Kinghams Auctioneers

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Friday 11th and Saturday 12th June 2021

A LOVE OF LUSTRE AND OTHER WARES: THE PERSONAL COLLECTION OF ANTHONY J. CROSS To be held at: 10-12 Cotswold Business Village, London Road, Moreton-in-Marsh GL56 0JQ FRIDAY 11TH JUNE SATURDAY 12TH JUNE Viewing Wednesday 9th June – 10.00am to 5.00pm Thursday 10th June – 10.00am to 7.00pm Friday 11th June – 9.00am to 11.00am Day of the Sale Auction scheduled to start at 11am with bidding in the room (by appointment) and live bidding on internet bidding platforms; telephone bids and commission bids will also be accepted. You will need to be registered before the sale. FACE MASKS ARE MANDATORY FOR VIEWING AND ROOM BIDDERS


George Kingham

John Keightley

Allison White

Mark Oliver

Director Art Pottery

Associate Director, Senior Valuer and Cataloguer

Auctioneer, Valuer and Photographer

Consultant Decorative Arts Specialist

Live internet bidding is available on,, and together with fully illustrated catalogue. Catalogue £15.00 (£18.00 by post)

Kinghams Auctioneers Ltd (Collection Address) 10-12 Cotswold Business Village, London Road, Moreton-in-Marsh GL56 0JQ NB. Please telephone to arrange collection. Telephone: 01608 695695 Mobile: 07976 919836 Email: Website:


Reflections from Anthony J Cross I have often been asked how I began collecting and I suppose it began with the usual childhood themes; train numbers, car number plates and stamps. In my teens it was beer mats. However, in my early twenties I discovered a new interest: pots. It all started when I visited the house of a friend. There, on the mantelpiece, was a rather splendid pair of Royal Worcester vases; on another shelf, a fine blue ground ewer decorated with swans and signed by C H C Baldwyn. That was it - a few enquiries and off I went to my local antique shop. Inside I was amazed to see shelf upon shelf of Royal Worcester; small vases, large vases, plaques, and plates decorated with flowers, cattle and fruit, but no swans and all out of my price range. Nevertheless, I bought a small floral jug for £12.50. This was followed, at intervals, by two pairs of vases and at last, a Baldwyn vase. Until one day I spotted a rather interesting group of vases which, on enquiry, I learned were Pilkington's Royal Lancastrian, one with a silver galleon. I put it back, left the shop and thought no more about it. That night, I happened to notice my father was wearing a pair of silver-grey and yellow socks - immediately I visualised a silver galleon on a yellow vase, a vision that persisted for a considerable time. There was only one answer. Buy the vase. The next day I parted with £12, a whole week’s wage (it was 35 years ago), and became the proud owner of my first Lancastrian lustre vase. Strangely enough, I cannot recall ever having seen another lustre vase with a yellow ground. Eager to learn more about the pottery, I purchased Lomax's book which was most instructive. One part stood out. Lomax stated that each artist had an individual year mark, the key to which was unknown. However, as each pot was dated with a roman numeral for the potting year, it would be possible to work out what these were, providing one examined many pots. Eventually I had gathered enough information to accurately date each artist's marks and also, with the encouragement of Richard Dennis and others, write a new book. This was published in 1980 at a selling exhibition organised by Richard Dennis. I realised that, even though I had written much, there was much more to be discovered. This was proved some months later when the St. George vase appeared at auction. Although my first love was Pilkingtons lustre, I had also discovered the works of other potteries working at the same time ... De Morgan, Bernard Moore, Doulton etc. and decided that my collection would not be complete without examples. The decision to sell has been made with no regrets as I have enjoyed the pieces for over 50 years and I hope that buyers will appreciate their form and beauty as I have. Tony Cross, May 2021 Tony Cross is the author of ‘Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery and Tiles’ (published.1980 R. Dennis)


CONTENTS DAY ONE Christopher Dresser


Della Robbia

8 – 13

William De Morgan

14 – 41


42 – 49

Bernard Moore

50 – 80

Doulton Lambeth

81 – 122

Doulton Burslem

123 – 169

Martin Brothers

170 – 180


181 – 242


243 – 244

American Art Pottery

245 – 252

Continental Potttery

253 – 274


275 – 295

Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian 294 – 436 Tiles

437 – 468


1. Christopher Dresser for Minton, an Aesthetic Movement Pilgrim vase, 1870, flattened circular moonflask form with twin serpent or tadpole handles, enamelled and gilded in the Japanesque cloisonne style with flying cranes and fish amongst bands of clouds, impressed marks and number 1348, 19.5cm high £600 - £800


2. Christopher Dresser for Minton, a pair of Aesthetic Movement butterfly vases, 1870, globe and shaft form on integrated Chinese hardwood style stands, each enamelled and gilded in the cloisonne style with three butterflies below a band of stylised beetles in red and green, on turquoise ground, impressed marks and number 1379, 21.5cm high £800 - £1,200

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

3. Christopher Dresser for Linthorpe, an art pottery Sea Urchin vessel, circa 1880, domed and twin spouted with bridge handle, relief moulded with vertical columns of raised nodules, mottled and streaky green brown glaze, indistinct marks, 18.5cm high £400 - £600

4. Christopher Dresser for Linthorpe, an art pottery vase, circa 1880, shouldered form, incised with an Aesthetic Movement band of stylised Egyptian fan and feather motifs, between geometric dot, pellet and line borders, marbled and streaky green over ochre brown glaze, impressed marks, 26cm high £300 - £500

6. Christopher Dresser for Ault, an art pottery Cycladic jug, circa 1895, conical gourd form, elongated pinched spout and loop handle, incised foliate and concentric decoration under a streaky treacle glaze, raised mark, 18.5cm high £100 - £200

5. Christopher Dresser for Linthorpe, an art pottery Cycladic jug, circa 1880, shouldered gourd form with elongated vertical beak spout and loop handle, iridescent streaky green brown glaze, impressed facsimile marks and number 346, 24.5cm high £200 - £400

7. Christopher Dresser for James Couper and Sons, a small Liberty and Co., Clutha glass vase, circa 1890, shouldered form, opaque opalescent streaks with brown red patch decoration on a bubbled green ground, acid marks and Liberty lotus flower, 8cm high £100 - £200


8. Ruth Bare for Della Robbia, an art pottery plate, the centre sgraffito decorated with a ship in sail and D R, within a floral lappet border, incised and painted marks, 21.5cm diameter £200 - £300

9. Arthur Bells and Annie Smith for Della Robbia, an art pottery vase, twin handled shouldered form, the handles modelled in relief as mask headed dolphins, slip decorated with foliate scroll or seaweed design in green yellow on terracotta, sgraffito fronds to the neck, 31cm high £300 - £500

12. Della Robbia, an art pottery vase, ovoid bottle form, sgraffito decorated with fruiting grape vines, incised marks painted JP or JD monogram, 24cm high £200 - £300


10. John Fogo for Della Robbia, an art pottery vase, 1899, shouldered form, sgraffito decorated with fishscale decoration in diagonal bands of pink and green, incised marks and Irish, 18cm high £100 - £200

11. Violet Woodhouse for Della Robbia, an art pottery jug, bulbous gourd form, sgraffito decorated with alternating tulips and daffodils between vertical serpentine turquoise bands, incised marks and painted Violet, 23.5cm high £200 - £300

13. Liza Wilkins for Della Robbia, an art pottery vase, 1898, bulbous gourd form, painted with stylised flower heads and leaves in blue on a turquoise ground, 13.5cm high £100 - £200

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

14. William De Morgan, a green and white Dodo tile, 1898, painted with an open beaked bird, DM98 mark, 15cm square £500 - £800


15. Fred Passenger for William De Morgan, a Sunset and Moonlight Suite lustre comport, circa 1900, pedestal tazza form, painted with a peacock and leafy shrub, the splayed foot and stem with bands of geometric motifs and foliate scrolls, monogram, 24.5cm diameter, 14cm high £1,200 - £1,800


16. Fred Passenger for William De Morgan, a double lustre bowl, circa 1890, straight sided rounded form, painted with a central bird within lobed cartouche and foliate scroll border, the exterior with ogee lappet and trefoil band, concentric rings to underside, monogram, 14.5cm diameter £800 - £1,200

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

17. William De Morgan, a Persian carnation painted plate, circa 1890, the central blue flower within radiating segments of alternating blue and pink flower heads on blue and turquoise grounds, concentric rings to the back, 20cm diameter £500 - £800

18. William De Morgan, a lustre plate, circa 1890, painted with a heraldic collared falcon with string of rosary beads, on a stippled ground with seed head flowers, the reverse with concentric rings and bands of pellets, 23cm diameter £1,000 - £1,500


19. Halsey Ricardo for William De Morgan, a large Persian Phoenix and Serpent jug, circa 1885, tulip necked double gourd form with handle, painted with firebirds in flight, on a tufted and flying serpent ground, below a band of foliate scrolls and triangular lappet neck, painted monogram, 38cm high £3,000 - £5,000


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

20. William De Morgan, a lustre galleon tile, circa 1890, painted with a two sail Grecian style ship, geometric sails with figural emblem, 15cm square £300 - £500

21. William De Morgan, a lustre galleon tile, circa 1890, painted with a single sail dragon boat ship, three oarsmen with oars, 15cm square £300 - £500

22. William De Morgan, a lustre galleon tile, circa 1890, painted with a two sail ship with flag and crows nest, on frothing waves, 15cm square £300 - £500


23. William De Morgan, a Persian foliate six tile panel, circa 1885, of two designs, four of one two of the other, De Morgan and Merton Abbey marks, 15cm square (6) £600 - £800


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

24. William De Morgan, a Persian Fish jardiniere, circa 1890, squat ovoid form, painted with four open mouthed carp and bass, on a blue and white foliate scroll ground, 23cm diameter, 16cm high £1,000 - £2,000

25. Joe Juster for William De Morgan, a Persian Fish vase, circa 1892, double gourd form, painted with fish on a blue and white foliate ground, below a turquoise and blue scroll border, Sands End Pottery mark and JJ monogram, 18cm high £1,200 - £1,800


26. William De Morgan, a Mongolian variation four tile panel, circa 1890, in Persian colours, impressed Sands End Pottery marks, each 15cm square (4) £800 - £1,200

27. William De Morgan, a K L Rose sepia tile, circa 1885, yellow, pink and green, Merton Abbey mark, 15cm square £100 - £200 28. William De Morgan, a blue and white Lynx tile, 1898, painted with a horned beast, DM98 mark, 15cm square £100 - £200 29. William De Morgan, a K L Rose tile, circa 1885, maroon and green, Merton Abbey mark, 15cm square £100 - £200


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

30. William De Morgan, a Bedford Park Anemone tile, circa 1885, Persian colours, Merton Abbey mark, 15cm square £100 - £200

33. William De Morgan, a Mongolian variation four tile panel, circa 1890, in Persian colours, impressed Sands End Pottery marks, each 15cm square (4) £800 - £1,200

31. William De Morgan, a Mongolian tile, circa 1890, Persian colours, impressed Sands End Pottery mark, 15cm square £100 - £200 32. William De Morgan, a BBB sepia tile, circa 1885, clockwise scrolling flower head, De Morgan mark, 15cm square £100 - £200


34. William De Morgan, a large Persian Peacock twin handled vase, circa 1885, tulip neck double gourd form, painted with two birds in garden landscapes with carnations, below a foliate scroll neck, 37cm high £1,500 - £2,500


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

35. William De Morgan, four BBB tiles, circa 1885, two pairs forming a four tile panel, Merton Abbey marks, 15cm square (4) £400 - £600

36. William De Morgan, a Double Carnation large tile, circa 1880, pale blue, apparently unmarked, 20cm square £300 - £500

37. William De Morgan, a large Fan tile, circa 1880, Persian colours, lower tile, impressed De Morgan mark, 20cm square £300 - £500


38. William De Morgan, a Persian double Swan vase, circa 1892, squat ovoid bottle form with slender neck, painted with opposing birds and floral motifs in three onion domed cartouches, between bands of carnation and tulip vines, impressed Sands End tulip mark, 26.5cm high £3,000 - £5,000


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

39. William De Morgan, a Mongolian six tile panel, circa 1885, in Persian colours, impressed Merton Abbey marks, each 15cm square (6) £800 - £1,200

40. William De Morgan, a Mongolian four tile panel, circa 1885, in Persian colours, impressed Merton Abbey marks, each 15cm square (4) £500 - £800

41. William De Morgan, a Mongolian three tile panel, circa 1885, in Persian colours, impressed Merton Abbey marks, each 15cm square (3) £300 - £500


42. Ruskin Pottery, a High Fired bowl, 1906, footed rounded form, incised with a band of vine decoration, glazed in green speckles over marbles grey, red and purple, impressed marks, 25.5cm diameter £800 - £1,200

43. Ruskin Pottery, a High Fired vase, 1906, conical bulbous form, purple flambe glazed with a crystalline band of green speckles over cream, impressed marks, 15cm high £500 - £800


44. Ruskin Pottery, a High Fired ginger jar and cover, 1927, ovoid form pierced with six floral motifs of six heart shaped petals, band of marbled grey over mottled purple and sang de boeuf with green speckles, impressed marks, 15cm high £300 - £500

45. Ruskin Pottery, a small High Fired vase, 1909, bulbous trumpet form, speckled turquoise over purple flambe glaze, impressed marks, 7.5cm high £500 - £600

46. Ruskin Pottery, a High Fired Lily vase, 1920, cream with purple wave bands and splashes, impressed marks, 19cm high £500 - £800

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

47. Ruskin Pottery, a High Fired vase, circa 1906, shouldered ovoid form, streaky sang de boeuf flambe and electric blue glaze with green speckles, impressed marks, 18.5cm high £800 - £1,200

48. Ruskin Pottery, a High Fired vase, 1906, elongated shouldered form, mottled purple ox blood with speckled taupe and streaky green splashes, impressed marks, 19.5cm high £400 - £600

49. Ruskin Pottery, a High Fired vase, circa 1920, shouldered form, sang de boeuf flambe glaze over grey, impressed marks, 20.5cm high £400 - £600

50. Bernard Moore, a flambe figure of a Chinese deity, modelled in the Oriental style, sitting on lotus flower, painted marks, 21.5cm high £300 - £500


51. Bernard Moore, a lustre vase, meiping form, painted with birds in fruiting grape vines, painted marks, 22.5cm high £200 - £300

52. John Adams for Bernard Moore, a lustre flambe vase, circa 1910, meiping form, painted with flying storks over a frothing sea, printed mark and monogram, 28.5cm high £300 - £500

53. Bernard Moore, a flambe lustre Diakokan figure, modelled as a grotesque Oriental man, iridescent mottled silver over blue purple glaze, set with glass eyes, 6cm high £300 - £500

54. Bernard Moore, a small flambe lustre figure of a monkey, modelled clothed and coiled, purple blue glazed, set with glass eyes, 5.5cm high £200 - £300


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

55. Bernard Moore, a flambe figural vase, modelled as a badger on a log, set with glass eyes, painted monogram, 11cm long £200 - £300

56. Bernard Moore, a flambe figure of an owl, on rusticated mound, set with glass eyes, painted monogram, 12.5cm high £200 - £300

57. Bernard Moore, a flambe figure of a rabbit, modelled sitting, front paws raised, set with glass eyes, 8.5cm high £200 - £300

60. Bernard Moore, a flambe lustre figural fish vase, modelled writhing with mouth open, marbled iridescent glaze, printed marks, 10cm long £200 - £300

58. Bernard Moore, a small flambe figure of an owl, modelled perched on a branch, set with glass eyes, impressed and painted marks, 9.5cm high £150 - £250

59. Bernard Moore, a flambe figure of a dog, modelled lying down with front legs crossed, set with glass eyes, 14.5cmm long £200 - £300

61. Bernard Moore, a flambe figural fish vase, modelled with mouth open, mottled blue green over sang de boeuf, set with glass eyes, painted marks, 13cm long £200 - £300


62. Bernard Moore, a flambe lustre camel figure, modelled sitting, with two humps, set with glass eyes, impressed and painted marks, 13cm long £200 - £300

63. Bernard Moore, a flambe figure of a monkey, modelled crouching, wearing a jacket, high fired sang de boeuf glaze with blue streaks, impressed marks, 11.5cm high £200 - £300

64. Bernard Moore, a flambe figural elephant vase, modelled with howdah, sang de boeuf and orange glaze, set with glass eyes, 8cm high £200 - £300

65. Bernard Moore, three blanc de Chine figures, including elephant, dog and Diakokan, one set with glass eyes, one marked with monogram, 15cm long (3) £80 - £120

66. Evelyn Hope Beardmore for Bernard Moore, a flambe ginger jar and cover, painted with birds in flight over fruiting shrubs, pierced cover, painted marks, 22cm high £150 - £250

67. Cicely Jackson for Bernard Moore, a flambe vase, slender barrel form, painted with fruiting and blooming lemon tree branches, marks and monogram, 26cm high £100 - £200

68. John Adams for Bernard Moore, a flambe vase, shouldered ovoid form, painted with irises and water bird in watery landscape, painted marks, 13.5cm high £100 - £200

69. Cicely Jackson for Bernard Moore, a flambe vase, double gourd globe and shaft form, painted with a band of floral and foliate scrolls, marks and monogram, 24.5cm high £100 - £200


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

70. Bernard Moore, a flambe lustre Rembrandt portrait plate, over painted and jewelled with iridescent enamel beads, painted marks, 21.5cm diameter £200 - £300

71. Evelyn Hope Beardmore for Bernard Moore, a flambe vase, shouldered form, painted with prunus below a Greek key border, painted marks, 22.5cm high £200 - £300

72. Bernard Moore, a small flambe fairytale vase, rolo form, painted with a witch on broomstick, fairies, bat and crow, in a stary landscape, below a diaper neck, painted mark, 16cm high £200 - £300

73. Bernard Moore, a flambe aquatic tobacco jar, squat ovoid form, painted with fish and seaweed, brass finial, painted marks, 16cm diameter £150 - £250


74. John Adams for Bernard Moore, a flambe aquatic jardiniere, ovoid form, painted with fish and seaweed, painted marks, 19.5cm high, 26cm diameter £400 - £600 75. Bernard Moore, a flambe bowl, painted with a cockerel within bands of foliate scrolls and geometric hatched triangles, painted marks, 20.5cm diameter £150 - £250 76. Bernard Moore, a flambe galleon bowl, the central ship in full sail, within seaweed and wave borders, painted marks, 25.5cm diameter £150 - £250 77. Bernard Moore, a flambe peacock vase, baluster form, decorated with a bird in branch, highlighted in gilt, 16.5cm high £80 - £120


78. Bernard Moore, an iridescent flambe Chinoiserie vase, circa 1910, footed onion bottle form, decorated with an Oriental Geisha figure in a garden landscape of raised pine trees and mountains, highlighted in gilt, the neck in beige ochre lustre, over mottled blue, incised marks, 24.5cm high £500 - £800


79. Bernard Moore, a flambe Long Boat vase, circa 1904, shouldered form, decorated with figures and a ship on frothing waves, highlighted in gilt, marbled orange over a blue purple mottled ground, marked, 14cm high £600 - £800

80. Bernard Moore, a flambe Long Boat vase, circa 1904, bulbous bottle form, decorated with figures and a ship on frothing waves, highlighted in gilt, pink peach neck above a marbled blue purple and sang de boeuf ground, painted marks, 20cm high £600 - £800

81. Florence Barlow for Royal Doulton, a large stoneware pate sur pate vase, 1903, shouldered inverse baluster form, decorated with birds between tubelined majolica glazed knotted tendril motifs in the Art Nouveau style, impressed marks, incised monogram, 47.5cm high £800 - £1,200

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

82. Florence Barlow for Doulton Lambeth, a stoneware jug, 1874, shouldered gourd form, sgraffito decorated with a band of foxes and cubs in a barn interior, between glazed lappet borders, impressed marks and incised monogram, 24.5cm high £300 - £500

83. Hannah Barlow for Doulton Lambeth, a stoneware jug, 1875, conical baluster form, sgraffito decorated with a puppy in grassy landscape, below a lappet neck, blue glazed, impressed mark and monogram, 18.5cm high £250 - £350

84. Hannah Barlow for Doulton Lambeth, a stoneware jug, 1874, shouldered ovoid form, sgraffito decorated with horses, below a lappet neck, scrolling foliate incised handle, monogram, 15.5cm high £150 - £200

85. Hannah Barlow for Doulton Lambeth, a stoneware jug, conical baluster form, sgraffito decorated with a squirrel and oak branches, below a leaf lappet neck, impressed mark, 17.5cm high £200 - £300

86. Hannah Barlow for Doulton Lambeth, a stoneware twin handled mug, 1871, silver mounted cylindrical form, sgraffito decorated with girl with kid goat, the reverse with goat sleeping under a tree, impressed marks, 11.5cm high £250 - £350

87. Hannah Barlow for Doulton Lambeth, a stoneware coffee cup and saucer, 1876, sgraffito decorated with stag and deer in landscapes, the saucer with a geometric lappet border, impressed marks and incised monograms, 11.5cm diameter £150 - £250


88. Mark V Marshall for Doulton Lambeth, a brass mounted stoneware oil lamp, ovoid acorn form, sgraffito decorated with panels of flowering plants between bands of rosettes, Duplex wick, 41.5cm high £200 - £400

89. Florence Barlow for Royal Doulton, a stoneware vase, inverse baluster form, sgraffito decorated and tubelined with butterflies and strands of prunus blossom, between slip applied grass, impressed and incised marks, 27.5cm high £400 - £600

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.


90. Eliza Simmance for Doulton Lambeth, a large stoneware vase, shouldered ovoid bottle form, sgraffito decorated and beaded with stylised foliate tulips, wheat and angular lappets, impressed and incised marks, 49.5cm high £300 - £500 91. Eliza Simmance for Doulton Lambeth, a pair of stoneware vases, 1884, conical triple gourd form, sgraffito decorated with foliate scroll and floral motifs in majolica glazes, beaded C scroll skirting and banding, impressed and incised marks, 29cm high (2) £200 - £300

92. Mark V Marshall for Royal Doulton, a stoneware vase, 1906, slender ovoid form with broad flared rim, sgraffito decorated with foliate fronds, on a pink ground, impressed and incised marks, 39.5cm high £150 - £200

93. Eliza Simmance for Royal Doulton, a stoneware vase, 1910, shouldered inverse baluster form, sgraffito decorated with lappet arcading and foliate scrolls, blue and ochre green, impressed and incised marks, 34cm high £80 - £120

94. Francis Pope for Royal Doulton, a pair of stoneware vases, 1906, inverse baluster form, sgraffito decorated with knotted foliate tendrils in green, on a cream ground, impressed and incised marks, 28cm high (2) £150 - £250


95. Louisa Edwards for Doulton Lambeth, a large stoneware vase, 1883, rounded baluster form, sgraffito decorated with flowers on a tubelined prunus ground, impressed and incised marks, 38cm high £100 - £200

96. Mark V Marshall for Doulton Lambeth, a stoneware vase, shouldered inverse baluster form, tubelined with foliate scrolls over a central banded border, in green and blue on a brown ochre ground, impressed and incised marks, 39.5cm high £120 - £200

98. Mark V Marshall for Doulton Lambeth, a large stoneware vase, shouldered form, relief moulded with foliate scrolls and swirls, in green and blue on a brown ochre ground, impressed and incised marks, 43cm high £400 - £600


97. Eliza Simmance for Doulton Lambeth, a large stoneware vase, 1884, baluster form with broad denticulated rim, tubelined and sgraffito decorated with panels of entwined foliate scrolls within geometric quatrefoil and bar bands united by floral rosettes, impressed marks and incised monogram, 37cm high £150 - £250

99. George Tinworth for Doulton Lambeth, a pair of stoneware vases, shouldered ovoid form with flared rims, sgraffito decorated with scrolling seaweed design, relief moulded beading and rosettes, on a tubelined foliate scroll ground, incised monograms, 34cm high (2) £300 - £500

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

100. George Tinworth for Doulton Lambeth, a stoneware jug, 1874, conical baluster form, sgraffito decorated with seaweed and relief moulded beading and rosettes, glazed in brown and green, incised monogram, 26.5cm high £100 - £150

101. George Tinworth for Doulton Lambeth, a stoneware vase, 1874, shouldered ovoid form, sgraffito decorated with seaweed and relief moulded beading and rosettes, glazed in blue and green, incised monogram, 26cm high £100 - £200

102. Frank Butler for Doulton Lambeth, a stoneware jug, 1874, conical bulbous form, sgraffito decorated and beaded with seaweed scroll design, studded with relief moulded rosettes, below a lappet neck, impressed and incised marks, 19.5cm high £80 - £120

103. Mark V Marshall for Doulton Lambeth, a stoneware figural jar and cover, modelled in relief as a grotesque spherical fish, impressed marks, 15.5cm high £200 - £300


104. George Tinworth for Doulton Lambeth, a mouse figural menu holder, The Conjurers, 1886, modelled as a musical mouse with drum and pan pipes, two infant mice with hats, on stepped oval base, signed with monogram, 9cm high £500 - £800

105. George Tinworth for Doulton Lambeth, a mouse figure group, Scissor Grinder, circa 1885, modelled as a mouse at a grinding wheel, an infant mouse to the side, incised Scissors to Grind, Her Majesty Subjects, signed with monogram, 9.5cm high £2,000 - £3,000

107. George Tinworth for Doulton Lambeth, a stoneware figural salt cellar, modelled as a chorister putto, with garland sash and sheet of music, standing next to a bowl, 10cm high £400 - £600

108. George Tinworth for Doulton Lambeth, a stoneware pedestal salt cellar, 1877, modelled with four upright dolphins alternating with dolphin heads below, supporting a sgraffito decorated and beaded dish, incised assistant marks, apparently unsigned, 10cm high £200 - £300


106. George Tinworth for Doulton Lambeth, a mouse figural menu holder, Barber, 1886, modelled as a mouse tending to an infant, beside scallop headed column, two infant mice with hats, on stepped oval base, signed with monogram, 9.5cm high £800 - £1,200

109. Edith Lupton after George Tinworth for Doulton Lambeth, a stoneware figural inkwell, 1875, modelled with three winged putti seated and supporting a flared vessel, on tricorn base with pad feet, decorated with lappet and bead borders, incised artist monogram EDL, 9cm high £300 - £500

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

110. Mary Thomson after Mark V Marshall for Doulton Lambeth, a stoneware figural vase, The Waning of the Honeymoon, modelled as two rabbits sitting either side of a hexagonal section vase, on oval stepped base, the body carved and stamped with geometric fishscale and tile panels, the figures in pink, green and brown, incised artist monogram MT, 12cm high £700 - £1,000

111. George Tinworth for Doulton Lambeth, a stoneware frog figure, Canoeist, modelled in a kayak on watery plinth, impressed mark, apparently unsigned, 13cm long £800 - £1,200

112. George Tinworth for Doulton Lambeth, a mouse figure group, The Cockneys at Brighton, 1886, modelled as a family of mice in a rowing boat, on a wave moulded domed base, signed with monogram, 11cm high £2,000 - £4,000


113. Florence Barlow for Doulton Lambeth, a figural bird vase group, modelled in relief as a blue glazed vase surrounded by three ducklings, on rusticated ground, oval base, signed with monogram, impressed Doulton Silicon mark, 13cm high £2,000 - £3,000


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

114. Harry Simeon for Doulton Lambeth, a stoneware figural owl match holder, the silver mount marked for Chester 1895/96, modelled with glass eyes, impressed marks, 8cm high £80 - £120

115. Mark V Marshall for Royal Doulton, a stoneware grotesque paperweight, modelled as a coiled zoomorphic creature, impressed marks, 9cm long £100 - £200

116. Leslie Harradine for Royal Doulton, a stoneware Whist Booby figure, circa 1910, modelled as a grotesque imp, on stepped base, saltglazed, impressed marks, 11cm high £80 - £120

117. Leslie Harradine for Royal Doulton, a stoneware figure of a boy sitting on a plinth, circa 1914, model H48, modelled as a smitten child on green glazed pedestal, impressed marks, 15cm high £100 - £200

118. Mark V Marshall for Royal Doulton, a stoneware grotesque paperweight, modelled as a clothed amphibious creature, blue glazed, impressed marks, 6cm high £100 - £200


119. Walter J Nunn for Doulton Lambeth, a large faience painted vase, inverse baluster form, decorated in the Renaissance style with playful putti amongst foliate scrolls, between acanthus and fluted borders, impressed marks and painted monogram, 37cm high £300 - £500

120. Kathryn Sturgeon for Doulton Lambeth, a faience painted plaque, circular, decorated with a farmyard scene with piglets and girl, impressed and printed marks, monogram, 26cm diameter £150 - £250


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

121. Linnie Watt for Doulton Lambeth, a faience painted charger, circular, decorated with a girl reclining in the edge of a cliff, impressed and printed marks, signed, 40cm diameter £400 - £600

122. Margaret Thompson for Doulton Lambeth, a faience painted fairy vase, decorated with fairies and butterflies in landscape, impressed and printed marks, monogram, 34cm high £800 - £1,200


123. Harry Allen for Royal Doulton, a twin handled painted vase and cover, Menzala, footed and shouldered ovoid form with foliate scroll handles, on bracket foot, decorated with a Middle Eastern village scene at dusk, gilt and green ground, printed marks, signed, 14cm high £200 - £300

124. Harry Nixon for Royal Doulton, a painted vase and cover, drum ogee baluster form with foliate handles, on a square foot, decorated with a ploughing scene, printed mark and signed, 15.5cm high £200 - £300

126. David Dewsberry for Royal Doulton, a pair of floral painted vases, flattened ovoid bottle form, each with a bouquet of wildflowers within a tooled gilt foliate cartouche, on cobalt blue ground with garland swags, on feathered bracket feet, printed marks, signed, 18.5cm high (2) £300 - £500


125. Joseph Hancock for Royal Doulton, a twin handled painted vase and cover, footed and shouldered ovoid form with foliate scroll handles, on bracket foot, decorated with boy and horses crossing a ford in a country landscape, gilt and blue ground, printed marks, signed, 14cm high £200 - £300

127. Edwin Wood for Royal Doulton, a floral painted twin handled vase, ovoid footed form, decorated with a bouquet within raised gilt foliate cartouche, on a green ground, C scroll handles, printed marks, signed, 14cm high £150 - £250

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

128. Leonard Bentley for Doulton Burslem, a rose painted jug, conical Grecian helmet form with foliate scroll handle, decorated with peach roses and raised gilt sprigs on a blue ground, printed marks, signed, 27.5cm high £200 - £300 129. Enoch Piper for Royal Doulton, a rose painted vase, rounded cylindrical rolling pin form, decorated in the round with pink, white and yellow flowers, printed marks, signed, 22cm high £100 - £200

130. George White for Royal Doulton, a pair of painted vases, rounded cylindrical rolling pin form, each painted with a chiffon clad maiden in floral grounds, one with a birds nest in pink dress, the other yellow, feeding a dove, tooled gilt borders, printed marks, signed, 29cm high £800 - £1,200

131. Leslie Johnson for Royal Doulton, a painted twin handled vase, elephants foot cylindrical form with low loop handles, decorated with a Classical maiden feeding a dove in a floral landscape, printed marks, signed Arthur Leslie, 21cm high £200 - £300

132. Leslie Johnson for Royal Doulton, a pair of painted vases, Flora and Day Dreams, shouldered form, each with a woman in garden landscape, one in pink, the other in yellow, printed and painted marks, signed, 23cm high (2) £600 - £800


133. Sidney Hall for Doulton Burslem, a painted vase, footed ovoid form, the central oval panel with mother and child, within blush and powder raised gilt floral ground, printed marks and monogram, 23.5cm high £200 - £300


134. Leslie Johnson for Royal Doulton, a painted pedestal vase and cover, He Loves Me He Loves Me Not, the spherical body on slender stem, with narrow trumpet neck and triple C scroll handles, decorated in the round with a woman sitting in a floral garden landscape, between tooled gilt on blush bands, printed and painted marks, signed, 26cm high £400 - £600

135. George White for Doulton Burslem, a Lucasian Ware painted vase, Summer Gladness, conical ovoid form with narrow neck, decorated with a chiffon clad woman playing the lute, in a floral ground, printed Burslem and painted marks, signed, 24cm high £300 - £500

136. John Hugh Plant for Royal Doulton, a painted vase, flattened shouldered form on scroll bracket foot, decorated with a girl on a riverbank landscape with ancient oak tree, tooled and raised gilt borders, printed marks, signed, 26cm high £300 - £500

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

137. Joseph Birbeck Senior for Royal Doulton, a painted vase, flattened shouldered ovoid form, decorated in the round with an extensive valley landscape of castle ruin, hills and stream, between raised gilt borders and bracket foot, printed mark, signed, 18.5cm high £250 - £350

138. William Hodkinson for Doulton Burslem, a painted vase and cover, ovoid form with lobed panels between relief moulded floral borders, painted with a continuous watery landscape scene with swans, gilt floral tendril handles, printed marks and signed, 19.5cm high £150 - £250

139. Harry Allen for Royal Doulton, a painted twin handled vase, rounded cylindrical form, decorated with a cottage and sheep in landscape at dusk, printed marks, signed, 21.5cm high £100 - £200

140. Harry Tittensore for Royal Doulton, a painted vase, cylindrical form, decorated with a stylised Oriental figure in garden landscape with bridge and lantern at dusk, Titanian colours, printed marks, signed, 25cm high £400 - £600


141. Harry Allen for Royal Doulton, a Titanian crane vase, flattened ovoid form, painted with a bird in flight, printed marks, signed, 9.5cm high £250 - £350

144. F Henri for Royal Doulton, a Titanian lamb vase, flattened shouldered form, painted with frolicking lambs in spring landscape, printed marks, signed, 11cm high £400 - £600


142. Harry Allen for Royal Doulton, a Titanian Beyond Mans Footsteps vase, square section barrel form, painted with polar bears in an icy landscape, printed and painted marks, signed, 21cm high £600 - £900

145. Harry Allen for Royal Doulton, a Titanian mallard vase, slender shouldered form, painted with birds in flight over a moonlit iris landscape, printed marks, signed, 25.5cm high £300 - £500

146. Harry Allen for Royal Doulton, a Titanian Young Mavis vase, flattened shouldered bottle form with relief moulded lizard handles, painted with a bird on prunus branch, printed and painted marks, signed, 13cm high £250 - £350

143. Harry Allen for Royal Doulton, a Titanian Beyond Mans Footsteps vase, cylindrical form on integrated relief moulded Chinese bracket foot, painted with polar bears in an icy landscape, printed and painted marks, signed, 15cm high £500 - £800

147. Harry Allen for Royal Doulton, a Titanian Young Warbler vase, moonflask form, painted with a bird on prunus branch, printed and painted marks, signed, 11cm high £200 - £300

148. Harry Allen for Royal Doulton, a Titanian Young FlyCatcher vase, squat baluster form, painted with a bird on prunus branch, printed and painted marks, signed, 8cm high £200 - £300

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

149. Harry Allen for Royal Doulton, a Titanian Young Mavis bowl, rounded form, painted with a bird on prunus branch, printed and painted marks, signed, 17.5cm diameter £200 - £300 150. A Royal Doulton Titanian bowl, rounded and footed ogee form, enamelled and gilded with pine branches, below a tooled gilt rim, printed marks, 8cm diameter £80 - £120


151. Harry Allen for Royal Doulton, a very large Titanian Heron vase, slender waisted cylindrical form, painted with a standing heron below a flowering laburnum, raised gilt rim, painted and printed marks, signed, 53cm high Note: probably produced for an exhibition

£1,500 - £2,500


152. Charles Noke for Royal Doulton, a Chinese Jade bowl and cover, the finial relief moulded as a mother and child, painted marks, 11cm high £300 - £500


153. Charles Noke for Royal Doulton, a Chinese Jade vase, flattened shouldered form with relief moulded lizards to the shoulders, painted marks, 8cm high £200 - £300

154. Charles Noke and Harry Nixon for Royal Doulton, a Chang Titanian bowl, 1928, rounded with silver mount, green jade type drip glaze, painted marks, 8.5cm diameter £200 - £300

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

155. Charles Noke and Harry Nixon for Royal Doulton, a Chang dish, oval form with relief moulded leaves and lily flower, craquelure lava glaze, painted marks, 29.5cm long £500 - £800

156. Charles Noke and Harry Nixon for Royal Doulton, a Chang vase, ogee chalice form, painted with a band of scrolling waves, craquelure and fissure glazed in brown and cream, painted marks, 11.5cm high

157. Charles Noke and Fred Moore for Royal Doulton, a Chang Flambe vase, slender gourd form, fissured grey over cream with red shoulder and neck, 13cm high £400 - £600

Provenance: Richard Dennis Doulton Pottery Exhibition Part II, 1975, number 399 £400 - £600


158. Fred Moore for Royal Doulton, a Flambe libation cup, relief moulded ogee trumpet form with prunus blossom on an integrated pierced foot, 7.5cm high £150 - £250

159. Charles Noke, a Flambe experimental Chang glazed vase, teardrop bottle form, green over red, on cream ground, impressed and painted marks, 17.5cm high £150 - £250

160. Harry Nixon for Royal Doulton, a Flambe vase, ovoid form, painted with a kingfisher on branch and one in flight, highlighted in gilt, 18.5cm high £150 - £250

161. Harry Nixon for Royal Doulton, a Flambe vase, slender shouldered form, decorated with tulips, highlighted in gilt, 26cm high £200 - £400

162. Harry Nixon for Royal Doulton, a Flambe vase, barrel form, inverted rim, on four bracket feet, decorated with fish amongst fruiting branches, highlighted in gilt, 19.5cm high £300 - £500

163. Harry Nixon for Royal Doulton, a Flambe vase, shouldered ovoid form, decorated with flying birds over a frothing watery landscape, highlighted in gilt, 18.5cm high £300 - £500


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

164. Fred Moore for Royal Doulton, a Sung Flambe vase, shouldered gourd form, painted with a firebird, 14.5cm high £150 - £250 165. Charles Noke and Fred Moore for Royal Doulton, a Sung Flambe bowl, footed rounded form, the interior painted with a rose, 18cm diameter £150 - £250 166. Harry Nixon for Royal Doulton, a Sung Flambe bowl, footed shallow rounded form, 10.5cm diameter £50 - £100 167. Fred Allen for Royal Doulton, a small Sung Flambe bowl, the interior painted with bands of stylised leaves and rosettes, 8cm diameter £150 - £250 168. Charles Noke for Royal Doulton, a Sung Flambe bowl, conical form, the interior painted with a band of stylised lotus flowers, 11.5cm diameter £60 - £100 164



167 168


169. Charles Noke for Royal Doulton, a green Kingsware clock, plinth form, relief moulded with a policeman holding a dial, printed marks, 20.5cm high £800 - £1,200

170. Ian Gregory, a salt glazed stoneware figural invitation, 1978, modelled in relief as the Martin Brothers shop, for the Richard Dennis exhibition of the Martin Brothers Potters, Sotheby’s Belgravia, September 25th 1978, 25.5cm high Provenance: given to Tony Cross


171. Martin Brothers, a stoneware four tile panel, circa 1880, relief moulded with rosettes and foliate scroll motifs, each tile 7.5cm square £300 - £500

£300 - £500

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

172. Edwin Martin for Martin Brothers, a stoneware aquatic cache pot, 1914, rounded square section urchin form, each side relief moulded with grotesque fish, incised marks 2-1914, Martin Bros, London +, Southall, 10cm high £500 - £800

173. Edwin Martin for Martin Brothers, a stoneware cache pot, 1903, lobed square section gourd form, sgraffito decorated with dragonflies, on a beige ground, incised marks 1-1-1903, Martin Bros, London + Southall, 11.5cm high £600 - £900

174. Edwin Martin for Martin Brothers, a stoneware jardiniere, 1898, rounded shouldered form, sgraffito decorated and engraved with six characterful birds amongst wildflowers and grasses, on a blue ground, incised marks Martin Bros, London + Southall, 1-1898, 16.5cm high £2,000 - £3,000


175. Edwin Martin for Martin Brothers, a salt glazed stoneware jardiniere, 1890, shouldered and footed ovoid form, sgraffito decorated with flowers and insects, incised marks 11-1890, Martin Bros, London + Southall, 10cm high £200 - £400

176. Edwin Martin for Martin Brothers, a stoneware vase, 1891, spherical form with everted rim, sgraffito decorated with lilies, incised marks 21891, Martin Bros, London + Southall, 12cm high £100 - £150

177. Robert Wallace Martin for Martin Brothers, a stoneware jug, 1880, bulbed conical form, sgraffito decorated with raspberry bushes, between incised lined borders, incised marks 690, RW Martin, London + Southall, 4-80, 25cm high £150 - £250

178. Robert Wallace Martin for Martin Brothers, a stoneware boating mug, circa 1875, sgraffito decorated with four rowers and cox, above relief moulded panels of crossed oars, bulrush handle, incised marks, A3, RW Martin, Fulham, 10cm high £300 - £500

179. Robert Wallace Martin for Martin Brothers, a small stoneware sculptural bird figure, 1913, modelled as a characterful animal with open beak and webbed feet, blue green glaze, incised marks 18.7.193, RW Martin & Bro Southall, 7.5cm high £1,500 - £2,500 180. Robert Wallace Martin for Martin Brothers, a stoneware figural chess piece, 1917, modelled as the bust of a soldier with helmet, on square section waisted plinth, incised marks, RW Martin, Southall, 7.1917, 8cm high £400 - £600


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

181. Walter Moorcroft, a large Orchid vase, circa 1955, baluster form, impressed marks and underglaze green monogram, 33cm high £200 - £400

182. William Moorcroft, a Spring Flowers jug, circa 1936, spherical form, white ground, impressed marks and underglaze blue monogram, 14.5cm high £40 - £70

183. Walter Moorcroft, a Flambe lustre Laelia Autumnalis Orchid vase, circa 1960, ovoid form, impressed marks and underglaze blue monogram, 21cm high £80 - £120

184. William Moorcroft, a Banded Fern vase, circa 1928, shouldered bulbous form with flared neck, impressed marks and underglaze blue monogram, 24.5cm high £150 - £250

185. William Moorcroft for Liberty and Co., a lustre Landscape vase, circa 1905, baluster form, red glazed, printed marks and underglaze signature, 19cm high £120 - £180

186. William Moorcroft for Liberty and Co., a Grape Lustre vase, circa 1908, inverse baluster form, purple glaze, printed mark and underglaze signature, 13.5cm high £100 - £150


187. William Moorcroft for James MacIntyre, a Rose, Tulip and Forget me Not vase, circa 1907, waisted form with crimped rim, printed mark and underglaze green signature, 20cm high £80 - £120

188. William Moorcroft for James MacIntyre, an Eighteenth Century vase, circa 1908, inverse baluster form, printed mark and underglaze green signature, James Shoolbred retailer marks, 15.5cm high £100 - £150

192. William Moorcroft for James MacIntyre, a Florian Freesia vase, circa 1900, twin handled ogee cylinder form, printed mark and underglaze green signature, 25.5cm high £300 - £500


189. William Moorcroft for James MacIntyre, an Eighteenth Century tray, circa 1908, rectangular form, printed mark and underglaze green monogram, 34cm x 22.5cm £70 - £100

190. William Moorcroft for James MacIntyre, an Eighteenth Century twin handled vase, circa 1908, ogee beaker form, printed mark and underglaze green signature, 8.5cm high £70 - £100

193. William Moorcroft for James MacIntyre, a pedestal Florian Poppy vase, circa 1900, shouldered ogee gourd form, printed Florian mark and underglaze green monogram, 31.5cm high £200 - £400

191. William Moorcroft for James MacIntyre, an Eighteenth Century vase, circa 1908, inverse baluster form with cylindrical neck, printed mark and underglaze green signature, 18cm high £100 - £150

194. William Moorcroft for James MacIntyre, a Florian Blue Poppy vase, circa 1903, twin handled ogee cylinder form, printed mark and underglaze green signature, 25.5cm high £300 - £500

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

195. William Moorcroft for James MacIntyre, a Green and Gold Florian vase, circa 1903, knop necked ships decanter form, printed marks and underglaze green monogram, 25.5cm high £150 - £250

196. William Moorcroft for James MacIntyre, an Alhambra vase, circa 1903, inverse baluster form, printed mark, 10cm high £70 - £100

197. William Moorcroft for James MacIntyre, a Green and Gold Florian twin handled pedestal vase, circa 1903, ogee chalice form, printed marks and underglaze green monogram, 19.5cm high £150 - £250

200. William Moorcroft, a Cornflower vase, circa 1915, inverse baluster form, impressed Burslem marks and underglaze green signature, 24cm high £500 - £800

198. William Moorcroft for James MacIntyre, a small Green and Gold Florian vase, circa 1903, shouldered form with conical neck, printed mark and underglaze green monogram, 11cm high £80 - £120

199. William Moorcroft for James MacIntyre, a Daffodil vase, circa 1902, slender ogee chalice form, green on teal, printed mark underglaze green monogram, 25cm high £400 - £600

201. William Moorcroft, a pair of Cornflower vases, 1913, slender bulbous bottle form, impressed numbers, underglaze green signature and dates, 16cm high (2) £500 - £800


202. William Moorcroft, a Leaf and Berry vase, circa 1928, ogee cylinder form, blue ground, impressed marks and underglaze blue signature, 26cm high £100 - £200

205. William Moorcroft, a Wisteria on blue vase, circa 1920, bulbous form, impressed marks and underglaze green signature, 17.5cm high £80 - £120


203. William Moorcroft, a Leaf and Berry monochrome vase, circa 1928, ogee cylindrical form, celadon teal, impressed marks and underglaze blue signature, 27cm high £150 - £250

206. William Moorcroft, a Wisteria on blue vase, circa 1920, inverse baluster form, impressed marks and underglaze green monogram, 18.5cm high £80 - £120

207. William Moorcroft, a Flambe Wisteria vase, circa 1925, inverse baluster form, impressed marks and underglaze blue monogram, 14.5cm high £200 - £300

204. William Moorcroft, a salt glazed Leaf and Berry vase, circa 1930, shouldered bulbous form, impressed marks and underglaze blue monogram, 16.5cm high £150 - £250

208. William Moorcroft, a Wisteria vase, circa 1920, angled inverse baluster form, cream and blue, impressed marks and underglaze green signature, 18cm high £80 - £120

209. William Moorcroft, a Wisteria vase, circa 1920, inverse baluster form, cream and blue, impressed marks and underglaze green signature, 16cm high £80 - £120

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

210. William Moorcroft, a Pomegranate on ochre and blue vase, circa 1915, shouldered form, impressed Burslem marks and underglaze green signature, 22.5cm high £100 - £150

211. William Moorcroft, a Pomegranate on ochre and blue vase, circa 1915, inverse baluster form, impressed Burslem marks and underglaze green signature, 23.5cm high £100 - £150

213. William Moorcroft, a Pomegranate pedestal comport, circa 1928, circular with everted rim on a silver plated stand, impressed marks and underglaze blue monogram, 22cm diameter £40 - £70

212. William Moorcroft, a Banded Pomegranate vase, circa 1928, baluster form, impressed marks and underglaze blue signature, 18.5cm high £120 - £180

214. William Moorcroft, a Late Florian comport, circa 1913, pedestal tazza form, on plated stand, impressed Burslem marks, 22cm diameter £80 - £120



215. William Moorcroft, a Big Poppy vase, circa 1920, shouldered ovoid form, impressed marks and underglaze blue signature, 24.5cm high £250 - £350

216. William Moorcroft, a Big Poppy on ochre vase, circa 1928, inverse baluster form, impressed marks and underglaze blue monogram, 18cm high £200 - £300

217. William Moorcroft, a Big Poppy on ochre vase, circa 1920, inverse baluster form, impressed marks and underglaze teal monogram, 18cm high £200 - £300

218. William Moorcroft, a large Flambe Big Poppy vase, circa 1928, baluster form, impressed marks and underglaze blue signature, 33cm high £600 - £800


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

219. William Moorcroft, a Flambe Leaf and Berry vase, circa 1930, inverse baluster form, impressed marks and underglaze blue signature, remnants of sticker, 22.5cm high £200 - £400

223. William Moorcroft, a Pansy vase, circa 1916, inverse baluster form, cream and blue, impressed Burslem marks and underglaze green signature, 23.5cm high £150 - £250

220. William Moorcroft, a small Flambe Leaf and Berry vase, circa 1935, waisted form, impressed marks and facsimile, 8.5cm high £40 - £70

224. William Moorcroft, a Pansy vase, circa 1916, inverse baluster form, cream and blue, impressed Burslem marks and underglaze green signature, 23.5cm high £150 - £250

221. William Moorcroft, a Flambe Leaf and Berry vase, circa 1930, squat baluster form, impressed marks and underglaze blue signature, gold sticker, 15.5cm high £200 - £400

225. William Moorcroft, a small Powder Blue Pansy on blue vase, circa 1920, squat baluster form, impressed marks and underglaze green monogram, 7cm high £150 - £250

222. William Moorcroft, a small Flambe Leaf and Berry vase, circa 1935, ovoid form, impressed marks and facsimile, underglaze blue monogram, 9cm high £50 - £80

226. William Moorcroft, a small Pansy on blue vase, circa 1925, shouldered bottle form, impressed marks and underglaze blue monogram, 14cm high £70 - £100

227. William Moorcroft, a Pansy on blue vase, circa 1925, shouldered ovoid form, impressed marks and underglaze green monogram, 18.5cm high £80 - £120


228. William Moorcroft for James MacIntyre, a Hesperian Lilac vase, circa 1902, double gourd form, printed Florian mark and underglaze green signature, 28cm high £400 - £600

229. William Moorcroft for James MacIntyre, a Florian Cornflower vase, circa 1899, knopped bottle form, blue on blue, printed mark and underglaze green signature, 28cm high £150 - £250

232. William Moorcroft for James MacIntyre, a Florian Landscape vase, circa 1903, slender inverse baluster form, printed mark and underglaze green signature, 30.5cm high £800 - £1,200


230. William Moorcroft for James MacIntyre, a small Florian Cornflower vase, circa 1899, globe and shaft form, blue on blue, printed mark and underglaze green monogram, 12.5cm high £80 - £120

233. William Moorcroft, a Moonlit Blue vase, circa 1925, shouldered ovoid form, impressed marks and underglaze green signature, 25cm high £800 - £1,200

231. William Moorcroft for James MacIntyre, an Eighteenth Century blue on blue tobacco jar, circa 1908, squat ovoid form, printed mark, 10cm high £80 - £120

234. William Moorcroft for Liberty and Co., a Hazledine vase, circa 1903, double gourd form, printed marks and underglaze green signature, 16.5cm high £500 - £800

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

235. William Moorcroft for Liberty and Co., a Tudric pewter mounted Eventide vase and cover, on stand, circa 1925, inverse baluster form, on three footed planished stand, domed lid, impressed marks and underglaze blue monogram, 22cm high £800 - £1,200

237. William Moorcroft, a large Spanish jardiniere, circa 1915, shouldered ovoid form, impressed marks and underglaze green signature, 26.5cm high £1,000 - £1,500

238. William Moorcroft, a Spanish vase, circa 1915, inverse baluster form, impressed Burslem mark and underglaze green signature, 23cm high £400 - £600

236. William Moorcroft for Liberty and Co., a pair of Tudric pewter mounted Eventide candlesticks, circa 1925, splayed form, impressed marks and underglaze blue monograms, 10.5cm high £500 - £800

239. Walter Moorcroft, an Anemone vase, circa 1945, shouldered bulbous form, green and teal ground, impressed marks and facsimile underglaze teal monogram, 22.5cm high £100 - £150

240. William Moorcroft, a small Claremont twin handled vase, circa 1915, amphora form, impressed Burslem marks and underglaze green signature, 8cm high £200 - £300

241. William Moorcroft, a small Persian vase, circa 1914, shouldered form, impressed Burslem marks and underglaze green signature, 9cm high £120 - £180

239 237



242. William Moorcroft, a Flambe Waratah vase, circa 1932, open necked baluster form, impressed marks and facsimile, underglaze teal monogram, 18.5cm high £2,000 - £4,000


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

243. Daisy Makeig Jones for Wedgwood, a Fairyland lustre bowl, Leap-frogging Elves, footed and rounded form, z4968, 12.5cm diameter £200 - £300

244. Daisy Makeig Jones for Wedgwood, a Fairyland lustre vase, Firbolgs, ovoid double gourd form, gilt mark, 13cm high £200 - £300

245. Van Briggle Pottery, an Indian Head vase, circa 1920, modelled in relief with three Native American heads, on a spreading foot, Persian Rose and blue glaze, incised marks and AA Colorado Springs (Colo Spgs), 29cm high £100 - £200


246. Weller Pottery, an Eocean ware vase, circa 1900, shouldered ovoid form, slip decorated with a fish, dark green draining to pink, incised marks, 17.5cm high £40 - £70

247. Amelia Sprague for Rookwood Pottery, a slip decorated vase, circa 1898, ovoid form with everted rim, painted with poppies, impressed and incised marks, 16.5cm high £100 - £200

248. Weller Pottery, a Dickensware twin handled vase, circa 1898, double gourd form, slip decorated with leaves and berries, serpentine handles, impressed marks, 12.5cm high £40 - £60

251. Elizabeth McDermott for Rookwood Pottery, a landscape painted plaque, 1918, rectangular, Lake of the Woods, decorated with a lakeside scene with trees, signed and titled verso, 18.5cm x 23.5cm £400 - £600


249. Rookwood Pottery, a slip decorated vase, circa 1890, painted with roses, impressed marks, 13.5cm high £40 - £70

250. Edward T Hurley for Rookwood Pottery, a slip decorated vase, circa 1910, shouldered form, painted with a dog, incised monogram and title Daddy, 22.5cm high £200 - £400

252. Freidrich Rothenbusch for Rookwood Pottery, a landscape painted plaque, 1915, rectangular, A Peaceful Valley, decorated with a river and trees in rolling landscape, monogram, 13cm x 23.5cm, original frame £400 - £600

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

253. Theodore Deck, a pair of Japanesque vases, circa 1880, cylindrical brush pot form, painted in the Oriental style with Persian cartouches of birds on chrysanthemum and peony branches, within a Chinese foliate scroll ground, between flower head borders, impressed marks, 27.5cm high £1,000 - £1,500


254. Theodore Deck, a painted charger, circa 1870, decorated in the Aesthetic style with two flying geese, impressed marks, 30cm diameter £500 - £800

256. Longwy, an art pottery cloisonne vase, cylindrical brush pot form, enamelled with a dragon and butterfly in a floral and foliate scroll ground, impressed marks, 18cm high £100 - £200

255. Jules Antoine Legrain for Theodore Deck, a painted charger, 1865, circular form decorated with a putto climbing a fruiting grape vine, signed, painted marks verso, 30cm diameter £500 - £800

257. Longwy, an art pottery cloisonne plate, enamelled with pheasants in a watery landscape, impressed marks, 20.5cm diameter £80 - £120


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

258. Longwy, an art pottery cloisonne plate, enamelled in the Japanesque style with a bird in branch with chrysanthemum, impressed marks, 26cm diameter £100 - £150

260. Longwy, an art pottery cloisonne charger, circular, enamelled with storks in a Japanesque water landscape with waterlilies, palms and bamboo, impressed and printed marks, 35cm diameter £100 - £200

259. Longwy, an art pottery cloisonne charger, circular, enamelled with a central bird on prunus branch within ruyi head border and a turquoise ground of floral sprigs, the rim with lotus and ruyi heads, printed marks, 34cm diameter £100 - £200

261. Longwy, an art pottery cloisonne charger, circular, enamelled in the Iznik Persian style with flowers and leafy fronds, painted marks, 35cm diameter £100 - £200


262. Mettlach, Villeroy and Boch, a Jugendstil vase, 1907, fluted conical bottle form, incised with geometric concentric diamond and triangle border, incised 3076, 26.5cm high £50 - £80

263. Mettlach, Villeroy and Boch, a Jugendstil vase, 1904, twin handled hexagonal section shouldered bottle form, incised with panels of knotted tendrils in the Art Nouveau style, blue on cream, incised 2905, 24cm high £50 - £80

264. Mettlach, Villeroy and Boch, a pair of Jugendstil vases, 1905, hexagonal section bottle form, incised with concentric hexagons alternating with vacant rectangular frames, below a square panel border, incised 3074, 25.5cm high (2) £70 - £100

265. Mettlach, Villeroy and Boch, a large butterfly woman vase, shouldered form, relief moulded with fairy on prunus branch, amongst orchids, palm leaves and exotic flowers, on a rusticated blue faded ground, incised marks 1610, 66cm high £400 - £600


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

266. Zsolnay, Pecs, a lustre vase, circa 1915, shouldered form, painted with stylised Secessionist flowers in red and yellow on an iridescent ground, painted and impressed marks, 29.5cm high £500 - £800

267. Zsolnay, Pecs, a miniature lustre vase, circa 1915, twin handled double gourd bottle form, painted with floral cartouches and motifs on a turquoise foliate scroll ground, highlighted in gilt, printed mark, 8cm high £200 - £400

268. Zsolnay, Pecs, a lustre bowl, circa 1915, rounded form, painted with sunrise landscapes in iridescent turquoise and silver on a sang de boeuf ground, painted and impressed marks, 21cm diameter £400 - £600

269. Zsolnay, Pecs, a lustre vase, circa 1915, conical form, relief moulded with red chrysanthemums rising over a rusticated fence, on a blue iridescent ground, painted and impressed marks, 20cm high £800 - £1,200


270. Charles Catteau for Boch Freres, a small Art Deco vase, circa 1925, ovoid spherical form, each side with a stylised basket of flowers, between beaded bands, printed marks, 12.5cm high £60 - £100

271. Charles Catteau for Boch Freres, an Art Deco vase, circa 1925, conical bottle form, incised and enamelled with geometric floral sprays in turquoise, blue, yellow and black, on a craquelure ground, printed marks D.1174, 29cm high £150 - £250

272. Charles Catteau for Boch Freres, an Art Deco vase, circa 1925, shouldered form, incised and enamelled with deer in blue and turquoise on craquelure ground, printed mark, 27.5cm high £150 - £250

273. Charles Catteau for Boch Freres, an Art Deco vase, circa 1925, double gourd form, enamelled with geometric swags and vertical bands in orange yellow and black on a craquelure ground, printed marks D.740, 19cm high £60 - £100

274. Charles Catteau for Boch Freres, an Art Deco vase, circa 1925, shouldered ovoid form, incised and enamelled with geometric triangular lappets, in turquoise, blue and yellow, on craquelure ground, printed marks D.1101, 32cm high £150 - £250


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.



275. An iridescent glass vase, ovoid form with everted rim, applied blue lustre hoop design, ground pontil, 15cm high £80 - £120

276. Orient and Flume, an American studio glass iridescent vase, 1986, shouldered form with combe lappet decoration on a golden lustre ground, incised marks, 13.5cm high £70 - £100

279. Kralik, a Secessionist iridescent glass vase, Scales, shouldered ovoid form with four dimples, combed lustre, 20cm high £100 - £200


277. Max Rade for Frtiz Heckert, a Secessionist enamelled iridescent glass vase, bottle form, decorated with a teardrop vignette of a mermaid holding a lotus flower, on gilt ground, flanked by trailing floral vines, blue grey lustre, enamelled marks 491/6, 22.5cm high £100 - £200

280. Kralik, a large Secessionist iridescent glass vase, Aquagold, circa 1900, dimpled double gourd form, with three lipped neck, 33cm high £100 - £200

278. Stuart and Sons, an Art Deco enamelled glass vase, circa 1931, slender inverse baluster form, marbled amber, decorated floral strands and flower heads, acid mark, 33cm high £70 - £100

281. Otto Thamm for Fritz Heckert, a very large secessionist iridescent glass vase, shouldered form with four lipped crimped rim, 38cm high £200 - £400

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

282. Frederick Carder for Steuben, a DeVilbiss Art Nouveau iridescent glass atomiser, Tyrian Vine design, slender gourd form, orange with purple lustre webbing, gilt mounts, signed, 25.5cm high £100 - £200

285. Loetz, a Secessionist iridescent glass vase, PG 2/187, circa 1902, rounded conical form on foot, combed lustre over opaque stripes, 22.5cm high £100 - £200

283. Louis Comfort Tiffany, an Art Nouveau iridescent glass vase or bottle, Favrile, circa 1900, lobed gourd form with feathered fronds on golden lustre ground, incised full signature and number 07085, 11.5cm high £500 - £800

286. Loetz, a Secessionist iridescent glass bowl, Cobalt Papillon, rounded form, turquoise iridescent interior, 8.5cm diameter £70 - £100

284. Frederick Carder for Steuben, an Art Nouveau iridescent glass bowl, Aurene, trefoil lobed crimped rim, crackled lustre, incised marks 231, 10cm diameter £40 - £60

287. Michael Powolny for Loetz, a Secessionist iridescent glass vase, Ausfuehrung 226, circa 1925, pedestal campana form in metallic yellow with papillon lustre foot, 20.5cm high £100 - £200

288. Loetz, an Art Deco iridescent glass vase, Ruby Papillon, twin handled ogee bucket form on pad foot, 16cm high £150 - £250


289. Loetz, a Secessionist iridescent and silver overlay glass vase, Crete Papillon, circa 1900, dimpled angular ovoid form with twin lipped neck, geometric spiral design, 11.5cm high £400 - £600

290. Loetz, a Secessionist iridescent and silver overlay glass vase, Olympia, circa 1896, twin handled baluster form, with Art Nouveau style fruiting tendril design, 13cm high £250 - £350

291. Loetz, a Secessionist iridescent and silver overlay glass vase, Candia Papillon, circa 1900, dimpled goose neck bottle form, Art Nouveau style tendril and trellis design, 25cm high £500 - £800

292. Loetz, a Secessionist iridescent glass vase, PG 6893, Mountain Blue, dimpled baluster form with crimped three spout rim, threaded wave design, etched signature Loetz Austria, 22.5cm high £400 - £600


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

293. Rene Lalique, a pair of Oiseaux Et Spirales glass partition panels, designed circa 1929, frosted, modelled with birds looking left and right, set in a mirror frame, each panel 30.5cm x 14.5cm, overall 38cm x 91cm £2,000 - £4,000


294. Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian clouded or transmutation glazed vase, 1906, shouldered form, yellow over blue, impressed marks, 2369, 23cm high £100 - £200

295. Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian curdled opalescent glazed vase, 1906, shouldered form, mottled blue, impressed marks, 2369, 23cm high

299. Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian curdled opalescent glazed vase, circa 1911, rib moulded shouldered form, yellow green over brown, impressed marks, 2795, 18.5cm high £200 - £300

300. Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian flambe lustre vase, circa 1911, rib moulded globe and shaft bottle form, iridescent red, impressed marks, 2796, 19.5cm high £200 - £300


Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 367; illustrated in A J Cross, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery £100 - £200

296. Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian opalescent serpentine glazed vase, 1912, double gourd form, streaky blue over brown purple, impressed marks, 2126, 21cm high £100 - £200

297. Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian transmutation glazed vase, circa 1904, flared conical neck on a squat bulbous body, beige draining to pink brown streaky opalescent, printed mark, 13cm high £100 - £200

298. Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian opalescent veined glazed vase, circa 1904, conical double gourd form, turquoise streaky glaze, printed mark, 18cm high £100 - £150

301. Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian curdled opalescent glazed vase, circa 1911, rib moulded globe and shaft bottle form, green over brown, impressed marks, 2796, 19cm high £200 - £300

302. Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian curdled and clouded opalescent glazed vase, circa 1910, lobed ovoid shouldered form, blue, purple and green, impressed marks, 2780, 13.5cm high £100 - £200

303. Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian curdled and clouded opalescent glazed vase, circa 1910, double gourd form, mottled green impressed marks, 15cm high Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 366 £100 - £200

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

304. Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian aventurine crystalline glazed vase, circa 1920, shouldered ogee bottle form, aubergine purple, impressed marks, 2915, 19.5cm high

305. Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian crystalline vase, circa 1904, double ogee gourd form, streaky amber brown with aventurine, apparently unmarked, 17cm high £70 - £100

Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 434; illustrated in Corbett, A & B, 2016, Pilkington’s Lancastrian and Royal Lancastrian Pottery, A Guide for Collectors, p.12 £200 - £300

306. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian matt glazed textured vase, circa 1920s, ovoid shouldered form, painted with two fish in blue turquoise, impressed marks and monogram, 13cm high £150 - £250

307. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian relief moulded fish vase, circa 1920, shouldered form, orange streaky glazed, impressed marks and monogram, 12cm high £150 - £250

308. Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian black fruit peel glazed vase, circa 1920, baluster form, impressed marks, 2767, 13cm high £40 - £70

309. Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian trial glazed vase, circa 1903, squat ovoid form, painted with a band of filiate motifs, curdled opalescent rainbow glazed in green, pink and purple, impressed P and painted numbers, 6cm high £100 - £150


310. Pilkington, a large Royal Lancastrian curdled opalescent glazed vase, circa 1904, collared ovoid bulbous form, blue turquoise, incised and painted trial number No.165 2T, 41cm high Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 364 £300 - £500 311. Pilkington, a large Royal Lancastrian brown textured glazed vase, 1911, collared ovoid bulbous form, impressed marks, 2190A, 41cm high £300 - £500

312. David Evans for Pilkington, a pair of Royal Lancastrian Boy on Donkey bookends, circa 1963, modelled as medieval knights in armour, shield backs, matt taupe glaze, impressed and painted marks, 21cm high (2)

313. David Evans for Pilkington, a limited edition Royal Lancastrian figure of Boy on Faun, circa 1936, grey cream matt glaze, impressed marks, number 16 of 30, 26cm high £300 - £500

Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 494; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.72, pl.121A £300 - £500


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

314. Edward Bridges for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian vase, circa 1950, shouldered form, sgraffito decorated with stylised pine branches, in cream and brown gaze, impressed and incised marks, 28cm high £50 - £80

315. Gwladys Rodgers and Edward T Radford for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian vase, circa 1935, shouldered form, painted with stylised scales and arcading in blue over mottled matt grey, impressed and painted marks, 164, 28cm high £50 - £80

318. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian Sphinx paperweight, designed circa 1910, salt glazed oatmeal, impressed mark, 18cm long £80 - £120


316. John L Spencer for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian figure of a Sea Lion, circa 1930s, modelled with head raised, matt white glaze, impressed marks and monogram, 19.5cm high £80 - £120

319. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian Scarab paperweight, designed circa 1905, turquoise matt glaze, impressed mark, 9.5cm long £60 - £100


317. William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian relief moulded vase, 1934, shouldered ovoid form, modelled with a band of cockerels in field, below a scrolling border, grey matt glaze with turquoise staining, impressed and incised marks, 201, 18.5cm high £80 - £120

320. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian Sphinx paperweight, designed circa 1910, salt glazed oatmeal, impressed mark, 18cm long £80 - £120



321. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian figure of an Owl, modelled perched on a rusticated stump, matt jade turquoise glaze, impressed marks, 18.5cm high Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 485; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.55, pl.74 £200 - £300

322. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian figure of Monkey on Plinth, circa 1920, orange vermilion glaze, impressed marks, 11.5cm high £200 - £300

325. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian rouge flambe lustre figure of a Rat and Apple, circa 1910, modelled perched on a rusticated stump, apparently unmarked, 15cm long Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 478; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.55, pl.74 £400 - £600


323. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian figure of a Parrot, modelled perched on a pierced branch mound, matt jade turquoise glaze, impressed marks, 15cm high

324. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian figure of a leopard, circa 1920s, grey matt glaze, impressed marks, 12cm high £150 - £250

Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.55, pl.74 £200 - £300

326. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre figure group of boy and cockerel, circa 1919, modelled holding a bunch of grapes, bronzed iridescent glaze, impressed and painted marks, 17cm high £800 - £1,200

327. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre bust figure, 1906, modelled as a winged putto head, impressed marks, 13cm high £300 - £500

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

328. Walter Crane for Maw and Co., a red lustre vase, circa 1891, elongated ovoid form with ogee brad rimmed neck and flared foot, painted with Classical female figures, arms raised and crossed, holding oil lamps, between snake entwined trees, above a heart border, painted mark, 35.5cm high £800 - £1,200

329. Walter Crane and William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre Lion Bowl, 1914, ogee form, painted with a band of lions passant facing right, above a heart and rose ground, red and green iridescent, impressed and painted marks, 2469, 22cm diameter £500 - £800

330. Walter Crane and William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre Lion Bowl, 1921, ogee form, painted with a band of lions passant facing left, above a heart and rose ground, red and beige iridescent, impressed and painted marks, 2469, 22cm diameter £500 - £800

331. Walter Crane for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian trial lustre Lion vase, circa 1905, shouldered form, painted with a band of lions passant facing right, above heart and rose ground, matt silver on blue, impressed marks, 2131, 17cm high Note: illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery and Tiles, p.9, pl.III £500 - £800


332. Walter Crane and Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre Figures Ogee vase, 1910, shouldered form, painted with a dancing figures, garlands and flaming urns, on red flambe ground, between ogee panel borders, impressed and painted marks, 2671, 26.5cm high £1,000 - £1,500

333. Walter Crane and Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre Figures Striped vase, 1913, shouldered form, painted with a dancing figures, chains and trees, holding oil lamps, on orange flambe ground, between striped borders, impressed and painted marks, 2671, 26.5cm high £1,000 - £1,500


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

334. Walter Crane and Charles Cundall for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre Bone Accorde vase, 1910, double ogee bulb based and flared trumpet form, painted with a band of winged putti , arms raised, above a foliate lappet body, below an inscribed rim border, impressed and painted marks, 23cm high £1,200 - £1,800


335. Charles Cundall for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1909, shouldered form, painted with a band of peacocks and trees, above bands of interlaced foliate sprigs, iridescent silver over red, impressed and painted marks, 17.5cm high £200 - £300

336. Charles Cundall for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1907, bulbous bottle form, painted with flying cranes in clouds, below vertical stripes of alternating irregular wheel motifs, copper over cream, impressed and painted marks, 17.5cm high £400 - £600

337. Charles Cundall for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian red lustre vase, 1907, bulbous bottle form, painted with roses and foliate sprigs, below vertical stripes, impressed and painted marks, 17.5cm high Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 149; illustrated in A J Cross, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.35; illustrated in Corbett, A & B, 2016, Pilkington’s Lancastrian and Royal Lancastrian Pottery, A Guide for Collectors, p.97 £300 - £500


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

338. Walter Crane and Charles Cundall for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre Peacock plate, 1906/07, painted with a bird in full display, green red and bronze iridescence, the reverse with stylised tulips, impressed and painted marks, 2476, 30.5cm diameter Note: illustrated in Corbett, A & B, 2016, Pilkington’s Lancastrian and Royal Lancastrian Pottery, A Guide for Collectors, p.188 £1,500 - £2,500


339. Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre twin handled tazza, circa 1910, Kylix form, after the Ancient Greek example, sgraffito decorated with a boy riding two horses and inscribed ‘ho pais kalos’, the outside of the bowl with chariot and warrior figures, yellow ochre ground with iridescent pink, 30cm wide, 13cm high £200 - £400

340. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre twin handled tazza, 1913, Kylix form, painted with a Classical figure holding a lyre, on a klismos chair, within red and copper banding, green banded to the underside, painted and impressed marks, 2219, 30cm wide, 13cm high Note: illustrated in Corbett, A & B, 2016, Pilkington’s Lancastrian and Royal Lancastrian Pottery, A Guide for Collectors, p.125 £300 - £500


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

341. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre jug, 1911, footed squat ovoid form with loop handle, inscribed Nil Sine Te Me Prosunt Honores, above a band of medieval women riding horses, between cheque and solid foliate shrubs, cream draining to green, impressed and painted marks, 2974, 15cm diameter £400 - £600


342. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, circa 1920, shouldered form, painted with pairs of Roman soldiers between olive trees and plinth, above a band of stylised honeysuckle motifs, the rim with band of vines, impressed and painted marks, 27.5cm high Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 226; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.35, pl.xxiv £800 - £1,200


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

343. Richard Joyce and Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a large Royal Lancastrian relief moulded lustre Heracles vase, 1908, shouldered and footed conical ovoid form, the central band modelled with the Classical nude figure wrestling with the Nemean lion, in a raised foliate scroll ground, between gadrooned borders, the neck with decorated with the title in bronzed iridescence on blue ground, impressed and painted marks, 33.5cm high Note: illustrated in Corbett, A & B, 2016, Pilkington’s Lancastrian and Royal Lancastrian Pottery, A Guide for Collectors, p.134 £1,500 - £2,500


344. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1914, footed conical bottle form, painted with a band of entangled flowering rose, below cloud and foliate borders, impressed and painted marks, 20.5cm high £300 - £500

345. William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian triple lustre vase, 1923, globe and shaft form, painted in iridescent blue, silver and red with a fruiting grape vine on dark blue ground, below a fish scale neck, impressed and painted marks, 20.5cm high Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 117; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.35, pl.xxi £200 - £400


346. Charles Cundall for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1910, diamond section shouldered bottle form, green ground, painted with four panels of dogs behind trees, below a geometric ribbon and dot band, impressed and painted marks, 17.5cm high Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 148; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.35, pl.xxiii £500 - £800

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

347. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, circa 1925, shouldered form, painted with a band of stags leaping in a forest, above red ground panels of stylised flowers, impressed and painted marks, 2369, 23cm high £600 - £900

348. Annie Burton for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1913, conical shouldered bottle form, painted with feathered leafy flowers, impressed and painted marks, 17cm high Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 38; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.70, pl.115 £400 - £600

349. William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1910, shouldered form with elongated neck, green ground painted with panels of rampant lions and foliate scrolls between poplar trees, ribbon and vine borders, the neck with red and copper foliate fronds, impressed and painted marks, 27cm high £600 - £900


350. Walter Crane and William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre Pegasus vase, 1932, twin handled moonflask form, painted with a winged horse within foliate scroll border, the reverse with coat of arms within ribbon border, the rectangular foot with lappet scale decoration, in bronze iridescence on blue ground, impressed and painted marks, 27.5cm high Note: illustrated in Corbett, A & B, 2016, Pilkington’s Lancastrian and Royal Lancastrian Pottery, A Guide for Collectors, p.190 £2,000 - £3,000



For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

351. William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian heraldic lustre charger, 1919, flat circular form on conical foot, painted with a central coat of arms with red shield of stars and dragon crest in a foliate scroll ground, within a blue motto band Exitis Acta Probat, bordered with scrolling vine, the reverse with stylised leaves, impressed and printed marks, 30.5cm diameter Note: illustrated in Corbett, A & B, 2016, Pilkington’s Lancastrian and Royal Lancastrian Pottery, A Guide for Collectors, p.167 £500 - £800

352. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre heraldic twin handled vase, 1908, shouldered ovoid form, painted with red shields of lions rampant, within a blue ground of foliate scrolls, impressed and painted marks, 2662, 23cm high £600 - £900

353. William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre heraldic vase, 1920, shouldered from, painted with a coat of arms of red shield with cross, on a blue foliate scroll ground of red flower heads, with Gothic script motto Gloria in Excelsis Deo, impressed and painted marks, 2369, 22.5cm high £600 - £900


354. William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre heraldic vase, 1916, shouldered from, painted with a coat of arms with red shield of lion rampant, on a blue foliate scroll ground of red flower heads, with Gothic script motto Frangas non Flectes, impressed and painted marks, 2369, 23cm high £600 - £900

355. William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre heraldic vase, 1925, ovoid shouldered form, painted with ogee cartouches of royal beasts, including lion, griffin, dragons, boar and collared swan, each in an orange foliate scroll ground, below a band of leafy rosette panels, impressed and painted marks, 18.5cm high £500 - £800

356. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre exhibition plaque, 1908, circular, painted with lettering Salute, within a low relief border of Bacchanalian putti emerging from cornucopia, supporting cheque pattern shields, painted marks and monogram, 22cm diameter Provenance: shown at the Franco British Exhibition, 1908; Margaret Pilkington collection; Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 323; illustrated in A J Cross, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.51; illustrated in Corbett, A & B, 2016, Pilkington’s Lancastrian and Royal Lancastrian Pottery, A Guide for Collectors, p.120; £500 - £800

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.


357. William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1920, spherical gourd form, painted with red cornflowers in a foliate scroll and speckled ground, below bands of trailing vine lappers and geometric border, impressed and painted marks, 2864, 18cm high Note: illustrated in Corbett, Pilkington’s Lancastrian Lancastrian Pottery, A Guide p.170

A & B, 2016, and Royal for Collectors, £300 - £500

358. Jessie Jones for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre twin handled vase, 1907, ovoid form, painted with a stag flanked by poplar trees to each side, within a foliate scroll ground, black over yellow beige, impressed and painted marks, 22cm high

359. William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1911, cylindrical necked bulbous form, painted with flowering rose bush on a cream to green graded ground, impressed and painted marks, 28cm high

Provenance: Franco British Exhibition, 1908; Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980; illustrated in the British Art Journal, 1908; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.70, pl.116; illustrated in Corbett, A & B, 2016, Pilkington’s Lancastrian and Royal Lancastrian Pottery, A Guide for Collectors, p.88 £400 - £600

Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 74; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.35, pl.xxi £600 - £900


360. Gwladys Rodgers for Pilkington, a small Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, circa 1925, conical gourd bottle form, painted with Celtic knots and roses on a red ground, below a bronze iridescent neck, impressed and painted marks, 2598, 14cm high £150 - £250

363. Dorothy Dacre for Pilkington, a small Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1907, ogee double gourd form, painted with floral sprigs between bands of foliate vines, in iridescent blue ground, impressed and painted marks, 10.5cm high

361. Charles Cundall for Pilkington, a small Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1907, shouldered form, painted with panels of red five petal flower heads within silver borders of Celtic knotted strands, impressed and painted marks, 11cm high

362. Charles Cundall for Pilkington, a small Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1907, ovoid form, painted with red foliate scrolling vines between stylised tree lappets, impressed and painted marks, 9cm high £300 - £500

Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 146; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.35, pl.xxiii; illustrated in Corbett, A & B, 2016, Pilkington’s Lancastrian and Royal Lancastrian Pottery, A Guide for Collectors, p.95 £300 - £500

364. Jessie Jones for Pilkington, a small Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1907, shouldered form, painted with heart leaf trees between poplars, on a copper ground, impressed and painted marks, 13.5cm high £400 - £600

365. Jessie Jones for Pilkington, a small Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1908, ovoid form, painted with flowering stems of alternating heights, on a blue ground, impressed and painted marks, 9cm high £300 - £500

Note: illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.39, £300 - £500


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

366. Charles Cundall for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1910, conical shouldered ovoid form, painted with eagles and fruiting pomegranates in iridescent copper over purple, impressed and painted marks, 20cm high Note: illustrated in Corbett, A & B, 2016, Pilkington’s Lancastrian and Royal Lancastrian Pottery, A Guide for Collectors, p.99 £600 - £900

367. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a large Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1909, shouldered form, painted with PreRaphaelite maidens in an orchard, within a field of flowers and grassy tufts, blue ground with gold lustre, impressed and painted marks, 2089, 34.5cm high Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 291; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.35 £1,000 - £2,000

368. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a large Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1920, shouldered form, painted with Classical women frolicking with winged putti and Cupid, above a border of rectangular Greek key and foliate panels, impressed and painted marks, 2089, 34.5cm high £1,000 - £1,500


369. William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1913, shouldered form , painted with a blue band of deer amongst foliate scrolls, between chevron lappet borders, above a knotted tendril and leafy sprig lower section, impressed and painted marks, 22.5cm high

370. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1914, spherical bottle form, painted with a Medieval hunting scene of archers stalking deer in a forest, red ground with blued steel iridescent decoration, between foliate and scrolling cloud bands, impressed and painted marks, 3089, 22cm high

Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 62; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.35, pl.xxi and p.68, pl.107 £500 - £800

Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 166 £800 - £1,200

371. Edward T Radford and William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1929, ribbed ovoid form, painted with a band of stylised daisies on foliate vine, on yellow cream ground, incised, impressed and painted marks, 23.5cm high £150 - £250

372. William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre pedestal bowl, 1930, rounded form, red ground, painted with stylised scrolling leaves and central flower head, within a knotted scroll border, impressed and painted marks, 3174, 25.5cm diameter £150 - £250


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

373. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre three handled pedestal motto vase, 1908, Campana form, inscribed Manners Make a Man, in Gothic script over a wrythen foliate fluted body in red on cream, S scroll handles and iridescent splayed foot, impressed and painted marks, 15cm high £300 - £500

376. Pilkington, a miniature Royal Lancastrian lustre conjoined amphorae vase, circa 1905, purple iridescent glaze, 6.5cm high £150 - £250

374. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a small Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1906, ovoid form, painted with harpies between poplar trees on a blush cream spotted ground, impressed and painted marks, 11cm high £100 - £150

377. Annie Burton for Pilkington, a miniature Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, circa 1910, spherical form, painted with leafy fronds in copper over beige, incised and painted marks, 2735, 7cm high £150 - £250

378. Pilkington, a miniature Royal Lancastrian rouge flambe lustre vase, circa 1906, flattened shouldered form with relief moulded lizard handles, incised numbers, 6.5cm high £100 - £200

375. Gwladys Rodgers for Pilkington, a small Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1908, shouldered ovoid form, painted with fritillaries, below a jagged chevron shoulder, blush beige ground, impressed and painted marks, 10cm high £200 - £300

379. Gwladys Rodgers for Pilkington, a miniature Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, circa 1910, meiping form, painted with stylised fronds of seaweed type branches with red flowers, on a beige cream ground, painted marks, 8.5cm high £200 - £300

380. Pilkington, a miniature Royal Lancastrian lustre conjoined amphorae vase, circa 1905, purple iridescent glaze, 6.5cm high £150 - £250


381. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian reticulated and relief moulded lustre vase, 1913, shouldered form, the outer shell pierced with a hunting scene of figures, animals and plants, highlighted in iridescent green, between blue borders, impressed and painted marks, 21.5cm high Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 305; illustrated in A J Cross, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.54, pl.69; illustrated in Corbett, A & B, 2016, Pilkington’s Lancastrian and Royal Lancastrian Pottery, A Guide for Collectors, p.125 £2,000 - £3,000

382. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian reticulated and relief moulded lustre vase, 1913, shouldered form, the outer shell pierced with a hunting scene of figures, animals and plants, highlighted in iridescent green, between blue borders, impressed and painted marks, 21.5cm high Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 275 £1,000 - £1,500


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

383. Charles Cundall for Pilkington, a small Royal Lancastrian heraldic lustre vase, 1908, shouldered form, painted with the shields of England, Scotland and Ireland within a thorny knotted briar rose bush, on blue ground, impressed and painted marks, 2569, 12cm high £200 - £300

384. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1913, cylindrical shouldered form, painted with deer in foliate scroll ground, bronze over blue, impressed and painted marks, 12.5cm high £150 - £250

385. Dorothy Dacre for Pilkington, a small Royal Lancastrian lustre twin handled vase, 1907, shouldered ovoid form, bronzed iridescent bands of alternating wrythen fluting, scrolling flowering vine and wheel motifs, impressed and painted marks, 10.5cm high £150 - £250

386. William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1922, shouldered ovoid form, painted with stylised trees of foliate scrolls and flowers, between sprigs of daisies on tufted ground, blue glaze, impressed and painted marks, 2623, 14.5cm high £200 - £400

387. Charles Cundall for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1908, octagonal section shouldered form, each panel with Gothic arcading infront of foliate scroll and flowering rose, impressed and painted marks, 20cm high £400 - £600

388. William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1920, shouldered form, painted with panels of foliate scrolls with pairs of birds and grape vines, between feather edged ogee arcading, impressed and painted marks, 2338, 14cm high £300 - £500


389. Walter Crane and Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre Sea Maiden or Swan vase, 1907, spherical bottle form, painted with three ships in sail with classical women, peach ground, impressed and painted marks, 26.5cm high £2,000 - £4,000


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

390. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre galleon vase, 1913, shouldered ovoid form, painted with galleons alternating with wreathed spread eagles, between poplar trees, on a red ground, with orange banding, impressed and painted marks, 2585, 16.5cm high £500 - £800

391. William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre galleon vase, 1912, shouldered ovoid form, painted with two ships in sail, on scrolling seas, between wreath and fleur de lys motifs, yellow draining to green ground, impressed and painted marks, 2128, 20cm high Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 97; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.35, pl.xxi £800 - £1,200

392. Charles Cundall for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre galleon vase, 1909, shouldered ovoid or amphora form, painted with four ships in full sail, below a motto band East West Hames Best, between panelled bands of foliate seaweed, on purple ground, impressed and painted marks, 14cm high £600 - £900


393. William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre galleon ginger jar and cover, 1913, painted with alternating small and large ships in full sail, between wreaths of fleur de lys emblems, impressed and painted marks, 17.5cm high £500 - £800

394. William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre galleon vase, 1932, shouldered ovoid form, painted with six swan boats in sail, on scrolling seas, below a band of clouds, purple ground with bronzed iridescence, impressed and painted marks, 2637, 20cm high

395. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre galleon vase, 1908, shouldered ovoid form, painted with a ship in full sail to each side, between wreaths of lions rampant, on cobalt blue ground, impressed and painted mark, 18.5cm high £800 - £1,200

Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 54; illustrated in Corbett, A & B, 2016, Pilkington’s Lancastrian and Royal Lancastrian Pottery, A Guide for Collectors, p.183 £500 - £800

396. William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre galleon charger, 1924, flat circular form, red ground with ship in sail on open seas, within a foliate ribbon border, impressed and painted marks, 32cm diameter Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 55 £600 - £900


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

397. Jessie Jones for Pilkington, a small Royal Lancastrian lustre box and cover, circa 1907, circular, the lid painted with four quatrefoil rosettes within a berried vine wreath, cream ground, impressed and painted marks, 2594, 5.5cm diameter £300 - £500

400. Jessie Jones for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre box and cover, 1907, circular, the lid painted with a spread eagle or phoenix within a leafy wreath, the tapered sides with tulips and foliate sprigs, impressed and painted marks, 2593, 8.5cm diameter £300 - £500

398. Jessie Jones for Pilkington, a small Royal Lancastrian lustre box and cover, 1907, circular, the lid painted with a rosette within a band of seaweed sprigs, blue ground, impressed and painted marks, 2594, 5.5cm diameter £300 - £500 401. Jessie Jones for Pilkington, a small Royal Lancastrian lustre box and cover, 1907, circular, the lid painted with a cross shield within a band of Secessionist style scrolls and concentric squares, blue ground, impressed and painted marks, 2594, 5.5cm diameter £300 - £500

399. Annie Burton for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre box and cover, 1913, circular, painted with a central rosette within concentric rings and band of quatrefoil and C scrolls impressed and painted marks, 8cm diameter Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery Exhibition 1980, number 28; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.39, pl.xxviii; illustrated in Corbett, A & B, 2016, Pilkington’s Lancastrian and Royal Lancastrian Pottery, A Guide for Collectors, p.92 £300 - £500

402. Annie Burton for Pilkington, a small Royal Lancastrian lustre box and cover, circa 1915, circular, the lid painted with a central rosette within a vine wreath, iridescent green ground, impressed and painted marks, 2594, 5.5cm diameter £300 - £500


403. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1914, squat ovoid form, painted with lions passant, between cheque and diaper poplar trees, copper over teal green, impressed and painted marks, 12cm high Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 269 £400 - £600

404. Charles Cundall for Pilkington, a small Royal Lancastrian heraldic lustre vase, 1909, globe and shaft form, painted with panels of rampant lions between fish scale diaper tiles, below a geometric chevron border, impressed and painted marks, 12.5cm high £400 - £600

406. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian red lustre twin handled vase, 1907, baluster form, painted with crowned rampant lions in a foliate scroll ground, below a lappet band and rosette bordered neck, painted and impressed marks, 2595, 22cm high Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 195; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.35, pl.xxiv £400 - £600


405. William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1912, vertically ribbed squat ovoid form, reverse painted with birds in foliate branches, between raised teardrop moulding, above a band of fluted lappets, silver iridescence over yellow to green vari hue glaze, impressed and painted marks, 14.5cm diameter £400 - £600

407. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a large Royal Lancastrian heraldic lustre vase, 1909, ribbed shouldered form, painted with seven panels of lions rampant between relief moulded vertical teardrop pilasters, blue ground, decorated in iridescent bronze, impressed and painted marks, 44cm high Provenance: commissioned by Harriet Nelson for Sir Amos Nelson, the Lancashire cotton manufacturer £500 - £800

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

408. Gwladys Rodgers for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre bowl, 1907, rounded and footed form, painted with a central fish within a border of shells and seaweed, on red ground, impressed and painted marks, 2680, 15cm diameter Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 24; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.39, pl.xxvii; illustrated in Corbett, A & B, 2016, Pilkington’s Lancastrian and Royal Lancastrian Pottery, A Guide for Collectors, p.108 £300 - £500

411. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre fish vase, 1908, shouldered conical ovoid form, painted with an aquatic scene of seaweed and fish, on a beige ground with iridescent silver and red coral decoration, impressed and painted marks, 2617, 19cm high Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 217; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.35, pl.xxiv £600 - £900

409. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre fish vase, 1909, shouldered form with flared neck, painted with an aquatic scene of seaweed and fish, on a green ground with iridescent red decoration, impressed and painted marks, 2112, 22cm high £800 - £1,200

410. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre fish vase, 1918, shouldered cylindrical ovoid form, painted with an aquatic scene of seaweed and fish, on an iridescent ground, impressed and painted marks, 2946, 22.5cm high £500 - £800

412. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre fish vase, 1917, shouldered form with flared neck, painted with an aquatic scene of seaweed and fish, on a teal green ground with iridescent silver decoration, impressed and painted marks, 2112, 22cm high £600 - £900

413. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a small Royal Lancastrian lustre fish vase, 1924, shouldered ovoid form, painted with an aquatic scene of seaweed, seahorse and fish, on a streaky blue ground with iridescent silver and red decoration, impressed and painted marks, 2521, 19cm high Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 167 £400 - £600


414. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, circa 1907, shouldered form, painted with a band of Persian bulls, between foliate stems and borders of scrolling clouds and chevrons, teal ground with red lined iridescent decoration, impressed and painted marks, 28cm high £1,200 - £1,600

415. William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1932, ovoid form, painted with birds in flight over a rolling hill and tufted field ground, below a band of scrolling clouds and foliate scrolls above, impressed and painted marks, 2840, 22cm high

416. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1909, shouldered ovoid form, painted with reverse painted with crows in trees, blue and bronze, painted and impressed marks, 2639, 18.5cm high

Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 71; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.35, pl.xxi; illustrated in Corbett, A & B, 2016, Pilkington’s Lancastrian and Royal Lancastrian Pottery, A Guide for Collectors, p.183 £500 - £800

Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 279; illustrated in A J Cross, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.35 and p.54, pl.73 £800 - £1,200


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

417. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1913, shouldered ovoid form, painted with alternating panels of birds and foliage, on an iridescent brown ground, impressed and painted marks, 13.5cm high Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 304 £200 - £400

420. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1919, footed bulbous bottle form, painted with a geometric knotted lattice and polka dots on a green ground, impressed and painted marks, 22cm high Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 303; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.35, pl.xxii £200 - £400

418. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre ginger jar and cover, 1913, painted with panels of leopards in foliate scroll ground, between diaper poplar trees, scroll and interlaced vine banding, impressed and painted marks, 17.5cm high £500 - £800

419. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1909, spherical bottle form, painted with an orange band of leaping antelope between poplar tress, impressed and painted marks, 18.5cm high £400 - £600

421. Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian trial lustre vase, circa 1905, shouldered form, painted with looping feathered fronds and spotted teardrops below a geometric collar, impressed marks and painted numbers, 20cm high £100 - £200

422. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre vase, 1919, lobed shouldered form, painted with a trellis design of heraldic emblems including rampant lion, fleur de lys, rose, lily and cross, red and black on grey ground, impressed and painted marks, 2787, 14.5cm high £400 - £600


423. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a large Royal Lancastrian lustre ginger jar and cover, 1909, painted with heraldic lions passant, on a green foliate scroll and red speckled ground, between chevron and ribbon borders, impressed and painted marks, 2641, 24cm high £800 - £1,200


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

424. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre heraldic vase and cover, 1914,shouldered ovoid form, painted with armoured knights on horseback, within foliate scroll and red speckled ground, below a border of scrolls, flat top, impressed and painted marks, 21cm high £1,200 - £1,800


425. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a large Royal Lancastrian twin handled heraldic lustre vase, 1908, shouldered bulbous form, painted with a motto in Gothic script Ave Maria Gratia Plena, above two red lions on a sage green foliate scroll ground, impressed and printed marks, 2613, 30cm high Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 270


£1,000 - £1,500

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

426. Annie Burton for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre bowl, 1910, ogee rounded form, iridescent yellow to green ground, painted to the exterior with a band of leafing vine, impressed and painted marks, 17cm diameter Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 29; illustrated in Corbett, A & B, 2016, Pilkington’s Lancastrian and Royal Lancastrian Pottery, A Guide for Collectors, p.93 £80 - £120 427. William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian heraldic lustre charger, 1923, flat circular form, painted with a central coat of arms with red lion shield and swan crest in a foliate scroll ground, the rim with motto Salus Populi Suprema est Lex, on pink peach iridescent band, the reverse with concentric rings and incised motto translation the welfare of the people is the supreme law, and incised ‘motto of Missouri’, impressed and painted marks, 32cm diameter £400 - £600

429. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian heraldic lustre dish, 1908, circular with everted rim, painted with a central red shield of rampant lion, within a stylised landscape border of poplar trees, birds and cloud scrolls on blue ground, the reverse with spade motifs, impressed and painted marks, 21.5cm diameter Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 407 £200 - £400 430. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian heraldic lustre bowl, 1909, shallow ribbed circular form, painted with a central red shield of rampant lion, within a stylised cornflower and scrolling frond border, on yellow ground, impressed and painted marks, 25cm diameter £200 - £300

428. William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian lustre plate, 1920, flat circular form, painted with birds in foliate scrolls, within a border of hearts and vines, impressed and painted marks, 26.5cm diameter £200 - £300






431. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a large Royal Lancastrian relief moulded lustre ginger jar and cover, 1924, ovoid form, painted with three heraldic armoured knights on horseback, between trees, bands of scrolling clouds and trefoils below and above, the lid modelled with a lion and shield in high relief, impressed and painted marks, 2641, 30cm high Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 229; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.62, pl.89 £3,000 - £5,000


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

432. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian relief moulded lustre vase, 1909, shouldered ovoid form, decorated with various animals and birds including storks, bear, leopards and deer in a millefleur forest landscape, on blue purple ground, painted and impressed marks, 2642, 28.5cm high £1,500 - £2,500


433. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a large Royal Lancastrian lustre Evangelist Alms dish, 1908, the central boss modelled in relief with the winged lion of St Mark with painted banner, within a foliate shrub and scroll well, the broad rim relief moulded with wrythen teardrops of flower heads in foliate scrolls, green and blue ground, decorated in silver, impressed and painted marks, 56cm diameter Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 274; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.52, pl.64A £2,000 - £4,000


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

434. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a large Royal Lancastrian lustre Evangelist Alms dish, 1909, the central boss modelled in relief with the eagle of St John with painted banner, within a flaming dagger and spiral lappet well, the broad rim relief moulded with wrythen teardrops of alternating cornflower and leafy vine motifs, blue ground, decorated in silver and red, the reverse in teal green with ribbon flower motifs, impressed and painted marks, 56cm diameter Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 273; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.57, pl.xxxiii £2,000 - £4,000


435. Richard Joyce for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian relief moulded lustre Valkyrie plaque, 1926, the central iridescent copper image of a female warrior on horseback, within a turquoise and rouge flambe mottled brim of raised swirling clouds, incised, impressed and painted marks, 40cm diameter Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 178; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.62, pl.91 £1,500 - £2,500


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

436. Gordon Forsyth for Pilkington, a large Royal Lancastrian relief moulded lustre St George vase, 1908, shouldered form, modelled with St George on horseback lancing a writhing dragon, with maiden to the side, the pale blue ground with red thorny tendril design, decorated in bronzed and red iridescent glaze, below a foliate frond and heart neck, with red strand and cloud shoulder, inscribed St George For England, impressed and painted marks, 53cm high Provenance: Franco British Exhibition 1908; illustrated in Corbett, A & B, 2016, Pilkington’s Lancastrian and Royal Lancastrian Pottery, A Guide for Collectors, p.119 and the cover illustration of the book; one of only two examples know to have been produced £20,000 - £30,000




436 (reverse)


For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

441. William S Mycock for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian relief moulded plaque, circa 1930s, circular with galleon in full sail, painted in pastel colours, impressed marks, 27.5cm diameter Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 500 £100 - £200 442. Pilkington, a pair of relief moulded genre tile panels, decorated with interior vestry scenes of priests in conversation, brown glaze, 30.5cm x 15.5cm (2) £100 - £200

437. Edmund Kent for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian tubelined tile, circa 1910, decorated with winged putti or fairies beside a basket of flowers, monogram, 15.5cm x 23.5cm Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.33, pl.34 £100 - £200

439. Edmund Kent for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian tubelined tile, circa 1910, decorated with a girl and geese on the edge of a woodland with path, signed, 29cm x 20cm, framed £100 - £200

443. James Robert Cooper for Pilkington, a pair of relief moulded tiles, Knights and Heralds, circa 1900, green and teal blue, 31cm x 15cm (2) £100 - £200

440. Edmund Kent for Pilkington, two Royal Lancastrian tubelined galleon tiles, The King John and The Golden Hind, unsigned, 22cm x 15cm, framed (2) 438. Edmund Kent for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian tubelined tile, circa 1910, oval form, decorated with a Classical woman playing the pipes next to a tree, signed, 31cm x 15cm, framed £100 - £200

Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980, number 496 and 499 £40 - £70

444. Walter Crane for Pilkington, a Flora’s Train poppy tile, circa 1900, red, green and teal, 15cm square £30 - £50 445. Walter Crane for Pilkington, a set of five Flora’s Train tiles, dust pressed with maidens and various floral specimens, on turquoise ground, 15cm square (5) £400 - £600



446. Lewis F Day for Pilkington, a set of six poppy tiles, circa 1900, red, blue and green floral design, 15cm square (6) £100 - £150 447. Lewis F Day for Pilkington, two sets of four floral tiles, circa 1895, each of the same design, relief moulded, in brown and yellow and blue and green, 15cm square (8) £120 - £180 448. Lewis F Day for Pilkington, six various floral tiles, circa 1895, each with a different specimen including lilies and sunflower, 15cm square (6) £100 - £150

451 & 452 451. C F A Voysey for Pilkington, two Royal Lancastrian Tulip Tree tiles, circa 1900, both of the lower leaf panel, 15cm square (2) £40 - £70 452. C F A Voysey for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian two tile panel, circa 1900, Fish and Leaf, dust pressed waterlily and fish deign, 15cm square (2) £70 - £100

449. J H Rudd and Lewis F Day for Pilkington, six various floral tiles, circa 1900, including cornflowers, fuchias and hydrangea, 15cm square (6) £100 - £150

450. Lewis F Day for Pilkington, a set of five campanula tiles, circa 1895, in brown, yellow and green, 15cm square (5) £80 - £120


453. C F A Voysey for Pilkington, three double tile printing blocks for six tiles from The Labours, circa 1900, carved in lead, 35.5cm x 18cm (3) £100 - £200

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

456. Lewis F Day for Pilkington, a set of thirteen floral tiles, circa 1902, relief moulded in green, blue and yellow, 15cm square (13) £200 - £300

454. Lewis F Day for Pilkington, three floral tiles, circa 1895 to 1902, including Greek Ivy printed tile, in red, 15cm square (3) £40 - £70

455. John Chambers (attributed) for Pilkington, three Royal Lancastrian Persian tiles, painted in the Iznik Ottoman style with raised jewelling, 15cm square (3) £70 - £100 457. Lewis F Day for Pilkington, a large tile panel, circa 1901, yellow flowers and butterflies, on green leafy stalks, 31cm x 15.5cm £50 - £80


461. Pilkington, an extensive Royal Lancastrian tile panel, comprised of foliate painted panels within plain green tiles, 98cm x 28.5cm £300 - £500

458. Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian relief moulded orange vermilion type glazed tile, circa 1930, modelled with a dancing woman, 30cm x 20cm £400 - £600

459. Pilkington, four tubelined animal tiles, circa 1935, including geese, duckling, dog and rabbit, 10cm square (4) Note: designed for the children’s ward of Preston Royal Infirmary £80 - £120

460. Henry Stacey Marks for Minton, a pair of Aesthetic Movement tile panels, circa 1880, depicting a falconer and huntsman, polychrome decorated, moulded marks, 30.5cm x 15.5cm (2) £200 - £400


462. Pilkington, an extensive Royal Lancastrian lustre tile fire surround, comprised of relief moulded floral panels and plain iridescent glazed rectangular plaques, two panels, each 87cm x 31cm £800 - £1,200

463. Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian heraldic lustre tile, painted with a fleur de lys, 10.5cm square £50 - £80.

For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.

464. J H Sellers for Pilkington, two Royal Lancastrian relief moulded heraldic lustre tiles, painted with a griffin to each facing each other, within foliate scroll ground, one in dark blue iridescent glaze, 15cm square (2) Note: part of the Edgar Wood fireplace exhibited at the Franco British Exhibition 1909 £120 - £180

465. J H Sellers for Pilkington, two Royal Lancastrian relief moulded heraldic lustre tiles, painted with a griffin to each facing each other, within foliate scroll ground, one in dark blue iridescent glaze, 15cm square (2) Note: part of the Edgar Wood fireplace exhibited at the Franco British Exhibition 1908 £120 - £180

468. Albert Hall for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian relief moulded lustre tile, circa 1908, decorated with a stag standing infront of a tree, with scrolling tendrils to the base, signed with monogram, 42.4cm x 21cm

466. J H Sellers for Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian relief moulded lustre tile, painted with a cedar tree between foliate scrolls, 15cm square

Provenance: Richard Dennis Pilkington’s Pottery exhibition 1980; illustrated in Cross, A J, 1980, Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Pottery, p.33, pl.35 £1,500 - £2,500

Note: part of the Edgar Wood fireplace exhibited at the Franco British Exhibition 1908 £50 - £80 467. Pilkington, a Royal Lancastrian relief moulded heraldic lustre tile, painted with a red shield with lion rampant, within foliate scroll ground, 15cm square £100 - £200


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