Future of Food // Entomophagy Project

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HENRIETTE HOLT KATRINE FENNEBERG FREDERIK BEYER RIIS JANA CHRISTENSEN KLEMENS LACOPPIDAN Photo credit: cdn.twentytwowords.com/wp-content/uploads/Land-Rover-ads-featuring-nasty-exotic-foods-01-634x898.jpg?268afe

This report was compiled by undergraduate students at KEA - Copenhagen School of Design and Technology as an assignment for a 3 week course on Human Centered Design. Jan 2016

TEAM Henriette Holt, Age 26

Frederik Beyer Riis, Age 23

Production Technologist,


Currently studying Entrepreneurship at KEA. Has a passion for living design. Is skilled within: Modeling and prototyping, knowledge of materials, product development, concept development.

Jana Christensen, Age 25

Katrine Fenneberg, Age 28 Design Technologist, Currently studying Communication Design & Media at KEA. Has a passion for marketing and Social Media. Is skilled within: Concept development, written and visual communication, graphic design and storytelling.

Design Technologist; Marketing & Sales Management. Currently studying Brand Design at KEA. Has a passion for written & visual communication and customer based analysis/target group analysis. Statement: Design solutions have to function as a holistic perspective across all organs and platforms within a given issue. From beginning to end.

Klemens Lacoppidan, Age 26 Multimedia Designer, Currently studying Communication Design & Media at KEA. Has a passion for written & visual communication and concept development. Working as a Graphic Productionmanager at DDB.

Currently studying Entrepreneurship at KEA. Has a passion for concept development, product development and prototyping. Working as head supervisor for the sushi production at Bella Center Copenhagen. Educating a team in new sushi trends including production.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Entomophagy - How do we get the Danish population to eat insects despite it not being apart of our culture? The project began with a comprehensive desk research with the purpose to map out the different eduble insects and in which parts of the world they were eaten. To gain a bigger insight into what will get the Danes to eat a food as unfamiliar as insects different types of research were made; including a survey with answers from 131 respondents, an interview of 8 people and a focus group of 5 people. The combined results of the research pointed in the direction that the Danes were willing to explore new groceries, but only if they were informed about the product or if it was introduced by an expert on the field like a doctor, a cook, or a nutrition expert etc. The lack of general information about entomophagy and what good comes out of eating insects is what the respondents were missing. Our solution is divided into two concepts: The first concept is a food truck with the following purpose: To get experts and high profile individuals to become pro-entomophagy. The second concept is to inform/teach the average Dane about the advantages of insects as an alternate source of protein. Photo credits: 1. John Fotiadis, resources3.news.com.au/images/2013/06/29/1226671/859359-el-topo-restaurant.jpg 2. tastewiththeeyes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/IMG_16711.jpg 3. media.npr.org/assets/img/2013/07/18/eab2-fried-green-tomato-hornworms-image-p-86_custom-0b5ea66824b4603df75f611d8703bd684f9bf484-s600-c85.jpg 4. Michael Edmunds, blogs-images.forbes.com/eustaciahuen/files/2015/02/DonBugito_22-1940x1293.jpeg 5. s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/15/fb/1a/15fb1a163fb23a9692bdf44c4fa59df2.jpg

INTRODUCTION In 2050 there will be 9 billion people in the world. This means that there will be a bigger demand for protein for human nutrition; the protein that originates from meat. To be able to create enough protein for the rising world population, and doing it in a sustainable manner, it is necessary to find other ways of getting protein; insects are a possible solution for this. Entomophagy is not only for the sake of feeding the world, but also for the sake of reducing CO2 gasses and take better care of our future world. It takes 8,6 times as much feed in a meat production compared to an insect production to create the same amount of edible protein. Insects are already on the menu in most parts of the world. Europe and North America are the only societies, that have not yet adopted this way of eating. There are about 1900 species known to be a part of a human diet, whereas the most commonly eaten ones are as following: Beetles, caterpillars, bees, wasps, ants, grasshoppers, locusts, crickets, cicadas, leaf and planthoppers. The question is; How do we come up with a new design for such a market? The most important thing needed to take into account when implementing entomophagy to the Danish market is, how we can secure entomophagy as a sustainable protein source for the future; not just to create a fad, but to secure entomophagy to continue on to (and beyond) the year 2050 when protein has been predicted a rare nutrient.

Infographic source: documents.plant.wur.nl/wur/WageningenWorld_0310_UK.pdf

STATEMENT OF INTENT “In which context should insects be presented in order to get the Danish public to accept entomophagy?”

RESEARCH TOOLS USED Challenging questions towards ourselves

What did we ourselves wish to research and what were our individual end goals for this project? We asked ourselves challenging questions towards the concept and wrote down each of our aspirations. Furthermore we noted our individual interests within the subject of entomophagy.

Expert interview; KALU

The interview included questions about some of the basic concerns that might occur about using insects as a food source, are there any potential health risks and any cooking precautions. Malene Engell, a spokesperson from KALU, answered all of our questions. Her answers gave us a better gut feeling and pushed the idea of implementation of entomophagy in a more positive direction.

Desk Research

Collecting secondary data, primarily from the internet, to create a better overview of insects as a food in other parts of the world. Furthermore the desk research helped us gain basic information and knowledge on the subject - In Denmark as well as in other Scandinavian countries - and whether or not this have been tried before.

Online survey; quantitative

To get a better view of the market and its consumer patterns regarding insects, we distributed a questionnair among the people in our network through social media. From this the conclusion is, that most Danes value the presentation of food highly and this factor is important in order to eat something new and different. In other words, as long as food looks beautiful, we will more willingly eat most things. There are already established restaurants that have used insects as an ingredient, and looking at the gastronomical culture in Denmark, we do care a lot about the presentation - our national dish: “smørrebrød” (open sandwich) is a great example of this.

Focus group interview; 3 males. 1 female.

In order to dig deeper into the exploration of eating habits and the possibility of implementing insects into the basic Danish diet. We showed the group pictures of regular lunches and kept moving towards the more irregular and experimental types. The last picture would be food made with and/or from insects. Once again, the conclusion was that the appearance was a critical factor.

(Danish distributer of edible insects)


Visualisation of our movements whithin the desk research process.



Trust / mistrust

Habit / Knowledge


Previous patterns

Food Behavior

Situation: Portable


Foodtrends On the go!


Intercultural practice

Food trucks

Health & Nutrition

Origin: Street Food

Introduction Expert Knowledge

Pattern making DK

Nordic Food Lab Situation: Portable Nutrional expert

RESEARCH DESIGN 2 Our research has shifted between broad and narrow inquiries. As a conclusion of our research, we realized that this is the process, that the end-user experiences in relation to entomophagy.






PROPOSAL A EXTREME Future For Food; The Machine

A vending machine with a behavioral change as outcome. This machine would be displayed at different central locations around the city. The products are more likely to get noticed when placed as an element of surprise in an outdoor setting rather than hidden inside shops. There’s also strong advertising value because vending machines can be uniquely branded. The vending machine will be decorated with a wood structured texture and green branches, to make it pop and to create connotations to nature and freshness. When the consumer is met with already known objects and positive connotations, they are more likely to interact and more positive towards being affected to behavioral change. A step by step guide to Future For Food - The Machine. 1. Pour water into the cup 2. Now pour the water into the machine - as much, or as little, as you like 3. This step is all about the result. The machine will show you some surprising facts. 4. Now you are rewarded with a delicious treat!

What the machine will show in the end is the different benefits of entomophagy. The challange will be to find the “right� facts, to actually make the behavioural change happen on a long term.

PROPOSAL A persona Future For Food; Street Food Truck Ida lives in Frederiksberg in Copenhagen. She lives with her husband and two children. She is the former Minister of Environment for the party; Radikale Venstre. She is an active part of Danish politics and participates in meetings and other big political events, both nationally and internationally. For Ida it is important to take good care of her family. She is the decision maker in the kitchen, and the food is always home cooked. To get the best for her and her family, Ida only buys organic and environmentally friendly products. This counts for all of the grocery shopping. The family is quite curious and often try alternative products, both as a gastronomic challenge, but also out of pure interest.

Ida Auken; 37 Radikale Venstre

Whenever there is time for a vacation, Ida takes her family to see all parts of the world to experience different cultures.

PROPOSAL A scenario

Ida Auken is participating in the yearly political gathering “Folkemødet” for the public every summer. She is the keynote speaker during the event. Right before the predicted speech Ida can feel her stomach rumbling and decides to head for the food trucks to find something organic and yummy to eat. One of the food trucks has a logo saying: “Future For Food” and she thought to herself, that she definitely needed to check it out.

Future For Food; Street Food Truck Scenario; Customer Journey

To her big surprise it is a food truck serving insects. Her curiosity is growing and she wants to know more. She is talking to the personnel; asking all sorts of questions. More people start gathering around the truck - they are just as curious as she is. The food served in this truck looks delicious and smells lovely too, so Ida decides to order a dish. While she is waiting she is getting new insights about the food, she now knows how healthy and beneficial it is for the environment. The food is served and as soon as she tastes it, she is reminded of the taste of chicken, and that is not bad! She is full and ready for her speech, and as a closing line she mentions Future for Food and encourages the peers to go for a taste.

PROPOSAL B MAINSTREAM Future For Food; Street Food Truck

A food truck to sell and distribute different foods, at the size of appetizers, which wouldn’t scare the Danish customers and hopefully they would want to try more than one or two pieces. The truck would be set up at the annual “Folkemøde” at Bornholm island, where politicians and other stakeholders are gathered. They would all get the chance to try out the different dishes and be informed about the many benefits to eating insects; not only for your body but for the environment. The idea is for these role models to stand forward and speak to the public about the benefits.

PROPOSAL B persona Future For Food; The Machine Søren lives in Nørrebro, Copenhagen. He is currently studying humanities at Roskilde University. To get to class Søren takes the train from Nørreport Station several times a week.

Fictional yet realistic Persona

He lives with five roommates, all students, in a collective. They all have a weekly dinner together taking turns cooking. For Søren it is important to have fun while cooking and he always brings something new to the table to impress the others. Cooking for five others and being a student at the same time, can be a bit expensive, that is why Søren is looking for cheaper alternatives at the supermarket. Søren is downsizing meats, because of the cost.

Søren Jensen; 26 Bachelor of humatinies, The University of Roskilde

In his spare time Søren works a few hours a week as a barista at a small café and enjoys running. Before he started University, Søren took a three month trip around Asia, and whenever the opportunity occurs, he enjoys traveling with his friends.

PROPOSAL B scenario

Søren is on his way home and he is waiting for the train. He sees that the train is delayed, and he is looking for something that might entertain him in the meantime. He spots a vending machine. Ususally there is not a vending machine in that spot, and his curiosity grows, he must get closer to inspect the vending machine which states a large sign saying: “Future For Food”.

Future For Food; The Machine Scenario; Customer Journey

The vending machine clearly states what to do: 1.Grab a cup 2. Pour the amount of water into the jug you believe is used producing this product. 3. Next pour the collected amount of water into the jug and see if you result is close to the actual used ammount. 4. When you are satisfied with the proper amount press the green button “DONE” and finish the competition. 5. Check the screen for the thrilling result and collect your reward. Søren pours half a liter of water into the jug and is rewarded with two types of insects packaged and prepared for cooking and a folder containing information about nutrition, social responsibility, and health benefits when adding insects to your daily diet. He brings the insects back to the collective and wants to use them for tonights dinner with his roommates. Søren has now been enlightened on alternative foods and personally finds the subject interesting and actually returns to use the vending machine again.


Online Survey Quantative 131 Respondents Sent out on Facebook


Personal Interview Quantative 8 Respondents Participants who fit the end-user persona Preferred way of eating insects?

Conclusion Prefers to eat insects at a restaurant or in a product, where the insects are “camouflaged” e.g. blended into a pizza sauce.

APPENDICES Focus Group 3 males, 1 female

Behavioural Prototype

Purpose of this prototype was to find the participants behaviour towards eating in different ways and how food is presented in general.

Quotes for results: “Street food is delicious and authentic” “Taste and quality is important” “I Eat alternative food (tofu, soy, nupo)” “My food should be natural , not chemically composed ! and I need to know where it comes from” “We need information about insects” “The insects should be presented as a delicacy” “It doesn’t matter what you eat - Just presented nicely.”


dr.dk/levnu/mad/madmagasinet-nu-skal-vi-spise-ristede-graeshopper-og-melormesuppe edibleunique.com nordicfoodlab.org/press/ ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2015/12/food-science-of-taste-text edibleunique.com/pages/about-us precisionnutrition.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Nutritional-Table-720x1024.png politiken.dk/mad/ECE3002276/i-2016-muterer-det-ny-nordiske-koekken-nu-skal-duspise-naesten-levende-fisk-til-tonerne-af-afrodisco/ kalu.dk brk.dk/folkemoedet/Sider/Folkemoedet.aspx


IDEO.com, IDEO field guide to human centered design. Food and agriculture organization of the united nations, Rome, 2013, Edible insects future prospects for food and feed security.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We sincerely thank nutritional expert Kira Krasnik for all the knowledge she supplied us with, and her positivity towards the project. We wish to express our gratitude towards Malene Engell from KALU import for allowing us to understand the industry of entomophagy from a business perspective. Finally a big thank you to our peers at Copenhagen Business Academy, for helping us prototype, being a part of our interviews, and for their feedback.

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