Fontillas 2017 SVA Sophomore Design Portfolio

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2017 Design Portfolio

Jamye Fontillas



4 Abstract Compositions & Conceptual Book Design

Tutti, Fugue, Da Capo


Typographic Patterns & Package Design

Visual Literacy


Visual Problem-Solving Solutions

Fairly Sweet Chocolate


Visual Identity & Package Design


84 Conceptual Book Design


100 Original Typeface Design

Abstract Compositions & Conceptual Book Design

Course: Graphic Design

Instructor: Frank Young


Deconstruct given images to create a total of two hundred different abstractions - don’t think, just create.

Create a conceptual and cohesive book, at least four hundred pages, utilizing the previous abstractions. Print and bind.

Absurdity Excerpt: Exploration and Abstract Connections with the Unsolved Somerton Man Case. Includes superimposed motion stills of the book. pg 152 - 167

Pattern & Package Design

Course: Typography

Instructor: Olga Mezhibovskaya

Tutti, Fugue, Da Capo

Using pattern techniques, create logos out of type and manipulate its position to create intricate patterns.

Design a trio of wine labels, using typographic patterns, all relating to three given musical terms to serve as the names of the bottles.

Visual Problem-Solving

Course: Visual Literacy

Instructor: Richard Wilde

Visual Literacy

Project One: Create a dynamic geometric shape, and then strictly use that shape to create sixteen different scenes.

Don’t you find it intriguing

How one moment, all is calm, life is still

Until the universe rotates that extre degree

And peril becomes inevitable

Tonight is the night - you choose the good tie

Until tonight’s night takes a turn

And you throw back the good drinks

And it’s no longer a good night

Once there was a duck

Who floated along, gazing at the sunset

Until suddenly he was overcome with the feeling

That maybe everything is not as it seems

We exist in this time and space

And our thoughts never transcend

Until we are face to face with an unfamiliar reality

However, to experience is the only way we’ll transform

Project Two: Create a visual per day for a month, primarily based upon a situation or feeling from that particular day. To be read as a visual diary.

And Life Swung By, Just To Say Hello.

And I Was Present, In Order To Greet It Kindly. And We Designed, Extremely Dependent On Each Other. The Two Are Not Separate But Rather An Intertwined Relationship.

Visual Identity & Package Design

Course: Computers in the Studio

Instructor: Tyler Mintz

Fairly Sweet Chocolate

Create a fictional chocolate company and design their visual identity and packaging.


Fairly Sweet Vegan Chocolate P22 Dearest Pro 24 pt

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

This typeface is to be used in the logo, including the subheader when applicable, as well as the chocolate descriptions on the face of the packaging.

[Fairly Sweet] is a chocolate company that all vegans - or not! - love and trust. All ingredients are fair trade and organic, and our cocoa comes from the beautiful fields of Indonesia. Treating both sides of the chocolate company with love is the most important process of chocolate making. Enjoy this completely guilt-free goodness, and continue loving mother earth!

Bodoni 72 Book 14 pt

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

This typeface is to be used for the company description on the back of the packaging, nutrition label, and ounce description on the front of the packaging. It is also to be used whenever description of the company is to be printed on any official stationary.

Corporate Colors

C: 24

C: 3

C: 0

C: 4

C: 19

C: 46

M: 16


M: 12

M: 17

M: 27

M: 47

Y: 9

Y: 2

Y: 7

Y: 12

Y: 23

Y: 45

K: 0

K: 0

K: 0

K: 0

K: 0

K: 8

Individual Packaging Colors

C: 3

C: 3

C: 3

C: 3

M: 0

M: 0

M: 0

M: 0

Y: 2

Y: 2

Y: 2

Y: 2

K: 0

K: 0

K: 0

K: 0

C: 0

C: 18

C: 17

C: 7

M: 12

M: 5

M: 11

M: 16

Y: 7

Y: 23

Y: 5

Y: 20

K: 0

K: 0

K: 0

K: 0

C: 4

C: 23

C: 24

C: 10

M: 17

M: 4

M: 16

M: 23

Y: 12

Y: 37

Y: 9

Y: 35

K: 0

K: 0

K: 0

K: 0

C: 20

C: 35

C: 36

C: 19

M: 29

M: 11

M: 24

M: 34

Y: 24

Y: 48

Y: 12

Y: 40

K: 0

K: 0

K: 0

K: 0

Conceptual Book Design

Course: Typography

Instructor: Olga Mezhibovskaya


Create a forty-page book exploring the term, “The Rhythmical Structures of Typography and Architecture�. Experiment with the guide of a grid in building compositions. Build a sculpture based off of the contents of the book to be a three-dimensional interpretation. Print and Bind.

Cover Image

g r i Rhythmical Structures of Typography and Architecture. Rhythmical Structures of Typography and Architecture. Rhythmical Structures of Typography and Architecture. Rhythmical Structures of Typography and Architecture. Rhythmical Structures of Typography and Architecture. Rhythmical Structures of Typography and Architecture. Rhythmical Structures of Typography and Architecture. Rhythmical Structures of Typography and Architecture. Rhythmical Structures of Typography and Architecture. Rhythmical Structures of Typography and Architecture.


Typeface Design

Course: Typography

Instructor: Olga Mezhibovskaya

Fontillas Typeface

Through the play of sketching new letterforms, choose the most interesting and grow an entirely new typeface. Based upon the principles of anatomy and structure of letterforms.

Jamye Fontillas is a graphic designer at the School of Visual Arts. She grew up in Marin County, California, and moved to New York City to pursue her visual arts career.

This portfolio is a record of her top projects that she completed in her sophomore year at SVA. From learning to manually bind books, to scrutinizing over the hairlines of a letterform, her sophomore year presented many challenges. However, all of her long nights and countless revisions led her to gain more knowledge and strength than she had any other previous school year. She is forever greatful for her support and encouragement from those around her as she evolves into a designer.

A great teacher is one who inspires. A huge thank you to all of my teachers, artistic and academic! Cheryl Heller & Manolo Ampudia: Design for Social Innovation

John Parks: Drawing

Greg D’Onofrio: History of Graphic Design

William Rednour: Pre Modernist History

Jamie Keesling: Pre Modernist Art History

Richard Wilde: Visual Literacy

Olga Mezhibovskaya: Typography

Frank Young: Graphic Design

Tyler Mintz: Computers in the Studio

School of Visual Arts, New York City

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