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The Torchlight Procession

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The Torchlight procession dates back to the earliest times when pilgrims would end their day’s pilgrimage by saying the Rosary together and singing hymns to Our Lady and takes place every evening, starting at 9.00pm. As a pilgrimage we take part in the procession on one evening during the week, but pilgrims may take part on other evenings if they wish. On the evening when we are officially processing as a diocese we will gather and form up behind the diocesan banner.

Pilgrims in wheelchairs or on stretchers gather in one area, walkers in another, the two groups coming together when the procession begins. This start is symbolic as we will journey from separation to unity.

All participants carry a lighted candle which is a reminder of our baptism, when we received the gift of faith. In Lourdes, the candle-lit procession bears witness to our faith, hope and love of God and a reminder that we are called to be “the light of Christ” to all we meet in the world.

During the procession the Rosary will be prayed in a variety of languages, reflecting the different nationalities present in Lourdes at the time. However the ‘Glory be’ is always said in Latin, because Our Lady joined in with Bernadette on the Glory Be of each decade that she recited. The following two hymns are also usually sung: “Immaculate Mary” and “Holy Virgin, by God’s decree” – these hymns are often printed on the paper candle holder.

Having processed right round the Esplanade, those using wheelchairs are placed at the foot of the Basilica steps. While this is happening walkers are directed into processing from side to side of rosary square, which prolongs the procession and creates a wonderful weaving of light, as night falls.

Eventually all those processing are gathered in front of the Rosary Basilica and the evening concludes with a hymn to Our Lady, usually the “Salve Regina”, after which pilgrims will be invited to offer one another a sign of peace.

After the procession some people like to go to the Grotto or to the candle bank to continue their prayer.

Monday 1 August

9.00 am Geste De L’eau – RS Yrs 10 & 11 at the Baths

10.30 am Geste De L’eau – Hotels and Accueil at the Baths

10.00 am Family Group Mass in Bois St François, Cité St Pierre (CSP) (followed by photograph and a picnic)

11.15 am Group Mass (Redshirts) Cathedrale de Vendure CSP

2.00 pm Group Mass (Irlande) Crypte 2.00 pm Group Mass (Panorama) Chapelle Mater Dolorosa 2.00 pm Group Mass (Padoue) Chapelle Maximilian Kolbe

3.30 pm Group Mass (Europe) Crypte 3.30 pm Group Mass (Med) Chapelle Maximilian Kolbe 3.30 pm Group Mass (Stella) Chapelle St Cosmos & Damien 3.30 pm Group Mass (Accueil) Chapelle St Joseph

3.30 pm Geste De L’eau – Family Group at the Baths

5.00 pm Blessed Sacrament Procession

6.15 pm Choir practice at the St Sauveur Mezzanine

6.15 pm Clinical Team Meeting, 1st Floor, Panorama Hotel

6.30 pm Leaders, Doctors and Nurses Gathering

9.30 pm Reconciliation Service for Hospitalité, St Pius X Basilica, End Altar


Leader: O God, come to our aid. All: O Lord, make haste to help us. Leader: O God, as we begin this time of prayer, Open our hearts to hear your call in these moments. Help us to set aside any obstacles to your love, So that we may rest here in you. Amen.

(Silence is kept) Leader: Our Lady said to Bernadette, ‘Go and tell the priests…’ Scripture: John 19:25-27 Leader: Meanwhile, standing near the cross of Jesus were his mother, and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing beside her, he said to his mother, ‘Woman, here is your son.’ Then he said to the disciple, ‘Here is your mother.’ And from that hour the disciple took her into his own home. Leader: The Gospel of the Lord All: Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ All: Our Lady said to Bernadette, ‘Go and tell the priests…’ (Silence is kept) Reflection Here, in this reading from John’s gospel we see how, even in great physical pain, Jesus is thinking about what people need. Mary the mother of Jesus is there, as always in times of distress. Jesus gives his mother to his friend, and his friend to his mother, so they can comfort each other. In the Church we also see this moment as Jesus giving us his mother. In our loss, whether of a person we love, a career, a purpose, a loss of physical or mental good health, we have Mary the mother of Jesus, ever present with us in prayer for our consolation. We also have each other, for God knows and God understands.


Leader: we offer our prayers for those people and situations on our hearts at this time. We pray aloud or in silence.

Closing prayer All: O God, be with us as we journey together through this pilgrimage, May the special grace we encounter here in Lourdes, the out-pouring of your love, inspire us throughout our lives. As we learn to encounter, listen, and together, help us to constantly search for your grace, for your love, wherever we find ourselves. So that, like the priests here in Lourdes, we may respond to your call, in humility and trust. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Leader: Our Lady of Lourdes, All: Pray for us. Leader: St Bernadette, All: Pray for us. Leader: All holy men and women, All: Pray for us. Leader: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


✙ Mass with Anointing (p.98)

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