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Geste de L’eau (Water Gesture

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GESTE DE L’EAU (The Water Gesture)

On the 25th February 1858, the occasion of the 9th apparition, Our Lady of Lourdes asked Bernadette to “Go and drink at the spring and wash yourself in it”. After a moment of confusion where Bernadette thought, Our Lady was referring to the nearby River Gave Our Lady made a sign with her finger directing Bernadette to go under the rock of the cave. Bernadette describes the moment “I went there and found water which was like mud.” (1) This important event in the story of Lourdes inspired the creation of the baths next to the Grotto. For many decades pilgrims have been drawn to the baths to be immersed in the water derived from the spring believing such action may bring healing. With the onset of the covid pandemic the opportunity for immersion has stopped and since September 2021 pilgrims are invited to come to the baths to take part in what is called Geste de L’eau (The Water Gesture). This gesture offers the opportunity to engage with the spring water by washing our hands and face and to drink of the water. Pilgrims can attend the baths either on their own, or with family, or with friends. Because currently there isn’t the opportunity for full immersion, therefore no requirement to remove clothing, pilgrims can experience the Geste de L’eau in mixed gender groups. Upon arrival pilgrims may have to wait seated on outside, covered benches before entering the baths area. This waiting time is a good opportunity to focus and prepare, to consider prayer intentions. Once inside the area pilgrims are greeted by experienced volunteers who will offer guidance through the short process. This will involve a brief explanation of the significance of the gesture as it relates to the 9th Apparition of Our Lady to Bernadette, followed by an invitation to gather for a few moments of private prayer facing an Icon of Our Lady. Then, when ready, pilgrims are asked to bare their hands and forearms to receive the water which will be poured over their cupped hands three times. Firstly, to wash their hands, secondly to wash their face and thirdly to drink the water.

The gesture finishes with a short prayer led by the volunteers. Our Lady of Lourdes…Pray for us St. Bernadette…Pray for us Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Since the start of the Geste de L’eau some pilgrims have said they miss the opportunity for immersion in the baths. However, many pilgrims also say they very much appreciate the opportunity to experience the gesture along with friends and family. From a personal view of the gesture from the perspective of a pilgrim and as a volunteer I found the experience welcoming, inclusive, gentle and moving. At the time of writing the custom is for adult pilgrims (unless exempt) to wear masks when arriving at and leaving the baths area. During the gesture itself pilgrims will be asked to remove their masks.

Ray Mooney

Monday 1 August

Various Mass venues and times, please see hotel notice board for details, or ask your leader

Celebrant Homilist Group Chaplain Group Chaplain

Suggestions for hymns at the start of Mass include: Be still for the presence of the Lord Dear Lord and Father Lord of All Hopefulness

Reading 2 Corinthians1: 3 – 7

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, a gentle Father and the God of all consolation, who comforts us in all our sorrows, so that we can offer others, in their sorrows, the consolation that we have received from God ourselves. Indeed, as the sufferings of Christ Peter and John overflow to us, so, through Christ, does our consolation overflow. When we are made to suffer, it is for your consolation and salvation. When, instead, we are comforted, this should be a consolation to you, supporting you in patiently bearing the same sufferings as we bear. And our hope for you is confident, since we know that, sharing our sufferings, you will also share our consolations.

Suggestions for Psalm include: Because the Lord is my Shepherd The Lord’s my Shepherd (Crimond or Townend) You who dwell (On eagle’s wings) Gospel Acclamation Alleluia Let your heart take courage, all who hope in the Lord. Alleluia

Gospel John 19: 25 – 27 Meanwhile, standing near the cross of Jesus were his mother, and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing beside her, he said to his mother, ‘Woman, here is your son.’ Then he said to the disciple, ‘Here is your mother.’ And from that hour the disciple took her into his own home.

Suggestions for Preparation of the Gifts hymn(s): As I kneel before you

Suggestions for Communion hymn(s): Shoulder my yoke Soul of my Saviour This is my body

Suggestions for Recessional Hymn(s): Immaculate Mary Guide me O Thou Great Redeemer O Lord my God We Cannot Measure

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