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Wednesday 9th December 2015 Sale Starts at 10a.m.


Happy Christmas to All

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Christmas Collective Auction Which will be sold by auction on

Wednesday 9th December 2015 Sale starts at 10.00am at Darwin Saleroom Halls Holdings House Bowmen Way, Battlefield, Shrewsbury, SY4 3DR Viewing: Monday 7th December 9.30am – 7.00pm Tuesday 8th December 9.30am – 4.30pm and on the morning of the auction Sale no. 3026 Front cover illustration: A selection of lots in the auction Back cover illustration: Lot 246 Contact: Jeremy Lamond MricS fnAvA Andrew Beeston MnAvA Maryanne Lineker-Mobberley fgA DgA caroline Dennard Alexander clement James forster internet address: www.hallsgb.com/fineart www.the-saleroom.com/halls T: 01743 450 700 • E: fineart@hallsgb.com catalogues £5 plus postage credit card facilities available HALLS HoLDingS LiMiTED company registration no: 06597073 vAT registration no. 549 7365 94

Society of Fine Art Auctioneers

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order of Sale Lots 1 – 98

Silver, Jewellery and Watches

Lots 99 – 122

coins and Ephemera

Lots 123 – 174


Lots 175 – 205

Asian Art

Lots 206 – 237

Works of Art

Lots 238 – 259

Wine and Spirits

Lots 260 – 298

furniture and clocks

Lots 299 – 328

Paintings, Prints and Maps

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SilVeR, JeWelleRY AND WATCHeS lot 1 A CASeD SeT oF FouR ViCToRiAN SilVeR SAlTS, Lee & Wigfull, Sheffield 1883, each of half reeded circular form and raised on three ball feet, with four white metal salt spoons, total weighable silver 1.8oz £70 - £100 lot 2 A CASeD SeT oF TWelVe SilVeR HANDleD FRuiT kNiVeS AND FoRkS, Thomas Bradbury & Sons, Sheffield, comprising; six knives and six forks, each with reeded decoration and presented within original red leather mounted box £70 - £100

lot 9 A SilVeR mouNTeD CigAReTTe Box, Turner & Simpson Ltd, Birmingham 1958, of engine turned rectangular form, together with a silver plated example (2) £40 - £60 lot 10 A SilVeR SugAR BoWl AND CReAm Jug, Emile viner, Sheffield 1938, each piece of faced oval form, £50 - £70 total weight 12oz (2) lot 11 A SilVeR mouNTeD HAND miRRoR, Birmingham 1904, with embossed figural scene, together with a further silver mounted hand mirror and a silver backed clothes brush and hair brush (4) £50 - £70

lot 3 A pAiR oF SilVeR mouNTeD CANDleSTiCkS, James Deakin & Sons, Birmingham 1911, 12cm high, together with a further silver mounted candlestick, chester, 8cm high (3) £100 - £200

lot 12 A ViCToRiAN SilVeR pReSeNTATioN BeAkeR, James Deakin & Sons, Sheffield 1891, of tapered half wrythen form with engraved inscription to the body ‘farmers Point to point steeplechase...’, 18cm £60 - £80 high, weight 10.9oz

lot 4 A pAiR oF olD eNgliSH pATTeRN SilVeR TABleSpooNS, DP, London 1835, together with three further tablespoons and two teaspoons, total weight 10.3oz (7) £50 - £100

lot 13 A pAiR oF CARTieR STeRliNg SilVeR SAlT AND peppeR gRiNDeRS/SHAkeRS, each of plain polished waisted form, 10cm high (at fault) (2) £60 - £80 lot 14 A geoRge iV SilVeR CHRiSTeNiNg mug, WE, London 1827, with embossed hunting scenes together with a victorian silver christening mug and a further £100 - £150 silver mug, total weight 15.6oz (3)

lot 5 A CASeD SeT oF Six SilVeR TeASpooNS WiTH SugAR ToNgS, Sheffield, together with a set of six old English pattern bright cut engraved teaspoons, a set of five fiddle pattern teaspoons and two pairs of sugar tongs, total weight 11oz (14) £60 - £100 lot 6 AN eARlY 20TH CeNTuRY SilVeR puRSe, g Loveridge & co, Birmingham 1910, with bright cut engraved foliate decoration and segmented interior, 12cm wide £60 - £100

lot 15 A ViCToRiAN SilVeR FiDDle pATTeRN Soup lADle, makers mark indistinct, London 1900, with engraved crest and initials to the terminal, 33.5cm £70 - £100 long, weight 9.8oz

lot 7 A WilliAm iV SilVeR SNuFF Box, francis clark, Birmingham 1834, of rectangular form with engraved presentation to the cover ‘Presented to Mr John grossley...1865’, with silver gilt interior, 8cm wide, weight 3.4oz £120 - £180

lot 16 A pART CASeD SeT oF SilVeR FRuiT kNiVeS AND FoRkS, cooper Brothers & Sons Ltd, Sheffield 1929, each with mother of pearl handle, comprising; £70 - £100 twelve knives and ten forks

lot 8 A TuDRiC peWTeR SugAR BoWl AND CReAm Jug, no. 01216, together with a pewter hot water jug, stamped to the base ‘roundhead leadless pewter’ (3) £150 - £200

lot 17 A CASeD pAiR oF pReSeNTATioN SpooNS, John Millward Banks, chester 1906, together with a silver crumb scoop with ivory handle, Sheffield £70 - £100 1906, total weighable silver 3.3oz (2) 3

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lot 18 A pAiR oF SilVeR DeCANTeR lABelS, Henry Atkin, Sheffield 1911 & 1912; ‘Sherry’ and ‘Brandy’, £40 - £60 total weight 26gms (2)

lot 27 A gReeN glASS DouBle eNDeD SCeNT BoTTle, with white metal mounts, together with two blue glass double ended scent bottles and a further blue glass scent bottle (4) £60 - £100

lot 19 A CASeD SeT oF Six SilVeR gilT CoFFee SpooNS, each with enamelled floral terminal, together with a cased set of six silver and enamel coffee spoons with bean terminals and a cased set £50 - £70 of six silver teaspoons (3)

lot 28 A mATCHeD THRee pieCe SilVeR CoNDimeNT SeT, London 1916 & 1948, comprising; a salt with blue glass liner, a mustard with blue glass liner and a pepperette, together with two silver salt spoons, total weight of silver 8.9oz £50 - £70

lot 20 A THRee pieCe SilVeR CoNDimeNT SeT, robinson & co Ltd, London 1934, comprising; a salt, a mustard and a pepperette, all with blue glass liner, together with matching salt and mustard spoon, total £60 - £80 weighable silver 7.3oz (5)

lot 29 A pAiR oF ViCToRiAN SilVeR DeCANTeR lABelS, nathaniel Mills, Birmingham 1852, each with pierced decoration; ‘Madeira’ and ‘Sherry’, together with two silver plated decanter labels; ‘Brandy’ and ‘gin’ (4) £60 - £80

lot 21 A SilVeR WAiTeR, Henry Stratford, London 1902, of circular form with shell and scroll rim, raised on three paw and ball feet, 22cm diameter, weight 14oz £100 - £150 lot 22 A SilVeR CASeD goliATH poCkeT WATCH, the plated pocket watch with white enamel dial with black roman numerals, housed within silver plain polished case with engraved monogram £60 - £80

lot 30 A mATCHeD CASeD SilVeR CHRiSTeNiNg SeT, comprising; spoon, knife and fork, together with a silver ash tray and silver pin dish, total weight 5.1oz (3) £50 - £80 lot 31 A CASeD TRAVelliNg DReSSiNg TABle SeT, leather mounting case housing; four french silver gilt mounted glass jars, two ivory backed hair brushes, an ivory backed clothes brush, an ivory shoe horn and glove stretcher, a collection of tortoiseshell mounted implements, a mirror and various removable compartments/boxes £200 - £400

lot 23 A SeT oF TWelVe ViCToRiAN SilVeR FiDDle AND THReAD pATTeRN DeSSeRT SpooNS AND FoRkS, george Adams for chawner & co, London 1856 & 1858, comprising six spoons and six forks, £120 - £180 total weight 20oz (12)

lot 32 A SeT oF Six olD eNgliSH pATTeRN SilVeR DeSSeRT SpooNS, Joseph rodgers & Sons, Sheffield 1940, together with two silver serving spoons, total weight 15oz (8) £100 - £150

lot 24 A SilVeR SAuCe BoAT, Harrison Brothers & Howson, Sheffield 1929, of typical form with gadrooned rim and raised on three stepped hoof £70 - £100 feet, 10cm high, weight 7.5oz

lot 33 A pART SeT oF olD eNgliSH pATTeRNS SilVeR FlATWARe, Joseph rodgers & Sons, Sheffield 1916, 1922 & 1941, comprising; four dessert spoons, five teaspoons and four dessert forks, spoons engraved with initial ‘c’, together with a further silver fork, total weight 16.5oz (14) £80 - £120

lot 25 A THRee pieCe BACHeloRS SilVeR TeA SeRViCe, Barker Brothers, chester 1920, 1923 & 1924, each piece of circular form with cusped rim, comprising; teapot, sugar bowl and cream jug, raised on three out swept paw feet, total weight 17oz (3) £120 - £180

lot 34 A plAiN poliSHeD SilVeR BAluSTeR CReAm Jug, James Dixon & Sons Ltd, Sheffield 1943, together with a two handled silver sugar bowl, glasgow and a pair of silver sugar tongs, Sheffield, total weight 8oz (3) £40 - £60

lot 26 A miD 19TH CeNTuRY SilVeR plATeD FouR pieCe TeA AND CoFFee SeRViCe, each piece of segmented circular form, comprising; a coffee pot, £50 - £80 teapot, sugar bowl and cream jug (4)


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lot 35 A CASeD SeT oF TWelVe SilVeR TeASpooNS WiTH SugAR ToNgS, cooper Brothers & Sons Ltd, Sheffield 1911, together with two cased sets of six silver coffee spoons, William Hutton & Sons and a cased pair of silver salad servers, total weight £100 - £150 16.5oz (4)

lot 43 AN 18CT golD RuBY AND DiAmoND DReSS RiNg, designed as three round mixed cut rubies interspersed with four rose cut diamonds, weight £100 - £150 2.2gms lot 44 A pAiR oF DiAmoND, RuBY AND emeRAlD Hoop eARRiNgS, the yellow metal stamped ‘750’, together with a pair of 9ct gold diamond set hoop £180 - £220 earrings, total weight 4.2gms (2)

lot 36 A lATe 19TH CeNTuRY DReSSiNg TABle Box, the cover with inlaid mother of pearl decoration, opening to reveal segmented interior and three silver plated topped glass bottles and two silver £80 - £120 plated topped glass jars

lot 45 AN oVAl opAl TRipleT DReSS RiNg, the decorative pierced yellow metal shank stamped ‘375’, together with a further opal triplet ring (2) £60 - £80 lot 46 TWo oVAl opAl TRipleT DReSS RiNgS, stamped ‘9ct’ and ‘375’, together with a triangular opal triplet £80 - £120 dress ring (3)

lot 37 A CASeD golD plATeD AND guilloCHe eNAmel DReSSiNg TABle SeT, comprising; hair brush, clothes brush, comb and pill box, presented £40 - £60 within original case with mirror inset lot 38 A SilVeR mouNTeD ToRToiSeSHell TRiNkeT Box, Henry Matthews, Birmingham 1926, the box of rectangular form with silver mounts and applied silver monogram, raised on four bracket feet, 17cm £150 - £200 wide (at fault)

lot 47 AN opAl TRipleT BRACeleT, designed as four oval opal triplet panels mounted to yellow metal £60 - £80 lot 48 A 9CT golD FReSHWATeR CulTuReD peARl AND gReeN SToNe DReSS RiNg, weight 3.7gms £60 - £80 lot 49 A 9CT golD CiTRiNe DReSS RiNg, together with a further citrine ring, a garnet ring, a ‘regard’ style £100 - £150 ring and three paste set rings (7)

lot 39 A piNk AND WHiTe CuBiC ziRCoNiA STYliSeD FeATHeR NeCklACe, designed as graduated round and oval pink cubic zironia claw set to white cubic zirconia ‘feathers’, mounted to white metal necklace, together with a matching pair of ear £80 - £120 pendants with post fittings lot 40 A SuiTe oF CuBiC ziRCoNiA SeT JeWelleRY, each piece set with square cut orange-red stones with encased white cubic zirconia panels, comprising a necklace, bangle and a pair of £120 - £180 earrings, each set to yellow metal

lot 50 AN eARlY 20TH CeNTuRY 9CT golD peRiDoT AND SpliT peARl BAR BRooCH, together with a citrine bar brooch, set in yellow metal, not stamped £50 - £80 (2) lot 51 A gRADuATeD CulTuReD peARl NeCklACe, the clasp stamped ‘ciro’, together with a uniform freshwater cultured pearl necklace (2) £50 - £80

lot 41 A puRple AND WHiTe CuBiC ziRCoNiA NeCklACe, designed as a mix of oval and pear cut purple cubic zirconia claw set within a collection of mixed cut white cubic ziconia, all forming a stylised abstract design and set in white metal, together with a pair of matching earrings £80 - £120

lot 52 A BlooDSToNe SeT HARp CHARm, stamped ‘9ct’, together with three other yellow metal charms, a pair of german 10 mark coin earrings, a pair of USA 1 dollar coin earrings, a hardstone fob, watch keys, costume jewellery, a coral set ring, lockets, brooches, £200 - £400 two retractable pencils etc (a lot)

lot 42 AN opAl TRipleT DReSS RiNg, the yellow metal shank stamped ‘750’, together with a matching pair of stud earrings, total weight 9gms (3) £100 - £150


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lot 53 A ViCToRiAN SilVeR HiNgeD BANgle, with engraved foliate scrolling decoration, hallmarked chester 1883, weight 35gms, (at fault) £50 - £80

lot 64 A THRee SToNe ziRCoN AND DiAmoND RiNg, £80 - £120 weight 2.7gms lot 65 AN 18CT golD SeVeN SToNe DiAmoND HAlF Hoop eTeRNiTY RiNg, weight 3.2gms£150 - £250

lot 54 A TWo SToNe RoSe CuT DiAmoND RiNg, stamped ‘18ct’, together with a moonstone set yellow metal scarf ring with acorn decoration (2) £100 - £200

lot 66 A 9CT golD ReCTANgulAR loCkeT, together with three further lockets, two enamel brooches £80 - £120 and a turquoise set pin (7)

lot 55 A lATe 18TH CeNTuRY iVoRY mouRNiNg peNDANT, designed as two navette shaped ivory plaques, one depicting a maiden below a weeping willow with ship and anchor, the other with initials ‘JJ’, set within yellow metal hinged mount £80 - £120

lot 67 A NiNe SToNe DiAmoND CluSTeR RiNg, weight £100 - £150 3gms

lot 56 A YelloW meTAl DeCoRATiVe CHAiN AND BeAD NeCklACe, the bolt ring stamped ‘9ct’, weight 26.7gms £150 - £200

lot 68 AN eARlY 20TH CeNTuRY FloRAl DiAmoND CluSTeR RiNg, together with a three stone diamond ring, a garnet ring and a blue paste ring £80 - £120 (4)

lot 57 FouR YelloW meTAl CHAiNS, stamped ‘375’, ‘9c’ and ‘9k’, total weight 25gms (4) £150 - £250

lot 69 A YelloW meTAl HolloW SNAke BANgle, £50 - £70 stamped ‘9ct’, weight 10gms

lot 58 A uNiFoRm CulTuReD peARl NeCklACe, with sapphire and diamond clasp, 46cm long £60 - £80

lot 70 A lADY’S ART DeCo DiAmoND SeT WRiSTWATCH, with brown leather strap, together with a yellow metal circular wristwatch, lacking strap (2) £100 - £150 lot 71 A DiAmoND SeT Full Hoop eTeRNiTY RiNg, the brilliant cut diamonds claw set in white metal, not £60 - £80 stamped, weight 2.7gms

lot 59 AN 18CT golD RuBY AND DiAmoND CluSTeR RiNg, together with an 18ct gold five stone diamond ring and a 19th century ‘dearest’ ring, total weight 6.9gms (3) £150 - £250 lot 60 A pAiR oF ViCToRiAN DiAmoND SeT STuD eARRiNgS, together with a 15ct gold seed pearl brooch (2) £80 - £120

lot 72 AN 18CT WHiTe golD TWo SToNe DiAmoND £50 - £70 RiNg, weight 3.3gms

lot 61 AN eARlY 20TH CeNTuRY peRiDoT AND SeeD peARl BRooCH, together with a turquoise and seed pearl bar brooch, three further stone set bar brooches and a openwork pendant (6) £150 - £250

lot 73 A 9CT golD FoB, weight 7.4gms, together with a yellow metal mounted oval locket (2) £70 - £100

lot 62 A 9CT golD opAl FloRAl SpRAY BRooCH, together with an 18ct gold ruby brooch and a victorian bar brooch (3) £100 - £150

lot 74 A YelloW meTAl DeCoRATiVe liNk CHAiN, the barrel snap, stamped ‘15ct’, 42cm long, weight £50 - £70 4.7gms

lot 63 A 22CT golD plAiN poliSHeD WeDDiNg BAND, together with a hardstone set signet ring, an 18ct gold shank (lacking stones) and an amethyst ring, total weight 10.5gms (4) £100 - £200

lot 75 A TuRquoiSe SeT YelloW meTAl BRACeleT, stamped ‘750’, together with a yellow metal gate link bracelet, the heart shaped clasp stamped ‘375’, £100 - £150 total weight 11.2gms (2)


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lot 76 FouR ASSoRTeD WRiSTWATCHeS, comprising; two gentlemans’ 9ct gold Trebex watches, with gold plated bracelets, a gentleman’s gold plated Penela wristwatch and a lady’s 9ct gold wristwatch (4) £100 - £150 lot 77 A geNTlemAN’S 19TH CeNTuRY SilVeR opeN FACe poCkeT WATCH, the white enamel dial with black roman numerals and subsidiary seconds dial, the gilt movement not signed, with attached silver watch albert, with horseshoe locket, silver £50 - £80 match box holder and vesta case

lot 85 A CoNTiNeNTAl YelloW meTAl FoB WATCH, the decorative champagne dial with black roman numerals, the gilt movement signed ‘robert geneve’, the engine turned case not stamped, £70 - £100 40mm diameter, weight 36gms lot 86 A geNTlemAN’S 9CT golD opeN FACe poCkeT WATCH, Waltham, the white enamel dial with black roman numerals and subsidiary seconds dial, the gilt keyless movement signed ‘Waltham USA traveller no. 17950818’, the case hallmarked Birmingham £100 - £150 1916, weight 102gms

lot 78 A SeeD peARl NeCklACe, designed as three seed pearl floral clusters interspersed with four seed pearl set panels, all mounted to yellow metal, indistinctly stamped, weight 13.6gms £150 - £250

lot 87 A geNTlemAN’S JAegeR le CoulTRe CHRomium plATeD miliTARY opeN FACe poCkeT WATCH, the black dial with luminous Arabic numerals and subsidiary seconds dial, keyless movement, stamped with arrow ‘g.S.T.P £30 - £50 227458 XX’ on back

lot 79 A 15CT golD SYNTHeTiC RuBY AND SpliT £100 - £150 peARl SeT RiNg, weight 3gms

lot 88 AN eARlY 20TH CeNTuRY opAl AND DiAmoND RiNg, designed as three graduated circular cabochon opals, interspersed with four old cut diamonds, the yellow metal shank not stamped, £70 - £100 weight 2.4gms

lot 80 A BliSTeR peARl, gARNeT, emeRAlD AND pASTe SeT peNDANT, together with an amethyst pendant, a silver stylised acorn brooch, a Jubilee £80 - £120 brooch and a multi gem set ring (5) lot 81 A pAiR oF SAppHiRe AND DiAmoND eARRiNgS, stamped ‘585’, together with a further pair of sapphire and diamond earrings and three further £120 - £180 pairs of earrings (5)

lot 89 AN 18CT golD SAppHiRe AND DiAmoND CluSTeR peNDANT, designed as a central oval mixed cut sapphire claw set within a surround of twelve brilliant cut diamonds, all claw set in white gold with yellow gold lug, suspended from yellow metal chain stamped £150 - £200 ‘9k’, weight 6gms

lot 82 A ViCToRiAN polYCHRome eNAmel BRooCH, designed as a central monogram flanked to each side by a thistle and fleur de lys with crown mount, engraved to the reverse ‘Aleck to Aggie 1876’, together with a white and black enamel celtic cross pendant, engraved to the reverse ‘Aleck to Aggie £80 - £120 1878’ (2)

lot 90 A CHARleS HoRNeR SilVeR AND eNAmel peNDANT, hallmarked chester 1912, suspended £50 - £80 on white metal chain stamped ‘800’ lot 91 A DouBle STRAND JADe BeAD NeCklACe, comprising two strands totalling one hundred and ten graduated beads of pale celadon with emerald green inclusions, united by a yellow metal screw £100 - £150 clasp, approximate length 43cm

lot 83 A 22CT golD WeDDiNg BAND, together with a three stone diamond set stick pin, a diamond set horseshoe stick pin, a fox and horseshoe stick pin, a seed pearl set pin, four brooches and an 18ct gold £200 - £400 shank (lacking stone) (10)

lot 92 A CARNeliAN SeT NeCklACe, designed as an oval cabochon carnelian collet set in white metal to twin chain set with seven niello work oval panels, all suspending tassel drop, together with a £80 - £120 matching four strand bracelet (2)

lot 84 A pAiR oF 18CT golD DReSS STuDS, each with engraved monogram, hallmarked Birmingham £70 - £100 1887, total weight 10.7gms (2)


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lot 93 AN 18CT golD SiNgle SToNe DiAmoND RiNg, the brilliant cut diamond claw set to yellow gold shank, weight 1.9gms £80 - £120

lot 96 A FACeTeD gRADuATeD AmeTHYST NeCklACe, with gilt metal screw fastening, 45cm long £100 - £150 lot 97 AN eARlY 20TH CeNTuRY SeVeN SToNe DiAmoND CluSTeR RiNg, designed as a central old cut diamond claw set within a border of six further old cut diamonds, the white metal shank stamped ‘P’ and engraved ‘forever’, weight 1.9gms £250 - £350 lot 98 no lot

lot 94 A 19TH CeNTuRY FiVe SToNe DiAmoND AND TuRquoiSe RiNg, together with a 9ct gold blue and white stone set ring, total weight 4.8gms £100 - £150 lot 95 A lADY’S 18CT golD AeRoWATCH NeuCHATel CoCkTAil WATCH, the cushion shaped champagne dial with Arabic numerals and batons, manual wind, case stamped ‘18k 0750’, with attached 9ct gold £80 - £120 double snake link bracelet

CoiNS AND epHemeRA lot 99 AN AlBum CoNTAiNiNg BRiTiSH SilVeR, CupRoNiCkel AND BRoNze CoiNAge, together with a quantity of currency and proof coin sets from 1970 £250 - £350 (a lot)

lot 105 A ColleCTioN oF BRiTiSH SilVeR, CupRoNiCkel AND BRoNze CoiNAge, within a coin album together with year sets etc (a lot) £200 - £300 lot 106 A ColleCTioN oF BRiTiSH AND FoReigN CoiNAge, to include; William iii half crown, shilling and sixpence, all dated 1697, chester mint, together with miscellaneous ancient coins etc (a lot) £80 - £120

lot 100 poSTAl HiSToRY- SomeRSeT, Three albums of pre-stamp entires, 1792 to 1800 (23), 1823 to 1825 £300 - £500 (22) and 1826 to 1829 (32) lot 101 A quANTiTY oF uk YeAR CoiN ColleCTioNS, £50 - £80 from 1970 to 2004 (a lot)

lot 107 A ColleCTioN oF SilVeR, CupRo-NiCkel, CoppeR AND BRoNze BRiTiSH CoiNAge, to include; crowns, halfcrowns, florins, shillings etc george iii to Elizabeth ii (a lot) £200 - £300

lot 102 A ColleCTioN oF BRiTiSH AND CommoNWeAlTH CommemoRATiVe CoiNS, silver, cupro-nickel and £60 - £80 bronze etc (a lot)

lot 108 A ColleCTioN oF eNgliSH BANkNoTeS, comprising; a £20 note signed Somerset, three £10 notes signed Somerset, three £5 notes signed gill, a £1 note signed Page, two ten shilling notes signed fforde and twenty-five £1 notes signed Somerset (35) £80 - £120

lot 103 A ColleCTioN oF moDeRN AND elizABeTH ii CupRo-NiCkel AND BRoNze CommemoRATiVe £60 - £80 AND CuRReNCY CoiNAge (a lot) lot 104 A ColleCTioN oF moDeRN CommemoRATiVe SilVeR AND CupRo-NiCkel CoiNAge (a lot) £150 - £200

lot 109 AN elizABeTH ii SoVeReigN, dated 1957 £150 - £200


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lot 110 A ColleCTioN oF BRiTiSH AND FoReigN SilVeR, CupRo-NiCkel AND BRoNze CoiNAge, to include; a cased triple medallion set, investiture of The Prince of Wales 1969, a canadian silver dollar r.c.M.P, 1873-1973 etc (a lot) £50 - £70

lot 117 A pieCe oF geoRge WASHiNgToN’S HAiR, as certified by Louis Mushro of the Manuscript Society, the hair within small gilt frame contained within further frame, as certified by Louis Mushro from the Manuscript Society; the background detail included further certified by charles Hamilton the handwriting expert and complete with a separate £50 - £80 certificate of authenticity

lot 111 A ColleCTioN oF BRiTiSH SilVeR, CupRoNiCkel, CoppeR AND BRoNze CoiNAge, to include; crowns, half crowns, florins and tokens etc (a lot) £150 - £200

lot 118 BRAm STokeR AND HeNRY iRViNg; A FRAmeD leTTeR iN STokeR’S HAND oN lYCeum THeATRe HeADeD pApeR, the main body written in Stoker’s hand when he was acting as personal assistant to Henry irving and as Business Manager of the Theatre; signed by Henry irving.

lot 112 A 1935 CRoWN, together with various half crowns and florins, three isle of Man proof silver £1 coins by Pojoy min, a Masonic silver gilt medallion instituted by H.r.H. The Duke of Sussex 1830, an Edward vii coronation medal in bronze, a brass and copper reproduction medallion of charles vi Holy roman Emperor and a george vi bronze penny with a date of ‘1911’ (a lot) £100 - £150

The letter reads, ‘grove Hill, Liverpool, november 1888, Dear Mr Pooley, i shall be very glad to meet you some time in town, and heartily reciprocate your good wishes. The photograph for your son i send with the greatest pleasure.

lot 113 AN eDWARDiAN AlBum oF poSTCARDS, including rotary Photos, the album comprising views of the British and norwegian royal family, early film and theatre stars; British topographical views, photographic portraits, kittens, dogs, firemen, footballers, navy and soldiers, alongside a small bundle of first Day covers, Ten Shilling note, etc £100 - £150 Lot 114 A pieCe oF JoHN F. keNNeDY’S HAiR, as certified by Louis Mushro from the Manuscript society, contained within small gilt frame inset into a signed certificate £40 - £60

very faithfully yours, Henry irving’ *Bram SToKEr (1847-1902) is famed as the author £100 - £150 of Dracula (1897) lot 119 No lot lot 120 A ColleCTioN oF poSTCARDS, early 20th century onwards; including an album containing views of france and Belgium, including a Destroyed U-Boat, the Hindenburg and Wilhelm ii Batteries, the ruins of the Zeebrugge, five souvenir silk examples, further topographical scenes; alongside a a large quantity of loose postcards including a number of small watercolour drawings which appear to be addressed to the artist Selim rothwell, humorous postcards, Tucks oilettes, a chinese postcard made out of stamps, Max Kunzli examples, Margaret Tarrant, Kit forres, further Tuck’s cards, song and nursery cards, postcards of birds, kittens and other animals, maritime and railways, small selection of modern postcards and ephemera and a further selection of greetings cards and an empty postcard album (a total of approximately over 500 items in £200 - £300 this lot)

lot 115 A pieCe oF NApoleoN BoNApARTe’S HAiR, as certified by Louis Mushro from the Manuscript Society; contained within small gilt frame, within further framed signed certificate featuring reproduction full length portrait of napoleon and historical background to the hair £50 - £80 lot 116 A pieCe oF ABRAHAm liNColN’S HAiR, as certified by Louis Mushro from the Manuscript Society; contained within a small gilt frame within further framed signed certificate with reproduction picture of Lincoln, complete with further signed certificate of authenticity £50 - £80


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lot 121 AN AlBum oF poSTCARDS CompileD BY lilY BRoWN, from the 1920s onwards, including whilst she was in service as head housekeeper for Sir oliver Stanley MP and his wife.

lot 122 A WoRlD TopogRApHiCAl VieW poSTCARD AlBum, circa 1920-30, fully compiled, majority of pages or new sections with titled headings, including real photographic; with views of france including Dunkirk; Spain; Argentina; cairo; Port Said; Port Sudan; iraq; Bombay; calcutta; indian Scenes and figures including Beggars, children, Schools, a Hindu funeral Pile; a cobra Enchanter; a Bhisti; a Dhobi; the 1922 Everest Expedition including photographs by captain noel and the family of the governor of Tingri (13); rangroon in Burma, Sabang in Pulo Weh (an island north of Sumatra); Penang (Straits Settlements); Singapore; Hong Kong; Surabaya and Batavia (Java); Balikpana (Borneo) and Antwerp (Belgium) (total approximately 383) £150 - £250

The album includes pictures taken at Blackpool Pleasure Beach, Birthday and greetings cards, humorous cards including designs by Donald Mcgill, Mabel Lucie Attwell, Beatrice Mallett and Bonzo Series, Military Postcards, Photographic Portraits including some of Stanley family, Lyndford Hall, Allenheads, the rMS Mauretania and Aquitania and further assorted postcards (approximately 298) *These postcards were collected from the 1920s by Lily Brown, the great aunt of the present vendor. Brown was initially sent to London from chirk to be ‘in service’ when she was 14.


After two unhappy placements, she found a position with Sir oliver Stanley MP and his wife Lady Maureen at Witherslack Hall in cumbria and at their London Home in grosvenor Place. Sir oliver was a younger son of Lord Derby of Knowsley and the family socialised and visited other notable families of the time - with Lily accompanying them on many occasions.

lot 123 A FiRST peRioD WoRCeSTeR CoFFee poT, lacking cover, painted in underglaze blue with a design of Trailing Peony Sprays, 18cm high (spout cracked, restored) ref: Zorensky collection

£100 - £150

lot 124 A SHAlloW mooRCRoFT poTTeRY DiSH, in the clematis pattern against a dark blue ground, painted signature, impressed marks and Potter to the Queen paper label, 18.5cm diameter £70 - £100 Lot 125 A pilkiNgToN’S RoYAl lANCASTRiAN VASe DeSigNeD BY WilliAm S mYCoCk, the blue green lustre ground with Latin inscription ‘Probum non Paenitet’ (The Honest Man Has not to repent), impressed marks and artist’s monogram, 20cm high

Whilst in service she rose in position from maid to head housekeeper, and was the inspiration for the maid in ‘’Spring cleaning ‘’, the play by frederick Lonsdale, which he wrote at Witherslack Hall in 1943/1944. The staff often communicated with their own families, and with each other by postcard, often with a line to say what time they were expected, or that they had arrived safely. They had photographs taken as postcards to send to friends and family The lady of the house insisted that all mail be delivered to her on a silver salver at breakfast each morning, where she would look at each item and pass it to the recipient. The footmen decided that it would be a great joke to send saucy postcards to the maids and bought them on their days off. They either posted them or slipped them onto the tray. Whoever was on duty at breakfast would report the lady’s reaction in the servants hall. This is why there are a number of Donald Mcgill and other saucy postcards in the collection.

*This inscription is also the motto of the Sandys £300 - £500 family. lot 126 A RoCkiNgHAm TReACle glAzeD eARTHeNWARe FlASk, 19th century, each side with opposing £50 - £70 portrait busts, 20.5cm high lot 127 A RoYAl WoRCeSTeR BluSH iVoRY CRoWN Temple Top poT pouRRi VASe, shape 1286, lacking the inner cover, the outer cover restored, printed and painted with various flowers, printed factory marks, overall height 30cm (cover restored) £70 - £100 lot 128 no lot

Lily later married Stanley orr the chauffeur and worked happily for the Stanley family until their premature death. The household was broken up, Witherslack became a school; Lily retired, coming back to live in chirk £150 - £250 10

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lot 129 A goeBel NATiViTY SCeNe, mid-late 20th century, complete with twelve figures and a stable, printed factory marks (12) £150 - £200

lot 137 A CopelAND AND gARReTT lATe SpoDe pART DiNNeR SeRViCe, circa 1838, decorated predominantly in green with Bamboo and Peony, highlighted with gilt, pattern 1665, some pieces unmarked (some damages) £40 - £60

lot 130 A pAiR oF meiSSeN poRCelAiN CACHe poT, 19th century, the rectangular forms painted with an array of flowers against a light relief trellis ground, the rims accentuated with pale pinks and greens alongside the gilt, unglazed bases with blue crossed swords, 14.5cm square and 11.5cm high (repaired feet) £40 - £60

lot 138 A RoYAl DoulToN FiguRe oF THe JeSTeR Hn2016, 25.5cm high £40 - £60 lot 139 THRee RoYAl DoulToN FiguReS, ‘Sea Harvest Hn2257’, ‘Tall Story’ Hn2248 and ‘The Wayfarer’ Hn2362, tallest 19cm high (3) £80 - £120

lot 131 TWo SAmSoN ‘DeRBY’ HouSe mANSioN DWARVeS, late 19th/early 20th century, bearing red painted Derby marks and impressed numbers 240/6 and 244/6, 17cm high (2) (one repaired) £40 - £60 lot 132 eDuARD STellmACHeR (1868-1929) FoR AmpHoRA (RieSSNeR STellmACHeR AND keSSel) A RARe mATCHeD pAiR oF eARTHeNWARe DRAgoN VASeS, circa 1900, each encircled by a ferocious winged dragon in pale brown and pink, artist’s signature, impressed marks ‘Amphora’, ‘Austria’, a crown and the numbers 4619 and 4543 to base, 37cm high (2) (one vase has a repair to the rim) £600 - £800

lot 140 FouR RoYAl DoulToN FiguReS, ‘The Master’ Hn2235; ‘The Puppetmaker’ Hn2253, ‘cherie’ Hn2341 and ‘rose’ Hn1368, tallest 21cm high (4) £80 - £120 lot 141 A SeT oF RoYAl DoulToN FiguReS, Henry viii and his six wives, each limited editions of 9,500; comprising Henry viii, Jane Seymour, catherine Howard, Anne of cleves, catherine Parr, Anne Boleyn and catherine of Aragon, printed factory marks, various sizes, no boxes nor certificates (7) £400 - £600 lot 142 A limiTeD eDiTioN CoAlpoRT BuST, ‘Henrietta from 1770’, numbered 46 from 100, blue printed factory mark, 19.5cm high £40 - £60

lot 133 A luDWigSBuRg poRCelAiN milk Jug AND CoVeR, circa 1770, painted in polychrome enamels with floral swags, the cover with conforming decoration and fruit-shaped finial, on three paw feet, underglaze crowned cc monogram mark, 17cm high £80 - £120

lot 143 A llADRo FiguRe iN A gReS glAze, modelled as a young woman bent forward clutching a hat surrounded by flowers, printed marks, 31cm high £80 - £120 lot 144 A mooRCRoFT eNAmelS pApeRWeigHT DeCoRATeD WiTH SeASHellS, 7cm diameter, compete with original box and information card, together with a Kingsley Enamels paperweight decorated with flowers, unmarked, 6cm diameter, contained with purple drawstring bag (2) £50 - £80

lot 134 A geRmAN poRCelAiN moDel oF A Blue JAY, late 19th/early 20th century, naturalistically modelled on top of a tree stump with green leaves, unmarked, 25.5cm high £50 - £80 lot 135 A RoYAl CopeNHAgeN moDel oF A Hoopoe BiRD, model 4746, 12cm high and a Hungarian Holohaza model of two isis birds, 18cm high, printed marks (2) £40 - £60

lot 145 FouR RoYAl CRoWN DeRBY pApeRWeigHTS, comprising ‘fleur’ from the Treasures of childhood Series, ‘Snowy owl’ (produced exclusively for the collectors’ guild’), ‘Barn owl’, and ‘fountain frog’ (4) £80 - £120

lot 136 A pAiR oF RoYAl CopeNHAgeN moDelS oF HeRoNS, model numbers 532 and 3092, printed and underglaze factory marks in both blue and green, 28.5cm high (2) £40 - £60


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lot 146 A RoYAl CRoWN DeRBY plATe limiTeD eDiTioN ‘TeDDY’S piCNiC pApeRWeigHT plATe’, the first in a series of subject containing paperweight subjects; exclusively commissioned by govier’s of Sidmouth, numbered 72 out of 950, complete with original certificate and box, 21.5cm diameter £40 - £60 lot 147 A BAND oF TeN JoHN BeSWiCk pig pRomeNADe FiguReS, comprising John the conductor, David on the flute, Daniel on guitar, george and Andrew on cymbals, richard on Horn, christopher on Bass, James on Triangle, Michael on the Drums and Matthew on the Trumpet (some instruments detached or missing), printed factory mark, 13.5cm high, each contained within their original boxes and labels (10) £80 - £120

lot 152 A ColleCTioN oF BeATRix poTTeR RoYAl DoulToN/BeSWiCk FiguReS, including limited editions celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the figures, comprising Peter and the red Pocket Handkerchief (large size), The Tailor of gloucester, Benjamin Bunny, Peter and the red Pocket Handkerchief (small size), Jemima Puddleduck, Jeremy fisher, Mrs Tiggy Winkle, foxy Whiskered gentleman, Squirrel nutkin, Peter rabbit, Tom Kitten x 2, Jemima Puddleduck, Hunca Munca Sweeping, Peter rabbit and Mrs rabbit, each boxed (only four figures illustrated, some originally sold as pairs and with original certificates) (16) £180 - £220 lot 153 TWo JoHN BeSWiCk meeRkATS, modelled standing and sitting, together with a royal Doulton limited edition Bulldog in fawn colouring, numbered 209 of 1000, each boxed (3) £30 - £50

lot 148 THRee JoHN BeSWiCk RupeRT THe BeAR SToRYBook FiguReS, comprising rupert the Bear, Bill Badger and Edward Trunk (with certificate), tallest 14cm high, together with a Beswick model of Peter rabbit, Mrs rabbit Baking and gardener rabbit, printed factory marks to each, three items in original boxes (6) £50 - £80

lot 154 Six RoYAl DoulToN/JoHN BeSWiCk RupeRT THe BeAR FiguReS, comprising ‘Happy Birthday’, ‘rupert the Bear and Algy Pup go-Karting’, ‘rupert the Bear’, ‘rupert with Satchel’ and ‘Podgy Pig’ (6) £60 - £80 lot 155 A ColleCTioN oF JoHN BeSWiCk/RoYAl DoulToN FiguReS To iNCluDe HikeR BADgeR x 2, Bill Badger, gentleman Pig, The Huntsman fox, fisherman otter, Shepherd Sheepdog and Lady Pig, each boxed, with tags (9) (three illustrated) £80 - £120 lot 156 A SpoDe DolpHiN emBoSSeD DeSSeRT SeRViCe, circa 1815-20, painted with small bouquets of flowers, the border moulded and enriched in gilt with entwined dolphins alternate with leaves, comprising sauce tureen and cover with swan-form finial and handles (finial restored), twelve dessert plates, 22cm diameter, a pair of oval dishes, 17cm wide, a pair of square dishes, 22.5cm wide and a pair of shell form dishes, 25cm wide, painted pattern numbers 1660 to bases (19) (some damages) £150 - £200 lot 157 A SpoDe CopelAND FooD WARmeR AND CoVeR iN THe CuTie kiTTeN pATTeRN, circa 1960s, together with a further Spode copeland plate in the Barbecue pattern, decorated with chickens, 25cm wide, printed factory marks (2) £40 - £60

lot 149 TWo RoYAl CRoWN DeRBY RegAl golDie BeARS, each limited editions, numbered 6/1000 and 708/1000, boxed and with certificates, together with a further royal crown Derby bear, ‘red Bow Tie’, produced exclusively for goviers of Sidmouth, a limited edition of 950, 11cm high, also boxed (3) £70 - £100 lot 150 FouR limiTeD eDiTioN RoYAl DoulToN FiguReS FRom THe eNiD BlYToN NoDDY ColleCTioN, comprising ‘noddy’, ‘Tessie Bear’, ‘Big Ears’, and ‘Mr Plod’ from noddy (each numbered 738/1500), together with a further royal Doulton figure,’Humpty Dumpty’, from the nursery rhymes collection (1295/1500), each boxed (5) £70 - £100 lot 151 Six RoYAl DoulToN miCkeY mouSe ColleCTioN FiguReS CompRiSiNg miCkeY, Minnie, Donald Duck, Pluto, goofy and Daisy Duck, each with printed factory marks and individual boxes (6) £50 - £80


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lot 158 AN 18TH CeNTuRY BRiSTol DelFT plATe, painted simply in blue with central spiral roundel and flowers, 17.5cm diameter and an 18th century Dutch delft dish, painted in deep blue with a flowering tree, mark M:Q to reverse, 34cm diameter (repaired) (2) £120 - £180

lot 166 A mooRCRoFT lAmp BASe iN THe HiBiSCuS pATTeRN, against a gradient green ground, impressed marks, overall height 32cm£100 - £150 lot 167 A RoYAl DoulToN moDel oF DiCk TuRpiN, Hn3272, a limited edition, complete with original box and stand £80 - £120

lot 159 A pART SeT oF NiNe RoYAl DoulToN loRD oF THe RiNgS FiguReS, comprising gollum, Boromir, gandalf, Samwise, frodo, Tom Bombadil, Aragorn, Legolas, galadriel, printed factory marks, tallest 18cm high (9) £200 - £400

lot 168 A RoYAl DoulToN FiguRe FRom THe queeNS oF THe ReAlm SeRieS, ‘Queen victoria’, Hn3125, a limited edition 750 of 5000, 21cm high, complete with original box £60 - £80

lot 160 FouR BeSWiCk DuCkS BY peTeR SCoTT, comprising Teal, King Eider, Pochard and Mallard, together with three royal Worcester models of kittens and one further unmarked model of a kitten, tallest 5cm high, printed factory marks (one kitten with ear chip) (8) £40 - £60

lot 169 A RoYAl DoulToN FiguRe FRom THe queeNS oF THe ReAlm SeRieS, ‘Mary Queen of Scots’, Hn3142, a limited edition 340/5000, 23cm high complete with original box and with the certificate £60 - £80 lot 170 A RoYAl WoRCeSTeR FiguRe oF Hm queeN elizABeTH ii, ‘Diamond Jubilee 2012’, a limited edition of 2500, contained within original box £30 - £50 lot 171 A RoYAl DoulToN ‘queeNS oF THe ReAlm’ moDel oF queeN ANNe, Hn3141, a limited edition of 5000, complete with original box and certificate, 23cm high £80 - £120

lot 161 THRee W H goSS CoTTAgeS, comprising ‘Portman Lodge’, a ‘Model of the Birthplace of Thomas Hardy, the Wessex Poet’ and ‘rt Hon. D Lloyd george’s Early Home at Llanystumdwy, criccieth’, printed marks, tallest 5cm high (3) £70 - £100 lot 162 A ReNe lAlique CoquilleS pATTeRN BoWl, circa 1930s, signed r Lalique, france, no 3200, 24cm diameter £250 - £300

lot 172 A RoYAl DoulToN ‘queeNS oF THe ReAlm’ SeRieS moDel oF queeN elizABeTH i, Hn3099, a limited edition of 5000, 21.5cm high, complete with original box and certificate £80 - £120

lot 163 A RoYAl WoRCeSTeR plATe, painted with a still life fruit panel by P. Stanley between broad claret and light relief gilt border, signed, gold printed factory mark, 27cm diameter £100 - £150

lot 173 keiTH muRRAY FoR WeDgWooD, a green glazed ribbed globular vase, printed factory mark and fascimile signature, 16cm high £100 - £150

lot 164 A ClARiCe CliFF FoR WilkiNSoN’S FANTASque DeSigN BoWl iN THe meloN pATTeRN, circa 1932, printed factory mark, 19.5cm diameter £100 - £150 lot 165 A SeCoND peRioD Belleek ‘NepTuNe’ CABAReT SeRViCe WiTH SHApeD piNk BoRDeR, comprising a circular tray, teapot and cover, teacup and saucer, cream jug, sugar dish and stand, printed factory marks black, tray 38cm diameter £150 - £250

lot 174 A CompoSiTe mABel luCie ATTWell FoR SHelleY TeA SeRViCe, circa 1930, comprising Boo Boo teapot, cream jug and sugar dish; and a collection of Mabel Lucie Attwell designed nursery wares; comprising four trios of cup, saucer and side-plate; one further cup and saucer, a handled beaker and saucer and three cereal bowls, printed factory marks (qty) £400 - £600


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ASiAN ART lot 175 A CHiNeSe CANToN FAmille RoSe VASe, 19th century, of bottle form and painted in colours with panels of domestic interiors alternating with birds in branches, on a dense ground of flowers and foliage with gilt detail, 34cm high £100 - £150

lot 184 FiVe CHiNeSe FAmille RoSe plATeS, 18th century, variously decorated with flowers or figure subjects within typical borders, 20-23cm dia. (5) £100 - £150 lot 185 A CHiNeSe YixiNg TeApoT AND CoVeR, Jiang rong or student of, late 20th century, the mixed red and sand coloured clay modelled as a cut lotus pod with ‘loose’ seeds, the cover with a frog finial, 12.5cm £150 - £250

lot 176 A pAiR oF CHiNeSe CelADoN VASeS, cong, Qing Dynasty, the square section vases moulded to each side with a different panels of flowers and foliage, indistinct seal marks, with hardwood stands, 26cm high. (2) £500 - £600

lot 186 A pAiR oF CHiNeSe FAmille RoSe JARS AND CoVeRS,19th/20th century, of hexagonal section and ovoid outline, painted in colours with scholars and attendants in a formal garden, a ruyi and flower border to the rim, 20cm high. (2) £200 - £300

lot 177 A CHiNeSe loNgquAN STYle VASe, of pear form and incised with stylised foliage between borders under a pale green glaze, 30cm high £70 - £100 lot 178 A CHiNeSe FAHuA TuRquoiSe glAzeD VASe, 19th century, of bottle form, the body and neck moulded with an entwined dragon and cloud, 23.5cm high £70 - £100

lot 187 A lARge CHiNeSe FAmille RoSe VASe, 20th century, of ovoid form with flared everted rim, painted in colours with a peacock and peahen perched on a rock amid flowering plants in a landscape, the neck with flowers and dense scrolling foliage on a pink ground between ruyi borders, 64cm high £100 - £150

lot 179 A CHiNeSe TuRquoiSe AND AuBeRgiNe glAzeD FiguRe oF A pARRoT, 19th century, modelled perched on a rock, 29cm high £100 - £150

lot 188 A lARge CHiNeSe FAmille RoSe VASe, 20th century, of ovoid form with flared rim and twin openwork scroll handles, the body painted in colours with a scene of birds and butterflies in the branches of a flowering prunus tree, 56.5cm high £300 - £400 lot 189 A pAiR oF CHiNeSe FlAmBe VASeS, 19th century, of ovoid form with slightly flared rims and twin kylin handles, the shoulders applied with curled dragons, covered in a copper red and turquoise blue glaze, the insides white with an irregular crackle, 28cm high. (2) £300 - £400

lot 180 A CHiNeSe poRCelAiN FiguRe oF A BoY, circa 1725, from the cau Mau shipwreck, modelled seated with hands raised to the chest, he wears a blue bib tied at the middle, 8cm high £80 - £120 lot 181 A SeT oF FiVe JApANeSe poRCelAiN plATeS, Meiji, of lobed circular shape and painted in colours and gilt with butterflies, flowers and foliage around a central medallion of peonies and fruits, 23cm (x4) and 26.5cm (x1). (5) £60 - £80 lot 182 A CHiNeSe imARi ARmoRiAl DiSH, Qianlong, the centre crest framed by a flower and scroll panel verge border, the rim with dragons and phoenix birds flanking an armorial dragon head, 32cm dia., together with a famille rose dish, also Qianlong, painted in colours with precious objects within three prunus sprays, 29cm dia. (2) £150 - £250

lot 190 A mASSiVe pAiR oF CHiNeSe Blue AND WHiTe FlooR VASeS, Qianlong six character marks but 20th century, of baluster form and decorated with opposing all-over scenes of peacocks and other birds amid rocks, trees and flowering plants within ruyi and lappet borders, 109.5cm high. (2) £400 - £600 lot 191 A JApANeSe kuTANi FiguRe oF kiNTARo AND HiS moTHeR, Taisho period, modelled standing, the boy reaching up to hold his mother’s arms, they wear brightly patterned robes, 33.5cm high £100 - £150

lot 183 TWo pAiRS oF CHiNeSe FAmille RoSe plATeS, Qianlong, all of octagonal form, the first painted in colours with waterfowl amid peonies within diaper panel borders, the second with flowering plants and rocks within four fruit and flower sprays, 21.5cm dia. (4) £100 - £150 14

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lot 192 A pAiR oF CHiNeSe BiSCuiT FAmille VeRTe DouBle-WAlleD VASeS, Qianlong seal marks but 19th century, of square section and tapering form with waisted necks, the sides moulded and reticulated with the eighteen luohan amid the clouds, 44cm high. (2) £300 - £400 lot 193 A CHiNeSe iNlAiD RoSeWooD TRAY, Qing, 19th century, of rectangular form above a fret cut apron, raised on four scroll feet united by shaped stretches, the top inlaid with mother-of-pearl scene of figures by a river with buildings, the sides and apron with fruiting vines and fretwork, 31cm wide, 18cm deep, 10cm high £200 - £300

lot 199 A JApANeSe lACqueR iNRo, Meiji period, the dark brown lacquer of four cases, embellished in gold with a grasshopper amid flowering plants to one side and to the other with a koto resting beside a fence in a flowering garden, 10cm £300 - £500 lot 200 A CHiNeSe pAiNTiNg oN Silk, Qing, painted in colours with a scene of ladies and boys at leisure in a pastoral village with mountains beyond, framed £200 - £300 and glazed, 63x40cm lot 201 A CHiNeSe pAle gReeN AND RuSSeT NepHRiTe JADe FiguRe gRoup oF FiSH, modelled as two fish offset to each other, carved with detail to faces £300 - £500 and fins, 10cm

lot 194 A JApANeSe BRoNze FiguRe oF AN elepHANT, Meiji period, naturalistically modelled standing in mid stride, the head turned to the left and trunk lowered, applied with ivory tusks and with a carved hardwood ‘rocky’ stand, indistinctly signed, 20cm high excluding stand £250 - £350

lot 202 A kHmeR ReD SANDSToNe HeAD oF HARiHARA, finely carved as the head of hybrid deity vishnu and Shiva, identified by their composite head-dresses; Shiva to the left with his hair arranged in looped coils and vishnu to the right wearing a tall, plain crown, mounted on a wood stand, 16cm high excluding mount.

lot 195 A NeAR pAiR oF iNDiAN BRoNze FiguReS, late 19th century, modelled as two rustic carts with passengers pulled by oxen, set on cuboid solid wood bases, 17.5cm high, together with an islamic market copper dish or table top, of circular form with galleried rim and incised with flowers and foliage within a geometric medallion, 47.5cm dia. (3) £100 - £200 lot 196 A CHiNeSe CANToN iVoRY century, of typical rectangular back carved with cruciform populated village scenes, the flowers and foliage, 11.5cm

A similar head of Harihara from the 7th century AD can be found at the Musee guimet, Paris. £200 - £300

CARD CASe, 19th form, the front and panels of densely edges worked with £250 - £350

lot 203 A CHiNeSe pAle gReeN NepHRiTe JADe CARViNg oF A DeeR, 19th/20th century, carved in the 17th century manner standing and with head facing backwards, 5.5cm high (legs reduced) £100 - £150

lot 197 A JApANeSe BRoNze AND iVoRY okimoNo oF A CHiCkeN CATCHeR BY kANeDA, Meiji period, naturalistically carved as a woman standing and wearing traditional robes, she holds an upturned basket to catch a cockerel, chicken and three chicks, set on a carved hardwood base, signed with a seal, 24.5cm high £3,000 - £5,000

lot 204 A peRSiAN SilVeR RepouSSe BoWl AND CoVeR, of rounded form with twin handles, the cover with an amber bead finial, all chased with repeating leaf borders, 14cm across, together with a Persian white metal djambia, the hilt and scabbard worked with wire filigree, 28cm, and a Persian silk scarf, of square form with lacework edge, the border worked with a repeating phrase, £120 - £150 46cm. (3)

lot 198 A JApANeSe iVoRY TuSk VASe, Meiji period, of natural form and carved in low relief with a scene of two elders and four boys in a rocky mountain landscape, set on a hardwood base with gilt painted detail, 12.5cm high £200 - £250

lot 205 no lot 15

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WoRkS oF ART lot 206 A mAHogANY CASe SexTANT, by H g Blair and co. cardiff and Barry with certificate of examination, the sextant no. c/3063 of 6 inches radius the certificate dated feb 1908, the case 25cm wide, £80 - £120 13cm high, 23.5 deep

lot 214 A lATe 19TH CeNTuRY FReNCH RepeATiNg CARRiAge CloCk BY JuleS A pARiS, the 2.5 inch dial with ring of roman numerals, the case engraved with scrolling leaves and flowers, the movement striking on a single bell, striking the hour and the half hour with repeat button to the top under a swing handle 17cm high overall, along with a leather covered carry case with sliding front and £200 - £400 velvet lined interior

lot 207 A WilkiNSoN SWoRD lTD eNgliSH DReSS SWoRD, second half 20th century, the engraved by appointment to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ii, the sword with basket hilt and polished two ring scabbard, 103cm long £50 - £70

lot 215 A 19TH CeNTuRY FReNCH Boulle STYle mANTel CloCk, the 3.5 inch dial with ring of roman numerals in a balloon shaped case with glazed pendulum window revealing a sunburst pendulum, the drum movement stamped Hersant Paris, striking on a single bell (at fault) 32cm high £100 - £200

lot 208 A miD 19TH CeNTuRY RoSeWooD mARqueTRY AND FAux gRAiNeD SWiSS muSiC Box, playing eight aires on a 6 inch cylinder with single piece comb and side ratchet winding, under a hinged glazed dust cover, the marquetry lid with symbolic centre within three bands of boxwood stringing, 42.5cm wide, 12.5cm high, 19cm deep £200 - £300

lot 216 AN eARlY 20TH CeNTuRY ColD pAiNTeD BRoNze £40 - £60 CAT, 7.5cm high, 12cm long

lot 209 A BRoWN AND gReeN pATiNATeD BRoNze BuST oF A YouNg HeAD, circa 1920s/1930s unsigned, on a composite granite base, 25cm high £300 - £400 35.5cm high overall

lot 217 AN eARlY 20TH CeNTuRY ColD pAiNTeD BRoNze £40 - £60 BullDog, 8cm high, 11.5cm long

lot 210 A 20TH CeNTuRY peRSiAN kASHAN Blue AND ReD gRouND Silk Rug, 205cm, long, 128cm wide £400 - £600

lot 218 THRee ColD pAiNTeD BRoNze DogS, comprising of a terrier, Welsh terrier and one other dog along £50 - £80 with a small bronze bull pendant (4)

lot 211 AN eARlY 20TH CeNTuRY iTAliAN AlABASTeR FiguRAl TABle / FlooR lAmp, the two figures of a courting couple stood next to a fluted column on a stepped base, indistinctly signed, 83cm high £200 - £400 lot 212 A 20TH CeNTuRY pAiNTeD CompoSiTe FiguRe, of a Persian girl standing leaning against a low column (bronze painted finish at fault), 76cm high £80 - £120 lot 213 A lATe 19TH/eARlY 20TH CeNTuRY BRASS CARRiAge TimepieCe, the dial with 2 inch ring of Arabic numerals with scrolling leaves and flowers the neo-classical style case with swing handle and bevelled glass sides with plain back plate raised on four short turned feet, 15.5cm high overall £70 - £100

lot 219 AN eARlY 20TH CeNTuRY pATiNATeD SuNDiAl iN 17TH CeNTuRY STYle BeARS DATe 1665, £100 - £150 25cm diameter lot 220 A pAiR oF 20TH CeNTuRY FReNCH BRoNze puTTi oF miD BRoWN pATiNATioN, one putto standing with drum against a low dolphin supported column standing on a naturalistic base, its companion seated on the low column holding two horns both with wings outstretched 47cm and 50cm £400 - £600 high (2) 16

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lot 6

lot 31

lot 97

lot 90

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lot 221 A RollS-RoYCe DeSk TimepieCe, late 20th century, polished stainless steel and wood construction in the form of a radiator grille, the pediment top surmounted by a Spirit of Ecstasy mascot, set on a walnut canted base, quartz movement, 15.5cm high, with letter of provenance.

lot 228 A 20TH CeNTuRY WHiTe AlABASTeR STuDY oF A lABRADoR lying on an oval base (unsigned) 22cm long £50 - £100 lot 229 A pASTel miNk FuR CoAT, with embellished lining and two pockets, 120cm long £100 - £200

Provenance: This clock is one of only six produced, crafted by the radiator workshop at the rolls-royce factory in crewe.

lot 230 AN eARlY 20TH CeNTuRY oAk CASeD WAll mouNTeD upRigHT piNBAll mACHiNe, the case stamped 671 with chromium plated mounts with slot to take old pennies (lacking key) 45cm wide 65cm high 19.5 cm deep £300 - £500

one clock was presented to the Sultan of Brunei on receipt of his 200th car from the maker, the remaining six were given to executives at rolls royce and vickers. £800 - £1,200 lot 222 A ColleCTioN oF RollS-RoYCe AND BeNTleY memoRABiliA, late 20th century, including a polished steel ashtray with ‘Spirit of Ecstacy’ mascot, a polished steel letter opener with mascot finial and inscribed ‘roLLS-roYcE SiLvEr SPiriT ocToBEr 1980/BEnTLEY MULSAnnE ocToBEr 1980’, an etched glass paperweight celebrating 50 years at crewe, 1988, a rolls royce branded leather bound notebook, ‘The complete Works: The best 599 rolls-royce stories’, Mike fox and Steve Smith, faber & faber, London 1984, three various brochures and seven rolls-royce and Bentley related first day covers, 1982 and 1985 £80 - £120

lot 231 TWo ViCToRiAN ClASp BouND pHoTogRApH AlBumS, both part filled with monochrome portraits studies, the studies untitled. (2) £120 - £150 lot 232 A 19TH CeNTuRY RoSeWooD, FRuiTWooD AND mARqueTRY SWiSS muSiC Box, the lever wound movement with single piece comb playing on a 14 inch cylinder the base plate stamped 424*5 74, 55.5cm wide, 13cm high, 18cm deep £100 - £200

lot 223 A 20TH CeNTuRY miCRo SpeCTRoSCope eYepieCe BY CARl zeiSS, Jena, no. 779, cased, 16.25cm wide, 10cm high, 15cm deep £40 - £50

lot 233 A lATe 19TH CeNTuRY/eARlY 20TH CeNTuRY oAk miNiATuRe loNgCASe CloCk, with square dial and ring of Arabic numerals in a carved case with a german spring driven drum timepiece movement 41.5cm high £80 - £120

lot 224 A lATe ViCToRiAN / eDWARDiAN BRASS FiRemAN’S HelmeT, with dragon comb (incomplete), 26.5cm high £50 - £70

lot 234 A moDeRN DApple gReY RoCkiNg HoRSe oN A piNe BASe, with swing action, 90cm high overall, 68cm high to the saddle £200 - £400

lot 225 TWeNTY BookS oF golD leAF, some with original retailers jackets and some incomplete (20) £250 - £350 lot 226 TWeNTY-TWo BookS oF golD leAF, some with original retailers jackets and some incomplete (22) £250 - £350 lot 227 TWeNTY BookS oF golD leAF, some with original retailers jackets and some incomplete, together with five incomplete books of silver leaf (25) £250 - £350

lot 235 A CRoCoDile SkiN BAg, with single strap and gilt metal clasp, 31cm wide, together with a crocodile purse/wallet (2) £50 - £80 lot 236 A ViCToRiAN BloNDe ToRToiSeSHell CHeRooT CASe, with white metal cartouche, 14cm wide (at fault) £60 - £80 lot 237 no lot 21

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WiNe AND SpiRiTS lot 238 A BoTTle oF WHiTe HoRSe CellAR WHiSkY islay glenlivet District Silver foil, top lacking label £40 - £60 lot 239 eigHT mixeD BoTTleS CompRiSiNg oF 2 BoTTleS oF gRANT SHeRRY CASk ReSeRVe SCoTCH WHiSkY, 70cl, 2 bottles of famous grouse Scotch Whisky, 70cl, a bottle of Harveys Bristol cream, 75cl, a bottle of cream Sherry for Morrison Wines, 1ltr and 2 51cl bottles of cherry Liqueur (8) £40 - £60 lot 240 TWo liTRe BoTTleS oF FAmouS gRouSe SCoTCH WHiSkY, a bottle of grant Blended Scotch Whisky, 70cl, a bottle of Teachers Blended Scotch Whisky, 70cl, 2 bottles of cream Sherry for Morrisons, 70cl and 1ltr and 2 51cl cherry Liqueur (8) £40 - £60

lot 245 A mixeD loT oF BoTTleS AND miNiATuReS, comprising of 2 small bottles of Moet et chandon, 3 small bottles of Arnau Delafontan Spanish carta Blanca, a 75cl bottle of Spanish sparkling wine, a bottle of Harvest Tradition Perry, a boxed bottle of 2003 vintage christmas Ale, a boxed bottle of vudu, a boxed bottle of old Jamaican liqueur, a collection of mixed miniatures, to include 3 bottle of chartreuse, one bottle of Tequila, 3 bottles of Martini, a bottle of Dalmore Malt whisky, a bottle of famous grouse, a bottle of vladimir vodka, a bottle of Myer’s rum, a bottle of liqueur and 2 unlabelled guinness miniatures and an unlabelled Harp lager £30 - £40 miniature. (a lot) lot 246 HeiDSieCk AND Co DRY moNople CHAmpAgNe £60 - £80 reserved for England 1945 lot 247 A BoTTle oF SAm ADAmS uTopiAS BeeR, limited edition 2013, no 02959.

lot 241 A BoTTle oF WHiTe AND mACkAY SpeCiAl BleNDeD SCoTCH WHiSkY, 70cl, a bottle of Bells Blended Scotch Whisky, 70cl, a bottle of Teachers Blended Scotch Whisky, 70cl, a bottle of Scotch Whisky for Morrison Wines, 70cl, 2 bottles of cream Sherry for Morrisons, 70cl and 1ltr and 2 50cl £30 - £50 bottles of cherry liqueur (8)

gold lustre finish decanter by ceramarte of Brazil for the Boston Beer co. £80 - £120 lot 248 TWo 20TH CeNTuRY glAzeD SHeRRY CASkS, one green glazed for Pale Dry Sherry, its companion blue glazed for Amontillado Sherry (2), 31cm high £30 - £50 lot 249 TWo 20TH CeNTuRY glAzeD CASkS, one for fine old ruby Port, its companion for rich cream Sherry, £30 - £50 red and brown glazed (2), 31cm high

lot 242 A mixeD loT oF 14 BoTTleS comprising of a 70cl bottle of Blended wine and malt whisky, a 35cl bottle of famous grouse, a bottle of Harveys club classic Amontillado Sherry, a bottle of Taylors Select reserve Port, 70cl, 6 bottles of cream Sherry for Morrisons, 75cl, 2 bottles of Tio Pepe Sherry, 75cl a bottle of Qc cream Sherry and a bottle of £30 - £50 Bols cherry Brandy. (14)

lot 250 TWo eARTHeNWARe CASkS iN THe FoRm oF BARRelS, one for cintra ruby Port, its companion for rich cream Sherry (2), 26.5cm high £30 - £50 lot 251 A SeT oF SpANiSH/poRTugueSe BRASS BAlANCe BeAm SCAleS, with bulls head mount and six graduated weights, 20th century, possibly £30 - £50 for the distilling industry , 49cm high

lot 243 A BoTTle oF TANNeRS BRuT exTRA ReSeRVe CHAmpAgNe, 150cl and 2 bottles of A. rothschild and co, Brut reserve champagne, 75cl (3) £40 - £60 lot 244 A BoTTle oF RemY mARTiN VS CogNAC, 48 fl oz (all labels applied upside down), a bottle of remy £40 - £50 Martin vSoP cognac, 24 fl oz (2)

lot 252 A BoTTle oF NiepooRTS poRT 1940 BoTTleD 1945, decanted 1967, bottle and shipped by £100 - £150 niepoort and co. Portugal


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lot 253 A BoxeD 70Cl BoTTle oF BuSHmillS SiNgle mAlT iRiSH WHiSkeY, a bottle of grahams Malvedos 1979 vintage Port, bottled in 1981, 75cl (2) £30 - £50 lot 254 A mixeD loT oF 11 BoTTleS oF WiNe comprising of 4 bottles of Portuguese Montaria reserva, 20102011, 3 bottles of chilean cas nueva, Late reserva cabinet Sauvignon 2011, 2 bottles of italian Tordel colle, Montepulciano D-Abruzzo Barrel Aged Special cuvee, a single bottle of Burgo viejo 2006 rioja and a single bottle of Bargondia 2010 rioja (11) £50 - £70 lot 255 A mixeD loT oF 10 BoTTleS oF WiNe comprising of 2 bottles of castillo de Tafalla Spanish 2011 rose, a bottle of Small and Small new Zealand 2011 Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc, a bottle of Blackwood ridge Australian 2008 Shiraz, a bottle of Domaine o-vineyards 2009 Syrah, a bottle of chilean valle central cabinet Sauvignon 2009, a bottle of Embeleso 2010 rioja, a bottle of Liz richardson 2012 cabinet Sauvignon, a bottle of Angels reserve Argentinean 2012 Malbec, a bottle of Angels reserve 2011 Torrontes (10) £50 - £70

lot 260 A mAHogANY muSiCAl loNgCASe CloCk, the 13 inch arched brass dial with centred subsidiary seconds dial, within a ring of roman and Arabic numerals and cherub mask moulded spandrels, disk to the arch inscribed ‘Tempus fugit’, the three train movement striking on eight graduated bells and a coiled gong, the hood with swan-neck pediment over an arched glazed hood door between reeded front corner hood pilasters, over a long crossbanded arched trunk door between quarter pilasters with canted front corners, 238cm high £500 - £700 lot 261 AN eARlY 20TH CeNTuRY mAHogANY TWo DRAWeR CANTeeN TABle label to the top drawer interior ‘To Percy M Brooks from Duke Ellington and £150 - £200 irving Mills, July 1933’ lot 262 A ViCToRiAN WAlNuT VeNeeReD WRiTiNg TABle, the rectangular top with rounded corners and tooled green leather skiver over two short frieze drawers on reeded baluster end supports united by turned stretcher on four down-swept legs terminating in a scroll foot and white glazed castors, 121cm wide, 72cm high, 60cm deep £120 - £150 lot 263 AN eARlY 20TH CeNTuRY mAHogANY mARqueTRY SATiNWooD BANDeD eigHT DAY loNgCASe CloCk, the 12 inch brass and silver dial with ring of roman and Arabic numerals with disc to the arch titled ‘Tempus fugit’, the hood with swan-neck pediment over gilt metal reeded front corner hood pilasters and a long marquetry decorated arched trunk door, on a single panel box base and cut-out skirting plinth, 241cm high

lot 256 SixTeeN BoTTleS oF 2012 geRmAN BuRg lAYeR SCHloSSkApelle, Kabinett nahee £70 - £90 supplied by Pieroth (16) lot 257 TWeNTY FouR BoTTleS oF 2010 geRmAN BuRg lAYeR SCHloSSkApelle, Kabinett supplied by £70 - £100 Pieroth (24) lot 258 Six BoTTleS oF 2013 kuNSAg, Mundana product of Hungary supplied by Pieroth (6) £20 - £40

Bears presentation plaque presented to W H Smith Esquire by the shareholders, directors and fellow members of the West Hull Liberal club in recognition of his long and valued service in the capacity of director and for several years chairman of the directorate Hull 1914. £400 - £600

lot 259 A BoxeD BoTTle oF JoHN JAmeSoN VeRY SpeCiAl olD WHiSkY, 26 fl oz, matured for not £130 - £160 less than 15 years, circa 1970s


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lot 264 AN eARlY 19TH CeNTuRY oAk HigH DReSSeR the rack with three central shelves over four short drawers flanked by an open cabinet, and a single panel cabinet door to each side, on an enclosed base with two central cabinet doors flanked by three short drawers to each side, fitted with turned wooden handles, raised on shaped bracket front feet, 203cm wide, 216cm high, 49.5cm deep £400 - £500 lot 265 AN eARlY 19TH CeNTuRY BlACk JApANNeD loW CABiNeT, the two single panel doors decorated with typical scenes of figures and pagodas opening to reveal two short drawers over two fixed shelves and a drawer below, over a scrolling leaf moulded apron on stile end supports terminating in a scroll foot, 84.5cm wide, 97.5cm high, 40cm deep £100 - £150

lot 270 A lATe 19TH/eARlY 20TH CeNTuRY louiS xV STYle kiNgWooD VeNeeReD ViTRiNe oN STAND with gilt metal mounts, the swan neck pediment over a single glazed door between proud front corners above a scroll cut apron with central mask mount, on four well shaped cabriole legs with gilt metal mounts terminating in scroll moulded pointed toe, 87cm wide, 200cm high, 46cm deep £1,200 - £1,500 lot 271 A RegeNCY mAHogANY peDeSTAl SiDeBoARD, the rectangular top with fold over central section supported on pull-out lopers, the right hand pedestal with single cabinet doors with mouldings to simulate two panels, opening to reveal two fixed shelves, the left hand cabinet with single frieze drawer over a cabinet door revealing a single fixed shelf each raised on a skirting plinth, 148.5cm wide, 93cm high, 52.5cm deep £200 - £400

lot 266 A lATe 19TH CeNTuRY louiS xV STYle WAlNuT SoFA, with padded back and enclosed arms, raised on four front short cabriole legs terminating in a pointed toe, 189cm wide £200 - £300

lot 272 A miD 18TH CeNTuRY oAk THRee DRAWeR DReSSeR BASe, the three plank top over three short drawers fitted with brass swing handles and pierced back plates, over a shaped apron on three well shaped front cabriole legs terminating in a square tapering foot, 208cm wide, 84cm high, 52.5cm deep £1,500 - £2,500

lot 267 A geoRge iii AND lATeR oAk AND mAHogANY eigHT DAY loNgCASe CloCk, the 13 1/4 inch arched brass dial with centred subsidiary seconds dial and date aperture within an ring of roman and Arabic numerals, titled ‘Tempus fugit’ to the arch, the hood with swan neck pediment over turned front corner hood pilasters and an inverted arch long trunk door, on a single panel box base and ogee moulded bracket feet, 128cm high £500 - £700

lot 273 AN 18TH CeNTuRY oAk RoCkiNg CRiB, the canopied end over two panel sides and single panel to the base, with turned finials to the corner post, on solid rockers, 94cm long, 55cm wide overall, 74cm high £120 - £180

lot 268 A CoNTiNeNTAl WAlNuT louiS xV STYle THRee TRAiN loNgCASe CloCk, the 8 inch dial with ring of roman numerals under a polychrome decorated pediment depicting doves, above a glazed short trunk door and a vernis Martin style figural panel below, raised on short cabriole front legs terminating in a scroll foot, 198cm high £500 - £700 lot 269 A 19TH CeNTuRY VeRNiS mARTiN STYle SeRpeNTiNe ViTRiNe with gilt metal mounts, the arched single glazed door opening to reveal three fixed shelves over a panel depicting a courting couple, between proud front corners with ram’s head mask and swag gilt metal mounts, with concave glazed sides on four short splay legs terminating in a gilt metal claw foot, 90cm wide, 173 cm high, 44cm deep £1,200 - £1,800

lot 274 A ViCToRiAN eBoNiSeD pApieR mACHe moTHeR oF peARl AND ABAloNe iNlAiD NuRSiNg CHAiR on cabriole front legs, terminating in a pointed toe (at fault), 52cm wide £30 - £50 lot 275 A 20TH CeNTuRY louiS xV STYle kiNgWooD AND mARqueTRY SeRpeNTiNe FlooR STANDiNg CoRNeR CHiNA DiSplAY CABiNeT, with gilt metal mounts, the single glazed door opening to reveal three fixed shelves and a claret plush lined interior on two tapering front legs, terminating in a gilt metal pointed toe, 77cm wide, 140cm high, 55cm deep to the corner £100 - £150 24

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lot 276 A ViCToRiAN eBoNiSeD AmBoYNA BANDeD loW DiSplAY CABiNeT the single glazed door opening to reveal two fixed shelves between proud canted front corners with gilt metal mounts raised on short turned front feet, 82cm wide, 108cm high, 37.5cm deep £150 - £250 lot 277 AN ANglo BuRmeSe CARVeD HARDWooD DAVeNpoRT mid 19th century overall blind carved with scrolling leaves and birds, the sloping top opening to reveal three pigeon holes on figural front supports and a side facing pedestal of four short drawers with single panel cabinet door, 69.5cm £150 - £250 wide, 72cm high, 74cm deep

lot 282 A 20TH CeNTuRY mAHogANY CHippeNDAle STYle DiNiNg SuiTe comprising of extending dining table on four heavy cabriole legs terminating in a ball and claw foot, 297cm long (extended), 120cm wide, 78.5cm high along with a set of eight dining chairs including two carvers, each with a pierced vase shaped back splat on cabriole front legs terminating in a ball and claw foot (2+6), a serpentine fronted sideboard with three central drawers flanked by a single cabinet to each side on short cabriole legs, 186cm wide, 130cm high, 61cm deep and a two drawer serpentine serving table, 137cm wide, 132cm high, 54cm deep £1,200 - £1,800 lot 283 AN eARlY 18TH CeNTuRY oAk gATe-leg DiNiNg TABle, the oval top on eight well shaped baluster turned and tapering supports united by plain stretchers raised on short turned feet, 135cm long, 145.5cm open, 74cm high £100 - £300

lot 278 A lATe 19TH CeNTuRY louiS xV STYle kiNgWooD AND mARqueTRY DRop-leAF CeNTRe/oCCASioNAl TABle on four slender cabriole legs with gilt metal mounts, 59cm square £80 - £120 (closed), 76cm high

lot 284 A lATe 19TH /eARlY 20TH CeNTuRY RoSeWooD iVoRiNe STRuNg AND iNlAiD lADY’S WRiTiNg DeSk, the top with tooled green leather skiver above a bow front central frieze drawer flanked by two short drawers to each side fitted with gilt metal knob handles raised on four slender tapering legs terminating in brown salt glaze castors, 91cm wide, 71.5cm high, 49.5cm deep £200 - £400

lot 279 A lATe 17TH CeNTuRY JoiNeD oAk CoFFeR, the hinged three panel lid over a plain three panel front on channel moulded stile end supports, 107cm £200 - £300 wide, 67cm high, 54cm deep lot 280 A miD 19TH CeNTuRY oAk DouBle peDeSTAl DeSk, the rectangular top with proud corners and gadrooned edge over two extensively carved pedestals, with earlier caryatid corner mounts raised on a skirting plinth, each pedestal with single frieze drawer over a carved single panel cabinet door, raised on a skirting plinth with proud corners, 190cm wide, overall, 80cm high, 128cm deep £600 - £800 lot 281 AN eARlY 19TH CeNTuRY mAHogANY BReAkFRoNT SiDeBoARD, the long central frieze drawer with arch below flanked by a single cabinet to the left hand side and a deep cellerette drawer to the right hand side raised on four slender square tapering front legs terminating in a spade foot overall decorated with swags and bell flowers, fitted with brass oval ring handles with pressed back plates, 200.5cm wide, 100.5cm high, 77.5cm deep £300 - £500

lot 285 A RegeNCY RoSeWooD BRASS iNlAiD FolDoVeR CARD TABle the rectangular top with cut off corners on a curved support and quadripartite base, the four brass inlaid legs terminating in brass scroll caps and brass castors, 91.5cm wide, 73cm hig, 45.5cm deep £300 - £400 lot 286 AN eARlY 19TH CeNTuRY SATiNWooD mARqueTRY BoxWooD AND eBoNY liNe STRuNg CRoSSBANDeD TWo TieR oCCASioNAl TABle, the rectangular top with rounded corner and gallery edge, over a shelf stretcher, on four slender tapering legs terminating in a slender spade foot, 56.5cm wide, 67.5cm high, 41cm deep £200 - £300


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lot 287 A geoRge iii oAk CRoSSBANDeD mAHogANY eigHT DAY loNgCASe CloCk, the 13.5 inch square brass dial signed 'chris Hull, Dublin' with centred subsidiary seconds dial and date aperture with inner ring of roman numerals, outer ring of Arabic numerals and pierced spandrels, the hood with architectural pediment over reeded front corner hood pilasters and an arched crossbanded trunk door, on a crossbanded box base and later £250 - £350 plinth, 120cm high

lot 294 A ViCToRiAN FiguReD WAlNuT WoRk TABle, the rectangular top with rounded corners, opening to reveal an interior of lidded compartments, on double turned and tapering end supports united by a padded stretcher, on four down-swept legs terminating in short turned feet, 53cm wide, 74cm £150 - £250 high, 40cm deep

lot 295 AN eARlY 19TH CeNTuRY oAk CRoSSBANDeD mAHogANY THiRTY HouR loNgCASe CloCk, the 12 inch painted arched dial indistinctly signed and with centre date apperture within a ring of roman numerals, the arch painted with figure standing against a river and two horses, the hood with swanneck pediment over a short trunk door and crossbanded base on cut out skirting plinth, £150 - £250 209cm high

lot 288 AN 18TH CeNTuRY oAk THiRTY HouR loNgCASe CloCk, the 12 inch square brass dial with centred twin apertures, the silvered chapter ring signed ‘Jos Stancliffe, Barkisland’, with scrolling leaf pierced spandrels the hood with swan neck pediment and turned front corner hood pilasters, over an ogee arched trunk door between quarter turned plain pilasters on a single panel box base and short bracket feet, 213cm high £250 - £350 lot 289 A geoRge iii oAk eigHT DAY loNgCASe CloCk the 12 inch square brass dial with centred subsidiary seconds dial and date aperture, within a ring of Arabic and roman numerals and mask moulded spandrels the hood with swan neck pediment over ring turned front corner hood pilasters above a short trunk door on a boarded base and cut out skirting plinth, 202cm high £300 - £400 lot 290 A RegeNCY STYle RoSeWooD gRAiNeD AND SATiNWooD BANDeD SiDe CABiNeT, the rectangular top over three frieze drawers with single panel cabinet doors below raised on a skirting plinth, 167cm wide, 93cm high, 37.5cm deep £300 - £400

lot 296 A CHiNeSe iNlAiD HARDWooD WRiTiNg TABle, Qing, early 20th century, the panel top inlaid with a bone vignette of birds in flowering branches to a quatrefoil cartouche, the edges with bone fret inlay, above a long frieze drawer flanked by two box drawers all having conforming inlay, over an openwork apron, raised on square section supports with cut mouldings, 120cm wide, 61cm deep, £1,500 - £1,800 81cm high lot 297 A ViCToRiAN WAlNuT RiSe AND FAll ReCTANgulAR piANo STool with overstuffed padded top and patent iron adjustment by Henry Brooks and co. limited, London, on four slender tapering fluted legs terminating in a short turned foot, 42.5cm wide, 50cm high, 34cm deep £150 - £200

lot 291 A 20TH CeNTuRY mAHogANY TRi pillAR DiNiNg TABle in the george iv style, the rectangular top with rounded corners on three gun barrel columns with down-swept legs terminating in brass caps and castors, 378cm long, 109cm wide, 75cm high £800 - £1,200 lot 292 A SeT oF eigHT CouNTRY CHippeNDAle STYle WAVY lADDeR BACk mAHogANY DiNiNg CHAiRS each with re-covered overstuffed seat on channel moulded front legs united by a plain H stretcher, 56cm wide (8) £500 - £700

lot 298 AN eARlY 19TH CeNTuRY mAHogANY SATiNWooD BANDeD BoxWooD AND eBoNY STRuNg BuReAu BookCASe the cavetto cornice over two gothic astragal glazed cabinet doors revealing three adjustable shelves over a barrel top pull-out desk revealing seven pigeon holes over a long shallow drawer flanked by three short drawers over a tooled leather skiver above three short graduated cockbeaded long drawers fitted with brass swing handles with pressed oval back plates above a shaped apron on splay front bracket feet, 123cm wide, 250cm high, 59cm deep £500 - £700

lot 293 A 19TH CeNTuRY mAHogANY Demi-luNe FolD oVeR TeA TABle with crossbanded top on four slender square tapering legs terminating in a square collar foot, 95.5cm wide, 74cm high, 47.5cm deep £100 - £150 26

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pAiNTiNgS, pRiNTS AND mApS lot 299 AFTeR FRANCeSCo BARTolozzi A pair of portrait oval stipple engravings, £70 - £100 28 by 23cm (2) lot 300 BRiTiSH SCHool, lATe 19TH CeNTuRY A pair of oval engravings of queen Victoria and prince Albert £220 - £280 framed in a single ornate frame

lot 308 AlAN DiNSDAle (B.1939) moonlight over Cardigan Bay signed lower left oil on canvas 51 by 76cm £180 - £250 lot 309 JoHNNY gASToN (B.1955) Venice in may signed and dated ‘84 lower right oil on panel 29 by £200 - £300 40cm

lot 301 g.gARDNeR (BRiTiSH SCHool, 20TH CeNTuRY) Snowbound village signed and dated 1978 lower right, mixed media £70 - £100 on board, 32 by 42cm

lot 310 JoHNNY gASToN (B.1955) A pair of Venetian canal scenes both signed and dated ‘84 lower right oil on panel £150 - £250 19 by 24cm (2)

lot 302 peNelope FlemiNg (BRiTiSH SCHool, 20TH CeNTuRY) Farm buildings amongst the corn signed and dated 9/65 lower left watercolour over £100 - £150 pencil 26 by 42cm

lot 311 AFTeR THomAS BADeSlADe A map of the county of Salop published by W.H.Toms, Sept 29th,1742 engraving 15 by 15cm (SH) together with a further three maps of Shropshire after different hands (4) £50 - £80 lot 312 eNgliSH SCHool, 19TH CeNTuRY Saxon england - according to the Saxon chronicle £40 - £60 engraving 31 by 23cm

lot 303 H.A.FReeTH (BRiTiSH SCHool, 20TH CeNTuRY) Summer beach scene signed lower right watercolour heightened with £250 - £350 white 30 by 42cm

lot 313 AFTeR RoBeRT moRDeN map of Wiltshire engraving with hand colouring 34 by 41cm (PL) £50 - £80 lot 314 AFTeR RoBeRT moRDeN map of leicestershire engraving with hand colouring 36 by 42.5cm £50 - £80 lot 315 geoRge ClARe (1830-1900) Still life with grapes, plums and strawberries signed lower right oil on canvas 14.5 by 22cm £400 - £500 lot 316 ViNCeNT ClARe (1855-1930) Still life with apples in a basket signed lower right oil on board 27 by 36cm £200 - £400

lot 304 SYDNeY HoRNe SHepHeRD (1909-1993) portrait of a young lady signed lower right charcoal 27 by 20cm £100 - £150 lot 305 DANiel SHeRRiN (1868-1940) Figures with a dog on a river bank signed lower left oil on canvas 51 by 76cm £500 - £600 lot 306 eASTeRN euRopeAN SCHool, 20TH CeNTuRY Still life with flowers in a vase indistinctly signed lower left oil on canvas £150 - £250 50 by 39cm lot 307 mARTiN SToReY (BRiTiSH SCHool, 20TH CeNTuRY) Farm lane signed and dated 1979 lower left oil on board £400 - £600 40 by 26 cm


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lot 317 geoRge RANSom (exH.1899-1915) Still life with acorns, grapes and a plum signed lower right with monogram watercolour £70 - £100 and bodycolour 14.5 by 19.5cm

lot 323 THomAS pATeRSoN (SCoTTiSH, 19TH/20TH CeNTuRY) Children playing in the dunes signed lower left watercolour 23 by 33cm £350 - £400 lot 324 BRiTiSH SCHool, lATe 19TH CeNTuRY Cottage interior with a family gathered around the fire £350 - £400 watercolour 36 by 49cm

lot 318 g HAmmoND (BRiTiSH SCHool, eARlY 20TH CeNTuRY) in the hayfield signed lower right watercolour 28 by 45cm £100 - £150 lot 319 J.W.poTTS (BRiTiSH SCHool, eARlY 20TH CeNTuRY) A pair of rural river scenes each signed watercolours 33 by 50cm (2) £120 - £180 lot 320 JoHN mCpHeRSoN (BRiTiSH SCHool, lATe 19TH/eARlY 20TH CeNTuRY) cattle beside a rural brook signed lower right watercolour 29.5 by 42cm £100 - £150 lot 321 HARRY peRCY CliFFoRD (Fl.1895-1938) Sheep grazing with farm buildings in the distance signed lower left watercolour 35 by 50cm £120 - £180 lot 322 HeNRY CHARleS Fox (1855-1929) Cattle on a river bank signed and dated 1901 lower right watercolour 35 by 50cm £250 - £300

lot 325 HeNRY AlkeN JR (1810-1894) Hare Coursing signed lower left watercolour over pencil Moorland gallery label on the reverse £500 - £600 21.5 by 33cm lot 326 THomAS BuSH HARDY (1842-1897) Fishing boat in a choppy sea signed and dated 1876 lower left watercolour £60 - £80 heightened with white 12 by 16cm lot 327 eNgliSH SCHool, lATe 19TH CeNTuRY Cliff top cottages £70 - £100 watercolour 25 by 37.5cm lot 328 eDmuND moRiSoN WimpeRiS (1835-1900) Figure carrying a basket on a rural track signed with initials and dated '95 lower left watercolour 29 by 20cm £100 - £150

eND oF SAle


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John constable

in our opinion a work by the artist. When the artist’s forename(s) is not known, a series of asterisks, followed by the surname of the artist, whether preceded by an initial or not, indicates that in our opinion the work is by the artist named.


Attributed to John constable

in our opinion probably a work by the artist, but less certainty as to authorship is expressed than in the preceding category.


Studio of John constable

in our opinion a work by an unknown hand in the studio of the artist which may or may not have been executed under the artist’s direction.


circle of John constable

in our opinion a work by an as yet unidentified but distinct hand, closely associated with the named artist but not necessarily his pupil.


Style of… follower of John constable

in our opinion a work by a painter working in the artist’s style, contemporary, but not necessarily his pupil.


Manner of John constable

in our opinion a work in the style of the artist and of a later date.


After John constable

in our opinion a copy of a known work of the artist.


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our first auction of 2016 will be our interiors Auction on Wednesday 6th January. These auctions are held every fortnight between our specialist catalogued auctions. 27th January

f orTHcoMing A UcTionS 2016

pictures 10th february

Valentines interiors and Jewellery 17th february

Toys and militaria 2nd March

Antique, Design, Contemporary 16th March

pictures, Silver and Jewellery 13th April

grand Attic Auction 11th May

Asian Art 18th May

Collectable Ceramics 1st June

Toys 22nd June

pictures, Silver and Jewellery


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6th July

Antique Furniture, Works of Art and Design 10th August

militaria pictures 21st September

Toys 28th September

Antique Furniture, Works of Art and Design 19th october

Tribal Art 26th october

pictures, Silver and Jewellery 2nd november

Books 9th november

Asian Art 16th november

Collectable Ceramics 7th December

Christmas Collective


f orTHcoMing A UcTionS 2016

31st August

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