Aeneas at the Court of Dido, Christmas 1945, 6 pages, a little light spotting, stapled as issued, 8vo Scarce. With a two page typed letter signed to Mrs Hills, from the author, December 1946: “I am so glad you liked War Cat - perhaps as a “cat person” you will care to have a portrait of the culprit himself taken after dinner from the looks of it... I enclose also a little set of cat-verses I had printed last Christmas, which may amuse you. The episode is quite imaginary, but I feel that if nothing of the sort ever happened it might well have done so”. From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (1) £200-300

454 Rupert. A collection of 38 Rupert Annuals, Daily Express, a broken run, 1936-1991, duotone and colour illustrations, some with signatures and juvenile marks, 1936 annual in original red cloth, original pictorial boards (annuals for 1937-1939 in cloth backed pictorial boards), occasional minor marks, some wear and rubbing to extremities, 4to

456 Shaw (George Bernard). Methuselah. A Metabiological Pentateuch, 1st edition, Constable and Company Ltd., 1921, inscribed by the author ‘G. Bernard Shaw, Prior’s Field, 27/6/21’ on the front free endpaper, below a contemporary gift inscription, inner hinges cracked, front joint split, marked overall, 8vo, together with: Jones (Henry Arthur), Mrs. Dane’s Defence. A Play in Four Acts, New York: Samuel French, 1908, bookplates of playwright Terence Rattigan (1911-1977), annotations in pencil and ink, original cloth, spine perished, 8vo; Quiller-Couch (Sir Arthur), The Ship of Stars, 1st edition, Cassell and Company Limited, 1899, inscribed by the author ‘Mrs Daintrey with best wishes from A T L Q.C., Christmas 1899’ on the half-title, with his bookplate to the front pastedown, mild spotting, original red cloth, spine slightly faded, pale mottling to covers, corners bumped, 8vo; Masefield (John), Good Friday, A Play in Verse, William Heinemann, 1921, inscribed by the author ‘For Sybil Jackson, from John Masefield, May 14. 15. 1926’, laid-in typed letter signed, original blue cloth, dust jacket (slightly nicked), 8vo; Younghusband (Sir Francis) Within, Thoughts during Convalescence, 1st edition, Williams & Norgate, 1912, inscribed by the author ‘From Francis Younghusband, Nov. 1912’ on front free endpaper, autograph letter signed by the author and dated 1913 tipped to title page, later collector’s bookplate to front patedown, endpapers spotted, original green cloth, front board ink-stained, 8vo; Bibesco (Marthe), The Eight Paradises, Travel Pictures in Persia, Asia Minor, and Constantinople, 1st edition in English, New York: E. P. Dutton & Company, 1923, inscribed by the author ‘to dearest Léonie, from Marthe, London 1924’, with the bookplate of the recipient Leonie Leslie (1859-1943), maternal aunt of Sir Winston S. Churchill, original cloth, spine faded, 8vo; and approximately 40 others, including some 20 other inscribed works, and 20 assorted modern first editions, including Clarke (Arthur C.), A Fall of Moondust, 1st UK edition, Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1961, original red boards, slightly sunned along top edges, dust jacket slightly frayed at extremities, 8vo

Comprises annuals for 1936-1941 (2 copies of 1938 & 1941), 1945-1946, 19511954 (3 copies of 1954), 1956-1958 (2 copies of 1958), 1961, 1963-1965 (2 copies of 1963), 1967-1968, 1971-1973, 1975-1978, 1981-1983 & 1991. (38) £150-200

The Prior’s Field of Shaw’s inscription is the name of a school in Surrey founded in 1902 by Julia Huxley, which on several occasions hosted the Fabian summer school. (a carton) £200-300

Lot 455 Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)


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457 Stevenson (Robert Louis). Treasure Island, 1st edition, 1st issue, Cassell, 1883, frontispiece map in three colours, four-page publisher’s catalogue at rear (coded 5G-783), a little spotting and dust-soiling at front and rear, ink ownership inscription at head of title ‘Master T.T. Middleton, Christmas 1883’, inner hinges cracked, original brown cloth, slightly cocked, rubbed and marked, a little fraying to spine ends, some corner wear and a little frayed along upper joint, 8vo Prideaux 11, with the first issue points on pages 2, 7, 40, 63, 83, 127, 178 & 197. (1)



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461* Wells (Herbert George, 1866-19466). Typed letter, 13 Hanover Terrace, Regent’s Park, London, NW1, 10 February 1940, to Mrs Kilner, in the third person, ‘Mr H.G. Wells thanks you for your letter, but is sorry that he cannot regard the triumphant acquiescence of the German people in their deliberate murder of lighthouse keepers, fishermen, friendly neutrals and women and children passengers on ships with that valiant tolerance which appears to be your attitude. He has no desire for reprisals, but he thinks that since the Germans want the war, it would be preferable to carry it on in their own homes on their own soil’ (?secretarially signed for Wells), printed letterhead, a few minor marks, one page, 4to, loosely inserted into a copy of the author’s, The Adventures of Tommy, 1st edition, Harrap, 1929, colour illustrations throughout, ownership signature of Margaret Kilner to front endpaper, original cloth-backed printed boards, rubbed and slightly soiled, 4to

458 Thomas (R.S.). Destinations, Celandine Press, 1985, tippedin illustrations by Paul Nash, original morocco-backed boards, slipcase, 8vo, limited edition 71/75 from a total of 300, signed by the poet, together with Existentialists and Mystics, by Iris Murdoch, Delos Press, 1993, original cloth-backed boards, 8vo, limited signed edition 52/100, from a total edition of 500, plus Carrington. Paintings, Drawings and Decorations, Oxford Polytechnic Press, 1978, colour and monochrome illustrations, original calf-backed boards, slipcase, square 4to, limited edition XXXII/C, signed by the artist, with five others including Barry Cole’s Vanessa in the City, Trigram Press, 1971 (limited signed edition 51/100), Henry George, Westerham Press, 1972 (limited signed edition 127/150) and Grigson at Eighty, Rampant Lion Press, 1985 (limited edition 4/75) From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (8)


A pithy letter from the author, seeming to correct Mrs Kilner’s misunderstanding of Wells’s political views in the early part of the War. Mrs Kilner had possibly read Wells’s book ‘The New World Order’, published in January 1940, in which Wells addressed the ideal of a world without war in which law and order emanated from a world governing body. (2) £100-150

459 Tolkien (J.R.R.). Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; The Two Towers; The Return of the King, 3 volumes, 2nd edition, 1966, folding map at end of each, original cloth, dust jackets, 8vo From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (3)


462 Whittington Press. A View of the Cotswolds, Photographs by Edwin Smith, Whittington Press, 2005, half-tone photographic illustrations, original black half morocco in matching slipcase, folio, limited edition of 350 copies, this being one of 70 copies, with two photographic prints taken from the original negatives contained in separate portfolio, together with Poems for Alan Hancox, Whittington Press, 1993, original cloth-backed boards, 4to, limited edition 280/350, plus Edward & Helen Thomas. Personal Letters, selected by R. George Thomas, Whittington Press, 2000, sepia wood engraved illustrations by Hellmuth Weissenborn, original limp boards, 4to, limited edition 23/200, and other Whittington Press publications, including New Letters from Ernest Dowson, edited by Desmond Flower, 1984, limited edition 68/200 signed by Desmond Flower, Lap Games & other songs for children, compiled by Caroline Martin, illustrated with linocuts by Judith Verity, Whittington Press, 1989, linocut illustrations printed in yellow-brown, original patterned cloth with paper label to upper cover, 8vo, limited edition of 650 copies, 8vo, Bruce Mawdesley, Song of the Scythe, wood-engravings by Miriam Macgregor, Whittington Press, 1983, monochrome wood engraved illustrations, original green printed wrappers, slim 4to, etc

460 Tolstoy (Leo Nikolayevich). The Complete Works of Count Tolstoy, Translated from the Original Russian and Edited by Leo Wiener, 24 volumes, London: Dent, 1904-1905, volume titles printed in red & black, each volume with frontispiece and two black & white plates, one plate with some loss to blank fore-margin, volumes IV-XI with contemporary ink signature to front free endpaper, top edges gilt, remainder untrimmed, original cloth gilt, lihgtly rubbed in places, some boards mottled, spines faded, 8vo (24)


From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (11)


463 Wisden’s Cricketers’ Almanack. 54 volumes, a complete run, 1951-2004, advertisements front and rear, original limp cloth (except 1966 in hardback cloth and torn dust jacket), a few early spines with some fading and spotting, 1956 rear cover with clear tape repair, upper joint splitting, 8vo (54)

Lot 461

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QUANTITY 467 Buffon (Georges Louis Leclerc, comte de). Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière, avec la description du cabinet du roi, volumes 1-3, 5-8 and 10-12 only, Paris: De l’Imprimerie Royale, 1749-1764, numerous engraved plates, heavy damp soiling and staining to volumes 1, 11 & 12, occasional worming mostly to margins, contemporary calf, gilt decorated spines, contrasting morocco labels (volumes 8 & 11 with defective title labels), volume 12 lacking spine, joints cracked and some wear, 4to, together Walton (Izaak and Cotton, Charles), The Complete Angler, or the Contemplative Man’s Recreation..., with lives of the authors... edited by Edward Jesse..., to which are added papers on Fishing-Tackle, Fishing Stations, etc. by Henry G. Bohn, 1861, engraved portrait frontispiece and numerous plates and vignette illustrations, contemporary calf, spine torn and lacking title label, worn, 8vo, with Culpeper (Nicholas), Complete Herbal..., To which are now first annexed his English Phyician Enlarged..., 1816, engraved portrait frontispiece, numerous hand-coloured engraved botanical plates, occasional dust-soiling and few marks, lacking front free endpaper, contemporary calf, rebacked and corners repaired, 4to, plus other miscellaneous 18th & 19th century British & continental antiquarian books, mostly leather bound, including some odd volumes (2 cartons)

464 Wodehouse (P.G.). My Man Jeeves, 1st edition, 1st impression, George Newnes, [1919], 1st impression printed by Butler & Tanner, publisher’s advertisement leaf at end, light marginal toning, endpapers renewed, original blindstamped cloth, spine neatly restrengthened, some fading, 8vo

468 Dickens (Charles). Bleak House, 1st edition in book form, 1853, engraved frontispiece, additional title and numerous plates, scattered spotting, endpapers replaced, original green cloth, rebacked preserving original spine, 8vo, together with Master Humphrey’s Clock, 3 volumes, 1840, numerous illustrations, contemporary half calf, spine to volume 1 torn with loss, wear to extremities, 8vo, with Thackeray (William Makepiece), The Newcomes. Memoirs of a most respectable family, 2 volumes, 1854, etched frontispiece, additional title and plates, some browning and spotting, armorial bookplate of Ronald C.W.P. Beauchamp, contemporary half morocco, gilt decorated spines, contrasting morocco labels, joints of volume 1 split, 8vo, with The Virginians. A Tale of the last century, 2 volumes, 1858, etched frontispiece and additional title to volume 1, numerous plates, some spotting, contemporary half morocco, gilt decorated spines, some wear, 8vo, with The History of Pendennis, 2 volumes, 1st edition, 1849, plus Boswell (James), The Life of Samuel Johnson..., 4 volumes, 6th edition, revised and augmented, 1811, engraved portrait frontispiece to volume 1 (offset to title), two folding engraved plates, together with The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, with Samuel Johnson..., 6th edition, revised and corrected, 1813, engraved portrait frontispiece (offset to title), light dampstaining, uniform early 20th century half cloth, 8vo, plus Brassey (Annie), A Voyage in the ‘Sunbeam’ our home on the Ocean for Eleven Months, 2nd edition, 1878, folding colour maps, wood engraved plates and illustrations, folding table, contemporary half sheep, spine detached, worn, 8vo, plus other 19th century literature and history etc., many in contemporary leather bindings, plus other miscellaneous books including children’s and illustrated books etc.

McIlvaine A22a. The first appearance of Bertie Wooster and his more than capable valet Jeeves. (1) £100-150

465 Yeats (William Butler). Poems, 1st edition, T. Fisher Unwin, 1895, decorative title-page, occasional soiling and some ensuing cleaning with resultant paper thinning to blank paper areas, old ink sketches of a man and a woman’s head to rear pastedown and a further sketch to advert leaf verso with some see-through, this leaf now pasted to rear endpaper, top edge gilt, remainder roughtrimmed, original cloth gilt with upper cover and spine designed by H. Granville Fell, rubbed and soiled, spine darkened and a little frayed at head and foot, together with Later Poems, 1st edition, Macmillan, 1922, University Library label and withdrawn stamps to title and ink stamp to title verso, original cloth gilt, upper board marked and library sticker to spine, dust jacket a little rubbed and darkened, plus A Full Moon in March, 1st edition, Macmillan, 1935, library bookplate and ink stamp to front pastedown, original cloth gilt in dust jacket, a little rubbed and chipped at edges, old adhesion marks to lower margins of upper panel, all 8vo (3)


466 Yeats (William Butler). The Shadowy Waters, 1st edition, Hodder & Stoughton, 1900, top edge gilt, remainder uncut, original ribbed blue cloth gilt, a little rubbed, large 8vo, together with The Tables of the Law and the Adoration of the Magi, 1st edition, Elkin Mathews, 1904, 4 pp. publisher’s adverts at rear, some spotting and light browning, partly uncut, original cloth-backed boards, rubbed, partly browned and stained, small 4to, plus The Wanderings of Oisin, Dramatic Sketches, Ballads & Lyrics, T. Fisher Unwin, 1892, sepia-printed frontispiece, spotting at front and rear, original parchment-backed cloth, rubbed and soiled, spine browned and a little frayed at head and foot, 8vo, plus other books by and relating to Yeats including some ex-library copies (25)


(2 cartons)




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469 Ellison (Bernard C.). HRH The Prince of Wales’s Sport in India, edited by Sir H. Perry Robinson, with an Introduction by the Earl of Cromer, 1st edition, 1925, black & white plates including frontispiece, folding table, some spotting, original cloth, slightly rubbed and bumped, large 8vo, together with Milton (John), Paradise Lost, A Poem in Twelve Books, printed for C. Hitch, L. Hawes et al., 1760, 12 engraved plates, some spotting, browning and soiling to early leaves, title-page detached and slightly torn at inner margin, lacks frontispiece, contemporary calf, worn and upper cover detached, 12mo, plus Cromore, Portstewart, Co Londonderry, Inventory & Valuation of the Property of R.A.C. Montagu Esq., JP, by Gillows, 13 January 1914, 84 leaves typed inventory with some manuscript corrections, versos blank, all edges gilt, original limp green morocco, slightly rubbed, folio, plus other miscellaneous books including India interest and a Victorian cartes-de-visite album

474 Bindings. A Century of French Romance, edited by Edmund Gosse, Renée Mauperin, 2 volumes, 1902, colour illustrations, all edges gilt, uniform contemporary gilt decorated blue morocco bound by Mudie, spines lightly rubbed to head and foot, 8vo, Introductory Lectures on Modern History..., by Thomas Arnold, 5th edition, 1860, period inscription to front endpaper, bookplate to front pastedown, some minor spotting, all edges gilt, contemporary gilt decorated red calf, boards and spine lightly rubbed, 8vo, The Coaching Age, by Stanley Harris, 16 monotone plates, some light spotting, contemporary gilt decorated blue half calf, boards and spine slightly rubbed, 8vo, together with other mostly 19th century literature and reference, some odd volumes, all leather bindings, overall condition is good/very good, 8vo/4to (approximately 110 volumes)

(2 cartons)

475 Fowles (John). A Maggot, 1st edition, 1985, signed by the author to title page, spotting to text block, original cloth in price clipped dust jacket, covers lightly rubbed to head and foot, 8vo, together with Shute (Nevil), Beyond The Black Stump, 1st edition, 1956, period inscription to front endpaper, original cloth in price clipped dust jacket, covers lightly rubbed to head and foot, 8vo, and Forester (C.S.), Randall and The River of Time, 1st edition, 1951, some minor spotting, original cloth in dust jacket, covers rubbed with minor loss, 8vo, plus other modern fiction and 1st edition, including Ian Fleming, Paul Gallico, Ian McEwan, Hammond Innes, Richard Gordon, all original cloth in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo

(6 shelves)


470 Hayens (Herbert). In the Grip of the Spaniard, published Thomas Nelson, [1918], together with Marchant (Bessie), Denvers Wilson’s Double, A Story of New Mexico, published Blackie, no date, plus Ballantyne (Robert Michael), Martin Rattler, or, A Boy’s Adventures in the Forests of Brazil, new edition, Nelson, 1906, all with colour plates, original pictorial cloth, a little rubbed, all 8vo, plus other early 20th-century decorative cloth fiction and similar, a total of approximately 70 volumes (2 cartons)


(6 shelves)

471 The Illustrated London News. A broken run of 12 volumes, 1843-1914, numerous black and white illustrations and adverts, mixed bindings, some leather, some lacking spines, together with The Sketch, a run of 6 volumes, 1894-97, numerous black and white illustrations, uniform contemporary gilt decorated red half morocco, spines and boards rubbed with some loss and 2 further similar volumes, folio (4 cartons)

(6 shelves)

477 Pouchet (F.A.). The Universe: or The Infinity Great and the Infinitely Little, new edition, 1871, 8 hand coloured plates and 343 black and white wood engravings, some spotting throughout, front board and spine partially detached and rubbed with loss, 8vo, together with other mostly 19th century reference and literature, including The Works of John Bunyan..., 3 volumes, 1858, all leather bindings, some odd volumes, condition is generally good, 8vo/4to (approximately 145 volumes) (6 shelves)


478 Pugin (Augustus Welby Northmore). Examples of Gothic Architecture; selected from various ancient edifices in England..., 3 volumes, Edinburgh, 1895, numerous colour and black and white plates, period inscriptions to front endpapers, some minor toning, top edge gilt, uniform original blue cloth, boards and spines lightly rubbed, large 4to, Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century Ornaments, Edinburgh, 1904, 102 monotone plates, some light toning, contemporary blue cloth, spine lightly rubbed to head and foot, large 4to, together with Scott (George Gilbert), Remarks on Secular and Domestic Architectur, Present & Future, 2nd edition, 1858, bookplate to front pastedown, some minor spotting, contemporary embossed brown cloth, spine faded and rubbed, 8vo, and Dyos (H.J. & Wolff, Michael, editors), The Victorian City, Images and Realities, 2 volumes, 1st edition, 1973, numerous black and white illustrations, uniform original cloth in dust jackets, spines lightly faded, 4to, plus other late 19th and 20th century Victorian architecture and history reference, mostly original cloth, many in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/4to



(3 shelves)

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)



473 Miscellaneous Literature. A collection of modern children’s and illustrated literature, art and railway reference, all original boards or cloth, many in dust jackets, 8vo/4to, plus two landscape prints by Mark Spain, signed and limited in pencil to margins, framed and glazed, G/VG (2 cartons)


476 Military. A collection of mostly modern military and naval history and reference, including Jane’s Fighting Ships, 4 volumes, 1914, 1939-40, 1943-44, and publications by Pen & Sword, P.S.L., Crécy, Alan Sutton, mostly original cloth, many in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/4to

472 Khull, Blackie & Co. (publisher). The Glasgow Geography..., 5 volumes, Glasgow, 1825, black and white folding maps, later inscriptions to front endpapers, some minor spotting and toning, uniform contemporary full calf, boards and spines slightly rubbed and marked with minor loss to head and foot, 8vo, together with White (Gilbert), The Natural History of Selborne, 1833, black and white illustrations, bookplate to front pastedown, contemporary gilt decorated full calf bound by Carss & Coy of Glasgow, boards and spine lightly rubbed, 8vo, and other mostly 19th century literature and history reference, including Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart., 10 volumes, by J.G. Lockhart, Edinburgh, 1862, some French language, all leather bindings, condition is generally good/very good, 8vo, (48 volumes) (a carton)




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479 Pina (Leslie). Fifties Glass, 1993, USA, numerous colour illustrations, original cloth in dust jacket, 4to, together with Vincent (Keith), Nailsea Glass, 1st edition, 1975, numerous black and white illustrations, original cloth in price clipped dust jacket, covers lightly rubbed, 4to, and Kelsall (Keith), Glass in 18th Century England, The Open-Flame Lamp, 1st edition, 1995, numerous black and white illustrations, original boards, 8vo, plus other modern glass reference, including auction catalogues from Sotheby’s, mostly original cloth, some in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/4to (3 shelves)

483 Reese (M.M.). The Royal Office of Master of the Horse, 1976, signed by the author to the title page, numerous colour and black and white illustrations, original cloth in slipcase, 4to, The Jockey’s Association of Great Britain (publisher), The Benson and Hedges Book of Racing Colours, 1st edition, Birmingham, 1973, numerous colour illustrations, original gilt decorated green cloth, boards slightly marked, large 8vo, and Whitehead (G. Kenneth), The Deer of Great Britain and Ireland..., 1st edition, 1964, numerous black and white illustrations, some light spotting to the text block, original cloth in price clipped dust jacket, covers slightly rubbed to head and foot, 8vo, plus other modern sporting, game and equestrian reference and related, mostly original cloth, some in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/folio


480 Cobbett (William). Rural Rides..., new edition, 1853, colour folding map to front, some water damage, bookplate to front pastedown, all edges gilt, contemporary gilt decorated red full morocco, spine lightly rubbed to head and foot, 8vo, together with Gough (John), A History of the People called Quakers, from their first rise to the present time, 3 volumes, printed for Robert Jackson, Dublin, 1789, bookplates and period inscriptions to front endpapers, some light spotting, uniform contemporary full calf, boards and spines rubbed, hinges cracked, 8vo, and Smedley (Frank E.), Frank Farleigh, or Scenes from the Life of a Private Pupil, 1850, Lewis Arudel; or The Railroad of Life, 1852, numerous black and white illustrations, bookplates to front pastedowns, some light spotting and toning, uniform contemporary gilt decorated full calf bound by Riviere & Son, boards and spines water damaged, hinges cracked, 8vo, plus other mostly 19th century literature and theology reference, some foreign language, some odd volumes, all leather bindings, condition is generally good, 8vo/4to (6 shelves)

(6 shelves)

484 Scrope (William). Days and Nights of Salmon Fishing in the River Tweed, 1885, 10 black and white woodcut illustrations, later endpapers, some minor spotting, rebound, retaining original green cloth boards and spine, 8vo, together with Dowell (James, editor), Norwegian Anglings and Other Sports..., 1906, colour folding map to front, numerous black and white illustrations, adverts to rear, some minor toning, original decorated boards, lightly rubbed, 8vo, and St. John (Charles), Wild Sports and Natural History of the Highlands, 1st edition, 1927, 39 colour illustrations, bookplate to front pastedown, pencil annotation to front endpaper, some sotting, original cloth in price clipped dust jacket, covers lightly rubbed, 8vo, together with other late 19th and early 20th century sporting and game reference and related, mostly original cloth, some leather bindings, G/VG, 8vo/4to


(3 shelves)

481 Hackenbroch (Yvonne). Renaissance Jewellery, 1st edition, USA, 1979, numerous colour and black and white illustrations, original cloth in dust jacket, spine lightly rubbed to head and foot, large 8vo, together with Dawson (David), A Painter’s Progress, A Portrait of Lucian Freud, 2014, numerous colour illustrations, original in dust jacket, large 4to, and Berman (Harold), Bronzes, Sculptors and Founders 1800-1930, 4 volumes, mixed editions, 1964-1994, numerous black and white illustrations, all original cloth in dust jackets, spines lightly faded, large 8vo, plus other modern art reference and related, including The Studio, An Illustrated Magazine of Fine and Applied Art, 15 volumes, 1901-16, mostly original cloth, some in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/4to (3 shelves)


485 Wright (Horace). The Fruit-Grower’s Guide, 2 volumes, new edition, 1924, 24 colour plates and numerous black and whtie illustrations, some minor spotting, uniform original cloth in dust jackets, covers lightly rubbed with minor loss to head and foot of spines, large 8vo, together with Robinson (W.), The Garden, an illustrated weekly journal of horticulture in all its branches, volumes 21 & 22, 1882, numerous colour and black and white illustrations, some minor toning, uniform modern gilt decorated half calf, large 4to, and Earle (C.W., et al), Garden Colour, 1906, 51 colour plates, some light spotting, contemporary gilt decorated three quarter morocco bound by Bumpus, spine lightly faded and rubbed, 4to, plus mostly other late 19th and early 20th century horticulture reference and related, including Flowering Plants of Great Britain, 6 volumes, by Anne Pratt, circa 1880, and family photo albums, 1880-1950, mostly original cloth, some leather bindings, G/VG, 8vo/folio


482 Nielsen (Kay, illustrator). East of the Sun and West of the Moon, Old Tales from the North, circa 1924, 24 tipped in colour plates, period inscription to front endpaper, some minor spotting, original decorated yellow cloth, boads and spine lightly rubbed, faded and marked, 8vo, together with Dahl (Roald), James and The Giant Peach, 1967, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, 1967, both with period inscriptions to the front endpapers, The Magic Finger, 1968, all UK 1st editions, some minor toning, all original illustrated boards, slightly marked and rubbed to head and foot, 8vo, and Barth (Christian Gottlob), Natalie or The Broken Spring, Setma The Turkish Maiden, Edinburgh, circa 1864, 3 black and white engravings, bookplate to front pastedown, some light toning, original gilt decorated embossed blue cloth, subtly rebound, boards and spine lightly rubbed, 8vo, plus other late 19th and 20th century illustrated and juvenile literature, including Kenneth Grahame, Arthur Rackham, Tin-Tin, Andrew Lang, mostly original cloth and boards, G/VG, 8vo/4to (3 shelves)


(3 shelves)


486 Chiari (Joseph). Collected Poems, Enitharmon Press, 1978, top edge gilt, original morocco-backed boards, 8vo, limited signed edition 23/30, together with Arabic & Persian Poems, by Omar Pound, Fulcrum Press, 1970, original cloth, 8vo, limited signed edition 40/100, plus Miscellanea from the works of John Sheffield, Earl of Mulgrave, Marquis of Normandy and Duke of Buckingham, Haworth Press, 1933, title with armorial vignette, endpapers a little toned, previous owner inscription, bookplate, original cloth, 8vo, limited edition 148/250, with other poetry including The Venus Touch, by Maureen Duffy, 1971 (limited signed edition 302/500), Colophon to Love Respelt, by Robert Graves, 1967 (limited signed edition 73/386), At the Gate, Poems by Robert Graves, 1974 (limited signed edition 194/536), High Windows, by Philip Larkin, 1974 and others by Louis Macneice, Lynette Roberts, John Betjeman etc, (approximately 170)


(3 shelves)



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487 Aubrey (John). Three Prose Works, Miscellanies, Remaines of Gentilisme and Judaisme, 1st edition, Centaur Press, Sussex, 1972, black and white frontispiece, original cloth in price clipped dust jacket, covers lightly toned, 8vo, together with Connolly (Thomas E., editor), James Joyce’s Scribbledehobble, the ur-workbook for Finnegan’s Wake, 1st edition, Northwestern University Press, USA, 1961, black and white facsimiles, original cloth in price clipped dust jacket, covers lightly rubbed to head and foot, 4to, and James (Henry), The American, the version of 1877 revised in autograph and typescript for the New York Edition of 1907, reprint edition, 1978, numerous black and white facsimiles, original cloth in dust jacket, covers slightly toned and rubbed to head and foot, large 4to, plus other author reference and biography, mostly original cloth in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/4to From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (3 shelves)

492 Calwell (C.E.). The Effect of Maritime Command on Land Campaigns Since Waterloo, 1897, 7 black and white maps, bookplate to front pastedown, some minor spotting, original blue cloth, spine lightly rubbed and toned, 8vo, together with Frothingham (Thomas G.), The Naval History of the World War, 3 volumes, Harvard University Press, USA, 1925-26, black and white folding maps, bookplate to front endpaper, blindstamps to title pages, some light toning, uniform original blue cloth, spines slightly rubbed, ex-library copy with associated marks, 8vo, and other mostly early 20th century naval reference and related, all original cloth, some covers discoloured, G/VG, 8vo (6 shelves)

493 Morier (James). The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan, 1897, numerous black and white illustrations, some light toning, gutters cracked, original cloth, boards and spines slightly rubbed, 8vo, together with Havell (E.B.), Indian Sculpture and Painting, 2nd edition, 1928, 78 colour and black and white illustrations, some light spotting, original blue cloth, slightly rubbed to head and foot, 8vo, and Elliot (H.M.), The History of India, as told by its own historians, 3 volumes, 1867-71, volumes 1 & 3, lacking original endpapers, some light toning, uniform green cloth, rebound, boards and spines rubbed, 8vo, plus other late 19th and early 20th century India reference and related, some leather bindings, mostly original cloth, G/VG, 8vo/4to


488 Military. A collection of modern military reference and related, including publications by Ian Allan, Arms and Armour, Blandford, mostly original cloth in dust jackets, some paperback editions, G/VG, 8vo/4to (6 shelves)


489 Naval. A large collection of modern naval history and reference, including publications by Conway, Naval Institute Press, Sutton, Oxford, mostly original cloth in dust jackets, some paperback editions, some covers discoloured, G/VG, 8vo/4to (6 shelves + a carton)

(6 shelves)

(6 shelves)


(6 shelves)


496 Macquoid (Percy). A History of English Furniture, The Age of Oak, 1904, 15 colour plates and numerous black and white illustrations, some light spotting, original brown cloth, boards and spine lightly rubbed to head and foot, folio, together with Cotterell (Howard Herschel), Old Pewter, its makers and marks..., 5th printing, 1969, numerous black and white illustrations, original cloth in dust jacket and slipcase, covers rubbed to head and foot with minor loss, tape repair to foot of spine, large 4to and Burks (Jean M.), Birmingham Brass Candlesticks, 1st edition, USA, 1986, numerous black and white illustrations, original cloth in dust jacket, covers lightly rubbed to head, large 4to, plus other modern art and antique reference and related, mostly original cloth, many in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/folio


(6 shelves)

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)


495 Neeser (Robert Wilden). Statistical and Chronological History of the United States Navy 1775-1902, 2 volumes, New York, 1909, some minor toning, uniform original blue cloth, boards and spines lightly rubbed to head and foot, large 4to, together with Yonge (C.D.), The History of the British Navy, from the earliest period to the present time, 2 volumes, 1863, period inscriptions to the front pastedowns, some light spotting, guttering cracked, uniform original gilt decorated blue embossed cloth, boards and spines slightly rubbed, 8vo, and other late 19th and early 20th century naval history and references, some odd volumes, all original cloth, some covers discoloured, G/VG, 8vo/4to

491 Smith (D. Murray). Arctic Expeditions from British and Foreign Shores, from the earliest times to the expedition of 1875-76, 1st edition, 1877, colour folding map to front, numerous monotone plates, some light spotting and toning, original ornately gilt decorated black morocco with brass borders, lacking brass clasps, boards and spine rubbed, large 4to, together with Greely (Adolphus W.), Three Years of Arctic Service on Account of the Lady Franklin Bay Expedition of 1881-84..., 2 volumes, 1886, numerous black and white illustrations, folding map to rear of volume 2, with some fold tears, some light toning and spotting, uniform original green cloth, boards and spines slightly faded and rubbed to head and foot, with minor loss, 8vo, and Kennedy (E.B.), Thirty Seasons in Scandinavia, cheaper edition, 1908, 20 black and white illustrations, some minor toning, original red cloth, boards and spine slightly faded and rubbed, plus other late 19th century and modern travel reference and related, mostly original cloth, some in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/folio (3 shelves)


494 Jhaveri (Mansukhlal). History of Gujarati Literature, 1st edition, New Delhi, 1978, original boards in dust jacket, covers lightly rubbed and marked, 8vo, together with Hutchins (Francis G.), The Illusion of Permanence, British Imperialisim in India, 1st edition, Princeton University Press, USA, 1967, original cloth in price clipped dust jacket, spine lightly rubbed, 8vo, and Fazal (M.A.), Judicial Control of Administrative Action in India and Pakistan, 1st edition, O.U.P., 1969, original cloth in price clipped dust jacket, spine lightly faded, 8vo, plus other mostly 1960s-modern India reference and history, mostly original cloth in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/4to


490 Mensonis (Alting). Descriptio, Secundum Antiquos, Agri Batavi & Frisii, ... sive Notitia Germaniae Inferiors..., Henricum Wesstenium, Amsterdam, 1697, 5 black and white engraved maps, 3 black and white plates, later cloth spine to boards, slightly rubbed, folio, together with Ayman (Jean), Monumens Authentiques de la Religion Des Greds, et de la Faussete..., A. La Haye, France, 1708, some light spotting and toning, contemporary full calf, boards and spine slightly rubbed with minor loss, 4to, and Bayle (Pierre), Oeuvres Diverses De Mr. Pierre Bayle, prosesseur en philosophie & en histoire, a Rotterdam, 4 volumes, A. La Haye, France, 1725, black and white plates, uniform modern gilt decorated calf, spines retaining contemporary full calf, boards slightly rubbed, folio, plus other mostly 18th and 19th French and Latin language, history and reference, mostly leather bindings, condition is generally good/very good, 8vo/folio (3 shelves)




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497 Phillips (John). The General History of Inland Navigation; containing a complete account of all the canals of the United Kingdom..., 4th edition, 1803, folding plate frontispiece, bookplate to front pastedown, some water marks and toning, later endpapers, later gilt decorated half calf, 8vo, together with The New Naturalist, a survey of British natural history, volumes 1-10, reprint editions, all original cloth in dust jackets and slipcase, 8vo, and other natural history and UK topography reference and related, including publications by Batsford, Blandford, Gollancz, mostly original cloth in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/4to (3 shelves)

502 Corbett (Julian S. & Newbolt, Henry). History of the Great War..., Naval Operations, 5 volumes in 9 (text and maps), 1st editions, 1920-31, numerous folding maps, uniform original blue cloth, some boards and spines rubbed and faded, 8vo, together with Ashley (Clifford W.), The Ashley Book of Knots, reprint edition, 1960, numerous black and white illustrations, minor toning, original red cloth, spine lightly rubbed to head and foot, large 4to, and Crawford (M. MacDermot), The Sailor Whom England Feared..., New York, 1913, 13 black and white illustrations, some light spotting, original gilt decorated blue cloth, boards and spine slightly rubbed and faded, 8vo, plus other mostly early 20th century, naval history and reference, all original cloth, some discolouration and volumes permeated with the smell of tobacoo, G/VG, 8vo/4to


498 Lewis (M.G.). Tales of Wonder...; printed for P. Wogan, Dublin, 1805, modern endpapers, some toning and spotting, modern gilt decorated half calf, 8vo, together with Dulac (Edmund, illustrator), Stories from The Arabian Nights, retold by Laurence Housman, 2nd edition, November 1907, 50 tipped in colour illustrations, modern endpapers, bookplate to front pastedown, modern rebinding retaining original gilt decorated cloth boards and spine, slightly rubbed and marked, 8vo, and Woolf (Virginia), The Death of the Moth and Other Essays, 1943, black and white portrait frontispiece, some toning and spotting, period inscription to front endpaper, original cloth with label to spine, lightly rubbed to head and foot, 8vo, plus other early 20th century and modern fiction and illustrated literature, including P.G. Wodehouse, H.G. Wells, Graham Greene, J.M. Barrie, many original cloth, some paperbacks, G/VG, 8vo/4to (6 shelves)

(6 shelves)

503 Lecky (Halton Stirling). The King’s Ships..., 3 volumes (of 6), 1913-14, numerous black and white illustrations, bookplates to front pastedowns, some light toning, top edge gilt, uniform original gilt decorated blue cloth, spines lightly faded and rubbed to head and foot, large 4to, together with Sleeman (C.W.), Torpedoes and Torpedo Warfare..., Portsmouth, 1880, 57 monotone illustrations, some minor spotting, rebound retaining original gilt decorated red cloth, slightly rubbed to head and foot, 8vo, and Mahan (A.T.), Sea Power in its relations to the war of 1812, 2 volumes, 1905, black and white illustrations, maps and plans, minor marginal toning, uniform original gilt decorated blue cloth, boards and spines lightly rubbed to head and foot, 8vo, plus other late 19th century and early 20th century naval history and reference, all original cloth, some discolouration, G/VG, 8vo/4to


499 Ritts (Herb). Men/Women, 2 volumes, 1989, limited edition of 5000 copies, numerous monochrome illustrations, uniform original black cloth in slipcase, slipcase spine slightly faded, 4to, together with Duncan (Alastair), Art Deco Complete..., 2011, numerous colour and black and white illustrations, original cloth in dust jacket, covers slightly faded, large 4to, and Crossley (Fred H.), English Church Monuments A.D. 1150-1550, 1921, numerous black and white illustrations, some minor toning, original gilt decorated green cloth, spine lightly faded and rubbed to head and foot, 8vo, plus other early 20th century and modern art and antique reference, mostly original cloth, some in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/folio (3 shelves)

(6 shelves)


(6 shelves)


505 Naval. A large collection of modern naval history and reference, including publications by Pen & Sword, Arms and Armour, Naval Institute Press, Seaforth, Conway, mostly original cloth in dust jackets, some discolouration, G/VG, 8vo/4to (6 shelves + a carton)


501 Clowes (Wm. Laird). The Royal Navy A History, from the earliest times to the present, 2 volumes, 1897, numerous black and white illustrations, top edge gilt, blue cloth, boards and spine lightly rubbed, large 8vo, together with Cutler (Carl C.), The Story of the American Clipper Ship Greyhounds of the Sea, 1st edition, New York, 1930, 117 monotone illustrations, some light toning, original gilt decorated blue cloth, spine lightly rubbed to head and foot, large 8vo, and Griffith (A.S.), Surrendered, some naval war secrets, circa 1925, numerous black and white illustrations, some spotting and toning, frontispiece partially detached, original red cloth, spine slightly faded and marked, large 4to, plus other late 19th and early 20th century naval history and reference, some odd volumes, all original cloth, some covers discoloured, G/VG, 8vo/4to (6 shelves)


504 Wesleyan University Press. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Marine Collection to be found at India House, 2nd edition, USA, 1973, 12 colour and 39 black and white plates, original gilt decorated blue cloth in slipcase, large 4to, together with Mookerji (Radhakumud), Indian Shipping..., 1st edition, 1912, 24 black and white illustrations, later inscription to half title, some minor spotting, original gilt decorated blue cloth, boards and spine slightly faded and marked, 4to, and DeLong (Emma, editor), The Voyage of the Jeannette. The Ship and Ice Journals of George W. DeLong, 2 volumes, 1883, numerous black and white illustrations, maps and plans, period inscription to front endpaper of volume 1, some loose leaves, some light spotting, uniform original decorated red cloth, boards and spines rubbed and slightly faded with minor loss, 8vo, plus other mostly early 20th century naval history and reference, all original cloth, some discolouration, G/VG, 8vo/4to

500 Hillary (Edmund). High Adventure, 1st edition, 1955, colour frontispiece and 31 black and white plates, period inscription to front endpaper, some minor toning and spotting, original blue cloth in dust jacket, covers slightly rubbed, tape repairs to head and foot of spine, 8vo, together with Turner (W.J., editor), British Craftsmanship, 1948, numerous colour and black and white illustrations, minor toning, original cloth in dust jacket, covers lightly rubbed to head and foot, 8vo, and Ravilious (Eric), High Street, by J.M. Richards, reprint edition, 2016, 25 colour illustrations, original cloth in dust jacket, 8vo, plus other modern fiction and reference, including Edward Ardizzone, Tom Sharpe, T.S. Eliot, all original cloth in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/4to (6 shelves)



506 Dickens (Charles). The Works of Charles Dickens, 30 volumes, circa 1900, limited de-luxe edition 580/1000, numerous black and white illustrations, bookplates to front pastedowns, some minor toning, publisher’s uniform original blue cloth, boards and spines slightly rubbed and toned, some loss to spine labels, large 8vo, together with The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New Testament, printed by Robert Barker, 1613, 19th century inscriptions to front endpaper, loss to foot of title page A2, some toning and water damage, contemporary full calf, boards and spine rubbed with minor loss, 4to, and other miscellaneous 19th century and modern literature and reference, some leather bindings, mostly original cloth, some in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/4to (6 shelves)




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507 Literature. A large collection of miscellaneous modern literature and fiction, including publications by Folio Society, Oxford, Holland Press, Cambridge, mostly original cloth, many in dust jackets, some odd volumes, G/VG, 8vo (6 shelves)

512 Ford (Richard). A Hand-Book for Travellers in Spain, and readers at home, 3 volumes, Centaur Press, 1966, black and white illustrations and maps, uniform original blue cloth, 8vo, together with Chalandon (Ferdinand), Histoire de la Domination Normande en Italie et en Sicile, 2 volumes, reprint edition, New York, 1969, uniform original blue cloth, spine lightly rubbed to head and foot, 8vo, and Smith (Angel), Historical Dictionary of Spain, 1996, original cloth, 8vo, plus other modern Spain history and literature, some Spanish language, mostly original cloth, some in dust jackets, some paperbacks, G/VG, 8vo/4to


508 Millais (J.G.). Rhododendrons and the Various Hybrids, second series, 1924, 51 colour and black and white illustrations, minor spotting and toning, original red cloth, boards and spine slightly rubbed, folio, together with Miner (Harriet Stewart), Orchids the Royal Family of Plants, 1885, 24 colour plates, ex library copy with associated marks, some water damage, some light spotting, original gilt decorated green boards and spine rubbed with some loss, folio, and Miller (Wilhelm & Jekyll, Gertrude), The Chasm of English Gradens, circa 1910, 8 colour plates and numerous black and white illustrations, bookplate to front pastedown, some light toning, original gilt decorated green cloth, light water damage to head of boards, spine slightly toned and rubbed to head and foot, 4to, plus other early 20th century and modern horticulture and natural history reference, some leather bindings, mostly original cloth, some in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/folio (6 shelves)

(5 shelves)


513 Strassberg (Richard E.). Inscribed Landscapes, Travel Writing from Imperial China, 1st edition, University of Californian Press, USA, 1994, numerous black and white illustrations, original green cloth in dust jacket, spine slightly rubbed, 8vo, together with Facey (William), Riyadh, The Old City from its origins until the 1950s, 1st edition, 1992, numerous black and white illustrations, period inscription to front endpaper, original cloth in dust jacket, spine lightly faded, 8vo, and Lawrence (T.E.), Seven Pillars of Wisdom, 1935, black and white plates and maps, original gilt decorated cloth, boards and spine lightly faded and marked, 4to, plus other mostly modern travel reference and related, including Baedeker’s travel guides, 6 volumes, mostly original cloth, many in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/4to


509 Freeman (Lawrence). The Official History of the Falklands Campaign, 2 volumes, reprint edition, 2006, uniform original cloth in dust jackets, spines lightly faded, 8vo, together with Pinches (John Harvey), Medals by John Pinches, a catalogue of works struck by the company from 1840 to 1969, Heraldry Today, 1987, limited edition of 500 coipes, numerous black and white illustrations, original cloth in dust jacket, 4to, together with Winfield (Rif), British Warships in the Age of Sail 1793-1817, design, construction, careers and fates, 1st edition, 2005, numerous black and white illustrations, original cloth in dust jacket, large 4to, plus other modern military and naval history and reference, including publications by Boydell Press, Osprey, Maritime Books, Pen & Sword, Conway, mostly original cloth in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/4to

(6 shelves)


514 Paperbacks. A large collection of approximately 450 modern paperbacks, including fiction, non-fiction, history and publications by Penguin, Routledge, Oxford, Yale, Pimlico, all original wrappers, G/VG, 8vo/4to (6 shelves)


510 Smith (Arthur H.). Village Life in China, A Study in Sociology, 1st edition, USA, 1899, 16 black and white illustrations, later inscription to front endpaper, some marginal toning, original decorated yellow cloth, boards and spine slightly toned and rubbed to head and foot, 8vo, together with Teng (Emma Jinhua), Taiwan’s Imagined Geography, Chinese Colonial Travel Writing and Pictures 1683-1895, 1st edition, 2004, colour and black and white illustrations, original cloth in dust jacket, 8vo, and other modern travel reference and related, including Freya Stark, Gerald Durrell, H.V. Morton, all original cloth, some in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/4to

515 Roosevelt (Theodore). The Naval War of 1812..., 28 volumes, Elkham edition, New York, 1906-13, limited edition 13/1310, bookplates to front pastedowns, some minor marginal toning, publisher’s uniform original gilt decorated blue three quarter morocco, some spines slightly faded and rubbed, 8vo, together with Goldsmith (William), The Naval History of Great Britain from the earliest period..., 1825, 8 black and white engraved plates, some heaving spotting, modern endpapers, modern gilt decorated quarter morocco, 8vo, and Brenton (Edward Pelham), The Naval History of Great Britain, from the year MDCCLXXXIII to MDCCCXXXVI, 2 volumes, new edition, 1837, 23 black and white illustrations and plans, volume 1 guttering cracked, some spotting, uniform contemporary gilt decorated blue full calf bound by Potter & Co., boards and spines slightly rubbed, 8vo, plus other mostly 19th century naval history and reference, mostly leather bindings, some odd volumes, condition is generally good/very good, 8vo/4to (approximately 65 volumes)

(6 shelves)

(3 shelves)

(6 shelves)



511 Naval. A large collection of modern naval history and reference, including publications by Putnam, Conway, Jane’s, Ian Allan, Sutton, mostly original cloth in dust jackets, some discolouration, G/VG, 8vo/4to (6 shelves)

516 Art Photo Akt (publisher). The Nude in Contemporary Photography, Erotica Portfolio, 3 volumes, 2014, numerous colour and monotone illustrations, uniform original black boards, large 4to, together with Blanca (Oscar Tusquets, et al), Staircases, the architecture of ascent, New York, 2013, numerous colour and black and white illustrations, original boards in dust jacket, large 8vo, and Delenda (Odile), Velázquez, The Complete Works, 2014, numerous colour illustrations, original boards in dust jacket, covers lightly rubbed, folio, plus other modern art and architecture reference and related, mostly original cloth in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/folio


(3 shelves)

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)




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517 Shakespeare (William). The Norton Facsimile, The First Folio of Shakespeare..., 2nd edition, 1996, numerous black and white facsimiles, original gilt decorated red quarter morocco, foli, together with Ridpath (George), The Border History of England and Scotland..., facsimile edition, The Mercat Press, Edinburgh, 1979, some minor spotting, original cloth in dust jacket, covers slightly faded and marked, large 4to, and Leroy-Beaulieu (Anatole), The Empire of the Tsars and the Russians, 3 volumes, reprint edition, New York, 1969, black and white folding map to front of volume 1, uniform original cloth, 8vo, plus other modern Shakespeare reference, Russia history, and other historical reference, mostly original cloth in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/folio

522 Mikaberidze (Alexander). Russian Eyewitness Accounts of the Campaign of 1812, 2012, Russian Eyewitness Accounts of the Campaign of 1814, 2013, both 1st editions, colour and black and white illustrations, both original cloth in dust jackets, 8vo, together with Davey (James), The Transformation of British Naval Strategy..., 1st edition, Boydell Press, 2012, original illustrated boards, 8vo, and Robertson (Ian C.), Wellington Invades France, the final phase of the Peninsular War 1813-1814, 1st edition, 2003, black and white illustrations, original cloth in dust jacket, 8vo, plus other modern Napoleonic era reference and related, including publications by Greenhill, Pen & Sword, Osprey, Conway, Spellmount, mostly original cloth in dust jackets, some paperback editions, G/VG, 8vo/4to

(6 shelves)

(3 shelves)



518 Edel (Leon). Henry James, 5 volumes, 1953-72, black and white illustrations, Selected Letters of Henry James, 1956, all original cloth in dust jackets, covers lightly rubbed to head and foot, 8vo, together with Lees-Milne (James), Ancestral Voices, 1975, Prophesying Peace, 1977, both 1st editions, plus 11 further volumes by James Lees-Milne, all original cloth in dust jackets, spines lightly faded, 8vo, and Fryer (Peter), Forbidden Books of the Victorians, 1st edition, 1970, original cloth in price clipped dust jacket, covers lightly rubbed to head and foot, 8vo, plus other modern literary and author reference and biography, including Anthony Powell, Virginia Woolf, Charles Dickens, mostly original cloth in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/4to

523 Monod (Paul Kléber). Solomon’s Secret Arts, The Occult in the Age of Enlightenment, 1st edition, Yale University Press, 2013, black and white illustrations, original cloth in dust jacket, 8vo, together with Sagan (Eli), Citizens & Cannibals, the French Revolution, the struggle for modernity and the origins of idealogical terror, 1st edition, Oxford, 2001, original cloth in dust jacket, 8vo, and Ehrman (John), The Younger Pitt, 3 volumes, all 1st editions, 1969-96, colour and black and white illustrations, uniform original cloth in price clipped dust jackets, spines lightly rubbed to head and foot, 8vo, plus other modern history reference and biography, including publications by Oxford, Cambridge, Osprey, all original cloth in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/4to

(6 shelves)

(6 shelves)


519 McNees (Elanor). The Development of the Novel, Literary Sources & Documents, 3 volumes, East Sussex, Helm, 2006, black and white frontispiece to volume 1, uniform original gilt decorated blue faux leather, 8vo, together with Newman (Edgar Leon, editor), Historical Dictionary of France from the 1815 Restoration to the Second Empire, 2 volumes, Greenwood Press, USA, 1987, uniform original cloth, 8vo, and Scott (Walter), Waverley Novels, 6 volumes, Edinburgh Edition, Edinburgh, 1901, limited edition 394/1400, 6 black and white frontispieces, signature to volume 1, limitation page, some minor marginal toning, uniform original cloth with gilt decorated red morocco, spine labels, spines lightly faded, 8vo, plus other early 20th century and modern history, literature reference and fiction, including Charles Morgan, Robert S. Surtees, Emile Zola, all original cloth, G/VG, 8vo/4to (6 shelves)

524 Naval. A large collection of modern naval history and reference, including publications by Pen & Sword, Spellmount, Naval Institute Press, Arms and Armour, Oxford, mostly original cloth in dust jackets, some paperback editions, some discolouration, G/VG, 8vo/4to (6 shelves & a carton)


525 Paperbacks. A large collection of approximately 600 volumes, including publications by Penguin, Pelican, Cambridge, Pan, all original wrappers, G/VG, 8vo/4to (7 shelves + 2 cartons)


526 Paperbacks. A large collection of approximately 250 scholarly paperbacks, including publications by Society of Antiquaries, Cambridge, Penguin, Libreria Dello Strato, Harvard, all original wrappers, G/VG, 8vo/4to


520 Latham (Robert & Matthews, William). The Diary of Samuel Pepys, 11 volumes, 1st editions, 1970-83, black and white frontispiece, uniform original cloth in dust jackets, some spines lightly faded, 8vo, together with Strong (Roy), The Tudor and Stuart Monarchy, 3 volumes, all 1st editions, Boydell Press, 1995-98, numerous black and white illustrations, all original cloth in dust jackets, spines lightly rubbed to head and foot, 8vo, and Emmerson (Richard K, editor), Who’s Who in the Middle Ages, 2 volumes, 1st editions, 2006, black and white map to volume 1, uniform original cloth in dust jackets, 8vo, plus other modern history reference and related, all original cloth in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/4to (6 shelves)


From the Library of Cecil H. Clough (1930-2017). (7 shelves + 2 cartons)


527 Aviation. A collection of mostly modern aviation history and reference, including Jane’s All The World’s Aircraft 1940, 1942-46, 5 volumes, and publications by P.S.L., Ian Allan, Airlife, Hikoki, all original cloth, some in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/folio (3 shelves & a carton)


528 Antiquarian. A collection of mostly 19th century miscellaneous literature and history reference, including The History of the Worthies of England, by Thomas Fuller, 2 volumes, new edition, 1811, Dictionnaire de l’Ameublement et de la decoration, by Henry Harvard, 4 volumes, 1887, some leather bindings, some original cloth, condition is generally good/very good, 8vo/4to, (approximately 60 volumes)


521 Bjork (Robert E., editor). The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages, 4 volumes, 1st editions, 2010, numerous black and white illustrations, uniform original gilt decorated blue quarter morocco, large 8vo, together with Cox (Michael, editor), The Oxford Chronology of English Literature, 2 volumes, 1st editions, 2002, uniform original red quarter morocco, large 8vo, and Whaley (Joachim), Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, 2 volumes, 1st editions, 2012, both original cloth in dust jackets, 8vo, plus other scholarly history and literary reference, all Oxford publications, mostly original cloth, some in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/4to

529 Naval. A large quantity of modern naval reference and related, including publications by Naval Institute Press, Osprey, P.S.L., Putnam, Conway, mostly original cloth in dust jackets, some discolouration, G/VG, 8vo/4to

(3 shelves)

(6 shelves & a carton)

(3 shelves)





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530 Midon (F.). The History of the Rise and Fall of Masaniello, the Fisherman of Naples..., printed for C. Davis, 1729, black and white engraved frontispiece, some light toning with marks to the foreedge, contemporary embossed full calf, boads and spine slightly rubbed, 8vo, together with M’Ure (John), A View of the City of Glasgow..., printed by James Duncan, Glasgow, 1736, black and white engraved frontispiece, later endpapers, some toning, repaired tear to the title page, later calf spine retaining contemporary calf boards, slightly rubbed to head and foot, 8vo, and Hoyt (E.), A Treatise on the Military Art; in four parts..., volume 1 only, printed by Benjamin Smead, Battlebrough, 1798, 8 black and white folding plates, loss to foot of the title page, some toning and marks, contemporary full tree calf, boards and spine lightly rubbed, hinges cracked, 8vo, plus other 18th century history and theological reference and related, all leather bindings, condition is generally good/very good, 8vo/4to

534 Foxon (D.F.). English Verse 1701-1750, a catalogue of separately printed poems with notes on contemporary collected editions, 2 volumes, 1st edition, 1975, uniform original cloth in dust jackets, and slipcase, covers slightly rubbed to head, large 4to, together with Besterman (Theodore, editor), Votairés Household Accounts 1760-1778, New York, 1968, numerous black and white facsimiles, original white quarter cloth, spine lightly rubbed to head and foot, folio, and Rothery (Guy Cadogan), Armorial Insignia of the Princes of Wales, circa 1910, numerous colour and black and white illustrations, ex-libris stamp to front pastedown, some minor spotting, original red cloth, boards and spine lightly rubbed and marked, large 4to, plus other mostly modern bibliography and literary reference and relted, some leather bindings, mostly original cloth, some in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/folio

(3 shelves)

535 Astle (Thomas). The Origin and Progress of Writing, as well as hieroglyphic as elementary, 2nd edition, 1803, black and white portrait frontispiece, 31 monotone and hand-coloured plates, bookplate to front pastedown, later endpapers, period inscription to original front endpaper, some light spotting and offsetting, modern gilt decorated calf boards, boards lightly rubbed, large 4to, together with Jameson (Mrs), Legends of the Madonna as represented in the fine arts, new impression, 1899, numerous black and white illustrations, all edges gilt, contemporary blue full morocco with gilt decorated dentelles and silk moire endpapers, hinges slightly rubbed and cracked, 4to, and Dyer (Thomas H.), A History of the City of Rome its Structures and Monuments, 1865, folding maps to front and rear, some minor marginal toning, contemporary gilt decorated half calf bound by Tuckett, boards and spine slightly rubbed, 8v, plus other 19th century history and ecclesiastical reference, including An English Garner..., 8 volumes, by Edward Arber, 1877-97, all leather bindings, condition is generally good/very good, 8vo/4o (73 volumes)

(6 shelves & a carton)


531 Elmes (James). Metropolitan Improvements; or London in the Nineteenth Century: Displayed in a Series of Engravings..., from Original Drawings... by Mr. Thos. H. Shepherd..., 1828, additional engraved title, numerous engraved plates, spotting and some browning, slight splitting to front hinge, contemporary half morocco, rubbed and some wear to extremities, 4to, together with Knight (Charles, publisher), Old England: A Pictorial Museum of Regal, Ecclesiastical, Baronial, Municipal, and Popular Antiquities, 2 volumes, 1845, colour lithograph plates, numerous wood engravings, intermittent spotting, contemporary half morocco gilt, rubbed and a few marks, some wear to extremities, volume 2 with some splitting to joints, folio, plus approximately 94 others including: Little Journeys, by Elbert Hubbard, 9 issues, 1903-1909; The Were-Wolf, by Clemence Housman, illustrated by Laurence Housman, 1896; Troilus and Cressida..., with Wood Engravings by Eric Gill, 1932 Sold as a collection of plates, not subject to return. (3 shelves + a carton)

(3 shelves)

536 Pardoe (Julia). The Beauties of the Bosphorus, 1838, black and white plates illustrated by H. Bartlett, bookplate to front pastedown, some spotting and offsetting, contemporary gilt decorated green half morocco, boards and spine rubbed, front board partially detached, large 4to, together with Pennant (Thomas), The Journey from Chester to London, printed for Wilkie and Robinson, 1811, 6 black and white plates including frontispiece, period pencil drawing loose to front, bookplate to front pastedown, some minor toning and offsetting, rebound retaining contemporary gilt decorated spine and borads, rubbed with some loss, 8vo, and Vambery (Arminius), Hungary in Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern Times, 2nd edition, 1887, 47 black and white illustrations, contemporary plum half morocco, spine lightly faded and rubbed, 8vo, plus other 19th century history and ecclesiastical reference including The Works of John Dryden, 18 volumes, by Walter Scott, 1808, all leather bindings, condition is generally good/very good, 8vo/4to (83 volumes)


533 Baillie-Grohman (W.A.). Sport in the Alps in the Past and Present, 1896, 18 black and white plates and 20 black and white illustrations, bookplate to front pastedown, guttering reinforced with tape, some toning, rebound retaining original gilt decorated cloth, spine slightly faded with loss to head and foot, 4to, together with Lloyd (L.), Peasant Life in Sweden, 1870, black and white frontispiece, lacks plates, bookplate to front endpaper, cracked guttering, minor toning, original red cloth, boards and spine lightly rubbed and marked, 8vo, and Barnaby (Fred), On Horseback Through Asia Mnior, 2 volumes, 3rd edition, 1877, sepia portrait photograph frontispiece and 2 colour folding maps, some tears and minor loss to volume 2 map, later inscription to volume 1 front end paper, some light spotting and toning, uniform original gilt decorated green cloth, boards and spine slightly rubbed to head and foot, 8vo, plus other late 19th and early 20th travel and exploration reference and related, including Hudson’s Bay Company 1670-1870, 3 volumes, by E.E. Rich, New York, 1961, and 7 volumes of Baedeker’s travel guides, some leather bindings, mostly original cloth, some odd volumes, G/VG, 8vo/4to (3 shelves)

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)



532 Railway. A collection of mostly modern railway, steam and locomotive reference, including publications by O.P.C., Blandford, Ian Allan, David & Charles, mostly original cloth, many in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/4to (3 shelves)


(3 shelves)




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537 Sidney (Samuel). The Three Colonies of Australia..., 2nd edition, 1853, 44 black and white illustrations, period inscription to front endpaper, cracked guttering, biro mark to title page, some light marks, original gilt decorated embossed brown cloth, boards lightly rubbed, spine partially detached, 8vo, and Cunningham (P.), Two Years in New South Wales..., 2 volumes, 2nd edition, 1827, lacking map, some light spotting, later cloth spines retaining contemporary full calf boards, rubbed to head and foot, 8vo, and Bentley (Richard), Bentley’s Miscellany, 10 volumes, 1837-41, numerous black and white illustrations, some light toning and offsetting, uniform contemporary gilt decorated half calf, boards and spines rubbed, 8vo, plus other miscellaneous travel, reference, history and literature, some odd volumes, mostly leather bindings, some original cloth, condition is generally good/very good, 8vo/4to, (160 volumes) (6 shelves)

541 Paperbacks. A collection of approximately 300 paperbacks, various, including Penguin Classics, Penguin Modern Poets, Carcanet, Vintage, mostly literature and history, generally VG (approximately 250 volumes) From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (3 shelves)

542 Jekyll (Gertrude & Weaver, Lawrence). Gardens for Small Country Houses, circa 1912, colour frontispiece with tissue guard, numerous black and white illustrations, original gilt decorated blue cloth, spines lightly rubbed to head and foot, large 4to, together with Hueffer (Ford Maddox), The Cinque Ports, a historical and descriptive record, 1900, 14 black and white photogravure plates, 19 black and white illustrations, some minor spotting, original gilt decorated cloth, spine lightly rubbed to head and foot, large 4to and Wright (G.N.), The Historic Guide to Bath, Bath, 1864, 17 black and white plates, plus a black and white folding map to the front, adverts to rear, some minor spotting, period inscription to front endpaper, contemporary gilt decorated blue cloth bound by Bone & Son, lightly rubbed to head and foot, 8vo, plus other mostly modern UK topography reference and related, including publications by Pevsner, mostly original cloth in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/folio


538 Hockney (David). Paintings, Prints and Drawings 1960-1970, 1st edition, 1970, numerous colour and black and white illustrations, original cloth in dust jacket, 8vo, together with Schmalenbach (Werner), Kurt Schwitters, 1st UK edition, 1970, 54 mounted colour plates plus 276 black and white illustrations, original cloth in dust jacket, covers lightly toned and rubbed to head and foot, large 8vo, and The Redfern Gallery Ltd (publisher), Christopher Wood 1901-1930, 1st edition, 1938, 21 colour and 17 black and white tipped in plates, plus a loose monochrome photographs, inscribed ‘Girl with a Duck’ and signed by Christopher Wood, period inscription to front endpaper, some minor spotting, original cloth, lightly rubbed, plus a catalogue for Christopher Wood Exhibition of Complete Works, The New Burlington Galleries..., March 3rd-April 2nd, 1938, both large 4to, and other mostly 20th century art reference and related, many original cloth in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/folio From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (3 shelves)

From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (3 shelves)

(3 shelves)


544 Delaissé (L.M.J., Marrow, James & De Wit, John). Illuminated Manuscripts (The James A. De Rothschild Collection at Waddesdon Manor), 1st edition, 1977, numerous tipped in colour plates, monochrome illustrations, original blue cloth gilt in dust wrapper, with slipcase, folio, VG, together with Pacht (Otto, and Alexander, J.J.G.), Illuminated Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, 3 volumes, 1969-73, monochrome illustrations, all original cloth in dust wrappers, 3rd volume with some ex-library marks and wear to dust wrapper, 4to, plus Fryde (E.B.), Greek Manuscripts in the Private Library of the Medici 1469-1510, 2 volumes, Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, 1996, original maroon cloth gilt in dust wrappers, small 4to, VG, and Cardon (Bert), Manuscripts of the Speculum Humanae Salvationis in the Southern Netherlands (circa 1410 - circa 1470), Leuven, 1996, monochrome illustrations, original brown cloth gilt in dust wrapper, 4to, VG, plus other history and reference works on medieval and renaissance manuscripts and collections, including De Ricci and Wilson, Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada, 3 volumes, 1961-62, Andrew G. Watson, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Medieval Manuscripts of Exeter College, Oxford, 2000, etc., mainly 4to/8vo, but including several folios (approximately 70 volumes)


From the Library of Cecil H. Clough (1930-2017). (3 shelves)


540 Austen (Jane). Northanger Abbey, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Persuasion, Emma & Mansfield Park, 6 volumes, Folio Society, 1975, wood engraved illustrations by Joan Hassall, all original quarter cloth with patterned boards, in slipcases, a little rubbed, 8vo, together with Milne (A.A.), Winnie-the-Pooh, A reproduction of the original manuscript, 1st edition, Methuen, 1971, printed and facsimile text, original cloth gilt in slipcase, large 8vo, plus other literature, local history, architecture, Folio Society, etc., mostly original cloth in dust wrappers, mainly 8vo (approximately 100 volumes) From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (3 shelves)


543 Military. A collection of mostly modern military reference and related, including publications by Sutton, Arms & Armour, Greenhill Books, Osprey, mostly original cloth in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/4to

539 Boston (L.M.). The Children of Green Knowe, 1st edition, 1954, 6 black and white illustrations by Peter Boston, some minor spotting, original cloth in price clipped dust jacket, covers lightly rubbed to head and foot, 8vo, together with Finney (Charles G.), The Circus of Doctor Lao, 1st UK edition, Grey Wall Press, 1948, black and white illustrations by G.N. Fish, original cloth in dust jacket, covers slightly rubbed to head and foot, 8vo, and Coe (Jonathan), Expo 58, 1st edition, 2013, signed by the author to the title page, original cloth in dust jacket, 8vo, plus Wolfe (Tom), The Painted World, 1st edition, USA, 1975, originl cloth in dust jacket, covers lightly rubbed to head, 8vo, and other modern first editions and fiction, including Nicholas Freeling, Anita Brookner, Graham Greene, Joan Fleming, Flying Officer X, mostly original cloth in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo From the Collection of Alan and Joan Tucker, Stroud. (3 shelves)





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545 Alexander (Catherine M.S., editor). The Cambridge Shakespeare Library, 3 volumes, Cambridge, 2003, uniform original brown cloth, 4to, together with Osler (William), Bibliotheca Osleriana, a catalogue of books illustrating the history of medicine and science, 2000, original cloth in dust jacket, minor loss to foot of front cover, 4to, and Thoms (William J., editor), Anecdotes and Traditions, Illustrative of early English History and Literature, 1839, cracked gutters, some minor spotting, some marginal pencil annotations, original gilt decorated, green cloth, boards and spine lightly rubbed, 4to, plus other mostly 20th literary reference and related, including publications by Israel Da Capo, mostly original cloth, some in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/4to

548 Gouwens (Kenneth). Remembering The Renaissance, Humanist Narratives of the Sack of Rome, 1st edition, 1998, original cloth in dust jacket, 8vo, together with McCarthy (Michael Francis), Heraldica Collegii Cardinalium, a roll of arms of the College of Cardinals, 2 volumes, Thylache Press, Australia, 200002, numerous black and white illustrations, uniform original cloth in dust jackets, 4to, and Drake (Stillman & Drabkin, I.E.), Mechanics in Sixteenth-Century Italy..., University of Wisconsin Press, USA, 1969, some spotting to the text block, original cloth in price clipped dust jacket, 8vo, plus other modern history reference and related, some Italian language, mostly original cloth, many in dust jackets, G/VG, 8vo/folio

(3 shelves)

From the Library of Cecil H. Clough (1930-2017). (6 shelves + a carton)


546 Graesse (Jean George Theodore). Tresor de Livres Rares et Precieux, 8 volumes, Milan, Gorlich Editore, 1950, a little browned to outer edges, original uniform cloth, slightly darkened to spines, 4to, together with Renouard (Antoine), Annali delle Edizioni Aldine, Bologna, 1953, folding monochrome plates, original green cloth gilt, thick 8vo, plus Camerini (Paolo), Annali dei Giunti, volume primo, two parts, Florence, Sansoni, 1962, monochrome illustrations, original printed wrappers, with original publisher’s card boxes, large 8vo, and other reference works and bibliography on the history of early printing in Europe, Italian historical and state archives collection catalogues, mostly printed in Italian, including many paper bound, 8vo/4to (approximately 300 volumes) From the Library of Cecil H. Clough (1930-2017). (6 shelves + a carton)

549 Photius. Myriobiblon sive Bibliotheca librorum quos legit et censuit Photius Patriarcha Constantinopolitanus, Graece edidit David Hoeschelius... Latine vero reddidit... Andreas Schottus, Rouen, Berthelin, 1653, half-title, printed title in red and black, Greek and Latin text in double column, a little worming to foremargins of some leaves, some light damp staining towards front of volume, contemporary calf, rubbed and some wear with upper cover detached, folio, together with Ferrari (F. Lucius), Promta Bibliotheca Canonica, Juridica, Moralis, Theologica, nec non Ascetica, Polenica, Rubricistica, Historica..., 9 volumes, Venice, 1782, contemporary uniform vellum with gilt morocco labels to spine of each volume, very slightly rubbed, small 4to, plus other antiquarian works, mostly theology and continental literature, including Boccaccio, 18th & 19th centuries (approximately 50 volumes)


From the Library of Cecil H. Clough (1930-2017). (3 shelves)

547 Pierpont Morgan Library. Early printed books, drawings, autograph letters & manuscripts, medieval and renaissance manuscripts (Major Acquisitions of the Pierpont Morgan Library 1924-1974), 4 volumes, New York, 1974, monochrome illustrations, original grey printed wrappers with slipcase, 4to, together with Hodnett (Edward), Five Centuries of English Book Illustration, Scholar Press, 1988, some colour and numerous monochrome illustrations, original cloth in dust wrapper, 4to, plus Smith (Lesley and Taylor, Jane H.M., editors), Women and the Book, Assessing the Visual Evidence, British Library and University of Toronto Press, 1996, some colour and numerous monochrome illustrations, original blue cloth gilt, large 8vo, and other history and reference relating to the history of printing and book production, mainly 20th century publications printed in English, including Kinane & Walsh, Essays on the History of Trinity College Library Dublin, 2000, W. Leonard Grant, Neo-Latin Literature and the Pastoral, 1965, Curt F. Buhler, Early Books and Manuscripts, Forty Years of Research, Grolier Clug & The Pierpont Morgan Library, 1973, etc. (approximately 25 volumes) From the Library of Cecil H. Clough (1930-2017). (6 shelves)

Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 20% (Lots marked * 24% inclusive of VAT @ 20%)



550 Gurrieri (Francesco). The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, translated by Anthony Brierly, 2 volumes, Florence, Cassa di Risparmio, 1994, numerous colour and monochrome illustrations, original blue cloth gilt in dust wrappers, with publisher’s card boxes, folio, together with Les Primitifs Flamands I. Corpus de Peinture des anciens Pays-Bas meridionaux au quinzieme siecle, 12 volumes, Antwerp & Brussels, 1953-68, colour and monochrome plates, all original cloth in dust wrappers (except one), plus others on the history of Italian Renaissance Art, including Martin Wackernagel, The World of the Florentine Renaissance Artist, Princeton University Press, 1981, George Holmes, Art and Politics in Renaissance Italy, British Academy Lectures, 1993, Luisa Arano, Miniature Lombarde, Milan, Cassa di Risparmio, 1970, etc., including many printed in Italian, 4to/8vo (approximately 70 volumes) From the Library of Cecil H. Clough (1930-2017). (3 shelves + a carton)




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Herman Moll. To the Right Honourable John Lord Sommers…, This Map of North America according to ye Newest and most exact observations…, circa 1730. £1500-2000

Mortier (Pierre), Carte Nouvelle des costes D'Angleterre depuis la Riviére de la Tamise jusques a Portland & des Isles Voisines: ou lon voit pous les ports de mer, bancs de sable & rochers..., Dresée sur les plus nouveaux parle Sr. Romain de Hooge..., Amsterdam, 1693. £1000-1500

For further information please contact Nathan Winter, Chris Albury or John Trevers: 01285 860006

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Godfrey Dickson Tanner (1876-1964). A selection from a large archive of photographs and contact prints of India, China, Japan, UK, etc., circa 1900/1920. Various lots and estimates.

For further information please contact Chris Albury: 01285 860006

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PRINTED BOOKS, MAPS & DOCUMENTS Including Antiquarian Literature, Bookbinding Tools Further selections from the Alan and Joan Tucker Collection 15 AUGUST 2018

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