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The Shennan Collection of Silver Mustard Pots John Millward Shennan FRCS (London). FRCS (Edinburgh) 28/07/1939 – 07/03/2018 John decided he wanted to be a surgeon at the age of 12. At this point he hadn’t realised he would need to become a doctor first. He realised his dream with his first consultancy post as a General Surgeon at the age of 34 (young for those days). He retired from the NHS in 2002 after 28 years as a Consultant and continued in Private Practice until 2012. His first collecting interest was stamps having inherited his father’s collection. He became disenchanted as it was rather too solitary a pastime for him. In 2007 when on a weekend break in Amsterdam he purchased a mustard pot. This Dutch silver pot had formed part of the Spalding (of bulb fame) collection of Family Silver, it sparked an interest, as with his meticulous attention to detail he researched the marks, maker, and Armorial. He then received, as a gift a 2nd mustard pot, and so the collection began. Over the following years John became well known to dealers at Antiques Fairs and Auctions, as his interest and passion for these small works of art grew, along with his knowledge of silver marks and makers. Latterly, and after eleven years of collecting, it had become increasingly difficult to find examples not already represented in this large collection for auction here. He turned his interest to mustard spoons, which then escalated into salt, egg, and teaspoons and amassed a further extraordinary collection, also for auction. The collection provided him with enormous pleasure and purpose during the later years of his life.
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
PART I THURSDAY 3RD OCTOBER 2019 Viewing Tuesday 1st October – 10.00am to 5.00pm Wednesday 2nd October – 10.00am to 7.00pm
George Smith and Thomas Hayter, London 1799, a George III silver mustard pot, cylindrical form with domed lid and egg finial, concentric line decoration and reeded borders, 8.5cm high, 2.75ozt
Thomas Whipham, London 1763, a George III silver mustard pot, plain cylindrical drum form, with S scroll handle, the slightly domed pan top with wishbone thumb piece, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 5.15ozt
Robert Piercy, London 1770, a George III silver mustard pot, cylindrical form with domed top, incised concentric ring banding to the lid, glass liner, 8cm high, 4.93ozt
Edward Gibbon, London 1727, a George I silver blind mustard pot, pear shaped baluster form with moulded band to the body, the lid engraved with foliate fronds and arcading, 11.5cm high, 2.79ozt Note: see the Colman Collection, number 1, for an example of an early mustard of the same design by the same maker
John Gamon, London 1734, a George II silver blind mustard pot, footed baluster form with moulded band to the body, the domed lid engraved with swags, 10.5cm high, 2.20ozt
Hester Bateman, London 1790, a George III silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, reticulated and bright cut bands of ovals and double lappets, between floral arcading, the domed lid with pierced shell thumb piece, glass liner, together with a spoon by the same maker, 1787, 3.36ozt Provenance: Mary Cooke, September 2007
Peter, Ann and William Bateman, London 1800, a George III silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, reticulated and bright cut trefoil borders, the lid domed, with pierced shell thumb piece, glass liner, together with a spoon by the same maker, 1802, 8cm high, 3.86ozt
Thomas Shepherd, London 1786, a George III silver mustard pot, reticulated cylindrical form, bright cut and banded with Vitruvian scrolls and floral motifs, the tapered domed lid with urn finial and pierced lyre thumb piece, 10cm high, 3.00ozt Provenance: Woolley and Wallis 28th October 2008, lot 447; Petzall Collection See the Colman Collection number 19 for a similar example of this date
Charles Fox, London 1815, a George III silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, bright cut and reticulated with foliate fronds and floral swags, the domed lid surmounted by a green stained pineapple finial, 9cm high, 3.33ozt Provenance: bears the crest of the Murray clan
William Abdy, London 1786, a George III silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, reticulated and bright cut geometric lozenge banding and shallow domed lid with pierced thumb piece, glass liner, 8cm high, 3.55ozt Provenance: Dreweatts
John Gold, London 1801, a George III silver mustard pot of navette form, the body with moulded and chased with leaf and flowers and foliate scrolls , the domed hinged lid with leaf and foliate decoration, finial and plain thumbplate and spoon aperture, reeded angular handle central to one side, blue glass liner with chip, 9cm high, 3.31ozt
John Laughlin, Dublin 1796, a George III silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, with ogee domed lid, pierced thumb piece and side handle, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 3.69ozt
Thomas Dicks, London 1818, a George III silver oval mustard pot raised on shell scroll feet, gadrooned borders, shallow domed hinged lid with finial, the scroll handle half way along one side, blue glass liner, 7cm high, 6.23ozt
Solomon Hougham, London 1817, a George III silver mustard pot, of rectangular form, the plain body raised on four decorative bracket feet, the shallow domed hinged lid with shell motif thumb plate, spoon aperture and with heavily decorated shaped fixed border, and cetral leaf decorated loop hancdle to one side, silver gilt interior, 6cm high, 5.71ozt
Solomon Hougham, London 1792, a George III silver mustard pot, square section octagonal ovoid form, bright cut decorated with floral festoons and leaves and central coat of arms, the reeded scroll handle to the centre of one side, the hinged lid with urn shape finial and spoon aperture, blue glass liner, 8.5cm high, 9.46ozt
John Wakelin and William Taylor, London 1776, a George III silver mustard pot, Neoclassical ovoid pedestal urn form, relief moulded with vertical stripe design and cast shell thumb piece, artechoke finial and gilt interior, 13cm high, 7.30ozt
Robert Hennell, London 1784, a George III silver mustard pot, pedestal urn form, bright cut and reticulated in the Neoclassical style, rosettes and grilles between Vitruvian scroll bands, beaded to the foot and rim, the lid of waisted and ogee domed form, ear handle, glass liner, 13.5cm high, 4.17ozt Provenance: Mary Cooke For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
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Duncan Urquhart and Naphtali Hart, London 1797, a George III silver mustard pot, bright cut engaved pedestal urn form, gilt interior and glass liner, 10cm high, 3.28ozt
Burrage Davenport, London 1778, a George III silver vase shape mustard pot, reticulated pierced form, beaded border, c shaped handles, the domed lid topped with a vase finial and spoon aperture, and raised on square pedetal base, glass liner, 15.2cm high, 6.94ozt
Charles Aldridge and Henry Green, London 1773, a George III silver vase shape mustard pot with applied beaded border, the body pierced with trailing vines, swags and mask decoration, raised on square pedestal base, the domed lid with leaf decoration, spoon aperture and finial, glass liner, 12cm high, weight? For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
Gustavus Byrne and William Law, Dublin 1807, a George III Irish silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, bright cut wave and dot banding, plain thumb piece, glass liner, 8cm high, 3.63ozt
Alexander Field, London 1807, a George III silver mustard pot, of cylindrical form, chased with a foliate central scroll banding framed by a Greek Key border, the hinged lid with similar decoration and thumb plate, angular handle, blue glass liner 6.5cm high, 3.98ozt
Edward Crofton, Dublin 1815, a George III Irish silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, etched with concentric banding, below an egg and dart brim and ogee lid, the S scroll handle with moulded beading, glass liner, 8cm high, 4.95ozt Note: bears the crest of Fleming, Lord Slane of Ireland (flaming mortar and chains)
Thomas Daniel, London 1783, a George III silver straight sided cylindrical mustard pot with beaded borders, the low domed hinged cover with initals and with open shaped thumb piece, scroll handle, glass liner, 7cm high, 3.19ozt
Robert I & David Hennell, London 1796, a George III silver mustard pot of straight sided cylindrical form, with reeded borders, the low domed hinged lid with solid thumb piece, and with reeded loop handle, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 2.96ozt
Charles Chesterman II, London 1808, a George III oval silver mustard pot with moulded girdle and gadroon border, the low domed hinged lid with finial, angular handle, glass liner, 8cm high 3.50ozt
James Mince, London 1803, a George III oval silver mustard pot with moulded girdle and reeded form, the low domed hinged lid with shell back thumb piece and unicorn engraving, reeded angular handle, glass liner, 8cm high, 4.35ozt
John Watson, Sheffield 1813, a George III silver mustard pot, girdle moulded ovoid cylinder form, egg and dart border, spherical knop finial, glass liner, 8cm high, 3.29ozt
William Abdy I, London 1787, a George III silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, reticulated and bright cut geometric triangular banding and shallow domed lid with shell thumb piece, scroll handle, glass liner, 7cm high, 3.55ozt
Solomon Hougham, London 1809, a George III silver mustard pot of rectangular moulded oval form, raised on ball feet, and with gadrooned rim, the shallow domed hinge lid with finial and shell motife thunb plate, spoon aperture, reeded bracket handle, blue glass liner, 9cm high, 8.77ozt
Rebecca Emes and Edward Barnard, London 1817, a George III silver mustard pot, squat barrel form, half reeded and gadrooned to the rim, the lid with chrysanthemum rosette, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 4.61ozt
Stephen Adams, London 1818, a George III silver mustard pot, half reeded rectagular baluster form on four cast foliate bracket feet, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 5.11ozt
J Fenton, Sheffield 1820, a George III silver mustard pot, footed ogee moulded baluster form with wide cast foliate gadrooned rim, anguar acanthus handle, gilt interior, 5.14ozt
Rebecca Emes and Edward Barnard, London 1814, a George III silver mustard pot of oval part fluted form, gadrooned rim and hinged shallow domed stepped lid with shall thumb piece and finial, bracket handle, raised on ball feet, 8cm high 5.01ozt
Thomas Hobbs and James Taylor, London 1798, a George III silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, plain with moulded borders, boat lid and cast urn finial, S scroll handle, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 4.37ozt
Henry Chawner, London 1788, a George III silver mustard pot, fluted straight sided oval section, bright cut decorated with swah and ruched borders, glass liner, 6.5cm high, 3.76ozt Provenance: Reeman Dansie, 2nd August 2011, lot 242
Robert Hennell, London 1791, a George III silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, bright cut reeded ribbon and dotted borders, loop handle, glass liner, 7cm high, 3.71ozt
AK, London 1808, a George III silver barrel-shaped oval mustard pot of plain form with thread edged borders and pedestal, the hinged lid with plain thumb plate and with angular handle, blue glass liner, 7cm high, 7.37ozt
John McKay, Edinburgh 1817, a George III Scottish silver mustard pot plain cylindrical form with stepped flat top and shell thumb piece, double C scroll handle, gilt interior and glass liner, 7cm high, 4.33ozt Note: bears the Clan badge of Campbell with motto Labore et Perseverantia For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
Thomas Nash I, London 1772, a George III silver mustard pot of cylindrical form, the body pierced with linked brackets, shallow domed hinged lid with stylised thumbpiece, scroll handle, blue glass liner, 8cm high, 3.45ozt
Charles Chesterman, London 1768, a George III silver mustard pot, reticulated cylindrical form, quatrefoil lattice design with plain cushion domed lid, ear handle, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 2.61ozt
William Allen III, London 1805, a George III silver mustard pot of barrel shape form, the plain body with reeded borders, the domed hinged lid with ball finial, spoon aperture and reeded loop handle, blue glass liner, 8.5cm high 6.41ozt
Stephen Adams, London 1805, a George III silver mustard pot of barrel form with reeded decoration, and with reeded handle and scroll thumb piece, hinged lid with urn shape finial, glass liner, 8 cm high, 3.85ozt
Naphtali Hart, London 1816, a George III silver mustard pot, footed bulbous beaker form with conical neck, bright cut decorated honeysuckle and rose band below reeded and wavy ring banding, acnthus moulded fluted loop handle and flat top, gilt interior and glass liner, 9cm high, 4.29ozt
William Sumner I, London 1804, a George III silver mustard pot of plain barrel form with hinged lid, reeded scroll handle, 5.5cm high, 3.36ozt Provenance: Reeman Dansie, 2nd August 2011, lot 235
John Wren, London 1800, a George III silver mustard pot of barrell form with reeded decoration, hinged lid with reeded thumb piece and handle, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 3.77ozt
Samuel Herbert and Co., London 1764, a George III silver mustard pot, reticulated cylindrical form with geometric interlocking lozenges and concentric ovals, between incised ring borders, the flat top with lyre and honeysuckle thumb piece, 8cm high, 4.05ozt
Thomas Nash, London 1773, a George III silver mustard pot, reticulated cylindrical form, two rows of interlaced C scrolls and bright cut quatrefoils, bewteen rope borders, the slightly domed lid with pierced thumb piece, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 3.75ozt
Thomas Shepherd, London 1777, a George III silver mustard pot, reticulated cylindrical form, ogee trellis decoration of joined ovals, the double ogee domed lid with trefoil thumb piece, glass liner, 8cm high, 2.73ozt
Thomas Daniell and Jabez Daniell, London 1772, a George III silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated foliate scroll and shell design, slightly domed lid and S handle, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 3.19ozt
William Plummer, London 1780, a George III silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, bright cut and reticulated with a central band of entwined flowers between galleried borders, punctuated by urn and rosette roundels, ogee domed lid with cast beaded shell thumb piece, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 2.95ozt
Alexander Field, London 1794, a George III silver oval straight sided mustard pot with reeded borders, the domed hinged lid with urn shape finial, scroll reeded handle, shaped openwork thumb piece, glass liner 8.3cm high, 3.29ozt Notes: single initial to one side, wild boar motif for Campbell or Sanders to the second side
Abstinando King, London 1799, a George III silver mustard pot, bright cut oval ogee cylinder form, decorated with a central band of foliate scrolls and wreath cartouche, glass liner, 10.5cm high, 4.81ozt
Robert Hennell, London 1790, a George III silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, bright cut tasseled swag and flame borders with central coats of arms, loop handle, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 4.30ozt
William Bateman, London 1816, a George III silver mustard pot, oval ogee barrel form with gadrooned and reeded borders and domed lid, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 3.75ozt
Peter, Ann and William Bateman, London 1801, a George III silver mustard pot, oval boat form with domed lid, hald reeded to the body, below bright cut swags, glass liner, together with a spoon by the same maker, 1802, 9cm high, 4.228ozt For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
Samuel and Edward Davenport, London 1806, a George III silver mustard pot, oval boat form, embossed with Rococo scroll and shell design, angled fluted handle, glass liner, 7cm high, 2.63ozt
Samuel Roberts and George Cadman, Sheffield 1814, a George III silver mustard pot, oval ovoid form with everted gadrooned rim, on four lions paw and shell feet, angled handle, gilt interior, 7cm high, 4.96ozt
Joseph Biggs (attributed), London 1820, a George III silver mustard pot, ovoid shouldered form with everted rim, half reeded and embossed, with cast floral rim and shell finial, on four conch shell feet, gilt interior, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 6.15ozt Note: several silver workers used an almost identical mark I.B in this period
S C Younge and Co., Sheffield 1813, a George III silver mustard pot, squat ovoid form, on three lions mask and paw feet, open acanthus scroll handle with pineapple finial and gadrooned border, 9cm high, 6.64ozt
Solomon Hougham, London 1805, a George III silver mustard pot, square section ovoid form, bright cut deocrated with floral festoons and leaves, on stepped bracket feet, glass liner, 7cm high, 4.50ozt
Matthew Boulton, Birmingham 1816, a George III silver mustard pot, drum form, with gadrooned border, concentric ring lid and scroll thumbpiece, S handle, with gilt interior, with spoon, 6.5cm high, 5.07ozt
Robert Pinkney I & Robert Scott II, Newcastle circa 1787-1789, a George III Provincial silver mustard pot of plain cylindrical form, reeded borders and base decoration, hinged lid and openwork shaped thumb piece, scroll handle, glass liner, 7cm high, 3.11ozt
John Langlands II, Newcastle circa 1793-1804, a George III Provincial silver mustard pot of plain cylindrical form, reeded rim and base decoration, hinged lid and openwork shaped thumb piece, double scroll handle, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 2.91ozt
John Jobson, Newcastle circa 1770, a George III Provincial silver mustard pot of plain cylindrical form, hinged lid with shell motif back piece, scroll handle, 6.5cm high, 2.97ozt
John Delmester, London 1765, a George III silver drum mustard pot, plain with a reed edge border and chair back thumb piece to hinged lid, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 3.97ozt
George Hunter I, London 1787, a George III silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, reticulated dot and pale design, ogee lid and double C scroll handle, 6.5cm high, 3.65ozt Provenance: Byrnes, 3rd March 2010, lot 93
Charles Chesterman II, London 1807, a George III silver mustard pot, of oval navette form, bright cut engraved and reticulated borders, reeded rim, shallow domed hinged lid with urn shape finial, reeded angular handle, blue glass liner, 8cm high, 8.58ozt
Urquart & Hart, London 1797, a George III octagonal mustard pot of navette form, the pierced border with leaf and scroll decoration, engraved panels with leaf and bead decoration, the domed hinged lid with finial and spoon aperture, tapered loop handle, blue glass liner 7am high, 5.22ozt
Andrew Fogelberg, London 1791, a George III silver mustard pot of straight sided oval form pierced with two rows of vertical pales and diamonds, the borders are similarly reeded, the hinged domed lid ornamented with fluted decoration and shaped thumb plate, spoon aperture and double scroll handle, glass liner, 6.7cm high, 8.18ozt
John Emes, London 1799, a George III silver mustard pot of oval navette form, the body with engraved leaf, scroll and laurel leaf wreath motif with initial, reeded border and base and with domed hinged lid, finial and plain thumb plate and spoon aperture, bracket handle, clear glass liner, 9cm high, 8.32ozt
Peter and William Bateman, London 1811, a George III silver mustard pot and spoon, cuboid form, bright cut and reticulated with a band of fleur de lys roundels, between reeded and gadrooned borders, double ogee dommed lid, angled handle, on four ball feet, glass liner, 8.8cm high, 4.78ozt
Abstainando King, London 1702, a George III silver mustard pot, bright cut oval navette form, decorated with a band of foliate scrolls and tassel cartouche, the domed hinged lif with leaf and foliage decoration and plain thumb plate, round finial and bracket handle, glass liner, 8cm high, 6.54ozt For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
Hester Bateman, London 1781, a George III silver mustard pot, cylindrical form with flared conical lid, bright cut engraved and etched with floral garlands and swags between rosette banding and beaded borders, glass liner, 10.5cm high, 3.58ozt
Samuel Roberts, George Cadman and Co., Sheffield 1808, a George III silver mustard pot, cuboid form with cushion domed lidm bright cut decorated with a band of acorns and leaves below a cast egg and dart border, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 4.12ozt
John Watson, Sheffield 1802, a George III silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, decorated with a reticulated bright cut band of arcading, the ogee domed lid with ball finial glass liner, 9.5cm high, 3.35ozt For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
Robert Cattle and James Barber, York 1812, a George III Provincial silver mustard pot, double ogee moulded rectangular section boat form, on four spherical feet, glass liner, 7cm high, 3.13ozt
Rebecca Emes & Edward Barnard I, London 1810, a George III oval silver mustard pot with moulded girdle and stepped foot, and with gadrooned border the low domed hinged lid with finial and shell back thumb piece, plain angular handle, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 4.92ozt
Crispin Fuller, London 1808, a George III silver mustard pot, bowed cuboid form with ribbed upper section below a gadrooned border, angular handle, on four spherical feet, gilt interior and glass liner, 8cm high, 4.54ozt
Unknown, London 1818, a George III silver mustard pot, rectangular ribbed baluster form, on four spherical feet, with gadrooned border, ogee domed lid and angular handle, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 3.65ozt
Thomas Robinson, London 1806, George III silver mustard pot, ribbed ovoid boat form, reeded angular handle and chamfered ogee lid, glass liner, 8cm high, 4.47ozt
Rebecca Emes and Edward Barnard, London 1819, a George III silver mustard pot, bulbous form, embossed with floral, flame and C scroll design, acanthus and reeded loop handle,glass liner, 7.5cm high, 3.96ozt
Rebecca Emes and Edward Barnard, London 1816, a George III silver and gilt lined mustard pot of compressed moulded circular form, the body with fluted decoration and with Rococo floral and scroll patterned everted rim, the hinged lid with decorated shallow dome with decorative finial and leaf motif thumb plate and with leaf scroll handle, 9.5cm high, 9.42ozt
Eliza Godfrey, London 1762, a George III silver mustard pot of cylindrical form, heavily decorated with scroll and leaf decoration and with urn style motifs between alternating head busts, foliate scrolled foot and decorative borders, the hinged cover with leaf and floral scroll motifs and with central lion head mask in oval raised border, scroll handle and shell back thumb piece, glass liner 8 cm high, 7.94ozt
Robert Hennell II, London 1818, a George III silver mustard pot of circular compressed form, the body with leaf, flower and scroll and raised reeded central banding, decoration, the hinged lid with shaped finial and spoon aperture, and with thump plate and reeded scroll handle, silver gilt interior, 6cm high, 4.21ozt
Unknown, possibly makers mark Charles Kandler, London 1806, a George III silver mustard pot of compressed cylinder form on spreading base, the lobed body embossed with scroll, leaf and floral motifs, the shallow domed hinged lid with finial and spoon aperture and with angular handle, glass liner 9cm high, 6.70ozt
Edward Aldridge, London 1766, a George III silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated geometric panels, flat lid with open shell and scroll thumb piece, glass liner, 7cm high, 2.80ozt
Burrage Davenport, London 1772, a George III silver mustard pot, reticulated cylinder form, decorated with interlinked circles, S shaped handles, the flat lid with gadrooned edge and pierced thumb piece, glass liner, 8cm high, 2.77ozt
Robert Hennell, London 1775, a George III silver mustard pot, reticulated cylindrical form, bright cut decorated with pierced bands of honeysuckle within heart form cartouches alternating with foliate batons, between beaded borders, in the Etruscan style, the flat lid with cast shell thumb piece and concentric ring etching, ear handle, 8cm high, 3.56ozt
Darby Kehoe, Dublin 1777, a George III Irish silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated foliate scrolls, with flat lid, bisected wishbone S scroll handle, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 2.40ozt Note: bears crest of Grove
William Skeen, London 1768, a George III silver mustard pot, reticulated cylindrical form, decorated with chainlinked bracket design, below a gadrooned rim, the flat lid with fretted thumb piece, and twisted wire handle, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 2.55ozt
Peter and Ann Bateman, London 1796, a George III silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, plain with reeded borders, S handle, ogee domed lid with pierced shell thumb piece, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 3.55ozt
Edward Capper, London 1795, a George III silver mustard pot of plain oval form with beaded borders, the domed hinged lid with bead finial, reeded scroll handle, 9cm high, 5.45ozt For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
Crispin Fuller, London 1809, a George III oval silver mustard pot with moulded girdle and reeded decoration and with gadrooned border, the domed hinged lid with ball finial, reeded thumb piece, plain angular handle, glass liner, 8cm high, 3.65ozt
Thomas Watson, Newcastle 1801, a George III Provincial oval silver mustard pot with moulded girdle and reeded decoration, gadroon border and raised on four ball feet, the low domed hinged lid with finial and shell back thumb piece and angular handle, glass liner, 8cm high, 3.10ozt
Henry Chawner and John Emes, London 1797, a George III silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, the plain domed lid with cast Hermes wing thumb piece, glass liner, 6.5cm high, 3.69ozt For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
Henry Chawner, London 1790, a George III silver mustard pot, of straight sided oval form, with bright cut decoration of ribbon and lozenge pierced motifs to lower body, the hinged lid with pierced decortion and thumb plate, fluted scroll handle and glass liner, 8cm high, 5.35ozt
Luke Proctor & Co, Sheffield 1787, a George III silver oval mustard pot of navette form, the straight sides with pierced frieze and two pierced decorative lozenges and swags, the shallow domed hinged lid with finial and spoon aperture, scroll handle and blue glass liner, 8cm high, 6.23ozt
Edward Thomason, Birmingham 1790, a George III silver mustard pot, elongated octagonal form, bright cut and reticulated with acanthus frond bands, on four reeded bracket feet, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 4.57ozt
Peter and Ann Bateman, London 1791, a George III silver mustard pot, cylindrical form with flared conical lid, reticulated foliate arcading and bright cut bands, between fluted borders, S scroll handle, glass liner, together with a spoon by the same maker, 1794, 9.5cm high, 3.09ozt Provenance: Mary Cooke
Charles Chesterman II, London 1790, a George III silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, bright cut engraved and reticulated borders of pierced lappets and foliate arcading, bewteen reeded bands, flat lid with plain thumb piece, glass liner, 8cm high, 3.45ozt
William Eaton, London 1820, a George III silver mustard pot, squat baluster inverse pear form, heavily cast and embossed with C scroll swags and floral garlands between eagle topped cartouches, supported on four eagles modelled in relief on scroll feet, scale and acanthus handle, the liner also silver by the same maker, dated 1822, 10.5cm high, 15.09ozt Note: bears the crest of Charles Brownlow of Lurgan, Ireland, to each cartouche
Henry Chawner or Henry Cowper, London 1812, a George III silver gilt mustard pot, cast and reticulated open foliate and floral design with birds, between leaf entwined reeded borders, the lid embossed with Rococo shell and scroll cartouche, the handle realistically modelled as bisected and entwined leafy tendrils, glass liner, 8cm high, 6.79ozt
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
PART II FRIDAY 6TH DECEMBER 2019 Viewing Wednesday 4th December – 10.00am to 5.00pm Thursday 5th December – 10.00am to 7.00pm
C C, London 1827, a George IV silver mustard pot of compressed circular form, the body chased with floral and leaf motifs within shaped panels, circular domed hinged lid with floral motifs, finial and spoon aperture, reeded loop handle with acanthus decoration, 7cm high, 4.82ozt
Joseph and John Angell, London 1836, a William IV silver mustard pot, footed melon form, cast floral finial and S scroll handle, gilt interior, 7.5cm high, 5.40ozt
Charles Reily and George Storer, London 1830, a William IV silver mustard pot, ogee lobed inverse pear baluster form, with everted rim, cast shell thumb piece, angled handle, gilt interior and glass liner, 8cm high, 4.7ozt
Charles Gordon, London 1831, a William IV silver mustard pot, lobed and footed Warwick vase form with petal rim and ogee lid, cast floral finial and gilt interior, 9cm high, 5.96ozt
John Samuel Hunt for Hunt and Roskell late Storr Mortimer and Hunt, London 1855, a Victorian silver mustard pot, squat melon form, reed and ribbon cast border and baluster finial, acanthus scroll handle, gilt interior, 7cm high, 5.81ozt
Charles Boyton, London 1854, a Victorian silver mustard pot, octagonal section reticulated form with cushion domed lid, on cast Rococo scroll and shell bracket feet, angled handle, glass liner, 9cm high, 4.69ozt
Charles Lias, London 1842, a Victorian silver mustard pot, of hexagonal form, the body with pierced diamond trellis and scroll work, the domed hinged lid with urn finial, engraved stylised cartouche, spoon aperture, fleur de lys thumbpiece, bracket handle, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 3.29ozt
Charles Thomas Fox and George Fox, London 1847, a Victorian silver mustard pot of ocgtagonal cylindrical form with chased arabesque decoration, trellis and masks, the hinged shaped lid with decorative thumb plate, spoon aperture and scroll handle, glass liner, 8cm high, 4.03ozt
George Frederick Pinnell, London 1846, a Victorian silver mustard pot, concve panelled octagonal section, reticulated with interlocking foliate scrolls, the ogee domed lid etched with alternating flowers and Rococo scrolls, glass liner, 9cm high, 3.83ozt
Henry Wilkinson and Co., Sheffield 1847, a Victorian silver mustard pot, Chinoiserie hexagonal section waisted form, reticulated rosette and foliate fron panels, below an embossed Pagoda lid with alternating engraved fish scale and diaper decoration within Gothic trefoil and lappet borders, ear handle, glass liner, 10cm high, 3.54ozt Provenance: Lyon and Turnbull, 12th October 2010, lot 318
John, Edward, Walter and John Barnard, London 1872, a Victorian silver mustard pot, squat conical ovoid form, etched and bright cut with foliate arcading and ferns, angled scroll handle, on three lions paw and acanthus feet, with cast bud finial, gilt interior, 5.5cm high, 3.00ozt
John Edward Bingham for Walker and Hall, Sheffield 1891, a Victorian silver gilt mustard pot and spoon, in the Aesthetic style of Christopher Dresser, angled squat form, etched with ivy leaves and bright cut arcading, the scroll handle beaded, on three spherical feet, glass liner, 6cm high, 3.62ozt
John Gough, Birmingham 1880, for Franics Boone Thomas, London 1890, a Victorian silver mustard pot, hexagonal section squat double ogee baluster form, etched with fern designs, angled handle urn finial, gilt interior, 8cm high, 5.11ozt
Richard Martin and Ebenezer Hall, Sheffield 1863, a Victorian silver mustard pot, squat ovoid form, with double ogee domed lid, etched and embossed with floral sprays and ruched rosette to the lid, acanthus ear handle, on three stepped shoe legs, gilt interior, 6cm high, 3.27ozt
Alexander Crichton, London 1879, a Victorian silver mustard pot, square section stepped and flattened pyramidal form, chased with zoomorphic foliate scroll banding below a Greek Key border, angled handle, on four ball feet, gilt interior and glass liner, 5cm high, 4.09ozt
Charles Wallis, London 1855, a Victorian silver mustard pot, flared cylindrical form with petal foot, etched with flroal and fruit cartouches, S scroll lid, gilt interior, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 3.77ozt
Edward and John Barnard, London 1864, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindircal form, etched with foliated cartouche, the cushion domed lid with Persian rosette and Gothic trefoil wreath, ear handle, on ogee foot, 7.5cm high, 3.64ozt For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
John Mitchell of Glasgow, Edinburgh 1826, a George IV Scottish silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, cast and etched in relief with Rococo scroll landscape of exotic birds, pilasters and flora, the stepped lid with shell thumb piece, scaly S scroll handle and gilt interior, 7.5cm high, 6.43ozt
John and Henry Lias, London 1839, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, etched with foliate scroll and bird design, below gadrooned brim, double ogee domed lid, angled handle, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 3.61ozt Note: crest of Robertson
Henry Holland, London 1858, a Victorian silver mustard pot of cylindrical form with bright engraved foliate swag decoration, hinged lid with shell thumbpiece and spoon aperture, double scroll handle, glass liner, 7cm high, 3.90ozt
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
Paul Storr, London 1835, a William IV silver mustard pot and spoon, ogee ovoid or inverted pear form, on three pierced and cast foliate scroll bracket feet, embossed to the body with reeded cornucopia, the lid surmounted by a floral finial, incised No 3,6,8, glass liner, the spoon by the same maker, 1837, 10cm high, 7.6ozt Provenance: Woolleyy and Wallis, 28th October 2008, lot 430; Petzall Collection Note: see Colman Collection number 65 for a mustard pot of very similar design
Edward, Edward, John and William Barnard, London 1843, a Victorian silver mustard pot, ogee cylinder form, reticulated with foliate scroll design and cast flame and scroll foot, acanthus scroll handle, etched lid, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 5.05ozt
Edward Edwards II, London 1847, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated with interlocking heart and trellis design, the lid with cast floral finial, acanthus scroll handle, glass liner, 8cm high, 4.98ozt Provenance: Christie’s, 30th March 1993, lot 86; Colman Collection number 89
George Frederick Pinnell, London 1844, a Victorian silver mustrd pot, flared and reticulated with cast foliate C scroll border to the foot, domed lid and scroll handle, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 3.94ozt
Charles Thomas Fox and George Fox, London 1844, a Victorian silver mustard pot, reticulated cylindrical form, chased and engraved open scroll decoration, the lid with cast lion finial, and ear handle, glass liner, 9cm high, 6.27ozt
Charles Thomas Fox and George Fox, London 1843, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated foliate scroll design, on a heavily cast splayed Rococo scroll and coral foot, ear handle and cushioned lid, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 5.70ozt Provenance: Woolley and Wallis, 22nd January 2013, lot 1041
Banjamin Davis, London 1837, a William IV silver mustard pot, lobed ovoid pedestal form, embossed with scrolling acanthus leaves, the lid with floral finial, the handle cast as a snake entwined foliate tendril, gilt interior and glass liner, 9.5cm high, 5.67ozt
Robert Garrard II, London 1842, a Victorian silver mustard pot, reticulated cylindrical form, cast with diaper trellis and Chinese Ruyi head scroll cartouches, below a stepped domed lid and leaf thumb piece, acanthus and scale S scroll handle, glass liner, 9.5cm high, 8.33ozt
William Eaton, London 1821, a George IV silver mustard pot, squat oboid footed form with everted and shell gadrooned rim, half reeded to the body, lid and foot, honeysuckle and shell cast handle, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 6.56ozt
James Charles Edington, London 1860, a Victorian silver mustard pot, reticulated and footed octagonal section, cast in relief in the Renaissance style with masks and fruit, the lid embossed with a scroll wreath, glass liner, 9.5cm high, 8.25ozt
Rebecca Emes and Edward Barnard, London 1824, a George IV silver mustard pot, pedestal lobed cup form, with cast foliate and shell brim, ogee domed lid, acanthus handle, gilt interior and glass liner, 8.5cm high, 7.17ozt
John Evans II, London 1844, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, etched and engraved with foliate scroll bands, raised on four scroll cartouche and shell bracket feet, foliate scroll handle, ogee domed hinged lid with floral motif finial and pierced thumbpiece, glass liner, 9cm high, 4.78ozt
William Evans, London 1879, a matched pair of Victorian silver mustard pots, of cylindrical form, etched Rococo cartouche, trellis and floral bouquet design, on cast shell scroll feet, the hinged lid with floral and leaf decoration, finial and thumb plate, decorative scroll handle, blue glass liner, 10cm high, 18.77ozt (total weight) (2)
William Evans, London 1879, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, etched Rococo cartouche, trellis and floral bouquet design, on cast shell scroll feet, glass liner, 10cm high, 4.78ozt
John Evans II, London 1844, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, etched and engraved with Rococo scroll and trellis band, between cast shell and scroll borders, on four bracket feet, double C foliate handle, and ogee domed lid, glass liner, 9.5cm high, 4.72ozt For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
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George Fox, London 1866, a Victorian silver mustard pot, reticulated double ogee quatrelobed section, with interlaced scroll piercing and cast lions masks, set ith articulated rings, the flat top bright cut and etched, with a shell thumb piece, glass liner, 17.5cm high, 3.8ozt Note: see the Colman Collection no.113 for an almost identical example of this pot
George Fox, London 1861, a Victorian silver mustard pot, reticulated and etched chain and link design, the lid with Renaissance cartouche, ear handle, glass liner, 8cm high, 4.64ozt Provenance: Cheffins, 22nd September 2010, lot 347
Charles Reily and George Storer, London 1837, a William IV/Victorian silver mustard pot, reticulated and cast cylinder form, overlaid with foliate urn and scroll motifs, on a shell bracket and scroll foot, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 5.22ozt
Barnard Bros., London 1843, a Victorian silver mustard pot of cylindrical form, the body pierced and engraved with overlapping scrolls, gadrooned border, the shallow domed hinged lid with thumb piece and crest, double scroll handle, glass liner, 8cm high, 5.04ozt
George Fox, London 1897, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated with panels of bright cut fish scale and foliate scroll decoration, between gadrooned rims, the plain flat top with pierced thumb piece, gass liner, 9cm high, 4.17ozt For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
John, Henry and Charles Lias, London 1834, a William IV silver mustard pot, squat ovoid form with flared ogee rim, embossed with flowers and central Rococo cartouche, on four cast bracket feet, cast acanthus handle, with floral finial, gilt interior, 9cm high, 8.15ozt
William Robert Smily, London 1846, a Victorian silver mustard pot of lobed baluster form, raised on shaped circular foot, the body heavily chased with foliate and scroll decoration, the hinged shallow domed lid with foliate finial and elaborate foliate scroll handle, glass liner, 9cm high, 5.80ozt
James Dixon and Son, Sheffield 1839, a Victorian silver mustard pot, footed inverse pear or ovoid form, embossed and engraved with floral speciments and C scrolls, S scroll handle with floral rosettes, cast bouquet finial, gilt interior, 11cm high, 8.68ozt
Joseph Angell, London 1826, a George IV silver mustard pot, footed squat baluster form, embossed and etched with foliate and floral sprays between C scroll and fish scale cartouches, the rim cast with shell and floral moulding, rose finial, gilt interior, glass liner, 9.5cm high, 7.23ozt
John Fry II, London 1833, a William IV silver mustard pot, inverted squat pear or footed ovoid form, embossed and ribbed with leaf and hop motifs, below a caast ogee beaded and fin border, acanthus scroll handle and gilt interior, 9cm high, 5.79ozt
John Bodman Carrington, Birmingham 1892, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical beaker form, embossed in the Renaissance style with mask cartouches, cast zoomorphic handle and supported on three scroll legs, glass liner, 8cm high, 3.06ozt
Edward Hutton, London 1888, a Victorian silver mustard pot, elongated footed rounded cylinder form, embossed with wrythen fluting, C loop handle and gilt interiorm, 9.5cm high, 3.76ozt
Holland, Aldwinckle and Slater, London 1895, a Victorian silver mustard pot and spoon, footed beaker form, cast with vertical scroll and floral lappets, below a raised band, double ogee domed lid, S scroll handle, and acorn finial, gilt interior and glass liner, 8.5cm high, 4.23ozt
Henry Holland of Holland, Aldwinckle & Slater, London 1879, a Victorian silver pear shaped mustard pot with silver gilt interior, mounted on circular plinth base, the tapered body with engraved swag and arched decoration and floral and leaf motifs, the hinged lid with finial and spoon aperture, scroll handle, 8.5cm high 3.76ozt
Henry Holland, London 1843, a Victorian silver mustard pot, domed loaf form, etched and engraved with flowering foliate scroll motifs, on four cast acanthus and rosette feet, S scroll handle, gilt interior, 8cm high, 4.67ozt
William Aitken, Chester 1898, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated stepped lozenge and cross decoration, cushion domed lid, ear handle, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 2.44ozt
Charles Thomas Fox & George Fox, London 1841, a Victorian silver mustard pot of cylindrical form with reticulated wavy foliate scroll decoration raised on wavy moulded foot, hinged lid, double scroll handle, cusped thumb piece, glass liner, 8 cm high, 4.15ozt Provenance: Frank Mitchell, 5th July 2011, lot 638
John Keith, London 1899, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated with foliate scroll decoration on an ogee moulded foot, the angled handle and lid etched with floral and folite motifs, 7.5cm high, 3.94ozt
Charles Thomas Fox & George Fox, London 1843, a Victorian silver mustard pot of cylindrical form with reticulated wavy foliate scroll decoration raised on wavy ogee moulded foot, hinged lid, double scroll handle, cusped thumb piece, glass liner, 8 cm high, 4.17ozt Provenance: Bonhams, 5th February 2013, lot 150
John Evans II, London 1853, a Victorian silver mustard pot, reticulated cylinder form, foliate scroll decoration with chased Rococo cartouche lid, glass liner, 7cm high, 3.27ozt
William Evans, London 1864, a Victorian silver mustard pot, slightly flared cylindrical form, etched and engraved celtic knot roundel festoons, cast acanthus handle, glass liner, 9cm high, 4.77ozt
Henry John Lias and Son, London 1872, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical rounded beaker form, embossed with chased foliate bands between beaded borders, on three spherical feet, the scroll handle cast with fin and beads, gilt interior, together with a spoon by the same maker, 1862, 4.56ozt For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
George Fox, London 1875, a Victorian silver mustard pot, beaker form, on three spherical feet, the body and domed lid with satin finish band and roundel, double scroll thumb piece, gilt interior, 8cm high, 4.78ozt
Henry John Lias and Son, London 1866, a Victorian silver mustard pot, rounded beaker form, with double ogee lid, satin finish, bright cut engraved with bands of crossed btons and dots, on three spherical feet, the scroll handle cast with fin and beads, gilt interior, 10cm high, 4.63ozt
Charles Stuart Harris, London 1888, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, embossed with diaper decoration of alternating rosette and rusticated lozenges, between beaded borders, the lid with concentric petal motif, cast shell thumb piece, gilt interior and glass liner, 6.5cm high, 4.62ozt For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
Benjamin Preston, London 1842, a Victorian silver mustard pot, lobed shouldered form, with flat lid and cast floral bud finial, on four shell and C scroll open bracket feet, ear handle, gilt interior, 8.5cm high, 4.80ozt
Charles Gordon, London 1834, a William IV silver mustard pot, lobed and fluted suqat baluster form, on three cast shell and acanthus feet, the lid with pumpkin finial, ear handle, gilt interior and glass liner, 9.5cm high, 6.62ozt
Edward, Edward, John and William Barnard, London 1839, a Victorian silver mustard pot, lobed baluster form with cast C scroll and floral brim, on four horn bracket feet, gilt interior and glass liner, 9cm high, 7.35ozt
Edward, Edward, John and William Barnard, London 1837, a William IV/Victorian silver mustard pot, ogee lobed shouldered form, on cast foliate and C scroll bracket feet, S scroll acanthus handle and floral finial, gilt interior, 8.5cm high, 5.62ozt Provenance: Woolley and Wallis, 22nd January 2013, lot 1039
Charles Thomas Fox, London 1825, a George IV silver mustard pot, footed shouldered ovoid form, embossed with rusticated ruched lower body and lid, S scroll handle, gilt interior and glass liner, 11cm high, 6.51ozt
John Mortimer and John Samuel Hunt, London 1839, a Victorian silver mustard pot, twin handled pedestal urn form, embossed in relief with geometric coral and Celtic foliate banding, bisected scroll handles, glass liner, 12cm high, 13.28ozt Note: Paul Storr’s firm of Storr and Mortimer became Mortimer and Hunt after Storr’s retirement in December in 1838, before becoming Hunt and Roskell in 1843
John Samuel Hunt for Hunt and Roskell late Storr Mortimenr and Hunt, London 1852, a Victorian silver mustard pot and spoon, squat ovoid form with everted rim, embosed and chased with flowering vines, the handle and foot realistically cast as a sinuous interlaced and coiled branch, terminting in an undulating and foliate cast rim, the finial in the form of a flower, gilt interior, the spoon similarly modelled as a tree branch, 10.5cm high, 11.65ozt
Nathan and Hayes, Chester 1897, a Victorian silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, reticulated with geometric lattice arcading, S scroll handle, pierced thumb piece and urn finial, 8cm high, 3.93ozt
Nathan and Hayes, Chester 1898, a Victorian silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, bright cut and reticulated with floral and foliate scroll band below an arcaded border, urn finial, glass liner, 8cm high, 2.70ozt
John Aldwinckle & James Slater, London 1884, a Victorian mustard pot of navette form, reeded borders, the body with engraved and pierced decoration, the domed hinged lid decorated with engraved leaf banding and mounted with urn shaped finial, spoon aperture, decorative thumb plate, scroll handle, with leaf surmount, glass liner, 8.4cm high, 4.48ozt
Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company, London 1895, a Victorian silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, bright cut and reticulated fluting and interlocking arcading, ogee domed lid, S scroll handle, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 3.55ozt
Charles Boyton II, London 1872, a Victorian silver mustard pot of oval form, the body with pierced trellis banding and central band decorated with engraved foliate swags, hinged lid with spoon aperture, shaped thumb plate and scroll handle, glass liner, 6.5cm high, 2.79ozt
Jonas and George Bowen, Birmingham 1874, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated geometric band, between beaded borders, double ogee domed and lobed lid, acanthus double C scroll handle, glass liner, 9cm high, 4.52ozt
John, Edward, Walter and John Barnard, London 1874, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated and bright cut fleur de lys diaper design, between beaded borders, cushion domed lid, ear handle, no liner, 6.5cm high, 3.88ozt
John Figg, London 1836, a William IV silver mustard pot, squat cylindrical form with ogee waved rim, reticulated foliate scroll decoration, the shaped and undulating lid with pierced thumb piece, 6cm high, 5.06ozt Provenance: Mary Cooke; Bonhams Knightsbridge, 7th December 2011, lot 342
Robert Pringle, London 1895, a Victorian silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, reticulated and embossed with trellis Rococo cartouches in a milled ground, angled reeded handle, glass liner, 6.5cm high, 1.97ozt
Nathan and Hayes, Chester 1895, a Victorian silver mustard pot, ribbed helmet form with gadrooned rim and double ogee lid, on four spherical feet, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 4.27ozt For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
Joseph Angell, London 1857, a Victorian silver mustard pot on a rising circular foot, the body engraved with floral, leaf and scroll cartouches, hinged shallow domed lid, engraved decoration, spoon aperture, pierced thumbpiece, scroll handle, glass liner, 9cm high, 4.23ozt
Thomas H Stone, Exeter 1872, a Victorian Provincial silver mustard pot, flared conical form, bright cut decorated with festoons and stars, between beaded borders, cast fin and bead scroll handle, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 3.95ozt
Harrison Brothers, Sheffield 1896, a Victorian silver mustard pot, baluster lidded mug form, embossed with C scroll and bead decoration below a gadrooned rim, 9.5cm high, 3.22ozt
Henry Holland, London 1867, a Victorian gilt-lined silver pear-shaped mustard pot, the body chased with flowers and foliage in a diamond formation with central vacant cartouche, the domed hinged lif with urn shape finial and spoon aperture, scroll handle, 9cm high, 3.19ozt
Charles Thomas Fox and George Fox, London 1853, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, engraved with a band of foliate scrolls and phoenix and central flame cartouche, the cushion domed lid with cast double scroll thumb piece, on wavy ogee moulded foot, scrolled handle, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 4.46ozt Provenance: Bonhams, 5th March 2013, lot 83
Joseph and Joseph Angell, London 1845, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, engraved with geometric knotted ribbon band, threaded with a foliate trail of flowers, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 4.83ozt
Charles Thomas Fox & George Fox, London 1841 and 1837, a matched pair of Victorian silver mustard pots of cylindrical form with chased arabesque decoration, shaped skirt base, the hinged domed lids with decorative thumb plates, spoon aperture and scroll handle, blue glass liner, 8cm high, 18.18ozt (total weight) (2)
Charles Thomas Fox and George Fox, London 1841, a Victorian silver mustard pot of cylindrical form, on a spread scroll foot, the hinged domed lid with engraved decoration and engraved with an armorial, foliate thumbpiece, leaf capped scroll handle, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 6.7ozt
Charles Thomas Fox and George Fox, London 1851, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, embossed and chased with beaded scroll cartouches and blind spread eagle motifs, below ogee arcading, the domed lid similarly decorated, with double scroll thumb piece, glass liner, 7cm high, 3.87ozt
Charles Lias, London 1843, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated with foliate scroll design, domed lid and open shell thumb piece, angled handle, glass liner, 6.5cm high, 2.75ozt
Unknown, Edinburgh 1836, a William IV Scottish silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated interlocking scrolls, cast C scroll rim and ear handle, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 3.04ozt
Hawksworth, Eyre and Co., London 1899, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulateed fluted and scale decoration, ogee domed lid and strap handle, blue glass liner, 9cm high, 3.17ozt
George Fox, London 1889, a Victorian silver mustard pot of cylindrical form, on cast roccoco base, the body finely pierced and engraved with columns of foliate floral motifs, gadrooned rim, the hinged lid with spoon aperture and stylised thumbpiece, double scroll handle, glass liner, 7cm high, 2.89ozt
Charles Thomas Fox and George Fox, London 1844, a Victorian silver mustard pot, footed beaker form, reticulated foliate scroll panels between vertical stringing, on a cast open foliate scroll foot, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 4.17ozt
Charles Thomas Fox and George Fox, London 1850, a Victorian silver mustard pot, plain cylindrical form with cast frog thumb piece, ear handle and fluted broders, glass liner, 9.5cm high, 6.94ozt Note: ducal coronet and crest to the lid
Hunt and Roskell late Storr and Mortimer, London 1865, a Victorian silver mustard pot and spoon, tapered ovoid form with C loop handle and Gothic riveted hinge, gilt interior lid and glass liner, 7cm high, 4.43ozt
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
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Joseph Angell, London 1859, a Victorian silver mustard pot, in the form of barrel, realistically cast and engraved, with reeded scroll handle and gilt interior, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 4.10ozt
Henry Holland, London 1871, a Victorian novelty silver mustard pot, barrel form with raised banded decoration and cast monkey finial, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 3.71ozt Note: see Colman Collection number 118 for a similar example of this design
Joseph Braham, London 1888, a Victorian novelty silver mustard pot, in the form of a milk pail, with swing handle and wire suspension hook to the back, gilt lined interior, 7.5cm high, 4.74ozt
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
Henry Wilkinson and Co., Sheffield 1837, a William IV/Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, die stamped in the Gothic Revival style, with open beaded arcading and foliage below, plain lid, double C scroll handle, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 3.55ozt Provenance: Bonhams, 5th March 2013, lot 96
Walter and John Barnard, London 1885, a Victorian silver mustard pot, of cylindrical form, with pierced floral scroll, bow and trumpet design, cetral lozenge with coat of arms (rubbed), the plain hinged lid with decorative pierced thumb plate and spoon aperture, ear handle, blue glass liner, 68cm high, 8.86ozt
Daniel and John Wellby, London 1878, a Victorian silver mustard pot, in the Choinoiserie style, open cast foliate scroll, swan and fountain decoration, the handle cast as a Chinese dragon, supported on Renaissance style bust and scroll feet, glass liner, 9cm high, 4.90ozt
Charles Boyton II, London 1897, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated foliate scroll design between beaded borders, plain flat lid, ear handle, ceramic liner, 7cm high, 3.02ozt
Henry Wilkinson and Co., Sheffield 1839, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, die stamped in the Gothic Revival style, with open beaded arcading and foliage below, the lid embossed with leaf and lancet wreath and cast foliate baluster knop, double C scroll handle, glass liner, 10cm high, 3.55ozt Provenance: Christie’s 30th March 1993, lot 67; Colman Collection
Daniel nd John Wellby, London 1896, a Victorian Britania silver mustard pot, footed octagonal cup form, S scroll handle, 8cm high, 5.89ozt
Unknown, Edinburgh 1823, a George IV Scottish silver mustard pot, plain footed cuboid form with stepped lid, ogee handle, 6.5cm high, 3.68ozt
Finley and taylor, London 1892, a Victorian silver mustard pot, rectangular section barrel form, reeded to the lower body, on four spherical feet, urn finial, glass liner, 8cm high, 2.92ozt
John Coakley of Liverpool, Chester 1828, a George IV Provincial silver mustard pot, ogee moulded oval form, with domed lid, double shell thumb piece and soft edge loop handle, glass liner, 7cm high, 3.46ozt Note: one of only two mustard pots produced by Coakley in 1828/29, referred to in an inventory of his output between 1828 and 1833, the majority of his output consisted of spoons
James Deakin and Sons, Chester 1893, a Victorian silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, with beaded borders and angled reeded handle, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 3.72ozt
Charles Boyton II, London 1883, a Victorian silver mustard pot of oval form, the body with pierced trellis banding and decorated central band, hinged lid with spoon aperture, urn shape finial, bracket handle, glass liner, 6.3cm high, 2.34ozt
Walter and John Barnard, London 1879, a Victorian silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, reticulated and bright cut foliate and floral scroll design, of trumpet flowwers, the lid similarly engraved, ear handle, glass liner, 6cm high, 3.09ozt
Mappin and Webb, Sheffield 1887, a Victorian silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, reticulated and bright cut with interlocking foliate ovals above a geometric trellis, on four fluted bracket feet, ogee domed lid with urn finial, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 2.89ozt
Edward Barnard and Sons, London 1893, a Victorian silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, bright cut and reticulated with reeding and festoons, ogee domed lid and ear handle, glass liner, 7cm high, 5.27ozt
Thomas Hayes, Birmingham 1895, a Victorian silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, bright cut and reticulated with floral garlands and angled handle, domed lid, glass liner, 6cm high, 2.60ozt
Charles Boyton, London 1854, a Victorian silver mustard pot, baluster lidded mug form, embossed and chased with cast floral design and central cartouche, below foliate C scrolls, the ogee domed lid similarly decorated, gilt interior, 10cm high, 6.42ozt
Edward Ker Reid, London 1863, a Victorian silver mustard pot, pedestal urn form, embossed with rams head masks and foliate swags, between stepped and incised handles, the domed lid and foot with festoons and foliate finial, glass liner, 12cm high, 4.62ozt For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
Peter Henderson Deere for Watherston, London 1899, a Victorian silver mustard pot, inverse baluster form with gadrooned foot and rim, the ogee domed lid with wryhten finial, glass liner, 13cm high, 6.17ozt
Robert Hennell II, London 1828, a George IV silver vase shape mustard pot with half fluted body and pedestal decoration, the stepped domed lid with fluted and gadrooned decoration and finial and spoon aperture, blue glass liner, weighted base, 12.3cm high, 10.19ozt Provinence: Frank Marshall, lot 649, 15 July 2011
Henry Wilkinson and Co., Sheffield 1848, a Victorian silver mustard pot, heavily embossed fluted ogee pear or bombe form on three scroll and foliate legs, double C scroll handle, with lobed pear finial, glass liner, 13.5cm high, 3.91ozt
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
Edward and John Barnard, London 1854, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated interlocking hearts, cushioned lid with etched wreath, on a moulded ogee foot, double C scroll handle, glass liner, 7cm high, 4.09ozt
Elkington and Co., Birmingham 1901, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated and etched with birds and dog in a foliate and floral scroll and trellis, glass liner, 7cm high, 3.15ozt
Edward, Edward, John and William Barnard, London 1842, a Victorian silver mustard pot, straight sided octagonal form, alternating reticulated panels of interlocking hearts, flat top and ear handle, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 5.23ozt Provenance: Bonhams, Chester, 5th February 2013, lot 141
William K. Reid, London 1852, a Victorian silver mustard pot, the drum-shaped body pierced with scrolling foliate design, the plain hinged lid with spoon aperture and pierced thumbpiece, scroll handle, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 3.88ozt
John Evans II, London 1857, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated knotted scroll decoration in the Renaissance style, below a gadrooned brim and engraved flat lid, glass liner, 7cm high, 3.04ozt
Yapp and Woodward, Birmingham 1852, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, engraved with foliate scrolls to the body and domed lid, S scroll handle, cast foliate thumb piece and finial, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 2.91ozt
Charles Fox II, London 1831, a William IV silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, embossed with a band of leaf and flower within ogee arcading, the domed lid with cast pear finial, acanthis scroll handle, glass liner, 9cm high, 4.38ozt
Robert Gray and Son, Glasgow 1836, a William IV Scottish silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, engraved with bands of Rococo flame and scroll cartouches, the domed lid cast with floral finial, acanthus ear handle, glass liner, 9cm high, 3.46ozt
Charles Fox II, London 1839, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, applied with relief cast and chased foliate scroll and flower borders, on four scroll bracket feet, the lid with flame finial, glass liner, 7cm high, 5.17ozt
Edgar Finlay and Hugh Taylor, London 1889, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, embossed with mask and vine design, the handle cast as a grape encrusted branch, glass liner, 8cm high, 3.13ozt
Edward & John Barnard, London 1856, a Victorian silver mustard pot of plain cylindrical form with beaded borders, shell back thumb piece, scroll handle, crested, glass liner, 7cm high, 5.12ozt Provenance: Bonhams, 5th February 2013, lot 144
Edward and John Barnard, London 1852, a Victorian silver mustard pot, plain cylindrical form, with engraved cushion domed lid and ogee moulded foot, ear handle, cast shell thumb piece, glass liner, 7cm high, 3.62ozt
Harrison Brothers, Sheffield 1885, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, with incised concentric ring banding, flat lid and loop handle, 8cm high, 3.62ozt
Charles Fox II, London 1836, a William IV silver mustard pot, plain cylindrical drum form with wide brim gadrooned rim and cast shell thumb piece, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 4.69ozt
Robert Hennell, London 1830, a George IV silver mustard pot of straight sided cylindrical form, hinged lid with shell back thumb piece, plain angular handle, glass liner, 7cm high, 4.85ozt
Henry Wilkinson and Co., Sheffield 1840, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated and etched with foliate scroll decoration, on an ogee baton and ball foot, ear handle, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 4.53ozt including glass plate to the lid
Barnard Bros., London 1874, a Victorian silver mustard pot of cylindrical form, the body pierced and stamped with undulating ribbon swags and floral lozenges and with central bird motif and gadrooned borders, the shallow domed hinged lid with thumbpiece and spoon aperture, scroll handle, glass liner, 7.7cm high, 5.14ozt
Henry Wilkinson and Co., Sheffield 1844, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, die stamped reticulated foliate scroll design with ogee rim and slightly domed lid, acanthus double C scroll handlle, glass liner, 8cm high, 3.85ozt Provenance: Bonhams, 5th February 2013, lot 152 For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
Daniel and Charles Houle, London 1854, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindircal form, reticulated with interlocking foliate heart motifs, on a double ogee foot, the domed lid engraved with Rococo cartouche, ear handle, glass liner, 9.5cm high, 3.36ozt
Henry Wilkinson and Co., Sheffield 1840, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated and etched with foliate scroll decoration, on an ogee baton and ball foot, ear handle, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 4.22ozt including glass plate to the lid
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
John and George Angell, London 1841, a Victorian silver mustard pot, hexagonal section, etched and engraved with knotted scroll panels, on a stepped foot, the conical lid with cast shell thumb piece nd S scroll handle, glass liner, 7cm high, 4.37ozt
Samuel Hayne and Dudley Cater, London 1842, a Victorian silver mustard pot, octagonal section, decoated with etched foliate scrolls to each side, the lid with wreath, acanthus scroll handle, glass liner, 9cm high, 4.85ozt
Martin Goldstein, London 1882, a Victorian silver mustard pot, octagonal section bright cut and reticulated in the Neoclassical style, with vitruvian scroll and arcaded lappet borders, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 4.09ozt
Edward Edwards II, London 1842, a Victorian silver mustard pot, octagonl section, engraved with floral sprays, on a cast and splayed ruched skirt foot, with acanthus S scroll handle, glass liner, 7cm high, 4.74ozt
Edward and John Barnard, London 1854, a Victorian silver mustard pot, straight sided octagonal section, engraved with panels of floral garlands in scroll borders, the flat lid with a bouquet, ear handle, glass liner, 7cm high, 4.68ozt
George Fox, London 1872, a Victorian silver mustard pot, baluster form, half reeded the rim with engraved acanthus leaf decoration below a beaded border, flat lid with cornucopia thumb piece, beaded acanthus handle, gilt interior, 7.5cm high, 3.24ozt
Charles Thomas Fox and George Fox, London 1851, a Victorian silver mustard pot, reticulated conical form, decorated with foliate scroll piercing, below a ribbed border, cushion domed lid and C S scroll handle, glass liner, 8.5cm high, liner not removble Provenance: Lyon and Turnbull, 12th October 2010, lot 321
Martin Hall & Co Ltd., Sheffield 1860, a Victorian silver mustard pot of pear-shaped form, the body foliate chased with floral motifs, leaf and scroll decoration, vacant central cartouche, hinged lid with spoon aperture, scroll thumbpiece, scroll handle, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 4.03ozt
Charles Thomas Fox and George Fox, London 1847, a Victorian silver and glass mustard pot, the frosted bulbous body with etched flat lid and double C scroll open handle, 8cm high
Richard Sibley I, London 1829, a George IV silver mounted cut glass mustard pot, the melon shaped glass with a plain silver mount , shell thumbpiece, plain hinged lid, spoon aperture, scroll handle, 7.3cm high
J Hamilton and Son, Edinburgh 1850, a Victorian Scottish silver mustard pot, pedestal shallow cup form, cast and chased open cage of entwined foliate fronds and diaper etched cartouches, double C acanthus scroll handle and leaf finial, glass liner, 8cm high, 6.38ozt Provenance: Bonhams, 5th March 2013, lot 87
Joseph and John Angell, London 1839, a Victorian silver mustard pot, conical pale form, reticulated with foliate scroll design to the lid and body, between cast scroll and shell borders on bracket feet, surmounted by a floral finial, glass liner, 11cm high, 7.20ozt
John and George Angell, London 1848, a Victorian silver mustard pot, waisted cylindrical form, pierced with Gothic Revival vignettes and cast borders, bright cut engraved, the domed lid with crest of three ostrich feathers from a ducal coronet, glass liner, 9cm high, 4.31ozt
Charles Thomas Fox, London 1840, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cast Rococo ogee form, on four foliate bracket feet, the open sides with asymetrical cartouche pillasters and S scroll handle, the lid surmounted by a flower, glass liner, 10cm high, 8.42ozt Provenance: Woolley and Wallis, 26th October 2011, lot 1302
Edward, Edward, John and William Barnard, London 1838, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cast in relief and reticulated with foliate scroll and floral design, conical form, on three bracket feet, the ogee domed lid with cast floral finial, acanthus ear handle, glass liner 8cm high, 5.44ozt
William Bateman and Daniel Ball, London 1841, a Victorian silver mustard pot, bombe form, heavily modelled in relief with leaf and scroll design, acanthus handle and shaped lid, gilt interior, 7cm, 7.31ozt
Samuel Hayne and Dudley Cater, London 1838, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, cast shell and vine brim and S scroll handle, the flat lid with rose finial, 8cm high, 4.83ozt
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
William Bateman and Daniel Ball, London 1841, a Victorian silver mustard pot, ovoid form, embossed with floral and foliate scrolls, the wide brim cast with C scrolls and flowers, on three cast bracket feet, acanthus handle and ogee lid, gilt interior, 8cm high, 6.47ozt
James Dixon and Son, Sheffield 1856, a Victorian silver mustard pot, footed baluster form with wide brin, cast with acanthus tongue lappets, S scroll handle with floral rosettes, 9.5cm high, 5.47ozt
T Cox Savory, London 1828, a George IV silver mustard pot, ovoid form with everted gadrooned rim, on heavily cast folite lions paw bracket feet, loop handle, gilt interior, 8cm high, 4.72ozt
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
John Harrison, Sheffield 1864, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated with two bands of entwined floral scrolls, S Scroll handle and shell thumb piece, glass liner, 8cm high, 3.82ozt
Edward and John Barnard, London 1856, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated with geometric star and scroll bands, cushion domed lid, ear handle, between beaded borders, 7cm high, 3.8ozt
Alexander Macrae, London 1875, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindircal form, reticulated and engraved foliate scroll design, below a beaded rim and ogee domed lid, double C scroll handle, glass liner, 8cm high, 3.77ozt
George Unite, Birmingham 1855, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated and etched with foliate scroll panels, beaded handle, the flat lid engraved with Rococo scroll cartouche, 7.5cm high, 3.66ozt
George Unite, Birmingham 1854, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, chased and reticulated foliate scroll panels, the flat lid similarly decorted, cast acanthus scroll handle, 8cm high, 4.19ozt
Lambert and Co., London 1893, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, the domed lid embossed and etched with a foliate wreath surrounding a vacant cartouche, the body with foliate lappets and supported on three cast lions, glass liner, 8cm high, 2.39ozt
George Fox, London 1873, a Victorian silver mustard pot, straight footed squat ovoid form, chased and engraved with dense foliated scroll cartouches and banding, in the Anglo Indian style, scroll handle and double scroll thumbpiece with knopped finial, glass liner, 8cm high, 4.07ozt
Martin and Hall, Sheffield 1886, a Victorian silver mustard pot, ovoid form with conical ogee rimmed and beaded neck, reeded to the lower body, acanthus etched border and fluted handle, 8cm high, 3.24ozt
Charles Thomas Fox and George Fox, London 1859, a Victorian silver mustard pot, footed squat ovoid form, embossed with stylised tulip and poppy motifs, beaded and ribbed scroll handle and double scroll thumbpiece with knopped finial, glass liner, 8cm high, 3.95ozt
Nathan and Hayes, Birmingham 1894, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, the domed lid embossed and etched with a foliate wreath surrounding a George III silver coin, the body with foliate lappets and supported on three cast lions, glass liner, 8cm high, 2.94ozt
Nathan and Hayes, Birmingham 1897, a Victorian silver mustard pot, reticulated and embossed, double ogee pedestal boat form, foliate garlands in relief, above a reeded lower bosy and foot, between beaded borders, ring handles and urn finial, acanthus handle and shell thumb piece, glass liner, 11.5cm high, 6.15ozt
G E, London 1860, a Victorian silver vase- shaped mustard pot on a foliate cast and pierced domed foot, the body foliate chased and pierced with scroll and leaf decoration, the shallow domed hinged lid foliate chased with plain thumbpiece, spoon aperture and bracket handle, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 3.64ozt
Haseler Brothers, London 1899, a Victorian silver mustard pot, Neoclassical wire cage urn form with applied relief floral garland festoons, stepped foot and strap handle, 10cm high, 3.69ozt
Henry John Lias and Son, London 1866, a Victorian silver mustard pot, twin handled bright cut egg form, raised on three kneed lions paw legs, glass liner, 10cm high, 3.43ozt
Charles Stuart Harris, London 1892, a Victorian silver mustard pot, reticulated pedestal urn form, interlocking arcading above pale and dot decoration, fluted and beaded bands, the high domed ogee lid with half reeding and baluster finial, glass liner, 15.5cm high, 4.16ozt
Edward Barnard and John Barnard, London 1860, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindircal form, reticulated with panels of foliate scrolls, cushion domed lid and ogee moulded foot, ear handle, glass liner, 7cm high, 3.39ozt
Henry John Lias and Son, London 1861, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindircal form, reticulated foliated scroll design, flat lid engraved and bright cut, C scroll ear handle, glass liner, 8cm high, 3.75ozt
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
Charles Thomas Fox and George Fox, London 1855, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated foliate scroll design, below a gadrooned border, the flat lid engraveed, ear handle, glass liner, 8cm high, 4.36ozt
William Evans, London 1864, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, gadrooned border,the body reticulated with interlocking scrolls, cast acanthus handle,shallow domed lid with trefoil thumbpiece, spoon aperture, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 3.41ozt
Barnard Bros., London 1871, a Victorian silver mustard pot of cylindrical form, the body pierced and stamped with honeysuckle motifs between beaded borders, the shallow domed hinged lid engraved with Greek Key decoration, pierced thumb piece, double scroll handle, glass liner, 6.5cm high, 3.89ozt
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
Thomas Hayes, Birmingham 1890, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, engraved with floral wreath and garlands, between bright cut and beaded borders, flat top, glass liner, 6.5cm high, 2.18ozt
Edward and John Barnard, London 1867, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, engraved and embossed with garlands and festoons in relief, angled handle, glass liner, 7cm high, 4.23ozt
John Aldwinckle & Thomas Slater, London 1885, a Victorian mustard pot of oval half reeded form, engraved with swag decoration, the shallow domed hinged lid decorated with engraved leaf banding and inscriptions, spoon aperture, decorative thumb plate, bracket handle, glass liner, 6.5cm high, 3.02ozt
Williams Evans, London 1876, a Victorian silver mustard pot of cylindrical form with bead borders, the sides engraved with floral roundels and festoons, the hinged lid with spoon aperture, thumbpiece and bracket handle, blue glass liner, 7.2cm high, 3.47ozt
Charles Stuart Harris, London 1890, a Victorian silver drum shape mustard pot, engraved decoration with vacant cetral shield shape cartouche, reeded borders, engraved hinged lid with spoon aperture and shell thumbpiece, bracket handle, glass liner, 5.6cm high, 2.19ozt
Robert Hennell IV, London 1872, a Victorian silver gilt mustard pot and spoon, cylindircal form, engraved with a diaper design embossed with flowers, between beaded borders, the handle cast and chased in the same design, the matching spoon with beaded loop and foliate design, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 6.82ozt Note: bears the crest of Sir Philip Rose Bt. friend and advisor of Benjamin Disralei, and founder of the Foreign and Colonial Investment Trust
George Fox, London 1870, a Victorian silver gilt mustard pot, footed squat ovoid form, chased and engraved with dense foliated scroll cartouches and banding, in the Anglo Indian style, scroll handle and double scroll thumbpiece with knopped finial, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 4.39ozt Note: engraved with the Stennett family crest
Hilliard and Thomason, Birmingham 1883, a Victorian silver mustard pot, angled conical baluster form, mill etched with Greek key borders and three cast Egyptian pharaoh mask bracket feet, triangular handle, gilt interior, 8.5cm high, 3.37ozt
Joseph Fillmore, Birmingham 1839, a Victorian silver gilt mustard pot in Rococo Revival style with foliage and rocaille, four pad feet and with a naturalistic convolvulus handle, glass liner, 8cm high, 3.17ozt
Robert Hennell III, London 1865, a Victorian silver gilt mustard pot and spoon, cylindircal form, cast and embossed in relief with a textured flame edged band of rosettes and diamonds, punctuated by jewels, between beaded borders, the original spoon of Rococo foliate design, glass liner, 6.5cm high, 3.51ozt
Simeon Greenberg, Birmingham 1861, a Victorian silver mustard pot, squat ovoid form, embossed with shell scroll motifs and raised on three cast dolphin legs, the ogee lid with three shells and fish finial, S scroll handle, glass liner, 4cm high, 2.29ozt
Henry Bourne, Birmingham 1878, a Victorian novelty silver mustard pot, in the form of an egg, on three spherical feet, with urn finial, 8cm high, 2.53ozt
George Gilliam, London 1892, a Victorian novelty silver mustard pot, in the form of an 18th century pounce pot, stepped cylindrical form with pierced domed and hinged lid, glass liner, 8cm high, 3.06ozt
Mappin and Webb, Sheffield 1898, a Victorian novelty silver mustard pot, in the form of an egg, on three spherical feet with ball finial, glass liner, 7cm high, 1.89ozt
H A & S, London 1871, a Victorian silver mustard pot, baluster form, embossed in relief and etched with C scrolls and floral sprays, S scroll handle and cast foliate thumb piece, gilt interior, 8cm high, 3.32ozt
William Comyns, London 1892, a Victorian silver mustard pot, reticulated and embossed in relief with imps, birds and green man within a C scroll ground, cast seahorse handle and shell thumb piece, glass liner, 7cm high, 2.55ozt
John Figg, London 1842, a Victorian silver mustard pot in the Chinoiserie style, ovoid form, cast and reticulated with garden landscape, on three legs with Oriental masks and Rococo shell feet, surmounted by a bird finial, 8cm high, 5.5ozt Provenance: Bonhams, Chester, 5th March 2013, lot 98
William Hutton & Sons Ltd., London 1896, a Victorian silver mustard pot of oval form, the body with pierced foliate and scroll decoration and central vacant cartouche raised on four splayed feet, the oval domed hinged lid with floral and foliate decoration, shell thumbpiece and double scroll handle, glass liner, 6cm high, 2.94ozt
William Comyns, London 1881, a Victorian silver mustard pot, rounded beaker form, embossed and repousse engraved with a floral wreath below a reeded band, on three spherical feet, gilt interior and glass liner, 7cm high, 2.76ozt For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
C & J Fry, London 1824, a George IV silver mustard pot, twin handled pedestal vase form with cover, heavily cast and embossed in relief with a stag hunt scene, the handles modelled as lions rampant, the flared conical lid and foot decorated with foliate scroll design and surmounted by a grouse, glass liner, 16.5cm high, 10.41ozt
A Victorian silver mustard pot, double ogee compressed baluster form., heavily cast and chased in relief with a Dutch village scene of figures, buildings and trees, after David Teniers, acanthus scroll handle, the lid similarly embossed with a floral wreath and grape finial, on three mask and paw feet, gilt interior and glass liner, 9.5cm high, 11.19ozt
Five English silver mustard pots, Victorian with date marks from 1876 to 1899, various makers, Birmingham & Chester, of oval, navette and circular form with pierced trellis work and engraved foliate and scroll decoration and with vacant cartouche and foliate borders, cherubs and columns, the hinged covers with spoon apertures, various shaped handles, all with blue glass liners, the largest 7cm high, total weighable silver 7.89ozt (5) (one cover a/f)
Five English silver mustard pots, Victorian with date marks from 1893 to 1900, various makers, Birmingham, Chester & London, of oval, circular and barrel form, the bodies mostly plain except one with engraved swag and floral decoartion, hinged covers with spoon apertures, loop and bracket handles, all with glass liners, the largest 8cm high, total weighable silver 11.29ozt (5)
Five English silver mustard pots, Victorian with date marks from 1894 to 1899, various makers, London, Birmingham & Chester, of urn form and raised on pedestal base, reeded body, all with hinged covers, two with glass liners, the largest 9cm high, total weighable silver 9.78ozt (5)
Five English silver mustard pots, Victorian with date marks from 1895 to 1900, various makers, Chester, Sheffield & Birmingham, of navette form with gadrooned and foliate and scroll decoration, all with hinged covers with spoon apertures, finials and with scroll and bracket handles, four with blue glass liners, the largest 7cm high, total weighable silver 8.14ozt (5)
Five English silver mustard pots, with date marks from 1893 to 1902, various makers, London, Birmingham & Chester, of octagonal, oval and circular form, with pierced, scroll and rococco style floral motifs, the hinged covers with spoon apertures, scroll and bracket handles, all with blue glass liners, the largest 6.5cm high, total weighable silver 8.27ozt (5)
Five English silver mustard pots, Victorian with date marks from 1886 to 1900, various makers, Birmingham, London & Chester, of urn and circular form with engraved foliate and scroll decoration and with vacant cartouche and foliate borders, the hinged covers with spoon apertures, scroll and bracket handles, four with blue glass liners, the largest 8.5cm high, total weighable silver 7.95ozt (5)
3198 For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
3203 For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
PART III THURSDAY 5TH MARCH 2020 Viewing Tuesday 3rd March – 10.00am to 5.00pm Wednesday 4th March – 10.00am to 7.00pm
Nathan and Hayes, Chester 1908, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated trellis with entwined naturalistic clematis, gadrooned brim and acanthus handle, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 3.83ozt
S & G G, Birmingham 1900, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated interlaced ribbon, pale and dot bands, flat lid, angled handle, glass liner, 7cm high, 3.03ozt
Haseler Brothers, Chester 1902, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated with trellis banding, flat top and shell thumb piece, strap handle, glass liner, 6.5cm high, 2.87ozt
C J Vander, London 1919, a George V silver mustard pot, reticulated cylindrical form, interlocking C scroll and horizontal bar and lozenge design, below a beaded rim and plain lid, glass liner, 7cm high, 3.09ozt
Daniel and John Wellby, London 1902, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, reticulated cylindrical form with horizontal pale and dot design between bright cut bands and beaded borders, ear hand, glass liner, 8cm high, 2.90ozt
Edward James Watherston, London 1904, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, cast open cage cylinder form, Gothic Revival denticulated borders united by scroll pilaster supports, on lions paw feet, beaded S scroll handle and red glass liner, 11.5cm high, 6.39ozt
Hendeles and Co., London 1913, a George V silver mustard pot, faceted elongated octagonal section pededtal boat form, with ogee lid, bisected ribbon scroll thumb piece and strap handle, glass liner, 9cm high, 4.54ozt
L A Crichton, London 1921, a George V Britania silver mustard pot, square chamfered section pedestal ovoid form, in the Queen Anne style, angled handle and turned finial, glass liner, 11cm high, 9.62ozt
Charles Stuart Harris, London 1902, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, double ogee ovoid form, on four spherical feet, beaded and gadrooned rim and chamfered angular handle, 8.5cm high, 5.10ozt
Cornelius Saunders and Frank Shepherd, Chester 1905, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, in the Neoclassical style, open arcaded cage design supporing a suspended domed glass liner, with sinuous double wire hadle, 10cm high, 3.87ozt
Archibald Knox for Liberty and Co., Birmingham 1904, an Arts and Crafts Cymric silver mustard pot, squat ogee form with domed lid and thumb piece set with hobnail, together with matching spoon, glass liner, 3cm high, 1.49ozt
Liberty and Co., Birmingham 1908, an Arts and Crafts silver mustard pot, squat pedestal form with domed lid and simple handle, 5cm high, 2.04ozt
Alan Wesley Hunn, Edinburgh 1988, a Modernist Scottish silver mustard pot and spoon, squat lobed pumpkin form, glass liner, 5.5cm high, 2.71ozt
Archibald Knox for Liberty and Co., Birmingham 1912, an Arts and Crafts silver and turquoise set mustard pot, footed baluser form with applied trails and cabochon set stones, ceramic liner, 5.5cm high, 2.23ozt
Archibald Knox for Liberty and Co., Birmingham 1904, an Arts and Crafts Cymric silver mustard pot, rounded conical form with double domed lid and thumb piece, glass liner, 5.5cm high, 1.39ozt
Nathan and Hayes, Chester 1905, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, ogee moulded oval form, bright cut engraved, with reeded loop handle, urn finial, glass liner, 9cm high, 4.11ozt
Charles Stuart Harris, London 1924, a George V silver mustard pot, cylindrical form reticulated and bright cut with Vitruvian scrolls, foliate lozenges and galleried banding, ear handle and beaded rim, 8.5cm high, 5.14ozt Provenance: Christie’s, 30th March 1993, part of lot 152; Colman Collection number 147
S Blanckensee and Sons, Chester 1936, a George VI silver mustard pot, bowed oval form, with reeded borders, ogee domed lid, glass liner, 9cm high, 3.62ozt
H V Pithey and Co., Chester 1911, a George V silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, bright cut and reticulated with a band of swags and roundels, between quatrefoil and ribbon borders, glass liner, 8cm high, 3.21ozt
Charles Stuart Harris, London 1900, a Victorian silver mustard pot, straight sided oval boat form, embossed with Rococo scrolls and floral garlands, C S scroll handle, domed lid, with glass liner, 7cm high, 4.61ozt For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
Richard Woodman Burbidge for Harrods, London 1938, a George VI silver mustard pot, chamfered cuboid form, scroll thumb piece, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 3.89ozt
Charles Perry and Co., Chester 1930, a George V silver mustard pot, straight sided ogee fluted rectanular section, with flat lid and acanthus finial, 6cm high, 4.91ozt
Zachariah Barraclough and Sons, Chester 1919, a George V silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, reeded strap handle and ogee lid with urn finial, glass liner, 8cm high, 3.16ozt
Stokes and Ireland, Chester 1903, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, plain boat form with gadrooned rim, the domed lid with cast Hermes horn thumb piece, angled handle and glass liner, with spoon by the same maker 1906, 7cm high, 3.44ozt
Roberts and Belk, Sheffield 1927, a George V silver mustard pot, elongated octagonal section, with bright cut denticulated rim, angled handle and domed lid, glass liner, 8cm high, 4.82ozt
Kate Harris for William Hutton, London 1902, an Arts and Crafts silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated flowering tree design in the Art Nouveau style, on three hemispherical feet, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 2.82ozt
William Devenport, Birmingham 1905, an Arts and Crafts silver mustard pot, oval cylinder form, reticulated sinuous tendril sides and green glas liner, on bracket feet, 5.5cm high, 1.22ozt
Henry Williamson, Birmingham 1905, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, reticulated straight sided lozenge form, cast foliate lattice design, on four feet, angled handle and glass liner, 8cm high, 2.10ozt
Henry Wilkinson, Birmingham 1909, an Arts and Crafts silver mustard pot, pierced oval cylinder form, embossed with floral specimens, heart shaped motifs to the top, relief moulded glass liner, 4.5cm high, 0.97ozt
Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company, London 1909, an Arts and Crafts silver mustard pot, ocatgonal baluster form with pierced four footed bracket base, decorated with hearts and foliate feet, the whiplash handle with three terminals, glass liner, 8cm high, 2.38ozt
John Marshall Spink, London 1900, a Victorian silver mustard pot, Neoclassical cylinder form, reticulated horizontal pale and dot design between bright cut bands and beaded borders, the flred conical lid engraved with Scottish thistles and motto Noli Me Tangere, the body applied with the cypher of Bonnie Prince Charlie with Wales feathers and date 1745, glass liner, 10cm high, 4.76ozt
Nathan and Hayes, Chester 1910, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, in the Neoclassical style, pedesta, urn form, reticulated with interlocking arcading and fluting, on square base with angled handle, glass liner, 14cm high, 4.53ozt
Israel Sigmund Greenland, import Birmingham 1902, a Dutch silver mustard pot, Neoclassical pedestal urn form, reticulated and applied with cast floral garland swags, the flared conical lid with reeded knop finial, glass liner, 16.5cm high, 7.48ozt
Nathan and Hayes, Chester 1904, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, Neoclassical pedestal urn form, reticulated and bright cut with a band of fluting between wave borders and oval lozenges, ogee domed lid and strap handle, glass liner, 12cm high, 3.86ozt
Nathan and Hayes, Chester 1914, a George V silver mustard pot, Neoclassical footed urn form, bright cut and reticulated with swags and roundels over a verticlly banded ground, between beaded borders, glass liner, 11cm high, 3.84ozt
Martin, Hall and Co., Chester 1912, a George V silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, bright cut and reticulated with Vitruvian scroll borders and festoons, below a serpentine beaded rim and crimped lid, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 2.99ozt
S W Smith and Co., London 1913, a George V silver mustard pot, straight sided ovoid form, reticualted and bright cut lattice decoration between rosette and lozenge borders, on spherical feet, 8.5cm high, 4.47ozt
Robert Pringle, Chester 1918, a George V silver mustard pot, flared cylinder form, reeded foot and domed top, glass liner, 6.5cm high, 2.06ozt
William Aitken, Birmingham 1913, a George V silver mustard pot, straight sided lozenge form, bright cut and reticulated bands and angled handle, glass liner, 8cm high, 2.93ozt
Thomas Bradbury and Sons, Sheffield 1906, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, straight sided ogee oval form, reticulated and bright cut cartouches and garlands, domed lid and a double scroll thumb piece, 7.5cm high, 4.03ozt
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
A E Jones, Birmingham 1907, an Arts and Crafts silver mustard pot, planished, flared trumpet form on three wrought and scroll footed legs with trefoil detaling and applied whiplash handle, the finial formed of wire, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 2.05ozt
A E Jones, Birmingham 1919, an Arts and Crafts silver mustard pot, planished, cylindrical bulbous form with applied rope band, on three squat feet, glass liner, 6.5cm high, 1.64ozt
A E Jones, Birmingham 1916, an Arts and Crafts silver mustard pot, planished, three handled squat ogee cylinder form, with lipped rim to the lid, Ruskin ceramic liner dated 1913, 5cm high, 1.96ozt
A E Jones, Chester 1922, an Arts and Crafts silver mustard pot, planished, three handled ogee cup form, 6.5cm high, 1.81ozt
A E Jones, Birmingham 1921, an Arts and Crafts dilver mustard pot, cylindrical form, planished, with reticulated mistletoe band to the bottom, on three ball feet, glass liner, 7cm high, 1.42ozt
F T Ray and Co., London 1937, a George VI Britania silver mustard pot, conical mug form, cushion domed lid with wide brim and ogee lip, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 5.47ozt
Carrington and Co. London 1902, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, cylindrical lidded mug form, cushion domed lid and stepped base, S scroll handle, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 4.38ozt
George Edward and Son of Glasgow, Chester 1914, a George V silver mustard pot, footed balsuter mug form with relief moulded lappet decoration to the lower body, glass liner, 8cm high, 4.43ozt
Frederick Augustus Burridge, London 1905, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, lobed beaker form with conical foot, gadrooned band to the rim, acanthus ear handle, glass liner, 8cm high, 4.25ozt Provenance: Wright Marshall, 5th July 2011, lot 626; Colman Collection number 138
Thomas of New Bond Street, London 1912, a George V silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated die pressed farmyard scene wth windmill, deer and trees, the lid similarly embossed, glass liner, 10cm high, 5.80ozt Note: bears the crest of Ferguson or McInnes
Stokes and Ireland, Chester 1904, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, reticulated reed and diamond decoration, the ogee domed lid with cast Hermes wing thumb piece, glass liner, 7cm high, 2.68ozt
Henry Stafford, Sheffield 1901, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, reticulated foliate scroll design, ogee domed lid, reeded loop handle, 8cm high, 2.96ozt
Haseler Brothers, Chester 1906, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, reticulated geometric lozenge and diamond design, between bands of open hexagons, 8.5cm high, 3.40zt
Nathan and Hayes, Chester 1901, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, reticulated and chased foliate scroll design, below a gadrooned brim, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 2.88ozt
Nathan and Hayes, Chester 1901, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, reticulated and chased foliate scroll design, below a gadrooned brim, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 2.51ozt
Wakely and Wheeler, Dublin 1917, a George V Irish silver mustard pot, Neoclassical urn form, reticulated bright cut band of leaves and flowers, between beaded borders, glass liner, 9.5cm high, 2.48ozt
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
Nathan and Hayes, Chester 1911, a George V silver mustard pot, ogee fluted pedestal urn form, bright cut with a band of interlocking ribbons, glass liner, 10cm high, 2.52ozt
Joseph Rodgers and Sons, Sheffield 1923, a George V silver mechanical mustard pot, reticulated cylindrical form, with virtical tendril handle and tilting body, glass liner, 10.5cm high, 4.05ozt
Charles Edwards, London 1900, a Victorian silver mustard pot, inverse balsuter form, embossed and etched with foliate scroll banding, ogee domed lid and pierced thumb piece, ear handle, glass liner, 9.5cm high, 3.85ozt
Marius Hammer, Bergen circa 1890, a Norwegian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, the domed lid embossed and etched with a foliate wreath surrounding a 1715 Danish Shilling coin, the body with foliate arcading and supported on three cast lions, gilt interior, 8cm high, 3.08ozt
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
Hamilton and Inches, Edinburgh 1919, a George V Scottish silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, reeded borders, reeded loop handle, urn finial, glass liner, 8cm high, 3.38ozt
Walker and Hall, Birmingham 1911, a George V silver mustard pot, the hemispherical bowl supported on a triform base with fluted pilaster legs united by garland swags, below a gadrooned rim, glass liner, 6cm high, 2.240ozt
William Aitken, Birmingham 1919, a George V silver mustard pot, straight sided plain octagonal form, on stepped foot, flat lid and angled handle, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 3.79ozt
Nathan and Hayes, Chester 1909, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, Neoclassical Campana urn form, embossed with garland swags, over acanthus lappets, cast handle, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 2.82ozt
Richard Burbridge for Harrods, Sheffield 1912, a George V silver mustard pot, pedestal cup form in the Empire style, gadroon knopped stem and egg and dart border, the open scroll handle cast with lions mask and bisected leaf, artichoke finial, 8cm high, 3.57ozt
Nathan and Hayes, Chester 1904, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, straight sided cushioned rectangular form, embossed in relief with Dutch village scene with figures, C handle, glass liner, 7cm high, 2.08ozt
Finley and Taylor, London 1889, an Arts and Crafts silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, decorated with roundels embossed with the emblems of the British Isles, including shamrocks, roses and thistles, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 2.77ozt Note: formerly in the Coleman Collection, number 133
Omar Ramsden, London 1927, an Arts and Crafts silver mustard pot, planished pedestal knopped and bladed baluster form, with square section S handle, chamfered quare cruciform foot, incised Omar Ramsden Me Fecit, 9.5cm high, 3.95ozt
Omar Ramsden and Alwyn Carr, London 1912, an Arts and Crafts silver mustard pot, planished double ogee baluster form, repousse decorated with a band of roses, the lid with applied ropetwist decoration, glass liner, incised Omar Ramsden et Alwyn Carr Me Fecit, 7.5cm high, 3.3ozt Note: see the Coleman Collection number 143 for a similar pot with thistle motif
Deakin and Francis, Birmingham 1906, an Arts and Crafts silver mustard pot, planished, lobed ovoid form, on four trefoil toed feet, 7.5cm high, 2.33ozt
William Henry Leather, Birmingham 1926, an Arts and Crafts silver mustard pot, twin handled, squat waisted form, with angled ear handles, 4.5cm high, 1.83ozt
Cornelius Saunders and Frank Shepherd, Chester 1904, an Arts and Crafts silver mustard pot, squat open form with green glass liner anf three Art Nouveau style foliate feet, 5.5cm high, 1.53ozt
R F Moseley, Sheffield 1909, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, in the Art Nouveau style, three handled urn form, on stepped base, bisected whiplash and kneed feet, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 2.20ozt
Richard Martin and Ebenezer Hall, Birmingham 1909, an Arts and Crafts silver mustard pot, in the Art Nouveau style, twin handled oval section baluster form on four cornucopia feet, embossed with sinuous whiplash design, 6cm high, 3.12ozt
Samuel Levi, Birmingham 1901, an Arts and Crafts silver mustard pot, squat baluster form embossed with sylised poppy motifs in the Art Nouveau style, double stranded handle and planished lid, with glass liner, 5cm high, 2.10ozt
John Wakely and Frank Wheeler, London 1911, a George V silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated die pressed farmyard scene wth windmill, deer and trees, flat lid, glass liner, 5.5cm high, 2.14ozt
Charles Clement Pilling, Sheffield 1901, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, cylindircal form, reticulated with honeysuckle and lily of the valley, pie crust domed lid, ear handle and cast shell thumb piece, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 3.15ozt
Charles Boyton, Birmingham 1928, a George V silver mustard pot, reticulated bombe form, pierced panels of stylised leaves or flowers, ribbed C scroll hndle and double scroll cast finial, glass liner, 10cm high, 4.97ozt
Stokes and Ireland, Chester 1909, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, plain, with a fretted band of open lozenge and stylised flower motifs, flat lid, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 3.91ozt
J & R Griffin, Chester 1921, a George V silver mustard pot, staight sided oval form, open wire lozenge gallery, ogee domed lid, wishbone handle, glass liner, 6cm high, 1.11ozt For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
Charles Boyton, London 1934, an Art Deco silver mustard pot, planished cuboid form, with chamfered edges, angled handle and stepped lid, on four bracket feet, glass liner, facsimile signature, 5cm high, 3.52ozt
Ove Brobeck for Georg Jensen, circa 1930s, an Art Deco Danish silver mustard pot, model 627, cylindrical form with fluted dome and spherical finial, single bracket handle, glass liner, 7cm high, 2.33ozt
Mappin and Webb, Sheffield 1901, an Edwardian silver mustard pot and spoon, rounded beaker form on three spherical feet, with ear handle and cushion domed lid, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 3.56ozt
Elkington and Co., Birmingham 1936, an Art Deco silver mustard pot, stepped trumpet form with concentric ring banding to the lid and lower body, angled handle and fin finial, glass liner, 6cm high, 2.20ozt
Barnard and Son Ltd., London 1956, an Elizabeth II silver mustard pot, shallow cylindrical form, with plain flat top, 4cm high, 2.25ozt
Napper and Davenport, Birmingham 1920, a George V novelty silver mustard pot, in the form of a bullet, or artillery shell, weighted, 6.5cm high, 1.64ozt
Nathan and Hayes, Chester 1902, an Edwardian novelty silver mustard, in the form of a roll top bacon dish, oval domed on four feet, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 3.44ozt
Robert Pringle, Chester 1909, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, twin handled trophy form, footed and banded, glass liner, 10cm high, 2.54ozt
Charles Edwards, London 1905, an Edwardian novelty silver mustard pot, in the form of a milk pail, with swing handle and wire suspension hook to the back, glass liner, 5cm high, 2.04ozt
Finnigans Ltd, Birmingham 1920, a George V novelty silver mustard pot, in the form of a top hat, glass liner, 5.5cm high, 1.55ozt
Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company, London 1905, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, staight sided oval boat form, reticulated and bright cut with fluting and band of foliate scrolls, below a beaded rim, high bell domed lid, glass liner, 10cm high, 3.83ozt
Hawksworth, Eyre and Co., Ltd., London 1905, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, squat rectangular baluster form with cast gadrooned and shell moulded brim, on reticulated shell and foliate scroll bracket feet, open S acanthus scroll handle, glass liner, 6cm high, 4.85ozt
Nathan and Hayes, Chester 1901, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, oval section squat baluster boat form with gadrooned brim, on four bun feet, angled scroll handle, glass liner, 7cm high, 4.23ozt
Ellis and Co., Birmingham 1935, a George V silver mustard pot, rectangular section footed basket or boat form, with cast shell gadrooned brim, double ogee domed lid, gilt interior, 8cm high, 6.12ozt
Thomas Bradbury and Sons, Sheffield 1902, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, elongated straight sided hexagonal boat form, reticulated and bright cut with square rosette panels between eye borders, glass liner, 8cm high, 3.50zt
Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company, London 1912, a George V silver mustard pot, cylindrical form with egg and dart foot and brim, angular handle, 7.5cm high, 3.91ozt
Marples and Co., Chester 1907, an Edwardian silver mustard pot and spoon, cylindrical form, cushion domed lid, with S scroll handle, glass liner, 6.5cm high, 2.58ozt
Robert Pringle and Sons, London 1933, a George V silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, acanthus S scroll handle and cushion domed lid, glass liner, 6.5cm high, 3.22ozt
Stores and Ireland, Chester 1899, a Victorian silver mustard pot, cylinder form with beaded banding and flat lid, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 3.71ozt
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
A Marston and Co., Birmingham 1937, a George VI silver mustard pot, straight sided ogee form, bright cut and reticulated with Vitruvian scroll bands and leaf lozenges, angled handle, glass liner, 6.5cm high, 2.00ozt
Deakin and Francis, Birmingham 1906, an Edwaridan silver mustard pot, Neoclassical double ogee pedestal boat form, reticulated and bright cut with bands of Vitruvian scrolls and two reeded handles, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 2.65ozt
Alexander Clark and Co. Ltd., Birmingham 1917, a George V silver mustard pot, straight sided oval boat form, reticulated reeding and quatrefoil chain banding, on four foliate bracket feet, glass liner, 7cm high, 2.58ozt
Henry Greaves, London 1903, an Edwardian silver mustard pot, Neoclassical pedestal boat form, open wire cage and cast swags below a reeded border and ogee domed lid, angled handle, glass liner, 7.5cm high, 3.73ozt
William Comyns and Sons, London 1931, a George V silver mustard pot, straight sided ogee form, reticulated Vitruvian scroll borders, bright cut, with lobed lid, glass liner, 7cm high, 2.60ozt
J B Chatterley & Son, Birmingham 1973, a Modernist silver mustard pot, cylindrical drum form with textured body and plain lid, glass liner, 5cm high, 2.42ozt
S Blanckensee and Sons, Birmingham 1937, an Art Deco silver mustard pot, stepped drum cylinder form with circular loop handle, glass liner, 6.5cm high, 2.39ozt
R E Stone, London 1960, a Modernist silver mustard pot and spoon, planished, footed and waisted trumpet form, the lid with stlised rosette and bud finial, on a reeded cylinder pedestal base, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 5.17ozt
F J C Ingram, London 1961, a Modernist silver mustard pot, planished cylindrical form on hexagonal plate base and six ball feet, twin handled with shallow domed lid, glass liner, 4.37ozt
Stuart Devlin, London 1971, a Modernist silver and parcel gilt mustard pot and spoon, cylindrical form, the hinged lid with cast textured edge and concave top, the gilt spoon with line texturing, glass liner, 4.86ozt
Charles Robert Ashbee for Guild of Handicraft, London 1903, an Arts and Crafts silver pedestal mustard pot and spoon, the spherical bowl, planished and surmounted by a carnelian cabochon set finial, supported on a slender stem with five ball collar, the foot cast with three spheres between foliate lappets, bordered in a beaded band, the spoon termial decorated with a stylised seed head, 9cm high, 2.00ozt
Charles Robert Ashbee for Guild of Handicraft, London 1901, an Arts and Crafts silver mustard pot, planished, flared cylindrical tankard form, the ogee domed lid with green cabochon set finial and ring of beads, the wire work handle formed of three interlaced strands with spherical beads, glass liner, 6.5cm high, 1.63ozt
Emily Mayne for Doulton Lambeth, Mappin and Webb, London 1877, a silver mounted stoneware mustard pot, angled baluster form, moulded in relief with daisies, flat lid, 7.5cm high
Frank Butler for Doulton Lambeth, Birmingham 1874, a silver mounted stoneware mustard pot, conical form, incised and beaded seaweed design, domed lid with cast shell thumb piece, 8cm high
Elizabeth Sayers for Doulton Lambeth, Percy Holland and George Gibson, London 1876, a silver mounted stoneware mustard pot, conical form, incised and relief moulded lappet and rosette design, flat lid with pierced thumb piece, 10cm high
Frank Butler for Doulton Lambeth, Robert Hennell IV, London 1872, a silver mounted stoneware mustard pot, baluster form, relief moulded leaves on a ribbed ground, domed lid with cast foliate scroll thumb piece, 8cm high
William Moorcroft for James MacIntyre, Henry Matthews, Birmingham 1900, a silver mounted Florian Poppy mustard pot, cylindrical form, printed mark and underglazed green monogram, 5.5cm high For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
Doulton Lambeth, Cornelius Desormeaux Saunders and John Francis Hollings, Birmingham 1889, a silver mounted stoneware mustard pot, salt glazed and sprigged with tavern and hunting motifs, 7.5cm high
Thomas and Daniel Leader, Sheffield 1813, a George III silver mounted salt glazed stoneware mustard pot, relief moulded and sprigged with an image of Diana in a harvest landscape with windmill, domed lid and pinched spout, side apeture, 9.5cm high
William Eaton, London 1832, a William IV silver mounted salt glazed stoneware mustard pot, relief moulded and sprigged with tavern and harvest motifs and windmills, 9cm high
Doulton Lambeth, Cornelius Desormeaux Saunders and John Francis Hollings, Chester 1900, a silver mounted stoneware mustard pot, salt glazed and sprigged with tavern and hunting motifs, 7.5cm high
Taylor, Tunnicliffe and Co., Cornelius Desormeaux Saunders and John Francis Hollings, Chester 1890, a silver mounted novelty mustard pot in the form of a wicker basket, realistically relief moulded, the lid similarly cast, 6cm high
Kashmir, circa 1890, a Persian white metal mustard pot, lotus flower form, heavily engraved in relief with panels of flowers, hemispherical lid with flowering vine, gilt interior, 5.5cm high, 1.91ozt
H Sena, Thailand circa 1900, a silver and niello enamel mustard pot, squat beaker form with everted rim, decorated with Hindu figures, on three scroll feet, the lid with geometric lappets, 5cm high, 2.04ozt
Unknown, Iraq circa 1930, a white metal mustard pot, conical form, etched with Middle Eastern motifs of camel, ruins and boats on a river, 5cm high, 0.95ozt
India circa 1900, a white metal mustard pot and spoon, conical form, heavily embossed and repousse decorated with Hindu figures dancing on a floral carpet ground, S scroll handle, 6cm high, 2.61ozt
Kutch, circa 1890, an Indian white metal mustard pot, spherical form, repousse decorated with foliate scroll banding, on three feet, 6cm high, 1.69ozt
Wang Hing, Hong Kong circa 1900, a Chinese Export silver mustard pot, hexagonal section, cast and chased with bamboo and flowering specimens, gilt interior, glass liner, 6.5cm high, 1.67ozt
H & L, Paris circa 1890, a French silver mistard pot, double ogee balsuter form, embossed with foliate scrolls, on four bracket feet, cast angled handle, gilt interior, 8.5cm high, 1.85ozt
Continental, Elly Isaac Miller, London import 1902, a silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, reticulated and applied with cast flroal swags, the lid embossed with foliate lappets, on three hoof feet, the handle in the form of a woman, glass liner, 9cm high, 3.16ozt
Unknown, Belgium, circa 1890, a Belgian silver mustard pot and spoon, ovoid form, embossed with Rococo wave design on three foliate tree branch feet, the angled handle similarly cast, surmounted by a leafy finial, gilt interior, 8.5cm high, 2.18ozt
Unknown, China circa 1900, a Chinese export silver mustard pot, footed cup form, cast with dragons to the lid, glass liner, 5.5cm high, 1.31ozt
Pierre Jacques Meurice, Paris circa 1820, a French Empire style silver mustard pot, pedestal urn form, the square base with lions paw and honeysuckle feet, supporting a banded stem and trumpet body with die stamped winged putti, foliate scroll handle and cast swan finial, glass liner, 13cm high, 4.12ozt
D Garreau, Paris circa 1830, a French Empire style silver mustard pot, twin handled pedestal urn form, four die stamped rose and foliated pilaster supports, on a square base with lions paw feet, the zoomorphic scrolling handles cast in the form of foliate swans, pineapple finial, cut glass liner, 14.5cm high, 5.62ozt
Christophe Philippe Vahland, Paris circa 1822, a French Empire style silver mustard pot, twin handled urn form on a quatrelobed base supported on four lions paw bracket feet, reticulated reeding and gadrooned top rim, glass body, 14.5cm high, 5.62ozt
M ?, Paris circa 1830, a French silver mustard pot, in the Empire style, the frosted glass container within a cage of alternating cast wreath and dolphin and reticulated daisy scroll pilasters, flaked by two scrolling flaming torch handles, on a square base, supported on four lions paw feet, 12.5cm high, 6.49ozt
Unknown, Amsterdam 1848, a Dutch silver and glass mustard pot, the hobnail cut body with denticulated everted rim, supported on a stepped and faceted foot with alternating pllain and etched acanthus tiles, ribbon handle and domed lid surmounted by a floral finial, 15cm high, weighted For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
A H, Paris circa 1800, a French Empire silver mustard pot, the glass container supported in a cage of three square section cockerel heded batons with hoof feet, united at the base by a triangular stretcher, the flared conical lid etched with lappets, the handle cast in the form of a snake, terminating in the mouth of one of the cockerels, 11.5cm high, 3.97ozt
Emile Hugo, Paris circa 1860, a French silver mustard pot, cylindrical form with two cast baluster pilaster supports and a heavily foliated S scroll handle, gadrooned rim and ogee domed lid, on foliate bracket feet, glass liner, 11cm high, 3.00ozt
R & G, Continental 19th century, an Empire style silver mustard pot, cast and reticulated three pilaster supports od sea horses and honeysuckle, united by triangular stretchers, below an arcaded grille, cast scroll handle with Grecian mask, surmounted by a squirrel finial, cut glass liner, 11cm high, 3.19ozt
Claude Roussel and Gregoire & Cordonnier, Paris circa 1865, a French silver and glass mustard pot, urn form, the etched glass ovoid body within beaded mounts and cast foliate handle, on four ball feet, 11cm high
A E G, Paris circa 1800, a French Empire silver mustard pot, the cylindircal glass bowl supported in a cage of three cast Caryatid pilasters, united by a Y stretcher, the ogee domed lid with cast acorn finial and rectangular handle, 12cm high, 4.66ozt
DWR, Amsterdam 1780, a Dutch silver mustard pot, straight sided oval form, reticulated and bright cut with foliate scroll band and gallery, below a beaded border and bell domed lid, glass liner, 9.5cm high, 3.24ozt
Philippe Berthier, Paris circa 1845, a French silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, embossed in high relief with rosette studde diaper trellis between beaded borders, on four open foliate bracket feet, the handle cast with laurel leaves, glass liner, 7cm high, 1.61ozt
F L H, Germany circa 1890, a German silver mustard pot, urn form cast with swags and pilasters, on a wreath base, glass liner, 12.5cm high, 3.11ozt
Mema, Lindkoping 1966, a Swedish silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, open cage embossed with floral garlands and reeded pilasters, on four bracket feet, 9.5cm high, 1.52ozt
M I N, Lisbon circa 1805, a Portuguese silver mustard pot and spoon, cylindrical form, reticulated arrow and lozenge design, ogee domed lid, strap handle, the spoon by the same maker, of shovel form, glass liner, 8.5cm high, 3.32ozt
Unknown, Paris circa 1789, a Louis XVI French silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, die stamped and reticulated grland and pilaster design with two winged putti holding a vacant cartouche, acanthus cast ear handle, on foliate bracket feet, glass liner, later struck marks, 12cm high, 3.14ozt
Unknown, Paris circa 1840 or earlier, a Louis XVI style French silver mustard pot, reticulated die stamped with interlaced foliate C scrolls, between pilasters and shield cartouches, angular handle, glass liner,possibly later struck marks, 9.5cm high, 2.45ozt
Unknown, Paris 1781, a Louis XVI French silver mustard pot, cylincrical form, three foliate pilaster legs with garland drops, united by gadroons and tassels, below a beaded border, the handle pierced with acanthus moulding, glass liner, 11cm high, 3.82ozt
George Prag, London import 1901, a Continental Hanau silver mustard pot, cast reticulated cylindrical form, with aracding and swags, the lid embossed with lappets and a ribbon bow handle, on four lions paw feet, glass liner, 9cm high, 2.92ozt
P M M, Paris 1789, a Louis XVI French silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, die stamped and reticulated grland and pilaster design with two winged putti holding a vacant cartouche, pierced loop handle, on three flaming ball feet, glass liner, 11cm high, 2.48ozt
A P, Vienna 1854, a 19th century Austrian silver and glass mustard pot, the pear shaped slice cut blue opaque vessel, mounted in silver, with relief moulded foliate twin handles, on a shell moulded quatrelobed foot, surmounted by a figural finial, 18cm high
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
Three American silver mustard pots, including Gorham, Wilcox and Webster, circa 1900-1930, cylindircal form, reticulated designs, strap handles and glass liners, 7.5cm high, 3.79ozt (3)
Tiffany and Co., New York circa 1912, an American silver mustard pot, cylindrical form, fluted borders, flat top, Lenox porcelain liner, 7.5cm high, 5.11ozt
Gorham, Rhode Island, circa 1910, an American silver mustard pot, footed conical beaker form, double ogee domed lid, ear handle, 8.5cm high, 2.84ozt
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
Five English silver mustard pots, 1908 - 1920, various makers, Chester & Birmigham, of plain drum and hexagonal drum form, all with hinged covers with spoon apertures, scroll handles, all with blue glass liners, the largest 7cm high, total weighable silver 12.13ozt (5)
Five English silver mustard pots, with date marks from 1901 to 1913, various makers, London, Birmingham & Chester, of octagonal, barrel and oval form, all with pierced decoraton and with hinged covers and spoon apertures, scroll and bracket handles, all with blue glass liners, the largest 6cm high, total weighable silver 7.20ozt (5)
Five English silver mustard pots, with date marks from 1906 to 1929, various makers, Chester & London, of oval form with pierced decoration including trellis and strapwork, urn and floral motifs, engraved swags and acorns etc, the hinged covers with spoon apertures, scroll and bracket handles, blue glass liners, the largest 8.5cm high, total weighable silver 14.71ozt (5)
Five English silver mustard pots, with date marks from 1903 to 1928, various makers, Chester, Birmingham & Worcester, of oval form, pierced decoration with foliate and leaf scrolls, swags and paterae, vacant cartouche and rococco styling, hinged covers with spoon aperture, scroll and bracket handles, four blue, one green glass liner, the largest 7cm high, total weighable silver 11.70ozt (5)
Five English silver mustard pots, with date marks from 1900 to 1924, various makers, Chester, Birmingham & Sheffield, of cylindrical form with pierced, engraved and moulded decoration to include swags, leaf and foliate motifs, vacant cartouche and pierced borders, hinged covers with spoon apertures, scroll and bracket handles, blue glass liners, the largest 6.5cm high, total weighable silver 12.08ozt (5)
Five English silver mustard pots, with date marks from 1901 to 1920, various makers, London, Birmingham & Sheffield, of octagonal, circular and square form, with hinged covers and spoon apertures, scroll and art deco stylised handles, four with blue glass liners, the largest 8cm high, total weighable silver 13.59ozt (5)
Five English silver mustard pots, with date marks from 1903 to 1919, various makers, Birmingham & Chester, of oval and circular form with pierced and engraved decorations including classical landscape with musicians, the hinged covers with spoon apertures, scroll and bracket handles, blue glass liners, the largest 5.5cm high, total weighable silver 7.57ozt (5)
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
Five English silver mustard pots, with date marks from 1905 to 1918, various makers, Birmingham, Chester & Sheffield, of oval form, some fluted decoration, three raised on splayed feet, all with hinged covers with spoon apertures,finials, gadrooned borders, scroll and bracket handles, four with blue glass liners, the largest 7cm high, total weighable silver 13.10ozt (5)
Five English silver mustard pots, with date marks from 1903 to 1916, various makers, Birmingham, Sheffield & Chester, of oval and circular plain form raised on splayed feet, the hinged covers with spoon apertures and finials, scroll handles, four with blue glass liners, the largest 7cm high, total weighable silver 10.90ozt (5)
Five English silver mustard pots, Edwardian with date marks from 1900 to 1906, various makers, Birmingham, London & Chester, of oval form with foliate and scroll decoration, vacant scroll cartouche and arabesques, the hinged covers with spoon apertures, decorative scroll and reeded handles, three with blue glass liners, the largest 8cm high, total weighable silver 9.52ozt (5)
Five English silver mustard pots, 1908 - 1936, various makers, Chester, Birmingham & Sheffield, the various forms including, urn, hexagonal and compressed, all with hinged covers, spoon apertures and finials, scroll and bracket handles, four with blue glass liners, the largest 8cm high, total weighable silver 8.96ozt (5)
Five English silver mustard pots, with date marks from 1902 to 1920, various makers, Chester, Birmingham & Sheffield, of plain form and raised on pedestal supports, all with hinged covers with spoon apertures and finials, scroll handles, four with blue glass liners, the largest 9.5cm high, total weighable silver 10.56ozt (5)
Five English silver mustard pots, Edwardian with date marks from 1901 to 1905, various makers, London, Birmingham & Sheffield, of oval form and raised on various footed and pedestal supports, pierced, roccoco and floral decorated bodies, all with hinged covers with spoon apertures, all with blue glass liners, the largest 7.5cm high, total weighable silver 7.72ozt (5)
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each lot please refer to paragraphs 5 to 9 of the Buyer’s terms at the back of the catalogue.
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