Mayfair Philatelic Auctions

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Postal Auction Thursday 2nd May 2019 Closes 2pm 0% Buyers Premium on All lots +44 (0)20 3019 3630 - - 32 Saint George Street, W1S 2EA, London




































































Postal Auction

Thursday 2nd May 2019

Our bedroom is in a corner of the house, with windows on two sides, one facing south, the other facing east. In the winter months, with the trees denuded of leaves, the sunrise sends its rays straight into the bedroom with an often spectacular and vivid orange glow on the horizon. When they also reflect off frozen ice crystals in the grass, after an overnight frost, the effect is pure picture-postcard. Once the New Year is upon us, the sun rises fractionally earlier each morning, each day slightly more to the north. We can watch its procession by reference to the tree branches though which it appears. From the latest sunrise at the very end of December to the earliest sunrise at the beginning of June it is actually not much more than 5 months, meaning that the daily change towards the March equinox is far more pronounced than when it is going the other way, in September. We’re generally early risers, my wife and I. Daylight coming through the window from about 5.30am triggers … well, something. And we share the household chores fairly. Following on from the 5.31am friendly neighbourhood, door-to-door kick, with accompanying grunt - in a delightful French accent, it has to be said - the early morning tea is mine to make. Which Herculean task accomplished, I am then at liberty to supervise her efforts for the one or two everyday jobs that remain. Perhaps not evenly distributed, but fair, no? Britt (my wife) is a keen ornithologist. I don’t share her passion, but I do share her curiosity. In the winter months, I dread to think how much seed she scatters to the four winds; the garden becomes a veritable smorgasbord for every known avian species from sparrows, chaffinches and tits, through crows, magpies and jays, right up to the predatory merlins, buzzards and, in recent years, kites. We also attract dozens of pheasants and partridges that have temporarily escaped their allocated rendezvous with the business end of a 12 bore, doves, pigeons, not to mention mallards and moorhens, which swim round and round the goldfish pond (and each other); and, of course, noisy parakeets by the hundred plus the occasional grey heron, with spiteful and malevolent intentions towards my fish. Not to mention cohorts of exceedingly plump grey squirrels, whose ability to get food out of a squirrel-proof bird feeder makes a mockery of the Trades Descriptions Act. One and all*, they are fun to watch first thing in the morning, when they are all hungry and irritable and quite happy to run around in petulant circles squawking and hissing and pecking at one other. Until madam arrives with the rations, when priorities change as if by magic. The little birds all fly off, the pigeons go into holding mode round the garden, but the pheasants run towards her (because they were hand-raised as chicks and are more domestic than wild?). (* grey herons excepted) The philatelic relevance of all of that is zero. So, change of tack to talk about this, the second of those things we were never going to do. Which is Mayfair’s second postbid sale if it’s not clear. The first in January seemed to go down well enough, bidder numbers slightly shy of what I was hoping for, but with strong bidding and sales around 5% above the higher of the two numbers I had given to the Board. This sale has something like 50% more lots in total, by number, with pre-sale estimates pushing £500,000, about 35% more. About 75% of the sale is fresh material on offer for the first time. The other 25% is for the most part unsold lots from the January sale plus some of the boxes and collections, which didn’t sell in our March public sale. Estimates have been reduced where appropriate. Do please accept my apologies if the descriptions for some of the mixed lots are on the sparse side; the database holds short (public sale) and long (postbid) descriptions for every lot, but I’ve had no time to compose more expansive versions. There is a slight change to the order of the lots. All the mixed lots and collections are now listed together in the first section of the sale, by order of value, so the single country section lists only sets and single items. There is no buyers’ premium to worry about. Keeps the maths simple. If you have been to our offices in Mayfair, you will have seen a fine old building, but with the “stamps” space somewhat restricted. Sadie has begun the search for new premises. We’re looking for somewhere in central London (-ish) with room for the metaphorical cat to be swung, with enough room on top to store stock and welcome visitors. Over and above those vague parameters, we’ve ruled nothing in and nothing out. If Tim can be housed in a separate room, preferably one with a lock on the door, it will be a bonus. It won’t happen overnight, but watch this space. One other bit of news, my good lady wife, has accepted an invitation to return to work part-time. Handling stamps is still predominantly a manual task; the help one gets from modern technology is welcome, of course, but largely limited to matters non-philatelic. It’s great at producing price lists or auction catalogues. It can make sure that country headings read the same way: Great Britain for example and not GB or Gt. Britain. What it can’t do is any of the subjective stuff, such as deciding whether something is “fine” or not. A spreadsheet can faithfully record how many values there are in a set but it can’t count them nor check the watermarks. Technology can number the lots in a sale more or less instantaneously, but it can’t physically put the stuff together, or put it in the right place in a box. Britt, bless her, can do all of these things. She is the perfect space filler for the gaps in the schedule when the work peaks. She has done it before so is well aware that les pics, ‘y en a beaucoup as the French so approximately say. As I (may) have (often) found these past 30-odd years, and not necessarily to my advantage, her attention to detail is second to none. One final thing. The week-end following the close is a Bank Holiday weekend. For those of you living abroad not familiar with the term, a “Bank” holiday simply means a public holiday and in the UK, that day is always a Monday, when he offices will be closed. Fastrack delivery will be on the Tuesday and there may be other minor delays as a result. Any questions, we’re here to help.

BREXIT This sale went to press in the middle of March, at a time when the development of Brexit was unclear. It takes place at the beginning of May, ostensibly after the UK has left the EU. We do not know what changes may ensue in consequence and therefore cannot plan how to react to them. Customers should note that, following Brexit, it is our intention not to change our Terms and Conditions of business, unless circumstances dictate otherwise. Customers living inside or outside the UK will still benefit from the same, comprehensive guarantees we have always given, over and above those offered by consumer law. 1













CyprUs The valuable EDVII and GV mint accumulation on stock sheets, with many sets and single higher/top vals, of note SG 50/9, 51 (2), 51s, 53 (2), 53s, 55 (2), 56, 58 (3), 59 (3), 60/71 (3 sets), 63 (3), 70 (2), 71 (3), 74/83, 74/82 (2 sets), 81 (2), 81a (3), 82 (2), 84, 85/99 (2 sets), 86/96, 89 (6, incl u/m block 4), 92 (3), 93 (4, 3 u/m), 96, 97 (3), 97a, 98 and 99 (top val, x4). Cat £1,600 approx £12,500 CANADA The valuable QV assortment on stock pages, incl Jubilees to $2, mostly clean and fresh, good gum (one or two heavy or heavyish hinge remainders), of note SG 66, 103 (u/m block 4), 115/6, Jubilees 121/8 (u/m, 8v, with shades), 121, 123, 125 (5 u/m, incl block 4), 126 (pair), 127 (u/m), 128 (2, one u/m), 129 (3), 130 (2, one u/m but with perf faults), 131 (2, one u/m), 132, 133 (2), 135, 136 and 137. then QV heads, 141/9, 141 (block 4, 2 u/m), 142 (u/m block 4), 143 (8, incl u/m block 6), 144 (u/m block 4), 145 (u/m block 4), 146 (u/m), 147 (3), 148, 153 (8, 2 x u/m block 4), 157, 158, 163, 166/8, 171 (block 4, 3 u/m) and a few others. Cat £20,000+ £1,800 MALTA 1860/1974 comprehensive mint collection in Lindner hingeless album, the earlier material incl SG 3, 3 different ‘CC’ shades and 14, 1885 to 1/-, 1886 5/-, 1899 to 10/-, 1903 set and 1904 to 5/-. Thereafter missing only SG 96 with 1914 to 5/-, 1921 to 10/-, both 1922 o/pt sets and 10/- SG 105, 1922 to £1 (both), 1926 o/pt set and the 3 1926/30 sets. U/m from 1948 £1,200 onwards (1925 Dues are used]. Lovely quality. Cat £5750 CANADA NEWFOUNDLAND QV-GVI mint selection on stock pages, from early imperfs, many better items. Includes SG 11, 18 (2), 23 (pair), 26, 66/72, 73, 74, 77, 87, 88, 95 (7, strip of 3 and block 4), 96, 118 (block 4), 130/41, 134/36/41 (3v each in block 4), 144/7. 148, 148a, 148f, 149/62 (2), 164/78, 179/87, 192/4 (2), 193 (3), 194, 195/7 (2), 195a (block 4), 198/208, 209/20, 215a, 222a (vert pair), 233d, 224c, 230/4 and a few other oddments. Odd minor fault. £960 rUssIA 1865/1969 substantial collection in large, well filled printed Scott album, a few earlier issues used (noted mint SG 261, 263) then comprehensive mint coverage to the early 1950’s. Among many better sets we note SG 501/7, E591/2 (used), 569/72, MS 752b, 810/18, 838/44, 920/36, 977/80 (used), 984, 985/6 (used), MS 1300b and 1492a, 1630/5, 1707/22, 1731/2, 1740/4 and MS 1883a/b/c. From the mid 1950’s, most sets are cto used. £950 A lovely collection. Cat (approx) £10,000 BECHUANALAND Collection in stockbook, useful early issues incl SG 1/3d and 7 mint, 2/3, 8 and 18 used (also £1 fiscally used), 23, 25/6, the difficult SG 29 (also used) and 45 mint, with 40 and 45 used. Later mint incl SG 71 (also used), 73/82, 83/4, the 1932 set to 10/-, 1938, ‘55 and ‘61 sets (both). Cat £5000+ £950 UsA 1861/1970 used collection in album, neatly presented with plenty of better material. We note 1861/2 5c, 10c, 12c, 24c and 30c, 1869 1c to 3c, 4c, 12c and 15c, 1870 to 90c (ex 15c), 1895 to $1 etc. Also noted Columbians to $1, Trans-Mississippi to 50c, 1901 Pan-Am and most later issues with a £720 few ‘back of book’ etc. Br. HONDUrAs 1865/99 collection of used QV on pages, mostly good to fine and incl SG 1/3, 15, 21/2, 23, 25/6, 35 (+ bisect on piece), 3 different bisected 2c (SG 28a), SG 36/42 and 1891 to $5. Useful lot. Cat £3250 (+ bisects) £900 ALL WOrLD Extensive and substantial, but very general mint and used collection in plastic tub, housed in 10 loose-leaf albums. Early to modern, mostly cheaper stamps. Vendor has provided breakdown with each volume £900 showing total cat value of £13,500+ (12,500+ stamps). CEyLON Fine assembly of mint and used Chalon heads, both perf and imperf comprising (mint) SG 17 (3, one u/m), 20, 63ax, 67, 65b (2), 68, 71b (2) and 72b, then (used) SG 1 (2), 3, 6, 6a (2), 6c, 8, 9, 12, 38 (2) and 33b. £720 Imperfs are all 4 margin. Clean and attractive lot. TrIEsTE 1947/54 complete mint collection on printed leaves in binder, incl the scarce Parcel Post pairs and Dues, also the ‘Recapito Autorizzato’ issues (incl the scarce Sass. 5a 20L lilac with cert) and a few Venezia Giulia and Istria £800 issues. A lovely lot. Cat £5750
















MALTA (Mostly) QV-1980s used collection in red Lighthouse hingeless printed album, with QV to 5/-, EDVII to 2/6d, GV to £1, GVI to 10/-, 1st QEII to £1 and comprehensive later incl most commems. Some faults, but mostly £600 clean. Cat £4000+ ALL WOrLD 1840/1936 collection in 2 printed Ideal albums for foreign countries, a useful mint and used range, ideal (pardon the pun) for further expansion, clean £600 and unpicked. Substantial cat value. (100s or 1000s) sWITZErLAND 1919/90’s fine used collection in Lighthouse album comprising Airmail issues incl 1919 o/pt 30c, the various 1923/40 issues to 2f plus some surcharges, 1949 1f.50 etc. Pro-Patria from 1936 to ‘90’s, complete ProJuventute from 1913 to 90 (ex 1941 m/s), useful ‘back of book’ etc. Cat £500 £7300 GErMANy 1946/69 mint (all or mostly) collection of West Germany and Allied Zones in superb padded Lighthouse hingeless album. Much u/m with many good £500 sets incl 1951 Posthorns. Cat £6340 IrELAND Box file with extensive duplicated range of mid-period commems or Airs, mostly higher values, each in separate glassine with approx quantities of each, mixed condition and mix of cancels, probably around 70% sound and 40% of those cds. At less than 2% of catalogue value, an extraordinary £500 opportunity for someone. Cat £30,000+++ ALL WOrLD 1840/1914 collection of mostly used in Ideal printed album, some later issues mint, with areas of note incl Argentina, Italy, Netherlands and USA. £475 Clean and unpicked. (100s or 1000s) sOUTH AFrICA CApE GOOD HOpE 1853/63 range of 16 ‘Triangulars’ used on Hagner, mostly good 3 margin examples, comprising SG 2, 4, 5a/b, 6/6a, 7/b/d, 8, 18, 18b/c, 19d, 20 £475 and 21. Cat £6000 TUrKs & CAICOs 1887/9 group of mint sheets of 30 written up on pages to show the ‘throat’ and ‘neck’ flaws (and progressive stages thereof) etc, comprising 6d and £475 1/- SG 59/60, 1d SG 62 x 3 and 63. Interesting lot. FrENCH COLs. NEW CALEDONIA 1892/1984 collection in printed ‘Timbres Poste’ album, a few early used issues are followed by attractive mint ranges from 1905 onwards, with (underneath) many values additionally used. Definitive sets (1925, ‘28, ‘48 etc) are followed by complete 1950/84 period (with the good 1970’s sets plus Airs etc), most additionally used, plus some ‘back of the book’. A useful £475 collection. rHODEsIA 1910 range of the P15 ‘Double heads’ on double-sided Hagner with 1d (poor gum), 2½d and 4d mint, then used ½d (4), 1d (5), 2d and 2½d, 3d (3), 4d (2), 6d (2), 1/- and 2/-. Also P14x15 3d (2) and P13½ ½d (4), 8d (2, £475 plus 2 mint). Cat £3000 1910 range of used ‘Double heads’ on 2 double-sided Hagners with ½d x 26, 1d x 33, 2d x 7, 2½d x 9, 3d x 7, 4d x 6, 5d x 3 (incl SG 141ab), 6d x 9, 8d, 10d x 5, 1/- x 4, 3/- and 2 x 2/-. Some varieties identified, mostly £475 taken as basic shade, a useful lot. Cat £2400+ CHINA TAIWAN 1970/2014 collection of around 100 sets (incl se-tenant and some blocks) plus 45 m/sheets, each o/pt Specimen (2 short horizontal bars). Better earlier sets incl SG 775/7 and 781/3, ten from 1985/2014, MS1782, 1801 £475 and 1812. Unusual and seldom offered. GErMANy BErLIN 1948/67 mint and used collection in album, comprehensive for period £450 covered with many good sets and singles. Cat £4000 CrAsH COVErs USA Crash Covers, a range of 11 different from 1928/38 period written up on Exhibition pages, each with the appropriate cachets etc, incl ‘Salt Lake City 12/15/36’, ‘Goodwin, Ark 1/14/36’, ‘Huron, Ohio 12/20/28’ etc. “ £425 NEW ZEALAND 1980/90’s u/m collection in red stockbook with commems, some m/s, defins to $5, a few booklets and ephemera (Exhbition sheets and the like). Comprehensive, though not complete. Also a few used and non NZ. Face £400 of mint (approx) NZ$750-1000 (approx £500)

















Br. WEsT INDIEs 2010/17 (approx) selection of u/m sets sent as new issue samples to philatelic publication, with commems, m/s and defins for period covered from Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Caymans, Jamaica, St. Lucia, Virgins plus oddments from other places. Level of completion varies from country to country, but does incl a few complete defin sets. Also possibility of minor duplication. Hard to find period and rarely offered. (approx 190 sets or m/s plus 10 commem or Prestige-style booklets) £400 FIJI QV-GV attractive mint stock on stock pages, identified and in catalogue order, incl QV to 5/-, EDVII to 1/-, GV MCA to 5/-. Script to 5/-, SJ, Dues etc. (few 100s). Cat £4400 £320 COOK IsLANDs Early to GV attractive duplicated mint stock on stock pages, from 1st issues to 1935 Jubilee, incl pictorial, GV o/pts, Admirals, some in blocks or multiples. Some faults in earlies, but mostly fine. Cat £3850 £280 sAMOA QV-GV clean mint stock on stock pages, identified and in catalogue order, incl range of Express (assumed all reprints and ignored in cat value), with range of Trees (sorted for perfs, wmks and shades), o/pt on NZ to 5/-, Jubilees, pictorials etc. Many 100s. Cat (excl Express) £4250 £280 GErMANy 1949/78 fine used, complete collection in Safe hingeless album, some sets additionally u/m (incl 1954 defins and most from 1955/78). Cat £5000 £350








COMMONWEALTH Duplicated mostly mint (u/m) lot with much Falklands War Tax and GVI, Burma Mily Admin (18 sets), St. Lucia GV to 10/-, Labuan and others. Cat £3000 to £3500 approx £350 ALL WOrLD 1840/1914 used collection in Ideal printed album (in lovely condition), sparse in places but clean and unpicked, incl GB, France, Germany, decent USA, a little Japan etc. Cat £1000s. (100s or 1000s) £300 1840/98 collection in 2 printed Imperial leatherbound albums with gold lettering (edition 8), the Commonwealth album is empty, the foreign with sparse content but a little Latin America, Japan etc. Lovely condition! Sure to have high cat value. (many 100s) £300 rHODEsIA 1910 Double head mint range on stocksheets, incl 1d SG 125 and 170b, then 7 x 2d and 16 x 2½d (incl SG 172), most with sheet position identified. Interesting lot. Cat £1500+ £300 UsA 1934/40 semi-specialised collection in Lindner hingeless album, mostly mint, with imperf blocks of 4 and pairs, the 1935 m/sheets, 1938 to $5 u/m plus coil pairs and coil leaders (seldom seen) and the regular issues. Interesting. £300 GErMANy EAsT 1949/75 complete mint collection (all spaces filled) in Davo album (SG B75 missing, Friendship with China top 2 vals used). Cat £5200 £300




GErMANy 1950s-2000 approx mosty used collection/accumulation on printed pages and in 2 albums, missing the earliest sets, then fairly comprehensive thereafter. (100s) £250 CHINA TAIWAN 1979/2001 70 or so booklets in album (mostly cat around £15 each), incl 4 of each type of SB4 and 3 each of SB5, around 3 each of SG6/24. Seldom offered. £250 CyprUs 2010/17 (approx) selection of u/m sets sent as new issue samples to philatelic publication, with commems, m/s and defins for period covered, all overprinted SPECIMEN. Will include many, but not all issues for period. Some light duplication. Unusual addition to any collection. (60 items, probably 50 different) £250 IrELAND Folder with approx 200 x 1950 Holy Year 9d (mostly 2nds), 1,000 x 1948 Airs 1/3d and 3,000 x 1961 St. Patrick 3d, all used, latter mostly sound. Mix of cancels, many cds. Quantities estimated by weight (5gr = 100). Also small lot of 1922 SE wmk vals. Cat £5000++ £250 CEyLON QV-GV small lot of used, post Chalon era, comprising SG 178a, 233a, 256/64, 301/18, 368/78 (2) and 379g. A few heavier postmarks. £200 IrELAND Small box with duplicated assortment of used, better incl An Tostal 1s4d x 25 (cat £30), 10/- St Patrickx100+, Davis 9d x 500 (approx), Air 6dx100 (approx), various Dues and assorted loose (latter rather messy). Many 100s of stamps, cat min £7500 (and maybe £10,000+) Mixed condition, but still very cheap against catalogue. £250


COMMONWEALTH COVErs Assorted range of approx 200 covers in box, priced individually up to £20 each. Nice lot. £190

sIErrA LEONE Collection in small stockbook, some earlier mint or used QV, 1896 to 2/used [5/- faded], mint EDVII incl 1/- and 2/-, a little GV and GVI. Cat [approx] £1500 £275


sT. LUCIA 1864/82 small used range of 21 early QV issues on 2 page, incl SG 12c, 14/c, 23 and 28/9. Cat £1000+ £250

VATICAN 1929/90 used collection in Lighthouse album, some better noted incl 1935 Congress and ‘36 Exhibition sets, the good 1952 m/sheet, with most sets from 1965 on. “ £250

ALL WOrLD COVErs General collection of approx 80 covers in album. Inspection essential. £200


sOUTH AFrICA CApE GOOD HOpE 1853/1902 used collection on pages, 5 triangles (4x1d, 2 x 4d and 6d) then comprehensive run through of 80 or so of the later issues (incl 5/- SG 45 etc). £200

FrANCE 1914/92 used collection in album with better earlier incl SG 378, 1926 War Orphans, various defins to 20f, 1928 and ‘30 Sinking Fund, SG 463, 480 and 493. A good range thereafter with 1952 Relief Fund etc, with most sets from 1956/92. “ £250 1920/22 small range of mint Postes Paris o/pts on Hagner hingeless page. (9v). Cat (Yvert) 1600 euros (approx £1400) £250


sWITZErLAND Collection in blue looseleaf album and on pages, comprising Pro Juv. sets 1913/57 apparently complete both mint and used (incl m/s), also some minor varieties, and general collection on pages (some stamps removed) 1907/97. Mostly clean. Substantial cat value. (100s) £225

EGypT Small selection of earlier issues on Hagner page, mostly mint (a few used), identified and in in approx catalogue order, comprising (mint) SG 11, 44w, 47, 56a, 57a, 73/82, 84/91 and A11 and (used), D58, D62/5, D62, D63 and D66 (2). £225

1904/21 group of multiples, mostly u/m with plate numbers on 2 Hagners, incl SG 67 pl 1 block of 18, 70 pl 1 block of 6, 86 pl 6 block of 4 (m/m)and pl 8 (pair), 96 block of 24 etc. “ £250




Br. sOUTH ATL. Duplicated mint (mostly) and used QEII assortment in stockbook, mostly of 1970/80s (approx), with Falklands, much in gutter blocks of four, incl defins to £3, several booklets, Deps with many commems and BAT, much in blocks of four. (100s) £190 ALL WOrLD 1915/30 used collection in printed Ideal album (in fine condition), content a little sparse but clean and unpicked. (many 100s) £175 CHINA TAIWAN Collection of Postal Stationery from the 1960’s in album, around 110 mint items, plus 100 or so with commemorative cancels and a further 68 1954/6 written up and identified on pages mint and used. Unusual, an interesting addition to a Taiwanese collection. £175 ETHIOpIA Collection of over 300 mint and used in small stockbook for period up to the 1930’s, incl interesting Airs and o/pts, also a batch of 6 stamped illustrated postcards from 1909/10. Interesting lot. £175 UsA Early to modern mint collection in stockbook, some earlies (nothing of any particular note) with much of the value in modern. (100s) £175







65 66 67

ALL WOrLD European collections in 6 albums in box, mostly used, with Russia, Hungary, Romania, Greece, Baltics etc, plus an A to Z collection in small stockbooks (mostly Europe). £175 TUrKEy 2010/17 (approx) selection of Official FDC sent as new issue samples to philatelic publication, with commems, m/s and defins for period. Comprehensive, but probably not complete. Also possibility of light duplication. Estimated 150-175 items (1100gr by weight). “ £150 FALKLAND IsLEs 2010/17 (approx) selection of u/m sets sent as new issue samples to philatelic publication, with commems, m/s and defins for period covered. Will include most, but probably not all issues for period covered. Also possibility of minor duplication. Hard to find period and rarely offered. (56 items) £150 Br. ANT. TErr. 2010/17 (approx) selection of u/m sets sent as new issue samples to philatelic publication, with commems, m/s and defins for period covered. Will include most, but probably not all issues for period covered. Also possibility of minor duplication. Modern sets such as these are hard to find. (38 items) £150 Br. AFrICA GVI and early QEII mint and used selection in stockbook incl defins to top vals. Also a few non-BE and earlier material. (100s) £150 ALL WOrLD Rump end and interesting looking lot in box, with several albums or stockbooks, loose, on pages. Substantially unchecked. (1000s) £150 Rump end nut interesting looking lot in box, with several albums or stockbooks, loose, on pages. Substantially unchecked. (1000s) £150 Rump end nut interesting looking lot in box, with several albums or stockbooks, loose, on pages. Substantially unchecked. (1000s) £150


JErUsALEM Group of 14 1950’s internal covers to Jerusalem with various Jordanian £125 frankings, each with different postmark.


EL sALVADOr Interesting packet of duplicated early oddments in sheets or large blocks, £125 ex old-time dealer’s stock. Some faults. (few 1000s)

82 83

COMMONWEALTH Stockbook with mostly duplicated QEII mint assortment from Bermuda, Botswana, BAT, Br. Honduras, BIOT, Br. Sols, Caymans, Ceylon, Xmas and £125 Cocos. (100s or 1000s) Unusual range of British African material in stockbook with photographic reproductions of GV Essays (handstamped ‘Under Government Authority’ on reverse), 2 packs of 9 early Transvaal postcards plus a few other cards, £125 bits and pieces and large mint multiples of KUT SG 151/3.


pOrTUGAL Used collection on stocksheets with some 1870 issues, then better later incl 1927 and ‘28 to 4E.50, 1931 Anniversary and Centenary, 1940 £100 Rowland Hill sheet etc, to 1950’s.


ALL WOrLD Unsorted rump end of bigger collection. Quite a bit of Switzerland, including £100 on and off paper, covers etc etc. (100s or 1000s)


NEW ZEALAND Clarks shoebox with range of approx 130 covers apparently collected for postmark interest (Early to QEII with 50 Health issues, rest commercial mail). £85 Better noted. Interesting lot.


rHODEsIA 1910 Double head range of 26 fine used ½d (plus 5 x 2½d) on stocksheets, small varieties and postmarks indicated along with sheet position. “ £100


ALL WOrLD 1915/30 collection in Ideal printed album (in fine condition), mostly used, £100 sparse in places with Commonwealth and world. 1915/36 collection in Ideal printed album mostly used. £100

CANADA Ex-dealer stock in 3 stockbooks, from QV-QEII, well balanced range of mainly used basic including range of large and small heads, then much duplicated mint QEII, also noted mint example of SG284. £115



AUsTrALIA AND sTATEs Folder with a dozen or so interesting commercial covers, QV-GVI period, with shown retail values of £350 £140

sArAWAK 1918/32 4 mint defin sets (SG 50/61, 63/71, 76/90 and 91/105) set out on £100 Hagner sheets. Odd small fault. Cat £330



UsA 1901/65 mint collection on stock pages in album, incl SG 304, then most are from 1929/65, incl 1938 Presidents $2 amd $5 u/m. Cat £900+£125

MALTA 1936/64 used range on album pages, GVI with vals to top vals, Wedding £1, plus the two 1925 Dues sets. Cat (vendor’s figure - believed accurate) £100 £450+



THAILAND 1952 o/pt United Nations Day x 235 u/m (4 with perf faults). Cat £1200+ (354) £125


VIETNAM NOrTH 1964 Fourth Anniv of National Liberation Front x 288 sets (se-tenant) fine used (cto) in sheets or blocks. Very cheap against catalogue. Cat £5472 (Nlf6/8) £125

73 74

75 76

CHINA TAIWAN 1995/9 collection of 66 Presentation Packs in album.

FALKLAND IsLEs DEpENDENCIEs 2010/17 (approx) South Georgia/Sandwich Islands selection of u/m sets sent as new issue samples to philatelic publication, with commems, m/s and defins for period covered. Will include most, but probably not all issues for period covered. Also possibility of minor duplication. Modern sets such as these are hard to find. (50+ items) £125 ALL WOrLD Blue plastic tub with range of collections in a dozen or so stockbooks and folders. (100s or 1000s) £125 Box with range of what appear to be collector’s duplicates in a dozen or so stockbooks and folders. (100s or 1000s) £125



CHINA TAIWAN Collection in album of mint Aerogrammes from the 1990’s, around 38 different types, a little duplication, plus some used 1970’s and ‘80’s with various frankings to the UK. Unusual. £125





COMMONWEALTH Box with various on 500+++ circulated approval pages. Still plenty of useful modern remainders. (1000s) £100



CANADA & NEWFOUNDLAND General mint and used collection in printed loose-leaf album, better throughout (one or two mint are stuck down). (Few 100s) £125

OMNIBUs 1937 Coronation mint and used colllection in dedicated printed album. (Probably) complete mint, comprehensive but several gaps used. A very detailed listing provided with lot states 380 stamps cat £465.65 (not £100 verified). sT. HELENA 2010/17 (approx) selection of u/m sets sent as new issue samples to philatelic publication, with commems, m/s and defins for period covered. Will include most, but probably not all issues for period covered. Also possibility of minor duplication. Modern sets such as these are hard to find. £100 (approx 35 items)


ECUADOr Batch of 11 covers or cards, an interesting range with early ‘Quito Debe’ in red, 1862 Guayaquil to New York, various ‘Ybarra Franca’, Stationery cards, £100 1919 Censored etc. “


HAITI Collection of 136 stamps on pages, a useful mint and used range, incl some £100 inverted o/pts.


THEMATIC VArIOUs Extensive collection of mainly used, sorted into the various themes and £100 housed in 6 stockbooks.

97 98


GErMANy Interesting ranges on Hagners in binder, some 3rd Reich, Russian Zone, mint and used Saar, General Gouvernement, Bohemia, Danzig, a few £100 States, 6 ‘Lost Colony’ essays etc. Late Reich and early DDR duplicated ex-dealer stock in box, some stuck or partially stuck together, mostly mint (some used) majority in sheets or £100 blocks. (Many 1000s) sAMOA Samoa collection 1877-1966 on pre-printed Scott pages pages, mainly mint with some used, includes 1899 ‘provisional govt’ o/pt set (no 6d maroon) 1935, 1939, 1940/44 and 1946 sets, some pages better filled. “ £80

100 101 102 103



ALL WOrLD Box with range of collection in 10 or so albums/stockbooks and a few bits on pages. (100s or 1000s) £90 General collection in 5 peg-fitting printed albums (one is a Devon). General runs from Switzerland, Sweden, Turkey, USA, Spain, Tristan and several others. (few 100s) £90 In medium box, collector’s oddments incl some better booklets (some affected by damp and/or may not be complete). (100s or 1000s) £90 Large red document box with loose collector’s allsorts. Much GB and BE (latter with much Royal Omnibus). Lots of it. (100s or 1000s) £90


COMMONWEALTH Extensive lot of u/m or (mostly) fine used QEII sets, m/s, booklet panes and single values. Approx 65 diff items (of which 3 only are mint), with mix of postal and FDC cancels, majority in sets where applicable, many with Royalty theme incl CI/IOM, Br. Sth Atl, (Falk, TDC, Asc, St. Helena), Malta (several Wildlife multi-val sheets), Gibraltar, BWI and Br. Africa. Super lot which will fill a lot of gaps. Cat £500+++ £90


ALL WOrLD Range of material from continental dealer which, at vendor’s request, we have simply divided into 9 similar lots. Same type of content in each (though individual cash values could be wildly at variance as may individual content of any one box: stockbooks/albums, various on pages/stockcards, some covers. Inspection recommended. (100s or 1000s) £90


NIGErIA 1915/68 mint and used collection, on Scott pages, c.90 mint stamps and c.70 used, many full and part sets including 1953 set up to 10/£65


HONG KONG 4 Specimen Souvenir packs one each for the year of the Rat, Ram, Horse and Pig. Perfect condition. “ £85


COMMONWEALTH General mint and used collection in well-filled red Tower album, A-B”“ countries, early to modern, but mostly GVI onwards, cheaper stamps with odd highlight to be found, incl Australia (from 2000 incl defins to $10 and commems used, with many $ values), some States, Aden, Antigua, Bahamas with mint defins to £1, Barbados and a few other bits and pieces. (100s)”“ £85

122 123 124 125

Various in box, good range of material with a couple of stockbooks with a basic content. Inspection recommended. (100s or 1000s) £60 Various in box, good range of material with a couple of stockbooks with a basic content. Inspection recommended. (100s or 1000s) £60 Extensive range of material in box, some loose, albums/stockbooks. Unchecked further. (100s or 1000s) £60 Extensive range of material in box, some loose, albums/stockbooks. Unchecked further. (100s or 1000s) £60 Extensive range of material in box, some loose, albums/stockbooks. Unchecked further. (100s or 1000s) £60 Extensive range of material in box, some loose, albums/stockbooks. Unchecked further. (100s or 1000s) £60


spAIN 1865 and 1866 pair of stamped covers on album page addressed to Cadiz and Barcelona, and neatly written up (for some reason, in Norwegian). £50


HUNGAry 1950/90s mint and used collection in large and well-filled red stockbook, much cto of the early period, but later is mint and hard to find. (100s) £50


ArGENTINA 1958/1917 mint and used collection on leaves. (Some stamps are loose). Nothing substantive, but like all S. America, cheap in catalogue yet hard to find. (100s) £50




sT. KITTs NEVIs ANGUILLA 1967/81 (approx) mint and used collection in maroon loose-leaf album (all mint checked were u/m) with commems and m/s and defins to top vals. (To save you asking, no, does not include the £20,000 first o/pt set). (100s) £50 ALL WOrLD Box with on-paper clippings, partially sorted into countries. (Doesn’t appear to be commercial kiloware). Approx 2-3kg net. (1000s) £40 MALTA GV small collection of ½d to 1/-, neatly written up and showing a series of minor varieties, such as broken letters in overprints and so on. Attractive addition to collection (though as none are constant none are catalogued). Approx 25 items. £50

spAIN 1949/79 used collection in Davo album, complete from 1951 (SG 1191 25p mint. Cat £190). “ £60


ALL WOrLD Collection in well filled album, mostly used (with some mint), incl Austria, Belgium, France (with some Colonies), Ireland, Netherlands, Romania, USA etc. (100s) £75

GrEECE Modest early to modern (1990s) mint and used collection in red loose-leaf album, good general lot, though appears to have had one or two stamps removed (not by us). (100s) £50


MALTA QV-GV album page of 16 single stamps each with village postmark, incl Rabato, Gozo and others. £50


AUsTrALIA ANTArCTIC Used collection/accumulation on stock pages, appears to be 1980/90s in the main, mostly in sets ex FDC. Some light duplication. Cat £375 £50


AUsTrALIA 1970/80s (approx) collection of packs in ring binder. Incl AAT Food Chains defins to $1. (Approx 50 iems) £40


ALL WOrLD A-Z general mint and used collection on home-made leaves in blue ring binder. Good range of countries, mostly cheaper, but lots of it. (100s or 1000s) £40


ALL WOrLD Box with collector’s dupilcates in a dozen or so small albums and stockbooks. (100s or 1000s) £60


COMMONWEALTH Box with approx 2 lbs /1 kg net weight of unsorted off-paper mixture, mostly QEII, some earlier. Duplicated but good variety (est 10,000+ stamps) £40


COMMONWEALTH Channel Islands and Commonwealth booklets, little or no duplication, over 90 booklets from early QEII onwards. £45


ALL WOrLD Collector’s duplicates on and (mostly) off paper in medium sized box. (1000s) £40

ALL WOrLD Cover and FDC collection in 5 FDC albums, approx half being GB. (Est 150200 items) £60 Large box with various untidy assortment in a few albums or stockbooks, plus duplicates in 2 large tins. (100s or 1000s) £60 Pink plastic tub with rump-end collection remainders. (100s or 1000s) £60 Transparent plastic tub, with assortment of FDC and commercial covers in 8 small cover albums. (100s) £60 Various in box, good range of material with a couple of stockbooks with a basic content. Inspection recommended. (100s or 1000s) £60


UsA E-mod basic used assortment in ring binder, set out on Hagner pages. (100s) £40


EUrOpE Green Senator loose-leaf album, well filled with country collections from Bulgaria, CSR, Danzig and Denmark. Early to modern. Mostly cheaper, a lot of it. (100s or 1000s) £40


ALL WOrLD Box with approx 2 lbs /1 kg net weight of unsorted off-paper mixture, majority seems to be 1950/70’s Some earlier and later here and there. Duplicated but good variety (est 10,000+ stamps) £35






116 117 118 119 120

EUrOpE Early to modern general collection in green Tower loose-leaf album, with ranges from Switzerland (mostly used with issues to approx 2010), Turkey, Vatican and Yugoslavia. Cheap and cheerful with plenty of middle range material. (100s) £70 COMMONWEALTH General mint and used collection in red Tower album, I-M”“ countries, early to modern, but mostly GVI onwards, cheaper stamps with odd highlight to be found, incl Ireland (from 2001), Jamaica, Jersey, KUT, Kiribati, Malaysia. Lots of it. (100s or 1000s)”“ £65 MALTA 1902/68 attractive mint collection, laid out on stock sheets.




COMMONWEALTH Red Senator loose-leaf album, well filled with country collections from GB, Australia, Canada and some France. Early to modern. Mostly cheaper, with better oddments here and there. (100s or 1000s) £35


AUsTrALIA Basic used collection in ring binder, some better incl Roos to 10/- (CofA), GV Heads to 1/4d, earlier commems incl Anzac 1/-, run of QEII up to approx 1990. Mixed condition, but cheap. (100s) £30


spAIN Early to modern good general collection on pages, mostly cheaper but plenty of middle range pickings. (100s) £30




MALTA Folder with attractive run of eight pre-stamped covers, all addressed to Alexandria. Clean. £30









COMMONWEALTH General QEII mint and used collection in 2 loose-leaf albums, nothing of any great individual value, but with good run of Africa, Australia and States and others. (100s) £30 GErMANy General mint and used collection in well-filled green Senator album, early, Inflation, 3rd Reich, Fed Republic, Berlin, post Unification. Appears to be cheaper stamps, possibility of a find or two. Very low estimate. (100s)£30 COMMONWEALTH Mint and (mostly) used collection in red spring-back loose-leaf album, mostly QEII with Australia, AAT, Canada, NZ, Africa, Asia, Malta and others. (100s) £30 GrEAT BrITAIN Box with approx 2 lbs /1 kg net weight of unsorted off-paper mixture, mostly QEII, some earlier. Some decimal Machins, but small proportion only. (est 10,000+ stamps) £25 ALL WOrLD Green loose-leaf album, well filled with country collections from Azerbaijan, Grenada and Grenadines, Indonesia, Laos, Mauritius, Portugal and others. Mostly modern. Very colourful. (100s or 1000s) £25 OMNIBUs 1977 Silver Jubilee mint collection in album, BE issues only. (Probably) complete. £20

166 167

168 169


171 172

THEMATIC FIsH General mint and used collection in large maroon stockbook. (100s) £20


ALL WOrLD Boxful of facsimiles of GB high vals, Suez and others. (100s or 1000s) £12




THEMATIC sHIps Mint and used collection in red loose-leaf album. Cheap and cheerful. (Approx 300 stamps) £10


CHANNEL IsLANDs 76 presentation packs including 20 Jersey, 12 Guernsey and 44 IOM, includes postage dues and values to £2. “ £40


CHANNEL IsLANDs GUErNsEy Wartime to mid-1980’s mint and used collection in ring binder, high level of completion, with sets, m/, sheetlets, both mint and used. Of note Wartime Airs (incl Banknote pair) mint, 1969 defins £1 value only, then all commems and most later commems and defins with vals to £5. (Estimated 150 sets). £150









CHANNEL IsLANDs GUErNsEy 1980/90’s mint and used collection in 2 ring binder albums, fairly comprehensive and mostly in sets. Incl Alderney. £125 CHANNEL IsLANDs JErsEy 1994/6 mint and used collection in ring binder, more or less complete, with sets, m/s, sheetlets, both mint and used. Vals to £5. Estimate is well under face value. (Approx 150 sets or m/s). £200 CHANNEL IsLANDs JErsEy Wartime to 1990 (approx) mint and used collection in 2 ring binder albums, fairly comprehensive and mostly in sets. £125 CHANNEL IsLANDs JErsEy 1969/1991 (approx) FDC collection in single Fdc album, incl 1969 defins, later defins to £2 and most commems incl the early sets. (100+ covers). £50



179 180


GrEAT BrITAIN Collection in 3 albums with used ranges of EDVII, GV and GVI, each reign with covers, postcards, mint and used Stationery etc, an attractive and useful collection. £325 1902/51 collection on pages in album with used EDVII to 1/- arranged by shade and printings, also DLR 2/6d, mint and used Downey heads, used 1912 and ‘24 sets with shades, some 2/6d and 5/- Seahorses (plus Reengraved set). Also 1934 and ‘37 sets mint, bits and pieces (2 WW1 Field £250 Postcards), a few Dues etc. 1911/70 used collection neatly presented on pages in album, a good, basic collection, roughly corresponding with the SG listing for shades etc. There are Downey heads, 1912, ‘24 and ‘34 issues, some Seahorses, GVI and £250 QEII etc. QV-1980s mint and used collection in loose-leaf album, commencing 1d black (not the worst example in the world, but certainly a contender for 1st alternate), later QV incl Jubilee set with both 1/- (equally awful), later with EDVII to 1/-, GV to 10/-, GVI to £1 incl very fine used Wedding, then some reasonable value in QEII with early Castles to £1 (most printings) better Wildings incl mint set of 1958 graphites, ord and/or phos commems to middle 1980’s mint or used, mostly in sets (used tend to be cds). Early stuff has generally not been valued in view of condition. (1d black rates £20 £175 the rest zero). (100s or 1000s) Box with range of FDC collections in half a dozen or so albums and loose, £125 incl PO Offcials, Benham and Westminster and others. (100s) GV-1970 (approx) mostly used collection in Windsor printed album, incl 1939 set to £1, early QEII incl Castles to 10/-, later Castles to £5 (3), commems substantially complete (ord only), also good selection of Dues £125 and regionals. Cat £1250+++ (100s) GV-early QEII collector’s duplicates in 3 stockbooks, generally unexciting £125 but with Seahorses to 10/-, GVI to £1. (100s) Shoebox with range of modern FDC, middle to late 2000’s incl commems, defins and London Olympics sheetlets. Also one or two Post it and Go items £125 in packs. Approx 80 items. 1969/80s collection in 5 SG Simplex albums, with mint, used and FDC, mostly in sets, incl regionals, fairly complete for period covered. Defins are £100 lower vals only. Incl a few Channel Islands and locals. (100s) QV-1970 mint and used remainder collection/accumulation in pair of £50 picked-over Windsors. 1870/83 collection of the various QV ½d value with used 1870 ½d plates (incl 9), a group with postmarks, 5 covers (incl pair of pl 3 and pl 5, pl 6 with pair of 1d etc) and mint pl 15 o/pt Cyprus. Also 1880 and ‘83 ½d each in £350 mint block of 6 (some gum bends), o/pt Specimen etc. Accumulation of around 90 Post Office Telegrams, 75 of which have 5/Castle (4 additionally bear 2/6d, 2 with ‘punched’ 10/-), also 15 or so with £250 various Wilding combinations. Interesting lot. Collection of 14 philatelic collages from around 1914 period in large packet, each comprising a base of 342 stamps on old ledger sheet laid out in 18x19 grid, with other stamps superimposed to form various patterns. 1d lilacs, 1d reds, EDVII and GV 1d, French, German, USA low vals etc. Also 5 £175 smaller works. Charming, would look great in frames! Range of 21 QV issues each with a less common postmark, incl 6d lilac with French lozenge, 4d vermilion with blue cancel and red ‘PD’, 5/- rose £125 with Edinburgh roller, a couple of used abroad etc. Wholesale lot of used EDVII on A5-size stockcards, comprising 100 each of 1½d, 2½d, 3d and 4d green and brown, together with 2d x 75 and 5d x 50. Mix of papers, shades and cancellations. Some have washed colours, a few on small piece. Ideal lot for specialist to go through and at approx £100 1%, cheap against catalogue. Cat (just under) £10,000 Extensive lot of fine used QEII used sets, m/s, Greetings panes and better singles (also one or two booklet panes). Approx 50 diff items, with mix of cto (from so-named Protected postage”“ packets) and ex FDC, in sets where applicable, majority x5 each (some positions slightly more or less), with full inventory, but better incl MS2123 and MS2147, Greetings panes 1550a, 1592a, 1800a, singles NI36a and 42a, panes 724n, 1664n, 2031c £90 and 2133l. Cat £1750”“ Small collection of self-adhesive booklets, incl Submarines (cat £100), Punch and Judy (cat £50), Football, Bridges, small format Smilers and £100 others. (Approx 25 items). Range of 9 used QV on page, each with striking ‘blind’ perf variety, with £60 2x1d red plate, 2 x 3d rose and 5 x 6d lilac. Attractive lot of fine used QEII used sets, m/s, Greetings panes and better singles (also one or two booklet panes). Something like 50 different items, with mix of cto (from so-named Protected postage”“ packets) and ex FDC, in sets where applicable, better incl MS2123 and MS2147, Greetings panes 1550a, 1592a, 1800a, singles NI36a and 42a, panes 724n, 1664n, 2031c and 2133l + approx 20 complete commem sets mostly of the 1990/2005 £60 era. Cat £350”“ Plastic tub with few 100’s modern FDC (and other bits). £40



184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192

193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212

Old ex Denis Hanson approval sheet with used range of material with QV incl 1841 2d, Jubilee 9d cds, 4d orange pl 13 on piece, EDVII t 1/-, Seahorse 2/6d and other GV, QEII incl cds commems. Priced to sell at £201.85 £35 Old ex Denis Hanson approval sheet with used range of material incl QV ½ doz or so 1d reds, 4d orange pl 12, 9d Jubilee, ½d plate 15 (unused, no gum), GVI 2d light sideways (mint) and others. Priced to sell at £189.90 £32 Old ex Denis Hanson approval sheet with used range of material incl QV 2d blue pl 15, 1/- no corner letters (poor, but cat £350+), 6d pl 6, GVI incl Festivals to £1, some QEII etc. Priced to sell at £116.45 £25 Old ex Denis Hanson approval sheet with used range of material with EDVII to 1/- (also mint OW ½d cat £400, looks OK but cannot be guaranteed) GVI incl 10/- dark, QEII incl cds commems. Priced to sell at £138.70 £25 Old ex Denis Hanson approval sheet with used range of material incl QV ½d plate 20, 1d lilac 14 dot, GV with 2/6d Seahorse, QEII Castles to £1, various commems etc. Priced to sell at £122.65 £20 Old ex Denis Hanson approval sheet with used range of material incl various 1d reds, QV 3d red and 4d orange, EDVII to 1/-, Seahorse 2/6d (2), later etc. Priced to sell at £125.20 £20 Old ex Denis Hanson approval sheet with used range of material including QV 1841 2d, ½d plates 3 and 4, GV incl 2/6d Seahorse (SG 406 cat £190), GVI with 10/- dark, some QEII. Priced to sell at £123.35 £18 Old ex Denis Hanson approval sheet with used range of material incl 1841 1d with MX cancel, other QV, EDVII 1/-, ½d orange QV OW Official used (dubious), various later incl wmk variations. Priced to sell at £112.80 £15 Old ex Denis Hanson approval sheet with used range of material incl 1d lilac 14 dot, EDVII 2½d OW used (dubious, but cat £675 if OK), GV incl 2½d PUC and Seahorse 2/6d, various later. Priced to sell at £107.55£15 Old ex Denis Hanson approval sheet with used range of material including some cheaper QV and EDVII, Seahorse 2/6d and 5/-, various QEII. Priced to sell at £87.70 £12 Small range of used EDVII on 3 stockcards, comprising 10 each of ½d (both), 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d, 3d, 4d orange, 4d green and brown, 5d, 6d and 1/-. Also 9d x 2. Mix of shades and cancels, maybe perfs, some with washed colours. Cheap against catalogue. Cat (min) £2000 £60 1840 1d black pl 2 with 4 margins on cover to Bewdley, Worcestershire, tied (rather smudged) black m/c, York departure on reverse. (1 Plate 2) £150 1840 1d black pl 1a ‘LF’ with 4 margins and fine strike of the black m/c (scarce on this plate), small imperfection upper right margin (not noticeable from the front). Most attractive. Cat £1100. SG AS2f (2 Plate 1a) £250 1840 1d black pl 1b ‘SH’ with 4 large margins and crisply struck orangered m/c, a superb example. (2 Plate 1b) £250 1840 1d black pl 1b ‘FJ’ with 4 large margins on cover to Edinburgh tied black m/c with boxed ‘Newburgh’ departure strike on reverse. 2 vertical filing folds, clean and attractive. Cat £750 (2 Plate 1b) £200 1840 1d black pl 1b ‘SC’ with 4 margins on cover to Preston with red m/c, ‘Manchester’ departure strike on reverse. Fine. (2 Plate 1b) £250 1840 1d black pl 2 ‘FC’ with 4 margins and red m/c, a fine example . (2 Plate 2) £150 1840 1d black pl 2 ‘CF’ with 4 margins and smudged red m/c. (2 Plate 2) £125 1840 1d black pl 2 ‘JI’ with 4 margins and red m/c, small scuff lower right corner but a most attractive example. (2 Plate 2) £100 1840 1d black pl 3 ‘RH’ with 4 margins and red m/c, a fine example from this better plate. (2 Plate 3) £150 1840 1d black pl 4 ‘LC’ with 4 good margins and neat strike of red m/c, a very fine example. (2 Plate 4) £220 1840 1d black pl 4 ‘TG’ with 4 margins and red m/c. Fine. (2 Plate 4) £150 1840 1d black pl 4 ‘AJ’ with 4 margins and red m/c. Fine. (2 Plate 4) £140 1840 1d black pl 5 ‘FG’ with 4 margins and red m/c, a fine and attractive example. (2 Plate 5) £160 1840 1d black pl 5 ‘FB’ with 4 margins and black m/c. Fine. (2 Plate 5) £125 1840 1d black pl 6 ‘SJ’ with 4 margins on piece tied crisply struck black m/c, a fine example. (2 Plate 6) £165 1840 1d black pl 6 ‘RF’ with 4 margins and red m/c. Fine (2 Plate 6) £125 1840 1d black pl 8 ‘EB’ with 4 margins and faint pinkish m/c, an attractive example. Cat £525 (2 Plate 8) £125 1840 1d black pl 9 ‘LB’ with 4 margins and black m/c, a scarcer plate. Fine. Cat £625 (2 Plate 9) £140 1840 1d black pl 9 ‘HA’ with 4 margins and black m/c, faint vertical crease, an attractive example. (2 Plate 9) £75 1840 1d black pl 10 ‘GJ’ with 4 margins and black m/c, a fine example of this scarce plate. Cat £950 (2 Plate X) £250

213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250

1840 1d grey-black pl 6 ‘OD’ with 4 margins mint, a fine and attractive example with original gum. Cat £16,500 (3 Plate 6) £2,000 1840 2d deep full blue pl 1 in horizontal strip of 4 with good to large margins all round and 4 neat strikes of black m/c. A superb and scarce multiple. Knopke Cert. (4 Plate 1) £2,000 1840 2d blue pl 1 ‘KA’ with 4 close to good margins and light strike of red m/c. Attractive. Cat £1200 (5 Plate 1) £150 1840 2d blue pl 1 ‘GH’, a fine 4 margin example with inverted wmk and red m/c. Scarce (particularly so with red m/c). Cat £6250 (5wi) £1,200 1840 Rainbow colour trial of 1d in lilac brown on thin white wove paper, voided corners, State 2, without gum as prepared, a very fine example with BPA Cert. Cat £4500 (Dp20 (C)) £1,250 1841 1d red ‘black’ pl 1b ‘NC’ with 4 margins and black m/c. Fine. Cat £375 (7 Plate 1b) £85 1841 1d red ‘black’ pl 1b ‘MC’ with 4 margins and black m/c. Fine. Cat £375 (7 Plate 1b) £75 1841 1d red ‘black’ pl 1b ‘NK’ with 4 margins and black m/c. Fine. Cat £375 (7 Plate 1b) £75 1841 1d red ‘black’ pl 11 in pair ‘QE-QF’ (margin just touched at right) with 2 neat strikes of black m/c. Cat £300 (7 Plate XI) £50 1841 1d red ‘black’ pl 11, 3 examples ‘KK’, ‘FD’ and ‘HH’ with 3 margins and black m/c. Cat £390 (7 Plate XI) £50 1841 1d red ‘black’ pl 11 ‘QF’ with 4 margins and black m/c. Fine. Cat £130 (7 Plate XI) £30 1841 1d red pl 20 ‘SI’ with 4 margins and fine strike of ‘Leeds’ m/c. RPS Cert. Cat £600 (8) £140 1841 1d red pl 17 ‘JA’ with 4 margins and fine strike of ‘Norwich’ m/c. Cat £550 (8) £100 1841 1d red pl 74 ‘TI’ lower marginal with part inscription fine used. Superb. (8) £90 1841 1d red pl 21 ‘IL’ with 4 large to very large margins and neat black m/c, right side marginal with part inscription. (8) £85 1841 1d red-brown in block of 4 with black m/c, margins close or just touched at left and right, each with a striking ‘Ivory head’ variety. Cat £320+ (8) £60 1841 1d red ‘RJ’ with 4 margins and very fine strike of ‘Dublin’ m/c. Cat £150 (8) £50 1841 1d red ‘JA’ with 4 good to large margins and crisp m/c, a lovely example. (8) £20 1841 1d red pl 174 ‘PF’ with 3 margins (just touched upper right corner) used. Scarce plate. Cat £300 (8 (174)) £40 1841 1d red set of 12v with nos. 1 to 12 in m/c, mostly with trimmed margins but fine strikes (the key ‘4’ is a fine 3 margin example with crisp strike). Cat £3000 (8m) £200 1841 1d red pl 28 ‘KG’ with 4 margins and fine strike of ‘5’ in m/c. Cat £180 (8m) £70 1841 1d red pl 39 ‘BG’ with 4 large margins and fine upright strike of ‘7’ in m/c. Cat £160 (8m) £60 1841 1d red ‘PE’ with 4 margins and fine ‘6’ in m/c. Cat £160 (8m) £55 1841 1d red pl 21 ‘QB’ with 4 margins on piece tied superb strike of ‘HONITON JY 12 42’ cds. Cat £825 (8o) £200 1841 1d red-brown ‘SK’ with 4 margins and fine ‘29’ horizontal oval in blue of Ashburton. Cat £250 (8p) £50 1841 1d red pl 72 ‘FF’ mint with 4 margins and inverted wmk, very seldom seen mint. Scarce. Cat £5000 (8wi) £700 1841 1d red ‘KF’ with 4 margins and inverted wmk, neat London Office cancel. Cat £400 (8wi) £110 1841 2d pale blue ‘NI’ with 3 good margins, just touched at lower left, very fresh. Cat £9500 (13) £350 1841 2d blue in horizontal pair with 4 margins and 2 fine strikes of the ‘4’ in m/c, seldom seen in pair. Cat £1400+ (14f) £550 1854 Small Crown P16 1d red-brown fine used with ‘Leith’ Scots local. (17) £25 1854 Imprimatur 1d red pl 198 lettered ‘AJ’, fine upper marginal with inscription. Scarce. Cat £1300 (17 Var) £550 1854 Small Crown P14 2d blue ‘OI’ fine used. Cat £225 (23) £40 1854 Small Crown P14 2d blue pl 5 fine used. Cat £350 (23a) £55 1854 Large Crown P14 ‘HK’ 1d red-brown mint, a fine, lightly mounted example. Cat £240 (29) £75 1854 Large Crown P14 1d brown rose ‘DA’ u/m, centered to lower left, very fresh. Cat £375+ (32) £175 1854 Large Crown P14 1d brown rose mint, without gum. Cat £375 (32) £30 1854 Large Crown P14 1d orange-brown ‘QL’ fine used. Cat £60 (33) £15 1856 Large Crown P14 1d pale red on cream paper mint. Cat £425. SG C9(3) (38 Var) £100



252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293


1856 bisected 1d rose-red used on small piece tied ‘78’ London SE District Office cancel, almost certainly from a cover to pre-pay the 10½d rate to Denmark (or 1s.2½d rate to California) from around 1858. A rarity. Cat (on cover) £25,000. SG C10v (40 Var) £600 1856 Large Crown P14 1d deep rose-red pl 36 ‘RK’ mint. Fine. Cat £160 (41) £50 1858 1d red pl 89 u/m, centered to lower right, fine and fresh. Cat £60+ (43 (89)) £35 1858 1d red pl 89 mint, centered to lower right, fine and fresh. Cat £60 (43 (89)) £25 1858 1d red pl 118 in strip of 3 mint without gum, the centre stamp with ‘Confetti’ flaw on Queen’s neck. Cat £210+ (43 (118)) £40 1858 1d red pl 222 on local cover tied ‘Torquay DE 24 79’ duplex, illustrated front and back with floral decoration, a charming Christmas envelope. (43 (222)) £250 1858 1d red pl 225 used, a fine example. Cat £800 (43 (225)) £275 1858 2d blue pl 12 fine used with a superb strike of the ‘Copestake, Moore, Crampton’ underprint in blue. Scarce. SG PP38 (45 (12)) £120 1858 2d deep blue pl 13 ‘NL’ mint, a very fine example with BPA Cert. Cat £375 (47 (13)) £150 1864 1d red plate 190 u/m. Cat £70+ (43 (190)) £50 1864 1d red plate 190 mint. Cat £70 (43 (190)) £30 1864 1d red plate 200 mint. Cat £80 (43 (200)) £32 1864 1d red plate 217 u/m. Cat £95+ (43 (217)) £60 1864 1d red plate 217 mint. Cat £95 (43 (217)) £35 1870 Insert 1/2 fractiond rose-red pl 19 u/m o/pt Specimen, fine and fresh. (48 (19s)) £85 1870 ½d rose-red pl 5 u/m, very fine. Cat £110+ (48 (5)) £50 1870 ½d rose-red pl 9 fine used. Cat £850 (48 (9)) £175 1870 ½d rose pl 1 to 20 (ex 9) used, good to fine. Cat £700 (48/9) £75 1870 ½d rose pl 1 u/m, centered to upper left, fine and fresh. Cat £325+ (49 (1)) £60 1870 ½d rose pl 9 used, a good, sound example. Cat £850 (49 (9)) £125 1870 ½d rose pl 9 used, a good, sound example. Cat £850 (49 (9)) £125 1847 Embossed 1/- pale green with 4 close to good margins fine used with crisply struck ‘466’ of Liverpool. Cat £1000 (54) £185 1847 Embossed 1/- pale green with 4 good margins fine used with neat ‘159’ barred numeral, an attractive example. Cat £1000 (54) £145 1847 Embossed 1/- pale green with 4 margins fine used. Cat £1000 (54) £175 1847 Embossed 1/- green used with 4 margins and neat ‘700’ cancel of Sheffield. Cat £1000 (55) £125 1847 Embossed 10d brown used with 4 margins and neat ‘159’ barred numeral, a fine example. Cat £1500 (57) £300 1847 Embossed 6d dull lilac fine used with 4 margins. Cat £1000 (59) £200 1855 Small Garter 4d carmine good used wing margin example. Cat £450 (62) £30 1855 Small Garter 4d carmine on slightly blued paper used with fine ‘28’ London District cancel. Cat £450 (62a) £60 1855 Small Garter 4d deep bright carmine fine used wing margin, a strikingly deep shade. Cat £525. SG J47(1) (62a Var) £110 1855 Medium Garter 4d pale carmine fine used. Cat £500 (64) £60 1855 Medium Garter 4d rose on white paper fine used with light numeral and inverted wmk. Rare (listed but unpriced by SG). (65wi) £600 1855 Large Garter 4d deep rose on cover to Paris tied fine ‘18’ London cancel, a fine cover and a scarcer shade. SG J51(3) (66 Var) £40 1855 Large Garter 4d deep rose fine used, a striking shade. Cat £200. SG J51(3) (66a Var) £50 1855 Emblems 6d deep lilac fine used with inverted wmk, strikingly deep shade, scarce. Cat £400 (as cheaper shade) (69wi) £120 1855 Emblems 6d pale lilac fine used on thick paper, attractive and scarce. Cat £425 (70b) £60 1855 Emblems 1/- pale green fine used. Cat £350 (73) £50 1855 Emblems 1/- pale green fine used. Cat £350 (73) £35 1862 Emblems 3d bright carmine fine used with ‘545’ cancel of Newcastle. Cat £350 (76) £40 1862 Emblems 3d pale carmine-rose ‘MF’ mint, attractive and fresh. Cat £2700 (77) £300 1862 Emblems 3d pale carmine-rose mint, reperfed wing margin, original gum, fine and fresh. Cat £2700 (77) £200 1862 Emblems 3d pale carmine-rose fine used wing margin. Cat £350 (77) £50 1862 Emblems 6d lilac (hair lines) mint wing margin, very attractive and fresh, regummed. Cat £3000 (85) £250

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1862 Emblems 9d bistre ‘IL’ mint, an attractive example, regummed. Cat £5800 (86) £300 1862 Emblems 9d straw ‘EK’ mint, part original gum, very fresh, a fine example. Cat £4000 (87) £450 1862 Emblems 9d straw fine used with neat ‘7’ Scottish cancel of Alloa. Cat £475 (87) £60 1862 Emblems 9d straw used with ‘221’ cancel. Cat £475 (87) £50 1862 Emblems 1/- deep green ‘KD’ used with neat ‘90’ barred numeral, trimmed wing margin, a fine example of the ‘K in circle’ variety. Cat £2700+ (89a) £550 1862 Emblems 1/- ‘DK’ mint, original gum, lovely fresh appearance. Cat £3200 (90) £600 1862 Emblems 1/- green mint, partially regummed (and redistributed), very fresh, a most attractive example. Cat £3200 (90) £300 1862 Emblems 1/- green mint, traces of gum, attractive and very fresh. Cat £3200 (90) £200 1862 Emblems 1/- green fine to very fine used. Cat £300 (90) £50 1862 Emblems 1/- green ‘KD’ used with neat ‘N.E 19’ London cancel, trimmed wing margin, a fine example of the ‘K in circle’ variety. Cat £2700 (90a) £475 1862 Emblems 1/- green ‘KD’ used with neat numeral cancel, a reperforated wing marginal example of the ‘K’ normal variety. Cat £2200 (90ab) £300 1865 Emblems 3d rose fine used. Cat £250 (92) £30 1865 Large Garter 4d dull vermilion pl 13 ‘QE’ mint, a fine example with original gum. Cat £650 (93 (13)) £175 1865 Large Garter 4d vermilion pl 11 (deep shade) mint. Cat £575 (94 (11)) £175 1865 Large Garter 4d vermilion pl 12 with inverted wmk u/m, centered to lower left, a fine example. Cat £575+ (94 (12)) £200 1865 Large Garter 4d deep vermilion pl 12 ‘FL’ mint, a fine example with original gum. Cat £575 (95 (12)) £175 1865 Large Garter 4d deep vermilion pl 12 fine used with part cds. Cat £75+ (95 (12)) £25 1865 Emblems 6d deep lilac pl 6 ‘IJ’ fine used with ‘545’ cancel of Newcastle. Cat £250 (96 (6)) £35 1865 Emblems 9d straw used, centered to lower left, with ‘573’ cancel of North Shields. Cat £600 (98) £90 1865 Royal Reprint from pl 66 ‘RI’ in carmine-rose imperforate mint, a very fine example, vibrant colour. Scarce. Cat £3000 (Dp35b) £1,000 1865 Emblems 1/- green pl 4 ‘QG’ mint, regummed, fine and fresh. Cat £2850 (101) £250 1867 Spray 3d rose pl 10 used wing margin with crisp ‘186’ Irish cancel of Dublin. Cat £150 (103 (10)) £30 1867 Spray 3d rose pl 5 mint, original gum. Cat £525 (103 (5)) £125 1867 Spray 6d dull violet pl 9 ‘RE’ wing margin u/m o/pt Specimen. Cat £350+ (108s) £120 1867 Spray 6d mauve pl 9 ‘DJ’ imperforate with good margins o/pt Specimen, fine and fresh. Cat £550 (109 (9)S) £175 1867 Spray 9d straw mint wing margin, a fine and most attractive example, regummed. Cat £2500 (110) £250 1867 Spray 9d pale straw fine used. Cat £325 (111) £50 1867 Spray 10d red-brown ‘ME’ mint wing margin with original gum, a superb example. Cat £3600 (112) £1,000 1867 Spray 10d red-brown fine used. Cat £400 (112) £40 1867 Spray 10d pale red-brown ‘SC’ mint, an attractive example regummed. Cat £3600 (113) £300 1867 Spray 1/- green plate 4 fine used, with cds. Cat £65 (117 (4)) £20 1867 Spray 1/- green pl 5 ‘SG’ mint, fine. Cat £800 (117 (5)) £200 1867 Spray 1/- green pl 5 fine used with ‘Bradford’ cds. Cat £80 (117 (5)) £25 1867 Spray 1/- green pl 6, fine used with neat cds. Cat £45+ (117 (6)) £18 1867 Spray 1/- green pl 6, fine used with neat Stock Exchange cds. Cat £45+ (117 (6)) £15 1867 Spray 2/- dull blue ‘TH’ mint, a fine and fresh example reperforated wing margin. Cat £4200 (118) £350 1867 Spray 2/- dull blue ‘AI’ wing margin used with neat ‘Southampton Head Telegraph Office’ cds, a fine example (‘short’ A row stamp). Cat £225+ (118) £75 1867 Spray 2/- pale blue used with light postmark, a fine example. Cat £275 (120) £40 1867 Spray 2/- pale blue ‘DJ’ fine used. Cat £275 (120) £35 1867 Spray 2/- milky blue used with neat ‘76’ London numeral, a fine and well centered example of this scarce shade with 2013 RPS Cert. Cat £2000 (120b) £700 1867 Spray 2/- brown ‘DD’ used wing margin with neat part London barred numeral cancel, fine and attractive. Cat £4250 (121) £900

335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378

1867 Spray 2/- brown mint ‘IH’ wing margin o/pt Specimen. Attractive and scarce. Cat £3800 (121s) £850 1867 6d chestnut in used block of 4 with 4 strikes of ‘Parliament St’ cds, a fine and scarce multiple. Cat £425 (122a) £150 1867 6d chestnut pl 11 ‘CH’ imperforate mint right hand marginal, o/pt Specimen, fine. Cat £500 (122a Var) £150 1867 6d pale chestnut fine used with ‘Dundalk’ cds. (122b) £40 1867 6d grey pl 12 ‘LK’ mint, part original gum, fine and fresh. Cat £1900 (125) £350 1867 5/- rose pl 1 fine used with ‘Royal Exchange’ 1872 cds. Cat £675 (126 (1)) £175 1867 5/- pale rose pl 2 fine used in pair with 2 fine strikes of ‘Glasgow’ cds. Most attractive and a scarce multiple! Cat £3000+ (127 (2)) £750 1867 5/- pale rose pl 2 used with neat ‘E.C 8’ London District oval, a fine example. Cat £1500 (127 (2)) £225 1867 Maltese Cross 10/- greenish-grey used with neat ‘R’ oval barred cancel, a fine example. Cat £3200 (128) £500 1867 Anchor 10/- grey-green on blued paper used, parts of light Registered cancel, a fine example. Cat £5200 (131) £850 1867 Anchor £1 brown-lilac used with ‘H&B’ perfin, a most presentable space-filler. Cat £10,000 (132) £300 1867 Anchor 5/- rose pl 4 fine used with neat ‘Mark Lane’ hexagonal cancel, an attractive example. Cat £4200 (134) £475 1867 Anchor 5/- rose pl 4 on white paper used with ‘R’ barred oval cancel, a good, sound example. Cat £4200 (134) £400 1867 Anchor 5/- rose pl 4 used, ‘Registered’ cds, a little rubbing but a good, presentable example. Cat £4200 (134) £250 1867 £5 orange fine used with neat ‘Sheffield DE 30 99’ cds, a superb example. Cat £4750 (137) £2,500 1867 Paris Exhibition Proof 1d in black imperforate on white card with 4 close (upper right) to good margins. Fine and scarce. Cat £3000 (Dp38) £700 1873 2½d rosy mauve pl 1 on blued paper mint, a fine and very fresh example. Cat £875 (138 (1)) £250 1873 2½d rosy mauve pl 1 on blued paper mint, fine and fresh. Cat £875 (138 (1)) £250 1873 2½d rosy mauve pl 1 ‘BK’ mint, original gum, fine. Cat £875 (138 (1)) £175 1873 2½d rosy mauve pl 1 fine used with ‘Helensborough’ cds. Cat £120 (139 (1)) £40 1873 2½d rosy mauve pl 1 fine used. Cat £120 (139 (1)) £20 1873 Spray 3d rose pl 14 mint wing margin, original gum (small patch missing). Cat £525 (141 (14)) £125 1873 2½d rosy mauve pl 17 ‘CD’ mint, fresh colour. Scarce. Cat £1700 (141 (17)) £280 1873 2½d rosy mauve pl 3 fine used. Cat £150 (141 (3)) £25 1873 2½d rosy mauve pl 12 mint Imprimatur lettered ‘BJ’ with good margins and inverted wmk (unusual). Cat £2500 (141 Var) £550 1873 Spray 3d rose pl 11 to 20 good to fine used. Cat £780 (143) £80 1873 Spray 3d rose pl 14 fine used, cds. Cat £80 (143 (14)) £20 1873 Spray 3d rose pl 14 fine used. Cat £80 (143 (14)) £15 1873 Spray 6d grey pl 13 to 17 good to fine used. Cat £540 (147) £60 1873 6d grey pl 14 used with fine ‘Chesterfield’ cds. Cat £90+ (147 (14)) £50 1873 Spray 6d grey pl 16 wing margin u/m, a lovely example. Cat £500+ (147 (16)) £250 1873 Spray 1/- green pl 8 to 13 good to fine used. Cat £1000 (150) £125 1873 Spray 1/- green pl 12 ‘SF’ mint, an attractive example without gum. Cat £650 (150 (12)) £60 1873 Spray 1/- orange-brown ‘EC’ good to fine used with inverted wmk. Scarce. Cat £1800 (151wi) £200 1873 Large Garter 4d vermilion fine used with ‘7’ Scottish cancel of Alloa. Cat £525 (152) £85 1873 Large Garter 4d vermilion fine used. Cat £525 (152) £60 1873 Large Garter 4d pl 15 Colour Trial in light sage-green with 4 margins, very large at right. Cat £250 (153 Var) £100 1873 Large Garter 4d pl 15 colour trial in pale orange-brown, large margins, fine. Cat £250 (153 Var) £100 1873 Large Garter 4d grey-brown mint, an attractive example, regummed. Cat £2800 (154) £250 1873 Large Garter 4d grey-brown fine used. Cat £550 (154) £75 1873 Large Garter 8d orange ‘LB’ mint, centered to lower left, original gum, fine and fresh. Cat £1850 (156) £280 1873 Large Garter 8d orange fine used with neat ‘131’ cancel of Edinburgh. Cat £350 (156) £40 1873 Large Garter 8d orange fine used. Cat £350 (156) £30 1880 2½d blue pl 22 ‘CI’ mint, fine. Cat £450 (157 (22)) £125

379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389

390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423

1880 2½d blue pl 23 u/m. Superb. Cat £450+ (157 (23)) £250 1880 2½d blue pl 23 mint, very fine, trace of a mount. Cat £450 (157 (23)) £140 1880 3d rose pl 21 ‘EA’ mint, a fine example with original gum. Cat £500 (158 (21)) £175 1880 3d rose pl 21 fine used with neat ‘Manchester’ squared circle. Cat £100 (158 (21)) £30 1880 3d rose pl 21 fine used with crisp ‘Liverpool’ squared circle cancel. Cat £100 (158 (21)) £25 1880 surcharged 3d lilac used with fine ‘Woolton’ cds. Cat £160+ (159) £60 1880 surcharged 3d lilac fine used with ‘Plymouth’ cds. Cat £160 (159) £50 1880 surcharged 3d lilac used with fine ‘Bersham’ cds. Cat £160+ (159) £50 1880 surcharged 3d lilac used with cds. Cat £160 (159) £30 1880 Surch 3d on 3d lilac fine used, cds. Cat £160 (159) £30 1880 4d grey-brown pl 17 on cover (affixed upside down) to Honolulu via USA (portion of flap on reverse missing), tied ‘London’ squared circle cancels, a very scarce destination with only a handful of covers recorded. Ex Gilbert Wheat. (160 (17)) £250 1880 4d grey-brown pl 18 used with fine ‘Darlington’ cds. Cat £75+ (160 (18)) £40 1880 6d grey pl 17 used with fine ‘Dorchester’ cds. Cat £80+ (161 (17)) £40 1880 6d grey pl 17 fine used with part cds. Cat £80 (161 (17)) £25 1880 6d grey pl 18 fine used with neat ‘Ludgate Circus’ hexagonal cancel. Cat £80 (161 (18)) £30 1880 6d grey pl 18 Imprimatur lettered ‘TC’ mint with 4 clear to good margins, small thin, attractive and scarce. Cat £2750 (161 Var) £250 1880 surcharged 6d lilac fine used with neat ‘Banbury 3 DE 83’ cds. Cat £150+ (162) £60 1880 Surch 6d lilac fine used with cds. Cat £150 (162) £30 1880 1/- orange-brown pl 13 and 14, each a fine used example with Registered cancel. Cat £340 (163) £40 1880 1/- orange-brown pl 13 fine used with ‘London JY 22 81’ cds. Cat £170 (163 (13)) £75 1880 1/- orange-brown pl 13 fine used, cds. Cat £170 (163 (13)) £30 1880 1/- orange-brown pl 14 fine used with ‘Jersey’ squared circle cancel. Cat £170 (163 (14)) £40 1880 ½d - 5d (5v) fine used, complete. Cat £350 (164/9) £50 1880 1d Venetian red mint. Cat £35 (166) £10 1880 5d indigo fine used. Cat £175 (169) £20 1881 1d lilac ‘14 dot’ fine used. Cat £40 (170) £8 1881 1d Colour Trial in greenish slate on gummed wmk’d paper, very fine and fresh. Scarce. Cat £3000 (172 Var) £850 1881 1d lilac mint with ‘Pears’ Soap’ underprint in blue, a fine, lightly mounted example. Cat £550 (172 Var) £300 1883 2/6d lilac on blued paper used, light cancel, a fine example. Cat £1500 (175) £275 1883 2/6d lilac u/m, very fine in all respects. Cat £600+ (178) £300 1883 5/- rose fine used. Cat £250 (180) £40 1883 10/- ultramarine mint, centered to upper left, very lightly mounted, fine and fresh. Cat £2250 (183) £475 1883 10/- ultramarine fine used with ‘Edinburgh’ cds. Cat £525 (183) £125 1883 10/- ultramarine fine used. Cat £525 (183) £75 1884 Crowns £1 brown-lilac used, hint of an ironed out vertical crease, an attractive example. Cat £3000 (185) £300 1883 lilac and green set of 10v to 1/- mint, some gum toning, hinge remainders (9d creased) etc but good colours and appearance. Cat £5400 (187/96) £475 1883 2½d lilac u/m. Cat £95+ (190) £30 1883 2½d colour trial in bright blue on gummed wmk’d paper, very fine, lovely colour. Scarce. Cat £2100 (190 Var) £700 1883 2½d Colour Trial in purple on lilac, very fine and most attractive. (190 Var) £275 1883 3d Colour Trial in purple on green, very fine and most attractive. (191 Var) £275 1883 4d dull green fine used with neat ‘Liverpool Registered’ double ring cancel. Cat £210 (192) £30 1887 Jubilee set of 14v fine used, (both 1/-), all cds, good colours (green on 4½d is a little pale). Cat £325 (197/214) £50 1887 Jubilee 3d purple on orange u/m, a lovely example, scarce u/m. Cat £1300 (204) £700 1887 Jubilee 4d green and purple brown mint, fine and lightly mounted, with inverted wmk. Scarce. Cat £1200 (205wi) £600 1887 Jubilee 5d purple and blue Die II mint. Cat £42 (207a) £12


424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463


1887 Jubilee 9d purple and blue fine used, cds. Cat £48 (209) £18 1887 Jubilee 10d purple and red fine used cds. Cat £45 (210) £10 1887 Jubilee 10d slate purple and bright carmine (F) u/m, a striking and distinctive shade with Hendon Cert. (210 Var) £120 1887 Jubilee 10d dull purple and carmine marginal u/m with small inking flaw in left value tablet. (210 Var) £50 1887 Jubilee 10d dull purple and deep dull carmine marginal u/m, a lovely example. Cat £800 (210a) £245 1887 Jubilee 10d dull purple and deep dull carmine mint, a fine example. Cat £625 (210a) £165 1887 Jubilee 10d dull purple and deep dull carmine mint, very lightly mounted, a lovely ‘true’ example of this scarce and distinctive shade. Cat £625 (210a) £150 1887 Jubilee 10d dull purple and deep dull carmine lower marginal used, a fine example of this striking shade. Cat £250 (210a) £75 1887 Jubilee 10d dull purple and deep dull carmine fine used with ‘Pontefract’ cds. Cat £250 (210a) £60 1887 Jubilee 10d dull purple and deep dull carmine fine used. Cat £250 (210a) £50 1887 Jubilee 10d dull purple and carmine fine used with inverted wmk, very scarce and underrated, only the second example we have seen. Cat £3000 (210wi) £1,600 1887 Jubilee 1/- dull green fine used, cds. Good colour (these are often washed out”“). Cat £80”“ (211) £22 1887 Jubilee 1/- Colour Trial in carmine, stunning colour (we have not seen this one before). Cat £2400 (211 Var) £1,500 1887 £1 green used, a fine example with neat oval ‘Threadneedle St’ oval. Cat £800 (212) £275 1887 £1 green fine used with neat ‘Jersey’ parcel cancel. Cat £800 (212) £175 1887 £1 green u/m o/pt Specimen. Very fine. Cat £1100+ (212s) £400 1902 DLR ½d dull blue-green u/m with inverted wmk, very scarce (particularly so u/m) and a key EDVII item. Cat £3750 (215wi) £2,500 1902 DLR ½d yellow-green in vertical pair with ‘St. Andrews’ Cross (and selvedge) and inverted wmk fine used with corner cds. Scarce item. Cat £200 (218a) £100 1902 DLR 1d intense blood-red u/m, a superb example of this most stunning of shades with Hendon Cert. (219 Var) £700 1902 DLR 1½d slate purple and green fine used with inverted wmk, scarce and seldom offered. Cat £900 (too low!). (222wi) £600 1902 DLR 4d brown-orange marginal u/m, a fine example with Hendon Cert. Cat £350 (239) £140 1902 DLR 9d slate purple and ultramarine u/m, a lovely example. Cat £225 (251a) £120 1902 DLR 5/- bright carmine fine used with neat ‘Guernsey 1911’ cds. Cat £220 (263) £40 1902 DLR 5/- deep bright carmine fine used with ‘Twickenham JY 7 05’, a fine example. Cat £220+ (264) £50 1902 DLR 10/- ultramarine mint, creased. Cat £1000 (265) £75 1902 DLR 10/- ultramarine fine used with neat part ‘Lombard St’ cds. Cat £500 (265) £75 1902 DLR £1 dull blue-green mint, gum a trifle patchy, fine appearance. Cat £2000 (266) £475 1902 DLR £1 dull blue-green fine used with cds, a lovely example. Cat £825 (266) £275 1902 DLR £1 dull blue-green used with light ‘Guernsey’ parcel cancel, a fine example. Cat £825 (266) £160 1911 Harrison ½d pane of 5 plus Andrews X inverted wmk, mint, trimmed perfs at right. Cat £800 (270aw) £125 1911 Harrison 1d rose-red pane of 6 upright wmk u/m. Good perfs bottom edge, trimmed or clipped top and right. Cat £325 (272b) £45 1911 Harrison P15 3d greyish purple on lemon u/m. Cat £85. SG M22(2) (285 Var) £45 1911 9d deep plum and blue u/m. Cat £125 (307a) £75 1911 10d dull purple and scarlet u/m. Cat £200 (309) £110 1911 10d deep dull purple and scarlet upper marginal u/m, a lovely example. SG M44(3) (309 Var) £130 1911 10d dull reddish purple and carmine u/m. Cat £150 (311) £80 1911 1d paper trial in carmine on thick chalk surfaced paper without wmk u/m, a fine example (formerly listed as SG 327a). Cat £280(327 Var) £90 1911 Crown 1d carmine Control A11 u/m with Scratch to left of lion’s face”“, a fine positional piece. SG N8i”“ (330 Var) £80 1912 Imperial Crown ½d green pane of 6 upr wmk u/m, trimmed perfs top and right, straight edge at base. Cat £250 (324a) £50 1912 Imperial Crown ½d green pane of 6 upr wmk u/m, good perfs top edge, trimmed at base and at right. Rust spots from staples on margin. Cat £250 (324a) £40

464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501

1912 Imperial Crown ½d green pane of 6 inv wmk mint. Good perfs top edge, straight or trimmed elsewhere. Cat £200 (324aw) £35 1912 Imperial Crown 1d carmine pane of 6 inv wmk mint, good perfs top and right, trimmed at base. Cat £200 (329aw) £40 1912 Imperial Crown 1d scarlet pane of 6 upr wmk mint, good perfs top edge, trimmed at base and at right. Cat £400 (332a) £60 1912 Royal Cypher 1d deep bright scarlet u/m with inverted wmk, a scarcer shade, Hendon Cert. Cat £160. SG N10(4) (336 Var) £75 1912 Royal Cypher 1d scarlet pane of 6 upr wmk mint, good perfs two sides, trimmed at base. Cat £275 (336a) £55 1911 3d Hentshel Proof in pale red-brown on white unwmk’d paper. Fine. Cat £1350 £500 1911 7d ‘Half Tone Essay’ in brown, inscribed ‘6’ in m/script. Cat £350 £175 1911 7d ‘Half Tone Essay’ in olive-brown, inscribed ‘4’ in m/script. Cat £350 £175 1912 Royal Cypher ½d green in pane of six, wmk inverted, full perfs (slightly trimmed at base), cancelled type 24 and with security punch hole in stamp 1/1. Spec NB6at. Cat £400 (351) £75 1912 Royal Cypher ½d green Control K17 in mint strip of 3, the middle stamp with ‘Mark on Dolphin’s eye’ variety. “ (351 Var) £40 1912 Royal Cypher ½d green in mint Control K 17 (imp) strip of 3, the right hand stamp with ‘Spot above dolphin’. A fine positional piece. Cat £90+. N14o. (351 Var) £40 1912 Royal Cypher ½d deep blue ‘myrtle’ green mint with inverted wmk, a fine example with RPS Cert. SG N14(15)c (356 Var) £150 1912 Royal Cypher 1d red in pane of six, upright wmk, full perfs (slightly trimmed at base), cancelled type 24 and with security punch hole in stamp 1/1. Spec NB7t. Cat £500 (357) £100 1912 Royal Cypher 1d bright scarlet in u/m strip of 3 with a most striking progressive offset on reverse. (357 Var) £110 1912 Royal Cypher 1d deep brick red marginal u/m. Cat £140. SG N16(6) (357 Var) £50 1912 Royal Cypher 1½d red-brown in Control M18 (imp) block of 6 u/m, 20/2 with ‘Break in shading’. Fine positional piece. N18o (362 Var) £55 1912 Cypher 2d Die I upr wmk pane of 6 u/m. Good perfs top edge, trimmed at base and at right. Cat £425 (368a) £55 1912 Cypher 2d Die II upr wmk pane of 6 u/m. Good perfs top edge, trimmed at base and at right. Cat £500 (370a) £60 1912 Cypher 2d Die II inv wmk pane of 6 u/m. Good perfs at right, trimmed at top and at base. Cat £275 (370aw) £35 1912 Royal Cypher 4d deep grey-green in Control J17 (perf) strip of 3, mint. (378) £50 1912 Royal Cypher 6d dull purple in marginal block of 4 mint, 2 u/m. Cat £140+ (384) £50 1912 Royal Cypher 7d bronze green in mint lower marginal G15 (imp) pair, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £140+ (388) £50 1912 Royal Cypher 1/- bistre in u/m Control T22 (imp) corner marginal strip of 3 with inverted wmk, a fine and scarce multiple, particularly so with type 3 wmk which is unlisted with this Control. (395wi) £680 1913 Waterlow 2/6d deep sepia brown mint, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £400 (399) £140 1913 Waterlow 2/6d sepia mint, a fine, very lightly mounted example. Cat £300 (400) £115 1913 Waterlow 2/6d sepia-brown mint, small hinge remainder, fresh. Cat £300 (400) £125 1913 Waterlow 5/- rose-carmine mint, fine and fresh. Cat £625 (401) £200 1913 Waterlow 5/- rose-carmine mint, one slightly blunted perf, very fresh. Cat £625 (401) £140 1913 Waterlow 5/- rose-carmine mint, a little off centre, fresh and lightly mounted. Cat £625 (401) £125 1913 Waterlow 10/- indigo-blue u/m, slightly toned gum and light bend. Cat £2000 (402) £350 1913 2/- booklet edition 19, very fresh, lovely quality. Cat £1300 (Bb6) £700 1915 DLR 2/6d yellow-brown marginal mint, a fine example. Cat £325 (406) £125 1915 DLR 2/6d yellow-brown mint, good perfs and well centered. Cat £325 (406) £100 1915 DLR 2/6d grey-brown mint, gum a trifle toned, a fine example. Cat £400 (407) £100 1915 DLR 5/- bright carmine used with ‘Guernsey’ cds, one or two blunt perfs, a fine and attractive example. Cat £400 (409) £75 1915 DLR 5/- pale carmine mint, a fine example. Cat £800 (410) £250 1915 DLR 10/- pale blue used with parts of 2 Registered oval cancels. Fine. Cat £875 (413) £175 1915 DLR 10/- pale blue used with light parcel cancel, short perf upper right. Cat £875 (413) £100

502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543

1918 Bradbury 2/6d pale brown mint, hinge remainder. Cat £175 (415a) £40 1918 Bradbury 5/- rose-red mint, very lightly mounted, a fine example. “ (416) £150 1918 Bradbury 5/- rose-red mint, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £325 (416) £125 1918 Bradbury 5/- rose-red mint, fine and fresh. Cat £325 (416) £120 1918 Bradbury 5/- rose-red mint, fine and fresh. Cat £325 (416) £110 1918 Bradbury 5/- rose-red in marginal horizontal pair with (slightly indistinct) ‘Constantinople’ cancels. (416) £40 1918 Bradbury 10/- dull grey-blue mint, fine and fresh. Cat £475 (417) £150 1918 Bradbury 10/- dull grey-blue mint, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £475 (417) £150 1918 Bradbury 10/- dull grey-blue used with light parcel cancel. Cat £175 (417) £25 1934 Re-engraved set mint, 2/6d and 5/- fine and lightly mounted, 10/very lightly mounted but 2 short perfs. Cat £575 (452) £150 1934 Reengraved 10/- indigo fine used. Cat £80 (452) £16 1924 Block Cypher ½d green in vertical pair o/pt Specimen (type 23) mint, the lower stamp (u/m) with ‘Specimen double, one albino’. RPS Cert, listed, unpriced. SG N33ta (418s Var) £175 1924 Block Cypher 1½d red-brown in ‘tête-bêche’ pair mint, fine and lightly mounted. (420a) £350 1924 10d turquoise-blue fine used. Cat £40 (428) £12 1924 Block 1½d red-brown in mint pane of 4 + 2 lables (Saving is Simple), mostly good perfs, slightly trimmed at bottom at right. Cat £225 (430d) £75 1924 Block 1½d red-brown in mint pane of 4 + 2 labels (White Star Line), good perfs at right and at base, trimmed at top. Cat £225 (430d) £40 1925 Wembley 1d fine used, a horizontal pair on piece tied Wembley Exhibition cancel. Cat £60+ (432) £18 1929 PUC ½d green in u/m booklet pane of 6 (upr wmk), good perfs at base, trimmed or straight other 2 sides. Cat £250 (434b) £40 1929 PUC ½d green in u/m booklet pane of 6 (inv wmk), good perfs on 2 sides, trimmed at base. Cat £300 (434bw) £65 1929 PUC 1d scarlet in u/m booklet pane of 6 (inv wmk), good perfs top edge, trimmed at right and at base. Cat £300 (435bw) £45 1929 PUC 1½d purple-brown in u/m booklet pane of 4 (upr wmk) + 2 labels, trimmed at right. Cat £500 (436b) £75 1929 PUC 1½d purple-brown in mint booklet pane of 4 (inv wmk) + 2 labels, good perfs at based, trimmed at top and at right. Cat £375(436bw) £45 1929 PUC 1½d purple-brown in mint booklet pane of 4 (inv wmk) + 2 labels, good perfs all round but no booklet selvedge at side. Cat £375 (436bw) £25 1929 PUC 1½d purple-brown in u/m booklet pane of 6 (upr wmk), fair to good perfs all round. Cat £85 (436c) £35 1929 PUC 1½d purple-brown in u/m booklet pane of 6 (inv wmk), fair to good perfs all round. Cat £110 (436cw) £45 1929 PUC £1 u/m (faint gum toning), a fine example. “ (438) £450 1929 PUC £1 fine used with central cds. (438) £350 1934 Photo sideways set used, good perfs. Cat £110 (439a/42b) £25 1934 Photogravure ½d green in u/m pane of 6, good perfs top and bottom, slightly trimmed at right. Cat £120 (439c) £55 1934 Photogravure ½d green in u/m pane of 6, control E4, good perfs top and right, straight edge at base. Cat £120+ (439c) £35 1934 Photogravure 1d scarlet in u/m pane of 6, upr wmk, good perfs 2 sides, straight at top. Cat £120 (440g) £25 1934 Photogravure 1d scarlet in u/m pane of 6, inv wmk, good perfs 2 sides, straight at right. Cat £130 (440gw) £40 1934 Photogravure 1½d red-brown in u/m pane of 4 plus 2 labels (Safety of Capital) upr wmk. Trimmed perfs 2 sides. Cat £275 (441e) £45 1934 Photogravure 1½d red-brown in mint pane of 4 plus 2 labels (Safety of Capital) upr wmk. Good perfs 2 sides. Cat £200 (441e) £50 1934 Photogravure 1½d red-brown in u/m pane of 4 plus 2 labels (Safety of Capital) inv wmk. Trimmed perfs at right. Cat £275 (441ew) £50 1934 Photogravure 1½d red-brown in u/m pane of 6, inv wmk, trimmed (not straight edge) on 2 sides. Cat £55 (441fw) £12 1935 Silver Jubilee set u/m. Cat £11 (453/6) £5 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £7.50 (453/6) £4 1936 EDVIII ½d green pane of 6, inv wmk, good perf, u/m. Cat £45 (457bw) £28 1936 EDVIII 1d scarlet pane of 6, inv wmk, good perf, u/m. Cat £40 (458aw) £25 1936 EDVIII 1½d red-brown pane of 4 + 2 labels (Come on the Telephone) , inv wmk, good perf, u/m. Cat £100 (459aw) £50 1936 EDVIII 1½d red-brown pane of 4 + 2 labels (Spread your Capital), inv wmk, good perfs 2 sides, trimmed at right, u/m. Cat £100 (459aw) £25

544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592

1937 Dark Colours inverted set of 5v u/m, good perfs. Cat £150+ (462/66wi) £60 1937 Dark Colours inverted set fine used, good perfs. Cat £48 (462/66wi) £12 1937 Dark Colours set of 15v to 1/- in u/m blocks of four, complete. Cat £180 (462/75) £60 1937 Dark Colours set of 15v to 1/- u/m, complete. Cat £45 (462/75) £15 1937 sideways wmk set of 5v u/m, good perfs. Cat £175 (462a/66a) £75 1937 sideways wmk set of 5v fine used, all cds, good perfs, scarce thus. Cat £88 (462a/66a) £32 1937 Dark Cols 1d scarlet 1d pane of 6 upr wmk, cyl F5. u/m, good perfs at top, trimmed at right and bottom edges. Cat £65+ (463b) £20 1937 2½d ultramarine u/m with inverted wmk (good perfs). Cat £55 (466wi) £20 1937 10d turquoise-blue in mint vertical strip of 5, showing a progressive and most striking ‘Dry’ print. Superb! (474) £400 1939 High Values set of 6v u/m complete. Some slight gum toning on 10/dark. Cat £425 (476/78c) £125 1939 10/- dark blue u/m. Cat £260 (478) £100 1939 10/- dark blue fine used. Cat £22 (478) £10 1939 £1 brown in marginal block of 4 u/m. Cat £100+ (478c) £40 1939 £1 brown mint. (Was 478b). Cat £25 (478c) £6 1939 £1 brown cds fine used. (Was 478b). Cat £26 (478c) £8 1946 Victory 3d u/m with ‘Seven Berries’ flaw. Cat £35 (492a) £15 1948 Olympics 3d violet u/m with Crown flaw”“. Cat £75”“ (496a) £35 1951 Festivals set of 4v to £1 u/m complete. Cat £100 (509/12) £40 1951 Festival £1 brown mint. Cat £45 (512) £11 1951 Festivals £1 fine used, cds. Cat £18 (512) £5 1952 Tudor set of 17v ½d - 1/6d, plus sideways (3v) and inv (5v) all u/m, complete. Cat £125+ (515/31) £50 1952 Tudor set upright 17v, ½d to 1/6d u/m complete. Cat £100 (515/31) £40 1952 Tudor wmk set of 17v fine used, complete. Cat £40 (515/31) £15 1955 Waterlow Castles 2/6d - £1 u/m complete. Cat £250(536/9) £125 1955 Waterlow Castles fine used cds, complete. Cat £50 (536/9) £20 1955 1st De la Rue £1 black fine used. Cat £65 (539a) £20 1955 Edward Crown set of 18v ½d - 1/6d, plus sideways (5v) and inv (7v) all u/m, complete. Cat £200+ (540/56) £85 1955 Edward wmk Wildings upr set of 18v u/m complete. Cat £160 (540/56) £70 1957 Graphites set of 6v fine used, complete. Cat £10.50 (561/6) £5 1958 Crowns inverted set of 9v u/m (incl chalky papers), full perfs, scarce. Cat £150 (570/6wi) £65 1958 Crowns ord upr ½d-1/6d 17v u/m complete. Cat £9 (570/86) £4 1958 Crowns 3d deep lilac in u/m strip of six, centre pair being ‘tête-bêche.’ Folded through perfs between stamps 3 and 4. (Unusual to find this variety other than in simple pairs.) (575 Var) £75 1958 Mult Crown graphites inv set of 5v u/m complete. Good perfs. Cat £130 (587/92wi) £65 1958 Graphites inverted set of 5v fine used (good perfs). Scarce thus. Cat £115 (587/92wi) £45 1958 Graphite wmk upr set of 8v u/m complete, full perfs. Cat £125 (587/94) £65 1958 Graphite wmk upr set of 8v fine used, complete, full perfs. Cat £90 (587/94) £40 1959 2nd DLR £1 black u/m. Cat £120 (598) £45 1959 Phosphor Graphite set of 6v u/m. Cat £85 (599/609) £40 1959 Phosphor Graphite set fine used, complete. Cat £70 (599/609) £35 1959 Phosphor Graphite 2d error of watermark fine used. Cat £175 (605a) £75 1960 Phosphor Crowns inverted set of 10v u/m good perfs. Cat £250+ (610/6wi) £125 1963 Bradbury wmk Castles set u/m complete. Cat £15 (595a/8a) £8 1963 Red Cross phosphor set in u/m traffic light blocks of four. Cat £260 (642/4p) £70 1963 COMPAC ord on small piece, handstamped CANCELLED in red (ex Philatelic Bureau). (645 Var) £18 1965 B.O.B. 6d u/m with inverted wmk. (677wi) £55 1966 Birds 4d marginal block of 4 u/m, 3 with ‘Emerald-green’ omitted (with normal block to compare). Cat £600 (696/f) £375 1966 Xmas 1/6d ord u/m with inverted wmk. Cat £30 (714wi) £15 1967 5d royal blue in u/m horizontal imperf pair. Small flaw top left. Cat £275 (735c) £35 1967 no wmk Castles set to £1 u/m complete. Cat £15 (759/62) £6


593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 12

1968 Paintings 4d u/m with ‘Vermilion’ omitted (with normal to compare). Scarce (60 known). Cat £700 (771b) £400 1969 1/6d Machin PVA gum, 1/6d with greenish-blue omitted, u/m. Cat £100 (743eva) £40 1969 £sd Machin high values u/m complete. Cat £10 (787/90) £5 1973 Christmas 3p pair upper marginal u/m with spectacular misperforation. Very striking! (944/5 Var) £125 1993 £10 multicoloured u/m. Cat £40 (1658) £16 1993 £10 multi-coloured fine postally used, small cds. Cat £12(1658) £5 1996 Cartoons block of ten with two phosphor bands, u/m. Difficult. Cat £38 (1905pa) £20 2001 P15½x15 Submarines set of 4v u/m (ex booklet). Cat £15 (2202a/5a) £6 2002 Golden Jubilee u/m, upright wmks 5v complete (ex booklet). Cat £18.75 (2253/7a) £9 2009 Charles Darwin 2nd issue 6v u/m complete, gummed (1st issue was self-adhesive), ex Prestige booklet. Quite scarce. Cat £38(2905/10) £18 1988 Scotland 23p bright green 2-B u/m. Cat £12 (S68) £4 1971 1½p black mint (not u/m) on uncoated paper. Cat £130 (X848a) £25 1971 3p ultramarine 2-B u/m, a left hand marginal imperf pair. Cat £400 (X855b) £175 1977 7p purple brown (centre band) imperforate pair u/m. Cat £140 (X875a) £75 1976 9p deep violet in u/m imperf pair. Cat £325 (X883a) £130 1984 Machin 10p orange-brown T2 (narrow 0 in 10p) u/m, ex Christian Heritage booklet. Cat £22 (X886b) £8 1981 11½p drab centre band in u/m imperf vertical pair. Cat £340 (X893a) £100 1982 12½p light emerald cb u/m with spectacular misperf, most striking! (X898 Var) £50 1990 stamps from se-tenant pane ex Stamp World 90 booklet, with 2nd &15p sbr, 1st and 20p sbl, 50p ochre 2-B and 29p Double Head 2-B, u/m (No printed selvedge). Cat £20 (X906m) £7 1971 Machin 26p red 2-B, se-tenant with 1p sbr u/m. Cat £19 (X918 Etc) £7 1971 Machin 31p mauve 2-B u/m. Cat £15 (X919) £5 1971 Machin 31p mauve 2-B u/m. Cat £15 (X919) £5 1971 Machin 34p brown (photo) 2-B se-tenant with 4p sbl/r (3v) u/m. Cat £14.50 (X920 Etc) £6 1971 ½p turquoise-blue in u/m imperf pair. Cat £150 (X924a) £60 1988 £1.08 pane (4x 27p, with imperf edges top and bottom) u/m (in barcode booklet GF2). Cat £30 (X973m) £12 1971 Questa (litho) 18p olive-grey, 22p green and 34p brown, all 2-B, (3v) u/m. Cat £25 (X1010 Etc) £8 1977 7p purple brown imperforate pair u/m. Cat £140 (X875a) £75 1984 18p olive-grey horizontal marginal pair imperforate u/m. Cat £150 (X955a) £75 1988 £1.08 pane (4x 27p, margins all round) u/m. Cat £12.50(X973l) £5 1998 NVI 1st self-adhesive horizontal imperf pair (4mm) u/m. Cat £100 (2040ab) £50 2000 Special by Design Prestige booklet. Cat £20 (Dx24) £15 2000 Queen Mother Prestige booklet. Cat £15 (Dx25) £10 2001 Unseen and Unheard (Submarines) Prestige booklet. Cat £18 (Dx27) £15 2002 Gracious Accession Prestige booklet. Cat £20 (Dx28) £16 2002 Across the Universe Prestige booklet. Cat £19 (Dx29) £12 2003 Microcosms Prestige booklet. Cat £20 (Dx30) £12 2003 A Perfect Coronation Prestige booklet. Cat £32 (Dx31) £25 2004 Letters by Night Prestige booklet. Cat £15 (Dx32) £12 2004 The Glory of the Garden Prestige booklet. Cat £19 (Dx33) £15 2005 Bronte Sisters Prestige booklet. Cat £15 (Dx34) £12 2005 The Battle of Trafalgar Prestige booklet. Cat £14 (Dx35) £10 2006 Brunel Prestige booklet. Cat £14 (Dx36) £10 2006 Victoria Cross Prestige booklet. Cat £14 (Dx37) £10 2007 World of Invention Prestige booklet. Cat £15 (Dx38) £10 2007 Making of a Masterpiece Prestige booklet. Cat £15 (Dx39) £10 1983 Royal Mint Prestige booklet. (Face £4). Cat £5 (Dx4) £3 2007 British Army Uniforms Prestige booklet. Cat £14 (Dx40) £10 2009 British Design Classics Prestige booklet. Cat £20 (Dx44) £15 1978 70p folded booklet, Wattle Fence-making, stuck left. Cat £22 (Fd6 A) £8 1978 90p pictorial folded booklet Kennet and Avon stuck left. Cat £18 (Fg4 A) £6 1989 Greetings £1.90 booklet, good perfs. Cat £50 (Fy1) £12

644 645 646


648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660



663 664 665 666

667 668 669 670

671 672 673 674 675

1987 Window booklet £1.04 (26p T2 x 4 and only source of this stamp). Cat £20 (Ge1) £8 2002 6 x 42p (self-adhesive) booklet. Cat £35 (Na1) £12 1971 Scotland 5½p violet in marginal vertical pair imperforate u/m. Scarce. Cat £650 (S22a) £250 GrEAT BrITAIN DANIsH W. IND 1873 Large Garter 4d vermilion fine used with part ‘St. Thomas’ cancel. Cat £300 (£525 as regular GB). (Z11) £85 GrEAT BrITAIN DANIsH W. IND 1873 1/- green pl 12 with fine ‘St. Thomas’ cds. Cat £75 (Z28) £40 1982 Dues set of 12v to £5 in u/m blocks of four complete. Cat £96 (D90/101) £25 1882 IR Official 5/- rose used with oval Registered cancel, a fine example. Cat £2500 (O9) £800 1902 OW Official ½d blue-green fine used with ‘Bristol Registered’ cancel. Cat £180 (O36) £90 1896 Army Official ½d vermilion mint with the ‘OFFICIAI’ error, heavy hinge remainder. Cat £300 (O41a) £40 1896 Army Official 1d lilac mint with the ‘OFFICIAI’ error, hinge remainder. Cat £240 (O43a) £60 1887 Govt Parcels 9d dull purple and blue u/m o/pt Specimen. Cat £300+ (O67s) £120 1902 Govt Parcels mint, faint tone spot on upper perf. Cat £650 (O77) £125 1902 Board of Education 1/- green and carmine mint, attractive-looking stamp with forged overprint. (Cat £12,000) (O82) £50 1903 Admiralty Official 1½d dull purple and green mint, a fine example. Cat £325 (O103) £175 1903 Admiralty Official 2d yellowish-green and carmine-red mint, a fine example. Cat £350 (O104) £180 1903 Admiralty 2½d ultramarine used. Cat £150 (O105) £40 CHANNEL IsLANDs 1948 Liberation 2½d in corner marginal block of 4 u/m, R20/5 with ‘Wheel’ flaw. Cat £50+ (C2a) £25 CHANNEL IsLANDs ALDErNEy 2010/17 (approx) selection of u/m sets sent as new issue samples to philatelic publication, with commems, m/s and defins for period covered. Will include most, but probably not all issues for period covered. Also possibility of minor duplication. This period is genuinely hard to find. (37 £100 items) CHANNEL IsLANDs GUErNsEy 2010/17 (approx) selection of u/m sets sent as new issue samples to philatelic publication, with commems, m/s and defins for period covered. Will include most, but probably not all issues for period covered. Also possibility of minor duplication. This period is genuinely hard to find. (approx £250 80 items) 1935 GB Photogravure 2d and 1940 Centenary 2d, each bisected diagonally and tied to small piece. (see footnote in SG after SG C2) (Footnote) £15 1941 Bank note (blued papers) ½d and 1d mint. Cat £50 (04-May) £18 1969 £sd set of 16v to £1 u/m complete. Cat £24 (13/28) £12 CHANNEL IsLANDs JErsEy 2010/17 (approx) selection of u/m sets sent as new issue samples to philatelic publication, with commems, m/s and defins to £10, Framas for period covered. Will include most, but probably not all issues for period covered. Also possibility of minor duplication. Issues from this period are £500 genuinely hard to find. (175+ items) Small range of 7 Prestige booklets comprising 2010 Mail Ships, 2012 Aviation, 2013 Military Vehicles, 2014 Oyster Fishing, 2015 Games, 2016 £80 90th Birthday and 2017 Artifacts. Face of stamps £100+ 1941 Wartime Arms ½d and 1d u/m. Cat £16 (01-Feb) £8 1943 Views set of 6v u/m complete. Cat £30 (03-Aug) £14 IsLE OF MAN 2010/17 (approx) selection of u/m sets (majority in presentation packs) sent as new issue samples to philatelic publication, with commems, m/s and (some) defins for period covered. Will include most, but probably not all issues for period covered. Also possibility of minor duplication. Difficult period. Modern sets such as these are hard to find with a typical face value £500 per set over £5. (100+ items) ADEN 1937 Dhow set to 1r fine used. Cat £95 1937 Dhows set of 8v to 8a mint. Cat £72.50 1937 Dhows set of 9v to 1r mint. Cat £132.50 1937 Dhow 2r yellow mint. Cat £120 1939 set of 13v to 10r u/m, complete. Cat £120+

(01-Oct) (01-Aug) (01-Sep) (10) (16/27)

£40 £22 £42 £50 £60

676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695

696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730

1939 set of 13v to 10r mint, complete. Cat £110 (16/27) £40 1939 set of 13v to 10r fine used, complete. Cat £40 (16/27) £20 1949 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £40 (30-Jan) £25 1949 Silver Wedding set u/m. Couple of tone spots. Cat £40 (30-Jan) £15 1949 Silver Wedding 10r in u/m bottom marginal strip of four showing plate No (1a) and printer’s inscription. Folded between stamps 1 and 2. Faint gum bend. Cat £120+ (31) £65 1951 Surch set of 11v to 10r u/m, complete. Cat £85 (36/46) £45 1951 Surch set of 11v to 10r mint, complete. Cat £85 (36/46) £32 1951 Surch set of 11v to 10/- fine used, complete. Cat £38(36/46) £20 ADEN sEIyUN 1942 set of 11v to 5r u/m, complete. Cat £60+ (01-Nov) 1942 set of 11v to 5r fine used, complete. Cat £80 (01-Nov) 1942 ½a olive-green fine used. Cat £35 (1a) 1951 Surch set of 8v to 5s on 5r fine used, complete. Cat £110 (20-Jul) 1966 South Arabia o/pt set to 10/- u/m complete. Cat £50 (42/54)

£35 £42 £12 £60 £30

ADEN sHIHr & MUKALLA 1942 set of 12v to 5r fine used, complete (with both shades of ½a). Cat £87 (“1/11,1a”) £45 1942 5r brown and green mint. Cat £40 (11) £14 1949 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £18 (14/15) £9 1951 Surcharged set of 8v to 5r mint, complete. Cat £32 (20-Jul) £12 ALBANIA 1928 Vlone - Brindisi o/pt set mint. Cat £425 (222/8) £90 1930 Air set of 7v to 3f mint, complete. Cat £70 (288/94) £24 1931 Tirana-Rome o/pt set of 7v mint, complete. Cat £250 (295/301) £50 ANDOrrA spANIsH 1972 Europa u/m. Key set and scarce. Cat £225 1972 Europa 8p fine used on FDC. Cat £140

(67) £60 (67) £45

ANTIGUA 1863 P16 Small Star 1d dull rose mint. Toning. Cat £120 (6) £25 1863 Small Star 1d dull rose unused, no gum. Cat £120 (6) £20 1863 Small Star 1d dull rose fine used. Cat £55 (6) £28 1863 W2 1d vermilion (rough perf) unused, no gum. Cat £225 (7) £35 1863 W2 1d vermilion fine used. Cat £30 (7) £12 1863 Small Star 6d dark green mint. Cat £750 (9) £225 1863 Small Star 6d dark green fine used. Cat £26 (9) £10 1872 CC P12½ 1d scarlet mint with inverted wmk. Cat £200 (14w) £85 1876 CC P14 1d lake unused, no gum, thinned. Cat £225 (16) £18 1876 CC P14 1d lake fine used. Cat £11 (16) £5 1876 CC P14 1d lake-rose mint, scissor trimmed perfs top left. Cat £225 (17) £35 1882 CA ½d, 2½d and 4d fine used. Cat £88 (21-Mar) £32 1884 P12 CA 1d carmine-red mint. Cat £60 (24) £24 1884 CA P12 1d carmine-red fine used. Cat £20 (24) £8 1884 CA 2½d ultramarine fine mint. Cat £7 (27) £3 1884 CA 2½d ultramarine in u/m vertical pair, top stamp with ‘Large 2’ variety. Cat £160+ (“27,27a”) £100 1884 CA 2½d ultramarine fine used with cds, showing the ‘Top left triangle detached’. Cat £475 (27b) £145 1884 CA P14 6d deep green mint. Cat £60 (29) £26 1884 CA 1/- mauve fine used cds. Crisp central Antigua JA 10 89 cds. Cat £140 (30) £75 1903 CC set of 10v to 5/- mint, complete, fine. Cat £325 (31/40) £140 1903 CC short set of 5v to 3d mint. Cat £54 (31-May) £22 1903 CC 2d dull purple and brown fine used. Cat £25 (33) £12 1903 CC 2½d grey-black and blue fine used. Cat £23 (34) £10 1903 CC 3d green and brown fine used. Cat £20 (35) £10 1903 CC 6d purple and black fine used. Cat £55 (36) £25 1903 CC 1/- blue and dull purple (ord) mint. Cat £55 (37) £25 1903 CC 1/- blue and dull purple fine used. Cat £65 (37) £35 1903 CC 2/- grey-green and violet, mint. Cat £90 (38) £45 1903 CC 2/- grey-green and pale violet fine used. Green is (very) slightly discoloured. Cat £120 (38) £50 1903 CC 2/6d grey-black and purple, mint, vertical crease (not showing from front). Cat £27 (39) £8 1903 CC 2/6d grey-black and purple fine used. Cat £70 (39) £35 1903 CC 5/- grey-green and violet mint. Cat £110 (40) £55 1903 CC 5/- grey-green and violet on piece tied ‘St. John’s SP17 13’ cds, a fine piece. Cat £160 (40) £90

731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759

760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782

1903 CC 5/- grey-green and violet o/pt Specimen (40s) £40 1908 MCA set of 8v to 2/- mint (the 2/- is u/m). Fine. Cat £170 (41/50) £70 1908 MCA set of 8v to 6d mint (both shades of ½d and 1d). One or two tone spots. Cat £75+ (41/8) £22 1908 MCA 1/- mauve and blue fine used. Cat £70 (49) £32 1908 MCA 2/- grey-green and violet mint. Cat £110 (50) £55 1913 MCA 5/- grey-green and violet mint. Cat £95 (51) £50 1921 MCA set of 6v to 5/- mint. Cat £50 (55/60) £22 1921 MCA set of 7v to £1 mint complete. Cat £300 (55/61) £150 1921 MCA £1 purple and black/red left hand corner marginal mint, fine and fresh. Cat £275 (61) £140 1921 MCA £1 purple and black/red fine used. Cat £400 (61) £200 1921 Script set of 12v to 1/- mint. Cat £140 (62/76) £60 1921 Script set of 19v [incl 64a] to 4/- mint. Cat £220 (62/80) £110 1921 Script 2/6d black and red/blue mint. Cat £50 (78) £24 1921 Script 3/- green and violet mint. Cat £50 (79) £25 1921 Script 4/- grey-black and red mint. Cat £50 (80) £25 1921 Script 4/- grey-black and red fine used. Cat £75 (80) £35 1932 Tercentenary set of 8v to 1/- mint. Cat £77 (81/8) £30 1932 Tercentenary set of 10v to 5/- mint, complete. Cat £225 (81/90) £125 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £19 (91/4) £10 1935 Silver Jubilee 1d mint with ‘Diagonal line by Turret’. Cat £100 (91f) £55 1938 set of 12v to £1 mint, complete. Cat £130 (98/109) £48 1938 set of 18v to £1 fine used, complete (incl listed shades). Cat £195 (98/109) £110 1938 set of 12v to £1 fine used, complete. Cat £130 (98/109) £75 1938 5/- olive-green u/m. Cat £18 (107) £10 1949 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £16 (112/3) £9 1949 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £15 (112/3) £7 1953 set of 15v to $4.80 u/m, complete. Cat £85 (120a/34) £45 ANTIGUA BArBUDA 1922 o/pt set of 11v to 5/- mint, complete. Cat £150 (01-Nov) £75 1986 Fungi unissued $3 and $4 u/m, each with the value and denomination transposed (unusual items, reported currently to be selling on eBay for $200/£150 each). £100 AsCENsION GV/GVI mint selection on stockcard, with vals to 2/6d incl SG 21/7, 31/4 (Silver Jubilee), 37 and 38/47. Cat £200+ £40 1912 GV 1d red x 3 on Censored Registered cover to Westminster tied ‘Ascension 17 FE 16’ cds, slit open at side and a little soiling.(Z40) £125 1912 GB 1d scarlet strip of 3 with two fine crisp strikes of ‘Ascension’ cds. Cat £114 (Z40) £60 1922 o/pt ½d - 3d (5v) mint. Cat £72.50 (01-May) £26 1922 o/pt set of 7v to 1/- mint. Cat £118 (“1/6,9”) £55 1922 o/pt set of 9v to 3/- mint, complete. Cat £325 (01-Sep) £150 1922 o/pt 1½d rose scarlet in fine used block of 4. Cat £190+ (3) £60 1922 o/pt 3d bright blue mint. Cat £13 (5) £5 1922 o/pt 8d black and dull purple mint. Cat £27 (6) £10 1922 o/pt 3/- black and violet o/pt Specimen (set of 9v. Cat £800) (8s) £50 1922 o/pt 1/- black and green mint. Cat £28 (9) £12 1924 Badge ½d grey-black and black in mint pair with plate (1), one stamp with ‘Cleft rock’. Cat £130+ (“10,10c”) £60 1924 Badge set of 10v to 1/- mint. Cat £230 (Oct-18) £85 1924 Badge set of 12v to 3/- mint, complete. Cat £350 (Oct-20) £175 1924 ½d grey-black and black mint, with Broken Mainmast”“ variety. Cat £130”“ (10a) £60 1924 Badge set of 12v to 3/- mint, fine and lightly mounted, each with the ‘Broken mainmast’ variety, a fine and scarce group of these popular varieties. Cat £4750 (10a/20a) £2,600 1924 Badge 1d grey-black and bright blue-green mint. Cat £110 (11d) £50 1924 Badge 1½d rose-red mint [centered to left] with ‘Broken mainmast’. Cat £150 (12a) £75 1924 Badge 8d grey-black and bright violet mint with ‘Cleft rock’ variety. Cat £300 (17c) £150 1924 Badge 2/- grey-black and blue mint. Cat £75 (19) £35 1924 Badge 2/- grey-black and blue fine used. Cat £120 (19) £50 1924 Badge 3/- grey-black and black/blue mint. Cat £100 (20) £50 1924 Badge 3/- grey-black and black/blue fine used. Cat £100(20) £42



784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 14

1925 OHMS printed cover to Dorchester with ‘Ascension JU 11 25’ cancel and Registered label, franked on arrival in UK with 2½d blue and 3d violet tied ‘Dorchester’ cancels, re-directed to Reykjavik with the appropriate strikes on reverse. A scarce Ascension cover. (-) £300 1934 set of 10v to 5/- mint, complete. Cat £120 (21/30) £55 1934 set of 10v to 5/- fine used, complete. Cat £120 (21/30) £65 1934 set of 9v to 2/6d u/m. Cat £75+ (21-Sep) £35 1934 2/6d mauve and black u/m. Cat £45+ (29) £30 1934 2/6d mauve and black mint. Cat £45 (29) £22 1934 5/- black and brown mint. Cat £55 (30) £25 1934 5/- black and brown fine used. Cat £60 (30) £32 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £55 (31/4) £30 1938 basic GVI defins (16v, one of each value and colour, incl 3d SG42), mint. Cat £250 (38/47a) £60 1938 full set of 32v to 10/- fine used, complete with all 3 perfs and shades. Cat £350 (38/47a) £175 1938 basic set of 16v to 10/- fine used, complete. Cat £110 (38/47a) £60 1938 ½d black and violet in marginal block u/m, one with ‘Long Centre bar to E’. Cat £90+ (“38b,ba”) £55 1938 P13 ½d black and violet, long centre bar to E variety, u/m. Cat £90 (38ba) £45 1938 1d black and green u/m (Green Mountain). (This is a common stamp mounted, but far harder to find in u/m). Cat £45 (39) £25 1938 1d black and green fine mint (Green Mountain). Cat £45 (39) £15 1938 P13½ 1½d black and vermilion mint with ‘Davit’ flaw. Cat £400 (40a) £175 1938 P13 1½d black and vermilion mint with ‘Davit’ flaw. Cat £200 (40ba) £80 1938 P14 1½d black and rose-carmine in u/m vertical strip of 3 (left hand corner marginal) one stamp with the ‘Cut Mast and railings’ variety. Cat £130+ (“40d,db”) £75 1938 P14 1½d black and rose-carmine mint with the ‘Davit’ flaw. Cat £130 (40da) £60 1938 P14 1½d black and rose-carmine mint with the ‘Cut Mast and railings’ variety. Cat £130 (40db) £60 1938 P13 1½d black and carmine in mint block of four, one stamp with ‘Davit’ flaw. (variety stamp is u/m). Cat £140+ (“40f,fa”) £70 1938 3d black and ultramarine mint, key value. Cat £100 “ (42) £30 1946 Victory perf Specimen. No gum. Cat £450 (48/9s) £75 1948 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £50 (50/1) £30 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £50 (50/1) £24 1948 Silver Wedding set fine used. Cat £50 (50/1) £30 1948 Silver Wedding 10/- fine used. Cat £50 (51) £25 1956 set of 13v to 10/- fine used, complete. Cat £75 (57/69) £40

837 838 839 840 841 842

AUsTrALIA 1913 W2 2d grey mint. Cat £55 (3) £22 1913 W2 2½d indigo mint. Cat £55 (4) £22 1913 W2 4d orange mint. Cat £95 (6) £40 1913 W2 4d orange-yellow mint, centered to upper left, small hinge remainder. Cat £475 (6a) £140 1913 W2 9d violet mint, a fine example. Cat £80 (10) £40 1913 W2 1/- emerald mint. Cat £85 (11) £35 1913 W2 1/- blue-green in fine used block of four. Cat £108 (11a) £35 1913 W2 2/- brown mint. Cat £275 (12) £110 1913 W2 5/- grey and yellow mint, a fine example, some hinge remainder. Cat £450 (13) £200 1913 1d GV and Kookaburra 6d claret mint. Cat £79 (“17,19”) £35 1913 6d claret (Kookaburra) fine used. Cat £55 (19) £25 1914 W5 ½d, 1d, 4d and 5d (basic 4v, as cheapest) mint. Cat £66 (20/3b) £30 1914 W5 4d lemon-yellow mint. Cat £85 (22b) £45 1914 W5 4d pale orange-yellow mint. Cat £110 (22c) £55 1915 W5 2d grey u/m. Substantial premium attaches to u/m of this period. Cat £100+ (24) £80 1915 W5 2d grey mint. Cat £100 (24) £50 1915 W5 9d violet mint. Cat £200 (27) £95 1915 W5 1/- blue-green mint. Cat £180 (28) £80 1915 W5 2/- brown mint, fresh. Scarce. Cat £700 (29) £300 1915 W6 2½d deep indigo mint. Cat £50 (36b) £22 1915 W6 3d yellow-olive Die I mint. Cat £40 (37) £18 1915 W6 6d dull blue mint. Cat £90 (38b) £40 1915 W6 9d violet mint. Cat £65 (39) £32 1915 W6 Die IIB 9d violet mint. Cat £75 (39b) £32 1915 W6 1/- blue-green mint. Cat £60 (40) £22

875 876 877 878

843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874

879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898

1915 W6 1/- blue-green Die IIB mint. Cat £75 (40b) £30 1915 W6 1/- blue-green mint with sideways wmk. Cat £60 (40ba) £30 1915 W6 2/- brown mint. Cat £225 (41) £100 1915 W6 5/- grey and yellow mint. Cat £275 (42) £140 1915 W6 5/- grey and yellow mint, toned gum. Cat £275 (42) £40 1915 W6 10/- grey and bright aniline pink used, with good centering. Some rubbing. Cat £325 (43a) £85 1915 W6 £1 chocolate and dull blue used, 2 or 3 short perfs but a presentable example of this scarce high value. Cat £1600 (44) £300 1918 W6a ½d green, 1d (both Dies) and 1½d black- and red-brown mint (5v). Cat £300+ (48/52a) £135 1918 W6a 1d carmine u/m. Cat £30+ (50) £22 1918 W6a 1½d black-brown mint with inverted wmk. Cat £45(51w) £28 1918 W5 set of 11v to 1/4d fine used, complete. Cat £55 (56/66) £22 1918 W5 2d dull orange u/m. Cat £16+ (62a) £12 1918 W5 4d ultramarine mint. Cat £50 (65) £24 1918 W5 4d pale milky blue mint, off-centre. Cat £90 (65b) £30 1923 W6 6d chestnut mint. Cat £28 (73) £12 1923 W6 £1 grey mint o/pt Specimen. Cat £110 (75s) £50 1924 W5 1d - 4½d set of 9v fine used. Cat £45 (76/84) £18 1924 W5 4d olive-green mint. Cat £32 (80a) £15 1926 W7 P14 2d red-brown fine used, cds. Cat £48 (89) £18 1926 W7 P14 3d dull ultramarine mint. Cat £30 (90) £12 1926 W7 P14 1/4d greenish blue mint. Cat £130 (93) £60 1926 W7 P13½x12½ set of 11v to 1/4d mint complete. Cat £300 (94/104) £140 1926 W7 P13½x12½ 1d sage-green Die II mint. Cat £50 (95b) £22 1926 W7 P13½x12½ Die I 3d dull ultramarine mint. Cat £38 (100) £15 1926 W7 P13½x12½ 4½d violet (Die I) mint. Cat £70 (103) £32 1926 W7 P13½x12½ 1/4d turquoise mint. Cat £120 (104) £60 1929 W7 6d to 2/- (4v) mint. Cat £220 (107/10) £100 1929 W7 9d violet mint. Cat £35 (108) £16 1929 W7 1/- blue-green mint. Cat £50 (109) £22 1929 W7 2/- maroon mint. Cat £85 (110) £38 1930 2d and 5d o/pts fine used. Cat £17 (119/20) £8 1931 Kingsford Smith set fine used. Cat £22 (121/3) £10 1931 short set of 7v to 5d mint. Cat £80 (124/30) £35 1931 W15 (CofA) 6d chestnut u/m. Cat £40+ (132) £28 1931 W15 (CofA) 6d chestnut mint. Cat £40 (132) £18 1931 W15 (CofA) 9d violet mint. Cat £45 (133) £20 1931 W15 (CofA) 10/- (2 shades), £1 and £2 mint o/pt Specimen. (4v total). Cat £90+ (136/8s) £50 1931 W15 CofA £1 grey fine used, a lovely example. Cat £275 (137) £150 1931 £1 grey fine used, single cds. Cat £275 (137) £140 1931 Air 6d sepia mint. Cat £22 (139) £10 1931 Air 6d sepia fine used. Cat £17 (139) £7 1932 Sydney Bridge 5/- blue-green fine used, a lovely example. Cat £200 (143) £125 1934 Merino Ram (McArthur) set of 3v, u/m. Cat £55+ (150/2) £32 1934 Merino Ram set of 4v [incl both 2d] fine used. Cat £63(150/2) £28 1934 Marino Ram 9d bright purple u/m. Cat £38+ (152) £22 1934 Merino Ram (McArthur) 9d bright purple fine used. Cat £50 (152) £22 1934 P11 no wmk 1/6d dull purple top marginal u/m. Superb!(153) £40 1935 Anzac set u/m. Cat £53+ (154/5) £32 1935 Anzac set fine used. Cat £45 (154/5) £20 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £42 (156/8) £20 1935 Silver Jubilee 2/- mint. Cat £40 (156/8) £14 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £55 (156/8) £26 1937 3d blue ‘White Wattles’ fine used, scarce. Cat £85 (168a) £35 1937 P13½x14 3d blue Die 1a mint. Cat £150 (168b) £45 1937 P13½x14 1/- grey-green Lyre Bird u/m. Cat £50 (174) £28 1937 5/- Robes, thick paper, in u/m John Ash imprint corner block of four. Cat £112 (176) £75 1937 10/- dull purple thick paper in corner marginal Imprint block of 4 mint [2 u/m]. Cat £200+ (177) £90 1937 Robes 10/- thin paper u/m. Cat £50 (177a) £28 1937 P15x14 2d scarlet fine used, with Medal Flaw”“ variety. Cat £120”“ (184b) £60 1937 P15x14 2d bright purple coil pair fine used. Cat £75 (185a) £35 1937 P15x14 3d bright blue, in mint Ash control block of four (2 u/m). Cat £180 (186) £85 1937 NSW Anniversary set u/m. Cat £38 (193/5) £20

899 900 901 902

903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924

925 926 927

928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939

1937 NSW Anniversary set in mint Ash imprint blocks of four (2 u/m). Cat £152 (193/5) £60 1940 Imperial Forces set in McCracken imprint u/m bottom margin pairs. Cat £100 (196/9) £60 1940 Imperial Forces set mint. Cat £50 (196/9) £15 1942 2½d scarlet in fine, lightly mounted mint pair, the right stamp completely imperforate, the left imperf at right (as explained in SG footnote). Very scarce (we have not seen this variety before), with few pairs known. Cat £6500. Ceremuga Cert. (206a) £3,000 1948 Arms 5/- to £2 4v mint, complete. Cat £145 (224a/d) £50 1948 Arms £1 blue u/m. Cat £40 (224c) £22 1948 Arms £2 green in u/m block of four. Folded horizontally through perfs. Cat £340 (224d) £175 1948 no watermark set of 7v to 1/-u/m. Cat £35 (228/30d) £18 1959 Stockman 5/- brown-red on white paper u/m. Cat £90(327a) £35 1965 Christmas 5d mint, very lightly mounted, with the very scarce and striking ‘Blue’ omitted variety. Cat £1000 (381b) £375 1977 Jubilee 18c in u/m imperf pair. (Not listed SG). (645 Var) £25 1902 Postage Due 2d emerald-green (inv wmk, as cheaper) mint. Cat £25 (D2) £10 1902 Postage Due 2d emerald-green u/m. Cat £65+ (D3) £38 1902 Postage Due 2d emerald-green (upr wmk, as cheaper) mint. Cat £65 (D3) £28 1902 Postage Due 3d emerald-green (inv wmk, as cheaper) mint. Cat £50 (D4w) £22 1902 Postage Due 4d emerald-green (inv wmk, as cheaper) mint. Cat £50 (D5w) £22 1902 Postage Due 6d emerald-green (inv wmk, as cheaper) mint. Cat £55 (D6w) £22 1906 Postage Due 6d green mint, hinge remainder, with inverted wmk. Scarce. Cat £300 (D50w) £100 1938 W15 P14½x14 Dues fine used, complete (7v). Cat £85 (D112/18) £40 1914 W2 2½d indigo small perf OS fine used. Cat £160 (O19) £60 1914 W2 3d olive small perf OS fine used. Cat £16 (O20) £7 1914 W2 4d orange small perf OS fine used. Line perf, with naturally occurring blunt corner bottom right. Cat £95 (O21) £40 1914 W2 OS perforated 9d violet fine used. Cat £50 (O24) £22 1915 W6 OS 10/- grey and pink fine used. Cat £75 (O51) £38 1918 W5 OS 1/4d pale blue mint. Cat £110 (O75) £50 1926 W7 P14 OS perf 1½d scarlet in (almost) complete mint sheet of 119 (out of 120), with central gutter (folded down centre) showing Mullett imprint. Stamps are u/m (we could see no hnge traces) some showing light creasing or gum bends. One or two perf splits, some scuffing at sheet edges and portion of margin missing bottom right together with 120th stamp. Vast majority of stamps are perfect u/m. Exhibition piece. Cat £5340 (as mounted mint single stamps). (O90) £750 1929 W7 OS perforated 5/- grey and yellow fine used. Cat £45 (O118) £25 1931 OS o/pt 3d Kingsford Smith mint. Scarce in mint condition. Cat £275 (O124) £120 1932 OS o/pt 2d golden scarlet in mint block of four. Cat £96 (O130) £35 AUsTrALIA ANTArCTIC 1966 set of 11v to $1 u/m, complete. Cat £42

(Aug-18) £18

AUsTrALIA BCOF 1946 o/pt ½d orange in mint pair stamp 2 with Wrong fount 6”“ variety. Cat £190+”“ (“J1,1a”) £80 1946 o/pt set of 5v to 1/- in u/m blocks of four. Cat £276 (J1/5) £110 1946 o/pt 1d brown-purple u/m with proof overprint in black. (See footnote in SG after J7). Cat £100 (J2 Var) £70 1946 1d purple-brown with blue-black overprint u/m. Cat £60(J2a) £30 1946 o/pt 3d purple-brown u/m with proof overprint in black. (See footnote in SG after J7). Cat £100 (J3 var) £70 1946 BCOF o/pt 6d purple-brown in mint McCracken corner imprint block of four (2 u/m). Cat £116+ (J4) £55 1946 o/pt 6d purple-brown in mint pair stamp 2 with Wrong fount 6”“ variety. Cat £330”“ (“J4,4a”) £150 1946 o/pt 6d purple-brown in top right marginal u/m pair, RH stamp with variety Narrow N”“ Cat £330”“ (“J4,4c”) £200 1946 o/pt 1/- grey-green mint with Wrong fount 6”“ variety. Scarce. Cat £350”“ (J5a) £150 1946 o/pt 2/- maroon u/m. Cat £45 (J6) £26 1946 o/pt 2/- maroon in mint imprint block of 4. Cat £180+ (J6) £80

940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981

AUsTrALIA NEW sOUTH WALEs 1854 ‘6’ wmk 6d grey 4 margins (just), fine used. Cat £55 (94) £12 1854 1/- pale red fine used, 4 margins. Cat £70 (100) £28 1860 P12 5d dull green mint. Cat £475 (141) £175 1860 P12 6d mauve fine used. Cat £38 (147) £12 1860 P12 6d violet mint. Slight gum toning. Cat £750 (148) £125 1860 P12 1/- rose-carmine fine used. Cat £75 (153) £28 1860 P13 8d red-orange fine used. Cat £55 (167a) £18 1861 W25 P12 5/- purple used. Cat £70 (179) £25 1871 W36 P11x12 3d yellow-green mint. Cat £130 (211e) £60 1882 W40 P12x10 8d yellow mint, Good looker, but gum faults. Cat £275 (236ca) £60 1885 Postage o/pt (in blue) 10/- mauve and claret o/pt Specimen. Cat £75 (241as) £45 1885 Postage o/pt (in blue) 10/- mauve and claret P12 mint. Cat £300 (241b) £80 1888 Centenary 6d carmine mint bottom marginal with 1888 inscription. Cat £35+ (256) £20 1891 P12 7½d on 6d brown mint. Cat £13 (267b) £6 1891 P12x11½ 12½d on 1/- red mint. Cat £15 (268d) £8 1905 6d orange-yellow mint. Cat £19 (341) £9 1905 8d lilac-rose mint. Cat £55 (345) £24 1905 1/- purple-brown mint. Cat £42 (348) £16 1905 P12x11½ 2/6d blue-green mint. Cat £85 (349) £35 1905 W11 P12x12½ 9d brown and ultramarine mint. Cat £26(351) £10 1891 P10 20/- green Postage Due, fine used. Cat £100 (D10) £45 1888 W40 OS set of 6v 1d - 1/- mint (as cheapest). Cat £93 (O39/44a) £36 1891 OS o/pt 12½d on 1/- red u/m. Cat £70+ (O57) £48 AUsTrALIA QUEENsLAND 1868 W4 P13 1/- mauve mint. Cat £400 (73) £125 1879 W5 Die I 1d orange-brown mint. Rust spot at base. Cat £200 (129) £38 1879 W6 Die II 1d reddish brown mint. Cat £120 (134b) £45 1879 W6 Die II 1d dull orange mint. Cat £70 (135a) £32 1879 W6 Die II 1d dull orange unused, no gum, with QOEENSLAND flaw. Minor perf faults. Cat £250 (135ab) £25 1879 W6 6d yellow-green mint. Faint corner crease. Cat £180(143) £35 1879 W6 6d yellow-green unused, no gum. Cat £180 (143) £30 1880 20s rose fine used. Cat £200 (127) £75 1882 W5 thin paper 2/- bright blue fine used. Cat £65 (152) £25 1882 W5 thin paper 10/- brown, mint, regummed. Cat £250 (155) £40 1882 W10 thick paper £1 deep green fine used, showing re-entry. Cat £200 (161a) £80 1890 W6 1d vermilion-red mint, imperf pair. Cat £300 (187a) £140 1890 W6 4d orange ‘PENGE’ variety mint. Cat £160 (194a) £75 1895 W6 2d blue mint. Cat £35 (212) £15 1907 2/6d reddish-orange fine used. Cat £225 (309b) £75 1907 £1 deep bluish green fine used. Cat £350 (312c) £125 1866 wmk Postal Fiscal 6d blue fine used, unevenly perforated at right (as issued). Cat £400 (F11) £150 1871 no wmk Postal Fiscal 2/6d vermilion unused, no gum. Cat £475 (F29) £70 1871 no wmk Postal Fiscal 5/- yellow-brown fine used. Cat £225 (F30) £85

985 986 987 988 989 990 991

AUsTrALIA sOUTH AUsTrALIA 1856 Large Star 2d red fine used, 4 very large to good margins, fresh. Cat £60 (9) £28 1856 Large Star 6d slate-blue with 4 margins fine used. Tiny thin spot top right. Cat £200 (10) £45 1858 rouletted 1d yellow-green mint, very fresh, fine for this difficult stamp. Cat £1000 (13) £250 1860 Rouletted 4d dull violet mint, toned gum. Cat £170 (27) £20 1860 Rouletted 1/- lake brown, unused, no gum. Cat £325 (42) £40 1868 W2 1/- dark red-brown mint. Cat £170 (82) £55 1868 W2 2/- carmine mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £180 (87) £50 1876 W13 P10 1d blue-green u/m. Cat £45+ (167) £25 1904 W13 (thick Postage) 5/- rose-scarlet mint. Cat £75 (290) £45 1904 W13 (thick Postage) 5/- scarlet mint. Cat £75 (290b) £45

992 993 994

AUsTrALIA TAsMANIA 1853 4d orange, 1st state, fine used, 3 margins. Cat £1000 (5) £100 1855 Large Star 2d deep green fine used, 3 margins. Cat £550(15) £75 1855 Large Star 2d green fine used, 3 margins. Cat £450 (16) £60

982 983 984


995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 16

1857 wmk numerals 1d pale red-brown unused, no gum. Cat £650 (26) £75 1857 wmk numerals 1d brick-red mint. Cat £450 (27) £100 1858 W4 6d dull slate-grey fine used, 4 margins, possibly just touched at right. Cat £85 (44) £30 1858 W4 6d grey fine used, 3 margins. Cat £90 (45) £18 1858 W4 6d grey-violet fine used, (just) 4 margins. Cat £85 (46) £28 1863 wmk numerals P12 6d reddish mauve mint, tone spots. Cat £180 (76) £45 1871 W4 P11½ 6d dull lilac unused, no gum. Cat £250 (135) £38 1899 Pictorials 2½d indigo u/m. Cat £22+ (232) £15 1880 Postal Fiscal 6d mauve mint. Cat £95 (F28) £40 1880 Postal Fiscal 1/- rose-pink mint. Cat £150 (F29) £65 AUsTrALIA VICTOrIA 1882 W33 3d dull brownish-orange mint. Cat £110 (212a) £40 1884 P13 Stamp Duty 1/- blue/deep blue mint. Cat £275 (256) £90 1884 Stamp Duty 4/- red-orange (side wmk) mint. Cat £130 (269) £45 1884 Stamp Duty 10/- grey-green fine used. Cat £38 (272a) £18 1884 Stamp Duty (new design) 2/6d brown-orange fine used. Cat £35 (292) £14 1886 W33 1/6d pale blue mint. Cat £180 (322) £75 1899 Stamp Duty 5/- rose-red mint, fine. Cat £90 (372) £40 1903 W11 ½d blue-green, ready gummed paper, in u/m block of 4. Cat £20+ (416b) £12 1903 W11 2½d deep dull blue in u/m marginal block of 4. Cat £20+ (419) £12 1903 W11 2½d deep dull blue in u/m marginal block of 4. Cat £20+ (419) £12 1903 W11 2½d dull blue in u/m block of 4. Cat £12+ (419a) £8 1903 W11 5d ochre u/m. Cat £8+ (420c) £5 1903 W11 (upr) P11 ½d blue-green in u/m block of four. Cat £92+ (433a) £50 1903 W11 (upr) P11 ½d blue-green u/m. Cat £23+ (433a) £12 1903 W11 (upr) P11 3d orange-brown in u/m top marginal block of four. Cat £40+ (437) £28 1903 W11 (upr) P11 3d orange-brown u/m. Cat £10+ (437) £7 1903 W11 (upr) P11 3d ochre in u/m marginal block of four. Cat £36+ (437c) £20 1903 W11 (upr) P11 3d ochre u/m. Cat £9+ (437c) £5 1903 W11 (upr) P11 4d yellow-olive in u/m bottom left hand corner block of four (inv wmk). Cat £34+ (438b) £22 1903 W11 (upr) P11 4d yellow-olive u/m. Cat £8.50+ (438b) £5 1912 W104 P12x1 2½ 2d lilac in u/m bottom right hand corner block of 4. Cat £26+ (459a) £18 1912 W104 P11 ½d bluish green in u/m bottom marginal strip of 5 (some writing in pencil and light ink on margin). Cat £100+ (461) £60 1912 W104 P11 ½d bluish green u/m. Cat £20+ (461) £12 1890 Due 2d dull blue and brownish red mint, hinge remainder. Cat £27 (D3a) £10 1890 Due 5/- dull blue and brown-lake u/m. Scarce thus and with large premium for u/m. Cat £190+ (D10) £150 1897 Due 5d pale scarlet and yellow-green mint. Cat £55 (D24) £22 AUsTrIA 1930 Anti-TB Fund u/m. Cat £55+ (660/5) £20 1945 set of 33v to 5s u/m complete. Cat £39+ (923/55 A) £15 1945 1s-5s (4v) (from cylinders) u/m. Cat £95+ (952/5 B) £35 1946 Renner Government u/m. Cat £27 (972/5) £9 1946 Race Fund set u/m. Cat £23 (986/90) £8 1947 Famous Austrians u/m. Cat £31 (1002/8) £10 1947 Airs u/m complete. Cat £24 (1017/23) £7 1947 National Art Exhib Fund u/m, complete. Cat £11 (1024/33) £4 1947 Currency set of 16v to 5s u/m complete. Cat £140(1072/86a) £50 1948 Costumes set of 37v to 10s u/m, complete. Cat £425 (1108/44) £120 1948 Costumes 3s50 deep green u/m. Cat £45 (1140) £14 1948 Artists’ Anniversary set u/m. Cat £65 (1145/51) £20 1948 Salzburg Cathedral set u/m, complete. Cat £31 (1152/9) £9 1948 Stille Nacht”“ carol u/m. Cat £10”“ (1161) £4 1949 Child Welfare Fund u/m. Cat £110 (1162/5) £30 1949 UNICEF 1s greenish-blue u/m. Cat £23 (1166) £7 1949 POW Relief Fund set u/m. Cat £70 (1170/3) £22 1949 75th Anniv UPU set u/m. Cat £28 (1175/7) £9 1949 Stamp Day u/m. Cat £6.25 (1206) £2 1949 Karl Millocker u/m. Cat £35 (1207) £12

1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086

1950 Daffinger 60g brown u/m. Cat £15 (1208) £5 1950 Hofer (Painter) 60g u/m. Cat £25 (1209) £8 1950 Madersperger u/m. Cat £12.50 (1211) £4 1950 Plebiscite set u/m. Cat £140 (1212/4) £30 1950 Birds set complete 7v u/m. Cat £500 (1215/21) £150 1950 Birds set complete 7v fine used. 10sch blunted corner. Cat £400 (1215/21) £50 1950 Stamp Day 60g u/m. Cat £19 (1222) £6 1951 Reconstruction Fund u/m. Cat £100 (1225/8) £30 1951 Schmidt u/m. Cat £12.50 (1230) £4 1951 Boy Scout Jamboree u/m. Cat £8.75 (1231) £3 1952 Olympics u/m. Cat £41 (1233) £14 1952 Karl Ritter u/m. Cat £13.50 (1234) £4 1952 Schrammel u/m. Cat £13.50 (1235) £4 1952 Stamp Day 1s.50 u/m. Cat £41 (1236) £12 1952 Schonbrun Menagerie u/m. Cat £13 (1237) £4 1952 Socialist Youth u/m. Cat £15 (1238) £5 1952 Lenau (Writer) u/m. Cat £15 (1239) £5 1952 Childrens’ Correspondence u/m. Cat £23 (1240) £7 1952 Austrian Catholics’ Day u/m. Cat £20 (1241) £7 1953 50th Anniv Death of Wolf u/m. Cat £15 (1242) £5 1953 150th Anniv of Linz Theatre u/m. Cat £34 (1245) £12 1953 Evangelical School Rebuilding Fund u/m. Cat £23 (1246/50) £7 1953 Stamp Day u/m. Cat £15 (1252) £5 1954 von Schwind 1s.50 u/m. Cat £27 (1253) £8 1954 von Rokitansky 1s.50 u/m. Cat £34 (1254) £10 1954 Health Service Fund u/m. Cat £26 (1256/61) £7 1954 Esperanto u/m. Cat £9.50 (1262) £3 1954 Rottmayr u/m. Cat £24 (1263) £8 1954 Dr Auer von Weisbach u/m. Cat £70 (1264) £25 1954 Stamp Day u/m. Cat £13.50 (1267) £5 1955 10th Anniv of Republic u/m. Cat £85 (1269/73) £25 1955 Opera House set u/m. Cat £19 (1277/8) £6 1955 UN 2s.40 green u/m. Cat £30 (1279) £9 1956 UN 2s.40 brown u/m. Cat £24 (1282) £7 1956 Conference 2s.40 u/m. Cat £22 (1283) £7 1957 Buildings 20g-20s u/m complete (excl smaller sized reprints). Cat £80 (1295/1326) £25

BAHAMAs 1087 1862 P13 no wmk 1d brown-lake mint, scarce. One or two raggy perfs top edge. Cat £750 (17) £150 1088 1862 P13 no wmk 6d lilac fine used. Cat £450 (19a) £150 1089 1863 CC P12½ 1d brown lake unused, no gum. Cat £100 (20) £20 1090 1863 P12½ CC 1d rose-red, reversed wmk, unused, no gum. Cat £70 (23c) £15 1091 1863 CC P12½ 6d deep violet mint. Cat £160 (31) £60 1092 1863 CC P12½ 6d deep violet unused, no gum. Cat £250 (31) £25 1093 1863 CC P12½ 6d aniline violet with wmk reversed, mint. Cat £250 (32x) £90 1094 1882 P14 CA 1d scarlet vermilion mint. SG No in pencil and (possible) dealer’s expertisation mark on gum. Cat £475 (42) £125 1095 1882 CA 1/- blue-green in left hand marginal u/m block of four. Cat £152+ (44a) £100 1096 1882 CA 1/- blue-green u/m. Cat £38+ (44a) £25 1097 1882 CA 1/- blue-green mint. Cat £38 (44a) £18 1098 1883 surcharged 4d on 6d deep violet, mint. Cat £550 (45) £185 1099 1883 Surch 4d on 6d deep violet used, a fine example. Cat £400 (45) £140 1100 1884 CA 1d pale rose, mint. Cat £90 (47) £38 1101 1884 CA 1d carmine-rose mint. Cat £8 (48) £4 1102 1884 CA 2½d ultramarine mint. Cat £15 (52) £6 1103 1884 CA 5/- sage-green mint. Cat £90 (56) £45 1104 1884 CA 5/- sage-green fine used on small piece. Cat £100 (56) £55 1105 1884 CA £1 Venetian red mint, tiny tone spot on reverse of upper perf, a fine example. Cat £275 (57) £100 1106 1884 £1 Venetian red fine used. Clear A05 duplex cancel. Cat £225 (57) £100 1107 1884 £1 Venetian red fine used. Short perf. A05 duplex cancel. Cat £225 (57) £45 1108 1901 CC 1d black and red Staircase mint. Cat £15 (58) £6 1109 1901 CC Staircase set of 4v to 3/- mint, complete. Cat £90(58/61) £45 1110 1901 CC Staircase set of 4v fine used with cds. Cat £160 (58/61) £85 1111 1901 CC 5d black and orange mint. Cat £9.50 (59) £4 1112 1901 CC 2/- black and blue mint. Cat £29 (60) £12

1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163

1902 CA 1d carmine and 2½d ultramarine mint. Cat £13.50 (62/3) £6 1902 CA set of 6v to 5/- fine used. Cat £250 (62/9) £100 1902 CA 4d orange mint. Cat £15 (64) £6 1902 CA 6d brown mint. Cat £8 (66) £4 1902 CA 1/- grey-black and carmine mint. Cat £22 (67) £10 1902 CA 5/- dull purple and blue mint. Cat £80 (69) £40 1902 CA 5/- dull purple and blue fine used. Cat £95 (69) £50 1906 MCA set of 4v mint. Cat £65 (71/4) £35 1906 MCA 2½d ultramarine mint. Cat £27 (73) £12 1906 MCA 2½d ultramarine wmk inverted mint. Cat £170 (73w) £75 1906 MCA 2½d ultramarine wmk inverted fine used. Cat £170 (73w) £85 1906 MCA 6d brown u/m top edge marginal with plate No (1). Mounted on margin. Cat £17+ (74) £15 1911 MCA Staircase set of 6v mint, complete. Cat £110 (75a/80) £55 1911 MCA 3/- black and green mint. Cat £70 (80) £34 1911 MCA 3/- black and green fine used. Cat £55 (80) £25 1912 6d bistre-brown u/m with Malformed E”“ variety. Cat £130+”“ (86a) £80 1912 MCA £1 dull green and black mint. Cat £200 (89) £100 1918 War Tax o/pt set of 5v mint. Cat £120 (91/5) £60 1918 War Tax o/pt 1/- grey-black and carmine u/m. Cat £110+(95) £75 1918 War Tax o/pt 1/- grey-black and carmine mint. Cat £110 (95) £55 1918 War Tax o/pt 1/- grey-black and carmine fine used. Cat £160 (95) £85 1918 War Tax o/pt 1d carmine with sideways wmk, mint. Scarce. Cat £200 (97a) £125 1919 War Tax o/pt 1/- grey-black and carmine in mint block of four (2 u/m). Cat £108+ (104) £48 1919 War Tax o/pt 1/- grey-black and carmine fine used on piece, Plate (2) marginal example. Cat £60+ (104) £30 1919 War Tax o/pt 3d black and brown wmk inverted and reversed, mint. Cat £130 (105y) £60 1920 Peace set to 1/- fine used, complete. Cat £55 (106/10) £25 1921 Script Staircase set of 4v mint. Cat £75 (111/4) £32 1921 Script 5/- dull purple and blue fine used. Cat £65 (124) £34 1930 Tercentenary set of 5v mint, complete. Cat £70 (126/30) £32 1930 Tercentenary set of 5v to 3/- fine used. Cat £150 (126/30) £75 1931 Script 2/- slate purple and indigo, fine used. Cat £50 (131a) £25 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £18 (141/4) £9 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £40 (141/4) £25 1935 Silver Jubilee 6d mint with ‘Dot to left of chapel’. Cat £250 (143g) £120 1935 Silver Jubilee 1/- mint with ‘Dot by Flagstaff. Cat £325”“ (144h) £175 1935 8d ultramarine and scarlet mint. Cat £9 (145) £4 1938 basic set of 17v mint, complete. (All taken as cheapest.) Cat £150 (149/57a) £55 1938 ½d - £1 17v fine used, complete. (All taken as cheapest). Cat £90 (149/57a) £50 1938 ½d brown-purple u/m, showing the Elongated E”“ variety. Cat £180”“ (149ac) £100 1938 2d grey mint with ‘Short T’ variety. Centered to left. Scarce. Cat £950 (152a) £350 1938 2d scarlet in u/m block of 12 (3x4), top right hand corner marginal showing sheet number, one stamp with ‘Short T’ variety. Cat £140+ (“152b,ba”) £85 1938 £1 deep grey-green and black on thick paper mint. Cat £250 (157) £75 1938 £1 deep grey-green and black/thick paper fine used. Cat £150 (157) £75 1938 £1 blue-green and black in fine used block of four, central cds. Some slight rubbing. Cat £220 (157a) £100 1938 Columbus o/pt ½d bluish green in bottom right corner marginal block of 6 u/m, one stamp with the ‘Elongated E’ variety. Cat £80+ (“162,62a”) £45 1942 Anniversary o/pt 6d in vertical pair fine used, the upper stamp with the ‘COIUMBUS’ error. Scarce. Cat £1500+ (169a) £750 1942 o/pt 3/- brownish-black and green in u/m bottom marginal block of four, with Bradbury Wilkinson inscription. Cat £220 (173a) £100 1948 Tercentenary set of 16v to £1 u/m, complete. Cat £75 (178/93) £40 1948 Tercentenary set of 16v to £1 fine used, complete. Cat £55 (178/93) £30 1948 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £45 (194/5) £25 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £45 (194/5) £22

1164 1165 1166 1167 1168

1948 Silver Wedding set fine used. Cat £32 (194/5) £18 1954 set of 16v to £1 u/m, complete. Cat £100 (201/16) £50 1954 set of 16v to £1 mint, complete. Cat £100 (201/16) £30 1954 5/- bright emerald and reddish-orange mint. Cat £90 (214a) £35 1964 o/pt defins set of 16v to £1 u/m complete. 10/- small tear. Cat £32 (228/43) £10 1169 1965 set of 15v to £1 u/m complete. Cat £50 (247/61) £28 1170 1967 W12 8c green, blue and sepia on whiter paper u/m, scarce. Cat £160 (300a) £85 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196

BAHrAIN 1933 o/pt 3a blue fine used. Cat £75 (7) £32 1933 o/pt 2r carmine and orange fine used. Cat £48 (13) £22 1934 o/pt set of 5v (1 x 2a) mint. Cat £80 (15/19) £32 1938 set of 10v to 12a fine used. Cat £235 (20/31) £100 1938 o/pt set of 16v to 25r fine used, complete. Cat £450(20/37) £250 1938 o/pt on India, 3p - 3a6p (7v) fine used. Cat £70 (20-Jul) £32 1938 o/pt on India, 4a brown fine used (cds). Cat £75 (28) £38 1938 o/pt on India, 8a slate-violet fine used. Cat £35 (30) £15 1938 o/pt on India, 12a lake fine used. Cat £55 (31) £30 1938 o/pt 2r purple and brown fine used. Cat £12 (33) £6 1938 o/pt 5r green and blue in fine used block of four. Cat £52 (34) £25 1938 o/pt 5r green and blue fine used. Cat £13 (34) £6 1938 10r purple and claret fine used. Cat £70 (35) £35 1938 15R brown and green fine used (inv wmk). Cat £90 (36w) £50 1938 o/pt 25r slate-violet and purple u/m. Cat £130+ (37) £75 1938 o/pt 25r slate-violet and purple fine used. Cat £110 (37) £60 1942 o/pt set of 13v to 12a mint, complete. Cat £140 (38/50) £50 1942 o/pt white background set of 13v to 12a fine used, complete. Cat £120 (38/50) £65 1948 set of 10v to 5r fine used. Cat £28 (51/60) £12 1948 o/pt defins set of 11v to 10r fine used, complete. Cat £95 (51/60a) £55 1948 Surch 10r on 10/- ultramarine fine used. Cat £80 (60a) £40 1948 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £32 (61/2) £18 1948 Olympics set fine used. Cat £16 (63/6) £8 1950 Surcharges set of 9v to 10r fine used, complete. Cat £60 (71/9) £35 1950 Surch 2r on 2/6d green fine used. Cat £17 (77) £8 1950 Surch 10r on 10/- ultramarine fine used. Cat £11 (79) £6

BArBADOs 1197 1852 [1d] blue with 4 clear margins fine used. Cat £190 (3) £65 1198 1852 no wmk [4d] brownish red on blued paper with 4 margins fine used with ‘1’ numeral cancel. 1999 APS cert. Cat £275 (5) £125 1199 1855 (½d) green mint pair with 4 margins and some hinge remainder. Cat £380 (8) £150 1200 1855 (½d) green with 4 margins fine used. Cat £150 (8) £60 1201 1855 (½d) green with 4 margins fine used. Small crease. Cat £150 (8) £25 1202 1855 (1d) pale blue with very large margins fine used. Superb. Cat £70 (9) £40 1203 1855 (1d) pale blue with large margins fine used. Cat £70 (9) £30 1204 1858 6d deep rose-red, 4 good to large margins, fine used. Cat £180 (11a) £75 1205 1858 6d deep rose-red, 4 margins, close, but clear bottom left, fine used. Cat £180 (11a) £60 1206 1858 6d deep rose-red, 4 margins, very close, but clear at right, fine used. Cat £180 (11a) £40 1207 1873 W2 P14 3d purple brown, mint, minor toning and somewhat offcentre, otherwise fine. Cat £325 (63) £65 1208 1873 W2 P14 3d purple brown fine used. Cat £110 (63) £38 1209 1873 5/- dull rose fine used, well centered for this stamp. Cat £300 (64) £100 1210 1873 5/- dull rose fine used, light cancels, somewhat off-centre (as this stamp tends to be). Cat £300 (64) £80 1211 1875 CC P12½ ½d bright green mint. Cat £90 (67) £38 1212 1875 CC P14 ½d bright green mint. Cat £27 (72) £12 1213 1875 CC P14 ½d bright green unused, no gum. Cat £27 (72) £4 1214 1875 CC P14 1d dull blue unused, no gum. Cat £140 (73) £20 1215 1882 CA ½d dull green u/m, some gum toning. Cat £35+ (89) £20 1216 1882 CA ½d dull green mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £35 (89) £7 1217 1882 CA 1d carmine u/m. Cat £60+ (92) £38 1218 1882 CA 2½d ultramarine mint. Cat £120 (93) £55 1219 1882 CA 4d pale brown mint. Cat £32 (98) £12


1220 1882 CA 4d pale brown fine used, with reversed wmk. Cat £275 (98x) £100 1221 1882 CA 6d olive black mint. Cat £75 (100) £32 1222 1882 CA 6d olive black mint. Cat £75 (100) £30 1223 1882 CA 1/- chestnut mint. Cat £29 (102) £14 1224 1882 CA 1/- chestnut mint. Cat £29 (102) £14 1225 1882 CA 5/- bistre mint. Cat £170 (103) £85 1226 1882 5/- bistre fine used. Cat £200 (103) £95 1227 1882 CA set of 9v to 5/- mint complete, some hinge remainders, fresh colours. Cat £750 (89/103) £190 1228 1882 CA set of 9v to 5/- used, with the 5 listed shades, each (apart from 1x1d and 2½d) with cds, lovely quality. Cat £325 (89/103) £125 1229 1882 CA 6d, 1- and 5/- each u/m and o/pt Specimen. Cat (approx pro rata) £250 (100/3s) £100 1230 1892 Surch ½d on 4d in u/m block of six. Some minor gum wrinkling. Cat £13.50+ (104) £8 1231 1892 CA small Seahorses set of 9v to 10d mint. 6d thin spot. Cat £85+ (105/13) £30 1232 1892 CA small Seahorses set of 10v to 2/6d (blue-black and orange only), mint. Cat £100+ (105/14) £48 1233 1892 CA set of 11v to 2/6d mint, complete. Cat £250 (105/15) £125 1234 1892 CA set of 11v to 2/6d (both) fine used, complete. Cat £375 (105/15) £175 1235 1892 CA set of 11v to 2/6d (both) mint complete, o/pt Specimen, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £275 (105/15s) £125 1236 1892 CA 2d slate-black and orange mint. Cat £15 (108) £7 1237 1892 CA 2½d ultramarine mint. Cat £17 (109) £8 1238 1892 CA 6d mauve and carmine mint. Cat £18 (111) £8 1239 1892 CA 2/6d black and orange mint. Cat £48 (114) £22 1240 1892 CA 2/6d black and orange mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £48 (114) £15 1241 1892 CA 2/6d violet and green mint. Cat £150 (115) £70 1242 1892 CA 2/6d violet and green fine used. Cat £300 (115) £150 1243 1897 Jubilee set of 9v to 2/6d mint complete, fine. Cat £300 (116/24) £140 1244 1897 Diamond Jubilee set of 9v mint, complete. (2/6d slightly toned). Cat £300 (116/24) £130 1245 1897 Jubilee 2½d ultramarine mint. Cat £18 (119) £8 1246 1897 Jubilee 5d olive-brown mint. Cat £42 (120) £18 1247 1897 Jubilee 6d mauve and carmine mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £48 (121) £16 1248 1897 Jubilee 8d orange and ultramarine mint. Cat £25 (122) £11 1249 1897 Jubilee 2/6d blue-black and orange mint. Some hinge remainder. Cat £110 (124) £45 1250 1897 Jubilee 1d carmine on blued paper mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £40 (127) £15 1251 1905 MCA _d slate-grey and carmine mint. Cat £13 (135) £5 1252 1905 MCA set of 7v to 2/6d mint, complete. Cat £225 (135/44) £120 1253 1905 MCA ½d dull green in u/m corner marginal block of four. Cat £112+ (136) £75 1254 1905 MCA ½d dull green mint. Cat £28 (136) £12 1255 1905 MCA ½d dull green mint. Cat £29 (136) £12 1256 1905 MCA 1d carmine mint. Cat £30 (137) £14 1257 1905 MCA 2½d ultramarine mint. Cat £35 (139) £14 1258 1905 MCA 6d mauve and carmine mint. Cat £48 (141) £18 1259 1905 MCA 8d orange and ultramarine, mint. Cat £65 (142) £32 1260 1905 MCA 8d orange and ultramarine, light cds fine used. Cat £130 (142) £65 1261 1905 MCA 2/6d violet and green mint. Cat £65 (144) £35 1262 1906 CC Nelson Centenary set mint, complete. Cat £75 (143/51) £35 1263 1906 CC Nelson _d black and grey in u/m corner block of four. Cat £72+ (145) £45 1264 1906 CC Nelson _d black and grey mint, bluish paper (see footnote in SG). With white paper for comparison. Cat (B&K) £140 (145 Var) £50 1265 1906 CC Nelson Centenary set mint, complete. Cat £75 (145/51) £35 1266 1906 CC Nelson Centenary set of 7v mint. Cat £75 (145/51) £35 1267 1906 CC Nelson Centenary set fine used, complete. Cat £75 (145/51) £35 1268 1906 CC Nelson Centenary set o/pt Specimen. Cat £160(145/51s) £75 1269 1906 Nelson CC 1d black and red in u/m block of four. Cat £48+ (147) £30 1270 1906 Tercentenary 1d mint. Cat £19 (152) £9 1271 1907 MCA Nelson _d black and grey in u/m corner block of four. Cat £24+ (158) £14 1272 1907 MCA Nelson _d black and grey u/m. Cat £6+ (158) £4 1273 1907 MCA Nelson set of 3v mint. Cat £42 (158/62) £20 18

1274 1909 MCA set of 5v mint complete. Cat £90 (163/9) £45 1275 1912 MCA set of 11v to 3/- mint, complete. Cat £225 (170/80) £110 1276 1912 MCA set of 11v to 3/- fine used, complete. 1/- has small vertical blue reg crayon mark. Cat £250 (170/80) £125 1277 1916 MCA set of 11v to 3/- mint, complete. Cat £140 (181/91) £65 1278 1916 MCA set of 11v to 3/- fine used, complete. Cat £250 (181/91) £100 1279 1916 MCA 3/- deep violet u/m. Cat £75+ (191) £45 1280 1918 new colours 4d and 3/- mint. Cat £32.25 (199/200) £15 1281 1918 MCA 3/- green and bright violet mint, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £250 (200a) £110 1282 1920 Victory set of 12v mint, complete (incl 1d Script). Cat £150 (201/12) £70 1283 1920 Victory set of 12v to 3/- fine used, complete. Cat £275 (201/12) £110 1284 1925 Script set of 13v to 3/- complete mint, o/pt Specimen. Fine. Cat £225 (229/39s) £120 1285 1925 1/- brownish black/bright yellow-green mint. Cat £8.50 (237b) £4 1286 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £32 (241/4) £15 1287 1938 P13½x13 1d scarlet mint, key GVI item. Cat £275 (249) £80 1288 1938 P13 2d carmine mint with Extra Frame Line”“ variety. Cat £60”“ (250da) £28 1289 1938 2½d ultramarine fine used with variety Mark on Central Ornament.”“ Cat £55”“ (251a) £30 1290 1938 2½d blue in left hand u/m block of 6, one stamp with variety Mark on Central Ornament”“. Cat £85+”“ (“251b,bb”) £48 1291 1938 P13 4d black in strip of 3 on (1947) airmail envelope from the Treasurer of the Leewards Islands Mission of Seventh Day Adventists to Washington, the right hand stamp with the Cracked Plate”“ variety. Very scarce on cover. (Cat £70 as used stamp)”“ (“253,53c”) £100 1292 1939 Tercentenary set fine used. Cat £15 (257/61) £8 1293 1947 P14 Surch 1d on 2d carmine with ‘Broken E’, variety u/m. Cat £70 (264d) £35 1294 1947 surcharged 1d on 2d carmine in u/m corner marginal block of 30, stamps 7/4 and 11/4 with the ‘Broken E’ variety. Cat £360+ (264ed) £140 1295 1947 P13½x13 surcharged 1d on 2d carmine in mint pair, one with the ‘Broken E’ variety. (Variety stamp is u/m). Cat £140+ (264ed) £75 1296 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £17 (265/6) £9 1297 1950 set of 12v to $2.40 mint, complete. Cat £55 (271/82) £22 1298 1950 set of 12v to $2.40 fine used, complete. Cat £75 (271/82) £40 1299 1950 $2.40 black fine used. Cat £42 (282) £22 1300 1970 Surch 4c on 5c u/m with ‘Surcharge double’. Cat £30 (398b) £15 1301 1970 Surch 4c on 5c u/m with ‘Surcharge normal on front and inverted at back’. Cat £22 (398e) £12 1302 1970 Surch 4c on 5c u/m with ‘Surcharge omitted on front and inverted at back’. Cat £30 (398f) £15 1303 1974 W12 Orchids set of 18v to $10 fine used, complete. Cat £40 (485/500) £18 1304 1849 pre-stamp cover to 11 Broad St., Barbados, prepaying local _d rate, used on 2nd day of issue. Envelope has usual opening slits, otherwise fine and fresh. (CC1) £75 1305 1934 (issued 1947) Due 3c carmine in u/m block of four. Cat £80+ (D3) £35 1306 1934 (issued 1947) Due 3c carmine u/m. Cat £20+ (D3) £10 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315

BAsUTOLAND 1933 2/6d sepia mint. Cat £45 (8) £20 1933 5/- violet mint. Cat £80 (9) £40 1933 10/- olive-green mint. Cat £225 (10) £125 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £9.50 (Nov-14) £6 1935 Silver Jubilee 6d fine used with the scarce ‘Dot by flagstaff’ variety. Cat £475 (14h) £200 1938 set of 11v to 10/- u/m, complete. Lovely set. Cat £110(18/28) £65 1938 set of 11v to 10/- mint, complete. Cat £110 (18/28) £40 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £50 (36/7) £24 1954 set of 11v to 10/- mint, complete. Cat £110 (43/53) £35

BECHUANALAND 1885 o/pt Anchor 6d reddish-purple mint. Fresh. Cat £200 (7) £80 1885 Anchor o/pt 1/- green unused, no gum. Cat £375 (8) £60 1885 o/pt 1/- green fine used. Cat £190 (8) £75 1887 Orb 2d pale dull lilac and black mint. Cat £120 (11a) £50 1888 2/- green and black mint h/stamped Specimen. (16s) £10 1888 £1 lilac and black fiscally used in manuscript. Cat £50 (as fiscal) (20) £40 1322 1888 £1 and £5 lilac and black fiscally used (2v). Cat (as fiscally used) £250 (20-Jan) £125

1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321

1323 1888 surcharged 4d on o/pt 4d lilac and black fine used. Scarce. Cat £500 (44) £200 1324 1888 surcharged 6d on 6d lilac and black mint. Cat £120 (45) £50 1325 1888 o/pt 1/- green and black mint, very fresh. Cat £140 (46) £60 1326 1888 o/pt 1/- green and black mint o/pt Specimen. (46s) £20 1327 1890 o/pt [type 16, upright] ½d vermilion mint. Cat £225 (54) £85 1328 1890 o/pt ½d vermilion mint with ‘Protectorate’ inverted. Cat £85 (54a) £40 1329 1890 o/pt [type 16] ½d vermilion mint with inverted o/pt. Couple of tone spots. Cat £85 (54a) £22 1330 1904 o/pt set of 5v to 1/- [SG 70] mint complete. One or two minor faults. Cat £84.50 (66/70) £30 1331 1904 o/pt set of 5v to 1/- [SG 71] mint. Cat £80 (66/71) £40 1332 1904 o/pt 1/- deep green and scarlet u/m. Cat £55+ (70) £38 1333 1904 o/pt 1/- deep green and scarlet mint. Cat £55 (70) £24 1334 1904 o/pt 1/- green and carmine mint. Cat £60 (71) £30 1335 1913 Script ½d green in u/m control block of 6 (J17) (73) £20 1336 1913 Script 1d scarlet in u/m control block of 6 (M19) (74) £25 1337 1913 Script 2d orange (Die II) u/m. Scarce thus. Cat £50+ (77) £40 1338 1913 Waterlow o/pt 2/6d deep sepia brown mint. Cat £140 (83) £75 1339 1913 Waterlow o/pt 2/6d deep sepia brown mint. Couple of rust spots. Cat £140 (83) £55 1340 1913 Waterlow o/pt 5/- rose-carmine mint. Cat £160 (84) £80 1341 1913 Waterlow o/pt 5/- rose-carmine mint. Faint, ironed-out horizontal crease. Cat £160 (84) £50 1342 1913 Bradbury o/pt 2/6d chocolate-brown u/m. Cat £90+ (88) £70 1343 1913 Bradbury o/pt 2/6d chocolate-brown mint. Cat £90 (88) £50 1344 1913 Bradbury o/pt 5/- rose-carmine left hand marginal u/m. Cat £110+ (89) £75 1345 1913 o/pt Bradbury 5/- rose-carmine bottom left hand corner marginal mint, fresh with very light gum bend. Cat £110+ (89) £65 1346 1913 Bradbury o/pt 5/- rose-carmine fine used. Cat £275 (89) £140 1347 1913 Bradbury o/pt 5/- rose-carmine fine used. Cat £275 (89) £125 1348 1925 o/pt set of 7v [1 x 6d only, ex SG 96] mint, complete. Cat £78 (91/8) £35 1349 1925 Block wmk o/pt 6d (chalky), mint. Cat £75 (96) £32 1350 1925 Block wmk o/pt 6d (ord), u/m. Cat £50+ (97) £35 1351 1932 set of 7v to 1/- mint. Cat £32 (99/105) £12 1352 1932 2/6d black and scarlet mint. Cat £27 (107) £11 1353 1932 3/- black and purple mint. Cat £48 (108) £20 1354 1932 5/- black and ultramarine mint. Cat £130 (109) £65 1355 1932 set of 12v to 10/- mint complete, some gum toning on lower vals, otherwise fine. Cat £500 (99/110) £200 1356 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £17 (111/14) £8 1357 1935 Silver Jubilee 2d mint with ‘Extra flagstaff’. Cat £140 (112a) £75 1358 1938 set of 11v to 10/- u/m, complete. Cat £110 (118/28) £60 1359 1938 set of 11v to 10/- mint, complete. Cat £110 (118/28) £38 1360 1938 set to 10/- complete (plus 3 shades ½d, 1½d, 6d, 1/- and 5/- [18v total]) fine used, complete. Cat £260 (118/28) £140 1361 1938 set of 11v to 10/- fine used, complete. Cat £100 (118/28) £60 1362 1948 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £42 (136/7) £25 1363 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £42 (136/7) £20 1364 1955 set of 12v to 10/- mint, complete. Cat £100 (143/53) £35 1365 1961 Surch 2½c on 3d bright ultramarine, a bottom marginal mint pair, with printer’s imprint, left hand stamp showing Spaced C”“ variety. Cat £250++”“ (“160,60a”) £100 1366 1961 set of 14v to 2r fine used, complete. Cat £50 (168/81) £28 1367 1932 Dues set of 3v in fine used blocks of four, original issues. Cat £516 (D4/6) £200 1368 1932 Dues set of 3v fine used, original issues. Cat £129 (D4/6) £60 1369 1910 Postal Fiscal o/pt 6d black and brown-orange mint. Cat £190 (F1) £95 BELGIUM 1370 1849 10c brown and 20c blue each fine used with 4 margins. Cat £170 (01-Feb) £65 1371 1919 Tin Hat 2f purple u/m. Key value of set. Fine and fresh. Cat £550+ (248) £225 1372 1919 Tin Hat 10fr u/m, top value of set. Cat £170+ (249) £90 1373 1922 Albert I 10f brown fine u/m. Top value of set. Cat £100+(373) £65 1374 1952 25th Anniversary UPU set fine used on unaddressed Official FDC. Cat £220 (as used). (1389/91) £130 1375 1952 UPU Congress set of 12v mint, complete. Cat £375 (1398/1409) £50 1376 1952 Koekelberg m/s u/m. Cat £475 (Ms1392) £130 1377 1953 Red Cross 6v, mint. Cat £75 (1436/41) £20

1378 1379 1380 1381

1953 Baudouin 7f.50 chocolate mint. Cat £130 1953 Welfare set mint. Cat £80 1954 Bruges Restoration set mint. Cat £200 1955 Anti-TB (and other) Funds set mint. Cat £80

(1465) (1482/4) (1534/9) (1567/73)

£20 £20 £30 £20

BErMUDA 1382 1865 CC P14 1d rose-red mint. Cat £100 (1) £48 1383 1865 CC P14 1d pale rose mint. Cat £140 (2) £65 1384 1865 CC P14 6d dull mauve mint, with inverted watermark. Scarce and very fresh. Cat £180 (7w) £90 1385 1865 CC 1/- green fine used. Cat £70 (8) £28 1386 1865 CC P14x12½ 6d bright mauve fine used. Cat £22 (10a) £9 1387 1865 CC P14x12½ 1/- green mint. Cat £17 (11) £8 1388 1875 Surch 1d on 1/- green used, couple of nibbled perfs, but still an attractive example. Cat £250 (17) £50 1389 1880 CC P14 ½d stone and 4d orange-red mint. Cat £28.50 (19/20) £10 1390 1883 CA 1d rose-red mint, fresh and hard to find. Cat £90 (23) £34 1391 1883 CA 1d carmine-rose in mint block of four (1 u/m). Cat £240+ (24) £85 1392 1883 CA 1d carmine-rose mint. Cat £60 (24) £24 1393 1883 CA 2d blue mint. Cat £75 (25) £32 1394 1883 CA 2d blue mint. Some gum discolouration. Cat £75 (25) £20 1395 1883 CA 2d brown-purple mint. Cat £6 (26a) £2 1396 1883 CA 2½d pale ultramarine mint. Cat £24 (27b) £9 1397 1883 CA 3d grey in mint block of four. Cat £92 (28) £35 1398 1883 CA 3d grey mint. Cat £23 (28) £8 1399 1883 CA 1/- yellow-brown mint. Cat £24 (29) £11 1400 1902 CA ½d black and green mint. Cat £14 (31) £6 1401 1906 MCA Dry Dock set of 9v to 4d mint, complete. 1d (SG 37) has faults. Cat £170 (34/42) £65 1402 1910 MCA set of 9v to 1/- mint, complete. Cat £60 (44/51) £32 1403 1910 MCA set of 11v to 1/- complete incl listed shades of 6d and 1/- mint. Cat £90 (44/51a) £42 1404 1918 MCA 2/- purple and blue/blue fine used. Cat £55 (51b) £25 1405 1918 MCA 2/-, 2/6d, 4/- and 5/- mint, fine and fresh. Cat £170 (51b/53d) £75 1406 1918 MCA 2/- purple and blue used with reversed wmk, very scarce. Cat £2500 (51bx) £700 1407 1918 MCA 2/6d black and red mint. Cat £38 (52) £18 1408 1918 MCA 4/- black and carmine u/m. Centered high and to left. Cat £60+ (52b) £40 1409 1918 MCA 4/- black and carmine mint. Cat £60 (52b) £32 1410 1918 5/- deep green and deep red mint. Cat £75 (53) £35 1411 1918 MCA 5/- green and carmine-red/pale yellow mint. Cat £60 (53d) £32 1412 1918 MCA 10/- green and carmine/bluish green mint. Cat £180(54) £90 1413 1918 MCA 10/- green and carmine/pale bluish green fine used with part light cds. Cat £350 (54) £150 1414 1918 MCA 10/- green and red/pale bluish green mint. Fresh with very light hinge. Cat £275 (54c) £125 1415 1918 MCA £1 purple and black/red mint, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £325 (55) £150 1416 1920 Tercentenary set of 9v mint, complete. Cat £110 (59/67) £50 1417 1920 Tercentenary set of 9v mint, complete. Some minor faults. Cat £110 (59/67) £28 1418 1921 Tercentenary set of 9v mint, complete. Cat £100 (68/76) £50 1419 1922 Script wmk set of 12v mint, complete. Cat £65 (77/87) £30 1420 1922 Script 2d grey, wmk reversed, mint. Cat £75 (80x) £40 1421 1924 Script 2/- purple and bright blue/pale blue mint. Cat £50 (88) £25 1422 1924 Script 2/- purple and bright blue/pale blue fine used. Cat £75 (88) £40 1423 1924 Script 2/- purple and bright blue with Break in scroll”“, mint. Cat £250”“ (88a) £120 1424 1924 Script 2/- purple and bright blue with Break in crown and scroll”“, mint. Cat £250”“ (88b) £125 1425 1924 Script 2/- purple and bright blue with Nick in top right scroll”“, fine used. Scarce. Cat (mint only) £275”“ (88c) £175 1426 1924 Script 2/- purple and blue/grey-blue mint. Cat £65 (88g) £32 1427 1924 Script 2/6d black and carmine mint. Cat £60 (89) £30 1428 1924 Script 2/6d black and carmine/pale blue fine used. Cat £100 (89) £55 1429 1924 Script 2/6d black and red/deep blue mint. Cat £75 (89g) £38 1430 1924 Script 2/6d black and red/blue fine used. Cat £110 (89g) £60 1431 1924 Script 2/6d black and carmine-red/deep grey-blue mint. Cat £100 (89i) £50


1432 1924 Script 2/6d black and scarlet-vermilion/deep blue fine used. Cat £140 (89j) £70 1433 1924 Script 2/6d black and bright orange-vermilion/deep blue fine used with the ‘Gash in fruit and leaf’ flaw. Very scarce. Cat £6000 (mint, unpriced used). 2006 RPS Cert. (89kg) £1,800 1434 1924 Script 10/- green and red/pale emerald mint. Cat £140 (92) £75 1435 1924 Script 10/- green and red/deep emerald mint. Cat £150(92g) £70 1436 1924 Script 10/- green and red/deep emerald mint. Cat £150(92g) £70 1437 1924 Script 10/- green and red/deep emerald fine used. Scarce. Cat £275 (92g) £125 1438 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £23 (94/7) £12 1439 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used, each on small piece. Cat £50 (94/7) £25 1440 1935 Silver Jubilee 1½d fine used with ‘Bird by Turret’ variety. Cat £225 (95m) £120 1441 1936 set of 8v to 1/6d (ex 3d) in u/m blocks of 4. Cat £100+ (98/106) £50 1442 1936 set of 9v to 1/6d mint, complete. Cat £32 (98/106) £14 1443 1938 set of 16v to £1 complete mint. Cat £350 (110/21d) £110 1444 1938 3d black and rose-red mint. Cat £50 (114) £15 1445 1938 P14 2/- deep purple and ultramarine/grey-blue mint. Cat £110 (116) £30 1446 1938 2/- purple and blue/deep blue mint with ‘Broken lower right scroll’ variety. Cat £225 (116ce) £85 1447 1938 2/- purple and blue/deep blue fine mint with ‘Gash in chin’ variety. Cat £325 (116cf) £125 1448 1938 P13 2/- reddish purple and blue/pale blue, fine used. Cat £40 (116f) £20 1449 1938 P14 2/6d black and red/grey-blue u/m. Cat £70 (117) £40 1450 1938 P14 2/6d black and red/grey-blue mint. Cat £70 (117) £20 1451 1938 P14_ (line) 2/6d black and red/grey-blue mint. Some slight toning of gum, typical of these early printings. Scarce. Cat £600 (117a) £200 1452 1938 P14 5/- green and red/yellow mint. Cat £150 (118) £50 1453 1938 P14 5/- pale green and red/yellow mint. Cat £375 (118a) £90 1454 1938 P14 5/- pale bluish green and carmine-red/pale yellow u/m. Cat £100 (118d) £60 1455 1938 5/- pale bluish green and carmine-red mint, fine and lightly mounted. RPS Cert. Cat £100 (118d) £40 1456 1938 5/- pale bluish green and carmine-red/pale yellow fine used. Cat £50 (118d) £28 1457 1938 P13 5/- yellow-green and red/pale yellow fine used. Cat £38 (118f) £20 1458 1938 P13 5/- green and scarlet/yellow fine used. Cat £75 (118g) £40 1459 1938 P14 10/- green and deep lake/pale emerald mint [with the streaky gum typical of this issue]. Cat £450 (119) £100 1460 1938 P14 10/- green and deep lake/pale emerald fine used. Cat £325 (119) £175 1461 1938 P14 10/- bluish green and deep red/green mint. Blunt corner top left. Cat £225 (119a) £25 1462 1938 P14 10/- bluish green and deep red/green fine used. Cat £130 (119a) £65 1463 1938 P14 (line) 10/- yellow-green and carmine/green fine used. Cat £130 (119b) £65 1464 1938 P13 10/- green and vermilion/green u/m. Cat £48 (119e) £25 1465 1938 P13 10/- green and dull red/green, fine used. Cat £65 (119f) £35 1466 1938 P14 12/6d grey and brownish orange fine used. Cat £75 (120a) £40 1467 1938 P14 12/6d grey and pale orange fine used. Cat £55 (120b) £35 1468 1938 12/6d grey and pale orange, ord paper, fine used. Cat £70 (120c) £38 1469 1938 12/6d grey and yellow (‘lemon’) mint, a fine and lightly mounted example of this distinctive shade. Cat £700 (120d) £275 1470 1938 P13 12/6d grey and pale orange used. Cat £85 (120e) £45 1471 1938 P14 £1 purple and black/red u/m. Cat £275 (121) £150 1472 1938 P14 £1 purple and black/red mint. Cat £275 (121) £95 1473 1938 P14 £1 purple and black/red fine used. Cat £100 (121) £60 1474 1938 P14 £1 deep reddish purple and black/pale red in u/m block of four. Cat £240 (121c) £125 1475 1938 P14 £1 deep reddish purple and black/pale red fine used. Cat £75 (121c) £38 1476 1938 P13 £1 violet and black/scarlet u/m. Cat £55 (121d) £30 1477 1938 P13 £1 violet and black/scarlet fine used. RPS Cert. Cat £85 (121d) £50 1478 1944 WW2 Propaganda forgery of GB 3d (dark cols) o/pt Liquidation of Empire Bermuda. A mint example. (-) £30 1479 1948 Silver Wedding set fine used. Cat £55 (125/6) £32 20

1480 1953 set of 18v to £1 u/m complete (plus a couple of extras, not counted). Cat £130+ (135/50) £65 1481 1953 set of 18v to £1 fine mint, complete. Cat £130 (135/50) £30 1482 1953 defins fine used, complete, (24v incl both types of 3d and 1/3d and shade on 10/-). Cat £75+ (135/50) £30 1483 1970 Surch set of 17v to $2.40 u/m complete. Cat £18 (232/48) £10 1484 1970 Surch set of 17v to $2.40 on £1 fine used, complete. Cat £50 (232/48) £25 1485 1970 W12 Flora set of 24v to $3 fine used, complete. Cat £50 (249/65a) £26 1486 1971 Golfing 4c u/m with wmk Crn to right of CA. Cat £80 (279w) £40 1487 1978 Wildlife defins set of 17v u/m complete. Cat £25 (387/403) £12 1488 1980 London 1980”“ 50c u/m with wmk Crn to right of CA. Cat £45”“ (418w) £22 1489 1984 Bicentenary 40c u/m with inverted wmk. (471w) £55 1490 1986 Ships $1-$8 (top 6v) u/m. Cat £35 (518/23 A) £12 1491 1986 Surch 90c on $3 turtle u/m with ‘Double surcharge’. (534a) £50 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503

1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533

Br. ANT. TErr. 1963 set of 9v to 1/- (ex 2d) u/m. Cat £25 (01-Oct) £8 1963 2/- deep violet and orange-sepia u/m. Cat £20 (11) £9 1963 2/6d blue u/m. Cat £22 (12) £10 1963 5/- red-orange and rose-red u/m. Cat £22 (13) £10 1963 10/- deep ultramarine and emerald u/m. Cat £45 (14) £20 1963 £1 black and light blue u/m. Cat £48 (15) £22 1971 Surch set of 14v to 50p on 10/- u/m complete. Cat £130 (24/37) £50 1971 Surch set of 14v to 50p on 10/- mint complete. Cat £130 (24/37) £30 1971 Treaty set u/m. Cat £48 (38/41) £22 1973 W12 Explorers set of 15v to £1 u/m complete. Cat £40 (44/58) £18 1980 Geographical 22p u/m with wmk Crn to right of CA. Cat £100 (97w) £50 1984 Sea Life defins set of 16v to £3 u/m complete. Cat £20 (123/38) £11 Br. GUIANA 1863 P10 medium paper 1c black unused, no gum. Cat £28 (85) £5 1863 P15 Ship”“ 8c deep rose fine used. Cat £110”“ (112) £40 1876 CC P14 6c brown mint. Cat £100 (129) £40 1881 Official ‘1’ on 48c red mint, pulled perf at right. Cat £50 (152) £12 1881 Official ‘2’ on 24c emerald-green [type 23] fine used. 1 slightly short perf at left. Cat £65 (157) £20 1882 Provisionals 1c magenta T26 unused, no gum. Cat £75 (162) £15 1882 CA 2c orange, mint. Faint toning. Cat £70 (171) £15 1882 CA 4c blue, mint. Cat £110 (172) £40 1882 CA 8c rose, mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £110 (174) £35 1888 o/pt Inland Revenue surch 4c dull purple mint, both types of o/pt (2v). Cat £33 (“178,78a”) £12 1888 o/pt Inland Revenue surch 6c dull purple mint. Cat £17 (179) £8 1888 o/pt Inland Revenue surch 20c dull purple mint. Cat £27(182) £10 1888 o/pt Inland Revenue surch 40c dull purple mint, slight toning. Cat £50 (183) £12 1889 CA 48c dull purple and orange-red mint. Cat £40 (202) £18 1889 CA 96c dull purple and carmine mint. Cat £65 (205) £30 1890 1c on $v mint, set of 5v incl both types of o/pt on $4. Slight faults on a couple. Cat 29.50 (“207/10,10b”) £6 1890 1c on $1 green fine used with surcharge doubled. Cat £150 (207a) £75 1890 1c on $4 green u/m with surcharge doubled. (Appears as very heavy o/pt). Cat £140+ (210a) £80 1898 Jubilee 2c brown and indigo mint. Cat £35 (212) £12 1898 Jubilee 1c blue-back and carmine-red mint. Cat £9.50 (216) £4 1898 Jubilee 5c deep green and sepia mint (inv wmk, cheaper), hinge remainder. Cat £48 (219w) £15 1898 Jubilee 10c blue-black and brown-red mint. Cat £27 (220) £10 1899 2c on 5c green and brown in u/m block of four, one stamp with No stop after cents”“ variety. Cat £180+”“ (“222,2a”) £100 1899 2c Surcharges set of 3v mint. Cat £12 (222/4) £5 1899 2c on 15c mint with ‘No Stop’ variety. Cat £75 (224a) £30 1905 MCA set of 11v to 96c mint, complete. 72c some toning. Cat £150 (240/50) £65 1905 MCA 2c purple and black/red (chalky) mint. Cat £8 (241a) £4 1905 o/pt $2.40 green and violet mint. Cat £190 (251) £95 1907 MCA 5c ultramarine mint. Cat £21 (255) £9 1907 MCA 6c grey and black mint. Cat £13 (256) £6

1534 1913 MCA set of 14v, incl both 1c, 2c and 96c shades, mint, complete. Cat £160 (259/69a) £75 1535 1931 Centenary set of 5v to $1 mint, complete. $1 has small piece of paper adhering to gum. Cat £60 (283/7) £22 1536 1934 set of 13v to $1 mint, complete. Cat £140 (288/300) £70 1537 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £24 (301/4) £12 1538 1935 Silver Jubilee 12c mint, with Diagonal line by Turret”“. Cat £160”“ (303f) £85 1539 1938 set of 14v to $3 mint complete, with both 24c values, fine and fresh. Cat £135 (308a/19) £40 1540 1938 P12½ $3 red-brown u/m. Cat £38 (319) £20 1541 1938 P12½ $3 red-brown fine used. Cat £70 (319) £38 1542 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £22 (322/3) £10 1543 1954 set of 15v to $5 mint, complete. Cat £110 (331/45) £36 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593

Br. HONDUrAs 1858 GB 6d lilac used with ‘A06’ cancel of Belize. Cat £375 (Z3) £125 1865 no wmk 1d pale blue mint, fine and fresh. Cat £70 (1) £30 1865 no wmk 1/- green fine used. Cat £130 (4) £55 1872 P12½ CC 3d red-brown fine used. Cat £80 (7) £35 1872 CC P14 6d rose mint, fresh but some hinge remainder Scarce. Cat £475 (15) £140 1872 CC P14 6d rose mint, fresh, perfs at right levelled out with scissor cut. Scarce. Cat £475 (15) £90 1882 CA P14 1d blue mint. Toning. Cat £75 (17) £30 1882 CA P14 1d rose, mint. Cat £23 (18) £10 1888 P12½ Surch 2c on 6d rose mint, a fine and attractive example. Cat £350 (23) £150 1888 Surch 2c on 6d rose mint, fine and fresh. Cat £190 (25) £85 1888 P14 surcharged 3c on 6c chestnut mint. Cat £110 (26) £40 1888 CA local surcharged 2c on 1d rose bisected vertically fine used, on small piece. Cat (on cover) £200 (27c) £22 1888 Surch 10c on 4d mauve fine mint. Cat £70 (28) £32 1888 Surch 20c on 6d yellow mint. Cat £30 (29) £13 1888 Surch ‘Two’ on 50c on 1/- grey mint. Cat £60 (35) £28 1888 Surch set of 7v mint, complete. Fresh. Cat £85 (36/42) £45 1888 Surch set of 7v mint, complete. Cat £85 (36/42) £40 1891 CA set of 7v to 12c mint (1 x 5c). Cat £75 (51/9) £25 1891 CA 1c dull green fine used cds, with ‘Malformed S’. Cat £250 (51a) £100 1891 CA 2c carmine-rose with Repaired S”“ mint. Cat £375”“ (52b) £140 1899 Revenue o/pt 5c ultramarine mint with ‘Bevenue’ error. Cat £180 (66a) £85 1899 Revenue o/pt 10c mauve and green mint. Cat £21 (67) £9 1899 Revenue o/pt 10c mauve and green mint, the ‘BEVENUE’ error. Cat £350 (67a) £125 1902 CA set of 4v mint. Cat £32 (80/3) £15 1902 CA 5c grey-black and blue/blue mint. Cat £21 (82) £9 1904 MCA $5 grey-green and black mint, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £375 (93) £175 1913 MCA set of 10v to $5 mint complete, some hinge remainders, fine and fresh. Cat £400 (101/10) £175 1913 MCA set of 6v to 25c mint. Cat £31 (101/6) £12 1913 MCA set to 25c (2 shades), 7v, mint. Cat £31 (101/6) £12 1913 MCA set if 8 to $1 mint. Cat £95 (101/8) £40 1913 MCA ½c yellow-green mint. Cat £13 (101a) £6 1913 MCA 50c purple and blue/blue mint. Cat £32 (107) £14 1913 MCA $1 black and carmine mint. Cat £35 (108) £15 1913 MCA $2 purple and green mint. Cat £90 (109) £48 1913 MCA $5 purple and black/red mint. Cat £275 (110) £150 1917 War o/pt pair in u/m blocks of 4. Cat £28+ (116/8) £15 1921 Peace 2c rose-red mint. Cat £6.50 (121) £3 1921 Script 1c green mint. Cat £9.50 (122) £4 1922 4c slate (Peace omitted) mint. Cat £14 (123) £6 1922 Script 1c green mint. Cat £20 (126) £8 1922 Script 2c rose-carmine mint. Cat £12 (128) £5 1922 Script 3c orange mint. Cat £38 (129) £15 1922 Script 4c grey mint. Cat £22 (130) £9 1922 Script 50c blue and scarlet mint. Cat £8 (134) £4 1932 Relief Fund o/pt set mint. Cat £32 (138/42) £14 1932 Relief Fund o/pt set fine used. Cat £110 (138/42) £60 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £20 (143/6) £11 1938 set of 12v to $5 mint, complete. Cat £190 (150/61) £65 1938 set of 12v to $5 fine used, complete. Cat £100 (150/61) £50 1938 50c to $5 mint (top 4v). Cat £190 (158/61) £60

1594 1938 $1 scarlet and olive mint. Cat £48 1595 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £25 1596 1953 set of 12v to $5 mint, complete. Cat £90 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621

(159) £18 (164/5) £12 (179/90) £30

Br. LEVANT 1885 Surch 40p on 2½d lilac mint, fine. Cat £140 (1) £60 1885 Surch 12pi on 2/6d (white paper) mint. Cat £65 (3a) £30 1893 Surch 40pa on ½d vermilion fine used on piece. Cat £100 (7) £35 1902 Surch 24pi on 5/- bright carmine fine used. Cat £42 (12) £22 1905 Surch 1pi and 2pi mint. Cat £62 (13/14) £28 1905 o/pt set of 10v to 1/- mint, complete. Cat £110 (L1/10) £55 1905 o/pt ½d and 1d (6v) mint. Cat £15 (L12/7) £6 1909 o/pt 30pa - 5pi set of 5v mint. Cat £75 (16/21) £30 1909 Surch 1pi.30p on 4d orange fine used. Cat £70 (19) £32 1910 Surch set of 3v mint. Cat £5 (22-Apr) £2 1911 P14 Surch 1pi on 2½d bright blue mint. Tone spot. Cat £25 (25) £7 1911 P15x14 1pi on 2½d bright blue (T9) mint. Cat £90 (28) £42 1911 Surch 5pi on 1/- green and carmine in u/m block of four. Cat £92+ (32) £50 1911 Surch 12pi on 2/6d dull reddish purple mint. Cat £60 (33) £30 1911 Surch 12pi on 2/6d dull greyish purple mint. Cat £55 (33a) £22 1911 Surch 24pi on 5/- carmine mint. Cat £80 (34) £40 1911 Surch 24pi on 5/- carmine fine used. Cat £100 (34) £50 1913 Surch set of 6v to 5pi on 1/- mint complete. Cat £80 (35/40) £32 1913 Surch 5pi on 1/- bistre fine used. Cat £75 (40) £38 1921 Surch set of 10v to 180pi on 10/- mint, complete. Cat £90 (41/50) £50 1921 Surch set of 10v to 180pi on 10/- fine used, complete. Cat £130 (41/50) £60 1921 Surch 45pi on 2/6d to 180pi on 10/- (3v) mint. Cat £90 (48/50) £45 1916 Salonica o/pt 2d orange mint. Cat £200 (S3) £75 1916 Salonica o/pt 4d grey-green mint. Dealer’s expertisation mark on gum. Cat £190 (S5) £70 1916 Salonica o/pt 6d reddish-purple mint. Dealer’s expertisation mark on gum. Cat £110 (S6) £55

Br. OCC IT COLs CyrENAICA 1622 1950 set to 200m fine used. Cat £130 (136/47) £40 1623 1950 Mounted Warrior set of 13v to 500m mint, complete. Cat £190 (136/48) £65 Br. OCC IT COLs ErITrEA 1624 1948 BMA Surch set of 13v to 10/- u/m, complete. Cat £75(E1/12) £40 1625 1950 BA Surch set of 13v to 10/- u/m, complete. Cat £100 (E13/25) £50 1626 1950 Surch set of 13v to 10/- fine used, complete. Cat £95 (E13/25) £50 1627 1951 Surch set of 7v to 10/- fine used, complete. Cat £90(E26/32) £50 1628 1948 Postage Due surcharged set of 5v each in u/m block of 4. Scarce. Cat £260+ (Ed1/5) £125 1629 1948 Postage Due BMA surcharged set u/m, complete. Cat £65 (Ed1/5) £35 1630 1948 Postage Due o/pt 2d agate u/m with ‘No stop after A’. Cat £70 (Ed3a) £38 1631 1950 Postage Due BA surcharged set u/m, complete. Cat £80 (Ed6/10) £45 Br. OCC IT COLs MEF 1632 1942 type M2 o/pt set of 5v complete fine used. Rarely offered. Cat £390 (M6/10) £225 1633 1942 o/pt [types M2 and M2a] 2½d ultramarine in vertical pair fine used. Cat £95 (M8b) £50 1634 1943 o/pt set of 11v to 10/- in u/m blocks of four complete. (1x1/- is mounted. Very light tone patch on 10/- block). Cat £340+ (M11/21) £140 1635 1943 o/pt set of 11v to 10/- u/m complete. Cat £85 (M11/21) £45 1636 1943 o/pt set of 11v to 10/- mint complete. Cat £85 (M11/21) £34 Br. OCC IT COLs sOMALIA 1637 1943 EAF set of 9v to 2/6d u/m complete. Cat £50+ (S1/9) £30 1638 1948 Surch set of 11v to 5/- u/m, complete. Cat £40 (S10/20) £24 1639 1948 BMA surcharged set of 11v to 5/- fine used, complete. Cat £140 (S10/20) £75 1640 1948 Surch 2/6d green u/m, with Misplaced stop”“ variety. Cat £140”“ (S19a) £85 1641 1950 B A Surch set of 11v to 5/- fine used, complete. Cat £140 (S21/31) £75


1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653

Br. OCC IT COLs TrIpOLITANIA 1948 BMA Surch set of 13v to 10/- u/m complete. Cat £70(T1/13) £40 1950 Surch BA set of 11v to 2/6d fine used. Cat £55 (T14/24) £25 1950 Surch BA set to 10/- u/m, complete. Cat £140 (T14/26) £80 1950 Surch BA set of 13v to 10/- mint, complete. Cat £140 (T14/26) £55 1950 Surch BA 5/- red fine used. Cat £48 (T25) £25 1951 Surch set of 8v to 10/- u/m complete. Cat £80 (T27/34) £45 1951 Festivals o/pt set of 8v fine used, complete. Cat £170 (T27/34) £85 1948 BMA Postage Due ½d green mint block of four, one with variety No stop after A”“. Variety stamp is u/m. Cat £90+”“ (“Td1,1a”) £55 1948 BMA Postage Due set of 5v in u/m blocks of four, complete. Slightly blunted corner on ½d. Cat £200 (Td1/5) £100 1948 BMA Postage Due set of 5v u/m, complete. Cat £50 (Td1/5) £30 1948 BMA Postage Due 1d carmine mint block of four, one with variety No stop after A”“. Cat £50+”“ (“Td2,2a”) £30 1950 Postage Due BA surcharged set u/m. Cat £95 (Td6/10) £50

Br. sOLOMON IsL 1907 Canoe ½d ultramarine mint. Cat £9 (1) £4 1907 Canoe ½d ultramarine fine used. Cat £14 (1) £7 1907 Canoe 1d rose-carmine mint. Cat £23 (2) £10 1907 Canoe 1d rose-carmine fine used. Cat £25 (2) £11 1907 Canoe 2d indigo mint. Some colour offset on gum. Cat £48 (3) £12 1907 Canoe 2½d orange-yellow mint. Cat £32 (4) £14 1907 Canoe 2½d orange-yellow fine used. Cat £50 (4) £22 1907 Canoe 5d emerald-green mint. Cat £60 (5) £25 1908 Canoe set of 8v to 1/- mint. Cat £40 (Aug-14) £16 1908 Small Canoes set of 11v to 5/- mint, complete. Cat £200 (Aug-17) £100 1908 Canoe 2/- purple/blue in fine used block of four on small piece, central cds. Cat £220 (15) £95 1908 Canoe 2/6d red/blue mint. Cat £60 (16) £28 1914 MCA set of 12v to 5/- mint. Cat £162 (22/36) £65 1914 MCA 2/6d black and red/blue mint. Cat £9.50 (35) £5 1914 MCA £1 purple and black/red mint. Cat £250 (38) £125 1914 MCA £1 purple and black/red mint, small hinge remainder, fine. Cat £250 (38) £100 1922 Script set to 1/- mint (11v). Cat £32.50 (39/48) £14 1922 Script 2/6d black and red/blue mint. Cat £9.50 (50) £5 1922 Script 5/- green and red mint. Cat £42 (51) £20 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £28 (53/6) £15 1939 set of 13v to 10/- mint, complete. Cat £90 (60/72) £28 1939 5/- emerald-green and scarlet mint. Cat £32 (71) £10 1949 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £10.50 (75/6) £7 1949 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £10.50 (75/6) £6 1949 Silver Wedding 10/- in u/m bottom marginal strip of four, with printer’s inscription and plate No (1). Cat £40+ (76) £28 1956 set of 17v to £1 mint, complete. Cat £95 “ (82/96) £32 2000 Birds defins to $50 u/m complete. Cat £25 (976/87) £14 1940 Postage Due set of 8v mint complete. Cat £95 (D1/8) £40 1959 4/- booklet stapled right. Cat £30 (Sb1) £15 1959 11/- booklet stapled left. Cat £40 (Sb2) £20 Br. VIrGIN IsL. 1867 1/- black and rose-carmine on toned paper (as issued) mint. Cat £60 (19) £30 1887 CA 4d chestnut mint, reversed watermark. Scarce. Cat £300 (35x) £140 1916 War Stamp o/pt 3d purple on buff-yellow in complete Plate 6 pane of 60 with inverted wmk, most unusual to find on such a large multiple. A superb piece. (79bw) £275 1938 set of 12v to £1 in mint blocks of four, complete. Cat £300 (110/21) £85 1938 set of 12v to £1 mint, complete. Cat £75 (110/21) £28 1938 set of 10v to 5/- chalky paper, mint. (Complete for this printing). Cat £190+ (110/9) £40 1938 5/- carmine ord paper, u/m. Cat £20 (119a) £10

BUrMA 1739 1937 o/pt set of 13v to 1r mint. Cat £115 (Jan-13) £50 1740 1937 o/pt 1r chocolate and green mint. Cat £70 (13) £30 1741 1937 o/pt 2r carmine and orange mint (upr). Hinge remainder. Cat £50 (14) £16 1742 1937 o/pt 5r ultramarine and purple mint. Cat £70 (15) £30 1743 1938 6ps blue in u/m block, one stamp showing Medaillon”“ flaw. Cat £80+”“ (“20,20a”) £38 1744 1938 3a dull violet u/m. Cat £21 (26) £8 1745 1946 set of 15v to 10r u/m, complete. Cat £60 (51/63) £35 1746 1946 set of 15v to 10r mint, complete. Cat £60 (51/63) £24 1747 1946 set of 15v to 10r fine used, complete. Cat £120 (51/63) £65 1748 1947 Interim Govt o/pt set of 15v to 10r mint, complete. Cat £50 (68/82) £20

Br. pO’s sIAM 1656 1882 CA ‘B’ o/pt 10c slate fine used. Cat £95

1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 22

1949 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £16 (124/5) £9 1949 Silver Wedding set fine used. Cat £23 (124/5) £15 1952 set of 12v to $4.80 mint, complete. Cat £50 (136/47) £18 1952 set of 12v to $4.80 fine used, complete. Cat £65 (136/47) £35 1952 $4.80 blue and carmine in u/m bottom marginal strip of 3, showing printer’s inscription. Cat £54+ (147) £25 1699 1964 set of 15v to $4.80 u/m, complete. Cat £75 (178/92) £40 BrUNEI 1700 1895 Local issue ½c brown in u/m bottom right hand corner block of six (2x3). Cat £48+ (1) £22 1701 1906 o/pt 1c black and purple mint. Cat £50 (11) £22 1702 1906 o/pt set of 9v to 25c on 16c mint. Cat £300 (Nov-19) £110 1703 1906 o/pt 2c/3c black and sepia mint. Cat £7 (12) £3 1704 1906 o/pt 4c on 12c black and yellow mint. Cat £8.50 (15) £3 1705 1906 o/pt 8c black and vermilion mint. Cat £15 (17) £6 1706 1906 o/pt 30c/16c green and brown mint. Cat £120 (20) £55 1707 1907 MCA set of 6v to 10c mint (ex 5c). Cat £34 (23-Sep) £12 1708 1907 MCA 4c grey-black and reddish purple fine used. Cat £40 (26a) £20 1709 1907 MCA 5c grey-black and blue mint, reversed wmk. Cat £120 (27x) £60 1710 1907 25c pale blue and ochre-brown mint. Cat £32 (30) £14 1711 1907 MCA 30c violet and black mint. Cat £29 (31) £12 1712 1907 MCA 50c green and deep brown mint. Cat £15 (32) £6 1713 1908 MCA set of 9v to 10c mint, both types of 1c and both shades of 10c. Cat £45 (34/42a) £18 1714 1908 MCA set of 16v to $5 (incl 1c, 3c, 10c and 50c shades) mint, hinge remainders and some gum toning on lower vals, $5 fine. Cat £425 (34/47) £200 1715 1908 MCA set of 12v to $5 mint, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £250 (34/47) £110 1716 1908 MCA 25c deep lilac mint. Cat £11 (43) £5 1717 1908 30c purple and orange-yellow mint. Cat £18 (44) £8 1718 1908 MCA 50c black/blue-green mint. Cat £11 (45a) £5 1719 1908 $1 black and red/blue mint. Cat £28 (46) £12 1720 1916 MCA 5c orange mint. Cat £27 (49) £10 1721 1916 5c orange and 8c ultramarine mint. Cat £35 (49/50) £14 1722 1916 MCA 8c ultramarine in upper marginal block of 4 mint, toned gum, fine colour. Cat £32+ (50) £12 1723 1922 Exhibition o/pt set of 6v to 10c mint. Cat £96 (51/6) £38 1724 1922 Malaya Borneo o/pt 4c claret with Broken ‘N’ fine used. Cat £80 (54c) £40 1725 1922 Malaya Borneo o/pt 25c deep dull purple mint. cat £14 (57) £6 1726 1922 Exhibition o/pt 50c black on blue-green fine used. Cat £150 (58) £70 1727 1922 Malaya Borneo o/pt $1 black and red mint. Cat £75 (59) £35 1728 1922 Malaya Borneo o/pt $1 black and red mint with ‘Broken N’. Cat £130 (59c) £65 1729 1924 Script set of 19v to $1 mint, complete. Mostly fine, one or two hinge remainders. Cat £225 (60/78) £110 1730 1924 Script 5c chocolate u/m. Cat £25+ (68) £14 1731 1924 Script 8c grey-black in u/m left hand bottom corner block of four. (Some perf splitting bottom edge). Cat £64+ (72) £30 1732 1947 Script set of 14v to $10 mint, complete. Cat £160 (79/92) £60 1733 1947 Script set of 14v to $10 fine used, complete. Cat £80 (79/92) £46 1734 1947 Script 5c orange in u/m top marginal pair, R1/8 with ‘Retouch’. Cat £70+ (“82,2a”) £40 1735 1947 Script P14 5c orange with ‘5c’ retouch mint. Cat £70 (82a) £32 1736 1947 $1 black and scarlet u/m. Cat £17 (90) £9 1737 1947 $5 green and red-orange u/m. Cat £24 (91) £12 1738 1947 $10 black and purple fine used. Cat £30 (92) £16

Br. pO E ArABIA 1654 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £27 (25-Jun) £12 1655 1950 Surch set fine used, complete (8v, both types of 1½a). Cat £138 (35/41) £80

1657 1658 1659 1660 1661

1694 1695 1696 1697 1698

(21) £40

1749 1947 Interim Govt. o/pt set of 15v to 10r fine used complete. Cat £45 (68/82) £26 1750 1943 Soldier 1c orange in perf x roulette block of 4 u/m, without gum as issued. Fine and scarce. Cat £600+ (J85b) £175 1751 1937 Official o/pt set to 12a (10v) mint. Cat £105 (O1/10) £40 1752 1937 Service 1r chocolate and green mint (upr wmk). Cat £38(O11) £14 1753 1937 Service 2r carmine and orange (upr) mint. Cat £55 (O12) £24 1754 1938 Service 6ps blue in u/m block, one stamp showing Medaillon”“ flaw. Cat £42+”“ (“O16,16a”) £20 1755 1939 Official o/pt set of 13v to 10r mint, complete. Cat £250 (O15/27) £75 1756 1947 Official 10r claret and violet u/m. Cat £22 (O53) £12 BUrMA JAp. OCCUpATION 1757 1943 Japanese Occupation 10c blue in u/m complete sheet of 100. Some minor gum disturbance (as generally found with these issues). Cat £225 (J92) £35 CAMErOONs TrUsT TErr. 1758 1960 o/pt defins on Nigeria to £1 u/m complete. Cat £30 (T1/12) £15 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799

CANADA 1859 10c brownish purple mint, trimmed perfs at right. Cat £1400 (35) £125 1859 12½c pale yellow-green mint, slight rubbing. Cat £1200(40) £250 1859 12½c pale yellow-green mint, couple of light tone spots. Cat £1200 (40) £175 1859 12½c pale yellow-green mint, perfs evened-out by scissor cut on 2 sides. Cat £1200 (40) £150 1859 Cartier 17c deep blue mint (as cheapest). Somewhat off-centre, generally fine. Cat £1600 (42) £200 1859 Cartier 17c deep blue fine used. Cat £95 (42) £30 1859 Cartier 17c indigo mint, trimmed perfs at right. Cat £1800 (43a) £200 1864 2c rose-red mint, couple of nibbled perfs and slightly disturbed gum. Fresh looking. Cat £600 (44) £60 1864 2c rose-red fine used. Cat £170 (44) £50 1870 small head 5c olive-green mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £475 (85) £110 1870 small head 10c lilac-pink mint, slight hinge remainder. Cat £350 (89) £100 1893 Widow’s Weeds 20c vermilion mint. Cat £250 (115) £100 1893 Widow’s Weeds pair fine used. Nice cds strikes. Cat £110 (115/6) £50 1893 Widow’s Weeds 50c blue mint. Cat £275 (116) £100 1897 Jubilee ½c black u/m. Cat £75+ (121) £50 1897 Jubilee 2c green in mint top marginal pair, showing OTTAWA - No-8 inscription. Stamps are u/m, faintest of gum bends. Cat £52+(124) £35 1897 Jubilee 2c green u/m. Cat £26+ (124) £15 1897 Jubilee 3c carmine u/m. Cat £12+ (126) £8 1897 Jubilee 5c slate-blue mint. Cat £55 (127) £22 1897 Jubilee 6c brown mint. Cat £140 (129) £55 1897 Jubilee 8c slate-violet u/m. Cat £55+ (130) £38 1897 Jubilee 10c purple mint. Cat £90 (131) £40 1897 Jubilee 15c slate mint. Cat £140 (132) £55 1897 Jubilee 15c slate fine used, cds. Cat £120 (132) £45 1897 Jubilee 20c vermilion mint. Cat £140 (133) £60 1897 Jubilee 50c bright ultramarine mint. Cat £190 (135) £75 1897 Jubilee $2 deep violet mint, hinge remainder, fresh and well centered. Cat £1000 (137) £375 1897 Jubilee $2 deep violet used, a good sound example with somewhat heavy ‘roller’ cancel. Cat £425 (137) £75 1897 ½c black (Maple Leaf) in u/m top corner block of 6 (3 x 2). Fresh. Cat £90+ (142) £60 1897 1c blue-green, Maple Leaves, u/m. Cat £30+ (143) £20 1897 1c blue-green, Maple Leaves, u/m, faint horizontal crease. Cat £30+ (143) £12 1897 2c violet, Maple Leaves, u/m. Cat £26+ (144) £18 1897 2c violet, Maple Leaves, u/m. Cat £26+ (144) £18 1897 Maple Leaf 5c deep blue/bluish mint. Cat £70 (146) £28 1897 Maple Leaf 6c brown mint. Cat £60 (147) £25 1897 Maple Leaf 8c orange u/m. Cat £85+ (148) £60 1898 set of 11v to 20c fine used, complete. Cat £180 (150/65) £65 1898 2c violet u/m. Cat £30+ (154) £20 1898 3c rose-carmine (Die 1b) u/m. Cat £80+ (156) £55 1898 10c pale brownish-purple mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £170 (163) £30 1898 2c Map, lavender shade in u/m block of four. Cat £120+(166) £75

1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815

1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855

1899 2c on 3c carmine in mint block of four (3 u/m). Cat £88+(171) £50 1899 surcharged 2c on 3c carmine, u/m. Cat £22+ (171) £14 1899 Surch 2c on 3c rose-carmine u/m. Cat £19+ (172) £12 1903 1c green u/m. Cat £35+ (175) £22 1903 2c rose-carmine u/m. Cat £20+ (176) £14 1903 2c pale rose-carmine u/m. Cat £20+ (177) £12 1903 2c pale rose-carmine imperf pair u/m. Cat £30+ (177a) £22 1903 2c pale rose-carmine imperf marginal single u/m. Cat (pair) £30+ (177a) £6 1903 EDVII 5c blue imperf pair unused, no gum (as issued). See footnote in SG after SG187. Cat £1000 (178var) £400 1903 20c deep olive-green mint. Some hinge remainder. Cat £325 (186) £110 1903 50c deep violet mint, fine and fresh,centered low. Cat £500 (187) £200 1908 Quebec set of 8v complete mint, some minor faults, generally fine and fresh. (As good as this set comes, almost impossible to find in faultfree condition). Cat £550 (188/95) £175 1908 Quebec set of 8v complete unused, no gum. Cat £550 (188/95) £75 1908 Tercentenary 15c brown-orange u/m. Faint corner crease. Cat £120+ (194) £50 1908 Tercentenary 20c dull brown u/m, fine and fresh, well centered and scarce in this condition. Cat £160+ (195) £125 1911 EDVII set of 22v to 50c mint complete, with all shades (inexplicably ex SG199, ½c deep yellow-green [cat £8], but incl the scarce 7c SG207). One or two hinge remainders, mostly fine or better. Cat £1350+ (196/215) £400 1911 EDVII set of 8v to 50c mint complete. Cat £275 (196/215) £120 1911 2c deep rose-red pane of 6 u/m. Cat £32+ (201a) £22 1911 5c deep blue u/m. Cat £70+ (205b) £48 1911 5c deep blue u/m. Cat £70+ (205b) £48 1911 20c olive-green in u/m block of four. Cat £180+ (212) £100 1911 50c grey-black u/m. Scarce thus. Cat £140+ (214) £100 1911 50c sepia u/m. Cat £50+ (215) £40 1911 50c sepia u/m. Cat £50+ (215) £40 1912 imperf x P8 set of 6v mint. Cat £157 (219/24) £65 1912 imperf x P8 1c blue-green u/m. Cat £32+ (220) £20 1915 War Tax 5c blue mint. Cat £130 (225) £60 1915 War Tax 20c olive-green mint. Cat £60 (226) £28 1916 ITC P12 Die I 2c rose-red, bright carmine and scarlet (3v) mint. Cat £175 (231/3) £65 1916 ITC imperf x P8 2c rose-red mint. Cat £70 (234) £32 1916 ITC imperf x P8 2c deep brown u/m. Cat £60+ (243) £40 1916 ITC imperf x P8 2c deep brown u/m. Cat £60+ (243) £38 1916 ITC imperf x P8 2c deep brown mint. Cat £60 (243) £26 1922 set of 10v to $1 fine used, complete. Cat £38 (246/55) £16 1922 8c blue in mint block of four (2 u/m). Off centre. Cat £92+ (252) £35 1922 $1 brown-orange u/m. Cat £55+ (255) £35 1922 imperf x P8 set of 3v 1c-3c mint. Cat £85 (256/8) £38 1922 imperf x P8 2c deep green in u/m strip of four, one stamp with coil join. Cat £28+ (257) £18 1922 Die 1 imperf x P8 3c carmine mint. Cat £80 (258) £38 1922 P12 x imperf 2c deep green u/m single with coil join. Cat £65+ (262) £28 1922 set of 7v to 13c mint, slightly toned gum, fresh colours. Cat £170 (319/25) £40 1926 2c on 3c carmine Die 1 (SG type 49) u/m. Cat £50+ (264) £38 1927 Anniversary 1c orange in mint vertical pair, imperf between. Very light hinge. (See footnote in SG after SG270). Cat £120 (266 Var) £65 1927 60th Anniversary set u/m. Cat £50+ (266/70) £30 1927 Anniversary set of 5v each in fine u/m imperforate pairs. Scarce (no more than 250 pairs can exist, many of which would be mounted). Cat £600+ (266/70 Var) £375 1927 60th Anniversary 12c blue u/m. Cat £35+ (270) £20 1927 Historical set u/m. Cat £32+ (271/3) £20 1928 set of 7v to 10c mint. Cat £95 (275/81) £38 1928 set of 11v to $1 fine used complete. Cat £200 (275/85) £80 1928 1c orange in u/m booklet pane of 6. Cat £19+ (275a) £10 1928 12c grey-black mint. Cat £26 (282) £10 1928 Bluenose 50c blue mint. Cat £150 (284) £50 1928 Bluenose 50c blue fine used. Cat £55 (284) £22 1928 $1 Parliament olive-green mint. Cat £150 (285) £60 1928 Imperf x P8 1c orange, u/m. Cat £15+ (286) £10 1928 Imperf x P8 2c green mint. Cat £20 (287) £9


1856 1930 set of 16v to $1 mint, fine. Cat £275 (288/303) £100 1857 1930 4c yellow-bistre in mint block of four (3 u/m). Cat £44+ (294) £24 1858 1930 8c blue in fine used corner plate block of four (Plate 1). Cat £64+ (297) £28 1859 1930 50c blue (Acadian Church) mint. Cat £90 (302) £35 1860 1930 $1 olive-green (Mt. Edith) u/m. Cat £130+ (303) £75 1861 1930 $1 olive-green (Mt. Edith) mint. Cat £130 (303) £60 1862 1930 $1 olive-green (Mt. Edith) in fine used block of four. Top marginal with 4 light, crsip cds. Cat £160 (303) £85 1863 1930 imp x P8½, 1c orange coil u/m. Cat £11+ (304) £6 1864 1930 imperf x P8½ coils 6v mint, complete. Cat £42 (304/9) £20 1865 1930 imperf x P8½ coils 6v mint, complete. Cat £42 (304/9) £20 1866 1930 5c Air brown u/m. Cat £26+ (310) £14 1867 1932 Ottawa set of 4v (incl 6c o/pt) mint. Cat £40 (315/8) £18 1868 1932 Ottawa o/pt 6c deep brown in u/m block of four. Cat £64+ (318) £36 1869 1932 Ottawa o/pt 6c deep brown in u/m block of 4. Cat £64+(318) £35 1870 1932 Ottawa o/pt 6c deep brown u/m. Cat £16+ (318) £9 1871 1932 1c-13c set of 7v u/m, complete (3c lmm). Cat £170+(319/25) £90 1872 1932 set of 7v to 13c mint, complete. Cat £170 (319/25) £65 1873 1932 4c yellow-brown in u/m block of four. Cat £200+ (322) £120 1874 1932 4c yellow-brown u/m. Cat £50+ (322) £30 1875 1932 5c blue u/m. Cat £13+ (323) £8 1876 1932 13c bright violet u/m. Cat £85+ (325) £50 1877 1932 13c bright violet u/m. Cat £85+ (325) £50 1878 1932 13c violet mint. Cat £85 (325) £30 1879 1932 imperf x P8½ 1c green u/m. Cat £24+ (326) £12 1880 1932 imperf x P8½ coils set of 3v u/m. Cat £55+ (326/8) £35 1881 1932 imperf x P8½ coils set of 3v mint. Cat £55 (326/8) £22 1882 1932 imperf x P8½ 2c brown u/m. Cat £24+ (327) £12 1883 1933 Centenary 5c blue u/m. Cat £20+ (331) £10 1884 1934 Discovery 3c blue in u/m block of four. Cat £30+ (332) £15 1885 1934 Empire Loyalists, 10c green in u/m block of four. Cat £64+ (333) £35 1886 1935 Silver Jubilee 1c green in mint block 4, one stamp with Weeping Princess”“ variety. Cat £160+”“ (“335,35a”) £90 1887 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £29 (335/40) £12 1888 1935 set of 11v to $1 u/m, complete. (20c cat £25 light hinge). Cat £110+ (341/51) £55 1889 1935 set of 11v to $1 mint, complete. Cat £110 (341/51) £40 1890 1935 set of 11v to $1 mint, complete 12v (with 6c Air). Cat £115 (“341/51,56”) £42 1891 1935 20c olive-green u/m. Cat £25+ (349) £14 1892 1935 50c deep violet u/m. Cat £26+ (350) £15 1893 1935 $1 bright blue (Monument) u/m. Cat £42+ (351) £28 1894 1935 Monument $1 bright blue mint. Cat £42 (351) £18 1895 1935 imperf x P8 1c green, u/m. Cat £21+ (352) £12 1896 1935 imperf x P8 coils set of 3v u/m. Cat £40+ (352/4) £26 1897 1935 imperf x P8 3c scarlet, u/m. Cat £9+ (354) £6 1898 1937 Vancouver Harbour 50c in vertical imperforate pair mint, fine and lightly mounted, very scarce (75 pairs only can exist). Cat £700(366 Var) £350 1899 1937 $1 purple (Chateau de Ramezay) u/m. Cat £65 (367) £38 1900 1937 imperf x P8 coils set of 3v u/m. Cat £38 (368/70) £20 1901 1942 War Effort 2c brown, booklet pane of 6 u/m. Cat £32 (376b) £16 1902 1942 War Effort 14c dull green in corner Canadian Bank Note imprint u/m block of four. Cat £116+ (385) £50 1903 1942 War Effort 14c dull green u/m. Cat £29 (385) £14 1904 1942 War Effort 20c chocolate in u/m Canadian Bank Note corner imprint block of four. Cat £88 (386) £42 1905 1942 War Effort 20c chocolate u/m. Cat £22 (386) £12 1906 1942 War Effort 50c violet u/m. Cat £26 (387) £14 1907 1942 War Effort $1 blue in u/m block of 4. Cat £200+ (388) £75 1908 1942 War Effort $1 blue u/m. Cat £50 (388) £26 1909 1942 imperf x P9½ coils set of 4v, u/m. Cat £28 (397/8a) £14 1910 1942 Air 6c blue u/m. Cat £32 (399) £16 1911 1942 6c and 7c blue Airmails u/m. Cat £37.50 (399/400) £16 1912 1946 set of 6v to $1 u/m (complete ex Air 7c). Cat £50 (401/6) £28 1913 1946 Peace set of 7v u/m complete. Cat £55 (401/7) £30 1914 1946 ‘Peace’ $1 purple u/m. Cat £27 (406) £15 1915 1946 Air 7c blue in u/m corner imprint block of 4, one from each corner. (4 blocks, 16 stamps). Cat £96+ (407) £45 1916 1949 4c carmine-lake booklet pane of 6 u/m. Cat £22 (417a) £10 1917 1949 set of 5v imperf x P9½ coils u/m. Cat £30 (419/22a) £16 1918 1949 coils imperf x P9½ 6v fine used, complete. Cat £28(419/22a) £14 1919 1949 imperf x P12 set of 4v u/m. Cat £29 (422b/3c) £15 24

1920 1951 $1 blue Fisherman in u/m corner imprint block of four. Cat £140+ (433) £75 1921 1951 Fisherman $1 ultramarine in corner marginal imprint block of 4 u/m. Cat £140+ (433) £50 1922 1951 $1 blue Fisherman u/m. Cat £40 (433) £18 1923 1906 Postage Due set of 5v (complete) to 10c mint. Cat £130 (D1/8) £55 1924 1906 Due 2c dull violet u/m. Cat £38+ (D3) £22 1925 1906 Due 2c dull violet mint. Cat £38 (D3) £14 1926 1906 Due 4c dull violet, key value mint. Cat £50 (D5) £20 1927 1906 Due 5c red-violet u/m. Cat £50+ (D7) £30 1928 1906 Due 5c red-violet mint. Cat £50 (D7) £22 1929 1906 Due 10c dull violet u/m. Cat £32+ (D8) £20 1930 1930 Due 10c bright violet mint. Cat £65 (D13) £25 1931 1933 Postage Due set of 4v u/m. Cat £60+ (D14/17) £38 1932 1933 Postage Due set of 4v mint. Cat £60 (D14/17) £24 1933 1942 punctured OHMS $1 blue mint. Cat £120 (O150) £60 1934 1942 punctured OHMS $1 blue fine used. Cat £35 (O150) £20 1935 1949 OHMS set of 10v fine used complete, scarce. Cat £275 (O162/71) £120 1936 1949 OHMS o/pt 50c green (Lumbering) u/m. Scarce. Cat £180 (O169) £90 1937 1949 Peace $1 purple o/pt OHMS, fine used. Cat £70 (O170) £38 1938 1949 OHMS 7c blue (Goose) u/m. Cat £24 (O171) £12 1939 1949 OHMS 7c blue (Goose) fine used. Cat £15 (O171) £9 1940 1949 OHMS set of 6v to 50c fine used, complete. Cat £65(O172/7) £35 1941 1950 ‘G’ o/pt set of 13v u/m, complete. Cat £200 (O178/90) £100 1942 1950 ‘G’ o/pt set of 13v to $1 fine used, complete (incl 7c Air). Cat £130 (O178/90) £70 1943 1950 ‘G’ o/pt $1 purple u/m. Cat £80 (O189) £40 1944 1950 ‘G’ o/pt 7c blue Goose (Air) u/m. Cat £24 (O190) £12 1945 1950 ‘G’ 7c blue (Goose) Air fine used. Cat £15 (O190) £8 1946 1950 ‘G’ o/pt 10c and $1 fine used. Cat £91 (O191/2) £45 1947 1950 OHMS o/pt Special Delivery 10c green u/m. Cat £15 (Os20) £8 1948 1950 OHMS o/pt 10c green fine used. Cat £40 (Os20) £20 1949 1950 10c green ‘G’ Official u/m. Cat £26 (Os21) £14 1950 1950 ‘G’ o/pt Special Delivery 10c green fine used. Cat £30 (Os21) £16 1951 1922 20c red Special Delivery u/m. Cat £40+ (S4) £24 1952 1927 20c orange Special Delivery u/m. Cat £13+ (S5) £8 1953 1930 Special Delivery 20c brown-red u/m. Cat £42+ (S6) £28 1954 1930 Special Delivery 20c brown-red mint. Cat £42 (S6) £18 1955 1932 Special Delivery 20c brown-red u/m. Cat £45+ (S7) £28 1956 1932 Special Delivery 20c brown-red mint. Cat £45 (S7) £16 1957 1932 Special Delivery 20c brown-red fine used. Cat £19 (S7) £9 1958 1938 Special Delivery 10c and 20c u/m. Cat £66 (S9/10) £35 1959 1938 Special Delivery 10c and 20c fine used. Cat £32 (S9/10) £18 1960 1938 Special Delivery 10c in corner marginal Plate block of 4 u/m. Cat £168+ (S10) £70 1961 1938 Special Delivery 10c and 20c in mint blocks of 4 (3 of each u/m). Cat £260+ (S9/10) £90 1962 1939 Special Delivery o/pt 10c red u/m. Cat £10 (S11) £5 1963 1942 Special Delivery 10c in corner marginal imprint block of 4 u/m. Cat £56+ (S12) £25 1964 1942/45 Special Delivery (3v) u/m. Cat £23.50 (S12/14) £12 1965 1946 Special Delivery 10c in corner marginal imprint block of 4 u/m. Cat £52+ (S15) £22 CANADA Br. COLUMBIA 1966 1865 3d deep blue mint. tone spot and faint crease. Cat £120 (21) £25 1967 1868 P14 o/pt 2c brown mint, short perf at left and some gum wrinkling. Cat £170 (28) £22 1968 1868 P14 2c brown mint. Cat £170 (29) £70 CANADA NEW BrUNsWICK 1860 1c brown-purple unused, no gum. Cat £85 (7) £10 1860 1c purple unused, no gum. Cat £70 (8) £8 1860 2c orange, unused, no gum. Cat £35 (10) £5 1860 5c deep green in fine used block of four. Cat £72 (15) £28 1860 10c red mint. Cat £65 (17) £28 1860 12½c indigo u/m and scarce thus. Cat £70+ (18) £50 1860 12½c indigo mint. Cat £70 (18) £30 1860 12½c indigo fine used. Cat £42 (18) £18 1860 2d orange-vermilion mint, 4 margins. Pin hole. Cat £600 (10) £75 1860 3d green mint with 3 good margins. Good looker, hinge remainder and part gum only. Cat £110 (11) £20 1979 1861 4d rose-lake with 4 margins mint. Cat £50 (18) £22

1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978

1980 1861 5d chocolate-brown with 4 margins mint. Cat £100 (19) £40 1981 1861 6d rose-lake 4 margins mint. Cat £35 (20) £12 1982 1861 6½d rose-lake with 4 margins mint. Hinge remainder and some toning. Cat £100 (21) £10 1983 1865 2c yellowish-green mint, very slight hint of toning at perf edges. Cat £170 (25) £45 1984 1865 thin yellowish paper 12c red-brown mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £650 (28) £100 1985 1865 thin paper 24c blue mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £50 (30) £15 1986 1865 white paper 12c chestnut mint. Heavy hinge remainder. Cat £60 (33) £8 1987 1876 Roulette 1c lake-purple unused, no gum. Cat £120 (40) £15 1988 1876 Rouletted 5c blue mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £200 (43) £40 1989 1880 P12 1c red-brown unused, no gum. Cat £55 (44b) £6 1990 1897 Anniversary set of 14v to 60c mint, complete. Cat £300 (66/79) £125 1991 1897 surcharged 1c (type 38) on 3c grey-purple mint, a scarce stamp, cat £800. Ex Hamilton. BPA Cert (as pair). (82) £350 1992 1897 Portraits 2c scarlet u/m. Cat £22+ (87) £15 1993 1910 P12 1c green in magnificent u/m block of 10 (5x20), from to right corner of sheet. Cat £190+ (95) £125 1994 1910 P12 1c green u/m. Cat £19+ (95) £12 1995 1910 P12 1c green unused, no gum. Cat £19 (95) £3 1996 1910 P12 3c olive mint. Cat £14 (97) £6 1997 1910 4c violet mint. Cat £26 (98) £10 1998 1910 P12 5c bright blue mint. Cat £50 (99) £22 1999 1910 P12 6c claret (type A) mint. Cat £60 (100) £24 2000 1910 P12 9c olive-green mint. Cat £70 (102) £30 2001 1911 Coronation set of 11v mint complete, fresh. Cat £250(117/27) £90 2002 1911 Coronation set of 11v mint complete, a few small faults and some hinge remainders. Cat £250 (117/27) £65 2003 1919 Caribou set of 12v to 36c mint, complete. Cat £160 (130/41) £85 2004 1920 Surch 3c on 35c red (type A, narrow 10.5 mm setting) mint. Cat £250 (145) £125 2005 1923 set of 13v to 20c mint. Cat £110 (149/61) £30 2006 1923 set of 14v to 24c mint, complete. Cat £180 (149/62) £85 2007 1928 Publicity set of 15v to 30c mint, complete. Cat £140 (164/78) £70 2008 1929 set of 9v to 20c mint, complete. Cat £110 (179/87) £55 2009 1929 Perkins Bacon 20c black in mint block of four (2 u/m). Cat £260+ (187) £150 2010 1931 Air 15 and 50c, also o/pt 15c (SG 229) mint. Cat £53 (192/3) £15 2011 1931 Air no wmk set of 3v to $1 mint, complete. Cat £85 (192/4) £48 2012 1931 Air 50c green in vertical pair u/m, imperf between, very fine and scarce (particularly so u/m). Cat £1700+ (193b) £850 2013 1931 W106 Air set of 3v mint, complete. Cat £110 (195/7) £60 2014 1931 set of 11v to 30c mint complete, fine and fresh. Cat £225 (198/208) £100 2015 1932 5c violet imperf pair mint. Cat £75 (225a) £35 2016 1933 Air set of 5v mint. Cat £150 (230/4) £60 2017 1933 Air 5c red-brown in u/m imperf pair. Cat £190+ (230a) £120 2018 1933 Air 10c orange-yellow in u/m marginal pair imperforate. Scarce. Cat £160+ (231a) £100 2019 1933 Anniversary set of 14v mint complete. Cat £110 (236/49) £55 2020 1933 Anniversary 2c green in u/m imperf pair. Cat £50+ (237a) £30 2021 1933 mint range of 15 mint on card, incl 1933 5c to 32c. Cat £160 (240/9 Etc) £30 2022 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £10.50 (250/3) £5 2023 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £38 (250/3) £22 2024 1937 Coronation set of 11v u/m, complete. Cat £60 (257/67) £35 2025 1937 Coronation set of 11v mint, complete. Cat £60 (257/67) £22 2026 1937 P13½ (line) Coronation 3c orange-brown Die I mint. Cat £35 (258c) £12 2027 1939 Royal Visit 4c on 2c deep ultramarine in u/m block 4, one with with ‘CENTL’ error. Cat £50+ (274a) £25 2028 1941 set of 14v to 48c mint complete. Cat £55 (276/89) £22 2029 1941 set of 14v to 48c fine used complete. Cat £110 (276/89) £60 2030 1939 Postage Due set of 6v fine used. Scarce thus. Cat £150 (D1/6) £75 2031 2032 2033 2034

CANADA NOVA sCOTIA 1860 12½c black/yellowish u/m. Cat £38+ 1860 12½c black/yellowish mint, slight fault. Cat £38 1860 12½c black/white paper u/m. Cat £60+ 1860 12½c black/white paper mint. Cat £60

CANADA pr. EDWArD IsLE 2035 1862 P11½ 4d black/yellowish u/m. Cat £32+

(17) £20 (17) £6 (29) £38 (29) £24 (16) £20

2036 1862 P11½ 4d black mint. Cat £32 (16) £14 2037 1862 P11½ 9d lilac mint, hinge remainder, otherwise fine looking. Cat £120 (19) £38 2038 1870 2d rose Die I in u/m block of four. Cat £68+ (27) £35 2039 1870 2d rose Die I u/m. Cat £17+ (27) £9 2040 1870 2d rose-pink Die I in u/m block of four. Cat £38+ (28) £20 2041 1870 2d rose-pink Die I u/m. Cat £9.50+ (28) £6 2042 1870 P11½ 4d black/white paper in u/m block of four. Cat £28+ (31) £15 2043 1870 P11½ 4d black/white paper u/m. Cat £7+ (31) £4 2044 1870 4½d yellow-brown unused, no gum. Cat £75 (32) £10 2045 1872 P12 1c orange x approx 115 u/m in singles or small multiples. Range of shades, some natural gum streaks and other minor faults. Cat (as cheapest shade) £1000+ (34 Etc) £150 2046 1872 P12 1c orange, 1c yellow-orange and 1c brown-orange (3v) u/m. Cat £32+ (34/6) £14 2047 1872 1c yellow-orange (as cheapest) mint. Cat £9 (35) £4 2048 1872 P12 3c rose mint, showing the Stop between Princce.Edward “” variety. Cat £85”“ (37a) £38 2049 1872 P12 2c blue u/m, light vertical crease. Cat £27+ (38) £10 2050 1872 P12 2c blue mint. Cat £27 (38) £12 2051 1872 4c yellow-green u/m. Cat £12+ (39) £7 2052 1872 4c deep green u/m. Cat £14+ (40) £9 2053 1872 12c reddish-mauve u/m. Cat £10+ (42) £5 2054 1872 12c violet (as cheapest) mint. Cat £10 (42) £5 2055 1872 P12½ 1c orange in u/m block of four. Cat £96+ (43) £40 2056 1872 P12½ 1c orange u/m. Cat £24+ (43) £10 2057 1872 P12½ 1c orange and 1c brown-orange (2v) u/m. Cat £33.50+ (43/4) £15 2058 1872 P12½ 1c brown-orange in u/m block of four. Cat £38+ (44) £20 2059 1872 P12½ 1c brown-orange u/m. Cat £9.50+ (44) £5 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093

CAyMAN IsLANDs 1900 ½d pale green and 1d pale carmine mint. Cat £42 (1a/2a) £15 1902 CA ½d green fine used. Cat £29 (3) £12 1902 CA set of 5v to 1/- mint, complete. Cat £110 (03-Jul) £50 1902 CA set of 5v to 1/- fine used, complete. Cat £225 (03-Jul) £100 1902 CA 1d carmine fine used. Cat £13 (4) £5 1902 CA 2½d bright blue fine used. Cat £21 (5) £8 1902 CA 6d brown fine used. Cat £70 (6) £30 1902 CA 1/- orange fine used. Cat £120 (7) £50 1905 MCA set of 5v to 1/- mint, complete. Cat £85 (08-Dec) £42 1907 MCA 4d brown and blue mint. Cat £40 (13) £17 1907 MCA 6d olive and rose mint. Cat £45 (14) £20 1907 MCA 6d olive and rose fine used. Cat £75 (14) £30 1907 MCA 1/- violet and green mint. Cat £60 (15) £28 1907 Surch ½d on 1d carmine fine used. Cat £85 (17) £40 1907 MCA set of 8v to 5/- mint, complete (for MCA wmk). Cat £150 (25/32) £75 1907 MCA 4d black and red/yellow mint. One or two black marks on gum (from album page?). Cat £60 (29) £22 1907 MCA 6d dull and violet purple mint. Cat £26 (30) £11 1907 MCA 6d purple and violet-purple + dull and bright purple (2v) mint. Cat £60 (“30,30a”) £24 1907 MCA 1/- black and green mint. Cat £9 (31) £4 1907 MCA 5/- green and red/yellow mint. Cat £40 (32) £18 1907 CA 1/- black and green mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £65 (33) £30 1907 CA 10/- green and red mint. Cat £180 (34) £90 1912 MCA 5/- green and red/yellow o/pt Specimen (51s) £20 1912 MCA 10/- deep green and red/blue-green mint. Cat £120 (52c) £60 1917 War Stamp 1½d on 2½d deep blue mint with ‘No fraction bar’. Cat £75 (54a) £40 1917 War Stamp 1½d (type 16) on 2½d deep blue mint, fine and lightly mounted. Scarce. Cat £750. BPA Cert. (55) £450 1932 Centenary set of 12v to 10/- mint, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £500 (84/95) £250 1935 2/- ultramarine and black mint. Cat £50 (105) £22 1935 5/- green and black mint. Cat £65 (106) £30 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £20 (108/11) £10 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £20 (108/11) £12 1946 Victory 3d orange in u/m block of 4, one stamp with Stop after 1948”“ variety. Cat £40+”“ (“128,8a”) £20 1948 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £24 (129/30) £15 1950 set of 13v to 10/- mint, complete. Cat £80 (135/47) £30


CEyLON 2094 1857 Star 1d deep turquoise-blue unused, no gum, 2 margins, fresh. Cat £1100 (2) £50 2095 1872 CC 64c red-brown mint, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £300 (131) £120 2096 1872 CC P14x12½ 2c brown mint, slightly heavy hinge remainder. Cat £425 (133) £75 2097 1885 Surch 10c on 64c red-brown mint, a scarce stamp. Expertised in pencil on gum. Cat £450 (164) £90 2098 1898 Surch 6c, 1r.50c and 2r.25c [the set of 3v] mint o/pt Specimen. Cat £80 (250/5s) £40 2099 1903 MCA 6c carmine mint with inverted wmk. Cat £140 (269w) £75 2100 1912 MCA 10r purple and black/red Die 1 fine used. Cat £90 (318) £40 2101 1912 MCA 20r black and red/blue fine used. Cat £160 (319) £75 2102 1912 MCA 20r black and red/blue used. Cat £160 (319) £50 2103 1912 MCA 100r grey-black used with neat but indistinct black fiscal cancel. Cat £3250 mint. (Not priced used.) (321) £75 2104 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £20 (379/82) £12 2105 1938 1r brown and violet (upr wmk) u/m. Cat £19 (395a) £9 2106 1938 2r black and carmine u/m. Cat £19 (396) £9 2107 1964 10c myrtle green in u/m horizontal strip of 5, stamp 3 imperf on 3 sides (incl imperf between). Cat £150 (487b) £60 2108 1964 60c Junglefowl (bird) u/m, with red omitted. Cat £55 (494a) £22 2109 1964 60c Junglefowl (bird) u/m, with blue and green omitted. Cat £45 (494b) £20 2110 1952 Revenue 10r green and orange u/m. Cat £100 (F1) £60 CHINA 2111 1913 1st Peking printing $2 black and blue mint, light tone spots on gum, very fresh. Cat £600 (305) £140 COOK IsLANDs 2112 1892 Federation white paper set of 4v mint. Odd minor fault. Cat £225 (01-Apr) £75 2113 1893 W12b P12x11½ 1d (brown) to 10d set of 6v mint. Some hinge remainders. Cat £200 (05-Oct) £75 2114 1893 P11 set of 10v to 1/- mint, complete. Some hinge remainders. Cat £180 (11ba/20a) £70 2115 1902 no wmk 11 set of 5v mint, both papers. 2½d hinge remainder. Cat £84.50 (23-Jul) £28 2116 1920 set of 5v to 1/- mint, complete. Cat £29 (70/5) £12 2117 1921 Postal Fiscal o/pt 2/- deep blue mint. Cat £27 (76) £12 2118 1921 Postal Fiscal o/pt 5/- yellow-green mint. Cat £28 (78) £12 2119 1921 Postal Fiscal o/pt 10/- maroon mint. Cat £85 (79) £45 2120 1924 set of 4v to 4d mint. Cat £38 (81/4) £14 2121 1926 o/pt 2/- (light) and 3/- mint. Cat £35 (91/2) £15 2122 1931 2d o/pt with and without wmk (2v) mint. Cat £14.25 (93/4) £6 2123 1931 Postal Fiscal 2/6d deep brown (T15 o/pt), mint. Cat £15 (95) £7 2124 1931 Postal Fiscal o/pt £5 indigo-blue mint. Cat £250 (98b) £110 2125 1932 no wmk ½d black and green in mint imperf pair. See footnote in SG. Cat £425 (99 Var) £175 2126 1932 no wmk P14 1d black and lake mint. Cat £15 (100c) £6 2127 1932 no wmk P13 2½d black and deep blue mint. Cat £25 (102) £9 2128 1932 2½d black and deep blue marginal u/m with inverted centre, very striking. Cat (SG footnote) £300+ (102 Var) £200 2129 1932 no wmk P13 1/- black and violet mint, hinge remainder. Cat £23 (105) £8 2130 1933 W43 set of 7v to 1/- mint, complete. Cat £28 (106/12) £12 2131 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £12.50 (113/5) £6 2132 1936 o/pt 2/- and 3/- mint. Cat £29 (116/7) £14 2133 1936 W43 Postal Fiscal 5/- green (Cowan), u/m. Cat £50 (119) £24 2134 1936 W43 o/pt 10/- carmine-lake in u/m block of four. Cat £360 (120) £120 2135 1936 W43 Postal Fiscal o/pt £3 green fine used. Cat £700 (123b) £400 2136 1943 W98 Arms 10/- pale carmine-lake (upr wmk) mint. Cat £100 (133) £40 2137 1943 W98 Arms 10/- pale carmine-lake (inv wmk) mint. Cat £70 (133w) £28 2138 1943 Postal Fiscal o/pt £5 indigo-blue mint with inverted wmk. Fine. Cat £325 (136w) £125 2139 1949 W98 set of 10v to 3/- u/m, complete. Cat £50 (150/9) £28 2140 1949 W98 set of 10v to 3/- mint, complete. Cat £50 (150/9) £22 2141 1949 W98 set of 10v to 3/- fine used, complete. Cat £60 (150/9) £30 2142 1966 Churchill o/pt set u/m, complete. Cat £13.50 (179/84) £7 2143 1966 Airmail o/pts set of 9v u/m complete. Cat £22 (185/93) £10 2144 1966 Airmail o/pt £1 Arms u/m. Cat £13 (193) £8 2145 1966 Airmail o/pt £1 Arms fine used with Aeroplane omitted.”“ Cat £55”“ (193a) £25 26

2146 1967 Postal Fiscal $6 on £3 green NZ Arms u/m. Cat £120 (220) £55 2147 1967 Postal Fiscal $10 on £5 blue u/m. Cat £170 (221) £85 2148 1970 Flowers Apollo 13 o/pt (no fluorescent markings) $4 fine used on small piece. Cat £45 (327) £18 2149 1974 Coins $2.50 and $7.50 fine used. Cat £18 (492/3) £9 2150 1980 Corals defins full set of 77 vals complete to $10 u/m (and surely one of the longest BE sets ever issued?). Cat £100 (713/89) £40 2151 1980 Corals defins to $10 fine used, complete. Cat £110 (713/89) £48 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159

COOK IsLANDs AITUTAKI 1903 P11 surcharged 3d yellow-brown mint. Cat £18 (5) £8 1903 P11 1/- bright red mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £55 (7) £12 1920 no wmk set of 6 values to 1/-, mint. Cat £27 (24-Sep) £12 1924 W43 1d black and deep carmine with Double derrick”“ variety, mint. Cat £16”“ (31a) £8 1924 W43 2½d black and dull blue an imperf pair with no gum. Status unknown. (32 Var) £25 1974 Shells set of 14v to $5 u/m complete. Cat £45 (97/110) £18 1981 Birds set of 36v to $5 u/m, complete. Cat £65 (317/52) £28 1974 OHMS o/pt set of 17v to $5 u/m complete. Cat £45 (O1/16) £18

COOK IsLANDs pENrHyN 2160 1902 o/pt 2½d blue mint. Cat £14 (1) £7 2161 1903 Surch set of 3v mint (as cheapest). Some toned perfs. Cat £60 (14/16a) £15 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201

CyprUs 1880 o/pt 1d red pl 205 mint. Cat £90 (2 (205)) £38 1880 o/pt 1d red pl 217 fine used. Cat £60 (2 (217)) £25 1880 o/pt 2½d rosy-mauve plate 14 mint. Cat £4.50 (3 (14)) £2 1880 o/pt 4d sage-green mint. Cat £140 (4) £65 1880 o/pt 4d sage-green unused, no gum. Cat £140 (4) £25 1880 o/pt 4d sage-green fine used. Cat £225 (4) £85 1881 Surch ½d on o/pt 1d red pl 216 mint. Cat £80 (7 (216)) £40 1881 CC ½p emerald-green mint, fresh colour. Cat £180 (11) £60 1881 CC 4pi pale olive-geen fine used. Cat £275 (14) £100 1882 CA Die 1 set of 7v to 12pi mint complete, hinge remainders (1pi u/m), fine appearance. Cat £900 (16a/22) £250 1882 CA 30p pale mauve Die 1 mint. Cat £80 (17) £35 1882 CA Die I 1pi rose mint, fresh. Cat £110 (18) £50 1882 CA Die I 6pi olive-grey mint. Cat £75 (21) £30 1882 CA Surch ½ on ½pi emerald-green mint. Cat £170 (25) £75 1886 CA ½ on ½d emerald-green used with the ‘Large 1 at left’ variety. Cat £275 (29a) £100 1886 CA ½ on ½d emerald-green used with the ‘Large 1 at left’ variety (ink blob at base). Cat £275 (29a) £40 1886 CA ½ on ½d emerald-green used with the ‘Large 2 at left’ variety, a trifle soiled. Scarce. Cat £350 (29c) £75 1892 CA Die II 1pi carmine mint. Cat £15 (33) £6 1892 Die II CA 12pi orange-brown fine used, light cds, scarce. Cat £450 (37) £200 1894 CA ½pi-4pi (4v) mint. Cat £34 (40/3) £12 1894 CA 4pi sage-green and purple, mint. Cat £22 (44) £9 1894 9pi brown and carmine mint. Cat £28 (46) £11 1894 CA 18pi greyish slate and brown fine used. Cat £65 (48) £28 1902 CA ½pi green and carmine mint. Cat £14 (50) £5 1902 CA 30p violet and green mint. Cat £25 (51) £11 1902 CA 6pi sepia and green mint. Cat £50 (55) £22 1902 CA 18pi black and brown fine used with ‘Larnaca’ cds. Cat £170 (58) £75 1904 MCA 5pa bistre and black mint, with variety Broken top left triangle.”“ Cat £95”“ (60a) £45 1904 MCA 10pa orange and green and orange-yellow and green (2v) mint. Cat £51 (“61,61b”) £20 1904 MCA 30pa purple and green mint. Cat £20 (63) £8 1904 CA 2pi blue and purple mint. Cat £21 (65) £8 1904 MCA 6pi sepia and green, mint. Cat £32 (67) £14 1904 MCA 9pi yellow-brown and carmine mint. Cat £60 (68a) £28 1904 MCA 12pi chestnut and black mint. Cat £38 (69) £18 1904 MCA 18pi black and brown mint. Cat £55 (70) £22 1904 MCA 45pi dull purple and ultramarine mint. Cat £120 (71) £60 1912 Script 30pa violet and green mint with ‘Broken triangle’. Cat £150 (76a) £60 1912 MCA 9pi brown and carmine mint. Cat £42 (81) £18 1912 MCA 12pi chestnut and black mint. Cat £25 (82) £10 1921 Script 10pa orange and green mint. Cat £15 (85) £6

2202 1921 Script 10pa grey and yellow mint. Cat £15 (86) £6 2203 1921 MCA 10pa grey and yellow mint, with Broken Bottom left Triangle”“ variety. Cat £275”“ (86a) £150 2204 1921 Script 1½pi yellow and black mint. Cat £13 (91) £5 2205 1921 Script 2pi carmine and blue mint. Cat £15 (93) £6 2206 1921 Script 6pi sepia and green mint. Cat £38 (96) £15 2207 1921 Script 6pi sepia and green fine used. Cat £95 (96) £40 2208 1921 Script 9pi brown and carmine mint. Cat £50 (97) £20 2209 1921 Script 18pi black and brown fine used. Cat £180 (98) £75 2210 1924 MCA £1 purple and black/red mint. Cat £300 (102) £140 2211 1924 Script set of 11v to 9pi mint. Cat £53 (103/13) £20 2212 1924 Script set of 20v [without £1 and £5] to 90pi mint. Cat £325 (103/22) £125 2213 1924 12pi chestnut and black mint. Cat £17 (114) £6 2214 1924 18pi black and orange mint. Cat £32 (115) £14 2215 1924 Script 45pi purple and blue mint. Cat £70 (116) £30 2216 1924 Script 90pi green and red mint. Cat £130 (117) £65 2217 1925 Script ½pi - 2½pi 5v mint complete. Cat £45 (118/22) £18 2218 1928 Anniversary set of 10v to £1 mint complete, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £300 (123/32) £140 2219 1928 Anniversary 6pi blue mint. Cat £14 (128) £7 2220 1928 Anniversary 9pi maroon mint. Cat £11 (129) £5 2221 1928 Anniversary 18pi black and brown mint. Cat £30 (130) £14 2222 1934 set of 9v to 9pi mint. Cat £40 (133/41) £16 2223 1934 9pi sepia and violet mint. Cat £22 (141) £9 2224 1934 18pi black and green mint. Cat £55 (142) £22 2225 1934 45pi green and black u/m. Cat £120+ (143) £80 2226 1934 45pi green and black mint. Cat £120 (143) £60 2227 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £35 (144/7) £18 2228 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £30 (144/7) £16 2229 1938 set of 19v to £1 mint complete. Cat £250 (151/63) £80 2230 1938 set of 21v to £1 fine used, complete (incl both perfs of 1pi and both shades of 18pi). Cat £100+ (151/63) £55 2231 1938 1pi orange P13½x12½ mint. Good stamp. Cat £550 (154a) £175 2232 1938 2½pi ultramarine u/m. Cat £45 (156) £18 2233 1938 2½pi ultramarine mint. Cat £45 (156) £12 2234 1938 90pi mauve and black mint. Cat £38 (162) £14 2235 1938 £1 scarlet and indigo mint. Cat £65 (163) £28 2236 1948 Silver Wedding 1½pi u/m pair, one stamp with ‘Extra decoration’. Cat £55+ (“166,6a”) £35 2237 1948 Silver Wedding 1½pi u/m pair, one stamp with ‘Extra decoration’. Cat £55+ (“166,6a”) £35 2238 1948 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £60 (166/7) £40 2239 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £60 (166/7) £30 2240 1955 set of 15v to £1 fine used complete. Cat £75 (173/87) £35 2241 1960 o/pt 500m grey-blue and mauve u/m. Cat £45 (201) £18 2242 1960 o/pt £1 brown-lake and slate u/m. Cat £48 (202) £22 2243 1963 Scout m/sheet mint. Cat £110 (Ms231a) £28 2244 1966 set of 14v to £1 u/m, complete. Cat £13 (283/96) £7 CZECHOsLOVAKIA 2245 1934 National Anthem mint sheets in the original commemorative folders, fine and seldom offered. (Ms334a/B) £250 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262

DOMINICA 1874 CC P12½ 1d lilac mint, fresh. Cat £150 (1) £65 1877 CC ½d olive-yellow u/m. Cat £19+ (4) £12 1877 CC ½d olive-yellow mint. Cat £20 (4) £9 1877 CC P14 1d lilac mint. Cat £21 (5) £9 1877 CC 2½d red-brown mint. Cat £250 (6) £100 1877 CC 2½d red-brown fine used. Cat £42 (6) £18 1877 CC 1/- magenta mint, fine and fresh. Cat £130 (9) £60 1882 T10 (small) Surch ½ on bisected 1d lilac unused, no gum, fine and scarce. Cat £225 (10) £40 1882 ½ [in red] on 1d lilac mint, an unsevered pair (r/l). Clean. Cat £70 (11) £32 1882 Surch ½ [in red] on bisected 1d mint. Cat £32 (11) £15 1882 Bisected ½ in red on 1d lilac fine used. Cat £19 (11) £10 1882 Surch ½ on bisected 1d lilac unused, no gum. Cat £70 (12) £18 1882 Surch ½ on bisected 1d lilac fine used severed pair on small piece. Cat £80 (12) £32 1883 CA ½d olive-yellow mint. Cat £7 (13) £3 1886 surcharged 1d on 1/- magenta mint. Cat £23 (19) £10 1886 CA 1d rose mint. Cat £17 (22) £7 1903 CC set of 10v to 5/- mint, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £225 (27/36) £110

2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284

1903 CC 1/- magenta and grey-green mint. Cat £38 (33) £18 1907 MCA ½d green mint. Cat £14 (37) £6 1907 MCA set of 10v to 5/- mint. Cat £200 (37/46) £75 1907 MCA 5/- black and brown marginal mint, lightly mounted. Cat £75 (46) £40 1908 MCA of 7 set to 1/- mint (all taken as cheapest). Cat £25 (47/53) £9 1908 MCA set of 10v to 5/- mint. Cat £120 (47/54) £50 1908 MCA 2/6d purple and deep blue/blue mint. Cat £26 (53b) £10 1916 War Tax ½d on ½d green mint with wmk sideways reversed. Cat £150 (55x) £60 1921 Script ½d to 6d (6v) mint. Cat £19.50 (62/7) £8 1921 Script set of 8v to 2/6d mint, complete. Cat £100 (62/70) £55 1921 Script 2/- purple and blue/blue mint. Cat £50 (69) £25 1923 Script set of 18v to 5/- mint. Cat £160 (71/88) £75 1923 set of 120 to 5/- [both wmks] mint. Cat £168 (71/90) £75 1923 set of 21v to £1 mint, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £375 (71/91) £180 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £20 (92/5) £10 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £20 (92/5) £10 1935 Silver Jubilee 1½d mint with ‘Dot by flagstaff’ variety. Cat £130 (93h) £65 1938 set of 15v to 10/- u/m, complete. Cat £75 (99/109a) £40 1938 set of 15v to 10/- mint, complete. Cat £75 (99/109a) £26 1938 set of 15v to 10/- fine used, complete. Cat £65 (99/109a) £35 1951 set of 15v to $2.40 u/m, complete. Cat £50 (120/34) £30 1951 set of 15v to $2.40 fine used, complete. Cat £95 (120/34) £45

EGypT 2285 1862 GB 3d carmine (SG 77) in pair on piece, along with 1/- green pl 4 (SG 101), tied 3 strikes of ‘B01’ of Alexandria. Scarce and attractive piece. (Z10) £100 2286 1865 GB 3d carmine pl 4 (Emblems wmk) in strip of 3 on piece with 3 ‘B01’ cancels of Alexandria, a scarce and attractive piece. (Z11) £100 2287 1865 GB 4d deep vermilion upper marginal vertical pair (with inscription) on piece tied ‘B01’ of Alexandria, attractive and unusual. (Z17) £45 2288 1866 o/pt 5pa, 10pa, 20pa and 2pi mint, without gum, plus 1pi used. Cat £330 (01-May) £50 2289 1866 o/pt 5pi rose mint, hinge and trace of gum only, fresh. Cat £325 (6) £50 2290 1866 o/pt 10pi slate mint, hinged and trace of gum only, fresh. Cat £375 (7) £50 2291 1867 5pi brown mint, hinge remainders and light bends. Cat £300 (16) £40 2292 1914 set of 10v to 200m mint, fine. Cat £110 (73/82) £55 2293 1939 30m green u/m, extensively mis-perforated. Spectacular! £40 2294 1884 Postage Due W6 P10½ 10pa red mint, hinge remainder. Cat £65 (D57) £22 2295 1884 Postage Due W6 P10½ 2pi red mint. Cat £225 (D60) £75 2296 1886 Postage Due no wmk P10½ 2pi red mint. Cat £48 (D65) £18 2297 1888 Postage Due no wmk P11½ 5m rose-carmine mint. Cat £50 (D67) £20 2298 1888 Postage Due 5p grey mint. Cat £250 (D70) £75 2299 1921 Postage Due set of 6v complete mint. Cat £45 (D98/103) £18 2300 1907 OHMS (T28) 5m rose mint. Cat £15 (O76) £6 2301 1907 OHMS (T28) 5p grey-slate mint. Cat £16 (O78) £6 2302 1914 OHMS (T38) o/pt set of 5v complete mint. Cat £28 (O83/7) £10 2303 1915 OHMS (T39) 5m lake mint. Cat £19 (O89) £8 2304 1922 OHMS litho o/pt set of 4v complete mint. Cat £110(O98/101) £42 FALKLAND IsLEs 2305 1891 ½d to 1/- (ex 4d) mint, with shades of ½d (3) and 1d, also both 6d shades. Cat £600+ (17/38) £150 2306 1891 CA 2½d ultramarine mint, (as cheapest). Cat £50 (30) £22 2307 1891 2½d ultramarine mint. Thinned. Cat £50 (30) £5 2308 1891 CA 6d yellow mint. Cat £55 (34) £22 2309 1891 9d pale reddish orange mint. Cat £55 (35) £24 2310 1891 CA 1/- yellow-brown mint. Cat £75 (38) £30 2311 1898 2/6d deep blue fine used, fresh. Cat £275 (41) £140 2312 1898 2/6d deep blue and 5/- red mint, fine appearance, toned gum. Cat £525 (41/2) £150 2313 1904 MCA set of 8v to 5/- mint complete, mostly fine (5/- hinge remainder). Cat £475 (43/50) £200 2314 1904 MCA set of 6v to 1/- mint. Cat £150+ (43/8) £60 2315 1904 MCA 2d purple mint. Cat £25 (45) £10 2316 1904 MCA 2½d ultramarine mint. Cat £29 (46) £14 2317 1904 MCA 6d orange mint. Cat £45 (47) £18


2318 1904 MCA 1/- brown u/m. Cat £45+ (48) £35 2319 1904 MCA 1/- brown fine mint. Cat £45 (48) £18 2320 1904 MCA 3/- deep green mint, some hinge remainder, fine colour. Cat £150 (49b) £60 2321 1904 MCA 3/- deep green mint. Faint crease. Cat £150 (49b) £50 2322 1904 MCA 5/- red mint, lightly mounted, fine. Cat £225 (50) £100 2323 1912 MCA 1/- light bistre-brown mint. Cat £32 (65) £14 2324 1912 MCA 1/- brown (thick paper) mint. Cat £38 (65b) £16 2325 1912 MCA 3/- slate-green mint. Cat £95 (66) £50 2326 1912 MCA 5/- maroon mint. Cat £130 (67b) £65 2327 1921 Script set to 3/- mint, hinge remainders, fresh. Cat £150 (73/80) £60 2328 1921 Script 2½d deep purple and pale yellow in fine used block of four with neat central Port Stanley cds. Cat £152 (77) £65 2329 1921 Script 3/- slate green u/m, scarce thus. Cat £100+ (80) £70 2330 1921 Script 3/- slate green mint. Cat £100 (80) £50 2331 1921 Script 3/- slate green fine used. Cat £160 (80) £85 2332 1929 Penguins set to 1/- mint (7v). Cat £100+ (116/22) £40 2333 1929 Penguins set to 1/- fine used (7v). Cat £95 (116/22) £38 2334 1929 Penguins set of 9v to 5/- mint. Cat £325 (116/24) £140 2335 1929 P13½ (line) Penguin 4d deep orange in fine used block of four, with neat central Port Stanley 14 NO 36 cds. (What appears to be) stain from paper clip on back of stamp 1/1. Not visible from front). Cat £280 (120a) £125 2336 1929 P14 (line) Penguin 6d reddish purple u/m. Cat £50+ (121a) £30 2337 1929 P14 (line) 6d reddish purple mint. Cat £50 (121a) £22 2338 1929 Penguin 1/- black on emerald comb perf fine used. Cat £35 (122) £15 2339 1929 Penguin 2/6d carmine on blue fine mint. Cat £70 (123) £35 2340 1929 Penguin 5/- green/yellow mint. Cat £100 (124) £55 2341 1929 Penguin 5/- green/yellow fine used. Cat £110 (124) £50 2342 1929 Penguin 10/- carmine/emerald mint. Cat £225 (125) £100 2343 1929 Penguins 10/- carmine on emerald fine used. Cat £275(125) £140 2344 1933 Centenary short set of 4v to 2d mint. Cat £45 (127/30) £15 2345 1933 Centenary set of 8v to 1/- mint. Cat £240+ (127/34) £90 2346 1933 Centenary set of 9v to 2/6d mint, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £450 (127/35) £200 2347 1933 Centenary 3d black and violet mint. Cat £28 (131) £10 2348 1933 Centenary 4d black and orange mint. Cat £25 (132) £10 2349 1933 Centenary 6d black and slate mint. Cat £75 (133) £30 2350 1933 Centenary 6d black and slate fine used. Cat £95 (133) £40 2351 1933 Centenary 2/6d black and violet mint. Cat £250 (135) £125 2352 1935 Silver Jubilee set u/m. Cat £48+ (139/42) £30 2353 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £48 (139/42) £24 2354 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £12.50 (139/42) £7 2355 1937 Coronation set perf Specimen. Cat £425 (143/5s) £200 2356 1938 set of 18v to £1 mint, complete. Cat £475 (146/63) £125 2357 1938 set of 18v to £1 fine used complete. Cat £225 (146/63) £100 2358 1938 1/- light dull blue u/m. Cat £75 (158) £40 2359 1938 2/6d slate u/m. Cat £60 (160) £30 2360 1938 5/- blue and chestnut mint. Cat £140 (161) £50 2361 1938 5/- (as cheapest shade), u/m. Cat £120 (161c) £60 2362 1938 10/- black and orange-brown u/m. Cat £200 (162) £100 2363 1938 10/- black and red-orange (as cheapest) u/m. Cat £120 (162b) £60 2364 1938 10/- black and red-orange mint. Cat £120 (162b) £42 2365 1938 £1 black and violet u/m. Cat £130 (163) £75 2366 1938 £1 black and violet mint. Cat £130 (163) £50 2367 1938 £1 black and violet on thin paper mint. Scarce and recognised variety. (CW18c). Cat £130 (as basic stamp) (163 Var) £120 2368 1946 Victory set mint perforated Specimen, fine and scarce. Cat £400 (164/5s) £250 2369 1948 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £90 (166/7) £45 2370 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £90 (166/7) £40 2371 1949 75th Anniv UPU set mint. Cat £11.50 (168/71) £5 2372 1952 set of 9v to 1/- mint. Cat £71 (172/80) £22 2373 1952 set of 14v to £1 u/m, complete. Cat £180 (172/85) £95 2374 1952 set of 14v to £1 mint, complete. Cat £180 (172/85) £60 2375 1952 set of 14v to £1 fine used, complete. Cat £75 (172/85) £40 2376 1955 GVI-style defins to 1/- u/m complete (6v). 1/- gum crease. Cat £38 (187/92) £14 2377 1960 Birds set of 15v to £1 u/m, complete. Cat £170 (193/207) £75 2378 1960 Birds set of 15v to £1 mint, complete. Cat £170 (193/207) £40 2379 1960 Birds 10/- black and purple u/m. Cat £48 (206) £18 2380 1963 FFH 1/- ultramarine u/m. Cat £7 (211) £4 28

2381 1963 Red Cross mint. Cat £10 (212/3) £3 2382 1968 Flowers set of 14v to £1 u/m complete. Cat £65 (232/45) £30 2383 1970 Defence Force 4d u/m, wmk sideways inverted, in left hand corner block of ten, with cyl numbers and colour control. Cat £190+(259w) £60 2384 1970 Defence Force 4d in u/m block of four, wmk sideways inverted, top edge marginal. Cat £76 (259w) £28 2385 1970 Defence Force 4d u/m, wmk sideways inverted, right hand marginal. Cat £19 (259w) £8 2386 1971 Flowers o/pt set of 13v to 25p u/m complete. Cat £25 (263/75) £12 2387 1972 decimal Flowers set of 13v to 25p u/m complete. Cat £40 (276/88) £18 2388 1972 Flowers set to 25p fine used, (13v complete). Cat £38 (276/88) £18 2389 1974 ½p, 2p and 6p wmk changes u/m (3v complete). Cat £35 “ (293/5) £15 2390 1974 Tourism/Wildlife set in u/m plate blocks of four. Cat £80+ (296/9) £40 2391 1974 Tourism/Wildlife set u/m. Cat £20 (296/9) £10 2392 1974 Battle of River Plate u/m. Cat £15 (307/10) £7 2393 1974 Battle of River Plate set fine used. Cat £22 (307/10) £12 2394 1978 (no imprint) set of 15v to £3 u/m complete. Cat £21(331/45 A) £10 2395 1979 Stanley Airport 11p u/m, with wmk sideways inverted. Cat £70 (361w) £35 2396 1981 Farm Animals 25p u/m, wmk crown to right of CA. Cat £110 (394w) £55 2397 1981 Wedding 13p u/m, wmk inverted. Cat £30 (403w) £15 2398 1982 Rebuilding Fund £1 + £1 u/m, wmk Crn to right of CA. Cat £85 (430w) £40 2399 1988 Lloyds of London 58p in u/m plate and imprint block of four (bottom left hand corner marginal) with inverted wmk. Only a tiny handful of such blocks can exist. Cat £140 (566w) £75 2400 1990 Black-backed Albatross in u/m plate blocks of 4. Cat £24+ (608/11) £12 2401 1991 Bisected surcharges gutter pairs u/m. Cat £8.50 (639/42) £4 2402 1998 Local Vessels in u/m plate blocks of 4. Cat £36+ (819/22) £15 2403 2001 Royal Navy Connections u/m. Cat £15 (903/8) £8 2404 2002 Queen Mother in u/m plate blocks of 4. Cat £40+ (932/5) £18 FALKLAND IsLEs DEpENDENCIEs 2405 1944 o/pt set of 32v u/m, complete. Cat £96 (A1/D8) £40 2406 1944 Graham Land set of 9v u/m (both shades of 6d). Cat £42 (A1/8) £20 2407 1944 Graham Land set of 8v u/m. Cat £24 (A1/8) £14 2408 1944 o/pt set of 32v u/m complete, on Hagner page. Cat £96 (A1/D8) £42 2409 1944 South Georgia o/pt set of 9v u/m (with both shades of 6d). Cat £42 (B1/8) £20 2410 1944 South Georgia o/pt set of 8v u/m. Cat £24 (B1/8) £12 2411 1944 South Georgia o/pt set of 8v fine used. Cat £11 (B1/8) £6 2412 1944 South Orkneys o/pt set of 8v u/m. Cat £24 (C1/8) £12 2413 1944 South Orkneys o/pt set of 8v fine used. Cat £11 (C1/8) £6 2414 1944 South Shetlands o/pt set of 8v u/m. Cat £24 (D1/8) £12 2415 1946 Thick Maps set u/m complete. Cat £13 (G1/8) £7 2416 1946 Thick Maps set fine used (8v). Cat £27 (G1/8) £14 2417 1946 Thick Maps u/m each with Gap in 80th parallel”“ variety. Cat £38.50”“ (G1/8a) £18 2418 1946 Thick Maps fine usedm each with Gap in 80th parallel”“ variety. Cat £86.50”“ (G1/8a) £45 2419 1946 Thin Map 6d black and orange u/m. Cat £26 (G14) £12 2420 1946 Victory pair, perf Specimen. Cat £375 (G17/8s) £200 2421 1946 Thick Map 1d black and violet in fine used vertical strip of 3 on small piece, one with ‘Extra island’ variety. Cat £200+ (“G2,2aa”) £120 2422 1946 Thick Map 1d black and violet fine used with ‘Missing I’ variety. Cat £200 (G2b) £120 2423 1946 Map 6d black and orange used, lightly cancelled, with the scarce ‘Extra island’ variety. Cat £325 (G6aa) £150 2424 1946 Map 6d black and orange mint with ‘Missing I’. Cat £250 (G6b) £100 2425 1946 Map 6d black and orange fine used with ‘Missing I’. Cat £325 (G6b) £150 2426 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £3.50 (G19/20) £2 2427 1948 Silver Wedding set fine used. Cat £5.50 (G19/20) £3 2428 1949 75th Anniv UPU set u/m. Cat £12 (G21/4) £7 2429 1954 Ships set of 15v to £1 u/m, complete. Cat £225 (G26/40) £100 2430 1963 set of 16v to £1 [both] u/m complete. Cat £200 (Jan-16) £100 2431 1971 W12 50p on 10/- magenta (original T19) u/m. Cat £35 (31) £15

2432 1971 W12 50p on 10/- magenta (T19a) wmk sideways, fine used. Cat £27 (31b) £14 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483

FIJI 1876 o/pt VR on 6d rose mint (as cheapest). Cat £55 (33) £22 1878 Surch 4d on 2d dull purple fine used. Cat £140 (43) £55 1878 P10 4d mauve mint. Cat £80 (44) £35 1878 P10 6d pale rose mint. Short perf. Cat £75 (45) £18 1903 CA set of 10v to 5/- mint. Cat £125 (104/13) £65 1906 MCA 2½d , 6d and 1/- mint. Cat £50 (120/2) £20 1912 MCA £1 purple and black/red Die 2 fine used. Cat £325 (137a) £150 1938 set of 22v to £1 fine used complete. Cat £140 (249/66b) £75 1938 P14 ½d green u/m. Cat £23 (249a) £10 1938 P14 ½d green mint. Cat £23 (249a) £8 1938 2d brown and green Die 1 mint with the scarce ‘Extra line’ variety. Cat £1000 (253a) £300 1938 5d blue and scarlet mint. Cat £42 (258) £12 1938 6d black Die 1 in u/m block of 4, toned gum but a scarce multiple. Cat £240+ (260) £50 1938 10/- and £1 u/m. Often missing. Cat £100 (266a/b) £50 1948 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £14 (270/1) £8 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £14 (270/1) £7 1954 set of 15v to £1 u/m, complete. Cat £85 (280/95) £45 1954 £1 red and blue mint. Cat £32 (295) £12 1918 Postage Due set of 5v mint. Cat £17 (D6/10) £8 FrANCE 1849 Republic 25c greenish blue fine used, 4 margins. Cat £55(10) £15 1849 Ceres 40c orange 4 margins fine used. Cat £600 (14) £120 1849 Ceres 40c orange 3 margins fine used. Cat £600 (14) £40 1852 Napoleon 25c pale blue 4 margins fine used. Cat £48 (39) £12 1853 Empire 1c olive-green/bluish, 4 margins fine used. Cat £120 (42) £24 1853 Empire 5c light green/greenish, 4 margins fine used. Cat £120 (44) £30 1853 Empire 5c light green/greenish, 3 margins fine used. Cat £120 (44) £10 1853 Empire imperf 4 margins10c pale yellow-buff/cream (as cheapest) mint. Fine. Some hinge remainder. Cat £650 (50) £125 1853 Empire imperf 20c dark blue/greyish 4 margins unused, no gum. Cat £400 (51) £45 1853 Empire imperf 20c bright blue 4 margins unused, no gum. Cat £450 (57) £45 1862 Empire 5c yellow-green/greenish unused, no gum. Some perfs trimmed at right. Cat £375 (89) £25 1862 Empire 20c blue/bluish unused, no gum. Cat £500 (95) £40 1862 Empire 40c orange mint, some gum wrinkling and small paper adheering to gum, but fine looking. Cat £2500 (96) £250 1862 Empire 80c rose fine used. Cat £48 (98) £14 1863 Laureated 1c olive-green/bluish mint, tone spot, otherwise fine. Cat £60 (102) £10 1863 Laureated 2c red-brown/brownish mint, gum stain. Cat £160 (105) £20 1863 Laureated 4c grey unused, no gum, faint ironed-out crease. Cat £375 (109) £25 1863 Laureated 4c grey fine used. Cat £65 (109) £15 1863 Laureated 10c brownish bistre (B), mint, fresh looking, small ink spot on front. Cat £375 (113a) £45 1863 Laureated 30c brown fine used. Cat £24 (116) £7 1863 Laureated 40c orange unused, no gum. Cat £1700 (119) £125 1863 Laureated 80c pale rose fine used. Cat £32 (122) £10 1870 Bordeaux 1c olive-green/greenish, 4 margins, unused, no gum. Cat £225 (145) £25 1870 Bordeaux 5c green, 4 margins fine used. Cat £200 (157) £45 1870 Bordeaux 10c bistre, 4 margins fine used. Cat £95 (160) £22 1870 Bordeaux 40c orange unused, no gum, 4 margins, possibly touched top left. Cat £650 (177) £50 1870 Bordeaux tinted paper 1c olive-green/bluish mint. Cat £120 (185) £30 1870 tinted paper 2c red-brown/cream mint, hinge remainder. Cat £225 (187) £35 1870 Bordeaux tinted paper 4c grey fine used. Cat £65 (189) £18 1870 Bordeaux tinted paper 5c green/greenish mint. Cat £350(192) £95 1870 Type A (thin figs) 10c bistre/rose mint, fresh. Cat £450 (194) £80 1871 Ceres Type B 30c grey-brown mint, one or two very slightly nibbled perfs. Strong colour. Cat £900 (207) £120

2484 1876 Peace T1 1c green mint, fresh. Cat £200 (212) £45 2485 1876 Peace T1 1c green mint, fresh but some hinge remainder. Cat £200 (212) £28 2486 1876 Peace T1 4c green mint. Cat £225 (214) £50 2487 1876 Peace T1 4c green fine used. Cat £75 (214) £20 2488 1876 Peace T1 5c bluish green mint, fresh, but some gum disturbance. Cat £1000 (215) £90 2489 1876 Peace T1 10c green fine used. Cat £22 (216) £6 2490 1876 Peace T1 20c brown/yellow fine used. Cat £19 (219) £6 2491 1876 Peace T1 30c cinnamon mint, fine and fresh. Centered to left. Cat £650 (221) £100 2492 1876 Peace T1 40c red/pale yellow fine used. Cat £33 (222) £9 2493 1876 Peace T1 75c carmine unused, no gum. Cat £1500 (223) £75 2494 1876 Peace 1f olive-green type 1 mint. Fresh looking, with some minor gum disturbance. Scarce stamp. Cat £1400 (224) £120 2495 1876 Peace 2c green type II mint. Cat £170 (225) £45 2496 1876 Peace 2c green type II fine used. Cat £22 (225) £7 2497 1876 Peace T2 5c green in mint block of four. Cat £92 (228) £25 2498 1876 Peace T2 5c green mint. Cat £23 (228) £7 2499 1876 Peace T2 5c green mint, a top left hand corner marginal single, with partial imperf edges, due to a pre-printing paper crease. Attractive variety. (228 Var) £75 2500 1876 Peace T2 5c pale green unused, no gum. Cat £25 (230) £3 2501 1876 Peace TII 25c ultramarine unused, no gum. Cat £650 (234) £50 2502 1876 Peace T2 25c blue, mint, fresh, hinge remainder. Cat £700 (235) £125 2503 1876 Peace T2 30c yellow-brown mint. Cat £140 (237) £45 2504 1876 Peace T2 1F olive-green (as cheapest) mint. Cat £200 (240) £45 2505 1877 Peace T2 2c pale red-brown mint. Cat £14 (248) £5 2506 1877 Peace 3c ochre/yellow fine used. Cat £55 (249) £18 2507 1877 Peace T2 3c grey mint. Cat £10.50 (251) £4 2508 1877 Peace T2 10c black/pale lilac mint. Cat £65 (255) £20 2509 1877 Peace T2 15c blue/toned mint. Cat £55 (257) £12 2510 1877 Peace 20c red/yellow-green mint. Cat £75 (260) £22 2511 1877 Peace 25c black/deep red mint, fresh, scarce stamp. Cat £1600 (262) £350 2512 1877 Peace 25c black/deep red fine used. Cat £28 (262) £8 2513 1877 Peace 25c bistre/yellow mint (as cheapest). Hinge remainder. Cat £500 (263) £95 2514 1877 Peace 25c black/pale rose mint. Cat £140 (267) £40 2515 1877 Peace T2 40c pale red/yellow mint. Cat £170 (269) £45 2516 1877 Peace 75c dull brown/deep orange fine used. Cat £39 (276) £10 2517 1877 Peace 5F lilac/pale lilac mint. Fresh, but some hinge remainder. Cat £650 (277) £100 2518 1877 Peace 5F lilac/pale lilac fine used. Cat £100 (277) £28 2519 1898 tinted paper 50c carmine T1 fine used. Cat £39 (285) £10 2520 1898 tinted paper 2F brown/pale blue mint. Cat £200 (287) £50 2521 1898 Tinted paper T1 2F brown/pale blue mint. Short perf at base. Cat £225 (287) £30 2522 1898 tinted paper 2F brown/pale blue fine used. Cat £44 (287) £12 2523 1900 Mouchon 10c carmine (1st issue) mint. Cat £31 (296) £10 2524 1900 Mouchon 20c purple-brown (1st issue) mint. Cat £70 (297) £22 2525 1900 Mouchon 25c blue (1st issue) mint. Cat £160 (298) £40 2526 1900 Mouchon 25c blue (1st issue) mint, a bottom corner left hand marginal single, partially imperf due to pre-printing paper crease. (Cat £160) (298 Var) £75 2527 1900 Mouchon 30c mauve (1st issue) mint. Cat £100 (299) £30 2528 1900 Mouchon 10c carmine (2nd issue) mint. Cat £40 (300) £12 2529 1900 Mouchon 25c blue (2nd issue) mint. Cat £180 (302) £50 2530 1900 Merson 40c red and pale blue mint. Cat £18 (303) £6 2531 1900 Merson 45c deep green and blue mint. Cat £40 (304) £12 2532 1900 Merson 50c cinnamon and lavender mint. Cat £130 (305) £40 2533 1900 Merson 1F lake and yellow-green mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £36 (306) £6 2534 1900 Merson 5f deep blue and buff mint. Cat £120 (308) £35 2535 1902 Mouchon (redrawn) 10c carmine mint. Cat £60 (309) £20 2536 1902 Mouchon (redrawn) 20c brown mint. Cat £110 (311) £30 2537 1902 Mouchon (redrawn) 25c blue mint. Cat £120 (312) £35 2538 1902 Mouchon (re-drawn) 30c mauve mint. Some paper adhering to gum. Cat £350 (313) £35 2539 1902 Mouchon (re-drawn) 30c mauve mint, a top corner left hand marginal single, partially imperf on two sides due to pre-printing paper crease. (Cat £350) (313 Var) £150 2540 1903 Sower 10c and 15c (as cheapest) mint. Cat £20 (“314,16”) £6 2541 1903 Sower 20c purple-brown mint. Cat £130 (317) £45


2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 30

1903 Sower 25c blue mint. Cat £150 (318) £40 1907 Sower 30c orange mint. Cat £21 (343) £7 1907 Sower thick figs. 35c violet mint. Cat £11.50 (345) £4 1914 Red Cross o/pt mint. Cat £7 (351) £3 1916 Sower 30c orange granite paper mint. Cat £23 (365) £7 1917 Merson granite paper 40c red and pale blue mint. Cat £35 (366) £12 1917 Merson granite paper 45c deep green and blue mint. Cat £50 (367) £15 1917 Merson granite paper 1f lake and yellow-green mint. Cat £65 (369) £22 1918 Red Cross 15c mint. Cat £160 (378) £50 1918 Red Cross 15c+5c fine used. Cat £85 (378) £25 1920 Sower 50c dark blue mint. Cat £35 (383) £10 1920 Merson 60c violet and blue o/pt ANNULE (Cancelled). (384) £5 1920 Sower 60c violet mint. Cat £8 (385) £3 1920 Sower 85c vermilion u/m. Cat £17+ (386) £9 1920 Merson 2F orange and blue-green mint. Cat £65 (387) £20 1922 War Orphans’ o/pt set of 8v mint, complete. Cat £275 (388/95) £75 1923 Pasteur set of 12v mint complete. Cat £100 (396/400d) £30 1925 Merson 3f deep violet and blue mint. Cat £35 (429) £10 1925 Merson 3f deep mauve and carmine mint. Cat £70 (430) £22 1925 Merson 10f sage-green and red mint. Cat £170 (431) £45 1925 Merson 20f magenta and green mint. Cat £275 (432) £75 1928 Sinking Fund 1F50 + 8F50c u/m. Cat £200+ (463) £90 1928 Sinking Fund u/m. Cat £100+ (466/8) £50 1928 Sinking Fund set mint. Cat £100 (466/8) £28 1929 5F brown Type II u/m. Cat £29+ (473a) £15 1929 10f pale ultramarine Type I u/m. Top left hand corner marginal. Tone spot on one perf bottom edge. Cat £140+ (474) £45 1929 La Rochelle 10f blue [type IIA] mint. Cat £95 (474b) £30 1930 Conquest of Algeria mint. Cat £3.50 (479) £1 1930 Sinking Fund 1f.50 reddish-purple u/m. Cat £120+ (480) £60 1930 Sinking Fund 1f.50 reddish-purple mint. Cat £120 (480) £30 1930 Air 1f50 blue mint. Cat £200 (483) £50 1930 Air pair u/m. Cat £60+ (483/4) £22 1930 Exhibition set mint (appear u/m) 5v complete. Cat £70 (488/92) £25 1931 Sinking Fund 1F50 green u/m. Cat £200+ (493) £85 1932 Peace 90c scarlet mint. Cat £48 (511) £12 1932 Peace 1f.25 olive mint (key value). Hinge remainder. Cat £100 (513) £22 1934 Dove 1f.50 mint. Cat £70 (519) £22 1934 Jacques Cartier pair mint (appear u/m). Cat £95 (521/2) £30 1934 Air 2F25 mauve u/m. Cat £29+ (523) £12 1935 ‘Normandie’ pair u/m. Cat £97+ (526/6a) £32 1935 Tercentenary 1f.50 mint. Cat £29 (530) £8 1935 Tercent of Callot u/m. Cat £14+ (531) £5 1935 Unemployed Intellectuals set u/m. Cat £78.50+ (532/3) £35 1936 Air 3f50 red-brown u/m. Cat £85+ (539) £30 1936 Air 50f ultramarine marginal u/m (mounted on martgin). Fresh, as fine as they come. Cat £1000+ (541) £300 1936 50fr Air banknote, an attractive example fine used, attractive cds postmark. Cat £450 (541) £125 1936 Ampere 75c mint. Cat £26 (543) £9 1936 Vimy Ridge set u/m. Cat £36+ (549/50) £14 1936 Paris Exhibition set u/m. Cat £65+ (555/60) £25 1937 Chamonix-Mont Blanc Skiing Week u/m. Cat £10+ (567) £4 1937 Railway Congress pair u/m. Cat £12.30+ (572/3) £5 1937 Intellectuals set u/m. Cat £12+ (576/7) £5 1937 Museum set unused, no gum. Cat £200 (586/7) £30 1937 Pipex Exhibition m/sheet mint. Cat £600 (Ms581) £150 1938 St. Malo 20F green u/m. Cat £60+ (601) £25 1938 Music Festivals u/m. Cat £30+ (608) £12 1938 Ader 50f bright blue u/m. Cat £140+ (612a) £50 1938 Anti-Cancer Fund u/m. Cat £13+ (617) £5 1939 War Victims’ Monument Fund u/m. Cat £13+ (632) £5 1939 Red Cross Society u/m. Cat £10.50+ (634) £4 1939 New York Fair u/m. Cat £26+ (638/8a) £9 1939 Photographic Centenary u/m. Cat £10.50+ (640) £4 1939 Water Exhibition u/m. Cat £17+ (644) £6 1952 National Relief Fund in u/m blocks of four. Cat £280 (1151/6) £60 1953 National Relief Fund in u/m blocks of four. Cat £340 (1172/7) £75

2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625

1953 National Relief Fund u/m. Cat £85 (1172/7) £28 1953 Sports Commemorations u/m. Cat £100 (1185/90) £38 1954 National Relief Fund set u/m. Cat £225 (1215/20) £60 1955 National Relief Fund set in u/m blocks of four. Cat £800 (1253/8) £175 1891 Due 1c black mint. Cat £3.50 (D279) £2 1891 Due 2c black mint. Cat £70 (D280) £22 1891 Due 3c black mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £100 (D281) £20 1891 Due 4c black mint. Cat £130 (D282) £28 1891 Due 5c black mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £200 (D283) £38 1891 Due 10c black mint. Cat £300 (D284) £60 1891 Due 30c black mint, hinge remainder and small portion gum disturbed. Cat £400 (D287) £40 1891 Due 60c black unused, no gum. Cat £1100 (D290) £90 1891 Due 1F reddish brown mint gum slightly wrinkled otherwise fine. Scarce. Cat £800 (D292) £140 1926 Due o/pt 50c and 60c (2v) mint. Cat £12.50 (D433/4) £3 1960 Dues set of 5v u/m complete. Cat £100 (D1474/8) £30 1903 Military Frank 15c pale red mint. Cat £120 (M314) £35 1903 Military Frank 10c rose-carmine and 15c slate-green mint. Cat £140 (M323/4) £38 1910 2fr booklet of 20 Sower 10c red (SG333b), scarce early booklet. Minor gum blemishes from interleaving. Cat (2011) 600 euros (Yv138) £175 1919 3fr booklet with 20 Sower 15c green (SG316d). Scarce early booklet. Cat (2011) 860 euros (Yv130c5) £300

GAMBIA 2626 1869 no wmk 4d brown mint with 4 good margins, a fine, lightly mounted example. Cat £600 (1) £115 2627 1869 no wmk 6d deep blue mint with 4 margins, fine colour. Cat £550 (3) £115 2628 1869 no wmk 6d blue with 3 margins unused, no gum. Cat £600 (3a) £50 2629 1869 no wmk 6d blue with 4 margins fine used. Cat £180 (3a) £75 2630 1874 CC 4d brown with 4 margins mint. Cat £400 (5) £125 2631 1874 CC 4d pale brown fine used with 4 margins and neat red cds. Cat £225 (6) £85 2632 1880 CC (upright) 3d pale dull ultramarine and 6d blue mint, each an attractive example with poor gum. Cat £200 (“14cB,17B”) £40 2633 1880 CC (sideways) 6d blue mint, hinge remainder, fresh colour. Cat £225 (18 A) £60 2634 1880 CC upright 6d blue mint. Cat £120 (18 B) £48 2635 1880 CC (upright) 1/- green fine used with red cds. Cat £150(19 B) £60 2636 1886 CA set of 8v to 1/- mint complete, some hinge remainders. Cat £70 (21/35) £28 2637 1886 CA 6d yellowish olive-green mint with ‘Sloping label’. Cat £300 (32a) £125 2638 1886 CA 6d olive-green mint. Cat £80 (32d) £40 2639 1886 CA 6d olive-green mint, lightly mounted, with the ‘Sloping label’. Cat £250 (32da) £110 2640 1898 CA set of 8v to 1/- mint. Cat £130 (37/44) £55 2641 1902 CA set of 12v to 3/- mint, complete. Cat £250 (45/56) £125 2642 1902 CA ½d, 1d and 2d mint. Cat £25.25 (45/7) £10 2643 1902 CA 2½d ultramarine mint. Cat £50 (48) £22 2644 1902 CA 3d purple and ultramarine mint. Cat £23 (49) £11 2645 1902 CA 1/- violet and green mint. Cat £48 (52) £22 2646 1902 CA 2/- deep slate and orange mint. Cat £55 (54) £22 2647 1902 CA 2/- deep slate and orange fine used. Cat £75 (54) £40 2648 1902 CA 3/- carmine and green mint. Cat £21 (56) £10 2649 1904 MCA ½d green fine used with the ‘Slotted frame’ variety. (57 Var) £40 2650 1904 MCA set of 12v to 2/- mint. Cat £275 (57/68) £80 2651 1904 MCA 2d orange and mauve mint. Cat £13 (59) £5 2652 1904 MCA 2½d bright blue mint. Cat £17 (60) £8 2653 1904 MCA 5d grey and black mint. Cat £19 (63) £9 2654 1904 MCA 10d olive and carmine mint. Cat £32 (66) £15 2655 1906 surcharged ½d on 2/6d and 1d on 3/- mint. Cat £115(69/70) £45 2656 1909 MCA 3/- yellow and green mint. Cat £48 (85) £22 2657 1912 MCA set of 17v to 5/- mint, complete. (10d thinned). Cat £200 (86/102) £95 2658 1921 Script set of 10v to 4/- mint, complete. Cat £110 (108/17) £55 2659 1922 Elephant 1/- purple/yellow marginal mint. Cat £42 (120) £20 2660 1922 MCA 1/- purple and yellow mint. Cat £42 (120) £18 2661 1922 Elephant 2/- and 2/6d marginal u/m. Cat £33+ (136/7) £20 2662 1922 Elephant 4/-, 5/- and 10/- mint, fine and fresh. Cat £150 (140/2) £65

2663 1922 Script Elephant 5/- green/yellow mint. Faint crease. Cat £50 (141) £15 2664 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £18 (143/6) £10 2665 1935 Silver Jubilee 3d fine used with ‘Extra flagstaff’. Cat £275 (144a) £120 2666 1935 Silver Jubilee 1/- mint. Cat £15 (146) £5 2667 1938 set of 16v to 10/- mint, complete. Cat £170 (150/61) £60 2668 1946 Victory set perf Specimen. Cat £110 (162/3s) £50 2669 1948 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £21 (164/5) £14 2670 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £21 (164/5) £10 2671 1953 set of 15v to £1 u/m, complete. Cat £100 (171/85) £50 GErMANy 2672 1872 1/3g yellow-green in u/m block of 6, attractive and scarce. Cat £300+ (17) £75 2673 1874 Eagle 9kr chestnut fine used with neat boxed Aachen Bahnhof”“ cancel. Cat £700”“ (30) £180 2674 1902 1M carmine-red (no wmk) with 26x17 perforation holes, mint. Cat £350 (77 A) £100 2675 1902 3M violet-black (no wmk) with 26x17 perforation holers, mint. Cat £325 (80 A) £95 2676 1928 Zeppelin set of 3v mint. Cat £140 (443/5) £40 2677 1930 Exhibition set (Mesh) mint. Cat £190 (465/8) £40 2678 1933 Chicago Flight o/pt set of 3v fine used complete. Scarce. Cat £1100 (510/2) £300 2679 1933 Chicago Flight o/pt 2m bright blue mint. Cat £100 (511) £28 2680 1933 Zeppelin 2m blue o/pt Chicago Fahrt, fine used, cds. Cat £300 (511) £90 2681 1933 Chicago Flight o/pt 4m sepia mint. Minor surface scuffing. Cat £100 (512) £15 2682 1934 Air set to 3M 11v complete in u/m blocks of four. Cat £3600+ (526/36) £800 2683 1935 Ostropa m/sheet fine used with poctorial Ostropa cancel. Clean and not toned (as generally found). Very rare sheet. Cat £1100 (Ms576a) £375 2684 1936 Summer Olympics 8v u/m complete. Cat £150+ (606/13) £45 2685 1936 Olympics pair of m/s fine used, with First Day cancels. Cat (two sheets) £150 (Ms613a) £50 2686 1937 Brown Ribbon of Germany m/s u/m. Cat £200+ (Ms637a) £65 2687 1938 Winter Relief Fund set u/m, complete. Cat £100+ (663/71) £44 2688 1939 Brown Ribbon of Germany 42pf brown in u/m block of four. Cat £380+ (687) £75 2689 1949 Parliament set fine used. Cat £57 (1033/4) £15 2690 1949 German Stamp Centenary fine used. Cat £140 (1035/7) £35 2691 1949 75th Anniv UPU 30pf blue u/m. Cat £80 (1038) £25 2692 1949 75th Anniv UPU 30pf blue fine used. Cat £49 (1038) £14 2693 1949 Refugees’ Relief Fund u/m. Cat £160 (1039/42) £40 2694 1949 Relief Fund set fine used. Cat £180 (1039/42) £40 2695 1950 Bach 10pf u/m. Cat £80 (1043) £12 2696 1950 Bach 20pf fine used. Cat £60 (1044) £10 2697 1951 Posthorn set of 16v to 90pf u/m complete, fine and fresh. Cat £2500 (1045/60) £400 2698 1951 Posthorn set of 16v to 90pf fine used complete. Cat £55 (1045/60) £15 2699 1951 Lubeck Church set u/m. Cat £300 (1065/6) £60 2700 1951 Lubeck Church set fine used. Cat £200 (1065/6) £42 2701 1951 Philatelic Exhibition set fine used. Cat £125 (1067/8) £30 2702 1951 Relief Fund set u/m. Cat £150 (1069/72) £40 2703 1951 Relief Fund set fine used. Cat £160 (1069/72) £40 2704 1951 Rontgen 30pf blue u/m. Cat £95 (1073) £35 2705 1951 Rontgen 30pf fine used. Cat £22 (1073) £6 2706 1952 Otto Gas Engine 30pf fine used. Cat £20 (1076) £5 2707 1952 Schurz 20pf blue fine used. Cat £11 (1079) £3 2708 1952 Youth Hostel set fine used. Cat £54 (1080/1) £14 2709 1952 Humanitarian Relief Fund u/m. Cat £130 (1082/5) £40 2710 1952 Humanitarian Relief Fund fine used. Cat £140 (1082/5) £40 2711 1952 Telephone 30pf fine used. Cat £21 (1087) £6 2712 1953 Liebig 30pf fine used. Cat £29 (1092) £7 2713 1953 Transport Exhibition u/m. Cat £95 (1093/6) £30 2714 1953 Transport Exhibition set fine used. Cat £50 (1093/6) £15 2715 1953 Ifraba/Exhibition set fine used. Cat £66 (1097/8) £18 2716 1953 Humanitarian set u/m. Cat £95 (1099/02) £30 2717 1953 Humanitarian set fine used. Cat £110 (1099/02) £25 2718 1954 Heuss 1pf - 3DM complete 20v u/m. Cat £325 (1103/22) £80 2719 1954 Heuss 1pf - 3DM complete 20v fine used. Cat £31 (1103/22) £6 2720 1954 Welfare set fine used. Cat £60 (1126/9) £15

2721 1954 Lufthansa set fine used. Cat £18 2722 1955 Relief Fund set fine used. Cat £55 2723 1959 Beethoven m/s u/m. Cat £33

(1131/4) £6 (1148/51) £15 (Ms1233a) £10

GErMANy ALLIED OCCUp’N 2724 1945 set to 1Dm fine used, in perf 11 (9v), perf 14½ (6v) and perf 11 (20v). Cancels look OK but cannot be guaranteed. Cat £1250(A10 - 35) £125 2725 1946 set of 27v to 1m fine used, complete. Cat £75 (899/25) £22 2726 1946 Berlin charity m/s u/m (perforated). Cat £90 (Ms925a) £28 2727 1946 Berlin charity m/s u/m (imperf). Cat £90 (Ms925ab) £28 2728 1947 set of 21v to 5m fine used, complete. Cat £150 (928/48) £40 2729 1948 700th Anniv. fine used (40pf mint). Cat £20 (A104/7) £5 2730 1948 set to 5Dm fine used, in perf 11 (28v), and perf 14 (15v). Taken as cheapeast in all cases where this matters. Cat £180+ (A108 Etc) £38 2731 1948 Aid to Berlin (basic 2v) fine used. Cat £21 (A140/1) £6 2732 1948 Hanover Trade Fair fine used. Cat £10.50 (A142/4) £4 2733 1948 15pf chocolate (Type A2 o/pt) fine used. Cat £21 (A41) £5 2734 1948 25pf yellow-orange (Type A3 o/pt) fine used. Cat £21 (A62) £5 2735 1948 25pf yellow-orange (Type A2 o/pt) fine used. Cat £12.50 (A80) £4 2736 1948 30pf olive-green (Type A2 o/pt) fine used. Cat £12.50 (A81) £4 2737 1948 45pf scarlet (Type A2 o/pt) fine used. Cat £11 (A83) £4 2738 1949 Cycle Race fine used. Cat £31.50 (A146/7) £8 2739 1949 Hanover Trade Fair m/s u/m. Cat £120 (MsA145) £30 GErMANy BADEN 2740 1947 set of 13v to 1M (brown) complete fine used. Cat £13 (Fb1/13) £5 2741 1948 set of 14v to 1m (blue) fine used, complete. Cat £22 (Fb14/27) £8 2742 1948 PF omitted short set of 9v to 80pf fine used. Cat £140 (Fb28/36) £35 2743 1949 Rebuilding Fund u/m (perf). Cat £70 (Fb38/41) £25 2744 1949 Monuments set of 4v fine used. Presumed cto by favour cancels. Cat £300 (Fb38/41) £40 2745 1949 Engineers’ Congress fine used. Cat £90 (Fb46) £25 2746 1949 Conradin Kreuzer fine used. Cat £16 (Fb53) £5 2747 1949 Stamp Centenary mint. Cat £13.50 (Fb54/5) £4 2748 1949 75th Anniv UPU 30pf blue fine used. Cat £12 (Fb57) £3 2749 1949 Rebuilding Fund m/s imperf, u/m. Cat £80 (MsFb41b) £28 GErMANy BAVArIA 2750 1920 20pf and 3pf grey-brown in an u/m block of four, showing Surcharge inverted”“ varety. Cat £56”“ (256a) £38 GErMANy BErLIN 2751 1949 o/pt [in red] set of 14v to 2m fine used, complete, each stamp still neatly mounted to small piece of album page. Scarce. Cat £1000 (B21/34) £175 2752 1949 75th Anniv UPU set u/m complete 7v. Cat £1000+(B54/60) £200 2753 1949 Goethe set of 3v u/m. Cat £400 (B61/3) £90 GErMANy FrENCH ZONE 2754 1945 set of 13v to 5m fine used complete. Cat £250

(F1/12) £50

GErMANy MArIANA IsLEs 2755 1901 no wmk 5pf-3M and 1916 wmk 3pf + 2 x 5M mint. Cat £250 (13/25) £50 GErMANy rHEINLAND/pFALZ 2756 1947 defins to 1Dm (brown) 14v fine used, complete. Cat £14.50 (Fr1/15) £5 2757 1948 defins to 1Dm (blue) 13v fine used, complete (ex 30pf, cat 55p). Cat (set) £22 (Fr16/29) £6 2758 1948 6pf sepia (without Pf) fine used. Cat £21 (Fr35) £5 2759 1949 Goethe 10pf and 20pf fine used each on small piece. Cat £50 (Fr46/7) £10 2760 1949 Stamp Centenary 10pf green mint. Cat £11.50 (Fr49) £3 2761 1949 75th Anniv UPU fine used each on small piece. Cat £29.50 (Fr51/2) £8 GErMANy sAAr 2762 1920 o/pt set of 14v to 10M fine used, complete. Cat £1000+ (18/31) £175 2763 1931 Charity set of 7v to 5f mint, complete. Cat £300 (150/6) £75 2764 1932 Air 60c and 5f fine used. Cat £157 (157/8) £35 2765 1949 Relief Fund mint. Cat £120 (281/5) £30 2766 1950 Council of Europe set u/m. Cat £250 (294/5) £50 2767 1950 Council of Europe set fine used, 200f on small piece. Cat £419 (294/5) £85 GErMANy WUrTTEMBErG 2768 1947 set to 1m (brown) fine used, complete. Cat £13.50 (Fw1/13) £5 2769 1948 set to 1m (blue) fine used, complete. Cat £23 (Fw14/27) £8


2770 1948 set to 90pf (without Pf)) fine used, complete. Cat £250 (Fw28/37) £50 2771 1949 75th Anniv UPU fine used. Cat £27 (Fw51/2) £7 GIBrALTAr 2772 1873 GB 6d grey pl 12 with fine ‘A26’ cancel. Cat £95 (or £300 as basic SG SG 125). (Z49) £60 2773 1867 GB 6d violet pl 8 on piece tied ‘A26’ cancel. Fine. (Z46) £22 2774 1873 GB 4d vermilion used with ‘A26’ cancel. Cat £325 (Z38) £50 2775 1886 o/pt ½d dull green mint. Cat £23 (1) £9 2776 1886 o/pt 2d purple-brown mint. Cat £140 (3) £60 2777 1886 o/pt 2d purple brown mint hinge remainder. Cat £140 (3) £40 2778 1886 o/pt 6d deep lilac fine used. Cat £225 (6) £85 2779 1886 ½d dull green mint. Cat £18 (8) £8 2780 1886 1d rose mint. Cat £50 (9) £18 2781 1886 CA 2d brown-purple mint. Cat £30 (10) £14 2782 1886 CA 2½d blue mint. Some hinge remainder. Cat £85 (11) £22 2783 1889 Surch 5c to 25c (3v) mint. Cat £31.75 (15/17) £10 2784 1889 Surch 25c bright blue fine used with ‘Broken N’ variety. Somewhat heavy cancel and a couple of tone spots. Cat £100 (18b) £28 2785 1889 Surch 40c orange-brown mint. Cat £55 (19) £22 2786 1889 Surch 50c bright lilac with short foot on ‘5’ mint. Cat £140 (20a) £65 2787 1889 CA 5c green fine used with inverted wmk. Cat £300 (22w) £100 2788 1889 20c olive-green and brown fine used. Cat £24 (24) £10 2789 1889 20c olive-green and brown and olive-green (2v) mint. Cat £48 (24-May) £18 2790 1889 20c olive-green mint. Cat £18 (25) £72791 1889 25c ultramarine mint. Cat £26 (26) £10 2792 1889 75c olive-green mint. Cat £32 (29) £15 2793 1889 1p bistre mint. Cat £75 (30) £28 2794 1889 5p slate-grey, minor tone spot, mint. Cat £42 (33) £12 2795 1889 5p slate-grey unused, no gum. Cat £42 (33) £8 2796 1889 5p slate-grey fine used. Cat £100 (33) £45 2797 1898 2d brown-purple and ultramarine mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £29 (41) £8 2798 1898 2½d bright ultramarine mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £45 (42) £12 2799 1898 CA 6d violet and red mint. Cat £45 (44) £18 2800 1898 6d violet and red fine used. Cat £22 (44) £9 2801 1898 1/- bistre and carmine mint. Cat £42 (45) £16 2802 1903 CA ½d grey-green and green mint. Cat £14 (46) £6 2803 1903 CA 1d dull purple and red mint. Cat £35 (47) £12 2804 1903 CA 2d grey-green and carmine mint. Cat £30 (48) £12 2805 1903 CA 2½d dull purple and black mint. Cat £8.50 (49) £3 2806 1903 CA 6d purple and violet mint. Cat £38 (50) £16 2807 1903 CA 1/- black and carmine mint. Cat £28 (51) £12 2808 1903 CA 2/- green and blue mint. Cat £200 (52) £85 2809 1903 CA 2/- green and blue fine used. Cat £275 (52) £140 2810 1903 CA 4/- dull purple and green mint. Cat £150 (53) £80 2811 1903 CA 4/- dull purple and green fine used. Cat £225 (53) £110 2812 1903 CA 8/- dull purple and black/blue mint, fine and fresh. Cat £170 (54) £75 2813 1904 MCA 1d dull purple/red (ord) mint. Cat £30 (57) £12 2814 1904 MCA 2d green and red ord and chalky papers (2v) mint. Cat £48 (“58,8a”) £18 2815 1904 MCA 2½d purple/blue mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £35 (59) £12 2816 1904 MCA 6d dull purple and violet (chalky) mint. Cat £32 (60a) £14 2817 1904 MCA 2/- green and blue mint, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £120 (62) £60 2818 1906 MCA 6d dull and bright purple mint. Difficult stamp. Cat £150 (70) £75 2819 1906 MCA 1/- black and green mint. Cat £23 (71) £10 2820 1906 MCA 2/- purple and bright blue mint. Cat £65 (72) £30 2821 1906 MCA 4/- black and carmine mint. Cat £170 (73) £90 2822 1906 MCA 4/- black and carmine fine used. Cat £190 (73) £85 2823 1906 MCA 8/- purple and green mint. Cat £250 (74) £125 2824 1912 MCA 2d greyish slate mint. Cat £20 (78) £8 2825 1912 MCA 6d dull purple and mauve mint. Cat £9 (80) £4 2826 1912 MCA 1/- black/green, mint. Cat £18 (81) £8 2827 1912 MCA 2/- dull purple and blue/blue mint. Cat £29 (82) £14 2828 1912 MCA 4/- black and carmine mint. Cat £38 (83) £20 2829 1912 MCA 8/- dull purple and green fine used. Cat £120 (84) £60 2830 1912 £1 dull purple and black/red, mint. Cat £140 (85) £80 2831 1921 Script set of 11v to 8/- mint complete, plus extra shade of 2/-. 4/has tone spot. Cat £400+ (89/101) £125 32

2832 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872

1921 Script 2½d bright blue mint. Cat £23 (94) £10 1921 Script 2/- grey-purple and blue/blue mint. Cat £19 (99) £9 1921 Script 4/- black and carmine mint. Cat £70 (100) £35 1921 Script 4/- black and carmine fine used. Cat £130 (100) £65 1921 Script 8/- dull purple and green mint. Fresh (and as hard to find as the £5). Cat £325 (101) £175 1921 Script 8/- dull purple and green fine used. Scarce. Cat £550 (101) £275 1925 Script 1/- sage-green and black mint. Cat £14 (102) £6 1925 2/- red-brown and black mint. Cat £10 (103) £5 1925 2/6d green and black mint. Cat £10 (104) £5 1925 5/- carmine and black mint. Cat £20 (105) £9 1925 10/- deep ultramarine and black mint. Faint crease. Cat £32 (106) £10 1931 P14 Rock”“ set of 4v mint. Cat £23”“ (110/3) £10 1935 Silver Jubilee 2d u/m pair, one with with ‘Extra flagstaff’. Cat £75+ (“114,4a”) £50 1935 Silver Jubilee 2d mint pair, one with with ‘Extra flagstaff’. Cat £75 (“114,4a”) £40 1935 Silver Jubilee set u/m. Cat £32+ (114/7) £18 1935 Silver Jubilee set in mint blocks of 4 (lower pairs u/m), one 3d with ‘Short extra flagstaff’. Cat £425+ (114/7) £175 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £32 (114/7) £18 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £48 (114/7) £26 1935 Silver Jubilee 6d u/m pair, one with with ‘Extra flagstaff’. Cat £275+ (“116,6a”) £150 1935 Silver Jubilee 6d in corner marginal verticl pair mint, top stamp with ‘Extra flagstaff’. Cat £275+ (116a) £150 1935 Silver Jubilee 1/- in corner marginal block of 4 fine mint, the upper left stamp with ‘Extra flagstaff’. Cat £275+ (117a) £125 1938 set of 14v to £1 mint, complete. Cat £180 (121/31) £65 1938 basic set of 14v to £1 fine used, complete. Cat £100(121/31) £55 1938 P13½ 1d yellow-brown (upr wmk) in mint block of four (2 u/m). Cat £116 (122a) £30 1938 P14 1½d carmine mint. Cat £35 (123) £8 1938 P13½ 1½d carmine mint, white gum, and scarce thus. Cat £275 (123a) £80 1938 P14 2d grey mint. Cat £32 (124) £10 1938 P13½ 3d light blue mint. Cat £40 (125) £12 1938 P13½ 6d carmine and grey-violet mint. Cat £48 (126) £12 1938 P14 6d carmine and grey-violet fine mint. Cat £120 (126a) £35 1938 P13½ 5/- black and carmine mint. Cat £50 (129a) £12 1938 £1 orange (top value) u/m. Cat £42 (131) £25 1948 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £60 (134/5) £32 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £60 (134/5) £25 1948 Silver Wedding £1 fine used. Cat £80 (135) £40 1953 set of 14v to £1 mint, complete. Cat £180 (145/58) £35 1953 set of 14v to £1 fine used, complete. Cat £110 (145/58) £60 1960 set of 14v to £1 u/m, complete. Cat £80 (160/73) £35 1967 Ships set of 15v to £1 u/m complete. Cat £32 (200/13) £18 1967 Ships 3d u/m bottom marginal with inverted watermark. Cat £42 (204w) £18 2000 Birds of Prey m/s with lower single 42p stamp (of 3) completely imperf, u/m, very few known. Very scarce and visually stunning, modern classic”“ error. Cat £1,500”“ (Ms949ba) £400

GILBErT ELLICE 2873 1912 MCA set of 11v to 1/- mint (incl both shades of ½d and 1d). Cat £37 (Dec-20) £12 2874 1912 MCA 2/- purple and blue/blue mint. Cat £15 (21) £7 2875 1912 MCA 2/6d black and red mint. Cat £22 (22) £10 2876 1912 MCA £1 purple and black/red o/pt Specimen (24s) £150 2877 1922 Script set of 4v mint. Cat £25 (27/30) £10 2878 1922 Script 10/- green and red/emerald mint. Cat £160 (35) £85 2879 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £32 (36/9) £15 2880 1939 set of 12v to 5/- mint, complete. Cat £42 (43/54) £16 2881 1939 set of 12v to 5/- fine used, complete. Cat £45 (43/54) £25 2882 1949 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £16 (57/8) £9 2883 1949 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £16 (57/8) £8 2884 1940 Postage Due set of 8v mint, complete. Cat £180 (D1/8) £65 2885 2886 2887 2888

GOLD COAsT 1876 CC P14 ½d olive yellow unused, no gum. Cat £95 (4) £18 1876 CC P14 1d blue unused, no gum. Cat £42 (5) £8 1876 CC P14 2d green mint hinge remainder. Cat £140 (6) £38 1884 CA set of 9v to 2/- mint, fresh. Cat £180 (11/19a) £80























































455 33


































619 34
















































1340 35














1526 36














































































2823 37



























































































































































































5686 41











6038 42










































2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927

1884 CA 2d slate mint. Cat £18 (13b) £8 1884 CA 3d yellow-olive mint. Cat £27 (15) £10 1884 CA 4d deep mauve mint. Cat £28 (16) £10 1884 CA 6d orange mint. Cat £27 (17) £10 1884 CA 1/- bright mauve mint. Cat £16 (18a) £7 1889 surcharged 1d on 6d orange, unused, no gum, blunt corner top right. Cat £150 (20) £15 1889 CA 5/- dull mauve and blue mint, trace of mount only. Cat £80 (22) £40 1889 CA 10/- dull mauve and red mint, lightly mounted. Cat £140 (23) £75 1898 3d dull mauve and orange mint. Cat £10 (29) £4 1898 6d dull mauve and violet mint. Cat £15 (30) £7 1898 1/- green and black mint. Cat £20 (31) £10 1898 CA 2/- green and carmine fine used. Cat £42 (32) £18 1898 CA 5/- green and mauve fine used. Cat £60 (33) £25 1898 CA 10/- green and brown fine used, a little faded. Cat £70 (34) £12 1902 CA 2d dull purple and orange-red mint. Cat £50 (40) £22 1902 CA 1/- green and black mint. Cat £25 (44) £10 1902 CA 2/- green and carmine mint. Cat £25 (45) £10 1904 MCA set of 7v to 2/6d mint, 2/6d has some gum toning. Cat £190 (49/57) £40 1904 MCA 2d dull purple and orange-red (chalky) mint. Cat £38 (51a) £14 1904 MCA 3d dull purple and orange (chalky) mint. Cat £28 (53a) £12 1904 MCA 6d dull purple and violet (chalky) mint. Cat £50 (54a) £22 1904 MCA 2/6d green and yellow mint. Cat £35 (57) £18 1904 MCA 2/6d green and yellow mint o/pt Specimen. Cat £45 (57s) £22 1907 MCA ½d dull green mint. Cat £12 (59) £5 1907 MCA set of 10v to 5/- mint, fine condition (5/- marginal u/m). Cat £200 (59/68) £100 1907 MCA 1d red mint. Cat £20 (60) £8 1907 MCA 2½d blue mint. Cat £22 (62) £9 1907 MCA 1/- black/green mint. Cat £28 (65) £12 1913 MCA 2d grey mint. Cat £12 (74) £5 1913 MCA 2½d bright blue mint. Cat £15 (76) £7 1921 Script 15/- dull purple and green Die 2 mint. Cat £140 (100a) £75 1928 set of 10v to 5/- mint, complete. Some hinge remainders. Cat £110 (103/12) £35 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £24 (113/6) £12 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £65 (113/6) £36 1935 Silver Jubilee 1d fine used with ‘Extra flagstaff.’ Cat £130 (113a) £60 1938 set of 13v to 10/- fine used, complete. Cat £70 (120a/32) £40 1948 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £35 (147/8) £20 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £35 (147/8) £16 1923 Postage Due set mint, fine and fresh. Cat £50 (D1/4) £22

GrEECE 2928 1862 Athens (T2 - 2nd printing) 2L yellow-bistre fine used, 4 margins. Cat £30 (17) £8 2929 1862 Athens (T2 - 2nd printing) 5L green/greenish fine used, 4 margins. As cheapest. Cat £17 (18b) £6 2930 1862 Athens (T2 - 2nd printing) 10L red-orange/blue, 4 margins fine used, as cheapest. Cat £19 (19c) £6 2931 1862 Athens (T2 - 2nd printing) 20L blue/bluish 4 margins fine used. As cheapest. Cat £16 (20) £5 2932 1862 Athens (T2 - 2nd printing) 40L mauve/blue fine used, 4 margins, as cheapest. Cat £26 (21) £8 2933 1862 Athens (T2 - 2nd printing) 80L rose-carmine mint pair, 4 margins, toned gum. Cat £130 (22b) £22 2934 1862 Athens (T2 - 2nd printing) 80L rose-carmine fine used, 4 margins, as cheapest. Cat £17 (22b) £5 2935 1867 Athens (cleaned plates) 40L rosy-mauve/blue fine used, 4 margins. As cheapest. Cat £26 (28) £8 2936 1872 transparent paper 5L green/greenish fine used, 4 margins. As cheapest. Cat £21 (40) £7 2937 1875 cream paper 1L brown fine used, 4 margins, cat £42 (as cheapest shade) (45) £10 2938 1875 cream paper 10L orange fine used, 4 margins. Cat £16 (48) £5 2939 1875 cream paper 20 L blue fine used, 4 margins, as cheapest. Cat £16 (49a) £5 2940 1906 Olympic Games 5dr blue u/m. Top value of set. Cat £200+ (196) £100 2941 1927 Battle of Navarino mint. Cat £270 (427/32) £40

2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 2947

1951 St. Paul 10,000d mint. Cat £250 1954 Greek Art 4,000d red mint. Cat £38 1954 5th Anniversary of NATO set u/m. Cat £150 1954 5th Anniversary of NATO set mint. Cat £150 1955 set of 16v to 4Dr u/m complete. Cat £200 1958 Airs (Greek Ports) mint. Cat £110

GrEENLAND 2948 1945 set of 9v to 5k mint. Cat £300 2949 1945 set of 9v to 5k mint, complete. Cat £300

(691) £35 (723) £5 (725/7) £40 (725/7) £20 (733a/41) £45 (784/90) £20 (Jun-16) £70 (Aug-16) £50

GrENADA 2950 1861 P11 - 12½ no wmk 6d lake-rose mint, some light hinge remainder. Cat £750 (3a) £250 2951 1863 W2 rough P14-16 6d dull rose (sideways wmk) fine used. Cat £225 (8) £90 2952 1863 W2 rough P14-16 6d vermilion mint. Cat £750 (9) £275 2953 1881 o/pt ½d deep mauve mint showing the ‘OSTAGE’ error. (1955) RPS cert. Cat £190 (21c) £90 2954 1881 ½d mauve, lightly mounted, showing ‘No hyphen’ variety, mint. Cat £190 (21d) £70 2955 1881 W3 Surch 2½d rose-lake mint., with No stop”“ variety. Cat £250”“ (22c) £110 2956 1883 Half of 1d orange in fine used unsevered pair with cds, lovely quality. Scarce. (1948) RPS cert. Cat £450 (29a) £200 2957 1883 CA 1d carmine (Postage”“) unused, no gum. Cat £90”“ (31) £12 2958 1883 CA 8d grey-brown mint. Cat £10 (35) £5 2959 1886 Surch 1d on 1½d orange mint. Cat £60 (37) £25 2960 1886 surcharged 1d on 1½d orange mint with ‘THRFE’ error, toned gum. Scarce. Cat £300. RPS Cert. (37c) £125 2961 1886 Surch 1d on 1/- orange mint. Cat £50 (38) £20 2962 1887 CA 1d carmine in complete pane of 60 (with 4 Plate numbers) u/m, comprising 30 tête-bêche pairs. Scarce! Cat £330+ (40a) £125 2963 1888 Surch 1d on 8d grey mint, gum toning. Cat £12 (46) £3 2964 1888 Surch 2½d on 8d grey-brown mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £22 (47) £7 2965 1895 2d mauve and brown o/pt Specimen. (Cat £40) (50s) £15 2966 1902 CA set of 7v to 1/- mint. Cat £54 (57/63) £20 2967 1902 CA set of 10v to 10/- mint, some hinge remainders, fine and fresh. Cat £250 (57/66) £100 2968 1902 CA set of 10v to 10/- mint complete o/pt Specimen, a fine set. Cat £200 (57/66s) £100 2969 1904 MCA set of 10v to 10/- mint complete, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £450 (67/76) £165 2970 1904 MCA 2/- green and ultram (ord) fine used. Cat £85 (74) £35 2971 1904 MCA 10/- green and purple fine used. Cat £300 (76) £150 2972 1906 MCA set of 5v mint (with both shades of 2½d). Cat £36 (77/80a) £14 2973 1906 set of 11v to 10/- mint complete. Cat £350 (77/88) £150 2974 1908 CA 10/- green and red mint. Cat £160 (83) £85 2975 1908 MCA 6d dull purple and purple mint. Cat £20 (85) £8 2976 1913 MCA set of 10v to 10/- mint o/pt Specimen. Cat £200 (89/101s) £85 2977 1921 Script set of 22v to 10/- mint complete. Some hinge remainders. Cat £110 (112/34) £40 2978 1934 of 10v to 5/- fine used, complete. Cat £80 (135/44) £40 2979 1934 P13½x12½ ½d green fine used. Scarce. Cat £70 (135a/6a) £30 2980 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £18 (145/8) £9 2981 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £42 (145/8) £22 2982 1935 Silver Jubilee 1/- mint, a fine example with ‘Kite and horizontal log’. Cat £325 (148l) £140 2983 1938 set to 10/- 12v mint complete, as cheapest. (½d small thin, cat 60p). Cat £80 (152/63e) £28 2984 1938 P12½ 3d black and olive-green mint. Cat £21 (158) £6 2985 1938 P14 10/- steel blue and bright carmine (narrow) u/m. Cat £225 (163a) £125 2986 1938 10/- slate-blue and bright carmine (narrow) mint. Scarce. Cat £300 (163b) £110 2987 1938 10/- slate-blue and bright carmine fine used. Scarce. Cat £130 (163b) £70 2988 1953 $2.50 slate-blue and carmine mint. Cat £42 (204) £16 2989 1964 W12 6c black and olive-green mint, a difficult stamp. Cat £200 (218) £60 2990 1892 CA 1d blue-black mint, faint crease. Cat £40 (D2) £10 2991 1906 Dues MCA 3d blue-black mint. Cat £19 (D8/10) £8


HONG KONG 2992 Small range of 9 different mint EDVII on stockcard, vals to 50c. Some toned £50 perfs, but mostly fine. Cat £300+ 2993 Small range of mint GVI defins on stockcard, all perf 14, comprising 4c, 10c (2), 15c, 20c (2), 50c (2), $1 92), $2 and $5. Some toned perfs. Cat £50 approx £500 2994 1862 no wmk set of 7v to 96c used, good to fine examples with ‘B62’ cancels. Cat £1200 (01-Jul) £300 2995 1862 no wmk 8c yellow buff fine used with ‘B62’ in blue. Cat £85 (2) £32 2996 1862 no wmk 24c green fine used with ‘B62’ cancel in black. Cat £120 (5) £45 2997 1862 no wmk 48c rose fine used with neat ‘B62’ cancel in black, fine and fresh. Cat £350 (6) £150 2998 1863 CC 2c pale yellowish-brown mint, very fine. Cat £160 (8b) £75 2999 1863 CC 4c slate P12½ used, typically irregular perfs, fine for this. Cat £275 (9f) £100 3000 1863 CC 12c pale blue mint. Cat £32 (12a) £12 3001 1880 surcharged 10c on 16c yellow fine used. Cat £150 (26) £60 3002 1891 surcharged 7c on 10c green mint, fine and fresh. Cat £95(43) £45 3003 1891 surcharged 7c on 10c green fine used with the ‘Antique t’ variety. Cat £160 (43a) £75 3004 1891 surcharged 14c on 32c mauve mint. Cat £200 (44) £70 3005 1891 surcharged 50c on 48c dull purple fine used with cds. Cat £325 (46) £100 3006 1891 Surch 20c on 30c grey-green mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £42 (48a) £10 3007 1891 Jubilee o/pt 2c carmine mint. Cat £475 (51) £175 3008 1903 CA set of 11v to $1 mint. Cat £400 (62/72) £150 3009 1903 CA 4c purple/red mint. Cat £28 (64) £11 3010 1903 CA 8c slate and violet mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £18 (66) £6 3011 1903 CA 10c purple and blue mint. Couple of tone spots. Cat £70 (67) £20 3012 1903 CA 20c slate and chestnut mint. Cat £65 (69) £28 3013 1903 CA $10 slate and orange/blue mint, hinge remainder and somewhat patchy gum, fine appearance, an attractive example. Cat £1400 (76) £375 3014 1903 CA $10 slate and orange/blue fine used. Cat £475 (76) £175 3015 1904 MCA set of 10v to $1 mint. Cat £550 (77/86a) £200 3016 1904 MCA 5c green and orange (ord paper) fine used. Cat £22 (79) £9 3017 1904 MCA 5c green and orange (chalky) mint. Cat £26 (79a) £12 3018 1904 MCA 5c green and orange (chalky) mint. Cat £25 (79a) £10 3019 1904 MCA 20c slate and chestnut (chalky) mint. Cat £65 (83a) £28 3020 1904 MCA 30c dull green and black mint. Cat £70 (84) £28 3021 1904 MCA 30c dull green and black (chalky) fine used. Cat £24 (84a) £10 3022 1904 MCA 50c green and magenta (chalky) mint. Cat £95 (85a) £45 3023 1904 MCA 50c green and magenta (chalky) fine used. Cat £23 (85a) £10 3024 1904 MCA $1 purple and sage-green mint, a fine example. Cat £200 (86) £75 3025 1904 MCA $1 purple and sage-green (chalky) mint. Cat £180 (86a) £90 3026 1904 MCA $1 purple and sage, chalky paper, fine used. Cat £50 (86a) £22 3027 1904 MCA $3 slate and dull blue fine used. Cat £350 (88) £150 3028 1904 MCA $5 purple and blue-green fine used. Cat £475 (89) £200 3029 1907 MCA 1c brown mint. Cat £11 (91) £4 3030 1907 MCA set of 9v to $2 mint, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £650 (91/9) £250 3031 1907 MCA set of 9v to $2 mint, some hinge remainders. Cat £650 (91/9) £190 3032 1907 MCA 4c carmine-red mint. Cat £21 (93) £8 3033 1907 MCA 1c carmine on illustrated postcard to Plymouth via Siberia, from the Saddle Islands and posted in Shanghai, tied ‘Shanghai B.P.O’ cds. (93) £25 3034 1907 MCA 6c orange and purple mint. Cat £42 (94) £18 3035 1907 MCA 10c bright ultramarine mint. Cat £65 (95) £26 3036 1907 MCA 20c purple and sage-green mint. Cat £50 (96) £22 3037 1907 MCA 30c purple on orange-yellow mint. Cat £65 (97) £26 3038 1907 MCA 50c black/green mint. Cat £50 (98) £22 3039 1907 MCA 50c black/green mint. Cat £50 (98) £22 3040 1907 MCA $2 carmine-red and black mint. Cat £400 (99) £225 3041 1912 MCA set of 13v to $1 fine used (with both types of 25c). Cat £175+ (100/12) £75 3042 1912 MCA 2c green and deep green (2v) mint. Cat £40 (“101,1a”) £18 3043 1912 MCA 4c carmine-red mint. Cat £12 (102) £5 44

3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061

3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 3077 3078 3079 3080 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 3095 3096 3097 3098 3099 3100 3101

1912 MCA 8c grey mint. Cat £35 (104) £14 1912 MCA 10c deep bright ultramarine mint. Cat £30 (105a) £12 1912 MCA 12c purple/yellow, yellow back mint. Cat £14 (106) £6 1912 MCA 25c purple and magenta (type A) mint. Cat £48 (108) £20 1912 MCA 25c purple and magenta type B mint. One nibbled perf at left. Cat £300 (109) £75 1912 MCA 30c purple and orange mint. Cat £42 (110a) £18 1912 MCA 50c black/blue-green, mint. Cat £29 (111) £14 1912 MCA $2 carmine-red and black fine used. Cat £75 (113) £35 1912 MCA $3 green and purple mint, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £300 (114) £150 1912 MCA $3 green and purple fine used. Cat £130 (114) £60 1912 MCA $5 green and red/green used, a fine example (as cheapest). Cat £400 (115b) £150 1921 Script set of 16v to $3 fine used. Cat £160 (117/31) £60 1921 Script set of 18v to $5 fine used, complete. Cat £200(117/32) £85 1921 Script 4c carmine-red in lower marginal block of 4 u/m, one with ‘Broken Chinese character at right’. Cat £125+ (120b) £75 1921 Script 10c bright ultramarine mint. Cat £13 (124) £6 1921 Script 20c purple and sage-green mint. Cat £13 (125) £6 1921 Script 25c purple and magenta mint. Cat £9.50 (126) £5 1921 Script 25c purple and magenta (2 different shades) in u/m top marginal pair, with plate No (2), right hand stamp showing Broken Flower”“ variety. Gum toning (as generally found with this issue). Cat £118+”“ (“126,26a”) £40 1921 Script 25c purple and magenta in upper left corner marginal Plate 1 strip of 3 u/m, one with ‘Broken flower’. “ (126a) £40 1921 Script 50c black/emerald mint. Cat £32 (128) £14 1921 Script $1 purple and blue/blue mint. Cat £50 (129) £25 1921 Script $3 green and dull purple mint, a fine example. Cat £200 (131) £80 1921 Script $3 green and dull purple fine used. Cat £75 (131) £30 1935 Silver Jubilee set in mint blocks of 4 (2 of each u/m). Cat £260+ (133/6) £140 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £65 (133/6) £25 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £18 (133/6) £8 1938 set of 23v to $10 [both] fine used, complete. Cat £250 (140/62) £100 1938 set of 23v to $10 fine used complete, plus the 21 listed perf types or shades, a scarce assembly. Cat £550 (140/62b) £250 1938 1c pale brown in complete pane of 60 (with Plate 1 and sheet number) u/m. Cat £250+ (140a) £85 1938 P14½x14 10c dull violet u/m. Cat £9.50 (145a) £5 1938 25c bright blue mint. Cat £29 (149) £10 1938 P14 30c yellow-olive mint. Cat £150 (151) £30 1938 P14½x14 30c yellowish olive u/m. Cat £28 (151a) £15 1938 P14½x14 50c deep magenta u/m. (Very slight pressure crease). Cat £30 (153a) £10 1938 $1 lilac and blue, chalky, in u/m block of six with Plate (1) (usual gum toning). Cat £57+ (155) £25 1938 $1 lilac and blue, chalky, in u/m block of four with Plate (1) (usual gum toning). Cat £38+ (155) £18 1938 $1 lilac and blue, chalky, in u/m block of six (usual gum toning). Cat £57 (155) £18 1938 $1 lilac and blue, chalky, in u/m block of four (usual gum toning). Cat £38 (155) £12 1938 $1 red-orange and green, mint. Cat £27 (156) £6 1938 $5 green and violet mint. Cat £80 (160) £25 1948 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £325 (171/2) £175 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £325 (171/2) £140 1949 75th Anniv UPU set u/m. Cat £65 (173/6) £35 1954 set of 14v to $10 u/m, complete. Cat £200 (178/91) £100 1973 W12 set of 14v to $20 u/m complete. Cat £100 (283/96) £50 1975 Birds set u/m. Cat £22.50 (335/7) £9 1975 Festivals m/s u/m. Cat £60 (Ms334) £28 1976 no wmk set of 7v to $20 u/m complete. Cat £250 (340/53) £100 1976 no wmk $2 green and brown u/m. Cat £9 (350) £4 1976 no wmk $5 pink and blue u/m. Cat £15 (351) £7 1976 no wmk $10 pink and green u/m. Cat £65 (352) £30 1976 no wmk $20 u/m. Cat £160 (353) £75 1976 no wmk $20 pink and black mint. Cat £160 (353) £45 1982 W14 defins to $50 complete 16v u/m. Cat £65 (415/30) £30 1982 W14 defins to $50 complete 16v fine used. Cat £60 (415/30) £28 1982 W14 $50 red and grey fine used. Cat £25 (430) £10 1983 Hong Kong by Night u/m gutter pair. Cat £38 (442/5) £15 1983 Hong Kong by Night u/m. Cat £19 (442/5) £8

3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 3140 3141 3142 3143 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150

1984 Maps of Hong Kong u/m. Cat £14.50 (454/7) £6 1984 Chinese Lanterns u/m. Cat £16.50 (458/61) £7 1984 Hong Kong Jockey Club u/m. Cat £15 (462/5) £7 1985 set of 16v to $50 u/m, complete. Cat £100 (471/87) £40 1985 no wmk $50 red and grey fine used. Cat £25 (487) £12 1985 Dragon Boat u/m. Cat £16.50 (488/91) £8 1985 Native Flowers u/m. Cat £11.50 (497/502) £5 1985 Native Flowers fine used. Cat £17 (497/502) £8 1986 Halley’s Comet u/m. Cat £8.50 (507/10) £4 1986 Halley’s Comet m/s u/m. Cat £13 (Ms511) £6 1987 set of 15v to $50 u/m (heavy shading) complete. Cat £45 (538/52 A) £25 1987 Medical Centres u/m. Cat £15 (555/8) £7 1987 New Year m/s u/m. Cat £25 (Ms533) £10 1989 New Year (Snake) u/m. Cat £8.50 (587/90) £4 1989 Royal Visit u/m. Cat £13 (626/9) £6 1989 New Year (Snake) m/s u/m. Cat £12 (Ms591) £6 1990 New Year (Horse) u/m. Cat £11 (631/4) £5 1990 $50 HK International Airport u/m. Cat £21 (988) £9 1990 Auckland NZ 1990 m/s u/m. Cat £70 (Ms646) £35 1990 $10, $20 and $50 in m/s u/m. Cat £38 (Ms990) £14 1991 HK Post Office m/s u/m. Cat £11 (Ms678) £5 1992 10c-$50 set of 16v in u/m blocks of four complete. Cat £160 (702/17) £75 1992 Chinese Opera u/m. Cat £10 (724/7) £4 1995 Hong Kong Film Stars u/m. Cat £9 (812/5) £43126 1997 $10, $20 and $50 in m/s u/m. Cat £13 (Ms865) £6 1999 $10, $20 and $50 in u/m plate blocks of four. Cat £132+ (“986,7,8”) £50 1999 $10, $20 and $50 u/m. Cat £33 (“986,7,8”) £15 2000 $50 Millennium (2nd issue) u/m. Cat £36 (1001) £15 2002 Cultural Diversity $10-$50 (4v) u/m. Cat £44 (1131/4) £20 2006 Birds defins set of 16v to $50 fine used, complete. Cat £40 (1398/413) £18 1923 Postage Due 2c green (side wmk) mint. Cat £11 (D2a) £5 1923 Postage Due 4c red (side wmk) mint. Cat £32 (D3a) £12 1923 Postage Due 6c yellow (side wmk) mint. Gum toning. Cat £90 (D4a) £20 1987 Dues in u/m blocks of four. Cat £12 (D31/6) £5 1874 Postal Fiscal $2 olive-green fine used. Cat £70 (F1) £30 HONG KONG CHINA 1917 MCA o/pt 10c ultramarine mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £18 (6) £7 1917 o/pt set of 12v to $1 mint. Cat £270 (Jan-13) £100 1917 o/pt 50c black and green on emerald mint. Cat £55 (12b) £25 1917 o/pt $1 reddish purple and bright blue mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £85 (13) £35 1917 o/pt $3 green and purple fine used. Cat £275 (15) £110 1917 o/pt $3 green and purple fine used. Cat £275 (15) £100 1917 o/pt $10 purple and black/red mint, light gum bend, very fresh. Cat £700 (17) £200 1922 Script o/pt 4c carmine-rose mint. Cat £22 (20) £9 1922 Script o/pt 8c grey mint. Cat £15 (22) £7 1922 Script o/pt 10c bright ultramarine mint. Cat £24 (23) £9 1922 Script o/pt 50c black/emerald mint. Cat £60 (26) £30 1922 o/pt $2 carmine-red and grey-black mint. Blunt corner bottom right. Cat £200 (28) £20 1922 o/pt $2 carmine-red and grey-black fine used. Cat £250(28) £110 1922 MCA o/pt $2 carmine-red and grey-black fine used. Cat £250 (28) £100

ICELAND 3151 1920 Christian X 2kr mint. Cat £275 3152 1931 Zeppelin o/pt set mint. Cat £95

(130) £90 (179/81) £30

INDIA 3153 1854 4a blue and rose-red, head 3, frame 2 fine used with 4 margins and neat ‘1’ postmark. Cat £950 (25) £400 3154 1882 W34 ½a blue-green mint. Cat £10 (85) £4 3155 1882 W34 1a brown-purple mint. Cat £12 (88) £5 3156 1895 2r carmine and yellow-brown mint, faint crease and gum toning. Cat £90 (107) £15 3157 1895 2r, 3r and 5r fine used, 3v complete. Cat £75 (107/9) £35 3158 1895 3r brown and green mint. Cat £75 (108) £40 3159 1895 5r ultramarine and violet mint, faint vertical crease. Cat £95 (109) £25 3160 1900 set of 5v to 2½a complete mint. Cat £28 (112/8) £10

3161 1911 W34 25r orange and blue fine used. Cat £60 (191) £30 3162 1911 W34 25r orange and blue fine used. Cat £60 (191) £30 3163 1922 1/4a on ½a blue-green, 15 examples each with Slanting Serif”“ variety (14 in corner positional block 4 plus one pair), all mint. Toning or fading on some. Cat £1170+”“ (“195,195c”) £190 3164 1926 W69 1r chocolate and green mint. Cat £16 (214) £7 3165 1926 W69 2r carmine and orange mint. Cat £30 (215) £15 3166 1931 Inauguration of New Delhi mint. ½a no gum. Cat £32(226/31) £12 3167 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £30 (240/6) £15 3168 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £15 (240/6) £8 3169 1937 set of 18v to 25r fine used, complete. Cat £130 (247/64) £65 3170 1937 10r purple and claret mint. Cat £32 (262) £12 3171 1937 15r brown and green fine used with inverted wmk. Cat £275 (263w) £100 3172 1940 set of 13v to 12a u/m, complete. Cat £45+ (265/77) £22 3173 1948 Gandhi 10r u/m. Cat £400 (308) £250 3174 1952 Indian Saints and Poets u/m. Cat £45 (337/42) £20 3175 1974 Great Egret 50p u/m, spectacularly misperforated. Striking! (733 Var) £50 3176 1883 OHMS o/pt 2a pale blue mint. Cat £18 (O42) £8 3177 1883 OHMS o/pt 4a olive-green mint. Cat £50 (O44) £20 3178 1900 Official o/pt ½a, 1a and 2a new cols mint. Cat £60 (O49/52) £25 3179 1912 Official o/pt 2r rose-carmine and brown mint. cat £15 (O92) £7 INDIA BUNDI 3180 1914 2r red-brown and black (inscription C) corner marginal u/m (without gum as issued). Cat £120 (46) £60 INDIA CHAMBA 3181 1887 o/pt ½a - 6a mint (one of each, 9v, incl 2a blue). Cat £90 (01-Mar) £38 3182 1900 o/pt 3p grey mint with inverted o/pt. Cat £100 (23a) £50 3183 1903 o/pt set of 11v complete mint (with both shades of 2a). Cat £65+ (28/40) £28 3184 1942 o/pt Chamba 1r grey and red-brown u/m. Cat £24 (102) £12 3185 1927 Service o/pt 3p - 12a mint (11v). Cat £50 (O48/56) £20 3186 1927 Official 10r green and scarlet in interpanneau block of 4 u/m. Cat £300+ (O60) £125 3187 1938 o/pt Chamba State Service 1r grey and red-brown u/m. Cat £120 (O68) £65 3188 1940 Official 1r, 2r and 5r u/m, the 5r corner marginal. Cat £125 (O83/5) £70 3189 3190 3191 3192 3193

INDIA CHINA EXp FOrCE 1900 CEF o/pt set of 10v to 1r mint, complete. Cat £75 (C1/10) £35 1905 CEF o/pt set of 9v to 1r mint, complete. Cat £85 (C12/20) £40 1908 CEF o/pt ½a and 1a mint. Cat £9.25 (C21/2) £4 1914 CEF o/pt 2a purple mint. Cat £35 (C27) £14 1914 CEF o/pt 2½a bright blue mint. Cat £24 (C28) £10

INDIA FArIDKOT 3194 1887 o/pt set of 10v to 1r (both) mint, complete. Cat £200(Jan-16) £75 3195 1887 o/pt 6a olive-bistre mint. Cat £55 (10) £22 3196 1887 Official o/pt 6a both shades mint. Some hinge remainder. Cat £107 (O10/1) £35 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202

INDIA GWALIOr 1885 o/pt (15mm in black) 1r slate mint. Cat £8 1885 o/pt 2r carmine and yellow-brown mint. Cat £6.50 1885 o/pt 3r brown and green mint. Some toning. Cat £9 1899 o/pt set of 6v complete mint. Cat £21 1903 o/pt 3r brown and green mint. Cat £42 1942 Official 2r purple and brown u/m. Cat £16

(33c) £5 (35) £3 (36) £3 (38/43) £9 (62B) £20 (O92) £7

INDIA IDAr 3203 1944 2r. booklet containing 1a violet in 8 panes of 4. Scarce (mentioned but not listed in SG, CW B3). (4 Var) £125 INDIA JAIpUr 3204 500+ 1/4a and 750++ of 1a mint in sheets of six (no gum as issued). Cat £575+ (“17,20”) £90 INDIA JIND 3205 1903 EDVII set of 10v (out of 11, missing ½a green) mint. Some hinge remainders. Cat £75 (41/55) £28 3206 3207 3208 3209

INDIA NABHA 1885 o/pt [in red] 4a green unused, no gum. Cat £65 1903 o/pt 8a both shades (2v) mint. Cat £41 1913 o/pt set of 10v to 1r mint, complete. Cat £60 1924 o/pt 1a chocolate mint. Cat £15

(12) £10 (“44,4a”) £18 (49/58) £30 (59) £7 45

INDIA pATIALA 3210 1885 o/pt [in red] 2a dull blue mint. Cat £21 INDIA rAJAsTHAN 3211 1948 o/pt set of 6v u/m. Cat £160 3212 3213 3214 3215 3216 3217 3218 3219 3220 3221

(8) £8 (1a/6a) £85

IrAQ 1918 Surch 10r on 180pi indigo mint. Cat £110 (14) £42 1918 Surcharges Script wmk set of 3v mint. Cat £45 (16/18) £18 1920 Official o/pt no wmk 3a black and rose mint. Cat £28 (O23) £10 1920 Official o/pt no wmk 6a black and green mint. Cat £48 (O25) £18 1920 Official o/pt no wmk 8a yellow-green and orange-brown mint. Cat £60 (O26) £24 1920 Official o/pt no wmk 12a purple mint. Cat £38 (O27) £14 1920 Official o/pt no wmk 1r red-brown mint. Gum toning. Cat £55 (O28) £15 1920 Official o/pt Script 1a red mint. Cat £13 (O34) £5 1924 Official o/pt 10r lake fine used. Cat £42 (O77) £25 1932 Official o/pt (at top) 100f on 2r olive-bistre mint. Cat £48 (O134) £18

IrELAND 3222 1862 Emblems 6d lilac (hair lines) on cover to Spain tied fine ‘Dublin 186’ diamond cancel, a scarcer stamp on cover (cat £350 as single), very clean. (85) £75 3223 1873 Spray 3d rose pl 19 fine used with Dublin cds. Cat £80+ (Gb144 (19)) £35 3224 1922 Dollard o/pt 2/6d (both shades), 5/- and 10/- mint, fine and fresh. Cat £375 (17/21) £115 3225 1922 Dollard 10/- dull grey-blue on piece tied ‘Dublin 1922’ cds. Cat £375 (21) £175 3226 1922 o/pt 3d violet u/m with wmk inverted and reversed. Cat £150+ (36y) £80 3227 1922 Thom o/pt set of 15v to 10/- mint complete, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £350 (52/66) £125 3228 1922 Thom o/pt 9d olive-green marginal mint with ‘No accent’, a fine, lightly mounted example. Cat £275 (61a) £100 3229 1922 Thom o/pt 2/6d chocolate-brown mint with ‘No accent’, a fine, lightly mounted example. Scarce. Cat £450 (64b) £145 3230 1922 Thom o/pt 5/- rose-carmine fine used. Cat £160 (65) £80 3231 1922 Thom 10/- dull grey-blue mint, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £190 (66) £90 3232 1922 SE set of 12v to 1/- mint, complete. Some minor gum toning. Cat £65 (71/82) £14 3233 1925 Narrow Date 10/- dull grey-blue u/m. Cat £150+ (85) £80 3234 1925 Narrow date o/pt 10/- dull grey-blue mint, a fine example. Cat £150 (85) £60 3235 1925 ‘Wide Date’ 2/6d (2 short perfs), 5/- and 10/- fine used. Cat £350 (86/8) £125 3236 1925 Wide Date o/pt 5/- rose-carmine fine used. Cat £100 (87) £40 3237 1925 Wide Date 10/- dull grey-blue mint, fine. Cat £190 (88) £80 3238 1935 Re-engraved 10/- indigo fine used. Cat £325 (101) £150 3239 1937 St. Patrick 2/6d emerald-green mint. Fine. Cat £160 (102) £50 3240 1937 St. Patrick 2/6d emerald-green fine used. Cat £70 (102) £22 3241 1937 St. Patrick 5/- maroon mint, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £180 (103) £50 3242 1939 First Flight cover from Shannon to New York (via Shediac, Canada) dated 30 VI 39, with diamond-shaped pictorial cachet on front and New York arrival cds on reverse. (-) £25 3243 1940 St. Patrick 2/6d in marginal pair u/m, the left stamp with ‘Line’ flaw. Cat £100+ (124cb) £50 ITALIAN sTATEs 3244 1859 set of 9v of Romagna, complete collection as issued, mint. Authenticated. Cat £2275 (1 Thru 10) £450 ITALy 3245 1945/50 small mint range on stockcard, incl 1945 100L carmine, 1948 St. £100 Catherine set, 1949 UPU, 1950 Holy Year 55L. Cat £1100 3246 1879 Umberto 20c orange and 25c blue mint. Scarce. Cat £1500 (33/4) £125 3247 1879 Umberto 30c brown fine used, very scarce, genuine stamp, but we cannot guarantee postmark. Cat £2500. “ (35) £75 3248 1889 5L green and brown used, centered to right, postmark not guaranteed, a presentable example. Cat £1100 (43) £150 3249 1901 Laureated design, King Umberto 10c lake, 25c blue and 50c mauve mint. Cat £1260 (“65,67,70”) £125 3250 1910 Plebiscite of Southern States set mint. Cat £490 (83/4) £125 3251 1923 Fascist Fund set u/m. Cat £110+ (152/4) £40 3252 1923 Manzoni set of 6v mint, scarce. Cat £1000 (155/160) £250 46

3253 1924 Trade Propaganda set of 7v u/m complete, cat £150+ (Sassone S.32 335 euros as u/m). (165/71) £55 3254 1930 Virgil set of 13v u/m complete, fine and fresh. Cat £275+ (290/302) £100 3255 1931 St. Anthony set of 7v plus the 75c perf 12 u/m. Cat £200+ (304/10) £75 3256 1931 Naval Academy fine used. Cat £10 (311/3) £3 3257 1933 University Games fine used. Cat £9 (380/3) £3 3258 1933 Holy Year fine used (incl Airs). Cat £250 (384/90) £50 3259 1935 Militia fine used (incl Air). Cat £130 (453/7) £28 3260 1935 Milan Aeronautical Exhibition fine used. Cat £18 (458/61) £6 3261 1936 Milan Fair fine used. Cat £5.50 (473/6) £2 3262 1938 Anniv set (including Airs) 16v fine used, complete. Cat £250 (534/49) £50 3263 1945 Torch 30l. bright blue mint. Cat £600 (667) £50 3264 1945 Work and Justice 100L carmine u/m. Cat £550+ (669) £85 3265 1946 100L carmine Work, Justice and Family”“ top value defin mint. Cat £550”“ (669) £65 3266 1948 St. Catherine set of 6v u/m. Cat £225 (694/703) £50 3267 1948 Centenary of 1948 Revolution u/m, set of 12v complete. Scarce. Cat £550 (706/17) £140 3268 1948 Centenary set u/m. Cat £425 (716/7) £75 3269 1949 Parcel Post Trieste o/pt 100L Parcl Post pair u/m. Cat £350(-) £75 3270 1949 Art Exhibition set u/m. Cat £130+ (721/4) £30 3271 1949 75th Anniv UPU 50L blue u/m. Cat £120 (725) £35 3272 1949 Centenary 100L fine used. Cat £160 (726) £40 3273 1949 European Recovery set of 3v mint. Cat £180 (727/9) £50 3274 1950 Tobacco set u/m. Cat £140 (755/7) £30 3275 1949 Parcel Post 15L (single as issued) plus 1955 40L, 50L, 60L, 70L, 75L, 90L, 110L, 120L, 180L and 240L each in u/m se-tenant pairs. Cat £1250+ (CP918/31) £250 3276 1946 Parcel Post horiz se-tenant pairs u/m, for 1l, 2l, 3l, 4l, 5l, 10l, 20l, 25l, 50l and 200l. Cat £170+ (P690 Etc) £25 JAMAICA 3277 1860 Pineapple 1d pale blue unused, no gum. Short perf. Cat £75 (1) £10 3278 1860 Pineapple wmk 2d rose mint. Cat £225 (2) £85 3279 1860 Pineapple wmk 3d green, mint, small stain on wing margin. Cat £160 (3) £40 3280 1860 Pineapple wmk 6d dull lilac mint, fine appearance. Cat £200 (5) £65 3281 1860 Pineapple 1/- yellow-brown used with the ‘$ for S’ error, lightly cancelled with error nice and clear. Cat £650 (6c) £145 3282 1870 CC 2d rose u/m. Cat £100+ (9) £75 3283 1870 CC 2d rose u/m. Corner fault. Cat £100+ (9) £20 3284 1870 CC 2d rose mint. Cat £100 (9) £45 3285 1870 CC P12½ 2/- Venetian red mint. Cat £45 (14) £20 3286 1890 2½d on 4d red-brown fine used with ‘Surch double’. Cat £225 (30b) £100 3287 1900 1d slate black and red mint. Cat £13 (32) £5 3288 1905 MCA set of 9v to 5/- mint complete, fine. Cat £150 (37/45) £75 3289 1905 MCA set of 9v to 5/- fine used, complete. Cat £150 (37/45) £75 3290 1905 MCA 6d dull and bright purple mint. Cat £14 (44) £6 3291 1905 MCA 5/- grey and violet mint. Cat £55 (45) £28 3292 1905 MCA 4d red-brown mint. Cat £75 (48) £32 3293 1905 QV 6d golden yellow in mint block of 4, 2 u/m, 2 very lightly mounted, a fine multiple. Cat £168+ (51a) £75 3294 1905 QV 1/- deep brown in lower marginal strip of 3 (with inscription) mint, 2 u/m, fine and attractive. Cat £126+ (53a) £75 3295 1916 War Stamp 1½d orange in marginal pair u/m (slightly toned gum), the right stamp with the ‘S inserted by hand’ variety. Scarce. Cat £425+ (71c) £165 3296 1917 War Stamp 1½d orange u/m pair one with S”“ damaged. Transient unlisted variety, but very noticeable.”“ (74 Var) £20 3297 1917 War Stamp 1½d orange u/m with ‘O/pt inverted’. Cat £80+ (74d) £50 3298 1919 MCA 10/- myrtle-green mint. Cat £80 (89) £40 3299 1919 MCA 10/- myrtle-green fine used. Cat £150 (89) £75 3300 1921 Script set of 13v to 10/- mint, complete. Cat £130 (94/106) £65 3301 1932 Script 2d black and green mint. Cat £38 (111) £12 3302 1932 Script 6d grey-black and purple mint. Cat £35 (113) £12 3303 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £21 (114/7) £11 3304 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £35 (114/7) £16 3305 1938 set of 18v to £1 u/m, complete. Cat £150 (121/33a) £75 3306 1938 2/- blue and chocolate u/m. Cat £35 (131) £18

3307 1938 2/- blue and chocolate mint. Cat £35 (131) £10 3308 1938 5/- 5/- slate-blue and yellow-orange line perf fine used. Scarce. Cat £250 (132a) £120 3309 1938 P13 5/- slate-blue and yellow-orange mint. Cat £12 (132b) £4 3310 1938 £1 chocolate and violet, mint. Cat £60 (133a) £24 3311 1938 P13 10/- myrtle green mint. Cat £18 (133aa) £7 3312 1945 Constitution set (basic 7v) u/m. Cat £9.50 (134/40) £5 3313 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £28 (143/4) £14 3314 1956 set of 16v to £1 u/m, complete. Cat £95 (159/74) £50 3315 1966 Commonwealth Games 3/- u/m, with inverted wmk. Cat £42 (257w) £18 3316 1855 Postal Fiscal 1½d blue and 3d purple fine used on same Registered piece, attractive and unusual. (F4/5b) £50 3317 1855 Postal Fiscal 3d purple/lilac mint. Some gum disturbance. Cat £65 (F5) £10 3318 1890 Official set of 3v mint. Cat £42 (O3/5) £18 JApAN 3319 1949 Postal Year 8y mauve mint. Cat £150

(556) £35

KUT 3320 1903 CA set of 8v ½a to 8a mint. Cat £115 (01-Aug) £45 3321 1903 CC 4r grey and emerald-green mint, fine and fresh. Cat £170 (12) £80 3322 1903 CC 5r grey and red fine used. Cat £350 (13) £175 3323 1903 CC 10r grey and ultramarine on chalky mint, some hinge remainder and faint tone spots on gum. Scarce. Cat £600 (14a) £200 3324 1904 MCA set of 9v to 8a (both 2½a) mint. 1a blunt corner. Cat £62.50 (17/25) £22 3325 1904 MCA 2½a blue in u/m block of 6 (2x3). Cat £48+ (20) £25 3326 1904 MCA 1r green mint, complete. Hinge remainder. Cat £35 (26) £12 3327 1904 MCA 3r green and black mint. Cat £95 (28) £45 3328 1904 MCA 4r grey and emerald-green mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £130 (29) £60 3329 1904 MCA 5r grey and red mint, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £170 (30) £80 3330 1907 MCA new currency set of 9v to 75c mint, complete. Cat £110 (34/42) £50 3331 1912 MCA 2r black and red/blue mint, complete. Hinge remainder. Cat £25 (54) £10 3332 1912 MCA 3r violet and green mint. Cat £30 (55) £14 3333 1912 MCA 5r blue and dull purple mint. Cat £65 (57) £30 3334 1912 MCA 5r blue and dull purple fine used. Cat £160 (57) £75 3335 1912 MCA 10r red and green/green fine used. Cat £350 (58) £160 3336 1921 Script 1c - 50c mint (7v). Cat £60+ (65/70) £24 3337 1921 Script 3r violet and green mint. Cat £150 (73) £70 3338 1922 set of 12v to 1s mint. Cat £55 (76/87) £22 3339 1922 1/- green mint. Cat £7 (87) £3 3340 1922 2s dull purple mint. Cat £9 (88) £5 3341 1922 2s50 brown mint. Cat £19 (89) £9 3342 1922 3s brownish grey mint. Cat £19 (90) £9 3343 1922 4s grey mint. Cat £40 (91) £15 3344 1922 5s carmine-red mint. Cat £24 (92) £12 3345 1922 10/- bright blue upper right Plate 1 corner marginal u/m (separation along top). Attractive. (94) £40 3346 1935 P14 5c black and green with Rope joined to sail”“, mint. Cat £50”“ (111a) £16 3347 1935 P13x12 1/- black and green fine used. Cat £140 (118b) £60 3348 1935 10/- purple and blue fine used. Cat £130 (122) £65 3349 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £9 (124/7) £5 3350 1935 Silver Jubilee 1/- fine used with ‘Diagonal line by turret’. Cat £325 (127f) £150 3351 1938 basic set of 20v to £1 fine used, complete. Cat £50(131/50a) £28 3352 1938 set of 40v to £1 fine used, the complete set including all perf types. Cat £350+ (131/50b) £140 3353 1938 1c black and red-brown in u/m plate 4A block of 12, stamp 3/1 showing ‘Missing A from CA in Watermark’, fine and fresh. Cat £225+ (131ab) £90 3354 1938 1c black and red-brown in u/m positional block of four stamp 2/1 with variety Break in Bird’s Breast”“. (formerly SG 131ac). Cat £90+”“ (131ae) £40 3355 1938 10c black and green in u/m block of 4, stamp 2/2 with ‘Mountain retouch.’ Cat £95+ (“135,35a”) £45 3356 1938 10c black and green block of 8 including ‘Mountain retouch. mint. Cat £95+ (135a) £40 3357 1938 P13_ 15c black and rose-red mint. Cat £32 (137) £10 3358 1938 P13_ 20c black and orange mint. Cat £42 (139) £11

3359 1938 P13_x13_ 20c deep black and deep orange, mint. Cat £28 (139ba) £8 3360 1938 P13x11_ 50c purple and black mint. Cat £23 (144) £6 3361 1938 50c reddish purple and black in fine used block of 4, each pair being ‘Dot removed in pair with normal’. Scarce multiple. Cat £300+ (144eb) £150 3362 1938 50c reddish purple and black in fine used block of 4, the lower pair ‘Dot removed in pair with normal’. Cat £150+ (144eb) £75 3363 1938 P13x11_ 1/- black and brown mint. Cat £38 (145) £10 3364 1938 P14 2/- brown and purple fine used. Cat £19 (146a) £7 3365 1938 P13 _x13_ 2/- lake brown and purple mint. Cat £48 (146b) £16 3366 1938 P13x11_ 3/- dull ultramarine and black u/m. Cat £50 (147) £28 3367 1938 P13x11_ 3/- dull ultramarine and black mint. Cat £50 (147) £15 3368 1938 P13x12½ 3/- violet bule and black mint. Cat £50 (147ac) £16 3369 1938 P13_x13_ 5/- black and carmine u/m. Cat £55 (148b) £30 3370 1938 P13_x13_ 5/- black and carmine mint. Cat £50 (148b) £20 3371 1938 P13_x13_ 10/- purple and blue u/m. Cat £55 (149b) £303372 1938 P14 £1 black and red, chalky, fine used. Cat £25 (150a) £12 3373 1941 Surch 70c on 1/- in u/m bottom margin with arrow block of 4 (2 pairs) one with ‘Crescent moon flaw’. Light toning. Cat £90+ (“154,54a”) £35 3374 1948 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £50 (157/8) £28 3375 1948 Silver Wedding set fine used. Cat £70 (157/8) £40 3376 1954 set of 14v to £1 u/m, complete. Cat £130 (167/80) £75 3377 1960 set of 16v to 20/- u/m complete. Cat £70 (183/98) £35 3378 1935 Postage Due set of 6v mint complete. Cat £23 (D7/12) £10 KUT Br. EAsT AFrICA 3379 1890 4½a dull violet and brown-purple (2v) mint. Cat £40(“11,11a”) £18 3380 1890 Arms 1r grey mint, imperf at top and right, difficult. Fine. Cat £225 (15) £90 3381 1890 Arms 5r grey-green mint. Cat £30 (19) £12 3382 1890 Arms 5r grey-green fine used. Cat £30 (19) £14 3383 1894 Surch 5a on 8a and 7½a on 1r mint (2v). Cat £150 (27-Aug) £65 3384 1895 5a and 7½a mint h/stamped Specimen. Cat £75 (29/30s) £35 3385 1895 o/pt 2a6p yellow-green unused, no gum. Cat £17 (53) £3 3386 1895 surcharged 2½ on o/pt 1½a sepia u/m. Cat £120+ (64) £75 3387 1896 ½a - 8a (9v, ex 1d red) mint. Presentable, but one or two faults, mostly minor. Cat £110 (65/74) £18 3388 1896 set of 15v to 5r mint complete, some hinge remainders, fresh colours. Cat £450 (65/79) £175 3389 1896 2r orange mint, stain on gum. Cat £70 (76) £15 3390 1897 2r orange fine, lightly mounted mint. Cat £150 (93) £75 3391 1897 3r deep violet fine, lightly mounted mint. Cat £180 (94) £90 3392 1903 CC 2/6d grey-green and green corner marginal Plate 1 u/m. Cat £70+ (63) £50 3393 3394 3395 3396 3397 3398

KUT TANGANyIKA 1917 G.E.A o/pt 10r red and green/green mint. Cat £150 1922 Giraffe 3s black mint. Cat £60 1922 Giraffe 10/- deep blue [upright] fine used. Cat £250 1927 30c bright blue mint. Cat £28 1927 Script 2/6d deep purple mint. Cat £30 1927 10/- deep blue fine used. Cat £160

(60) £75 (85) £28 (87a) £125 (98a) £12 (103) £14 (106) £75

KUWAIT 3399 1929 o/pt 1r chocolate and green (inv wmk) mint. Cat £25 (25w) £12 3400 1933 Air o/pt set of 4v mint, 6a faint gum toning, key 4a is fine. Cat £180 (31/4) £75 3401 1939 o/pt 2r purple and brown mint with the ‘Extended T’ variety. Ceremuga Cert. Cat £1100 (48a) £450 3402 1939 o/pt 10r purple and claret mint with the ‘Extended T’ variety, fine and lightly mounted. Scarce. Ceremuga Cert. Cat £2500 (50b) £1,000 3403 1939 o/pt 15r mint with the scarcer upright wmk. Cat £375 (51) £125 3404 1945 o/pt set of 13v to 14a mint, complete. 3a blunt corner. Cat £75 (52/63) £26 3405 1948 Surch set of 11v to 10r fine used, complete. Cat £38(64/73a) £22 3406 1948 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £40 (74/5) £22 3407 1948 Silver Wedding 15r on £1 in corner marginal block of 4 u/m. Cat £150+ (75) £60 3408 1950 surcharged set of 9v to 10r u/m complete. Cat £110 (84/92) £55 3409 1923 Official o/pt 1r brown and green mint. Cat £42 (O10) £18 3410 1929 Official o/pt 2a purple mint. Cat £70 (O17) £28 3411 1929 Official o/pt 12a claret mint. Cat £50 (O22) £20 3412 1929 Official o/pt 1r chocolate and green mint. Cat £16 (O23) £8 3413 1929 Official o/pt 2r carmine and orange mint. Cat £20 (O24) £10


LEEWArD IsLANDs 3414 1890 set of 8v to 5/- mint complete, fine and fresh. Cat £190 (01-Aug) £90 3415 1890 5/- green and blue mint, fine. Cat £140 (8) £65 3416 1897 Jubilee h/stamped ½d, 1d and 2½d mint. Cat £26.50(09-Nov) £9 3417 1897 Jubilee h/stamped 7d dull mauve and slate mint. Some toning. Cat £60 (14) £20 3418 1897 Jubilee h/stamped 1/- green and carmine mint, fine. Cat £130 (15) £55 3419 1902 CA set of 7v to 1/- mint. Cat £50 (20-Jun) £20 3420 1905 MCA set of 7v to 1/-, plus the ½d and 3d chalky, mint. Cat £300 (29/35) £125 3421 1905 MCA set of 7v to 1/- mint. Cat £200 (29/35) £85 3422 1905 MCA 6d purple and brown mint. Cat £55 (34) £24 3423 1905 MCA 1/- green and carmine mint. Cat £50 (35) £22 3424 1907 MCA set of 8v to 1/- mint. Cat £60+ (36/43) £24 3425 1907 MCA set of 10v to 5/- mint complete, fine and fresh. Cat £130 (36/45) £65 3426 1907 MCA 5/- green and red mint. Cat £48 (45) £24 3427 1912 MCA set of 12v to 5/- mint complete, fine and fresh. Cat £110 (46/57b) £50 3428 1912 MCA 3d, 1/- and 5/- white backs mint. Cat £240(“51a,4a,7a”) £90 3429 1912 MCA 5/- green and red/yellow, mint. Cat £65 (57) £32 3430 1921 Script 3d deep ultramarine in u/m block of 4. Cat £260+ (68a) £125 3431 1921 Script 6d dull and bright purple mint. Cat £21 (72) £9 3432 1921 Script 1/- black/emerald mint. Cat £11 (73) £5 3433 1921 MCA £1 purple and black/red mint, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £225 (80) £110 3434 1921 Script £1 purple and black/red fine used, red centre very slightly faded. Cat £350 (80) £125 3435 1921 _d brown Die 1 in corner marginal Plate 23 block of 4 u/m. Cat £80+ (81) £60 3436 1935 Silver Jubilee set u/m. Cat £32+ (88/91) £20 3437 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £32 (88/91) £16 3438 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £48 (88/91) £28 3439 1938 set of 19v to £1 mint complete, majority u/m (2d scarlet is creased, cat £1.40). Cat £200 (95/114b) £100 3440 1938 1/- black and grey on emerald in u/m block of 4. Cat £520+ (110bb) £225 3441 1938 5/- green and red/yellow u/m. Cat £50 (112) £25 3442 1938 10/- ord paper, pale green and dull red/green fine used. Cat £375 (113a) £140 3443 1938 £1 brown-purple and black/red, u/m. Cat £375 (114) £150 3444 1938 P14 £1 brown-purple and black/salmon u/m. Cat £45 (114b) £25 LEsOTHO 3445 1966 o/pt 1R in corner marginal block of 6 u/m, the upper right stamp with ‘LSEOTHO’ error. Cat £100+ (120aa) £60 LIByA 3446 1960 set of 16v to £L1 u/m complete. Cat £50 3447 3448 3449 3450 3451 3452 3453 3454 3455 3456 3457 3458 3459 3460 3461 3462 3463 3464 48

(252/7) £14

LIECHTENsTEIN 1912 Prince John original 3v (surfaced paper) mint. Cat £250 (01-Mar) £75 1912 Prince John original 3v (surfaced paper) fine used. Cat £120 (01-Mar) £32 1912 Prince John 5h green (surfaced paper) mint. Cat £55 (1) £15 1912 Prince John 5h green (surfaced paper) fine used. Cat £26 (1) £6 1912 Prince John 10h rose (surfaced paper) fine used. Cat £26 (2) £8 1912 Prince John 25h blue (surfaced paper) mint. Cat £110 (3) £30 1912 Prince John 25h blue (surfaced paper) fine used. Cat £85 (3) £28 1917 Prince John 2nd issue set of 6v u/m complete. Cat £16+ (07-Dec) £6 1917 Prince John 2nd issue set of 6v fine used complete. Cat £16 (07-Dec) £6 1920 o/pts set of 6v u/m complete. Cat £24+ (14/19) £9 1920 o/pts set of 6v fine used complete. Cat £70 (14/19) £25 1920 Arms set of 8v imperf u/m complete. Cat £3.50+ (20-Jul) £2 1920 Arms set of 8v imperf fine used complete. Cat £60 (20-Jul) £22 1920 Arms set of 15v (perforated) u/m, complete. Cat £11+ (28/42) £5 1920 Arms set of 15v (perforated) fine used, complete. Cat £28 (28/42) £9 1920 St. John’s Birthday (perforated) in u/m blocks of four. Cat £11+ (43/5 A) £5 1920 St. John’s Birthday (perforated) u/m. Cat £2.75+ (43/5 A) £1 1920 St. John’s Birthday (perforated) fine used. Cat £8.25 (43/5 A) £3

3465 3466 3467 3468 3469 3470 3471 3472 3473 3474 3475 3476 3477 3478 3479 3480 3481 3482 3483 3484 3485 3486 3487 3488 3489 3490 3491 3492 3493 3494 3495 3496 3497 3498 3499 3500 3501 3502 3503 3504 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 3510 3511 3512 3513 3514 3515 3516 3517 3518 3519 3520 3521 3522 3523 3524 3525 3526 3527 3528 3529 3530 3531 3532 3533 3534

1921 surcharged in Swiss currency pair fine used. Cat £103 (46/7) £30 1921 P12½ 2½r black-brown fine used. Cat £19 (48 A) £7 1921 P9½ 2½r black-brown fine used. Cat £100 (48 B) £30 1921 P12½ Arms set of 7v mint, complete. Cat £100 (48/54 A) £28 1921 P9½ 2r olive-yellow fine used. Cat £20 (48a B) £7 1921 P12½ 3r orange fine used. Cat £19 (49 A) £7 1921 P9½ 3r orange mint. Cat £200 (49 B) £60 1921 P9½ 3r orange fine used. Genuine stamp (cat £200 as mint) but assumed forged cancel. Cat £7000 if postmark OK (49 B) £50 1921 P12½ 5r olive mint. Cat £20 (50 A) £7 1921 P9½ 5r olive fine used. Cat £30 (50 B) £10 1921 P12½ 7½r indigo fine used. Cat £60 (51 A) £18 1921 P12½ 10r yellow-green mint. Cat £41 (52 A) £12 1921 P12½ 10r yellow-green fine used. Cat £18 (52 A) £6 1921 P9½ 10r yellow-green mint. Cat £39 (52 B) £12 1921 P9½ 10r yellow-green fine used. Cat £18 (52 B) £6 1921 P12½ 13r red-brown fine used. Cat £130 (53 A) £38 1921 P9½ 13r red-brown fine used. Genuine stamp (cat £140 as mint ) but assumed forged cancel. Cat £3500 if postmark OK (53 B) £30 1921 P9½ 15r deep violet fine used. Cat £34 (54 B) £10 1924 P12½ surcharges (2v) mint. Cat £29 (63/4 A) £10 1924 P9½ surcharges (2v) mint. Cat £25 (63/4 B) £8 1924 P11½ 10r yellow-green mint. Cat £30 (65) £10 1928 Flood Relief set u/m. Cat £110+ (80/3) £35 1930 Air set of 6v mint, complete. Cat £225 (110/5) £40 1931 Air 1f and 2f mint, complete. Cat £300 (116/7) £75 1936 Zeppelin 1f and 2f mint. Cat £124 (151/2) £30 1938 Death of Prince Francis I u/m. Cat £20+ (174) £7 1938 Vaduz Exhibition sheet u/m. Cat £39+ (Ms173) £15 1939 Air set to 2Fr u/m complete. Cat £20+ (176/82) £7 1939 Francis Joseph u/m. Cat £5.50+ (183/5) £3 1939 hi-vals 2f, 3f and 5f u/m, cat £49+ (Michel 70 euros) (186/8) £20 1941 Agricultural Propaganda u/m. Cat £13.50+ (195/9) £5 1941 10f brown-purple/yellow u/m. Cat £80+ (200) £28 1941 Hans Adam u/m. Cat £9+ (201/4) £3 1942 Montfort 600th Anniversary u/m. Cat £19+ (205/9) £7 1943 Portraits of Princes u/m. Cat £8+ (217/20) £3 1943 Irrigation Canal u/m. Cat £8+ (221/4) £3 1944 Views set of 15v to 1f50 u/m complete. Cat £85+ (227/40) £25 1944 Views 5r brown u/m, key value. Cat £55+ (228a) £20 1944 Prince Francis Joseph II 2f and 3f u/m. Cat £19.50+ (241/2) £7 1945 5f grey-bue and 5f red-brown u/m (2v). Cat £100+ (246/7) £32 1945 Red Cross u/m. Cat £23+ (248/50) £7 1946 St. Lucius 10f u/m. Cat £90 (251) £30 1946 Wild Animals u/m 3v. Cat £22 (252/4) £8 1946 Philatelic Exhibition m/sheet u/m. Cat £75 (Ms251a) £25 1947 Wild Animals u/m. Cat £31 (255/7) £10 1947 Death of Princess Elsa u/m. Cat £9.75 (258) £3 1948 Air set of 10v to 10f u/m complete. Cat £110 (259/68) £32 1949 Paintings set of 9v u/m complete. Cat £100 (269/77) £30 1949 75th Anniv UPU u/m. Cat £7.75 (279) £3 1949 Acquisition set u/m. Cat £40 (280/2) £14 1949 Exhibition m/sheet u/m. Cat £225 (Ms279a) £60 1949 Exhibition m/sheet fine used. Cat £225 (Ms279a) £40 1950 Wild Animals u/m. Cat £110 (283/5) £35 1950 surcharged 100r on 40r (UPU) blue u/m. Cat £60 (286) £20 1951 Agricultural Workers set of 12v to 1f u/m, complete. Cat £275 (287/98) £85 1951 Paintings u/m. Cat £50 (299/301) £15 1951 P12½x12 re-drawn 2Fr deep blue u/m. Cat £30 (302 A) £10 1951 re-drawn 2Fr and 3Fr plus P14 5F bronze-green u/m. Cat £730 (“302a,3a,4”) £125 1951 P12½x12 re-drawn 3f lake-brown u/m. Cat £350 (303 A) £100 1951 P14 5F bronze-green u/m. Cat £350 (304) £100 1951 P14 5F bronze-green u/m. Cat £350 (304) £50 1952 Paintings set u/m (scarce thus). Cat £160 (305/7) £50 1952 surcharged 1f20 on 40r deep bue u/m. Cat £49 (308) £15 1953 Paintings set u/m. Cat £160 (309/12) £40 1953 Scouts’ Conference set u/m. Cat £75 (313/6) £22 1954 Football set u/m. Cat £85 (320/3) £28 1954 Paintings surcharged set u/m. Cat £50 (324/6) £15 1954 Marian Year set u/m. Cat £75 (327/9) £22 1955 Royal Couple 2f and 3f u/m, (2v complete). Cat £340 (330/1) £85 1955 Mountain Sports u/m. Cat £85 (332/5) £25

3535 3536 3537 3538 3539 3540 3541 3542 3543 3544 3545 3546 3547 3548 3549 3550

1955 10th Anniv of Red Cross u/m. Cat £41 1956 Athletics set u/m. Cat £44 1956 150th Anniversary of Sovereignty u/m. Cat £30 1956 50th Birthday Francis Joseph u/m. Cat £33 1956 Stamp Exhibition u/m. Cat £6.25 1957 Gymnastics set u/m. Cat £65 1957 Trees and Bushes u/m. Cat £30 1957 50th Anniv Scouts u/m. Cat £5.50 1957 Christmas u/m. Cat £34 1958 Sports (Swimming etc) u/m. Cat £35 1958 Trees and Bushes u/m. Cat £30 1958 Christmas u/m. Cat £17 1959 Trees and Bushes u/m. Cat £30 1959 defins set of 14v to 1f50 u/m complete. Cat £22 1959 Christmas u/m. Cat £23 1960 Air set of 4v u/m. Cat £35

(336/9) £14 (340/3) £12 (344/5) £10 (346/9) £10 (350) £2 (351/4) £20 (355/7) £10 (358/9) £2 (360/2) £10 (363/6) £12 (369/71) £10 (372/4) £6 (375/7) £10 (379/91) £7 (392/4) £7 (395/8) £12

3551 3552 3553 3554 3555

LIECHTENsTEIN 1960 World Refugee Year u/m. Cat £6.75 1960 Trees and Bushes u/m. Cat £70 1960 Europa u/m. Cat £140 1960 Royalty 3v u/m. Cat £12.50 1920 Postage Due set of 12v u/m, complete. Cat £5.75+

(399/400) £2 (401/3) £22 (404) £45 (404a/6) £4 (D43/54) £3

LUXEMBOUrG 3556 1852 10c and 20c (2v) fine used and (the first two stamps of Luxembourg) both 4 margins. Cat £195 (01-Mar) £65 3557 1945 War Victims m/s fine used. Cat £450 (Ms478a) £75 3558 1947 Echternach Abbey u/m. Cat £60 (492/7) £20 3559 1949 Grande Duchesse Charlotte m/s u/m. Cat £225 (Ms524a) £50 3560 1949 Grande Duchesse Charlotte m/s fine used, with pictorial cancel. Cat £55 (Ms524a) £15 3561 1950 War Orphans’ Relief Fund set u/m. Cat £180 (533/8) £45 3562 1950 War Orphans’ Relief Fund set fine used. Cat £180 (533/8) £45 3563 1951 United Europe set in u/m blocks of four complete. Cat £1600 (543/8) £250 3564 1951 United Europe set u/m complete. Cat £400 (543/8) £85 3565 1951 United Europe set of 6v with each value fine used on piece. Cat £160 (543/8) £35 3566 1951 Welfare 2f and 4f in se-tenant pair u/m. (MiNr 488/9). Cat £150 (552fa) £35 3567 1952 Philatelic Exhibition Air set of 5v fine used. Cat £169 (552a/e) £40 3568 1952 Exhibition set of 7v u/m complete. Cat £250 (552a/g) £65 3569 1952 Olympics set u/m. Cat £70 (553/8) £18 3570 1952 Welfare set u/m. Cat £55 (559/62) £15 3571 1953 Welfare set u/m. Cat £60 (572/7) £18 3572 1956 Coal and Steel u/m. Cat £95 (606/8) £25 3573 1956 Europa set u/m, pristine. Cat £425 (609/11) £75 3574 1956 Europa set mint. Cat £425 (609/11) £50 3575 1957 Europa set u/m, pristine. Cat £225 (626/8) £50 MALAysIA FEDErATION 3576 1900 o/pt on Negri Sembilan 20c green and olive mint. Cat £90 (6) £40 3577 1900 o/pt on Negri Sembilan 50c green and black mint. Cat £110 (8) £50 3578 1900 o/pt 10c dull purple and orange mint. Cat £85 (10) £40 3579 1900 o/pt $1 green and pale green mint. Cat £200 (11) £100 3580 1900 o/pt $1 green and pale green mint. Cat £190 (11) £80 3581 1900 o/pt $2 green and carmine mint, gum a trifle disturbed, otherwise fresh. Cat £190 (12) £60 3582 1900 CA 4c grey and carmine mint. Cat £13 (17a) £5 3583 1900 CA 10c grey and claret mint. Cat £80 (20a) £35 3584 1900 CA 10c grey and purple mint. Cat £85 (20c) £40 3585 1900 CA 10c grey-brown and purple mint. Cat £90 (20d) £42 3586 1900 CA 20c mauve and black mint. Cat £18 (21) £8 3587 1900 CA 50c grey and orange-brown mint. Cat £100 (22a) £42 3588 1900 CC $1 green and pale green mint. Cat £190 (23) £80 3589 1904 MCA 1c green (Die I) mint. Cat £27 (28) £10 3590 1904 MCA 3c grey and brown mint. Cat £75 (32) £32 3591 1904 MCA 3c grey-brown and brown mint. Cat £55 (32a) £28 3592 1904 MCA 3c grey-brown and brown mint. Cat £48 (32a) £18 3593 1904 MCA 4c grey and rose (chalky) mint. Cat £50 (36a) £22 3594 1904 MCA 4c grey-brown and scarlet fine mint. Cat £60 (36b) £25 3595 1904 MCA 4c black and scarlet mint. Cat £32 (36c) £12 3596 1904 MCA 10c grey-brown and purple mint. Cat £80 (43c) £38 3597 1904 MCA 10c jet black and bright purple mint. Cat £110 (43e) £50

3598 1904 MCA 50c grey-brown and orange-brown mint. Cat £70 (47c) £30 3599 1904 MCA 50c grey-brown and orange-brown (chalky) mint. Cat £75 (47d) £35 3600 1904 MCA $1 grey-green and green mint. Small black spot on gum. Cat £120 (48) £42 3601 1904 MCA $2 green and carmine mint. Cat £130 (49) £65 3602 1904 MCA $2 green and carmine mint. Cat £130 (49) £65 3603 1922 Script 2c brown fine used. Cat £16 (54) £7 3604 1922 Script 35c scarlet/pale yellow fine used. Cat £28 (72) £12 3605 1922 Script 35c scarlet and purple fine used. Cat £14 (73) £6 3606 1922 Script Tiger $1 grey-green and emerald fine used. Cat £55 (76a) £25 3607 1922 Script $2 green and carmine fine used. Cat £100 (78) £45 3608 1922 Script $2 green and red/yellow fine used. Cat £50 (79) £22 3609 1922 $5 green and blue mint, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £225 (80) £110 3610 1924 Postage Due set of 6v fine used. Cat £85 (D1/6) £40 MALAysIA JAp. OCC/pAHANG 3611 1942 30c dull purple and orange, red o/pt mint. Small corner fault. Cat £150 (J185a) £35 MALAysIA JAp. OCC/pErAK 3612 1942 50c black/emerald red o/pt mint. Cat £60

(J202a) £28

MALAysIA JOHOrE 3613 1884 o/pt 2c [type 8] pale rose mint. Cat £130 (8) £55 3614 1884 o/pt 2c [type 10] pale rose in u/m plate block of four (1). Faint vertical crease on 2 stamps. Cat £112+ (10) £50 3615 1884 o/pt 2c [type 10] pale rose u/m. Faint gum bend. Cat £28+ (10) £12 3616 1884 o/pt 2c [type 10] pale rose mint, with Thin narrow J”“ variety. Cat £300”“ (10a) £140 3617 1891 no wmk set of 6v to 6c mint. Cat £19 (21-Jun) £7 3618 1891 no wmk $1 green and carmine mint. Cat £85 (27) £40 3619 1894 Surcharges set of 4v fine used. Cat £80 (28/31) £38 3620 1894 Surch 3c on 4c mint with ‘No stop’. Cat £120 (28a) £60 3621 1894 Surch 3c on 5c dull purple and green mint with ‘No stop’ variety. Cat £140 (29a) £70 3622 1896 Kemahkotaan o/pt set of 7v mint. Cat £70 (32/8) £35 3623 1896 set of 7v to 6c fine used. Cat £30+ (39/45) £12 3624 1896 set of 10v to 50c fine used. Cat £185 (39/48) £85 3625 1896 set of 11v to $1 mint, fresh. Cat £80+ (39/49) £38 3626 1896 10c green and black fine used. Cat £50 (46) £22 3627 1896 25c green and mauve fine used. Cat £50 (47) £22 3628 1896 50c green and carmine fine used. Cat £50 (48) £22 3629 1896 $1 dull purple and green fine used. Cat £75 (49) £35 3630 1896 $2 dull purple and carmine fine used. Cat £80 (50) £38 3631 1896 $3 dull purple and blue fine used. Cat £120 (51) £55 3632 1896 $4 dull purple and brown fine used. Cat £85 (52) £40 3633 1896 $5 dull purple and yellow mint. Cat £100 (53) £50 3634 1896 $5 dull purple and yellow fine used. Cat £130 (53) £60 3635 1904 set of 10v to $1 mint, fine and fresh. Cat £140 (61/70) £65 3636 1904 10c dull purple and black, chalky paper, mint. Cat £120 (67a) £60 3637 1904 25c dull purple and green mint. Cat £8.50 (68) £3 3638 1904 50c dull purple and red mint. Cat £40 (69) £20 3639 1904 $1 green and mauve mint. Cat £17 (70) £8 3640 1904 $5 green and orange fine used. Cat £90 (74) £45 3641 1904 $100 green and scarlet fine used, black fiscal cancel. Cat £1000 as postal or £50 as fiscal. (77) £40 3642 1910 50c dull purple and red mint. Cat £80 (86) £38 3643 1910 $1 green and mauve mint. Cat £120 (87) £60 3644 1922 Script set of 18v to $1 mint, fresh. Cat £100 (103/20) £50 3645 1922 Script 10c dull purple and yellow on thin striated paper in u/m block of four, fine with gum as usally found. Cat £520+ (112a) £175 3646 1922 Script $4 green and brown mint, complete. Cat £120 (123) £60 3647 1922 Script $5 green and orange mint. Cat £70 (124) £32 3648 1922 Script $5 green and orange on thin, striated paper in u/m block of four. Cat £360+ (124a) £175 3649 1922 Script $5 green and orange on thin, striated paper u/m. Cat £90+ (124a) £50 3650 1949 set of 21v to $5 mint, complete. Cat £160 (133/47) £60 3651 1949 defins set of 21v $5 fine used, complete. Cat £60 (133/47) £35 3652 1938 Postage Due set of 5v fine mint. Cat £200 (D1/5) £65 MALAysIA KEDAH 3653 1912 8c black and ultramarine in u/m block of four. Cat £16+

(5) £8 49

3654 1912 8c black and ultramarine u/m. Cat £4+ (5) £2 3655 1912 MCA set of 10v to 50c mint, some with no gum. Cat £34 (01-Oct) £6 3656 1912 $1 black and red/yellow mint. Cat £16 (11) £8 3657 1919 MCA set of 6v to 25c mint, complete. Cat £13.50 (15/23) £6 3658 1919 Surch 50c and $1 mint, 50c with hinge remainder. Cat £90 (24-May) £32 3659 1921 Script set of 12v to $1 fine used, assumed cheapest types in all cases. 3c blunt corner (cat 70p). Cat £95 (29/37) £40 3660 1921 Script 40c Type 2 fine mint with ‘Crown to left of CA’. Cat £130 (35c) £60 3661 1921 Script $1 black and red/yellow mint. Cat £10 (37w) £5 3662 1921 Script $2 myrtle and brown fine used, wmk Crn to left of CA. Cat £90 (38w) £40 3663 1921 Script $3 black and blue mint. Cat £80 (39) £40 3664 1921 Script $3 black and blue/blue, fine used, with Crn to left of CA. Cat £100 (39w) £50 3665 1921 Script $5 black and deep carmine, mint. Cat £110 (40) £55 3666 1921 Script $5 black and deep carmine, fine used, with Crn to left of CA. Cat £160 (40w) £80 3667 1922 Script Borneo o/pt (14mm) 10c blue and sepia mint. Cat £15 (48) £7 3668 1922 Script Borneo o/pt (15mm) 21c mauve and purple u/m. Cat £32+ (49) £22 3669 1922 Script Borneo o/pt (15mm) 50c brown and blue u/m. Cat £75+ (51) £50 3670 1937 Sultan set of 7v to $1 fine used. Cat £55 (60/6) £22 3671 1937 Sultan set of 9v to $5 mint, complete. Cat £250 (60/8) £125 3672 1937 Sultan 12c black and violet mint. Cat £70 (61) £28 3673 1937 Sultan 30c green and scarlet mint. Cat £16 (63) £6 3674 1937 40c black and purple mint. Cat £9 (64) £4 3675 1937 50c brown and blue mint. Cat £16 (65) £6 3676 1937 $1 black and green mint. Cat £8 (66) £4 3677 1937 $2 green and brown u/m. Key value. Cat £130 (67) £65 3678 1937 $2 green and brown mint. Cat £130 (67) £50 3679 1937 $2 green and brown fine used. Cat £75 (67) £35 3680 1937 $5 black and scarlet mint. Cat £42 (68) £16 3681 1937 $5 black and scarlet (top value) fine used, scarce. Cat £180 (68) £100 3682 1950 set of 21v to $5 mint, complete. Cat £160 (76/90) £55 MALAysIA KELANTAN 3683 1911 MCA $1 green and brown mint. Cat £75 (9a) £32 3684 1922 Malaya Borneo o/pt 4c, 5c, 30c and 50c mint. Cat £31.50 (30-Mar) £12 3685 1922 Malaya Borneo o/pt Script 1c and 10c mint. Cat £12 (37/8) £5 3686 1937 Chef’s Hat 1c-25c (9v) mint. Cat £125 (40/8) £35 3687 1937 30c violet and scarlet mint. Cat £65 (49) £22 3688 1937 40c orange and blue-green mint. Cat £12 (50) £5 3689 1937 50c grey-olive and orange mint. Cat £90 (51) £32 3690 1937 $1 violet and blue-green mint. Cat £65 (52) £25 3691 1937 Chef’s Hat $2 red-brown and scarlet fine used with part ‘Kora Bharu’ cancel. Cat £250 (53) £130 3692 1937 $5 vermilion and lake u/m, fine and fresh and scarce thus. Cat £1000 (54) £600 3693 1951 set of 20v to $5 fine used [ex later issued 30c, cat £6] complete. Cat (set) £200 (61/81) £100 3694 1957 1c - $5 set of 11v u/m complete. Cat £75 (83/94) £40 MALAysIA MALACCA 3695 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £32 3696 1949 set of 20v to $5 mint, complete. Cat £150

(01-Feb) £15 (Mar-17) £50

MALAysIA N. BOrN/JAp OCC 3697 1944 Jap. Occ 1y red-brown and chocolate (on SG 329) u/m. Cat £85 (J48) £50 MALAysIA N. BOrN/LABUAN 1895 surcharged set of 5v to $1 fine used. Cat £120 (75/9) £60 1896 Jubilee set of 6v fine used. Cat £110 (83/8) £50 1897 o/pt set of 9v to 24c mint. Cat £160 (89/97a) £75 1897 o/pt 12c vermilion in corner marginal block of 4 mint, fine and very lightly mounted. “ (95a) £45 3702 1902 18c black and pale brown mint, lightly mounted, with the ‘Line through B’. Cat £95 (125a) £50

3698 3699 3700 3701

MALAysIA N. BOrN/sABAH 3703 1964 o/pt set of 16v to $10 mint, complete. Cat £75 50

(408/23) £25

MALAysIA NEGrI sEMBILAN 3704 1881 Sungei Ujong o/pt (type 2 + 7) mint. Scarce. Cat £425. Sismondo Cert. (6) £115 3705 1882 SU o/pt on Straits 2c brown (without stops) mint. Cat £275 (13) £90 3706 1891 CA set of 3v fine used. Cat £60 (02-Apr) £25 3707 1895 Tiger 15c green and violet fine used. Cat £90 (11) £42 3708 1895 Tiger 20c green and olive fine used. Cat £40 (12) £20 3709 1895 Tiger 25c green and carmine fine used. Cat £100 (13) £45 3710 1895 CA 50c green and black fine used. Cat £70 (14) £30 3711 1895 Tiger short set of 5v (1c and 2c to 10c) fine used. Cat £80 (“5,7/10”) £30 3712 1895 set of 8v to 20c fine used (incl 2c). Cat £340 (05-Dec) £150 3713 1895 Tiger 2c dull purple and brown fine used. Cat £130 (6) £60 3714 1949 defins set of 20v to $5 fine used, complete. Cat £150 (42/62) £75 3715 1957 set of 11v (ex the later 10c SG 74) each in u/m blocks of 4. Cat £200+ (68/79) £90 MALAysIA NOrTH BOrNEO 3716 1886 ‘and Revenue’ o/pt on ½c magenta unused, no gum. Cat £250 (14) £42 3717 1888 set of 13v to $2 mint complete, some gum toning. Cat £600 (36b/48) £150 3718 1888 redrawn 8c yellow-green mint. Cat £30 (43a) £12 3719 1888 redrawn 10c dull blue imperf pair mint. Cat £50 (44d) £20 3720 1888 $25 indigo Revenue in block of four used with cto cancels. (Same design as SG 46). Unusual. (Rev) £10 3721 1891 surcharged 6c on 10c blue mint with ‘Large S in cents’ variety. Cat £250 (56d) £125 3722 1894 P14½ 12c black and blue fine used. Cat £85 (75) £40 3723 1894 P13½ 12c black and blue fine used. Cat £80 (75a) £40 3724 1894 P13½ 24c blue and rose-lake a fine used pair on small piece. Cat £140 (79c) £65 3725 1894 50c deep slate-purple mint. Cat £50 (82) £25 3726 1894 50c deep slate-purple mint. Small thin. Cat £50 (82) £10 3727 1894 $2 dull green unused, no gum. Cat £28 (84) £5 3728 1895 4c etc o/pt on $1 set of 5v mint complete, Mostly fine, but some hinge remainders. Cat £180 (87/91) £70 3729 1895 4c etc o/pt on $1 set of 5v fine used complete. Cat £110 (87/91) £55 3730 1897 P14½-15 1c black and bistre-brown mint. Cat £11 (92a) £5 3731 1897 P14½ corrected inscription 18c black and green mint. Cat £130 (110b) £55 3732 1897 P14½-15 16c green and chestnut fine used. Cat £150(107a) £75 3733 1899 P15 Surch 4c on 5c black and orange mint. Cat £60 (112) £24 3734 1899 surcharged 4c set of 13v to $10 (with both 50c shades) mint, complete, fresh. Cat £480 (112/24) £180 3735 1899 P14 surcharged 4c on 18c black and green mint. Cat £50 (116a) £24 3736 1899 P16 surcharged 4c on 24c blue and lake mint. Cat £60(117a) £28 3737 1899 Surch 4c on $5 bright purple mint. Cat £180 (123) £90 3738 1901 P13½ - 14 o/pt 10c (on SG 105) fine used. Cat £225(134e) £100 3739 1901 o/pt P14½ 16c green and chestnut mint. Cat £190 (136a) £85 3740 1901 P14 o/pt $5 bright purple mint. Cat £425 (144) £150 3741 1904 P13½ Surch 4c on 12c mint. Cat £65 (149a) £28 3742 1904 Surch 4c on $5 bright purple fine used . Cat £48 (156) £25 3743 1904 Surch 4c on $10 brown fine used. Cat £48 (157) £25 3744 1909 P14 3c green mint (issued in 1923). Cat £55 (163) £22 3745 1909 10c blue mint. Cat £55 (171) £22 3746 1909 16c brown-lake mint. Cat £26 (174) £12 3747 1909 18c blue-green fine used. Cat £35 (175) £14 3748 1911 P14 50c black and steel blue mint. Cat £22 (179) £11 3749 1911 $2 black and blue mint. Cat £85 (181) £40 3750 1916 Surch 4c on 6c black and olive-green in mint horizontal pair, one with s inverted”“ variety.. Cat £142”“ (“187,87a”) £70 3751 1916 P15 X o/pt (vermilion) 2c green mint. Some toning. Cat £32 (190a) £6 3752 1916 P14½ X o/pt (vermilion) 4c scarlet fine used. Cat £200(192a) £100 3753 1916 X o/pt (carmine) 16c brown-lake unused, no gum. Cat £110 (210) £15 3754 1918 Red Cross o/pt Two Cents on 5c, 8c and 10c in u/m corner blocks of four. Cat £86+ (“219,22/3”) £45 3755 1918 Red Cross o/pt Two Cents on 5c, 8c and 10c in u/m blocks of four. Cat £86+ (“219,22/3”) £40 3756 1918 Red Cross o/pt Two Cents on 5c, 8c and 10c u/m. Cat £21.50+ (“219,22/3”) £10

3757 1918 Red Cross surcharged 24c + 2c mauve mint. Cat £22 (226) £10 3758 1918 Red Cross o/pt (13mm) 2c on 2c black and green in u/m block of four. Cat £220+ (227) £130 3759 1918 Red Cross o/pt (13mm) 2c on 2c black and green fine used. Cat £120 (227) £55 3760 1918 Red Cross surcharged 25c+2c green mint. Cat £12 (229) £6 3761 1918 Red Cross Surch 1c-8c (7v) fine used. Cat £65 (235/41) £30 3762 1918 Red Cross surcharged set of 11v to 24c u/m. Cat £50+ (235/45) £30 3763 1918 Red Cross surcharged set of 11v to 24c mint. Cat £47 (235/46) £18 3764 1918 Red Cross surcharged set of 13v to 50c u/m (6c is mounted, cat £1.90). Cat £65+ (235/48) £40 3765 1918 Red Cross Surch 10c turquoise-blue fine used. Cat £12 (242) £4 3766 1918 Red Cross Surch 12c deep blue fine used. Cat £14 (243) £7 3767 1918 Red Cross Surch 16c brown-lake fine used. Cat £20 (244) £9 3768 1918 Red Cross Surch 24c mauve fine used. Cat £50 (246) £22 3769 1918 Red Cross Surch 25c+4c blue-green fine used. Cat £75(247) £35 3770 1918 surcharged 4c on 50c steel blue fine used. Cat £45 (248) £20 3771 1918 P15 Red Cross Surch 50c+4c steel blue mint. Cat £60(248a) £28 3772 1925 set of 12v to 24c mint. Cat £210+ (277/88) £80 3773 1939 12c green and blue and green and royal blue (2v) mint. Cat £120 (“310,10a”) £30 3774 1947 o/pt set of 15v to $5 fine used, complete. Cat £55 (335/49) £30 3775 1950 set of 16v to $10 u/m, complete (both 50c). Cat £140 (356/70) £75 3776 1950 set of 16v to $10 fine used, complete. Cat £150 (356/70) £75 3777 1961 set of 16v to $10 fine used, complete. Cat £75 (391/406) £35 3778 1895 Due 3c olive-green and dull purple mint. Cat £6 (D3) £3 3779 1895 P14 Due 5c black and vermilion mint. Cat £70 (D5) £28 3780 1895 P14 Due 6c black and bistre-brown mint. Poor gum. Cat £25 (D6a) £5 3781 1895 P14 Due 8c black and dull purple mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £65 (D7) £18 3782 1895 P15 Due 18c black and deep green mint. Cat £75 (D10) £30 3783 1895 P15 Due 18c black and deep green fine used. Cat £65 (D10) £28 3784 1895 P15 Due 18c black and deep green mint, o/pt vertical. Cat £80 (D10c) £35 3785 1901 Postage Due local o/pt (with stop after Due) mint. Cat £50 (D27) £25 3786 1902 Postage Due o/pt 4c black and carmine, o/pt double fine used (cto, only way known used). Cat £225 (D40a) £100 3787 1902 Due 10c brown and slate-blue u/m. Cat £140+ (D45) £85 3788 1902 Due 16c green and chestnut u/m. Cat £110+ (D47) £60 3789 1902 P16 Due (horiz o/pt at top of stamp) 2c black and green fine used. Cat £55 (D50) £30 3790 1910 Due, local o/pt at top, 4c black and scarlet u/m. Cat £150+ (D54) £90 3791 1918 Due o/pt at foot 5c black and yellow-brown mint. Cat £10(D57) £5 3792 1918 Due o/pt at foot 10c black and turquoise-blue mint. Cat £22 (D63) £9 3793 1930 P12½ Due 16c black and red-brown mint. Cat £65 (D84) £32 3794 1939 Postage Due set of 5v u/m complete. Cat £160 (D85/9) £90 3795 1939 Postage Due set perforated Specimen. Cat £200 (D85/9s) £100 3796 1939 Postage Due 4c and 6c fine used with RPS cert. Cat £270 (D86/7) £120 3797 1939 Postage Due 10c blue fine used. RPS cert. Cat £475 (D89) £200 MALAysIA pAHANG 3798 1898 o/pt 25c green and carmine mint. Cat £85 (20) £38 3799 1935 Script set of 18v to $5 mint, complete. Cat £200 (29/46) £95 3800 1941 8c fine used with RPS cert. (No, me neither). Cat £40 (36) £30 MALAysIA pENANG 3801 1948 Silver Wedding set fine used. Cat £38 3802 1949 set of 19v to $2 u/m. Cat £100 3803 1949 set of 20v to $5, fine used, complete. Cat £55 3804 3805 3806 3807 3808 3809 3810

(01-Feb) £22 (Mar-21) £50 (Mar-22) £28

MALAysIA pErAK 1891 T40 o/pt 2c on 24c green fine used. Cat £65 (49) £28 1895 CA Tigers 1c-5c (5v) mint. Cat £39 (66/70) £14 1895 CA set of 5v to 5c mint. Some minor faults. Cat £35 (66/70) £6 1895 8c dull purple and ultramarine mint. Cat £45 (71) £18 1895 10c dull purple and orange mint. Cat £20 (72) £8 1895 25c green and carmine mint. Scarce. Cat £225 (73) £100 1895 CA 50c dull purple and greenish black mint. Cat £48 (74) £24

3811 1895 CA 50c dull purple and greenish black unused no gum. Cat £48 (74) £8 3812 1895 CA 50c dull purple and greenish black fine used. Cat £50(74) £24 3813 1895 CA 50c green and black fine used. Cat £170 (75) £90 3814 1895 CC $25 green and orange mint, gum a trifle toned and vertical crease but an attractive example of this rarity. Cat £12,000 (80) £2,500 3815 1900 Surch set of 7v to 3c on $2 mint, of fine appearance, Some hinge remainders and SG 87 no gum. Cat £110 (81/7) £30 3816 1900 Surch 3c on $2 green and carmine fine used. Cat £85 (87) £40 3817 1935 Script set of 13v to $1 mint, (incl the later-issued GVI vals). Cat £60+ (88/100) £24 3818 1935 Script set of 15v to $5 mint, complete. Cat £250 (88/102) £125 3819 1935 Script $2 green and scarlet mint. Cat £48 (101) £22 3820 1935 Script $5 green and red/emerald mint. Cat £170 (102) £85 3821 1950 set of 21v to $5 fine used complete. Cat £55 (128/48) £32 MALAysIA pErLIs 3822 1951 set of 21v to $5 mint, complete. Cat £150 MALAysIA pOsTAL UNION 3823 1936 Postage Due set of 6 u/m complete. Cat £160 3824 3825 3826 3827 3828 3829 3830 3831 3832 3833 3834 3835 3836 3837 3838 3839 3840 3841 3842 3843 3844 3845 3846 3847 3848 3849 3850 3851 3852 3853 3854 3855 3856 3857 3858 3859 3860 3861 3862 3863 3864 3865 3866 3867 3868 3869

(Jul-27) £60 (D1/6) £60

MALAysIA sELANGOr 1891 2c on 24c green (type 35 o/pt) mint. Cat £55 (44) £22 1895 25c green and carmine mint. Cat £80 (58) £38 1895 CA 50c dull purple and greenish-black mint. Cat £100 (59) £45 1895 CA 50c dull purple and greenish-black fine used. Cat £38(59) £16 1900 Surch 1c on 5c mint. Cat £70 (66a) £26 1900 Surch 1c on 5c fine used. Cat £130 (66a) £60 1900 surcharged 3c on 50c green and black (very slightly faded) fine used with the ‘Dented frame’ variety. Scarce. Only listed mint at £400 (67b) £175 1935 Script set of 18v to $5 mint, complete. Cat £180 (68/85) £90 1941 Script $1 and $2 fine used. Cat £57 (86/7) £25 MALAysIA sTrAITs sETTLEM 1867 o/pt 1½a on ½a blue, mint. Cat £140 (1) £60 1867 o/pt 1½a on ½a blue, fine used. Cat £200 (1) £80 1867 8c on 2a yellow fine used. Cat £42 (6) £18 1867 12c on 4a green fine used. Cat £325 (7) £125 1867 32c on o/pt 2a yellow fine used. Cat £110 (9) £42 1867 CC set of 9v to 96c fine used, complete. Cat £200+(Nov-19) £75 1867 CC 32c pale red fine fine used. Cat £70 (18) £30 1867 P12½ CC 96c grey used. Cat £225 (19a) £75 1880 5c (type 14) on 5c orange mint, fine. Cat £190 (42) £75 1882 CC 5c purple brown mint. Cat £120 (48) £55 1882 CC 5c purple brown fine used, light postmark. Cat £140 (48) £65 1882 CC 10c slate fine used. Cat £80 (49) £35 1882 CA set of 4v fine used. Cat £68 (50/3) £30 1882 CA 4c rose mint. Cat £160 (51) £60 1883 surcharged 2c (type 21) on 4c rose fine used. Cat £100 (61) £40 1883 CA set of 9v to 96c fine used, plus the 4 listed shades. Cat £160 (63/71) £60 1883 CA 4c pale brown mint. Cat £55 (64) £22 1883 CA 4c pale brown mint, with Broken Oval”“ variety. Cat £650”“ (64a) £250 1883 CA 4c pale brown fine used, with Broken Oval”“ variety. Cat £160”“ (64a) £75 1883 CA 12c brown-purple mint, fresh. Cat £85 (67) £38 1883 CA 30c claret fine used, wmk inverted. Cat £100 (69w) £40 1883 CA 96c olive-grey mint. Cat £75 (71) £32 1884 surcharged 8c on 12c blue fine used. Cat £160 (74) £70 1884 surcharged 8c on 12c brown-purple fine used. Cat £170 (75) £80 1885 surcharged 3c on 5c blue fine used. Cat £275 (82) £120 1887 surcharged 2c on 5c blue fine used. Cat £100 (85) £40 1891 10c on 24c and 30c pn 32c mint (2v). Cat £25.50 (86/7) £9 1892 CA 25c dull purple and green mint. Cat £35 (103c) £14 1892 $5 orange and carmine fine used. Cat £325 (105) £125 1892 surcharges (1c) set of 5v mint. Cat £19 (88/92) £8 1898 4c surcharges set of 3v mint. Cat £19 (106/8b) £9 1902 CA 25c dull purple and green mint. Cat £18 (11) £8 1902 CA set of 5v to 8c mint. Cat £27.50 (110/4) £10 1902 CA set of 9v to 30c fine used. Cat £34 (110/7) £12 1902 CA 10c purple and black/yellow mint. Cat £30 (115) £12 1902 CA 10c purple and black/yellow mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £28 (115) £8 1902 CA 30c grey and carmine mint. Cat £24 (117) £10


3870 1902 CA 50c deep green and carmine mint. Cat £23 (118) £10 3871 1902 CA 50c deep green and carmine and dull green (2v) fine used. Cat £46 (“118,8a”) £20 3872 1902 CA $1 dull green and black mint. Cat £23 (119) £10 3873 1902 CA $1 dull green and black fine used. Cat £80 (119) £35 3874 1902 CA $2 dull purple and black mint. Cat £85 (120) £40 3875 1902 CA $2 dull purple and black fine used. Cat £80 (120) £40 3876 1902 CA $5 dull green and brown-orange mint. Cat £225 (121) £100 3877 1902 CA $5 dull green and brown-orange fine used. Cat £180(121) £85 3878 1903 CA set of 4v mint, complete. Some hinge remainders. Cat £70 (123/6) £20 3879 1904 MCA 25c dull purple and green fine used, chalky. Cat £38 (133a) £15 3880 1904 MCA 30c grey and carmine (chalky) mint. Slightly blunted corner bottom left. Cat £60 (134a) £15 3881 1904 MCA 50c dull green and carmine (chalky) mint. Cat £35(135a) £15 3882 1904 MCA 50c dull green and carmine (chalky) fine used. Cat £21 (135a) £10 3883 1904 MCA $1 dull green and black, mint, chalky paper. Cat £65 (136a) £28 3884 1904 MCA $1 dull green and black, fine used, chalky paper. Cat £29 (136a) £12 3885 1904 MCA $2 dull purple and black, mint. Cat £120 (137) £55 3886 1904 MCA $2 dull purple and black, fine used. Cat £90 (137) £40 3887 1904 MCA $5 dull green and brown-orange mint. Cat £350 (138) £150 3888 1904 MCA $5 dull green and brown-orange fine used. Cat £200 (138) £75 3889 1904 MCA $5 dull green and brown-orange on chalky paper fine used. Cat £180 (138a) £85 3890 1906 P14½-15 o/pt 1c black and purple mint. Cat £70 (141) £35 3891 1906 P14½-15 o/pt 1c black and purple fine used. Cat £180 (141) £85 3892 1906 o/pt 3c black and sepia mint. Small thin. Cat £26 (143) £5 3893 1906 o/pt 3c black and sepia fine used. Cat £95 (143) £40 3894 1906 P15 o/pt 25c green and greenish blue mint. Cat £110 (149a) £50 3895 1906 o/pt 50c dull purple and lilac unused, no gum. Cat £28 (150) £5 3896 1906 o/pt $1 claret and orange fine used. Cat £120 (151) £60 3897 1906 MCA set of 13v to $1 mint. Cat £180 (153/65) £75 3898 1906 MCA set of 13v to $1 fine used. Cat £85 (153/65) £35 3899 1906 MCA 30c purple and orange-yellow u/m. Cat £55+ (162) £40 3900 1906 MCA 30c purple and orange-yellow mint. Cat £55 (162) £25 3901 1906 MCA $2 green and red/yellow mint. Cat £35 (166) £15 3902 1906 MCA $2 green and red/yellow fine used. Cat £24 (166) £12 3903 1906 MCA $5 green and red/green mint. Cat £150 (167) £75 3904 1906 MCA $5 green and red/green fine used. Cat £75 (167) £40 3905 1912 MCA set of 19v to $5 fine used, complete. Cat £170 (193/212) £85 3906 1912 MCA $2 green and red/orange buff mint. Cat £80 (211b) £38 3907 1912 MCA $5 green and red, white back mint. Cat £130 (212) £65 3908 1912 MCA Die I $5 green and red/green (emerald back) mint. Cat £250 (212c) £125 3909 1912 MCA Die II $5 green and red/green (emerald back) mint. Cat £140 (212d) £75 3910 1912 MCA $25 purple and blue fine used, a fresh example of this key high value, lovely quality. Cat £650 (213) £350 3911 1917 Red Cross o/pt pair fine used. Cat £64 (216/7) £30 3912 1921 Script set of 24v to $5 fine used, complete. Cat £120 (218/40a) £65 3913 1921 Script 6c dull claret wmk inverted mint. Cat £45 (227w) £14 3914 1921 Script 6c dull claret wmk inverted fine used. Cat £60 (227w) £30 3915 1921 Script $5 green and red/green u/m. Rarely offered thus. Cat £120+ (240a) £100 3916 1921 Script $5 green and red/green mint. Cat £120 (240a) £60 3917 1921 Script $25 purple and blue/blue fine used. Cat £200 (240b) £100 3918 1922 Exhibition o/pt 25c dull purple and mauve in fine used vertical pair, the lower stamp with ‘Oval last O’. Cat £145 (245b) £75 3919 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £12 (256/9) £6 3920 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £21 (256/9) £10 3921 1936 set of 13v to $1 mint. Cat £45 (260/72) £18 3922 1936 set of 15v to $5 mint complete, fine and fresh. Cat £225 (260/74) £110 3923 1936 $2 green and scarlet mint. Cat £60 (273) £28 3924 1936 $5 green and red/emerald mint. Cat £140 (274) £75 3925 1937 complete set of 21v to $5 mint (incl both Dies of 2c green, 4c orange and 5c brown). Cat £350 (278/98) £125 3926 1937 Die 1, 5c brown mint. Cat £23 (281) £6 52

3927 3928 3929 3930 3931

MALAysIA TrENGGANU 1921 MCA $3 green and red/emerald mint. Cat £130 (24) £65 1921 Script $3 green and brown-red/green mint. Cat £170 (43a) £85 1938 Script $5 green and red/yellow mint. Cat £500 (44) £300 1949 set of 21v to $5 fine used, complete. Cat £170 (67/87) £90 1937 Postage Due set fine used. Genuine postmarks, cancelled to order. Cat £500 (D1/4) £250

MALTA 3932 1872 GB 2½d rosy mauve pl 2 used with fine ‘A25’ cancel. (Z38) £30 3933 1872 GB 2½d rosy mauve pl 7 on piece used with fine complete ‘A25’ cancel. (Z38) £30 3934 1865 GB 3d rose plate 4 with A25 postmark. Cat £80 (Z42) £28 3935 1867 GB 3d rose plate 5 with A25 postmark. Cat £32 (Z43) £14 3936 1862 GB 4d pale red fine used with ‘Malta’ cds. (Z48) £35 3937 1865 GB 4d red with neat ‘A25’ cancel. Cat £35 (Z48) £15 3938 1865 GB 4d vermilion pl 11 with fine ‘A25’ cancel, lovely deep colour. (Z49) £22 3939 1865 GB 4d vermilion pl 12 with lovely ‘A25’ cancel. (Z49) £20 3940 1865 GB 4d vermilion pl 13 on piece tied full ‘Malta A25’ duplex, with Malta MY 20 73 cds adjacent. (Stamp is upside down to postmarks). Nice piece. Cat £18+ (Z49) £12 3941 1865 GB 6d lilac (no letters), with A25 postmark. Cat £48 (Z55) £18 3942 1865 GB 6d lilac plate 5 with A25 postmark. Cat £30 (Z57) £14 3943 1860 no wmk white paper ½d buff mint. Cat £850 (3) £225 3944 1863 CC ½d dull orange mint. Cat £300 (7) £75 3945 1863 CC ½d orange-buff u/m. Cat £180+ (8) £70 3946 1863 CC ½d yellow-buff mint. Cat £85 (10) £28 3947 1882 CA ½d orange-yellow mint. Cat £40 (18) £15 3948 1885 CA 1d (very deep and intense carmine in u/m block of four. Cat £52+ (22) £35 3949 1885 CA 1d rose (deep shade) in u/m block of four. Cat £52+ (22) £35 3950 1885 2½d bright blue mint. Cat £50 (25) £20 3951 1885 2½d ultramarine mint. Cat £50 (26) £22 3952 1885 CA 1/- pale violet mint. Cat £60 (29) £28 3953 1886 5/- rose mint. Cat £110 (30) £40 3954 1886 5/- rose fine used with clear ‘A25’ cancel. Cat £80 (30) £40 3955 1899 CA _d brown wmk sideways reversed in fine used block of 4. Central Valleta oval cancellation. Cat £100 (31x) £50 3956 1899 CA _d brown wmk Crn to left of CA in fine used block of 4. Central Valleta oval cancellation. Cat £128 (31y) £65 3957 1899 CC 2/6d olive-grey mint. Cat £45 (34) £24 3958 1899 CC Shipwreck 10/- blue-black mint. Cat £100 (35) £50 3959 1899 CC 10/- blue black fine used. Cat £65 (35) £32 3960 1902 Surch 1d on 2½d dull blue in u/m strip of 3, centre stamp with PNNEY error. Cat £32++ (“36,36b”) £20 3961 1902 Surch 1d on 2½d dull blue in mint block of four, one stamp with PNNEY error. Cat £32++ (“36,36b”) £20 3962 1902 Surch 1d on 2½d dull blue in fine used block of six with two light Valetta oval cancellations, one stamp with PNNEY error. Cat £55+ (“36,36b”) £35 3963 1902 Surch 1d on 2½d bright blue in mint pair, one with ‘Pnney’ error. Cat £32+ (“37,37a”) £18 3964 1903 CA ½d green mint. Cat £11 (38) £4 3965 1903 CA set of 7v to 1/- mint, complete. Cat £130 (38/44) £65 3966 1903 CA 1d blackish brown and red in u/m block of four. Cat £60+ (39) £35 3967 1903 CA 1d blackish brown and red mint. Cat £15 (39) £7 3968 1903 2d purple and grey in mint block of four (2 u/m). Cat £116+ (40) £60 3969 1903 CA 2d purple and grey mint. Cat £29 (40) £12 3970 1903 CA 2½d maroon and blue mint. Cat £32 (41) £12 3971 1903 CA 4d blackish brown and brown mint. Cat £26 (43) £12 3972 1903 CA 1/- grey and violet mint. Cat £35 (44) £14 3973 1904 MCA set of 16v [no _d] to 5/- mint, some hinge remainders, but fine appearance. Cat £300 (47/63) £100 3974 1904 MCA 1d black and red mint. Cat £26 (48) £10 3975 1904 MCA 2d purple and grey mint. Cat £18 (50) £8 3976 1904 MCA 2½d maroon and blue mint. Cat £40 (52) £16 3977 1904 MCA 4d black and brown mint. Cat £11 (54) £4 3978 1904 MCA 4½d brown mint. Cat £40 (57) £18 3979 1904 MCA 5d vermilion mint. Cat £48 (59) £20 3980 1904 MCA 1/- grey and violet mint. Cat £50 (61) £22 3981 1904 MCA 1/- black/green mint. Cat £7.50 (62) £4 3982 1904 MCA 5/- green and red/yellow mint. Cat £65 (63) £35 3983 1904 MCA 5/- green and red/yellow fine used. Cat £75 (63) £40

3984 1914 MCA set of 12v to 5/- mint, complete. Cat £250 (69/88) £120 3985 1914 MCA 2/- purple and bright blue marginal Plate 1 mint. Cat £50+ (86) £30 3986 1914 MCA 2/- dull purple and blue mint. Cat £90 (86g) £45 3987 1914 MCA 2/- dull purple and blue/grey-blue fine used, (was SG 86d). Cat £65 (86g) £35 3988 1921 Script _d brown in u/m plate block of 6 (3). (97) £30 3989 1921 Script 1d scarlet in u/m plate block of 6 (3). (99) £30 3990 1921 Script 2½d bright blue in u/m plate (3) strip of 3 (Mounted on margin). (101) £14 3991 1922 CC Self-Govt o/pt Shipwreck 10/- blue-black mint. Cat £250 (105) £125 3992 1922 MCA o/pt 2/- purple and blue/blue mint, difficult stamp. Cat £250 (111) £125 3993 1922 MCA o/pt 5/- green and red/yellow mint. Cat £60 (113) £30 3994 1922 Script o/pt set of 8v to 10/- mint complete, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £200 (114/21) £80 3995 1922 Script o/pt 2/- purple and blue/blue mint. Cat £50 (120) £25 3996 1922 Script o/pt Shipwreck 10/- black (Valetta) mint. Cat £140(121) £80 3997 1922 Script o/pt Shipwreck 10/- black (Valetta) mint. Cat £140(121) £80 3998 1922 Script set of 11v to 1/- fine used. Cat £65 (123/34) £25 3999 1922 Valetta set of 15v to 5/- mint. Cat £77 (123/37) £35 4000 1922 Valetta set of 16v to 10/- mint. Cat £190+ (123/38) £65 4001 1922 set of 17 vals to £1 mint complete. Fresh. Cat £250(123/40) £110 4002 1922 1d orange and purple fine used with inverted wmk. Cat£120 (125w) £60 4003 1922 2/- brown and blue fine used. Cat £25 (135) £10 4004 1922 2/6d bright magenta and black fine used. Cat £15 (136) £6 4005 1922 5/- orange and ultramarine fine used. Cat £50 (137) £22 4006 1922 10/- slate-grey and brown fine used. Cat £160 (138) £75 4007 1922 £1 black and carmine-red [sideways] mint. Cat £150 (139) £75 4008 1922 £1 black and carmine-red [sideways] fine used. Cat £325 (139) £125 4009 1922 £1 black and bright carmine (upr wmk) u/m. Cat £110+ (140) £75 4010 1922 £1 black and bright carmine on piece tied fine ‘Malta JU 9 25’ cds, most attractive. Cat £325 (140) £150 4011 1926 o/pt 3d black/yellow mint with inverted o/pt. Cat £170 (149a) £90 4012 1926 o/pt Postage 5/- orange-yellow and bright ultramarine fine used. Cat £50 (155) £25 4013 1926 (inscr Postage) set of 17v to 10/- mint, complete. Cat £160 (157/72) £80 4014 1926 inscr Postage 10/- black and carmine u/m. Cat £65+ (172) £40 4015 1928 o/pt set of 13v to 1/- mint. Cat £36 (174/86) £14 4016 1928 o/pt set of 13v to 1/- fine used. Cat £23 (174/86) £8 4017 1928 o/pt set of 19v to 10/- mint, complete. Cat £200 (174/92) £90 4018 1928 o/pt 1/6d black and green mint. Cat £17 (187) £7 4019 1928 o/pt 1/6d black and green fine used. Cat £12 (187) £5 4020 1928 o/pt 1/6d, 3/- and 5/- mint. Cat £55 (“187,90/1”) £20 4021 1928 o/pt 2/- black and purple mint. Cat £27 (188) £14 4022 1928 o/pt 2/- black and purple fine used. Cat £70 (188) £30 4023 1928 o/pt 2/6d black and vermilion mint. Cat £17 (189) £8 4024 1928 o/pt 2/6d black and vermilion fine used. Cat £21 (189) £9 4025 1928 o/pt 3/- black and blue fine mint. Cat £23 (190) £12 4026 1928 o/pt Post and Rev 3/- black and blue fine used. Cat £24(190) £10 4027 1928 o/pt 5/- black and green mint. Cat £38 (191) £18 4028 1928 o/pt Post and Rev 5/- black and green fine used. Cat £70 (191) £30 4029 1928 o/pt 10/- black and carmine mint. Cat £70 (192) £35 4030 1928 o/pt 10/- black and carmine fine used. Cat £100 (192) £50 4031 1930 Postage and Revenue set of 13v to 2/- mint. Cat £48 (193/205) £18 4032 1930 inscr. Postage set to 10/- mint, complete. Cat £225 (193/209) £100 4033 1930 set of 17v to 10/- fine used, complete. Cat £425 (193/209) £150 4034 1930 Post and Rev 2/6d black and vermilion mint. Cat £17 (206) £7 4035 1930 Post and Rev. 3/- black and blue mint. Cat £50 (207) £20 4036 1930 Post and Revenue 5/- black and green mint. Cat £55 (208) £20 4037 1930 Post and Revenue 10/- black and carmine mint. Cat £110 (209) £48 4038 1935 Silver Jubilee ½d marginal u/m block of four with ‘Short extra flagstaff’. Cat £65+ (“210,10b”) £40 4039 1935 Silver Jubilee set u/m. Cat £26+ (210/3) £20 4040 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £26 (210/3) £15 4041 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £38 (210/3) £20

4042 1935 Silver Jubilee set on Registered cover to Germany. Not FDC. (Cat £45 as used). (210/3) £30 4043 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint perforated Specimen. Cat £180 (210/3s) £90 4044 1935 Silver Jubilee 2½d in corner block of six u/m, one with ‘Extra flagstaff’. Cat £140+ (“211,11a”) £100 4045 1935 Silver Jubilee 2½d in corner vertical pair u/m, one with ‘Extra flagstaff’. Mounted on margin. Cat £140+ (“211,11a”) £90 4046 1935 Silver Jubilee 6d in u/m lower left corner pair, one stamp with ‘Extra flagstaff’. Cat £180+ (“212,2a”) £100 4047 1938 set of 21v to 10/- fine used, complete. Cat £45 (217/31) £22 4048 1938 1½d scarlet fine used with ‘Broken Cross’ variety. Cat £90 (220a) £40 4049 1948 o/pt set of 15v (the 1948 original issues) to 10/- lower marginals with part imprint u/m. Cat £90 (234/48) £40 4050 1948 o/pt set of 21v to 10/- fine used, complete. Cat £35 (234/48) £18 4051 1948 GVI o/pt defins 2/6d to 5/- mint. Cat £42 (246/7) £11 4052 1948 o/pt 5/- black and green u/m, with NT joined”“ variety. Cat £300”“ (247a) £175 4053 1948 o/pt 5/- black and green mint, with NT joined”“ variety. Cat £300”“ (247a) £125 4054 1949 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £38 (249/50) £22 4055 1949 Silver Wedding set fine used. Cat £48 (249/50) £26 4056 1949 Silver Wedding £1 u/m. Cat £38 (250) £22 4057 1956 set of 17v to £1 complete, u/m. Cat £130 (266/82) £70 4058 1956 set of 17v to £1 mint, complete. Cat £130 (266/82) £40 4059 1956 set of 17v to £1 fine used, complete. Cat £55 (266/82) £25 4060 1964 Independence 2d u/m with gold omitted (date in Latin numerals) (+ normal). Cat £75 (321a) £35 4061 1965 1d u/m with ‘Gold’ (lettering) omitted. With normal for comparison. Cat £150 (331a) £75 4062 1965 2½d u/m with ‘Gold’ omitted (with normal). Cat £55 (334a) £25 4063 1965 4d defin u/m with Knights of Malta”“ (silver) omitted. With normal. Cat £45”“ (336a) £20 4064 1965 4d defin u/m with Shield surround (black) omitted. With normal. Cat £70 (336c) £30 4065 1965 6d defin u/m with MALTA (silver) omitted, with normal. Cat £45 (338a) £20 4066 1965 1/- definitive u/m with gold (framework) omitted. Cat £48 (340b) £22 4067 1965 £1 u/m, with pink omitted. Cat £32 (348a) £15 4068 1925 Postage Due set 10v to 1/6d u/m complete. Cat £60+(D1/10) £35 4069 1925 Postage Due set of 10v mint, complete. Cat £60 (D1/10) £28 4070 1925 Postage Due set of 10v fine used, complete. Cat £180 (D1/10) £75 4071 1925 Postage Due set u/m. Cat £45+ (D11/20) £25 4072 1925 Script wmk Postage Due set to 1/6d fine used, complete. Cat £85 (D11/20) £40 4073 1925 Postage Due 2d ‘tête-bêche’ pair mint. Cat £32 (D4a) £16 4074 1925 Postage Due 3d ‘tête-bêche’ pair mint. Cat £30 (D6a) £15 4075 1925 Postage Due 4d ‘tête-bêche’ pair mint. Cat £17 (D7a) £8 4076 1967 P12½ Dues set of 10v to 1/6d in u/m plate blocks of six complete. Cat £42 (D32/41) £20 MAUrITIUs 4077 1848 Post Paid 2d grey-blue on bluish (latest impressions) with 4 margins (close but clear upper left), fine used. Cat £1200 (25) £250 4078 1858 4d green mint horizontal pair, fresh. Almost 4 margins, just touched at bottom left on right hand stamp. Cat £900 (27) £275 4079 1858 4d green 4 margins, mint, fresh. Cat £450 (27) £160 4080 1858 [4d] green used with 4 good margins. Cat £200 (27) £70 4081 1858 [6d] vermilion 4 margins mint. Cat £65 (28) £28 4082 1858 Reissued 9d [as 1d] magenta fine used with 4 large to very large margins and full ‘B53’ cancel. Superb! Cat £170 (29a) £75 4083 1858 Britannia NVI blue 4 margins in mint block of four (2 u/m). Cat £34+ (31) £20 4084 1859 Early impression 2d blue fine used with 3 margins, 2 very large, slightly cut into to left hand corner. Attractve stamp. Cat £3750 (37) £500 4085 1859 imperf Lapirot worn impression/blue paper 2d blue, 4 margins, fine used. Cat £900 (39) £250 4086 1859 litho, 1d dull vermilion on laid paper fine used 4 margins with neat oval cancel. Fresh. Cat £1400 (42) £400 4087 1863 CC P14 6d dull violet fine used. Cat £50 (63) £20 4088 1863 CC P14 6d blue-green fine mint. Cat £250 (65) £100 4089 1863 CC P14 1/- yellow mint, slight gum disturbance. Cat £375 (68) £80


4090 1878 Surch set of 9v to 2r.50 on 5/- fine used, complete. Cat £200 (83/91) £95 4091 1879 CC 13c slate fine mint, difficult value. Cat £180 (95) £85 4092 1883 CA set of 11v to 50c mint, complete. Cat £225 (101/11) £95 4093 1883 CA 2c Venetian red u/m. Very fresh. Cat £40+ (102) £30 4094 1883 CA 2c Venetian red mint. Cat £40 (102) £18 4095 1883 16c (in words) on 17c rose u/m. Cat £160+ (115) £95 4096 1883 16c (in words) on 17c rose mint. Short perf at left. Cat £160 (115) £45 4097 1886 Surch 2c on 38c dull purple mint. Cat £160 (116) £75 4098 1887 Surch 2c on 13c slate mint. Cat £75 (117) £35 4099 1887 2c on 13c slate fine used with Inverted overprint”“. Cat £300”“ (117a) £125 4100 1887 2c on 4c carmine fine used with double overprint”“. Cat £85”“ (118b) £45 4101 1887 2c on 4c carmine x 2 fine used one with with double overprint,”“ the other with “”double overprint, one inverted”“. (Was 118a,b). Cat £170”“ (“118b,c”) £75 4102 1891 Surcharges set of 4v complete mint. Cat £170 (118/21) £75 4103 1891 2c on 38c on 9d bright violet in mint horizontal strip of four (3 u/m). Cat £64+ (120) £35 4104 1895 CA set of 6v to 18c o/pt Specimen, complete. Cat £150 (127/32s) £65 4105 1899 Admiral de La Bourdonnais 15c blue o/pt Specimen. Cat £80 (136s) £35 4106 1900 set of 18v to 5r mint, complete. R5 gum bend. Cat £350 (138/55) £140 4107 1900 CA 15c black and blue/blue fine mint. Cat £65 (150) £28 4108 1904 MCA 6c purple and carmine/red (chalky) in mint block of eighteen (6x3) (all but 1 are u/m). Cat £250++ (168a) £150 4109 1910 MCA set of 14v to 1r mint. Cat £80 (181/92) £32 4110 1910 MCA 15c blue in u/m block of 12 (6x2), showing sheet margin at left and central gutter margin at right. Cat £218++ (189) £140 4111 1910 MCA 1r black/green in mint block of four. Cat £76 (192) £36 4112 1910 MCA 2r.50 black and red/blue mint. Cat £30 (193) £14 4113 1910 MCA 5r green and red/yellow mint. Cat £48 (194) £20 4114 1910 MCA 10r green and red/green mint. Cat £170 (195) £80 4115 1913 MCA 5c, 12c and 25c mint. As cheapest. Cat £14.75 (196/9) £6 4116 1913 MCA 50c dull purple and black u/m. Cat £50+ (200) £35 4117 1913 MCA 50c dull purple and black mint. Cat £50 (200) £22 4118 1913 Die 1 MCA 1r black/blue-green (olive back) mint. Cat £11(201) £5 4119 1913 MCA R2.50 black and red mint. Cat £45 (202) £20 4120 1913 MCA 5r green and red/pale yellow, Die 1, mint. Cat £130 (203a) £65 4121 1913 MCA Die I 5r green and red/pale yellow, mint. Cat £130(203a) £65 4122 1913 MCA 10r green and red/green fine used with corner cds. Cat £225 (204) £110 4123 1913 10r green and red/emerald (olive back) mint, fresh. Cat £160 (204b) £80 4124 1913 MCA 10r green and red, emerald back mint. Cat £90 (204c) £45 4125 1913 MCA Die II 10r green and red on emerald mint. Cat £55(204d) £30 4126 1921 Script 10c carmine-red in u/m block of 4. Cat £64+ (216) £38 4127 1921 Script 15c blue in u/m plate (1) block of 4. Cat £22++ (219) £15 4128 1921 Script 4c sage-green and carmine Dies I and II mint. Cat £22.75 (“226,26b”) £9 4129 1921 Script 4c sage-green and carmine Dies I and II fine used. Cat £60 (“226,26b”) £28 4130 1921 Script 4c green (Die 1) in mint strip of 3 (1 u/m) with plate 23. Cat £48+ (226c) £28 4131 1921 Script 8c orange fine used. Cat £20 (229) £9 4132 1921 Script 10c carmine-red Dies I and II mint. Cat £21.75 (“230,30a”) £9 4133 1921 Script 10c carmine-red Dies I and II fine used. Cat £19 (“230,30a”) £9 4134 1921 Script 12c pale grey (Type A) mint. Cat £7 (232a) £3 4135 1921 Script 12c pale grey (type A) fine used. Cat £26 (232a) £12 4136 1921 Script 20c Prussian blue Dies I and II mint. Cat £39(“235,5a”) £15 4137 1921 Script 25c black and red/pale yellow Dies I and II mint. Cat £14.50 (“236,6a”) £6 4138 1921 Script 25c black and red/pale yellow Dies I and II fine used. Cat £70 (“236,6a”) £30 4139 1921 Script 1r black/emerald Dies I and II fine used. Cat £67 (“238,38a”) £28 4140 1921 Script 2r50 black and red/blue mint. Cat £20 (239) £9 4141 1921 Script 2r50 black and red/blue fine used. Cat £18 (239) £9 4142 1921 Script 5r green and red/yellow mint. Cat £50 (240) £22 54

4143 4144 4145 4146 4147 4148


1921 Script 5/- green and yellow/yellow fine used. Cat £100 (240) £50 1921 Script 10r green and red/emerald mint. Cat £160 (241) £80 1921 Script 10r green and red/emerald fine used. Cat £375 (241) £150 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £35 (245/48) £18 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £50 (245/48) £26 1935 Silver Jubilee 20c mint with ‘Dot to left of chapel’. Cat £325 (247g) £125 1937 Coronation 20c u/m with the ‘Line by sceptre’ flaw. Cat £90 (251b) £50 1937 Coronation 20c blue fine used, with ‘Line by Sceptre’. Cat £50 (251b) £30 1938 set of 12v to 10r mint, complete. Cat £120 (252/63a) £45 1938 full set of 27v to 10r fine used, complete incl listed shades and perfs. Cat £300++ (252/63a) £150 1938 set of 12v to 10r fine used complete. Cat £85 (252/63a) £45 1938 P15x14 2c, 5c, 10c and 12c mint. Difficult. Cat £156 (252a/7a) £65 1938 P15x14 12c salmon in u/m bottom left hand corner marginal block of four. Cat £220+ (257a) £120 1938 25c purple-brown, ord paper, mint. Cat £9 (259b) £4 1938 25c brown-purple mint with the ‘IJ’ flaw, fine and scarce. Cat £300 (259ba) £100 1938 25c brown-purple fine used with the ‘IJ’ variety. Cat £48 (259ba) £25 1938 1r grey-brown chalky paper mint. Cat £45 (260) £13 1938 1r grey-brown on chalky paper mint with the scarce ‘Battered A’ variety, fine and lightly mounted. Some gum toning as usually found with these first printings. Cat £900 (260a) £300 1948 Silver Wedding set fine used. Cat £42 (270/1) £25 1948 Silver Wedding R10 in fine used block of four. Cat £168 (271) £100 1950 set of 15v to 10r mint complete. Cat £75 (276/90) £25 1950 set of 15v to 10r fine used, complete. Cat £90 (276/90) £45 1953 set of 15v to 10r u/m, complete. Cat £60 (293/306) £35 1953 set of 15v to 10r mint, complete. Cat £60 (293/306) £20 1965 Birds set of 11v to 60c in u/m block of four. Cat £68 (317/27) £22 1965 Birds set of 15v to 10r u/m complete. Cat £70 (317/31) £35 1965 Birds 4c, with mauve-pink (background) omitted, mint. Cat £80 (319a) £25 1969 Marine life set of 18v to 10r mint, complete. Cat £27 (382/99) £7 1903 Express Delivery 15c on 15c, (type E1) in u/m block of four. Cat £68+ (E1) £40 1903 Express Delivery 15c on 15c, (type E2, close setting) mint. Cat £65 (E2) £28 1954 R5 booklet, grey cover. Cat £35 (Sb2) £15

4174 4175 4176 4177 4178 4179 4180 4181 4182 4183 4184 4185 4186 4187 4188 4189 4190 4191 4192 4193 4194 4195 4196 4197 4198 4199 4200 4201 4202

MONACO 1885 Prince Charles 1c olive-green mint. Cat £28 1885 Prince Charles 1c olive-green fine used. Cat £18 1885 Prince Charles 2c dull lilac mint. Cat £65 1885 Prince Charles 2c dull lilac fine used. Cat £32 1885 Prince Charles 5c blue mint no gum. Cat £80 1885 Prince Charles 5c blue fine used. Cat £41 1885 Prince Charles 10c red-brown/straw mint. Cat £100 1885 Prince Charles 15c rose fine used. Cat £28 1885 Prince Charles 25c blue-green fine used. Cat £85 1885 Prince Charles 75c black/rose mint. Cat £300 1891 Prince Albert 5c pale blue fine used. Cat £7.25 1891 Prince Albert 10c brown/yellow mint. Cat £130 1891 Prince Albert 10c brown/yellow fine used. Cat £20 1891 Prince Albert 15c bright rose mint. Cat £225 1891 Prince Albert 15c bright rose fine used. Cat £12 1891 Prince Albert 25c deep grey-green mint. Cat £375 1891 Prince Albert 25c grey-green fine used. Cat £37 1891 Prince Albert 40c black/pale rose u/m. Cat £3.75+ 1891 Prince Albert 25c brown/orange u/m. Cat £9.25+ 1891 Prince Albert 75c violet-brown/buff mint. Cat £32 1891 Prince Albert 75c violet-brown/buff fine used. Cat £23 1891 Prince Albert 1f black/yellow-green mint. Cat £23 1891 Prince Albert 1f black/yellow-green fine used. Cat £11 1891 Prince Albert 5F rose/green(ish) fine used. Cat £100 1901 Prince Albert 25c blue u/m. Cat £17+ 1901 Prince Albert 75c brown/buff u/m. Cat £23+ 1901 Prince Albert 5f grey-green u/m. Cat £37+ 1914 10c+5c Red Cross mint. Cat £10 1919 War Orphans’ Fund 5c+5c bluish-green u/m. Cat £25+

4149 4150 4151 4152 4153 4154 4155 4156 4157 4158 4159 4160 4161 4162 4163 4164 4165 4166 4167 4168 4169 4170 4171 4172

(1) £7 (1) £6 (2) £15 (2) £8 (3) £8 (3) £10 (4) £20 (5) £7 (6) £18 (8) £55 (13) £2 (14) £25 (14) £6 (15) £40 (15) £4 (16) £50 (16) £9 (17) £2 (18) £5 (19) £10 (19) £6 (20) £8 (20) £3 (21) £20 (26) £8 (27) £8 (29) £12 (30) £3 (32) £10

4203 4204 4205 4206 4207 4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 4213 4214 4215 4216 4217 4218 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 4224 4225 4226 4227 4228 4229 4230 4231 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 4240 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 4250 4251 4252 4253 4254 4255 4256 4257 4258 4259 4260

1919 War Orphans’ Fund 15c+10c carmine u/m. Cat £26+ (33) £9 1919 War Orphans’ Fund 25c+15c blue u/m. Cat £55+ (34) £20 1920 Marriage 15c+10c carmine u/m. Cat £32+ (43) £12 1920 Marriage 25c+15c blue u/m. Cat £28+ (44) £12 1922 Views set of 11v to 10f mint, complete. Cat £100 (54/64a) £35 1924 Views set of 33v to 10f mint, complete (odd minor fault but several are u/m). Long set, hard to find complete. Cat £100 (73/105) £35 1926 surcharges set of 7v to 1f50 mint, complete. Cat £32 (106/12) £9 1928 Philatelic Exhibition u/m. Cat £9.50+ (113/5) £4 1933 15c-20f brown-black u/m (top 16v). Cat £700+ (122/42) £150 1933 1f red-brown mint. Cat £35 (132) £10 1933 1f50 ultramarine mint. Cat £50 (134) £14 1933 1f75 claret mint. Cat £45 (135) £14 1933 1f75 carmine mint. Cat £31 (136) £9 1933 2f indigo mint. Cat £18 (137) £6 1933 3f violet mint. Cat £32 (138) £9 1933 3.50f orange u/m. Cat £70+ (139) £24 1933 5f purple u/m. Cat £44+ (140) £16 1933 Air surcharged 1f.50 fine mint. Cat £42 (143) £12 1937 Views or Portraits set of 5v mint, complete. Cat £190 (144/8) £45 1937 Dues set o/pt for use as postage stamps, 14v mint, complete. 2f25 blunted corner. Cat £110 (149/62) £30 1938 Prince Louis II set of 8v mint, complete. Cat £90 (164/71) £28 1938 Anti-Cancer Fund mint. Cat £33 (172/3) £9 1939 Views set of 19v to 20f mint complete. Cat £55 (174/92) £18 1939 Stadium 10F green u/m. Cat £150+ (198) £50 1939 National Relief set of 10v u/m complete. Cat £325+ (199/208) £100 1939 University Games u/m. Cat £16+ (209/13) £7 1940 Red Cross Ambulance Fund o/pt set of 15v to 20f mint, complete. Cat £200 (214/28) £50 1941 National Relief set of 10v to 10f mint, complete. Cat £65 (239/48) £20 1942 Airs set of 6v fine mint. Cat £9.75 (271/6) £3 1942 National Relief Fund set of 15v mint, complete. Low vals no gum. Cat £26 (277/91) £5 1944 St. Devote mint. Cat £7 (293/301) £2 1946 Prince Louis II u/m. Cat £12 (307/12) £5 1946 Air o/pts (2v) u/m. Cat £14.50 (320/1) £6 1946 Air 300f, 500f and 1000f (top 3v) u/m. Cat £255 (“326a,b,c”) £80 1947 NY Philatelic Exhibition se-tenant strip of 3 u/m. Cat £25(336a) £9 1948 Olympic Games (Postage and Airs) mint, complete. Cat £130 (343/51) £35 1948 Bosio (Postage and Air issues) mint complete. Cat £150 (352/60) £35 1948 (new cols) 25f black u/m. Cat £36 (374) £12 1949 Birth Centenary of Albert I 14v mint complete. Cat £60 (375/88) £18 1949 (1959 issued) 5f, 35f, 85f and 100f u/m (4v). Cat £50+ (393 Etc) £16 1949 25f light blue u/m. Cat £60 (397) £18 1949 (1957 issue) 65f and 70f u/m. Cat £27 (403/4) £8 1949 75f deep green u/m. Cat £30 (405) £10 1949 75th Anniv UPU u/m (7v). Cat £30 (410/6) £10 1949 Red Cross Fund m/s (single) perf, u/m. Cat £150 (Ms408) £35 1949 Red Cross Fund block of four stamps ex single m/s imperf, u/m. Cat (as single m/s) £150 (Ms409) £25 1950 Accession of Prince Rainier III u/m, complete. Cat £48 (417/24) £18 1950 Prince Rainier III set of 11v to 10f mint, complete. Cat £85 (425/35) £24 1951 Albert I statue u/m. Cat £17 (436) £6 1951 Goncourt Abbey u/m. Cat £17 (437) £5 1951 Holy Year 12v u/m, complete. Cat £120 (438/49) £38 1951 Monte Carlo Radio Station u/m. Cat £41 (450/2) £12 1951 Seal of Prince Rainer III u/m. Cat £70 (453/7) £24 1952 Monaco Postal Museum u/m. Cat £13 (460/2) £5 1953 Helsinki Olympics set of 10v u/m, complete. Cat £100 (463/72) £35 1954 pre-cancels 13v mint, complete (with gum). Cat £50(491/503) £15 1955 80th Birthday of Albert Schweizer set of 4v to 200f u/m. Cat £70 (504/7) £25 1955 P11 (original) Airs set of 4v u/m, complete. Cat £650 (508/11) £200

4261 1955 P13 Airs set of 3v u/m (complete for this perf). Cat £650 (508a/11a) £175 4262 1955 Seal of Prince Rainer III new cols u/m. Cat £85 (512/6) £28 4263 1955 25th Monte Carlo Car Rally u/m. Cat £130 (517) £38 4264 1955 Jules Verne set of 11v u/m, complete. Cat £60 (529/39) £20 4265 1956 Philatelic Exhibition u/m, complete. Cat £27 (544/52) £10 4266 1956 postal o/pts on Postage Dues set of 22v u/m complete, all but 100f in tête-bêche pairs. Cat £160 (555/76) £50 4267 1956 26th Monte Carlo Rally u/m. Cat £35 (577) £12 4268 1957 Birth of Princess Caroline u/m, complete. Cat £9 (586/94) £3 4269 1958 Birth of Prince Albert u/m. Cat £12 (595) £5 4270 1958 Monte Carlo Car Rally u/m. Cat £12 (597) £4 4271 1959 Car Rally mint. Cat £10 (614) £2 4272 1959 Prince Rainier Air pair u/m. Cat £62 (615/6) £20 4273 1959 Flowers set of 9v u/m, complete. Cat £26 (617/25) £9 4274 1960 Prince Rainier Air pair (re-issued) u/m. Cat £140 (642/3) £45 4275 1960 Airs 4v u/m complete. (5f is used). Cat £21 (668/71) £4 4276 1961 Veteran Motor Cars u/m complete. Cat £23 (704/17) £8 4277 1962 Birds set of 10v u/m, complete. Cat £18 (730/9) £7 4278 1966 Air set of 5v u/m complete. Cat £95 (858/60) £30 4279 1968 Europa u/m. Cat £8.75 (911/3) £3 4280 1968 Nice-Monaco Railway u/m. Cat £21 (914/9) £7 4281 1970 Protection of Animals u/m. Cat £15 (977/82) £5 4282 1970 Europa u/m. Cat £12 (988/90) £4 4283 1971 Europa u/m. Cat £15 (1015/7) £5 4284 1972 Europa u/m. Cat £9 (1039/40) £4 4285 1972 Olympic Games u/m (block 4). Cat £11 (1046a) £4 4286 1973 Monte Carlo Flower Show u/m. Cat £8 (1073) £3 4287 1973 Europa u/m. Cat £17.50 (1074/5) £6 4288 1973 Dog Show u/m. Cat £15 (1082) £6 4289 1973 Monaco Red Cross m/s u/m. Cat £29 (Ms1072) £9 4290 1974 Impressionists Paintings u/m. Cat £34 (1126/31) £12 4291 1974 International Circus Festival u/m. Cat £14.50 (1132/8) £5 4292 1974 Scientific Exploration u/m. Cat £9.25 (1140/2) £3 4293 1974 Rainier set of 25v to 20f u/m complete (incl Airs). Cat £110 (1145/60) £35 4294 1974 Flowering Plants u/m. Cat £23 (1180/5) £7 4295 1974 25th Anniv Prince Rainier’s Accession m/s u/m. Cat £14 (Ms1110) £5 4296 1974 Europa in sheetlet of 10 stamps (5 sets) u/m. Cat £70 (Ms1125) £22 4297 1975 Europa u/m. Cat £9.25 (1186/7) £3 4298 1975 History of Motor Car set of 11v u/m complete. Cat £49 (1202/12) £16 4299 1975 Paintings u/m. Cat £9.75 (1213/4) £3 4300 1975 Delmas 125th Anniv u/m. Cat £9.50 (1215/7) £3 4301 1975 International Dog Show u/m. Cat £9 (1218) £3 4302 1975 Europa in sheetlet of 10 stamps (5 sets) u/m. Cat £70 (Ms1188) £22 4303 1976 Council of Monaco u/m, complete. Cat £9 (1231/8) £3 4304 1976 International Dog Show u/m. Cat £12.50 (1239) £4 4305 1976 Flower Show u/m. Cat £19 (1244) £7 4306 1976 Europa u/m. Cat £7.50 (1245/9) £3 4307 1976 Pre-cancels set of 12v mint (with gum), complete. Cat £19 (1254/65) £6 4308 1976 Paintings (Royalty) u/m. Cat £10 (1271/2) £4 4309 1976 Europa in sheetlet of 10 stamps (5 sets) u/m. Cat £70 (Ms1253) £22 4310 1977 Career of a Navigator (1st) set of 9v u/m, complete. Cat £22 (1285/93) £7 4311 1977 International Dog Show u/m. Cat £12.50 (1294) £4 4312 1977 Painting u/m. cat £9 (1298) £3 4313 1977 Career of a Navigator (2nd) set of 9v u/m, complete. Cat £21 (1305/13) £7 4314 1977 Europa in sheetlet of 10 stamps (5 sets) u/m. Cat £70 (Ms1304) £22 4315 1978 World Cup Football Championship limited edition m/s u/m. Not listed SG (single stamp only). Yvert 10 cat 575 euros. (-1341) £75 4316 1978 150th Anniversary of Jules Verne u/m, complete. Cat £15 (1331/8) £5 4317 1978 Pre-cancels set of 12v u/m, complete. Cat £17 (1348/59) £6 4318 1978 150th Anniv Charles Perrault u/m, complete. Cat £13.50 (1360/8) £4 4319 1978 Monte Carlo Flower Show u/m. Cat £16.75 (1369/70) £6 4320 1978 Monte Carlo Dog Show u/m. Cat £16.75 (1371/2) £6


4321 1978 5th International Circus Festival u/m. Cat £13.50 (1375/9) £44322 1978 Paintings (Florestan) u/m. Cat £13.50 (1380/1) £4 4323 1978 Europa in sheetlet of 10 stamps (5 sets) u/m. Cat £70 (Ms1347) £22 4324 1978 Red Cross m/s u/m. Cat £9.50 (Ms1382) £3 4325 1978 Prince Albert m/s u/m. Cat £16 (Ms1383) £6 4326 1979 Centenary of la Salle Garnier u/m. Cat £16 (1384/9) £5 4327 1979 la Salle Garnier (2nd issue) u/m. Cat £18 (1399/404) £6 4328 1979 Europa m/s u/m. Cat £48 (Ms1398) £15 4329 1980 Jean Ingres u/m. Cat £17 (1444) £6 4330 1980 Dog Show u/m. Cat £11 (1449) £4 4331 1980 Hans Christian Andersen u/m. Cat £9.50 (1450/5) £3 4332 1980 Art Exhibition u/m. Cat £27 (1456/9) £9 4333 1980 Princes and Princesses (Albert I) u/m. Cat £9.50 (1460/1) £3 4334 1980 Mediterranean Fauna (11v) u/m, complete. Cat £12 (1468/78) £4 4335 1980 Europa in sheetlet of 10 stamps (5 sets) u/m. Cat £32 (Ms1443) £10 4336 1981 Royal Silver Wedding u/m. Cat £19 (1480/4) £6 4337 1981 Mozart (se-tenant strip) u/m. Cat £14.50 (1485a) £5 4338 1981 Dog Show u/m. Cat £9.50 (1496) £3 4339 1981 Rainier and Albert set of 28v out of 29v to 30f u/m, (complete ex 3f40, cat £6). Cat (set) £150 (1497/525) £40 4340 1981 Princes and Princesses (Louis II) u/m. Cat £11.25 (1531/2) £4 4341 1981 Birth Anniversaries u/m. Cat £16 (1535/9) £5 4342 1981 Europa in sheetlet of 10 stamps (5 sets) u/m. Cat £35 (Ms1490) £12 4343 1981 Persimmon Tree m/s u/m. Cat £14.50 (Ms1546) £5 4344 1982 Plants in Exotic Garden u/m, complete. Cat £35 (1547/54) £10 4345 1982 Birds in National Park u/m. Cat £19 (1559/64) £6 4346 1982 Dog Show u/m. Cat £11.25 (1573/4) £4 4347 1982 la Belle Epoque (1st series) u/m. Cat £10 (1582/3) £3 4348 1982 Birth Anniversaries u/m. Cat £19 (1586/90) £6 4349 1982 Europa in sheetlet of 10 stamps (5 sets) u/m. Cat £32 (Ms1567) £10 4350 1982 Football m/s u/m. Cat £13.50 (Ms1579) £5 4351 1983 Exotic Garden u/m. Cat £16 (1605/9) £5 4352 1983 Dog Show u/m. Cat £13.50 (1610) £4 4353 1983 la Belle Epoque (2nd series) u/m. Cat £11.25 (1629/30) £4 4354 1983 Birth Anniversaries u/m. Cat £13 (1633/6) £4 4355 1983 Princesse Grace m/s u/m. Cat £19 (Ms1611) £6 4356 1983 Europa in sheetlet of 10 stamps (5 sets) u/m. Cat £40 (Ms1615) £15 4357 1983 Seasons of the Fig Tree m/s u/m. Cat £14.50 (Ms1644) £5 4358 1984 Butterflies u/m. Cat £22 (1651/5) £7 4359 1984 Bygone Monaco set of 17v u/m, complete. Cat £21 (1661/77) £7 4360 1984 Christmas set of 9v u/m, complete. Cat £21 (1682/90) £7 4361 1984 la Belle Epoque (3rd series) u/m. Cat £13.50 (1701/2) £4 4362 1984 Los Angeles Olympics m/s u/m. Cat £13 (Ms1645) £4 4363 1984 Europa in sheetlet of 8 stamps (4 sets) u/m. Cat £40(Ms1650) £15 4364 1984 Circus m/s u/m. Cat £9.50 (Ms1703) £3 4365 1985 Flowers in National Park u/m. Cat £14.50 (1724/9) £5 4366 1985/6 Fish (in Museum) u/m. (7v). Cat £28 (1742/8) £9 4367 1985 Seasons of Japanese Medlar m/s u/m. Cat £11 (Ms1730) £4 4368 1985 Europa in sheetlet of 10 stamps (5 sets) u/m. Cat £48 (Ms1737) £15 4369 1985 Sailing Race m/s u/m. Cat £10 (Ms1749) £3 4370 1985 Centenary of 1st Monaco Stamps m/s u/m. Cat £13.50 (Ms1765) £4 4371 1986 Mammals in National Park u/m. Cat £20 (1772/7) £7 4372 1986 la Belle Epoque (5th series) u/m. Cat £14.50 (1801/2) £5 4373 1986 Europa in sheetlet of 10 stamps (5 sets) u/m. Cat £48 (Ms1780) £15 4374 1986 World Cup m/s u/m. Cat £12 (Ms1786) £4 4375 1986 Four Seasons of Strawberry Tree m/s u/m. Cat £16 (Ms1803) £5 4376 1987 50th Anniv Monaco stamp se-tenant strip u/m. Cat £12.50 (1826a) £4 4377 1987 la Belle Epoque (6th series) u/m. Cat £13.75 (1851/2) £4 4378 1987 2f and 2f20 each in booklet pane of 10 (in booklet) u/m. Cat £28 (1853a/4a) £8 4379 1987 Four Seasons of Vine m/s u/m. Cat £26 (Ms1822) £9 4380 1987 50th Anniv Monaco stamp (2nd series) m/s (perf) u/m. Cat £12 (Ms1841) £4 4381 1987 50th Anniv Monaco stamp (2nd series) m/s (imperf from limited printing) u/m. (See footnote in SG). (Ms1841 Var) £50 4382 1988 Fish in Museum u/m. Cat £18 (1857/62) £6 56

4383 1988 Mushrooms in National Park u/m. Cat £19 (1876/81) £6 4384 1988 la Belle Epoque (7th series) u/m. Cat £14.50 (1889/90) £5 4385 1988 Europa in sheetlet of 10 stamps (5 sets) u/m. Cat £48 (Ms1443) £15 4386 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics m/s u/m. Cat £32 (Ms1867) £10 4387 1988 Seasons of the Olive Tree m/s u/m. Cat £22 (Ms1897) £7 4388 1989 Rock Carvings u/m. Cat £16 (1902/7) £5 4389 1989 Birth Anniversaries u/m. Cat £13.50 (1958/60) £4 4390 1989 la Belle Epoque (8th series) u/m. Cat £12.25 (1965/6) £4 4391 1989 Seasons of the Pomegranate m/s u/m. Cat £16 (Ms1946) £5 4392 1989 Europa in sheetlet of 10 stamps (5 sets) u/m. Cat £40 (Ms1949) £14 4393 1989 40th Anniv of Reign of Prince Rainier m/s u/m. Cat £18 (Ms1950) £6 4394 1989 Philex France m/s u/m. Cat £11 (Ms1951) £4 4395 1989 Princesse Grace m/s u/m. Cat £14.50 (Ms1963) £5 4396 1990 2f10 and 2f30 each in booklet pane of 10 (in booklet) u/m. Cat £28 (1969a/70a) £10 4397 1990 Garden and Greenery Exposition u/m. Cat £12.50 (1971/5) £4 4398 1990 Europa in sheetlet of 8 stamps (4 sets) u/m. Cat £48(Ms1985) £15 4399 1990 Football Championship m/s u/m. Cat £22 (Ms1986) £7 4400 1990 Seasons of the Lemon Tree m/s u/m. Cat £18 (Ms2007) £6 4401 1991 Europa in sheetlet of 10 stamps (5 sets) u/m. Cat £45 (Ms2041) £15 4402 1991 Seasons of the Orange Tree m/s u/m. Cat £16 (Ms2061) £5 4403 1991 Centenary of Prince Albert stamps m/s u/m. Cat £21(Ms2068) £7 4404 1992 2f20 and 2f50 each in booklet pane of 10 (in booklet) u/m. Cat £39 (2090a/1a) £12 4405 1992 Seasons of the Prickly Pear m/s u/m. Cat £16 (Ms2072) £5 4406 1992 Mediterranean Dolphins m/s u/m. Cat £19 (Ms2081) £6 4407 1992 Europa m/s (3 sets) u/m. Cat £40 (Ms2085) £15 4408 1992 Stamp Museum m/s u/m (NB as issued - design includes 2 postmarks”“). Cat £14.50”“ (Ms2105) £5 4409 1993 Mediterranean Whales u/m. Cat £19 (Ms2112) £6 4410 1993 Seasons of the Almond Tree m/s u/m. Cat £16 (Ms2113) £5 4411 1993 Europa m/s (3 sets) u/m. Cat £18 (Ms2127) £6 4412 1993 Admission to UNO m/s u/m. Cat £18 (Ms2128) £6 4413 1994 Mediterranean Whales and Dolphins m/s u/m. Cat £19 (Ms2173) £6 4414 1994 Winter Olympic Games m/s u/m. Cat £14.50 (Ms2174) £5 4415 1994 Europa m/s (3 sets) u/m. Cat £19 (Ms2182) £6 4416 1994 Stamp and Coin Museum m/s u/m. Cat £20 (Ms2197) £7 4417 1994 Seasons of the Apricot Tree m/s u/m. Cat £21 (Ms2202) £7 4418 1995 Flowers set of 12v u/m complete, in se-tenant booklet pane. Cat £23 (2236a) £8 4419 1995 Seasons of the Jujabe m/s u/m. Cat £16 (Ms2217) £5 4420 1995 Stamp and Coin Museum (2nd series) m/s u/m. Cat £18 (Ms2225) £6 4421 1995 50th Anniv UNO m/s u/m. Cat £24 (Ms2235) £8 4422 1946 Due 100f red and deep green u/m. Cat £18 (D338) £8 4423 1985 Dues set of 12v u/m complete. Cat £10 (D1712/23) £4 MONTsErrAT 4424 1876 CC o/pt 1d red mint. Cat £30 (1) £12 4425 1876 CC o/pt 1d red fine used, bisected vertically and tied to small piece. Cat on cover £1400 (1a) £50 4426 1880 CC 2½d red brown fine used. Cat £180 (4) £75 4427 1880 CC 4d blue mint. Cat £150 (5) £60 4428 1880 CC 4d blue fine used. Cat £40 (5) £18 4429 1883 o/pt 1d red mint with the scarce ‘Inverted S’ variety. APS Cert. Cat £2000 (6a) £500 4430 1884 CA P14 ½d - 4d together with 1d shade fine used. (7v). Cat £375 (“7/12,8c”) £140 4431 1883 CA P14 o/pt 1d red in mint block of four (2 u/m). Cat £112+ (8) £65 4432 1883 CA P14 o/pt 1d rose-red unused, no gum. Cat £32 (8c) £5 4433 1884 CA P14 2½d red-brown mint. Cat £275 (9) £110 4434 1884 CA 2½d red-brown fine used. Cat £65 (9) £30 4435 1884 CA 2½d ultramarine mint. Cat £30 (10) £12 4436 1884 CA 4d blue fine used, light postmark. Scarce. Cat £250(11) £120 4437 1884 CA 4d blue fine used, nibbled perf top left. Fresh. Cat £250 (11) £50 4438 1884 CA 2½d ultramarine mint. Cat £30 (10) £12 4439 1903 CA set of 10v to 5/- mint complete. Cat £225 (14/23) £120 4440 1903 CA 1/- green and bright purple mint. Cat £10 (20) £4 4441 1903 CC 5/- black and scarlet mint. Cat £160 (23) £80

4442 1904 MCA ½d grey-green and green (ord) in mint plate block (1) of four (2 stamps u/m). Cat £52++ (24) £35 4443 1904 MCA set of 7v to 1/- mint. Cat £58 (24/30) £24 4444 1904 MCA set of 10v to 5r mint, complete. Cat £300 (24/33) £150 4445 1904 MCA 2d grey and brown (ord) in fine used block of four. Cat £56 (26) £22 4446 1904 MCA 2d grey and brown (ord) fine used. Cat £14 (26) £7 4447 1904 MCA 3d dull orange and deep purple (ord) in u/m plate (1) block of four. Cat £52++ (28) £38 4448 1904 MCA 3d dull orange and deep purple fine used. Cat £8 (28) £3 4449 1904 MCA 6d dull purple and orange (ch) in mint block of four (2 u/m). Cat £60+ (29a) £34 4450 1904 MCA 5/- black and red mint. Cat £160 (33) £80 4451 1908 MCA set of 7v [plus 3d white back, 8v total] to 1/- mint. Cat £44 (35/44) £16 4452 1908 MCA set of 8v to 2/- fine used. Cat £250+ (35/45) £120 4453 1908 MCA set of 10v to 5/- mint, complete. Cat £170 (35/47) £85 4454 1908 MCA 2d greyish slate fine used. Cat £21 (38) £9 4455 1908 MCA 6d dull and deep purple fine used. Cat £55 (43) £22 4456 1908 MCA 1/- black/green fine used. Cat £45 (44) £22 4457 1908 MCA 2/- purple and blue/bright blue mint. Cat £50 (45) £22 4458 1908 MCA 2/- purple and blue/bright blue fine used. Cat £60 (45) £30 4459 1908 MCA 2/6d black and red/blue fine used. Cat £80 (46) £40 4460 1908 MCA 5/- red and green/yellow mint. Cat £65 (47) £32 4461 1914 MCA 5/- green and red/yellow mint. Cat £90 (48) £45 4462 1914 MCA 5/- green and red/yellow mint. Cat £90 (48) £45 4463 1914 MCA 5/- red and green/yellow fine used. Cat £85 (48) £45 4464 1916 MCA set of 13v to 5/- mint, complete, incl both shades of 1d and 3d. Cat £170+ (49/59) £85 4465 1916 MCA set of 11v to 5/- mint, complete. Some hinge remainders. Cat £130 (49/59) £50 4466 1932 Anniversary set of 10v to 5/- mint, complete. Cat £160(84/93) £80 4467 1932 Anniversary set of 10v to 5/- fine used, complete. Scare thus. Cat £400 (84/93) £200 4468 1932 Anniversary ½d tp 3d (6v) fine used. Cat £92 (84/93) £42 4469 1932 Anniversary 6d violet fine used. Cat £38 (90) £15 4470 1932 Anniversary 1/- olive-brown fine used. Cat £50 (91) £22 4471 1932 Tercent 2/6d purple u/m. Cat £48+ (92) £28 4472 1932 Anniversary 2/6d purple fine used. Cat £85 (92) £40 4473 1932 Anniversary 5/- chocolate cds fine used. Cat £180 (93) £95 4474 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £11 (94/7) £6 4475 1938 P13 issues to 5/- mint complete (for these perfs). Cat £220 (101/10) £65 4476 1938 P14 defins (+ 10/- and £1) mint. Cat £110 (101a/12) £40 4477 1938 set of 12v to £1 mint, complete. Cat £110 (101a/12) £40 4478 1938 P13 1½d mauve mint. Cat £21 (103) £6 4479 1951 set of 13v to $4.80 mint, complete. Cat £65 (123/35) £24 4480 1953 set of 15v to $4.80 u/m complete. Cat £75 (136a/49) £40 4481 1970 Birds set of 14v to $10 u/m complete. Cat £40 (242/54c) £20 4482 1970 Birds set of 24v to $10 fine used complete (incl both paper types). Cat £100++ (242/54c) £50 4483 1974 University 60c fine used with wmk inverted (only listed used). Cat £100 (326w) £50 MOrOCCO AGENCy BrITIsH 4484 1889 Gibraltar 5p slate-grey, oval Tangier cancel, fine used. Cat £120 (Z152) £65 4485 1898 T1 o/pt 20c olive-green and brown mint pair, one with Inverted V for A”“ variety. Cat £140+”“ (“3,3a”) £70 4486 1899 o/pt 25c ultramarine fine used, with Broad top to M”“ variety. Cat £55”“ (12b) £24 4487 1899 o/pt 40c orange-brown mint. Cat £50 (13) £24 4488 1899 T2 o/pt on Gibraltar set of 7v to 1Pta mint. Cat £120(Sep-15) £55 4489 1899 T2 o/pt on Gibraltar set of 8v fine used, complete. Cat £140 (Sep-16) £70 4490 1903 CA o/pt set of 7v to 2p mint, fine and fresh. Cat £190 (17/23) £85 4491 1903 CA o/pt 10c dull purple/red mint, with Hyphen between nc”“ variety”“. Cat £60”“ (18c) £30 4492 1903 CA o/pt 20c green and carmine mint, with Hyphen between nc”“ variety”“. Cat £150”“ (19c) £75 4493 1903 CA 25c mint, with Hyphen between nc”“ variety. Cat £70”“ (20c) £30 4494 1903 CA o/pt 1p black and carmine u/m. Cat £35+ (22) £25 4495 1903 CA o/pt 1p black and carmine fine used. Cat £200 (22) £100 4496 1903 CA o/pt 1p black and carmine mint with ‘Hyphen between nc’, a fine example. Cat £225 (22c) £110

4497 1903 CA o/pt 2p black and blue fine used. Cat £180 (23) £90 4498 1905 MCA set of 7v to 2p mint complete. Cat £160 (24/30) £80 4499 1905 MCA set of 7v to 2p mint, hinge remainder on low vals. Cat £160 (24/30) £55 4500 1905 MCA set of 7v to 2p fine used complete. Cat £200 (24/30) £100 4501 1905 MCA o/pt 1p black and carmine fine used. Cat £90 (29) £42 4502 1907 o/pt set of 6v to 1/- mint, gum toning. Cat £70 (31-Jul) £15 4503 1907 o/pt set of 8v to 2/6d mint, complete. Cat £150 (31-Aug) £75 4504 1907 o/pt set of 8v to 2/6d mint, complete. Cat £150 (31-Aug) £50 4505 1907 o/pt set of 8v to 2/6d fine used, complete. Cat £250 (31-Aug) £125 4506 1907 o/pt 2/6d dull purple mint. Cat £95 (38) £45 4507 1907 o/pt 2/6d dull purple fine used. Cat £170 (38) £85 4508 1907 o/pt Somerset House 2/6d dull reddish-purple u/m. One or two light gum wrinkles. Cat £150+ (41) £85 4509 1914 o/pt set of 10v to 5/- fine used complete. Cat £150 (42/54) £75 4510 1914 o/pt set of 8v to 1/- mint. Cat £55 (42/9) £22 4511 1914 o/pt Waterlow 2/6d sepia brown mint. Cat £55 (50) £25 4512 1914 DLR o/pt 2/6d yellow-brown mint. Cat £55 (51) £25 4513 1914 Bradbury o/pt 2/6d chocolate mint. Cat £45 (53) £26 4514 1914 Bradbury o/pt 5/- rose-red u/m. Cat £55+ (54) £40 4515 1925 o/pt [type 8] 2½d blue u/m. Cat £100+ (58a) £70 4516 1925 o/pt [type 8] 1/- bistre-brown in u/m top left hand corner marginal block of four. Cat £220+ (61b) £140 4517 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £16 (62/5) £8 4518 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £32 (62/5) £16 4519 1935 o/pt set of 9v to 5/- fine used, complete. Cat £250 (66/74) £125 4520 1935 o/pt 2/6d brown (re-engraved) mint. Cat £50 (73) £24 4521 1935 o/pt 2/6d brown (re-engraved) fine used. Cat £75 (73) £40 4522 1935 o/pt re-engraved 2/6d and 5/- mint. Cat £80 (73/4) £40 4523 1937 o/pt Re-engraved 5/- rose-red u/m. Cat £28+ (74) £20 4524 1935 o/pt 5/- bright rose-red fine used. Scarce thus. Cat £140 (74) £75 4525 1949 o/pt set of 17v to 5/- in u/m blocks of four, complete. (2x1d are mounted and 1 x ½d has crease). Cat £320 (77/93) £150 4526 1949 o/pt set of 17v to 5/- u/m, complete. Cat £80 (77/93) £50 4527 1949 o/pt set of 17v to 5/- mint, complete. Cat £80 (77/93) £28 4528 1949 o/pt set of 17v to 5/- fine used, complete. Cat £225 (77/93) £120 4529 1949 o/pt 2/6d green mint, showing constant (but SG unlisted) Major reentry”“ (R5/5). CW16a”“ (92 Var) £75 4530 1949 o/pt 5/- red mint, showing constant (but SG unlisted) Inverted T guide in hair”“ (R5/2). CW17a”“ (93 Var) £75 4531 1951 o/pt set of 7v to 5/- mint, complete. Cat £32 (94/100) £14 4532 1951 set of 5v to 2½d complete in u/m blocks of four. Cat £41 (94/8) £12 MOrOCCO AGENCy FrENCH 1917 set of 9v to 1f mint, complete. Cat £27 (191/9) £12 1924 Surch 3f on 2/6d and 6f on 5/- mint. Cat £37 (200/1) £18 1925 Block wmk Surch set of 10v mint, complete. Cat £60(202/11) £24 1935 Silver Jubilee o/pt set mint. Cat £5.75 (212/5) £2 1935 Surcharged set of 11v to 6F on 5/- mint, complete. Cat £27 (216/26) £14 4538 1935 3f on 2/6d chocolate-brown in mint block of 4, 2 u/m. (225) £12 4539 1936 surcharged 5c on ½d green u/m with the very scarce ‘Bar through postage’ variety, a key EDVIII item and somewhat under catalogued at £750. Philatelic Foundation Cert. (227a) £600

4533 4534 4535 4536 4537

MOrOCCO AGENCy spANIsH 4540 1907 surcharged set of 12v to 12p on 10/- mint, complete. Cat £200 (112/23) £90 4541 1907 Surch set to 12p on 10/- fine used, complete. Cat £180 (112/23) £90 4542 1907 Harrison P15x14 2½d dull blue mint. Cat £45 (124a) £18 4543 1907 Surch 12p on Somerset House 10/- ultramarine fine used. Cat £250 (125) £125 4544 1912 GB Downey 1d scarlet mint, with No Cross”“ variety. Cat £110”“ (127a) £50 4545 1912 GB Downey 1d scarlet mint, with No Cross”“ variety. Cat £110”“ (127a) £50 4546 1914 surcharged 6p on 5/- (SG 136), 12p on 10/- (138) and 3p on 2/6d (139) mint, fine and fresh. Cat £200 (136 Etc) £100 4547 1914 Surch 6p on 5/- pale rose-carmine mint. Cat £150 (137) £75 4548 1918 o/pt Block wmk set of 6v fine used complete. Cat £95(143/8) £42 4549 1925 o/pt Block wmk set of 6v mint complete. Cat £60 (143/8) £26 4550 1936 EDVIII 10c on 1d scarlet with longer 15_ mm o/pt fine used. Cat £19 (161a) £10 4551 1937 Surch set of 7v to 1p mint, complete. Cat £48 (165/71) £15


4552 1937 Surch set of 7v to 1p on 10d fine used, complete. Cat £45 (165/71) £24 4553 1948 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £18 (176/7) £10 4554 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £18 (176/7) £9 4555 4556 4557 4558 4559 4560 4561 4562 4563 4564 4565 4566 4567

MOrOCCO AGENCy TANGIEr 1927 GV o/pt set of 4v mint. cat £25 (231/4) £10 1934 Photogravure o/pt set of 3v, mint. Cat £13.50 (235/7) £6 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £26 (238/40) £12 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £28 (238/40) £16 1948 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £20 (255/6) £12 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £25 (255/6) £10 1949 o/pt defins 2d-1/- fine used (12v). Scarce thus. Cat £165 (261/72) £75 1949 o/pt set of 15v to 10/- u/m, complete. Cat £120 (261/75) £70 1949 o/pt set of 15v to 10/- fine used complete, scarce thus. Cat £325 (261/75) £150 1949 o/pt 2/6d yellow-green fine used. Cat £27 (273) £14 1949 o/pt 5/- red fine used. Cat £48 (274) £24 1949 o/pt 10/- ultramarine fine used. Cat £140 (275) £75 1950 o/pt set of 9v to 10/- fine used, complete. Cat £75 (280/8) £40

MUsCAT 4568 1944 Al Busaid o/pt set of 15v to 2r u/m, complete. Cat £29+ (Jan-15) £15 4569 1944 Al-Busaid o/pt set of 15v to 2r fine used, complete, genuine cancels. Scarce. Cat £140 (Jan-15) £75 4570 1944 Official o/pt set to 1r fine used, complete. Cat £160 (O1/10) £80 NAUrU 4571 1916 o/pt basic set of 11v to 1/- mint, complete. Cat £85 (01-Dec) £35 4572 1916 o/pt at foot basic set of 11v to 1/- fine used, complete. Hard to find in used condition. Cat £190 (01-Dec) £95 4573 1916 o/pt ½d green u/m, with Double overprint, one albino”“ variety. Cat £60+”“ (1b) £42 4574 1916 o/pt 1½d red-brown mint. Cat £55 (3) £22 4575 1916 o/pt 2d orange Die 2 mint. Cat £70 (5) £30 4576 1916 o/pt [centre] set of 4v mint. Cat £70 (13/16) £30 4577 1916 o/pt [centre] 2d orange fine used. Cat £80 (16) £40 4578 1916 o/pt DLR 2/6d yellow-brown mint. Cat £70 (20) £35 4579 1916 DLR o/pt 2/6d brown (worn plate) u/m. Cat £70+ (21) £45 4580 1916 DLR o/pt 5/- bright carmine mint. Cat £100 (22) £50 4581 1916 DLR o/pt 10/- pale blue mint. Cat £250 (23) £125 4582 1916 Bradbury o/pt 2/6d pale brown mint. Cat £80 (25) £40 4583 1924 Pictorial set to 1/- mint (mixed papers, mostly white, all taken as cheapest). Cat £70 (26/36) £25 4584 1924 Century set to 10/- mint complete (original prints on greyish paper). Cat £225 (26/39 A) £95 4585 1924 Century set of 14v white papers to 10/- u/m, complete. Cat £200+ (26/39 B) £85 4586 1924 (1937 issued) Century set of 14v to 10/- mint complete, reprint on white papers, fine quality. Cat £200 (26/39 B) £75 4587 1924 Century set of 15v to 10/- fine used, white papers, most on small piece, complete, incl both perfs of ½d. Cat £240 (26b/39 B) £110 4588 1924 white paper Century 2/6d green mint. Cat £38 (37 B) £14 4589 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £9.50 (40/3) £4 4590 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £9 (40/3) £5 4591 4592 4593 4594 4595

NEpAL 1949 Local motives set of 9v mint, complete. 1954 King Tribhuvan set of 12v mint, complete. 1954 Map set of 12v mint, complete. 1957 Royal Crown set of 12v mint, complete. 1959 UPU set of 14v mint, complete.

(55/63) (60/71) (72/83) (94/105) (111/24)

£40 £50 £50 £30 £50

NETHErLANDs 4596 1852 imperfs on stockcard, 1c, 5c (6) abd 15c (4). Most are 4 margin, fine used. Cat £650+ (“1,2,3b”) £90 4597 1893 large Wilhelmina P11½ 2g50 ultramarine and rose-carmine used. Fine. Scarce. Cat £225 (158) £65 4598 1893 P11½x11 large Wilhelmina 50c brown and yellow-green mint, fresh. Cat £180 (159) £60 4599 1893 P11½x11 large Wilhelmina 50c brown and blue-green fine used. Cat £25 (159) £7 4600 1893 P11½x11 large Wilhelmina 1g olive-green and brown fine used. Cat £38 (160) £11 4601 1893 P11½x11 large Wilhelmina 2g50 ultramarine and rosine mint. Cat £700 (161) £225 4602 1898 Coronation 1g type A (thin letters) mint. Cat £275 (166) £70 58

4603 1899 P11 2½g dull lilac mint. Cat £150 (195a) £35 4604 1899 P11½ 5g lake mint. Small (natural) perf faut top edge. Cat £350 (196b) £60 4605 1926 Wilhelmina 1g, 2½g and 5g top vals mint (as cheapest). Cat £426 (301/3) £125 NEW HEBrIDEs 4606 1908 MCA and CA o/pt set of 9v complete incl CA 1/- (SG9) green and carmine mint. Clean Diena cert for SG4/9. Cat £200 (01-Sep) £100 4607 1908 CA o/pt 1/- green and carmine fine used. Difficult stamp. Cat £300 (9) £125 4608 1911 set of 7v to 1/- mint. Cat £31 (18/26) £12 4609 1911 set of 9v to 5/- mint, complete. Cat £110 (18/28) £40 4610 1911 set of 9v to 5/- mint o/pt Specimen. Fine. Cat £250(18/28s) £125 4611 1911 MCA 2/- purple/blue mint. Cat £48 (27) £20 4612 1911 MCA 5/- green/yellow mint. Cat £48 (28) £20 4613 1924 surcharged 5d on 2½d ultramarine mint, very toned gum but fine appearance and a scarce variety. Expertised by Scheller. Cat £3500 (42a) £600 4614 1925 Script set of 9v to 5/- fine used, complete. Cat £120 (43/51) £65 4615 1938 Gold Currency set of 9v to 1F mint, clean. Cat £35 (52/60) £12 4616 1938 Gold Currency 2f blue mint. Cat £30 (61) £12 4617 1938 Gold Currency 5f red and yellow mint. Cat £75 (62) £28 4618 1938 Gold Currency 10f violet/blue mint. Cat £225 (63) £85 4619 1963 set of 12v to 5f mint, complete. Cat £19 (98/109) £7 4620 1977 Island maps set of 13v to 500fnh fine used, complete. Cat £16 (242/54) £7 4621 1925 Postage Due set mint, a little gum toning. Cat £150 (D1/5) £50 4622 1925 Postage Due set of 5v u/m o/pt Specimen, very fine. Cat £180+ (D1/5s) £110 4623 1938 Postage Due o/pt 5c blue-green fine used. Cat £50 (D6) £20 4624 1938 Postage Due set of 5v complete in u/m blocks of 4. Scarce. Cat £760+ (D6/10) £250 4625 1938 Postage Due o/pt set of 5v fine used, complete. Cat £325 (D6/10) £150 4626 1938 Postage Due o/pt 10c orange fine used. Cat £50 (D7) £20 4627 1938 Postage Due o/pt 20c scarlet fine used. Cat £75 (D8) £35 4628 1938 Postage Due o/pt 40c grey-olive fine used. Cat £85 (D9) £40 4629 1938 Postage Due 1f red/green fine used. Cat £90 (D10) £40 4630 1953 Postage Dues o/pt set u/m. Cat £29 (D11/15) £15 4631 1953 Postage Dues o/pt set mint. Cat £29 (D11/15) £12 4632 1953 Postage Dues o/pt set of 5v fine used, complete. Cat £130 (D11/15) £60 NEW HEBrIDEs FrENCH 1908 o/pt set of 5v fine used complete. Cat £30 (F1/5) £15 1913 RF wmk set of 11v mint complete. Cat £100 (F22/32) £45 1963 Birds set of 16v mint complete. Cat £90 (F110/25) £30 1966 Wildlife set of 13v to 10f mint complete. Cat £55 (F173-213) £18 1974 Birds and Wildlife mint. Cat £18.50 (F199/202) £6 1925 Postage Due set fine used. Cat £19 (Fd53/7) £10 1941 France Libre Postage Due set fine used, complete. Cat £200 (Fd77/81) £100 4640 1953 Postage Due o/pt set of 5v mint. Cat £75 (Fd92/6) £22

4633 4634 4635 4636 4637 4638 4639

NEW ZEALAND 4641 1855 no wmk blued paper 1/- green used with 3 margins. Cat £3750 (6) £350 4642 1857 no wmk white paper 1d dull orange with 4 margins fine used. Very close or just touched bottom right. Cat £750 (8) £100 4643 1857 no wmk white paper 1d dull orange with 3 margins fine used. Cat £750 (8) £75 4644 1857 no wmk 6d brown with 4 margins fine used. Cat £300 (13) £75 4645 1857 no wmk 6d brown with 3 margins fine used. Cat £300 (13) £35 4646 1857 no wmk 6d pale brown fine used with 4 clear margins. Cat £300 (14) £100 4647 1862 Large Star 1d orange-vermilion with 4 margins fine used. Cat £275 (33) £75 4648 1862 Large Star 1d vermilion with 2-3 margins fine used. Cat £275 (34) £25 4649 1862 Large Star 3d brown-lilac with 3 margins fine used. Cat £160 (40) £20 4650 1862 Star 6d blackish brown with 4 margins fine used with light cancel. Cat £130 (41) £40 4651 1862 Large Star 6d black brown-lilac with 2-3 margins fine used. Cat £130 (41) £15 4652 1862 Large Star 6d brown with 3 margins fine used. Cat £130 (42) £15

4653 1862 Large Star 6d red-brown with 2-3 margins fine used. Cat £110 (43) £12 4654 1862 Large Star 1/- yellow-green with 3 margins fine used. Cat £350 (45) £40 4655 1862 Roulette 7 6d black-brown fine used, clear on 3 sides, cut straight at right. Cat £475 (53) £100 4656 1862 no wmk, imperf, pelure paper 1d orange-vermilion fine used, cut close or slightly into all round. Scarce stamp. Cat £2500 (81) £200 4657 1862 no wmk 6d black brown on pelure paper with 2½ margins, fine used. Cat £250 (85) £25 4658 1862 no wmk 1/- deep green on pelure paper with 2-3 close cut margins, fine used. Cat £1100 (86) £75 4659 1864 P12½ Large Star 1d pale orange-vermilion fine used. Cat £45 (111) £15 4660 1864 Large Star 3d lilac imperf fine used, with 4 large to very large margins (and therefore not a cut-down). Stamps with this wmk normally perf 12½. Cat £2000 (as imperf pair) (117a) £200 4661 1864 P12½ Large Star 4d deep rose fine used. Cat £250 (119) £90 4662 1864 P12½ Large Star 4d yellow fine used. Cat £120 (120) £55 4663 1864 P12½ Large Star 6d brown fine used. Cat £42 (122a) £16 4664 1864 P12½ Large Star 1/- green fine used. Cat £140 (124) £60 4665 1864 P12½ Large Star 1/- yellow-green fine used. Cat £120 (125) £40 4666 1864 P12½ Large Star 2d orange fine used. Cat £29 (133) £12 4667 1864 P12½ Large Star 6d pale blue fine used. Cat £55 (136) £22 4668 1871 no wmk P12½ 2d vermilion fine used. Cat £55 (138) £20 4669 1878 W12a P12x11½ 6d blue mint. Cat £130 (183) £50 4670 1878 2/- deep rose fine used. Cat £300 (185) £120 4671 1878 2/- deep rose fine used. Corner fault. Cat £300 (185) £35 4672 1882 W12b P12x11 6d brown Die 2 fine used. Cat £150 (201a) £65 4673 1882 W12c P12½x11 6d brown fine used. Cat £50 (202) £20 4674 1882 P10 W12b 9d blue, u/m. Corner perf fault. Cat £90+ (225) £40 4675 1882 P11 W12b 3d orange mint. Cat £55 (240b) £22 4676 1882 P11 W12b 4d bluish-green u/m. Cat £55+ (241a) £40 4677 1898 no wmk P12-16 2½d sky blue WAKITIPU fine used. Cat £50 (249) £22 4678 1898 no wmk P12-16 5d sepia mint. Cat £85 (253) £40 4679 1898 no wmk 5d purple-brown u/m. Cat £55+ (253a) £40 4680 1898 no wmk 5d purple-brown mint. Cat £55 (253a) £22 4681 1898 no wmk P12-16 5d purple-brown fine used. Cat £22 (253a) £10 4682 1898 no wmk P12-16 6d green mint. Cat £65 (254) £28 4683 1898 no wmk P12-16 6d green fine used. Cat £45 (254) £18 4684 1898 no wmk 8d indigo mint. Cat £75 (255) £32 4685 1898 no wmk 8d indigo fine used. Cat £50 (255) £22 4686 1898 no wmk 8d Prussian blue mint. Cat £75 (255a) £32 4687 1898 no wmk P12-16 9d purple mint. Cat £75 (256) £32 4688 1898 no wmk 1/- vermilion mint. Cat £80 (257) £35 4689 1898 no wmk 1/- dull red mint. Cat £80 (257a) £35 4690 1898 no wmk 2/- grey-green, mint. Cat £160 (258) £65 4691 1898 no wmk 2/- grey-green, fine used. Cat £140 (258) £60 4692 1898 no wmk 5/- vermilion mint, fresh. Cat £300 (259) £125 4693 1898 no wmk 5/- vermilion mint, fine and fresh but some hinge remainder. Cat £300 (259) £95 4694 1898 no wmk 5/- vermilion mint, slight stain at top and some hinge remainder. Cat £300 (259) £65 4695 1899 P11 no wmk 6d deep green mint. Cat £70 (264) £30 4696 1899 no wmk P11 6d pale rose mint. Cat £50 (265) £20 4697 1899 no wmk P11 6d rose-red mint. Cat £50 (265c) £20 4698 1899 no wmk P11 8d indigo mint. Cat £55 (266) £22 4699 1899 no wmk P11 9d deep purple mint. Cat £60 (267) £26 4700 1899 no wmk P11 2/- blue-green mint with punch hole from printer’s sample. (Cat £150) (269) £20 4701 1899 no wmk P11 2/- blue-green on laid paper mint. Cat £225 (269a) £100 4702 1899 no wmk P11 Mount Cook 5/- vermilion mint, fine and fresh. Hinge remainder. Cat £275 (270) £100 4703 1899 no wmk P11 Mount Cook 5/- vermilion mint, some oxydisation. Cat £275 (270) £75 4704 1899 no wmk P11 Mount Cook 5/- vermilion mint,with small punch hole from printer’s sample. (Cat £275) (270) £25 4705 1899 no wmk P11 Mount Cook 5/- vermilion fine used, crisp cds, a fine example. Cat £375 (270) £125 4706 1900 W38 P11 1½d khaki fine used with clear 8 DE 00 Wellington cds. Cat £750 (275) £300 4707 1901 P11 and 14 (mixed) 1d carmine Universal mint. Cat £275 (284) £125 4708 1901 P14x11 1d carmine mint. Cat £38 (290) £14

4709 4710 4711 4712 4713 4714 4715 4716 4717 4718 4719 4720 4721 4722 4723 4724 4725 4726 4727 4728 4729 4730 4731 4732 4733 4734 4735 4736 4737 4738 4739 4740 4741 4742 4743 4744 4745 4746 4747 4748 4749 4750 4751 4752 4753 4754 4755 4756 4757 4758 4759 4760 4761 4762 4763 4764 4765

1902 Cowan P11 ½d green mint. Cat £200 (293) £90 1902 Cowan P14x11 ½d green mint. Cat £140 (296) £60 1902 Cowan mixed perfs ½d green mint. Cat £180 (298) £75 1902 W43 P11 Cowan ½d green mint. Cat £85 (300) £38 1902 W43 P11 8d blue mint. Cat £55 (313) £22 1902 W43 P14 2d grey-purple in mint block of four. Cat £22 (319) £10 1902 W43 Cowan P14 2½d deep blue mint. Cat £27 (320a) £12 1902 W43 Cowan P14 5d red-brown u/m. Cat £40+ (323a) £30 1902 W43 Cowan P14 5d red-brown mint. Cat £40 (323a) £18 1902 W43 Cowan P14 8d steel blue mint. Cat £50 (325) £22 1902 W43 Cowan P14 2/- green mint. Cat £130 (328) £55 1902 Mount Cook P14 5/- deep red with sideways wmk fine used. Cat £300 (329) £100 1906 Christchurch Exhibition ½d emerald-green fine used. Cat £40 (370) £17 1906 Christchurch Exhibition 1d vermilion mint. Cat £16 (371) £7 1906 Christchurch Exhibition 3d brown and blue mint. Cat £55 (372) £22 1907 P14x13 (comb) W43 3d brown fine used. Cat £50 (378) £22 1907 P14x13 (comb) W43 1/- orange-red fine used. Cat £65 (381) £28 1907 W43 P14x15 1/- orange-red, fine used. Cat £24 (385) £10 1909 EDVII ½d yellow-green in u/m block of four. Cat £20+ (387) £12 1909 W43 comb 2d mauve in mint block of four. Cat £38 (388) £18 1909 W43 P14x14½ (comb) set of 10v to 1/- fine used. Cat £55 (388/94) £22 1909 W43 P14x14½ (comb) 3d chestnut fine mint. Cat £23 (389) £10 1909 W43 comb 4d yellow in mint block of four (2 u/m). Cat £24+ (CP NZ$300) (390a) £40 1909 W43 comb 6d carmine mint. Cat £40 (392) £18 1909 W43 comb 8d indigo-blue in mint block of four (2 u/m). Cat £52+ (CP NZ$210) (393) £32 1909 W43 P14x14½ (comb) 1/- vermilion in mint block of four (2 u/m). Cat £200+ (394) £125 1909 W43 P14x14½ (comb) 1/- vermilion fine mint. Cat £50 (394) £22 1909 W43 line perfs complete set of 5v to 1/- mint. Cat £180 (395/9) £80 1909 P14x13½ (comb) W43 (sideways) 6d carmine fine used. Cat £130 (403) £55 1909 P14x13½ (comb) W43 (sideways) 6d carmine fine used. Slightly trimmed perfs at left. Cat £130 (403) £28 1915 GV basic set of 15v mint, complete (one of each value and colour). Cat £130 (416/30c) £60 1915 W43 2d bright violet vertical pair mixed perfs, fine used. Cat £160 (417b) £75 1915 W43 2½d blue vertical pair mixed perfs, mint. Cat £40 (419b) £22 1915 W43 P14x14½ 4d yellow fine used. Cat £60 (421c) £28 1915 W43 4d bright violet vertical pair mixed perfs, mint. Cat £60 (422f) £30 1915 6d carmine-lake fine used, a scarce shade. Cat £400(425c) £175 1915 3d chocolate, no wmk, u/m. Cat £75+ (433a) £50 1920 Victory set u/m. Cat £55+ (453/8) £38 1920 Victory set mint. Cat £55 (453/8) £22 1920 Victory set of 6v to 1/- complete used. Cat £75 (453/8) £35 1920 Victory 1/- orange-red fine used. Cat £50 (458) £20 1925 Dunedin Exhibition 4d mauve/pale mauve mint showing the POSTAGF”“ flaw. Cat £100”“ (4655a) £50 1926 (Jones) 2/- deep blue upr wmk, mint. Cat £80 (466) £38 1926 (Jones) 2/- deep blue inv wmk, mint. Cat £65 (466w) £35 1926 (Cowan) 2/- light blue u/m. Cat £75+ (469) £55 1926 (Cowan) 3/- pale mauve mint. Cat £130 (470) £65 1931 Smiling Boy set mint. Cat £150 (546/7) £75 1931 P14x15 Air 3d chocolate mint. Cat £130 (548a) £75 1935 W43 defins set of 14v to 3/- mint complete. Cat £170 (556/69) £85 1935 W43 set of 14v to 3/-, fine used complete. Cat £225(556/69) £90 1935 W43 P14x13½ 2/- green top marginal u/m, with COQK”“ variety. Cat £170+”“ (568a) £100 1935 Silver Jubilee set u/m. Cat £20+ (573/5) £14 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £20 (573/5) £9 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £32 (573/5) £14 1936 W98 set of 14v [1x 9d] to 3/- u/m, complete. Cat £120 (577/90c) £60 1936 W98 set of 36v [with all listed types and perfs] to 3/- fine used, complete. Cat £380 (577/90c) £185 1936 W98 (upr) P14x14½ 9d red and grey-black in u/m top right hand corner block of four with sheet number. Cat £260+ (587b) £140


4766 1936 W98 P12½ 1/- deep green Lyre Bird in u/m bottom left hand corner marginal block of four, plate A1. Cat £280+ (588b) £175 4767 1936 W98 P13-14x13½ 2/- olive-green upper marginal u/m with the ‘COQK’ error. Cat £95+ (589a) £50 4768 1936 W98 P12½ 2/- olive-green upper marginal u/m with the ‘COQK’ error. Cat £80+ (589da) £45 4769 1936 W98 P12½, 3/- chocolate and yellow-brown u/m. Cat £80 (590b) £45 4770 1940 Centenary set of 13v in u/m blocks of four, complete. Cat £280 (613/25) £140 4771 1940 Centenary set of 13v u/m, complete. Cat £70 (613/25) £35 4772 1940 Health pair in u/m corner marginal blocks of four. Cat £88 (626/7) £40 4773 1940 Health pair u/m. Cat £22 (626/7) £12 4774 1953 defins set of 16v to 10/- u/m complete. Cat £100 (723/36) £50 4775 1958 Surch 2d brown with surcharge on SG725 u/m. Cat £130 (763b) £65 4776 1960 3/- bistre, blue and green u/m, with wmk sideways inverted. Cat £90 (799w) £38 4777 1967 3c Butterfly u/m with massive horizontal perf shift showing distinct portions of two stamps. (849 Var) £20 4778 1882 W12b P12½ Postal Fiscal £2 mauve fine used. Not listed SG (Barefoot 227). (Baref227) £100 4779 1925 Cowan chalky Due 3d carmine and green, mint. Cat £50 (D32) £24 4780 1925 Cowan chalky Due 3d carmine and green, fine used. Cat £55 (D32) £28 4781 1925 P14 Cowan chalky 3d carmine and green fine used. Cat £50 (D36) £26 4782 1926 P14x15 Express 6d vermilion and violet fine used. Cat £60 (E3) £30 4783 1926 P14x14½ Express 6d vermilion and violet fine used. Cat £50 (E4) £25 4784 1937 P14x15, thin Wiggins Teape paper 6d Express u/m. Cat £180 (E5) £100 4785 1937 P14x15, thin Wiggins Teape paper 6d Express mint. Cat £180 (E5) £60 4786 1882 W12b P12½ Postal Fiscal £1 rose-pink fine used. Cat £90 (F45) £35 4787 1931 W43 Postal Fiscal 7/6d olive-grey mint. Cat £85 (F152) £45 4788 1931 Postal Fiscal 9/- brown-orange mint. Cat £32 (F154) £14 4789 1931 W43 P. Fiscal 12/6d deep plum mint. Cat £170 (F156) £95 4790 1931 W43 Cowan Postal Fiscal £1 pink mint. Cat £85 (F158) £40 4791 1931 W43 Postal Fiscal Wiggins 4/- pale red-brown fine used. Cat £22 (F171) £10 4792 1931 W43 Postal Fiscal Wiggins 6/- carmine-rose fine used. Cat £55 (F173) £30 4793 1931 W43 Postal Fiscal Wiggins 7/- pale blue fine used. Cat £60 (F174) £32 4794 1931 W43 Postal Fiscal Wiggins 8/- slate-violet fine used. Cat £85 (F175) £45 4795 1931 W43 Postal Fiscal Wiggins 9/- brown-orange fine used. Cat £110 (F176) £60 4796 1931 W43 Postal Fiscal Wiggins 10/- pale carmine fine used. Cat £7 (F177) £4 4797 1939 Postal Fiscal surcharged 35/- on 35s yellow mint, a very fine example (diminutive tone spot on one perf, mentioned for sake of accuracy). Cat £900 (F186) £325 4798 1940 W98 Postal Fiscal 1/3d yellow and black upright wmk fine used. Cat £35 (F192aw) £14 4799 1940 W98 Postal Fiscal 4/- red-brown u/m. Cat £38 (F194) £22 4800 1940 W98 Postal Fiscal 6/- carmine-rose u/m. Cat £55 (F196) £35 4801 1940 W98 Postal Fiscal 8/- slate-violet u/m. Cat £95 (F199) £60 4802 1940 W98 Postal Fiscal 10/- carmine-lake u/m. Cat £60 (F201) £38 4803 1940 Postal Fiscal £2 bright purple mint, fine and fresh. Cat £200 (F206w) £75 4804 1940 W98 Postal Fiscal £2 10/- red fine used. Cat £500 (F207) £250 4805 1940 Postal Fiscal £3.10s rose used with corner ‘Stamp Duty’ fiscal cancel [postally used. Cat £2250]. (F209) £125 4806 1940 W98 Postal Fiscal 5/6 on 5/6d lilac in u/m block of four. Light gum toning. Cat £280 (F214) £90 4807 1940 W98 Postal Fiscal 5/6 on 5/6d lilac u/m. Cat £70 (F214) £40 4808 1940 W98 Postal Fiscal 11/- on 11/- yellow u/m. Cat £100 (F215) £60 4809 1891 W12c P12x11½ Life Assurance ½d to 1/- set of 6v complete fine used. Cat £250 (L1/8) £120 4810 1891 W12c P10 Life Assurance ½d bright purple mint. Cat £110 (L7) £48 60

4811 1913 P14x15 DLR Life Assurance (no VR”“) 3d yellow-brown u/m. Cat £55+”“ (L30) £35 4812 1913 W43 P14x15 (Wiggins Teape) Life Ass set of 3v fine used. Cat £50 (L36a/c) £22 4813 1944 W98 Life Insurance set of 5v to 6d mint. Cat £70 (L37/41) £30 4814 1944 W98 Life Insurance set of 5v to 6d fine used. Cat £130 (L37/41) £55 4815 1944 Life Insurance 3d brown lake in u/m bottom right hand corner block of four. Cat £128 (L40) £60 4816 1907 W43 Official o/pt 2/- blue-green mint. Cat £85 (O66) £40 4817 1907 W43 Official o/pt 2/- blue-green fine used. Cat £140 (O66) £70 4818 1907 Official o/pt 2/- and 5/- top 2v fine used. Cat £330 (O66/7) £75 4819 1908 Official 1/- vermilion in mint block of four (2 u/m). Cat £220+ (O77) £95 4820 1908 Official 1/- vermilion mint. Cat £55 (O77) £24 4821 1913 P14 Postal Fiscal Official o/pt 5/- yellow-green u/m. Cat £90+ (O83) £70 4822 1913 P14½x14 Postal Fiscal Official o/pt 5/- yellow-green mint. Cat £90 (O86) £45 4823 1915 Official set of 6v mint, complete. Cat £120 (O100/5) £55 4824 1915 Official o/pt 6d carmine mixed perfs vertical pair mint. Cat £55 (O102c) £28 4825 1915 P14x13½ Official o/pt 8d red-brown fine used. Cat £190 (O103) £90 4826 1927 Official o/pt 2/- light blue fine used. Cat £130 (O112) £50 4827 1927 W43 Arms Official T3 o/pt 5/- green u/m. Cat £325+(O113) £175 4828 1936 P13½x14 W43 Official o/pt 1½d red-brown mint. Cat £45 (O116) £15 4829 1936 P14 W43 Official (T4) 5/- green fine used. Cat £65 (O119) £30 4830 1936 W98 Official set of 14v to 5/- u/m complete, scarce. Cat £350+ (O120/33) £175 4831 1936 W98 Official set of 14v to 5/- fine used complete. Cat £120 (O120/33) £60 4832 1936 W98 Official o/pt 1½d red-brown u/m. Cat £35 (O122) £20 4833 1936 W98 Official o/pt 1½d red-brown mint. Cat £35 (O122) £12 4834 1936 W98 P14 Official 2½d chocolate and slate fine used. Cat £21 (O124a) £10 4835 1936 W98 P13½x14 Official o/pt 6d scarlet mint. Cat £40 (O127) £16 4836 1936 W98 P13½x14 Official o/pt [green] 9d red and grey-black mint. Cat £90 (O129) £35 4837 1936 W98 P14x13½ Official o/pt 1/- deep green u/m. Cat £50 (O131) £28 4838 1936 W98 P13-14x13 Official o/pt 2/- olive-green mint. Cat £80 (O132) £32 4839 1936 W98 P12½ Official o/pt 2/- olive-green mint. Cat £80(O132c) £32 4840 1936 W98 P12½ Official o/pt 2/- olive-green u/m, with COQK”“ error. Cat £225”“ (O132ca) £140 4841 1938 Official o/pt 1½d purple-brown u/m. Cat £75 (O138) £30 4842 1940 Centenary Official o/pt set of 11v u/m, complete. Hard to find u/m. Cat £190 (O141/51) £100 4843 1940 Centenary Official o/pt set of 11v mint, complete. Cat £190 (O141/51) £60 4844 1940 Centenary Official 2d fine used with ff joined”“ variety. Cat £85”“ (O144a) £40 4845 1940 Centenary Official 2½d in horizontal fine used pair, one with ff joined”“ variety. Cat £75+”“ (“O145,5a”) £40 4846 1940 Centenary Official 3d in horizontal u/m pair, one with ff joined”“ variety. Cat £45+”“ (“O146,6a”) £30 4847 1940 Centenary Official 3d in horizontal fine used pair, one with ff joined”“ variety. Cat £55+”“ (“O146,6a”) £30 4848 1940 Centenary Official 4d in u/m vertical pair, one with ff joined”“ variety. Cat £162”“ (“O147,7a”) £85 4849 1940 Centenary Official 6d in u/m vertical pair, one with ff joined”“ variety. Cat £105”“ (“O148,8a”) £60 4850 1940 Centenary Official 6d fine used with ff joined”“ variety. Cat £75”“ (O148a) £40 4851 1940 Centenary Official 8d in u/m vertical pair, one with ff joined”“ variety. Cat £115”“ (“O149,9a”) £65 4852 1947 Official o/pt set to 2/- u/m. Cat £80 (O152/8) £40 4853 1947 Official o/pt set to 2/- mint, complete. Cat £80 (O152/8) £32 4854 1947 Official 2/- upr wmk wmk fine used. Cat £48 (O158a) £26 NEW ZEALAND VICTOrIA LAND 4855 1911 o/pt 1d carmine u/m. Cat £55+ 4856 1911 o/pt 1d carmine mint. Cat £55 NIGErIA 4857 1914 MCA 2/6d black and red/blue mint. Cat £16

(A3) £40 (A3) £30 (9) £7

4858 1914 MCA ½d to 2/6d mint (9v). Cat £55+ (01-Sep) £24 4859 1914 MCA 5/- green and red/yellow (lemon back) mint. Cat £21 (10a) £10 4860 1914 MCA 5/- green and red/orange-buff mint. Cat £70 (10c) £30 4861 1914 MCA 5/- green and red/buff mint. Cat £80 (10d) £40 4862 1914 MCA 10/- green and red on blue-green [white back] mint. Cat £50 (11) £25 4863 1914 MCA 10/- green and red on blue-green [blue-green back] mint. Cat £70 (11a) £35 4864 1914 MCA 10/- green and red on emerald [pale olive back] mint. Cat £160 (11c) £75 4865 1914 MCA 10/- green and red on emerald [emerald back] fine used on small piece. Cat £120 (11d) £60 4866 1921 Script set of 12v to 1/- fine used. Cat £35+ (15/26) £14 4867 1921 Script 2d grey Die II mint. Cat £10 (18a) £4 4868 1921 Script 3d bright violet Die II mint. Cat £10 (22a) £5 4869 1921 Script 2/6d black and red/blue Die II fine used. Cat £50 (27) £24 4870 1921 Script 5/- green and red/pale yellow Die II fine used. Cat £80 (28) £38 4871 1921 Script 5/- green and red/pale yellow Die I mint. Light hinge and very fresh. Cat £75 (28a) £38 4872 1921 Script 10/- green and red/green Die II mint. Cat £65 (29) £35 4873 1921 Script 10/- green and red/green Die II fine used. Cat £225 (29) £110 4874 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £14 (30-Mar) £7 4875 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £60 (30-Mar) £35 4876 1936 set to 2/6d mint, (9v). Cat £20+ (34/41) £8 4877 1936 set to 2/6d mint, (9v). Cat £20 (34/42) £8 4878 1936 5/- black and green mint. Cat £22 (43) £10 4879 1936 10/- black and grey mint. Cat £90 (44) £42 4880 1938 P13x11½ 2/6d black and blue mint. Cat £60 (58) £20 4881 1948 Silver Wedding set in u/m blocks of four. Cat £68 (62/3) £35 4882 1948 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £17 (62/3) £10 4883 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £17 (62/3) £9 4884 1948 Silver Wedding 5/- in u/m bottom marginal strip of four, with Bradbury Wilkinson printer’s imprint. Cat £68+ (63) £40 4885 4886 4887 4888 4889 4890 4891 4892 4893 4894 4895 4896

4897 4898 4899 4900 4901 4902 4903 4904 4905 4906 4907 4908 4909 4910 4911

NIGErIA LAGOs 1874 CC 4d carmine P12½ mint, hinge remainder. Cat £150 (5) £50 1874 CC 6d blue-green P12½ mint, without gum. Cat £150 (6) £20 1876 CC P14 1d lilac unused, no gum. Cat £50 (10) £10 1882 CA 1d lilac-mauve mint. Cat £42 (17) £18 1882 CA 3d chestnut mint. Cat £30 (19) £12 1884 CA 4d pale violet mint, fresh. Cat £160 (24) £65 1887 CA set of 12v to 10/- mint complete, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £200 (30/41) £100 1887 CA 5/- green and blue, mint. Cat £48 (40) £24 1893 surcharged ½d on 4d dull mauve and black u/m, 2 examples with Plate 1 both in circle and boxed. (42) £16 1904 CA set of 10v to 10/- mint o/pt Specimen, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £225 (44/53s) £125 1904 CA 3d dull purple and mauve u/m. Cat £35+ (49) £20 1904 MCA set of 10v to 10/- mint complete, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £170 (54/63) £85 NIGErIA NIGEr COAsT 1892 o/pt set of 6v to 1/- mint (½d offsets on gum). Cat £150 (01-Jun) 1894 set of 6v to 1/- mint. Cat £75 (45/50) 1894 set of 6v to 1/- mint. Cat £120 (51/6) 1894 P15 new design 1/- black mint. Cat £80 (56) 1897 set of 9v to 10/- mint. Cat £170 (66/74)

£60 £35 £60 £35 £75

NIGErIA NOrTHErN 1900 set of 4v to 2½d mint. Cat £43 (01-Apr) £18 1900 CA 1/- green and black mint. Cat £30 (7) £12 1902 CA set of 9v to 10/- mint complete, fine. Cat £100 (Oct-18) £50 1902 CA set of 9v to 10/- o/pt Specimen complete. Cat £175 (10/18s) £85 1902 CA 6d dull purple and violet mint. Cat £19 (15) £9 1902 CA 2/6d green and ultramarine mint. Cat £19 (17) £9 1905 MCA set of 8v to 2/6d mint complete, fine and fresh. Cat £150 (20-Jul) £75 1905 MCA set of 8v to 2/6d mint complete. Cat £150 (20a/7a) £75 1905 MCA 2d purple and yellow (chalky) fine used. Cat £32 (22a) £16 1905 MCA 2½d dull purple and ultramarine fine used. Cat £12 (23) £6

4912 1905 MCA 5d dull purple and chestnut (chalky) fine used. Cat £85 (24a) £45 4913 1905 MCA 6d dull purple and violet (chalky) fine used. Cat £55(25a) £26 4914 1905 MCA 1/- green and black (chalky) fine used. Cat £55 (26a) £28 4915 1905 MCA 2/6d green and ultramarine (chalky) fine used. Cat £60 (27a) £30 4916 1910 MCA set of 11v to 10/- mint, complete. Cat £120 (28/39) £60 4917 1910 MCA 5/- green and red/yellow mint. Cat £28 (38) £14 4918 1910 MCA 10/- green and red/green fine used. Cat £48 (39) £25 4919 1912 MCA set of 13v to £1 mint complete, with shades of 3d, 4d, 2x1/-, 5/- and 10/-, fine and fresh. Cat £400+ (40/52) £200 4920 1912 MCA set of 13v to £1 fine used complete. Cat £325 (40/52) £150 4921 1912 MCA £1 purple and black/red fine used. Cat £110 (52) £60 NIGErIA sOUTHErN 4922 1901 CA set of 9v to 10/- mint complete, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £250 (01-Sep) £125 4923 1901 CA set of 9v to 10/- mint, complete. Cat £250 (01-Sep) £100 4924 1901 10/- black and purple/yellow mint. Cat £150 (9) £75 4925 1903 CA set of 8v to 1/- mint. Cat £75+ (Oct-16) £30 4926 1903 CA 1/- green and black mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £42 (16) £10 4927 1903 CA 2/6d grey-black and brown mint. Cat £42 (17) £18 4928 1903 CA 5/- grey-black and yellow mint. Cat £90 (18) £45 4929 1903 CA 10/- grey-black and purple mint. Cat £45 (19) £22 4930 1903 CA 10/- grey-black and purple fine used. Cat £150 (19) £70 4931 1904 MCA 4d grey-black and olive-green mint, chalky. Cat £26 (26a) £10 4932 1904 MCA 10/- grey-black and purple/yellow mint. Cat £170 (31) £80 4933 1904 MCA £1 green and violet fine used. Cat £425 (32) £175 4934 1907 MCA set of 8v to 1/- mint. Cat £50 (33/40) £20 4935 1907 MCA 1/- black/green mint. Cat £18 (41) £8 4936 1907 MCA 5/- green and red/yellow mint. Cat £40 (42) £20 4937 1907 MCA 10/- green and red mint. Cat £100 (43) £50 4938 1907 MCA £1 purple and black/red fine used. Cat £300 (44) £140 4939 1907 MCA £1 purple and black/red o/pt Specimen (Cat £250) (44s) £100 4940 1912 MCA 10/- green and red mint. Cat £48 (55) £25 NIUE 4941 1918 o/pt 10/- maroon mint, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £140(36) £55 4942 1918 Postal Fiscal o/pt £1 rose-carmine mint, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £180 (37) £90 4943 1918 Postal Fiscal o/pt 5/-, 10/- and £1 mint, fine. Cat £250 (37a/c) £120 4944 1931 W43 Arms o/pt set of 4v to £1 mint, complete. Cat £140 (51/4) £75 4945 1931 W43 Arms o/pt 10/- carmine-lake fine used. Cat £110 (53) £50 4946 1932 no wmk set of 7v to 1/- mint complete. Cat £45 (55/61) £20 4947 1941 W43 Postal Fiscal o/pt 2/6d deep brown u/m. Cat £120 (79) £60 4948 1941 W43 Postal Fiscal o/pt 2/6d deep brown fine used. Cat £120 (79) £60 4949 1941 W43 Postal Fiscal £1 pink u/m. Cat £200 (82) £1004950 1941 W98 Postal Fiscal o/pt set of 4v to £1 u/m, complete. Cat £120 (83/6) £65 4951 1941 W98 Postal Fiscal 10/- carmine-lake fine used. Cat £130 (85) £65 NOrFOLK IsLAND 4952 1947 Ball Bay ½d - 2d (4v) on white paper, u/m. Cat £145 (1a/4a) £60 4953 4954 4955 4956 4957 4958 4959 4960 4961 4962 4963 4964 4965 4966

NyAsALAND 1891 o/pt 6d ultramarine mint. Cat £60 (4) £25 1891 o/pt set of 12v to 10/- mint. Cat £700+ (Jan-13) £250 1891 BCA o/pt 3/- brown and green fine used. Cat £90 (10) £40 1891 o/pt 3/- brown and green fine used. Cat £90 (10) £40 1891 o/pt 4/- grey-black and vermilion mint. Cat £100 (11) £42 1891 o/pt 4/- grey-black and vermilion mint, a fine example. Cat £100 (11) £40 1891 o/pt 4/- grey-black and vermilion mint, a fine example. Cat £100 (11) £40 1891 o/pt £1 deep blue mint, a fine example. Cat £1300 (14) £500 1891 o/pt £10 brown, a cleaned ‘fiscal’, regummed, an attractive spacefiller (cat £4500 mint). (17) £100 1892 Surch 4/- on o/pt 5/- orange-yellow fine used. Cat £100 (19) £42 1895 no wmk Arms 1d black mint. Cat £22 (21) £9 1895 no wmk set of 5v to 1/- fine used. Cat £120 (21-May) £50 1895 no wmk 4d black and red buff mint. Cat £90 (23) £40 1895 no wmk 6d black and blue mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £95 (24) £28


4967 1895 no wmk 1/- black and rose o/pt Specimen (25s) £20 4968 1895 no wmk 5/- black and olive mint, hinge remainder, fine. Cat £300 (28) £120 4969 1896 CA Arms 6d black and blue mint. Cat £50 (35) £22 4970 1896 CA Arms 6d black and blue unused, no gum. Cat £50 (35) £5 4971 1897 CA set of 5v to 1/- mint. Cat £85 (43/7) £35 4972 1897 CA 6d black and green mint. Cat £60 (46) £25 4973 1897 CC 3/- black and sea-green mint. (Very) light corner crease. Cat £300 (49) £100 4974 1897 CC 4/- black and carmine fine used. Cat £100 (50) £50 4975 1897 o/pt 1d on 3/- black and sea green mint. Cat £13 (53) £5 4976 1898 1d ‘Internal Postage’ vermilion and deep ultramarine fine used, on small piece. Cat £150 (56) £75 4977 1898 1d vermilion and deep ultramarine [Setting II], no control at back, fine used with cds. Cat £190 (56a) £90 4978 1898 1d ‘Internal Postage’ vermilion and deep ultramarine (no control at back), fine used. Cat £110 (57ab) £48 4979 1901 CA set of 3v 1d - 6d mint. Cat £28 (57d/8) £12 4980 1903 CC 4/- dull and bright purple, mint. Cat £90 (64) £45 4981 1908 MCA 4d black and red/yellow marginal mint with inverted wmk, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £150 (76w) £80 4982 1908 MCA 4/- carmine and black mint. Cat £110 (79) £50 4983 1908 MCA 10/- green and red/green mint. Fine. Cat £200 (80) £100 4984 1913 MCA 10/- green and deep scarlet/green mint. Cat £150(96e) £75 4985 1913 MCA £1 purple and black/red fine used. Cat £170 (98) £85 4986 1913 MCA £10 purple and royal blue fiscally used with black oval cancel. Cat (as fiscal) £150 (99e) £100 4987 1913 MCA £10 purple and royal blue fiscally used with blue-black oval cancel. Cat £1900 (or as fiscal £150) (99e) £100 4988 1921 Script 1d carmine in block of 4 and 2d grey in pair, with fine strikes of ‘Karonga BCA’ cds. (101) £10 4989 1921 Script 4/- carmine and black mint, a fine example with the ‘Damaged leaf lower right’ variety. Cat £225 (111f) £100 4990 1921 Script 10/- green and red on emerald mint. Cat £120 (113) £65 4991 1934 set of 9v to 1/- mint, complete. Cat £45 (114/22) £18 4992 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £35 (123/6) £16 4993 1938 set to 1/- u/m (13v). Cat £34 (130/38) £15 4994 1938 set of 18v to £1 mint, complete. Cat £200 (130/43) £75 4995 1938 set of 18v to £1 fine used complete. Cat £200 (130/43) £100 4996 1938 5/- pale green and red u/m. Cat £55 (141) £30 4997 1938 5/- ord paper, green and red/pale yellow fine used. Cat £140 (141a) £70 4998 1938 10/- ord paper, blue-green and brown-red/pale green u/m. Cat £425 (142a) £225 4999 1938 10/- bluish green and brown-red/pale green, ord paper, mint. Cat £425 (142a) £140 5000 1938 £1 purple and black, u/m. Cat £50 (143) £30 5001 1945 set of 14v to 20/- u/m complete. Cat £85 (144/57) £48 5002 1945 set of 14v to 20/- mint, complete. (10/- and £1 are u/m). Cat £85 (144/57) £30 5003 1945 set of 14v to 20/- fine used, complete. Cat £80 (144/57) £42 5004 1948 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £18 (161/2) £11 5005 1953 set of 15v to 20/- fine used, complete. Cat £90 (173/87) £45 5006 1950 Postage Due set mint. Cat £100 (D1/5) £40 OMAN 5007 1978 50b on 150b used, blunt perf at top, very scarce. Cat £450 (213) £100 5008 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 5018 5019

pAKIsTAN 1948 P13½ set of 6v to 5r mint. Cat £75 (24/40a) £30 1948 basic set of 20v to 25r used, complete. Cat £100 (24/43a) £50 1948 P14 25r violet fine used. Cat £130 (43) £65 1948 P12 25r violet fine used. Cat £42 (43a) £22 1948 P13 25r violet fine used. Cat £48 (43b) £22 1949 Redrawn set of 8v to 12a mint. Cat £110 (44/51) £40 1951 Anniversary set u/m. Cat £20 (55/62) £10 1947 Official o/pt 10r purple and claret mint. Cat £85 (O13) £24 1948 Official set of 13v to 10r u/m complete. Cat £130 (O14/26) £70 1948 Official set of 13v to 10r mint complete. Cat £130 (O14/26) £50 1948 Official o/pt set of 13v fine used, complete. Cat £130(O14/26) £65 1948 Official o/pt set of 15v fine used, complete, with all 3 perfs of 10r. Cat £300+ (O14/26b) £165

5022 1948 new colours set of 4v fine used, complete. Cat £130 (35/8) £60 5023 1948 2r black and carmine fine used. Cat £24 (36) £10 5024 1948 10r red-brown and green fine used. Faint vertical crease. Cat £55 (38) £12 5025 1949 Silver Jubilee set in fine used blocks of four. Cat £116 (39/42) £48 5026 1949 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £29 (39/42) £14 5027 1949 P13 75th Anniv UPU set fine used. Cat £10 (43/6) £5 5028 1945 Official o/pt ½a black and green, fine used. Cat £15 (O1) £6 5029 1945 Official o/pt 1a black and carmine, fine used. Cat £18 (O2) £8 5030 1945 Official set of 6v fine used, complete. Cat £120 (O1/6) £55 5031 1945 Official 3p and 1½a in fine used blocks of four. Cat £110 (O17/18) £38 5032 1945 Official 3p and 1½a fine used. Cat £27.50 (O17/18) £9 5033 1945 Official 2r black and violet fine used. Cat £18 (O3) £8 5034 1945 Official o/pt 4a black and olive-green, fine used. Cat £35 (O4) £14 5035 1945 Official o/pt set of 3v fine used. Cat £70 (O14/16) £28 5036 1945 Official 2a black and orange fine used. Cat £55 (O16) £20 5037 1945 Official 1½a black and violet, fine used. Cat £8.50 (O18) £3 5038 1948 Official set of 8v 3p-10r fine used, complete. Cat £170 (O20/27) £80 5039 1948 Official 10r red-brown and green fine used. Cat £42 (O27) £18 5040 1949 P13 75th Anniv UPU Officials fine used. Cat £16 (O28/31) £8 5041 1949 P17 75th Anniv UPU Official 2½a fine used. Cat £32 (O31b) £12 5042 5043 5044 5045 5046 5047

pALEsTINE 1920 o/pt 2m blue-green u/m. Cat £14+ 1920 o/pt 5p deep purple u/mt. Cat £27+ 1927 200m blackish-violet u/m. Cat £13+ 1928 P15x14 Due 4m green u/m. Cat £75+ 1928 P15x14 Due 4m green mint. Cat £75 1928 P15x14 Due 4m green fine used. Cat £110

pApUA NEW GUIN. 5048 1952 set of 16v to £1 u/m complete. Cat £85 5049 1952 set of 16v to £1 mint complete. Cat £85 5050 1952 set of 15v to £1 fine used, complete. Cat £29

(17) £8 (23) £18 (103b) £9 (D14a) £40 (D14a) £30 (D14a) £65 (Jan-15) £45 (Jan-15) £30 (Jan-15) £12

pApUA NEW GUIN. Br. NEW GUINEA 5051 1901 horiz wmk ½d black and yellow-green mint, thick and thin papers (thin paper. cat £350). Cat £374 (“1,1a”) £125 5052 1901 Lakatoi set of 8v with horizontal wmk to 2/6d mint, odd hinge remainder, mostly fine. Cat £850 (01-Aug) £275 5053 1901 Lakatoi 2½d to 1/-, one of each value mint, comprising SG 4/6, 9/11 (poor gum) and 15 (fine). Cat £300 (Apr-15) £75 5054 1901 horiz wmk 4d black and sepia, mint. Cat £65 (5) £28 5055 1901 horiz wmk 6d black and myrtle, mint. Cat £65 (6) £28 5056 1901 wmk horiz 1/- black and orange mint. Cat £75 (7) £32 5057 1906 o/pt (large) horiz wmk, thick paper, 4d back and sepia fine used. Cat £170 (17) £85 5058 1906 o/pt (large) vertical wmk, thick paper, 4d black and sepia fine used. Cat £160 (25) £85 5059 1907 wmk horiz thick paper T4 o/pt 2/6d black and brown mint. Cat £50 (37) £22 5060 1907 Lakatoi 2/6d black and chocolate mint, fine. Cat £75 (48) £40 5061 1907 upr wmk P11 1/- black and orange mint. Cat £55 (54) £22 5062 1910 large Papua 1/- black and deep orange fine used. Cat £20(81) £9 5063 1910 large Papua 2/6d black and brown (B) mint. Cat £60 (82) £28 5064 1910 large Papua 2/6d black and brown (C) mint. Cat £75 (83) £32 5065 1914 G.R.I 6mm surcharged 2½d pm 10pf carmime u/m. Cat £95+ (5) £60 5066 1916 W8 5/- black and deep green mint. Cat £55 (104) £24 5067 1931 2d on 1½d cobalt and blue fine used. Cat £24 (121) £10 5068 1932 set of 13v to 2/6d mint. Cat £112 (130/42) £50 5069 1935 Silver Jubilee 1d black and green u/m pair, one with Accent flaw.”“ Cat £48+”“ (“150,50a”) £32 5070 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £14 (150/3) £7 5071 1935 Silver Jubilee o/pt 1d, 3d and 5d, each in lower marginal imprint pair u/m, the right stamp of each with the ‘Accent flaw’, a fine trio. Cat £250+ (150a/3a) £150 5072 1935 Silver Jubilee 3d black and blue mint, with Accent flaw.”“ Cat £90”“ (152a) £45 5073 1908 P12½ upr wmk OS perf 4d black and sepia mint. Cat £120 (O12) £50 5074 1908 P11 side wmk OS perf 1d black and yellow-green mint. Cat £55 (O14) £22 5075 1908 P11 side wmk OS perf 4d black and sepia mint. Cat £55 (O18) £22

pAKIsTAN BAHAWALpUr 5020 1948 Multan Centenary 1½a fine used. Cat £16 5021 1948 1r deep green and orange fine used. Cat £20

(34) £6 (35) £8


5076 1908 P11 side wmk OS perf 6d black and myrtle-green mint. Cat £95 (O19) £40 5077 1931 Official o/pt 2/6d maroon and bright pink u/m. Cat £55+ (O66a) £35 5078 1931 Official o/pt 2/6d maroon and bright pink mint. Cat £55(O66a) £25 pApUA NEW GUIN. NEW GUINEA 5079 1914 G.R.I 5mm surcharged 1d on 3pf brown mint. Cat £100 (16) £42 5080 1914 G.R.I 5mm surcharged 2d on 20pf ultramarine mint. Cat £50 (19) £22 5081 1914 G.R.I 5mm surcharged 3d on 325f black and red/yellow mint. Cat £190 (22) £85 5082 1914 G.R.I 5mm surcharged 3d on 30pf black and orange/buff mint. Cat £170 (23) £75 5083 1914 G.R.I 5mm surcharged 3d on 50pf black and purple/buff mint. Cat £325 (25) £150 5084 1914 Registration 3d black and red ‘Kieta’ u/m, weak corner bottom right. Cat £450+ (38) £70 5085 1914 G.R.I 5mm surcharged 2d on 10pf carmine, u/m. Cat £275+ (52) £18 5086 1915 W5 NW Pac. o/pt 1d red (as cheapest) in vertical strip of 3 u/m, showing all 3 settings. Cat £28++ (67) £20 5087 1915 W5 NW Pac. o/pt 1d carmine-red Die II mint. Cat £110 (67c) £50 5088 1915 W2 NW Pac. o/pt 3d greenish-olive (Die I, setting c) mint. Fresh. Cat £200 (76c) £100 5089 1915 W2 NW Pac. o/pt 6d ultramarine mint, inverted wmk. Cat £300 (78w) £140 5090 1915 W2 NW Pac. o/pt 9d violet (setting c) mint. Cat £55 (79) £26 5091 1915 W2 NW Pac. o/pt 9d violet (setting a) mint. Cat £55 (79) £25 5092 1915 W2 NW Pacific. o/pt 1/- green (setting b) u/m. Cat £60+ (81) £40 5093 1915 W2 NW Pacific. o/pt 1/- green in vertical strip of 3 showing all 3 settings mint. Cat £180+ (81) £110 5094 1915 W2 NW Pacific. o/pt 1/- green (setting c) mint. Cat £60 (81) £30 5095 1915 W5 NW Pac. o/pt 2/- brown (setting b) mint. Cat £110 (91) £48 5096 1915 W5 NW Pacific o/pt 5/- grey and yellow (type b) mint. Cat £75 (92) £35 5097 1915 NW Pacific o/pt (type c) £1 chocolate and dull blue fine used. Cat £450 (99) £200 5098 1918 NW Pacific surcharged 1d on 5d brown in vertical strip of 3 mint, showing all 3 types of overprint. Cat £270 (100) £140 5099 1918 W6 3d greenish olive (Die II) (type a) mint. Cat £75 (109a) £32 5100 1918 W6 3d greenish olive (Die II) (type a) fine used on small piece. Cat £80 (109a) £32 5101 1918 W6 6d greyish ultramarine mint. Cat £42 (110a) £18 5102 1918 W6 9d violet fine used. Cat £50 (112) £22 5103 1918 W6 2/- brown (Die II) fine used. Cat £38 (115) £16 5104 1918 W5 5/- grey and yellow mint. Cat £65 (116) £30 5105 1918 W5 5/- grey and yellow fine used. Cat £70 (116) £35 5106 1918 W5 10/- grey and bright pink fine used. Cat £250 (117) £125 5107 1918 W5a o/pt 2d rose-scarlet in u/m block of four. Cat £38+(122) £25 5108 1918 W5a o/pt 2d rose-scarlet u/m. Cat £9.50+ (122) £6 5109 1918 W5a o/pt 4d violet u/m. Cat £20+ (123) £14 5110 1918 W5a o/pt 4d violet mint. Cat £20 (123) £9 5111 1918 W5a o/pt 4d violet fine used. Cat £40 (123) £18 5112 1925 Native Hut 9d dull purple in u/m block of 6 (3x2), with printer’s inscription. Folded vertically down perfs. Cat £78+ (131) £40 5113 1931 Air o/pt set of 8v to 9d fine used. Cat £83 (137/44) £35 5114 1931 Air Mail o/pt 10/- bright pink mint. Cat £85 (148) £40 5115 1931 Anniversary set of 10v to 2/- mint. Cat £65 (150/9) £24 5116 1931 Anniversary 5/- olive-brown mint. Cat £42 (160) £18 5117 1931 Anniversary Air o/pt set of 11v to 2/- mint. Cat £73 (163/73) £30 5118 1931 Bird of Paradise Air o/pt 5/- olive-brown mint. Cat £42 (174) £18 5119 1932 redrawn set of 12v to 2/- mint. Cat £80 (177/86) £30 5120 1932 10/- bright pink u/m. Cat £55+ (188) £38 5121 1932 (no date) £1 olive-grey used, fine used. Cat £100 (189) £45 5122 1932 Air o/pt £1 olive-grey fine used. Cat £55 (203) £30 5123 1935 Air £2 bright violet fine used. Cat £140 (204) £80 5124 1935 Air £2 bright violet fine used. Cat £140 (204) £75 5125 1939 Air set of to 9d mint. Cat £130 (212/20) £35 5126 1939 Air 1/- pale blue-green mint. Cat £45 (221) £16 5127 1939 Air 2/- dull lake mint. Cat £90 (222) £30 5128 1939 Air Mail 5/- olive-brown mint. Cat £190 (223) £65 5129 1931 OS o/pt set of 10v to 2/- mint. Cat £145 (O31/40) £65 5130 1931 OS 1/- black and deep orange mint. Cat £130 (O31/41) £55 5131 1931 OS o/pt set of 9v to 1/- mint. Cat £95 (O31/9) £35 5132 1931 Official o/pt set of 12v mint, complete. Cat £130 (O55/66) £60

5133 5134 5135 5136 5137 5138 5139

pITCAIrN IsLAND 1940 set of 10v to 2/6d mint, complete. Cat £75 (01-Aug) £25 1940 set of 10v to 2/6d fine used, complete. Cat £30 (01-Aug) £15 1940 4d black and green in u/m block of four. Cat £92 (5b) £40 1946 Victory 3d mint with ‘Flagstaff’ flaw. Cat £55 (10a) £22 1949 Silver Wedding set fine used. Cat £50 (11-Dec) £30 1949 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £42 (11-Feb) £22 1970 Fish 5c, 10c and 15c, each bottom marginal u/m with inverted wmk. Cat £33 (111w/3w) £16

pOrTUGAL 5140 1866 King Luis set of 8v 5r black to 120r blue, imperf each with 4 margins. Nice assembly, fine used. Cat £850 (35/46) £175 5141 1941 Costumes set of 10v u/m, complete. Cat £147+ (932/41) £75 5142 1945 Naval School m/s fine used. Cat £200 (Ms988a) £40 rHODEsIA 5143 1892 Arms 6d deep blue mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £50 (3) £15 5144 1892 Arms 1/- grey-brown mint. Cat £50 (4) £20 5145 1892 Arms 1/- grey-brown mint, nibbled perf at left, otherwise fine. Cat £50 (4) £12 5146 1892 Arms 2/- vermilion mint. Cat £75 (5) £28 5147 1892 Arms 2/- vermilion fine used. Cat £42 (5) £20 5148 1892 Arms 2/6d grey-purple u/m. Cat £48+ (6) £32 5149 1892 Arms 2/6d grey-purple mint. Cat £48 (6) £20 5150 1892 Arms 2/6d grey-purple mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £48 (6) £10 5151 1892 Arms 5/- orange-yellow mint. Cat £90 (8) £38 5152 1892 Arms 10/- deep green fine used, crisp cds. Cat £100 (9) £50 5153 1892 Arms £1 deep blue fine used, black postal cds. Cat £170(10) £60 5154 1892 Arms £2 rose-red fine used, Single ring cds. Cat £170 (11) £70 5155 1892 Arms £10 brown mint. May be kosher, but assumed to be cleaned and regummed fiscal and offered on that basis. (Cat £2750) (13) £50 5156 1892 Arms £10 brown on small piece, tied with 2 light cds. Attractive item. Cat £700 (13) £175 5157 1892 Surch ½d on 6d ultramarine mint. Cat £140 (14) £60 5158 1892 Surch ½d on 6d ultramarine unused, no gum. Cat £140 (14) £15 5159 1892 3d grey-black and green mint. Cat £25 (21) £10 5160 1892 4d chestnut and black unused, no gum. Cat £48 (22) £6 5161 1892 8d rose-lake and ultramarine mint hinge remainder. Cat £22 (23) £6 5162 1892 4/- grey-black and vermilion mint. Cat £48 (26) £20 5163 1896 Die 1 2d brown and mauve mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £40 (30) £10 5164 1896 Die 1 4d ultram and mauve in mint right hand marginal block of four. Cat £220 (32) £100 5165 1896 Arms 6d mauve and pink mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £85(33) £20 5166 1896 Die 1 1/- green and blue mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £28 (35) £8 5167 1896 Arms 2/6d brown and purple mint. Cat £90 (48) £38 5168 1896 Arms 2/6d brown and purple fine used. Cat £65 (48) £28 5169 1896 Arms 5/- chestnut and emerald mint. Cat £65 (49) £28 5170 1896 Arms 10/- slate and vermilion/rose fine used. Cat £75 (50) £35 5171 1896 o/pt ½d grey-black mint. Cat £19 (58) £7 5172 1896 Br. SA Co o/pt 1d rose-red mint. Cat £21 (59) £8 5173 1896 o/pt 2d deep bistre mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £30 (60) £10 5174 1896 3d pale claret o/pt, mint. Cat £55 (61) £22 5175 1896 o/pt 4d blue mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £35 (62) £10 5176 1896 o/pt 6d deep purple mint. Cat £70 (63) £28 5177 1896 o/pt 6d deep purple o/pt, fine used. Cat £80 (63) £40 5178 1897 Arms 1d scarlet and emerald u/m. Cat £12+ (67) £7 5179 1897 Arms 2d brown and mauve mint. Cat £26 (68) £10 5180 1897 Arms 4d ultramarine and claret mint. Cat £32 (70) £14 5181 1892 P14 Arms £2 rosy-red fine used, fiscal and perfin. Good filler for scarce stamp. Cat £475 (74) £15 5182 1898 Arms 1/- bistre mint. Cat £40 (84) £15 5183 1898 Arms £20 yellow-bistre with neat mauve fiscal cancel and perfin. Cat (as fiscal) £100 (93a) £60 5184 1905 P14½ Falls 5d claret mint, showing Bird in tree”“ variety. Cat £200”“ (96a) £80 5185 1905 Victoria Falls 2/6d black mint. Key value. Cat £140 (98) £60 5186 1909 Surcharged set of 4v mint. Some hinge remainders. Cat £40 (114/8) £12 5187 1910 ½d green (as cheapest) mint. Cat £16 (119) £7 5188 1910 1d bright carmine mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £38 (123) £12 5189 1910 2d black and grey mint, small and faint diagonal crease. Cat £65 (126) £15 5190 1910 P14 6d red-brown and mauve fine used. Cat £50 (144) £24


5191 1910 10d carmine and deep purple fine used. Cat £60 (150) £30 5192 1910 1/- black and pale blue-green mint, fine. Cat £70 (152) £40 5193 1910 P14 £1 carmine-red and bluish-black fine used. Cat £700 (165) £350 5194 1910 P13½ Double Head 8d grey and dull purple mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £375 (185a) £140 5195 1913 Admiral 1½d drab-brown in mint pair, fine and lightly mounted, imperf between. Scarce. Cat £850 (199a) £450 5196 1913 P14 Die 2 5d black and bright green fine used. Cat £55 (227) £22 5197 1913 P14 Die 2 8d violet and green fine used. Cat £75 (230) £32 5198 1913 P14 Die 2 10d blue and carmine-red fine used. Cat £55(231) £22 5199 1913 P14 Die 2 1/- black and greenish-blue fine used. Cat £55 (232) £22 5200 1913 Die 2 P14 2/- black and yellow-brown fine used. Cat £50 (235) £22 5201 1913 Die 2 P14 3/- brown and blue mint. Cat £120 (236b) £50 5202 1913 Die 2 P14 3/- chestnut and bright blue mint. Cat £130 (237) £60 5203 1913 Admiral 5/- blue and blue-green mint, fine. Cat £95 (239) £45 5204 1913 Die 2 5/- blue and blue-green fine used. Cat £100 (239) £45 5205 1913 Die 2 Admiral 10/- crimson and yellow-green mint. Cat £200 (241) £100 5206 1913 Die 2 P15 2/6d indigo and grey-brown mint. Cat £55 (249) £22 5207 1913 P14 Die 3 2/6d pale blue and pale bistre-brown fine used. Cat £80 (274a) £35 5208 1913 P14 Die 3 5/- blue and pale yellow-green fine used. Cat £85 (276) £38 5209 1913 P14 Admiral £1 black and deep violet Die 3 , gum a trifle toned but striking colour, a fine example. Cat £650 (279b) £250 5210 1922 P14 Die 3 2/6d ultramarine and sepia mint. Cat £65 (302) £28 5211 1922 P14 Die 3 3/- red-brown and grey-blue mint. Cat £140 (305) £65 5212 1922 P14 Die 3 5/- bright ultramarine and emerald, mint. Cat £160 (306) £85 5213 1966 litho set of 11v to £1 complete, u/m. Cat £20 (397/407) £8 5214 1966 litho set of 11v to £1 fine used complete. Cat £35 (397/407) £14 5215 1970 set of 19v to $2 fine used complete. Cat £26 (439/52) £10 rHODEsIA AND NyAsALAND 5216 1954 set of 18v to £1 u/m, complete (+ coils). Cat £120+ (Jan-15) £40 5217 1954 set of 16v to £1 mint, complete. Cat £110 (Jan-15) £35 5218 1954 set of 18v to £1 fine used, complete (+ coils). Cat £80 (Jan-15) £28 rHODEsIA AND NyAsALAND 5219 1954 set of 16v to £1 fine used, complete. Cat £55 (Jan-15) £20 5220 1959 set of 15v to £1 [plus the ½d and 1d coils] mint, complete. Cat £117 (18/31) £35 5221 1959 set of 15v to £1 mint, complete. Cat £110 (18/31) £28 5222 1959 set of 15v to £1 [plus the ½d and 1d coils] fine used, complete. Cat £108 (18/31) £48 5223 1959 set of 15v to £1 [plus the ½d and 1d coils] fine used, complete. Cat £111 (18/31) £40 5224 1959 £1 black and deep violet fine used. Cat £65 (31) £26 5225 5226 5227 5228 5229 5230 5231 5232 5233 5234 5235 5236 5237 5238 5239 5240 5241 5242 5243 5244 64

rHODEsIA NOrTHErN 1925 8d rose-purple fine used. Cat £55 (8) £24 1925 10d olive-green fine used. Cat £50 (9) £22 1925 set of 10v to 1/- mint. Cat £60 (01-Oct) £24 1925 2/- brown and ultramarine mint. Cat £30 (11) £12 1925 2/- brown and ultramarine fine used. Cat £42 (11) £18 1925 2/6d black and green, mint. Cat £24 (12) £10 1925 2/6d black and green, fine used. Cat £15 (12) £8 1925 3/- violet and blue mint. Cat £48 (13) £20 1925 3/- violet and blue fine used. Cat £25 (13) £12 1925 5/- slate-grey and violet mint. Cat £55 (14) £25 1925 5/- slate-grey and violet fine used. Cat £19 (14) £10 1925 10/- green and black fine used. Cat £100 (16) £50 1925 20/- carmine-red and rose purple fiscally fine used, black cds. Some trimmed perfs. Useful filler. Cat £325 (17) £25 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £18 (18/21) £9 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £16 (18/21) £10 1935 Silver Jubilee 1d mint with ‘Diagonal line by turret’. Cat £120 (19f) £50 1938 set of 19v to 5/- fine used. Cat £80+ (25/43) £40 1938 set of 21v to 20/- u/m, complete. Cat £250 (25/45) £125 1938 set of 21v to 20/- mint, complete. Cat £250 (25/45) £90 1938 set of 21v to 20/- fine used, complete. Cat £170 (25/45) £70

5245 1938 set of 21v to 20/- fine used, complete. 20/- blunted corner bottom left. Cat £170 (25/45) £45 5246 1938 10/- green and black fine used. Cat £35 (44) £15 5247 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £100 (48/9) £40 5248 1953 set of 14v to 20/- mint, complete. Cat £75 (61/74) £25 5249 1963 Arms set of 14v to 20/- u/m, complete. Cat £60 (75/88) £28 5250 1963 Arms set of 14v to 20/- fine used, complete. Cat £75 (75/88) £38 rHODEsIA sOUTHErN 5251 1924 8d purple and pale green mint. Cat £16 (8) £7 5252 1924 Admiral 2/- black and brown mint. Cat £17 (12) £8 5253 1924 5/- blue and blue-green, mint. Hinge remainder and a couple of tone spots. Cat £90 (14) £25 5254 1931 set of 15v to 5/- mint, complete. Cat £150 (15/27) £75 5255 1931 set of 15v to 5/- fine used, complete. Cat £140 (15/27) £75 5256 1931 P11½ 1/- black and greenish blue mint. Cat £130 (23a) £60 5257 1931 P14 1/- black and greenish blue fine used. Cat £160 (23b) £60 5258 1931 P12 1/6d black and orange-yellow, mint. Cat £15 (24) £6 5259 1931 P12 2/- black and brown mint. Cat £35 (25) £14 5260 1931 P11½ 2/6d blue and drab mint. Cat £32 (26a) £14 5261 1931 P11½ 2/6d blue and drab fine used. Cat £50 (26a) £22 5262 1932 Victoria Falls 2d and 3d mint. Cat £28 (29/30) £12 5263 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £28 (31/4) £15 5264 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £42 (31/4) £15 5265 1937 set of 13v to 5/- u/m, complete. Cat £85 (40/52) £45 5266 1953 set of 14v to £1 u/m complete. Cat £90 (78/91) £50 5267 1953 set of 14v to £1 mint complete. Cat £90 (78/91) £30 5268 1953 set of 14v to £1 fine used, complete. Cat £100 (78/91) £50 sAMOA 5269 1886 W4a P12½ 1/- rose-carmine mint. Slight gum disturbance. Cat £65 (25) £15 5270 1886 W4a P12½ 2/6d reddish-lilac fine used. Cat £75 (26) £28 5271 1886 W4a P12x11½ 4d blue fine used. Cat £225 (30) £90 5272 1886 W4c P12x11½ 2d brown-orange fine used. Cat £50 (36) £22 5273 1886 W4b P12x11½ 2½d rose mint. Cat £75 (44a) £30 5274 1886 W4b P11 2d orange fine used. Cat £25 (59a) £9 5275 1886 W4b P11 2d pale ochre fine used. Cat £12 (59c) £5 5276 1886 W4b P11 2/6d slate-violet mint. Cat £120 (64c) £50 5277 1893 o/pt 5d on 4d blue (on SG 45) fine used on small piece. Cat £50 (70) £22 5278 1895 P11 3d on 2d orange fine used. Cat £15 (76) £6 5279 1896 P11 2½d black fine used. Cat £70 (82) £28 5280 1898 handstamped 2½d on 1/- dull rose-carmine mint. Cat £50 (83) £22 5281 1899 Provisional QV o/pt set of 8v fine used, complete. Cat £150 (90/7) £70 5282 1914 GRI ½d on 3pf brown fine used, with variety 1 to left”“. Cat £40”“ (101d) £15 5283 1914 GRI ½d on 5pf green fine used on small piece. Cat £21 (102) £10 5284 1914 GRI 1d on 10pf carmine fine used. Cat £45 (103) £20 5285 1914 GRI 2½d on 20pf ultramarine mint. Cat £60 (104) £25 5286 1914 GRI 2½d on 20pf ultramarine fine used on small piece, with variety No fraction bar.”“ Cat £42”“ (104a) £18 5287 1914 GRI 3d on 25pf black and red fine used on piece. Cat £40 (105) £20 5288 1914 GRI 4d on 30pf black and orange fine used on piece. Cat £60 (106) £30 5289 1914 GRI 5d on 40pf black and carmine fine used. Cat £70 (107) £30 5290 1914 GRI 6d on 50pf black and purple/buff mint. Cat £65 (108) £28 5291 1914 GRI 6d on 50pf black and purple/buff fine used. Cat £35(108) £15 5292 1914 GRI 9d on 80pf black and carmine/rose fine used. Cat £100 (109) £42 5293 1914 G.R.I. 2s on 3m blue unused, a fine example without gum. Scarce. Signed. Cat £3500 (112) £475 5294 1914 o/pt on NZ set 5v fine used, complete. Cat £25 (115/21) £12 5295 1914 o/pt P14x13½ 6d carmine u/m. Cat £17+ (119a) £10 5296 1914 W43 P14 Postal Fiscal 2/- blue fine used. Cat £100 (122) £48 5297 1914 W43 P14 Postal Fiscal 5/- yellow-green mint. Cat £25 (124) £12 5298 1914 W43 P14 Postal Fiscal 10/- maroon, mint. Cat £40 (125) £20 5299 1914 o/pt P14 £1 rose-carmine mint. Cat £90 (126) £45 5300 1914 o/pt P14 £1 rose-carmine fine used. Cat £45 (126) £22 5301 1914 Postal Fiscal o/pt 2/6d grey-brown P14½x14 fine used. Cat £170 (128) £75 5302 1914 P14½x14 Postal Fiscal o/pt 10/- maroon fine used. Cat £48 (131) £22

5303 1914 W43 P14½x14 Postal Fiscal £1 rose-carmine mint. Cat £110 (132) £60 5304 1914 W43 P14½x14 Postal Fiscal £1 rose-carmine fine used. Cat £70 (132) £32 5305 1914 Stamp Duty o/pt £2 violet mint, very fine (mentioned in footnote and no longer listed). (133 Var) £125 5306 1916 2½d, 3d, 6d and 1/- mixed perfs vertical pairs, mint. Cat £70 (139b/42b) £32 5307 1920 Victory o/pt set mint. Cat £32 (143/8) £12 5308 1921 P14x13½ Native Hut set of 12v complete mint. Cat £55 (153/64) £22 5309 1925 Postal Fiscal o/pt set of 6v to £1 mint, some hinge remainders, fresh. Cat £600 (165/d) £200 5310 1925 W43 Postal Fiscal 2/6d deep grey-brown mint. Cat £55 (166) £22 5311 1925 W43 Postal Fiscal 3/- mauve mint. Cat £70 (166a) £30 5312 1925 W43 Postal Fiscal 5/- yellow-green mint. Cat £42 (166b) £18 5313 1925 Postal Fiscal o/pt £1 rose-pink corner marginal mint, a lovely example. Cat £110+ (166d) £60 5314 1926 o/pt Jones”“ Admirals 2/- and 3/- mint. Cat £33”“ (167/8) £14 5315 1926 o/pt Cowan”“ Admirals 2/- and 3/- u/m. Cat £66+”“ (169/70) £42 5316 1926 o/pt Cowan”“ Admirals 2/- and 3/- mint. Cat £66”“ (169/70) £30 5317 1926 o/pt Cowan”“ Admirals 2/- and 3/- fine used. Cat £155”“ (169/70) £75 5318 1926 o/pt Cowan”“ Admirals 3/- pale mauve mint. Cat £60”“ (170) £28 5319 1926 W43 o/pt ‘Samoa,’ Arms 2/6d, 5/-, 10/- and £1 mint. Cat £167 (171/4) £75 5320 1935 P14x14½ Silver Jubilee 1d lake u/m. Cat £95+ (177a) £65 5321 1935 W43 Postal Fiscal o/pt Western Samoa 2/6d to £1 mint (4v), fine and lightly mounted. Cat £162 (189/92) £85 5322 1935 W43 o/pt Arms 5/- green fine used. Cat £38 (190) £20 5323 1935 W43 o/pt Postal Fiscal 10/- carmine-lake u/m. Cat £70+(191) £45 5324 1935 W43 o/pt Postal Fiscal 10/- carmine-lake mint. Cat £70 (191) £32 5325 1935 W43 Postal Fiscal o/pt £1 pink u/m. Cat £60+ (192) £40 5326 1935 W43 Postal Fiscal o/pt £1 pink u/m. Cat £60+ (192) £40 5327 1935 W43 Postal Fiscal o/pt £1 pink mint. Cat £60 (192) £30 5328 1935 Postal Fiscal o/pt £5 indigo blue mint. Cat £225 (194) £100 5329 1935 Postal Fiscal o/pt £2 bright purple on ‘Wiggins Teape’ paper mint, fine and fresh, lightly mounted. Cat £550 (194c) £175 5330 1955 Postal Fiscal o/pt set of 3v to 10/- mint. Cat £30 (232/4) £12 5331 5332 5333 5334 5335 5336 5337 5338 5339 5340 5341 5342 5343 5344 5345 5346 5347 5348 5349 5350 5351 5352 5353 5354 5355 5356 5357 5358

sArAWAK 1869 Brooke 3c brown and yellow with rough perfs, unused, with gum (usually issued w/o gum). Cat £55+ (1) £30 1869 Brooke 3c brown and yellow with rough perfs, unused, no gum (as issued and per cat value). Cat £55 (1) £22 1871 James Brooke 3c brown/yellow in u/m block of four (no gum as issued). Cat £14+ (2) £8 1875 Brooke set of 5v 2c-12c mint. (No gum, as issued). Cat £50 (03-Jul) £22 1888 1c, 2c 3c mint. Cat £27 (08-Oct) £9 1888 4c purple and yellow mint. Cat £48 (11) £20 1888 4c purple and yellow cds fine used. Cat £65 (11) £30 1888 5c purple and green mint. Cat £45 (12) £18 1888 6c purple and brown mint. Cat £32 (13) £14 1888 6c brown and mauve fine used. Cat £65 (13) £28 1888 8c green and carmine mint. Cat £24 (14) £10 1888 10c green and purple mint. Cat £60 (15) £28 1888 10c green and purple fine used. Cat £15 (15) £7 1888 12c green and blue mint. Cat £19 (16) £8 1888 12c green and blue fine used. Cat £15 (16) £7 1888 Brooke 16c green and orange mint. Toned. Cat £70 (17) £18 1888 Brooke 16c green and orange fine used. Cat £90 (17) £42 1888 25c green and brown mint. Cat £80 (18) £38 1888 25c green and brown fine used. Cat £50 (18) £22 1888 32c green and black fine used. Cat £75 (19) £30 1889 Surch (T5) 1c on 3c purple and blue mint. Cat £80 (22) £40 1889 Surch (T5) 1c on 3c purple and blue fine used. Cat £50 (22) £22 1889 Surch 5c on 12c green and blue mint. Cat £40 (25) £20 1889 Surch (8) 5c on 12c green and blue fine used. Cat £60 (25) £28 1889 Surch 5c [T9, no stop] on 12c green and blue mint. Cat £190 (26a) £90 1895 set of 4v mint, some hinge remainders. Cat £95 (28/31) £32 1895 set of 4v unused, no gum, or with hinge remainders. Cat £90 (28/31) £18 1899 Surcharges set of 4v mint complete no gum, (as issued). Cat £70 (32/5) £30

5359 5360 5361 5362 5363 5364 5365 5366 5367 5368 5369 5370 5371 5372 5373 5374 5375 5376 5377 5378 5379 5380 5381 5382 5383 5384 5385 5386 5387 5388

1899 no wmk set of 12v to $1 mint, complete. Cat £180 (36/47) £80 1899 $1 rose-carmine and green mint. Cat £100 (47) £48 1902 wmk Brooke 5c olive-grey and green u/m. Cat £15+ (48) £10 1918 no wmk set of 12v to $1 mint, complete. Some hinge remainders. Cat £120 (50/61) £40 1918 set of 12v to $1 fine used, complete. Cat £200 (50/61) £95 1918 8c yellow and black fine used. Cat £75 (54) £35 1918 25c brown and bright blue fine used. Cat £25 (59) £10 1918 50c olive-green and carmine fine used. Cat £15 (60) £7 1918 $1 rose and green mint. Cat £45 (61) £20 1918 $1 rose and green fine used. Cat £30 (61) £15 1918 Unissued 1c slate-blue and slate in u/m block of four. Cat £88+ (62) £50 1922 no wmk set of 9v to 30c fine used, complete. Cat £60(63/71) £28 1928 set of 12v to 25c mint. Cat £45+ (76/87) £18 1928 set of 15v to $1 mint, complete. Cat £75 (76/90) £35 1934 set of 21v to $1 mint. Cat £120 (106/20) £45 1934 set of 21v to $1 fine used. Cat £50+ (106/20) £20 1934 $2 bright purple and violet mint. Cat £30 (121) £12 1934 $2 bright purple and violet fine used. Cat £38 (121) £18 1934 $3 carmine and green mint. Cat £50 (122) £20 1934 $3 carmine and green fine used. Cat £55 (122) £25 1934 $4 blue and scarlet mint. Cat £50 (123) £20 1934 $4 blue and scarlet fine used. Cat £80 (123) £35 1934 $5 scarlet and red-brown mint. Cat £75 (124) £32 1934 $5 scarlet and red-brown fine used. Cat £85 (124) £40 1934 $10 black and yellow mint. Cat £35 (125) £15 1934 $10 black and yellow fine used. Cat £85 (125) £45 1946 Centenary 1d imperf proof single u/m. (see footnote in SG after SG 149) (146 Proof) £20 1949 75th Anniv UPU set fine used. Cat £11 (167/70) £6 1955 set of 15v to $5 fine used, complete. Cat £25 (188/202) £12 1971 Butterflies 7v in u/m blocks of four complete. Cat £32 (219/25) £16

sArAWAK JAp. OCCUpATION 5389 1942 Jap. Occ o/pt 5c violet u/m. Cat £170 5390 1942 Jap. Occ o/pt 6c lake brown u/m. Cat £170

(J7) £75 (J9) £85

sAUDI ArABIA 5391 1934 2g yellow-olive and 278g violet in mint corner marginal blocks of 4. Cat £120+ (334ba/35b) £30 5392 5393 5394 5395 5396 5397 5398 5399 5400 5401 5402 5403 5404 5405 5406 5407 5408 5409 5410 5411 5412 5413 5414 5415 5416

sEyCHELLEs 1890 Die I 16c chestnut and blue mint. Cat £16 (6) £7 1890 96c mauve and carmine fine used. Cat £48 (8) £22 1890 Die II set of 5v to 13c mint. Cat £45 (Sep-13) £18 1893 Die I Surch set of 5v mint. Cat £160 (15/21) £75 1893 Surch set of 5v [with the cheaper 12c and 15c] mint. Some hinge remainders. Cat £125 (15/21) £50 1893 surcharged 12c on 16c chestnut and blue mint, light hinge remainders, with ‘Surch inverted’. Cat £500 (16a) £175 1893 Surch 90c on 96c mint. Cat £70 (21) £32 1893 CA set of 4v to 45c mint, complete. Some hinge remainders. Cat £35 (22-May) £10 1896 Surch 36c on 45c mint. Cat £11 (27) £4 1897 CA 2c, 6c, 15c and 18c mint. Cat £33.50 (28/31) £12 1897 CA 36c brown and carmine mint. Cat £48 (32) £18 1897 2r.25 mauve and green mint with Reapired S”“ variey. Thin spot and toned gum, but only a handful of these can exist. Cat £1000”“ (36a) £250 1901 Surch set of 4v mint, complete. Cat £20 (37/40) £9 1902 Surch 45c on 2r.25 mint. Cat £50 (45) £24 1903 CA set of 11v to 2r.25 mint, complete. Cat £130 (46/56) £65 1903 CA 3c green in fine used block of 9 (3x3), one with ‘Dented Frame’ variety. Cat £170+ (47a) £75 1903 CA 6c carmine fine used, cds, with the ‘Slotted frame’ variety upper right, a scarce, recognised variety. (48 Var) £50 1903 CA 6c carmine with ‘Dented frame’ fine used. Cat £170 (48a) £80 1903 CA 18c sage-green and carmine, fine used. Cat £5.50 (51) £3 1903 CA 30c violet and dull green, fine used. Cat £20 (52) £10 1903 CA 45c brown and carmine fine used. Cat £20 (53) £10 1903 CA 75c yellow and violet fine used. Cat £40 (54) £20 1903 CA 1r.50 black and carmine mint. Cat £55 (55) £28 1903 CA 1r.50 black and carmine fine used. Cat £70 (55) £35 1903 CA 2r.25 purple and green fine used. Cat £90 (56) £45


5417 1906 MCA 2c chestnut and green mint, with the Dented frame”“ variety. Cat £130”“ (60a) £60 5418 1906 MCA 3c dull green mint with the ‘Slotted frame’ variety upper right. (61 Var) £40 5419 1906 MCA 3c dull green mint, with the Dented frame”“ variety. Cat £150”“ (61a) £70 5420 1906 MCA 3c dull green fine used, with the Dented frame”“ variety. Cat £170”“ (61a) £85 5421 1906 MCA 1r.50 black and carmine mint. Cat £60 (69) £30 5422 1906 MCA 2r.25 purple and green mint. Cat £55 (70) £28 5423 1912 MCA 2r.25 deep magenta and green mint. Cat £75 (81) £35 5424 1917 MCA 2r.25 yellow-green and violet mint. Cat £50 (96) £24 5425 1917 MCA 2r.25 yellow-green and violet fine used with large part cds. Cat £160 (96) £755426 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £15 (128/31) £8 5427 1938 set of 25v to r5 mint, complete. Key GVI set. Cat £550 (135/49) £150 5428 1938 9c grey-blue, chalky, in u/m block of four. Cat £152 (138a) £70 5429 1938 9c grey-blue, chalky, u/m. Cat £38 (138a) £20 5430 1938 20c brown ochre, chalky, fine used, with Handkerchief”“ flaw. Short perf. Cat £160”“ (140ab) £50 5431 1938 1r yellow-green u/m and scarce thus. Cat £150 (146) £85 5432 1938 1r yellow green mint. Easily the best value in the set. Cat £150 (146) £50 5433 1938 1r yellow-green fine used. Very hard to find. Cat £80 (146) £45 5434 1948 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £15 (152/3) £9 5435 1948 Silver Wedding set fine used on small piece with (probable) forged postmarks. Cat £48 (152/3) £20 5436 1948 Silver Wedding 9c ultramarine mint with Line by crown”“ variety. Cat £48”“ (152a) £20 5437 1948 Silver Wedding 9c ultramarine fine used with Line by crown”“ variety. Cat £65”“ (152a) £30 5438 1948 Silver Wedding 5r in bottom marginal strip of 4, with printer’s inscription and plate No. u/m. Cat £60+ (153) £38 5439 1952 set of 15v to 10r mint, complete. Cat £90 (158/72) £30 5440 1952 set of 15v to 10r fine used, complete. Cat £110 (158/72) £60 5441 1969 set of 18v (complete, incl later 30c, 60c and 85c) to R15 fine used. Cat £50 (262/79) £26 5442 5443 5444 5445 5446 5447 5448 5449 5450 5451 5452 5453 5454 5455 5456 5457 5458 5459 5460 5461 5462 5463 5464 5465 5466 5467 5468 5469 5470 5471 5472 66

sIErrA LEONE 1859 no wmk 6d dull purple mint. Fresh. Cat £225 (1) £85 1859 no wmk 6d dull purple mint. Fresh, but faint crease. Cat £225 (1) £65 1859 no wmk 6d dull purple fine used, litho forgery. (Cat £50) (1) £15 1859 no wmk 6d reddish lilac mint. Cat £70 (4) £28 1872 CC P12½ 1d rose-red (sideways wmk) mint. Cat £65 (7) £25 1872 CC P12½ 4d blue mint, fresh. Cat £200 (9) £80 1872 CC P12½ [upr] 1d rose-red mint no gum. Cat £130 (11) £18 1872 CC P14 1d rose-red mint. Cat £60 (17) £22 1872 CC P14 1½d lilac mint. Cat £50 (18) £22 1872 CC P14 3d buff mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £65 (20) £15 1883 CA 1d rose-red mint, small hinge remainder, fresh. Cat £200 (24) £70 1883 CA 2d magenta u/m. Cat £75+ (25) £45 1883 CA P14 2d magenta mint. Cat £75 (25) £25 1884 CA 2d grey mint, fine. Cat £60 (30) £25 1885 CC 6d brown-purple mint. Cat £28 (36) £10 1896 set of 9v to 1/- mint. Cat £61.50 (41/50) £24 1896 set of 8v to 6d mint. Cat £50+ (41/9) £20 1896 CA 5d dull mauve and black mint. Cat £13 (48) £6 1897 surcharged 2½d (type 11) on 6d mint, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £150 (61) £75 1903 CA set of 11v to 2/- mint. Fine. Cat £125 (73/83) £55 1903 CA 5d dull purple and black mint. Cat £15 (80) £7 1904 MCA set of 12v to 5/- mint. Cat £150 (86/97) £60 1904 MCA 3d dull purple and grey mint, inverted wmk. Cat £40 (91w) £18 1907 MCA 1d carmine mint. Cat £21 (100) £8 1907 MCA 6d purple and olive-green mint. Cat £26 (106) £10 1907 MCA 2/- purple and bright blue/blue mint. Cat £26 (109) £10 1912 MCA set of 14v to 1/- (+ 117b) mint. Cat £80+ (112/25) £32 1912 MCA 2/- blue and purple/blue mint. Cat £30 (125) £14 1912 MCA 5/- red and green/yellow mint. Cat £28 (126) £14 1912 MCA £1 black and purple/red fine used, fresh. Cat £350 (128) £175 1921 Script 2/- blue and dull purple/blue mint. Cat £12 (144) £6

5473 5474 5475 5476 5477 5478 5479 5480 5481 5482 5483 5484 5485 5486 5487 5488 5489 5490 5491 5492 5493 5494 5495 5496 5497 5498 5499 5500 5501 5502 5503 5504 5505 5506 5507 5508 5509 5510 5511 5512 5513 5514 5515 5516

1932 set of 11v to 5/- mint. Cat £50 (155/65) £20 1932 5/- deep blue mint. Cat £20 (165) £10 1932 10/- green mint. Cat £90 (166) £45 1932 £1 purple mint. Light toning gummed side on one edge. Cat £180 (167) £70 1933 Wilberforce 2/- brown and bright blue mint. Cat £42 (176) £18 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £32 (181/4) £16 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £55 (181/4) £30 1935 Silver Jubilee 1d u/m with ‘Extra Flagstaff’ variety. Cat £80+ (181a) £45 1935 Silver Jubilee 5d mint with ‘Extra Flagstaff’ variety. Cat £180 (183a) £80 1938 set of 16v to £1 mint, complete. Cat £140 (188/200) £60 1938 set of 16v to £1 fine used, complete. Cat £80 (188/200) £45 1938 1½d scarlet u/m. Cat £20 (190) £10 1938 2d mauve mint. Cat £50 (191) £14 1938 5d olive-green in u/m corner marginal Plate block of 4. (194) £8 1938 5/- brown fine used. Cat £17 (198) £7 1938 10/- green u/m. Cat £38 (199) £18 1956 set of 14v to £1 mint, complete. Cat £70 (210/22) £28 sINGApOrE 1948 P14 set of 15v to $5 fine used, complete. Cat £30 (Jan-15) £12 1948 P14 $2 green and scarlet mint. Cat £48 (14) £15 1948 P14 $5 green and brown u/m. Cat £110 (15) £60 1948 P14 $5 green and brown mint. Cat £110 (15) £32 1948 P18 set of 18v to $5 mint, complete. Cat £400 (16/30) £100 1948 P18 set of 18v to $5 fine used, complete. Cat £60 (16/30) £26 1948 P18 15c ultramarine u/m top marginal with Plate (1). Cat £27+ (23) £15 1948 P18 15c ultramarine u/m. Cat £27 (23) £12 1948 P18 20c black and green in u/m block of four. Blunt corner top right. Cat £52 (24a) £15 1948 P18 20c black and green u/m. Cat £13 (24a) £6 1948 P18 35c scarlet and purple u/m. Cat £12 (25a) £6 1948 P18 40c red and purple in fine used block of four. Cat £88 (26) £40 1948 P18 40c red and purple fine used. Cat £22 (26) £10 1948 P18 $2 green and scarlet mint. Cat £90 (29) £25 1948 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £110 (31/2) £55 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £110 (31/2) £38 1948 Silver Wedding set fine used. Cat £50 (31/2) £24 1949 75th Anniv UPU set mint. Cat £10 (33/6) £5 1955 set of 15v to $5 mint, complete. Cat £130 (38/52) £38 1955 set of 15v to $5 fine used, complete. Cat £15 (38/52) £7 1959 Constitution set u/m. Cat £11 (53/8) £6 1959 Constitution set fine used. Cat £11.50 (53/8) £6 1962 Birds and Wildlife set of 16v to $5 mint, complete. Cat £55 (63/77) £18 1962 Birds $1, $2 and $5 (top 3v mint. Cat £46 (75/7) £14 1966 W12 $1 Kingfisher u/m. Cat £16 (88) £8 1968 Costumes defins set of 15v to $10 mint complete. Cat £60 (101/15) £20 1994 Corals defins to $10 fine used complete. Cat £20 (742/53) £10

sOMALILAND 5517 1903 o/pt (at top) set of 13v to 5r mint, complete. Cat £130 (Jan-13) £65 5518 1903 o/pt 1a yellow-green fine used with the ‘BRIT SH’ error. Cat £275 (1a) £110 5519 1903 o/pt (on EDVII) set of 5v mint. Cat £13 (25/30) £5 5520 1903 o/pt 1a carmine u/m block of 4 with the ‘SUMALILAND’ variety. Cat £130+ (“26,6c”) £75 5521 1904 CA set of 9v to 12a mint. Cat £65 (32/40) £28 5522 1904 set of 13v to 5r mint complete, hinge remainders, fine and fresh. Cat £250 (32/44) £100 5523 1904 CA 1a grey-black and red mint. Cat £19 (33) £8 5524 1904 CA 1a, 2 1/a, 6a, 8a and 12a u/m o/pt Specimen. (33/40s) £40 5525 1904 CC 1r green o/pt Specimen. Corner crease. (41s) £10 5526 1904 CC 2r dull and bright purple mint. Cat £60 (42) £30 5527 1904 CC 3r green and black mint. Faint crease. Cat £70 (43) £28 5528 1904 CC 5r grey-black and red mint. Cat £70 (44) £38 5529 1904 CC 5r grey-black and red o/pt Specimen (44s) £25 5530 1905 MCA set of 11v fine used, complete. Cat £150 (45/59) £70 5531 1905 MCA 1a grey-black and red mint. Cat £28 (46) £10

5532 1905 MCA 2a dull and bright purple, mint, chalky paper. Cat £23 (47a) £9 5533 1905 MCA 12a black and orange-brown, chalky, mint. Cat £17(53a) £8 5534 1912 MCA 2a dull purple and violet-purple mint. Cat £27 (62a) £12 5535 1912 MCA 1r green mint. Cat £23 (69) £11 5536 1912 MCA 2r dull purple and purple fine used. Cat £80 (70) £40 5537 1921 Script set of 13v to 5r mint, complete. Some minor faults. Cat £180 (73/85) £75 5538 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £16 (86/9) £8 5539 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £50 (86/9) £30 5540 1935 Silver Jubilee 1d u/m, with the Bird by turret”“ variety. Cat £160+”“ (86m) £90 5541 1938 set of 12v to 5r mint, complete. Cat £150 (93/104) £55 5542 1938 set of 12v to 5r fine used, complete, a very difficult set and hard to find. Cat £350 (93/104) £175 5543 1938 6d violet in block of 4 u/m. Cat £64 (98) £28 5544 1938 12a red-orange in u/m block of four. Cat £80 (100) £36 5545 1938 12a red-orange u/m. Cat £20 (100) £9 5546 1938 1r green in u/m block of four. Cat £60 (101) £30 5547 1938 2r purple in u/m block of four. Cat £104 (102) £50 5548 1938 3r bright blue in u/m block of four. Cat £100 (103) £48 5549 1938 3r bright blue u/m. Cat £25 (103) £12 5550 1938 3r bright blue fine used. Cat £55 (103) £28 5551 1938 5r black (top value) in u/m block of four (folded down vertical perfs). Cat £128 (104) £60 5552 1938 5r black (top value) u/m. Cat £32 (104) £18 5553 1938 5r black mint. Cat £32 (104) £12 5554 1942 set of 12v to 5r mint, complete. Cat £50 (105/16) £20 5555 1942 set of 12v to 5r fine used complete. Cat £48 (105/16) £25 5556 1942 5r black fine used. Cat £13 (116) £6 5557 1946 P13½ Victory 1a carmine, in u/m block of four. Cat £44(117a) £22 5558 1946 P13½ Victory 1a carmine, fine used. Cat £50 (117a) £25 5559 1949 Silver Wedding set mint. (119/20) £2 5560 1951 surcharged set of 11v to 5r u/m, complete. Cat £55 (125/35) £28 5561 1951 Surcharged set of 11v mint complete. Cat £55 (125/35) £22 5562 1951 Surch 5r black fine used. Cat £16 (135) £9 5563 1953 1/30 ultramarine and black u/m. Cat £27 (145) £12 5564 1953 1/30 ultramarine and black mint. Cat £20 (145) £6 5565 1953 2/- brown and bluish-violet u/m. Cat £28 (146) £12 5566 1953 5/- red-brown and emerald mint. Cat £35 (147) £10 5567 1903 ‘On HMS’ o/pt ½a green fine used. Cat £55 (O1) £22 5568 1903 ‘On HMS’ o/pt set of 5v mint complete. 1a hinge remainder. Cat £55 (O1/5) £22 5569 1903 Official o/pt set of 5v used fine and scarce. Cat £1200(O1/5) £350 5570 1903 ‘On HMS’ o/pt 1a carmine mint. Cat £15 (O2) £7 5571 1903 ‘On HMS’ o/pt 2a pale violet mint. Cat £15 (O3) £7 5572 1903 Service 8a dull mauve fine used, scarce. Cat £475 (O4) £175 5573 1903 Service o/pt set of 5v mint complete. Cat £26 (O6/9f) £12 5574 1903 Service ½a green mint, with variety BRIT SH”“ (2nd I omitted). Cat £95”“ (O6a) £45 5575 1904 OHMS 1a grey-black and carmine mint with ‘No stop after M’. Cat £200 (O11a) £100 5576 1904 OHMS 2a dull and bright purple mint. Cat £300 (O12) £110 5577 1904 Official o/pt 8a grey-black and pale blue mint. Cat £60 (O13) £30 5578 1904 Official o/pt 8a grey-black and pale blue fine used. Cat £140 (O13) £65 5579 1904 Official o/pt 2a dull and bright purple u/m. Short perf. Cat £120+ (O14) £30 5580 1904 Official o/pt 2a dull and bright purple mint. Cat £120 (O14) £60 5581 1904 OHMS 1r green o/pt Specimen cat (approx pro rata) £50 (O15s) £25 sOUTH AFrICA 5582 1900 Boer War GB 1d lilac on cover to Durban tied ‘Army Post Office Standerton Natal Field Force’ cancel. £40 5583 1901 Boer War GB 1d lilac on cover to Mauritius tied ‘Army Post Office Krugerdorp’ cancel, ‘Phoenix’ cds on front and ‘Mauritius’ arrival on reverse. £50 Scarcer destination. 5584 1913 5/- purple and blue mint. Cat £120 (15) £60 5585 1913 5/- reddish-purple and light blue mint. Cat £120 (15a) £60 5586 1913 10/- deep blue and olive-green mint, fine and lightly mounted. Cat £180 (16) £85 5587 1926 W9 6d green and orange mint. Cat £42 (32) £14 5588 1927 set of 7v to 10/- in fine used pairs. Scarce. Cat £1400(34/9) £550 5589 1927 P14x13½ Recess 2d grey and maroon mint. Cat £50 (34b) £16 5590 1927 P14 Recess 4d brown mint. Cat £32 (35b) £11

5591 1927 2/6d green and brown in marginal block of 4 with centrally struck ‘Cape Town’ cancel. Scarce. Cat £1000+ (37) £300 5592 1927 5/- black and green in fine, lightly mounted mint pair. Cat £300 (38) £120 5593 1930 Rotogravure 1/- brown and deep blue (upr wmk), mint. Cat £120 (48) £55 5594 1930 1/- brown and deep blue in horizontal pair (upright wmk) u/m, with the ‘Twisted horn’ variety. Fine and scarce. Cat £350+ (48c) £200 5595 1930 Rotogravure 2/6d green and brown, mint. Cat £120 (49) £50 5596 1930 2/6d green and brown fine used (upr wmk). Cat £120 (49) £50 5597 1930 2/6d green and brown with inverted wmk mint. Cat £225 ( 49aw) £100 5598 1930 W9 redrawn 2/6d blue and brown mint. Cat £26 (49b) £8 5599 1930 2/6d blue and brown fine used, block of four (2 pairs) showing setenant both horizontally and vertically. Crisp cds. Cat £30 (49b) £12 5600 1933 2d blue and violet u/m. Cat £75+ (58) £38 5601 1933 2d blue and violet fine used. Cat £50 (58) £20 5602 1933 2d grey and dull purple u/m. Cat £65+ (58a) £35 5603 1933 2d grey and dull purple in mint block of four (2 pairs), one pair being u/m. Cat £130+ (58a) £55 5604 1933 2d grey and dull purple mint. Cat £65 (58a) £24 5605 1933 (hyphenated, 1951 issued) 2d grey and dull purple fine used. Cat £110 (58a) £50 5606 1937 6d green and vermilion [type 1] fine used. Cat £50 (61) £22 5607 1938 6d green and vermilion type 2 u/m. Cat £42+ (61c) £22 5608 1933 1/- brown and chalky u/m. Cat £55+ (62) £30 5609 1933 re-drawn 1/- brown and chalky-blue mint. Cat £55 (62) £20 5610 1933 5/- black and green fine used (upr wmk). Cat £75 (64) £30 5611 1933 5/- black and green pair inverted wmk,u/m. Cat £120+(64aw) £70 5612 1933 5/- black and blue-green u/m. Cat £42+ (64b) £22 5613 1933 10/- blue and sepia (pair) u/m. Cat £65+ (64c) £38 5614 1935 Silver Jubilee 3d blue u/m with Cleft skull”“ variety. Cat £50+”“ (67a) £30 5615 1935 Silver Jubilee 6d mint with Cleft skull”“ variety. Cat £80”“(68a) £40 5616 1937 Coronation 1/- in u/m block of 4 (2 pairs) one with ‘Hyphen omitted’. Cat £80+ (“75,5a”) £40 5617 1937 Coronation 1/- in u/m pair with ‘Hyphen omitted’. Cat £80 (75a) £50 5618 1937 Coronation 1/- in mint pair with ‘Hyphen omitted’. Cat £80 (75a) £40 5619 1938 Voortrekker set in u/m pairs. Cat £80 (76/9) £35 5620 1941 War Effort set 7 pairs and 2 singles u/m. Cat £70 (88/94) £40 5621 1941 War Effort set fine used. (incl ½d, 4d and 1/3d shades). Cat £133 (88/96) £65 5622 1941 War Effort set of 7v pairs and 2 singles fine used. Cat £70 (88/96) £38 5623 1942 War Effort (reduced sizes) 3d blue (triplet) fine used. Cat £18 (101) £6 5624 1947 Roto set of 9v to 10/- fine used complete. Cat £170 (114/22) £80 5625 1947 3d deep blue mint (pair) with Flying Saucer”“ variety. Cat £95”“ (117ab) £40 5626 1947 3d deep blue fine used (pair) with Flying Saucer”“ variety. Cat £100”“ (117ab) £50 5627 1947 5/- black and pale blue-green u/m. Cat £45 (122) £25 5628 1947 5/- black and deep yellow-green fine used, with Rain”“ variety. Cat £120”“ (122a) £60 5629 1948 Weddings u/m from RSA and SWA (pairs). (-) £3 5630 1949 75th Anniv UPU 3d u/m, with Lake in Africa”“ flaw. Cat £55”“ (130b) £30 5631 1949 75th Anniv UPU 3d u/m, with Serif on C”“ flaw. Cat £55”“ (130c) £30 5632 1961 no wmk 10c sepia and emerald u/m. Scarce shade. Cat £50 (217a) £20 5633 1943 Postage Due set of 4v u/m. Cat £80 (D30/3) £36 5634 1943 Postage Due set of 4v mint. Cat £80 (D30/3) £28 5635 1943 Postage Due set fine used (in units of 3), incl 2d shade (15v). Cat £180 (“D30/3,32a”) £85 5636 1948 Dues set of 5v fine used, complete. Cat £50 (D34/8) £25 5637 1929 Official o/pt 2/6d green and brown mint. Cat £70 (O11) £32 5638 1930 Official o/pt [19mm] 1/- brown and deep blue fine used, inv wmk. Cat £95 (O17) £40 5639 1930 Official o/pt [21mm] 1/- brown and deep blue fine used, inv wmk. Cat £110 (O17b) £50 5640 1930 Official o/pt [21mm] 1/- brown and deep blue u/m (upr wmk). Cat £100+ (O17bw) £60 5641 1930 Official o/pt [21mm] 1/- brown and deep blue mint (upr wmk). Cat £100 (O17bw) £40


5642 1930 Official o/pt [19mm] 2/6d green and brown mint (upr wmk). Cat £85 (O18) £38 5643 1930 Official o/pt [21mm] 2/6d green and brown mint, upr wmk. Cat £60 (O18a) £28 5644 1930 Official o/pt [21mm] 2/6d green and brown fine used, upr wmk. Cat £75 (O18a) £35 5645 1930 Official o/pt (Suidafrika) 2/6d blue and brown fine used. Cat £110 (O19) £50 5646 1935 Official o/pt 2d blue and violet mint. Cat £150 (O23) £65 5647 1935 Official o/pt at right 6d green and vermilion [type 1] mint. Cat £85 (O24) £40 5648 1935 Official o/pt at right 6d green and vermilion [type 1] fine used. Cat £55 (O24) £25 5649 1935 Official o/pt at left 5/- black and blue-green fine used. Cat £140 (O28) £65 5650 1937 Official (at left, reading upwards) 1½d blue-green and yellow-buff fine used. Cat £90 (O34) £42 5651 1950 Official 1/- blackish-brown and ultram mint. Cat £170 (O47a) £65 5652 1950 Official 1/- blackish-brown and ultram fine used. Scarce. Cat £190 (O47a) £100 5653 1950 Official 2/6d green and brown fine used on small piece. Cat £35 (O48) £18 5654 1950 Official o/pt 5/- black and blue mint. Cat £180 (O49) £60 5655 1950 Official 5/- black and pale blue-green u/m. Cat £70 (O50) £35 5656 1950 Official o/pt 5/- black and deep yellow-green u/m. Cat £75 (O50a) £32 5657 1950 Official o/pt 5/- black and deep yellow-green fine used. Cat £100 (O50a) £45 sOUTH AFrICA CApE GOOD HOpE 5658 1853 4d deep blue on deeply blued paper with 3 good to large margins fine used. Cat £275 (2) £60 5659 1855 1d deep rose-red on cream with 2 margins (1 close but clear), just touched at right, mint. Cat £1200 (5b) £125 5660 1855 1d deep rose-red on cream with 2½ margins (1 close but almost clear), just touched at base fine used. Cat £300 (5b) £50 5661 1855 4d blue an unused, no gum tête-bêche pair, top stamp 2 margins, bottom stamp 3 margins but with small nibble at right. Cat £2200 (6a) £150 5662 1855 6d pale rose lilac on white paper unused, no gum, 2 margins. Cat £1200 (7) £75 5663 1855 6d deep rose-lilac/white with 2 margins [just touched lower right], fine used. Cat £400 (7b) £40 5664 1855 6d slate lilac on blued with 3 clear margins fine used. Cat £500 (7c) £90 5665 1855 1/- bright yellow-green fine used with 3 good to large margins. Cat £300 (8) £75 5666 1855 1/- deep dark green with 3 margins (1 close, 2 are god to very large) fine used. Cat £550 (8b) £100 5667 1861 Woodblock 4d pale milky blue on laid paper used, a good, sound 2 margin example. Some rubbing. Cat £2000 (14) £150 5668 1863 1d deep brown-red with 3 margins mint. Brandon cert. Cat £650 (18b) £175 5669 1863 1d brownish red with 3 margins [very close, but clear bottom left], fine used. Cat £325 (18c) £60 5670 1874 Surch 1d on 1/- green mint. Cat £140 (33) £55 5671 1874 Surch 1d on 1/- green fine used. Cat £80 (33) £28 5672 1879 Surch 3d on 4d blue mint, frsh. Cat £190 (34) £85 5673 1880 CC 3d on 4d pale dull rose mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £150 (35) £50 5674 1882 CA 1d deep rose-red mint. Cat £90 (41a) £38 5675 1882 CA surcharged ½d on 3d deep claret unused, no gum. Cat £60 (47) £10 5676 1884 W13 Anchor 1d rose-red mint. Cat £16 (49) £6 5677 1884 W13 6d purple mint, thin spot. Cat £23 (52a) £4 5678 1884 W13 6d bright mauve mint, tone spot. Cat £17 (52b) £4 5679 1891 2½d on 3d pale magenta, mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £18 (55) £6 5680 1902 2d brown mint. Cat £25 (72) £9 5681 1902 3d magenta mint. Cat £18 (74) £7 5682 1902 6d bright mauve mint. Cat £32 (76) £14 5683 1902 5/- brown-orange, slight toning, mint, gum bend. Cat £160 (78) £50 5684 1902 5/- brown-orange fine used. Cat £160 (78) £70 sOUTH AFrICA MAFEKING 5685 1900 Surch 1d on o/pt ½d green fine used. Cat £85 5686 1900 Surch 3d on o/pt 1d carmine mint. Cat £325 68

(1) £40 (3) £120

5687 1900 Surch 3d on o/pt 1d carmine fine used on small piece. Cat £65 (3) £30 5688 1900 surcharged 3d on o/pt 1d lilac, 2 examples fine used on same piece. Cat £300+ (7) £125 5689 1900 Surch 6d on o/pt 3d lilac and black fine used, cds. Cat £95 (10) £45 5690 1900 Surch 1/- on o/pt 4d green and brown fine used. Cat £110 (11) £60 5691 1900 Surch 3d on o/pt 1d lilac fine used. Cat £100 (12) £45 5692 1900 Baden-Powell 3d deep blue/blue mint, hinge remainder, fresh, scarce. Cat £1700 (20) £425 5693 5694 5695 5696 5697 5698 5699 5700 5701 5702 5703 5704 5705 5706 5707 5708 5709 5710 5711 5712 5713 5714 5715 5716 5717 5718 5719 5720 5721 5722 5723 5724 5725 5726 5727 5728

sOUTH AFrICA NATAL 1859 no wmk P14 3d blue fine used. Cat £55 (10) £20 1862 no wmk P14 1d rose-red unused, no gum. Cat £170 (15) £20 1863 CC P12½ 6d violet unused, no gum. Cat £90 (24) £10 1867 CC 1/- green mint, very lightly mounted, a lovely example. Cat £250 (25) £125 1867 CC P14 1/- green mint. Cat £250 (25) £90 1867 CC P14 1/- green fine used. Cat £50 (25) £22 1870 o/pt (in green) 1/- green unused, no gum. Cat £150 (59) £20 1870 P12½ o/pt 1d bright red unused, no gum. Cat £120 (60) £15 1874 CC 5/- rose mint. Cat £140 (72) £65 1874 CC 5/- rose fine used. Cat £45 (72) £20 1874 CC 5/- carmine mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £110 (73) £35 1875 o/pt (T18) 1d yellow mint. Cat £90 (82) £38 1882 CA 3d grey mint. Cat £12 (101) £5 1891 2½d bright blue mint. Cat £12 (113) £5 1902 CA set of 10v to 1/- mint. 2d hinge remainder. Cat £60 (127/36) £20 1902 CA set of 13v to 4/- mint, complete. Cat £225 (127/39) £100 1902 CA set of 13v to 4/- fine used, complete. Cat £150 (127/39) £65 1902 CA 2/- green and bright violet mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £55 (137) £15 1902 CA 4/- deep rose and maize fine used. Cat £95 (139) £45 1902 CC 5/- dull blue and rose mint. Cat £65 (140) £30 1902 CC £1 black and bright blue fine used. Cat £80 (142) £40 1902 CC £1.10s green and violet fine used. Cat £130 (143) £60 1902 £5 mauve and black fine used, neat black double ring fiscal cds. Cat £1500 (144) £100 1904 MCA ½d - 5d (basic 5v) mint. Cat £45+ (146/53) £18 1904 MCA 1d deep carmine mint. Cat £16 (147b) £6 1904 MCA 2d red and olive-green mint. Cat £18 (149) £7 1904 MCA 1/- carmine and pale blue mint. Cat £85 (155) £38 1904 MCA 2/- dull green and bright violet mint. Cat £70 (156) £30 1904 MCA 2/6d purple mint. Cat £65 (157) £28 1908 MCA 2/- purple and bright blue/blue mint. Cat £15 (167) £7 1908 MCA 2/6d black and red/blue mint. Cat £25 (168) £10 1908 MCA 5/- green and red mint. Cat £28 (169) £14 1908 10/- green and red/green mint. Cat £130 (170) £65 1904 Official o/pt 2d red and olive-green mint. Cat £45 (O3) £18 1904 Official o/pt set of 5v to 6d fine used. Cat £110 (O3/5) £48 1904 Official o/pt 6d green and brown-purple mint. Cat £85 (O5) £35

sOUTH AFrICA NEW rEpUBLIC 5729 1887 1d violet/yellow paper u/m. Cat £32+ 5730 5731 5732 5733 5734 5735 5736 5737 5738 5739 5740 5741 5742 5743 5744 5745

(72) £20

sOUTH AFrICA OrANGE FrEE sT. 1868 1d pale brown mint. Cat £21 (2) £8 1868 6d bright carmine mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £17 (7) £5 1868 1/- orange-buff mint. Cat £100 (8) £40 1877 o/pt ‘4’ on 6d rose (as cheapest) unused, no gum. Cat £200 (12) £25 1896 o/pt (e) ½d on 3d ultramarine mint. Cat £13 (73) £6 1896 o/pt (f) ½d on 3d ultramarine mint. Cat £14 (74) £6 1896 o/pt (g) ½d on 3d ultramarine mint. Cat £8 (75) £4 1897 o/pt (a) 2½d on 3d ultramarine mint. Cat £10 (83) £5 1900 o/pt (level stops) 2½d on 3d ultramarine mint. Cat £22 (104) £9 1900 T32 o/pt 6d on 6d carmine mint, showing mixed raised and level stops, r10/4 (level stops after R and I). Cat £140 (119a) £50 1903 CA set of 7v 1d - 6d mint. Cat £95+ (136/45) £40 1903 CA set of 8v 1d - 1/- mint. Cat £100+ (136/46) £40 1903 CA 1/- scarlet and bistre mint. Cat £50 (146) £20 1903 CA 5/- blue and brown mint. Cat £160 (147) £80 1903 CA 5/- blue and brown mint. Cat £160 (147) £80 1905 Railway Stamp o/pt CSAR 1d carmine mint. Cat £100 (RO2) £40

sOUTH AFrICA VryBUrG 5746 1899 Z.A.R ½d on ½d green mint, fine. Cat £225 5747 1899 Z.A.R ½d on ½d green fine used. APS cert. Cat £80

(1) £90 (1) £40

sOUTH WEsT AFr. 5748 1923 o/pt 4d orange-yellow and sage-green, litho o/pt, mint. Cat £48 (5a) £22 5749 1923 o/pt 6d black and violet, fine used. Cat £50 (6) £22 5750 1923 o/pt 1/3d pale violet mint. Cat £45 (8) £20 5751 1923 o/pt 2/6d purple and green mint. Cat £70 (9) £30 5752 1923 o/pt 2/6d purple and green, litho o/pt, mint. Cat £150 (9a) £70 5753 1923 o/pt 5/- purple and blue [Setting 2] mint. Cat £160 (13) £70 5754 1923 o/pt 5/- purple and blue [Setting 2] fine used. Cat £275 (13) £140 5755 1923 o/pt 5/- purple and blue (setting 3) fine used. Cat £140 (25) £65 5756 1923 o/pt [Setting 6] ½d to 1/3d (8 pairs) mint. Cat £57.50 (29/36) £22 5757 1923 o/pt 2/6d purple and green [Setting 6] mint. Cat £45 (37) £20 5758 1923 o/pt 5/- purple and blue [Setting 6] mint. Cat £60 (38) £28 5759 1923 o/pt 10/- blue and olive-green [Setting 6] mint. Cat £95 (39) £42 5760 1927 T5/6 o/pt set to 10/- in mint pairs, complete. Cat £180(49/54) £95 5761 1927 T5/6 o/pt 5/- black and green fine used top marginal. Cat £190 (53) £90 5762 1927 o/pt 1/3d pale violet, £1 pale olive-green and red mint (single stamps, as issued). Cat £95+ (56/7) £50 5763 1927 o/pt 1/3d pale violet, £1 pale olive-green and red fine used (single stamps, as issued). Cat £175+ (56/7) £905764 1927 o/pt £1 pale olive-green and red u/m. Cat £95+ (57) £75 5765 1927 o/pt £1 pale olive-green and red left hand marginal mint. Cat £95 (57) £50 5766 1927 o/pt £1 pale olive-green and red fine used. Cat £170 (57) £90 5767 1927 T10 o/pt 1/- brown and deep blue mint. Cat £10 (64) £4 5768 1927 T10 o/pt 2/6d green and brown mint. Cat £42 (65) £18 5769 1927 o/pt 2/6d green and brown mint. Cat £42 (65) £15 5770 1927 T10 o/pt 5/- black and green u/m. Cat £65+ (66) £40 5771 1927 T10 o/pt 5/- black and green mint. Cat £65 (66) £28 5772 1927 T10 o/pt 10/- bright blue and brown mint. Cat £110 (67) £50 5773 1930 Air T10 o/pt 4d green with No stop”“ variety, u/m. Cat £70+”“ (70a) £40 5774 1930 Air T10 o/pt (later printing) fine used. Cat £83 (70b/71b) £35 5775 1931 set of 14v to 10/- in used pairs, fine and scarce. Cat £300 (74/87) £150 5776 1931 set of 14v to 20/- fine used, incl Airs, complete. Cat £300 (74/87) £140 5777 1931 20/- lake and blue-green fine used. Cat £80 (85) £40 5778 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £27 (88/91) £14 5779 1935 Voortrekker Memorial 1d mint, with Blurred South Africa”“ variety. Cat £80”“ (93a) £38 5780 1935 Voortrekker Memorial 2d mint Pair (4 stamps), one pair with No stop after A”“ variety. Cat £200+”“ (“94,4a”) £90 5781 1938 Voortrekker set mint. Cat £110 (105/8) £38 5782 1938 Voortrekker set fine used (scarce). Cat £160 (105/8) £80 5783 1939 Huguenot set u/m. Cat £65 (111/13) £35 5784 1939 Huguenot fine used. Cat £48 (111/3) £22 5785 1941 War Effort set u/m, complete. Cat £50 (114/22) £22 5786 1941 War Effort set of 7v pairs and 2 singles fine used, complete. Cat £85 (114/22) £40 5787 1941 War Effort 3d blue mint with Cigarette flaw”“. Cat £130”“ (117a) £45 5788 1923 Postage Due o/pt 5d mint, with Afrika without stop”“ variety. Cat £140”“ (D1b) £65 5789 1923 Postage Due o/pt 6d black and red-brown fine used. Cat £50 (D2) £22 5790 1927 Official 6d green and orange u/m. Cat £140+ (O4) £85 5791 1951 Official T15/16 o/pt 1d indigo and scarlet u/m with transposed overprints. Cat £100 (O24a) £50 5792 1951 Official T15/16 o/pt 1½d purple-brown in u/m pair (4 stamps) one pair with transposed overprints. Cat £105 (“O25,5a”) £50 5793 1951 Official T15/16 o/pt 2d bluw and brown u/m with transposed overprints. Cat £75 (O26a) £38 5794 1951 Official T15/16 o/pt 6d blue and brown fine used. Cat £55 (O27) £22 spAIN 5795 1905 Don Quixote top value 10pta orange u/m. Scarce thus. Cat £225+ (316) £120 5796 1922 King Alfonso the top 3 values, 1pta, 2pta and 10pta mint. Cat £285 (391/3) £65

5797 1926 Air Red Cross Madrid-Manila top value 4pts red and yellow mint. Cat £170 (416) £50 5798 1953 Legazpi 25p mint. Cat £190 (1191) £30 sT. HELENA 5799 1856 6d blue with 4 clear to good margins fine used. Cat £180 (1) £60 5800 1861 Large Star 6d blue with clean cut P14 to 16 mint, ‘blind’ perfs at left, very fresh, a fine example for this difficult item. Cat £1700 (2) £475 5801 1861 Large Star P16 (rough) 6d blue, fine used. Cat £130 (2a) £45 5802 1864 Surch type A o/pt thin bar 1d lake, mint. Cat £70 (6) £30 5803 1864 Surch type B o/pt (words 18mm) 4d carmine, mint. Cat £150 (14) £60 5804 1864 CC 6d ultramarine used, centered to right. Cat £85 (16a) £30 5805 1864 CC o/pt type B Thick bar 5/- orange, mint, with wmk reversed. Cat £170 (20x) £75 5806 1864 CC P14 2d yellow mint (tiny mark on gum), fresh. Cat £150 (28) £40 5807 1884 Surch P14 3d deep mauve mint, showing no wmk (see footnote in SG). Unpriced. (41 Var) £30 5808 1884 P14 1/- yellow-green mint. Cat £65 (45) £26 5809 1903 set of 6v to 2/- fine used. Cat £150 (55/60) £75 5810 1903 CC 1/- brown and orange fine used. Cat £40 (59) £20 5811 1903 CC 2/- black and violet mint. Heavy hinge remainder. Cat £65 (60) £18 5812 1903 2/- black and violet fine used. Cat £95 (60) £42 5813 1908 2½d, 4d and 6d (basic) mint. Cat £22.50 (64/7) £9 5814 1908 CA 10/- green and red/green mint, some toning at perf edges. Cat £275 (70) £85 5815 1912 ½d to 3d fine used (6v). Cat £25 (72/7) £10 5816 1912 MCA set of 10v to 3/- mint, complete. Cat £150 (72/81) £75 5817 1912 MCA set of 11v to 3/- mint, complete, with both shades of 1d. Some gum toning. Cat £160 (72/81) £50 5818 1912 1d black and scarlet fine used. Cat £17 (73a) £8 5819 1912 MCA 8d black and dull purple fine used. Cat £65 (78) £30 5820 1912 MCA 1/- black/green fine used. Cat £35 (79) £16 5821 1912 2/- black and blue Plate 1 marginal fine used with crisp cds. Superb. (Cat £110 as basic stamp). (80) £75 5822 1912 2/- black and blue fine used. Cat £110 (80) £55 5823 1912 3/- black and violet Plate 1 fine used. Very fresh. Cat £160 (81) £80 5824 1922 Script set of 3v mint. Cat £35 (89/91) £14 5825 1922 MCA 4d grey and black/yellow fine used. Cat £6 (92) £2 5826 1922 Badge set of 4v to 5/- mint. Cat £114 (92/5) £55 5827 1922 Badge 4d grey and black/yellow mint with ‘Broken Mast’ variety. Cat £275 (92a) £130 5828 1922 MCA 1/6d grey and green/blue-green mint. Toning. Cat £22 (93) £5 5829 1922 MCA 1/6d grey and green/blue-green fine used. Cat £70 (93) £35 5830 1922 MCA 2/6d grey and red/yellow fine used. Cat £75 (94) £35 5831 1922 MCA Badge 5/- grey and green/yellow fine used. Cat £130 (95) £60 5832 1922 Badge ½d grey and black u/m with ‘Torn flag’. Cat £275+ (97b) £140 5833 1922 Badge 1d grey and green mint with ‘Cleft Rock’. Cat £75 (98c) £38 5834 1922 Badge 1½d rose-red u/m with ‘Broken mainmast’. Cat £100+ (99a) £70 5835 1922 Badge 1½d rose-red fine used with ‘Broken Mainmast’. Cat £200 (99a) £95 5836 1922 Badge 1½d rose-red mint with ‘Torn flag’ variety. Cat £100 (99b) £55 5837 1922 (1937 issued) 1½d deep carmine-red mint. Cat £90 (99e) £40 5838 1922 (1937 issued) 1½d deep carmine-red fine used. Cat £85(99e) £40 5839 1922 Badge 2d grey and slate fine used with ‘Broken mainmast’. Cat £180 (100a) £90 5840 1922 Badge 2d grey and slate fine used with ‘Cleft rock’. Cat £180 (100c) £95 5841 1922 Badge 3d bright blue in mint bottom marginal block of four, one stamp with ‘Torn Flag’ variety. Cat £130+ (“101,1b”) £65 5842 1922 Badge 3d bright blue u/m with ‘Torn flag’. Cat £130+ (101b) £75 5843 1922 Badge 3d bright blue with ‘Torn Flag’ variety, mint. Cat £130 (101b) £60 5844 1922 Badge 6d grey and bright purple mint with ‘Broken mainmast’. Cat £300 (104a) £150 5845 1922 Badge 8d grey and bright violet mint with ‘Broken mast’. Cat £200 (105a) £100


5846 1922 Badge 8d grey and bright violet lightly mounted mint with ‘Torn flag’. Cat £200 (105b) £110 5847 1922 Badge 8d grey and bright violet mint with ‘Torn flag’ variety. Cat £200 (105b) £100 5848 1922 Script 1/6d grey and green/green mint with Broken Mainmast”“ variety. Short perf at top. Cat £375”“ (107a) £100 5849 1922 Badge 2/- purple and blue mint. Cat £25 (108) £10 5850 1922 Badge 2/6d grey and red mint. Cat £20 (109) £8 5851 1922 Badge 7/6d grey-brown and yellow-orange mint. Cat £140 (111) £75 5852 1922 Badge 10/- grey and olive-green mint. Cat £170 (112) £90 5853 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £35 (124/7) £18 5854 1935 Silver Jubilee 1½d mint with ‘Diagonal line by turret’. Cat £100 (124f) £55 5855 1938 set of 14v to 10/- mint, complete. Cat £140 (131/40) £50 5856 1938 set of 15v to 10/- fine used, complete (incl extra shade of 8d). Cat £70 (131/40) £40 5857 1938 set of 14v to 10/- fine used, complete. Cat £60 (131/40) £30 5858 1948 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £28 (143/4) £18 5859 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £28 (143/4) £12 5860 1953 set of 13v to 10/- u/m, complete. Cat £85 (153/65) £40 5861 1961 £1 on chalky paper fine used. Cat £48 (189a) £25 5862 1962 4/6d booklet. Cat £55 (Sb1) £22 5863 5864 5865 5866 5867 5868 5869 5870 5871 5872 5873 5874 5875 5876 5877 5878 5879 5880 5881 5882 5883 5884 5885

5886 5887 5888 5889 5890 5891 5892 5893 5894 5895 5896 5897 5898 5899 5900 5901 5902 70

sT. KITTs NEVIs 1903 CA 2/- deep green and grey-black mint. Cat £10 (8) £6 1903 CA 2/6d grey-black and violet mint. Cat £16 (9) £8 1903 CA set of 10v to 5/- mint, complete. Cat £150 (01-Oct) £75 1903 CA set of 7v to 1/- mint. Cat £80 (01-Jul) £32 1903 CA 5/- dull purple and sage-green mint. Cat £70 (10) £35 1905 MCA set of 11v to 5/- mint complete. Cat £130 (Nov-21) £65 1905 MCA 6d grey and mauve ord paper mint. Light toning. Cat £42 (19a) £12 1920 MCA 2/6d grey and red in mint block of four (2 u/m). Cat £20+ (33) £10 1920 MCA 10/- green and red/green fine used. Cat £48 (35) £25 1921 Script 5/- green and red mint. Cat £55 (47c) £25 1921 Script 5/- green and red fine used, cds. Cat £100 (47c) £55 1923 Tercentenary set of 8v to 1/- mint. Cat £55 (48/55) £22 1923 Tercentenary set of 10v to 2/6d mint. Cat £150 (48/57) £70 1923 Tercentenary set of 11v to 5/- mint. Cat £240 (“48/57,59”) £100 1923 Tercentenary 5/- black and red mint. Cat £90 (59) £42 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £17 (61/4) £8 1938 set of 12v to £1 mint, complete. Cat £85 (68a/77f) £30 1938 set of 12v to £1 fine used, complete. Cat £60 (68a/77f) £32 1938 1/- black and green P14 fine used with ‘Break in value tablet frame’. Cat £90 (75ba) £45 1938 P13x12 2/6d black and scarlet u/m, plate 1. Cat £32+ (76) £22 1938 P13x12 5/- grey-green and scarlet mint. Cat £65 (77) £22 1938 5/- bluish green mint, small hinge remainder, with ‘Break in oval at foot’ with hand painted re-touching. (Variety) Cat £350 (77bc Var) £125 1938 King’s Head Die Proof with oval lined background in black, with uncleared surround on glazed card, 2 examples showing different head size, one marked ‘v344’, the other ‘v351’ and both endorsed ‘5/8/37’. Scarce. Ex Brian Brookes. (proof) £300 1946 Victory set perf Specimen. Cat £90 (78/9s) £50 1949 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £9.50 (80/1) £6 sT. KITTs NEVIs NEVIs 1866 P15 1d pale red mint. Cat £65 (9) £30 1866 P15 1d deep red unused, no gum. Cat £65 (10) £10 1876 P15 1d pale rose-red, mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £32 (15) £10 1876 P15 1d vermilion red mint no gum. Cat £42 (17) £8 1879 CC 1d lilac mauve unused, no gum. Cat £80 (23) £15 1879 CC 2½d red-brown mint, slight gum disturbance. Cat £160 (24) £35 1882 CA 1d lilac mauve mint, some hinge remainder. Cat £110(26) £35 1882 CA 1d dull rose and carmine (2v) mint. Cat £62 (“27,27a”) £24 1882 CA 2½d red-brown mint. Cat £120 (28) £60 1882 CA 2½d red-brown used with fine ‘A09’ cancel. Cat £50 (28) £25 1882 CA 4d blue mint. Scarce. Some light hinge remainder. Cat £350 (30) £125 1882 CA 4d blue fine used. Cat £50 (30) £25 1882 CA 6d chestnut fine used. Cat £75 (33) £35 1882 CA 1/- pale violet mint. Cat £110 (34) £55 1882 CA 1/- pale violet mint, o/pt Specimen. (Cat £110) (34s) £30

5903 1883 ½d in violet on bisected 1d lilac mauve x 2 eamples, each fine used on piece, one with o/pt upwards, the other downwards. Cat £105 (35/6) £48 5904 1882 Revenue o/pt 6d green mint. Cat £29 (F8) £12 5905 5906 5907 5908 5909 5910 5911 5912 5913 5914 5915 5916 5917 5918 5919 5920 5921 5922 5923 5924 5925 5926 5927 5928 5929 5930 5931 5932 5933 5934 5935 5936 5937 5938 5939 5940 5941 5942 5943 5944 5945 5946 5947 5948 5949 5950 5951 5952 5953 5954 5955 5956 5957

sT. KITTs NEVIs sT. CHrIsTOpHEr 1870 CC P12½ 1d dull rose mint. Cat £90 (1) £40 1870 CC P12½ 1d dull rose mint. Cat £90 (1) £40 1870 CC P12½ 1d magenta mint. Cat £80 (2) £32 1870 CC P12½ 1d magenta mint, Hinge remainder. Cat £80 (2) £20 1870 CC P14 1d magenta unused, no gum. Cat £80 (6) £15 1870 P14 4d blue fine used with inverted wmk. Cat £60 (8w) £35 1882 CA 1d dull magenta fine used. Cat £70 (12) £32 1882 CA 2½d pale red-brown fine used with superb ‘A12’ cancel. Cat £60 (14) £30 1882 CA 4d blue unused, no gum. Cat £550 (17) £75 1882 CA 6d olive brown fine mint. Cat £90 (19) £45 1882 CA 1/- mauve mint. Cat £100 (20) £50 1882 CA 1/- mauve fine used, with watermark inverted. Cat £190 (20wi) £100 1882 CA 1/- bright mauve corner marginal Plate 1 u/m. Superb! Cat £90+++ (21) £75 1882 CA 1/- bright mauve mint. Cat £90 (21) £45 1884 Surch 4d on 6d green mint. Cat £65 (22) £30 1884 Surch 4d on 6d green [with stop] mint. Cat £70 (22a) £28 1885 Surch ½d on bisected 1d carmine-rose unused, no gum. Cat £29 (23) £7 1885 Surch ½d on bisected 1d carmine-rose fine used. Cat £45 (23) £18 1885 Surch ½d on 2 x bisected 1d carmine-rose in unsevered pair mint. (Pair in this context = one normal stamp with two overprints). Cat £120 (23a) £60 1885 Surch ½d on bisected 1d carmine-rose mint, with inverted surcharge. Cat £225 (23b) £110 1885 Surch ½d on bisected 1d carmine-rose fine used with inverted surcharge. Cat £110 (23b) £55 1886 Surch 4d on 6d green fine used. Cat £95 (25) £40 1886 Surch 4d on 6d green mint, with forged o/pt showing No stop”“. (Cat £225)”“ (25a) £20 1887 Surch 1d on ½d dull green mint. Cat £50 (26) £25 1888 Surch 1d on 2½d ultramarine, mint. Cat £70 (28) £32 1888 Surch 1d on 2½d ultramarine, mint. Cat £70 (28) £28 sT. LUCIA 1860 Star [4d] blue unused, no gum. Cat £225 (2) £35 1860 Star (6d) green mint. Cat £300 (3) £100 1860 Star (6d) green fine used, scarce. Cat £200 (3) £75 1860 Star (6d) deep green fine used, scarce. Cat £225 (3b) £85 1863 CC P12½ [1d] lake reversed wmk, mint. Cat £70 (5ax) £28 1863 CC (4d) indigo mint. Cat £130 (7) £45 1863 CC (6d) green mint, with uneven perfs typical of this stamp. Cat £225 (8) £75 1863 CC P12½ 6d green (reversed wmk) mint. Hinge remainder. Cat £190 (8x) £60 1863 CC ½d on [6d] emerald-green with reversed wmk used. Cat (mint only) £110 (9x) £50 1864 CC P12½ (4d) yellow mint with reversed wmk, typically irregular perfs, fresh colour. Cat £170 (12x) £60 1864 CC P12½ (1/-) pale orange, fine used. Cat £30 (14c) £12 1864 CC P14 (1d) black mint. Heavy hinge remainder. Cat £50 (15) £12 1864 CC P14 (4d) yellow mint. Indistinct wmk, but taken as the cheapest reversed variety. Cat £130 (16x) £45 1864 CC P14 (1/-) orange fine used. Cat £24 (18) £10 1864 CC P14 (1/-) deep orange mint. Cat £170 (18a) £65 1881 surcharged ½d green mint. Cat £85 (23) £35 1881 CC P14 surcharged ½d green mint, Hinge remainder. Cat £85 (23) £15 1881 CC P14 surcharged ½d green fine used. Cat £110 (23) £48 1881 CC P14 surcharged 2½d brown-red mint. Cat £60 (24) £24 1881 CC P14 surcharged 2½d brown-red fine used. Cat £28 (24) £12 1881 CA P14 surcharged ½d green fine used. Cat £48 (25) £18 1881 CA P14 surcharged 6d violet mint. Cat £50 (28) £22 1881 CA P14 surcharged 6d violet fine used. Cat £50 (28) £22 1882 P12 CA surcharged 4d yellow fine used. Cat £28 (30) £12 1883 CA 1d carmine-rose mint. Cat £55 (32) £24 1883 Die I CA 2½d blue mint. Cat £75 (33) £30 1883 CA Die 1 1d - 1/- (4v) complete mint. Cat £225 (39/42) £95

5958 1883 CA Die 1 3d dull mauve and green mint. Cat £120 (40) £50 5959 1891 CA ½d - 4d (6v) fine used. Cat £13 (43/8) £5 5960 1891 CA 2½d ultramarine in u/m left hand marginal block of six (right hand pane, showing central gutter at left). Cat £78+ (46) £45 5961 1891 CA 4d brown in u/m block of nine. Cat £81+ (48) £45 5962 1891 CA Die II 6d dull mauve and blue mint. Cat £45 (49) £18 5963 1891 CA Die II 6d dull mauve and blue fine used. Cat £26 (49) £10 5964 1891 CA 1/- dull mauve and red fine used. Cat £8 (50) £4 5965 1891 CA 5/- dull mauve and orange fine used. Cat £160 (51) £75 5966 1891 CA 10/- dull mauve and black mint. Cat £95 (52) £50 5967 1891 CA 10/- dull mauve and black fine used, light cds. Cat £160 (52) £80 5968 1891 Surch ½d on bisected 6d in vertical strip of four (4 x ½ stamps), mint. Cat £128+ (54) £60 5969 1891 Surch ½d on bisected 6d, pair (perforated through the middle) mint, right hand stamp with Thick 1”“ variety. Cat £230”“ (“54,54e”) £120 5970 1891 Surch ½d on bisected 6d mint, with No fraction bar”“ variety. Cat £300”“ (54a) £140 5971 1891 Surch ½d on bisected 6d fine used on small piece with Thick 1”“ variety. Cat £130”“ (54e) £55 5972 1902 CA set of 5v to 1/- fine used, complete. Cat £60 (58/62) £30 5973 1902 CA 2½d dull purple and ultramarine mint. Cat £38 (60) £15 5974 1904 MCA set of 14v to 5/- [both] mint, complete. Cat £300 (64/77) £125 5975 1904 MCA set of 14v to 5/- mint, complete. Some light toning. Cat £300 (64/77) £80 5976 1904 MCA 2½d dull purple and ultramarine mint with plate (1). Cat £30+ (68) £18 5977 1904 MCA 2½d dull purple and ultram (chalky) mint. Cat £17 (68a) £6 5978 1904 MCA 3d dull purple and yellow mint. Cat £13 (70) £6 5979 1904 MCA 6d dull purple and violet (ord and chalky) plus dull purple and bright purple (3v) mint. Cat £55 (“72,a,ab”) £22 5980 1904 MCA 5/- green and carmine mint. Cat £85 (76) £40 5981 1912 MCA set of 21v to 5/- mint, incl listed shades. Cat £180 (78/88) £85 5982 1912 MCA set of 11v to 5/- mint, complete. Cat £80 (78/88) £45 5983 1912 MCA 3d Die II (on pale yellow) mint. Cat £30 (82b) £14 5984 1912 MCA 1/- orange-brown in u/m top right horizontal corner pair with Plate 6. Cat £40++ (86) £30 5985 1912 MCA 1/- orange-brown in mint block of four (3 u/m). Cat £80+ (86) £50 5986 1912 MCA 1/- orange-brown mint with Plate 8. Cat £20 (86) £15 5987 1912 MCA 5/- green and red u/m with Plate 1. Cat £25+ (88) £22 5988 1912 MCA 5/- green and red mint. Cat £25 (88) £12 5989 1912 MCA 5/- green and red fine used. Cat £85 (88) £40 5990 1916 T17 War Tax 1d carmine-red mint. Cat £65 (89b) £28 5991 1921 Script set of 14v to 5/- mint, complete. Cat £140 (91/105) £70 5992 1921 Script 2½d orange fine used. Cat £60 (97) £30 5993 1921 Script 2½d dull blue in u/m corner block of four. Cat £44+(98) £30 5994 1921 Script 3d deep purple/pale yellow in u/m corner block of four. Cat £128+ (100a) £90 5995 1921 Script 1/-, 2/- and 5/- overprinted Specimen. Cat (set of 15v) £325 (103/5s) £40 5996 1921 Script 5/- green and red/pale yellow mint. Cat £60 (105) £30 5997 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £19 (109/12) £9 5998 1935 Silver Jubilee set perforated Specimen. Cat £95 (109/12s) £50 5999 1935 Silver Jubilee 2½d mint with Dot to left of Chapel.”“ Cat £180”“ (111g) £85 6000 1936 set of 12v to 10/- mint, complete. Cat £100 (113/24) £50 6001 1936 set of 12v to 10/- fine used, complete. Cat £130+ (113/24) £65 6002 1936 P12x13 ½d and 1d coils mint. Cat £17.50 (113a/4a) £8 6003 1936 10/- black and carmine fine used. Cat £100 (124) £60 6004 1938 full set of 27v (incl ‘a’ numbers) to £1 mint, complete. Cat £130+ (128/41) £55 6005 1949 set of 14v to $4.80 mint, complete incl 1c and 2c P14 coils. Cat £58 (146/59) £20 6006 1949 set of 14v to $4.80 fine used, complete. Cat £60 (146/59) £30 6007 1976 Birds set of 16v to $10 u/m (complete original printing). Cat £35 (415/30a) £20 6008 1930 Postage Due 1d in u/m vertical pair with normal and wide founts. Cat £36+ (“D1,12b”) £22 6009 1930 Postage Due 1d and 2d mint (no gum, as issued). Cat £34 (D1/2) £16 6010 1933 Postage Due set of 4v mint, complete. Cat £50 (D3/6) £22 6011 1949 Postage Due orig set of 4v fine used. Cat £140 (D7/10) £65

6012 1949 Postage Due on chalky papers set of 4v fine used. Cat £120 (D7a/10a) 6013 1881 CC P14 Postal Fiscal ½d green fine used. Cat £55 (F11) 6014 1881 CC P14 Postal Fiscal 1/- orange fine used. Cat £75 (F12) 6015 1882 CA P14 3d deep blue Postal Fiscal (o/pt) fine used. Cat £50 (F15) 6016 1882 CA P12 set of 3v fine used complete. Cat £63 (F18/20) 6017 1882 CA P12 1/- orange Postal Fiscal (o/pt) mint. Cat £80 (F20) 6018 1883 Postal Fiscal o/pt 13mm 1d black fine used. Cat £65 (F22) 6019 1883 Postal Fiscal o/pt 15½mm 4d yellow fine used. Cat £100(F26) 6020 1884 o/pt Revenue 1d slate and 1d dull mauve fine used. Cat £39 (F27/88) 6021 6022 6023 6024 6025 6026 6027 6028 6029 6030 6031 6032 6033 6034 6035 6036 6037 6038 6039 6040 6041 6042 6043 6044 6045 6046 6047 6048 6049 6050 6051 6052 6053 6054 6055 6056 6057 6058 6059 6060 6061 6062 6063 6064 6065 6066 6067 6068 6069 6070 6071

£55 £22 £30 £22 £25 £30 £28 £40 £18

sT. VINCENT 1861 no wmk 1d rose-red imperf pair (horiz) bottom marginal u/m. Cat £275+ (1b) £200 1861 no wmk 1d rose-red imperf pair (horiz) mint. Cat £275 (1b) £150 1861 no wmk P16 6d deep yellow-green fine used. Cat £200 (2) £75 1862 no wmk P14-16 6d deep green mint horizontal pair. Cat £120 (4) £45 1862 no wmk P14-16 6d deep green mint. Cat £60 (4) £24 1862 P14-16 (rough) no wmk 6d deep yellow-green fine used horizontal pair. Cat £38 (4) £15 1862 P14-16 (rough) no wmk 6d deep yellow-green fine used. Cat £19 (4) £7 1862 P11 to 12½ no wmk 1d rose-red mint horizontal strip of 3. Cat £126 (5) £50 1862 P11-12½ no wmk 1d rose-red mint. Cat £42 (5) £18 1862 P11-12½ no wmk 4d deep blue mint. Cat £275 (6) £100 1862 P11-12½ no wmk 4d deep blue fine used. Cat £110 (6) £40 1862 P11-12½ no wmk 6d deep green fine used. Cat £75 (7) £30 1862 P14-16 no wmk 1/- slate-grey mint no gum. Cat £375 (9) £50 1862 P14-16 no wmk 1/- slate-grey fine used. Cat £140 (9) £60 1863 P11-12½ x14-16 no wmk 1/- slate-grey fine used. Cat £120 (11) £50 1869 no wmk P11 4d yellow fine used, unusual red cancel. Cat £160 (12) £75 1869 No wmk P11 4d yellow fine used. Cat £160 (12) £55 1869 no wmk P11-12½ 1/- indigo mint. Cat £375 (13) £125 1869 no wmk P11-12½ 1/- indigo fine used. Cat £90 (13) £35 1869 no wmk P11-12½ 1/- brown fine used. Cat £160 (14) £55 1871 W2 P14-16 1d black unused, no gum. Cat £60 (15) £10 1871 W2 P16 6d deep green fine used. Cat £70 (16) £26 1871 W2 P16 6d deep green fine used, sideways wmk. Cat £90 (16a) £35 1872 W2 P11 to 12½ 1/- deep rose-red mint. Cat £750 (17) £275 1872 W2 P11 to 12½ 1/- deep rose-red fine used. Neat A10 cancel. Cat £140 (17) £55 1872 P14-16 W2 sideways 1d black mint. Cat £85 (18) £30 1872 P14-16 W2 sideways 1d black unused, no gum. Cat £85(18) £15 1872 P14-16 W2 sideways 1d black fine used. Cat £16 (18) £6 1872 P14-16 W2 sideways 6d blue-green mint. no gum. Cat £2000 (19) £250 1872 W2 P11x15 1/- lilac-rose fine used. Cat £350 (20) £125 1875 W2 P11 - 12½ 1/- claret fine used. Cat £250 (21) £85 1875 W2 P11x15 6d pale green fine used. Cat £50 (23) £20 1881 W2 P11 1d drab fine used. Cat £15 (37) £6 1881 W2 P11 1d drab fine used. Cat £16 (37) £6 1881 W2 P11 4d bright blue mint, part gum only. Cat £1200 (38) £225 1881 W2 P11 4d bright blue fine used. Cat £120 (38) £45 1882 CA 2½d on 1d lake unused, no gum. Cat £29 (40) £5 1882 CA 4d ultramarine (wmk normal), fine used. Cat £75 (41) £28 1882 CA 4d ultramarine, wmk reversed, fine used. Cat £40 (41x) £18 1883 CA P12 ½d green mint. Cat £110 (42) £40 1883 CA P12 ½d green mint. Cat £110 (42) £40 1883 CA P12 4d ultramarine-blue fine used. Cat £50 (43) £20 1883 CA P12 4d grey-blue fine used. Cat £250 (43a) £100 1883 CA P12 6d bright green fine used. Cat £300 (44) £125 1883 CA P12 1/- orange-vermilion mint. Cat £150 (45) £60 1885 Surch 1d on 2½d on 1d lake u/m. Cat £42+ (46) £30 1885 Surch 1d on 2½d on 1d lake mint. Cat £42 (46) £18 1885 CA P14 6d violet mint. Cat £180 (52) £80 1885 CA P14 6d violet mint, together with example of SG57 to show shade difference. Hinge remainder. Cat £180 (52) £50 1885 CA P14 6d violet fine fine used. Cat £200 (52) £85 1885 CA P14 5/- lake fine used. Cat £55 (53) £25


6072 1890 CA P14 6d dull purple fine used. Cat £25 (57) £10 6073 1890 CA P14 1/- orange and red-orange (2v) mint. Cat £19.50 (“58,58a”) £8 6074 1892 Surch 5d on 4d chocolate in mint top right hand corner block of four. Cat £180 (59) £75 6075 1892 Surch 5d on 4d chocolate mint. Cat £45 (59) £18 6076 1892 Surch 5d on 4d chocolate o/pt Specimen. Cat £50 (59s) £22 6077 1893 2½d blue in mint block of 4. Cat £52 (61) £22 6078 1897 2½d blue and 5d sepia mint. 2½d with hinge remainder. Cat £24 (61/2) £7 6079 1897 2½d blue and 5d sepia fine used. Cat £34.25 (61/2) £14 6080 1899 set of 8v to 1/- mint. Cat £65 (67/74) £28 6081 1899 set of 9v to 5/- mint complete, fine and fresh. Cat £150 (67/75) £70 6082 1899 CA 5/- green and blue mint. Cat £100 (75) £45 6083 1902 CA set of 7v to 1/- mint. Cat £70 (76/82) £28 6084 1902 CA set of 9v to 5/- mint, complete. Cat £150 (76/84) £75 6085 1902 CA 2/- green and violet mint. Cat £25 (83) £10 6086 1902 CA 5/- green and blue mint. Cat £80 (84) £40 6087 1902 5/- green and blue o/pt Specimen. Cat (approx pro rata) £80 (84s) £30 6088 1904 MCA set of 7v to 5/- mint. Cat £110 (85/92) £48 6089 1907 MCA set to 3d (5v) mint, complete. Cat £55 (94/8) £22 6090 1909 re-drawn set of 6v mint, complete. Cat £45 (102/7) £18 6091 1913 MCA set of 13v to £1 mint, complete. Cat £140 (108/20) £70 6092 1916 War Stamp T21 local overprint, 1d red with Double Overprint variety mint. Very light hinge. Cat £180 (122a) £90 6093 1921 Script set of 14v to £1 mint, complete. Cat £150 (131/41) £70 6094 1921 Script set of 14v to £1 fine used, plus the 2 listed and a few unlisted shades. Cat £225 (131/41) £110 6095 1921 Script set of 14v to £1 complete, o/pt or perf Specimen. Cat £350 (131/41s) £150 6096 1921 Script £1 mauve and black u/m. Cat £120+ (141) £75 6097 1921 Script £1 mauve and black perf Specimen. Cat (set) £350 (141s) £50 6098 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £10 (142/5) £5 6099 1935 Silver Jubilee set perforated Specimen. Cat £100 (142/5s) £50 6100 1938 set of 15v to £1 u/m complete. Cat £55 (149/59) £30 6101 1938 set of 15v to £1 mint, complete. Cat £60 (149/59) £24 6102 1938 set of 15v to £1 fine used complete. Cat £32 (149/59) £18 6103 1948 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £27 (162/3) £15 6104 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £27 (162/3) £14 6105 1949 set of 19v to $4.80 mint, complete. Top 3 vals are u/m. Cat £45 (164/77) £22 6106 1949 set of 19v to $4.80 fine used, complete. Cat £55 (164/77) £30 6107 1955 Script set of 12v to $2.50 u/m complete. Cat £26 (189/200) £12 6108 1979 St. Vincent Post Offices 5c inverted wmk, u/m. cat £35(586w) £15 6109 6110 6111 6112 6113 6114 6115 6116 6117 6118 6119 6120 6121 6122 6123 6124 6125 6126 6127 6128 72

sUDAN 1897 o/pt set of 5v to 1p ultramarine mint. Cat £20 (01-Jun) £7 1897 o/pt set of 8v to 1pi fine used, complete. Cat £95 (01-Sep) £40 1897 o/pt 10p mauve fine used. Cat £60 (9) £22 1898 set of 8v to 10p mint, fine and fresh. Cat £150 (Oct-17) £75 1902 5p brown and green mint plus 10p black and mauve u/m marginal. Cat £68+ (27-Aug) £35 1921 W4 set of 7v to 15m mint complete. Cat £35 (30-Jun) £14 1927 set of 15v to 20p mint, complete. (top 3 vals u/m, but 2m small tear). Cat £80 (37/46b) £30 1927 20p imperforate colour trial in deep blue and black on wmk’d ungummed paper. Attractive and scarce. (46b Var) £75 1927 20p imperforate colour trial in light blue and black on wmk’d ungummed paper. Attractive and scarce. (46b Var) £75 1931 Airmail set of 12v mint complete. Mixed perfs, all taken as cheapest. Cat £40 (49b/57d) £18 1931 P11½x12½ Air set of 8v fine used complete. Cat £75(52b/7e) £32 1935 Gordon set to 50p mint, complete. Cat £130 (59/67) £65 1935 Gordon 50p red-brown fine used with part ‘Khartoum’ cds. Very scarce used. Cat £150 (67) £75 1935 Air surcharges set of 6v mint. Cat £15 (68/73) £8 1940 Surch 5m on 10m carmine and black fine used, with Two dots omitted”“ variety. Cat £85”“ (78b) £45 1940 4½p o/pt on 5m olive-brown and black mint. Cat £48 (79) £13 1940 Surch 4½p on 8p emerald and black u/m. Cat £42 (80) £22 1940 Surch 4½p on 8p emerald and black mint. Cat £42 (80) £15 1941 set of 15v to 20p mint, complete. Cat £325 (81/95) £125 1948 set of 16v to 50p u/m complete. Cat £75 (96/111) £40

6129 1948 set of 17v to 50p fine used complete (with extra 10pi). Cat £60+ (96/111) £30 6130 1948 P13 20pi pale and deep blue in u/m block of four. Cat £160 (110a) £80 6131 1948 P13 20p pale blue and deep blue chalky paper, fine used. Very scarce thus. Cat £250 (110a) £125 6132 1950 Air set of 8v in u/m blocks of four, complete. Cat £112 (115/22) £45 6133 1950 Air set of 8v u/m, complete. Cat £28 (115/22) £12 6134 1950 Air set of 8v in mint bottom marginal blocks of four, with plate number and printer’s inscription, complete. Cat £112+ (115/22) £45 6135 1951 set of 17v to 50p mint, complete. Cat £100 (123/39) £38 6136 1951 3p brown and dull ultramine in plate (1, 1) block of four, u/m. Cat £100+ (131) £50 6137 1951 3p brown and deep blue in plate (1, 1) block of four, u/m. Cat £64+ (131a) £30 6138 1906 Army Service 10p black and mauve used. Scarce. Cat £750 (A13) £250 6139 1906 Army Service o/pt ‘Quatrefoil’ wmk 2p black and blue mint. Cat £95 (A14) £40 6140 1906 Army Service o/pt ‘Quatrefoil’ wmk 2p, 5p and 10p fine used. Scarce. Cat £650 (A14/6) £175 6141 1913 punctured AS 1m-2p (black and blue) Army Official fine used (6v). Cat £23 (A17/22) £8 6142 1913 punctured AS 1p blue and brown Army Official u/m. Cat £50+ (A21) £35 6143 1913 punctured AS 2p black &blue Army Official u/m. Cat £90+ (A22) £60 6144 1913 punctured AS 2p purple and orange-yellow Army Official fine used. Cat £60 (A23) £28 6145 1913 punctured AS 5p brown and green Army Official fine used. Cat £50 (A24) £18 6146 1913 ‘AS’ perforated 10p black and mauve fine used. Scarce. Cat £275 (A25) £125 6147 1948 Postage Due set of 4v in u/m blocks of four complete. Cat £200 (D12/15) £95 6148 1948 Postage Due set of 4v u/m complete. Cat £50 (D12/15) £28 6149 1948 Postage Due set of 4v fine used. Cat £150 (D12/15) £75 6150 1900 ‘SG’ perforated (reversed) 5m rose-carmine mint. Cat £60 (O1) £30 6151 1900 (Punctured) SG Official, 5m rose-carmine x4 examples showing normal, inverted, reversed and sideways overprints. (4v). Alk fine used, one on piece. Cat £64+ (O1) £35 6152 1900 ‘SG’ perforated 1m brown and pink fine used. Cat £30 (O2) £15 6153 1903 OSGS o/pt set of 8v fine used complete. Cat £85 (O4/11) £40 6154 1913 punctured SG set of 9v fine used complete. Cat £65(O12/20) £28 6155 1927 punctured SG 10p black and reddish-purple u/m. Cat £65+ (O31) £38 6156 1936 SG o/pt set of 15v to 20pi fine used complete. Cat £130 (O32/42) £70 6157 1936 ‘SG’ o/pt 10pi black and bright mauve u/m. Cat £60 (O41a) £30 6158 1936 SG o/pt 20p blue in u/m marginal block of six, plate 4. Cat £228+ (O42) £110 6159 1948 S.G o/pt set of 16v to 50p u/m, complete. Cat £120(O43/58) £60 6160 1948 S.G. o/pt (type 4a) 4pi P13 in Plate 1 and 2 complete sheet of 50 u/m. Cat £650+ (O52a) £250 6161 1948 P13 S.G o/pt 4p black and blue in u/m plate (1 and 2) block of four. Cat £52+ (O52a) £25 6162 1948 S.G o/pt 50p carmine and ultram mint. Cat £70 (O58) £30 6163 1951 SG o/pt set of 18v to 50p fine used, complete. Cat £45 (O67/83) £20 6164 6165 6166 6167 6168 6169

sWAZILAND 1933 10/- sepia mint. Gum toning. Cat £140 (20) £50 1933 10/- sepia fine used. Cat £180 (20) £95 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £7 (21-Apr) £4 1938 basic set of 11v to 10/- fine used, complete. Cat £35(28/38a) £16 1938 P13½x13 6d deep magenta mint. Cat £26 (34) £7 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £40 (46/7) £18

sWEDEN 6170 1924 UPU Congress set of 15v to 5k mint complete. Fresh. Cat £800 (146/60) £175 6171 1856 Local 3ore bistre mint, hinge remainder, a fine, well centered example. Cat £650 (L7) £60 sWITZErLAND 6172 1862 W8 P11½ Helvetia 2c grey fine used. Cat £5 6173 1862 W8 P11½ Helvetia 3c black fine used. Cat £170

(52) £2 (53) £45

6174 1862 W8 P11½ Helvetia 30c vermilion fine used. Cat £50 (57) £15 6175 1862 W8 P11½ Helvetia 40c green fine used. Cat £85 (58) £25 6176 1862 W8 P11½ Helvetia 60c copper-bronze fine used. Cat £225 (59) £50 6177 1862 W8 P11½ Helvetia 1Fr gold mint. Cat £22 (60a) £8 6178 1862 W8 P11½ Helvetia 1Fr gold fine used. Cat £600 (60a) £100 6179 1867 white paper 15c lemon-yellow fine used. Cat £50 (63) £15 6180 1867 25c blue-green fine used. Cat £5 (64) £2 6181 1867 new cols white paper 30c ultramarine fine used. Cat £17 (65a) £5 6182 1867 white paper 40c pale grey fine used. Cat £180 (66a) £50 6183 1867 white paper 50c purple fine used. Cat £65 (67) £20 6184 1867 white paper 50c deep purple fine used. Cat £85 (67a) £22 6185 1881 granite paper 20c brown-orange fine used. Cat £180 (109) £45 6186 1914 William Tell 15c purple/buff tête-bêche pair mint, cat £130 (ZumK9 cat CHF275) (285a) £30 6187 1923 Air 15c yellow-green and dull scarlet fine used. Cat £12.50 (316) £4 6188 1923 Air 25c blue, ord paper, fine used. Cat £33 (318) £10 6189 1923 Air 35c lake-brown and ochre-brown (SG type 37) ord paper, fine used. Cat £75 (320) £22 6190 1923 Air 45c red and indigo fine used. Cat £17 (323) £5 6191 1923 Air 50c black and red (ord) fine used. Cat £29 (324) £9 6192 1923 Air 65c slate-blue and turquoise-blue, grilled gum, fine used. Cat £12.50 (325a) £5 6193 1923 Air 1F reddish-lilac and purple fine used, (griled). Cat £5 (327a) £2 6194 1923 Air 2F chestnut, sepia and grey-brown, chalky paper, fine used. Cat £25 (328a) £8 6195 1935 o/pt 40 on 90 blue (Disarmament) fine used. Cat £29 (361) £8 6196 1935 o/pt 40 on 20c red (Disarmament) fine used. Cat £29 (362) £8 6197 1945 Pax set of 13v to 10Fr u/m, complete. Cat £275++ (Zumstein = £550 as u/m) (447/59) £175 6198 1945 Basle Dove (Centy) m/sheet u/m. Cat £85+ (Ms446b) £20 6199 1955 Lausanne m/sheet u/m. Cat £140 (Ms561a) £40 6200 1959 European Telecommunications in u/m blocks of four. Cat £168 (608/9) £35 TONGA 6201 1897 set of 14v to 5/- fine used, complete. (3d is mint) Cat £180 (38a/53a) £75 6202 1899 ‘T-L’ o/pt 1d black and scarlet in fine used pair, the left stamp with the ‘1889’ error. Cat £400 (54a) £140 TrANsJOrDAN 6203 1920 o/pt 1m sepia mint, hinge remainders, with inverted o/pt. BPA Cert. Cat £140 (1a) £60 6204 6205 6206 6207 6208 6209 6210

TrINIDAD TOBAGO 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £14 (239/42) £8 1938 set of 14v to $4.80 fine used complete. Cat £60 (246/56) £35 1938 12c black and purple mint (deep shade). Cat £35 (252) £14 1938 $4.80 rose-carmine fine used. Cat £55 (256) £25 1948 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £30 (259/60) £18 1948 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £30 (259/60) £15 1947 Postage Dues set 8v (ord/cheapest papers) u/m complete. Cat £32 (D26/33) £14

TrINIDAD TOBAGO TOBAGO 6211 1879 CC £1 mauve mint, BPA Cert states ‘grease mark above ‘ND’ of Pound’, barely noticeable, attractive and scarce. Cat £4250 (6) £1,500 6212 1882 CA 2½d dull blue, mint. Cat £65 (16) £28 6213 1883 Surch 2½d on 6d stone mint. Cat £100 (13) £38 TrINIDAD TOBAGO TrINIDAD 6214 1859 1/- indigo with 4 margins on piece tied ‘1’ numeral. Cat £350. RPS Cert. (29) £100 6215 1859 1/- indigo with 4 good to large margins fine used. Cat £350 (29) £130

6216 1996 CA set of 10v to £1 u/m o/pt Specimen, lovely quality. (½d and 1d are mounted), complete. Cat £200+ (114/24s) £125 TrIsTAN D CUNHA 6217 1921 GB Royal Cypher 7d olive on cover to UK tied ‘Tristan da Cunha’ cachet type 3, a scarce cachet, particularly so with the 7d (which we have not seen before). Ex Stanley Gibbons. (C3) £250 6218 1952 o/pt set of 12v to 10/- u/m, complete. Cat £140 (01-Dec) £80 6219 1952 o/pt set of 12v to 10/- fine used complete. Cat £95 (01-Dec) £50 6220 1961 Rand set of 13v to R1 u/m complete. Cat £80 (42/54) £40 6221 1961 Rand set of 13v to 1r mint complete. Cat £80 (42/54) £20 TUrKs & CAICOs 6222 1867 no wmk P11 6d black fine used. Cat £140 (2) £60 6223 1881 CC 4d 1/- slate green unused, no gum. Cat £200 (52) £40 6224 1917 War Tax o/pt 1d red u/m with ‘O/pt double’. Toned gum. Cat £180+ (140a) £60 6225 1917 War Tax o/pt 1d red u/m with ‘O/pt inverted at top’. Toned gum. Cat £65+ (140d) £25 6226 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. Cat £8.50 (187/9) £4 6227 1935 Silver Jubilee set fine used. Cat £14 (187/90) £8 6228 1938 set of 14v to 10/- mint, complete. Cat £130 (194/205) £40 6229 1938 set of 14v to 10/- fine used, complete. Cat £60 (194/205) £30 6230 1948 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £14 (208/9) £8 6231 1950 set of 13v to 10/- mint, complete. Cat £85 (221/33) £30 UsA 6232 1857 Jefferson 5c red-brown used with parts both black and red cancels, a few slightly trimmed perfs, an attractive example, lovely rich colour. Scarce. Cat £1200 (29) £150 6233 1862 Washington 24c grey used, a fine example. Cat £375 (74b) £50 6234 1867 Lincoln 15c black with 9x13 grill used, centered to lower left. Cat £375 (100) £50 6235 1867 Washington 12c black with 9x13 grill used, centered to left, a fine example. Cat £300 (99) £50 6236 1869 Lincoln 90c black and carmine (with grill) used, mostly fine, perfs trimmed top right and straight edge at right. Scarce. Cat £2250 (124a) £100 6237 1893 Columbian $2 lake used, centered to left, neat oval cancel. Cat £750 (247) £200 6238 1938 Presidents set 1c - $5 complete in in mint blocks of four (most with 2 u/m), some gum wrinkles. Cat £600 (828/31) £125 VATICAN 6239 1949 P14 set to 100L mint complete. Cat £80 6240 1949 75th Anniv UPU set mint. Cat £225 6241 1953 Air set of 4v to 1000L u/m complete. Cat £190 VIETNAM 6242 1955 Anniversary set of 6v u/m. Cat £200 yEMEN 6243 1951 Airs 7v complete in u/m blocks of four. Cat £140

(139/48 A) £20 (149/50) £40 (190/1a) £40 (S5/10) £50 (81/7) £25

yUGOsLAVIA 6244 1918 Coronation pair 10f mauve and 15f red o/pt Hrvatska. With Ercegovic (Jugoslavian) cert stating (in German) stamps and overprint are genuine”“, mint. Cat £200”“ (81/2) £65 6245 1953 Esperanto Congress pair u/m. Cat £250 (755/6) £60 6246 1953 Anniversary 15d mint. Cat £225 (759) £40 ZANZIBAr 6247 1895 2½a (type 5 in red) on o/pt 1a plum mint, lightly mounted, with the ‘Small second z’ (type D) variety. Cat £275 (34) £125 ZANZIBAr 6248 1949 Silver Wedding set u/m. Cat £25 6249 1949 Silver Wedding set mint. Cat £25 6250 1949 Silver Wedding set fine used. Cat £40

(333/4) £14 (333/4) £10 (333/4) £25


EVENTS CALENDAR Next public sale - Wednesday 12th June 2019 Featuring live, online bidding stampex - september 11th -14th 2019 You can usually find us on Stand 12 Next Lingfield public sale - sunday 29th september 2019 Next postal - November 2019 For more information, please contact us here; +44 (0) 20 3019 3630 - 32 Saint George Street, London. W1S 2EA



Thursday 2nd May 2019

Postal Auction

Closes 2.00pm

you need not attend our premises to bid for stamps in this auction

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0% BU R' YE S EM

Lot 335 Mint specimen Estimate £850

Lot 775 Mint set of 12, each all with Broken Mainmast Estimate £2600

Lot 436 Colour Trial Estimate £1500

Wednesday 24th April, 10am - 4pm 32 St. George Street, London. W1S 2EA For postal sale, to be held on Thursday 2nd May

*All lots on request only, when requested no later than 5.00pm on Wednesday 17th April 2019 +44 (0)20 3019 3630 - - 32 Saint George Street, W1S 2EA, London


Pre-Auction Viewing *





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