Exbury House: Le Goût Rothschild WEDNESDAY 5TH OCTOBER 2022

Exbury House: Le Goût Rothschild AUCTION IN SALISBURY CASTLE STREET, SP1 3SU WEDNESDAY 5TH OCTOBER 2022 11.00AMVIEWING: LONDON: SELECTED HIGHLIGHTS 17 CLIFFORD STREET, W1S 3RQ Wednesday 14th September 10am – 4pm Thursday 15th September 10am –CASTLESALISBURY4pmGATE,SP4 6QX Saturday 1st October 10am – 4pm Monday 3rd October 10am – 4.30pm Tuesday 4th October 10am – 4.30pm Wednesday 5th October 9am – 1pm
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Exbury House at the time Lionel bought it © The Rothschild Archive de Rothschild (1882 1942) Rothschild


Exbury House sits on the edge of the New Forest in Hampshire and has been the home of the Rothschild family since 1919, when it was purchased by Lionel Nathan de Rothschild. Lionel, a banker and a passionate gardener, had an ambitious plan for creating an exquisite garden and at Exbury he found almost everything he needed to get to work and make his vision come true. The Exbury estate was carefully chosen for its location with its unique micro climate, where a fine large woodland could give home to the most spectacular display of plants one of the finest in the country enjoyed to this day by visitors to Exbury Gardens.
© The
Exbury House itself has a rich history. Records show that Exbury dates from before the 13th century and it was home to significant figures over the centuries, including the Berkeley and Compton families. In the early 18th century the estate was acquired by William Mitford and passed by descent to his grandson of the same name, best known at the time as an historian of ancient Greece, who described it as an ‘earthly paradise’. The Mitfords sold Exbury House to Major John Forster in the early 1880s and his son subsequently sold it to Lionel Nathan de Rothschild. It was bought using the proceeds of the sale of his uncle Alfred’s house at Halton in Buckinghamshire. Halton House was also an exquisite property in the style of a French château, its interior filled with carefully selected textiles, furniture and works of art and an abundance of decorative interior elements in what had become known as ‘Le Goût Rothschild’; they subsequently found a new home at Exbury.
The Rothschilds & Exbury House
Lionel Nathan de Rothschild was born in London in 1882. He was the eldest of three sons of Leopold de Rothschild (1845 1917) and Marie Perugia (1862 1937). As was expected of Lionel, he took up a career in the family bank. At the outbreak of World War I Lionel’s younger brothers, Evelyn and Anthony, both joined the British Army. Lionel hoped to do likewise but, given the age and health of the preceding generation, was asked by the Government (and, apparently, the King) to remain at home and help manage the family firm of N M Rothschild & Sons. One uncle died in 1915, his father in 1917 and the other uncle (Alfred) in 1918. Furthermore, in November 1917 Lionel’s brother Evelyn died of combat injuries suffered in the Palestine campaign. Lionel (centre) with guests in the Glade in 1924 © The Exbury Archive Exbury House © The Exbury Archive

The onset of war in 1939 brought all development to a standstill and, sadly, Lionel died not long afterwards in January 1942. Later that year the house was requisitioned by the Admiralty; after Edmund and his mother had quickly cleared the house, it was commissioned as a ‘stone frigate’, HMS Mastodon. The house and surrounding land and river were used for landing craft training for the amphibious assault in the D Day invasion.
‘A banker by hobby but a gardener by profession’
8 Reflections at Top Pond, Exbury Gardens, late May © The Exbury Archive
From a young age Lionel had developed a passion for horticulture and is said to have planted his first garden at the age of five. He aptly described himself as ‘a banker by hobby but a gardener by profession’. When he purchased the Exbury Estate with its 2600 acres, he did so with the determination to bring to life his horticultural vision and Lionel’s work originally emulated but eventually far surpassed his father’s gardens at Gunnersbury near London and Ascott in Buckinghamshire. He started by the remodelling of Exbury House in the 1920s with Neo Georgian designs by William Jenkins, which created an idyllic family home for his wife Marie Louise Beer (a great great niece of the composer Meyerbeer) and his young family, Rosemary, Edmund, Naomi and Leopold. The beautiful house stands looking south across the Solent to the Isle of Wight. His main focus was the garden: bounded by the New Forest and the Beaulieu River, the acidic soil was perfect for Lionel’s favourite plant, the rhododendron. To create the gardens, there was the mammoth task of preparing over two hundred acres of overgrown woodland, so labour was recruited in high numbers, with a team of one hundred and fifty men and sixty trained gardeners. Within this woodland setting hundreds of rhododendrons and azaleas were planted, initially other people’s hybrids but later his own exquisite creations, for which he became rightly famous. Many other species were also planted, including camellias, magnolias, and maples for the autumn. He helped fund plant hunting expeditions, above all to remote areas of the Sino Himalayas and Burma, to bring back seed of new and exciting species of rhododendrons and other plants. While the soil and woodland were ideal, the rainfall was not, with the rain shadow of the Isle Wight limiting rainfall to 25 inches a year, so he installed an extensive network of pipes, still partially in use today. Finally, some two acres of greenhouses were erected, partly for tender rhododendrons, partly for his hybridisation programme; he also had fine collections of orchids and nerines. He had many house guests and, in the 1930s, occasionally opened the house and gardens for local charities, too.

Home Wood © Colin Roberts 9
At the end of the war, Lionel’s son, Edmund (1916 2009) began the enormous task of restoring the gardens to their former glory. After much hard work the gardens were eventually opened to the public once again, in 1955 when the navy finally left the house. Over the next fifty years Edmund oversaw the work of restoring and in some cases replanting the garden; though the landscaping layout remains that of his father, over time plants have of course died and been replaced with different ones. He enjoyed putting his hands – and his children to work, clearing brambles and hacking off dead wood. Later, well into his eighties indeed, Edmund would hurtle around Exbury’s network of garden paths (designed to be wide enough for his father’s Armstrong Siddeley) by car or buggy, often stopping to pass the time of the day with visitors. Exbury Gardens is now in a charitable trust, endowed with funds by Edmund’s younger brother Leopold (1927 2012), who was also responsible for the splendid narrow gauge railway set within the north part of the gardens. They continue to be looked after and developed with loving care by the current generation of Exbury Rothschilds and the spectacular collection provide an ever changing display of colour for all seasons. It also remains a fine tribute to Lionel’s passion and dedication, as well as representing a significant and exciting part of horticultural history.

Exbury House in May 2022

The Queen Mother with Edmund by Rhododendron 'Fortune' © The Exbury Archive

Alfred de Rothschild was the great grandson of Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744 1812), the man who established the Rothschild dynasty, a dynasty built on hard work and shining talent. With their success going from strength to strength, Mayer’s five sons spread through Europe: one stayed in Frankfurt and the others settled in Vienna, Naples and Paris. Nathan Mayer, his third son and the first to leave home, went to Manchester where he very quickly built up an impressive reputation as a successful merchant, and in 1810, after moving to London, he established the N M Rothschild Bank.
Halton House album cover The Rothschild Archive view of Halton House Rothschild

© The
10 Alfred de Rothschild & Halton House
Alfred de Rothschild was recognised in the city as a reliable and alert financier but the main role at the bank was assumed by Natty, leaving Alfred time to combine duties and the pleasures that come from beauty and art. He was a formidable connoisseur, and a renowned collector.
Nathan Mayer himself had four sons and his firstborn, Lionel, followed the path marked out by his father as a prominent figure in the Rothschild banking dynasty. At the passing of his father, Lionel inherited Gunnersbury Park, the lovely house and gardens in the London Borough of Hounslow acquired by his father shortly before his death; Lionel also had a splendid London house at 148 Piccadilly. Lionel had three sons, Nathaniel Mayer (“Natty”), Alfred Charles and Leopold, who all followed in their father’s footsteps not only in banking but also in having property both in London and the country. Nathaniel, the eldest son and future Lord Rothschild, inherited Tring Park. Leopold was given Ascott House. The estate in Halton passed to Alfred Charles, the middle son, and to him we owe Halton House.
Alfred de Rothschild © The Rothschild Archive South Drawing / Lawrence Room, Halton House © Historic England

11 Alfred was born on the 20th July 1842, the fourth of five children of Lionel and Charlotte de Rothschild. Alfred’s gifts in drama, music and languages were apparent at a young age. He went on to attend King’s College School and subsequently Trinity College Cambridge where he was a contemporary of Edward, Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII), who was to remain a lifelong friend. Following university, at the age of twenty one he became a partner at N M Rothschild & Sons at New Court. It was here he learnt the business of banking from his father and made valuable contacts in European banking circles. He also did an equivalent of a Grand Tour, visiting Europe to find out first hand about countries, politics and business and to build up useful contacts for the future. In 1868 at the age of only twenty six he was appointed to the Court of Directors of the Bank of England and retained his directorship for over twenty years. Alfred enjoyed being well informed, particularly in foreign affairs, which was helped by having members of the Rothschild family scattered across Europe, many involved in local business and politics. The era required high level diplomacy; there were sensiti ve negotiations that required skill and careful politics and Alfred liked to think he was very much involved in these. Before the First World War he served as Consul General for the Austro Hungarian Empire and he took pride in the title. In 1919 after his death, The Times made one of Alfred’s pre war letters public, in which he wrote to the German Emperor in Berlin attempting to broker a deal to prevent the then impending conflict.
The Red Room, Halton House © Historic England

Above12 all, Alfred was also a passionate collector and followed in the footsteps of his father, Baron Lionel who himself had a wonderful collecti on of Old Master paintings from the Dutch and Flemish schools, alongside examples of Renaissance works of art. Lionel used to compete for exceptional works with his youngest brother, Mayer Amschel at Mentmore, and also with his cousins living in France and Austria. In appreciation of Lionel’s achievements, Alfred wrote in the preface to his catalogue of 1884: ‘The principal objects, and those which, needless to say, I most prize, I inherited from my dearly beloved father, and, in addition to the great pleasure which they afford me, they constantly remind me of his most perfect judgement and taste.’
The Salon, Halton House © The Rothschild Archive

The Collector
The Grand Host
Alfred was a great entertainer and a lavish host. He would frequently spend the weekends at Halton House, travelling in style, with two valets and in his own private railway carriage which was later exchanged for a select fleet of cars, all in the famous Rothschild yellow and blue colours. Halton House was built with the purpose of hosting wonderful parties and entertaining his wide circle of friends and acquaintances: the visitors’ book displays the signatures of royalty, statesmen, diplomats, politicians, actresses, society beauties and musicians. Guests would be entertained by his little private orchestra which Alfred liked to conduct himself, using a bejewelled baton. Story has it that musical talent was of less importance than appearance: they were all to be the same height and sport a moustache. Sometimes in the warmer weather the guests were invited to the Circus Pavilion to watch a performance of ponies or of dogs. Again Alfred would dress up, this time in his ringmaster’s outfit. One lady visitor wrote to the effect that ‘Alfred’s little dogs performed, though to the amusement of his guests, not exactly as their master had intended.’ He was described as ‘a very dapper little man’, always impeccably dressed with a scarlet carnation in his buttonhole, one for the morning and one for the evening, all year round.

Lionel Nathan de Rothschild by Moritz Daniel Oppenheim © National Portrait Gallery Alfred de Rothschild, authochrome, by Lionel de Rothschild ©The Rothschild Archive
On Lionel’s death, the collection was divided between his three sons and Alfred continued buying remarkable pieces. His taste was in many ways similar to that of other members of his family. He acquired the finest French furniture, porcelain and clocks, English and French ‘objets de vertu’ and also German Renaissance silver pieces: for an example, see the pair of German silver soldiers in the sale, lot 148. By the end of the 19th century, Alfred was considered according to Lady Neville ‘the finest amateur judge of 18th century French art in England’. Alfred’s collection was divided between Halton and his London house at 1 Seamore Place. Many of his best 18th century portraits were hung on the walls of the two drawing rooms at Halton House, including works by Gainsborough and Reynolds and the rooms were filled with the finest French furniture, including the Beurdeley tables, lot 226. The display cabinets were filled with early Continental silver and Kunstkammer objects. The interiors of Alfred’s homes were recorded in the 1880s by S.G. Payne and Bedford Lemere, and in 1884 the eminent art dealer, Charles Davis, catalogued and published the inventory of his paintings, furniture and works of art. The inventory included numerous finely executed photographs and remarkably, several lots in our auction feature in the Davis catalogue and a good number of the lots were photographed in situ in the various rooms.

Halton House Front Entrance © The Rothschild Archive Winter Garden West, Halton House © The Rothschild Archive

Alfred never married and his Rothschild heir was his nephew, Lionel. However, his favourite was his illegitimate daughter Almina Wombwell, from a relationship with Mrs Marie Wombwell, née Boyer, always known as “Mina”, thus the conjunction of Alfred and her name in “Almina”. In 1895, aged 19, Almina married George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon. Alfred provided a dowry of £500,000 that allowed her husband to maintain the family estate, Highclere Castle. Almina later also inherited Alfred’s London property, furnishings and paintings which were then sold at auction and the fortune came to be used as backing for Howard Carter’s famous Tutankhamun excavations in Egypt, which was also a keen interest of Lord and Lady Carnarvon. Alfred suffered from life long ailments and a weak heart, always asking for advice from eminent doctors and travelling with a large collection of remedies. He died after a short illness on the 31st January 1918, the last of the three brothers. Upon Alfred’s death Halton House passed to his nephew Lionel. Halton had already been occupied during the war, first by the army and then by the Royal Flying Corps, and Lionel had already settled in Hampshire. The house was sold to the newly created RAF and in 1919 became the Officer’s Mess of RAF Halton. The contents – so carefully selected over the years by Lionel and Alfred were kept and passed by descent through the family at Exbury and a number of these magnificent pieces appear in the current auction. Room, Halton House The Rothschild Archive
The Halton Estate in Buckinghamshire had been purchased by Alfred’s father Lionel from the Dashwood family in 1853. It lay in close proximity to other family houses in the Vale of Aylesbury, to Lionel’s youngest brother, Mayer Amschel at Mentmore and another brother, Anthony’s, house at Aston Clinton. This set a pattern that continued into the next generation: Natty lived at Tring Park, their cousin Ferdinand built the magnificent house of Waddeson and Alfred himself built his house at Halton. He inherited the 1,400 acre estate at Halton upon the death of his father in 1879 and immediately started work on constructing a splendid if idiosyncratic house, commissioning the architect William R. Rogers to design the house in the style of a French château. Work started around 1880 and with the help of a veritable army of workmen Halton House was finished by July 1883. Reac ti on was mixed to this luxurious new home, exemplifi ed by Algernon West who described it as ‘an exaggerated nightmare of gorgeousness and senseless and ill applied magnificence’ but who later admitted that ‘lighted up and full of well dressed people, it appeared quite tolerable’. Even his nephew, Lionel de Rothschild described Halton House as ‘looking like a huge wedding cake‘. Most of the objections appeared to sniff more at the lavish expense than be real architectural criticism. Mark Girouard, writing in 1979, was far more generous, describing it as ‘splendidly Louis Seize with another sumptuous winter garden … a tour de force of Rothschild extravagance’.
JAPANESE PORCELAIN KAKIEMON STYLE VASE 20TH CENTURY of ovoid form with a slender neck, decorated in underglaze blue and enamels with cartouches of birds in branches and fruiting peach branches verso, on an iron red flowerhead ground beneath lappets to the neck and clouds to the foot, blue five character mark to the base, probably for Sakaida Kakiemon the XV 32cm EdmundProvenancehighde Rothschild (1916 2009)
GEORGE III MAHOGANY SILVER TABLE IN CHINESE CHIPPENDALE STYLE, C.1770 the rectangular galleried top above a blind fret and a pendant frieze, with pierced tapering legs on guttae feet with leather roller castors, united by a pierced and shaped ‘X’ stretcher 73.2cm high, 81.5cm wide, 55.5cm deep EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009)

The Grand Staircase
The Trustees of Exbury House £800 1,200 λ AN3 ITALIAN BAROQUE EBONY AND TORTOISESHELL CABINET ON LATER STAND LATE 17TH CENTURY inlaid with brass stringing and fitted with an arrangement of eight drawers, with ebonised ripple mouldings and grotesque mask handles, around a conforming hinged fall with gilt bronze mounts revealing six further drawers, on a later ebonised stand cabinet: 46.3cm high, 75.5cm wide, 27.3cm deep overall: 119.5cm high, 81.8cm wide, 31.2cm deep EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £3,000 5,000 1 2 14 1 signature
The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note Sakaida Kakiemon XV took over the production of Arita pottery in the Saga Prefecture from his father Kakiemon XIV in 2014. The Kakiemon family dates back to the beginning of the Edo period. £150 250 A2


15 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price 3

VICTORIAN OAK WALL CLOCK BY FREDERICK LEHMANN OF AYLESBURY, C.1870 80 the brass eight day twin fusee movement with an anchor escapement striking on a gong, the thirteen inch painted dial with Roman numerals and inscribed ‘Lehmann Aylesbury’, with a brass bezel, the case carved with lappets EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note Frederick Lehmann is listed in Brian Loomes' Watchmakers & Clockmakers of the World, vol. 2. as being active in Aylesbury c.1877. £300 500 TWO6 INDONESIAN HARDWOOD BUSTS KLUNGKUNG, BALI, 20TH CENTURY each with an elaborate foliate and a scrolling floral headpiece, centred on a lotus, with flowerhead ear plugs and in an elaborate costume (2) 44cm high, 29cm wide (max) EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £80 120 A5 LATE COUNTRY HOUSE KNIFE SHARPENER BY GEORGE KENT LTD. the cast iron frame marked for ‘Harrods Ltd, London’ 55cm high, 58cm wide EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £80 120 16


17 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price A7 LARGE CUT GLASS TWELVE LIGHT CHANDELIER IN GEORGE III STYLE, 19TH CENTURY the faceted ovoid compound baluster column with a ball, issuing a crown of shepherd's crooks above two tiers of six faceted scrolling lights with flowerhead drip trays, festooned overall with faceted beads, lustres, circular and tear shaped drops, above a pendant base, with silvered metal, one arm broken, later fitted for electricity 177cm high, 133cm wide EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £5,000 8,000


AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Billiard Room, Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘Indo Portuguese cabinet, with folding doors enclosing drawers, inlaid with arabesques and chequer pattern in ivory, £10.0.0.’ *This item is offered for sale in accordance with the Ivory Act 2018 and has been assigned an exemption certificate. £10,000 15,000 See charges
λ AN8 INDO PORTUGUESE TORTOISESHELL HARDWOOD AND IVORY TABLE CABINET ON LATER STAND MUGHAL, GUJARAT OR SINDH, LATE 17TH / EARLY 18TH CENTURY engraved with leaf and flower panels and with parquetry banding, the hinged lid revealing a velvet lined compartment, above a pair of hinged doors enclosing an arrangement of ten drawers with green stained banding, the sides with brass carrying handles, the later cocus wood stand fitted with a frieze drawer cabinet: 52cm high, 61.8cm wide, 41cm deep overall: 122.9cm high, 65.4cm wide, 42.6cm deep

on the final hammer price
paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional
The Trustees of Exbury House £300 500 A11GEORGE IV MAHOGANY BREAKFAST TABLE C.1825the tilt top with satinwood banding on a ring turned baluster stem and four swept legs inlaid with ebonised stringing, on brass caps and castors 70.5cm high, 152 x 106.2cm EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £300 500 OF GILT BRASS CANDLESTICK TABLE LAMPS IN LOUIS XV STYLE LATE 19TH CENTURY the foliate nozzles above scrolling, inverted baluster stems and stepped feet (2) 27cm high (excluding fittings) Rothschild (1916 2009) Trustees of Exbury House £200 300 20 paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on

EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009)
MAHOGANY KNEEHOLE DESK IN GEORGE III STYLE, 18TH CENTURY ELEMENTS BUT LATER ADAPTED the moulded edge top inset with later gilt tooled green leather, the front with an arrangement of nine drawers, the back with six further drawers, flanking a central cupboard, on ogee bracket feet 78.8cm high, 137cm wide, 76.5cm deep

the final hammer price
The Dining Room

22 12

23 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price A12SET OF FOURTEEN MAHOGANY DINING CHAIRS IN GEORGE III STYLE, 20TH CENTURY each with a pierced and scroll ladder back, above a stuffed over seat, on chamfered and moulded legs, the seats covered in horsehair striped fabric, comprising: a pair of open armchairs and twelve side chairs (14) EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £2,000 3,000 A13SET OF MAHOGANY FOLDING LIBRARY STEPS EARLY 20TH CENTURY with three treads, the inner edge stamped ‘No 5 cabin’ 85.4cm high, 31cm wide, 46.5cm deep (open) EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300 13

See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price AN15 ISFAHAN CARPET CENTRAL PERSIA, C.1925 the ivory field with an asymmetrical design of large flowerheads and vines, enclosed by borders of cartouches flanked by sky blue meandering vine guard stripes, with two unusual inscribed panels in the upper border 470 x EdmundProvenance317cmdeRothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £2,000 3,000 A14VICTORIAN MAHOGANY DINING TABLE C.1870 80 the top with a reeded edge with rounded ends extending with a winder to accommodate five additional leaves, on five lobed and ribbed tapering legs and brass caps and castors, with a leaf cabinet and two winders 74.7cm high, 137cm wide, 424cm long (extended) EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £3,000 5,000 24


The Trustees of Exbury House £500 800 A18GILT

The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note Faraday & Sons were founded by Robert Faraday, older brother of the famous scientist Michael Faraday. The firm was based in Wardour Street, London. They were acquired by F. & C. Osler in 1919. £2,000 3,000 26

BRONZE, GLASS AND ROCK CRYSTAL CHANDELIER BY FARADAY & SONS, LATE 19TH / EARLY 20TH CENTURY with a baluster and faceted stem decorated with leaf appliqués, issuing ten scrolling leaf branches with fluted nozzles, hung overall with faceted beads, lustres, ball and pear shaped drops, stamped ‘F&S’ and ‘14’, later fitted for 118cmelectricityhigh, 91.5cm wide
LATE 19TH / EARLY 20TH CENTURY with ormolu mounts, the violette marble top with a pierced gallery, above a drawer and with a pull out slide, the tapering supports united by an ‘X’ stretcher centred with a classical urn 111.4cm high, 31cm wide, 31cm deep
EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009)
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942)
Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
LATE 20TH CENTURY each interlined, with rope twist tassels and a lined pine pelmet (3) 329 x 235.7cm (max) £300 500 A17FRENCH
27 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price 18

19 20 The Dining Room, Halton House © The Rothschild Archive A19VICTORIAN GILTWOOD OVERMANTEL MIRROR 19TH CENTURY the rectangular mercury plate with stepped top corners, within a moulded slip and ribbon, laurel, baton and bead outer 165.5bordersx EdmundProvenance168cmdeRothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £800 1,200 A20FRENCH ORMOLU FENDER IN LOUIS XVI STYLE, 19TH CENTURY with classical urn finials, the front hung with laurel swags 38cm high, 174cm wide, 9.5cm deep AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Dining Room, Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘An ormolu fender, andirons and fire implements, £10.0.0.’ £1,000 1,500 28

29 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price A21PAIR OF FRENCH ORMOLU TWIN-LIGHT WALL APPLIQUES IN LOUIS XVI STYLE AFTER A DESIGN BY QUENTIN CLAUDE PITOIN, IN THE MANNER OF JEAN CHARLES DELAFOSSE, 19TH CENTURY each with a central flaming urn with swags above a ram’s head, with a fluted column and fruiting foliate terminal flanked by a pair of sconces with stiff leaf decoration, with scrolling brackets and laurel swags, later adapted for electricity (2) 55.5cm high, 34.4cm wide, 16cm deep AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note The original model for this wall light is in the Musée du Louvre, Paris and illustrated in H. Ottomeyer / P. Pröschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, vol.1, p.186, pl.3.9.2. £1,500 2,000

PAIR OF LOUIS XV ORMOLU SEAHORSE CHENETS, CHEVAUX MARINS FRENCH OR GERMAN, C.1745 50 each surmounted with a prancing horse with webbed hooves, on a Rococo scrolling leaf base, with chased and punched decoration, stamped ‘2’, with a bronze scroll support (2) 43.5cm high, 35.3cm wide AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Central Hall / Salon, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note This wonderful pair of sculptural chenets derive from a drawing attributed to Lambert Sigisbert Adam (1700 1759) for a chenet designed with Triton astride a sea horse. Chenets incorporating ‘chevaux marins’ are recorded in the inventory at the chateâu of Passy which belonged to A G Bernard de Saint Saire, the grandson of Samuel Bernard, Louis XVI’s banker. Listed as ‘a high firing copper representing a mythical sea horse leaning on ornaments ... all gilded with ormolu’. Other examples can be found in the Kunsthistoriches Museum, Vienna, in the collection of the Dukes of Buccleuch and Queensberry at Boughton House, Northamptonshire, a pair formerly in the collection of Dr. Anton C. R. Dreesman, sold at Christie’s, 10th April 2002, lot 250 for £91,750 and a pair formerly in the Riahi Collection sold at Christie’s, 6th December 2012, lot 6, for £109,250. A further pair of chenets with the same base but lacking the horses is at Waddesdon Manor, Buckinghamshire, see The James A. de Rothschild Collection at Waddesdon Manor, vol. II, Furniture, pp.726 7, no.184. Our chenets share the same pounced decoration as the Waddesdon and Riahi pairs. £8,000 12,000 Marins Chenets
30 The Salon, Halton House © The Rothschild Archive The Rothschild Chevaux

31 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price



LOUIS XV ORMOLU AND PATINATED BRONZE ELEPHANT MANTEL CLOCK AFTER A DESIGN BY JACQUES AND PHILIPPE CAFFIERI, MID 18TH CENTURY AND LATER the brass drum movement with an outside countwheel striking on a bell, the five and a quarter inch enamelled dial with Roman hour numerals inside Arabic minute numerals to the quarters, in a chinoiserie case surmounted with a Chinaman holding a spear, with foliate swags to either side and convex glazing to the front and back, mounted on the back of an elephant standing four square with its trunk raised, on a naturalistic base with scrolling feet, with key and wide, 17cm deep

The modelling of the elephant used in this clock is likely to have its origins in the Japanese Kakiemon porcelain models of the late 17th century such as those that can be seen at Burghley House in Lincolnshire (‘Porcelain from Palaces’, Exhibition Catalogue, British Museum, 6 July 4 November 1990, p.178, no.160), and others were found across the European Courts.
35 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price A23FRENCH
A prominent maker of clock cases was Joseph de Saint Germain (maître in 1750). He was one of the most celebrated bronziers of his age and championed the Rococo style. See H. Ottomeyer / P. Pröschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, p.123. pl.2.8.3., for an elephant clock by Saint Germain very similar to our clock. A related clock formerly in the Jones Collection can be found in the Victoria and Albert Museum, accession number: 1008:1 1882. £3,000 5,000
The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘A clock in ormolu case, supported by a figure of an elephant, £15.0.0.’ Catalogue note The 18th century was a period of great exploration and the discoveries made were often reflected in the decorative arts of the period. This was especially true in France during the reign of Louis XV where the skills of the master clockmakers, ébénistes, bronziers and ceramicists were often combined to create fantastical objects such as the clock being offered here. The animals used in the creations varied widely and eventually included elephants, rhinoceroses and ostriches, as well as the more recognisable bulls and wild boars. The earliest examples of these exotic clocks date to the mid 1740s but their popularity reached its zenith in the 1750s and lasted to the early 1760s.
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Bedroom no.7, Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942)
Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
The Principal Staircase, Halton House © The Rothschild Archive XVI MAHOGANY AND ORMOLU MOUNTED CONSOLE DESSERTE IN THE MANNER OF ADAM WEISWEILER, LATE 18TH CENTURY AND LATER with a brèche violette breakfront marble top with a moulded edge, above three frieze drawers with concealed button mechanisms and with applied scrolling leaf and rosette rinceaux mounts, centred with a classical mask and a basket of fruit and flowers, supported on fluted Doric columns, the galleried undertier inset with conforming marble, on toupie feet, possibly re mounted 87cm high, 227.5cm wide, 61.7cm deep AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Grand Staircase, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House

Note This console desserte was produced during the final years of the ‘Ancien Régime’, at a time when designed specifically for the dining room was still relatively new in France. This was partly influenced by the Anglomana fashion for all things English that developed following the historic Anglo French Commercial Treaty of 1786. This in turn also contributed to the increasing popularity of mahogany as a primary wood in French furniture construction. 20,000

37 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

The Library

The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300
EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009)
The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300 39
two volumes only, lacking number III of plans, limited edition 53 of 1050, published at the Offices of Country Life, 1913, quarter vellum bound over blue boards with blue end papers, with ‘Ex Libris L. de Rothschild’ paper label inside front cover (2)
STANFORD27 (EDWARD, PUBLISHER) STANFORD’S LONDON ATLAS OF UNIVERSAL GEOGRAPHY, FOLIO EDITION ‘Exhibiting the Physical and Political Divisions of the various countries of the World’, one hundred maps, second issue, published by Edward Stanford, Geographer to Her Majesty, 1901, black and burgundy leather bound, with a gilt tooled Royal Coat of Arms and title; together with Philip’s Imperial Atlas of The World, published by George Philip & Son, London and Liverpool, 1916, burgundy leather bound with gilt tooled titles
AlfredProvenance(2)deRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price
two volumes, with forewords by Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and Anthony du Boulay, with mounted colour plates, published by The Eranda Foundation, 1996, light brown cloth bound in a blue cloth bound slip case (2)

LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £150 250

LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942)
The Trustees of Exbury House £300 500 MORGAN28 (JOHN PIERPOINT 1837-1913)
Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
PICTURES FROM THE IVEAGH BEQUEST AND COLLECTIONS with an introduction and catalogue of the Kenwood Collection, limited edition number 14 of 100 copies printed, on Deckle edged paper, published for the Iveagh Trustees by W. J. Stacey, 1928, bound in red half leather and buckram with a central gilt coat of arms to the front cover, gilt top edges
Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
PICTURES IN THE COLLECTION OF J. PIERPONT MORGAN at Princes Gate & Dover House, London, two volumes English School and Dutch & Flemish, French, Italian and Spanish, with an introduction by T. Humphrey Ward and Biographical and Descriptive Notes by W. Roberts, Privately Printed, London, 1907, full brown Morocco with gilt tooled decoration to the covers, green watered silk to inside covers and end pages, gilt top edges (2)
The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘Morgan Collection of Pictures, 4 vol, £80.0.0.’ £400 600
ENGLISH ART IN THE PUBLIC GALLERIES OF LONDON with more than one hundred photogravures by Goupil & Co, published under the direction of TH Ward in London and Paris by Boussard, Valadon and Co, 1888, bound in red leather with tooled and gilt floral decoration and green leather title panel to the spine

AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Entrance Hall, Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘English Art in the London Galleries, £12.0.0.’ £200 300
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Entrance Hall, Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942)
See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the nal hammer price
Die Meisterwerke der Akademie, der Uffizien und des Palazzo Pitti, volume II only, published by Photographische Gesellschaft, Berlin, late 19th century, bound by Leighton, Brewer Street in full red Morocco with gilt tooled triple border to front and back

directly reproduced from the original paintings in the Imperial Gallery at St Petersburg, by Authority of His Imperial Majesty the Tzar, published by the Berlin Photographic Company, London, late 19th century, full red Morocco bound with gilt tooled floral borders around a central Russian Imperial Coat of Arms; together with The Masterpieces of the Museo del Prado, one hundred and ten photogravures......in the National Gallery at Madrid, published by the Berlin Photographic Company, London, similarly bound in red Morocco with a central gilt Spanish Coat of Arms (2) AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Central Hall / Salon, Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942)
Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘Prado Museum £10.0.0. and Hermitage Museum £10.0.0.’ £300 500
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Central Hall / Salon, Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300 BODE33 (WILHELM VON) AND HOSFSTEDE RE GROOT (CORNELIS)
THE eightyHERMITAGEfourphotogravures
History, Description and Heliographic Reproduction of all the Master’s Pictures, eight volumes, limited edition number 174 of 575, published Paris by Charles Sedelmeyer, 1897 1906, bound by Leightons, Brewer Street in red Morocco with gilt tooled decoration and gilt top edges (8) AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Lady Bamflyde / Dining Room, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘Bode’s Rembrandt, 8 vols, £90.0.0.’ £500 800


AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Lady Bamflyde / Dining Room, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘Williamson’s Meubles d’Art, 2 vols, £10.0.0.’ £150 250 42
five albums of large scale black and white photographs of furniture, clocks and lighting, held in one folio, published by the Librairie Centrale d’Art et d’Architecture, Ancienne Maison Morel, Ch, Eggimann, succr, 106 boulevard Saint Germain, Paris, c.1911, each page 507 x 359mm approx., with ‘Ex Libris L. de Rothschild’ paper label inside front cover
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £150 200 WILLIAMSON35 (E) LES MEUBLES D’ART DU MOBILIER NATIONAL two volumes, published by Baudry et Cie, Paris, late 19th century, bound by J Leighton, Brewer Street in blue Morocco with gilt tooled decoration centred by an ‘AR’ monogram for Alfred de Rothschild to front and back covers and repeated five times on the spine (2)

The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note Georges Goursat, known as Sem, was a French caricaturist famous during the Belle Époque. ‘Monte Carlo’ was published c.1902 and features portraits of well known men and women of the period, including portraits of John Pierpoint Morgan, Paul Helleu, and Baron Henri de Rothschild. Copies of ‘Monte Carlo’ can be found in the Metropolitan Museum in New York and the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. £300 500
including caricatures and scenes from L’Hotel de Paris, Ciro’s Bar, the Grand Hotel and others, in the original album with a titled print to the front, comprising: twenty single sheets (520 x 360mm approx.), two double sheets and one four fold sheet, titled ‘La Marche à la Roulette Atrium’, with ‘Ex Libris L. de Rothschild’ paper label to the inside of the front cover

Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942)
43 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price
(GEORGES, SEM, 1863-1934)
first edition, Lemercier Paris, a tinted lithograph title page and twenty nine chromolithograph plates, each titled in English and French, showing scenes and characters from Istanbul, gilt edged and bound by J. Leighton of Brewer Street with marbled end pages, in blue Morocco with tooled gilt decoration, each plate 540 x 405mm approx.

AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Library, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘Preziosi Stamboul £1.0.0.’
Catalogue Note Paper label applied to inside page, inscribed ‘To Baron Alfred de Rothschild, 20th July 1889, from J.C.G.’. A second paper label with an inscription in Arabic applied beneath.
Amadeo Preziosi (1816 1882) was a popular Maltese painter and traveller. He was a resident of Istanbul and was famous for views and depictions of local culture and costumes. His workshop was routinely visited by tourists wishing to return home from Istanbul with a souvenir, Edward VII visited him in April 1869. £3,000 5,000

45 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price


The Long Gallery

47 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

A38PAIR CHINESE CLOISONNÉ ENAMEL VASES QING DYNASTY, EARLY 19TH CENTURY each with French ormolu mounts, of baluster form, decorated with flowers and butterflies, the bases with lion’s pelts and paw feet (2) 40cm AlfredProvenancehighdeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £2,000 3,000


49 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price A39SET
EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009)
The Trustees of Exbury House £150 250
AlfredProvenance(24)deRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note The Anglo French firm of Charles Mellier & Company was founded by Charles Mellier in 1868. Mellier originally worked for Georges Alphonse Monbro but took over the business and despite the award winning reputation as Monbro, he decided to rename the firm to ‘C. Mellier & Co.’ They advertised themselves as ‘specialists in the rich decorative styles of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries’ (J. Cooper, Victorian & Edwardian Furniture and Interiors, London, 1987, p. 24) and had premises located on 60 Margaret Street and Cavendish Square, London.
Mellier was renowned for his work with the most well regarded interior designers and leading architects of his day, producing collections of furnishings and decorations for such residences as the Farmleigh House and Estate in Dublin, the Manderston, Berwickshire property of Sir James Miller, and the Grosvenor Square residence of Henry Duveen in London. One of his most famous commissions was for the trans Atlantic ocean liner, Mauritania, built in 1907. By the end of the 19th century, Mellier & Co was recognised as one of the finest cabinet making firms in England. £4,000 6,000
TWENTY-FOUR BEECHWOOD DINING CHAIRS BY CHARLES MELLIER & CO. IN LOUIS XVI STYLE, LATE 19TH CENTURY each with a padded back and seat, covered with brass studded tan leather, the moulded frames carved with guilloche borders and a grapevine, on flower and leaf decorated cabriole legs, some chairs with castors to the front legs, the back rail with branded maker’s stamp ‘C. Mellier & Co. Margaret St. W.’

the central flaming urns on tapering pedestals flanked by a pair of lights on foliate scrolling branches, above fruiting foliate terminals, fitted for electricity (2) 35cm high, 26.5cm wide (excluding fittings)

See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price
The Trustees of Exbury House £500 800
TRENCH ART ARTILLERY SHELL STICKSTAND DATED ‘1942’ applied with four Royal Artillery crests, including one surmounted with the Royal Coat of Arms, inscribed ‘Director, Royal Artillery Museum, 1990 1998, With thanks, for your, wonderful support’, further stamped ‘37” Gun, Lot 3196, RLB, 1942’ to the base 67.5cm EdmundProvenancehighdeRothschild (1916 2009)

EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009)
of young ladies with children playing in gardens
interspersed with smaller floral cartouches and scrolling floral foliage, beneath a ruyi border and lappet foot rim, the insides with goldfish amongst lilies and pond weed, on red lacquered stands (4) 77cm high, 54cm diameter (max) EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009)
The Trustees of Exbury House £400 600 50

over top with a moulded edge revealing a baize lined interior above a plain frieze and chamfered legs 74.8cm high, 81.5cm wide, 40.3cm deep

The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note The Royal Artillery Museum was one of the world’s oldest military museums. It first opened to the public in Woolwich in 1820. Edmund de Rothschild was a director between 1990 and 1998. £200 300
20TH paintedCENTURYwithcartouches

Silver Part One

comprising: a pair of late Victorian dishes by Heath and Middleton, London 1899, oval fluted form, length 14.7cm, together with a pair of dishes, London 1900, of circular form and embossed with tavern scenes, with four small French dishes and an electroplated pepper pot (9) approx. weighable 17oz.
The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300
comprising: a paperweight by S. Blanckensee and Sons, London 1924, circular form, mounted with a pheasant, two pairs of match box covers, a double sovereign case, a silver and enamel circular boss, a Dunhill electroplated lighter, engraved with the badge of the Royal Bucks Hussars, and a French electroplated table cigarette lighter, inscribed ‘E de R’ ‘22 Juin 48’ (9) approx. weighable 4.8oz.

The Trustees of Exbury House £100 150 52
EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009)
EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009)
The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300

comprising: a two handled wine cooler of campana form with part fluted decoration, a detachable rim and a liner with a later presentation inscription, together with a hot water pot, a mustard pot, five salt cellars and four salvers
EdmundProvenance(12)de Rothschild (1916 2009)

A47SMALL VICTORIAN SILVER TEAPOT AND CREAM JUG BY FREDERICK BRASTED, LONDON, 1885 of baluster from, with fluted and foliate decoration and a domed cover, with a wooden scroll handle (2) length handle to spout 17.8cm, approx. weight EdmundProvenance13.6oz.de

The Trustees of Exbury House £500 700
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
the teapot by John Beresford, London 1878, the sugar bowl by Robert Garrard, London 1838, of lobed circular form, with engraved decoration and a scroll handle, the hinged cover with an ivory finial, on a shaped circular foot, engraved with the monogram of Alfred de Rothschild, length handle to spout 22.8cm (2) approx. weight 38oz.
Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £100 150 AN48
EDWARDIAN SILVER COFFEE POT, HOT WATER POT AND SUGAR BOWL BY HENRY ATKIN, SHEFFIELD, 1901 / 1902 of oblong bellied form, with gadroon borders and scroll handles, engraved with a crest (3) coffee pot 23.5cm high, approx. weight 52oz.


The Trustees of Exbury House
EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009)
*This item is offered for sale in accordance with the Ivory Act 2018 and has been assigned an exemption certificate. £500 700 53 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

MERITON, LONDON, 1788 of oval form, with gadroon borders and with flying leaf capped scroll handles, on three shell capped hoof feet, engraved with the monogram of Alfred de Rothschild (3) 20.4cm and 20.6cm long, approx. weight 40oz.
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
The Trustees of Exbury House £400 600
A51PAIR OF GEORGEV SILVER PEPPER MILLS BY JOHN GRINSELL & SONS, BIRMINGHAM, 1927 of plain circular form, 8cm high, together with a pair of late Victorian silver pepper pots, London 1898, all engraved with the Rothschild crest (4) approx. weighable 4oz.

EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009)
The Trustees of Exbury House £80 120 54
A52PAIR OF WILLIAM IV SILVER MUSTARD POTS BY WILLIAM EATON, LONDON, 1830 of circular bellied form, with embossed and chased foliate decoration and foliate and shell borders, with scroll handles, on three lion mask paw feet, and engraved with the monogram of Alfred de Rothschild, together with two mustard spoons (4) 12cm long, approx. weight 19.5oz.
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £300 400

Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note Lionel de Rothschild had two large yachts built to his specification by Camper & Nicholson: the TSY Rhodora I, followed in 1929 by the RYS Rhodora II. £200 300
including: a George III silver seven bar example by Samuel & George Whitford, London 1804, on a rectangular base, with wirework bars and a central carrying handle, on four ball feet, 15.7cm long, together with an Edwardian silver one by Sebastian Garrard, London 1904, engraved with a crest, 12.5cm long and an electroplated one, engraved to the underside ‘M.Y. Rhodora R.Y.S’, 9.9cm long approx.(3) weighable 11.9oz.
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942)
ASPREY NOVELTY OXIDISED COPPER AND BASE METAL CARTRIDGE BUTT MARKER the base inscribed ‘Asprey’s Cartridge Place Finder, Patent Applied For’, the top with a number six in a triangle and inscribed ‘Loaded by Asprey, Smokeless’, the rotating action opens the cartridge to reveal eight unmarked numbered pegs, the body inscribed ‘From Bill 2 1 37’ 6.2cm long (closed)

Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
on the final hammer price
A55SILVER BUTT MARKER retailed by Clark, 32 New Bond Street, and with a registration number ‘412030’, of rectangular form, the engine turned decoration with the initials of Lionel Rothschild and inscribed ‘Tirez Bien’, the cover opens to reveal ten unmarked pegs enamelled in blue, with number one to ten in Roman numerals 4.5cm long (closed), approx. weight 1.9oz.

The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note From the inscription and dates this was presumably a gift on the occasion of Lionel's 21st birthday. £400 600
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942)
The Trustees of Exbury House £400 600 55 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges
EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009)
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300 56
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note From the inscription and dates this was presumably a gift on the occasion of Lionel’s 20th birthday. £200 300 A57LATE
LONDON, 1901 Army & Navy Cooperative Society Ltd (Frederick Bradford Macrea), retailed by Kohler and Son, Ebury Street, of tapering form, inscribed ‘Presented to Lionel de Rothschild Esq. by Lord Rothschild’s Hunt Servants Boore, Gaskin, Doggett, Rowe, on the occasion of his 21st Birthday January 25th 1903’ 23.3cm long, approx. weight 3.9oz.
VICTORIAN SILVER HUNTING HORN BY THOMAS CALLOW AND SON, LONDON, 1900 of tapering form, inscribed ‘Lionel de Rothschild Jan 25th 1902’ 22.3cm long, approx. weight 3.7oz.

VICTORIAN GEM SET SILVER-GILT HIP FLASK BY CHARLES AND GEORGE ASPREY, LONDON, 1895 of rounded rectangular form, with a pull off drinking cup and a clear glass body and the cover with a turquoise and diamond monogram, together with an Edwardian silver gilt hip flask by William Hornby, London 1902, of rounded rectangular form, with a pull off drinking cup and a leather bound clear glass body, engraved with the Rothschild crest (2) approx. total weighable 4.2oz.

Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300 A58LATE
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942)
A59SET OF SIXTEEN GEORGE III SILVER HUNTING BUTTONS LONDON, C.1785 maker’s mark only ‘SD’, possibly for Samuel Davenport, of circular form and engraved with huntsmen and their horses in various pursuits, in a fitted case 2.6cm(17) diameter, approx. weight 3.3oz.
A60RARE MATCHED SET OF TWELVE GEORGE III PROVINCIAL SILVER HUNTING BUTTONS C.1780elevenby Richard Richardson, and one by George Walker Chester, of circular form and engraved with huntsmen, a horse, game birds and game, in a fitted case (13) 3cm diameter, approx. weight 3.2oz. AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £1,000 1,500 57 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £800 1,200

AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
The Trustees of Exbury House £150 200
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £300 400
The Trustees of Exbury House £100 150
A61PAIR OF GEORGE III SILVER SALVERS BY WILLIAM BURWASH, LONDON, 1815 of circular form, fluted and with gadroon borders, the centre with a later embossed and chased cherub, with animal and foliate scroll decoration, the centres applied with a shield cartouche with the monogram of Alfred de Rothschild, on four paw feet (2) 22.5cm diameter, approx. weight 35.8oz.

A63MODERN SILVER-GILT PRESENTATION STRAWBERRY DISH BY S.J. PHILLIPS, LONDON, 1980 of lobed circular form, the centre inscribed ‘Edmund de Rothschild T.D, Chairman Woburn Golf and Country Club 1977 1787 First Honorary 16cmMember’diameter, approx. weight 9.5oz.

EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009)
A62GEORGE V SILVER SALVER BY SEBASTIAN GARRARD, LONDON, 1912 of circular form, with a shell and scroll border, on three claw and ball feet, engraved with the Rothschild crest 21.5cm diameter, approx. weight 12.6oz.

EdmundProvenancehighdeRothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £400 600
EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009)
The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note From the inscription and dates this was presumably a gift on the occasion of Lionel’s 20th birthday. £400 600
59 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price
A65PAIR OF GEORGEV SILVER DWARF TWIN-LIGHT CANDELABRA BY R. COMYNS, LONDON, 1936 with baluster columns and scroll branches, with a large central baluster finial, on a circular foot, the underside inscribed ‘Presented to Edmund de Rothschild, by his friends at Exbury, Jan 2, 1937’ (2) 19.5cm high, approx. weight 29.5oz.
BY HAWKSWORTH, EYRE AND CO., SHEFFIELD, 1931 with tapering octagonal columns and detachable drip pans, on raised octagonal bases, two inscribed ‘Presented to Edmund de Rothschild by his friends at Exbury, June 2 1937’ (4) 25.7cm
OF LATE VICTORIAN SILVER CANDLESTICKS BY MARTIN, HALL AND COMPANY, SHEFFIELD, 1897 with faceted tapering columns and detachable drip pans, on raised square bases with beaded borders, with engraved initials of Lionel de Rothschild (2) 23cm LionelProvenancehighdeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)


A68GEORGE SILVER WINE FUNNEL BY SEBASTIAN GARRARD, LONDON, 1912 of circular form, with a gadroon border and engraved with the Rothschild crest 14cm long, approx. weight 6.9oz.

The Trustees of Exbury House £300 400 AN69
EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009)
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £100 150 60
OAK AND IRON BOUND SILVER CHEST EARLY 20TH CENTURY the vacant interior with a baize and marbled paper lining, with retailer’s plaque ‘Garrard & Co.Ltd Crown Goldsmith and Jewellers 24 Albemarle St. London W.’, with side carrying handles 45.8cm high, 62.5cm wide, 40.4cm deep LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £80 120

LOT OF SILVER ITEMS of various dates and makers, comprising: a pair of salt cellars, London 1935, circular trencher form, a bowl, another pair of salt cellars, four napkin rings, two ashtrays, a cased medallion, a silver frame, Chester 1900, of rectangular form, wirework mounts, with a ceramic hunting appointments diary, a.f, a small metalware bucket and a gilt metal mounted glass bowl (A lot) approx. weighable 28oz.

λ 70 A WILLIAM IV SILVER KETTLE ON STAND BY ROBERT GARRARD, LONDON, 1836 of circular form, the flush hinged cover with an ivory finial and with a silver mounted ivory central carrying handle, the stand of circular form and with pierced foliate supports, on four gnarl feet, with a burner and engraved with the Rothschild crest 39.5cm high, approx. weight 102oz.
61 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price 71 72
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House *This item is offered for sale in accordance with the Ivory Act 2018 and has been assigned an exemption certificate. £1,000 1,500
A71MIXED LOT OF SILVER ITEMS comprising: a table bell, London 1936, by JCL, London 1936, of conventional form with a baluster handle, inscribed ‘E de R from Alix Jan 2. 1937’, 12.3cm high, a silver shoe by Neresheimer of Hanau, with import marks for Chester 1898, importer’s mark of Berthold Muller, with embossed decoration, and a Victorian silver mounted rubber, London 1886, the front engraved ‘H.R, XMAS 1886’ (3) approx. weighable 8.4oz.

A72VICTORIAN SILVER SIX EGG-CUP CRUET FRAME BY ROBERT HENNELL, LONDON, 1863 of circular form, with a central scroll carrying handle, with engraved decoration and beaded borders, on three bracket feet, with six egg cups, engraved with the monogram of Alfred de Rothschild 22cm high, approx. weight 27oz.

EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £400 600 70
The DrawingYellowRoom


EDWARDIAN EASY ARMCHAIR BY HOWARD & SONS, EARLY 20TH CENTURY with Howard floral and red stripe lining, on mahogany square tapering front legs and brass castors, stamped ‘Howard & Sons Ltd London’, the inside of the back left leg stamped ‘12416 9676 Howard & Sons Ltd Berners St.’, with later loose covers
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £1,500 2,000 63 paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £1,500 2,000
EDWARDIAN EASY ARMCHAIR BY HOWARD & SONS, EARLY 20TH CENTURY with Howard floral and red stripe lining, on mahogany square tapering front legs and brass castors, stamped ‘Howard & Sons Ltd London’, the inside of the back left leg stamped ‘12529 9866 Howard & Sons Ltd Berners St.’, with later loose covers

LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £1,000 1,500
TWO76 SIMILAR EDWARDIAN EASY ARMCHAIRS BY HOWARD & SONS, IN GEORGE II STYLE, EARLY 20TH CENTURY each on leaf carved cabriole front legs and claw and ball feet, one stamped ‘5320 8102’, the other one ‘6319 6100’ and both ‘Howard & Sons Ltd. Berners St.’, with loose covers (2)

AN75 EDWARDIAN MAHOGANY SOFA BY HOWARD & SONS, IN GEORGE II STYLE, EARLY 20TH CENTURY with scroll arms, and siege de duvet upholstery, on shell and leaf carved cabriole legs and claw and ball feet, with later iron castors, stamped ‘18227 7231 Howard & Sons Berners St.’ and with a printed paper label on one of the bearers numbered in pencil ‘11364 2678’ 89.2cm high, 194cm wide, 88cm deep
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £1,000 1,500 64

65 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

A79PAIR OF FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE GILTWOOD FAUTEUILS 19TH CENTURY each with a padded back, seat and armrests covered in floral chitz fabric in the manner of Colefax & Fowler, with a moulded frame and lappet decoration, on stiff leaf and lobed tapering front legs TheProvenance(2)Trustees of Exbury House £500 800 A77SET OF SIX ORMOLU TABLE LAMPS EARLY 20TH CENTURY the flowerhead nozzles above a foliate cornucopia, with a child chasing a butterfly, on a beaded circular base and onyx foot, fitted for electricity (6) 31.5cm high (excluding fittings) EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £800 1,200 TWO78 GILT COMPOSITION PICTURE FRAMES 19TH CENTURY the frames decorated with leaves, scrolls and Rococo motifs, each with a picture light (2) 61.7 x 72.5cm and 61.5 x 55.3cm AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300 66 77 78

on the final hammer price

naturalistically cast as branches of oak leaves and acorns suspended from ribbon tied drapes, later drilled and fitted for electricity (2) 61cm high, 35cm wide, 19cm deep AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Bronzina Room at Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘A pair of Louis XV ormolu wall lights, chased as oak branches with nozzles for two lights each, £80.0.0.’ £3,000 5,000 ti ti charges
67 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Condi
ons of Business at the back of this catalogue for addi
The Trustees of Exbury House £2,000 3,000 The Ante Chamber to the Central Hall, Halton House © The Rothschild Archive
The Trustees of Exbury House £2,000 3,000 81 82 68 AN82
The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note The Sandringham 'Technical School of Woodwork' was established by Princess Alexandra (later Queen Alexandra) in 1863. It was originally set up for the children of estate workers, however it later became Her Majesty Queen Mary's 'Carving School' for ex servicemen and local workers. £800 1,200
A81KINGWOOD AND ORMOLU MOUNTED BUREAU PLAT IN LOUS XV STYLE, C.1870 of serpentine outline, with amaranth banding, the top inset with a gilt tooled green leather writing surface above three frieze drawers, on cabriole legs 71.2cm high, 120cm wide, 66.8cm deep

AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Ante Chamber to the Central Hall / Salon, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)

inlaid with marquetry conch shells and with banding and stringing, the dished top with a pair of handles and oval panels inscribed ‘Sandringham’, the base with an undertier and swept legs and brass 73.2cmcastorshigh, 53.4cm wide, 27cm deep
Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
the brass drum movement with an outside countwheel and anchor escapement, the backplate stamped ‘S Marti at Ci / Medaille de Bronze’, striking the half hours on a bell, on a five and three quarter inch enamelled dial inscribed ‘Gudin Paris’, with Roman hour and Arabic minute numerals, the Rococo case surmounted by a cherub and peacock amongst clouds above flowering foliage, reticulated panels with blue silk backing, bagpipes and a scrolling base, with keys and pendulum 51cm high, 31cm wide, 21cm deep

LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942)
EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009)
83 69 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

A84PORTRAIT OF MONSIEUR AUBERT BY NICOLAS DE LARGILLIÈRE (FRENCH 1656 1746) oil on canvas laid on panel Monsieur Aubert, General Director of the Bridges and Roads of France, three quarter length, by a writing table Inscribed A Monsieur/M*nsi*** Aubert/Controlle* général des Ponts/ Chaussée de france (lower left) 134.5 x 103cm; 53 x 40½in ArnoldProvenanceS.Kirkeby (1901 1962) By whom given to Los Angeles County Museum of Art in 1955 By whom sold, Sotheby’s, New York, 10 January 1991, lot 82 Christie’s, London, 7 July 2010, lot 186, where purchased after the sale by the executors of the late Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House R.LiteratureBrown, Bulletin of the Art Division, Los Angeles County Museum, VIII, 1957, pp.8 9, no. 4. S. Schaefer and P. Husco, European Paintings and Sculpture in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (Los Angeles, 1987), p.53, illustrated as dated c.1735. The attribution was confirmed by Dr Dominique Brême as a work of c.1725 1730, as at the date of the 2010 sale. £12,000 18,000 70
71 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price 84

AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Ante Room to the Lawrence Room, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘Seven plaques of Chinese cloisonné enamel, variously decorated and mounted as the tops of gilt tables, Charles£35.0.0.’Davis, A Description of the Works of Art Forming the Collection of Alfred de Rothschild, 1884, p. 36, no.66, listed as ‘A pair of small tables of carved and gilt wood, each with three legs, the tops are inlaid with a square turquoise plaque of Chinese cloisonné enamel.’

Catalogue Note In Buddhism, the ‘arhats’, or ‘luohan’ in Chinese Buddhism, are seen as the original followers of Gautama Buddha, or arhat. They have reached the state of Nirvana, they are now free of all worldly cravings and their role is to protect Buddhism until the arrival of Maitreya, an enlightened Buddha predicted to appear on Earth many centuries in the future. In the earliest Indian depictions only four disciples were shown but over time this number rose to sixteen and by the Tang or Five Dynasty periods in China there were eighteen, a tradition that continues into modern Chinese Buddhism. The symbolism of the two plaques included in this lot show a luohan welcoming the Mother of the West and the other shows four demons carrying a luohan over the Bitter Sea. £10,000 15,000 72
Vestibule leading to Central Hall, Halton House © The Rothschild Archive A85RARE
each with a rectangular top with a floral design edge and inset with a Chinese rectangular panel, one depicting a luohan seated on a carpet supported by mythical creatures floating across the sea, the other with another luohan waving to a deity riding on a crane, above a base with scroll legs (2) 64cm high, 32.2cm wide, 36cm deep

73 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

74 The

86 87 A86PAIR OF CHINESE PORCELAIN CRACKLE GLAZED AND ORMOLU MOUNTED VASES QING DYNASTY of baluster form, the mounts with scrolling foliate handles and feet 20.5cm(2) AlfredProvenancehighdeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £800 1,200 A87FRENCH ORMOLU FENDER IN LOUIS XVI STYLE, 19TH CENTURY the chenet ends modelled with a boy and a girl warming themselves next to flaming braziers, above drapes and on toupie feet, with pierced and bead decoration 28cm high, 166.5cm wide, 25.8cm deep

© The
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Library, Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘An ormolu fender of Louis XVI design, £20.0.0.’ £2,000 3,000 Library, Halton House Rothschild


75 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price A88PAIR
Catalogue Note Juste Aurèle Meissonnier (1695 1750) was the leading and most extravagant pioneer of the Rococo style. He was born in Italy, the son of a silversmith and sculptor, but moved to Paris to work for the Royal Gobelins Manufactory. He received his warrant as master goldsmith from Louis XV in 1724. Described by one of his contemporaries as an ‘unruly genius, and what’s more, spoilt by Italy’, he produced designs for chairs, tables, lanterns, candlesticks, clocks and even crucifixes. Meissonnier rendered three drawings of these candlesticks to show their exuberantly asymmetrical design. The drawings were engraved by Gabriel Huquier (1695 1772) and published in Dousieme Livre des oeuvres de J. A. Messonnier (sic) Livre de chandeliers de sculpture en argent (1734 35).
the detachable sconces with rose head details on shafts of Rococo style scrolling with a coronet set amongst the foliate scrolls and on a spreading foot (2) 31cm AlfredProvenancehighdeRothschild
JusteLiteratureAurèle Meissonnier: Livres d’ornements en trente pieces and Ornements de la carte chronologique.
Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘A pair of Louis XV ormolu candlesticks chased with compositions of scrollwork, £30.0.0.’
Jonathan Bourne and Vanessa Brett, Lighting the Domestic Interior Renaissance to Art Nouveau, p.62. H. Ottomeyer / P. Pröschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, vol.1, p.104, figs. 2.1.5 and 2.1.6. £2,000 3,000
(1842 1918) the Bronzina Room, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942)
See an almost identical pair of candlesticks in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, accession number: 1999.370.1a.b,.2a,b.

The LapisRothschildLazuliTazze

Catalogue Note These impressive lapis lazuli bowls, mounted with ormolu figural stands, follow in the grand tradition of objects made of hardstones for the courts of Europe. Lapis lazuli, is a metamorphic rock of deep ultramarine colour, mainly composed of lazulite with golden pyrite. Lapis is the Latin word for stone and lazuli from the Medieval Latin, lazulum, which was taken from Arabic and Persian meaning ‘sky’ or ‘heaven’, so ‘stone of the sky’. It has been prized since antiquity for its intense colour. As early as the 7th millennium BC, lapis lazuli was mined in the Sar i Sang and other mines in Afghanistan. By the end of the Middle Ages lapis lazuli began to be exported to Europe where it was ground into powder and made into ultramarine blue pigment used by some of the most important painters of the Renaissance, including: Masaccio, Titian and Vermeer.
Pliny the Elder wrote that lapis lazuli is ‘opaque and sprinkled with specks of gold’. Because the stone combines the blue of the heavens and golden glitter of the sun it was emblematic of success in the old Jewish tradition. It was used by Renaissance and Mannerist craftsmen for ornamental vases, for example the ‘Lorenzo Vase’ in the Museo degli Argenti made by Bernardo Buontalenti and Giovanni Biliverta. For comparable shell shaped bowls or coupes, see the Kunsthistoriches Museum, Vienna, inv. no. Kunstkammer, 1617, the Musée de Louvre, Paris, inv. no. MR270 and the Museo degli Argent, Palazzo Pitti, Florence. £10,000 15,000 78
A89PAIR OF FRENCH ORMOLU AND LAPIS LAZULI FIGURAL TAZZE THE LAPIS BOWLS EARLY 17TH CENTURY, THE FIGURES IN THE MANNER OF CLODION, LATE 18TH / 19TH CENTURY in the form of a satyr and a Bacchante, both with grapevines in their hair, he with a horn and she with a tambourine and an ewer, each supporting a carved lapis lazuli stylized scallop shell shaped bowl, the Bacchante stamped with an inventory number ‘5236’ (2) 36.3cm high, 15.2cm wide (max) AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Bronzina Room, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘A pair of bronze gilt figures, of a satyr and bacchante, supporting on their heads shell shaped dishes of lapis lazuli, £35.0.0.’
79 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

89 details 80 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

A pair of Louis XV Encoignures Attributed toLatz

SeeLiteraturePierre Kjellberg, Le Mobilier Francais du XVIIIe siècle Dictionnaire des Ébénistes et des Menuisiers, pp.484 485 for similar examples and Alexandre Pradère, French Furniture Makers, The Art of the Ébéniste from Louis XIV to the Revolution, p.157 for a similar pair of encoignures.
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Ante Room to the Lawrence Room, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘A pair of Louis XV encoigneurs, veneered with tulip and kingwood and mounted with ormolu borders chased with scroll work and wings, surmounted by veined pink marble slabs, JeanCatalogue£150.0.0.’NotePierreLatz (French c.1691 1754) was born in Cologne and settled in Paris from 1719 as an ébéniste. He married Marie Madeleine Signet in 1739, the daughter of a prosperous property developer. Not long after, before 1741, Latz was given a Royal warrant to practice his profession freely without becoming a master.
Latz died in 1754 and as he didn’t have a male heir, his widow carried on the workshop with the Royal warrant until her own death in 1756 after which the workshop was closed and the work and name of Latz fell into obscurity. It wasn’t until the 20th century that his achievements were recognised.
£20,000 30,000
This pair of encoignures is stamped ‘Boudin’ for Leonard Boudin (French 1735 1807) who originally started as an independent craftsman but became a retailer of furniture before 1775. Boudin regularly stamped the pieces he sold, even if they already had maker’s stamps on them.
The encoignures produced by Latz are all decorated in a similar style, usually of bombe form, with two hinged doors and an apron which forms a third foot at the front, mounted with highly contorted bronze mounts, with stylised bird’s wings and flower and leaf designs. There are only a couple of pairs stamped by Latz but many more can be attributed to him based on their characteristics.

OF LOUIS XV AMARANTH AND BOIS SATINE ORMOLU MOUNTED ENCOIGNURES ATTRIBUTED TO JEAN PIERRE LATZ, MID 18TH CENTURY AND LATER of serpentine form, with Rococo mounts with scrolling leaves, flowers, rocaille and with a bird’s wing cartouche, each with a fossilised peach marble top with a moulded edge, above a frieze drawer and a pair of cupboard doors, enclosing a shelf, on scroll feet, stamped ‘L. Boudin JME’, with printed paper labels numbered ‘11’ and ‘12’, with later veneers (2) 94.2cm high, 84.7cm wide, 86.5cm wide
83 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

The Salon at Halton House © The Rothschild ArchiveLionel Nathan de Rothschild by Moritz Daniel Oppenheim © National Portrait Gallery
The Baron Lionel de Rothschild Candelabra

A91PAIR OF FRENCH LOUIS XVI ORMOLU AND PATINATED BRONZE FIGURAL CANDELABRA AFTER THE MODEL BY PHILLIPPE CAFFIERI, LATE 18TH CENTURY each modelled with a cherub seated on a rock, one holding his hands aloft, the other blowing a shell, issuing three acanthus wrapped branches with fluted vase shaped nozzles decorated with stiff leaves, the stepped base with fluted, guilloche and leaf decoration, later drilled and fitted for electricity, with faux candles and shades (8) 45.8cm high (excluding fittings)
See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price
BaronProvenanceLionel de Rothschild (1808 1879) at 148 Piccadilly, London Alfred de Rothschild (1842 1918), the Central Hall / Salon, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript 000/176/11, ‘The Division of the property of the late Baron Lionel de Rothschild between Sir Nathaniel de Rothschild, Leopold de Rothschild, Esq., and Alfred de Rothschild, Esq., 1881’. Listed as ‘A pair of fine small Louis XVI bronze three light candelabra’ and recorded as going to Alfred. Rothschild Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘A pair of Louis XVI, candelabra, with bronze figures of boys playing conch shells and supporting ormolu branches, for three lights each. ‘ Charles Davis,’ A Description of the Works of Art forming the collection of Alfred de Rothschild’, 1884, p.228, no.244, listed as ‘A pair of three light candelabra, of the period of Louis XVI, each is formed by a bronze figure of a kneeling boy blowing a trumpet and supporting the branches, which are chased metal, and designed as foliated scrolls. The stands are square, and each has a hollow border enriched with a bead moulding’. £4,000 6,000 84


See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price Charles86 Davis, ’A Description of the Works of Art forming the collection of Alfred de Rothschild’, 1884, p.228, no.244 Catalogue Note Although the design of these candelabra has traditionally been attributed to Philippe Caffieri (1714 1774) with the rights to their production held by Simon Phillippe Poirier and his business partner Dominique Daguerre, the putti themselves have a longer history with an attribution to Alessandro Algardi (1595 1654) and his circle, a pair of which are now held in the Wallace Collection having been acquired by the 4th Marquess of Hertford. This attribution by the Wallace Collection is further enhanced by Jennifer Montague in her publications on Algardi (1985) and Bronzes in the Wallace Collection (2002). Poirier delivered a pair of candelabra incorporating porcelain figures among three gilt bronze branches, to Madame du Barry in 1770. It was soon after this date that the design appears to have gained popularity amongst the English Gentry with examples appearing in inventories of country house collections from the early 19th century. In recent years, closely related examples have appeared at auction, see Christie’s, Lord St Helens and Sir William Fitzherbert, 22nd January 2009, lot 541 and Christie’s, The Gothick Pavilion Byron to Beaton, 9th December 2010, lot 111.

87 A92PAIR OF FRENCH ORMOLU URNS IN LOUIS XVI STYLE IN THE MANNER OF PIERRE GOUTHIÈRE, 19TH CENTURY each modelled with two winged putti seated holding garlands of fruit and flowers on a leaf decorated urn, with a cone finial and a fluted stem (2) 26.7cm AlfredProvenancehighdeRothschild (1842 1918) the Antechamber to Principal Entrance Hall, Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £1,000 1,500 The Ante Chamber to the Central Hall, Halton House © The Rothschild Archive

A93FINE FRENCH LOUIS XV KINGWOOD AND ORMOLU MOUNTED SERPENTINE BOMBE COMMODE ATTRIBUTED TO GILLES JOUBERT (FRENCH 1689 1775), C.1755 60 the rouge griotte marble top with a moulded edge, above parquetry trellis panels and scrolling Rococo mounts, fitted with two drawers, on cabriole legs terminating in lion’s paw feet, with alterations 90.7cm high, 125cm wide, 53.4cm deep AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Bamfylde / Dining Room, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘A Louis XV parqueterie commode with two drawers inlaid with panels of trellis and cube pattern, in kingwood borders mounted with ormolu borders and corners chased with scroll work entwined with branches of flowers and with lion’s claw feet, surmounted by a veined red marble slab, £2,500.0.0.’ £20,000 30,000 88 to Joubert
See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price A Louis XV Commode Attributed

Joubert began supplying furniture to the Garde Meuble Royal in 1748 and his deliveries to the court became more significant after 1751 when Gaudreaus the Younger ceased to work for the Crown. From this time on Joubert was the principal supplier of furniture for the Royal court and remained so for nearly twenty three years. To satisfy the high demand from the Crown, Joubert often sub contracted work to his fellow ébénistes, including Antoine Mathieu Criaerd, Leonard Boudin and especially Roger Vandercruse.
‘The same cartouche is found on the front of several of his commodes, as well as the lacqueur ones made by Marchand for the Queen’s Bedchamber at Fontainebleau in 1755 and those produced in the previous year by Criaerd for the Pavilion at La Muette. The corner mounts of these pieces often have large symmetrical motifs, often a pierced bouquet of flowers.’ (Alexandre Pradère, French Furniture Makers p.212).

Joubert’s work is difficult to identify as stamping was not mandatory in his early career, there are only a dozen or so items with his signature. Once he became ébéniste de la Couronne in 1763, he was free from guild regulations and no longer had to sign his work. As a result, Joubert’s work cannot be studied before his first deliveries to the Garde Meuble Royal in 1748 when he was already nearly sixty. Nothing is known of his production before this date.
Joubert’s design can be characterised by a restrained Rococo style, with scrolling ormolu mounts in a symmetrical pattern, the marquetry in a geometrical arrangement of lozenges, often tulipwood veneers framed by strips of kingwood.
The attribution to Joubert is based on a recently discovered Royal commode by Joubert now in the collection of the Chateâu de Fontainebleau which has almost identical front mounts to our commode. It was originally made for Louis XV’s bedchamber at the Chateâu de Fontainebleau and it was installed by Joubert in 1754. Declared a national treasure, it was acquired for the nation at the price of EUR 1,000,000.
Note Gilles Joubert (French 1689 1775) was born in Paris to a family of joiners. He was apprenticed at the age of thirteen to a marqueteur and went on to marry Michelle Collet in 1714, the daughter of Edmond Collet, an ébéniste of the Faubourg and also a cousin of Pierre II Mignon who was a favoured cabinet maker of Madame Pompadour.
AlexandreLiterature Pradère, French Furniture Makers, The Art of the Ébéniste from Louis XIV to the Revolution, pp.208 215.
Joubert retired in 1774 aged 85 and was succeeded in the post of ‘ébéniste du Roi’ by Riesener. Joubert died in 1775.
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Central Hall / Salon, Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House SeeFootnotelot90 for a discussion of these candelabra. £2,000 3,000
91 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price 94 95
CENTURYeachmodelled with a cherub seated on a rock, one holding his hands aloft, the other blowing a shell, issuing three acanthus wrapped branches with fluted vase shaped nozzles decorated with stiff leaves, the stepped base with fluted, guilloche and leaf decoration, later drilled and fitted for electricity, with faux candles and shades (8) 46cm high (excluding fittings)
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Central Hall / Salon, Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House SeeFootnotelot90 for a discussion of these candelabra. £2,000 3,000

CANDELABRA AFTER THE MODEL BY PHILLIPPE CAFFIERI, 2ND HALF 19TH eachCENTURYmodelled with a cherub seated on a rock, one holding his hands aloft, the other blowing a shell, issuing three acanthus wrapped branches with fluted vase shaped nozzles decorated with stiff leaves, the stepped base with fluted, guilloche and leaf decoration, later drilled and fitted for electricity, with faux candles and shades (8) 46.4cm high (excluding fittings)
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £100 150 TWO97
Silver Part Two

EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300 A98GEORGE
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300 92
III SILVER CREAM JUG LONDON, 1797 maker’s mark worn, of oval form, with a scroll handle and a beaded border,10.5cm high, together with a silver cream jug by The Adie Brothers, Birmingham 1935, of baluster form, with a Celtic border (2) approx. total weight 7.5oz.
SILVER CREAM JUG BY WAKELY AND WHEELER, LONDON, 1988 of baluster form, with a scroll handle and on a circular foot 14.5cm high, approx. weight 11.5oz.


V PRESENTATION SILVER TREASURY INKSTAND BY CHARLES COMYNS, LONDON, 1923 of rectangular form, with drop ring handles and two hinged covers, the interior with two silver mounted glass inkwells, on four bun feet, the inside cover inscribed ‘Presented to Lionel de Rothschild Director of the Alliance Assurance Company on the occasion of its centenary 1824 1924’, cover a.f. 24cm long, approx. weight 47.9oz.
See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £800 1,200 93
BY H. LAMBERT, LONDON, 1912 of rectangular form, with a central carrying handle and two hinged covers, the interior with a silver inkwell and sander, the other side with a wooden pen holder, on four scroll feet, the inside cover inscribed ‘Lionel N de Rothschild from Londonderry and T. Londonderry October 1912’ 28cm long, approx. weight 67.9oz.

LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £600 800
the box with a blue watered silk lined fitted interior, both pieces with scrolling foliate, pierced metal mounts around a central cartouche engraved with monogram ‘A R’ for Alfred de Rothschild, surmounted by cherubs, hallmarked for London 1893, with makers initials ‘J B’ possibly for Jane Brownett (2) box 17.5cm high, 24.3cm wide, 15cm deep
The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300 94 101 102
Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)

The Trustees of Exbury House £400 600 A103FOURTEEN CARAT GOLD PENCIL
Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
MARKED GEORG JENSEN INC U.S.A. AND 14K of cylindrical form, with reeded decoration, together with a gilt metal dip pen and pencil, of cylindrical form, the terminals with warrior head finials (3)
The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300 A102COLLECTION
SILVER-GILT PENCILS BY S. MORDAN AND CO. the tapering handles modelled as 18th century Dutch wax / needle cases, with figural and foliate scroll decoration (5) 14.7cm

AlfredProvenancelongdeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942)
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942)
EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009)
VICTORIAN LEATHER AND SILVER-GILT MOUNTED BLOTTER BY CATCHPOLE AND WILLIAMS, LONDON, 1901 the front covered with a reticulated mount with a central oval cartouche, engraved with a monogram with a coronet, beneath a canopy and above a basket of fruit surrounded by birds, flowers and scrolling foliage, with a pink leather interior 22.5 x AlfredProvenance15cmdeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300 95

A104VICTORIAN GLASS INKWELL LATE 19TH CENTURY of globular form, with gilt metal mounts, the hinged cover with the ‘AR’ monogram of Alfred de Rothschild, revealing a liftout glass liner 13cm high, 12cm diameter

(1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £400 600
See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price
EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009)
AN107EDWARDIAN PRESENTATION SILVER INKSTAND BY D. AND J. WELLBY, LONDON, 1910 of rectangular form, with gadroon and foliate shell borders, mounted with two cut glass inkwells and a central circular box, with two pen wells and engraved with Prince of Wales feathers issuing from a crown, inscribed ‘From C. M. Oct. 8th 1912’, lacking nuts to underside 30cm long, approx. weighable 39oz.

A108COLLECTION OF SILVER PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES of various dates and makers, comprising: an Edwardian example by Asprey, London 1903, length 16.8cm, a modern one by John Michael Driver, London 1973, the easel back inscribed, together with three other silver frames and one electroplated example EdmundProvenance(6)de Rothschild (1916 2009)
The Trustees of Exbury House £300 400 96
BY L. CRITCHON, LONDON, 1928 of rectangular form, with ring handles and four hinged covers, the interior with two silver mounted glass inkwells, on four bun feet, the cover inscribed ‘Edmund de Rothschild, Jan 12th 1929’, the underside of the cover with a Hebrew inscription from ‘Isaiah LXVI.22’ 23.5cm long, approx. weight 45.2oz.

LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
The Trustees of Exbury House £300 400
The Trustees of Exbury House £600 800
The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300 97
See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges

SILVER-GILT MOUNTED BANDED AGATE DISH C.1900 1920 with a maker’s mark ‘HD’, of oblong form, with a foliate and reeded border, on an oval foot 13.5cm LionelProvenancelongdeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)

AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
The Trustees of Exbury House £300 500
on the final hammer price
comprising: one by John Beresford, London 1887, of oval form, pierced and chased with birds, with a cherub and foliate scroll decoration, with the monogram of Alfred de Rothschild, with an electroplated easel back, 24cm high, together with a circular one by William Comyns, 1883, chased and pieced with a cherub and scroll decoration, with a pierced easel back, 15.5cm diameter, one by Harry Brasted, London 1901, of arched form, with cherubs, birds and foliate scroll decoration (3)
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £500 700
A110LARGE GEORGE V SILVER MOUNTED GLASS TABLE VESTA STRIKER BY STUART CLIFFORD & CO., LONDON, 1912 of globular form, the reeded glass body hollow to the underside, the plain rim inscribed ‘L.R from W.M’, 12.5cm high, with another silver mounted table vesta striker, by J. Vickery, London 1903, initialled ‘L.R’. and one other (3)

SILVER-GILT DOUBLE STAMP BOX BY J BATSON & SON, LONDON, 1901 of tapering rectangular form, heavily chased with birds and foliate scroll decoration on a matted background, the hinged cover with the monogram of Alfred de Rothschild, with a red leather lined interior, 10.5cm long, together with a gilt metal double stamp box, the hinged cover enamelled with the monogram of Alfred de Rothschild (2) 87.8cm AlfredProvenancelongdeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300 98
A114PAIR OF EDWARDIAN SILVER-GILT DOUBLE STAMP BOXES BY J BATSON & SON, LONDON 1901 of tapering rectangular form, heavily chased with birds and foliate scroll decoration on a matted background, the hinged cover with the monogram of Alfred de Rothschild, with a red leather lined interior (2) 10.5cm AlfredProvenancelongdeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)

BY J BATSON & SON, LONDON 1901 of tapering rectangular form, heavily chased with birds and foliate scroll decoration on a matted background, the hinged cover with the monogram of Alfred de Rothschild, with a red leather lined interior (2) 10.5cm AlfredProvenancelongdeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
The Trustees of Exbury House £300 500
The Trustees of Exbury House £300 500
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £400 600
The Trustees of Exbury House £400 600 99 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on
the final hammer price
CAST SILVER-GILT TABLE BELL BY CATCHPOLE & WILLIAMS LTD, LONDON, 1901 of tapering circular form, with cherubs holding ribbontied medallions and with masks and foliate decoration, the handle modelled as a standing cherub holding a garland of flowers, engraved with the monogram of Alfred de Rothschild, gilding worn 15.5cm high, approx. weight 13.2oz.
CAST SILVER-GILT TABLE BELL BY CATCHPOLE & WILLIAMS LTD, LONDON, 1901 of tapering circular form, with cherubs holding ribbontied medallions and with masks and foliate decoration, the handle modelled as a standing cherub holding a garland of flowers, engraved with the monogram of Alfred de Rothschild, gilding worn 15.5cm high, approx. weight 13.3oz.

AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942)

OF THREE SILVER CIGARETTE BOXES comprising: a late Victorian example by Charles and George Asprey, London 1900, of plain rectangular form, the hinged cover with the initials of Lionel de Rothschild, together with a modern one by Garrard and Co., London 1956, of rectangular form, with engine turned decoration, the cover with the initials of Edmund de Rothschild, and one with the monogram of Alfred de Rothschild, Birmingham 1898 (3) AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £150 200 100

AN117EDWARDIAN SILVER CIGAR BOX BY CHARLES AND GEORGE ASPREY, LONDON, 1902 of plain rectangular form, the hinged cover engraved with the initials of Lionel de Rothschild, with a plain thumbpiece and wood lining 25cm LionelProvenancelongdeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £500 800

VICTORIAN GOLD BANDED SILVER CIGARETTE BOX BY WRIGHT & DAVIES, LONDON, 1898 of rectangular form, the hinged cover overlaid with four gold bands, wood lined, together with an Edwardian silver cigarette box of similar design by the same makers, London 1902, the cover with a Rothschild monogram (2) 17.8cm AlfredProvenancelongdeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300
PRESENTATION SILVER BOX BY NATHAN BLOOM & SON LTD, LONDON, 1942 of rectangular form, with engine turned decoration, the hinged cover initialled ‘E.E.L’, the inside of the cover inscribed ‘Elizabeth, March 1942’, with a gilded interior, the exterior possibly rhodium plated 8.2cm long, approx. weight 2.5oz.


POSSIBLY BY J. CREMER, 1831 of rectangular form, with engraved and reeded borders, the inside of the hinged cover inscribes ‘Elizabeth Edith de Rothschild from Colonel Lloyd Garrison, United States Army 22 June 1948’ 12.4cm long, approx. weight 5.4oz.

EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £100 150 120 inscription 121121 inscription our tions catalogue
for additional charges on the final hammer price
of Business at the back of this
EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note The ‘E.E.L.’ on the cover are the initials of Elizabeth Edith Lentner (1923 1980) who married Edmund de Rothschild on the 22 June 1948. £200 300
See paragraphs 4 & 5 of
101 120
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
The initials are almost certainly for Charlotte von Rothschild, the wife of Baron Lionel de Rothschild and mother of Alfred. She was born in Frankfurt on the 13th June 1819 and married her first cousin Lionel de Rothschild on the 15th June 1836. £200 300 123 detail 122 open
102 122 123 A122FRENCH FIVE-PIECE TWO COLOUR GOLD SEWING ÉTUI LATE 19TH CENTURY with chased foliate decoration, in a fitted ebony case, the cover with a shield cartouche with the initial ‘E’, comprising: a thimble, a pair of scissors, a pencil, a needle case and a spike case: 11.5cm long, approx. weighable 15g.

The Trustees of Exbury House
Catalogue Note
The Trustees of Exbury House £400 600
AN123EARLY VICTORIAN MOTHER OF PEARL WRITING BOX DATED ‘1838’ of rectangular form, the cover with an initialled cartouche ‘C de R’, the interior with two silver gilt mounted glass travelling inkwells with a maker’s mark of ‘T.D London 1838’, of square form, with engraved decoration and screw down covers box: 19cm CharloProvenancelong

tte de Rothschild (1819 1884) Alfred de Rothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)

The Trustees of Exbury House £300 400 A126GEORGE III SILVER FILIGREE THIMBLE, SCENT BOTTLE AND TAPE MEASURE PROBABLY BIRMINGHAM, C.1800 of tapering circular form, the screw off thimble with scroll filigree decoration, the interior with a glass scent bottle, the reverse end with a tape measure 5cm long

The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300 λ 125 A GEORGE III SILVER MOUNTED TORTOISESHELL SNUFF BOX LONDON, C.1790 maker’s mark only I.K, for James or John King, of oval form, the hinged cover set with a tortoiseshell panel, the underside initialled ‘RLL’ and dated ‘29 July 1816’, 8.3cm long, together with a late 19th century Dutch box, of oval form, the hinged cover set with a carved mother of pearl panel of a maiden’s head, 4.7cm long (2)

AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
BY LEDSAM & VALE, BIRMINGHAM, 1820 with foliate decoration on a matted background, with a chain attachment and a plain pierced grille 2.4cm long, approx. weight 0.2oz.
AlfredProvenance(closed)deRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

The Trustees of Exbury House £300 400 103
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)


AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £400 600
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £400 600 104 128
BY SEBASTIAN GARRARD, LONDON, 1913 of oval form, with gadroon borders and flying leaf capped scroll handles, on three shell capped hoof feet, engraved with the Rothschild crest (3) 19.3cm long, approx. weight 37oz.
BY EMES AND BARNARD, LONDON 1827 of lobed circular form and with embossed foliate decoration, on three leaf capped paw feet, the gilded interiors with foliate borders and engraved with the monogram of Alfred de Rothschild (6) 9.5cm diameter, approx. weight 25.5oz.
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £400 600 A129SET OF SIX GEORGE IV SILVER SALT CELLARS BY WILLIAM, CHARLES & HENRY ELEY, LONDON 1824 of lobed circular form and with embossed foliate decoration, on three leaf capped bracket feet, the gilded interiors with foliate scroll borders and engraved with the monogram of Alfred de Rothschild (6) 8.5cm diameter, approx. weight 30.9oz.
SILVER SOUP TUREEN STAND BY A. RISLER AND CARRÉ, PARIS, C.1900 1920 of circular form, with a raised centre, with engraved foliate decoration and with a foliate swag border 33.8cm diameter, approx. weight 57.8oz.

BY A. RISLER AND CARRÉ, PARIS, C.1900 1920 of circular form, with alternate vertical bands of fluted and swag decoration, with two foliate cartouches, engraved with the Rothschild crest, with electroplated detachable liners, on circular bases (2) 28.5cm diameter, approx. weighable 78oz.

105 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price 130 131
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £2,000 3,000
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £500 700 In 1897 André Risler and George Carré opened their shop on the fashionable Rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré in Paris. The company offered the finest silverware and exclusive jewellery. They won a gold medal at the Paris World Exhibition in 1900 and were one of only six French silversmiths to exhibit at the Universal Exhibition in Saint Louis, USA in 1904.
Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
AN132EDWARDIAN SILVER TWO-HANDLED PRESENTATION TROPHY BOWL BY MAPPIN AND WEBB, BIRMINGHAM, 1910 of circular form, with leaf capped scroll handles, inscribed ‘Presented By Members of the Royal Motor Yacht Club to Lionel De Rothschild. M.P, in grateful recognition of his services as the Hon.Treasurer of the Club 1912’, on a circular foot length handle to handle 37cm, approx. weight 63oz.

The Trustees of Exbury House £700 900
A133MATCHED SET OF THREE SMALL WARWICK VASE TROPHY CUPS BY WALKER AND HALL, SHEFFIELD, 1930, 1932 AND 1937oneinscribed ‘Replica of The Crosfield Cup awarded to Lionel de Rothschild Esq. 1938’, on wooden plinths (3) height on plinth 12.5cm, approx. total weight 18oz.

LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942)
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £250 300 106
AN134EDWARDIAN PRESENTATION SILVER TROPHY BOWL BY WILLIAM MAMMATT & SON, SHEFFIELD, 1903 of circular form, with a central girdle, with flying scroll handles, one handle a.f., on a circular foot, inscribed ‘Presented to British Motor Boat Club by Mr. Edward Kenealy’, the reverse inscribed ‘Won by Napier II J. Scott Montagu, Lionel de Rothschild’ 25.5cm diameter, approx. weight 29.7oz.
EDWARDIAN SILVER TWO-HANDLED TROPHY CUP BY CHARLES TOWNLEY AND JOHN THOMAS, LONDON, 1904 retailed by F.B. Thomas and Co., of circular tapering form, with cut card decoration and leaf capped scroll handles, on a raised circular foot, inscribed ‘The “Entente Cordiale” Cup, Presented to The British Motor Boat Club by Mrs Walker Munro 1905, won by 1905 Aug 7 ‘Napier II’ J. Scott Montagu, Lionel de Rothschild, 1906 Aug 6 ‘Yarrow Napier’, Lionel de Rothschild’ 32.5cm long, approx. weight 150oz.

LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note The British Motor Boat Club was officially founded in May 1905. It was created by a group of enthusiastic gentlemen who were members of the New Automobile Club, later to become the Royal Automobile Club in Pall Mall, London. They included Lionel de Rothschild, Bernard Redwood, Basil Joy and John ScottMontagu. £3,000 5,000
107 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price A135LARGE
maker’s mark worn, London 1798, of circular form with reeded borders, on turned wooden bases (2) 13.4cm AlfredProvenancediameterdeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) de Rothschild (1916 2009) Trustees of Exbury House 400
136 137 108 A136PAIR OF GEORGE III IRISH SILVER WINE COASTERS DUBLIN, C.1770 80 maker’s mark only ‘I.C’ for John Craig, of circular form, pierced and chased with birds, a Bacchus figure, trailing vines, scroll work and a tower, rope work borders, turned wooden bases, engraved with a crest (2) 13.5cm diameter (2) AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note The crest is that of Newcome. £1,000 1,500 A137PAIR OF GEORGE III SILVER WINE COASTERS


BY HAMILTON AND INCHES, EDINBURGH, 1899 of circular bellied form, with a pierced scroll border, on three gnarl feet, inscribed ‘To Elizabeth and Edmund from Mr and Mrs H. Wilson, June 22 1948’ 27.5cm diameter, approx. weight 26oz. EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £300 400 A139ZIMBABWEAN

See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price
SILVER SCULPTURE OF TWO GIRAFFES BY PATRICK MAVROS the base applied with the ‘PM’ monogram, one standing, the other seated, on a wooden base 13.2cm EdmundProvenancehighdeRothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £300 400 109

VICTORIAN ELECTROPLATED KNIFE TRAYS of oblong tapering form, with gadroon borders, engraved with the monogram of Alfred de Rothschild (2) 43.2cm and 43.8cm long AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300 A141MIXED LOT OF FLATWARE comprising: silver items designed by Gerald Benney for Viners, a set of six modern small dessert spoons, Sheffield 1966, a pair of sugar nips, a hook honey spoon and seven teaspoons, together with electroplated items: a tea strainer and a small collection of flatware (A lot) approx. weighable 11oz. EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £100 150 110 140 141 142

A140COLLECTION OF TWELVE GEORGE IV-VICTORIAN SILVER KING’S SHAPE SALT SPOONS of various dates and makers, the reverse of the bowls with shell heels, eleven with mask terminals (12) approx. total weight 10oz. AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300 TWO142

111 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price A143FINE SET OF TWELVE WILLIAM IV SILVER-GILT MOUNTED FRUIT KNIVES AND FORKS BY RAWLINGS AND SUMMERS, LONDON, 1836 the blades and tines with engraved borders and with a coronet, the porcelain handles possibly by Sèvres, decorated with birds in a turquoise surround and with gilt highlights, in two fitted trays (24) AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £800 1,200

the majority by George Adams, London 1858 and 1863, and Francis Higgins, 1882, some other dates, the terminals with the monogram of Alfred de Rothschild, comprising: sixty four table forks, twenty four dessert forks, twenty two silver gilt dessert forks, thirty one tablespoons, twenty four dessert spoons, twenty three silver gilt dessert spoons, nineteen teaspoons, eleven egg spoons, two butter knives, a pair of fish servers, a crumb scoop, a pair of silver gilt grape scissors, six sauce ladles, two soup ladles, a pair of salad servers. eight silver gilt fruit serving spoons, a pair of silver gilt ice cream spades, two pairs of silver gilt ice tongs, twenty four silver gilt ice cream spoons, a pair of silver gilt sugar sifting spoons, a pair of silver gilt ladles, twenty four table knives, twenty six dessert knives (some modern), twenty two silver bladed fruit knives, eleven fruit knives and forks, plus nine odd silver and electroplated beaded teaspoons (A lot) approx. weighable 602oz.
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘A silver gilt beaded dessert service consisting of 118 pieces and a silver beaded service’. £10,000 15,000 112 ti charges
See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for addi
on the final hammer price

GOLD MOUNTED DENDRITIC AGATE SPOON LATE 16TH / EARLY 17TH CENTURY the oval bowl with ridged decoration to the underside, the gold mount decorated with panels of leaves, scrolls and lozenges, with a beaded collar, the stem now separate and lacking its finial 16.7cm AlfredProvenancelongdeRothschild (1842 1918) the Lawrence Room, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘Two spoons of agate and onyx, with gold filigree mounts, £20.0.0.’ £1,000 1,500 114 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price
A145RARE GOLD AND ENAMEL MOUNTED AGATE SPOON EASTERN EUROPE, PROBABLY HUNGARIAN, LATE 17TH CENTURY with a pear shaped bowl, the underside with a rat’s tail, the rim with a rope twist filigree mount, the part faceted and turned stem with three conforming mounts decorated with white, green and black enamel, with a turned finial 20cm AlfredProvenancelongdeRothschild (1842 1918), the Lawrence Room, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘Two spoons of agate and onyx, with gold filigree mounts, £20.0.0.’ Catalogue Note In the 17th century sets of matching cutlery were still a novelty and highly prized. It was the sign of a gentleman that he possessed cutlery made of unusual and valuable materials. A similar spoon and fork can be found at Burghley House, ref. EWA08517, which appeared in the 1690 Devonshire schedule recording an immense bequest from Elizabeth, Countess of Devonshire to her daughter Anne, Countess of Exeter. £1,500 2,000 A146RARE
145 146

A147RARE AND SMALL GOLD MOUNTED AGATE URN IN THE MANNER OF THE MISERONI FAMILY, THE AGATE POSSIBLY ANCIENT BUT CARVED IN THE 17TH theCENTURY‘U’shaped body with reeded bands and carved with acanthus leaves, the cover carved with a petal collar and a spiral twist band with a gold finial, the stem with a lobed collar on a spreading foot (detached) with a gold rim 6.4cm AlfredProvenancehighdeRothschild (1842 1918), Bedroom no.12 in show cabinet, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘A small vase and cover carved in striated onyx mounted with gold feet, £5.0.0.’ Catalogue Note The decoration and shape recalls the works in agate by the Miseroni Family, the important jewellers and gemcutters from Milan. They specialised in carving rock crystal and hardstones and gained international recognition in the mid 16th century. Imperial patronage from the Habsburgs prompted the re establishment in 1588 of the workshop to Prague, where it flourished until 1684. Girolamo and his brother Gasparo entered the service of Cosimo I de’ Medici. Giulio worked in Spain from 1582 and Ottavio worked from 1588 in the court of Rudolf II in Prague and was succeeded by his son, Dionysio, who became Imperial Treasure Warden in Prague Castle. For a related agate urn attributed to Gasparo Miseroni, see the Museo del Prado, Tesoro del Delfin, inv. O000015. £1,000 1,500 116 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on price
the final hammer

South Drawing Room, Halton House © Historic EnglandLionel Nathan de Rothschild by Moritz Daniel Oppenheim © National Portrait Gallery

both kneeling, one holding a crossbow the other with a sword, each with articulated hands, on raised naturalistic rocky bases on a circular pierced foot with trefoil decoration, wear to gilding 12.3cm and 12.5cm, 12.3oz (385g)
Charles Davis, 'A Description of the Works of Art Forming the Collection of Alfred de Rothschild', 1884, p.262, no.365, 'Two silver gilt soldiers in early sixteenth century costume. They are both kneeling, one has an arquebus and the other a sword. The stands are decorated with a diagonal pattern border, German work of the beginning of the sixteenth century. Height 5in' £20,000 30,000
118 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price
BaronProvenanceLionel de Rothschild (1808 1879) at 148 Piccadilly, London Alfred de Rothschild (1842 1918) the Lawrence / South Drawing Room, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript 000/176/11, 'The Division of the property of the late Baron Lionel de Rothschild between Sir Nathaniel de Rothschild, Leopold de Rothschild, Esq., and Alfred de Rothschild, Esq., 1881'. Listed as 'Two kneeling figures' and recorded as going to Alfred. Rothschild Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of 'The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring'. 1918. Listed as 'Two German silver figures of men, on circular plinths pierced with Gothic foliage, late 16th century £100.0.0.'
The Baron Lionel de Rothschild

German Silver Soldiers

120 Charles Davis, ’A Description of the Works of Art forming the collection of Alfred de Rothschild’, 1884, p.262, no.365

Catalogue Note These exquisitely modelled silver figures depict soldiers wearing early 16th century costume. The detail is quite astonishing with incredible attention to detail to the folds of the clothing, the feathers in their hats and the characterisation in their faces. The rocky bases were perhaps originally enamelled and they are very unusual in having articulated hands. They recall a much larger German silver automaton figure by Wolf Christoph Ritter now on display at the British Museum as part of the Waddesdon Bequest.

The soldiers being offered were formerly in the collection of Baron Lionel de Rothschild (1808 1879). Lionel Nathan de Rothschild was the eldest son of Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777 1836) and after spells working for the family bank in Paris, London and Frankfurt, he became the head of the London house of NM Rothschild & Sons in 1836 at the age of 28. His London home was 148 Piccadilly which had sumptuous French Louis XVI style interiors. 148 Piccadilly was home to Lionel’s fabulous art collection which he had developed during his apprenticeship in Europe. The collection which was divided amongst his three sons was dominated by Old Masters, many of which were acquired from the Van Loon collection, but also featured fine French furniture and Renaissance works of art including silver and early rock crystals. The collection is mentioned by Waagen in ‘Art Treasures in Great Britain’, 1854.
The base has a clockwork mechanism which propels the figure across a table and perhaps our figures had some mechanism to move the articulated hands.
Morning Room, Halton House © The Rothschild Archive

122 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price The Baron Lionel de Rothschild Rock Crystal Candlesticks
A149RARE PAIR OF FRENCH LOUIS XVI ROCK CRYSTAL AND ORMOLU CANDLESTICKS LATE 18TH CENTURY each with an octagonal sconce above a lobed and faceted stem decorated with ormolu mounts of leaves and ram’s heads supporting swags of flowers, on a faceted circular foot with an acanthus leaf rim (2) 26cm high, foot 14.7cm diameter
BaronProvenanceLionel de Rothschild (1808 1879) at 148 Piccadilly, London Alfred de Rothschild (1842 1918) the Morning Room, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript 000/176/11, ‘The Division of the property of the late Baron Lionel de Rothschild between Sir Nathaniel de Rothschild, Leopold de Rothschild, Esq., and Alfred de Rothschild, Esq., 1881’. Listed under ‘Rock Crystal’ as ‘A pair of candlesticks with rams’ heads’ and recorded as going to RothschildAlfred. Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘A pair of rock crystal table candlesticks, mounted with ormolu rams’ heads and festoons of flowers, on circular plinths, ForCatalogue£20.0.0.’Noteasimilarpair of candlesticks see Sotheby’s, Addiction: Benjamin Steinitz, lot 25. In their footnote they state that a pair of silver candlesticks with similar virtuoso use of rock crystal by the goldsmith Jean Louis Mennaust were exhibited at the Musées des Art Decoratifs in 1954. These splendid candlesticks were formerly in the collection of Baron Lionel de Rothschild (1808 1879). Lionel Nathan de Rothschild was the eldest son of Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777 1836) and after spells working for the family bank in Paris, London and Frankfurt, he became the head of the London house of NM Rothschild & Sons in 1836 at the age of 28. His London home was 148 Piccadilly which had sumptuous French Louis XVI style interiors. 148 Piccadilly was home to Lionel’s fabulous art collection which he had developed during his apprenticeship in Europe. The collection which was divided amongst his three sons was dominated by Old Masters, many of which were acquired from the Van Loon collection, but also featured fine French furniture and Renaissance works of art including silver and early rock crystals. The collection is mentioned by Waagen in ‘Art Treasures in Great Britain’, 1854. They were inherited by Alfred and he had them on his desk in the Morning Room at Halton House (see photograph below). £4,000 6,000 Lionel Nathan de Rothschild by Moritz Daniel Oppenheim © National Portrait Gallery

18TH / 19TH CENTURY the chamfered hinged lid decorated with three flowers the centres set with rubies, with engraved pendant borders, on ball feet 3.7cm high, 5cm wide, 3.6cm deep AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Red Room, Halton House, Buckinghamshire. Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note This exquisite casket can be seen on Alfred’s desk in the Red Room at Halton House. The Red Room was Alfred’s inner sanctum, where he conducted his private business affairs whilst in residence. Alfred must have favoured the colour red, as the salon was decorated red, his dressing room was known as the ‘Red dressing room’ and he had ‘Red rooms’ at his London residence 1 Seamore Place. The Red Room at Halton House was reserved for some of his finest pieces, including: tables by Martin Carlin, Sèvres porcelain vases and a portrait of Lady Hamilton by George Romney. £800 1,200

124 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price The Red Room, Halton House © Historic England A150SMALL

for addi
LAZULI AND GOLD MOUNTED OVAL BOWL 18TH /19TH CENTURY the rim and foot chased with ‘C’ scrolls, leaves and flowers 3cm high, 7.2cm wide AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918), the Red Room at Halton House, Buckinghamshire. Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note This beautiful bowl can be seen sitting on Alfred de Rothschild’s desk in the Red Room, see photograph on page 124. £1,000 1,500 A152SILVER-GILT MOUNTED AGATE SNUFF BOX UNMARKED, C.1830 of rounded rectangular form, the hinged cover and base set with agate panels and the cover decorated with a foliate 8.5cmborder AlfredProvenancelongdeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £1,500 2,000 A153FRENCH
GOLD MOUNTED ROCK CRYSTAL SCENT BOTTLE LATE 18TH / EARLY 19TH CENTURY of compressed baluster form, the over lay panels finely engraved with cherubs and birds, with engraved mounts and a hinged AlfredProvenance12.5cmcoverlongdeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £400 600 126 5 Business at back of this catalogue tional charges
See paragraphs 4 &
of our Conditions of
on the final hammer price
151 152 153

Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Bronzina Room, Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942)
Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
PROBABLY ENGLISH, UNMARKED, C.1740 50 of shaped rectangular form, chased with figures and a dog within a foliate scroll decoration, the hinged cover with a ring terminal, the push button clasp missing, the base set with a diamond 14cm long, approx. weight 20g.

UNMARKED, PROBABLY 19TH CENTURY of shaped oval form, with a classical female warrior within a border of masks and foliate decoration, with tapering rounded rectangular form, mounted with two AlfredProvenance16.8cmcherubslongdeRothschild (1848 1918) the Red Room , Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshire.deRothschild (1882 1942)

The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘A Louis XV étui, the end with a diamond, £12.0.0.’ £1,000 1,500 128 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price
The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note This interesting hand mirror can be seen sitting on Alfred de Rothschild’s desk in the Red Room see photograph on page 124. £150 200
A Gold and Enamel Tazza by Jean-Valentin Morel

GOLD, ENAMEL AND AGATE TAZZA IN RENAISSANCE STYLE BY JEAN VALENTIN MOREL (1794 1860), C.1838 1848 the agate bowl with winged lion handles above a strapwork, shell and leaf decorated stem above a domed foot, stamped with Jean Valentin Morel maker’s mark ‘MV’, with a compass and French eagle’s head poincon de petite garantie 10.9cm high, 10.2cm wide (1842 1918) the Red Room, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
The Trustees of Exbury House RoLiteraturethschild Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘A small agate tazza, mounted with enamelled silver gilt stem, £10.0.0.’ Catalogue Note A similar cup by Morel, designed by Charles Nivillier and made for Maria Alexandrovna, wife of the future Tsar Alexander II of Russia, was shown at the Great Exhibition of 1851. The engraving of the design was published in The Art Journal Illustrated Catalogue, London, 1851, p.112. See Lucas, Jean Valentin Morel and the Revival of the Lapidary’s Art, Apollo, January 2005, pp. 51 52. Jean Valentin Morel (French 1794 1860) was a celebrated French silversmith and goldsmith noted for his fine quality lapidary work. He trained under his father and was a student of Adrien Maximilian, maker of gold boxes to Louis XVI and Napoleon. He established his own business in 1818 and registered his own mark in 1827. He specialised in high quality inlay work and producing hardstone cups satisfying the demand from collectors for objects in the in the Renaissance and Baroque styles. From 1842 48 Morel was in partnership with the French architect Henri Duponchel (1794 1868), establishing themselves as Morel et Cie. They won a gold medal at the Exposition des Produits de l‘industrie of 1844 in Paris, however their partnership ended acrimoniously which resulted in a lawsuit that prohibited Morel from working in Paris. After the revolution of 1848 Morel fled to London and established a workshop on New Burlington Street of over fifty staff, registering his London mark in 1849. The culmination of Morel’s London career was his display at the Great Exhibition of 1852, where he displayed jewellery, silver and numerous neo Renaissance cups and he was awarded a Council Medal. £5,000 8,000 paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price
130 See
Drawing of an agate tazza exhibited at the Great Exhibition. Illustrated in ‘The Art Journal Illustrated Catalogue’.

TheDrawingState Room

A157PAIR OF MAHOGANY SIDE TABLES IN CHINESE CHIPPENDALE STYLE, LATE 19TH / EARLY 20TH CENTURY each with a shaped top with an egg and dart carved edge, on blind fret bracketed chamfered legs and block feet (2) 78.3cm high, 133cm wide, 61.5cm deep EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £2,000 3,000 133 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

A158GEORGE IV MAHOGANY PEMBROKE TABLE theC.1820banded drop leaf top above a frieze drawer, on a turned pedestal and four splay legs with brass sabot and castors 71.5cm high, 54.5cm wide, 91cm long EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009)

The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300 THREE MAHOGANY OCCASIONAL TABLES IN REGENCY STYLE, 19TH CENTURY each with a rectangular beaded top inlaid with ebonised stringing, on ring turned legs united by a curved stretcher, one with an ivorine retailer’s plaque ‘Harris & Co. Antique Furnishers 72, Bold St., Liverpool Established 1821’ (3) 69.5cm high, 49.5cm wide, 36cm deep (max) Rothschild (1916 2009) Trustees of Exbury House £400 600 134
The Trustees of Exbury House £500 800 A160SET MAHOGANY FOLDING LIBRARY STEPS EARLY 20TH CENTURY with three treads, the inner edge stamped ‘3 cabin’ 86.1cm high, 30.8cm wide, 48.2cm deep (open) Rothschild (1916 2009)

161 162 AN161EDWARDIAN WALNUT SOFA BY HOWARD & SONS. EARLY 20TH CENTURY with siege de duvet upholstery, on turned front legs stamped ‘Howard & Sons Ltd London’, the inside of the back left leg stamped ‘3605 8247 Howard & Sons Ltd Berners St.’, with later loose covers 78.3cm high, 190cm wide, 79cm deep LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £3,000 5,000 A162LARGE GEORGE IV OAK STOOL theC.1825later upholstered seat above a frieze with reeded panels, with applied rondels, on ribbed tapering legs and brass caps and castors 46cm high, 72cm wide, 120.5cm long EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £800 1,200 135 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £1,500 2,000 136

on mahogany square tapering front legs and brass castors, stamped ‘Howard & Sons Ltd London’, the inside of the back left leg stamped ‘18940 9110 Howard & Sons Ltd Berners St.’, with later loose covers
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £1,500 2,000
on mahogany square tapering front legs and brass castors, stamped ‘Howard & Sons Ltd London’, the inside of the back left leg stamped ‘18940 1110 Howard & Sons Ltd Berners St.’, with later loose covers
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £1,500 2,000 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the
on mahogany square tapering front legs and brass castors, stamped ‘Howard & Sons Ltd London’, the inside of the back left leg stamped ‘19215 1807 Howard & Sons Ltd Berners St.’, with later loose covers

LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £1,500 2,000
on oak square tapering front legs and brass castors, stamped ‘Howard & Sons Ltd London’, the inside of the back left leg stamped ‘3702 7908 Howard & Sons Ltd Berners St.’, with later loose covers
137 See paragraphs 4 &
final hammer price

AN167INDIAN CARPET theMODERNcreamfield of scrolling vines centred by a deep terracotta medallion framed by indigo meandering vine borders, flanked by lemon guard stripes, together with another modern Indian carpet (2) 282 x 182cm and 358 x 282cm EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £500 700 138

A168PAIR OF INDIAN CARPETS OF CLASSICAL DESIGN eachC.1980with an ivory field of all over design of palmettes and vines enclosed by brick red meandering vine borders, flanked by guard stripes (2) 460 x 322cm and 467 x 330cm EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £2,000 3,000 139 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £300 500 140
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £800 1,200
20TH CENTURY the exterior painted with peacocks amongst chrysanthemum and other birds on flowering prunus branches, the interiors painted with goldfish and pond weed (2) 38cm high, 45cm diameter

19TH CENTURY the turquoise glazed body with stiff leaf and ribbon tied laurel leaf gilt mounts, on a shaped square foot, later fitted for electricity 53cm high (including mounts)

A171PAIR OF FRENCH GILTWOOD AND CHINESE CLOISONNÉ ENAMEL TABLES LATE 19TH / EARLY 20TH CENTURY each with a circular moulded top inset with a Chinese cloisonné charger decorated with leaves and flowers, the Oriental style base with a pierced frieze carved with dragons and leaves, on blind fret legs united by an ‘X’ stretcher with a pagoda finial, with detachable glass tops (2) 66.5cm high, 45.5cm diameter AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £2,000 3,000 141 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

See also Christie’s Paris, 22nd June 2016, lot 285 which fetched EUR 157,500. £10,000 15,000
See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price
A172RARE CHINESE CLOISONNÉ ENAMEL ‘LANDSCAPE’ VASE, CONG 18TH CENTURY of square section, the four sides are finely decorated with figures and mythical animals in landscape scenes of pavilions by a river, the flared neck and foot decorated with archaistic cicada lappets and ruyi head borders 39.8cm high, 17.5cm wide
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Billard Room, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘A pair of Chinese cloisonné enamel vases of square shape decorated with river scenes on turquoise ground, Kein Lung, £40.0.0.’
Catalogue Note A related vase decorated with pavilions in mountainous landscapes is illustrated in: The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, 43, Metal bodied Enamel Ware, p.153, no.145.


The Billiard Room, Halton House © The Rothschild Archive 144 A173FRENCH LOUIS XVI ORMOLU FENDER LATE 18TH CENTURY BUT LATER ADAPTED with urn finials hung with leaf swags, above a pierced breakfront decorated with scrolling leaves and lion’s masks 35.5cm high, 148cm wide, 32.5cm deep AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Billiard Room, Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £800 1,200

145 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price The Boudoir, Halton House © The Rothschild Archive A174FRENCH ORMOLU FENDER IN LOUIS XVI STYLE, 19TH CENTURY with cherubic faun figures playing music, interspersed with war trophies and doves of peace, with scrolling leaves and lion’s masks, stamped ‘192’, together with a pair of 18th century French steel and ormolu mounted fire tongs (2) 25.5cm high, 128.5cm wide, 30.8cm deep (max) AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Boudoir, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘An ormolu fender, of Louis XVI design and set of fire implements, £10.0.0.. £1,000 1,500

modelled as a young couple holding a ewer and a beaker, seated on Rococo foliate ‘C’ scrolls, each stamped with a ‘B’ (2) 30cm high, 23cm wide AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note See H. Ottomeyer / P. Pröschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, p.135, fig.2.9.3 for a similar pair of chenets. £800 1,200
A176SET OF THREE POLISHED STEEL AND GILT BRONZE FIRE IRONS EARLY 19TH CENTURY the shafts with spiral decoration, the handles with lobed and scrolling foliate knops, the spade with pierced rondel and trellis decoration (3) 75.5cm AlfredProvenance(max)deRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £500 800 146


A177FRENCH GILTWOOD AND GESSO OVERMANTEL MIRROR IN LOUIS XVI STYLE, 19TH CENTURY the rectangular bevelled plate within a laurel leaf and rosette decorated frame, with an outer border of lappets and a ribbon tied laurel wreath surmount 200.8 x EdmundProvenance127cmdeRothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £1,000 1,500 A178FRENCH GILTWOOD CANAPÉ IN LOUIS XVI STYLE, MID 19TH CENTURY the moulded frame carved with flowers, leaves and a ribbon and laurel border, on stop fluted and leaf carved legs 88cm high, 136cm wide, 67.5cm deep AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £400 600 147 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

the giltwood frames after Georges Jacob, with moulded and beaded decoration, on fluted supports, covered with 18th century Aubusson tapestry, each decorated with flowers and tasselled drapes suspending medallions, with figures in various pursuits and with scenes from the fables of Jean de la Fontaine, comprising: ten fauteuils and a matching canapé (11) 98.5cm high, 182cm wide, 68.2cm deep (max)
148 A179FRENCH
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Central Hall / Salon, Halton House , Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘A suite of Louis XVI furniture with gilt frameworks carved with ribands, the seats and backs covered with Aubusson Tapestry woven with children and subjects from Aesops Fables in oval medallions, wreathed with flowers on brown ground, consisting of eight fauteuil, one settee.’ Catalogue Note 'The Fables' by Jean de La Fontaine (1621 1695), many of which were taken from Aesop, made popular and suitable subjects for tapestry seat covers. They were probably woven after designs by the painter Jean Baptiste Oudry (1686 1755) who was court painter to Louis XV and was made Director of Tapestry at Beauvais in 1734. The fashion for 18th century tapestry seat furniture enjoyed a renaissance in the second half of the 19th century due to the influence of the Rothschild family and the art dealer Joseph Duveen. Giltwood frames in the Louis XVI style were made to display 18th century tapestry covers. £6,000 10,000

149 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

See ‘Country Children, The Metropolitan Museum Journal v.29. 1994’ for an illustration of a similar example, titled ‘Two children warming themselves at a fire’. The illustrated piece is signed by Jacques Nielson, director of the low warp Gobelins tapestry factory, Paris, from 1749 to 1788. A similar painting to our example, with two children watching a trap to catch birds instead of warming by a fire, can also be seen painted on a porcelain tray in the Louvre. £500 800
GILTWOOD FIRESCREEN, ÉCRAN A FEU AFTER JEAN BAPTISTE TILLIARD (FRENCH 1685 1766), INLOUIS XV STYLE, MID 19TH CENTURY inset with an 18th century ‘Enfant de Boucher’ tapestry panel attributed to Jacques Neilson of the Gobelins Manufactory, woven with a bucolic scene of two children, within a ribbon tied floral border, the moulded frame carved with scrolls, leaves and trailing flowers, the underside with an applied metal label, inscribed ‘Halton Collection’ and with a paper label, inscribed ‘Halton’ 121.8cm high, 81cm wide, 40cm deep AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Central Hall / Salon, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘Two fire screens formed of panels of Gobelins tapestry woven with Boucher subjects of children in upright panels enclosed by garlands of flowers in rose pompadour border, the frame work of gilt wood, £3,000.0.0.’

Catalogue Note
The Gobelins factory was established in 1663 as “Manufacture Royale des Meubles de la Couronne”, with the purpose to supply tapestry and furnishings needed for the Royal palaces. In the 1720s under the directorship of Jean Baptiste Oudry (1686 1755) the application of cartoons was introduced. In 1736, Oudry asked François Boucher (1703 1770) to create cartoons and Boucher’s collaboration with the Gobelins factory lasted until François1765.Boucher was born in Paris and was granted a scholarship to study art in Italy for four years. His work was inspired by his years spent in Rome and by the work of Rubens and Watteau. His prominence rose quickly and he became a protégé of Madame Pompadour, Louis XV’s mistress and around 1755 he was appointed as the King’s artist. Boucher created a series of charming paintings depicting children mostly in a rural setting, outdoors and engaging in some activity, like feeding chickens or playing a bag pipe. Frequently found decorations on Gobelins upholstery are representations of these pictures, often referred to as ‘Enfant de Boucher’.
See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price


PAIR OF LOUIS XIV ORMOLU AND BLUE STAINED HORN WALL BRACKETS, CONSOLES D’APPLIQUE IN THEMANNER OF ANDRÉ CHARLES BOULLE, C.1700 1720 AND LATER each with a later shaped velvet top above a concave frieze cast with Vitruvian scrolls, supported by a pair of leaf and scroll brackets flanking an oval portrait medallion of a classical lady, above an appliqué of ribbon tied trophies symbolising love and war, formerly brackets for clocks, alterations (2) 36.5 x 45cm and 37 x 45cm AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the South Drawing Room / Lawrence Room, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘A pair of ormolu brackets of Louis XIV design with blue enamel backs in imitation of lapis lazuli, £35.0.0.’ Catalogue Note These wonderful consoles d’applique graced the South Drawing Room at Halton House. They supported two magnificent German silver and enamel sculptures of St. George and the Dragon and Diana and a stag (visible in the black and white photograph). The design of the consoles reflects the ideas of Jean Berain (1640 1711) who was a draughtsman and designer, painter and engraver of ornament and the artistic force behind the Royal office of the Menu Plaisirs du Roi. The volute brackets on our consoles are reminiscent of a design for a bracket seen on an engraving ‘Designs for Brackets with Silverwork’ , a copy can be found in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, accession no. 2012.136.11. Jean Berain supplied designs for André Charles Boulle, and Boulle’s lodgings and workshop were close to Berain’s. The popularity of such console d’applique in the early 18th century can be seen by the appearance of multiple brackets on the frontispiece of Boulle’s designs ‘Nouveaux deisseins de meubles et ouvrages de bronze et de marqueterie inventés et graves par André Charles Boulle’ published by Pierre Jean Mariette (1694 1774).

For an identical console supporting a clock by Louis Mynuel, the case by André Charles Boulle see Tardy (Publisher) La Pendule Française, 1ere Partie, p.141, ill. 2. See also a related pair of consoles d’applique attributed to André Charles Boulle, Christie’s, Hubert De Givenchy Collectionneur: Chefs D’oeuvres, 14th June 2022, lot 26, which sold for EUR 138,600. For other related examples see the Wallace Collection, London, inv. 381, 382 and Sotheby’s Monaco, 4th March 1989, lot 185. £15,000 20,000 154
155 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price South Drawing / Lawrence Room, Halton House © Historic England


The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as two pairs, described as ‘A pair of Louis XVI wall lights, chased with oak branches and the branches designed as hunting horns, £150.0.0.’
Catalogue Note
156 A182RARE
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the South Drawing Room / Lawrence Room, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
For recent sale comparisons, see Sotheby’s Paris, 20th April 2012, lot 173 for a very closely related set of four which sold for EUR 264,750, also Christie’s Paris, 23rd November 2021, lot 117 for a pair which fetched EUR 87,500. £10,000 15,000
AFTER A MODEL BY EDMÉ JEAN GALLIEN AND PIERRE BUREAUX, EARLY 19TH CENTURY each with a tasselled ribbon, oak leaf and acorn backplate, issuing three hunting horn shaped candle arms, with urn sconces, later drilled and fitted for electricity (4) 98cm high, 44cm wide, 23cm deep
This set of four wall appliques are based on the model by the bronziers Edmé Jean Gallien (1720 1797) and Pierre Bureaux (b. 1728). The design was very popular during the Empire period and a similar set of four wall lights was supplied by Claude Galle for the Salon de Compagnie du Petit Trianon on the 23rd December 1809 (see D. Ledoux Lebard, Le Petit Trianon, p.98). Other sets of wall lights can be found at various chateâux and palaces, including: Bagatelle, Pavlosk, Saint Hubert and Le Raincy.
157 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

A183RARE PAIR OF FRENCH ORMOLU AND MARBLE TORCHÈRES OR JARDINIÈRE STANDS IN LOUIS XVI STYLE, 19TH CENTURY each with a circular marble top inlaid in alabaster with a geometric star motif, above a gadrooned and fluted tazza, with acanthus handles supported by ram’s head monopodia terminating in hoof feet, the conforming triform base on lion’s paw supports (2) 119.8cm high, 49cm wide EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £10,000 15,000

159 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

160 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

The Red Room, Halton House © Historic England OF FRENCH ORMOLU AND SWEDISH GREEN PORPHYRY BRÛLE-PARFUMS IN LOUIS XVI STYLE AFTER A MODEL BY FRANÇOIS JOSEPH BÉLANGER (1744 1818) AND PIERRE GOUTHIÈRE (1732 1813), C.1830 each decorated with a grapevine, with a domed cover with a pierced frieze, above satyr monopodia supports, centred by an entwined serpent, on a circular base 46.7cm(2) AlfredProvenancehighdeRothschild (1842 1918) the Red Room at Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note This model is based on the celebrated ormolu mounted jasper vase recorded in the sale catalogue of Louis Marie Augustin, Duc d’Aumont, of the 12th December 1782, which is now in the Wallace Collection. The Duc d’Aumont was the First Gentleman of the King’s Bedchamber and commissioned his architect, Bélanger, to design many of the fixtures and fittings for his houses. These incorporated hardstones and porcelains, many of which were mounted in gilt bronze, often by Gouthière. The design of the jasper vase and hence the brûle parfums is thought to be based on a marble bas relief at the entrance to the Cesi Chapel in the Church of Santa Maria della Pace in Rome. In the 18th century, it was believed that the chapel was designed by Michelangelo and as such was a building frequently studied, drawn, and referenced in designs. Swedish or Dala porphyry was mined at Alvdalen, around 350km north of Stockholm, and was discovered by a vicar in around 1730. Excavations at a commercial scale, however, didn’t start until later in the 18th century at a period when the Antique, as a source of artistic inspiration, was on the rise. It was known that Egyptian porphyry was much prized in ancient Rome where it was seen as a symbol of power and hence was in great demand in the 18th century. However, the shortage in supply of porphyry to satiate the fashion of the times led to a search for alternative supplies which coincided with the discovery of porphyry in Alvdalen and the establishment of an industry in the 1790s. One of these fine brûle parfums can be seen in the photograph of Alfred’s Red Room below, it sits on a French cabinet below the George Romney portrait of Lady Hamilton. 184 detail

£5,000 8,000

162 A185FRENCH KINGWOOD AND ORMOLU MOUNTED BUREAU PLAT IN RÉGENCE STYLE AFTER THE MODEL BY CHARLES CRESSENT, LATE 19TH / EARLY 20TH CENTURY the rectangular top inset with a gilt tooled tan leather writing surface within a moulded border and shell mounts to the corners, above three frieze drawers with substantial leaf cast handles interspersed with bearded male masks concealing secret drawers, with espagnolette chutes, the ends with satyr masks and on lion’s paw feet 80.9cm high, 202.2cm wide, 100.5cm deep EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House AlexandreLiterature Pradère, Charles Cressent: sculpteur, ébéniste du Régent. £8,000 12,000


The Salon, Halton House © The Rothschild Archive

Catalogue Note This fine bureau plat is based on two known examples by the ébéniste Charles Cressent (1685 1768) who ranks with Boulle, Riesener and Gouthière as one of the most famous craftsmen of the 18th century. He was recorded as the official cabinet maker to the Duc d’Orléans who served as Regent to the young Louis XV from 1715 23. One of his specialities was the bureau plat, a new form of writing table thought to have been invented by André Charles Boulle at the beginning of the 18th century. One example is in the J.P. Getty Museum Collection (67.DA.10) and the other was formerly in the collection of Alfred de Rothschild and by descent to Edmund de Rothschild. It can be seen in the photograph of the Salon at Halton House.

AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Grand Staircase at Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘Four parqueterie card tables of French design, £25.0.0.’
Principal Staircase, Halton House © Historic England

SIMILAR KINGWOOD AND ORMOLU MOUNTED ENVELOPE CARD TABLES, TABLES À JEUX EN MOUCHOIR IN THE MANNER OF PAUL SORMANI, C.1880 each with panels of lattice parquetry, the hinged and swivel top centred with a monogram ‘A de R’ for Alfred de Rothschild, revealing a baize lined playing surface, with two frieze drawers on cabriole legs, one stamped ‘Brevète S8D6’ (2) 74.8cm high, 60.6 x 60.6cm

Catalogue Note Paul Sormani (Italian, 1817 1877) established his workshop after moving to Paris in 1847. Sormani based his designs on styles of the Louis XV and XVI era, alongside creating ‘fantasy furniture’ pieces which he described as ‘meubles de luxe’ (luxury furniture). Sormani’s work became very popular with the European aristocracy and Empress Eugénie, the wife of Napoleon III, chose to decorate her palaces with Sormani’s furniture. In French these envelope tables are known as ‘table a mouchoir’. £3,000 5,000 165 paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
the brass drum twin train movement with an outside countwheel striking on a bell, inscribed ‘Barancourt à Paris’, the three and three quarter inch enamelled dial with pierced, scrolling hands, with Roman hour numerals and Arabic minute numerals, inscribed ‘Barancourt à Paris’, in a case flanked by Venus receiving a dove from Cupid, on a rectangular base with a band of fruiting stiff leaves, above a central torch and quiver of arrows and a swag, on hairy lion’s paw feet and a rectangular plinth with a gilt beaded rim, with key and pendulum 35.2cm high, 26.5cm wide, 13.5cm deep AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Bedroom no.2, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)

The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘A Louis XVI clock by Barancourt a Paris, in white marble case with ormolu figures of Venus and Cupid, £30.0.0.’
Catalogue Note This clock is after the celebrated design by the fondeur François Vion, now in the Bibliothèque Doucet, Paris (VI E 15, Rés.fol.20/1). No.13 in the Livre de Desseins, the subject depicts La Douleur, although the flaming torch was replaced with a laurel sprig in execution. Referred to as Pleureusé in contemporary auction catalogues, Vion charged 450 livres for the finished model. The design and a related clock are illustrated in H. Ottomeyer / P. Pröschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, Band I, p.247, figs.4.6.9 and 4.6.10, whilst a further clock of this model, originally in the collection of the Earls of Shaftesbury, St. Giles’s House, Dorset, was sold anonymously at Christie’s London, 9 December 1993, lot 166.
Pierre Michel Barancourt became a Master Clockmaker in Paris in 1779. £2,000 3,000 166
167 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price A188FRENCH

the brass eight day drum movement with an outside countwheel, striking on a bell on the hour and the half hour, with gilt hour and minute hands and blued steel calendar hand, on a four and three quarter inch enamelled dial with black Arabic hour numerals and blue Arabic outer numerals for the calendar, in a white marble case surmounted by a cherub passing a basket of flowers to a young lady playing a lyre, with gilt swags beneath the dial and a relief panel to the base with putti playing with a garland, flanked by engine turned panels to the bow ends, on four engine turned feet, with a pendulum and two keys 42.5cm high, 34cm wide, 13.5cm deep AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Bedroom no.1, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘A Louis XVI clock in white marble case, sculptured with a nymph on plinth, mounted with ormolu frieze chased with Amorini, £30.0.0.’
Catalogue Note Nicolas Alexandre Folin was born c.1750 and was accepted into the guild as master in 1789. He used the signature 'Folin l'ainé 'the elder' to distinguish himself from his brother who was also a clockmaker. He was one of the top Parisian makers and specialised in high quality clocks. A superb skeleton clock made by him is in the Getty Museum. £3,000 5,000
AlfredProvenancelongdeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300 168
A190VICTORIAN SILVER TRAVELLING CLOCK BY ALFRED FULLER, LONDON, 1887 retailed by H. Lewes and Co., 172 New Bond Street, of oval form, with plain mounts, the gilded face with foliate scroll decoration, with an easel back 9.5cm

AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £100 150
LAZULI AND WHITE METAL MOUNTED PAPERWEIGHT LATE 19TH CENTURY of rectangular form, inscribed ‘Alfred’ to the front; together with a leather bound travelling alarm clock, retailed by Harrods, London, gilt stamped ‘E de R/20.5.51’; and a Swiss gilt metal clock inscribed ‘Arc de Triomphe, 1963, Exbury’ (3) paperweight 1.5cm high, 8cm wide, 7cm deep

BOX AND PERPETUAL CALENDAR RETAILED BY LEUCHARS AND SON, LONDON AND thePARISsilk and silver thread bound case with a turquoise silk bound fitted interior, mounted with the monogram of Alfred de Rothschild, the silver hinges hallmarked London 1884 and with the maker’s mark ‘WD’, probably for William Dyer, the retailer’s details stamped to the base; together with a treen desk thermometer by Field & Son, Aylesbury; a leather bound Telegraph Forms folder for Halton and Tring and a carved wood stamp box (5) 18cm high, 26.5cm wide, 14cm deep (max)
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Central Hall / Salon, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300 A191LAPIS

the brass eight day movement with repeat and alarm mechanisms, the silvered platform lever escapement wound via a handle to the underside, stamped ‘Le Roy & Fils, Patent No.9501’, striking the half hours on a gong, the backplate stamped with the serial number ‘10313’, the enamelled dial with black Roman hour and Arabic minute numerals above a subsidiary alarm dial, inscribed ‘Le Roy & Fils, 57 New Bond Street, Made in France’, the gorge case with bevelled glass panels and hinged handle, with an associated burgundy leather bound travelling case gilt stamped ‘E.L.R. 1929’ and with retailer’s marks for ‘Edward White, St James’s, SW1’ (2) 14cm EdmundProvenancehighde Rothschild (1916 2009)
See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price
The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note Keyless or bottom winding clock movements were an innovation patented by Le Roy et Fils. The going and striking trains are wound alternately by winding the fixed key first in one direction and then the other. This avoids the need for a separate key and enables both winding functions to take place at once. For a full discussion, see Alix and Bonnert, Carriage Clocks their History and Development, pp.219 221, they state that ‘examples with bottom winding seem without exception to have been prior to the year 1900. Perhaps significantly, the 57 New Bond St. address, with or without the Palais Royal, will usually if not always be found on bottom winding clocks.’ £1,000 1,500

the brass eight day movement with repeat and alarm mechanisms, the platform lever escapement striking the half hours on a gong, the backplate stamped with the serial number ‘1848’, the circular enamelled dial with black Roman numerals and subsidiary alarm dial inside a silvered frame with scrolling foliate decoration, in a gorge case with bevelled glass panels and a hinged handle, with a burgundy leather bound travelling case gilt stamped ‘6064’ to the base (2) 13cm LionelProvenancehighdeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £400 600 169
the substantial brass eight day twin fusee movement, with thick plates united by four turned pillars, the engraved gilt English platform lever escapement with cut and compensated bi metallic balance, with regulation lever, chiming and striking on two blued steel gongs, the backplate with strike/silent lever and inscribed ‘Payne & Co, 163 New Bond Street, London’ with serial number ‘1736’, the dial with black Roman numerals and engraved scrolling foliate decoration, further inscribed ‘Payne & Co, 163 New Bond Street, London, 1736’, the bevel glazed case with rounded corners and finely engraved with scrolling and flowering foliate decoration and cast hinged handle 22.8cm high (including handle)

170 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price A194FINE
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note William Payne is recorded as a watch and clockmaker at 62 South Molton Street from 1816. He moved to 163 New Bond Street in 1825. See Bonham’s, Fine Clocks, 14th July 2022, lot 6 for a clock by James McCabe in a similar fully engraved case. £8,000 12,000



SECOND HALF 18TH CENTURY soft and hard paste, variously painted with polychrome flower sprays on a white ground, comprising: four large lobed dishes, a large decagonal bowl, four oval dishes, five shell dishes, three large circular dishes, two side tureens and covers, four shaped dishes from a supper set, six square dishes in two sizes, twenty seven dinner plates, twenty one side plates, nine fruit plates, a small shallow dish, three bowls in two sizes, thirty four saucers, thirteen cups and ten coffee cans, together with twelve English porcelain soup plates to match (159)

See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £3,000 4,000 λ 196 A LATE VICTORIAN LACE AND BLONDE TORTOISESHELL FAN BY A. RODIEN, RETAILED BY DUVELLEROY, C.1890 with amber coloured guards and sticks, with a silver and diamond set monogram ‘M R’ probably for Marie Rothschild, the lace leaf worked with floral and leaf designs, in a silk box with gilt initials ‘M R’ and with a paper label for ‘J. Duvelleroy 167 Regent Street’, the interior marked ‘A. Rodien Eventailliste. 48 Rue Gambon’; together with a French painted vellum fan, with pierced and gilt decorated mother of pearl guards and sticks, the leaf painted with a boy kneeling before a girl accompanied by seven attendant young ladies, all in 18th century dress, signed ‘Rosa’, with a silk lined back (3) 51cm MarieProvenancewideRothschild (1862 1937) Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note Marie Rothschild (née Perugia) (1862 1937) married Leopold de Rothschild in 1881, a wedding attended by the Prince of Wales. They had three children, Lionel Nathan (1882 1942), Evelyn Achille (1886 1917) and Anthony Gustav (1887 1961). £300 500 172
The Oak Room

A199PAIR OF CHINESE AMBER STYLE TUFTED DUCKS 20TH modelledCENTURYsqua tting on the ground, on pierced hardwood stands together with a pair of Chinese green hardstone parrots in Kangxi style, standing on carved, cylindrical plinths and hardwood stands (4) 26cm high EdmundProvenance(max)deRothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £300 500 AN197EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF BEDROOM CERAMICS 19TH / EARLY 20TH CENTURY by various makers including Copeland Spode, Mintons and others with a variety of decoration including Aesthetic and blue transfer printing, comprising: ewers and basins, sponge dishes, vases, chamber pots and other items (A lot) LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £400 600 A198COROMANDEL JEWELLERY BOX 20TH CENTURY with a silk and velvet lined interior 8.7cm high, 23.3cm wide, 13.3cm deep EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300 174

LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £300 400
The Trustees of Exbury House £1,000 1,500
A200FRANCO-FLEMISH WALNUT DRAW-LEAF REFECTORY TABLE IN 17TH CENTURY STYLE, PROBABLY 19TH withCENTURYironmounts, the pull out top with cleated ends, with a central tablet on both sides, one with the date ‘1702’, the other with initials ‘DVMT’, the frieze with punched decoration, on carved scroll and flower turned legs united by peripheral 77cmstretchershigh, 167.6cm wide, 69.5cm deep EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009)
AN202ITALIAN VELVET DAMASK HANGING IN 17TH CENTURY STYLE the maroon voided silk on a gold coloured ground, decorated with palmettes, leaves and flowers, with a later woven twisted rope edge, the base with 303.2fringingx EdmundProvenance117cmdeRothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £100 150 202

A201VICTORIAN MAHOGANY BUTLER’S TRAY LATE 19TH CENTURY with brass mounts, the gallery pierced with four handgrips, on a folding stand (2) 84.2cm high, 82cm wide, 55.5cm deep

175 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price 201 200

A203VICTORIAN TWO SEATER SOFA IN THE MANNER OF HOWARD & SONS, LATE 19TH CENTURY with scroll arms and original chintz fabric upholstery, the simulated rosewood supports on brass castors, the underside indistinctly inscribed, with later loose covers 76.2cm high, 188cm wide, 80cm deep

A205WALNUT SIDE TABLE LATE 17TH CENTURY ELEMENTS AND LATER the quarter veneered and crossbanded top above a frieze drawer, on turned legs united by a shaped ‘X’ stretcher 70.9cm high, 92.4cm wide, 62.3cm deep

LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £500 700 AN204EDWARDIAN WALNUT WING ARMCHAIR BY HOWARD & SONS, IN WILLIAM AND MARY STYLE, EARLY 20TH CENTURY upholstered with blue plush fabric, on Braganza style front feet and with an ‘X’ stretcher, the back left leg stamped ‘523011’, the back right leg ‘Howard & Sons Ltd. Berners St.’

LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £500 800
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £500 800
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £800 1,200

theC.1825moulded edge top inset with a gilt tooled leather writing surface, above an arrangement of nine drawers, with a single point locking mechanism for each bank, the brass locks stamped ‘Comyn Ching & Co.’ 75.5cm high, 121cm wide, 73cm deep
177 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price
LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300

LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £400 600
AN207EDWARDIAN TUB ARMCHAIR BY HOWARD & SONS, IN GEORGE II STYLE, EARLY 20TH CENTURY with later button upholstery, on leaf carved cabriole front legs and claw and ball feet, the inside of the back left leg stamped ‘6314 8095 Howard & Sons Ltd Berners St.’
LATE 18TH CENTURY with a pierced fan shaped splat, above a drop in needlework seat
A209WILLIAM AND MARY STYLE EBONISED ‘BASKET’ TOP BRACKET CLOCK 19TH CENTURY the brass twin fusee movement with an anchor escapement, the brass dial with a six and a quarter inch silvered chapter ring with black Roman hour numerals inside Arabic minute numerals and winged cherub spandrels, the case with a pierced gilt metal ‘basket’ decorated with swags, fruit and scrolls and a swing handle, the front and sides with applied pierced gilt panels, on a stepped base and feet, with keys and 38.5cmpendulumhigh with handle up, 26cm wide, 17cm deep LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £1,000 1,500 A210NEJAFABAD CARPET CENTRAL PERSIA, C.1970 the camel ground of leafy vines centred by a flowerhead pole medallion, framed by terracotta spandrels and floral borders, flanked by guard stripes 313 x EdmundProvenance216cmdeRothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £400 600 178

The partnership of Howell and James was founded in 1819, they were originally silk merchants and retail jewellers. They exhibited at the Great Exhibition in 1851 and the International Exhibition of 1862 to great acclaim. On the back of the successful exhibitions, they opened further display rooms at their premises on Regent Street in 1860. In 1884 the business eventually dissolved, it became a limited company and finally closed in 1911. £300 400 179 5 Conditions back of catalogue charges on
for additional

See paragraphs 4 &
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Library, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘An old French coffre fort overlaid with tortoiseshell and mounted with brass bands terminating in fleur de lys, £10.0.0.’’ £1,500 2,000
of our
the final hammer price
with Gothic style pierced mounts engraved with scrolling foliate decoration, the hinged cover enclosing a cream, watered silk lined interior with the retailer’s plaque between the hinges 15.5cm high, 31cm wide, 22.2cm deep AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)

λ 211 A FRANCO-FLEMISH TORTOISESHELL AND BRASS MOUNTED COFFRE FORT EARLY 18TH CENTURY the tortoiseshell with a gilt foil backing, with trefoil strapwork mounts terminating in fleur de lis and side carrying handles, the hinged lid enclosing a vacant interior fitted with a steel lock 19.5cm high, 31.5cm wide, 25cm deep
The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note
of Business at the
See the Royal Collection Trust inv. no. RCIN54057 for another example.
(1842 1918) Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note This bronze bust of the future Queen Mary was made on the year of her marriage to George, Duke of York in 1893. She became Queen consort when her husband ascended the throne as King George V in 1910. ‘May’ was Queen Mary’s informal name used amongst family members.
William Henry Tyler was born in Worcester and studied at the Royal Academy Schools and exhibited fifteen times in the Royal Academy of Arts (Summer Exhibition). His studio was located at 26 Hereford Square, London. £500 800 180
BRONZE BUST OF QUEEN MARY WHEN DUCHESS OF YORK BY WILLIAM HENRY TYLER (1852 1906) with a dark brown patination, signed ‘Will Tyler’ and dated ‘1893’ with the foundry mark ‘Cié Des Bronzes, Bruxelles’, on a green speckled marble column incised ‘May’ 33cm high

181 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

PROBABLY AUGSBURG, LATE 16TH CENTURY with engraved and pierced scrolling leaf mounts and conforming engraved borders, the hinged top engraved with a scene of Adam and Eve beside the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden, with attendant animals, the underside engraved with a Biblical scene of God in Heaven, a rainbow to one side and an inebriated Noah lying on the ground, revealing an etched Moresque decorated interior above an arrangement of five drawers decorated in relief with panels of classical scenes of processions of chariots and figures, with two hinged doors decorated with maidens in landscape settings, one probably of Diana, revealing gilt copper lined compartments, on later sphinx supports 31.2cm high, 32.2cm wide, 23cm deep AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Billiard Room, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘A copper gilt casket, with lifting top and small drawers below, engraved with Adam and Eve, emblematic friezes of Amorini, supported by Sphinx, German, 17th century, £40.0.0.’ Catalogue Note Kabinettkaestchen, literally ‘cabinet box’, of this type were produced in a variety of metals and woods and were often given as gifts for significant events such as betrothals, weddings and baptisms. It is perhaps significant that the example being offered here and the other two referenced below each feature a scene of a baptism on the underside of the top cover. Given the detail of the decoration and the locks to the two small cabinets it is likely that they were meant primarily for the storage of precious objects such as jewellery as described in R. Baarsen, 17th Century Cabinets, Rijksmuseum Dossiers, Zwolle, 2000. Although perhaps a little tenuous, it is possible to interpret the use of the scenes of Adam and Eve being tempted by the Serpent and Noah a little worse for wear after drinking a bit too much wine as warnings against being tempted to steal what was being stored within the cabinet. Nüremburg and Augsburg were renowned for making small scale and highly decorative objects in a variety of metals and it is highly likely that the example offered here was made in a workshop in one of these two cities. Their history and production is discussed at length in G. Summlung, Kostbar und geheimnisvoll Miniaturmöbel und Schatzkästchen.

For similar items, see Christie’s, From Roentgen to Fabergé: A European Private Collection, 20th May 2015, lot 9 and The Rijksmuseum, Object Number NK 17523. The casket offered by Christie’s, as well as the Italian example being offered as part of the Exbury Collection, lot 219, are both covered in velvet and it is possible that this example may also have had velvet laid around the scrolled decoration. For similar etched decoration, see a 16th century close helmet in the Wallace Collection attributed to Conrad Richter of Augsburg, inv. A188. £8,000 12,000 182
See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

IN RENAISSANCE STYLE, 19TH CENTURY of convex circular form, the centre with a depiction of Hercules killing Lichas after the sculpture by Antonio Canova (c.1795), the surrounding field delineated by concentric scaled bands and displaying classical busts in rondels separated by mythical creatures, the outer border with leaf masks and foliate sprays, with a laurel wreath rim, the reverse with handgrip and two fixed rings 60cm AlfredProvenancediameterdeRothschild (1842 1918) the Bronzina Room, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘An Italian circular shield, chased with Hercules and Lycas on gold and blue ground with medallion heads and caryatid figures round the border, 16th century, £200.0.0.’’ £800 1,200 184

The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘An Italian steel shield, chiselled with a battle scene, warriors, masks and strapwork and the ground damascened with gold 16th century, £200.0.0.’’
STEEL PARADE SHIELD IN THE STYLE OF ELISEUS LIBAERTS OF ANTWERP, 19TH CENTURY of cartouche form, with a central oval panel depicting a classical battle with a cavalry action to the foreground, a clash of infantry beyond and a fortress in the distance; further panels depicting warriors and the allegorical figure of Victory, a horned mask with snakes above and a serene face below; the remaining field inhabited by bound captives and trophies of arms, with a scrolling border set with gilt and fluted studs 71.5 x AlfredProvenance40cmdeRothschild (1842 1918) the Bronzina Room, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)

Catalogue Note Another example of this form of shield, purported to be after an original in the National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen, is held by Museo Stibbert, Florence. It may be compared to an example of Libaerts’ work produced for the coronation of the Holy Roman Emperor Maximillian II in 1564 and which is held in Skokloster Castle in Sweden. £800 1,200 185 paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price
The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘An Italian scircular shield, chiselled with battle scenes and emblematic figures and partly damascened with gold, Milanese 16th century, £300.0.0.’’
Catalogue Note The original shield attributed to Georgio Ghisi was made in Antwerp in 1554. It was acquired by Baron Anselm von Rothschild at the Demidov sale in 1870 and then by inheritance to his son Baron Ferdinand Rothschild of Waddesdon Manor. It was left to the British Museum in 1898 by Baron Ferdinand Rothschild as part of the Waddesdon Bequest of over 300 objects. It is interesting that Alfred had a copy of his cousin’s shield. £800 1,200 186
AND GILDED STEEL COPY OF THE GHISI PARADE SHIELD IN RENAISSANCE STYLE, 19TH CENTURY of convex circular form, relief decorated with a central scene of equestrian combat and four oval panels depicting the allegorical figures of Victory, Fame, Fortune and Prudence; the intervening space inhabited by warriors and satyrs from the Illiad and ancient mythology, with intricate gilt decoration to the cartouche frames around the panels, the figures’ garments and other details, with a gilt border and a fringed velvet lining 58cm AlfredProvenancediameterdeRothschild (1842 1918) the Bronzina Room, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)

See paragraphs
Catalogue Note This shield shows design influences from the parade armour made by Giovanni Battista Panzeri and Marco Antonio Fava, 1559 for Archduke Ferdinand II in the Kunsthistoriches Museum, Vienna. £800 1,200 187 4 & 5 our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price
ITALIAN EMBOSSED AND GILDED STEEL PARADE SHIELD IN MILANESE RENAISSANCE STYLE, 19TH CENTURY of convex circular form, with acanthus detail to the centre with a projecting boss of leaves and berries, the main field decorated in relief with an elaborate arrangement of strapwork and foliate scrolls inhabited by winged beasts, putti and grotesque masks, with four oval panels with depictions of biblical and apocryphal stories comprising: Judith and Holofernes, David and Goliath, Samson massacring the Philistines, and Samson and Delilah with a sunken border richly embellished with mythical creatures and with trophies of arms on a gilded ground, with a rope twist edge and a fringed velvet lining and later wooden mount 62cm AlfredProvenancediameterdeRothschild (1842 1918) the Bronzina Room, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘An Italian circular shield chiselled with panels of scriptural subjects, trophies and arabesques on a gilt groundwork, 16th century, £250.0.0.’’

The Rotunda

The Milanese Armourer’s Cabinet

The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘An Italian cabinet with architectural front, overlaid with steel plaques chiselled with classical warriors and partly damascened with gold, Milanese, 16th Century, on stand, £300.0.0.’
AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Red Room at Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009)
For comparisons to our present cabinet, see the Victoria and Albert Museum for a cabinet with very similar panels and subject matter gifted by Dr. Hildburgh, accession no. M.22:1 1952, dated to 1550 1600. In the Waddesdon Bequest at the British Museum there is an architectural cabinet formerly belonging to Alfred’s cousin Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild, reg. no. WB.16. See also three cabinets in the Museo Poldi Pezzoli and a writing cabinet in the Philadelphia Museum of Art, accession no. 1930 1 187.
See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price
For a discussion of these cabinets, see Silvio Leydi, Mobili Milanesi in acciaio e metalli preziosi nell’eta del Manierismo in Fatto in Italia. Dal Medioevo al Made in Italy, ed. by Alessandra Guerrini, with Barbara Brondi and Marco Raino. Catalogue of the exhibition at Reggia di Venaria, 19th March 10th July 2016. £10,000 15,000 192
A219RARE NORTH ITALIAN DAMASCENED STEEL AND GILT BRONZE ARMOURER’S TABLE CABINET IN THE MANNER OF THE WORKSHOP OF GIOVANNI BATTISTA PANZERI, MILAN, THE PLAQUES LATE 16TH / EARLY 17TH CENTURY, THE CABINET 19TH CENTURY fitted with eleven drawers around a central cupboard hinged door, decorated in relief with scenes from Roman history before cityscapes, with swags of fruit and leaves, soldiers, satyr masks, war trophies and term figures, the cupboard with the story of Gaius Mucius Scaevola, revealing a gilt lined vacant interior, the cabinet with a pierced scrolling leaf silver gilt border and green damask velvet panels, on sphinx supports, on an associated and later French ‘Japonisme’ stand (2) cabinet: 42.5cm high, 59.8cm wide, 35.5cm deep the stand: 80.8cm high, 65.7cm wide, 42.5cm deep
Catalogue Note In Milan during the second half of the 16th century skilled craftsmen who produced damascened armour and weapons for noble patrons began to expand their production into furniture. Creating mainly cabinets with drawers, some of architectural form but also tables, mirrors, picture frames and tabernacles, they were tailored to the tastes of wealthy patrons desiring one of a kind masterworks epitomizing luxury. These objects made by the Milanese armourers were decorated with steel or iron plaquettes, embossed and damascened with gold and silver, depicting subjects inspired by Roman history or mythology. Sometimes they were embellished with small sculptures. One of the prominent makers to capitalise on this luxury market was Giovanni Battista Panzeri, called Zarabaglia, who also specialised in devotional objects. His masterpiece is arguably the reliquary tabernacle in the form of a church, made for Spain’s El Escorial, kept in its Monastery of San Lorenzo.

The Iconography
The central panel depicts Gaius Mucius Scaevola in front of the Etruscan king, Lars Porsena. Scaevola, a young Roman, formed a plan to save Rome from the intruder Etruscan army by assassinating their king but he mistakenly killed the king’s secretary. When Scaevola was captured, he bravely declared “I am Gaius Mucius, a citizen of Rome. I came here as an enemy to kill my enemy, and I am as ready to die as I am to kill. We Romans act bravely and, when adversity strikes, we suffer bravely.” Scaevola then thrust his right hand in a fire to prove he meant his words. Lars Porsena was so impressed by his actions that he allowed Scaevola to leave and soon after sought to make a treaty with Rome. The panels surrounding this legendary scene are also connected to the siege of Rome, depicting Roman heroes standing up to the Etruscan king. Bottom left showing Horatius Cocles who, first accompanied by two fellow soldiers, but eventually singlehandedly held off the advancing army at the foot of the bridge over the Tiber. The panel above shows a woman standing in front of the king on horseback. The female figure is probably Cloelia who escaped from the Etruscan camp and led away a group of Roman virgins. Cloelia later voluntarily returned to Lars Porsena, who then praised her for her heroism and allowed her to walk away again with half of the Roman hostages. And the bottom right panel depicts the ultimate sacrifice of a Roman hero with the story of Marcus Curtius: when a bottomless chasm mysteriously opened on the Forum, the augur declared it will not close until the most precious possession of Rome was sacrificed. Curtius responded that the soldiers’ courage and arms were what made Rome exceptional, before, on horseback and fully armed, he threw himself into the pit which then promptly disappeared. These panels are consistent with the Renaissance period which saw a shift towards more historic and Biblical themes. A return was made to classical Greek and Roman ethos of society and this also appeared on furniture. Many pieces showcased intricate artwork depicting historic scenes. Similar trends can be observed on parade armour created in the 16th and 17th century for the high nobility. 194

195 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

AFTER THE MODEL BY PIERRE GOUTHIÈRE, C.1820 30 AND LATER each with a royal blue ovoid body with entwined serpent handles, with stiff leaf decoration and a band of laurel to the spreading foot, later fitted with lily flower and leaf three light candelabra branches, on a later fluted plinth, later drilled and fitted for electricity (2) 110.2cm AlfredProvenancehighdeRothschild (1842 1918) the Ante Room to the Central Hall / Salon, Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘A pair of Louis XVI candelabra, formed of gros bleu Sèvres porcelain vases, mounted with ormolu serpent handles and lily branches for three lights.’
Catalogue Note A related example is in the Jones Collection in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London accession no. (982 A 1882) and is illustrated in H. Ottomeyer / P. Pröschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, vol.I, p.259, fig. 4.7.12. £10,000 15,000 196
See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price A220PAIR

See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional
PORCELAIN VASES AFTER THE MODEL BY PIERRE GOUTHIÈRE, SECOND HALF 19TH CENTURY each with a royal blue ovoid body applied with leaf and flower swags, with entwined serpent handles, with stiff leaf decoration and a band of laurel to the spreading foot, later fitted with lily flower and leaf three light candelabra branches, later drilled and fitted for electricity (2) 104cm AlfredProvenancehighdeRothschild (1842 1918) the Ante Room to the Central Hall / Salon, Halton House, LionelBuckinghamshiredeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘A pair of Louis XVI candelabra, formed of gros bleu Sèvres porcelain vases, mounted with ormolu serpent handles and enriched with ormolu festoons of flowers, lily branches for three lights.’ Catalogue Note A related example is in the Jones Collection in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London accession no. (982 A 1882) and is illustrated in H. Ottomeyer / P. Pröschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, vol.I, p.259, fig.4.7.12. £4,000 6,000 198 charges situ

on the final hammer price Lot 220 in

A222FOUR-FOLD SCREEN LATE 19TH / EARLY 20TH CENTURY double sided and with arched tops, decorated with exotic birds and butterflies amidst flowers and leaves 196.5 x 51.3cm each panel EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £500 800 FIVE224 PAIRS OF BURNT ORANGE SILK CURTAINS LATE 20TH CENTURY interlined and with a box pleat and wooden poles (5) 348 x 216.2cm (max) EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £300 400 A223GILTWOOD WALL MIRROR IN GEORGE II STYLE, 19TH CENTURY the shaped plate within a frame carved with ‘C’ scrolls, leaves and flowers 113 x EdmundProvenance67.7cmdeRothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £500 800 200

201 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

Winter Garden West, Halton House © The Rothschild Archive

ITALIAN MICROMOSAIC AND SIENA MARBLE CENTRE TABLE ATTRIBUTED TO GIACOMO RAFFAELLI AND HIS WORKSHOP, ROME OR MILAN, C.1800 10 the circular top finely inlaid with an outer laurel wreath and a band of rinceaux decoration of scrolling leaves and stylised flowers on a white ground, with an inner border of a ribbon spiralling around a vine with leaves and morning glory flowers, the centre with quarter veneered Egyptian alabaster and a lapis lazuli rondel, the revolving top with a gilt bronze band with engine turned decoration, on a Siena marble base, the stem carved with acanthus leaves, the triform plinth carved with further leaves and fluting with a band of ribbon tied laurel leaves 93.3cm high, 95.8cm diameter AlfredProvenancedeRothschild (1842 1918) the Winter Garden at Halton House, Buckinghamshire Lionel de Rothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3,, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘An Italian circular table, with mosaic top on giallo marble tripod carved with acanthus foliage, £80.0.0.’ £40,000 60,000

203 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

Comparative Literature Jeanette Hanisee Gabriel, Micromosaics in Private Collections. Jeanette Hanisee Gabriel, The Gilbert Collection, Micromosaics.
The use of rinceaux was a popular motif in tables made at the end of the 18th century by Raffaelli and his contemporaries, for example the pair of tables supplied by Pompeo Savini to the Polish Court at Castello Reale, Warsaw and the pair of tables by Andrea and Michelangelo Volpini at Syon House. Two circular table tops using a band of rinceaux on a white ground are attributed to the studio of Raffaelli di San Sebastianello and they are illustrated in ‘Giacomo Raffaelli (1753 1836) Maestro di Stile e di Mosaico’ by Anna Maria Massinelli pp.262 263, fig.302 and 303. One in a private collection, the other in the Museo Civici in Bologna.

For recent auction sales of micromosaic tables attributed to Giacomo Raffaelli, see Christie’s, Julians Park, Hertfordshire, 8th June 2021, lot 30 which was inlaid with birds, butterflies and grapes and sold for £100,000. Also Sotheby’s, New York, 19th century Furniture and Decorative Arts, 15th October 2015, lot 25 for a rectangular table inlaid with rinceaux and a central oval panel of the Doves of Pliny, $181,250, Christie’s, Amsterdam, The Decorative Arts Sale, 22nd September 2010, lot 441 EUR 217,000 for an oval table decorated with goldfinch and Brunk Auctions, Asheville, 6th September 2003, lot 260, the micromosaic top on a painted wood base by Thomas Hope, $400,000.
Napoleon and Roman Micromosaics Napoleon and his wife Josephine were avid collectors of micromosaic works of art evidenced by the gift a pair of vases and a clock by Pope Pius VII on his coronation in Paris in 1804. Following the Napoleonic occupation in Rome between 1808 1814 the Vatican workshops became directly responsible to the Imperial Crown and were commissioned to furnish Napoleon’s apartments at the Palazzo Quirinale in Rome. The symbolism employed on our table points to the Napoleonic style, in particular the use of a laurel wreath on the top, also the laurel and acanthus on the wonderful marble base and finally the impressive gilt bronze edge. It is interesting to speculate whether this table was made during Raffaelli’s period in Milan possibly as a commission by the Napoleonic Court. We would like to thank Dr Jeanette Gabriel for her help in cataloguing this present lot.
Catalogue Note Giacomo Raffaelli (1753 1836) was born in Rome and his family were involved in the mosaic industry providing smalti to the Vatican Mosaic Workshop, the material which mosaics are made of. Giacomo studied painting and sculpture at an early age. He became one of the most celebrated artists in hardstones and mosaics and is credited with the invention of micromosaics in about 1775. He was patronised by Pope Pius XV and worked in both the Vatican workshops as well as from his own studio in Piazza di Spagna. Raffaelli executed a wide variety of objects and furnishings and attained international fame that culminated in 1787 when he was awarded the title ‘Councillor of Liberal Arts’ by Stanislaus II Augustus, King of Poland. In Rome, he had workshops on the Salita di San Sebastianello and later in Vita del Balbuino. Following the French occupation of Rome in 1797 and the collapse of the local mosaic market he moved to Milan to direct a mosaic workshop and school. This had been founded at Napoleon’s orders by Eugène de Beauharnais (Napoleon’s stepson) who became Viceroy of Italy in 1805. During the Milan period he executed the monumental Last Supper based on a copy by Giuseppe Bossi. He also produced a fireplace and clock that were said to have been presented to Napoleon as gifts from Pius VII and later housed at Malmaison. He returned to Rome around 1817 20 to his home at 92 Via Babuino (which was designed by the Neo classical architect Giuseppe Valadier) where he passed away in 1936.
Raffaelli’s output was considerable. Some of his most important commissions were for the Polish court, including a portrait of the King’s brother Prince Michael Poniatowski, Bishop of Poland. He also supplied a pair of specimen marble centre tables to Sir Clifford Constable, for Burton Constable (now in Temple Newsam) and the impressive ‘Centrepiece of the Viceroy’, probably made for Eugène de Beuharnais (displayed in the Villa Carlotta, Cadenabbia).
Anna Maria Massinelli, Giacomo Raffaelli (1753 1836) Maestro di stile e di mosaico. E. M. Efimova, West European Mosaics of the 13th 19th centuries in the Collection of the Hermitage.
The attribution Giacomo Raffaelli is considered the only master of both hardstones and micromosaics. The use of both media in our table point to his manufacture. We can observe various techniques in the making of the mosaic table which also points to Raffaelli. For instance, the inner ribbon band uses both oval and rectilinear tesserae in a naturalistic floral pattern which is evident in his other tables. Other trademark techniques are also evident, including horizontal rows of background tesserae, the outlining of leaves with a single row of tesserae and of course meticulous execution.

205 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

The Entrance Hall 206

See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price The TablesHaltonRothschildSalon
NEAR PAIR OF FRENCH ROSEWOOD AND ORMOLU MOUNTED TABLES DE MILIEU IN LOUIS XVI STYLE, ATTRIBUTED TO LOUIS AUGUSTE ALFRED BEURDELEY, C.1850 60 each with a rectangular Sarrancolin opera marble top with a moulded edge, above a breakfront frieze, one mounted with two 17th century Florentine pietra dura tablets inlaid with figures after engravings by Callot, the other mounted with a pair of micromosaic plaques, decorated with scrolling foliage and flower mounts, on tapering column legs with Ionic capitals, laurel leaf bands, on acanthus toupie feet, damages to marble tops 87.5cm(2) high, 138.2cm wide, 76cm deep and 88.2cm high, 143.5cm wide, 76cm (1842 1918) the Central Hall / Salon, Halton House, (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House RothschildLiterature Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of ‘The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring’. 1918. Listed as ‘A pair of side tables, of Louis XVI design, mounted with ormolu friezes richly chased with foliage and with mosaic plaques in the centre, the tops formed of fleur de peche marble’. £20,000 30,000 207


© The
Alvar Gonzalez Palacios in his book ‘The Art of Mosaic: Selections from the Gilbert Collection’, originally dated these pietra dura plaques to the 18th century of Opificio manufactory but more recently in his work ‘Il gusto dei Principi’ he has attributed them to the first half of the 17th century.
Annamaria Giusti noted in her book ‘Pietre Dure: L’arte europea del mosaico negli arredi e nelle decorazioni dal 1500 al 1800’, that most of the 17th century plaques with this subject matter are mounted in 18th and 19th century furniture.
Similar plaques can be found on a table formerly in the collection of Alfred de Rothschild and now in the Gilbert Collection in the Victoria and Albert Museum. It stood (with its pair) in the glass domed Salon opposite our present tables at Halton House, Buckinghamshire. Four plaques can be found on the Hume / Beckford cabinet at Charlecote Park, Warwickshire and further examples can be seen on a tabletop at Versailles.
The two Italian pietra dura panels mounted on one of the tables depict dwarf caricatures taken from designs by Baccio del Bianco (1604 1657) based on engravings by Jacques Callot (1592 1635) from his book, titled ‘Varie Figure Gobbi’ (1612 1622). Del Bianco worked extensively for the Medici, designing objects in various media and organising spectacles. Callot’s book, which was published in 1616, depicts a 16th century travelling troupe of performing dwarves who were at the court of Cosimo II.
The Micromosaic The other table is mounted with a pair of early micromosaic plaques, worked with scrolling foliage on a black ground. The colouring of the mosaic matches the colouring employed on the magnificent micromosaic table top by Don Giacomo Pellicea of poultry that stood opposite it at Halton House. present lot opposite the Gilbert Collection tables in the Salon at Halton House Rothschild situ in the Salon at Halton House Rothschild
210 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price The
Catalogue Note These impressive tables were potentially bespoke made for the hardstone and mosaic plaques found on their friezes. They were displayed pride of place in the Central Hall / Salon at Halton House, see the photographs opposite to see them in situ, c.1888.

The business was established in 1804 by Jean Beurdeley who was noted as a ‘marchand de curiosites’. Louis Auguste Alfred Beurdeley (French 1808 1882) took over the firm in 1840 and relocated the business to rue Louis Legrand where he elevated the quality of their manufacture. Not only did they produce grand furniture but they became prominent dealers in French furniture and objets d’art. According to Christopher Payne in his book ‘Paris Furniture: the luxury market of the 19th century’, the Beurdeley dynasty was ‘one of the best makers, their work is always of a very high quality, technically superb’.
The Pietra Dura
© The
The quality of their ormolu mounts and their ‘improved look’ point to an attribution to the Paris firm of cabinet makers, Beurdeley.
Archive The present lot in


the barrel carved from Egyptian Imperial red porphyry with ribbed decoration and incised lines to simulate staved construction, with a gilt bronze stopper engraved with the Visconti family coat of arms, with a tap with a dolphin handle and a beast spout, the porphyry and gilt bronze stand with ram supports, engraved with an inscription ‘Ioannes Card Visconti’ and ‘Milano Anno 1340’ 32.4cm high,16.5cm wide, 46.5cm long LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House Catalogue Note The term porphyry is from the Ancient Greek ‘porphyra’ meaning purple. In antiquity purple was the colour of royalty and combined with its hardness Egyptian porphyry became very much prized for monuments and building projects in Imperial Rome and thereafter. Giovanni Visconti (c.1290 1354) was an Italian Roman Catholic cardinal who was co ruler of Milan and Pavia. The present lot is possibly a commemorative piece celebrating 500 years of the Visconti family in 1840. We would like to thank Dario Del Bufalo for his assistance and advice in cataloguing this lot. £4,000 6,000 212

213 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

A228CHINESE PORCELAIN FAMILLE VERTE STIC STAND KANGXI STYLE, 19TH CENTURY of cylindrical form, the powder blue ground painted with a large panel of two ladies before a fence, a lakeside landscape verso and smaller panels of vases and flowering rocky gardens, damages 61cm high, 23cm diameter EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £500 800 A229YAZD CARPET SOUTH EAST PERSIA, C.1920 the ivory field with an all over design of large palmettes and scrolling vines, enclosed by borders of meandering vines, flanked by double guard stripes 555 x LionelProvenance377cmdeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £500 800 214 The Archive & Garden

A230PAIR OF GEORGE II LEAD FINIALS C.1730 40 each of campana urn shape decorated with swags of fruit and leaves suspended from rings, with a cone finial on a stiff leaf decorated stem and square foot (2) 90cm high, 49cm wide LionelProvenancedeRothschild (1882 1942) Edmund de Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £2,000 3,000 215 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our Conditions of Business at the back of this catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer price

A231BAKHTIARI CARPET WEST PERSIA, C.1970 a raspberry field of flowering vines around an ivory and indigo medallion framed by spandrels and meandering vine borders, flanked by carnation guard stripes; together with an Isparta carpet (2) 303 x 218cm and 303 x 209cm EdmundProvenancede Rothschild (1916 2009) The Trustees of Exbury House £200 300 End of Sale

FINE FURNITURE, WORKS OF ART & CLOCKS THURSDAY 6TH OCTOBER 2022 AN EARLY VICTORIAN SILVER AND MICROMOSAIC SNUFF BOX THE MICROMOSAIC ATTRIBUTED TO GIACOMO RAFFAELLIProvenanceBy family repute, the Middlemore Baronets and by descentEstimate £3,000 5,000* ENQUIRIESMark Yuan Richards | +44 (0)1722 411854 | myr@woolleyandwallis.co.uk*Visit woolleyandwallis.co.uk/buying for additional charges on final hammer price

SILVER & OBJECTS OF VERTU TUESDAY 25TH & WEDNESDAY 26TH OCTOBER 2022 A late 16th century German parcel gilt silver setzbecher or stacking beaker, circa 1570, height 8.5cm Estimate £6,000 8,000* ENQUIRIES Rupert Slingsby | +44 (0)1722 424501 | rs@woolleyandwallis.co.uk Lucy Chalmers | +44 (0)1722 424594 | lc@woolleyandwallis.co.uk *Visit woolleyandwallis.co.uk/buying for additional charges on final hammer price

ASIAN ART TUESDAY 15TH & WEDNESDAY 16TH NOVEMBER 2022 A FINE CHINESE IMPERIAL GREEN ENAMELLED 'DRAGON' JAR AND COVER QIANLONG MARK AND OF THE PERIOD 1736 95 Provenance: from the collection of Admiral Robert Coote CB (1820-1898), and thence by descent. Estimate £50,000 80,000* AsianArt@woolleyandwallis.co.ukENQUIRIES *Visit woolleyandwallis.co.uk/buying for additional charges on final hammer price

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Exbury House: Le Goût Rothschild