Morphets Auctioneers

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Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th April 2019 at 10.00am

The Hayhurst Library Part II: Travel and Topography and The Counties of the British Isles – Postcards

Saturday 13th July 2019 For further information regarding this sale please contact Liz Pepper-Darling 01423 530030


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY PART I: THE ELZEVIER AND OTHER EARLY PRINTED WORKS WEDNESDAY 3RD & THURSDAY 4TH APRIL 2019 AT 10AM ON VIEW Saturday 30th March: by appointment only Monday 1st April: 10am-4pm Tuesday 2nd April: 10am-4pm Sale Day: 8.30am-10am Catalogue: £7.00 ORDER OF SALE Wednesday 3rd April Thursday 4th April

1-599 600-1139

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Enquiries: Elizabeth Pepper-Darling ASFAV Saleroom and Offices: 6 Albert Street, Harrogate HG1 1JL Tel: 01423 530030 Fax: 01423 500717 e-mail: Twitter: @Morphets Front Cover Illustration: Lot 47

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MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

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MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

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MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895



ROBERT JAMES HAYHURST 17.10.29 - 16.4.16 Born in Nelson, Lancashire. Educated at Lancaster Royal Grammar School and Chelsea College, London where he qualified as a Chemist and Druggist in 1952. London was where Bob began his serious collecting visiting the areas of Bloomsbury, Cecil Court and Charing Cross Road where names such as Maggs Brothers, B. Quarich and Charles Traylen were housed. He also attended many country house auctions during which time he encountered ‘The Ring’ in operation and was indeed warned off bidding at certain auctions! By 1969 Bob’s ever expanding collection had outgrown the marital home. An ex cotton mill was purchased and his library was housed on the top floor along with his local photography/postcard collection and model railways. It was here that for over 30 years a 3 man bibliographical society met weekly over cheese and wine to share knowledge, experiences and planned trips to famous libraries. Like his collection his knowledge was extraordinarily wide and deep, although refused to embrace new technology and would ask his closest friend when he needed the internet. He saw book fairs and dealers’ catalogues wax and wane and was a link between book collecting past and present which will not be seen again.


MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

Day One Wednesday 3rd April 2019

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 1 Caesar, C. Iulius., Quae exstant, cum selectis variorum commentariis, quorum plerique novi, engraved title, folding engraved map, slight tear where bound in, no loss to image area, contemporary ink ownership inscriptions to f.f.e. and title, contemporary vellum, Amsterdam, Elzevier, 8vo, 1670 £100 - £150 Lot 2 Justinian .- Justinus, Marcus Juninius, Historiae Philippicae ex nova recensione Johannis Georgii Graevii, engraved portrait frontispiece, title in red and black with woodcut device, bookplate of Edward Davenport, contemporary vellum, Leiden, C. Boutesteyn, J. Du Vivie et al, 6mo, 1701 £80 - £120 Lot 3 Middleton (Conyers), The Epistles of M.T.Cicero to M.Brutus... , FIRST EDITION, bookplate of Edward Parker on front paste down, contemporary vellum over boards, London, R. Manby, 8vo, 1743 £60 - £80 Lot 4 Phaedrus, Fabularum Aesopiarum libri V. Cum integris commentariis M. Gudii, C. Rittershusii, N. Rigaltii...& excerptis aliorum…, additional engraved title, title in red and black, bookplate of Levenside on front paste down, vellum, Leiden, S. Luchtmans, 8vo, 1745 £60 - £80 Lot 5 Venema (Hermann), Dissertationum sacrarum, libri tres, second edition, bookplate of Rev Robert Blackwood on front paste down, ex-libris Christs College Aberdeen, fine vellum binding with ornate device to boards, ruled in blind, segmented spine, Leiden, S. & J. Luchtmans, 4to, 1772 £80 - £120 Lot 6 Pliny.- Plinius Secundus Gaius, Naturalis Historiae, 3 vol, additional engraved titles, engraved devices on titles, bookplate of George Manners on front paste downs, contemporary vellum, Leiden & Rotterdam, F.Hack, 8vo, 1669. See illustration £400 - £600 Lot 7 Polyaenus, Strategematum, additional engraved title, engraved devices on title, endpapers replaced, contemporary vellum, gilt, Leiden, J. du Vive & J. Luchtman, 8vo, 1691 £80 - £120


Lot 6 Lot 8 Virgil (Polydore) , Historiae Anglicae Libri XXVI…, title in red and black, endpapers replaced, bookplate of Marchionis Salse, contemporary vellum, Leiden, J. Maire, 8vo, 1699 £60 - £80 Lot 9 Vegetius.- Vegetius Renatus, Flavius, alii Scriptores Antiqui de re Militari, folding engraved plate, contemporary vellum, institutional gilt-stamped top board, Wesel, A. ab Hoogenhuysen, 8vo, 1670 £100 - £200 Lot 10 Auralius.- Auralius Victor Sextus, Historiae Romanae Breviarium…, additional engraved title, title in red and black, later ownership inscription on front pastedown, contemporary vellum, Utrecht, F. Halman & G van de Water, 8vo, 1696 £60 - £80 Lot 11 Arrian.- Arrianus Lucius Flavius, Ars tactica, acies contra Alanos, periplus ponti Euxini, periplus mari Erythraei, liber de venatione, Epicteti enchiridion, additional engraved title, 1 only (of 2) folding engraved maps by Ortelius, folding engraved diagram, contemporary fine vellum over boards, stamped in blind, Amsterdam, J.Waesbergois, 8vo, 1683 £100 - £200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 12 Curtius:- Rufus Q., De rebus Alexandri Magni, cum commentario perpetuo & indice absolutissimo Samuelis Pitisci., 1 vol in 2, additional engraved title vol. 1, woodcut devices on titles, Levenside label on front pastedowns, contemporary vellum, Utrecht, F. Halma[n], 8vo, 1685 £200 - £300 Lot 13 Petronius.- Titus Petronius, Satyricon…, additional engraved title, contemporary ink ownership inscription to f.f.e., contemporary vellum over boards, blind-stamped, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 8vo, 1669 £100 - £200

Lot 19 Phaedrus, Fabularum Aesopiarum libri quinque; notis perpetuis illustrati & cum integris Aliorum Observationibus in lucem editi a Johanne Laurentio., additional engraved title, 103 engraved plates, contemporary ink ownership inscription to foot of title, contemporary limp vellum, Amsterdam, J. Janson van Waesberge, 8vo, 1667 £500 - £700

Lot 14 Imperiali (Giovanni), Museum historicum et physicum…, FIRST EDITION, 2 parts in 1, engraved title, engraved portrait plates throughout first part, historiated initials, bookplate of Alexander Thomson on front pastedown, contemporary vellum, morocco spine label, Venice, Juntus, 4to, 1640 £200 - £300 Lot 15 Maximus (Valerius), cum selectis variorum observatio…, engraved title, contemporary vellum with gilt armorial, morocco spine label, yapp edges, Leiden, Hack, 8vo, 1670 £80 - £120 Lot 16 Nepos (Cornelius), Vitae excellentium imperatorum…, additional engraved title, title in red and black, imprimateur leaf, bookplate of Thomas Cherry on front pastedown, fine vellum prize binding gilt-stamped with crest, silk ties missing, Amsterdam, Wetstenious, 8vo, 1707. The binding appears to be an early Dutch school prize binding £100 - £200 Lot 17 Gellius (Aulus), Nocted Atticae…, additional engraved title, woodcut device to title, contemporary ink ownership inscription on verso of additional title, vellum over boards, Leiden, J de Vivie, 8vo, 1687 £150 - £200 Lot 18 Apollonius.- Apollonius of Rhodes, Argonauticorum, title in red and black, woodcut device on title and at end, contemporary vellum, morocco spine label, Leiden, Elzevier, [Willems 510], 8vo, 1641 £80 - £120

Lot 20 Lot 20 Fürstenberg (Ferdinand von), Monumenta Paderbornensia…, 2 parts in 1, additional engraved portriat frontispieces and titles, vignettes on title and throughout, 3 folding engraved maps, 29 engraved plates, 3 folding, contemporary vellum, morocco spine label, Frankfurt & Leipzig, C. Riegel, 4to, 1713. See illustration £1000 - £1500 Lot 21 Juvenal.- Decimus Junius Juvenalis and Persius.Auli Persii Flacii, Satyrae, additional engraved title, title in red and black, bookplate of John Arthur Pott and ink ownership inscription on front pastedown, fine vellum armorial binding, stamped and ruled in gilt, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, H. Wetstenium, 8vo, 1684 £100 - £200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895



Lot 22 Lot 22 Bouillart (Dom Jacques), Histoire de l’abbaye royale de Saint Germain des Prez..., FIRST EDITION, 24 engraved plates and maps, ownership inscription of Dawson Turner on front free endpaper, contemporary mottled calf, skillfully rebacked, original ornate gilt spine laid down, morocco spine label, Paris, G. Dupuis, folio, 1724. See illustration £1000 - £1500 Lot 23 Carte (Thomas), A General History of England, 4 vol., bookplates, contemporary speckled calf, ruled in gilt and stamped in blind, London, for the author, folio, 1747, Dawson Turner FRS (17751858) - English banker, botanist and antiquary £600 - £800

Lot 25 Lot 25 Cluverius (Phlippus), Sicilia Antiqua cum minoribus insulis ei adjacentibus, 3 vols in 2, 5 double-page engraved maps; bound with .- Italia Antiqua…, frontispiece, engraved title and 15 engraved doublepage maps, uniformly bound in contemporary calf, ruled in blind, Leiden, Elzevier, [Willems 155 & 221], folio, 1619-1624-1619. See illustration £1000 - £2000 Lot 26 Burnet (Gilbert), The History of the Reformation, first combined edition, 3 vol, vol 1 & 2 half-titles and additional engraved titles, titles in red and black, 21 engraved plates, contemporary panelled calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, London, J. Walthoe & B. Tooke, large 4to, 1715 £400 - £600 Lot 27 Chillingworth (William), The Religion of the Protestants A Safe Way to Salvation…, second edition, contemporary boards, skillfull modern rebacking, London, J. Clarke, [ESTC S2558], 4to, 1638 £100 - £200

Lot 24 Lot 24 Cluverius (Phlippus), Germainae Antiquae Libri tres, second edition, half-title, engraved frontispiece and title, 11 folding engraved maps, 26 engraved pates, 4 double-page, bookplate of Marques of Tweedale, contemporary calf ruled in blind, slight rubbing on boards, spine ornate gilt, morocco spine label, Leiden, Elzevier, folio, 1631. See illustration £1000 - £1500


Lot 28 Binding.- Lenfant (Jaques), Histoire de la Guerre des Hussites et du Concile de Basle, 2 vol., 10 engraved plates, half-titles, titles in red and black, vignettes throughout, bookplates of Charles James Blomfield, contemporary speckled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, P. Humbert, 4to, 1731 Charles James Blomfield (1786-1857) Bishop of Chester 1824-28, Bishop of London 1828-56 £300 - £500

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 29 [Pemberton (Henry)], A View of Sir Isaac Newtons Philosophy, FIRST EDITION, 12 folding engraved plates, vignettes, list of subscribers, bookplate of Lord Newborough, near-contemporary half calf over patterned boards, spine gilt, morocco spine label, London, S. Palmer, [ESTC T53471], large 4to, 1728 £300 - £500

Lot 35 Binding- [Genebrier (D.M.)], Histoire de Carausius Empereur de la Grande Bretagne…, engraved frontispiece, vignettes, 9 engraved plates, 2 folding, g.e., fine crushed morocco binding of Society of Writers to the Signet, ruled in gilt, stamped in blind, spine gilt, Paris, J. Guerin, large 4to, 1740 £200 - £300

Lot 30 Plowden (Francis), Church and State: Being an Enquiry into the Origin, Nature and Extent of Ecclesiastical and Civil Authority…, FIRST EDITION, bookplate of Sir Richard Beddingfield on front pastedown, contemporary speckled half calf over patterned boards, spine gilt, morocco spine label , London, C.C. & J. Robinson, large 4to, 1795 £80 - £120

Lot 36 .-, Ordonnance du Roi, concernament la Marine. Du 25 Mars 1765; bound with ...Portant règlement sur les appointemens des Oficers de la Marine. Du 11 Janvier 1762; bound with; ...Concernant les Brigdes du Corps Royal destinées au service de l’Artillerie dns les ports de Brest, Rochefort & Toulon. Du 5 Mars 1764; bound with ...Concernament les Officers de la Marine. Du 14 September 1764; bound with ...Concernament les Gardes du Pavillon & de la Marine, & les Volontaires. Du 14 September 1764; bound with ...Concernament les Officers d’administration de la Marine, & les Ecrivains. Du 25 Mars 1765; bound with ...Concernant les Ingénieurs - constructeurs de la Marine. Du 25 Mars 1765, engraved devices to titles, contemporary calf, top joint split but held firmly by strings, spine gilt , Paris, Royal Press, large 4to, 1765 £200 - £300

Lot 31 Churchill (Charles), Poems, 2 vol., folding engraved frontispiece in vol. 2 detached, bookplate of Earl of De la Warr on front pastedowns, contemporary calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, London, for J. Churchill, large 4to, 1763-65 £80 - £120 Lot 32 Rolt (Richard), Memoirs of the Life of the late Right Honourable John Lindesay, Earl of Craufurd and Lindesay…, engraved frontispiece and 5 folding engraved plans, subscribers list, contemporary calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, London, H Köpp, large 4to, 1753 £200 - £300. Lot 33 Baretti (Joseph), A Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages, 2 vol., bookplate of W.E. Powell, contemporary calf, London, J. Nourse, W. Strahan et al, large 4to, 1778 £80 - £120 Lot 34 Binding.- Dictys Cretensis.- Dares Phrygius, De bello et excidio Trojae, in usum serenissimi Delphini, cum interpretatione Annae Daceriae. , FIRST EDITION, engraved frontispiece, vignettes and 6 engraved plates, title in red and black, later ink ownership inscription to title, later fine binding in crushed morocco, ornately gilt-stamped, spine gilt, ex-libris R.W. Hunt, Amsterdam, G. Gallet, large 4to, 1702 Richard William Hunt (1908-1979) - Keeper of Western Manuscripts, Bodleian, Oxford £200 - £300

Lot 37 Binding.- Cowley (Abraham), The Works, engraved portrait frontispiece, contemporary ink signature of Charles Lumley on f.f.e., bookplate of Arthur Wood, contemporary crushed morocco, spine gilt, morocco spine label , London, J. M. for H. Herringman, large 4to, 1681 £100 - £200 Lot 38 Binding.- Milton (John) William Dobson (trans.), Paradisus Amissus, 2 vol., portrait vignettes on titles, bookplates of Sir John Mordaunt on front pastedown, fine red crushed morocco binding, stamped in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, gilt dentelles, g.e., Oxford, J. Bettenham, large 4to, 1750-53 £200 - £300 Lot 39 Guarini (Battista), Opere, 4 vol., additional engraved titles, vignettes to title and throughout, contemporary calf, Verona, A. Timermani, large 4to, 1737-38 £400 - £600

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 40 Harte (Walter), The History of the Life of Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, Sirnamed [sic] the Great, 2 vol., engraved frontispiece, 7 folding engraved maps and plans and a folding table, bookplate, contemporary speckled calf, morocco spine labels, London, G. Hawkins, [ESTC T139678], large 4to, 1759 £200 - £300

Lot 45 Sleidan (John), The General History of the Reformation.., 6 engraved portraits, title in red and black, bookplate, contemporary calf, blind stamped, skillful modern rebacking, London, E. Jones & A. Swall, [Wing S3989], large 4to, 1689 £200 - £300 Lot 46 Boyer (A[bel].), The History of Queen Anne Wherein All the Civil and Military Transactions of that Memorable Reign are Faithfully Compiled…, engraved portrait frontispiece, large engraved vignettes, 2 folding engraved maps and 4 engraved plates, bookplates, ex-libris Littlecote House, contemporary sprinkled calf ruled in blind, spine gilt, morocco spine label, London, T. Woodward, folio, 1735 £200 - £300

Lot 41 Lot 41 Binding.- Society of Antiquaries of London.-, Archaeologia, 11 vol., title vignettes, engraved plates throughout, bookplate of J. Porter, uniformly bound set in fine near-contemporary tree calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, London, J. Nichols, large 4to, 1770-94. See illustration £300 - £500 Lot 42 Strada (Famianus) and Robert Stapylton, trans., De Bello Belgico. The History of the Low-Countrey Warres [sic], 15 engraved portraits, modern half calf over cloth, London, H. Mosley, [Wing S5777], large 4to, 1650 £100 - £200 Lot 43 Thomson (James), The Works, 2 vol., engraved frontipieces and plates, bookplate of William Middleton, contemporary calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, London, A. Millar, large 4to, 1762 £80 - £120 Lot 44 Spelman (Sir Henry, Kt.), The English Works of…, second edition, engraved portrait frontispiece, title in red and black, folding pedigree, 1727; bound with Reliquiae Spelmannianae the Posthumous Works of…, 1723, engraved vignettes, endpapers replaced, contemporary calf, blind stamped, skillfull modern rebacking, London, D. Brown, W. Mears & F. Clay, large 4to, 1723-27 £100 - £200


Lot 47 Lot 47 Worm (Ole), Museum Wormianum seu Historia Rerum Rariorum…, FIRST EDITION, engraved portrait frontispiece by G. Wingendorp, double page plate depicting the museum, engraved vignette illustrations throughout, a small amount of contemporary ink marginalia, nearcontemporary boards, skillfully rebacked with later crude repair to foot of spine, Leiden, Jean Elzevier, [Willems 772], folio, 1655. See illustration £3000 - £5000

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


Lot 47 Lot 48 Campbell (John), A Political Survey of Great Britain…, 2 vol., half-titles, contemporary diced calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, London, J. Wilkie, T. Cadell et al, [Kress 6997, Sabin 10239], large 4to, 1774 £100 - £200

Lot 51 Robertson (William), The History of America, FIRST EDITION, 2 vol., 5 folding engraved maps, contemporary sprinkled calf, morocco spine labels, London, W. Strahan, T. Cadell & J. Balfour, large 4to, 1777 £150 - £200

Lot 49 Cambridge (Richard Owen), Works, 16 engraved plates, bookplate, ex-libris West Dean, Sussex, contemporary speckled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, London, T. Cadell & W. Davies, large 4to, 1803 £80 - £120

Lot 52 Brown (John, Rev.), The Self-Interpreting Bible…, second edition, 2 vol., half-titles, contemporary tree calf, joints a little weak, one strengthened with extra strip of leather, spines gilt, morocco spine label, London, T. Bensley, large 4to, 1791 £80 - £120

Lot 50 Cooke (George Alexander), Modern and Authentic System of Universal Geography…, 2 vol., 24 folding engraved maps, numerous engraved plates, contemporary fine morocco, blind- and giltstamped, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, London, C. Cooke, large 4to, [1811] £300 - £500

Lot 53 Xenophon.- [Smith (William, trans.)], History of the Affairs of Greece, bookplate of Andrew Robert Drummond, contemporary tree calf, gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, London, for B. White, large 4to, 1770 £80 - £120

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 54 Binding.- Hooker (Richard), Of the Lawes of Ecclesiastical Politie, engraved title, repairs to edges on verso, some light finger soiling, light worming to a divisional title, modern morocco binding, blind stamped. morocco spine label, London, W. Stansby, large 4to, 1617, bound by Coulton & Co, Nelson, UK c.1955 £100 - £200

Lot 59 Johnson (Samuel, compiler), The Harleian Miscellany…, vol. 1 second edition, vols 2-8 FIRST EDITION, 8 vol., list of subscribers, bookplate of Thomas Carnegey on front pastedowns, 19th century diced morocco, gilt, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, London, for T. Osborne, large 4to, [1753]-44-46 £300 - £500

Lot 55 Herman (Hugo), Obsidio Bredana Armis Philippi IIII…, second edition, engraved title, 7 double page and 6 single page engraved plates, modern half calf over patterned boards, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, Plantin, large 4to, 1629 £400 - £600

Lot 60 Salignac (Francois ), Francis Fitzgerald (trans.), The Adventures of Telemachus, engraved title and plates, contemporary sprinkled calf, gilt, spine gilt, London, J. Davis, large 4to, 1792 £60 - £80 Lot 61 Turner (Joseph Mallord William) Ruskin (John) and Thomas Lupton, The Harbours of England, FIRST EDITION, 12 engraved plates, bookplate of James Corry Sherrard on front pastedown, contemporary half crushed morocco over patterned boards, spine ruled in gilt, London, E. Gambart, folio, 1856 £200 - £300

Lot 56 Lot 56 Binding.- Jephson (Robert), Roman Portraits a Poem…, engraved portrait and engraved plates, bookplate of Earl Fitzwilliam, fine straight-grained red morocco, gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., London, H. Baldwin, large 4to, 1794. See illustration £200 - £300 Lot 57 Whitehurst (John), The Works of…, FIRST EDITION, half title and engraved portrait frontispiece foxed and offset onto title, 11 folding engraved plates, bookplate of Alfred Seale Haslam, contemporary tree calf, gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, London, W. Bent, large 4to, 1792 £300 - £500 Lot 58 Walker (Adam), A System of Familiar Philosophy in Twelve Lectures…, 2 vol., half titles, 49 folding engraved plates, bookplates of John Campbell, fine contemporary straight grained red morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., London, G. Kearsley, large 4to, 1802 £200 - £300


Lot 62 Thornton (Thomas, Col.), A Sporting Tour Through Various Parts of France, FIRST EDITION, half titles, additional engraved titles, 52 plates and 2 sheets of music, contemporary speckled calf, morocco spine labels, London, J. Cundee, large 4to, 1806 £200 - £300 Lot 63 Thornton (Thomas, Col.), A Sporting Tour Through the Northern Parts of England and Great Part of the Highlands of Scotland…, FIRST EDITION, 16 engraved plates, contemporary half calf over patterned boards, skillfully rebacked, London, for Vernor & Hood, large 4to, 1804 £200 - £400 Lot 64 Anstey (John), The Poetical Works, engraved portrait frontispiece and plates, fine contemporary diced calf, blind- and gilt-stamped, London, T. Cadell, large 4to, 1808 £80 - £120 Lot 65 Senefelde (Alois), A Complete Course of Lithography…, FIRST ENGLISH EDITION, lithographed portrait frontispiece and 13 engraved plates, uncut, later half calf over patterned boards, morocco spine label, London, R. Ackerman, large 4to, 1819 £400 - £600

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 66 Binding.- Hesiod.-, Hesiodi Ascraei Opera Omnia, half title, Bookplate of Sir Joseph Verdin, fine red straight grained morocco by Bradel, gilt-stamped, spine ruled in gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, Parma, by Royal Privilage, large 4to, 1875 £200 - £300 Lot 67 Binding.- Juvenal.- Decimus Junius Juvenalis, The Satires, engraved portrait frontispiece, ex-libris Chatsworth House, fine ornate green straight grained morocco, gilt- and blind-stamped, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e, London, W. Bulmer, large 4to, 1802 £400 - £600

Lot 71 Tournefort (Joseph Pitton de), A Voyage into the Levant, FIRST ENGLISH EDITION, 2 vol., 1 folding engraved maps and 152 engraved plates, some folding, Shugborough Hall bookplate, contemporary panelled calf, joints split but held by strings, London, D. Brown, A. Bell et al, [Nissen ZBI 4156], large 4to, 1718 £400 - £600

Lot 68 Castelnau (Michael de), Memoirs of the Reigns of Francis II and Charles IX of France, bookplate of Rolle, contemporary panelled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, London, folio, 1724 £100 - £200 Lot 69 Dumas (Jean Baptiste), Traité de chemie Applique aux Arts - Atlas volume, 148 engraved plates, nearcontemporary half calf over patterned boards, Paris, Béchet, folio, 1846 £100 - £200

Lot 72 Lot 72 Feuillée (Louis), Journal des Observations Physiques, Mathematiques et Botaniques, 2 vol. (of 3), 12 folding engraved maps and 60 engraved plates, armorial contemporary tree calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, P. Giffart, large 4to, 1714-25. See illustration £400 - £600 Lot 73 Addison (Joseph) and Sir Richard Steel, The Spectator, 8 vol., half titles, bookplate of William Woods Weston, contemporary calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, London, J. Donaldson, 8vo, 1776 £100 - £200

Lot 70 Lot 70 Le Moyne (Peter), The Gallery of Heroiek Women, engraved portrait frontispiece and 20 engraved plates, title in red and black, bookplate of John V. L. Pruyn, contemporary calf, ruled in blind, skillfully rebacked, morocco spine label, London, R. Norton, folio, 1652. See illustration £300 - £500

Lot 74 Addison (Joseph) and Sir Richard Steel, The Spectator, 8 vol., half titles, bookplate of William Woods Weston, contemporary calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, London, J. & R. Tonson, 8vo, 1765 £100 - £200 Lot 75 Johnson (Samuel), The Rambler, 4 vol., engraved frontispieces, near-contemporary tree calf, morocco spine label, London, T. Longman et al, 8vo, 1793 £80 - £120

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 76 [Johnstone (Charles)], Chrysal: or The Adventures of a Guinea…, second edition, 2 vol., contemporary calf-backed patterned boards, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, London, T. Becket, 8vo, 1761 £200 - £300 Lot 77 [Cumberland (Richard)], The Observer…, vols 1-4 FIRST EDITIONS, vol. 5 second edition, 5 vol., bookplate of George de Ligne Gregory, contemporary tree calf, later rebacking, morocco spine labels, London, for C. Dilly, 8vo, 1786-88-91 £100 - £200

Lot 82 Mr. Town. Critic and Censor-General (Pseud.), The Connoisseur…, fifth edition, 4 vol., contemporary ink ownership signatures on titles, contemporary calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels; and another copy, sixth edition (8), Oxford, R. Badwin, 8vo, 1767 £80 - £120 Lot 83 Hawksworth (John, ed.), The Adventurer, 4 vol., engraved frontispieces, contemporary calf, morocco spine labels, London, W. Strahan, 8vo, 1778 £60 - £80 Lot 84 Mackenzie (Henry) et al, The Lounger. A Periodical Paper, second edition, 3 vol., half titles, ex-libris Dalton Hall, contemporary calf, morocco spine label, Edinburgh, A. Strahan, 8vo, 1787 £60 - £80 Lot 85 Johnson (Samuel), The Idler, 2 vol., engraved frontispieces, ex-libris Dalton Hall, contemporary speckled calf, morocco spine labels, London, J. Rivington, 8vo, 1790 £60 - £80

Lot 78 Lot 78 Beague [(Jean de)], The History of the Campagnes 1548 and 1549…, FIRST EDITION, bookplate of J. Lawrence Yeomans, contemporary calf, [Edinburgh], [n.p.], 8vo, 1707. An exceptionally rare work. See illustration £400 - £600 Lot 79 Binding.- Steel (Richard), Joseph Addison et al, The Guardian, third edition, 2 vol., fine red crushed morocco, ornate gilt, spine gilt, g.e.; and another set, fourth edition (4), London, J. Tonson, 8vo, 1723 £100 - £200 Lot 80 Johnson (Samuel), The Rambler, 4 vol., engraved frontispieces, near-contemporary tree calf, morocco spine label, London, W. Strahan, J. Rivington et al, 8vo, 1779 £80 - £120 Lot 81 Phillips (Ambrose), The Free-Thinker: or Essays of Wit and Humour, third edition, 3 vol., title in red and black, contemporary speckled calf, London, J. Brindley, 8vo, 1739 £80 - £120 14

Lot 86 Varenius (Bernhard), A Compleat System of General Geography…, second edition, 1 vol. in 2, engraved frontispiece, 12 folding engraved plates, contemporary calf, morocco spine label, London, for S. Austen, 4to, 1734 £200 - £300 Lot 87 Fitz-Adam (Adam, pseud.), The World, FIRST EDITION, 6 vol., bookplate of Edward Lord Suffield, contemporary sprinkled calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, London, R. & J. Dodsley, 8vo, 175557 £60 - £80 Lot 88 Bruyn (Cornelius de), Voyages de…par le Muscovie en Perse…, FIRST FRENCH EDITION, 2 vol., half-title vol. 1, titles in red and black, title vignette, engraved frontispiece and portrait, 253 plates contained on 113 folding plate leaves, including 2 gatefold panoramas, 44 large in-text vignette engravings, contemporary ink ownership inscription on front pastedown, contemporary sprinkled calf, rebacked with original spine laid down, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, Fr. Westein, folio, 1718. See illustration £4000 - £6000

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Lot 88

Lot 89 Lot 89 Fumee (Martin), The Historie of the Troubles of Hungarie…, title vignette, endpapers replaced, contemporary panelled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, London, F. Kyngston, [STC 11487], 4to, 1600. See illustration £2000 - £3000

Lot 90 Lot 90 Binding.- Vitruvius Pollo (Marcus), De Architectura Libri Decem…, engraved additional title, woodcuts and historiated initials throughout, fine crushed morocco Society of Writers to the Signet binding, spine gilt, Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, [Willems 1097], folio, 1649. See illustration £800 - £1200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 94 Coreal (François), Voyage…aux Indes Occidentals…, FIRST EDITION, 3 vol., titles in red and black, 17 maps and plates, many folding, bookplate of Viscount Bruce of Ampthill on verso of titles, contemporary speckled calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, J. F. Bernard, [Sabin 16781, Brunet II, 272-3], 8vo, 1722 £400 - £600 Lot 95 Lucas (Paul), Voyage du Sieur Paul Lucas au Levant, 2 vol., titles in red and black, 32 engraved plates and maps, many folding, bookplate of Sir William Strickland, contemporary calf, spine gilt, Amsterdam, Steenhouwer & Uytwere, 8vo, 1720 £200 - £400 Lot 96 La Barbinais le Gentil (Etienne M.), Nouveau Voyage au Tour du Monde, 3 vol. in 2, titles in red and black with contemporary ink ownership signature, engraved frontispiece, misbound and 13 folding engraved plates, contemporary mottled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, P. Mortier, 8vo, 1728 £400 - £600 Lot 91 Lot 91 Dögen (Matthias), Architectura Militaris Moderna…, FIRST LATIN EDITION, engraved title, 70 double-page engraved plates, bookplate of Hopetoun, contemporary speckled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, [Willems 1047], folio, 1647. The 1647 Latin edition is particularly scarce. See illustration £2000 - £3000 Lot 92 Ockley (Simon), The Conquest of Syria, Persia, and Aegypt, by the Saracens, contemporary ink ownership signatures on titles, contemporary panelled calf, ruled in blind, morocco spine label, London, for R. Knaplock et al, [Gay 98, Blackmer 1216], 8vo, 1708 £400 - £600 Lot 93 Misson (François Maximillien), A New Voyage to Italy…, 4th edition, 2 vol. in 4, engraved frontispiece vol. 1, 28 engraved plates and folding table, bookplates of Sir Edward O’Brien, contemporary calf, vols 1 & 4 rebacked, vols 2 & 3 joints starting but held with strings, London, R. Bonwicke et al, 8vo, 1714 £300 - £400


Lot 97 Lot 97 [Dumont (Jean, Baron de Carlscroon)], Nouveau voyage du Levant, title in red and black, engraved additional title, 8 folding engraved plates, uniform browning, endpapers replaced, contemporary sprinkled calf, monogram initials N J to top board, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, The Hague, E. Foulque, 12mo, 1694. See illustration £600 - £800

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Lot 99

Lot 100

Lot 103

Lot 98 St Olon (Francois Pidou de) , Relation de l’Empire de Maroc, FIRST ENGLISH EDITION, frontispiece, folding map and 8 engraved plates, bookplate of Patrick Hume, Earl Marchmont, contemporary sprinkled calf, spine gilt, Paris, M. Cramoisy, 8vo, 1695 £200 - £300 Lot 99 Le Comte (Louis Daniel), Nouveaux Memoirs sur l’Etat present de la Chine, third French edition, 3 vol., titles vol 1&2 in red and black, frontispiece vol 1., 20 engraved plates, some folding, bookplates of Alexander Hamilton and A. Leonard Fuller, contemporary calf, spines gilt, Paris, J. Anisson, 8vo, 1698. See illustration £400 - £600 Lot 100 Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, half-titles, 4 engraved titles and 57 engraved plates, titles stamped ‘Biblioteque de Mr Rolland’, later calf-backed patterned boards, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Venice, A. Zatta, large 4to, 1772-73. See illustration £800 - £1200 Lot 101 Hall (Samuel Carter), The Baronial Halls and Picturesque Edifices, 2 vol., 72 engraved plates, contemporary half morocco over patterned boards, spines gilt, London, folio, 1848 £100 - £200

Lot 102 Lot 102 Dugdale (William, Sir), Monasticon Angliacanum, 3 vol., engraved title, 154 engraved plates, contemporary calf, J. Smith & G. Strahan, folio, 1718. See illustration £800 - £1200 Lot 103 Binding.- Dugdale (William, Sir), Origines juridiciales, or, Historical Memorials of the English Laws, title in red and black, inprimateur leaf, engraved portrait frontispiece, 4 engraved plates, woodcut armorial vignettes, later fine crushed morocco, rebacked with original spine skilfully laid down, gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, London, F. & T. Warren, [Wing D-2488], folio, 1666. See illustration £400 - £600

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895



Lot 106

Lot 107

Lot 104 Charles I (King of England), Sylloge Variorum Tractatuum Angelico, 8 parts in 1, woodcut tailpieces and initials, contemporary vellum, [Amsterdam], [Louis Elzevier], [Willems 1093], 4to, 1649, a collection of 16 documents in defence of Charles I, dedicated to future Charles II, then in exile in France. £100 - £200

Lot 107 Le Roy (Henri), Philosophia Naturalis, third edition, title in red and black, folding twin-hemisphere world map, numerous woodcut vignettes, endpapers replaced, bookplate of Aytoun of Inchdairnie, contemporary vellum, slightly stained, Amsterdam, Louis & Daniel Elzevier, [Willems 1274], 4to, 1661. See illustration £400 - £600

Lot 105 Curtius (Cornelius), Virorum illustrium ex Ordine Eremitarum D. Augustini elogia…, engraved title and 25 engraved plates, woodcut initials and tailpieces, Antwerp, J. Cnobbaert, [BMC, 6, 756.196], 4to, 1636 £300 - £400

Lot 108 Porta (Johannes Baptista), Magiae Naturalis Libri viginti…, engraved title, numerous woodcut vignettes,bookplate, contemporary vellum, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, E. Weyerstraten, 12mo, 1664 £100 - £200

Lot 106 Meursius (Joannes), Athenae Batavae. Sive, de urbe Leidensi, & Acedemia,…, FIRST EDITION, engraved title page, 9 folding and double-page plates, 11 woodcuts and 51 additional full-page engravings, woodcut initials, endpapers replaced, nearcontemporary vellum, Leiden, A Clocquium, Elzevier, [Willems 237], 4to, 1625. See illustration £600 - £800

Lot 109 Maggi (Girolamo), De tintinnabulis liber postumus…, 2 vol. in 1, additional engraved title, title vignettes, 18 engraved plates, several folding, woodcut initials and tailpieces, endpapers replaced, contemporary ink ownership inscription, contemporary vellum, Amsterdam, A. Frisii, 12mo, 1664 £100 - £200 Lot 110 Pliny.- Plinius Secundus Gaius, Historia naturalis, 3 vol., engraved title vol. 1, woodcut title vignettes, initials and tailpieces, later ink ownership signature to titles, contemporary vellum, Leiden, Elzevier, [Willems 428], 12mo, 1635 £200 - £300


MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


Lot 111 Lot 111 Sincerus (Jodocus), Itinerarium Galliae, engraved title, 22 folding engraved plates, woodcut title vignette, initials and tailpieces, contemporary vellum, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 12mo, 1649. See illustration £400 - £600 Lot 112 Scaliger, Joseph Justus, Poemata omnia...., 3 vol. in 1, title vignettes, bookplate Cholmondely Library, 18th century calf, ruled in blind, [Leiden], Plantin, 16mo, 1615 £200 - £300 Lot 113 Downame (John), Lectures upon the Foure First Chapters of the Prophecie of Hosea [sic]..., title vignette, contemporary ink ownership inscriptions to rear endpapers, contemporary limp vellum, London, F. Kyngston, 4to, 1608 £100 - £200 Lot 114 Heylyn (Peter), The History of that Most Famous Saint, St. George of Cappadocia...., FIRST EDITION, engraved title page, contemporary limp vellum, London, B.A and T.F. for H Seyle, [STC 13273], 4to, 1631 £200 - £300 Lot 115 Dent (Arthur), The Ruine of Rome; or an Exposition upon the Whole Revelation, woodcut initials, ink ownership inscriptions, contemporary limp vellum, later ties, London, N.O. for R. Allet, [STC 6646], 8vo, 1633 £80 - £120 Lot 116 Preston (John), The Doctrine of the Sains Infirmities…, additional engraved title, laid down on later paper, woodcut devices throughout, contemporary limp vellum, London, N. & J. Oakes, 8vo, 1636 £80 - £120

Lot 117 Lot 117 Hermann (Rutger), Britannia Magna sive Angliae, Scotiae, Hiberniae & adjacentium Insularum Geographicon Historica Descriptio, engraved title page, woodcut title vignette and initials, folding map and 31 double-page town plans, uncut, contemporary vellum over boards, Amsterdam, J. Valckenier, [Howgego 13], 12mo, 1661. See illustration £600 - £800 Lot 118 Giambattista (Giraldi), Commentario dele cose di Ferrara et de’Principi da Este…;, bound with Giovio (Paolo) LA VITA DI ALFONSO DA ESTE DUCA DI FERRARA, woodcut title devices and initials, contemporary limp vellum, Venice, G. Battista & G. Bernardo, 8vo, 1597 £100 - £200 Lot 119 Seneca.- Lucius Annaeus, Phlosophi Opera omnia…, FIRST ELZEVIER EDITION [OF 3], 3 vol., engraved title page vol. 1, wood engraved vignettes and initials, contemporary vellum, Leiden, Elzevier, [Willems 508], 12mo, 1640[39] £100 - £200 Lot 120 Seneca.- Lucius Annaeus, Phlosophi Opera omnia…, 3 vol., engraved title page vol. 1, wood engraved vignettes and initials, contemporary vellum, Leiden, Louis & Daniel Elzevier, [Willems 1251], 12mo, 1659[58] £100 - £200 Lot 121 Binding.- Erasmus (Desiderius), Roterdami Colloquia nune emendatora, engraved title page, wood engraved initials and vignettes, endpapers replaced, fine contemporary vellum over boards, ornately gilt-stamped, spine gilt, Amsterdam, H. & V. Theodori Boom, 12mo, 1698. A particularly good gilt-stamped vellum binding depicting a cow on both boards within an ornate border £100 - £200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 122 Saavedra Fajardo (Diego de), Idea Principis Christiano Politici 101 Sijmbolis expressa, engraved title frontispiece and 102 engraved plates, ex-libris Sir Arthur Gordon, contemporary vellum, blindstamped, partially unopened, Amsterdam, J. van Meurs, [Praz 146?], 12mo, 1651. A scarce edition widely held to have better plates than the more common 1659 edition £300 - £500 Lot 123 Aleman (Mateo) and Ens (Caspar), Vitae Humanae Proscenium sub Persona Gusman Alfrach…, 3 vol in 1, additional engraved title, contemporary vellum, Gdansk, G. Forster, [Willems 1674], 12mo, 1652 £100 - £200 Lot 124 Barclay (John), Argenis, engraved title page, wood engraved vignettes and initials, endpapers replaced, near-contemporary vellum, Amsterdam, Elzevier, [Willems 1240], 12mo, 1659 £80 - £120 Lot 125 Schurman (Anna Maria von), Opuscula Hebraea, Graeca, Latina, Gallica: Prosaica & Metrica, second edition, engraved portrait frontispiece, wood engraved title vignettes, vignettes and initials, contemporary ink ownership inscription to verso of title, bookplate, contemporary vellum, Leiden, Elzevier, [Willems 685], 8vo, 1650 £80 - £120

Lot 126 Justus (Pascasius), De Alea, FIRST EDITION, engraved title, ex-libris Heron-Allen, contemporary vellum, Amsterdam, Elzevier, [Willems 988], 12mo, 1642. A scarce work on gambling. See illustration £300 - £500 Lot 127 Aristotle, Politicorum Libri VIII, 1 vol. in 2, wood engraved title vignette and initials, contemporary crushed morocco, gilt, spine gilt, Leiden, Elzevier, [Willems 180], 4to, 1621 £200 - £300 Lot 128 Petit (Pierre), De Amazonibus dissertatio., second edition, additional engraved title, folding engraved map and in-text engravings, wood engraved vignettes, contemporary vellum, Amsterdam, J. Wolters & Y. Haring, [Alden 687/106], large 12mo, 1687. An early work on feminism £200 - £300 Lot 129 Constantine VII.- Porphyrogenitus and Meursius (Joannes, ed.) , Opera in Quibus Tactica nunc Primum Prodeunt, FIRST EDITION, woodcut device on title, former institutional stamp on title, hinges starting, contemporary vellum, Leiden, Elzevier, [Willems 125], 4to, 1617 £100 - £200 Lot 130 Curtius.- Quintus Curtius Rufus, Historia Alexandri magni Regis Macedonum...., engraved frontispiece, folding engraved map, bound in with part of another work as endpapers, lacking pastedowns, contemporary marginalia to verso of map, inner boards, endpapers and elsewhere, contemporary calf, ruled in blind , Amsterdam, Elzevier, [Willems 1325], 8vo, 1664 £80 - £120 Lot 131 Stillingfleet (Edward), Origines Sacrae, or a Rational Account of the Grounds of Christian Faith…, FIRST EDITION, title in red and black, woodcut devices, bookplate of Nugent Howard, contemporary calf, London, H. Mortlock, 4to, 1662 £80 - £120

Lot 126


Lot 132 Selden (John), Mare clausum seu de dominio maris…, title in red and black, wood engraved devices, 2 engraved maps and 2 engraved plates, contemporary ink ownership signatures on title and endpapers, contemporary vellum, London, W. Stenesbeii & R. Meighen, [STC 22176], 8vo, 1636. A counterblast to Grotius’ Mare Librum in which the author opposes the idea of seas open to all £100 - £200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 133 Babington (Gervase), The Like Notes Upon Exodus and Leviticus as Before Upon Genesis…, woodcut initials, printed in black letter, contemporary vellum, London, H. Lownes, [var STC 1088], 4to, 1604 £80 - £120

Lot 138 Grotius (Hugo), Annales et historiae de rebus Belgicis, second edition, woodcut title device and initials, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, [Ter Meulen & Diermanse 742], 12mo, 1658 £80 - £120

Lot 134 Scriverius (Peter), Het oude Goutsche chronycken van Hollandt, Zeelandt, Vrieslandt en Utrecht, additional engraved title and 36 engraved plates, printed in black letter, contemporary vellum, Amsterdam, I. Hendrickz Boom, J. Pluymer & C. Commelijn, 4to, 1663 £100 - £200

Lot 139 Tatius (Achilles), Erotikon, sive Clitophon and Leucippes Amoribus, PRESENTATION COPY FROM CLAUDIUS SALMASIUS TO DR. J LE CLERC, engraved title, woodcut devices, bookplate of Augustus Gosling, contemporary vellum, morocco spine label, yapp edges, Leiden, F. Hegerum, [W1611], 12mo, 1640 £100 - £200

Lot 135 Lot 135 Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Opera…, 11 vol. in 16, additional engraved titles, titles in red and black, engraved plate, contemporary vellum, Amsterdam, R. & G. Wetstenious, 8vo, 1724. See illustration £400 - £600

Lot 140 Hugo (Hermann), Pia desideria emblematis elegiis & affectibus SS. Patrum illustrata, FIRST EDITION, half title, engraved title and 46 engraved plates, contemporary ink inscriptions on half title and title, contemporary vellum, gilt-stamped, yapp edges, Antwerp, H. Aertsenii, 12mo, 1624. See illustration £400 - £600 Lot 141 Ovid.- Publius Ovidius Naso, Metamorphosis, Dat is: die herscheppinghe oft veranderinghe…, wood engraved title device and 176 woodcut plates, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Antwerp, W. Lefteens, [Schweiger II, 685], 8vo, 1619. See illustration £500 - £700

Lot 136 Leti (Gregorio), Del teatro Britannico overo historia della Grande Brettagna..., 5 vol., half titles, bookplates of Marchionis Salsae and Viscount Dudley, contemporary vellum, Amsterdam, A. Wolfgang, [Wing L1331], 8vo, 1684 £200 - £300 Lot 137 Albertus Magnus.-, De secretis mulierum item...., engraved title, woodcut initials and devices, contemporary vellum, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 12mo, 1643 £100 - £200

Lot 140

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

Lot 141



Lot 142

Lot 152

Lot 142 Hensenburg (Vincenzo), Vividarium Marianum, half-title, engraved title and 22 engraved plates, woodcut initials, contemporary ink ownership inscriptions to title, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Antwerp, H. Aertssium, 8vo, 1626. See illustration £600 - £800 Lot 143 Conestaggio (Girolamo Franchi di), Historia delle guerre della Germania inferiore, engraved title device, contemporary vellum, morocco spine label, yapp edges, [Leiden], [Bonaventure & Abraham Elzevier], [Willems399], 8vo, 1634 £200 - £300 Lot 144 Leonico (Tomeo Nicola), Li tre libri di Nicolo Leonico De varie historie, nuouamente tradotti in buona lingua volgare, engraved title vignette also reproduced at the end, near-contemporary vellum, spine gilt, Venice, M. Tramezzino, 8vo, 1544 £200 - £300 Lot 145 Boccaccio (Giovanni), L’Amorosa Fiametta, wood engraved title vignettes and initials, nearcontemporary vellum, Venice, [G.] Giolito, 8vo, 1584 £100 - £200


Lot 158 Lot 146 Ammianus (Marcellinus), Delle Guerre de Romani…, wood engraved title vignette and initials, contemporary vellum, Venice, [G.] Giolito, 8vo, 1550 £80 - £120 Lot 147 Phalaris (Akragas Tyrann), L’epistole di Phalaride tiranno de gli agrigentini, tradotte dalla lingua greca nella volgare italiana, wood engraved title vignette and tail piece, near-contemporary vellum, Venice, [G.] Giolito, 8vo, 1545, title page a little finger soiled £80 - £120 Lot 148 Schedius (Elias), Di dis germanis sive veteri Germanorum, Gallorum, Britannorum, Vandalorum religione, FIRST EDITION, engraved frontispiece, endpapers replaced, later calf, rebacked, Amsterdam, [by Fr. Hackius for] Louis Elzevier], 8vo, 1648, endpapers replaced £80 - £120 Lot 149 Keckermann (Bartholomäus), Systema Logicae Tribus Libris…, wood-engraved title vignette and initials, contemporary calf, ruled in bind, Frankfurt, J. Stöckle, 8vo, 1628, endpapers replaced £80 - £120

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 150 Curtius.- Quintus Curtius Rufus and Erasmus Desiderius, Historia Alexndri Magni, regis Macedonium, wood-engraved title vignette, bound-in with 15th-16th century manuscript fragment, contemporary calf, ruled in bind with initials E.W., Paris, S. de Colines, 8vo, 1543, endpapers replaced £80 - £120 Lot 151 [Heinsius (Daniel)], Laus Asini…, FIRST EDITION, wood-engraved title vignette and devices, contemporary ink margnalia, articularly to endpapers, contemporary velum, ties, one missing, Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 215], 4to, 1623 £200 - £400 Lot 152 Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Opera, issue with 301pp in vol. IX, engraved title vol. 1, lacks portrait frontispiece, wood engraved title vignette other vols, woodcut decorations, bookplate of George John de la Warre, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 535], 12mo, 1642. See illustration £400 - £600 Lot 153 Gellius (Aulus), Noctes Atticae, engraved title, woodcut devices, contemporary vellum, rebacked, yapp edges, Leiden, H. de Vogel, 12mo, 1644 £100 - £200

Lot 157 Camden (William), Britannia, sive florentissimorum regnorum Angliae...., title in red and black, contemporary limp vellum, yapp edges, Frankfurt, J. Wechel, [STC 4506], 8vo, 1590 £100 - £200 Lot 158 Haestens (Henrik van), La Nouvelle Troye, ou Memorable Histoire du Siege d’Ostende...., FIRST EDITION IN FRENCH, engraved title-vignette, coat of arms on verso, equestrian portrait of Maurits of Nassau, 14 folding engraved plates, contemporary ink ownership signatures to title, bookplate of Bibliotheque L’Ecole Regiment du Genie, contemporary vellum, remains of ties , Leiden, Louis Elzevier, [Willems 99], small 4to, 1615. See illustration £600 - £800 Lot 159 Swarti (Eusthati), Anelectorum Libri III…, title in red and black, near-contemporary boards, Leiden, Louis Elzevier, [Willems 17], small 4to, 1616 £100 - £200 Lot 160 Caesar.- Caius Julius, quae exstant, cum selectis variorum commentariis…, engraved title and folding engraved map, ex-libris Cholmondley Castle, eighteenth century calf, ruled in blind, Amsterdam, [Louis & Daniel] Elzevier, [Willems 1266], 8vo, 1661 £100 - £200

Lot 154 Gellius (Aulus), Noctes Atticae…, engraved title, woodcut devices, contemporary calf, rebacked, Amsterdam, Daniel Elzevier, [Willems 1357], 12mo, 1665 £80 - £120

Lot 161 Severus (Sulpicius), Opera Omnia…, FIRST EDITION, engraved title and folding engraved map, ex-libris Cholmondley Castle, eighteenth century calf, Leiden & Rotterdam, Hack, [Willems 1363], 8vo, 1665 £100 - £200

Lot 155 Folengo (Teofilo), Merlini Cocaii poetae mantuani macaronicum…, woodcut title device, 27 woodcut plates, woodcut letters, later ink ownership signature on front endpaper, contemporary limp vellum, Venice, H di Gobbis, 12mo, 1581 £100 - £200

Lot 162 [Leti (Gregorio)], Conclavi de Pontefici Romani…, engraved frontispiece, woodcut initials and devices, later half vellum over patterned boards, [Amsterdam], n.p., 12mo, 1668 £80 - £120

Lot 156 Kitchin (John), Le Court Leete & Court Baron Collect…, vellum, morocco spine labels, [London], R. Tortelli, [STC 15021], 8vo, 1592 £300 - £500

Lot 163 Sallustius.- Crispus Caius, cum veterum historicorum fragmentis, second impression, engraved title, vellum, yapp edges, Leiden, [Bonaventura & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 412], 12mo, 1634 £80 - £120

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895



Lot 168 Lot 164 Euclid.Malapertius (Carolus), Euclidis Elementorum Libri sex Priores…, wood engraved devices and diagrams, contemporary limp vellum, Douai, B. Belleri, 12mo, 1633 £100 - £200 Lot 165 Catullus.- Caius Valerius, Observationes, title in red and black, contemporary noted to verso of title and margins throughout, eighteenth century half calf over patterned boards, spine gilt, London, I. Littleburn, small 4to, 1684 £100 - £200 Lot 166 Camden (William), Annales rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum, regnante Elizabetha, FIRST EDITION, engraved title and portrait, 18th century calf, spine gilt, Leiden, [Bonaventura & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 227], 8vo, 1625 £180 - £220 Lot 167 Bünting (Heinrich), Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae, Or, The Travels of the Holy Patriarchs, FIRST ENGLISH EDITION, woodcut devices and initials, contemporary ink ownership signature on title, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, London, A Islip, [STC 4017], 4to, 1619. One of only two recorded copies, other Swedish National library £100 - £200


Lot 168 Binding.- Calvin (John), Institution de la religion chrestienne…, woodcut letters,gauffered edges, contemporary boards, ornately tooled in blind, rebacked and recornered, [Geneva], [J. Gerard], 8vo, [1553]. See illustration £3000 - £4000 Lot 169 Sallustius.- Crispus Caius, Opera, quae extant omnia…, engraved title, woodcut devices and initials, ex-libris Cholmondley, eighteenth century calf, ruled in blind, Leiden, F. Hack, 8vo, 1659 £100 - £200 Lot 170 Caesar.- Caius Julius, Quae extant omnia Cum Animadversionibus integris Dion. Vossii, J. Davisii…, title in red and black, additional engraved title, portrait frontispiece, 3 folding engraved maps and 11 engraved plates, some folding, woodcuts, modern calf, Leiden & Delph, C. Boutesteyn & S. Luchtmns and A.Beman, 8vo, 1713 £100 - £200 Lot 171 Binding.- Barclay (John), Argenis, 1664; Euphormionis Lusini, sive…Satyricon… 1674, engraved titles, second mentioned with title bearing woodcut device, uniform nineteenth century morocco, spine tooled, gilt dentelles, Leiden, F. Hack, 8vo, (2) £150 - £200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 172 Meurs (Joannes van), Pisistratus, sive, de ejus vita, et tyranide…, publisher’s woodcut device on title, contemporary vellum, Leiden, [Bonaventura & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 216], 8vo, 1623 £100 - £200 Lot 173 Martinez (Matthias), Dictionarium Tetraglotton…, engraved title, woodcut initials, contemporary ink ownership signature to title, bookplate of Tollemache, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 8vo, 1645 £100 - £200 Lot 174 Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Rhetoricorum; Anatationes…; De Orator…; Anatationes…, 4 vol. in 1, publisher’s woodcut device to titles, woodcut initials, contemporary limp vellum, Venice, Aldina, 8vo, 1569 £100 - £200 Lot 175 Meibom (Johann Heinrich), Maecenas…, Jean & Daniel Elzevier, Leiden, 1653; bound with Milton (John) Angli Defenso Pro Populo Anglicano…, London, W. Dugard, 1651; bound with Boxhorn (Marcus Zuerius) De Majestate Regum Principumque ac Praerogativa et Jure Primogenitorum…, title in red and black, Leiden, P. Leffen, 1649, publisher’s woodcut devices to titles, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, [Willems 731], 4to, £300 - £500

Lot 178 Lot 178 Colmenar (Juan Alvarez de), Annales d’Espagne et de Portugal., 4 vol., half titles, titles in red and black, 3 folding engraved maps and 166 plates on 82 sheets, contemporary speckled calf, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, F. L’Honore & fils), [Palau I.57], 4to, 1741. See illustration £600 - £800

Lot 176 Scudery (George de), Curia Politae: or the Apologies of Several Princes...., frontispiece and 11 engraved plates, wood engraved initials and devices, colophon, near-contemporary calf, later morocco spine label, London, H. Mosley, [ESTC R17187; Wing S2140], folio, 1654 £200 - £300 Lot 177 [Holland (Henry)], Herologia Anglica hoc est clarissimorum aliquot Anglorum vivae effigies., engraved title and 66 engraved plates, bookplate of Dr Juan Moncada y Centellas, later sprinkled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Arnhem, n.p., [STC 13582], folio, 1620 £100 - £200

Lot 179 Lot 179 Binding.- Rollin (Charles), De La Maniere D’enseigner et D’etudier les belles lettres…, LARGE PAPER COPY, 2 vol., half titles, titles in red and black, folding engraved frontispiece vol. 1, bookplate of Renouard, g.e., later fine crushed morocco, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Paris, Estienne, folio, 1740. See illustration £400 - £600

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 180 Cotton (Charles), Memoirs of the Sieur De Pontis : Who Served in the Arms Six and Fifty Years, under King Henry IV. Lewis the XIII. and Lewis the XIV, FIRST EDITION, title in red and black, eighteenth century calf, rebacked, morocco spine label, London, F. Leach, [Wing P2807], folio, 1694, endpapers replaced, normal amount of wear to boards, title strengthened at edges £180 - £220

Lot 181 Lot 181 Natalis (Hieronymus), Evangelicae historiae imagines… intercollated with Vivaldi (P. Agostino) Meditationi Sopra Li Evangelii che Tutto L’Anno..., engraved title and 153 engraved plates, contemporary ink index to rear endpapers, later half calf over pattered boards, Antwerp, M. Nutius and Rome L. Zanetti, [Adams N-56], folio, 1594[4] and 1599. See illustration £800 - £1200

Lot 185 Saumaise (Claude de), Re Militari Romanarum, woodcut publisher’s device and diagram, Leiden, J. Elzevier, [Willems 808], 4to, 1657 £100 - £200 Lot 186 James I [King of England].- and Montague (James, ed.), Serenissimi et potentissimi principis Jacobi, Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, et Hiberniae, regis, fidei defensoris, Opera., half title, title in red and black, engraved title vignette, 5 engraved plates, woodcut initials and devices, contemporary ink ownership signature on title, institutional stamp of Gymnasium Luckau on verso of title, contemporary vellum, Frankfurt & Leipzig, C. Gensch, folio, 1689 £200 - £300 Lot 187 Sansovino (Francesco), L’Historia di Casa Orsina, 2 engraved titles, 6 genealogical plates, 17 engraved plates with 11 portraits, ex-libris Biblioteca Lindesiana, contemporary vellum, morocco spine label, Venice, B. & F. Stagnini, folio, 1565 £400 - £600

Lot 182 Hooke (Robert), Micrographia…, Facsimile of the 1667 ed.., half calf over modern boards, London, folio, n.d. £80 - £120 Lot 183 Meyssens (Jan), Image de Divers Hommes D’Espirit Sublime, engraved title, frontispiece and 89 only (of 96) engraved plates, additional endpapers with copious contemporary notes, bookplates, later fine morocco binding, gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Antwerp, J. Meyssens, large 4to, 1699£80 - £120

Lot 188 Lot 188 Aviler (Augustin Charles d’), Cours d’architecture… , additional engraved title, and 162 engraved plates, contemporary ink ownership signature to title, contemporary speckled calf, spine ornately gilt, Paris, J. Mariette, folio, 1738. See illustration £400 - £600

Lot 184 Blackwall (A.), The Sacred Classics Defended and Illustrated.., title in red and black, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, London, J. Bettenham, 4to, 1725 £80 - £120


MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


Lot 189 Lot 189 Binding.- Rollin (Charles), Histoire Romaine…, halftitles, engraved frontispiece vol. 1, 12 folding engraved plates and maps, bookplate of Renouard, g.e., later fine crushed morocco, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Paris, Estienne, large 4to, 1752. See illustration £600 - £800 Lot 190 Granger (James), Portraits for Grangers Biographical History of England, extra-illustrated presentation copy from Richardson to John Rogers, 2 engraved titles, 319 engraved plates, many with tissue guards, bookplate of Arthur J. Rogers, g.e., contemporary fine calf, stamped in blind and gilt, rebacked with original gilt spine laid down, London, W. Richardson, large 4to, 1792 £200 - £400 Lot 191 Cicero (Marcus Tullius), Opera, 4 vol. in 2, additional engraved title, wood-engraved title vignette and devices, bookplate of Hugh Cecil, Earl of Lonsdale, contemporary vellum over boards, ruled and stamped in blind, Leiden, P van der Aa, 4to, 1692 £200 - £400 Lot 192 Quintilianus (Marcus Fabius), Declamationes…, title in red and black, title vignette, contemporary vellum over boards, ruled and stamped in blind, Leiden, I Severinum, 4to, 1720 £150 - £200 Lot 193 Poetae.-, Poetae Latini rei venaticae scriptores et bucolici antiqui...., additional engraved title, title in red and black, title vignette, contemporary vellum over boards, ruled and stamped in blind, Leiden & Hague, J. A. Langerak, [Brunet IV,759], 4to, 1728 £150 - £200

Lot 194 Lot 194 Seutonius (C. Tranquillus), ex recensione Joannis Georgii Graevii cum ejusdem animadversionibus, ut et commentarion integro…, additional engraved title, title vignette, woodcut numismatic plates, contemporary vellum over boards, ruled and stamped in blind, Utrecht, G. Poolsum, 4to, 1708. See illustration £150 - £200 Lot 195 Gibbon (Edward), The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, illustrated edition, 2 vol., engraved portrait frontispiece vol. 1, engraved title and plates, contemporary half calf over patterned boards, 4to, n.d. [c.1850] £60 - £80 Lot 196 Gillies (John, ed.), The Orations of Lysis and Isocrates…, engraved portraits, bookplate of Earl of Ilchester, contemporary tree calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, London & Edinburgh, J. Murray, large 4to, 1778 £100 - £200 Lot 197 Rouargue, Frères.-, Album des Bords de la Loire… , 50 steel-engraved plates on India paper, tissue guards, modern half calf, Tours, oblong folio, n.d. [c.1850] £100 - £200 Lot 198 Coxe (William), Memoirs of John, Duke of Marlborough…, FIRST EDITION, 3 vol., engraved armorial dedication, 7 engraved portraits, 15 folding engraved maps and plans and 15 folding engraved plates, bookplates of Heacham Hall, contemporary diced calf, gilt, London, large 4to, 1818-19 £200 - £400

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 199 Thuillier (Vincent), Histoire de Polybe, 6 vol. in 3, half-titles, 123 plates only (of 125) and 3 folding engraved maps, contemporary morocco, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, large 4to, 1729-30 £300 - £500 Lot 200 Le Maistre (Antoine), Les Plaidoyez et Harangues de…, title in red and black, woodcut title vignettes and devices throughout, contemporary speckled calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, Paris, D. Hortmels, large 4to, 1688 £100 - £200 Lot 201 Boyer (Abel), Le Grand Theatre de l’honneur et de la noblesse, second edition, engraved frontispiece, 32 engraved plates bound at rear, institutional stamp to title, contemporary speckled calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, London, H. Woodfall, large 4to, 1758. £100 - £200 Lot 202 Crasso (Lorenzo), Elogii di capitani illustri, 96 engraved plates, wood-engraved devices, modern calf, Venice, large 4to, 1683 £100 - £200 Lot 203 Saxe (Maurice, Comte de), Reveries, or Memoires upon the Art of War, FIRST ENGLISH EDITION, 40 engraved plates on 34 pages, bookplate of T. Carter, contemporary speckled calf, gilt, London, J. Nourse, large 4to, 1757 £200 - £400 Lot 204 .-, The Annual Register.-, 24 vol., 1758-73, 177577, 1779-81, 1786 only, bookplates, contemporary calf, many bindings loose, boards detached, v.p., 8vo, 1758-86, (24) £60 - £80 Lot 205 Binding.- Martialis (Marcus Valerius), Epigrammatum libros XV...., engraved frontispiece, wood engraved title vignette and devices throughout, ex-libris Lord Cremorne, g.e., fine green morocco, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, Paris, A. Cellier, large 4to, 1680 £200 - £400 Lot 206 Curtius.- Quintus Curtius Rufus, De Regibus Gestis Alexandri Magni…, 2 vol. in 1, engraved frontispiece, wood engraved title vignette and devices throughout, contemporary sprinkled calf, spine gilt, Paris, F. Leonard, large 4to, 1678 £80 - £120 28

Lot 207 Lot 207 Binding.- Sully (Maximilian de Bethune, Duke of), Memoirs of, EXTRA ILLUSTRATED EDITION, 3 vol., 354 plates, mounted, many additional, fine burgundy straight-grained morocco, ornately tooled in blind and gilt, spine gilt, g.e., gilt dentelles, London, A. Millar, large 4to, 1756. See illustration £600 - £800 Lot 208 Binding.- Sully (Maximilian de Bethune, Duke of), Memoires de , 3 vol., frontispieces, half-tiles, additional engraved title, 72 engraved plates, Tollemache bookplate, contemporary morocco, gilt, spine gilt, London, n.p., large 4to, 1747£200 - £300 Lot 209 Voltaire (Francois Marie Arouet de), La Henriade, engraved frontispiece and 10 plates, title vignette and other large vignettes throughout, list of subscribers, contemporary half calf over patterned boards, London, n.p., large 4to, 1728£100 - £200 Lot 210 Nonesuch Press.- Cowley (Abraham), The Mistress…, One of 1050, half title, uncut, publisher’s boards, 8vo, 1926 £80 - £120 Lot 211 Pacius (Julius), Analysis institutionum imperalium cum selectis ... adjecta est Anacephalaeosis, title in red and black, wood-engraved publisher’s title vignette and devices throughout, bookplate, front pastedown lacking exposing strips of earlier manuscript in binding, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, morocco spine label, Leiden, J. Hugeuetan, 8vo, 1638 £100 - £200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 212 Ausonius (Decimus Magnus), Burdigalensis Opera…, engraved frontispiece with contemporary ink signature to verso, wood-engraved publisher’s title vignette and devices throughout, bookplate, contemporary vellum, Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 8vo, 1671 £80 - £120

Lot 216 Aelianus (Claudius), Tactica sive de motionibus, ac praeceptis militaribus, ad Formandas & Transformandas Acies necessariis…, 3 folding engraved plates, woodcut title vignette, numerous woodcut formation diagrams, vellum, Leiden, Louis Elzevier, [Willems 76], 4to, 1613 £200 - £400

Lot 213 Lucanus (Marcus Annaeus), De bello civili, engraved title, folding engraved map, bookplate, contemporary vellum, gilt-stamped with castle motif, yapp edges, Amsterdam, [Louis & Daniel] Elzevier, [Willems 1234], 8vo, 1658 £100 - £200

Lot 217 Machiavelli (Niccolo), Princeps…, additional engraved title, contemporary ownership signature and notes to prelims and verso of additional title, wood-engraved title vignette and devices, Leiden, H. Vogel, 1648; Hérauld (Didier) Fragment de L’Examen du Prince de Machiavel… second edition, eighteenth century speckled calf, spine gilt, Paris, n.p., 1633, 12mo, (2) £100 - £200

Lot 214 Sande (Johanne van den), Belgicarum Historiarum Epitome. Qua Initium, progressus, & exitus motuum atque discordiarum lucide demonstratur, ab anno 1566. ad 1648, additional engraved title, 24 engraved portraits and 4 folding engraved plates, bookplate, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Utrecht, J. a Waesberg, 12mo, 1652 £100 - £200

Lot 218 Machiavelli (Niccolo), Les Dicours de l’estatde paix et de guerre…, 2 vol. in 1, woodcut title vignette, contemporary ink ownership signature to front pastedown and title, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Paris, A. Perier, 12mo, 1597 £80 - £120 Lot 219 Nepos (Cornelius), Vitæ excellentium imperatorum…, engraved title, wood-engraved devices, contemporary calf, tooled in blind, morocco spine label, Leiden & Rotterdam, Hack, 8vo, 1667 £60 - £80 Lot 220 Binding.- Livius (Titus), Historiarum…, 3 vol., engraved title vol. 1, woodcut title vignettes vols 2 & 3, g.e., near-contemporary straight grained morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, Amsterdam, Louis & Daniel Elzevier, [Willems 1358], 8vo, 1665[4] £100 - £200

Lot 215 Lot 215 Sande (Johanne van den), De Wakende Leeu, 2 vol., additional engraved title, engraved portraits and folding engraved plates, contemporary vellum, Amsterdam, G van Goedesbergh, 12mo, 1663. See illustration £200 - £400

Lot 221 Nepos (Cornelius), Vitæ excellentium imperatorum…, additional engraved title, woodengraved title vignette and diagrams throughout, contemporary speckled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, Blaviana, 8vo, 1687 £60 - £80 Lot 222 Lucanus (Marcus Annaeus), De bello civili…, engraved title, folding engraved map, bookplate, contemporary calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Leiden, Hack, 8vo, 1658 £80 - £120

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895



Lot 230

Lot 232

Lot 223 Apollonii Rhodii.-, Argonauticorum Libri Quatro… , contemporary ink ownership signature on title, g.e., nineteenth century diced morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 4to, 1779 £80 - £120 Lot 224 Campbell (John), A political Survey Britain, second edition, 4 vol.,contemporary calf, half-titles, spines gilt, Dublin, T. Ewing & C. Jenkin, 8vo, 1775 £200 - £300 Lot 225 Wraxall (Nath[aniel]), Memoirs of the Kings of France, 2 vol., contemporary calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, E. & C. Dilly, 8vo, 1777 £80 - £120 Lot 226 Cicero (Marcus Tullius), The Orations, 3 vol., 1745; Of the Nature of the Gods,1775; Cato, or an Essay of Old Age, 2 vol., 2nd ed.,, 1777; His Offices..Moral Duties Mankind, 1775; De Officiis..3rd ed., 1777, contemporary calf, spine gilt, T. Waller, 8vo, (8) £200 - £300 Lot 227 .-, Annals King George…, 6 vol., engraved portrait frontispiece vol. 1, mottled calf, gilt, spine gilt, A. Bell, 8vo, 1716-21 £100 - £200 Lot 228 Newentyt (Bernard) , The Religious Philosopher, second edition, 3 vol., contemporary calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, J. Sennex & W. Taylor, 8vo, 1721 £200 - £300


Lot 229 Jortin (John) , Sermons on Different Subjects, 7 vol., 1774-72; Discourses concerning truth, 3 vol in 2, 1767, contemporary calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, B. White, 8vo, (10) £100 - £200 Lot 230 Adolphus (John) , The History of England…Geo III…, second edition, 3 vol.,frontispiece vol. 1 , spines gilt, morocco spine label, T. Cadell & W. Davies, 8vo, 1805. See illustration £200 - £300 Lot 231 Coxe (W[illia]m), Travels into Poland, Russia…, fourth edition, 5 vol., bound-in Sun Newspaper from 07.03.1795, folding engraved maps and plates, contemporary calf, spines gilt, T. Cadell, 8vo, 1792 £200 - £300 Lot 232 Binding.- Taylour (Rev. J.) , Whole Works, 15 vol., fine crushed black morocco, ruled in gilt, 8vo, 1822. See illustration £200 - £300 Lot 233 Junius.-, Stat Nominis Umbra, 2 vol., tree calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, A. Hamilton, 8vo, 1792 £60 - £80 Lot 234 Pratt [(Samuel Jackson)] , Gleanings Through Wales, Holland…, second edition, 3 vol., speckled morocco spine gilt, morocco spine labels, T. N. Longman, 8vo, 1796 £200 - £300

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 235 Binding.- , History of Rome, 3 vol., contemporary tree calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, A. Strahan & T. Cadell, 8vo, 1792 £80 - £120 Lot 236 Binding.- , History of Spain, 3 vol.,half calf over patterned boards, spine gilt, morocco spine label, C. & G. Kearsley, 8vo, 1793 £80 - £120 Lot 237 Coste (Peter, trans.) , The Essays of Montaigne, 3 vol., half calf over boards, spine gilt, S. & E. ballad et al, 8vo, 1759 £80 - £120 Lot 238 Andrews (James Pettit) , History Great Britain, 2 vol., speckled calf, morocco spine labels, T. Cadell & W. Davies, 8vo, 1796 £80 - £120 Lot 239 Hickes (Dr. G.) , Several Letters.Popish Priest, speckled calf, morocco spine labels, R. Sare, 8vo, 1705 £100 - £200 Lot 240 Hay (William) , Religio-Philosophi [sic]…, speckled calf, morocco spine labels, R. & J. Dodsley, 8vo, 1754 £80 - £120

Lot 244 Lot 244 Woodward (John) , An Essay Towards Natural History Earth…, second edition,imprimateur leaf, contemporary panelled calf, spine gilt, T. W., 8vo, 1702. See illustration £400 - £600

Lot 241 Gibbon (Ed[ward]) , Miscellaneous Works, 3 vol., 1796; History Decline and Fall, 12 vol., 4th ed., 1777-88 contemporary tree calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, 8vo, (15) £300 - £400

Lot 245 Binding.- Pope (Alex.) Warburton (ed.) , Works, 9 vol., fine red morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, gilt dentelles, J. & P. Knapton et al, 8vo, 1751 £200 - £300

Lot 242 Binding.- Le Clerc (Jean) , Binding.- Le Clerc (Jean) , 2 vol.,2 engraved frontispieces, contemporary speckled calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spin labels, M. Gillyflower & W. Freeman, 8vo, 1695 £100 - £200

Lot 246 Barthelemi (Abbe) , Travels Anacharsis, 4+1 vol.,contemporary tree calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, G. C. & J. Robinson, 8vo, 1796 £200 - £300

Lot 243 Book Common Prayer.- , La Liturgia Ynglesa…, contemporary panelled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels., G. Bowyer, 8vo, 1707 £80 - £120

Lot 247 Moore (John) , View Society & Manners in Italy, sixth edition, 2 vol., contemporary tree calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, A. Strahan & T. Cadell, 8vo, 1795 £60 - £80 Lot 248 .-, New General Biographical Dictionary, 12 vol.,contemporary tree calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, W. Strahan, T. Payne et al, 8vo, 1784 £100 - £200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895



Lot 249

Lot 264

Lot 249 Fine Jesuit Binding.- Bible.-, Holy Bible, 3 vol., contemporary speckled calf, inlaid with red morocco Jesuit symbol, gilt, Oxford, T Wright & W. Gill, 8vo, 1772. See illustration £300 - £400 Lot 250 Hoole (John) , Jerusalem Delivered…Heroic Poem, 2 vol., half-title, contemporary tree calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, J. Dodsley, 8vo, £80 - £120 Lot 251 Watson (Robert) , The History of Reign Phillip Second, 3 vol.,half-titles, contemporary speckled calf, spine gilt, W. Strahan, T. Cadel, et al, 8vo, 1779 £100 - £200 Lot 252 Mair (J.) , The Gospel Jesus, 2 vol., 1801; Pyle (Thomas) A Paraphrase…Holy Apostles, 2 vol, 1795, contemporary tree calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, 8vo, (4) £60 - £80 Lot 253 Aleman (Mateo) , The Life of Guzman Alfrache, 2 vol., contemporary panelled calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, R. Bonwick, W. Freeman et al, 8vo, 1707-08 £200 - £300 Lot 254 [Wellwood (James), Histoire Secret des Intrigues France, third edition, 3 vol.,contemporary calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, n.p., 8vo, 1715. See illustration £80 - £120


Lot 265

Lot 267

Lot 255 Jonson (Ben) , Works, 7 vol., frontis, contemporary panelled calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, D. Midwinter & W. Innys, 8vo, 1756 £100 - £200 Lot 256 Milton (John) , Paradise Regained, Newton ed., 2 vol.,frontispiece, contemporary calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, J. & R. Tonson et al, 8vo, 1766 £80 - £120 Lot 257 Bruyere (De la) , Works, 2 vol., contemporary panelled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, E. Curll & J. Pemberton, 8vo, 1713 £60 - £80 Lot 258 Ludlow (Edmund) , Memoirs, Switzerland, frontispiece, contemporary panelled calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, Switzerland, Vivay, 8vo, 1698 £100 - £200 Lot 259 Orrery (John, ed.) , The Letters of Pliny the Younger, 2 vol., half-titles, engraved vignettes, contemporary speckled calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, J. Bettenham, 8vo, 1751 £80 - £120 Lot 260 Sharp (John - York) , Fifteen Sermons, third edition, fine red crushed morocco ornately tooled in gilt, spines gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., W. Ketilby, 8vo, 1709 £80 - £120

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 261 Pliny.- Plinius Secundus Gaius, Sec. Epist. lib. IX. Eiusdem & Traiani imp. Epist. amœbææ. Eiusdem Pl. et Pacati, Mamertin, 2 vol. in 1, publisher’s title vignette, marginalia and contemporary ink ownership inscription on title, earlier ms. leaf bound in as front endpaper, contemporary calf binding, tooled in blind, remains of ties, H. Stephanus, 12mo, 1591 £100 - £200

Lot 262 Lot 262 Cluverius (Philippus), Introductionis in universam geographiam...., engraved title with bookplate pasted to verso, wood-engraved letters and devices, 38 folding engraved maps, 3 folding engraved charts, lacking front pastedown, revealing strips of ?14th century ms. in binding, contemporary vellum, yap edges, Amsterdam, [Louis & Daniel] Elzevier, [cf. Willlems 1124 - this work collates as per this edition but has the date 1659, not 1651 on title], 12mo, [1661] 1659. See illustration £400 - £600 Lot 263 Varenius (Bernhard), Geographia generalis…, second edition, engraved title, folding woodcut plate and 4 folding tables, bookplate of William Boynton Strickland, 18th century calf, tooled in blind, Amsterdam, [Louis & Daniel] Elzevier, [Willems 1330], 12mo, 1664 £100 - £200 Lot 264 Cluverius (Philippus), Introductionis in universam geographiam...., second impression, engraved title, wood-engraved letters and devices, 38 folding engraved maps, folding engraved table,bookplate on front pastedown, near-contemporary half calf over patterned boards, Amsterdam, [Louis & Daniel] Elzevier, [Willlems 1269], 12mo, 1661. Endpapers replaced £500 - £700

Lot 265 Guicciardini (Lodovico), Belgicae, sive Inferioris Germaniae descriptio, half-title, frontispiece, additional engraved title, folding engraved map, 44 double-page town plans, bookplate on front pastedown, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 12mo, 1652. See illustration £500 - £700

Lot 266 Lot 266 Parival (Jean Nicolas de), Les Delices de la Hollande, additional engraved title, 14 folding engraved maps and 1 engraved plate, bookplate of Sir Charles Mordaunt, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Amsterdam, J. de Ravestein, 12mo, 1669. See illustration £200 - £300 Lot 267 Descartes (Rene), Passiones Animae, FIRST LATIN EDITION, wood-engraved title vignette and letters, near-contemporary calf, Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, [Willems 1105], 12mo, 1650. See illustration £300 - £500 Lot 268 Erasmus (Desiderius), Adagiorum…, publisher’s title vignette, ex-libris Heron-Allen, ink inscription on front endpaper, contemporary vellum, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 12mo, 1649 £80 - £120 Lot 269 Sleidan (Johanes), De statu religionis et Reipublicae, Carolo V, Caesare, commentarii. Additus est liber XXVI, woodcut title vignette, some contemporary ink marginalia on title, bookplate of Robert Shafto and another, fragment of 15th century ms. bound in, near-contemporary calf, rebacked with original spine laid down, [Leiden], C. Badius, 12mo, 1559 £100 - £200

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Lot 270

Lot 271

Lot 270 Ulstadt (Philip), Coelum philosophorum, seu liber de secretis naturae…, wood-engraved title vignette, 65 woodcut plate vignettes, some full-page, exlibris Marci Huthwaite, contemporary limp vellum, Lyon, G. Rovillium, 8vo, 1572. See illustration £300 - £500 Lot 271 Bible in Greek and Latin.-, Novum Testamentum Graece & Latine, wood-engraved title vignette and initials, some contemporary and later ink marginalia and signatures, bookplate, rebound with contemporary top board preserved, Paris, Jacobum, 8vo, 1549. See illustration £400 - £600 Lot 272 Porta (Jean Baptiste della), La Magie Naturelle qui est les secrets & miracles de nature…, FIRST FRENCH EDITION, wood-engraved title vignette, contemporary limp vellum, Paris, N. Bonsons, 12mo, 1584 £100 - £200 Lot 273 Galen.- Galen of Pergamon, De Anatomicis Administrationibus…, wood-engraved title vignette, later vellum over boards, Lyon, G. Rovillium, 8vo, 1551 £100 - £200 Lot 274 Jourdain (P.), Cosmographie et pelerinage du monde universel…, 4 folding engraved plates, woodcut devices, contemporary limp vellum, Paris, P. Variquet, 8vo, 1675 £100 - £200


Lot 281

Lot 275 Meursius (Joannes), Theophrastus. Sive de illius, qui injuria temporis interciderunt…, wood-engraved title vignette, contemporary vellum, Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 504], 12mo, 1640 £80 - £120 Lot 276 Balde (Jacob), Batrachomyomachia, engraved title, contemporary vellum, Munich, n.p., 12mo, 1647 £80 - £120 Lot 277 Makovski (Jan), Distinctiones et Regulae Theologicae ac Philosophicae…, wood-engraved title vignette, contemporary vellum, Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, [not in Willems - cf 1162 for 1653 ed.], 12mo, 1659 £200 - £400 Lot 278 Montanus (Arnoldus), Auriaco-Nassovia domus…, additional engraved title, 8 engraved plates, contemporary ink ownership signatures on endpapers, contemporary vellum, Amsterdam, A. Valckmeir, 12mo, 1663 £100 - £200 Lot 279 [Anon.] S.I.E.D.U.M.W.A.S., Hippolytus Redivivius id est Remedium contemnendi sexum mulibrem, n.p., 1644; bound with Oginski (Carolo) Honestus Homo sive ars placendi in aula…, Frankfurt, I. Alberti, 1643, contemporary vellum, 12mo £200 - £300

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 280 Lavater (Ludwig), Theologi eximii, De spectris, lemuribus, variisque praesagitionibus Tractatus vere aureus, engraved title, woodcut devices, contemporary vellum, Leiden, H. Verbiest, 12mo, 1659 £200 - £300 Lot 281 [Rossi (Giovanni Vittorio), Jani Nicii Erythraei Eudemiae Libri VIII, FIRST EDITION, title in red and black, contemporary vellum, Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham Elzevier], [Willems 456], 12mo, 1637. See illustration £300 - £500 Lot 282 Porta (Giovanni Battista della), Physiognomoniae Coelestis libri sex...., engraved title and vignettes, contemporary ink ownership inscription to title, vellum, Leiden, H. de Vogel, [Willems 1640], 12mo, 1645 £100 - £200 Lot 283 [Sandras(Gatien, Courtilz de)], Histoire du maréchal de Fabert, lieutenant général, second edition, engraved frontipiece, eighteenth century sprinkled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, H. Desbordes, 12mo, 1697 £80 - £120 Lot 284 [Sandras(Gatien, Courtilz de)], La vie de Jean Baptiste Colbert Ministre d’etat Sous Louis XIV Roy de France, ?FIRST EDITION, title in red and black, eighteenth century calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Cologne, n.p., 12mo, 1695 £80 - £120 Lot 285 Anon.-, Le Duc D’Alançon, bookplate of Leeds, eighteenth century sprinkled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Paris, F. du Chemin, [Williams 219], 12mo, 1680 £100 - £200 Lot 286 Anon. [M.M.], Histoire de la Dragone…, engraved frontispiece, eighteenth century speckled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Brusselles, G. de Backer, 12mo, 1703 £100 - £200 Lot 287 [Aubery (Antoine)], De la Dignité de Cardinal…, eighteenth century speckled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, J. du Puis, 12mo, 1673 £100 - £200

Lot 288 [Le Noble (Eustace)], L’Esprit de Gerson, woodcut title vignette, eighteenth century calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, n.p., 12mo, 1692 £60 - £80 Lot 289 Anon.-, Clitie Nouvelle, FIRST EDITION, woodcut title vignette, later half calf over patterned boards, morocco spine labels, Paris, [Daniel Elzevier] C. Barben, [Willems 1576; Williams 219], 12mo, 1680 £100 - £200 Lot 290 Ovid.- Ovidus Naso (Publius)[Isaac Benserade], Metamorphoses D’Ovide en Rondeaux, additional engraved title, woodcut title vignette, later half calf over patterned boards, morocco spine label, Paris, [Elzevier] Imprimerie Royale, [Willems 1913], 12mo, 1677 £80 - £120 Lot 291 .-, Le Cabinet Jesuitique, 3 vol. in 1, additional engraved title, ink marginalia on endpapers, bookplate of Lord Northwich, woodcut title vignette, eighteenth century calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Cologne, J. le Blanc, 12mo, 1682 £80 - £120 Lot 292 .-, Journal de Monsieur le Cardinal duc de Richelieu qu’il a faict durant le grand orage de la Court en l’année 1630, & 1631, bookplate of Neth. Cholmley, woodcut title vignette and initials, eighteenth century calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, n.p., 12mo, 1648 £80 - £120 Lot 293 Fortin (P[hilippe]), Testament, ou conseils fideles d’un bon pere à les enfans…, woodcut title vignette, eighteenth century tree calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Paris, A. Vitré, 12mo, 1653 £80 - £120 Lot 294 .-, L’art de plumer la Poulle sans crier, engraved frontispiece, titles in red and black, eighteenth century morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, Cologne, R. le Turc, 12mo, 1710 £100 - £200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 295 Braydore, La Curiosite Dangereuse Nouvelle, Galante Historique & Morale, engraved frontispiece, woodcut title vignette devices and letters, later half calf over patterned boards, morocco spine labels, Paris, V. Claude Mazuel, 12mo, 1698 £100 - £200 Lot 296 Binding.-, Nugae Venales, sive Thesaurus Rideni & Iocandi…, additional engraved title, n.p, 1663; bound with Peerdeklontio (Ignoto) Studentes sive Comedia de vita Studiosorum, Alentopholi [Amsterdam], 1662, woodcut title vignettes, eighteenth century crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, g.e., n.p., 12mo £100 - £200 Lot 297 Binding.- Anon.-, Alfrede Reyne D’angleterre, woodcut vignette on title, fine crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Paris, E. Loysom, [Williams 213; not in Bib. Nat.], 12mo, 1678 £100 - £200 Lot 298 Intras (Jean de), Le duel de Tithamante, Histoire Gascone, woodcut title vignette, device and letters, eighteenth century crushed morocco over pattered boards, g.e., Paris, R. Fouet, [Williams 55], 12mo, 1609 £100 - £200 Lot 299 [De Bremond (Sebastian)], Les Memoires de M.L.P.M.M. Colonne G. Connetable du Royaume de Naples, FIRST FRENCH EDITION, woodcut title vignette, fine straight grained morocco, ruled and stamped in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Cologne, P. Marteau, [not in Williams], 12mo, 1676 £100 - £200 Lot 300 [Belin (Jean Albert, Bishop.], Traité des Talismans ou Figures Astrales, third edition, bookplates of F. Ricardo, ex-libris Charles Nodier, fine crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Paris, P. De Bresche, 12mo, 1671 £100 - £200 Lot 301 Daillhiere.- (Pseud.), Les Entetiens Curieux de Tartuffe et de Rabelais, sur les Femmes, bookplate of Lord Northwick, woodcut title vignette, morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Middlebourg, G. Horthemels, 12mo, 1688 £80 - £120


Lot 302 .-, Fontainiana…, half title, engraved portrait frontispiece, near contemporary calf-backed boards, Paris, Freres Pilot, 12mo, An IX; 1801 £60 - £80 Lot 303 .-, Frédéricana..., half-title, engraved portrait frontispiece, near contemporary calf-backed boards, Paris, Chez Lemarchand, 12mo, An IX [1801] £60 - £80 Lot 304 Bernard (Catherine), Le Comte d’Amboise, Nouvelle Galante, woodcut title vignette, devices and letters, bookplate of Holnest Park, ownership stamp to verso of title, contemporary speckled calf, rebacked, Hague, J. van Ellinckhuysen & A. de Hondt, [Williams 238], 12mo, 1689 £80 - £120 Lot 305 [Duc de Rohan], Interets et Maximes des Princes… , woodcut title vignette, eighteenth century calf, ruled in gilt, gilt edges, Cologne, [Daniel Elzevier] J. du Pais, [Willems 1371], 12mo, 1666 £60 - £80 Lot 306 Bon-Temps (Gerard), La Gallerie des Curieaux, woodcut vignette on title, morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Lyon, A. Olier, 12mo, 1671 £80 - £120 Lot 307 Mercier (M.), Azoline ou La Rose d’amour…, engraved frontispiece and 6 sheet music leaves, eighteenth century half calf over patterned boards, Paris, Chez Pollet, 12mo, 1791 £60 - £80 Lot 308 Scarron (P.), Le Marquis Ridicule ou la Comtesse faite à la haste, Comodie, woodcut vignette on title, bookplates, crushed morocco, ruled in blind, gilt dentelles, g.e., Paris, n.p., 12mo, 1656 £80 - £120 Lot 309 Anon.-, La Clef des Couurs, woodcut title vignette and fleurons, eighteenth century sprinkled calf, spine gilt, Paris, B. Loyson, [cf. Williams 208 for 1676 ed.], 12mo, 1670 £100 - £200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 310 Binding.- [Desjardins (Marie Catherine Hortense)], Le Jaloux par Force et le Bonheur des Femmes…, eighteenth century crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Paris, P Bontemps, 12mo, 1668 £100 - £200

Lot 317 [Dancourt (Florent Carton, Sieur de Ancourt)], L’Impromptu de Garnison Comedie, woodcut title vignette, eighteenth century tree calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Paris, T. Guillan, [Tchemerzine IV, 248], 12mo, 1693 £100 - £200

Lot 311 Binding.- Geslin (P.), La Saincte Chorographie ou Description des Lieux ou Reside l’Eglise Chrestienne par tout l’Univers, 18th century straight-grained morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, [Willems 978], 12mo, 1641 £80 - £120

Lot 318 Nostrodamus (Michel), Les Vrayes Centuries et Propheties de…, additional engraved title, woodcut title vignette, 18th century crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 12mo, 1668 £100 - £200

Lot 312 Anon.-, Luxembourg aparu à Louis XIV La veille des Rois Sur le raport du Pere La Chaise…, engraved frontispiece, woodcut title vignette, devices and letters, 18th century calf-backed patterned boards, Cologne, P. Marteau, [not in Barbier or Williams], 12mo, 1695 £100 - £200 Lot 313 Leclerc (M[ichel]), La Virginie Romaine Tragedie, woodcut title vignette, bookplates, crushed morocco, gilt dentelles, g.e., Paris, [Bonaventure & Abraham Elzevier], [Willems 589], 12mo, 1645 £100 - £200 Lot 314 [De Chazan (Charlotte Saumaise], Comtesse de B[regy]), Les Oeuvres Galantes de Madame La Comtesse de B…, woodcut title vignette, devices and letters, eighteenth century calf-backed patterned boards, [Leiden] Paris, [J. Ribou], [Willems 2021(N)], 12mo, 1666 £80 - £120 Lot 315 Binding.- Lesconvel (Pierre), Histoire de Pantegruel, woodcut title vignette, crushed morocco possibly by Derome, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Amsterdam, G. Blaeu, 12mo, 1695 £80 - £120 Lot 316 Anon.-, Histoire du Prince Charles et de l’Imperatrice douairiere, bookplate, crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Cologne, P. Reveil, [Williams 208], 12mo, 1676 £80 - £120

Lot 319 Du Perret (M.), Sapor Roy de Perse, 5 vol., engraved frontipieces vol. 1, 2 & 5, 18th century calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, C. Barbin, [Williams 41], 8vo, 1668 £200 - £300 Lot 320 [Sorel (Charles)], La vraye Histoire comique de Francion…, 2 vol., woodcut title vignette, and letters, near-contemporary sprinked calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Leiden, H. Drummond, 12mo, 1685 £100 - £200 Lot 321 Binding.-, Les Lettres de Monde Voiture, engraved title, bookplate, fine straight-grained morocco, armorial binding of Stuart de Rothesay ornately tooled with gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Paris, n.p., [Tchemerzine X, 490], 12mo, 1654 £100 - £200 Lot 322 Binding.- Comines (Philippe de), Les Memoires de…, engraved title, silk pastedowns, fine straightgrained morocco by Simier ornately tooled with gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 634], 12mo, 1648 £80 - £120 Lot 323 De Perefixe (Haroudin), Histoire du Roy Henry le Grande, engraved title, silk pastedowns, fine straight-grained morocco by Simier ornately tooled with gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Amsterdam, Louis & Daniel Elzevier, [Willems 1272], 12mo, 1661 £80 - £120

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 324 Binding.- Comines (Philippe de), Les Memoires de…, engraved title, ink presentation on f.f.e., silk pastedowns, bookplate of Richard Chase Sidney, fine straight-grained morocco by Simier ornately tooled with gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 634], 12mo, 1648 £80 - £120 Lot 325 [Henry (Gabriel, Marquis de Beauvau)], Memoires de Marquis de B***, woodcut title vignette and devices, bookplate of Le Comte de SchulenburgClosterroda, fine morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, n.p., 12mo, n.d. £80 - £120 Lot 326 .-, Recueil de Quelques Pieces Nouvelles et Galantes…, third Elzevier edition, 2 vol in 1, woodcut title vignette and devices, later notes on f.f.e., 18th century diced morocco, tooled in blind and gilt, spine gilt, [Amsterdam] Cologne, [Daniel Elzevier] P. De Martineau, [Willems 1387], 12mo, 1667 £80 - £120 Lot 327 Binding.- [Villa Real (Manuel Fernandez) trans. F. Grenaille, Le Politique Tres-Chrestien ou discours politiques sur les actions principales de la vie du seu Monsr. L’Eminentissime Cardinal Duc de Richelieu, additional engraved title, woodcut title vignette, ownership signature of Lord Northwick, bookplate, silk pastedowns, 18th-century straight grained morocco, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e. , Paris [Leiden], [Bonaventure & Abraham Elzevier], [Willems 593], 12mo, 1647 £80 - £120 Lot 328 Binding.-, Le Tableau de la Vie & du Government de Messieurs les Cardinaux, bookplate of Perrin du Lac, 18th-century crushed morocco by Derome, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e. , Cologne, P. Marteau, 12mo, 1694 £80 - £120 Lot 329 Du Refuge (Mr.), Traicte de la Cour ou instruction des Courtisans, woodcut title vignette, 18thcentury calf, tooled in blind, spine gilt, morocco spine label, g.e., Amsterdam, [Louis & Daniel] Elzevier, [Willems 1197], 12mo, 1656 £60 - £80


Lot 330 Binding.- François Henri de Montmorency (duc de Luxembourg.), Histoire des amours du Marechal duc de Luxembourg, engraved frontispiece, title in red and black, bookplate, fine morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Cologne, P. Batanard, 12mo, 1695 £80 - £120 Lot 331 Anon.- Binding.-, Le Tombeau des Amours de Louis le Grand & ses dernieres Galanteries, additional engraved title, woodcut title vignette, bookplate Middleton Hall, silk pastedowns, 18th-century straight grained morocco, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e. , Cologne, P. Marteau, [Williams 246], 12mo, 1695 £100 - £200 Lot 332 Ali Abençufian, pseud., La Vie du Roy Almansor, woodcut title vignette, 18th-century straightgrained morocco, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, g.e., Amsterdam, Daniel Elzevier, [Willems 1437; Williams 201 Brunet I, 12 ‘’assez resescheé’’], 12mo, 1671 £200 - £300 Lot 333 Leti (Gregorio) ‘’L’Abbé Gualdi’’, Les Amours de Charles de Gonzague, Duc de Mantouë…, woodcut title vignette, 18th-century straightgrained morocco, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., [Amsterdam], [A. Wolfgang], [Willems 1751 & note], 12mo, 1666 £80 - £120 Lot 334 .-, Academie Galante Contenant Diverses petites Histoires tres-curieuses, 2 vol. in 1, both titles in red and black with woodcut vignette, engraved frontispieces, 18th-century half morocco over patterned boards, Amsterdam, E. Roger, 12mo, 1710 - 08 £80 - £120 Lot 335 Leti (Gregorio) ‘’L’Abbé Gualdi’’, Les Amours de Messaline, Cy-devant reine de l’isle d’Albion…, second edition, bookplate of Lord Orford, 18thcentury straight-grained black morocco by Simier, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Cologne, P. Marteau, 12mo, 1689 £80 - £120

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 336 Binding.-, La Politique de la Maison d’Austeriche, woodcut title fleuron, 18th-century straightgrained morocco by Bozerian, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Paris [Leiden], A. de Sommaville [Jean Elzevier], [Willems 832], 12mo, 1658 £80 - £120 Lot 337 du Rohan (Henri), Voyage au duc de Rohan, faict en l’an 1600…, second edition, woodcut title vignette, 18th-century straight-grained morocco, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, [Willems 1045], 12mo, 1646 £80 - £120 Lot 338 du Rohan (Henri), Discours politiques du duc de Rohan…, woodcut title vignette, 18th-century straight-grained morocco, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., n.p., [Willems 1044], 12mo, 1646 £80 - £120 Lot 339 Saint Amant (Marc Antoine, Sieur de), Moyse Sauve, idyle heroïque…, additional engraved title, woodcut title vignette, 18th-century morocco, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Leiden, J.Sambix [Jean & Daniel Elzevier], [Willems 753], 12mo, 1654 £100 - £200 Lot 340 Binding.- , Remarques sur le Gouvernement du Royaume…, extra-illustrated, woodcut title vignette, 12 engraved plates with tissue guards, ex-libris A.A. Renouard, 18th-century straight-grained morocco, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Cologne, P. Marteau, 12mo, 1688 £100 - £200 Lot 341 Anon.- Binding.-, La Vie et les Amours de Charles Louis Electeur Palatin, engraved portrait frontispiece, near-contemporary crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Cologne, J. Plantie, [c.f. Wiliams 240 for 1691 ed.], 12mo, 1692 £100 - £200 Lot 342 [Duhan (Michel)], Le Faut-Movrir et les excuses invtiles qu’on apporte a cette necessite…, engraved frontispiece, woodcut title vignette, 18th-century calf-backed boards, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Lyon, C. Matheuet, 12mo, 1644 [1664] £80 - £120

Lot 343 Choisy (Francis-Timoléon, Abbé de), Histoire de Madame la Comtesse Desbarres…, woodcut title vignette, contemporary sprinkled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Brusselles, F. Foppens, 8vo, 1736 £200 - £300 Lot 344 de la Tour (Seran), Mysis et Glaucé…, woodcut title vignette, contemporary ink notes to endpapers, contemporary crushed morocco, ruled and tooled in blind, spine gilt, gilt dentelle, g.e., Geneva [Paris], n.p., 8vo, 1748 £100 - £200 Lot 345 [Leti (Gregorio)] ‘’L’Abbé Gualdi’’, Histoire de donna Olimpia Maladachini…, woodcut title vignette, 18th-century calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Leiden, j. du Val, [Willems 1755], 12mo, 1666 £200 - £300 Lot 346 [Bremond (Sébastien)], L’Heureux Esclave Nouvelle, 3 vol. in 1, woodcut title vignette, 6 engraved plates, 18th-century calf-backed boards, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Cologne, P. Marteau, 12mo, 1692 £100 - £200 Lot 347 [Joly (Claude)], Traité des Restitutions des Grandes…, woodcut title vignette, nearcontemporary speckled calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, [Brusselles], F. Foppens, [Willems 1366], 12mo, 1665 £100 - £200 Lot 348 Du Peyrat (Guillaume), Traitté de l’origine des Cardinaux du Saint Siege…, woodcut title fleuron, contemporary ink ownership inscription to f.f.e., 18th-century calf by Thouvenin, stamped in blind, spine blind and gilt, Cologne, P. ab Egmont [F. Foppens], [Willems 2017, 12mo, 1665 £100 - £200 Lot 349 Chevreau (Urbain), Le tableau de la Fortune …, contemporary sprinkled calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, Paris, E. Pepingué, 12mo, 1651 £100 - £200 Lot 350 Orzechowski (Stanislaw), Annales, engraved title page, bookplate of Sir William Strickland, contemporary vellum, spine tooled, Gdansk, G. Forster, 12mo, 1643 £80 - £120

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895



Lot 360

Lot 355

Lot 367

Lot 351 Barotti (Galerana), La Semplicata Ingannata di, woodcut title vignette, letters and devices, bookplate of Sinclair, contemporary vellum, Leiden, G. Sambix [Jean & Daniel Elzevier], [Willems 740], 12mo, 1654 £80 - £120

Lot 356 Sincerus (Jodocus), Itinerarium Galliae…, woodengraved title fleuron, letters and devices, bookplate of Earl of Guilford, contemporary vellum, morocco spine label, Geneva, P. Chouet, 12mo, 1627 £100 - £200

Lot 352 [Van der Putten (Henry)], Erycii Puteani Statera Belli & Pacis…, woodcut title fleuron, bookplate of Sinclair, contemporary vellum, [Cosmopoli], Batavum, 12mo, n.d. [1633] £60 - £80

Lot 357 Binding.- Albinovanus (Pedo), Elegiae III, et fragmenta cum interpretatione…, 2 vol. in 1, engraved frontispiece and 2 numismatic plates; bound with Severi (P. Cornelius) Aetna, & quae Supersunt Fragmenta… titles in red and black, folding engraved plate, bookplate, fine vellum armorial binding ruled and tooled in gilt, spine gilt, Amsterdam, D. Mortier, 8vo, 1715 £100 - £200

Lot 353 Milton (John), Defensio secunda pro populo anglicano…, FIRST EDITION, woodcut title fleuron, contemporary vellum, Hague, A. Vlacc, 12mo, 1654 £200 - £300 Lot 354 .-, Rgimen Principum et Regimen Rusticorum, engraved title, bookplate, contemporary ruled vellum with initials on boards, Cologne, J. Kalcouium, 12mo, 1643. Discrete modern ownership stamp to verso of title £100 - £200 Lot 355 Camden (William), Britannia, sive florentissimorum regnorum Angliae, woodcut title vignette, 19 folding engraved maps, contemporary ink ownership inscription on endpaper, contemporary vellum, Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 12mo, 1639. See illustration £600 - £800


Lot 358 Brachel (Adolph), Historiarum Nostri Temporis…, FIRST EDITION, 3 vol. in 1, engraved frontispiece, 88 engraved plates, woodcut title vignettes, bookplate Robert F. Green, contemporary vellum, morocco label, Amsterdam, J. van Meurs, 12mo, 1654-55 £100 - £200 Lot 359 Aphrodisiensis (Alexander), Problemata, omnibustudiosis non minus utilia…, 2 vol. in 1, woodcut title vignette, bookplate of Sir John Philipps, contemporary vellum, Paris, n.p., 12mo, 1541 £200 - £300 Lot 360 Binding.- Shottus (Andre), Itinerarium Italiae, engraved title, 1 folding engraved map and 19 folding engraved plates, near-contemporary fine crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, Amsterdam, L. Janssoon, 12mo, 1655. See illustration £400 - £600

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 361 Varenius (Bernhard), Geographia generalis…, FIRST EDITION, engraved title, folding woodcut plate and 4 folding tables, bound in with early printed leaf, bookplate, contemporary calf, ruled in blind, later morocco spine label, Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, [Willems 1120], 12mo, 1650 £200 - £300 Lot 362 .-, Le Mercure de la Gaule Belgique ou Nouvelle description de toutes les Villes des dixsept Provinces des Pays-Bas, additional engraved title, contemporary calf, spine gilt, Cologne, P. du Martineau, 12mo, 1682 £100 - £200 Lot 363 Guarini (Giovanni Battista), Le Berger fidelle. Traduit de L’italien…, additional engraved title, woodcut title vinette and 4 engraved plates, contemporary ownership signature on title, vellum, Cologne, P. du Martineau [Hack], [Willems 1852], 12mo, 1671 £80 - £120 Lot 364 Binding.- Machiavelli (Niccolo), Florentini Disputationum de Republica…, additional engraved title, fine 18th-century calf, ruled and tooled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Leiden, H. de Vogel, [Willems 1649], 12mo, 1643 £80 - £120 Lot 365 Haldren (Arnold of Wesel), Epitome Singularum Distinctionum…, ink institutional stamp and contemporary ink ownership signature to title, colophon, later velum-backed boards, Paris, A. Vincent, 8vo, 1556 £80 - £120 Lot 366 Galen.-, Fragmenti de differentiis febrium libri duo…, woodcut title vignette, contemporary ink marginalia throughout, including endpapers, contemporary limp vellum, Paris, G. Rouillium, 8vo, 1558 £200 - £300 Lot 367 Aesop.-, Aesopi Phrygis Fabulae, Graece & Latine, woodcut title vignette, bound intercalated with a blank leaf between each p., bound in with early printed leaf, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, remains of ties, Antwerp, C. Plantin, 8vo, 1574. See illustration £200 - £300

Lot 368 Binding.- St Germain (Christopher), The dyaloges in Englishe betwene a doctour of diuinitie, and a student in the lawes of Englande…, woodcut title, printed in black letter, contemporary ink marginalia throughout, contemporary limp calf, tooled in blind, rebacked, modern morocco spine label, London, R. Totteli, 8vo, 1554[?56] £200 - £300 Lot 369 Godwin (Francis, Bishop), Rerum Anglicarum Henrico VIII…, engraved title, S. Brown, 1653; bound with .- Histoire Brieve de Succession de la Couronne d’Angleterre…, London, n.p., 12mo, 1681 £80 - £120 Lot 370 Guichard (Martinus de), Noctes granzovianae de antiquis triumphorum spectaculis lucubratae, engraved title and in-text woodcut plates, contemporary vellum, Amsterdam, A. Vlackenier, 12mo, 1661 £80 - £120 Lot 371 Seneca.- Lucius Anneaus Seneca), Delle Histoire Romane di…, additional engraved title and in-text woodcut plates, contemporary vellum, morocco spine label, Rome, Di Gregorio & G. Andreoli, 12mo, 1672 £80 - £120 Lot 372 Guarini (Giovanni Battista), Il Pastor fido, engraved title and 6 engraved plates, contemporary fine vellum with yapp edges, stamped in blind and gilt, spine gilt morocco spine label, Leiden, John Elzevier, [Willems 849], 12mo, 1659 £100 - £200 Lot 373 Torsellini (Horatio), Ristretto dell historia del mondo, half-titles, woodcut title vignette, numerous within-text woodcuts, bookplate of Earl of Ilchester, near-contemporary vellum, morocco spine labels, Venice, P. Brigonci, 12mo, 1670 £100 - £200 Lot 374 Machiavelli (Niccolo), Historiae Florentinae, engraved title, bookplate of Cholmondley, contemporary calf, spine ruled in gilt, Leiden, H. de Vogel, [Willems 1637], 12mo, 1645 £80 - £120

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 375 Hensius (Daniel), Satirae duae Hercules tuam Fidem sive Munsterus Hypobolimaeus et virgula divina… , woodcut in-text plate, contemporary calf, stamped in blind, rebacked, modern morocco spine label, Leiden, Louis Elzevier, [Wiillems 123], 12mo, 1617 £100 - £200 Lot 376 Fabricus (George), Roma Illustrata sive antiquitatum Romanarum…, additional engraved title, woodcut title vignette,contemporary ink ownership inscription on title, contemporary calf ruled and stamped in gilt, morocco spine labels, Leiden, A. Wyngaerden, 12mo, 1650 £80 - £120 Lot 377 Dousa (Jano, fils et pere), Catallus, Tibellus, Propertius…, FIRST EDITION FROM THE LIBRARY OF PETER SCRIVERIUS, 5 vol. in 1, woodcut title vignettes and initials, contemporary ink notes to endpapers by Scriverius, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Leiden & Antwerp, C. Plantin, 12mo, 1592 £200 - £300 Lot 378 Estacio (Publio Papinio) .-Statii Papinii Neapolitani., Sylvarum Libri V. Thebaidos Lib. XII. Achilleidos Lib. II, woodcut title vignettes and initials, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, remains of ties, Paris, Haered. Seb Gryphii, 12mo, 1559 £100 - £200 Lot 379 Obsequens (Julius) Conrad ([Wolffhart] Lycosthenese), Prodigiorum…, woodcut title vignette, cancelled contemporary ink ownership inscriptions on title, contemporary limp vellum, remains of ties, Paris, J. Tornaesium & W. Gazeium, 12mo, 1553 £100 - £200 Lot 380 Liberalis (Antonius), Transformationum Congeries…, additional engraved title, woodcut title vignette, contemporary vellum, Amsterdam, Jansson & Wasserberg, 12mo, 1676 £60 - £80 Lot 381 Cicero (Marcus Tullius), De Finibus Bonorum & Malorum Libri Quinque…, title in red and black, contemporary ink margnalia throughout, later vellum, ruled in gilt, morocco spine label, Glasgow, A. Stalker, 8vo, 1732 £80 - £120


Lot 382 Lot 382 Secchi (Nicolò), L’Interesse Comedia, FIRST EDITION, woodcut title vignette, contemporary vellum, Venice, F. Ziletti, 8vo, 1581. See illustration £300 - £400 Lot 383 Aesop.- Faerni (Gabrielle), Fabulae ex Aesopo, aliasque precis Autoribus, woodcut fleurons, contemporary vellum, morocco spine label, Paris, C. Thiboust, 12mo, 1697 £80 - £120 Lot 384 Descartes (Rene), Meditationes de Prima Philosophia…, 2 vol. in 1, woodcut title vignette and letters, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, [Willems 985], 12mo, 1642 £100 - £150 Lot 385 Justinian I (Emperor), Institutionum, sive elementorum, libri quatuor, fifth Elzevier edition, additional engraved title, woodcut title vignette and devices, later vellum, ruled in blind, Amsterdam, [Daniel] Elzevier, [Willems 1565], 12mo, 1669 [1679] £80 - £120 Lot 386 Boethius, De Conforti Filosofici, woodcut title vignettes, devices and letters,18th-century vellum, Venice, G. Giolito, 12mo, 1562 £80 - £120

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 387 Polyaenus, Stratagematum libri octo, woodcut title vignettes, devices and letters, near-contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Lyon, J de Tournais, 12mo, 1589 £200 - £300 Lot 388 Buchler (Johann), Thesaurus Phrasium Poeticarum, engraved title, ex-libris Heron-Allen, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 12mo, 1650 £80 - £120 Lot 389 Sleidan (Johanes, ed.), Frossardus et Cominaeus… , engraved portrait frontispiece, contemporary morocco, yapp edges, Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 12mo, 1656 £80 - £120

Lot 395 [Servin (Louis)], Recueil de Diverses Pieces servant à l’Histoire de Henry III, Roy de France et de Pologne, woodcut title vignette, bookplate, 18thcentury morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Cologne [Amsterdam], P. Marteau [A. Wolfgang], [Willems 1375], 12mo, 1666 £100 - £200 Lot 396 Videl (Louis), Histoire du connestable de lesdiguieres contenant toute sa vie, 2 vol., woodcut title vignette, 18th-century morocco, gilt stamped, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Paris, F. Mauger, 12mo, 1666 £100 - £200

Lot 390 Ovid.- Ovidus Naso (Publius)[Isaac Benserade], Opera Omnia…, 3 vol., additional engraved titles, engraved plates, 18th-century morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, gilt dentelles, Amsterdam, Blaviana, 8vo, 1683 £100 - £200 Lot 391 Emmius (Ubbo), Vetus Graecia…, 3 vol. in 1, woodcut device on title, errata leaf at end of vol.3, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Leiden, Bonaventure & Abraham Elzevier, [Willems 252], 8vo, 1626 £100 - £200 Lot 392 Grotius (Hugo), De jure belli ac pacis…, engraved frontispiece, additional engraved title, title in red and black, bookplate of J Eggerton, contemporary sprinkled calf, tooled in blind, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 8vo, 1670 £100 - £200 Lot 393 Boccaccio (Giovanni), Della Geneologia de gli Dei, woodcut title vignette, devices and letters, contemporary ink ownership signature on title, contemporary armorial vellum bearing the arms of the Bagot family, Venice, L. Spineda, 4to, 1606 £100 - £200 Lot 394 Rohan (Duc de), Memoires du Duc de Rohan…, 2 vol., woodcut title vignette, 18th-century morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Paris [Leiden], Louis Elzevier, [not in Willems], 12mo, 1661; and another odd volume, uniformly bound, (3) £100 - £200

Lot 397 Lot 397 Koran.- Ryer (Sieur du), L’Alcoran de Mahomet…, additional engraved title, woodcut title vignette, contemporary morocco, rebacked, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Hague, A. Moetjens, [c.f. Willems 1472 note], 12mo, 1685. See illustration £200 - £400 Lot 398 De Juilly (Nicholas Baudot), Relation Historique et Galante, de l’invasion de l’Espagne par les Maures…, 4 vol. in 1, three titles in red and black, woodcut title vignettes, bookplate of Llanarth Court, contemporary speckled calf, skillfully rebacked, morocco spine label, Hague, A. Moetjens, [c.f. Williams 9], large 12mo, 1699 £100 - £200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 399 Bewick (John) Le Grand (M.), Fabliaux or Tales Abridged from French Manuscripts of the XIIth and XIIIth Centuries…, 3 vol., half-titles, 52 woodcut illustrations, principally by Bewick, contemporary half calf over patterned boards, spine stamped in blind, uncut, London, for J. Rodwell, 4to, 1815 £100 - £200 Lot 400 Blackstone (William, Sir), Commentaries on the Laws of England, 4 vol., 13 engraved portraits and 2 plates, bookplate of Lachlan MacLachlan, near contemporary calf, stamped in blind, morocco spine labels, London, A. Strachan & W. Woodfall, [ESTC T57767], 4to, 1793 £100 - £200 Lot 401 Jovius (Paulus), novocomensis episcopi Nvcerini Historiarum sui temporis, 3 vol., woodcut title vignette, fleurons and letters, lacking endpapers, contemporary calf, ruled in blind, Venice, Cominum, [Adams G663], 8vo, 1553£150 - £200 Lot 402 Smith (Henry), The Sermons of Master Henry Smith Gathered into one volume…, F. Kyngston, 1601; bound with .- Three Sermons made by Master Henry Smith, FIRST EDITION, J. Roberts, 1599; bound with .- Sixe Sermons Preached by Master Henry Smith, R. Field, 1599; bound with .- Foure Sermons Preached by Master Henry Smith, FIRST EDITION by P.S., 1599, wood-engraved title pages or title vignettes, fleurons and letters, marginalia throughout, including some on titles, near contemporary calf, ruled in blind, [STC 22724, 22735, 22778, 22748], 4to, £200 - £300 Lot 403 Godwyn (Thomas), Moses and Aaron. Civil and Ecclesiastical Rites used by the ancient Hebrews… , London, J. Haviland, 1634; bound with .Romanae Historiae Anthologia Recognita et aucta…, 1642; bound with Rous (Francis) Archaeologiae Atticae… 1637, Oxford, L. Lichfield, wood-engraved title vignette to second work, fleurons and letters, contemporary calf, ruled and stamped in blind, spine gilt, morocco spine label, 4to £100 - £200


Lot 404 Asseline (Eustache) - Eustachius a Sancto Paulo, Summa philosophiae quadripartita, de rebus Dialecticis, Moralibus, Physicis & Metaphysicis, 3 vol. in 1, 10 folding text plates, woodcut title vignettes, fleurons, initials and in-text plates, contemporary ownership signatures and marginalia on endpapers, titles and sporadically throughout, contemporary calf, ruled in blind and stamped with the initials WP on top board, Cologne, L. Zetzneri, 8vo, 1620 £80 - £120 Lot 405 Dionysius Halicarnassensis.- Venturi (Francesco, trans.), Delle cose antiche della citta di Roma, woodcut title vignette and initials, contemporary and later marginalia to endpapers, 18th-century speckled calf over patterned boards , Venice, M. Tramezzino, 4to, 1545 £200 - £300 Lot 406 Vossius (Gerardus Joannes), De historicis graecis libri IV; .- De historicis Latinis libri III, second editions, titles in red and black, engraved title, woodcut letters, ex-libris Ely Cathedral, nearcontemporary speckled calf, ruled in blind, cathedral shelf labels on spine, Leiden, J. Maire, 4to, 1651, (2) £100 - £200 Lot 407 Cicero (Marcus Tullius), Epistolarum libri XVI ad familiares.... - Epistolae ad familiares, 2 vol., additional engraved title, woodcut title vignette, contemporary speckled calf, ruled and stamped in blind, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Amsterdam & Leiden, Daniel Elzevier & Hack, [Willems 1525], 8vo, 1677 £80 - £120 Lot 408 Heinsius (Daniel), Aristarchus sacer, sive ad nonni in Johannem metaphrasin exercitationes…, 2 vol. in 1, woodcut title vignette, contemporary ink ownership signature on title, ex-libris Ely Cathedral, contemporary speckled calf, ruled in blind, cathedral shelf labels on spine, Leiden, Bonaventura & Abraham Elzevier, [Willems 276], 8vo, 1627 £200 - £300

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 409 Merle (Paul van), Opera Varia Posthuma, folding engraved frontispiece and 4 engraved plates, 3 folding, engraved additional title and title vignettes, woodcut fleurons and initials, ex-libris Ely Cathedral, near-contemporary speckled calf, ruled and stamped in blind, Leiden, P. à Meersche & J. de Vivie, 4to, 1684 £100 - £200 Lot 410 Pope (Alexander), Works, 10 vol., engraved frontispiece vol. 1, titles in red and black, contemporary calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, London, J. & P. Knapton et al., 8vo, 1754 £100 - £200 Lot 411 Cowley (Abraham), 4 vol.; Parnell (Thomas), 2 vol.; Spencer (Edmund) 8 vol., Poetical Works, portrait frontispieces, additional engraved titles, uniform contemporary speckled calf, morocco spine labels, Edinburgh, Chez Martin, 12mo, 1777-78, (14) £60 - £80 Lot 412 Destouches (Nericault), Oeuvres de…, 5 vol., engraved portrait frontispiece vol. 1, titles in red and black, engraved title vignettes, engraved plates, bookplate of H.A. Powis, contemporary calf, ruled in gilt, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam & Leipzig, Chez Arkstee & Merkus, 12mo, 1755-59, slight rubbing to extremities £100 - £200 Lot 413 .-, Etrennes spirituelles de’die’es Aux Dames, contenant l’Office Latin et François…, woodcut frontispiece and vignettes, contemporary crushed morocco rules in gilt, spine gilt, Paris, T. de Hansy, 12mo, 1760 £80 - £120 Lot 414 Anon.-, Le Comte de Richemont Nouvelle Historique, later speckled calf, Amsterdam, G. Duval, [Williams 219], 12mo, 1680 £80 - £120 Lot 415 [Boisguilbert (Pierre le Pesant de)], Marie Stuart Reyne d’Escosse. Nouvelle Historique, 3 parts in 1, woodcut title vignette, bookplates, nearcontemporary calf, Paris [Amsterdam], [A. Wolfgang], [Willems 1891], 12mo, 1675 £200 - £300

Lot 416 Lot 416 Vallemont (Pierre, le Lorrain de) , La physique occulte ou traité de la baguette divinatoire et de son utilité pour la découverte des sources d’eau, des minières, des tresors cachéz, des voleurs & des meurtriers fugitifs, titles in red and black, additional engraved title page, 23 engraved plates, modern half calf over patterned boards, Paris, J. Boudot, 12mo, 1696. See illustration £200 - £300 Lot 417 Villedieu (Marie Hortense Desjardins), Les Exilez de la cour d’August…, woodcut title vignette and devices, contemporary ink ownership signature to title, ex-libris Coyet Library, Stockholm, contemporary speckled calf, spine ornately gilt, Amsterdam, A. de Hoogenhuysen, 12mo, 1695 £200 - £300 Lot 418 Quenain (Mr. de St.), Le Hollandois Raisonnable, ou sort digne d’envie, 3 vol., titles in red and black, engraved frontispiece vol. 1, engraved plates, nearcontemporary vellum, Amsterdam, P. de Coup & G. Kuyper, 12mo, 1741 £200 - £300 Lot 419 Vanel (Claude), Galanteries des Rois de France…, 2 vol., titles in red and black, engraved frontispieces, engraved plates, near-contemporary vellum, morocco spine labels, Brusselles, n.p., [Williams 100], 8vo, 1694 £200 - £300

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 420 Richelieu (Cardinal Duc de), Memoires…, 5 vol., woodcut title vignette, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Cologne [Amsterdam], P. Marteau [Daniel Elzevier], [Willems 1368], 12mo, 1667 £150 - £200

Lot 424 Salmasius (Claudius), De Hellenistica Commentarius, FIRST EDITION, woodcut title vignette, devices and initials, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 558], 8vo, 1643 £60 - £80

Lot 421 Salmasius (Claudius), De Usuris Liber, FIRST EDITION, title in red and black, woodcut title vignette, devices and initials, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 471; Kress 536], 8vo, 1638 £300 - £500

Lot 425 Binding.-, The Beauties of English Drama, 4 vol., half-titles, bookplate of J.M. Elton, contemporary calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, London, G. Robinson, 8vo, 1777 £80 - £120 Lot 426 Binding.- Wilkes (John), The North Briton…, 4 vol., engraved frontispieces offsetting onto titles, bookplate, contemporary calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, London, n.p., 8vo, 1772 £100 - £200 Lot 427 Binding.- Stanhope (Philip Dormer), Lettres Escrites par le tres-honorable Phillipe Dormer Stanhope…, 5 vol., contemporary sprinkled calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, Chez Panckoucke, 8vo, 1775 £80 - £120 Lot 428 Binding.- Goldsmith (Oliver), The Poetical and Dramatic Works., 2 vol., half-titles, engraved frontispiece vol. 1, bookplates, contemporary calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, London, M. Goldney, 8vo, 1780 £80 - £120

Lot 422 Lot 422 Salmasius (Claudius), De Annis Climactericis et Antiqua Astrologia Diatribe, FIRST EDITION, woodcut title vignette, devices and initials, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 644], 8vo, 1648. See illustration £200 - £300 Lot 423 Salmasius (Claudius), Epistola ad Andream Colvium…, FIRST EDITION EX-LIBRIS RICHARD ROBERT MADDEN WITH NOTES ON ENDPAPER BY ?JOHN MILTON, title in red and black, woodcut title vignette, devices and initials, bookplate of Richard Robert Madden, contemporary vellum, with initials and date to top board, yapp edges, Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 580], 8vo, 1644 £200 - £300


Lot 429

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 429 Fine binding.- Regional Printing,- Cooke (William), The Way to the Temple of True Honor and Fame...., 4 vol., engraved frontispieces, bookplate, contemporary fine crushed morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, gilt dentelles, g.e., Devizes, T. Burrough, 8vo, 1773. See illustration £200 - £300 Lot 430 Cowper (William), Poems, second edition, 2 vol., half-title vol. 2 (all called for), contemporary speckled calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, London, J. Johnson, 8vo, 1786 £80 - £120 Lot 431 Binding.- Knox (Vicesimus), Essays Moral and Literary, eighth edition, 1786; .-Liberal Education… , seventh edition, 1785; .- Winter Evenings: or Lucubrations on Life and Letters, third edition, 1795, 2 vol., engraved frontispiece in first work, contemporary tree calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, London, C. Dilly, 8vo, 178586, (6) £100 - £200 Lot 432 Horace (Quintus Flaccus), A Poetical Translation of the Works of Horace…, seventh edition, 4 vol., contemporary calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, London, A. Millar, 8vo, 1765 £60 - £80 Lot 433 Binding.- Sturm (C.C.), Reflections for Every Day in the Year on the Works of God, 3 vol., F. & C. Rivington, 1795; Anon.- The Revolutionary Plutarch, 3 vol., J. Murray, 1806, engraved frontispieces, contemporary tree calf, gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, 8vo, (6) £80 - £120 Lot 434 Binding.- Akenside (Mark), Poems, WILLIAM DANBY’S COPY, 2 vol., half-titles, contemporary calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, London, J. Tonson, 8vo, 1776 £80 - £120 Lot 435 Binding.- Mallet (David), The Works, 3 vol., halftitle vol. 1, contemporary calf, with gilt armorial, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, London, A. Millar & P. Vaillant, 8vo, 1759 £60 - £80

Lot 436 Binding.- Ozell (John), The Adventures of Telemachus…, 2 vol., engraved frontispiece vol. 1, engraved plates, contemporary calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, London, W. Innys & J. Richardson, 8vo, 1754 £60 - £80 Lot 437 Dacier (M., ed.), The Works of Plato, 2 vol., contemporary ownership signature of Robert Haldane, later calf, morocco spine labels, London, J. Rivington, W. Strahan et al., 8vo, 1772 £60 - £80 Lot 438 Binding.- Gay (John), Poems on Several Occasions, 2 vol., engraved frontispiece vol. 1, contemporary sprinkled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, London, J. & R. Tonson et al., 8vo, 1767£60 - £80 Lot 439 Congreve (William), Works, fifth edition, 3 vol., engraved plate of Congreve tipped-in to vol. 1, contemporary calf, tooled in blind, morocco spine labels, London, J. Tonson, 8vo, 1730 £60 - £80 Lot 440 Binding.- Thomas (Percy, ed.), Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, third edition, 3 vol., half-titles, frontispiece vol. 1, bookplate of Earl of Chesterfield, contemporary calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, London, J. Dodsley, 8vo, 1775 £80 - £120 Lot 441 Evans (Thomas), Old Ballads, Historical and Narrative., second edition, 4 vol., half-titles, title vignettes, contemporary calf-backed patterned boards, spine gilt, morocco spine label, London, T. Evans, 8vo, 1784 £80 - £120 Lot 442 Binding.-, The Hive. A Collection of the Most Celebrated Songs, third edition, 3 vol., titles in red and black, engraved frontispiece, woodcut title vignette, devices and letters, London, J. Walthoe, 8vo, 1726-29 £100 - £200 Lot 443 Binding.- Philips (Ambrose), A Collection Of Old Ballads Corrected From the Best And Most Ancient Copies Extant…, mixed edition, 3 vol., half-titles vols 2&3, engraved frontispieces and engraved plates, woodcut devices, London, J. Roberts, 8vo, 1727-26-38 £100 - £200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 444 Prior (Matthew), The Poetical Works, 2 vol., engraved frontispiece vol. 1, bookplate, contemporary speckled calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, London, W.Strahan, T. Payne et al, 8vo, 1779 £80 - £120 Lot 445 Prior (Matthew), The Poetical Works, 2 vol., engraved frontispiece vol. 1, contemporary sprinkled calf, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, London, R. Knaplock, J. Round et al, 8vo, 1733 £80 - £120 Lot 446 Tacitus.- Gordon (Thomas), Works, fifth edition, 5 vol., contemporary tree calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Dublin, T. Williams, T Walker et al; and 2 others, Classics, 8vo, 1778-[77], (7) £80 - £120 Lot 447 Young (Edward), Works of the Author or NightThoughts, 4 vol., contemporary tree calf, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, London, D. Brown, C. Hitch et al, 8vo, 1762 £80 - £120 Lot 448 Roberts (William Hayward), Poems, J. Wilkie, 1774; Dyer (John) Poems, J. Dodsley, 1770; Sargent (John) The Mine A Dramatic Poem, second edition, T Cadell, 1788; and 4 others, similar, poetry, contemporary tree calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, London, 8vo, (9) £200 - £300 Lot 449 Robinson (Mary), The Memoirs of the Late Mrs Robinson, 4 vol., contemporary speckled calf over patterned boards, morocco spine labels, London, R. Phillips, 8vo, 1801 £100 - £200 Lot 450 Thompson (James), Works, 4 vol., contemporary speckled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, London, W. Bowen, W. Strahan et al, 8vo, 1773 £80 - £120

Lot 451 Moore (John) , A View of Society and Manners in France, Switzerland and Germany, third edition, 2 vol., contemporary speckled calf, morocco spine labels, Dublin, W. Wilson, 8vo, 1781 £100 - £200 Lot 452 [Sterne (Lawrence)], A Sentimental Journey, 2 vol., contemporary speckled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, London, T. Becket, 8vo, 1778 £80 - £120 Lot 453 [Sterne (Lawrence)], A Sentimental Journey, 2 vol., contemporary tree calf, morocco spine labels, London, W. Strahan, T. Cadell, 8vo, 1780 £80 - £120 Lot 454 Welwood (James), Memoirs of the Most Material Transactions in England for the Last Hundred Years…, sixth edition, bookplate of John Manley, contemporary panelled calf, London, J. D, for T. Goodwin, 8vo, 1718 £60 - £80 Lot 455 Steele (Richard, Sir), Poetical Miscellanies, Consisting of Original Poems and Translations, FIRST EDITION, contemporary mottled calf, ruled and tooled in gilt, spine gilt, London, J. Tonson, 8vo, 1714; and another, second edition, (2) £100 - £200 Lot 456 Balzac [(Honoré de]) Baker (Richard, Sir), Letters of…translated into English…, FIRST ENGLISH EDITION, engraved additional title page, contemporary calf, ruled in gilt, London, J. Williams & F. Eaglesfield, 8vo, 1655 £80 - £120 Lot 457 Spence (Edmund) & Hughes (M., ed.), The Works in Six Volumes, FIRST ILLUSTRATED EDITION, 6 vol., frontispieces and engraved plates, contemporary ink ownership signatures to title, contemporary calf, ruled in gilt, morocco spine labels, London, J. Tonson, 8vo, 1715 £80 - £120 Lot 458 Goulard (Thomas), A Treatise on the Effects and Various Preparations of Lead…, contemporary sheep, London, P. Elmsley, 8vo, 1775 £80 - £120


MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 459 Levesque de Pouilly (Louis-Jean), The Theory of Agreeable Sensations. In which…the principles of natural theology, and moral philosophy are established…, FIRST ENGLISH EDITION, half-title with contemporary ink ownership signature, contemporary calf, ruled in gilt, London, W. Owen, 8vo, 1749 £60 - £80 Lot 460 Churchill (C.), Works, fifth edition, 4 vol., half titles, engraved titles vols 1-3, frontispiece vol. 1, contemporary calf, London, J. Churchill, 8vo, 1774 £80 - £120 Lot 461 Collier (Jeremy), A defence of the short view of the profaneness and immortality of the English stage, &c. Being a reply to Mr. Congreve’s Amendments, &c., FIRST EDITION, contemporary ownership signature on title, bookplate of Earl of Dudley, contemporary speckled calf, morocco spine label, London, S. Keble, R. Sare & H. Hindmarsh, 8vo, 1699 £60 - £80

Lot 465 Literature.- [Spence (Joseph, Rev.)], An Essay on Pope’s Odyssey…, bookplate of John Mills, contemporary calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, J. & J. Knapton, 1726; De Beaufort (Louis) A Dissertation upon the Uncertainty of the Roman History…, bookplate of Richard Gough, contemporary panelled calf, T. Waller, 1740; Burke (Edmund) A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful..., half title, contemporary diced calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, F. & C. Rivington et al, 1801, 8vo, (3) £100 - £200 Lot 466 Johnson (Ben), Epicoene or, the Silent Woman a Comedy…., bound with .- Volpone, or, the Fox a Comedy…, bound with .- Catiline His Conspiracy, A Tragedy…; bound with .- The Alchemist…; bound with Shadwell (Thomas) The History of Timon of Athens, bookplate of Edward Duke, contemporary panelled calf, London, H. Hills, 8vo, n.d. [c.1680] £100 - £200

Lot 462 Poetry.- [Temple of Death Miscellany], A collection of poems by several hands. Most of them written by persons of eminent quality, third edition, title in red and black, half calf over patterned boards, London, T. Warren, [Wing C5174], 8vo, 1693 £100 - £200 Lot 463 T[hompson] (N[athaniel]), FIRST EDITION, contemporary ink ownership signatures on endpapers, contemporary sheep, London, N. T[hompson], [Wing T1005], 8vo, 1685 £100 - £200 Lot 464 Theology.- Le Clerc (J.), Five Letters Concerning the Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures…, 1690; bound with Lowth (William) A Vindication of the Divine Authority and Inspiration of the Writings of the Old and New Testaments…, contemporary calf, Oxford, 1692; .- [Leslie (Chares)] A Short and Easy Method with the Deists…, contemporary ink ownership signatures and later doodles on endpapers, contemporary panelled calf, C. Brome 1699, 8vo, (2) £80 - £120 Lot 467

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 467 Plays.-, Lilo (M.) The London Merchant, or the History of George Barnwell, J. Gray, 1735; bound with Malet (M.) Euridice A Tragedy…, A. Millar, 1735; bound with [Anon] The Lawyer’s Fortune: or Love in a Hollow Tree…, E. Underhill, 1736; Fenton (M) Mariamne A Tragedie, J. Tonson, 1735; bound with Motteux (M.) The Island Princes, or the Generous Portugueze, W. Feales, 1736; bound with Philips (M.) The Distrest Mother a Tragedy, J. Tonson, 1731; bound with Carlile (James) The Fortune Hunters or Two Fools Well Met..., J.J. & P. Knapton, 1736; bound with Shadwell (Thomas) The Squire of Alsatia a Comedy, W. Feales, 1736; bound with Shadwell (Thomas) Don John or, the Libertine Destroyes A Tragedy..., W. feales, 1736; bound with Crown (M.) Sir Courtly Nice: or It Cannot Be, a Comedy, W. Feales, 1735; bound with Crown (M.) The Country Wit, a Comedy, W. feales, 1735; bound with [Burnaby (W.)] The Ladies Visiting Day a Comedy, W. feales, 1736; bound with Taverner (M.) The Maid and the Mistress..., W. Feales, 1736; bound with [Anon] Tunbridge Walks or, The Yeoman of Kent a Comedy, B. Lintot, 1736; bound with [B.J.] Epicoene: or the SIlent Woman a Comedy, J. & R. Tonson, 1736; bound with Lacey (M.) Sauny the Scot or, the Tamong of the Shrew, W. Feales, 1736; bound with [Anon] The Apparition or, the Sham-Wedding a Comedy, 1736; bound with [Anon] Ignoramus:or the English Lawyer a Comedy, W. Feales, 1736; bound with [Anon] The Devil of a Wife..., J.J. & P. Knapton, 1735; bound with Johnson (M.) The Country Lasses: or the Custom of the Manor, J. Tonson, 1735; bound with Haywood (Eliza) A Wife to be Let, W. Feales, 1735; bound with Motteux (M.) The Anatomist or the Sham-Doctor, W. Feales, 1735; bound with Motteux (M.) The Loves of Mars and Venus, W. Feales, 1735; bound with Knipe (Charles) A City Ramble or, the Humours of the Compter, W. Feales, 1736, 4 vol, titles in red and black, frontispieces, woodcut title vignettes and fleurons, contemporary half calf over patterned boards, 8vo. See illustration £300 - £400 Lot 468 Plays.- Vanburgh (John), The Mistake a Comedy, J. & R. Tonson & S. Draper, 1756; bound with Shakespeare (William) Much Ado About Nothing, J. & P. Knapton, 1750, frontispiece, titles in red and black; bound with [Granville (George)] The British Enchanters, 1732; Shakespeare (William) Measure for Measure, 1734, J. Tonson, contemporary ink notes on endpapers, contemporary sheep-backed boards, 8vo £80 - £120 50

Lot 469 (Howel[l]) James, Epistolae Ho-Elianae…, fifth edition, engraved frontispiece, contemporary ink ownership signatures on endpapers, contemporary speckled calf, ruled in blind, London, T. Guy, 8vo, 1678 £80 - £120 Lot 470 Senault (Jean François) Monmouth (Henry, Earl trans.), The Use of Passions, engraved frontispiece, additional engraved title, contemporary ink ownership signatures, bookplate of J. Cresswell, contemporary calf, ruled in blind, morocco spine label, London, J. L., 8vo, 1649 £100 - £200 Lot 471 Lacombe (Jacques), The History of Christina Queen of Sweden, FIRST ENGLISH EDITION, bookplate, contemporary speckled calf, ruled in gilt, morocco spine label, London, G. Kearsley, 8vo, 1766 £100 - £200 Lot 472 Montagu (Mary Wortley), Letters of the Right Honorable Lady M—y W—y M—e. Written during her Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa…, contemporary speckled calf, morocco spine label, London, M. Cooper, 8vo, 1777 £60 - £80 Lot 473 Smith (Thomas, Sir), The Common-Wealth of England. And the Manner of Government Therof…, woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, contemporary marginalia to G4, bookplate of John Bolton, eighteenth century half calf over patterned boards, London, J. Smethwicke, 4to, 1609 £100 - £200 Lot 474 Kennett (Basil), Romae Antiquae Notitia; or, The Antiquities of Rome, second edition, 8 folding engraved plates, contemporary calf, tooled in blind, rebacked, London, T. Child, 8vo, 1699 £200 - £300 Lot 475 Charles I (King of England).-, The Royal Martyr: or, the History of the Life and Death of K. Charles I., engraved portrait frontispiece, J. Hidmarch, 1693; bound with .- Eikon Basilike, or the Pourtraiture of His Sacred Majesty in His Solitudes and Sufferings, R. Norton, 1695; bound with .- A Vindication of King Charles the Martyr, J. Hindmarsh, 1693, later ink ownership inscriptions on endpapers, contemporary calf, 8vo £100 - £200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 476 Tacitus (Gaius Cornelius), The Annals of History…, second edition, 3 vol., 10 engraved portrait plates, 2 folding plates, woodcut letters and fleurons, contemporary speckled calf, ruled in blind, morocco spine labels, London, J. Nicholson, 8vo, 1716 £80 - £120

Lot 481 Heylyn (Peter), France Painted to the Life, FIRST EDITION, contemporary ink signatures on title, modern half calf over patterned boards, London, W. Leake, 8vo, 1656 £100 - £200 Lot 482 Gibson (Edmund), The Bishop of London’s Three Pastoral Letters to the People of his Diocese…, woodcut title vignette and fleurons, contemporary panelled calf bearing gilt arms of Beaudesert Hall, morocco spine label, London, S. Buckley, 8vo, 1732 £60 - £80 Lot 483 Martial.-, Select Epigrams, J. Dodsley, 1755 § Horace.- Odes, J. Tonson, 1720; and 3 others, similar, Classics, bookplates, contemporary calf, worn, some boards loose or detached, 8vo, (5) £80 - £120

Lot 477 Lot 477 Pope (Alexander), The Works, third edition, half titles, engraved frontispiece and 29 engraved plates, many folding, eighteenth century speckled calf, ruled in gilt, morocco spine labels, London, B. Lintot, 12mo, 1732. See illustration £300 - £400 Lot 478 Webb (Daniel), Remarks on the Beauties of Poetry, FIRST EDITION, contemporary calf, London, R. & J. Dodsley, 8vo, 1762 £40 - £60 Lot 479 .-, The Western Martyrology; or Bloody Assizes, containing the Lives, Trials, and Dying Speeches of all those Eminent Protestants that Suffered in the West of England, and Elsewhere, from the Year 1678 to this Time. Together with the Life & Death of George L. Jeffreys, fifth edition, engraved frontispiece, bookplate, contemporary panelled sheep, morocco spine label, London, J. Marshall, 8vo, 1705 £100 - £200 Lot 480 Playfere (Thomas), Nine Sermons, Preached by That Eloquent Divine…, woodcut title vignette and initials, contemporary sheep, rebacked, Cambridge, C. Legge, 8vo, 1612 £60 - £80

Lot 484 [Goldsmith (Oliver)], An History of England, in a Series of Letters…, 2 vol., T. Carnan & F. Newberry, 1772 § .- Poems on several occasions by Shakespeare, A. Murden & W. Nelson, n.d. [c.1780], contemporary calf, rubbed, 8vo, (3) £60 - £80 Lot 485 St. John (Henry), The Misscellaneous [sic]Works of…, 4 vol, bookplate on front pastedown, contemporary calf, morocco spine labels, Edinburgh, A. Donaldson, 8vo, 1768 £80 - £120 Lot 486 Néel (Louis Balthazar), The History of Maurice Count Saxe, Field-Marshal of the French Forces, Duke Elect of Courland and Semigallia, 2 vol., halftitles, contemporary calf, ruled in gilt, morocco spine label, London, T. Osborne, 8vo, 1753 £80 - £120 Lot 487 Roberts (William Hayward), Judah Restored: A Poem, FIRST EDITION, 2 vol., half-titles, contemporary ink ownership signatures, contemporary speckled calf, morocco spine label, London, J. Wilkie, 8vo, 1774 £60 - £80 Lot 488 Bowdler (Jane), Poems and Essays, mixed edition, 2 vol., half-titles, contemporary ink ownership signatures, contemporary calf, morocco spine label, Bath, R. Cruttwell, 8vo, 1787 £60 - £80

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 489 Disney (John), A second essay upon the execution of the laws against immorality and prophaneness, contemporary ink ownership signature of author’s daughter on title, fine contemporary speckled calf, boards ornately tooled in gilt, modern rebacking, London, J. Downing, 8vo, 1710 £60 - £80 Lot 490 Milton (John), A Defence of the People of England, contemporary ink signature on title, modern calf, tooled in blind, ?Amsterdam, n.p., [Wing M2104], 8vo, 1692 £100 - £200 Lot 491 [Boyer (Abel)], The Life of Queen Anne…, FIRST EDITION, folding engraved frontispiece, contemporary panelled calf, rebacked, London, A. Bell, [ESTC T169734], 12mo, 1714 £80 - £120 Lot 492 Heylyn (Peter), Respondet Petrus, or, The answer of Peter Heylyn . to so much of Dr. Bernard’s book entitled, The judgement of the late Primate of Ireland, &c, ink ownership signature on front pastedown, final leaf pasted to boards, contemporary calf, ruled in blind, skillfully rebacked, morocco spine label, London, R. Royston, 4to, 1658 £100 - £200 Lot 493 [Watson (John)], Memoires of the Family of the Stuarts…, ink ownership signature of Narcissus Luttrel[l] on f.f.e., bookplate of William Mylne, contemporary speckled calf, tooled in blind, skillfully rebacked, morocco spine label, London, J. Wallis, 8vo, 1683 £80 - £120

Lot 496 Boyle (Robert), [Seraphick Love] Some Motives and Incentives to the Love of God…, engraved portrait frontispiece, contemporary ink ownership signature on title, upper hinge weak, contemporary panelled calf, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, London, J. Tonson, [ESTC T107651], 8vo, 1708 £60 - £80 Lot 497 Gray (Thomas), Poems, half-title and contents leaf, contemporary straight-grained morocco, tooled in gilt with gilt insignia, rebacked with original spine laid-down, London, J. Dodsley, [Rothschild 1071], 8vo, 1768 £100 - £200 Lot 498 Cotton (Robert Bruce, Sir), Cottoni Posthuma: Divers Choice Pieces..., engraved portrait frontispiece, bookplate on front pastedown, contemporary sprinkled calf, gilt insignia on boards, later rebacked, morocco spine label, London, M. C., 8vo, 1679 £60 - £80 Lot 499 [Beckford (William Thomas)], Biographical Memoirs of Extraordinary Painters, FIRST EDITION, for J. Robson, 1780; bound with Spence (Joseph) A Parallel in the Manner of Plutarch…, portrait title vignette, W. Robinson, Strawberry Hill, 1758, contemporary speckled calf over boards, [Rothschild 351], 8vo, £200 - £300 Lot 500 Cowley (Abraham), History of Plants…, woodcut title border and fleurons, contemporary half calf over patterned boards, London, J. Smeeton, 8vo, 1795 £100 - £200

Lot 494 [Wright (James)], A Compendious View of the late Tumults & Troubles in this Kingdom, by way of annals for seven years…, FIRST EDITION, second issue, bookplate on front pastedown, contemporary sheep, rebacked, morocco spine label, London, E. Jones, [Wing W3692], 8vo, 1685 £100 - £200

Lot 501 Burnet (Gilbert), An Essay on the Memory of the late Queen, engraved portrait frontispiece, bookplate of James Tomkinson, contemporary panelled calf, modern rebacking, morocco spine label, London, R. Chiswell, 8vo, 1695 £100 - £200

Lot 495 Johnson (Samuel), Julian’s Arts to Undermine and Extirpate Christianity..., FIRST EDITION, half-title, woodcut initials, contemporary sprinkled calf, spine ornately gilt, London, J.D[odsley], [ESTC R16198; Wing J832], 8vo, 1689 £100 - £200

Lot 502 Burke (Edmund), An Account of the European Settlements in America, folding engraved map, bookplate of Ralph Leycester, contemporary speckled calf, ruled in gilt, morocco spine label, London, R. & J. Dodsley, 8vo, 1760 £100 - £200


MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 503 Mason (William), Poems, 1805 § Gray (Thomas) Poetical Works, 1800 § Townshend (Thomas) Poems, T. Bensley, 1796 § .- Elements of Criticism, 2 vol., Dublin, C. Ingham, 1772 § [Darrell (William)] The Gentleman Instructed in the Conduct of a Virtuous and Happy Life…, 2 vol., R. Ware, J. Knapton et al, 1755, contemporary calf, some spines gilt, 8vo, (7) £200 - £300 Lot 504 Burnet (Gilbert), Histoire de la reformation de l’eglise d’Angleterre..., 4 vol., 16 engraved plates, woodcut title vignettes, initials and fleurons, contemporary speckled calf, spines ornately gilt, Amsterdam, A. Wolfgang, 12mo, 1687 £200 - £300 Lot 505 [Aulnoy (Marie-catherine Le Jumel De Barneville)], Nouvelles espagnolles…, FIRST EDITION, bookplate of Sir John Eden, woodcut title vignettes, initials and fleurons, contemporary speckled and mottled calf, spine ornately gilt, Paris, C. Barbin, 8vo, 1692 £100 - £200

Lot 509 .-, Essais historiques sur la vie de MarieAntoinette…, 2 parts in 1 vol., 2 engraved frontispieces and 6 engraved plates, bookplate, 19th-century half calf over speckled boards, Versailles, Chez La Montensier, 12mo, 1790 £80 - £120 Lot 510 Anon.-, La Taureau Bannal de Paris, FIRST EDITION, woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, bookplates, contemporary calf-backed patterned boards, morocco spine label, Cologne, P. Marteau, [Williams 237], 12mo, 1689 £100 - £200 Lot 511 [De Visé (Donneau)], Histoire Galante Comique et Tragique…, woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, ex-libris Westport House, contemporary half calf over boards, spine tooled in gilt, morocco spine label, Paris, E. Loyson, 12mo, 1701 £100 - £200

Lot 506 Anon.-, Les Galanteries de Monseigneur le Dauphin et de la Comtesse du Roure, engraved frontispiece, title in red and black, bookplates, contemporary speckled calf, skillfully rebacked, morocco spine labels, Cologne, n.p., 12mo, 1696 £100 - £200 Lot 507 Anon.- [Cours (R., de)], La Veritable Politique des Personnes de Qualite, second edition, ex-libris Seckendorf, contemporary speckled calf, spine ornately gilt, Brusselles, J. Leonard, 12mo, 1707 £100 - £200 Lot 508 Lucain.- Brebeuf (Georges de), La Pharsale de Lucain, ou les guerres civiles de Cesar et de Pompee. En vers françois, double-page engraved frontispiece and 10 engraved plates, woodcut title vignettes, initials and fleurons, contemporary ink ms. notes to rear endpapers, contemporary mottled calf tooled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Rouen, A de Somaville, 12mo, 1659 £80 - £120

Lot 512 Lot 512 South East Asia.- [Dellon (Charles)], Relation de l’Inquisition de Goa, woodcut title vignette and initials, 20th-century half calf over patterned boards, morocco spine label, Leiden, D. Gaasbeek, [Cox I p.281], 12mo, 1687. See illustration £300 - £500

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 513 Anon.-, L’Innocente justifiee: Histoire de Grenade, title in red and black, woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, contemporary calf, modern rebacking, morocco spine label, Hague, A. Troyel, [Williams 245], 12mo, 1694 £100 - £200 Lot 514 Ravez (Claude), Dom Alvare Nouvelle Allegorique, woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, contemporary ink signature to f.f.e. with corrosion of paper, contemporary sheep, spine ornately gilt, Cologne, P. Hyp., [Williams 85], 12mo, 1691 £100 - £200 Lot 515 Aulnoy [(Marie-catherine Le Jumel De Barneville)], Le Comte de Warwick, second edition, 2 vol. in 1, engraved frontispieces titles in red and black, contemporary calf, spines ornately gilt, Amsterdam, J. Desbordes, 12mo, 1704 £80 - £120

Lot 519 La Fosse, M. de (Antoine), Le Theatre de Monsieur de la Fosse, second edition, ; Polixene Tragedie, 1707; These’e Tragedie, 1702; Manlius Capitolinus Tragedie, 1707; Chretienne Gabinie Tragedie, 1704; Regnard (Jean Françoise) Le Distrait Comedie, 1707, frontispieces, main title in red and black, woodcut title vignettes and fleurons, bookplate, contemporary speckled calf, spine ornately gilt, Amsterdam, J. Desbordes, 12mo, 1709 £80 - £120 Lot 520 Anon.-, Berlade Prince de Savoy, woodcut title vignette and letters, contemporary speckled calf, ruled in blind, modern rebacking, Leiden [Amsterdam], Daniel Elzevier, [Willems 1465; Williams 202], 12mo, 1672 £100 - £200

Lot 516 Senault (Jean François), De l’Usage des Passions, FIRST ELZEVIER EDITION, engraved title, woodcut vignettes, g.e., modern half calf over patterned boards, morocco spine label, Paris [Leiden], [Bonaventura & Abraham Elzevier], [Willems 559], 12mo, 1643 £60 - £80 Lot 517 Rocoles (Jean-Baptiste de), Les imposteurs insignes ou histoires de plusieurs hommes de néant…, second edition with plates added, engraved frontispiece and 16 engraved plates, woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, contemporary sheep, rebacked, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, A. Wolfgang, [Williams 86; Brunet 31831], 12mo, 1683 £100 - £200 Lot 518 Aulnoy [(Marie-catherine Le Jumel De Barneville)], Histoire d’Hypolite, Comte de Duglas, 2 parts in 1 vol., engraved frontispiece, woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, contemporary sheep with gilt insignia to boards, skillfully rebacked, morocco spine label, Brusselles, G. de Backer, 12mo, 1699 £100 - £200


Lot 521 Lot 521 Emblem Book.- Andries (Jodocus), Necessaria ad salutem scientia partim necessitate medii…, 52 wood engravings, 18th-century calf, ruled in gilt, modern rebacking, morocco spine label, Antwerp, C. Woons, [Palau 223579], 12mo, 1654. See illustration £400 - £600 Lot 522 [Retz (Jean Françoise Paul de Condil, Cardinal)], La Conjuration du Comte Jean-Louis de Fisque, woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, 20thcentury half calf over patterned boards, morocco spine label, Cologne [Amsterdam], [Daniel Elzevier], [Willems 1352], 12mo, 1665 £100 - £200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 523 Contarini (Vincenzo), De frumentaria Romanorum largitione liber, woodcut title vignette, 20th century half calf over patterned boards, Wesel, A. ad Hoogenhuysen, 12mo, 1669 £80 - £120 Lot 524 [Brunel (Antoine de) & Aersen (Francois van)], Voyage D’Espagne, contenant Entre plusieurs particularitez de ce Royaume…, third edition, engraved frontispiece, woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, 19th-century half calf over patterned boards, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Cologne, P. Marteau [A. Wolfgang], [c.f Willems 1761], 12mo, 1667 £80 - £120 Lot 525 Pierer (Georg Peter), De Natta Dissertatiuncula Medica…, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, 20th-century half calf over patterned boards, morocco spine label, Strassburg, J. W. Tidemann, 12mo, 1669 £100 - £200 Lot 526 Beverwyck (Johann), Autarkeia Bataviae, sive introductio ad medicinam indigenam, woodcut title vignette and initials, 20th-century half calf over patterned boards, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Leiden, J. Maire, [Not in Garrison & Morton], 12mo, 1644 £100 - £200 Lot 527 Bartholinus (Thomas), Antiquitatum Veteris Puerperii…, 6 engraved plates, 4 folding, woodcut title vignette, initials and in-text engravings, contemporary calf, skillfully rebacked, Amsterdam, H. Wetsten, 12mo, 1676 £100 - £200 Lot 528 Schweizer (J. H.), Compendium Physicae Aristotelico-Cartesianae…, woodcut title vignette and devices, ex-libris Berlin Gesellschaft naturforschender freunde, contemporary speckled calf, spine ornately gilt, Frankfurt am Main, J. M. à Sande, 12mo, 1715 £100 - £200 Lot 529 Marchetti (Pietro de), Observationum medicochirurgicarum rariorum sylloge, second edition, woodcut title vignette and initials, folding engraved plate, contemporary sheep, spine ornately gilt, Amsterdam, P. le Grand, [Garrison & Morton 5572], 12mo, 1665 £100 - £200

Lot 530 Fienus (Johann), De flatibus humanum corpus molestantibus..., woodcut title vignette and devices,contemporary ink marginalia to prelims, contemporary speckled calf, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, [Krivatsy 4045; Osler 2586; Wellcome III, p.24], 12mo, 1643 £100 - £200 Lot 531 Pecquet (Jean), Experimenta nova anatomica, quibus incognitum hactenus chyli receptaculum… , woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, contemporary ink notes on title, bookplates, contemporary calf, spine ornately gilt, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 12mo, 1661 £100 - £200 Lot 532 Abercromby (David), Scoto-Britanni Philosoph. ac Medical Doctor fur academicus, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, contemporary speckled calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, A. Wolfgang, 12mo, 1689 £100 - £200 Lot 533 Galeazzo (Gualdo Priorato), Histoire du ministère du cardinal Jules Mazarin…, 2 vol., additional engraved title and frontispiece vol 1, woodcut title vignette and initials, contemporary sprinkled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, H. & T. Boom, 12mo, 1671 £80 - £120 Lot 534 Beaumont (Marie la Prince de), Instructions pour les jeunes dames…, 4 vol. in 2, woodcut title vignette and devices, contemporary half calf over patterned boards, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Leiden & Hague, L. van Damme & P. Gosse, 12mo, 1779 £80 - £120 Lot 535 Prevost (Mr l’Abbe), Histoire de Marguerite d’Anjou…, 2 vol., half-titles, titles in red and black, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, contemporary sheep, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, J. Catuffe, [Tchemerzine IX 229], 12mo, 1741 £80 - £120 Lot 536 Noble (Eustache le), Dialogue entre le diable boiteux et le diable borgne, 2 engraved frontispieces, main title in red and black, g.e., contemporary calf, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, P. Mortier, 12mo , 1708 £100 - £200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 537 .-, La Source des Malheurs d’Angleterre…, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, contemporary speckled calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Cologne, P. Marteau, 12mo, 1689 £80 - £120

Lot 543 Corneille (Pierre), La Theatre de, 2 vol., main titles in red and black, 15 engraved frontispiece plates, one for each play, contemporary calf, spine ornately gilt, Amsterdam, H. Desbordes, 12mo, 1750-51 £100 - £200

Lot 538 Binding.-Le Moyne (Pierre), La Gallerie des Femmes Fortes, FINE MOROCCO BY RIVIERE, second edition, additional engraved title and 20 plates, g.e., fine morocco by Riviere, gilt, Leiden & Paris, Jean Elzevier & C. Angot, [Willems 864], 12mo, 1660 £200 - £300

Lot 544 De Perefixe (Haroudin), Histoire du Roy Henry le Grande, engraved title, ex-libris Heron-Allen, g.e., fine straight-grained morocco, ruled and tooled in gilt, Amsterdam, Daniel Elzevier, [Willems 1346], 12mo, 1664 £80 - £120

Lot 539 La Chambre (Martin Cureau de), L’Art de Connoistre les Hommes, FIRST EDITION, second issue lacking blank after title, engraved title, woodcut initials and devices, contemporary calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, J. le Jeune [Daniel Elzevier], [Willems 1260], 12mo, 1660 £80 - £120 Lot 540 De Villiars (Abbé Montfaucon), Le Comte de Gabalis ou Entretiens sur les Sciences Secrets, woodcut title vignette and initials, contemporary ink marginalia to prelims, contemporary sprinkled calf, modern rebacking, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, J. le Jeune [Daniel Elzevier], [Willems 1439], 12mo, 1671 £100 - £200 Lot 541 Boyer (Jean Baptiste de, Marquis d’Argens), Le Fortune Florentin ou les Memoires du Comte della Valle, title in red and black, bookplate on verso of title, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, contemporary calf, skillfully rebacked with original spine laid down, spine gilt, Hague, J. Gallois, 12mo, 1737 £80 - £120 Lot 542 Moliere (Jean Baptise Poquelin de), Oeuvres, mixed edition, 5 vol., titles in red and black vols 1-2, woodcut title vignettes, devices and initials, engraved plates, bookplates, contemporary calf, spine ornately gilt, Amsterdam, J le Jeaune [Wetstein] - vols 1-2 & [Daniel Elzevier] - vols 3-5, [Willems 1511 - vols 3-5], 12mo, 1684-75 £200 - £300


Lot 545 Galardi (Ferdinand de), La Tyrannie Heureuse ou Cromwell Politique…, 20th-century half calf over patterned boards, Leiden, J. Pauwels, 1671; .- Les nouvelles lumières politiques pour le gouvernment de l’Eglise…, 19th-century morocco, tooled in blind and gilt, Paris [Amsterdam], J. Martel [Daniel Elzevier], additional engraved title, publisher’s title vignette and initials, [Willems 2065 & 1521], 12mo, (2) £100 - £200 Lot 546 Milleran (René), Lettres Familieres Galantes et Autres... , contemporary sheep, spine ornately gilt,, Jena, J. Bielcke, 12mo, 1718 £60 - £80 Lot 547 Voet (Paul), De Duellis ex omni Jure decisis casubus… , woodcut title vignette and initials, contemporary sheep, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, Utrecht, J. Waesberg, 12mo, 1658 £80 - £120 Lot 548 Claude (Isaac), Le Comte de Soissons Nouvelle Galante, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, bookplate, contemporary calf, spine ornately gilt, Cologne, P. Marteau, 12mo, 1687 £80 - £120 Lot 549 Brethencourt (Pierre Bougler de), Les Amours Diverses…, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, contemporary ink ownership signature to title, contemporary calf ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, Rouen, J. Besogne, 12mo, 1629 £80 - £120 Lot 550 [Gombaud (Antoine], Chevalier de Méré), Les Agremens Discours de…, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, contemporary ink marginalia to title, bookplate, contemporary speckled calf, spine ornately gilt, Paris, D. Thierry & C. Barbin, 12mo, 1728 £80 - £120

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 551 Sandras (Gatien, Courtilz de), Annales de la Cour et de Paris pour les années 1697 & 1698, 2 vol. in 1, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, ink ownership signature to title and marginalia to prelims, contemporary speckled calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, Cologne, P. Marteau, 12mo, 1701 £80 - £120

Lot 556 Bible.- Greek, New Testament, Novum Testamentum, edit. Stephanus Curcellaeus, Greek & Latin title in red & black, publisher’s title vignette, ex-libris De la Warre, later vellum, ruled in gilt, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, [Louis & Daniel] Elzevier, [Willems 1239; Darlowe & Moule 4698], 12mo, 1658 £80 - £120

Lot 552 Balzac (Jean Louis Guiz), Lettres de Feu M. de Balzac a M. Conrart, FIRST EDITION, engraved frontispiece, engraved title vignette and fleurons, contemporary sprinkled calf, spine ornately gilt, Paris, A. Courbe, 12mo, 1659 £80 - £120

Lot 557 Salmasius (Claudius), Defensio Regia pro Carolo I. ad serenissimum Magna Britannie Regem Carolum II., woodcut title vignettes, initials and devices, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, [Leiden], [Bonaventure & Abraham Elzevier], [Willems 658], 12mo, 1649 £80 - £120

Lot 553 Balzac (Jean Louis Guiz), Le Prince de Balzac…, woodcut title vignette and fleurons, bookplate, contemporary sprinkled calf, spine ornately gilt, Paris, M. Bobin, 12mo, 1660 £80 - £120

Lot 558 Ovid.- Camilli (Camillo), L’epistole d’Ovidio, woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, contemporary vellum, morocco spine label, Venice, G. Battista Ciotti, 12mo, 1587 £60 - £80

Lot 554 Pölnitz (Carl Ludwig, von), La Saxe Galante, title in red, institutional stamp to title, bookplates, contemporary sheep, rebacked, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, n.p., 8vo, 1734 £80 - £120

Lot 559 Duc de Guise.- [Henry II of Lorraine], Les Memoires de Feu Monsieur le Duc de Guise, 2 parts in 1, woodcut title vignette, contemporary ink ownership signatures, 19th-century half-morocco over patterned boards, Cologne, P. de la Place, [Willems 1790], 12mo, 1668 £60 - £80 Lot 560 [Le Roy (Jean) et al] Satyre Menipée.-, Satyre Menipée de la Vertu du Catholicon d’Espagne et de la tenue des Estats de Paris…, woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, 2 engraved plates, one double-folding, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Brusselles, M. Kerner, [c.f. Willems 2007 & 1659; Tchemerzine III, p. 394; Brunet V, 145], 12mo, 1677 £80 - £120

Lot 555 Lot 555 Emery (Antoine Joseph d’), Le Nouveau Recuel de Curiositez Rares & Nouvelles de plus Admirables Effets de la Nature & de l’Art, 2 vol in 1, additional engraved title, 1684; and another later, expanded edition of the second part bound separately, 1688, woodcut title vignettes, initials and devices, contemporary vellum, Paris, P. van der Aa, 12mo, (2). See illustration £300 - £400

Lot 561 Scarron [(Paul)], Le Virgile Travesty en Vers Buresques…, FIRST ELZEVIER EDITION, 5 parts in 1 vol., woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Paris [Leiden], [Bonaventure & Abraham Elzevier], [Willems 648 (books I-II) & 698 (books 3-5)], 12mo, 1648-50 £80 - £120 Lot 562 Senault (Jean François), De l’Usage des Passions, FIRST ELZEVIER EDITION, engraved title, woodcut vignettes, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Paris [Leiden], [Bonaventura & Abraham Elzevier], [Willems 559], 12mo, 1643 £60 - £80

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 563 Commines (Phillipe de), Memoires, EX-LIBRIS LYTTON STRACHEY, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, 3 engraved plates, bookplate of Lytton Strachey,contemporary vellum, Rouen, J. Berthelin, 12mo, 1610 £100 - £200 Lot 564 Koran.- Ryer (Sieur du), L’Alcoran de Mahomet…, title in red and black, wood-engraved title vignette, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Paris [Leiden], A. de Sommaville [Louis Elzevier], [Willems 1087], 12mo, 1649 £200 - £400 Lot 565 Charron (Pierre), De la sagesse. Trois livres par Pierre Charron, additional engraved title, armorial plate, woodcut title vignettes, initials and devices, Nordkirchen bookplate, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Leiden, Jean Elzevier, [Willems 775], 12mo, 1656 £80 - £120 Lot 566 Selden (John), Mare clausum seu de dominio maris…, title in red and black, woodcut devices, 2 folding engraved maps, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, London [Leiden], [Bonaventura & Abraham Elzevier], [Willems 449], 12mo, 1636. A counterblast to Grotius’ Mare Librum in which the author opposes the idea of seas open to all £200 - £300 Lot 567 Chapelain (Mr.), La Poucelle ou la France Delverée, poem heroique, additional engraved title, woodcut title vignettes, initials and devices, 12 engraved plates, bookplate of Lucas de Lestanville, later vellum, Paris, n.p., [Willems 1686], 12mo, 1656 £100 - £200 Lot 568 Clapmanius (Arnoldus), De Arcanis Rerumpublicarum Libri sex…, additional engraved title, woodcut title vignettes, initials and devices, contemporary vellum with gilt armorial crest removed from top board, yapp edges, Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, [Willems 1003], 12mo, 1644 £60 - £80 Lot 569 Pasor (Georg), Manuale Graecarum vocum N. Testamenti, engraved title, woodcut title vignettes, initials and devices, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham Elzevier], [Willems 505], 12mo, 1640 £60 - £80 58

Lot 570 [Frederici (Dominique), La Verité defendue des sofismes de la France…, woodcut title vignettes, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, n.p., [Willems 1809], 12mo, 1668 £60 - £80 Lot 571 [Cotin (Charles)], Recueil des Enigmes de ce temps, 3 parts in 1 vol., woodcut title vignettes and devices, contemporary marginalia, particularly to f.f.e’s, contemporary limp vellum, Paris, J. Guignard, 12mo, 1658 £60 - £80 Lot 572 Balzac (Jean Louis Guiz), Lettres Familieres de M. de Balzac a M. Chapelain, 1656; .- Aristippe, ou la Cour, engraved title, 1656, Leiden, Jean Elzevier; .Lettres Familieres de M. de Balzac a M. Chapelain, 1661; .- Les Entretiens de... engraved title, 1663; .- Lettres de... engraved title, 1664, Louis & Daniel Elzevier; Les Oeuvres Diverses du..., 18th-century calf, ruled in gilt, Daniel Elzevier, 1664, Socrate Chrestien..., Amsterdam, J. Pluymer, 1662, bookplates, g.e., 18th-century vellum, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, [Willems 773, 815, 1193, 1265, 1297, 1321 & 1333], 12mo, (8) £300 - £400 Lot 573 Rabelais (François), Les Oeuvres de…, 2 vol., woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, morocco spine label, n.p., [A. Wolfgang], 12mo, 1675£80 - £120 Lot 574 Jesuits.-, Le Jesuite Secularisé, additional engraved title, J. Vilebard, 1683 § .- Le Rappel des Jesuites en France, J. le Blanc, 1678, Cologne, woodcut title vignettes and initials, contemporary vellum, morocco spine labels, [Willems 1925], 12mo, (2) £80 - £120 Lot 575 Gumble (Thomas), La Vie du Général Monk Duc d’Albemarle…, engraved portrait, bookplate, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, morocco spine label, London, R. Scot, 12mo, 1673 £60 - £80 Lot 576 Rohan (Henri, Duc de), Les memoires du duc de Rohan, FIRST EDITION, woodcut title vignette and initials, 18th-century vellum, morocco spine label, [Amsterdam], [Louis Elzevier], [Willems 1016], 12mo, 1664 £100 - £200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 577 Anon.-, Journal Amoureaux de la cour de Vienne, woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, 18thcentury vellum, morocco spine label, Cologne, P. Marteau, [Williams 237], 12mo, 1689 £100 - £200 Lot 578 Prechac (Jean, le Sieur de), L’Heroine Mousquetaire Histoire Veritable, 2 parts in 1 vol., woodcut title vignette and initials, Duke of Portland’s bookplate, contemporary vellum, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, J le Jeaune [Daniel Elzevier], [Willems 1536], 12mo, 1677 £80 - £120 Lot 579 Serre (Jean Puget de la), Le Secretaire a la mode par le Sr. de la Serre…, engraved frontispiece, woodcut title vignette and initials, bookplate of Lord Northwick, 18th-century vellum, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, Daniel Elzevier, [Willems 1186], 12mo, 1655 £60 - £80 Lot 580 Junius (Hadrianus), Batavia. In qua praeter gentis & insulae antiquatatem…, second edition, engraved portrait, bookplate of Sir Velters Cornewall, contemporary ink notes on f.f.e., woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, morocco spine label, Dordrecht, V. Caimax, 12mo, 1652 £80 - £120 Lot 581 Heidegger (Johann Heinrich), Histoire du Papisme ou abrégé de l’histoire de l’église romaine, depuis sa naissance jusqu’à Innocent XI. Pape, 2 vol. in 1, engraved portrait, bookplate of Duke of Portland, contemporary ink signature on title., woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, contemporary vellum, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, H. Wetstein, 12mo, 1685 £60 - £80

Lot 583 Fine Binding.- Damvilliers pseud. [Pierre (Nicole)], Les Imaginaires, ou letters sur l’heresie imaginaire, FIRST COLLECTED EDITION, 2 vol., woodcut title vignette, bookplate of Laurent Currir, g.e., fine red crushed morocco by Allo, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Liége [Amsterdam], A. Beyers [Daniel Elzevier], [Willems 1377], 12mo, 1667 £150 - £250 Lot 584 Fine Binding.- Desmarets (Jean Saint-Sorlin, de), L’Ariane de…, 2 vol., woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, half-title vol. 2, 2 additional engraved title, 10 engraved plates, several French bookplates, g.e., fine green armorial crushed morocco by Cuzin, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Leiden, F. de Hegher, [Willems 1631], 12mo, 1644 £150 - £250 Lot 585 Fine Binding.- La Chambre (Martin Cureau de), Les Characteres des Passions, 4 vol., engraved title vol. 1, woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, bookplate of Isaac Currie, g.e., fine red crushed morocco by Hardy, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Amsterdam, A. Michel, [Willems 1233], 12mo, 1658-63 £200 - £300 Lot 586 Fine Binding.- Montresor (Mr. de), Memoires de, 2 vol., woodcut title vignette, g.e., fine green crushed morocco by Kolhler, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Leiden, J. Sambix, [Willems 2015], 12mo, 1665 £100 - £200

Lot 582 [Fortifiocca (Tomao)], Vita di cola di Rienzo Tribuno d Popolo Romano…, 2 engraved plates, woodcut title vignette and initials, bookplate of Robert Shafto Adair, 18th-century vellum, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Bracciano, A. Fei, 12mo, 1631 £60 - £80

Lot 587

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 587 Fine Binding.- Tavernier (Jean Baptiste), Les six voyages…en Turquie, en Perse, et Aux Indes, 3 vol in 2., additional engraved title vol. 1, 35 engraved plates, most folding, woodcut initials, g.e., fine red crushed morocco by Duru, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Paris [Amsterdam], J. van Someren, [Willems 1937], 12mo, 1678. See illustration £600 - £800 Lot 588 Fine Binding.- Leti (Gregorio), Il Cardinalismo di Santa Chiesa…, 3 vol., woodcut title vignette and initials, g.e., fine black straight-grained morocco by Corfmat, ruled and tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, [Amsterdam], Daniel Elzevier, [Willems 1392], 12mo, 1678 £100 - £200 Lot 589 Fine Binding.- Perrault (Nicholas), La Morale des Jesuits…, 3 vol., contemporary ink marginalia on f.f.e., bookplate, woodcut tile vignette and initials, g.e., fine brown straight-grained morocco by Vogel, ornately tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Mons [Amsterdam], Waudret [Daniel Elzevier], [Willems 1420], 12mo, 1669 £200 - £300 Lot 590 Fine Binding.- Fleury (Mr.), Les Moeurs des Chrestiens, 2 vol. in 1, woodcut title vignettes, initials and fleurons, silk endpapers, g.e., fine brown straight-grained morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Hague, A. Moetjens, 12mo, 1682 £100 - £200 Lot 591 Fine Binding.- Furetier (Antoine), Nouvelle Allegorique ou Histoire des Derniers Troubles…, folding engraved frontispiece, woodcut title vignettes, initials and fleurons, g.e., fine red crushed morocco by Period Binders of Bath, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Paris, G. de Luyne, [Willems 830], 12mo, 1658 £100 - £200 Lot 592 Fine Binding.- La Rochfoucauld (Mr.), Memoires de…, bookplate of Arthur Atherley, woodcut title vignette and initials, g.e., fine burgundy crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Cologne, P. van Dyck, 12mo, 1662 £80 - £120


Lot 593 Fine Binding.-Bordelon (Laurent), Remarkes ou Reflections Critiques,, Morales et Historiques…, engraved frontispiece, title in red and black, woodcut title vignette initials and fleurons, g.e., fine calf by Belz-Niedreé, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, gilt dentelles, Amsterdam, G. Gallet, 12mo, 1692 £80 - £120 Lot 594 Fine Binding.- Chateau (Ducambout de Pont), La morale pratique des Jesuites…, French bookplate, woodcut title vignette and initials, g.e., fine green crushed morocco by Simier, ornately tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Cologne [Amsterdam], G. Quentel [Daniel Elzevier], [Willems 1421 ], 12mo, 1669 £100 - £200 Lot 595 Fine Binding.- Fortin (Philippe de la Hoguette), Testament, ou conseils fideles d’un bon pere à ses enfans…, woodcut tile vignette and initials, French bookplate, g.e., fine calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Leiden, J. Sambix, [Willems 722], 12mo, 1653 £80 - £120 Lot 596 Fine Binding.- Anon.-, Les Entretiens Galans d’Aristipe et D’Axiane…, g.e., fine red straightgrained morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Paris, E. Loyson, [Williams 188], 12mo, 1664 £100 - £200 Lot 597 Fine Binding.- H[ay] (Marquis de C[hatelet]), Traite de la Politique de France, woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, ex-libris Heron-Allen & Renouard, g.e., fine red crushed morocco by Simier, ornately tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Utrecht, Pierre Elzevier, [Willems 1606], 12mo, 1670 £100 - £200 Lot 598 Fine Binding.- Ucay (Gervais), Nouveau Traite de la Maladie Venerienne…, engraved frontispiece, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, g.e., fine green crushed morocco by Boersch, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, gilt dentelles, Amsterdam, D. Pain, 12mo, 1699 £200 - £300 Lot 599 Fine Binding.-, Relation de l’Estat de la Religion…, woodcut title vignette and initials, g.e., fine brown crushed morocco by Caroll & Scott, ruled in blind, gilt dentelles, Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, [Willems 978], 12mo, 1641 £80 - £120

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

Day Two Thursday 4th April 2019

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 600 Fine Binding.-, Relation de l’Estat de la Religion…, woodcut title vignette and initials, later ink notes on f.f.e.,g.e., fine green crushed morocco by Simier, ruled in blind, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, [Amsterdam], [Louis Elzevier], [Willems 978], 12mo, 1641 £80 - £120 Lot 601 Fine Binding.-, Recueil de Diverses Pieces Curieuses pour Servir a l’Histoire…, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, g.e., red crushed morocco, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Cologne, J. de Castel [P. Foppens], [Willems 2006], 12mo, 1664 £80 - £120 Lot 602 Fine Binding.- De Ville (Antoine), De la Charge des Gouverneurs des Places, second [FIRST ELZEVIER] edition, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, 6 wood-engraved plus additional in-text woodengravings, g.e., fine red straight-grained morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Paris [Leiden], [Bonaventure & Abraham Elzevier], [Willems 498], 12mo, 1640 £100 - £200 Lot 603 Fine Binding.- [Bernard (Catherine)], Ine’s de Cordoue Nouvelle Espagnole, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, g.e., fine red crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, gilt dentelles, Paris, n.p., [Williams 12], 12mo, 1697 £100 - £200 Lot 604 Fine Binding.-, Amours des Dames Illustres de Nostre Siecle, engraved frontispiece, woodcut title vignette, g.e., fine diced morocco, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Cologne, J. le Blanc, [Willems 1941; Williams 218], 12mo, 1689 £80 - £120 Lot 605 Altieri (Ferdinand), Grammatica della lingua inglese che contiene un esatto e facil metodo per apprenderla, titles in red and black with woodcut vignettes, Tollemache bookplate, contemporary vellum, morocco spine label, Venice, G. Batista Pasquali, 8vo, 1736 £100 - £200


Lot 606 Lot 606 Emblem book.- Guérard (Nicolas) Ertinger (Franz), Le guide fidele de la vraie gloire : presenté a monseigneur le duc de Bourgogne, 3 preliminary titles and 49 engraved plates, woodcut text leaves, contemporary vellum,, Paris, P. Landry, 8vo, 1688. See illustration £400 - £600 Lot 607 [Rivet (Frédéric), De l’Education des Enfants, et particulierement de celle des Princes, woodcut title vignette, contemporary vellum with clasps, Amsterdam, Daniel Elzevier, [Willems 1562], 8vo, 1679 £100 - £200 Lot 608 Villedieu (Marie Hortense Desjardins), Les Disorders de l’Amour, 3 parts in 1, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Paris, C. Barbin, [Willems 2106], 12mo, 1676 £80 - £120 Lot 609 Torche (Antoine), Le Cien de Boulogne ou l’Amant Fidelle, contemporary ink signature on title, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, 18thcentury vellum, Cologne, P. de Marteau, [Willems 2044], 12mo, 1669 £80 - £120

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 610 [Roche-Guilhem (Mme de.)], Asterie ou Tamerlam Nouvelle, 2 parts in 1, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, 18th-century vellum, Paris, C. Barbin, 12mo, 1675 £80 - £120 Lot 611 .-, Relation de la Conduite presente de la cour de France, contemporary ink note on title, institutional stamp to verso of title, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, 18th-century vellum, Leiden, A. du Val, [Willems 1362], 12mo, 1665 £80 - £120 Lot 612 Aulnoy [(Marie-catherine Le Jumel De Barneville)], Memoires des avantures singulaire de cour de France…, FIRST EDITION, woodcut title vignette and devices, 18th-century vellum, Hague, J. Alberts, [Williams 8], 12mo, 1692 £60 - £80 Lot 613 Mestre (Alain Claude de), Annibal et Scipion ou les Grandes Capitanes…, 8 folding engraved plates, woodcut title vignette, 18th-century vellum, Hague, J. & D. Steucker, [Willems 1887], 12mo, 1675 £100 - £200 Lot 614 D’Obeilh (F., trans.), Reflections Prudents. Pensées Morales. Maximes Stoiciennes, 2 parts in 1, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Amsterdam, Daniel Elzevier, [Willems 1454 & 1455], 12mo, 1671 £80 - £120 Lot 615 Caillieres (Mr.), La logique des Amans ou L’Amour Logicien, Paris 1669; bound with .- Recueil de quelques pieces curieuses…, Cologne, P. de Marteau, 1668; bound with D.B..- Comedie Galante, Paris, 1667; bound with .- La deroute et l’Adiue des Filles de Loye..., Paris, 1667,bound with .- La Campagne de la Reyne... additional engraved title to first mentioned, woodcut title vignette and devices, bookplate, contemporary vellum, [Willems 1814, 1804, 1763 & 1765], 12mo £80 - £120 Lot 616 Shakespeare (William), The Plays, 12 vol., half-title vol. 1, engraved title vignette, contemporary tree calf, sine gilt, morocco spine label, 8vo, 1800 £100 - £200

Lot 617 Gay (John), Poems on Several Occasions, 2 vol., halftitles, engraved frontispiece and 3 engraved plates, contemporary calf, spine gilt, H. Linton et al, 17545 § Southey (Robert) Poems, 2 vol., cotemporary half morocco over patterned boards, Britol, Biggs & Cottle, 1799 § Shenstone (William) The Poetical Works, contemporary diced calf, spines gilt, T. Cadell & W. Davies, 1798, 8vo, (6) £150 - £250 Lot 618 Le Bossu (Rene), Treatise of the Epick Poem, 2 vol., Penshanger bookplates, contemporary sheep, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, J. Knapton & H. Clements, 8vo, 1719 £80 - £120 Lot 619 Binding.- Drake (Nathan), Essays Biographical, Critical and Historical, 3 vol., engraved frontipieces vol. 1 and plates, contemporary diced calf, ruled in gilt, spines tooled in blind and gilt, 8vo, 1805 £80 - £120 Lot 620 Valemont (Pierre de Lorrain, Abbé de), Les elemens de l’Histoire, ou ce qu’il faut savoir. De Chronologie. De Geographie. De Blazon. De l’Histoire Universelle, 3 vol., 35 engraved armorial and numismatic plates, bookplate on front pastedown, contemporary sheep, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, Chez Anisson, 12mo, 1702 £80 - £120 Lot 621 [Genlis (Stephanie de)], Adèle et Théodore, ou lettres sur l’éducation; Contenant tous les principes relatifs aux trois différens plan d’éducation des princes, des jeunes personnes, & des hommes, 3 vol., contemporary tree calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, J-F. Bassompiere, 12mo, 1785 £80 - £120 Lot 622 Monget (Mr.), Les Hochets Moraux ou Contes pour la Premier enfance, frontispiece and 15 engraved plates, contemporary ink ownership signature on f.f.e., contemporary half calf over patterned boards, London, 12mo, 1806 £80 - £120 Lot 623 Bindings.- French Poetry.-, Poéies de Monsieur le Marquis de la Farre, 1777 § Oeuvres du Chevalier de Boufflers, 1782 § Oeuvres choisies de Madama et de Mademoiselle Deshoulieres, 1777, Geneva; and 11 others, similar, French poetry, half-titles, frontispieces, contemporary mostly fine bindings, calf, ruled in gilt, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, 12mo & 8vo, (18) £200 - £300

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895



Lot 627 Lot 624 Bindings.- Le Sage (Alain-René), Le Bachelier de Salamanque…, 3 vol., contemporary tree calf, 1793 § Beaumarchais, Oeuvres Choisies, 3. vol. 1813, Paris; and 3 others, similar, 12mo & 8vo, (9) £100 - £200 Lot 625 Varillas (Mr. de), Histoire de François I, 3 vol., Hague, A. Leers; .- Histoire de Charles IX, 2 vol., Cologne, P. Marteau, woodcut title vignettes, initials and devices, ex-libris Holker Hall, uniform contemporary half calf over patterned boards, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, 8vo, 1686, (5) £100 - £200 Lot 626 Travel.-, A Curious Collection of Travels Selected from Writers of all Nations…, mixed edition, 10 vol., woodcut devices, numerous engraved plates, many folding, contemporary speckled calf, morocco spine labels, London, J. Newbery, 8vo, 1761 £200 - £300 Lot 627 Swift (Jonathan), Works, 24 vol., contemporary calf, ruled in gilt, morocco spine label, C. Bathurst, J. Rivington et al, 8vo, 1766-69. See illustration £400 - £600 Lot 628 Sterne (Laurence), Works, 10 vol., engraved frontispiece vol. 1, bookplate of Mr J. A. Pasteur, contemporary calf, ruled in gilt, morocco spine label, W. Strahan, J. Rivington et al, 8vo, 1780 £300 - £400 Lot 629 Binding.- Blackstone (William, Sir), Commentaries on the Laws of England, seventh edition, 4 vol., engraved portrait frontispiece, fine contemporary tree calf, ornately tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt with morocco spine labels, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 8vo, 1775. See illustration £300 - £500


Lot 629

Lot 628 Lot 630 Millar (Anna, Lady), Letters from Italy, Describing the Manners, Customs, Antiquities, Paintings &c…, 3 vol., half-title, contemporary ink ownership signature to title vol. 1, bookplate Wrest Park, contemporary speckled calf, morocco spine labels, E. & C. Dilly, 8vo, 1776. See illustration £200 - £300 Lot 631 Osmer (William), A Treatise on the Diseases and Lamness of Horses, third edition, contemporary speckled calf, ruled in gilt, morocco spine label, T. Waller, 8vo, 1766 £100 - £200 Lot 632 [Sandras (Gatien, Courtilz de)], The History of the Life and Actions of that Great Captain of his Age, the Viscount de Turenne, bookplate, contemporary speckled calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, J. B, 8vo, 1686 £80 - £120

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 633 Binding.- Blair (Hugh), Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, fourth edition, 3 vol., engraved frontispiece vol 1, bookplate, contemporary tree calf, tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt morocco spine labels, W. Strahan & T. Cadell, 8vo, 1790 £100 - £200 Lot 634 Darwin (Erasmus), The Botanic Garden, fourth edition, 2 vol., 2 engraved frontipieces and 20 engraved plates, 19th-century sprinkled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, J. Johnson, 8vo, 1799 £100 - £200 Lot 635 Binding.- Darwin (Erasmus), The Botanic Garden, engraved portrait frontipiece, fine burgundy morocco by Brook of Huddersfield, spine gilt, 8vo, 1824 £80 - £120 Lot 636 De Lolme (J. J.), The Constitution of England, halftitle, engraved portrait frontispiece, contemporary speckled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, 8vo, 1810 £80 - £120 Lot 637 Harris (James), Hermes: or a Philosophical Inquiry Concerning Universal Grammar, 4th edition, engraved portrait frontispiece, contemporary ink ownership signature on title, contemporary calf, morocco spine label, Dublin, J. Williams, 8vo, 1773 £60 - £80

Lot 638 Swift (Jonathan), Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. - Gulliver’s Travels, Teerink’s 2d (4th 8vo ed.), 2 vol., engraved portrait frontispiece, 4 engraved maps and 2 engraved plates, advertisement leaf at beginning vol. 2, contemporary panelled calf, rebacked, tooled in blind, morocco spine labels, B. Motte, 8vo, 1727. See illustration £500 - £700 Lot 639 Cooke (William), The Beauties of Johnson…, G. Kearsley, 1781 § Piozzi (Hester Lynch) Anecdotes of the Late Samuel Johnson, half title, contemporary ink ownership inscription on title, T. Cadell, 1786, modern rexine, gilt § Collins (William) The Poetical Works, to which is prefixed A Life by Dr Johnson, bookplate, contemporary half vellum over patterned boards, T. Bensley, 1798, morocco spine labels, 8vo, (3) £80 - £120 Lot 640 Binding.- Plutarch.-, Lives, 8 vol, title in red an black, engraved frontispieces, engraved plates, woodcut devices, g.e., 19th-century fine black crushed morocco, ruled and tooled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, J. Tonson, 8vo, 1727 £200 - £300 Lot 641 Goldsmith (Oliver), The Grecian History, from the Earliest State to the Death of Alexander the Great, FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE, 2 vol., contemporary sheep, ruled in gilt, morocco spine label, J. & F. Rivington et al, 8vo, 1774 £80 - £120 Lot 642 Goldsmith (Oliver), An History of England, in a Series of Letters…, 4 vol., half-titles, ownership signature and stamp on f.f.e., contemporary sheep, ruled in gilt, morocco spine label, T. Davies, 8vo, 1771 £100 - £200 Lot 643 Goldsmith (Oliver), The Roman History…, third edition, 2 vol., bookplate of John Thompson, 1775; .- The Grecian History, from the Earliest State to the Death of Alexander the Great, J. F. Rivington et al, contemporary calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, 8vo, (4) £100 - £200

Lot 638

Lot 644 Brantome (Pierre de Bourdeille, Sieur de), Memoires, 10 vol., half-titles, titles in red and black, contemporary speckled calf, spines ornately gilt, Leiden, J. Sambix, 12mo, 1722 £100 - £200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895



Lot 647 Lot 645 Sandras (Gatien, Courtilz de), Memoires de Monsieur le Marquis de Montbrun, 2 vol. in 1, engraved frontispiece and 8 engraved plates, Amsterdam, J-J Kanek, 1703; .-Testament Politique du Mrquis de Louvois…, Cologne, Chez le Politique, 1695 § Labourereur (Louys le) Charlemagne Poëme Heroique…, Paris, 1666, contemporary sheep, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, 12mo, (3) £100 - £200 Lot 646 Ovid.-, Ovid’s Epistles Translated by Several Hands Adorn’d with Cutts, 6 engraved plates, contemporary calf, ruled in gilt, morocco spine label, J. Tonson, 12mo, 1756 £60 - £80 Lot 647 Chassepol (François de), Histoire des grands vizirs Mahomet Coprogli Pacha et Ahcmet Coprogli Pacha, FIRST EDITION, folding engraved plan, contemporary sheep, rebacked, morocco spine labels, Paris, E. Michallet, [Blackmer 325], 12mo, 1676. See illustration £300 - £500 Lot 648 Bindings.-, Anthologiae Graecae a Constantino Cephala Conditae…, in Greek, ex-libris Chatsworth with ownership signature of Bishop of Ely to f.f.e., Oxford, 1766 § Plutarch.- Libellus de Discrimine Amici et adulatoris Graece…, ex-libris Renouard, silk endpapers, bookplate, Leipzig, W. G. Sommer, 1775; and 2 others, similar, Classics, g.e., fine straight-grained morocco, ruled in gilt, [Brunet 3689], 8vo, (4) £200 - £300


Lot 654 Lot 649 D[acier] (M.), Les Soeurs Rivales. Histoire galante, woodcut title vignette and devices, contemporary ink ownership signature to title, modern calfbacked patterned boards, Amsterdam, A. de Hoogenhuysen, 12mo, 1699 £60 - £80 Lot 650 Binding.- P. D. P. [Dupuy (Pierre)], Histoire des plus Illustres Favoris Anciens et Modernes, woodcut title vignette and devices, Biencourt bookplate, g.e., fine morocco, ruled in gilt, Leiden [Paris], Jean Elzevier [n.p.], [c.f. Willems 852], 12mo, 1659 £60 - £80 Lot 651 Ross (Alexander) Raleigh (Walter, Sir), The Marrow of History…, second edition, contemporary ink ownership signatures on title and f.f.e., contemporary calf, tooled in blind rebacked, morocco spine label, J. & W. Place, 12mo, 1662 £60 - £80 Lot 652 [Preyel (Adam), Artificia Hominum Miranda Naturae...., FIRST EDITION, contemporary calf ruled in blind, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Frankfurt am Main, W. Serlini, 12mo, 1655 £100 - £200 Lot 653 Crebillon (Prosper Jolyot de), L’Ecumoire, histoire japonoise, 2 vol. in 1, engraved frontispiece, booksellers plates to front pastedown, contemporary calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, n.p., [not in Tchemerzine], 12mo, 1735 £80 - £120 Lot 654 Sterne (Laurence), Works, 8 vol., ex-libris Taunton castle, contemporary tree calf, spines gilt, morocco spine label, n.p., 8vo, 1795. See illustration £80 - £120

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 655 Bindings.-, C. Plinii Caecilii secundi Epistolarum…, ex-libris Penshanger, M. Ritchie & J. Sammells, 1790 § Sharrock (Robert) Judicia, (seu Legum Censurae)..., silk endpapers, Oxford, H. Hall; and 3 others, similar, Classics, g.e., fine straight-grained morocco, ruled in gilt, spines gilt, 8vo, (5) £200 - £300 Lot 656 Rabelais (François), Works, 5 vol., 5 engraved frontispieces and 23 engraved plates, bookplates, contemporary speckled calf, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, J. Hart, 12mo, 1750 £100 - £200 Lot 657 Horace (Quintus Flaccus) Duncombe (J.), The Works of Horace in English verse, 4 vol., contemporary sheep, morocco spine labels, B. White, T. Becket & W. Nichol, 12mo, 1767 £80 - £120 Lot 658 [Gavin (Antonio)], The Frauds of Romish Monks and Priests…, FIRST EDITION, Lyme House bookplate, contemporary speckle calf, skillfull early rebacking, morocco spine label, S. Roycroft, 8vo, 1691 £100 - £200 Lot 659 [Gordon (Thomas), The Humourist; being essays upon several subjects, third edition, 2 vol., woodcut initials and vignettes, contemporary ink ownership signature on front pastedown, contemporary calf, ruled in gilt, spines gilt, D. Brown, W. Mears & F. Clay, 8vo, 1724-25 £60 - £80 Lot 660 Bysshe (Edward, Sir), The Art of English Poetry, sixth edition, 2 vol., contemporary calf ruled in blind, spine gilt, morocco spine label, O. Lloyd, T. Varnam et al, 8vo, 1718 £60 - £80 Lot 661 .-, Thesaurus Dramaticus. Containing all the Celebrated Passages, Soliloquies, Similies, Descriptions, and Other Poetical Beauties in the Body of English Plays, FIRST EDITION, 2 vol., title in red and black, engraved frontispieces, bookplate of John Cator, contemporary calf ruled in blind, spine gilt, morocco spine label, S. Aris, 8vo, 1724; and 2 others, similar £80 - £120

Lot 662 Lot 662 Swift (Jonathan), Miscellanies by Dr Swift, Dr Arbuthnot, Mr Pope & Mr Gay, 13 vol., title in red and black, bookplate of John Pollexfen Bastard, C. Bathurst, 8vo, 1747. See illustration £300 - £500 Lot 663 Johnson (Samuel), Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces, second edition, 3 vol., contemporary ink ownership signatures to title and f.f.e, contemporary calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, T. Davies, [Rothschild 1254], 8vo, 1774 £150 - £250 Lot 664 Rabelais (François), Works, 4 vol., 4 engraved frontispieces, contemporary patterned red calf, morocco spine labels, T. Evans, 12mo, 1784 £80 - £120 Lot 665 [Dodsley (J.), A Collection of Poems in six volumes, fifth edition, 6 vol., half-titles , engraved vignettes, Colquhoun bookplate, contemporary speckled calf, morocco spine labels, J. Hughes, 8vo, 1758 £100 - £200 Lot 666 Binding.- Hume (David), Histoire de la Maison de Tudor sur le trône d’Anglaterre, FIRST FRENCH EDITION, 6 vol., half-titles, woodcut vignettes, contemporary fine tree calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, n.p., 8vo, 1763 £100 - £200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 667 [Holbach (Paul Henri, Baron d’)], Système Social, ou principes naturales de la morale et d la politique… , second edition, 2 vol., half-title, contemporary tree calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, Chez Servier, 8vo, 1795 £100 - £200

Lot 674 Lucretius (Carus Titus), De la nature des choses, 2 vol., half-title, engraved title and 6 engraved plates, g.e., contemporary patterned calf, ruled in gilt, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, Ches Bleuet, 8vo, 1768 £100 - £200

Lot 668 [Camoens (Luis de)], La Lusiade…, second French edition, 2 vol., 10 engraved plates, contemporary speckled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, Chez Nyon, 8vo, 1776 £100 - £200

Lot 675 Fine Binding.- Royer (Jean), Sermons sur divers textes…, 2 vol, half-tile, title in red and black, handmade endpapers, g.e., fine crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, gilt dentelles, Hague, P. F. Gosse, 8vo, 1789 £100 - £200

Lot 669 Fine Binding.- Marmontel (J. F.), Contes Moraux, 3 vol., half-titles, engraved portrait frontispiece, 3 engraved titles and 23 engraved plates, bookplates of Ragley Hall, g.e., fine crushed morocco, tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, gilt dentelles, Paris, Chez J. Merlin, 8vo, 1765 £200 - £300 Lot 670 Marmontel (J. F.), La Pharsale de Lucan, 2 vol., engraved frontispieces and plates, bookplates of Earle of Lisburne, Paris, Chez Merlin, 8vo, 1766 £100 - £200 Lot 671 Desbillons (Francois Joseph Terrasse), Fabulae Aesopiae…, 2 vol., half-titles, engraved frontispiece vol. 1,engraved plates, bookplates, contemporary mottled calf, rebacked with original spine laid down, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Mannheim & Paris, J. Barbou, [Brunet 12854], 8vo, 1768 £100 - £200

Lot 676 Lot 676 Binding.-Ozanam (Jacques), Recreations mathematiques et physiques, 4 vol., fine mottled calf, spine gilt, Paris, C-A. Jombert, 8vo, 1770. See illustration £300 - £500

Lot 672 Terrence.-, Les Comédies, 3 vol., half-titles, engraved frontispiece vol. 1, engraved plates, bookplates of Esher Place, contemporary mottled calf, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, A. Jombert, pere et fils, 8vo, 1771 £80 - £120 Lot 673 Colardeau (Charles Pierre), Oeuvres, 2 vol., titles and half-titles in red and black, engraved portrait frontispiece, 11 engraved plates, tissue guards, fine contemporary patterned calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, Chez Ballard & Le Jay, 8vo, 1789 £200 - £300


Lot 677 Lot 677 Indagine (Joannes), La Chiromance et phisionomie… , woodcut title vignette and woodcut illustrations throughout, contemporary vellum, Paris, J. Hanoque & J. Laisne, 12mo, 1662. See illustration £200 - £300

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 678 Subligny (M), La fausse Cliélie, histoire françoise galante et comique, additional engraved title, contemporary vellum, Amsterdam, J. Waguenar, [Willems 1850; Williams 97], 12mo, 1672 £80 - £120

Lot 686 Meilton, pseud. [Pithios (Claude)], L’Apocalypse, additional engraved title, woodcut title vignette, contemporary vellum, St. Leger, Chez N. & J. Chartier, [c.f. Willems 881], 12mo, 1665 £80 - £120

Lot 679 .-, Mare Balticum liberatum. Hoc est nova vera & perspicua belli Sueco-Danici narratio, n.p., 1649; bound with .- Bate (George) Elenchi Motuum Nuperorum in Anglia, Rouen, J. Caillove, 1650, woodcut title vignettes, initals and fleurons, contemporary vellum, 12mo, (2) £100 - £200

Lot 687 Prechac (Jean, le Sieur de), Cara Mustapha Grand Visir Histoire…, second edition, woodcut title vignette, initals and fleurons, folding engraved plate, later half-vellum, Paris, n.p., [Williams 78], 12mo, 1685 £80 - £120

Lot 680 La Chapelle (Jean de), Cleopatre Tragedie, woodcut title vignettes, initials and fleurons, contemporary vellum, Paris, J. Ribou, 12mo, 1682 £80 - £120 Lot 681 Lambert (M.), Les Soeurs Ialouses ou l’escharpe et le brasselet, woodcut title vignettes and fleurons, contemporary limp vellum, Paris, C. de Sercy, 12mo, 1661 £60 - £80 Lot 682 [Nadal (Augustin)], Herode Tragedie Nouvelle, FIRST EDITION, engraved portrait frontispiece, woodcut title vignette, initals and fleurons, contemporary limp vellum with institutional stamp to top cover, Paris, P. Ribou, 12mo, 1709 £60 - £80 Lot 683 [Faucher (Michel le), Traitte de l’action de l’orateur, ou de la pronunciation et du geste, FIRST EDITION, woodcut title vignette, initals and fleurons, contemporary vellum, Paris, A. Courbe, 12mo, 1657 £60 - £80 Lot 684 Sorbier ([Samuel]), Relation d’un voyage en Angleterre…, woodcut title vignette and initals, folding engraved plate, contemporary vellum, Cologne, P. Michel, [c.f. Willems 1760], 12mo, 1666 £60 - £80 Lot 685 Moore (Thomas) Sorbier (Samuel, trans), L’Utopie, engraved title page, contemporary ink signatures to title and endpapers, woodcut initals, contemporary vellum, Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 12mo, 1643 £100 - £200

Lot 688 Villedieu ( Madame Desjardins), pseud. Vaumorier (Madame d’ Ortigue de) , Mademoiselle de Tournon, woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, modern cloth, Paris, C. Osmonts, 12mo, 1679 £60 - £80 Lot 689 Mulerio (Carolo), Linguae Hispanicae Compendiosa Institutio, institutional stamp to title and shelf marks to endpapers, Leiden, Bonaventura & Abraham Elzevier, 1630 § .- Les Nouveaux Rudiments de la Langue Latinae…, Paris, C. Thiboust, 1683 § Sylburg (Frederick) Theognidis Phocylidis... institutional stamp to title, Utrecht, J. Waesberge, 1659, woodcut title vignette, initals and fleurons, contemporary limp vellum, 12mo, (3) £100 - £200 Lot 690 Corneille (Pierre), Nicomede Tragedie, second edition, Rouen, L. Maurry,1653; .- Le Baron d’Albikrac, comedie, Paris, 1689 § [Metel (Antoine le)] La coifeuse a la mode, comedie, Paris, 1649 § Desjardins [Marie, Dame de Villedieu) Le Carousel de Monseigneur le Dauphin..., Paris, C. Barbin, woodcut title vignette, initals and fleurons, contemporary vellum and modern wrappers, 12mo, (4) £100 - £200 Lot 691 Nivelle (Marie), Factum pour Dame Marie Magdelaine d’Aubray, Marquise de Brinvilliers, accusee, contre Dame Marie Therese Mangot, veufve du Sieur d’Aubrey, Lieutenant Civil, Accusatrice, woodcut initals and devices, contemporary limp vellum, Paris, G. Tompere, 12mo, 1676 £60 - £80

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895



Lot 692

Lot 714

Lot 692 E[tienne] (S[aint] C[laude]), Nouvelle instruction pour connoistre les bons fruits..., FIRST EDITION, woodcut title vignette and initals, Lord Northwick signature on f.f.e., contemporary vellum, Paris, C. de Sercy, [Hunt 315], 12mo, 1670. See illustration £500 - £700 Lot 693 Merlet (Jean Ecuyer), L’Abrege des bons fruits, avec la maniere de les connoistre, et de cultiver les arbres, second edition, woodcut title vignette and initals, ex-libris Northwick, contemporary vellum, Paris, C. de Sercy, 12mo, 1675 £200 - £300 Lot 694 D’Andilly (Arnauld), instructions pour les arbres fruitiers, C. de Sercy, 1676; .- La Maniere de cultiver les arbres fruitiers…, n.p., 1665, woodcut title vignette, initals and devices, ex-libris Northwick, contemporary vellum, Paris, 12mo, (2) £100 - £200 Lot 695 [Gobelin (Abbé)], Le Jardinier Royal qui enseigne la maniere de planter, cultiver, & dresser toutes sortes d’Arbres…, woodcut title vignette, initals and devices, Lord Northwick bookplate, contemporary vellum, Paris, C. de Sercy, 12mo, 1677 £100 - £200 Lot 696 Aristophanes.- Plantin.-, Facetissimi comoediae undecim, woodcut title vignette, Bridgewater bookplate, contemporary calf with initials T. E. impressed onto boards, rebacked, modern morocco spine label, Leiden, C. Plantin, 24mo, 1600 £150 - £250


Lot 697 Fine Binding.- Tatius (Achilles), Erotikon, sive Clitophon and Leucippes Amoribus, additional engraved title, woodcut initials and devices, g.e., silk endpapers, fine straight-grained black morocco by Payne, ornately tooled in blind and gilt, gilt dentelles, Leiden, F. Hegerum, [Willems 1611], 12mo, 1640 £100 - £200 Lot 698 Binding.- Tollius (Jacob), D. Magni Ausonii Burdigalensis Opera, additional engraved title, woodcut initials and devices, g.e., fine straightgrained black morocco, ruled in gilt, gilt dentelles, Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 12mo, 1669 £80 - £120 Lot 699 Gellius (Aulus), Noctes Atticae, engraved title, woodcut initials and devices, contemporary calf, ruled in blind, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 12mo, 1650 £80 - £120 Lot 700 Binding.Boethius.-, De Consolatione Philosophique …, additional engraved title, bookplate of Maurice Worms, g.e., fine straightgrained green morocco, ruled in gilt, gilt dentelles, spine gilt, Paris, Lamy, 12mo, 1683 £80 - £120 Lot 701 Binding.- Caesar (Julius), Quae Extant, 2 vol., 2 folding engraved maps, title vignette, g.e., fine crushed red morocco, ruled in gilt, gilt dentelles, J. Brindley, 12mo, 1744 £80 - £120

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 702 Claudius.-, Quae Extant, engraved title, woodcut initials and devices, Heron-Allen bookplate, contemporary calf, ruled and tooled in blind, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, Ludovico Elzevier, [Willems 1102], 12mo, 1650 £60 - £80

Lot 710 Binding.- Cicero (M.T.), Orationum, 3 vol., signature Samuel Martineau on title vol. 2, ruled in red throughout, g.e., fine brown morocco, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, Leiden, S Gryphium, 12mo, 154655-47 £200 - £300

Lot 703 Binding.- Caesar (Julius), Quae Extant, engraved title, 3 folding engraved maps, 5 engraved plates, Littleton bookplate to verso of title, contemporary calf, ruled in gilt, morocco spine labels, Leiden, [Bonaventura & Abraham Elzevier], [Willems 420], 12mo, 1635 £150 - £250

Lot 711 Aureli (Cornelii Celsi), De re Medica, woodcut title and initials, later ink signature on title, 18thcentury tree calf, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, Lyon, J. Tornaesium, 12mo, 1554 £100 - £200

Lot 704 Binding.- Caesar (Julius), Quae Extant, engraved title, 3 folding engraved maps, 5 engraved plates, contemporary panelled calf, ruled and tooled in blind, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, J. Jansson & Wasserberg, 12mo, 1686 £100 - £200

Lot 712 Godeau (A.), Paraphrase sur les Epistres Canoniques, woodcut title, initials and vignettes, ex-libris J. A. Gaspard & Duke of Sutherland, 19thcentury calf, armorial cartouches on boards, spine ornately gilt, Paris, J. Camusat, 12mo, 1640 £80 - £120

Lot 705 Binding.- Caesar (Julius), Quae Extant, engraved title, 3 folding engraved maps, 5 engraved plates, contemporary morocco, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, Amsterdam, [Louis & Daniel Elzevier], [Willems 1267], 12mo, 1661 £80 - £120

Lot 713 Binding.- Meander.-, Infamia Emendationum, woodcut title vignette and devices, g.e., fine crushed green morocco, armorial on boards, dentelles, Leiden, A Langerack, 12mo, 1710 £60 - £80

Lot 706 Binding.- Cicero (M.T.), Epistolarum selectarum, g.e., fine red morocco, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, n.p., G. Adam, 12mo, 1820 £60 - £80

Lot 714 Cicero (Marcus Tullius), Opera…, 10 vol., issue with vol. 9 containing 301pp., engraved title, engraved portrait, woodcut vignettes, initials and devices, handsomely bound in 18th-century calf, ruled in gilt, spines ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Leiden, [Bonaventura & Abraham Elzevier], [Willems 535], 12mo, 1642. See illustration £600 - £800

Lot 707 Fine Binding.- Cicero (M. T.), Officiis…, ink marginalia on f.f.e., Dalton bookplate, g.e., fine 18th-century morocco ornately tooled in gilt, spine gilt,, Amsterdam, [Louis & Daniel Elzevier], [Willems 1194], 12mo, 1656 £100 - £200 Lot 708 Fine Binding.- Cicero (M. T.), Officiis…, ruled in red throughout, g.e., morocco doublures, fine red morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Amsterdam, [Daniel Elzevier], [Willems 1526], 12mo, 1677 £80 - £120 Lot 709 Binding.- Epictetus.-, Enchiridion, g.e., fine red morocco, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, Paris, S. & G. Cramoisy, 12mo, 1653 £60 - £80

Lot 715 Fine Binding.- Plauti (T. Macci), Comoediae…, ruled in red throughout, ownership signature, g.e., fine 18th-century red crushed morocco, Gower armorial on boards, ruled and tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, Amsterdam, W. Jansson, 12mo, 1619 £100 - £200 Lot 716 Cicero (Marcus Tullius), De Officiis, engraved title, cropped close at outer edge, 19th-century speckled calf, ruled and tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, n.p., J. Jansson, 12mo, 1638 £80 - £120

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 717 Claudiani (Claudii), Quae Extant, engraved title, Heron-Allen bookplate, 19th-century crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, Leiden, [Bonaventura & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 675], 12mo, 1650 £80 - £120 Lot 718 Anniae (Lucani Flori)), Rerum Romanarum, Rotterdam, A. Leers, 1670; and another edition Amsterdam, Waesberge, 1736, additional engraved title and woodcut title vignette and initials, 19th-century speckled calf, spine ornately gilt,, 12mo, 1670, (2) £80 - £120 Lot 719 Bindings.- Florus (Lucius Annaeus), [Opera], engraved title page, 19th-century morocco ruled and tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, Leiden, [Bonaventura & Abraham] Elzevier, 1638; and another the same and another, later edition, 1657, bookplates and ownership stamps, [Willems 467 & 803], 12mo, (3) £200 - £300 Lot 720 Binding.- Hensius (Daniel), De Contemptu Mortis, title in red and black, contemporary ink inscription to title, Heron-Allen bookplate, 18th-century fine red morocco, ruled and tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, Leiden, [Mattieu & Bonaventura] Elzevier, [Willems 184 b), 12mo, 1621 £80 - £120 Lot 721 Papal Binding.- Virgil (Polydore), De Rerum Inventoribus, additional engraved title, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices early 18th-century fine crushed morocco with armorial and insignia of Pope Clement XI, skillfull early rebacking, spine gilt, gilt detelles, g.e., Amsterdam, Daniel Elzevier, [Willems 1464], 12mo, 1671 £100 - £200 Lot 722 Binding.- Homer.-, Opera quae exstant omnia Graece et Latinae…, 2 vol., 2 engraved frontispieces, titles in red and black, later ink ownership signature to f.f.e., woodcut title vignette and initials, folding engraved map, 19thcentury red straight-grained morocco, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Amsterdam, Chez Wetstenium, 12mo, 1707 £100 - £200


Lot 723 Binding.- Horace.- , [Poemata], 18th-century crushed morocco binding with armorial to boards, Amsterdam, Daniel Elzevier, [Willems 1518], 1676; and 3 others, Horace, engraved frontispieces and titles, woodcut initials and letters, 18th-century speckled calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels , 12mo, (4) £100 - £200 Lot 724 Ovid, Opera, 3 vol., engraved titles, woodcut initials and devices, contemporary calf, ruled in blind, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, [Louis & Daniel] Elzevier, [Willems 1271], 12mo, 1661 £80 - £120 Lot 725 Binding.- Ovid, Opera, 3 vol., additional engraved title and portrait plate, woodcut initials and devices, 18th-century morocco, ruled in gilt, spines ornately gilt, g.e., Amsterdam, chez Wetstenious, 12mo, 1714 £80 - £120 Lot 726 Binding.- Ovid, Opera, 3 vol. in 1, engraved title, woodcut title vignettes, initials and devices, contemporary red crushed morocco tooled in blind, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, gilt dentelles, Leiden, [Bonaventura & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 317], 12mo, 1629 £80 - £120 Lot 727 Curtius.- Quintus Curtius Rufus, Historium libri, engraved frontispiece, woodcut devices, folding engraved map, contemporary mottled calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier; .- another edition, 19th-century panelled calf, Amsterdam, [Daniel] Elzevier, 1670; another pirate Elzevier edition [Amsterdam - Germany?] [Elzeviriorum], [1690], [Willems 381 & 1427], 12mo, (3) £100 - £200 Lot 728 Bindings.- Justinian I (Emperor), Historiarum, engraved title, ink signature on f.f.e., silk endpapers, fine red crushed morocco by Derome; and another edition, fine green crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, g.e., Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, 1640; and another edition, Amsterdam, [Louis] Elzevier, 1650, [Willems 502 n. & 1112], 12mo, 1640, (3) £100 - £200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 729 Bindings.- Juvenal.-, Satyrae, fine green straightgrained morocco, tooled in blind, morocco doublures, spine tooled in blind and gilt, J. Jansson, 1626 § Flaccus (Quintus Horatio) [Poemata], fine 18th-century red crushed morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, [Elzevier forgery - n.p.] engraved title page, g.e., Amsterdam, 12mo & 24mo, (2) £60 - £80 Lot 730 Lucanus (Marcus Annaeus), Pharsalia, sive bello civilli Caeseris et Pompeii…, Heron-Allen bookplate, Jansson & Waeserberg, 1681; and another edition, J. Jansson, 1651, engraved title, woodcut initials and devices, 18th-century tree calf, tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, 12mo, (2) £60 - £80 Lot 731 Nepos (Cornelius), Excellentium Imperatorum Vitae, contemporary ink notes on f.f.e., 19thcentury mottled calf, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, g.e., Glasgow, R. & A. Foulis, 12mo £60 - £80 Lot 732 Brisson (Barnabe), De veteri ritu nuptiarum & jure connubiorum, engraved title, woodcut initials and fleurons, J. L. Weir bookplate, 18th-century calf, ruled in blind, morocco spine label, Leiden, F. Hack, [Willems 1615], 12mo, 1641 £100 - £200 Lot 733 Maximi (Valerii), Dictorum Factorumque Memorabilium, engraved title, uncut and unopened, 19th-century half morocco over patterned boards, Amsterdam, Daniel Elzevir, [Willems 1462], 12mo, 1671 £150 - £250 Lot 734 Barclay (John), Argenis. Edition nvissima, cum clave, FIRST ELZEVIER EDITION, 19th-century straight-grained red morocco, ruled in gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., 1627; .- Satyricon, ex-libris Cholmondely, 18th-century calf, ruled in gilt, morocco spine label, 1637, engraved titles, Leiden, [Bonaventura & Abraham] Elzevier; and another edition of the latter, 19th-century calf over boards, Amsterdam, E. Weyerstraten, 1664, [Willems 270 & 452], 12mo, (3) £150 - £250

Lot 735 Binding.- Virgil [(Maro Publius)], Bucolica, woodcut title with 18th-century ink ownership inscription, 18th-century morocco, ruled in blind, spine gilt, g.e., Paris, S. Colinaeum, 12mo, 1542 £60 - £80 Lot 736 Binding.- Virgil [(Maro Publius)], Opera, engraved title, woodcut initials and devices, folding engraved map, 18th-century crushed green morocco, ruled and tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, g.e., Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 450], 12mo, 1636 £60 - £80 Lot 737 Binding.- Virgil [(Maro Publius)], Opera, engraved title, woodcut initials and devices, folding engraved map, 18th-century crushed red morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, g.e., Utrecht, J. Goeree, 1704; and another edition, title in red and black, bookplate, Dublin, G. Grierson, 1724; and another edition, Edinburgh, G. Hamilton & J Balfour, 1743, 12mo, (3) £100 - £200 Lot 738 Binding.- Buchanan (George), Scoti Poemata, engraved title, ruled in red throughout, bookplate, fine red crushed morocco, ruled and tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, g.e., Leiden, [Bonaventura & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 292], 12mo, 1628 £60 - £80 Lot 739 Tacitus (Gaius Cornelius), Opera, engraved title, bookplate on verso of title, fine 18th-century black crushed morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Leiden, [Mattieu & Bonaventura] Elzevier, [Willems 178 n.], 12mo, 1621 £80 - £120 Lot 740 Savile (Henry, Sir), In Taciti Histor. Agricolae vitam, et commentarius de militia Romana, FIRST EDITION IN LATIN, engraved title, woodcut initials, folding engraved plate, modern half calf over patterned boards, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, [Willems 1091], 12mo, 1649 £80 - £120

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Lot 749

Lot 752

Lot 741 Tacitus (Gaius Cornelius), [Opera], engraved title, 18th-century fine red crushed morocco, ruled and tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, 1634; and another edition, 1 vol. in 4, 19th century black straight-grained morocco, 1640, g.e., Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier; and another edition, 3 vol., 19th-century calf, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, Daniel Elzevier, 1678 , [Willems 415, 509 & 1555], 12mo, (8) £150 - £250 Lot 742 Herbert, (C.J.), Essai sur la police générale des grains, sur leurs prix & sur les effets de l’agriculture, fourth edition, woodcut fleurons, contemporary calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Berlin, n.p., [Kress 6443], 12mo, 1755 £100 - £200 Lot 743 [La Mothe (Marie Catherine, Countess d’Aulony), The Ingeneous and Diverting Letters of the Lady’s Travels into Spain…, sixth edition, contemporary ink ownership signature on title, contemporary calf, tolled in blind, spine gilt, morocco spine label, S. Crouch, 8vo, 1706 £60 - £80 Lot 744 Patin (Charles), Relations historiques et curieuses de voyages..., FIRST EDITION, additional engraved title, frontispiece and 5 plates, title vignette, contemporary sheep, spine gilt, Lyon, C. Muguet, 12mo, 1674 £200 - £300


Lot 754 Lot 745 Patin (Charles), Relations historiques et curieuses de voyages..., second edition, 5 engraved plates, woodcut title vignette, contemporary sheep, spine gilt, Rouen, J. Lucas, 12mo, 1676 £100 - £200 Lot 746 [Sachse (Johann)], De Scopo Republicae Polonicae, institutional ink stamp on title, later sheep, Hamburg, Z. Hertel, 12mo, 1665 £80 - £120 Lot 747 Phillips (J. Thomas), An Account of the Religion, Manners, and Learning of the People of Malabar in the East Indies, engraved frontispiece, woodcut vignettes, folding engraved map, modern half calf over patterned boards morocco spine labels, W. Mears, 12mo, 1717 £200 - £300 Lot 748 Miege (Guy), L’etat present de la Grande Bretagne apres son heuese union en 1707…, title in red and black, woodcut vignettes, folding engraved map, modern half vellum over pattered boards, Amsterdam, A. Wetsteins, 8vo, 1708 £80 - £120 Lot 749 Raleigh (Walter, Sir), His Apologie for his Voyage to Guiana, woodcut title and other vignettes, 8 page publisher’s catalogue at rear, 19th-century calf, T.W. for H. Mosley, 8vo, 1650. See illustration £200 - £300 Lot 750 .-, Description of the Cityhouse of Amsterdam…, 4 folding engraved plates, woodcut title vinette and devices, later half calf over pattered boards, Amsterdam, J. Ratelband, 8vo, 1738 £200 - £300

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THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 751 Sanneman (Henry), Manductio ad novam geographiam…, Halé, 1628; bound with Besoldi (Christopher) Disertatio de Studioris, Magistris, Licentiatis, Doctoribus…, Tubingen, P. Brunni, 18thcentury speckled calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, 12mo £80 - £120 Lot 752 Martini (Martino), De Bello Tartarico Historia…, engraved title, woodcut initials, engraved map and 8 folding engraved plates, bookplate, 19th-century calf, ruled in gilt, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, [Brunet 28298], 12mo, 1655. See illustration £400 - £600 Lot 753 Demeunier (Jean-Nicolas), État civil, politique et commerçant, du Bengale, Ou Histoire des Conquêtes & de l’Administration de la Compagnie Angloise dans ce pays, 2 vol. in 1, half titles, titles, frontispieces, folding engraved map, contemporary mottled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Hague, Chez Gosse, 8vo, 1775 £80 - £120 Lot 754 Vayrac (M. le Abbe), Etat Present de l’Espagne, 2 vol. in 3, 4 folding engraved maps, woodcut vignettes, contemporary calf, morocco spine labels, Paris, A. Cailleau, 8vo, 1718. See illustration £300 - £500 Lot 755 Piganiol (Jean-Aima, de La Force), Nouveau voyage de France avec un itineraire, et des cartes faites exprés…, 15 folding engraved maps, woodcut vignettes, contemporary mottled calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label , Paris, G. Desprez, 8vo, 1755 £200 - £300 Lot 756 La Crequiniere, Conformite des Coutumes des Indiens Orientaux, avec celles des Juifs & des autres Peuples de l’Antiquite, FIRST EDITION, 12 engraved plates, bookplate of Charles Colmore, contemporary speckled calf, spine gilt, Brusselles, G. de Backer, [Cioranescu 35431], 8vo, 1704 £200 - £300 Lot 757 .-, Relation de la cour de Portugal sous D. Pedre II a present regnant.., 2 vol. in 1, engraved portrait frontispiece vol. 1, titles in red an black, engraved title vignettes, bookplate of Bodenstein, contemporary sheep with Bodenstein armorials in gilt, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, T Lombrail, 8vo, 1702 £100 - £200

Lot 758 Wheler (George, Sir), Voyage de Dalmatie, de Grece, et du Levant, 2 vol. in 1, additional engraved title, 88 engraved plates, title strengthened to verso, bookplate of Thomas Falconer, near-contemporary sheep, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, J. Wolters, [Brunet 20435], 12mo, 1689 £200 - £300 Lot 759 Saint Didier (Alexandre Toussaint, Limojon de) , La Ville et la republique de Venise, woodcut title vignette and initials, Amsterdam, Daniel Elzevier, [Willems 1587], 12mo, 1680 £100 - £200 Lot 760 Racine (Jean), Oeuvres, 2 vol., half-titles, additional engraved titles, engraved plates, woodcut initials and devices, 18th-century calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, n.p., 8vo, 1741 £60 - £80 Lot 761 Boileau (Nicolas), Oeuvres, 2 vol., engraved frontispiece vol. 1, title in red and black, woodcut initials and devices, 18th-century calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, E. Billiot, 8vo, 1713 £60 - £80 Lot 762 Boileau (Nicolas), Oeuvres, 2 vol., title in red and black, woodcut devices, 18th-century calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, B. Alix, 8vo, 1735 £60 - £80 Lot 763 Boileau (Nicolas), Oeuvres, 4 vol., engraved frontispiece vol. 1, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, 18th-century calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, F. Changuion, 8vo, 1729 £80 - £120 Lot 764 Castera (M. du Perron de), Entretiens Litteraires et Galans avec les avantures de Don Palmerin et de Thamirin, 2 vol., additional engraved titles, woodcut initials and letters, 18th-century calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, Wetstenious & Smith, 8vo, 1738 £60 - £80

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 765 Desmarais (Francis Seraphia Regnier), Poësies Françoises, 2 vol., additional engraved titles, titles in red and black, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, 18th-century calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Hague, H. de Sauzet, 8vo, 1716 £60 - £80 Lot 766 Dacier (André), Le Manuel d’Epictete et les Commentaires de Simplicius, 2 vol., woodcut initials and letters, 18th-century calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, J-B. Coignard, 8vo, 1715 £60 - £80 Lot 767 Osorius (Antonius), Histoire de Ferdinand-Alvarez de Tolede…, 2 vol., woodcut title vignette, initials and letters, bookplate, 18th-century calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, J. Guignard, 8vo, 1698 £60 - £80 Lot 768 Maimbourg (M.), Histoire de l’Heresie des iconoclastes…, 2 vol., woodcut title vignette, initials and letters, 18th-century calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, S. MabreCramoisy, 8vo, 1683 £60 - £80 Lot 769 Bessin (Guillaume), Reflexions sur le nouveau systême de Reverend Pere Lamy pretre de l’oratoire, woodcut title vignette, initials and letters, 18th-century calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Rouen, F. Vaultier, 8vo, 1697 £60 - £80 Lot 770 Dufresny (Charles Riviere), Le Puits de la Verite Histoire Gauloise, woodcut title vignette, initials and letters, contemporary ink signature on f.f.e., 18th-century calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, M. Brunet, [Williams 40], 8vo, 1698 £100 - £200 Lot 771 Tempel (Chevalier), Remarques sur l’etat des Provinces Unies des Pays-Bas, titles in red and black, woodcut title vignette, initials and letters, 18th-century calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Utrecht, A. Schouten, 8vo, 1706 £80 - £120


Lot 772 Piron (Alexis), Oeuvres, FIRST EDITION, 3 vol., engraved frontispiece vol. 1, engraved plates, contemporary calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, N. B. Duchesne, [Tchemerzine IX 197], 8vo, 1758 £100 - £200 Lot 773 Fine Binding.-, Nouveaux contes a rire, 2 vol., engraved frontispieces and in-text plates throughout, titles in red and black, fine green crushed morocco by Koehler, ruled in gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Cologne, R. Bontemps, 8vo, 1722 £200 - £300 Lot 774 Regnard (M.), Oeuvres, 4 vol., title in red and black, woodcut devices, 19th-century calf, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, n.p., 8vo, 1742 £60 - £80 Lot 775 Rustang (Louis, de St. Jory), Oeuvres, 2 vol, woodcut title vignette, initials and letters, 18thcentury calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, Z. Chatelain, 8vo, 1735 £60 - £80 Lot 776 Houssaie (Amelot de la), Memoires Historiques, Politiques, Critiques et Litteraires, 2 vol., titles in red and black, woodcut title vignette, initials and letters, contemporary ink signature on f.f.e., 18thcentury calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, M. Charles, 8vo, 1731 £60 - £80 Lot 777 Brumoy (Pierre), Le Theatres des Grecs, 6 vol., woodcut title vignette, initials and letters, 18thcentury mottled calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, C. Robustel, 8vo, 1749 £200 - £300 Lot 778 .-, Le Theatre Italien de Gherardi, 6 vol., additional engraved titles/frontispieces, engraved plates throughout, woodcut title vignettes and devices, 18th-century speckled calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, J-B. Cusson & P. Witte, 8vo, 1700. See illustration £300 - £400

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 784 Millot (M. Abbe), Élémens de l’histoire de France… , 3 vol., half-titles, woodcut title vignettes, initials and letters, 18th-century mottled calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, P.E.G. Durand, 8vo, 1774 £60 - £80 Lot 785 .-, La Monarchie des Solipses…, Amsterdam, H. Uytwerf, 1754; bound with .- L’Ascanius Moderne, ou illustre avanturier histoire…, Edinburgh, 1763, title in red and black, engraved frontispiece cropped close at edge, contemporary mottled calf, spine ornately gilt morocco spine labels, 8vo £60 - £80 Lot 778

Lot 790

Lot 779 Aulnoy [(Marie-catherine Le Jumel De Barneville)], Memoires of the Court of France and City of Paris…, bookplates to verso of title and pastedown, contemporary panelled calf, spine ornately gilt morocco spine label, J. Tonson, 8vo, n.d. [c.1700] £60 - £80 Lot 780 [Marsollier (Jacques)], Histoire du ministère du cardinal Ximenz…, engraved frontispiece, Toulouse, G-L. Colomyez, 1694; bound with La Rochefoucauld Memoires de la Minoritié de Louis XIV, Villefranche, J. de Paul, 1690, titles in red and black, contemporary calf with armorial in gilt, spine ornately gilt, 8vo, £80 - £120 Lot 781 Fléchier (Esprit), Histoire du Cardinal Ximenés, third edition, 2 vol., woodcut title vignettes, initials and letters, 18th-century calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, J. Anisson, 8vo, 1694 £80 - £120 Lot 782 Desodoarts (Antoine Etiene Nicolas Fantin), Histoire de France, 8 vol., half-titles, woodcut title vignettes, initials and letters, 18th-century mottled calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, Chez Moutard, 8vo, 1789 £150 - £250 Lot 783 Solignac [(Pierre Joseph de la Pimpie)], Histoire Générale de Pologne, 5 vol., woodcut title vignettes, initials and letters, 18th-century mottled calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, J-T Herissant, 8vo, 1750 £150 - £250

Lot 786 Denesle (M.), L’Aristippe Moderne…, woodcut title vignettes and initials, 19th-century mottled calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, GA. Dupuis & Grangé, 8vo, 1738 £60 - £80 Lot 787 St. Martin (Compain de), Les Metamorphoses ou l’Ane d’or d’apulle philosophe platonicien, 2 vol., additional engraved title and engraved plates, woodcut title vignettes and initials, 19th-century mottled calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, M. Brunet, 8vo, 1707 £60 - £80 Lot 788 Fine Binding.-, Petit Carême de Masillon…, Abercairney bookplate, fine black straight-grained morocco by Doll, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Paris, 8vo, 1815 £100 - £200 Lot 789 Fine Binding.-, Memoires de Gaudence de Luques…, 4 parts in 1, engraved frontispieces, bookplate of Lord Northwick, 20th-century fine crushed morocco, gilt armorial of Theodore Wiliams, gilt dentelles, g.e., Amsterdam & Leipzig, Chez Arkstee & Merkus, 8vo, 1754 £100 - £200 Lot 790 Rogissard (Sieur de), Les Delices de l’Italie, 3 vol., engraved frontispieces, titles and dedication leaf and 105 plates, bookplates of John Eden, contemporary speckled calf, rebacked, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Leiden, P. van der Aa, 8vo, 1706. See illustration £400 - £600

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895



Lot 792 Lot 791 Guette (S. Citri de la), Histoire du Triumvirat d’Auguste, Marc Antoine et Lepidus, title in red and black, engraved frontispieces, folding engraved map, stamps of Bibliothek Grünberg, contemporary calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, G. Gallet, 8vo, 1694 £80 - £120 Lot 792 Livi (Titus), Historiarum, 10 vol., title in red and black vol. 1, engraved titles, 14 folding engraved maps vol, bookplate of William Baird, contemporary speckled calf, spines ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, H. Wetstenium & G van de Water, 8vo, 1710. See illustration £400 - £600 Lot 793 Forteguerri (Niccolo), Riccardetto, 3 vol., engraved titles and plates, 19th-century mottled calf, morocco spine labels, G. Tomasso, 8vo, 1780. See illustration £200 - £300 Lot 794 Cicero (Marcus Tullius), Opera Omnia…, 10 vol., ownership stamp on titles, contemporary half morocco over patterned boards, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, Leipzig, 8vo, 1849 £60 - £80 Lot 795 Boutigny (Le Vayer de), Observations sur un manuscrit inititulé traitté du peculat, woodcut title device, contemporary vellum, slightly soiled, [Brusselles], [Foppens], [Willems 2023], 12mo, 1666 £60 - £80


Lot 793 Lot 796 Sandras (Gatien, Courtilz de), L’Alcoran de Louis XIV ou le Testament politique du Cardinal Jules Mazarin, title in red and black, woodcut title device, later half calf over patterned boards, Rome, A. Maurino, 12mo, 1695 £60 - £80 Lot 797 Dymocke (M.), Le vice ridicule et la vertu loüée, FIRST EDITION, bookplate, woodcut title device, later sheep-backed boards, Louvain, P. Sassenus, 12mo, 1671 £60 - £80 Lot 798 Chaussé (Jacques), Traité de l’excellence du marriage de sanecessité et des moyens d’y vivre heureux, contemporary sheep, spine gilt, Amsterdam, A. Wolfgang, 12mo, 1685 £80 - £120 Lot 799 [Mme de Marenville de Pringy], Les diferens caracteres l’amour, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, contemporary ink ownership signatures to title and f.f.e., contemporary calf, spine ornately gilt, Paris, n.p., 12mo, 1685 £80 - £120 Lot 800 Vanette (Nicholas), Tableau de l’amour consideré dans l’estat du mariage, FIRST EDITION, woodcut title vignette and initials, contemporary ink note to title, contemporary calf, spine ornately gilt, Parma, F d’Amour, 12mo, 1689 £80 - £120

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 801 Mainville (Xaindrin de), Du bonheur et du malheur du marriage…, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, contemporary ink notes to f.f.e., contemporary calf, spine ornately gilt, Hague, A. Moetjens, 12mo, 1684 £80 - £120

Lot 807 [Chorier (Nicholas)], Johannis Meursii Elegantiae Latini Sermonis…, engraved frontispiece and title, contemporary mottled calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, Leiden, [Elzevier], [Willems 2178], 8vo, 1774 £60 - £80

Lot 802 Marolles (Michel), L’art d’aimer et les remedes d’amour d’Ovide…, engraved frontispiece vol.1, titles in red and black, contemporary calf, spine gilt, Paris, M. Cramoisy, 12mo, 1696 £60 - £80

Lot 808 Terence (Publii Terentii) [Publius Terentius Afer], Comoediae VI…, 2 vol., engraved frontispiece vol. 1, woodcut title vignettes, contemporary vellum, morocco spine label, Amsterdam & Leiden, A. Wolfgang & J. Hack, 8vo, 1686 -[84] £60 - £80

Lot 803 Rohan (Duc de), Interests et Maximes des Princes…, Cologne, J du Pais, 1666 § .L'Irrevocabilite d l'edit de Nantes… Amsterdam, H. Desbordes, 1688 § Senault (Jean Françoise) Les Sentimens Illustres de quelques grands hommes d'etat… Paris, P. le Gras, 1686 § .-Memoirs du Sieur De Pontis… 2 vol., Amsterdam, A de Hoogenhuysen, 1694, woodcut title vignettes, contemporary calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, 12mo, (5) £150 - £250 Lot 804 Marot (Clement), Les Oeuvres, 2 vol., Hague, A. Moetjens, 1700 § Capistron (Jean Galbert) Oeuvres, 6 engraved plates, Amsterdam, J. Garrel, 1694 § [Ameline (Claude)]L’Art de vivre heureux… , engraved frontispiece, title in red and black, Paris, J-B. Coignard, 1692 § Fevre (M. le) Les vies des poetes Grecs..., engraved frontispiece, Paris, J. Guignard, 1665, some bookplates, contemporary calf, spines ornately gilt, 12mo, (5) £150 - £250 Lot 805 Andreucci (Andrea Girolamo), Ragguaglio della vita della serva di Dio Rosa Venerini Viterbese, engraved plate, woodcut initials, bookplate, fine contemporary vellum, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, Rome, A. di’ Rossi, 4to, 1732 £80 - £120 Lot 806 Seneca.- Lucius Anneaus Seneca), Tragoediae cum notis J. F. Gronovus…, engraved title, bookplate of Henry Downing, ink ownership signatures on f.f.e., contemporary vellum, Amsterdam, H. & T. Boom, 8vo, 1682 £60 - £80

Lot 809 Ovid.- Publius Ovidius Naso, Operum…, 3 vol., engraved titles, woodcut initials and devices, contemporary vellum, morocco spine labels, Leiden, P. Leffen, 8vo, 1662 £80 - £120 Lot 810 Valerius Maximus.-, Dictorum Factorumque Memorabilium, engraved title, woodcut initials and devices, Heron-Allen bookplate, contemporary half vellum over patterned boards, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, Daniel Elzevier, [Willems 1462], 8vo, 1671; and another edition of the same, forgery, (2) £100 - £200 Lot 811 Vossius (Gerardus Joannes), Harmoniae Evangelicae de Passione, Morte, Resurrectione, ac Adscensione Jesu Christi…, FIRST EDITION, title in red and black, woodcut title vignette, letters and devices, contemporary ink ownership signature on f.f.e., ex-libris Ely Cathedral, contemporary vellum, Amsterdam, Louis & Daniel Elzevier, [Willems 1209], 4to, 1656 £80 - £120 Lot 812 Tacitus (Gaius Cornelius), Opera, 2 vol., additional engraved title, woodcut initials and devices, 19thcentury half vellum over patterned boards, Amsterdam, Daniel Elzevier, [Willems 1479], 8vo, 1673-76 £80 - £120 Lot 813 Horace - Quintus Horatius Flaccus.- Pine (John, engr.), Opera, 2 vol., engraved vignettes throughout, contemporary speckled calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, J. Pine, 8vo, 1733-37 £200 - £300

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 814 Maximi (Valerii), cum selectis Variorum observat. Et nova recensione A. Thysii, outer edge of title strengthened to verso, 1670 § Octavius (M. Minucii Felicis) [Opera], 1672, Leiden, F. Hack § Flori (L. Annaei) Epitome Rerum Romanarum, title in red and black, numismatic plates throughout, Amsterdam, H. Wetstenium, 1708, 18th century calf, ruled in blind, 8vo, (3) £150 - £250 Lot 815 Varennes (Claude de).-Du Verdier (Gilbert Saulnier), Le voyage de France dress’ pour la commodite’ des François et estrangers ; avec une description des chemins, pour aller et venir par tout le monde, FIRST EDITION, folding engraved map, ink marginalia to endpapers, bookplate of Earl of Guilford, contemporary limp vellum, morocco spine label, Paris, M. Bobin, 8vo, 1655 £200 - £300 Lot 816 Malpighi (Marcello), De exercitationes de structura viscerum, title in red and black, 2 folding engraved plates, contemporary vellum, Frankfurt am Main, A. Boetium, 12mo, 1678 £60 - £80 Lot 817 Pinaeus (Sever[in]), De Virginitatis notis graviditate & partu…, 5 works in 1, woodcut engravings, lacks 3 engraved plates, contemporary vellum, Leiden, F. Hegerum, [Garrison & Morton 802], 12mo, 1641 £60 - £80 Lot 818 Johnson (John), Idea Universae Medicinae Practicae…, engraved title, woodcut initials, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, [Willems 1012; Garrison & Morton 287], 12mo, 1644 £80 - £120 Lot 819 Hommius (Festus), Specimen Controversiarum Belgicarum seu Confessio Ecclesarum Reformatarum in Belgio, contemporary ink ownership inscriptions on title and f.f.e., woodcut title vignette, contemporary limp vellum, Leiden, Mathieu & Bonaventura Elzevier, [Willems 143], 4to, 1618 £80 - £120 Lot 820 Binding.- Laertius (Diogenes), Historici de uitis ac moribus priscorum philosophorum, woodcut initials, contemporary and later marginalia on title and occasionally throughout, contemporary embossed vellum, wormed to top board, Cologne, E. Ceruicorni, 8vo, 1542 £200 - £300 80

Lot 821 Binding.- Jesuit.- Dornn (Francis Xavier), Diurnale Concionatorium…, woodcut vignettes, J. Baptiste Burckart, 1759 § Flerii (Claudii) Historia Ecclesiastica… engraved title vignette, J. Wolff, 1779, contemporary fine embossed vellum with clasps, Augsburg, 8vo, (2) £200 - £300 Lot 822 Cluverius (Philippus), Introductionis in universam geographiam...., 3 folding engraved plates, engraved title, woodcut initials, contemporary vellum, Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 513], 12mo, 1641 £80 - £120 Lot 823 Caesar (Julius), Quae Extant, engraved title, 3 folding engraved maps, 5 engraved plates, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Leiden, [Bonaventura & Abraham Elzevier], [Willems 420], 12mo, 1635 £80 - £120 Lot 824 Alsten (August), De Nobilis et studiosae Juventutis Institutione…, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, [Willems 1158, 12mo, 1653 £80 - £120

Lot 825

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 825 Baudi (Dominic), Epistolae, 18th-century calf, Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, 1654 [Willems 1169] § Rufus (Quintus Curtius) Histiriam Libri, second impression, 1633 [Willems 381] § .- Disertationes de indvciis Belli Belgica, 1633 [Willems 383] § Vini (Arnold) De pactis Tractatus..., 1646 § Claudiani (Claudius) Que Exstant..., 1650 [Willems 675] Leiden, [Bonaventura & Abraham] Elzevier § Baudi (Domenic) Epistolae, [J. Jansson], 1660 [c.f. Willems 1169] § Perezi (Anton) Institutiones Imperiales Erotomatibus... Heron-Allen and Jacob Brown Craven Elzevier collection bookplates, 1657 [Willems 1219], Amsterdam, Louis & Daniel Elzevier, contemporary vellum, yapp edges, 12mo, (7). See illustration £300 - £400 Lot 826 .-, Flosculi Historici Delibati sive Historia Universalis, Cologne, A. Bingen, 1654 § .- Sceleton Histoire Universalis civilis & Ecclesiastical, Leiden, J Marci, 1633 § .- Silii Italici viri consularis de Bello Punico, Douai, I. Bogard, 1622 § .- Dictys Cretensis de Bello Troiano..., R. Stephani, 1618 Italicus (Silius) De secundo Bello Punico, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1620 § Pastor (Joachim) Heroes Sacri peplum saraticum musa peregrinans, contemporary ink notes on title, institutional stamp on title, Danzig, G. Forster, 1653 § Sexta Institutionis LInguae Gallicae Editio, engraved title, Leiden, C. Boutesteyn, 1690 § .Geographiae Compendium et Hispanae, Galliae ac Italiae totius, additional engraved title, engraved plates, contemporary calf, boards detached, Utrecht, G. a Zyll; and 6 Elzevier works, [Willems 564; bound with 1887, bound with 2094, 473, & 1808], contemporary and later vellum, bookplates, a few with remains of ties, some yapp edges, 12mo, (12) £300 - £400 Lot 827 Flaccus (Quintus Horatius), Ex Recensione…, Amsterdam, J.Wetstenium, 1743 § Cardani (Heironymus) Neornis Encomium, Amsterdam, J. & C. Blaeu, 1640 § Owen (John) Epigramatum, Amsterdam, W. Blaeu, 1633; and another copy § Sallust (C. Crispi) Quae Supersunt…, Oxford, 1701 § Cicero (Marcus Tullius) Officiis, binding ruled in blind with armorial on boards, Amsterdam, J. Valckenier, 1659 § Tacitus (C. Corneli) Opera, Paris, C.Morelli, 1611 § Pliny.- Epistles... Geneva, P. Chouët, 1638 § Nepos (Cornelius) Vitae Excellentium Imperatorum, Amsterdam, J. Wetstenium, 1745; and another § Suetonius (Caius) Tranquillus, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1645 § Secundus (John) Opera, Leiden, F. Hegerum, 1631, engraved titles, woodcut vignettes, initials and devices, bookplates, contemporary vellum, 12mo, (14) £300 - £400

Lot 828 Elzevier.- Irving (Alexander), De Jure Regni Diascepsis, [Willems 280] 1627 § Flaccus (Quintus Horratio) De Satyre…, [Willems 314] 1629, Leiden, Bonaventure & Abraham § Lucani (M. Annaei) Pharsalia, Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, [Willems 1132] 1653 § Barclay (John) Euphormionis Lusinini…Satyricon, Leiden, Bonaventure & Abraham, [Willems 758] 1655 § Flaccus (Quintus Horratio) Poemata, Amsterdam, Daniel Elzevier, [Willems 1517] 1676 § Johnston (John) Historia, Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier [not in Willems], 1644; and another 4, similar, not Elzevier imprints, engraved titles, woodcut vignettes, letters and devices, contemporary vellum, some yapp edges, 12mo & 24mo, (10) £200 - £300 Lot 829 Virgilius Maro (Publius), Opera, contemporary ink notes on title and elsewhere, bound-in with strips of manuscript, [Willems 208] Abraham Elzevier, 1622; and another copy, [Willems 450] Bonaventura & Abraham Elzevier, 1638, engraved titles, woodcut initials, contemporary vellum, 12mo, (2) £80 - £120 Lot 830 Corvinus (Johann), Enchiridium…, bookplate of De la Warre, [Willems 1082], Louis Elzevier, 1649; .Posthumus Pacianus…, [Willems 1243], 1659; .Ius Canonicum…, [Willems 1301], 1663, Louis & Daniel Elzevier; .- Enchiridium…, [Willems 1338], Daniel Elzevier, 1664, engraved title pages, woodcut devices, occasional ink signatures to prelims, contemporary vellum, yapp edges , 12mo, (4) £100 - £200 Lot 831 Grotius (Hugo), Epistolae a Gallos…., second edition, title in red and black, [Willems 682], Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzvier, 1650; .Poemata, H. de Vogel, 1639; .- Apologeticus…, Paris, n.p., 1640; .- Heron-Allen bookplate, Florum Sparsio ad ius Justinianeum, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1643; .- Rivetiani Apologetici pro schismate contra votum pacis facti discusio, n.p. H. Candidum, 1645; .- Poemata Omnia, Amsterdam, J. Ravensteyn, 1670, engraved titles, woodcut vignettes and initials, contemporary vellum, 12mo, (6) £150 - £250

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 832 .-, Paratitla in Libros IX codex Justiniani, contemporary limp vellum, soiled, ties, Paris, A. de la Perriere, 1631 § De usu et Authoritate Juris Civilis Romanorum…, engraved frontispiece, Leipzig, J. Lüderwald, 1668; bound with Corvini (Joannis) Elementa Juris Civilis… Frankfurt-amMain, M. Closeman, 1670, titles in red and black; bound with .- Receptarum Juris utrisque regularum partitiones, Frankfurt-am-Main, F. Eichorns, modern vellum, woodcut title vignettes, 12mo, (2) £80 - £120 Lot 833 Hensius (Daniel), Poematum, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1649 § Nyendal (Laurens van) Poemata, Utrecht, T. ab Ackersdyck, 1645 § Sannazaro (Jacopo) Actii Synceri, Amsterdam, J. Schulperoot, 1648 § .- Virgilii Evangelisantis Christiados, Rotterdam, A. Leers, 1653, woodcut title vignettes and initials, contemporary vellum, 12mo, (4) £100 - £200 Lot 834 Longinus (Dionisius) , Rhetoris, engraved title, ink marginalia to prelims, [STC 16789], Oxford, W. Webb, 1638 § Ames (William) Anti-Synodalia Scripta…, 1633; .- Medulla Theologica, Amsterdam, J. Jansson § .- Meditiationes Chrestiennes…, Amsterdam, A. Wolfgang, 1690 § .- Flagellum Hebraeorum..., Venice, S. Curti, 1677, engraved title pages, woodcut vignettes and initials, contemporary vellum § .- De Inteligetiis Finitis & Completis disputatio philosophica..., later wrappers, Upsala, H. Curio, 1671 , 12mo, (6) £80 - £120

Lot 835 Fine Binding.- Tacitus (Gaius Cornelius), Quae Extant, folding table, institutional stamp on title, fine red morocco armorial binding, spine ornately gilt, Amsterdam, C. Commelinum, 12mo, 1664. See illustration £200 - £300 Lot 836 Papacy.- .-, Il Puttanisno Romano a vere Conclave General Delle Puttane della Corte; Per l’elettione del nuove Pontifice, n.p., 1668; bound with .- Il Sindicato di Alexandro VII Con il suo Viaggio nell’ altro Mondo, n.p., 1668, woodcut title vignettes, contemporary sprinkled calf, spines gilt, morocco spine label, 12mo £80 - £120

Lot 837 Lot 837 Fine Binding.- Bible.-, Biblia Sacra, vulgate editionis…, 15 vol.,, engraved title vol. 1, ruled in red throughout, 19th-century fine red morocco armorial binding, spines gilt, gilt dentelles, Köln, Balth ab Egmond, 12mo, 1666. See illustration £200 - £300 Lot 838 Neuhusius (Reinerus), Reineri Neuhusi JC. Examen Philologicum : In usum Illustrium Scholarum WestFrisiae, title in red and black, woodcut title vignette and initials, contemporary ink notes on f.f.e, contemporary speckled calf, ruled in blind, spine gilt, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 12mo, 1654 £60 - £80 Lot 839 Perizonius (Jacob Voorbroek), Aegyptiarum Originum et tomporum antiquissimorum investigatio, FIRST EDITION, title in red and black, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, 19thcentury speckled calf, ruled in blind, spine gilt, Leiden, J. van der Linden, 12mo, 1711 £100 - £200

Lot 835


MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 845 Binding.-, Frossardus et Cominaeus…, 2 vol. in 1, engraved title, Rolle bookplate, contemporary calf, ruled in blind, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, C. Blaeu, 12mo, 1640 £80 - £120

Lot 840 Lot 840 Fine Binding.-, Historia dell’origine di tutte le Religioni…, woodcut title vignette, fine brown 17th-century armorial binding bearing the arms of Cardinal Medici, spine gilt, Venice, F. Prati, 12mo, 1590. See illustration £200 - £300

Lot 846 Georgio (Christiano), Faber Fortunae Politicae, monitis ad vitam politicam admodum necessariis & saluberrimis…, title in red and black, engraved frontispiece bound at A1, woodcut devices, 19thcentury speckled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Hamburg, J. Naumann & G. Wolff, 12mo, 1673 £80 - £120

Lot 841 Fontenelle (Bernard le Bovier de), Histoire des Oracles, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, contemporary speckled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, P. Mortier, 12mo, 1687 £60 - £80 Lot 842 Papacy.- .-, Conclave Per la morte di Clemente X… nel quale su creato Papa…Innocentio XI…, Colonia, G. Nicolao, 1677; bound with .- L’Etat de la cour de la Rome…, Amsterdam, F. du Bois, 1676, woodcut title vignette and initials, Rolle bookplate, contemporary mottled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, 12mo £80 - £120 Lot 843 Groto (Luigi), La Adriana Tragedia, 1626; bound with .- La Dalida Tragedia Nova, 1626, il Spineda; bound with Ferranti (Francesco) La Ninfa regina Tragicomedia…, G. Sarzina, 1630; bound with Rinuccini (Ottavio) L’Arianna Tragedia, G. & F. Imberti, 1622, Venice, woodcut vignettes and initials, contemporary mottled calf, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, 12mo £80 - £120 Lot 844 Lydiat (Thomas), Emendatio Temporum Compendio Facta…, title in red and black, 19thcentury speckled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Hague, S. Broun, 12mo, ?1654 £60 - £80

Lot 847 Lot 847 Royal Binding.- Sandsberg (P.), Gustavi Magni Bellum Germanicum, engraved title, woodcut vignettes and initials, bookplate of Maurice P. Worms, contemporary calf bearing Spanish Royal arms, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Rotterdam, A. Leers, 12mo, 1652. See illustration £200 - £300 Lot 848 Fine Binding.- Pliny Secundus (Caius), Historiae Naturalis, 3 vol., engraved title vol. 1, woodcut title vignettes and initials, fine red crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, gilt dentelles, g.e., Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 428], 12mo, 1635 £150 - £250 Lot 849 Ovid.- Publius Ovidius Naso, Operum…, 3 vol., additional engraved title vol. 1, woodcut title vignettes and initials, contemporary calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, J. Jansson & J. Waesberg, 12mo, 1717 £80 - £120

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 850 Fine Binding.- Paterculus (Gaius Vellius), [Opera], engraved title, woodcut vignettes, initials and devices, fine red crushed morocco, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 484], 12mo, 1639 £80 - £120 Lot 851 Lucanus (Marcus Annaeus), Pharsalia, sive bello civilli Caeseris et Pompeii…, engraved title, uncut, bookplate of E. Crawshaw, woodcut vignettes and initials, fine red crushed morocco by Derome, gilt dentelles, Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 12mo, 1643 £60 - £80 Lot 852 Fine Binding.- Paterculus (Gaius Vellius), [Opera], engraved title, woodcut vignettes, initials and devices, Heron-Allen bookplate, silk endpapers, fine red crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 484], 12mo, 1639 £80 - £120 Lot 853 Binding.- Paterculus (Gaius Vellius), Quae Supersunt, engraved title, woodcut initials, contemporary calf, ruled and tooled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, [Daniel] Elzevier, [Willems 1550], 12mo, 1678 £80 - £120 Lot 854 Binding.- Paterculus (Gaius Vellius), Cum Notis, engraved title, woodcut vignettes and initials, De la Ware bookplate, contemporary calf, ruled and tooled in blind and gilt, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, [Daniel] Elzevier, [Willems 1329], 12mo, 1664 £80 - £120 Lot 855 Pindar.-, Caeterorum & Lyricorum carmina…, 2 vol., woodcut title vignettes and initials, text in Greek and Latin, Syston Park and Peter Hall bookplates, fine red straight-grained morocco, tooled in gilt, g.e., n.p., H. Stephanum, 8vo, 1566 £80 - £120 Lot 856 Binding.- Pliny Secundus (Caius), Epistolarum, woodcut title vignettes, initials and devices, later addition of Wogan Browne to top board in later gilt, [Willems 506], 1640; and another later edition [Willems 732], Jean & Daniel Elzevier, 1653, fine morocco, ruled in gilt, g.e., Leiden, 12mo, (2) £80 - £120


Lot 857 Polybii.-, Historiographi Historiarum, woodcut title device, early ink ownership signature on title, contemporary calf, morocco spine label, Lyon, S. Gryphium, 12mo, 1548 £80 - £120 Lot 858 Aurelii Prudentii Clementis.-, Opera, woodcut title device, bookplate of Edward B. Cookman, 19thcentury calf, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Lyon, J. Tornaesium & W. Gazeium, 12mo, 1553 £80 - £120 Lot 859 Aurelii Prudentii Clementis.-, Quae Exstant, woodcut title device, bookplate, 19th-century calf, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, Daniel Elzevier, [not in Willems] , 12mo, 1667 £60 - £80 Lot 860 Binding.- Sallustius.- Crispus Caius, cum veterum Historicum fragmentis, woodcut title vignettes and initials, fine red crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, g.e., Leiden, [Bonavenure & Abraham] Elzevier, 1634; and another edition, [Willems 412], 12mo, (2) £80 - £120 Lot 861 Binding.- Sallustius.- Crispus Caius, Fragmenta, woodcut title device, 18th-century armorial calf, gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Lyon, S. Gryphium, 12mo, 1548 £60 - £80 Lot 862 Sallustius.- Crispus Caius, Fragmenta, woodcut title device and initials, ruled in red, 18th-century calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Lyon, A. Vincent, 12mo, 1546 £80 - £120 Lot 863 Binding.Ovid.Publius Ovidius Naso, Metamorphosis, woodcut title device, early ink ownership signature on title and ink marginalia throughout, contemporary calf, ornate gilt device on boards, skillfully rebacked, morocco spine label, Lyon, A. Gryphium, 12mo, 1572 £80 - £120 Lot 864 Malvezzi (Virgil), Princeps eiusque arcana…, ; bound with .- Tyrannus ejusque arcana, engraved titles, woodcut vignettes and initials, contemporary mottled calf, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, 1636, [Willems 444 & 445], 12mo £60 - £80

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 868 Binding.- Tacitus (Gaius Cornelius), Opera, 4 vol., bookplate of Earl of Derby, fine red morocco, ruled in gilt, armorial in gilt, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, Glasgow, R. & A. Foulis, 12mo, 1753 £150 - £250

Lot 865 Lot 865 Fine Binding.- Silius Italicus.-, Bello Punico, engraved title, Cholmondeley bookplate, fine ornate green morocco with fleur de lys pattern, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 12mo, 1628. See illustration £200 - £300

Lot 869 Seneca.- Lucius Anneaus Seneca), Philosophi Opera Omnia, 3 vol., 18th-century calf, ruled in blind, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 672], 12mo, 1649 £80 - £120 Lot 870 Binding.-Horatius.-, [Opera], wood engraved title with 17th-century ownership inscription, morocco bookplate on pastedown, hand coloured bookplate on f.f.e. fine 17th-century morocco, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, gilt dentelles, g.e., Paris, S. Colinaeum, small 8vo, 1531 £80 - £120 Lot 871 Fine Binding.- Seneca, Tragoediae cum notis Th. Farnabii…, engraved title with 17th-century ownership inscription, institutional stamp, bookplate of Arthur F. Hill, fine green crushed morocco by Riviere, tooled in blind, g.e., Amsterdam, J. Bleau, 12mo, 1645 £80 - £120

Lot 866 Lot 866 Binding.- Barclay (John), Argenis, engraved title, woodcut vignettes and initials, fine black crushed armorial morocco bearing Sutherland arms, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, gilt dentelles, g.e., Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 325 note], 12mo, 1630. See illustration £200 - £300 Lot 867 Binding.-Busbeq (Ogier Ghislan de), [Opera] omnia, engraved title, contemporary red morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, 1633 § Persii (Flaci) Satyrae, woodcut title vignette, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1659, 19th-century green morocco, gilt dentelles, g.e.; and 2 others, later, 12mo, (4) £100 - £200

Lot 872 Papini (P.), Statii Opera, marginal notes on front pastedown, contemporary morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, 1653 § Seutonius (Caius) Tranquillus, morocco bookplate on front pastedown, 19th-century red morocco, ruled in blind, gilt dentelles gilt edges, 1650, Louis Elzevier; and another, similar, J. Jansson, engraved titles, Amsterdam, [Willems 1166 & 1118], £80 - £120 Lot 873 Severi (Sulpetus), Opera Omnia…, fine red crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, gilt dentelles, g.e., Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier; and another edition, Amsterdam, [Jean & Daniel] Elzevier, 1656, engraved title, woodcut initials and devices, [Willems 560 & 1207], 12mo, (2) £80 - £120

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 874 Fine Binding.- Terence (Publii Terentii) [Publius Terentius Afer], Comoediae…, second Elzevier edition, engraved title, woodcut initials and vignettes, fine contemporary red morocco, tooled in gilt, with initials T. B. added later, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Leiden, [Bonaventura & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 433], 12mo, 1635 £80 - £120 Lot 875 Fine Binding.- Terence (Publii Terentii) [Publius Terentius Afer], Comoediae…, third Elzevier edition, engraved title, woodcut initials and vignettes, bookplate of Maurice B. Worms, fine contemporary red crushed morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Amsterdam, [Bonaventura & Abraham] Elzevier, [not in Willems], 12mo, 1641 £80 - £120 Lot 876 Fine Binding.- Terence (Publii Terentii) [Publius Terentius Afer], Comoediae…, fourth Elzevier edition, engraved title, contemporary ink ownership signature on title and f.f.e., woodcut initials and vignettes, fine contemporary tan morocco, ornately tooled in gilt with fleur de lys pattern,spine gilt, g.e., Amsterdam, [Louis & Daniel] Elzevier, [Willems 1275], 12mo, 1663 £80 - £120

Lot 880 Binding.- Maupin (R.P.D), Le Petit Paroissien Romain, contenant l’office divin des dimanches et fêtes…, engraved frontispiece, fine red crushed morocco, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, Paris, L.G. de Hansy, 12mo, 1773 £60 - £80 Lot 881 Moore (Thomas), Utopia, contemporary ink ownership inscriptions on title and endpapers, contemporary calf, later morocco spine label, Oxford, W. Hall, 12mo, 1663 £100 - £200

Lot 878 .-, Paratitla in Libros IX codex Justiniani, woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, 18th-century calf, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, Lyon, W. Rovillium, 12mo, 1576 £60 - £80

Lot 882 Lot 882 Royal Binding.- Rodrigo (Sánchez de Arévalo) & Marius (Michel, M.), Speculum humanae vitae, in quo quid prosperi & adversi, quisque hominum status, dignitas & officium, BEARING GILT ARMS OF THE DAUPHIN, woodcut initials, contemporary calf ruled in blind, bearing gilt armorial of Dauphin, Paris, G. Pratensem, 8vo, 1542. See illustration £300 - £400 Lot 883 Binding.- Homer.-, Ilias Graece, 2 vol., text in Greek, contemporary ink inscription to f.f.e., contemporary fine black straight-grained morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e,, Oxford, N. Bliss, 12mo, 1810 £60 - £80

Lot 879 Symmachus (Quintus Aurelius), Epistolarum, G. Wigendorf, 1653 § Terence (Publius Terentii), Comoediae, bookplate of Rector of Winnick, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, 1635, Leiden § Seutonius (Caius Tranquili) [Opera], Amsterdam, Jansson & Waeserberg, 1668, engraved title, woodcut initials and vignettes, contemporary calf, ornately, spine gilt, morocco spine labels; and another, [Willems 433], 12mo, (3) £100 - £200

Lot 884 Binding.- , Suecia sive de Suecorum Regis Dominus et opibus, engraved title, ruled in red throughout, fine red morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e.,1631; and 2 others, Feino (Tomas) De Viribus Imaginationis Tractatus, title vignette, 1635, Leiden [Bonaventura & Abraham] Elzevier § Terence (Publii Terenti) Comoediae, engraved title, Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, 1653, calf, [Willems 359, 423 & 1136], 12mo, (3) £100 - £200

Lot 877 Terence (Publii Terentii) [Publius Terentius Afer], Comoediae…, additional engraved title, woodcut initials and vignettes, Heron-Allen bookplate, contemporary morocco, gilt dentelles, Amsterdam, J, Waesberge, 1669; and another copy, title in red and black, contemporary red morocco, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, g.e., Dublin, G. Grierson, 1727, 12mo, (2) £80 - £120


MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 885 Binding.-, Semaine Sainte a l’usage de Rome, Paris, Chez de Hansy, 1776 § Valeri Maximi.- Dictorum Factorumque memorabilium, 1625 § Historia Romanae Epitome, 1625, fine red morocco, ruled and tooled in gilt, spines gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Amsterdam, G. Caesium , 12mo, (3) £100 - £200 Lot 886 Marino (Giambattista), L’Adone, poema heroico, 4 vol., engraved frontispiece, 20 engraved plates, contemporary calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, g.e., Amsterdam & Paris, Daniel Elzevier & T. Jolly, [Willems 1549], 12mo, 1678 £100 - £200 Lot 887 Homer.- Virgil.-, Centones…, woodcut title vignette, contemporary initials on title, later ownership initials on f.f.e, 18th-century red morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, gilt dentelles, g.e., n.p., H. Stephanum, 12mo £60 - £80 Lot 888 Böhme (Jakob) and Werdenhagen (Johann Angelius von), Psychologia vera i.b.t. XL quæstionibus explicata, et rerum publicarum vero regimini, engraved title, folding engraved plate, modern half calf over patterned boards, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 12mo, 1632 £100 - £200 Lot 889 Cornaro (Luigi), Overo Discorsi della vita sobria, additional engraved title, woodcut title vignette, later boards, Paris, P. des Hayes, 12mo, 1646 £60 - £80 Lot 890 Aristotle.-, Sententiae Omnes Vndiquaque selectissimae…, later ink inscription on f.f.e.,later sheep, rubbed, Paris, M. Juuenem, 1554 § .- Il Desideroso…, later half calf, Venice, n.p., 1573, woodcut title vignette, 12mo, (2) £100 - £200 Lot 891 Justinian I (Emperor), Institutionum, J. Hondius, 1625 § Owen (John) Epigrammatum, J. Jansson, 1657 § Virgil.- Opera, W. Jansson, 1619, Amsterdam § Martial.- Epigrammata, Antwerp, J. Cnobbar, 1630 § Theophrastas.- Eresi Characteres Ethici, Leiden, J. Maire, 1632 § Boethius.- De conslatione philosophiae, rebacked, Oxford, W. Hall, 1663 § Drexilo (Hieremia) Noe Architectusacra in Diluvio Nauarchus... Munich, 1644, some with bookplates, some ink... marginalia, mostly contemporary or near-contemporary calf, 8vo & 12mo, (4) £200 - £300

Lot 892 Bindings.- Juvenal (Decii Junii), Satyrae, J. Brindley, 1744 § Virgil.- Les Georgiques, Geneva, n.p., 1777 § Euripdis Tragoediae Viginti, Oxford, N. Bliss, 1811, contemporary fine straight-grained morocco ruled in gilt, spines gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e.; and 9 others, Classics, mixed bindings, 12mo, 12) £100 - £200 Lot 893 Malvezzi (Virgil), Il Romulo, e-libris Rolle, Geneva, P. Aubere, n.d. § .- Thesaurus Selectorum Exemplorum Sentimentarum…, Antwerp, M. Nutium, 1607 § Bulifon (Antonio) Lettre Memorabili, Naples, A. Bulifon, 1697; and 3 others, similar, contemporary or nearcontemporary calf, some tooled and ruled in gilt, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, 12mo, (6) £100 - £200 Lot 894 Joseph (D.Pietro), Idea Philosophiae Moralis seu Ethica…, Paris, G. Josse, 1659 § Crucius (J.) Mercurius Batavius, engraved title, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1650 § Burgersdici (Franconis) Institutionum Metaphysicarum, Leiden, D.L. de Haro, 1651, contemporary or near-contemporary calf, some tooled and ruled in gilt, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, 12mo, (3) £80 - £120 Lot 895 Junio (Stephano), Vindiciae Religione hic est Decisio Theologica-Politica, cropped close on title, hence,n.p, n.d. § Gausseni (Stephan) Dissertationes…, Utrecht, F. Halma, 1678 § .Sylloge Demonstrationem…, Hanover, C. Eifridi, 1634 § Rupert (Christian Adam) Mercurius Epistolaris..., title in red and black, additional engraved title, Nuremberg, J. Taubert, 1661, woodcut title vignettes and letters, contemporary or near-contemporary calf, some tooled and ruled in gilt, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, 12mo, (4) £100 - £200 Lot 896 Binding.- , ludicarum et Amoenitatum Scriptores, engraved title, Leiden, F. Heger & F. Hack, 1638; bound with, Curionis (C. S.) Pasquillus Ecstaticus… , Geneva, P. Columesium, 1667; bound with .- De Juvanilibus Theodore Bezae Poematis…, Amsterdam, H. Desbordes, 1683, nearcontemporary fine green morocco, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, gilt dentelles, g.e., 12mo £80 - £120

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 897 Binding.- , Epulum Parasiticum…,, additional engraved title, Nuremberg, n.p., 1665; bound with Pincieri (Johann) Enigmatum…, Hague, A. Vlacq, 1655, woodcut title vignettes and devices, ex-libris Bondy, fine red crushed morocco by Ihrig, tooled in blind, gilt dentelles, g.e.,, 12mo £80 - £120 Lot 898 Binding.- [Bassompierre (François)], Negociation du Mareschal de Bassompierre…., bound with Ambassade du Mareschal de Bassompierre en Espagne l’an 1621, woodcut title device, blue morocco-backed boards by Simier, Cologne, P. du Marteau, [Willems 1783], 12mo, 1668 £80 - £120 Lot 899 Binding .- St. Augustin, Confessionum, engraved title, woodcut initials and devices, fine red crushed morocco, tooled in blind and ruled in gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e.,, Leiden, Daniel Elzevier, [Willems 1504], 12mo, 1675 £80 - £120 Lot 900 Binding.-, Satyre Nic. Rigalti P…, woodcut title vignette, fine green crushed morocco, tooled in blind and gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e.,, Leiden, Marciana, 12mo, 1620 £80 - £120 Lot 901 Corvinus (Arnold), Ad titulum digestorum de verborum significatone commentaris, contemporary calf, tooled in blind, spine ornately gilt, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 12mo, 1646 £60 - £80 Lot 902 Binding.-, Facetiae Facetiarum, additional engraved title, woodcut title vignette, fine blue crushed morocco by Thouvenin, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e.,, [n.p.] Pathopoli, G. Severum, [Willems 1635 note], 12mo, 1657 £80 - £120 Lot 903 Corvinus (Arnold), Digesta per Aphorismos, engraved title, ink marinalia to f.f.e., contemporary calf, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, [Louis & Daniel] Elzevier, [Willems 1324], 12mo, 1664 £60 - £80


Lot 904 Binding.- Democritus.-, sive Campus Recreationum Honstarum, woodcut initials and devices, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1649 § .- Disertationem Eudicarum et Amoenitatum…, Leiden, F. Hager & F. Hack, 1658, engraved title, fine red crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., 12mo, (2) £80 - £120 Lot 905 Matthei (Antoni), De Indiciis Disputationes, Amsterdam, J. Waesberge & E. Weyerstraet, 1666 § Justinian.- Institutiones, Paris, W. de Luyne, 1676; and another copy, Amsterdam, Blaviorum, 1641, engraved titles § Trissino (M. Gio.) Tragedia, Venice, A. Salicato, 1632, woodcut title vignettes, initials and devices, near contemporary calf, spines ornately gilt, some morocco spine labels, 12mo, (4) £100 - £200 Lot 906 Erasmus (Desiderius), Colloquia, Louis Elzevier, 1650; .- Stultitiae Laus, H. Wetstenium, 1685 § Crcius (Jacob) Suada Delphica, some ink marginalia to title and f.f.e., J. Jansson, 1657, Amsterdam; and 2 others similar, near-contemporary calf, some spines gilt, some morocco spine labels, [Willems 1110], 12mo, (5) £100 - £200 Lot 907 Binding.- Hensius (Daniel), Satirae duae Hercules tuam Fidem sive Munsterus Hypobolimaeus et virgula divina…, ex-libris Bondy, uncut, later fine red morocco, ruled in gilt, gilt dentelles, Leiden, Louis Elzevier, [Willems 123], 12mo, 1617 £100 - £200 Lot 908 Binding.Erasmus (Desiderius), Moriae Encomium…, Bedoyere bookplate, woodcut title vignette, uncut, later fine black morocco, ruled in gilt and tooled in blind, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Leiden, J. Maire, 12mo, 1648 £80 - £120 Lot 909 Binding.- Hensius (Daniel), Poetatum, 2 vol. in 1, ex-libris Syston Park, later fine red morocco, ruled in gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Leiden, [Mattieu & Bonaventure] Elzevier, [Willems 187], 12mo, 1621 £100 - £200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 910 Binding.-, Il Nipotismo di Roma…, 2 vol. in 1, later fine black morocco, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, gilt dentelles, g.e., Leiden, [Daniel Elzevier], [Willems 1384], 12mo, 1677 £80 - £120 Lot 911 Fine Binding.-, Officia Propria Sanctorum Canonicorum Regularium…, 4 vol., engraved frontispiece vol. 1, title vignettes and devices, each volume with additional blank leaves bound-in and containing extensive notes, contemporary fine green morocco, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, g.e., Strassbourg, J. Pastori, 12mo, 1707 £100 - £200 Lot 912 Nider (Johann), Confessionale seu Manuale confessorum fratris Johannis Nyder ad instructionem spiritualium pastorum valde necessarium, woodcut frontispiece and initials, printed in black letter, 19th-century notes on f.f.e., 18th-century morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, [Paris], J. Lambert, 8vo, n.d. [c.1510] £200 - £300 Lot 913 Fine Binding.- Bible-, Biblia Sacra, vulgate editionis…, 7 vol., additional engraved title and folding engraved map vol. 7, woodcut title vignettes, some notes on f.f.e., fine contemporary red morocco, ruled and tooled in gilt, spines ornately gilt, g.e. gilt dentelles, g.e., Paris, F. Leonard, 12mo, 1705-[1697] £200 - £300 Lot 914 Fine Binding.- Tasso (Torquato), Rime, 4 vol., woodcut title and title vignettes, 18th-century fine red morocco, ornately ruled and tooled in gilt, spines gilt , g.e., Venice, G. B. Pulciani, 12mo, 1608 £100 - £200 Lot 915 Franzio (Wolfgang), Historia Animalium… Theologiae…, 2 vol., additional engraved title and woodcut title vignettes, contemporary signature on title, bookplates, 19th-century mottled calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, J. Ravestein, 12mo, 1665 £60 - £80 Lot 916 Justinian I (Emperor), Edicta…, woodcut title page and initials, 18th-century speckled calf, spine gilt, Lyon, W. Rouillium, 12mo, 1581 £60 - £80

Lot 917 Justinian I (Emperor), Institutiones, printed in red and black, Amsterdam, Daniel Elzevier, 1676 § Barlaei (Caspar) Poematum, Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, 1631 § Bronchorst (E.) In Tit. Digestorum de Regulis Juris Antiqui…., title in red and black, Antwerp, J.B. Verdussen, 1676, contemporary panelled calf, ruled in blind, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, [Willems 344 & 1519], 12mo, (3) £80 - £120 Lot 918 Fine Binding.- Lactanti (Lactanti Firmiani), [Opera], woodcut title vignette and initials, contemporary ink signature to title, contemporary fine morocco, ruled and ornately tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Lyon, J. Tornaesium & L. Gaze, 12mo, 1548 £100 - £200 Lot 919 Fine Binding.- Bible Latin.-, Psalterium Davidis ad Exemplar Vaticanum Anni 1592, engraved title, Bibliotheque von der Mulhen bookplate, fine contemporary red morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Leiden, [Jean & Daniel] Elzevier, [Willems 733; Darlow & Moule 6224], 12mo, 1653 £100 - £200 Lot 920 Fine Binding.- Hippo (Augustine of), Confessionum, engraved title, contemporary brown morocco, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Cologne, C. ab Egmond, 12mo, 1649 £60 - £80 Lot 921 Fine Binding.-, Conciones et Orationes ex Historicis Latinis Excerptae, additional engraved title, woodcut title vignette, later red morocco by Lortic, ruled in blind, gilt dentelles, Amsterdam, [Louis & Daniel] Elzevier, [Willems 1282], 12mo, 1662 £60 - £80 Lot 922 Fine Binding.- Virgil (Polydore), De Inventoribus Rerum, additional engraved title, woodcut title vignette, later fine red morocco, ruled in blind, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, t.e.g., others uncut, Amsterdam, Daniel Elzevier, [Willems 1464], 12mo, 1662 £100 - £200

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THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 923 Fine Binding.- Kempis (Thomas a), De Imitatione Christi, engraved title, 18th-century fine burgundy morocco, ruled and tooled in blind, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Leiden, [Louis & Daniel] Elzevier, [Willems 1232], 12mo, 1658 £60 - £80 Lot 924 Brachel (Adolph), Historiarum Nostri Temporis…, part 1 only, 75 engraved plates bound in at end, wood-engraved title vignettes, contemporary calf, ruled and tooled in gilt and blind, gilt dentelles, Amsterdam, J. van Meurs, 12mo, 1655 £60 - £80 Lot 925 Fine Binding.- Mercurius (J. Crucii, pseud.) De la Croix (Jacques), Epistolarum Opus, 2 parts in 1, additional engraved title, woodcut title vignette, later fine green morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 12mo, 1661 £60 - £80 Lot 926 Binding.-, Paradisus Animae Christianae, engraved title and engraved plates, 19th-century speckled calf, ruled in gilt, morocco spine label, Cologne, A. Frist, 12mo, 1675 £60 - £80 Lot 927 Hoyer (Michael), Flammulae Amoris S. P. Augustini, half-title, engraved title, 25 engraved plates, William Crampton bookplate, 19th-century fine calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, gilt dentelles, g.e., Antwerp, H. Aertssens, 12mo, 1639 £100 - £200 Lot 928 Hoffmann ( Frederic), Epigrammata, engraved title, ex-libris Renouard, 19th-century green straightgrained morocco, ruled and tooled In gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Amsterdam, J. Jansson & J. Waesberg, 12mo, 1665 £60 - £80 Lot 929 Boyle (Robert), Tentamina Quaedam Physiologic… cum ejusdam Historica Fluiditatis et Firmitatis, woodcut title vignette, contemporary calf, rebacked, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, Daniel Elzevier, [Willems 1376], 12mo, 1667 £100 - £200


Lot 930 Brindley (James, typo.), Caesar (Caius Julius) 2 vol.; Catullus (Caius Valerius); Curtius Rufus (Quintus), 2 vol., Horace.-; Lucan (M. Annei), 2 vol.; Lucretius Carus (Titus); Nepos (Cornelius); Ovid (P. Ovidi) 5 vol.; Phaedrus.- ; Sallust.-; Tacitus, 4 vol.; Terence.; Virgil.-, 23 vol., ruled throughout in red, bookplates, all except Tacitus in uniform contemporary red morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, t.e.g., J. Brindley, 12mo, 1744-54 £200 - £300 Lot 931 Bindings.- Juvenal.-, Satirarum, engraved frontispiece, title vignette and vignettes, bookplate of William Peter, contemporary red crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Paris, J.A. Grange, 8vo, 1747 £60 - £80 Lot 932 Bindings.- Martial (M. Valeri), Opera, 2 vol., halftitles, engraved frontispiece vol 1, title vignette and vignettes, bookplates, contemporary red crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, gilt dentelles, g.e., Paris, C. Robustel & N. le Loup, 8vo, 1754 £60 - £80 Lot 933 Bindings.-, Eutropi Breviarium Historiae Romanae, engraved frontispiece, title vignette and vignettes, contemporary red crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, gilt dentelles, g.e., Paris, J. Barbou, 8vo, 1754 £60 - £80 Lot 934 Bindings.- Vossii (Ger. Johann), Grammatica Latina, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, contemporary red crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, [not in Willems], 8vo, 1644 £80 - £120 Lot 935 Bindings.- Tacitus (Gaius Cornelius), Quae Extant Opera, 3 vol., engraved frontispiece, title vignette and vignettes, contemporary red crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, gilt dentelles, g.e., Paris, J. Barbou, 8vo, 1760 £100 - £200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 936 Bindings.- Plauti (Marci Accii), Comoediae, 3 vol., half-titles, engraved frontispiece, title vignette and vignettes, silk endpapers, contemporary blue crushed morocco, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, gilt dentelles, g.e., Paris, J. Barbou, 8vo, 1759 £100 - £200 Lot 937 Bindings.- Rufi (Quintus Curtius), De Rebus Gestis Alexandri Magni, engraved frontispiece, title vignette and vignettes, Viscount Lisburne bookplate, contemporary red crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, gilt dentelles, g.e., Paris, J. Barbou, 8vo, 1757 £60 - £80 Lot 938 Bindings.- Lucretii (Titus Cari), De Rerum Natura, engraved frontispiece, title vignette and vignettes, contemporary red crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Paris, A. Coustelier, 8vo, 1744 £60 - £80 Lot 939 Bindings.- Flacii (Quintus Horatio), Carmina, engraved frontispiece, title vignette and vignettes, contemporary red crushed morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, gilt dentelles, g.e., Paris, U. Coustelier, 8vo, 1746 £60 - £80 Lot 940 Bindings.- Baudi (Dominici), Epistolae, engraved title with contemporary ink ownership signature, woodcut initials and vignettes, bookplate, contemporary green crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, gilt dentelles, g.e., Leiden, F. Hack, 8vo, 1650 £60 - £80 Lot 941 Bindings.- Livi (Titus), Historiarum, engraved title, woodcut initials and vignettes, bookplate, contemporary red crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, gilt dentelles, g.e., Amsterdam, Daniel Elzevier, [Willems 1548], 8vo, 1678 £60 - £80 Lot 942 Binding.- Charles I [King of England], Eikon Basilike: le Pourtraict du Roy..., 2 engraved frontispieces, Fitzwilliam bookplate, fine red crushed morocco, ruled and tooled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, gilt dentelles, g.e., Paris, L. Vendosme, 8vo, 1649 £150 - £250

Lot 943 Lot 943 Linacre (Thomas), Sphaera Procli Latine, engraved title vignette, modern half calf over patterned boards, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, n.p., Marpurgi, 8vo, 1549. See illustration £300 - £400 Lot 944 Sacrobosco (Johann), Sphaera, fourth Elzevier edition, woodcut title vignette and woodcut diagrams throughout, 19th-century calf, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Leiden, Jean Elzevier, [Willems , 8vo, 1656 £200 - £300 Lot 945 Hugo (Hermann), Pia desideria emblematis , half title, engraved title and 46 engraved plates, bookplate, 19th-century speckled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label , Antwerp, H. Aertsenii, 12mo, 1628 £150 - £250 Lot 946 Ripensis (Nic. Cragii), De Republica Lacedaemoniorum, woodcut title vignette, 19th century calf tooled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Leiden, J. a Gelder, 8vo, 1670 £60 - £80 Lot 947 Binding.- Ovid.- Publius Ovidius Naso, Opera, frontispieces, titles in red and black, vignettes throughout, bookplate, fine red morocco, ornately tooled in gilt spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., J. Tonson & J. Watts, 8vo, 1715 £100 - £200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 948 Montesquieu (M.), Considerations sur es causes de la grandeur des Romains, 1787; Demosthenes.Orationes Olynthiacae et Philippicae Graece, Ingoldstadt, E. Angermariam, 1618; and 2 others, similar, classics in Greek, contemporary calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, 12mo, (4) £60 - £80 Lot 949 Justinian I (Emperor), Historiarum, 1713 § Salust (Caius Crispi) [Opera], 1713; and another copy § Lucani (M. Annaei) Pharsalia sive Bello Civili, 1719 § Florus (Lucius Annaeus) Ciu Subjungitur Lucii Ampelii…, 1715; and 2 others, similar, Classics, frontispieces, titles in red and black, contemporary calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, J. Tonson & J. Watts,, 8vo, (7) £100 - £200 Lot 950 Binding.- Retz (Jean François Paul de Gondi de), Memoires of, FIRST ENGLISH EDITION, 4 vol., engraved frontispiece vol. 1, woodcut devices throughout, contemporary ink ownership signatures on title, bookplate, contemporary fine panelled calf, tooled in blind, spine ornately gilt, London, J. Tonson, 8vo, 1723 £80 - £120 Lot 951 Duclos (M.), Histoire de Louis XI, 3 vol., engraved frontispiece vol. 1, woodcut devices throughout, contemporary calf, ruled in blind, spine ornately gilt, Paris, Freres Guerin, 8vo, 1745 £80 - £120 Lot 952 Le Comte (Florent), Cabinet Des Singularitez D’ Architecture, Peinture, Sculpture Et Graveure, 3 vol., engraved frontispieces and plates, contemporary calf, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Brusselles, L. Marchant, 8vo, 1702 £60 - £80 Lot 953 Flaccus (Quintus Horatius), Opera, 2 vol., G. Sandby, 1749 § Maronis (Publii Virgili) Bucolica, Georgica et Aeneis, 2 vol., 1750 §Terence (Publii Terentii) Comoediae, 2 vol. 1751, J. & P. Knapton § Fawkes (Francis) The Works of Anacheron, Sappho, Bion, Mschus and Musaeus, ink ownership signature on title, J. Newberry, 1760, some bookplates, contemporary calf, spines ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, 8vo, (7) £80 - £120


Lot 954 Gresset (Jean Baptiste Louis), Oeuvres, 2 vol., E. Kelmarneck, 1765 § .- Les Hommes, 2 vol., Paris, Chez Henry, 1734 § De Hooge (R.) Les cent Nouvelles, 2 vol., engraved frontispiece and plates, marginal notes to f.f.e., repair to verso of title, Cologne, P. Gaillard, 1701, contemporary calf, spines ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, [Tchemerzine VII p.97], 8vo, (6) £80 - £120 Lot 955 .-, L’Aminte du Tasse Pastorale, engraved title and plates, woodcut title vignette and devices throughout, contemporary speckled calf, spine gilt, Hague, L. van Dyk, 8vo, 1681 £60 - £80 Lot 956 Binding.-, Histoire de Guillaume I Prince d’Orange…, engraved frontispiece, contemporary fine red morocco, ruled and tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, g.e., Amsterdam, P. Marret, 8vo, 1689 £60 - £80 Lot 957 Binding.- Seutonius.-, [Opera], title vignette, 18thcentury red morocco, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, gilt dentelles, g.e., Paris, R. Stephan, 8vo, 1543, corner of endpaper repaired £60 - £80 Lot 958 [Nicole (Pierre), De l’Education d’un Prince…, FIRST EDITION, woodcut title vignette and fleurons, contemporary sheep, spine gilt, Paris, C. Savreux, 12mo, 1670 £80 - £120 Lot 959 Conto (Armand de Bourbon, Prince de), Lettres du Prince de Conti ou l’accord du libre arbitre avec la grace de Jésus-Christ, woodcut title vignette and fleurons, contemporary sheep, spine gilt, Cologne, N. Schouten, [Tchemerzine IV p.13b], 12mo, 1689 £60 - £80 Lot 960 Desmarests ( Jean de Saint-Sorlin), Clovis, ou La France chrestienne : poème héroique, additional engraved title and 24 plates (all that were issued with this ed.), woodcut title vignettes and fleurons, contemporary sheep, top board starting but held firm by strings, spine gilt, Paris, M. Bobin & N. le Gras, 12mo, 1666 £60 - £80

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 961 [Rapin (Rene)], Les Artifices des Heretiques, woodcut title vignette and fleurons, institutional stamp to title, contemporary sheep, spine ornately gilt, Paris, S. Mabre-Cramoisy, 12mo, 1681 £60 - £80

Lot 968 Castelnau (Henriette Julie de, Comtesse de Murat), 2 vol. in 1, woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, contemporary calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, F. & P. Delaulne, 12mo, 1699 £60 - £80

Lot 962 De la Houssaie (Amelot), Histoire du Gouvernement de Venise, additional engraved title, woodcut title vignette, initials and devices, F. Leonard, 1677 § Annibal (Françoise, Duc d'estrees) FIRST EDITION, Les Memoires de la Regence de la Reyne Marie de Medicis, T. Jolly, 1666 § Disdier (M. St.) Histoire des Negotiations de Nimegue, C. Barbin, 1680 § Scudery (M.) Discours Poltiques des Rois, Paris, n.p., 1663, Paris, contemporary calf and sheep, worn at edges, spines gilt, spine labels , 8vo, (4) £80 - £120

Lot 969 Courtin (Antoine de), Traité de la Jalousie…, FIRST EDITION, half-title, 2 engraved frontispieces, one laid down, woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, contemporary sheep, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, H. Josset, 12mo, 1674 £60 - £80

Lot 963 St Real (M. l’Abbe), Oeuvres, 8 vol., bookplate of Adam Urquart, fine mottled calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, 8vo, 1757 £80 - £120 Lot 964 Moliere (Jean Baptise Poquelin de), Oeuvres, 8 vol., engraved frontispiece vol. 1, half-titles, titles in red and black, fine mottled calf, ruled in blind, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, Chez Hochereau, 8vo, 1770 £100 - £150 Lot 965 .-, Le Diable Boiteux, 3 vol., engraved frontispiece vol. 1, engraved plates, titles in red and black, fine mottled calf, ruled in blind, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, Chez Damonneville, 8vo, 1756 £60 - £80 Lot 966 Trousset (Jean Henri du, Sieur de Valincour), Lettres a Madame la Marquise [La Fayette] sur les sujet de la Princesse de Cleves, woodcut title vignette and fleurons, contemporary calf, ruled in blind, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, S. MabreCramoisy, 12mo, 1678 £60 - £80 Lot 967 [Pajon (Henri)], Histoire du Prince Soly Surnome Prenany et de la Princesse Feslée, title in red and black, woodcut title vignette, contemporary calf, ruled in blind, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, 12mo, 1740 £60 - £80

Lot 970 Madeleine (Marie, Comtesse de la Fayette), La Princesse de Monpensier, woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, contemporary ink notes on f.f.e., bookplates of Lytton Strachey and Roger Senhouse, contemporary sheep, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, C. Osmont, [Williams 59], 12mo, 1675 £60 - £80 Lot 971 [Boschet (Antoine), Reflections sur les Jugemens des Sçavans, FIRST EDITION, woodcut title vignette, contemporary calf, spine gilt, Hague, A. Leers, 12mo, 1691 £60 - £80 Lot 972 Rocheguilhen (M. de la), Histoire des Favorites…, 2 vol. in 1, titles in red and black, engraved frontispieces and plates, Amsterdam, P. Marret, 1703 § [D’Aucour (Barbier)] Sentimens de cleante sur les entretiens d’Ariste et d’Eugene, P. le Monnier, 1671 § [Pic (Jean)] Les Devoirs de la vie Civile... FIRST EDITION, J. Angot et al, 1681 § [Lamy (Bernard)] L’Art de Parler..., A. Pralard, 1676 § Du Puy (M.) Caracteres sentimens et entretien... partly cancelled title page, C. Barbin, 1693 § François (Jean) Le Monarque ou les devoirs du souverain, R. le Petit, 1662 § Ferrier (M.) Preceptes Galans Poëme, C. Barbin, 1678, woodcut title vignettes, initials and fleurons, contemporary calf, spines ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, 8vo, (7). See illustration £300 - £400

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895



Lot 972

Lot 979

Lot 973 .-, Le Secretaire des Amans…, additional engraved title, tile in red and black, Paris, M. Cramoisy, 1694 § Memoires de Madame la Marquise de Fresne, 28 engraved plates, Amsterdam, 1722 § De Montpleinchamp (Jean Bruslé de) L'histoire de Philippe Emmanuel de Lorraine, Dec de Mercoeur, Hague, A. Acher, 1692 § Pradon (Nocholas) Le Triomphe de Pradon sur les Satires du Sieur D[espereau] engraved frontispiece, cypher of Grand Dauphin at foot of spine, Hague, 1686; and 2 others, similar, contemporary calf, spines ornately gilt, spine ends a little worn, morocco spine labels, 8vo, (6) £200 - £300 Lot 974 Le Clerc (Laurent), Lettre Critique sur le Dictionaire de Bayle, Hague, 1732 § Varillas (Antoine) Response de la Critique de Mr Burnet, Paris, C. Barbin, 1687 § Maty (Matthew) Essai sur l’usage…, Utrecht, E. Neaulme, 1741 § .- Noms des Peintres les plus celebres…, Paris, 1679; and another, similar, woodcut title vignettes, initials and devices, contemporary calf, spines ornately gilt, spine ends a little worn, morocco spine labels, 8vo & 12mo, (5) £150 - £150 Lot 975 D’Olivet (Pierre Joseph Thoulier), Traité de la Prosodie Françoise, half-title, Geneva, F. Cramer, 1750 § Vernage (Etienne Françoise) Nouvelles Reflexions ou Sentences et Maxies Morales at Politiques, Paris, T. Amaulry, 1691 § Petit (M.) Dialogues Satyriques et Moreaux, Amsterdam, P. Mortier, 1688 § Gombaud (Antoine, Chevalier de Mere) Les Conversations ..., Paris, D. Thierry, 1669, woodcut title vignettes, initials and devices, some contemporary notes and signatures, contemporary calf, spines gilt, 8vo, (4) £80 - £120 94

Lot 986

Lot 976 Rapin (René), Le Magnanime ou l’eloge du Prince de Conde, 1687 § Claude (Isaac) Les Amours de Madame d’Elbuf, title in red and black, bookplate, Amsterdam, Westein & Smith, 1739; and 2 others, similar, woodcut title vignettes, initials and devices, some contemporary notes and signatures, contemporary calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, 8vo, (4) £80 - £120 Lot 977 Binding.- Huet (Pierre Daniel), De la Situation du Paradis Terrestre, FIRST EDITION, additional engraved title, woodcut title vignette, initials and fleurons, fine contemporary red morocco ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, Paris, J. Anisson, 8vo, 1691 £100 - £200 Lot 978 .-, Liste Générale des Postes de France, woodcut title device, folding engraved map, contemporary mottled calf, spine gilt, Paris, Chez le St. Jaillot, 8vo, 1769 £80 - £120 Lot 979 Chess.- Greco (Gioachino), Le Jeu des Eschets, FIRST FRENCH EDITION, woodcut title vignette, 18th-century calf, boards starting but held by strings, spine gilt, Paris, N. Pepingue, 12mo, 1669. See illustration £600 - £800

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 980 .-, Lettres de Messieurs d’Avaux et Servien, Ambassadeurs, n.p., 1650 § .- Memoires de M. de la Porte Premier Valet de Chambre de Louis XIV, Geneva, 1756 § Reflexions sur le Plaidoye de M. Talon…, Cologne, P. Marteau, 1688 § Nouveau Recueil de Lettres et Billets Galands, Paris G. Quinet, 1685 § Bellegarde (M. Abbe de) Reflexions sur le Ridicule et sur les Moyens de l’Eviter, institutional stamp to title, Amsterdam, H. Schelte, 1707; and another edition, 1696; and 7 others, similar, woodcut title vignettes, initials and devices, some contemporary notes and signatures, contemporary calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, 8vo & 12mo, (13) £200 - £300

Lot 987 Binding.- Clerico (Johann), Compendium Historiae Universalis, engraved frontispiece, title in red and black, bound intercalated with blank leaves with copious contemporary notes, contemporary ink inscription on f.f.e., contemporary speckled calf morocco spine label, Amsterdam, G. Gallet, 8vo, 1698 £80 - £120 Lot 988 Grandchamp (G. de), Le Guerre d’Italie…, engraved frontispiece and 4 folding engraved maps, title in red and black, contemporary calf, later morocco spine label, Cologne, P. Marteau, 8vo, 1707 £100 - £200

Lot 981 Le Noble (M.), L’Ecole du Monde, 3 vol., engraved frontispieces, titles in red and black, bookplate of William Pym, contemporary speckled calf spine gilt, Amsterdam, 12mo, 1709 £60 - £80

Lot 989 Dupré (l’Abbe de), Le Moine Secularisè, woodcut frontispiece, cropped close at outer edge, woodcut vignettes, Bridgewater bookplate, 19th-century crushed morocco, morocco spine label, Cologne, P. Marteau, 12mo, 1678 £80 - £120

Lot 982 Le Noble (M.), L’Ecole du Monde, 4 vol., engraved frontispieces, titles in red and black, contemporary sheep spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Amsterdam, P. de Coup, 12mo, 1709 £60 - £80

Lot 990 Eusebe.-, pseud., l’Amante Convertie ou l’Eogie d’un illustre penitente presentée a Basilisse, woodcut vignettes, 19th-century sheep, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Mons, n.p., 12mo, 1680 £80 - £120

Lot 983 La Chapelle (M.), Les Amours de Catulle et de Tibulle, 4 vol., half-titles, engraved frontispiece vol. 1, contemporary speckled calf, spines ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Hague, J. Neaulme, 8vo, 1742 £60 - £80

Lot 991 [Glaunne (N. de), pseud.], Lettre à un Ministre d’Estat d’un des plus puissans Princes de l’Allemagne, Cologne, P. Marteau, 1682 § Rabut (J. P.) Précis historiques de la Revolution Françoise, engraved frontispiece, Paris, Chez Onfroy, 1792 § .- Essais de Morale, Paris, G. Desprez, 1691 § Le Berger Fidele, Hague, A. troyel, 1702; and 9 others, similar, French, contemporary calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, 8vo & 12mo, (16) £200 - £300

Lot 984 Bible.-, Psaumes de David Expliqués…, 7 vol., halftitles, woodcut title vignettes, initials and letters, Holker bookplate, contemporary sheep bearing Cavendish arms in gilt to boards, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris, Chez Nyon, 8vo, 1741 £200 - £300 Lot 985 Evremont (M. de Saint), Oeuvres, 5 vol., woodcut title vignette, contemporary speckled calf, spine gilt, Paris, C. Barbin, [Tchemerzine X p.96], 8vo, 1697 £80 - £120 Lot 986 Ovid.-, Metamorphoses en Rondeaux, engraved frontispiece, woodcut title vignette, numerous engraved plates, 19th-century sheep, tooled in blind, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, A. Wolfgang, 8vo, 1679. See illustration £200 - £300

Lot 992 Prechac (Jean, le Sieur de), L’Ambitieuse Grenadine Histoire Galante, woodcut vignettes, contemporary ink signatures on title, 19th-century sheep, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Paris, 12mo, 1678 £80 - £120 Lot 993 Marivaux (M. de), Le Paysan parvenu, 2 vol., Hague, H. Scheurleer, 1756 § Barbeyrac (Jean) Les devoirs de l’Homme et du citoien…le Baron Pufendorf, 2 vol., engraved frontispiece, Amsterdam, P. de Coup, 1718, titles in red and black; and 2 others, similar, contemporary calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, 8vo, (6) £80 - £120

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 994 Vayer (François de la Mothe), Cinq Dialogues faits à l’imitation des Anciens.., Liege, G. Rouselin, 1673 § Abrege Curieux et Familier de tout la philosophie, Paris, J. Boüillerot, 1658 § .- Lettres e Monsieur de Maupertuis, Berlin, 1753; and 3 others, similar, contemporary calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, 8vo, (6) £80 - £120 Lot 995 Joseph (Pierre), Les Moins Empruntez, Cologne, P. de Marteau, 1696; and another edition, n.p., 1698 § .- Instruction du Chrestien par Monseigneur … Duc de Richelieu, Paris, M. Blagaert, 1650 § .Anecdotes Ecclesiastiques…, Amsterdam, J. Catuffe, 1738, engraved frontispieces, titles in red and black, contemporary calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, 8vo, (4) £60 - £80

Lot 1000 Fine Binding.- Bible.-, A New Edition of the Palmes of David, imprimateur leaf, contemporary ink ownership inscriptions on f.f.e., fine 18th-century black crushed morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, W. Burton, 12mo, 1719 £80 - £120 Lot 1001 Fine Binding.- Rider (Cardanus), Rider’s British Merlin for…1778, duty stamp on title, printed in red and black throughout, contemporary ink notes on f.f.e., fine 18th-century red crushed morocco, ornately tooled in gilt with white metal studs bearing the Royal insignia GR, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, W. Burton, 12mo, 1778 £100 - £200

Lot 996 Fine Binding.- Hickes (George), The Constitution of the Catholick Church and the Nature and Consequences of the Schism…, woodcut initials and vignettes, fine 18th-century burgundy crushed morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, n.p., 8vo, 1716 £100 - £200

Lot 1002 Fine Binding.- Bible.-, [The Old Testament..] bound with The New Testament…, ruled in red throughout, lacking title page to Old Testament, damage to outer edge affecting much of OT with slight marginal loss, fine 18th-century green crushed morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, J. Field, 12mo, 1653 £80 - £120

Lot 997 Fine Binding.-, The Reasonable Communicant: or and Explanation of the Doctrine of the Sacrament…, fine 18th-century black crushed morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, J. Downing, 8vo, 1724 £100 - £200

Lot 1003 Fine Binding.- Paterculus (Gaius Vellius), Historiae Romanae, engraved frontispiece, woodcut vignettes, fine green morocco by Bradel, ornately tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, morocco spine label, gilt edges, Paris, J. Barbou, 12mo, 1777 £100 - £200

Lot 998 Fine Binding.- Bible.-, Le Nouveau Testament…, title in red and black, fine 18th-century black crushed morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, Mons, G. Migeot, 8vo, 1684 £100 - £200 Lot 999 Fine Binding.- Bible.-, Les Psaumes de David, engraved frontispiece, musical notation throughout, fine 18th-century black crushed morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, Amsterdam, 8vo, 1729 £100 - £200


Lot 1004

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 1004 Fine Binding.- Gardening.-, Het Hemels Palm-Hof Beplant met Godvruchtige Oeffeningen, Kleyne Getyden, Litanien, Gebeden, etc…, woodcut title vignette, fine 18th-century Dutch black crushed morocco, ornately tooled in gilt with floral designs, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, Ghent & Brussells, D. van der Ween & J.B. Jorez, 8vo, 1762. See illustration £200 - £300 Lot 1005 Fine Binding.- Rider (Cardanus), Rider’s British Merlin for…1775, duty stamp on title, printed in red and black throughout, fine 18th-century red morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, R. & M. Brown, 12mo, 1775 £100 - £200 Lot 1006 Fine Binding.- Pays (M. le), [Amitiez, Amours et Amourettes], frontispiece, lacking title page, fine 18th-century red crushed morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, [Paris], C. de Sercy, 8vo, 1665 £80 - £120 Lot 1007 Fine Binding.- Gobinet (Charles), Addition a l’Instruction de la Jeunesse…, ruled in red throughout, fine red morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, morocco spine label, gilt edges, Paris, F. le Cointe & U. Coutelier, 8vo, 1689 £100 - £200 Lot 1008 Fine Binding.- Bible.-, L’espirit de David…, engraved frontispiece, woodcut vignettes, fine 18th-century red crushed morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, Paris, G. de Luyne & P. Ribou, 8vo, 1698 £100 - £200 Lot 1009 Fine Binding.- Bible in Greek.-, Novum Testamentum, woodcut vignettes throughout, marginal worm hole and contemporary notes to title, fine 17th-century brown crushed morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, Paris, R. Stephan, 8vo, 1569 £100 - £200

Lot 1010 Fine Binding.- Patrick (Symon), A Discourse Concerning Prayer…, fine 18th-century black crushed morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, W. Bowyer, 8vo, 1705 £100 - £200 Lot 1011 Fine Binding.-, Officium Eucharisticum A Preparatory Service…, engraved frontispiece, fine 18th-century black morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, R. Ware, D. Baker et al, 8vo, 1753 £80 - £120 Lot 1012 Fine Binding.- Bible in Latin.-, Biblia Sacra, engraved title page, bookplate, fine 18th-century red crushed morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, R. Norton, 8vo, 1680 £100 - £200 Lot 1013 Fine Binding.-, La Liturgie…, half-title, fine 18thcentury red crushed morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, J. Nourse & P. Elmsly, 8vo, 1780 £80 - £120 Lot 1014 Bible in Latin.-, Novum Jesu Christi Testamentum, woodcut vignettes, contemporary crushed morocco, spine tooled in blind, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, D. Ruarum, 8vo, 1681 £60 - £80 Lot 1015 Binding.- Du Noyer (Anne Marguarite Petit), Lettres Historiques et Galantes, 12 vol., 18th-century mottled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Paris & Avignon, F. Seguin, 8vo, 1790 £100 - £200 Lot 1016 Fine Binding.- Picard (Albert), Entretiens Spirituels, engraved frontispiece, 18th-century black crushed morocco, ornately tooled in gilt with initials P.C. stamped in blind on panels, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, Paris, P. de Bats, 8vo, 1668 £60 - £80 Lot 1017 Binding.- De Villefoe (Joseph François Bourgoin), Anecdotes ou Memoires Secrets sur la Constitution Unigenius, 3 vol., fine mottle calf, boards bearing Stuart de Rothsay arms, spines ornate gilt, morocco spine labels, [Utrecht], C.G. le Febvre, 8vo, 1733-34 £100 - £200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895



Lot 1027

Lot 1028

Lot 1018 Ducray-Duminil (François Guillaume), Les Cinquante Francs de Jeannette, FIRST EDITION, 2 vol., half-title vol. 1, frontispieces, ownership signature tipped in vol.1, contemporary calfbacked boards, Paris, Chez le Prieur, An VII [1798-99] § [Polier (Jeanne Isabelle Pauline, Baronne de Montolieu)] Caroline, second impression, 2 vol. half-titles, contemporary tree calf, London, Chez Buisson, 1786, morocco spine labels, 8vo, (2) £100 - £200 Lot 1019 Fine Binding.-, L’Espirit et la pratique de la devotion au sacré coeur de Jesus, engraved frontispiece, fine 18th-century red morocco, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, Paris, Chez Guillot, 8vo, 1785 £60 - £80 Lot 1020 Palaidor (M. de), Le Festin Nuptial…, contemporary sheep, ruled in blind, spine ornately gilt, Pirou, F. a-Fable, [Brunet I, p.96], 8vo, 1700 £80 - £120 Lot 1021 Porée (Charles Gabriel), Histoire de Don Ranucio d’Aletez: Histoire Veritable, 2 vol., engraved frontispieces, Venice, A. Pasquinetti, 1740 § .Supplement aux Mémoires de Sully, 2 vol., frontispiece vol. 1, Amsterdam, B. Paff, 1762 § Regnault (Noel) Logique, en forme d’entretiens, ou l’art de trouver la verité, Paris, Chez Clousier et al, 1742; and 3 others, similar, woodcut vignettes, some bookplates, contemporary calf, spines ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, 8vo, (8) £100 - £200


Lot 1030

Lot 1022 Battista (Giuseppe), Le Giornate Accademiche, engraved frontispiece, woodcut vignettes throughout, Rolle bookplate, contemporary sprinkled calf, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, Venice, Combi & LaNou, 8vo, 1673 £80 - £120 Lot 1023 Boccaccio (Giovanni), Il Decameron, second issue with title in red and black, Fitzwilliam bookplate, contemporary sheep, spine gilt, morocco spine label , Amsterdam, [Daniel Elzevier], [Willems 1349], 8vo, 1665 £100 - £200 Lot 1024 Boccaccio (Giovanni), Il Decameron, 2 vol., Waldstein bookplate, contemporary sheep, spine gilt, morocco spine label , Amsterdam, [Daniel Elzevier], [Willems 1349 note], 8vo, 1679 £80 - £120 Lot 1025 Fine Binding.-, Elite des bons mots et des Pensees choisies…, 2 vol, woodcut vignettes, fine 18thcentury red crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, Amsterdam, J. Desbordes, 12mo, 1706 £100 - £200 Lot 1026 Alighieri (Dante), La Divina Commedia, 2 vol., engraved frontispieces and plates, later mottled calf, morocco spine labels, G. & T. Massi, 8vo, 1778 £60 - £80 Lot 1027 Fine Binding.- Macchiavelli (Nicolo), Opere, 8 vol., frontispiece vol. 1, engraved titles, fine 18thcentury red crushed morocco, tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, M. Prault, 12mo, 1768. See illustration £300 - £400

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 1028 Fine Binding.-, De Imitatione Christi, 1773 § Fabula Aesopiae, 1769 § Toussaint (F.V.) Les Moeurs, 1748, J. Barbou, Paris, frontispieces, engraved title vignettes, fine 18th-century red crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, 8vo, (3). See illustration £200 - £300 Lot 1029 Fine Binding.-, De Imitation de Jesus-Christ, halftitle, engraved frontispiece, fine 18th-century red crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, Paris, Chez Saillant et al, 8vo, 1767 £80 - £120 Lot 1030 Fine Binding.- Livii (Titi), Historiarum, 4 vol., bookplate of Maurice Baring, fine 18th-century red crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, Edinburgh, W. Ruddimann, 8vo, 1751. See illustration £200 - £300

Lot 1032 Curtius (Quintus) Digby (John, trans.), History of the Wars of Alexander, 2 vol., folding engraved map, Rolle bookplate, 19th-century speckled calf spine gilt, morocco spine label, W. B., 8vo, 1714; and another, (3) £60 - £80 Lot 1033 Fine Binding.-, Asconii Pediani…, woodcut title and colophon vignettes, ex-libris Renouard, later engraved frontispiece from another later work bound in, silk endpapers, fine 19th-century patterned sheep, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Venice, Fils Aldi, 8vo, 1547 £100 - £200 Lot 1034 Trousset (Jean Henri du, Sieur de Valincour), Minhah Belulah sive stromateus epistolikos de vita functorum statu : ex Hebræorum & Græcorum comparatis sententiis concennatus, imprimateur leal, Greek, Hebrew and Arabic text, contemporary panelled calf, tooled in blind, small chip in top board,, T. Newcomb, 8vo, 1677 £80 - £120 Lot 1035 [Hailstone (Edward)], The French impostors, or, An historical account of some very extraordinary criminal cases : brought before the Parliament of France…, woodcut fleurons, contemporary sheep, worn,rebacked, morocco spine label, J. Appleby, 8vo, 1737 £80 - £120

Lot 1031 Lot 1031 Asulanus (Franciscus), Manuzio (Aldus), Publius Vergilius Maro.-, Manuzio (Aldo Pio),Asulanus (Andreas), Diversorum Veterum Poetarum in Priapum lusus. P. V[irgilii] M[aronis] Catalecta . Copa . Rosae . Culex . Dirae . Moretum . Ciris . Aetna . Elegia in Mecoenatis obitum et alia nonnulla, quae falso Virgilii creduntur . Argumenta in Virgilii libros, et alia diversorum complura, woodcut title and colophon vignettes, contemporary ink marginalia, endpapers replaced, later bare wood boards backed by 18th century sheep, morocco spine label, Venice, A. & A. Soceri, 8vo, 1517. See illustration £400 - £600

Lot 1036 Bindings.-, Monsieur Scarron’s Letters…, G. Dawes, 1677; bound with Letters from a Persian in England, to his Friend Ispahan, Dublin, M. Rhames, 1735; and 3 others, similar, bindings, contemporary calf, a few repairs, spines ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, 8vo & 12mo, (8) £60 - £80 Lot 1037 Bacon (Francis), De Verulamio Historia Regni, 2 parts in 1, fine red morocco, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, g.e., 1662 § Sylva Sylvarum…, 1661, [Louis & Daniel] Elzevier; and anther edition, F. Hack, 1648; Novum Organum, H. Wetstenium, 1694 § De Augmentis Scientarium, A. Wijngaerde, 1645 § Historia Regni Henrici Septimi, H. Wetstenium, 1695 § Sermones Fideles..., F. Hack, 1644, some marginalia, some bookplates, contemporary vellum; and 3 others, Bacon , [Willems 1278, 1264 & 1277], 12mo, (10) £200 - £300

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 1038 Binding.- Bible in Greek.-, Novum Testamentum, title vignette, ex-libris Huthwaite, marginal notes on f.f.e., fine contemporary red morocco, ornately tooled and ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., Leiden, [Bonaveture & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 531], 12mo, 1641 £100 - £200 Lot 1039 Binding.- Bible in Greek.-, Novum Testamentum, title vignette,fine contemporary black morocco, ornately tooled in blind, morocco spine label, gilt dentelles, g.e., Leiden, [Bonaveture & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 396], 12mo, 1641 £80 - £120 Lot 1040 Binding.- Arsenius (Henning), Doctrina Politica in Genuinam Methodum quae est Aristotelis Reducta, additional engraved title, fine contemporary black morocco, ruled in gilt, g.e., Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, [Willems 992], 12mo, 1643 £80 - £120 Lot 1041 Smids (Ludolph), Pictura loquens, sive heroicarum tabularum Hadriani Schoonebeeck enarratio et explicatio, engraved frontispiece and 60 engraved plates, Amsterdam, H. Schoonebeek, 8vo, 1695 £200 - £300 Lot 1042 Saint-Real (Cesar Vichard de), A Conspiracy of the Spaniards Against the State of Venice, FIRST ENGLISH EDITION, FIRST ISSUE, woodcut title vignette, contemporary ink ownership signature to title, two discrete worm holes throughout whole work, contemporary sheep, boards loose, held by strings, J.D, 8vo, 1675 £100 - £200 Lot 1043 Ochino (Bernhardino), Bernhardini Ochini Senensis expositio Epistolæ diui Pauli ad Romanos, de Italico in latinum translata, woodcut title, ink marginalia on f.f.e., bookplates, near-contemporary limp vellum, Augsburg, P. Vlhardus, 8vo, n.d. [c.1550] £100 - £200 Lot 1044 .-, Sinte Avgvstinvs Vierighe meditatien oft aendachten.., woodcut title vignette, fleurons and many in-text woodcut plates, many full-page, black letter throughout, cropped close throughout with marginal loss, some worming throughout with minor loss, contemporary vellum, with clasp, Antwerp, S. Cock, 12mo, [1547] £150 - £250


Lot 1045 Bindings.- Justinian I (Emperor), Codicis DN Justiniani…, contemporary calf, ruled in blind, motif blind stamped on boards, Paris, G. Rouillium, 1571 § .- Historiae Romanae autores varii, gauffered edges, n.p., S. Gryphium, 1552 § Cicero (M. Tulii) Orationum, contemporary boards, blindstamped motif to boards, T. Vautrollerius, 1579 § .- Sententiae, contemporary boards, blind-stamped motif to boards, T. Vautrollerius, 1584 § Maximus (Valerius) [Opera] bound-in with fragment of earlier ms., palimpsest vellum with remains of armorial crest, ties, Paris, S. Colinaei, 1533, woodcut title vignettes, 8vo & 12mo, (5) £200 - £300 Lot 1046 Salust (G. de), Oeuvres, Paris, J. Feurier, 1581 § Nannii (Petri) Alcmariani, Paris, G. & M. Beringos, 1548 § Lucani (M. Annei) De Bello Civili, Antwerp, 1576 § St. Paul.- Pauli Epistolae, vol 2 only [1551], contemporary vellum § .- Epigrammata Aliquot Graeca… Cologne, 1525 § Poetae Tres Elegantissimi..., Paris, 1582, later calf and half calf, woodcut title vignettes, 8vo, (6) £200 - £300 Lot 1047 Bible. Latin.-, Jesu Christi D. N. Novuum Testamentum…, 1580; bound with Libri Apocryphi…, 1579, woodcut title vignettes, damp stain affecting title of first mentioned, 17th-century panelled calf, T. Vautrollier, [STC 2807], 4to, £200 - £300 Lot 1048 Binding.- Nepos (Cornelius), Imperatorum Vitae, engraved frontispiece, woodcut title and other vignettes, imprimateur leaf, 19th-century diced Russian, ruled in gilt, Oxford, 8vo, 1708; and 2 others, Classics, vellum bound £100 - £200 Lot 1049 Binding.- Thompson (James), Morison’s Edition of Thompson’s Seasons, engraved frontispiece, additional engraved title, and plates, fine tree calf, ruled and tooled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine labels, Perth, R. Morrison, 4to, 1793 £100 - £200 Lot 1050 Baskerville Press.- Flaccus (Quintus Horratius), Carminium, bookplate of Thomas Middlemore, contemporary calf, ruled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine label, Birmingham, S. Baskerville, 8vo, 1777 £60 - £80

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 1051 Baskerville Press.- Bible in Greek.-, Novum Testamentum, half-title, bookplate, contemporary vellum, morocco spine label, Oxford, J. Baskerville, 4to, 1763 £100 - £200 Lot 1052 Baskerville Press.- Barclay (Robert), An Apology for the True Christian Divinity, PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR TO HIS GREAT GRANDSON, bookplate, contemporary speckled calf, heavily worn, morocco spine label, Birmingham, J. Baskerville, 4to, 1765 £100 - £200 Lot 1053 Foulis Press.- Cicero (M. Tullius), De Officiis, armorial morocco binding, 1757 § Tibulli & Propertii.- Opera, 1753 § Sallust (C. Crispii) Opera, 1751 § Mark Anthony.- [Opera], 1744 § Buchanan (George) Psalmorum Davidis, 1765; and 4 others, similar, Foulis Press, fine calf and morocco bindings, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, Glasgow, R. & A. Foulis, 8vo, (9) £200 - £300

Lot 1056 Lot 1056 Royal Binding.- King Louis XIV of France.Paterculus (Caius Valleus), Historiae Romanae, engraved frontispiece, woodcut title vignette, bookplate of Lord Rosebery, Fine red crushed morocco binding with ornate gilt armorial of Louis XIV, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, gilt edges, Paris, F. Leonard, 4to, 1675. See illustration £800 - £1200

Lot 1054 Foulis Press.- Dryden (John), Original Poems, 2 vol., 1775 § Richardson (M.) Poems Chiefly Rural, 2vol., 1774 § Collins (William) The Poetical Works, 1770 § .- Leonidas A Poem, 1769, half-titles, some ink ownership signatures, contemporary calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, Glasgow, R. & A. Foulis, 12mo, (6) £60 - £80

Lot 1055 Lot 1055 Royal Binding.- Elector of Hanover.- George I, George II & George III, Fine vellum blank binding bearing the gilt arms of the Elector of Hanover, representing the Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom 1714-1800, 4to. See illustration £300 - £500

Lot 1057 Lot 1057 Royal Binding.- King Louis XIII of France.- Flaccus (Quintus Horatius), Cum erudito Laevini Torrentii Commentario, woodcut title vignette and 2 in-text engravings, fine calf ornately tooled in gilt with fleurs de lys and armorial of Louis XIII, spine gilt, repair to scuff on rear board, corners slightly bumped, Antwerp, M. Plantin, 4to, 1608. See illustration £800 - £1200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 1062 Wilkie (William), Fables, FIRST EDITION, half-title, frontispiece and 17 engraved plates, contemporary calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, chip with loss to top of spine , A. Kincaid & J. Bell, 8vo, 1768 £200 - £300 Lot 1063 Wynne (John Huddlestone), Fables of Flowers, for the Female Sex, FIRST EDITION, 15 engraved plates, engraved vignettes, contemporary calf, morocco spine label, G. Riley, [Roscoe J390], 12mo, 1773 £200 - £300 Lot 1058 Lot 1058 Royal Binding.-, Fine burgundy morocco ornately tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, a composite binding made up from original boards skillfully rebacked with later, matching spine, folio. See illustration £800 - £1200 Lot 1059 Binding.-, Elegant Epistles from the most Eminent Writers, 6 vol., engraved titles and plates, 19thcentury straight-grained morocco, tooled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, g.e., n.d. [c.1880] § Dryden (John) Miscellany of Poems, 6 vol., J. Tonson, 1716 § Farquhar (George) The Works, 2 vol., J. & P. Knapton, 1742 § Southerne (Thomas) Plays, 3 vol., T. Evans, 1774, frontispieces, plates , bookplates, contemporary calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, 8vo, (23) £100 - £200 Lot 1060 .-, The Free Holder or Political Essays, half-title, D. Midwinter, 1729 § Mackenzie (Henry, et al) The Mirror. A Periodical Paper, 3 vol., W. Strahan & T. Cadell, 1782 § .- The Examiners for the year 1711…, J. Morphew & A. Dodd, 1712 § Griffin (Gregory) The Microcosm…, 2 vol., Windsor, 1793; and 2 others, similar, Periodicals, contemporary calf, morocco spine labels, 8vo, (14) £80 - £120 Lot 1061 Moore (Thomas), Odes of Acheron, 2 vol., 1815 § Smith (Charlott) Elegaic Sonnets, 2 vol., 1800 § Pilkington (Jane) Miscellaneous Poems, 2 vol., 1799 § Fielding (Henry) The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews, 2 vol., 1808 ; and 5 others, similar, contemporary calf, morocco spine labels, 8vo, (21) £80 - £120


Lot 1064 Wynne (John Huddlestone), Choice Emblems, FIRST EDITION, frontispiece and 47 woodcut emblems, contemporary sheep, rebacked, G. Riley, [Oxborne I.89-88], 12mo, 1772 £150 - £250 Lot 1065 Wynne (John Huddlestone), Tales for Youth in Thirty Poems, FIRST EDITION, frontispiece and 30 woodcut emblems, contemporary calf, rebacked, morocco spine label, J. Crowder, [Roscoe J391 (1)], 12mo, 1794 £200 - £300

Lot 1066 Lot 1066 Fine Binding.- Diogenes Laertes.-, De Vitis dogmat. & apopht. Lariorum Philosophorum, woodcut vignettes, fine ornately gilt tooled armorial morocco, spine ornately gilt, Geneva, S. Crispin, 8vo, 1615. See illustration £400 - £600

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 1070 Binding.- Bible in English.-, Testamenti Veteris Biblia Sacra…, 4 parts in 1, ; bound with Jesu Christi D. N. Novum Testamentum…, T. Vertroller, 1581; bound with The Booke of Psalmes, Company of Stationers, 1608, woodcut vignettes and initials, contemporary ink marginalia in various places, contemporary calf, ruled in gilt, gilt insignia on boards, morocco spine label, 4to £200 - £300

Lot 1067 Lot 1067 Fine Binding.- Book of Common Prayer.-, The Book of Common Prayer…, engraved frontispiece and plates, fine 18th-century black crushed morocco, ornately tooled in gilt, spine gilt, J. Basket, 8vo, 1715. See illustration £300 - £500 Lot 1068 Bible.- Spanish New Testament.-, El Nuevo Testamento…, bookplate, contemporary panelled calf, spine ornately gilt, Bermondsey, D. Powell, 8vo, 1813 £60 - £80 Lot 1069 Binding.Fetherstone (Christopher), The Commentaries of M. John Calvin…, woodcut title page, vignettes and initials, title laid down on later paper, X1 supplied in facsimile contemporary calf, ruled in gilt with gilt insignia on boards, rebacked and recornered, remains of clasps, G. Bishop, 4to, 1585. See illustration £300 - £500

Lot 1069

Lot 1071 Binding.- Aristophanes.-, Le Comedie del Facetissimo, woodcut title vignette and initials, bookplates, 18th-century fine red straight-grained morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Venice, V. Vaugris, 8vo, 1545. See illustration £300 - £400 Lot 1072 Binding.- Bible in English.-, Jesu Christi D. N. Novuum Testamentum…, 1 vol in 2, woodcut vignettes and initials, bound intercalated with blank leaves extensively annotated in the hand of Robert Humston, Bishop of Down & Connor, bound-in with fragments of ?14th-century antiphonary, contemporary calf, ornate gilt insignia on boards, a little rubbed at extremities, T. Vautrollerius, 8vo, 1576. See illustration £600 - £800

Lot 1071

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

Lot 1072


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 1075 Binding.-, [Republics Series], Africae Descriptio, 2 vol., 1632; De Imperio Magni Mogolis sive India Vera, 1631, uniform contemporary calf with armorial of the Dukes of Newcastle on boards, spine ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham Elzevier], [Willems 371 & 354], 16mo, (3) £200 - £300 Lot 1073 Lot 1073 Binding.-, [Republics Series], 11 vol., engraved pictorial titles, ruled in red and black throughout, fine crushed red morocco by Florimond Badier, inlaid, ornately tooled in gilt, spine gilt morocco spine labels, comprising; Respublica sine Status Regni Poloniae, Lituaniae, Prussiae, Livoniae, etc, 1627; De Principatibus Italiae, 1628; Gallia..., 1629; Hispania..., 1629; Respublica Romana, 1629; De Regno Daniae et Norwegiae..., 1629; Respublica Hollandiae, 1630; Belgii Confoederati, 1630; Russia seu Moscovia itemque Tartaria, 1630; Suecia, 1631, Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 286, 301; 311, 313, 320, 321, 326, 336], 24mo, (10). See illustration £600 - £800 Lot 1074 Binding.-, [Republics Series], 4 vol., Africae Descriptio, 1632; Regni Chinensis, 1639, Leiden [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier §Veri (Johann Baptistae) Rerum Venetarum, Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, 1644 § Puteani (Eryci) Historiae Barbaricae, Antwerp, J. Cnobbaert, 1634, bookplate of Baptist May, contemporary fine calf, tooled in gilt, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, [Willems 371 & 486], 16mo, (4) £200 - £300

Lot 1076 .-, [Republics Series], 23 vol., engraved pictorial titles, non-uniform contemporary vellum, comprising; Smith (Thomas) Respublica Anglorum, 1625, .- Respublica Sive Status Regni Scotiae et Hiberniae, bound-in with fragments of early ms., 1627, Helvetiorum Respublica, 1627, Respublica sine Status Regni Poloniae, Lituaniae, Prussiae, Livoniae, etc, 1627; De Principatibus Italiae, 1628; De Republica Venetorum, 1628; Turici Imperii Status..., 1630; Belgii Confoederati, 1630; Suecia, 1631; De Imperio Magni Mogolis sive India Vera, 1631; Cunae (Peter) De Republica Hebraeorum, 1632; Gyllii (P.) Bosporo Thracio, 1632; .- De Constantinopoleos Topographia, 1632; Persia seu Regni Persici Status..., 1633; Sprecheri (F.) Rhetia..., 1633; Simleri (Josiae) Vallesiae et Alpium Descriptio, 1633; .- Sabaudiae Respublica et Historia, 1634; Respublica et Status Imperii Romano-Germanici, 1634; Stranski (Paulo) Respublica Bohemiae, 1634; Respublica et Status REgni Hungariae, 1634; Turcici Imperii Status..., 1634; Portugallia sive de Regis Portugalliae..., 1641; Varenium (Bernhard) Description Regni Japoniae, Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, 1649, Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, [Willems 243, 278 (note), 286, 287, 293, 301, 326, 337, 554, 359, 362, 366, 367 (note), 386, 390, 392, 408, 409, 411, 414, 416, 525 & 1095], 16mo, (23). See illustration £800 - £1200

Lot 1076


MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 1077 Binding.-, Arabia seu Arabum vicinarumquae…, Amsterdam, J. Blaeu, 1635 §.- Respublica Hollandiae et urbes, Leiden, J. Maire, 1630; and another issue of the same work § Zevecotti (Jacob) Observata Politica…, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1630 § Cunae (Peter) De Republica Hebraeorum, Amsterdam, 1666, engraved titles, all but second mentioned fine contemporary bindings, rued in gilt, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, 12mo, (5) £200 - £300 Lot 1078 .-, Respublica Moscoviae et Urbes, Leiden, J. Maire, 1630 § Respublica Namurcen sis Hannoniae et Lutsenburgensis, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1634; and another cop, 1635 § Historiae Romanae Epitome, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1647 § Burtram (Bonaventure Cornelius) De Republica Ebraeorum… , Leiden, J. Maire, 1651 § Cunaei (Peter) De Republica Hebraeorum, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1666 § Houtuyn (Adriano) Monarcha Hebraeorum, Leiden, F. Lopez, 1685, engraved titles, bookplates, contemporary vellum, 12mo, (7) £200 - £300 Lot 1079 Florentini (Donti Jannotti), De Republic Venetorum…, 2 vol., engraved title, 7 folding engraved plates, 1631 § .- Suecia…, 1633 § .Respublica sive Status Regni Galiae, 1626 § Vluti (Jani) Venatio Novantiqua…, 1645, engraved titles, all except last mentioned contemporary calf, ruled in blind, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier , [Willems 353 (notes), 394, 259 & 597], 12mo, (5) £200 - £300 Lot 1080 .-, Itinerarium Benjaminis, Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, 1633 § Campanellae (Thomas) De Monarchia Hispanica, Louis Elzevier, 1640 § Gölnitzl (Abraham) Ulysses Belgico-Gallicus…, [Louis & Daniel] Elzevier, 1655 § Prioli (Benjamin) Historiae Galliae, Utrecht, [Daniel] Elzevier, 1669, engraved plates, bookplates, contemporary vellum, [Willems 379, 967, 1185], 12mo, (4) £100 - £200

Lot 1083 Schoockii (Martin), Diluvium Noachi Universale…, woodcut title vignette, contemporary calf, Gröningen, F. Bronch[i]rsti, 12mo, 1662 £60 - £80 Lot 1084 Rapin (René), Hortorum, engraved title, woodcut vignettes, contemporary speckled calf, Paris, Chez S. Mabre-Cramoisy, 12mo, 1666 £80 - £120 Lot 1085 Domergue (M.), Moyens faciles et asseurez pour conserver la sante…, FIRST EDITION, woodcut vignettes, contemporary speckled calf, spine ornately gilt, loss to foot of spine, Paris, D. Thierry, 12mo, 1687 £80 - £120 Lot 1086 Johnson (John), Naturae Constantia…, woodcut title vignette, contemporary calf, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, morocco spine label, rear board detached, Amsterdam, W. Blaeu, 12mo, 1632 £60 - £80 Lot 1087 Wilson (Henry), Trigonometry Improv’d and Projection of the Sphere Made Easy, woodcut vignettes, modern half calf over patterned boards, J. Sennex, 8vo, 1720 £60 - £80 Lot 1088 Euclid.-, The Elements Explained, engraved frontispiece, woodcut in-text diagrams throughout, modern half calf over patterned boards, Oxford, L. Lichfield & W. Freeman, 8vo, 1704 £60 - £80 Lot 1089 Voltaire (Francois Marie Arouet de), Elémens de la philosophie de Newton, engraved frontispiece, half-title, title in red and black, woodcut devices and in-text plates, engraved plates, one folding, contemporary calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, n.p., 8vo, 1741 £80 - £120

Lot 1081 Gregory (John), A Comparative View of the State and Faculties of Man..., FIRST EDITION, bookplate, contemporary calf, modern rebacking, J. Dodsley, 8vo, 1765 £80 - £120

Lot 1090 Nollet (Jean Antoine), Essai sur l’electricité de corps, third edition, lacks plates, contemporary mottled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Paris, H.L. Guerin & L.F. Delatour, 8vo, 1754 £60 - £80

Lot 1082 La Geometrie des lignes..., 2 vol. in 1, engraved frontispiece, title vignette, title vol. 1 in black, engraved plates, contemporary calf, spine ornately gilt, Amsterdam, P. Marret, 8vo, 1718 £100 - £200

Lot 1091 Guarini (Battista), Il Pastor fido, engraved plates, woodcut vignettes, contemporary vellum, soiled, n.p., 12mo, n.d. £60 - £80

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895



Lot 1097

Lot 1098

Lot 1092 Obsequens (Julius) Conrad ([Wolffhart] Lycosthenese), De Prodigiis, additional engraved title, woodcut title and other vignettes,cropped close at foot of pages with loss, contemporary speckled calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, H. & T. Boom, 8vo, 1679 £80 - £120 Lot 1093 Hutton (Charles), The School-master’s Guide or, a complete system of practical arithmetic and bookkeeping, third edition, contemporary ink ownership signature on f.f.e., Contemporary sheep, Newcastle upon Tyne, T. Saint, 1771 § Martin (Benjamin) The Young Student’s Memorial Book…, woodcut vignettes and diagrams, folding engraved plates, contemporary calf, J. Noon, 1736, 8vo, (2) £60 - £80 Lot 1094 Bartlet (James), The Gentleman’s Farriery; or, a Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Horses, fifth edition, engraved frontispiece and 4 engraved plates, 3 folding, contemporary calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, J. Nourse, S. Crowder et al, 8vo, 1764 £80 - £120


Lot 1099

Lot 1095 Altieri (Ferdinand), A New Grammar Italian-English and English-Italian…, woodcut vignettes, bookplate, contemporary speckled calf ruled in gilt, morocco spine label, W. Innys, 8vo, 1728 £80 - £120 Lot 1096 Vallemont (Pierre, le Lorrain de) , Curiositez de la Nature et de l’art sur la Vegetation ou l’agriculture et le Jardinage, 2 vol., 2 engraved titles and 10 engraved plates, contemporary speckled calf, spines ornately gilt, morocco spine labels, Brusselles, J. Leonard, 8vo, 1715 £80 - £120 Lot 1097 Binding.- Manilius (Marcus) Scaglieri (Joseph), Astronomicon…, woodcut title vignette and initials, contemporary ownership signatures on title and f.f.e, including that of Thomas Blomer, fine contemporary calf, ornately ruled and tooled in gilt with gilt armorial on boards, spine gilt, Leiden, C. Raphelengium, 4to, 1600. See illustration £600 - £800

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 1098 Binding.- James I [King of England].-, Basilikon Doron, FIRST LONDON ISSUE, woodcut title vignette and fleurons, bound in limp vellum recycled ?15thcentury manuscript, slight worming and damp stain to one corner, slightly affecting binding and text, F Kyngston, 8vo, 1603. See illustration. See illustration £400 - £600 Lot 1099 Binding.- Brandolino (Aurelius), De Ratione, woodcut initials, contemporary ink ownership signatures on title and f.f.e., including Francis Cholmondley,bound in with large fragment of early manuscript, contemporary calf, embossed with fleuron in blind, rebacked, chip to edge, n.p., J. Oporinum, 8vo, 1565. See illustration £300 - £500

Lot 1103 Scopon (Jean Souberain de), Considerations sur le génie et les moeurs de ce siecle, woodcut title vignette, later half-vellum over patterned boards, Paris, Chez Durand & Pissot, 8vo, 1749 £60 - £80 Lot 1104 Willymot (William, Rev.), Decerpta ex Ovidii Metamorphoseon…, modern calf, ruled in gilt, morocco spine label, R. Fary, 8vo, 1706 £60 - £80 Lot 1105 [Anon.], Les Illustres Infortunez, ou les Avantures Galantes des plus Grands Heros de l’Antiquitié, additional engraved title, woodcut title vignette, later boards, Cologne, P. Marteau, [Williams 243], 8vo, 1695 £80 - £120 Lot 1106 Paterculus (M. Vallei), Historiae Romanae, engraved frontispiece, title in red and black, woodcut title vignette and initials, Bridgewater bookplate, later half vellum over patterned boards, top board with gilt Bridgewater arms, J. Tonson & J. Watts, 8vo, 1718 £60 - £80

Lot 1100 Lot 1100 Sturm (Johann), Commentaril Michaeli Toxitae, Rhaeti, Poetae…, woodcut initials, bound in with early c.1480s printed leaf in red and black, contemporary calf, insignia stamped in blind, corners bumped, joints and spine cracked with age but present, lowermost segment loose but still attached, Basel, [J. Oporinum], 8vo, 1564 £300 - £500 Lot 1101 Hensius (Daniel), Aphthonii Sophistae Progymnasmata, 2 parts in 1, woodcut title vignettes and initials, bound in with earlier ms. fragment, ex-libris Ely Cathedral, 17th-century calf, ruled in blind, Leiden, A. Commelinuae, 8vo, 1626 £80 - £120 Lot 1102 Scheibleri (Christopher), Metaphysica, second edition, woodcut colophon and fluerons, Lymn bookplate, near-contemporary calf, ruled in blind, morocco spine label, Marburg, N. Hampel, 8vo, 1629 £80 - £120

Lot 1107 Bible.- New Testament in Greek.-, Novum Testametum…, bookplate of Wyville Smyte, contemporary calf, morocco spine label, R. Norton & J. Kyrton, 8vo, 1653 £80 - £120 Lot 1108 .-, Compemdiosa Rerum Memorandarum descriptio, woodcut vignettes, Fitzwilliam bookplate, bound-in with earlier ms. fragment, top hinge broken, contemporary calf, repaired crudely with later leather strip across top of spine, Paris, V. Gaultherot, 8vo, 1549 £100 - £200 Lot 1109 [Wagner (Tobias)], Potomographia Europaea, additional engraved title, ink ownership signatures on endpapers and erased from title, bound in fragment of early ?14th-century ms., Ulm, T. Wagner, 12mo, 1672 £80 - £120 Lot 1110 Incanabula.-, .-, fragment of early printed work in red and black, double-column with 37 lines, woodcut vignettes, many pages throughout skillfully repaired but lacking text, pagination difficult to follow, no prelims or colophon, work difficult to identify , n.p., 8vo, n.d. [c.1490] £200 - £300

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 1111 Decker (J. Henry), Spectrologia…, woodcut additional engraved title, partly erased signature on title, contemporary calf, stamped in bind, rebacked, Hamburg, G. Liebernickel, 12mo, 1690 £200 - £300 Lot 1112 Binding.- [Grosius (Henningus, the Elder), Magica de Spectris et Appartionibus, Spiritulum de Vaticiniis Devinationibus, engraved title, woodcut vignettes, fine burgundy crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, spine gilt, gilt dentelles, Leiden, F. Hack, 12mo, 1656 £200 - £300

Lot 1114 Lot 1114 [Botero (Giovani)], Il Principi…con le Aggionate alla Ragion di stato, 2 vol. in 1, woodcut title vignette and initials, contemporary limp vellum, Venice, G.B. Ciottii, 8vo, 1601. See illustration £400 - £600 Lot 1115 Moyne (Pierre le), La Gallerie des Femmes Fortes, 2 vol. in 1, engraved frontispiece, Paris, 1665 § Guilluame (Jacquette) Les Dames Illustres…, Paris, T. Jolly, 1665 § .- Les Avatages du sexe ou le Triomphe des Femmes, Anvers, H. Sleghers, 1698, woodcut vignettes, contemporary calf, spines gilt, 8vo, (3) £200 - £300

Lot 1113 Lot 1113 Institoris (Henricus) Sprenger (Jacobus), Malleus Maleficarum…, woodcut initials, worming mainly to page edges, frst few and last few leaves worn at extremities, bound in with large fragment of earlier ms. Contemporary calf, rubbed with age, blind-stamped armorial on boards, Cologne, J. Gymnicus, 8vo, [c.1520] - [XX year of Apud Gymnicus]. See illustration £300 - £500


Lot 1116 Prodez (Pierre François) Memoires , Memoires, 2 vol. in 1, Amsterdam, L. le Jeune, 1677 § .Nouveau Traité de la Civilité qui se pratique en France, J. le Jean, 1679 § Colomesi (Paul) Opuscula, Utrecht, P. [Daniel] Elzevier, 1669 § Cailliere (M. de) La Fortune des gens de Qualitié, Paris, E. Loyson, 1665 § Mothe (François de la) Cinq Dialogues..., Mons, P de la Fleche, 1671 § D’Alamay (Bois) Memoires d’un Favory..., library stamps on title, Leiden, J. Sambix, 1668 § Pontchateau (Du Cambout de) La Morale Pratique des Jesuites..., Cologne, G. Quentel, 1669 § Cardan (Jerome) Arcana Politica..., Leiden, Elzevier, 1635, woodcut vignettes, contemporary and later calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, 8vo & 12mo, (8) £200 - £300

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895

THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 1117 Grotius (Hugo), De Veritate Religionis Christianae, title in red and black, contemporary red morocco, tooled in gilt, spine ornately gilt, gilt dentelles, Amsterdam, [Daniel] Elzevier, 1674; and 2 other editions, 1669 & 1675; .- Philosophoru Sententiae de Facto…, Amsterdam, Louis Elzevier, 1648; .- His Most Choice Discourses... engraved title, W. Lee, 1658, contemporary calf, morocco spine labels; .Mare Libero, engraved title, modern calf, Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier, 1633; Tragoedia Sophompaneas..., contemporary morocco, gilt, Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1635, [Willems 1491, 1404, 1508, 1065 & 385], 12mo, (7) £200 - £300 Lot 1118 Lampard (Jacob), Tractatus de Constitutione Imperii Romano-Germanici, J. Maire, 1634 § Status particularis Regimenis…Ferdinandi II, n.p., 1637 § .- De Leodiensi Republica, J. Jansson, 1633, contemporary calf, spines gilt, 12mo, (3) £60 - £80 Lot 1119 Hobbs (Thomas), Elementa Philosphica de Cive, engraved title, woodcut initials, Lonsdale bookplate, 19th-century calf, rebacked, Amsterdam, Daniel Elzevier, [Willems 1406 a], 12mo, 1669 £60 - £80

Lot 1123 Milton (John), Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio…, later crushed morocco, [Louis Elzevier], 1651 § .Metamorphsis Anglorum mutationes variae regum, regni…, n.p., 1653 § Salmasii (Cl) Defensio Regia pro Carolo I…, n.p., 1652; and another copy, 1649, woodcut vignettes and initials, contemporary calf, morocco spine labels, [Willems 1134 note, 1154 & 658 note], 12mo, (4) £100 - £200 Lot 1124 Schelii (Rab. Herm.), De Jure Imperii, crushed morocco, ruled in gilt, 1671 § Justinian.- Principis Institutionum, 1669, Amsterdam, Daniel Elzevier § Hensius (Daniel) De Tragoediae Constitutione, Leiden, [Bonaventure & Abraham] Elzevier 1643 § More (Alexander) Fides Publica, Haugue, A. Vlacq, 1654 § Landsbrrg (P.) Gustavi Magni Bellum Germanicum, Rotterdam, A. Leers, 1652, contemporary calf, spines gilt, morocco spine labels, [Willems 1459, 1408 & 554], 12mo, (5) £100 - £200 Lot 1125 Sallustius.- Crispus Caius, Opera Omnia…, woodcut title vignette and initials, outer edge of title strengthened to verso, contemporary ink ownership signatures to title, contemporary panelled calf, Stationary Office, [STC 21623], 8vo, 1615 £60 - £80

Lot 1120 Jewel (John), Apologia Eclesiae Anglicanae, T. Chard, 1591; bound with Lirinensis (Vincenti) Galli pro Catholicae fidei antiquitate…, n.p., 1591, modern half calf over patterned boards, 12mo £60 - £80

Lot 1126 Florus (Lucius J.), The Roman History…, engraved frontispiece, ink marginalia on f.f.e., 19th-century half calf over patterned boards, a little rubbed, J. Redmayne, 8vo, 1676 £60 - £80

Lot 1121 Sleidan.- Phillipson (John), Monarchiis…, woodcut initials, Robert Shafto, contemporary rebacked, morocco spine label, Hayes, 12mo, 1686

De Quatour bookplate of panelled calf, Cambridge, J. £60 - £80

Lot 1127 Cicero (Marcus Tullius), Aphorismi Breviores…, woodcut vignettes, contemporary and later ink marginalia throughout, contemporary stained vellum, tooled in blind, Görlitz, A. Fritsch, 8vo, 1593 £60 - £80

Lot 1122 James I .- (King James I of England), Eikon Basilike: le Pourtraict du Roy..., double-page engraved frontispiece, contemporary mottled calf ruled in gilt, spine gilt, Rouen, J. Berthelin, 12mo, 1649 £60 - £80

Lot 1128 Penn (William), Primitive Christianity Revived in the Faith and Practice of the People Called Quakers, near-contemporary ink ownership mark on f.f.e., contemporary calf, worn, rebacked, Dublin, n.p., 8vo, 1702 £100 - £200

MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


THE HAYHURST LIBRARY Lot 1129 Olivier (J.), L’infortuné Napolitain ou Les Avantures du Seigneur Rozelli…, 2 vol. in 1, engraved frontispiece and plates, woodcut vignettes, 19thcentury calf, morocco spine label, Amsterdam, H. Desbordes, 8vo, 1709 £60 - £80

Lot 1135 William (of Newburgh), Historia sive chronica rerum Anglicarum…, woodcut title vignette and initials, 19th-century calf, tooled in blind, Antwerp, G. Silvij, 8vo, 1567 £60 - £80

Lot 1130 Faur (Gui de), Sebastiani Rolliardi…, woodcut vignettes, institutional stamps to title, contemporary limp vellum with gilt motif on boards, slightly stained, Paris, P. Labelum, 8vo, 1598 £60 - £80

Lot 1136 Binding.- Charles I (King of England).-, Reliquae Sacre Carolinae…, engraved frontispiece, contemporary and later ink ownership inscriptions, fine 19th-century crushed morocco, ornately tooled in blind and gilt, spine tooled in blind, Hague, S. Browne, 8vo, 1650 £100 - £200

Lot 1131 Costerius (F.), De Veritate Corporis et sanguinis D.N. Jesu Christi…, woodcut initials and devices, endpapers replaced, contemporary calf, spine gilt, morocco spine label, Louvin, P. Phalesium, 8vo, 1551 £60 - £80

Lot 1137 .-, The Tablet or Moderation of Charles the First Martyr…, engraved frontispiece, titles in red and black, woodcut vignettes and initials,19th-century half calf over patterned boards, A.W., 8vo, 1661 £60 - £80

Lot 1132 Sigoni (Carl), De Republica Hebraeorum, woodcut initials and devices, 19th-century calf, ruled in gilt spine gilt, morocco spine label, Frankfurt am Main, A. Wechel, 8vo, 1585 £60 - £80

Lot 1138 .-, Histoire entire & Veritable du Procez de Charles Stuart…, contemporary ink ownership signatures on title, later morocco-backed boards, I.G, 8vo, 1650 £60 - £80

Lot 1133 Ovid.-, Amatoria, woodcut title vignette, ownership signature of Edward Harwood on title, modern half calf over patterned boards, Lyon, S. Gryphium, 8vo, 1554 £60 - £80

Lot 1139 .-, Moriae Encomium…, J. Wilford, 1735 § Memoires d’Angleterre contenant l’Histoire des Deux Roses, Amsterdam, 1726 § Philips (John) Poems on Several Occasions, T. Astley, 1728; and 10 others, mainly 18th-century history, most later editions, contemporary calf, 8vo, (11) £60 - £80

Lot 1134 Valerius Maximus.-, Dictorum Factorumque Memorabilium, woodcut title vignette, contemporary and later ink ownership signatures on f.f.e., later sheep, ruled in gilt, morocco spine label, Antwerp, C. Plantin, 8vo, 1574 £60 - £80

End of Sale


MORPHETS Fine Art & Antique Auctioneers since 1895


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